Epiphany water. How to use its unique properties

When we come to a festive church service, we first of all go to meet God, to meet the joy that, in theory, we should share at this hour with loved ones and those around us. But does this happen in our real life? Soon the feast of the Epiphany will come and we will be jostling in lines for Epiphany water(I wish I could dial it quickly), plunge into all sorts of ice holes, but why? Just because we're used to it?

Everything we do must have some meaning, otherwise it is wasted work.

And, unfortunately, traditions, which were originally intended to have a beneficial meaning, in this regard take on an entertaining connotation. Let's try to figure out what's what. For answers to the most common questions about Epiphany water, we turned to priest Dimitry Baritsky.

Epiphany and Epiphany water

People often ask:

“Which water is stronger - Epiphany or Epiphany?”

Here you need to understand that we are not talking about different water, differing in their properties.

“Epiphany” water is the one that is consecrated on the eve of the holiday on Christmas Eve, and “Epiphany” water is consecrated on the day of the holiday itself.

But in a single sense and understanding, this is the Great Agiasma (great shrine).

So to the question

“What kind of Epiphany water?”

we can safely answer that all the water consecrated on the feast of the Epiphany (Epiphany) is baptismal.

“When does the water become baptismal?”

We begin to celebrate Epiphany on the 18th. Then the first consecration of water takes place. That is, water that is blessed in the morning is already considered baptismal. Then the water is also blessed on the 19th, directly on the feast of Epiphany itself. And she is also baptized. In general, this is the same water.

As legend says, on this day the entire water element is sanctified.

There is some symbolic moment in this, connected with the fact that the Spirit of God descended onto the water. It is clear that He does not descend on any individual container of water, but He descends on the entire element at once.

Epiphany water is called the Great Agiasma, that is, the great shrine, since this is the most important and final consecration of water.”

“When should I go for Epiphany water?”

As mentioned above, water can be collected both on Christmas Eve and on the feast of Epiphany itself. However, it is important not just to draw water, but to become, as it were, an accomplice in its consecration, an accomplice in universal prayer.

Epiphany water does not turn into something else, it does not become some kind of “magic substance” that will instantly change a person’s life and cleanse him of all sins. No, that's not true.

We have important sacraments of the Church, such as repentance and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, which should not be forgotten.

It is not important when to draw baptismal water, but with what intentions, with what heart you approach the temple and perform certain actions. After all, if you don’t make any effort, even the desire to understand the meaning, then you can devalue anything in this way, even the Great Agiasma.

“What is the difference between Epiphany water and holy water?”

There is no device capable of distinguishing Epiphany water from holy water in degrees of holiness.

Epiphany water takes some special place in, let's say, ritual life. Simply by the fact that this water is blessed only two days a year, it is distinguished in a special way, is considered separate and is not equated with holy water. But there are no parameters by which one could determine why Epiphany water is better than holy water, what are the differences. This is the same holy water, only it is dedicated to a specific holiday.

Just as there is a prosphora of the Lamb (it is from this prosphora that the priest cuts out the Lamb - a rectangular particle that will become the Body of Christ during the Liturgy), but it is not in itself the Body of Christ - it is also the same prosphora that we eat.

“When can you drink Epiphany water?”

According to tradition, it is believed that Epiphany water is drunk on an empty stomach, while holy water can be drunk in the morning and evening, before and after meals.

At the same time the prayer is read:

“Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your infinite mercy through Your prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen".

“How to drink Epiphany water?”

The first rule is with reverence and prayer. We say on an empty stomach, I think this is a recommendation of the same kind as why we take communion on an empty stomach. We must understand that this is not an absolute rule and it does not apply to all cases of life. That is, a person who is sick, for example, with diabetes, can take pills in the morning, drink tea, and eat bread, and then go to communion.

In the same way, a person can take holy water, even the Great Agiasma, without an empty stomach, if some special conditions have arisen.

But, in general, this is a tribute to pious tradition - to consume it on an empty stomach, before tasting something else.

Sometimes people, for some reason, do not drink holy water or are afraid to put jars of water on the floor, because they believe that they might somehow desecrate the Great Agiasma. But we sanctify apartments with this water, with everything that is in it, and it never occurs to us that something could desecrate it in this case. And therefore, even though the pious tradition says that it is better on an empty stomach, you can drink on some other days and in some other situations not only in the morning, but also during the day and in the evening.

Eating something sacred is not just a mechanical action, it requires faith and hope in God.

What can you do with Epiphany water?

“How to use Epiphany water at home?”

In addition to drinking water, according to tradition, on the feast of Epiphany they consecrate (sprinkle) their home with it. You can also consecrate any thing while reading the prayers prescribed for a layperson.

“How to sanctify with baptismal water?”

“It is clear that a person can perform any consecration independently. Just take a sprinkle or a tail from a rosary, holy water.

You need to moisten the brush in holy water and, with the prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” sprinkle the room with it in a cross shape.

In prayer evening rule we have the prayer “May God rise again...”, you can perform consecration by saying this prayer.

There is also a prayer for the sanctification of every thing. It is also in prayer books, and can also be found on the Internet. So, you can read this prayer, and then sprinkle the thing you are consecrating in the same way with a cross.”

