What should a girl swim in for her christening? When do they swim in the ice hole at Epiphany? Epiphany bathing

On January 19, one of the most significant Christian holidays begins, and many cannot imagine it without personal participation - that is, immersion in icy Epiphany water in special ice holes. In Russia, on Epiphany, it is customary to bless water, including in natural reservoirs, for which a cross-shaped hole - a Jordan - is cut in the ice. Previously, those who took part in the ice-hole plunged first of all Christmas fortune telling and dressing up - to wash away sins. It was also believed that evil spirits, who freely walked the earth all Christmastide, were leaving for the Jordan. Water blessed at Epiphany is considered healing. The clergy wear white robes for this holiday.

It is believed that Epiphany water brings spiritual and physical health; About 600,000 people take part in Epiphany bathing in Russia on January 18 and 19 during the day.

The “great consecration of water” takes place in all churches. According to church canons, on Epiphany Christmas Eve a believer must come to church, stand for the service, light a candle, dial blessed water. But no one demands to plunge into ice water, especially if a person is not ready for this.

There are no strict rules on how to bathe at Epiphany. But, according to custom, bathing involves immersing your head in water three times. At the same time, the believer is baptized and says “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!” Usually, long shirts are sewn for swimming, in which immersion is performed, similar to baptismal shirts. They are the same for men and women. It is believed that if parishioners wear swimsuits, then the bodies on display are dissonant with traditional Christian decency.

Immersion in ice water is very stressful. The adrenal glands react sharply and powerfully to it, releasing into the blood a large dose of potent anti-inflammatory hormones, which are normally released a little at a time. They suppress all inflammatory reactions by simply “suppressing” the immune system, helping to withstand cold, and adapting the body to withstand stress.

If you properly prepare for a dive, a person with average health can easily endure a one-time dive. But if he is even slightly weakened, in three or four days he will have to pay for his courage.

Before diving into an ice hole, you should not drink alcohol - alcohol will only help with rapid hypothermia and put extra strain on the heart. You should not swim for more than one and a half minutes, or dive headlong.

Before diving, you should definitely consult a doctor. People with diabetes, arrhythmia, kidney problems, women with gynecological diseases It’s better to forget about the ice hole. Hypertensive patients may have a stroke.

A week before diving, it is better to start preparing your body for the cold. For the first 3-4 days, it’s enough to go out onto the balcony for a minute in shorts and a T-shirt. In the remaining days - add douches cold water. One or two (in the last two days) bowls of cold water will be enough.

Also, a week before swimming in an ice hole, you need to exclude citrus fruits, greens, rose hips and other foods rich in vitamin C from your diet - it stimulates the immune system, but it is not necessary to stimulate the immune system more than the act of immersion will do: it will be too much, the immune system will “fall” significantly . Two hours before diving, you must eat a hearty meal, that is, provide the body with “fuel”. In cold water, the body will quickly begin to spend all its resources on heating, and not a single kilocalorie will be superfluous.

Clothes and shoes should be easy and quick to take off and put on. Dress appropriately. Ideally, clothes should not have fasteners at all, in extreme cases - a zipper. Fastening buttons in the cold, much less tying shoelaces, will be problematic. In addition, you should take a mat. You can stand on it while drying yourself and changing clothes. The hat must be put on immediately after leaving the water.

Immediately after ablution, you need to rub yourself with a terry towel and hurry to a warm room. You cannot be on the ice in front of a large crowd of people, and it is strictly forbidden to drive a car onto the ice.

Not all weather is suitable for swimming. The ideal temperature for beginners is 2 to 5 degrees below zero. You can risk diving into even colder temperatures, but –10°C is a dangerous threshold for a person trying to dive into an ice hole for the first time. You should enter the water warmed up and gradually. This makes it easier to bear the cold. To warm up before the procedure, you can run for a few minutes, do squats, and do active movements. You need to enter the water slowly, at an average pace: if you go slowly, you may have time to freeze, but if you go quickly, you may become frightened, severe stress, your pulse and blood pressure rise sharply, and you can take your breath away. Having reached your knees, you need to rinse your face with water and wash your face. This will also prepare the body for complete immersion.

