Folk signs and traditions for the baptism of the Lord. Beautiful cards with congratulation text and poems

On this day and on the eve of the holiday, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, special meaning water acquires - believers believe that water consecrated these days has healing properties, which lasts for a whole year.

What to do on Epiphany

  • On Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18th, church rules it is necessary to fast. This post is not difficult and most importantly, it is short-lived - just one day. Before the evening liturgy (and according to other versions - until the first star), it is only allowed to eat Lenten dishes, the main one of which was and is Kutya. It is at Epiphany that this traditional porridge of grains, honey, poppy seeds and dried fruits is prepared in last time during Christmastide.
  • The traditional dinner on Epiphany Eve is called “hungry kutya”, and, as usual, the whole family, including children, gathers at the table.
  • On Epiphany, January 19, the hostess sets a festive table, on which there must be meat dishes– the post was left behind. True, alcohol on this day is not only not welcome, but is prohibited by the church.

  • Since water at Epiphany has a special meaning, it is customary to consecrate it in the church and collect it from wells and springs, which are consecrated during the holiday. Water from open reservoirs is also considered holy if it was blessed by a priest during procession. True, you still shouldn’t drink such water, but it’s quite possible to sprinkle all the corners of an apartment or house, give water to animals and water flowers. It is believed that Epiphany holy water helps to cleanse oneself of sins and even cure some diseases. This water is stored until next year and, according to believers, it does not deteriorate and does not lose its properties.
  • It is also important to celebrate the day of the Epiphany in purity, therefore on the eve they arrange general cleaning and go to the bathhouse.
  • Swimming in ice water January 19, the day of the Epiphany, is also a long-standing tradition, although the church does not classify this ritual as mandatory. Moreover, not everyone will benefit from this procedure, especially if you are not prepared for winter swimming. By the way, the baptism of young Jesus by John the Baptist took place in the waters of the Jordan River, and, as we know, they are always warm.
  • If you baptize a child on the day of Epiphany, his life will be long and happy - this is what our ancestors believed.

What not to do at Epiphany

Surprisingly, there are not so many prohibitions on Vodokhreshchi and they all help you to tune in to the positive.

    • Strange prohibitions, originating from paganism, include relations with scissors - it is believed that on January 18 and 19 they should be used with caution: you cannot cut your nails, cut your hair, or generally remove anything from the body. By popular belief This way you can “cut your fate” and spoil your karma for the whole year.
    • On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord and the day before, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, you cannot quarrel, make scandals, or even bad thoughts should be driven away. If you draw holy water in an angry state, it may lose its power.
    • On Epiphany Christmas Eve and Vodorkhreshchi Day, any alcohol is strictly prohibited - both the church and doctors are unanimous in this.
    • On the day of the Baptism of the Lord you cannot work, especially sewing, washing, knitting, etc.
    • You should not borrow money from someone, or lend it yourself - according to popular belief, any debt for Epiphany will last for the whole year.
    • On Epiphany Eve it is customary to tell fortunes, and dreams on the night of January 19 are considered prophetic. However, after Baptism, all fortune-telling must be stopped. It is popularly believed that fortune telling and conspiracy after Vodokhreshchi can work in the opposite direction.

Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Baptism of the Lord on January 19. Sputnik talks about the categorical prohibitions and beneficial traditions of one of the main Orthodox holidays.

What to do on Epiphany Day

You should start your holiday morning with a prayer that illnesses will bypass you and your family, that peace and prosperity will reign among your loved ones, and that your cherished dreams will come true. The house must be blessed with holy water.

The dreams that you see on the night of January 18-19 are considered prophetic: they are worth remembering. It is very symbolic - to great happiness - to get married on this holiday and baptize children. And if you do good deeds, then the good done will return a hundredfold.