“How to sanctify an apartment with Epiphany water?”

“There is a special prayer for the consecration of a home: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. By sprinkling this sacred water, all evil demonic action will be put to flight. Amen".

But again, the most important thing is to do everything with reverence and faith.”

Water on Epiphany night

“Is it possible to heat a bathhouse with Epiphany water?”

“It is possible and necessary! There is no such thing as too much holiness. On the contrary, we need it faster

take it and use it, because tomorrow there will be nowhere to get it.”

“Is it possible to swim in Epiphany water?”

“Of course it’s possible, but it’s very important with what motivation and what kind of attitude we do it. It is clear that if we take this water and begin to somehow desecrate it, precisely by our behavior, then this will not be good, if it is used for cooking, or for a bath, or bathing, then this is wonderful. In this case, water should become a kind of symbol of internal cleansing. That is, it cleanses the body, but symbolizes the cleansing of the soul.”

Properties of Epiphany water

“Why has the Epiphany water spoiled/turned green?”

In our country, for example, Epiphany water lasts for a whole year and does not spoil. For many people, it lasts for a very long time, while other water would have spoiled long ago. And therefore, a certain pattern can be deduced here, that perhaps this is happening due to the human condition. Perhaps he should think about how he lives, in case he uses this water for other purposes. For example, people often use this water for some magical rituals. Maybe the Lord is thereby showing the person that he is doing something wrong.

But if the holy water has spoiled, then you need to take it and pour it into some clean place under a tree, into a flower, into a river. And you can continue to use the bottle.”

“Does Epiphany water help you get pregnant?”

“Faith helps, and water acts as a kind of symbol, because we are material beings and we need some kind of created symbols. And water, earth, oil are created symbols. That is, we should approach it this way. And if a person drinks water, smears himself with this water, and so on, then why not.

I had an incident at my parish. The grandmother alone was very complaining about herself for giving the cat Epiphany water. And she gave it because the cat was sick. But as soon as she drinks, she feels better and gets better, but as soon as she stops drinking, her condition worsens.

In fact, the Lord helps animals through this holy water; in the missals there is an order for sprinkling cattle with holy water.

The same thing with Epiphany water. We can use it for pious purposes. Helping an animal is a pious goal. After all, the Lord loves and has mercy on every Creation.

Therefore, everything is possible by faith. The main thing is what mood we approach, what our motive is.”

It is very important what attitude we put into our actions, be it bathing in Epiphany water or something else.

And in order to join in this great joy of the holiday, it is not at all necessary to force yourself and your family to dive into ice holes. The main thing is to maintain faith and a good attitude in your heart. After all, why is it so necessary for us to observe everything down to the smallest detail, to surround ourselves with everything material (bottles of water, for example) - because there is no faith.

Or maybe I’ll drink water or take a dip, and it (faith) will appear, suddenly I’ll see clearly. But this will not happen by itself. Where can good feelings come from if we haven’t made any effort for it?

In order to meet with God, we must be ready for this meeting, we must be open to Him. Having abandoned all prejudices, finally tear your gaze away from the usual and look around you. But this is work that not everyone will do. What then do we want?

Let's first just strive for sincere joy and share it with loved ones. And we will try not to reproach others for doing something wrong, but, if possible, we will carefully guide them. We all have our own paths, we are in different circumstances, but what is wonderful is that each of us is unique, and the ways of the Lord, as we know, are inscrutable.

Happy holiday to everyone, dear friends!

January 19 is one of the days on which everyone Orthodox churches crowded to capacity, because it is on this day that the Church celebrates the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ and ancient tradition The consecration of water is performed, which is called the Great Blessing of Water. Unfortunately, this particular church holiday is accompanied by a trail of various folk superstitions that have no basis in church tradition. Together with the cleric of the Saratov Church of the Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul, priest Vasily KUTSENKO, we will try to consider the most common superstitions in order to understand how to treat holy water and what to do with it according to church tradition.

1. There is “Epiphany” water (blessed on January 18, on Epiphany Eve) and “Epiphany” water (blessed on January 19, the day of the Epiphany itself).

The Great Blessing of Water is performed twice, this is true. The first blessing of water is on the eve of the Epiphany holiday, January 18, on Epiphany Eve, and the second on the day of the holiday itself. But there is no difference in this water, because on both January 18 and 19 the same rite (that is, the sequence of prayers) of water blessing is used. Water consecrated according to this rite is called the Great Agiasma, that is, the Great Shrine. There is no separate “Epiphany” and separate “Epiphany” water, but only the Great Hagiasma. In the liturgical books of the Orthodox Church the feast of the Epiphany is called “ Holy Epiphany"Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ." The word "Epiphany" is a short expression of the events that occurred during the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist on the Jordan River. The Gospel of Matthew describes it this way: “Having been baptized, Jesus immediately came out of the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and John saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and descending on Him. And behold, a voice from heaven said: This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:16-17). That is, Baptism was a manifestation of Divine glory and confirmation of the Sonship of God of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is difficult to accurately answer the question of what the practice of two water blessings is connected with. It is known that already in the 6th century in Palestine there was a tradition of consecrating water in the Jordan River on the eve of and on the very day of the Epiphany holiday. IN Ancient Rus' there was a custom, which is still preserved in some places, to perform the Great Blessing of Water on January 18 in the temple, and on January 19 - outside the temple, organizing religious procession to a specially prepared ice hole - Jordan.