You should swim in specially equipped ice holes near the shore, preferably near rescue stations, under the supervision of lifeguards. The ice hole should be well cleared of ice fragments to prevent slipping and injury, and to make getting out easier. It is advisable that it has a ladder or a shallow area for easy exit from the water. You should never dive alone in case you need help. Avoid swimming if you have a heart condition. Remember that staying in ice water unhardened people can lead to general hypothermia of the body. At its first signs - chills, trembling, cyanosis skin, lips, pain in fingers and toes - the person already needs help. No need to sit in the hole until you get goosebumps. Chills are a sign that the body has begun to become hypothermic. As soon as you feel this, you should immediately get out of the water. On average, it is enough to stay in the water for 10 seconds - you can just plunge three times, as required by tradition.

At mild degree In case of hypothermia, it is enough to dress the victim warmly, give him hot tea and force him to perform intense physical exercise. For moderate and severe hypothermia - rub woolen fabric, do a full body massage. Then dress warmly and put her to bed. Warming should be gradual so that there is no sudden temperature change.

Do not go out onto the ice unless necessary, do not leave children unattended near a river or pond, make sure that the ice you are going out on is strong enough.

Swimming for Epiphany. Photo: sanrussia.ru

Epiphany - great Orthodox holiday, which has centuries-old history, their rituals, rules and traditions. It is this holiday that ends the Christmas holidays, which last from January 7 to January 19.

The history of the holiday goes back to the distant past, when God's son Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River. This is where the integral tradition of swimming in an ice hole came from.

Every year the number of people wanting to plunge into the ice-hole is only growing. However, not everyone knows basic rules which must be observed when immersed in ice water.

When is the best time to swim?

Many people wonder when it is better to swim - on the eve of the holiday on January 18, or on the Epiphany itself on January 19.

It is believed that January 18 is the best time to go to the temple for evening service. There you must read a prayer and take home holy water. However, in this case, you cannot collect water from plastic or bottles. alcoholic drinks. Holy water must have its own container, first washed well.

After the festive evening service, you can swim in the ice hole. The best time for this action is considered to be from 00:00 to 01:30. It is at this time that Epiphany water has the strongest healing properties that help against any ailment. Of course, not everyone can get up at such a time to swim, so this can be done at any time as early as Epiphany itself on January 19th.

How to plunge into an ice hole correctly

You can plunge into the ice hole only in specially designated areas and under the supervision of rescuers. Initially, a special Jordan in the form of a cross should be carved into the ice; after the priest lowers the crucifix into the water and reads a prayer, you can swim in it.

You can't just go into the water. The body will already be in a state of shock and if you do not comply certain rules, the consequences can be dire:

  • An hour before swimming, you must eat, but do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • before swimming you need to warm up your body, do a warm-up, go for a run;
  • clothes should be simple so that they can be easily taken off and put on;
  • You can’t go to the ice hole barefoot, it’s best to wear boots or good woolen socks, you need to wear them so as not to slip;
  • check the stability of the ladder or descent into the water;
  • You need to enter the water gradually, do not do it suddenly, otherwise you can provoke problems with pressure. Diving into the water is also not recommended, as a state of shock may occur;
  • the maximum time spent in water should not exceed 30 seconds, this is enough to take a dip three times;
  • You can’t plunge headlong; it’s best to do it only up to your neck. If you plunge headlong, the blood vessels can sharply narrow, this will lead to a sharp drop in temperature and a state of shock in the body;
  • try not to swim in cold water, your limbs may cramp;
  • if you have a child with you, keep an eye on him; in a state of shock from cold water, he may forget that he can swim;
  • when leaving the water, hold the handrails not with wet hands, but with a dry towel;
  • after swimming, dry yourself with a towel again;
  • to warm up, herbal or berry tea is best, but again, never alcoholic drinks.