On the eve of the holiday, believers fast. On festive table On January 19, there must be traditional kutia made from wheat or rice with honey, raisins, poppy seeds and dried apricots, as well as uzvar, porridge, fish dishes, dumplings and baked goods. According to tradition, you can break your fast only when the first star appears in the sky.

© Sputnik / Maria Amelina

Holy water collected for Epiphany is kept all year round: it can be sprinkled on the house and drunk on an empty stomach (in particular, during illness or life trials). By the way, it is not necessary to fill a whole canister: the clergy advise to fill a small bottle, and then dilute the water in a larger container and distribute it to relatives.

What not to do at Epiphany

On the holiday, it is forbidden to work and do household chores: for example, washing clothes, cleaning the house, and even sewing or knitting. Even on the day of the Epiphany, it is forbidden to guess: it is believed that you can negatively change your destiny.

One of the signs of Epiphany is that any quarrel in the house can desecrate holy water, so it is recommended to spend the holiday in a warm home environment and be sure to pray with your family. Shedding tears on this day is also forbidden, otherwise there is a risk of crying bitterly until the very end. next Epiphany. It is also strictly forbidden to complain, gossip and slander even your most sworn enemies. It is also worth driving away bad thoughts while you are collecting or drinking holy water: it may lose its healing properties.

Today is January 18th - Epiphany Eve, and tomorrow all Orthodox believers celebrate one of the main and most ancient Christian holidays- Baptism of the Lord. It is also called the Epiphany - in memory of the fact that it was during the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River, which was performed by John the Baptist, that the divine essence of the Savior was revealed.

This day is best known among the people for the great blessing of water. However, today, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, the same thing happens. Water is blessed in the same manner today and tomorrow, but few people know about it. Meanwhile, “today’s” holy water is no different from “tomorrow’s”, for which huge queues line up at all churches, clanking with many bottles and canisters. Orthodox citizens in such queues they usually actively work with their elbows to take home more Epiphany water.

Such popularity of Epiphany water among people who associate themselves with Orthodoxy only at the level of “ folk tradition" is a serious concern for many priests. They are especially concerned about the popularly beloved tradition of plunging into an ice hole.

Why is it customary to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany?

Who doesn’t dive into the ice hole on this day! And serious politicians, and popular artists, and just thrill-seekers. There is room here for the legendary Russian prowess and daring to unfold, to demonstrate to the whole world that “we, Russians, don’t care about anything,” to show national determination and recklessness. But it’s not clear what this has to do with the Baptism of Jesus Christ and Orthodoxy in general?

“Bathing is a Russian folk tradition, not a church tradition, but one that has already been fully developed over many years,” says Alexander Kopirovsky, a professor at the St. Philaret Orthodox Institute (SFI), a specialist in church archeology, and a member of the Association of Art Critics. -Where did she come from? It replaced the ancient church tradition, when on the day of Epiphany, or Epiphany, people were baptized (in fact, water on this day was consecrated for baptism). This was the case even before the baptism of Rus' in Syria and other Christian countries. They baptized only on very major holidays - for example, Easter, Trinity (the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit) and especially on Epiphany, because on this day Christ was baptized.

This holiday reminds us how He once came along with all the people to the banks of the Jordan River and entered the water with them. (Of course, the Jordan is not a cold river, but we celebrate Epiphany in winter, and therefore in Rus' it was customary to baptize in a very cold water; The Old Believers still have this tradition). And baptism - that is, immersion in water, not only to cleanse oneself, but to part with old life, as if to be born again, which is possible only once in a lifetime, was performed on Epiphany.

And then, unfortunately, it turned into such a “national sport” folk custom, which has nothing to do with the church. On Epiphany, they began to make ice holes “yardani” (this is a distortion of the word “Jordan”), that is, every Russian river at that moment became “Jordan”. And everyone who was not too lazy jumped into this hole. Even in the royal Winter Palace(in the present Hermitage) there is a main staircase called the Jordan. Why? Because on the day of Epiphany there was a procession of the cross to the Neva, there they made this ice-hole-yardan and immersed themselves in it - and ordinary people, and aristocrats."

