Everything you need for baptism. What should godparents purchase for Baptism? What you need to know

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According to the rules, the baby must be baptized on the fortieth day after birth. But in extraordinary circumstances this can be done earlier. Moreover, in this case, any baptized person can act as a priest.

The optimal age when the baby is able to endure the ceremony without whims is 3-6 months. A month or two later, a child who is already beginning to distinguish between “us” and “strangers” may become frightened by an unfamiliar environment and cry, which will complicate the baptism process for himself, his parents, and the priest.

Where to baptize?

The child's parents choose Orthodox church, based on your own preferences. Baptism can be performed almost any day after the morning prayer service without an appointment. They baptize both during Lent and on holidays. However, if you have scheduled a certain time and day to perform this ritual, it is better to communicate with the priest in advance. The possibility (or impossibility) of photographing the sacrament is also discussed in advance. This is now allowed in many temples, but most often for a fee. Those who are embarrassed to personally negotiate with the priest can ask for help from novices - women who work in the temple or trade in the church shop. When choosing a central temple for baptism, keep in mind that the date of the ceremony will be set regardless of your plans and the temple at this moment may be crowded. For these reasons, it makes sense to baptize a child in a small church near home.

How to choose godparents?

The choice of godparents - godparents - should be approached with special responsibility. According to church canons, godparents are the spiritual educators of the child and guarantors for him before God. That's why this question should not be decided for reasons of kinship, benefit, or “so as not to offend.” Rules for choosing godparents:

* Godparents must themselves be baptized in Orthodoxy;
* It is advisable that there be two godparents - a man (over 15 years old) and a woman (over 13 years old); if there is only one godfather, he must be of the same gender as the child;
* Recipients must not be married to each other or planning to get married;
* The child’s relatives (grandparents, aunts or uncles, or other family members) can act as godparents;
* A pregnant woman can become a godmother, but since the girl will mainly have to be held in her arms, your chosen one needs to calculate her strength;
* A woman who gave birth less than 40 days ago cannot become a godmother.

What are the responsibilities of godparents?

The people you choose as successors must prepare for the ceremony as seriously as you, if not more seriously. To do this they need:

* Visit church to confess (repent of your sins) and receive communion;
* Learn the prayer “Creed”;
* Fast 3-4 days before the ceremony;
* On the day of baptism, as well as before communion, godparents should not eat or have sex;
* Recipients must wear crosses during the ceremony;
* According to custom, it is the godparents who bear the costs of the baby’s baptism;
* Also according to Orthodox tradition godmother gives the child an outfit for the ceremony, and the godfather gives a cross.


I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century. Amen.

Rules of behavior in the church.

* You should dress modestly and decently for church. Calm, dark colors are preferred, flashy ones are unacceptable.
* Women's dresses or skirts should be long enough - to the knees or even below. Men, entering the church, bare their heads. Women, on the contrary, cover it with a scarf or other headdress. It is better to leave decorations at home on this day.
* You can light a candle with either hand.
* You only need to cross yourself with your right hand.
* Men stand on the right half of the church, and women stand on the left.
* A mother cannot enter the temple if she continues to have discharge.

What will be required for the ceremony?

* A pectoral cross (on a ribbon), which can be purchased at a church shop or directly at the church. If the cross is purchased in a store, then it must be consecrated in advance. Note that some crosses with the image of a crucifixion according to the Catholic model are not subject to consecration. A Catholic cross is easy to recognize by the fact that on it the Savior’s feet are nailed to the cross not with two nails, but with one.
* Icon of an Orthodox saint whose name the baby will receive.
* Christening shirt. In principle, any new white clothes can serve in this capacity, but it is better to purchase a special shirt from the church (and also a cap for the girl).
* A clean towel or diaper to dry the child after the bath (this item does not need to be blessed).

How is baptism performed?

Many parents are concerned that, according to church rules, they are not allowed to be present in the church during the ceremony. However, now not all priests strictly adhere to this prohibition. Therefore, it is better for both fathers and mothers and godparents to know in advance the procedure for carrying out the baptismal ceremony.

Parents with the baby, godfather and guests arrive at the church a little in advance, so as not to start the ceremony in a hurry and, especially, not to make the priest wait. After the sign to begin is given, the recipients bring the child into the temple (the girl is held by the godfather, and the boy by the godmother). In this case, the baby should be without clothes, but wrapped in a white diaper.
The first sacred rite is the laying of the priest’s hand on the baby, symbolizing the protection that the Lord provides to the baby.