What you need to have with you

In order for swimming in the Epiphany ice hole to be successful, you need to have a number of seemingly everyday, but in this case very necessary items with you.

These include:

  • towel and terry robe;
  • a set of dry clothes;
  • swimsuit or change of underwear (you are also allowed to take a dip in it);
  • slippers to prevent slipping on ice, and wool socks are best;
  • a rubber cap so as not to get your head wet and then not freeze in the cold;
  • willpower and desire.


As it turns out, in the case of swimming in an ice hole, there are many contraindications that can not only spoil the effect of this action, but also lead to exacerbations of diseases.

  • with the cardiovascular system;
  • from the central nervous system- epilepsy, consequences severe injuries skulls; cerebral vascular sclerosis in an advanced stage, syringomyelia; encephalitis, arachnoiditis;
  • with the peripheral nervous system - neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • with the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx;
  • with the organs of vision - glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
  • with the respiratory system - pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • With genitourinary system- nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland.

Maria Babich

The first swim in an ice hole at Epiphany arose as a tradition after the adoption of Christianity in Kievan Rus in 988. January 19 church holiday- Baptism of the Lord, during Divine Liturgy a great consecration of the water, which has healing power. It is generally accepted that everything water elements on this day they acquire miraculous properties that strengthen their physical and mental strength.

What does swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany mean?

The ice hole in which they swim is called Jordan, they come to it after solemn divine service, without the prayer of the priest it is not customary to plunge into water. The priest blesses those who wish to perform the ritual of bathing at Epiphany - he reads a prayer before the wormwood and immerses the cross in it three times, only after completing the prayers can the ritual be performed. Prescribing to tradition the property of cleansing and washing away sins is wrong; in order to get rid of sins one must repent and...

Where did swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany come from?

The holiday to which the tradition is attached is the most ancient - the Epiphany of the Lord was introduced as a separate event in church service around 377. On this day, ancient Christians came to the Jordan, the place where Jesus Christ was baptized. The rite of baptismal bathing is a folk tradition that a person performs according to personal desire, there are no church regulations regarding this issue No. Water blessed on this day has special properties, which has been proven by scientific research.

What benefits does swimming in an ice hole give at Epiphany?

If we consider the question of what bathing at Epiphany gives, we should understand what a person expects to receive from such actions. Taking a dip in the water in the Epiphany frosts is not so easy, even with a strong desire. The main thing is to have faith that water has the ability to heal ailments, and the procedure will not cause harm; the desire to pray is to entrust one’s needs into the hands of God.

Swimming in cold weather helps improve immunity - sudden changes in temperature activate the release of hormones into the blood that have a protective effect on negative changes in the functioning of the body, decreases blood pressure, a surge of energy comes. Marking yourself with a cross three times before diving into the ice hole is a mandatory condition.

Epiphany bathing - pros and cons

The tradition of bathing at Epiphany is a test of a person's willpower. Doctors state the fact that the percentage of people who get sick after such “procedures” is insignificant. According to the stories of those who have swum, in the first few minutes a person is seized by euphoria, the body becomes unusually light, grace is felt in the soul, and a rush of special indescribable sensations comes.

Risking poor health for unforgettable dives is prohibited. The Church does not oblige or order believers to perform such a ritual; it is not part of the holiday. By skipping a swim, a person does not lose grace. On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, you need to come to church for prayer, you can confess and take communion, sprinkle yourself and your home with sacred water brought from the temple.

When do they swim in the ice hole at Epiphany?

January 18 - Epiphany Eve, it is generally accepted that after the blessing of water in churches on this day, it becomes healing in all water sources, and retains such properties for several subsequent days. The bathing itself at Epiphany does not begin without the blessings of the priest; the consecration of places for immersion occurs after the festive services on the morning of January 19.

How to prepare for swimming at Epiphany?