If you really want...

If you want to join this folk tradition, do you need to somehow prepare for the immersion? And how to plunge into an ice hole in full accordance with the rules?

“There are no special rules for swimming,” says SFI professor Kopirovsky. If someone really wants to plunge into an ice hole - for good measure, let him do it as he wants and as much as he wants. But this is by no means an obligation, this is by no means a church tradition. And although sometimes even priests bless this water, now this custom is slowly beginning to disappear, because people who seriously seek God pay more attention to the true meaning of the event of Epiphany.”

But doctors recommend carefully weighing the risks before deciding to swim in an ice bath. This is what he told the MIR 24 correspondent doctor, cardiac resuscitator Oleg Gorodetsky: “For an absolutely healthy body, such a shake-up is generally harmless. But where will you get absolutely healthy body, and does this organism know everything about its diseases? Meanwhile, almost all contraindications for diving into an ice hole chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, obstructive pulmonary disease, cold bronchial asthma, even minimal renal failure, diabetes mellitus, as well as a tendency to heart rhythm disturbances. In addition, the danger may be fraught with background electrolyte imbalances, which arise due to anything: due to alcohol consumed the day before, poor nutrition, high physical activity, large quantity liquids drunk several hours before diving."

...Against the background of an electrolyte imbalance, a heart rhythm disturbance may occur, and then anything, even stopping it,” says Gorodetsky. “Nevertheless, there are many who are not completely healthy, but very active people who dive into the ice hole, no matter what. That’s why emergency doctors really don’t like to be on duty at Epiphany.”

According to international class lifeguard Dmitry Korinny, despite quite high risks, emergency situations It almost never happens near the ice hole. Dmitry combines work at the Ministry of Emergency Situations with teaching the Life Safety course at Moscow State University and RANEPA, and annually participates in Epiphany bathing. “In places where there are really mass bathing events, divers are on duty, or at least patrols from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, plus doctors,” he told a MIR 24 correspondent. - Also, there are always enough people around the ice hole who are ready to dive, who do this regularly and skillfully come to the rescue. The risk is high only if the person is not sober, but they try not to let such people into the hole. Another danger is diving and ending up under the ice. But in places of mass Epiphany bathing, a chain-link mesh is frozen in ice in advance to the very bottom to avoid such situations. Of course, you need to follow safety rules: you cannot swim in unequipped places and alone. After swimming, you immediately need to dry yourself and warm up, but not with alcohol.”

Living water from a fairy tale?

Sociologists have found that in modern society a common point of view is that Epiphany water needed for health, as a means of getting rid of sins, as well as “from the evil eye.” This purely pagan interpretation is adhered to not only by people who have little knowledge of Orthodoxy, but also by almost half of the parishioners of churches. This is what senior lecturer at SFI, employee of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Mission and Catechesis at SFI, Vladimir Yakuntsev, told a MIR 24 correspondent: “Yes, this is really so. This problem is associated with a lack of education, both in secular society and in religious circles. That is why superstitions flourish in people's minds. One of these superstitions is that Epiphany water is “ living water“As if from a fairy tale, which acts on its own, magically: it drives out the evil eye, drives out damage, and cleanses sins.”

According to Vladimir Yakuntsev, the prayer for the blessing of water actually says: what the Lord did for our salvation has a certain cosmic scale, that it radically changed our entire world. And those opportunities that appeared to all people after the coming of Christ, for people Old Testament were closed. “But this does not mean at all that there are church grounds for believing in some kind of magic,” says the scientist. – Because all God’s gifts can be accepted only through heartfelt effort, through a change in life. Then we can assimilate the gift of forgiveness of sins, which was given to us from the Lord - and only in that case does baptismal water come into use for future use. If there is no repentance, change of heart, change life path, renunciation of sinful acts, baptismal water will not have any effect.”