When the sacrament is performed, the godparents with the baby in their arms and with candles stand at the font. They read the Creed loudly, renounce the devil and promise to fulfill the commandments of God. Then the priest sanctifies the water, takes the baby from the godparents and immerses him three times in the font with the words: “The servant of God (name) is baptized in the name of the Father, amen, and the Son, amen, and the Holy Spirit, amen.” (There is no need to worry about your child catching a cold, since the temple is usually warm, and the water temperature in the font is +36-37 degrees).

Along with baptism, the sacrament of confirmation is performed. The priest anoints the baptized baby with holy oil on the forehead, eyes, ears, mouth, nostrils, chest, arms and legs in a cross pattern, each time saying: “Seal of the Holy Spirit, Amen.” Next, the baby is given into the arms of a recipient of the same sex, who must wipe the baby and put on a cross and a baptismal shirt, prepared in advance. White clothes worn on a baptized person means what he received through holy sacrament cleansing from sins.

The priest cuts the baby's hair in a cross shape (cuts a tiny strand on each side of the head), which symbolizes submission to God and at the same time marks the small sacrifice that the baptized person makes to the Lord in gratitude for the beginning of a new, spiritual life. At the same time, the priest says: “The servant of God (or the servant of God) (name) is tonsured in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.”

After baptism and confirmation, the baby is carried around the font 3 times. This means that the new member of the Church is forever united with it.

And finally, if a boy was baptized, the priest brings him to the altar, if a girl, he helps her venerate the icon of the Mother of God. Churching symbolizes the dedication of the baby to God according to the Old Testament image.
Be prepared for the fact that the baptismal ceremony will take from 30 minutes to 2 hours (the time of the ceremony depends on the priest).

How to celebrate baptism?

After the christening, the family and invitees go to the house where the child lives to celebrate the christening with a traditional, hearty feast. In addition to other delicacies, guests are served a hot drink (punch, mulled wine or warmed wine) and a special holiday treat. It is usually a sweet cake decorated with the child's initials and the date of the christening.

And don’t forget to take your child to Communion after baptism (whether it’s an infant or an older child)

This special holiday, which happens only once in a lifetime. It is believed that a person is reborn on this day. On this day the child receives a heavenly patron and his new, Christian name.

All sins committed by a person before Baptism are forgiven, and the Christian becomes pure, as at the moment of birth. This is why the sacrament of Baptism is compared to the second birth. An adult comes to the decision about Baptism on his own, guided by faith, but his parents make the decision for the baby. Best time for the sacrament - eight and forty days from birth. For a boy, a godfather is enough, for a girl, a godmother is enough. However, according to centuries-old tradition, both are invited. All relatives (except natural parents) and acquaintances are suitable to be godparents.

Boy's christening - preparation

Both future godparents and the child’s parents undergo a conversation “for the catechumens” (those preparing to receive Baptism). And then they read the Law of God. These days are special. Forget about the fuss, empty talk, entertainment events. Everything that will happen in the Temple is holy and great, and therefore should be accepted and perceived with reverence and awe. Try to fast for the three days allotted for preparation (fasting is not necessary for children).

Refrain from cigarettes and alcohol on the day of baptism, and on the eve - from intimacy with your spouse. Be sure to confess (this applies to both your parents and godparents). God's Shrine requires special purity. The christening of a boy is a responsible matter. Only people who are believers and have been previously baptized can become godparents.

What should you wear to a boy's christening?

Your clothes should be modest and clean. Short skirts, tight-fitting trousers, and cosmetics are inappropriate here. The head of a woman entering a temple must be covered (not only a scarf, but also a thin scarf or a beautiful shawl will do). Under no circumstances should you perform the ceremony if one of the women is “unclean” (menstruation). It is believed that a woman who enters the Temple with a child in her arms on such days dooms her godson to an unhappy life.

Responsibilities of godparents

The Orthodox have this statement: “Godparents are more responsible for the child than natural parents.” And this is understandable: godparents are the spiritual mentors of their godchildren. They go to communion with children, pray for them, teach them piety and faith. Their own fate and the fate of the baby received from the font depend on the performance of the duties of the godparents.

What to give a boy for christening?

First of all, the clothes in which the child will be brought to the temple. The duty of the godparents is to fully clothe the godson. These things are stored for the rest of your life, so take some time to choose a suit special attention. A cross is required. Godparents must buy it too. Usually the choice of clothes falls on the mother, and the choice of the cross falls on the father. But this is not important. Here you negotiate for yourself. In addition to these things, buy a Bible as a christening gift for your boy. Children's room, in a simplified version, with colorful pictures. Especially an original gift will become measuring icon, made to order. It is made in the height of a godson (the height of a boy on the day of the Sacrament) with the image of the namesake saint.