2. On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, having plunged into an ice font or doused yourself with water, you can consider yourself baptized and wear a cross.

Indeed, there is a tradition of swimming in an ice hole on the feast of the Epiphany. But this is precisely bathing, and not the Sacrament of Baptism. Although, if you get acquainted with the history of the feast of the Epiphany, you can see that this particular day used to be the day on which adults were baptized. A person who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for a certain time prepared to accept the Sacrament of Baptism, which was a new birth for life with God and entry into the Church. Such people were called catechumens. They studied the Holy Scriptures and the foundations of the Christian faith and prepared to repent of all their sins before receiving Baptism, because the adoption of Christianity must begin with repentance, that is, with a change in life. Therefore, Baptism without repentance was simply impossible. And so, on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, the bishop performed the Sacrament of Baptism for adults. Such baptisms were also performed on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, on Holy Saturday (the Saturday before Easter), on Easter itself and on the Feast of Pentecost, which is also called the day of the Holy Trinity or the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. The Great Blessing of Water on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord is a reminder for modern Christians of ancient baptism catechumens. But we must remember that the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism was preceded by preparation, repentance of sins and confirmation of the sincerity of one’s intentions before the church community. Therefore, it cannot be said that plunging into the Jordan hole and receiving Baptism are the same thing.

3. By swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany night, you can get rid of all diseases, sins and the evil eye. If you get sick during the year, you need to drink Epiphany water for healing.

It is necessary to place emphasis: separately - illness and sin, separately - the evil eye. The evil eye, damage and the like are superstitions. And you need to get rid of only one thing - belief in superstition. Christians believe in God, and not in evil eyes, damage, love spells, etc. When we turn to God in prayer, we ask that God protect us from evil. For example, in the prayer “Our Father” there are the words: “Deliver us from the evil one,” that is, from the devil. Devil - fallen angel who opposes God and wants to turn people away from God, that’s why we ask God to deliver us from the devil and all the evil that he is trying to sow in people. If a person sincerely believes in God, in the fact that the Lord God protects believers from all evil, then at the same time it is impossible to believe in damage, the evil eye, and the like.

By accepting Epiphany water (like any other shrine, for example, prosphora or blessed oil), a person can pray to the Lord that this shrine would serve him as a means of healing from illnesses. In the rite of the Great Blessing of Water there are the following words: “Let us pray to the Lord for the gift of this water of consecration, for the removal of sins, for the healing of soul and body, and for every good benefit” (Russian translation: “So that this water of consecration may become a gift, deliverance from sins, for healing of soul and body and fit for every useful work, let us pray to the Lord." We ask that through the use of agiasma a person receives the grace of God, cleansing sins and healing mental and physical infirmities. But all this is not some kind of mechanical or automatic action: I drank water - and everything immediately became fine. What is needed here is faith and hope in God.

4. Water for Epiphany becomes holy everywhere, and there is no need to go to church to get it, you can get it from the tap at home.

If we understand some words (for example, “today - that is, today, now - the waters are sanctified by nature ...") from the rite of the Great Blessing of Waters in a broad sense, then we can say that the consecration of all waters actually occurs. But again, it is important to understand that this does not happen on its own, but through the prayers of the Church. The Church asks that the Lord God sanctify the waters, give His grace-filled power to cleanse and sanctify the nature of the water. Unfortunately, it often happens that many come to the temple specifically for water, without participating in the service of the feast of the Epiphany. It turns out that Epiphany water becomes an end in itself. And this is wrong. First of all, we must glorify God for his good deeds to the human race, which He revealed through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who took upon Himself the sins of the whole world, because it is in memory of the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan that the consecration of water is carried out.

5. Epiphany water never spoils.

There is testimony from St. John Chrysostom, who lived in the 4th century: “On this holiday, everyone, having drawn water, brings it home and keeps it for the whole year... The essence of this water does not deteriorate due to the length of time, but... for a whole year, and often for two or three years it remains intact and fresh and after such a long time is not inferior to waters just taken from springs.” But it also happens that Epiphany water can spoil. This happens either due to careless storage, irreverent attitude towards the shrine, or for some other, completely natural reasons. In this case, you need to pour holy water into an untrodden place (in churches there are special “dry wells” for this purpose).

6. You need to add Epiphany water to the bath in which babies are bathed so that they do not get sick.

I think this is also one of the superstitions. Every person can get sick. And great saints suffered from physical illnesses. For example, Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky could not straighten his back due to the injury. He was attacked by robbers and severely beaten. Saint Matrona of Moscow was blind from birth until the end of her days. No one forbids giving holy Epiphany water to infants (it is still better to drink holy water), including during illness. But in once again it is necessary to recall that the use of a shrine is not a mechanism, but an action that requires faith and hope in God.

There is a tradition: to sprinkle houses, plots and everything that is there with water taken from the temple on the day of the Epiphany. Therefore, it is quite possible to sprinkle your home and household items with Epiphany water. At the same time, you can sing or read the troparion (the main hymn) of the holiday: “I am baptized in the Jordan, Lord...”.