“Of course, we must fight this pagan interpretation,” says Vladimir Yakuntsev. - Paganism contains false hopes, leading to false expectations and disappointments, to loss of time and energy, to great heartache and to the fact that a person’s perception of true hope for forgiveness, which is given to us only in Christ, is reduced. Therefore, superstitions are not something that can be looked at with indifference, but something that must be fought, first of all, by educating the people.”

Why is Epiphany water needed?

He talks about the true meaning of the blessing of water. SFI professor Alexander Kopirovsky: “In order to answer this question, you need to understand what water is and what sanctification is. Water in Christianity is a symbol of life and a symbol of purification, not so much external as internal. To sanctify does not mean to give water some new qualities, but to separate it from ordinary use for God. "Holy" means "set apart" and not having another chemical composition or some kind of “spiritual” charge that can mechanically cleanse a person. To sanctify means to give to God. Thus, the meaning of the consecration of water is that we call on God to make not this water itself, but thanks to this water, our life clean, new, righteous and in this sense holy. For us, this is a reminder that holiness does not have to be the same as that of the great saints depicted on icons. Life ordinary person must also be sanctified, and not just by the fulfillment of some external rules or rituals, but from the inside, in meaning, to become pure and genuine. And the water we take inside makes it possible to better understand this.”

“We need consecrated water so that we can join in holiness, that is, separation for God, on a bodily level,” says the professor at the St. Philaret Orthodox Institute. - We cannot live by memories, reflections or even prayer alone. We need some kind of material “support”. And water is here to help us, it is a very good symbol, because it is something we cannot live without. Therefore, you can sprinkle it on a person and take it internally. But it is important to remember that this is not a magical rite, but a call to God to cleanse us, and we must assist Him in this.”

What can and should be done and what is forbidden to do on holiday

According to Alexander Kopirovsky, first of all, on this day you can and should celebrate, that is, be idle, free from ordinary, routine affairs and work. It is very desirable not to have anything evil or sinful in your soul, not to do anything that could greatly offend, hurt, or upset someone. On this day there is no need for noisy entertainment or shouting. “When celebrating the day of Epiphany, we must, first of all, remember this event itself - the very baptism of Christ on the Jordan,” says the professor. – His descent into the water is a sign of the complete sharing of fate with a sinful people. After all, Christ himself had no need for cleansing from sin, which symbolized the descent into the water, but did it, as if predicting own death for the sins of the people, which He took upon Himself. And although it was not yet clear then, Christ showed by this event that he was ready to die and would die for the people.

By the way, on the day of Epiphany it is very good to go to Tretyakov Gallery and look at the famous painting by Alexander Ivanov “The Appearance of Christ to the People.” After all, it depicts the moment when Christ, a day or two after His baptism, comes to the people to begin preaching. Everyone greets Him with surprise, they do not understand who it is, and John the Baptist, who baptized Him, points at Him with his hand and says: “Here is He, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” So this event, of course, requires reflection.

The most important thing on this day is to come to the temple, but not only for holy water (which is actually blessed in our churches almost every day), but simply to pray with everyone and thus take another step towards God and, what is very important , to each other. It is important to remember why Christ came to earth - so that the whole people would change, so that all people would be cleansed and the relationships between them would become new. And therefore, it is best to share this day with those who celebrate it with prayer.

What you definitely shouldn’t do on this day is guess. I am afraid that everyone who is going to tell fortunes on this day will be greatly disappointed; he may hear and see something completely different from what he expects. And according to church teaching, any fortune-telling, and on this day, perhaps especially, is a sin that must be avoided.”

The Baptism of the Lord is included in the list of the most significant holidays for Christians. It is customary to celebrate it on January 19th. There are many important traditions associated with this day, such as making sochi and swimming in an ice hole. It is preceded by Christmastide, which is considered the ideal time to use magic.