For Orthodox Christians, the baptism of children is one of the most powerful rites. It is believed that after this the baby receives protection from the evil eye and diseases, and you can show it to others. After the christening, they light candles and read for the baby’s health church prayers. Parents treat baptism with special trepidation. It is important to know how to organize a child’s christening and the rules for preparing for the ceremony.

The Church explains in great detail why a child should be baptized. Through the rite of baptism, the baby is introduced to spiritual life and accepted into the faith. Immersion in water is symbolic, because it is a symbol of life. This is how the baby receives protection from the evil one, temptations, sins, illnesses and misfortunes. It is believed that the Lord takes the baby under his care and gives him a guardian angel. This is following the example of the son of God Jesus Christ, who was baptized in the Jordan River. And, although the sacrament among the Orthodox of different churches has some procedural differences, its significance is the same for all believers.

The essence of the sacrament

The baptismal ceremony is carried out in a temple or in a special baptismal room with a font. The sacrament lasts about an hour. The priest reads prayers, carries out anointing, dips the child three times in blessed water. After the tonsure is performed, the baby is given a cross. The priest brings the boys to the altar, and the girls brings them to the icon Mother of God. The baptized person receives a second, church name, which is recommended to be kept secret from outsiders. The baby is given a baptismal certificate. The very next day, parents and the baby are invited to receive communion.

Ten Key Questions

Given the importance of the procedure, parents try to get all the clarification on the topic in advance. Here are ten key questions about baptism and their answers.

List of necessary things

A separate question: how can parents prepare for the sacrament and what is needed to baptize a child? First, about the formalities. You should come to the church in advance to sign up for the ceremony and discuss with the priest how the child will be baptized, ask for blessings for taking photos and videos if you want to capture the holiday. At the same time, the cost of baptism is clarified, a list necessary documents and attributes. Basically, the passports of mom and dad are required, as well as the baby’s birth certificate. What else is on the list of things needed for baptism?

Rules for parents

There are rules for baptizing a child for parents and godparents. Dress code during baptism especially important point. Both parents and guests must wear crosses. Women are required to cover their heads and wear closed ones. long dresses. Men's clothing is a formal suit, dark, but not black.

Reading time: 10 minutes

One of major events in the life of a believer, this is a sacrament during which he is accepted into the faith and the church. The baptism of a child, both a boy and a girl, is carried out according to certain rules churches. The sacrament is carried out according to a ritual that has not changed for several centuries. Parents and godparents must prepare carefully and in advance for this significant event.

What is baby baptism

The rite of baptism of a child is a responsible step for believing parents and their baby, a procedure after which a person is accepted into the Christian faith and church. Christenings have long history, but the basic rules and canons have been preserved to this day. Holy baptism The birth of a child is not a tribute to fashion or tradition, the ritual rids the baby of sins (hereditary or personal) and birth takes place for a holy, spiritual life.

Choosing a name

If the name with which the baby is registered on the birth certificate is not in the calendar, then you should decide on choosing another one. They select names for the child’s baptism that are consonant with the world, for example, Zhanna - Anna, Sergei - Sergius. When there is no such correspondence in the church calendar, the name of the saint is used, who is honored immediately after the birth of the baby. When choosing a name, it is better to seek help from a clergyman rather than doing it yourself. In church rituals, the name given during the sacrament is used. It is necessary to know him in order to honor the heavenly intercessor.

At what age is it better to baptize a child?

The Church recommends scheduling a baby's christening as early as possible. Catholics and Orthodox Christians schedule the baptism of a child in the first months from the date of birth, although a person of any age is allowed to perform the ceremony. Some people postpone baptism until a person can independently decide on his choice of religion. Often the date for the sacrament is set on the 40th day of the baby’s life. The choice of the date of baptism, which establishes when to baptize a child, has several reasonable explanations:

  • newborns up to 3 months can easily tolerate head-first dives;
  • babies behave calmer and are not afraid when strangers pick them up;
  • The mother of the baby is allowed to enter the church after 40 days from the date of birth.

Child christening - rules and signs

If the baptism of an infant is carried out according to all the rules, preparation for the sacrament should begin in advance. For future godparents church prescribes going to confession a few days before the date of the christening, repenting and receiving communion. It is also recommended to fast for 3-4 days, although this condition is not mandatory. On the morning of the ceremony, godparents should not eat or have sex the day before.