7. If you drink Epiphany water regularly throughout the year, you don’t have to take communion.

It is forbidden. This superstition is probably also due to a misunderstanding of church traditions. Water consecrated on the feast of Epiphany, even being a Great Shrine, as has already been said, still cannot replace the communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Although, for example, there are certain similarities in the practice of Communion and drinking agiasma - you need to take communion and drink agiasma on an empty stomach. This emphasizes the special attitude towards water blessed for Epiphany. According to the rules of the Church, the Great Hagiasma was recommended to be used as spiritual consolation for people who various reasons were under excommunication from the Sacrament of Communion, that is, it was not a question of a complete and equivalent replacement, but only of spiritual consolation.

8. And a simple person can sanctify water on his own by reading prayers over it.

Indeed, the prayers of the Great Blessing of Water, like all other church prayers, are performed on behalf of the entire Church. The priest, calling believers to prayer, says: “Let us pray to the Lord in peace!” (Russian translation: “In peace, that is, in a peaceful state, let us pray to the Lord!”) - we will pray, that is, all those who are at the service. Believers are not observers of what is happening, but living participants in worship, together with the clergy, offering a single prayer to God. Therefore, we can say that each believer participates in sanctification through his own prayer, which becomes the single prayer of the entire Church. Therefore, in order to participate in the Great Blessing of Water, each of us can come to the church service on January 19.

Newspaper "Saratov Panorama" No. 2 (930)

Every year on January 19, many people rush to the church to get blessed water, and thousands of those suffering to find health rush to swim in the ice hole, despite the Epiphany frosts...

History of Epiphany water

Epiphany is celebrated by Orthodox Christians on January 19 and is considered one of the great church holidays, established in memory of the day when Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River to John the Baptist to be baptized by him. A special feature of the holiday are two great blessings of water. One takes place on Christmas Eve (the evening before Epiphany) in the church. Another is held on the day of the holiday under open air, if possible - at a water source (river, lake, spring, spring). At the same time, if the water is frozen, an ice hole is hollowed out in it in advance. According to the church charter, this ritual is accompanied by the reading of prayers and the triple immersion of the cross in consecrated water, after which it is endowed with a special healing power. The word "baptize" or "baptize" is from the Greek "baptizo" meaning "to immerse."

This great Christian holiday- a double name, the Baptism of the Lord is also called the Epiphany. Because at the Baptism of the Lord the main event was the appearance of the Holy Trinity. God the Father testifies from heaven: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God the Son is baptized according to His human nature; The Holy Spirit descends on Him in the form of a dove. This confirms faith in the Divine Trinity and faith in the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

What happens to water on Epiphany Day

According to mystical views, the cosmic bodies the Sun, the Earth, and the center of the Galaxy are located in such a way that “a line of communication opens between the heart of our planet and the center of the Galaxy.” There is a special kind of energy channel that in a certain way structures everything that comes into it. Water on Earth and everything made from it undergoes this structuring.

Epiphany water is called agiasma, which translated from Greek means “shrine.” Saint John Chrysostom, who lived in the 3rd century, first mentioned the healing properties of Epiphany water. And for more than 17 centuries, opponents of Christianity have been trying to prove that the phenomenon of Epiphany water does not exist.

Its ability not to spoil for a long time is explained by the fact that priests put silver crosses into bowls (silver ions, as is known, have a detrimental effect on microorganisms), and also by the fact that water is collected in winter, when the number of microorganisms in reservoirs is minimal.

What do scientists think about Epiphany water?

Studies have shown that the optical density of Epiphany water is higher than water from the same sources in ordinary days. Moreover, it is close to the optical density of water from the Jordan River. Some scientists explain the healing properties of Epiphany water by its peculiarities magnetic field Earth. On this day it deviates from the norm and all the water on the planet becomes magnetized. What causes these changes is not yet fully understood.

Professor Anton Belsky, a Russian experimental physicist, once on the night of January 19 took water samples in a nearby pond in plastic bottles. They stood in his laboratory for many years. The water in them remained clear, odorless and sediment-free. On one of scientific conferences he told about this experiment to a professor he knew from the research institute nuclear physics at Moscow State University, which was engaged in the study of neutron fluxes from space and from the Earth. He promised to look at his experimental data for recent years. Soon A. Belsky received email very interesting information. According to him, before January 19, intense bursts of neutron flux were recorded for a number of years, exceeding background levels by 100-200 times. There was no strict connection to January 19: the maximums fell on both the 18th and 17th, but sometimes exactly on the 19th.

Unique studies of Epiphany water taken from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, carried out several years ago at the Moscow Institute of Information Wave Technologies, showed that the frequency spectrum of the Epiphany water radiation is similar to electromagnetic radiation healthy human organs. That is, it turned out that the Epiphany church water contains a certain information program in the form of an ordered set of healthy frequencies of the human body.

If healing properties Epiphany water in the church is known to everyone, but few people know that ordinary tap water in Epiphany night can also become bioactive and then retain its special qualities not only for a whole year, but also for much longer. It turns out that tap water annually on January 19 changes its structure many times over the course of a day and a half. The studies carried out included measurements of the biofield of water, acid-base balance, hydrogen potential, specific electrical conductivity, as well as the result of its impact on humans during internal and external use (using gas-discharge visualization methods, dowsing, laboratory studies). To do this, starting from the evening of January 18, samples of water flowing from the tap were taken at short intervals and measurements were taken. For control purposes, samples were left in storage for a long time.