Rituals and rituals for Epiphany

The powerful positive energy of this day will contribute to success in implementing various rituals to attract financial flow, love, health and other benefits. Rituals for the Epiphany of the Lord must be carried out taking into account important rules, for example, you cannot tell anyone about using magic. It is necessary to carry out rituals alone, so that there are no distractions and it is important to follow the instructions exactly.

Ritual for Baptism with money

The holiday combines church and pagan traditions. Everyone has a chance to ask the Higher Powers for help in acquiring financial well-being. Monetary rituals for Epiphany are performed using sacred water, which must be taken from the church. Holding a container of water in your hands, you need to go around the rooms of your house, saying the following spell: “Holy water came to the house and brought prosperity. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will increase every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will not know failure in anything! After that, leave it anywhere, and in the morning wash yourself."

Epiphany ritual for good luck

Rituals aimed at attracting good luck and happiness are among the most popular. Before performing magical rituals on Epiphany, it is recommended to cleanse yourself of accumulated negativity. Forgiveness meditation is suitable for this purpose. Remember all the people you had to offend, even mentally, and ask them for forgiveness. After that, go to bed.

The next day, light it up, take it in left hand a slice of black bread, and on the right - a glass of holy water. Looking at the flame, repeat the spell three times, and then eat bread with liquid. Extinguish the candle with your fingers. It is important to light the cinder on the same day in the church near the icon of Jesus Christ. During this, turn to God in prayer and ask him for help. After this, go home and do not eat anything until sunset.

“Just as it is true that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that the Lord gave five loaves of bread, so it is true that the Lord is merciful. Turn, O God, my luck from east to west, from south to north. Let my luck have one path - to my threshold. And the path of misfortune will disappear in the snake’s womb, I will dress myself in a talisman, I will tie myself with silver and gold, I will never know the troubles and sorrows. . Language. Castle Amen (3 times)."

Rituals for Epiphany for love

It is believed that magical actions performed at home are no different in their power from those performed in a church or other places of power. Many people attribute love spells to black magic, but this is not so, because there are simple white rites on Epiphany, which, if carried out correctly, will not have any consequences. It is necessary to prepare a photo of the chosen one in full height, wax candle and water.

You should start the main action early in the morning. Sit in front of a lit candle, placing a photo in front of you. Looking at a man, imagine him next to you. Wet your index finger and middle finger right hand in the water and draw a cross on the photo, moving along its body. After this, say a special spell, kiss the photo and hold it over the flame so that the moisture evaporates. At the next stage, burn the photo and rub the ashes between your fingers. All that remains is to take a shower.

“On a lonely mountain there stood a wooden cross, it was washed by the rains, heated by the sun, (name) was waiting - but finally he waited. Go, (name), go, dear, to the wooden cross, to the lonely cross, to the eternal cross, hug it tightly “Yes, stay with me forever. You won’t go anywhere from me, (name), from now on, you will be faithful to me until the time of death, on a pure day I say my words - and I sanctify them with truth.”

Epiphany ritual for health

– the ideal time to take care of your health by performing special magical manipulations. In most cases, they need water, which on this day has enormous power. For those who are interested in what rituals are performed at Epiphany for health, they suggest doing the following: take a full bath hot water and add a little liquid consecrated in the church to it.

Put your own on the bottom pectoral cross and lie down in the bath so that the water covers your entire body. Lie in a quiet environment for about 15 minutes, imagining yourself healthy person. After taking a bath, it is not recommended to dry your body with a towel and it is better to let the liquid dry on its own. Epiphany night is a suitable time to carry out the described action, but it can also be done on the first day of Epiphany.

Rituals for Baptism for marriage

Girls who dream of walking down the aisle most often resort to magical help. With the correct implementation of actions, a powerful energy flow is created that helps loving hearts connect. For those who are interested in what rituals need to be done on Epiphany in order to get married, we suggest you pay attention to the option: you need to go to the crossroads at night and, standing in the middle, repeat the spell on all four sides, and then immediately go home without turning around : "Men's soul, my betrothed, come with me and to my home. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Baptism - what you need to know?