Some tips on how to prepare for Epiphany swimming in the ice hole. For an unhardened person, such a dive is stressful; the effects of exposure to cold water can be minimized by pre-hardening the body. A few days before, it is advisable to take it, go out onto the street or balcony for a few minutes in summer clothes - shorts and a T-shirt, rub down with a damp towel dipped in cold water, practice dousing with low-temperature water.

Epiphany bathing - rules

The rules for bathing at Epiphany can be divided into parts. The first and most important point- when performing such an act, a person must pray: for the salvation of the soul, for loved ones, ask for God’s help for healing from illnesses. Dipping into water for fun or under the influence of alcohol, to experience thrills is wrong; expecting healing of the body and soul as a result is unacceptable.

There are a lot of advantages in terms of medical indicators, why bathing at baptism is useful - the ability to work increases, the body loses allergic reactions, depression, insomnia, joint and back pain. Attacks of bronchial asthma are significantly reduced, blood circulation is normalized. When diving, the body temperature approaches forty degrees; in a few minutes, numerous armies of viruses and bacteria die in the body - the functioning of the immune system increases.

Is it possible to get sick while swimming at Epiphany? Yes, because stressful immersion in water can cause a number of unpleasant consequences in a weakened body. Diabetics experience a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, heart patients experience attacks of arrhythmia and hypertension, and cancer patients experience unwanted suppression of the immune system. Swimming is prohibited for those suffering from flu and acute respiratory infections.

Is it dangerous to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany?

Discussions about the dangers of swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany are a serious issue. The organization of the venue is the main selection criterion for those wishing to take the plunge. Coming alone to unprepared, sparsely populated ice holes is undesirable; it is a direct threat to human health and life in the event of an emergency. unexpected reaction body on cold water, there must be people ready to provide qualified assistance. Tips on how to properly swim in an ice hole at Epiphany:

  • undressing is carried out in several stages - remove outer clothing, allow the body to adapt, then undress to a swimsuit;
  • walk in the snow - give a signal to the body, through the receptors of the feet, to turn on a protective reaction to the cold;
  • after being in the water, change clothes; you cannot put dry clothes on top of wet ones;
  • Drinking alcohol to warm up after the procedure is not recommended.

On January 19, many people will go to the beach. Not for tanning, but for health: on this day the water is considered healing.

“Water, according to quantum physics, is a structure that can self-renew, moving from one state to another,” eniologist Sergei Korneychuk explains the nature of the phenomenon. – And it is at Epiphany that the information matrix of any water is cleansed - this is how it was programmed by God, by the forces of nature. Therefore, on this day, absolutely all water has healing properties: tap water, river water, and from holy springs. By coming into contact with our body, which is 70-80% water, it transmits its health program to it.”

Anyone who has ever stood under a cold shower knows what a surge of strength comes after it. And bathing gives a result 10 times greater - It is due to the fact that the adrenal glands release a large dose of anti-stress hormones into the blood, which “sweep away” everything in their path that could cause stress: suppress inflammation, tone blood vessels, relieve pain, relieve swelling, etc. d. It is thanks to them that winter divers experience medicinal effects for various diseases. For example, in this way you can treat arthritis, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

However, if your body is weakened, there may be a price to pay for this pleasure. “The action of adrenal hormones continues after the release for a maximum of two days. After this, their deficiency occurs and, if you are in poor health, at this time you can catch any infection. By the way, this is why many divers develop herpes at first. A person with average health recovers only after a week.” But if you are healthy, engage in winter swimming systematically, once a week for several months, and eat well, then there should be no problems, except for one thing: it’s hard to jump from such a “system.”

“The body gets used to hormonal emissions and constantly requires a new dose, and stopping diving responds with something akin to withdrawal.” However, after one time this will not happen. “90% of people who come to dive at Epiphany,” says Roman Timovchak, President of the Association of Hardening and Winter Swimming of Ukraine, “do it once a year and leave absolutely healthy, having received an excellent charge of vivacity.”