Specialists of the drinking water supply laboratory of the Institute named after. Sysina also conducted serious scientific research. As Candidate of Technical Sciences Anatoly STEKHIN said, the main task was to record the phase of transition of water to an unusual state; for this, they began to monitor the water from January 15. The water collected from the tap was settled and the amount of radical ions in it was measured.

During the study, the number of radical ions in water increased from January 17th. At the same time, the water became softer, its pH value (pH level) increased, which made the liquid less acidic. The water reached its peak activity on January 18th, in the evening. Because of large quantity radical ions, its electrical conductivity was really like that of an artificially created catholyte (water saturated with electrons). At the same time, the pH value of water jumped over neutral (7 pH) by 1.5 points.

The degree of structure of Epiphany water was also studied. The researchers froze several samples - from a tap, from a church spring, from the Moscow River. So, even tap water, which is usually far from ideal, when frozen, presented a harmonious spectacle under a microscope. The curve of electromagnetic activity of water began to decline in the morning of January 19 and by the 20th it had reached its normal look.

Scientists believe that the reason for such a sharp increase in the electromagnetic activity of water at Epiphany was a large accumulation of radical ions in the Earth’s lithosphere. On normal days, the amount of energy in the water varies depending on the time of day. From 7 pm to 9 am the water is most active (but not to the same extent as Epiphany). This is the most good time in order to wash and make supplies for household needs. When the sun rises, a large number of radical ions “fly away” from the water into the upper layers of the atmosphere. Such channels through which energy “escapes” from us are all vortex processes in the atmosphere. It is not without reason that many people feel worse during cyclone activity. We simply don't have enough aquatic electromagnetic energy. But the most extreme phenomenon, which literally devastates the Earth energetically, is an earthquake.

As for the three Epiphany days, this, according to Stekhin, is an “anomalous” period when an anticyclone always dominates on Earth. And the electrons, obeying some kind of cosmic influence, quietly “sit” in the lithosphere and water and saturate us healing powers. The only explanation for this can be a special redistribution of the poles of the magnetic field that exists between the Sun and the Earth. It is the cosmic forces that hold the energy on Earth during Epiphany.

Doctor of Sciences, professor of the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University Vladimir VOEYKOV believes that water is affected by all kinds of magnetic and neutron storms. In particular, scientists have proven that the properties of water greatly change solar eclipse. And everywhere, regardless of the degree of darkness in one part or another globe. As for the processes that affect water at Epiphany, they have not yet been fully studied. Perhaps during this period there really is a restructuring of interplanetary magnetic fields and the electrons of water are somehow “magnetized” to the Earth. But this is just a hypothesis.

The phenomenon of Epiphany water has not been fully studied, and researchers, it seems, will not soon be able to unravel its secret. Epiphany water did not pass scientific research to which they are subjected medicines, and there are no medical reports on the properties of Epiphany water yet. But there is centuries-old experience of a huge number of people. And, probably, it is not so important what heals - water or a person’s firm belief that it will help him

Is it necessary to swim on Epiphany?

Bathing is not a mandatory rule, priests say. This is a blessed thing, but not necessary. After all, people are different, some can swim in icy water in winter, but others cannot, for some it is not beneficial - their health condition is such that they cannot afford it. The Church does not require a person to perform feats beyond his strength. You can come home and not have ice-cold Epiphany water, but simply cool water, and take a dip in the bathtub, since there is only one power of grace. And it depends not on the temperature of the water, not on its quantity and quality, but on the faith of the person.

Doctors do not prohibit, but warn

Despite the bright emotional mood, doctors advise approaching diving into the ice hole thoughtfully and carefully. The main dangers: heart attack due to vasospasm, convulsions, rapid development of pneumonia. Therefore, people with weak hearted or bronchopulmonary diseases (especially those suffering from asthma) should absolutely not dive into cold water. If blood pressure elevated, when swimming in ice water the risk of vascular spasm and even a micro-stroke increases, and if low - convulsions and the risk of loss of consciousness in the water.

Don't drink a drop of alcohol before going into ice water: Alcohol will only help with rapid hypothermia and put extra strain on the heart. Cool down gradually: first take off your outerwear, after a few minutes - your shoes, then undress to the waist and only then go into the water. By the way, before bathing it would be good to rub your body with any fatty cream or olive oil. Sit in the water for no longer than 1 - 2 minutes. When you get out, dry yourself with a terry towel and hurry to a warm room, where you can have a glass of cognac or a glass of warmed wine.

Where to get Epiphany water

It is believed that water collected at Epiphany midnight from any source (even from the tap) has healing properties. Speaking modern language, Epiphany water is structured. If such water is stored away from human eyes and empty conversations - in a quiet and dark place - (believers store it with home iconostasis), then it retains its healing properties all year round.
Researchers believe that every year, starting from fifteen minutes past midnight on January 19, a person can draw water from the tap at any time during the day for subsequent storage and use as bioactive throughout the year.