Each church holiday is associated with certain traditions that were formed over a long period of time. According to Christian canons, every believer must observe them. The Baptism of the Lord, the traditions and customs of which are known to many, has its prohibitions, for example, on this day you cannot quarrel and wish harm to others. There are other customs for Epiphany that are associated with prohibitions:

  1. You should not be greedy, and this especially applies to holy water. You should not take a lot of liquid in church and jostle while standing in line, as this can invite trouble.
  2. The Epiphany of the Lord, whose various traditions and customs have nothing to do with magic, categorically prohibits fortune telling on this day. The right time for them is Christmastide.
  3. You should not abuse alcohol; a glass of wine is enough.

It is important to understand what is done at Epiphany, the following are mandatory: religious traditions and customs: going to church for a service, swimming in an ice hole, using holy water and preparing a festive table. You can also pray and contact To higher powers for help. There is one interesting tradition: the day before, a woman should draw small crosses over the windows and door with chalk. This will protect your home from various troubles. Holy water can be sprinkled in the corners of the house to drive out evil spirits.

Is it possible to work on Epiphany Christmas Eve?

This question is asked by believers during all the great holidays. Epiphany, the traditions and customs of which in this regard are no different from Easter or Christmas, prohibits physical labor. As for cleaning the house, if the housewife did not have time to put the house in order, then she can do it, but only before lunch, so that there is time left to go to church and pray. Prohibited this church holiday and wash things for two days after it. Those who are interested in how to celebrate Epiphany Eve should know that this day is intended for spiritual enrichment and getting rid of negativity.

When to collect water for Epiphany?

One of the most important traditions is the collection of water, which on this day has special properties. Jesus, receiving the sacrament of baptism in the Jordan River, thereby blessed all the waters, and they became sacred. Epiphany water, its properties and abilities are still being studied by scientists. According to customs, they wash themselves with it, drink it and use it in different situations. To date, the following properties of this liquid have been noticed:

  1. Heals diseases. People with different corners The lands confirm that holy water helped them recover from various diseases.
  2. Improves mood. Drinking water is recommended for those who suffer from depression, as it helps heal mental trauma.
  3. Drives out evil. To cleanse your home of evil, you need to sprinkle the corners of the house with water brought from the church.

The blessing of water for the Epiphany of the Lord takes place during the evening liturgy on January 18. If the consecrated liquid is poured into ordinary drinking water, then it will also acquire incredible properties. People believe that even tap water becomes sacred, so it is recommended to wash your face with it. It is worth noting that such a liquid does not deteriorate, so it can be stored at home for an unlimited amount of time.

Dipping into an ice hole for Epiphany

The tradition of blessing of water appeared from the time when Prince Vladimir consecrated Rus'. Now the ritual is carried out by clergy, reading special prayers and immersing the cross in a pond. The Baptism of the Lord, the traditions and customs of which have been observed for more than one century, implies the performance of the action after the liturgy. It is worth noting that the custom of swimming in an ice hole was also in paganism, and this is how initiation into warriors was carried out. It is believed that after washing the body is cleansed of ailments, and the soul of sins. You can make the hole for the Epiphany yourself and it is better if it is in the shape of a cross.

What can you eat on Epiphany Eve?

All important church holidays involve strict fasting. According to church canons, in the morning and before the first star appears in the sky, you must completely abstain from food, drinking only water. This information should satisfy people who are interested in how to fast on Epiphany Eve. According to customs, one is allowed to sit down at the festive table only after prayer. Sochivo and uzvar are a must on the table. The first meal is intended to remember the deceased, and the drink is drunk in honor of future children. Only lean dishes can be placed on the table.

How to prepare sochivo for Epiphany Christmas Eve?