The fact is that winter swimming causes addiction akin to a drug.


1. chronic diseases kidneys: cystitis, nephritis may worsen;

2. diabetes mellitus: adrenal hormones increase sugar levels;

3. for hypertensive patients: during dousing, pressure increases, which can provoke a crisis, heart attack, stroke;

4. people with arrhythmia: heart rate increases, arrhythmia may worsen;

5. women with gynecological inflammations: they may worsen.

6. pregnant women: severe vascular stress can provoke untimely contractions.


1. First, see a doctor. Are you sure that you have no contraindications for winter swimming? For example, chronic inflammation kidney? If yes, then welcome to the ice hole, if not, first see a doctor.

2. Dress appropriately. Shoes and clothing should be such that they can be quickly unfastened and fastened. That is, the fasteners should be of the “zipper” type or not at all; But buttons (on clothes) and laces (on shoes) are extremely undesirable. Also, bring a mat. You will stand on it while you dry yourself and change clothes. By the way, walking on ice is dangerous because wet feet can freeze to the ice. They will come off with blood. Don't forget your hat - you can cover your wet head with it when you jump out of the water.

3. Look at the thermometer. If it is minus 10 or below, it is not advisable for beginners to swim: they may freeze. Better weather for diving – light dry frost, temperature from minus 2 to minus 5. Experienced walruses can plunge down to minus 25.

4. Don't go hungry. The food you eat will warm your body and give you energy to withstand cold stress. But this should be done not right before swimming, but an hour before it - then the food will have time to turn into internal heat.

5. If you are a beginner, then it is better to go in naked - this way you will quickly put on dry clothes, but if this is not the first time you dive, then it is better to do it in a swimsuit - then, in the same way, according to the tradition of walruses, you will run along the beach.

6. Enter the water warmed up and gradually. This makes it easier to bear the cold. To warm up before the procedure, you can run, squat, or do active movements for a few minutes. Enter the water slowly, at an average pace: if slowly, you may have time to freeze, but if quickly, you may experience fear, severe stress (but not for an experienced “walrus”), and your blood pressure may “jump.”

If the water takes your breath away, then, going up to your knees, rinse your face with water and wash your face - this will prepare the body for complete immersion

7. Don’t sit in an icy pool until you get goosebumps. Chills are a sign that the body has begun to become hypothermic. As soon as you feel this, immediately jump out of the water. On average, it is enough to stay in the water for 10 seconds - you will have time to plunge three times, as required by tradition. If you sit longer, the body may no longer tolerate hypothermia and get sick in a “weak” place. Once you jump out, quickly dry yourself off, get dressed, and get warm! But if you are not a beginner, and you want the hardening to be complete, then run for another 10 minutes.

8. Alcohol - only after. Do not drink alcohol before swimming, otherwise you will be much more freezing after going out. But after diving, a little bit is possible. But you don’t have to warm up with alcohol – this can be successfully done with tea.

The Day of Baptism is called Epiphany, since, according to the Gospel, at the moment of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan, God was revealed in three forms - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is strict fasting on Christmas Eve. Popular tradition - swim on this day in special ice holes - “Jordans”. By folk tradition, at Epiphany, believers plunge into an ice hole, overshadowing themselves three times sign of the cross and saying a prayer to the Trinity.

But not everyone can swim!

Just one argument in favor of swimming in ice water. The body really gets a hardening effect, that’s all.
Before swimming in ice water without special training and hardening experience, it is necessary to measure the pressure, because instead of the expected grace, you can get complications.
The main dangers of swimming in ice water: heart attack due to vasospasm, convulsions, rapid development of pneumonia. Swimming is strictly contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, bronchopulmonary, gynecological diseases, diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy and a tendency to seizures, kidney inflammation, thyroid diseases, and infectious diseases. Doctors categorically prohibit children from swimming in the cold, since young children have an imperfect thermoregulation system.