In order to get the most bioactive Epiphany effect without leaving home and without swimming in the cold in an ice hole, you need to wait until half past one in the morning and in the next half hour wash your face, take a shower or bath with tap Epiphany water, and drink a little of this unusual water from the tap. The results of research using the dowsing method show that this immediately affects the body, increases the size of a person’s biofield tens and hundreds of times, energizes it and has a healing effect.

How to use Epiphany water

For those who managed to stock up on the most active Epiphany water, it doesn’t matter where you got it - from the water supply, from open source or brought from church - scientists remind you that you need to drink it regularly, preferably every day and on an empty stomach. It perfectly boosts immunity and makes a person resistant to many infections. For example, if you regularly give your child this water, he will catch colds less often. By the way, it is useful not only to drink Epiphany water, but also to wash your face with it in the morning and at night. It would also be a good idea to give baptismal water to the living creatures and water the plants.

Epiphany water is a psychotherapeutic remedy for relieving increased anxiety and irritability, so after a hard, nervous day, drink half a glass of holy water - and you will feel the tension go away, peace and tranquility come.

Press Secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese Igor Pchelintsev: “Just as the sun shines for good and evil and rain falls on everyone, so does holy water - it flows from everywhere, but if we ourselves are unclean in soul, evil by nature and unbelievers, we cannot assimilate the grace that lies in in any shrine. The question is not in the water, but in the human heart - how capable it is of accepting the shrine that God freely gives to everyone.”

When the Savior entered the Jordan and received baptism from John, the God-Man came into contact with matter. And to this day, on the day of Epiphany, according to the church style, when water is blessed in churches, it becomes incorruptible, that is, it does not spoil for many years, even if it is kept in a closed vessel. This happens every year and only on the Orthodox holiday of Epiphany, Julian calendar. On this day, according to one of the church stichera, “the nature of all waters is sanctified,” therefore not only the water in the church, but all waters acquire the primordial property of incorruptibility. And the next day, after Baptism, all the waters again acquire their usual properties.

On the day of Epiphany, every Orthodox Christian carries home a vessel with holy water, carefully preserves it as the greatest shrine, prayerfully communing with holy water in illnesses and all infirmities.

How to use holy Epiphany water?

The use of holy water in everyday life Orthodox Christian quite varied. For example, it is consumed on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora (this especially applies to the great agiasma - Epiphany water), they sprinkle their home.

She eats it on an empty stomach, a spoonful, a little at a time, every day and with prayer:

« Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your boundless mercy through the prayers of the Most Pure One Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen«.

The man stood up, crossed himself, asked the Lord for a blessing on the day that had begun, washed himself, prayed and accepted the great agiasma. If the medication is prescribed to be taken on an empty stomach, then first take holy water, and behind it comes the medicine. And then breakfast and other things.

But if there is a special need for God’s help - during illnesses or attacks by evil forces - you can and should drink it without hesitation, at any time or every hour.

Devotees of Christian piety call consecrated water the best cure for all spiritual and physical ailments.

You can wash the patient with it and sprinkle it on it. Is it true, women in critical days It is not blessed to receive Epiphany water. But this is if the woman is otherwise healthy. A if she is sick, then even this circumstance does not matter. May Epiphany water help her!

With reverent attitude, holy water remains fresh and pleasant to the taste for a long time.

It should be stored in a separate place, next to the home iconostasis.. Because the Great Agiasma is one of the main shrines of the Orthodox Church. The word “Agiasma” itself means “shrine”. And you don't need to put it in the refrigerator. It is also unacceptable for holy water to get into the drain..

A special property of holy water is that, even when added to small quantity to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it can be diluted with plain water from a clean container.

We must not forget that blessed water- this is a church shrine, which has been touched by the grace of God, and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself.

  1. You should drink holy water in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed (but not from the general container).
  2. In case of a very serious illness or if a person is in a state of intense spiritual struggle or despondency, it can be drunk in unlimited quantities, regardless of food intake.
  3. After drinking, you need to pray for healing.
  4. For pain or just a sore spot, you can apply a compress moistened with holy water.
  5. Holy water has enormous healing powers. There are known cases when a few drops of such water, poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient, brought him to his senses and changed the course of the disease. But this does not mean at all that you do not need to see a doctor. A special property of holy water is that, added even in small quantities to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it.
  6. Holy water should be stored near the icon or behind the icon.. Just please label or label the bottle accordingly. Be careful that your loved ones do not accidentally pour out holy water or use it irreverently. This type of water should not be stored in the refrigerator.. You should not keep it near food.
  7. This water is not given to animals.
  8. You can only sprinkle it on your home (while reading a prayer), a car, or some other thing, also clothes, and even pets.
  9. If the water has spoiled, it must be poured into a river or other natural spring. Holy water should not be poured down the sink or drain.. Holy water is not thrown onto the ground. It is poured into an “untrampled” place, that is, to the place where people do not walk ( don't trample underfoot) and dogs don't run. You can pour water into a river, into a flower pot, or into a clean place under a tree.


  1. It is unacceptable to keep water “in reserve” forever if it was brought from the temple once for Epiphany according to the principle “so that it is in the house, because everyone has it.” This is a kind of imprisonment of the shrine. The grace of holy water does not decrease, no matter how long it is stored, but people who do not turn to the shrine are robbing themselves.
  2. Once consecrated water is always consecrated.. In the case when we have little holy water left, but need some significant amount, we can add holy water to ordinary water. All water will be sanctified.