Kutya or sochivo is an important dish on the holiday table, which actually means oil (juice) of pressed seeds. According to Christian custom, they try to prepare it on Epiphany. According to existing traditions, it is customary to take this dish to the houses of your relatives in the evening, treating them. It is believed that a person who eats juice will live a long time and not have problems. Peas, rice or barley are used to prepare it. According to existing customs, honey, dried fruits, poppy seeds and nuts are added to the recipe. The recipe for making it is very simple and anyone can do it if they want.

The word "baptism" is translated from Greek as "immersion." Once upon a time, the Jews, according to the commandment of their God the Father, had to come to the Jordan River and wash away their sins in order to appear before the Messiah renewed and pure. This term was first mentioned in the Bible in close connection with the name of John the Baptist. Further in the article we will understand in detail what needs to be done on and how exactly this holiday is celebrated in Russia.

History of the sacrament

According to the plan of God the Father, the Messiah, before beginning his journey dedicated to the salvation of the world, had to, like all Jews, wash himself in the waters of the Jordan. John the Baptist was sent to earth to perform this sacrament. When Jesus was 30 years old, he came to the Jordan River. At first, John the Baptist refused to perform the ceremony, considering himself unworthy. However, Jesus insisted, and the sacrament of Baptism was performed on him. When Christ emerged from the water, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. In honor of this event, the church holiday of Epiphany is celebrated.

Fasting before Epiphany

First, let's look at what needs to be done before Baptism. 11 holidays Christmas Eve, preceding Epiphany, according to church tradition, is considered fast. That is, at this time you can take any food you want. The last 12th day - the eve of Epiphany itself - is fast. On January 18, you cannot eat and you must also pray fervently.

Blessing of water before Baptism

On the eve of the holiday, according to tradition, the church holds a very important preparatory sacrament. On the evening of January 18, at the end of the liturgy, the rite of blessing of water is performed. This tradition also has ancient roots. According to the views of the church, by entering the Jordan, Christ forever sanctified all the water on earth. However, since humanity continues to commit sins, periodic cleansing by the church is still necessary.

Therefore, you can even collect holy water from the tap late in the evening of January 18th. The second great blessing of water takes place on Epiphany itself - during the procession of the cross.

How is the holiday celebrated?

Now let's figure out what needs to be done at Epiphany. Unlike Christmas, there are no noisy celebrations, songs and dances associated with this holiday. Almost all baptismal rites are based on the tradition of blessing water in lakes, ponds and rivers. Before Epiphany, a hole in the ice is made in the form of a cross, called the Jordan in memory of past biblical events. The church service in honor of the holiday begins at approximately 12 o'clock at night on January 19 and continues until the morning. You can defend it, or you can just come to the ice hole in the morning. On Epiphany, priests and residents of a city or village gather around it. Usually an ice hole is made at the one closest to the church or locality body of water A procession of the cross takes place around it, and then a prayer service is served. This is followed by the blessing of water. Then the believers collect it directly from the ice hole into the containers they brought with them. Epiphany water is considered healing. It is given to sick family members to drink, pets are treated with it, and premises are sprinkled with it. It is also believed that Epiphany water is capable of driving away evil spirits, removing evil eyes and damage.

What else should you do on Epiphany? Modern believers, as in past centuries, very often plunge straight into the ice hole, even despite the frost. Of course, it is not necessary to do this according to church traditions. Typically, such a procedure is performed only by sick people who want to be cured.

Of the healthy people, traditionally only those who have performed some kind of fortune-telling, rites or rituals, dating back to pagan times, are plunged into the ice hole. Blessed water washes away all sins associated with communication with evil spirits.

Of course, you have to be very strong to decide to plunge into an ice hole in the cold. However, as many have noticed, not one of those who have ever bathed at Epiphany has ever gotten sick.