However, according to folk beliefs, all water becomes holy on the night of January 19- even from the tap. However, the majority of believers will still come to churches these days to make supplies of consecrated Epiphany water. People believe that it helps with illnesses; They drink it to increase spiritual strength and health, and they consecrate their homes with it. Plus, it stays very fresh. for a long time even in closed containers.

It is believed that if you plunge into an ice hole with true faith, a person will not get sick. However It’s worth listening to the advice of experienced. And the most main advice: do not drink alcohol. And not only because it contradicts the very essence Christian holiday, but also because it can end very badly. Here are just some tips and observations from experienced people:

« The most important advice: do not drink before or after swimming. And if you go to places mass gathering people, then it is advisable to have a friend with a car to change clothes (if there are no organized changing cabins nearby).”

"Vodka - worst enemy cold baths. It’s almost impossible to get sick if you do everything right.”

“This is a religious holiday, alcohol on this day categorically contradicts the whole concept of the holiday. This has already been discussed several times, and by the clergy themselves. Alcohol greatly dulls the instinct of self-preservation, and this can end sadly!”

Most full rules for swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany was published on the Internet by user vi@lex. Here it is:

Rule one: test your body for medical contraindications . Doctors are categorically against swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany if you have a number of health problems. In particular, cardiovascular diseases; diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, conjunctivitis; peptic ulcer stomach, enterocolitis, cholecystitis and others. BE SURE TO GET TESTED!

Note! Those who have suffered heart disease are strictly prohibited from plunging into icy water.

It is advisable not to be full before swimming. After swimming, do not drink fatty broth.

Rule two: To swim in an ice hole for Epiphany you need choose the right place. The ideal ice hole for swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany is:
— a proven place (preferably an organized one, not a rural pond at midnight);
— the depth of the font should not exceed 1.8 meters;
— the font must be fenced (to avoid accidental falling into the water).

Rule three: don't forget about your uniform! You will need: a swimsuit or swimming trunks, a towel and a terry robe, a set of dry clothes. Take some shoes with you so that you don’t have to walk on the ice barefoot - not everyone can do this. But keep in mind that slippers should not have rubber soles - they slip. You can take thick woolen socks, walk to the ice hole in them, and swim in them. After swimming you need to change into dry underwear.

Rule four: Warm up slightly before swimming, but not to the point of sweat. The body should be hot, but not sweaty.

Rule five: Orthodox tradition involves plunging your head into an ice hole three times. But keep in mind that swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany is not a canon, but a tradition. That is, it will not be a sin if you save your head, knowing that having wet hair in the cold is not a great gift (especially if you go to the other end of the city by public transport). BE SURE to cover your head if you are not in your own car.

Rule six: beware of euphoria! Many people, having plunged into the water, experience a surge of uncontrollable joy, which provokes them to linger in the water for about five minutes. Keep in mind that this attack of joy is not the grace of God, but a consequence of the most difficult chemical reactions occurring in the body under the influence of cold. By staying in the water under the influence of endorphins, you risk your health.

Rule seven: warm up after swimming! Rub yourself with a towel, quickly get dressed. And drink something hot (raspberry tea prepared in advance, for example).

Rule eight: no alcohol before swimming ! And the most you can afford afterwards is a little church cahors (on our website). It is widely believed that alcohol warms the body. But this is only in the first half hour after taking it, then the opposite effect occurs, fraught with serious colds.

Rule nine: trust your body! And if looking at cold water fills you with horror, think again: is it worth it?

Rule ten: don't go into the water without praying, because This is primarily a rite of purification.

Let it be short (“Our Father,” for example), even in your own words, but turn to God on this day with words coming from your very heart. And before you go into the water, talk to her. Water is a special information entity on any day of the year. And at Epiphany she is really alive. Ask her to cleanse you of the old, unnecessary and fill you with light and purity!”

However, many believers believe that at Epiphany you can plunge into any water - not necessarily into an ice hole! The main thing is faith!