Finally, the most important:

Holy water will not bring us any benefit if we spend our lives away from God. If we want to feel God in our lives, to feel His help, His participation in our affairs, we must become Christians not only in name, but in essence.

To be a Christian means:

  1. Fulfill God's commandments, love God and neighbors;
  2. Participate in church Sacraments and perform home prayer;
  3. Work on correcting your soul.

May the Lord help us, no matter how far we are from the house of our Heavenly Father, to return to Him.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikhail Kurik

Every year on January 19, people line up near churches to get Epiphany water, and the bravest ones rush to swim in the ice hole. After all, it has long been believed that this water is healing. Both the clergy and ordinary people. And more recently, scientists too!

Physicists and chemists in different countries conducted experiments and found out: the structure of holy Epiphany water is many times more harmonious than on an ordinary day, and its energy and beneficial properties simply unique.

Ukrainian experiments on volunteers

At the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Kurik has been conducting his research on Epiphany water for about 9 years. In the scientist’s laboratory there are dozens of bottles of water, dated from the end of December-January different years. Epiphany water for many years remains transparent, odorless and almost without sediment.

– As a scientist, I was primarily interested in the fact itself - what Epiphany water represents from the point of view of physics. Patriarch Filaret blessed our research, specially allocated a hieromonk, a graduate student of the Theological Academy, to help, and we plunged into work,” Mikhail Vasilyevich tells BLIK.

One of the experiments was carried out over five years on several volunteers, with the participation of an employee of the Institute of Human Ecology, Viktor Zhukov. The experimental subjects drank 150 ml of water in small sips, and after 30 minutes the condition of their body was measured using the electropuncture diagnostic method. For the experiment, water samples were taken from the same church well. One water sample was taken in December - early January; the other - on the morning of January 19th.

“In experiments with water collected from a church well at the end of December - beginning of January, no effect on the subject’s body was found,” says Mikhail Vasilyevich. – The electrical conductivity values ​​did not differ in any way before and after the subject drank water. Here's the action drinking water, collected on January 19 from the same church well, always made itself felt by an abrupt effect - a sharp increase in bioenergetic activity in all subjects. We came to the conclusion that Epiphany water improves and equalizes the circulation of energy, enhances human energy, which has a beneficial effect on human health, and unblocks “stuck” energy.

Perfect crystals

What happens to the water physical level? You probably know that frozen water has a crystalline structure. So, scientists took different water, froze it and looked at it under a microscope. Tap water crystals looked like ugly monsters, water from an ordinary river or lake looked almost the same. But the crystals of the water over which prayers were read, and especially Epiphany holy water, are perfect shape symmetrical crystals. And it conveys its harmony to people who drink it or plunge into Epiphany ice hole.

By the way, the famous Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto came to the conclusion that any water “hears”, perceives and absorbs information: if it plays music, speaks kind words, read prayers, then its structure becomes more harmonious and cleaner.

Ukrainian scientist Mikhail Kurik also studied water not only from church sources, but also from lakes, ordinary bottled water, tap water.

– All our experiments have shown that any water collected on the morning of January 19 is subject to the “Epiphany” phenomenon - that is, it has increased energy.

And specialists from the drinking water supply laboratory of the Moscow Institute named after. Sysin began monitoring the water on January 15th. The water collected from the tap was settled, and then the amount of radical ions in it was measured. During the study, the number of radical ions in water began to rise from January 17th. At the same time, the water became softer, its pH value increased, which made the liquid less acidic. The water reached its peak activity on January 18th, in the evening. Due to the large number of radical ions, its electrical conductivity was really like that of water saturated with electrons. At the same time, the pH value of water jumped over neutral by 1.5 points. The researchers also studied the degree of structure of Epiphany water. They froze several samples - from a tap, from a church spring, from a river. So, even tap water, which is usually far from ideal, when frozen, presented a harmonious spectacle under a microscope. The curve of electromagnetic activity of water began to decrease in the morning of January 19 and by 20 it had taken its usual form.

Water is “charged” by space

To understand why water becomes bioactive at Epiphany, scientist Mikhail Kurik decided to go further. He began collecting water samples from December 22 - the day winter solstice, in order to more accurately trace why and how the water changes its structure on January 18–19.

And I came to the conclusion that the properties of water are influenced by the energy fields of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the fields of the planets of the solar system, various cosmic radiation.

“Everything is explained by the laws of nature,” says Mikhail Vasilyevich. – Every year on January 19th the Earth together with solar system in Space it passes through rays of special irradiation, as a result of which all life on Earth comes to life, including the increase in the bioenergy of all the waters of the Earth. It is on January 18–19 that water receives additional energy due to changes gravitational field in galactic space. For what? It's simple! After all, spring is approaching, and all living things need energy to be born again.

But according to the results of research by Russian physicist Anton Belsky, intense bursts of neutron flux were recorded in space for a number of years before January 19, exceeding background levels by 100-200 times. The maximums occurred on both the 18th and 17th, but sometimes exactly on the 19th.