What to do after Baptism

After the end of the ceremony, the believers go home, taking with them what they collected from the ice hole into the water. What to do when you arrive church service? When you come home, you must first sprinkle all the corners in the room with the water you brought. According to the old belief, such an action will help rid the home of negativity and bring order and peace to it. Those who live in the village should also sprinkle all outbuildings. It would be nice to pour a little blessed water and into the well.

There is another rather interesting tradition. On the eve of Epiphany, especially believers buy a couple of doves somewhere. Having returned from service, they release the birds to freedom. This rite is performed in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on Christ during his Baptism in the Jordan. If you have the heart to carry out such a ceremony, it will certainly also be an excellent answer to the question of what needs to be done at the Epiphany of the Lord.

It is traditionally believed that the water in the ice hole, near which the religious procession was held, remains consecrated for another week after the holiday. If desired, you can plunge into it during this time to relieve illnesses and failures.

How not to behave

So, we found out what needs to be done at Epiphany and after it. A believer should fast on May 18 and go to church by 12 o'clock. Now let's see what you absolutely cannot do on this holiday. Let's start with the fact that on Epiphany you should not draw too much water from the ice hole. A can or a couple will be enough plastic bottles. You should also not quarrel or swear during a service, religious procession or prayer service. The collected water should be brought home and used only for treatment and removal of negativity. It must not be diluted with any other liquids. Including plain water. This counts bad omen. It is also worth knowing that, due to very ungodly thoughts, Epiphany water brought from the ice hole may, after some time, lose all its healing properties.

Sacrament of Baptism

You now know what to do on Epiphany. Next, we will consider what rules exist for conducting the ceremony of accepting children into Christianity. Baptism, as already mentioned, dates back to ancient times. Everyone who wants to become a Christian must undergo this ritual. Young children are baptized very often these days. Therefore, next we will give some advice to parents on how to properly prepare for this sacrament, how to behave during it and how after it.


Some time before the appointed day of the sacrament, godparents should be chosen for the baby. These can be absolutely any people, at the parents' choice, except:

  • about to get married;
  • young children;
  • Gentiles;
  • complete strangers;
  • women who are about to enter their period at the time of the ceremony.

Before the sacrament, the chosen godparents must undergo a three-day fast. They also need to confess and receive communion. Godmother traditionally buys a new shirt or vest for the baby, and the godfather buys a cross. Parents will need to purchase a rizqa. This is the name given to the baptismal wrap with lace in which the baby is received after he is immersed in the vat. The rozqa is not washed after the ceremony. It is folded and put in the closet. Traditionally, it should accompany a Christian throughout his life.

Among other things, parents and godparents must learn the “Creed” prayer. In some churches, after baptism, priests give it to read from a piece of paper, but not in all. You can also make a “cheat sheet” yourself in advance.

Carrying out the ritual

Now let's see what needs to be done when this sacrament takes place in the following order:

  • The priest asks questions to the child, for whom the godparents must be responsible.
  • Next, he anoints the baby with oil.
  • The ritual itself is carried out, the godfather must bring the boy to the font, and the boy must be brought to the font by the godmother.
  • The second godfather takes the child from the hands of the priest after immersion and dresses him in the purchased shirt.
  • The priest performs the anointing with Chrism.
  • A lock of hair is cut from the baby's head. She is subsequently left in the church.
  • At the final stage of the ritual, the prayer “Creed” is said.

This is how a child is baptized. “What should be done?”, as you can see, the question is not too difficult. Parents just need to choose godparents and tell them what actions will be their responsibilities during the ceremony.

What to do after baptism

After the child officially becomes Orthodox Christian, he will need to receive communion regularly in church. Until the age of seven, this ritual is performed without confession. The sacrament itself, of course, must end with a solemn feast at home.

This holiday is actually very important for all Christians without exception - Epiphany on January 19th. You now know what to do on this day according to church tradition. We hope that our article will also help to properly prepare for the Baptism of a child. In any case, on such important sacred days, you need to try to throw away everything negative thoughts and tune in only to the good.