The energy channel structures water

Astrologers also adhere to the “cosmic” theory of the origin of Epiphany water.

– On this day, the water becomes clean and carries a charge of holiness and rejuvenation. And this is not just like that,” says Pavel Mikhlin, candidate of technical sciences, astrologer.

It is believed that the Sun, Earth, and the center of the galaxy are located in such a way that on January 18–19, a line of communication opens between our planet and the center of the galaxy, and everything begins to interact. The Earth falls under an energy channel that structures everything, in particular water on Earth. In addition, it is usually frosty at Epiphany, and frozen water absorbs and “preserves” positive energy during services and prayers. And during consecration, people themselves charge the water with their positive energy, because they really believe that the water should become healing and consecrated.

By the way

Many people ask: if a person is 70% water, can our bodies be cleansed of all bad things on Epiphany night and immediately cured of all diseases? But no, this is impossible, the churchmen say.

– After all, there is nothing automatic in religion. A person consists not only of water and protein - a body, he also has a soul, says Abbot Evstratiy. “You can’t just cleanse your soul that way.” You can lie in holy water all day long, but you will not become a saint. To cleanse the soul, you need to live and pray righteously. And holy water is just a blessing for this.

How to use holy water

Often we ourselves do not know how to use holy water, although we literally collect it in the church in liters. But this is not necessary. Hegumen Evstratiy, press secretary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyiv Patriarchate.

They drink holy water during illness and every day on an empty stomach a little - 60-100 grams.

They store it in a glass vessel near the icons so that light does not enter.

You can enhance the effect of water by reading a prayer over it, for example - “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Holy water cannot be used for household purposes - washing dishes, making tea, cooking something, or even taking a bath from it. After all, it can’t go down the drain.

It is not necessary to take consecrated “temple” water; you can bring your own water for consecration – even tap water.

It is advisable to take clean and high-quality water for consecration, because physical dirt will not go away.

Blessed water can be diluted with regular water; such water acquires the qualities of holy water. You shouldn't bring soda, mineral water, it’s better to take the regular one.

You can sprinkle your home with Epiphany water.

The water stood for three years

Usually Epiphany water is stored for a year until next Epiphany. But few people know that such water can last longer - three or even ten years.

“My Epiphany water stood for three years and did not spoil or bloom,” says Father Barsanuphius, treasurer of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. “I collected it from our holy spring of Anthony.” After I drank it, I felt a surge of strength all day and felt blessed. I know that scientists came and even collected water for experiments from the source of St. Anthony. After all, studies have shown that the optical density of Epiphany water is higher than water from the same sources on ordinary days. Moreover, it is close to the optical density of water from the Jordan River.

But Abbot Evstratiy, press secretary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, told BLIK that he knows of a case when Epiphany water stood for 10 years and did not spoil!

Epiphany magic will preserve beauty and fulfill wishes

The main thing is to remember the dream

Everyone knows about Epiphany fortune-telling. But even ordinary dreams on the night of Epiphany are “letters from the future.” Before you fall asleep, you need to ask a question about your destiny that interests you most. Single girls In the old days, they put a comb or the king of diamonds under the pillow and asked for the betrothed to appear in a dream. Spend the evening before as calmly as possible, go to bed early, and on the morning of the 19th wake up without the alarm ringing. In this case, there is a greater chance of seeing a prophetic dream and not forgetting it right away. They say that your sleep will be brighter and remembered better if you eat something salty at night, but do not drink water. Place a pen and notepad next to your bed, and when you wake up, immediately write down your dream or tell it to someone right away - this way you’ll have a better chance of remembering it.

The most cherished

It is believed that the night from the 18th to the 19th is the ideal time to make your deepest wishes. It is believed that at this time the sky hears best what people ask for, and requests are fulfilled. There is only one main condition: you need to make wishes with a pure soul. And only good ones! Before asking for anything for yourself or your loved ones, it is better to first at least mentally ask for forgiveness from those whom you have hurt over the year, whom you have harmed, even if reluctantly. And also - thank God for all the good things in life. And only after that, with an open heart, make wishes. How? Even just by going out onto the balcony and looking at the sky! You can write 12 wish notes and put them under your pillow. And when you wake up in the morning, pull out three of them. They will definitely come true.

Wrinkle-free all year

Here is some advice for ladies who want to maintain their youth for a long time. Early in the morning of December 19, pour Epiphany water into a bowl and look at your reflection. You need to examine yourself very carefully, noticing wrinkles and flaws, and then wash your face with your hands three times. Water the flowers with the remaining water. The effect will increase if the water comes from a river, where the woman herself goes to get it early in the morning. But, if you believe that in Baptism all water gains strength, it may also be suitable plain water left overnight under the sky. They say that after such a magical procedure, your face will be fresh and attractive all year round.

Read a book about Epiphany water:

Why is holy water used to consecrate temples, houses and vital objects? How does Epiphany water differ from the water blessed at the water prayer service, and from the water in holy springs, springs and wells? How are prosphora consecrated and what is the difference between antidor and artos?

And finally, what is the significance of these shrines in the life of an Orthodox believer and how should they be treated?

You will find the answer to all these questions in this book.

See also section books Nature's Pantry- there are interesting publications about water and its properties.