On what days are children baptized in church?

You can carry out the sacrament of baptism of a child on any day, be it a holiday, an ordinary day, or a fast day. IN church calendars there are no prohibitions on certain dates of the ceremony. The only exceptions are Christmas, Easter and Trinity, when the churches are crowded and it will be difficult to conduct the sacrament. Some temples have their own schedule related to internal regulations. When choosing the day on which the baptism of children will be scheduled, it is better to consult with a priest.

Rules for baptizing a child in the Orthodox Church

When you decide to baptize a child, it is important not only to choose a temple and purchase baptismal supplies, but also to familiarize yourself with the conditions defined by the church that parents and guests must follow. IN church rules it is indicated that everyone must wear crosses. Women should wear closed dresses and cover their heads with a scarf. The baptism process lasts at least half an hour, the baby will be held in your arms, so it is better to avoid uncomfortable high-heeled shoes.

Men will need a dark suit, but not black. Although the church does not set strict rules regarding appearance men do not need to come to the place where the sacraments are performed wearing shorts and a T-shirt. On the eve of the solemn event, the parents, as well as godmothers and popes must confess. A few days before the sacrament takes place, you should fast.

What is needed for the baptism of a boy child

When a boy is christened, the godfather is always involved in the ceremony. Traditionally, he takes on all financial obligations, buys a cross for the ceremony and a gift. The custom of paying for the ritual does not always rest with the godfather, depending on financial situation The baby's parents can make a donation to the church. It is up to the godmother to buy a baptismal set, which includes a shirt, a blanket, and sometimes a cap. She is also responsible for buying kryzhma and a silk scarf for the clergy.

Girl christening

At the sacrament of baptism of a girl, the godmother is considered the main recipient. Its main task is to read the “Creed” prayer during the ceremony. If it is difficult to memorize a text, you can take a hint with words. Traditionally, a woman gives a baptismal set and buys a kryzhma (white towel) for her godchildren. As a gift, you can present an icon of the saint whose name the goddaughter bears. The godfather must buy a cross, and also helps the girl’s parents financially by paying for the ceremony.

Choosing godparents

One of the main tasks of parents is to choose the right godparents (fathers) from Orthodox Christians for their newborn. These are not just those people who give gifts to a child on holidays, but also engage in spiritual education, teach the rules of Christian life and the basics of Orthodox doctrine. According to the church charter, one godparent is required: for a girl - a woman, for a boy - a man, but often both the godmother and the godfather are invited for the baptism procedure. Both recipients must be Orthodox Christians.

Receivers cannot be changed, so parents must carefully select mentors for their child. Often the child’s relatives are invited to this responsible “position”. Grandmothers, uncles, older sisters and any other people close to the family can become godparents. If you select adoptees from the family, then the godson will communicate with them more often, for example, on family events. In addition to the conditions set by the church, it is worth paying attention to the following qualities of potential godparents:

  • reliability;
  • responsibility;
  • high moral and ethical values.

Who has no right to be a godfather

According to standards church law sometimes a person cannot become a godfather or mother. The high responsibility that is imposed on the recipients determines the circle of people who cannot claim such an honorable role. The following cannot become godparents:

  • spouses or bride and groom for one child;
  • parents for their baby;
  • monks and nuns;
  • non-Orthodox, unbaptized;
  • immoral or insane;
  • children (boys under 15, girls under 13).

The sacrament of baptism - rules for godparents

Responsibility for raising their godchildren in the Orthodox spirit is assigned to their godchildren. Preparing for it the most important stage plays a huge role in a child’s life, although it does not require much effort. Previously, recipients need to undergo a special interview by visiting the church. The godmother helps the parents prepare some items for the child's baptism. It is important that she knows how to handle the child, that she can take off his clothes and put on the baptismal set.

The godmother plays the most important role when the sacrament is performed on a girl. In cases where male infants are baptized, the godfather bears great responsibility. He takes the baby after immersing himself in the holy font, when the baby is wrapped in kryzhma. The godfather can also participate in the purchase baptismal set, cross. All material expenses are secondary; the main condition for a child’s baptism is the sincere faith of the relatives and godparents.

What you need to know

Godparents are entrusted with the enormous responsibility of spiritual education of the godson, teaching him the basics of the Christian faith. If the recipients are not sufficiently informed, then they should fill in the gaps, study the relevant literature, and talk with priests. Before the sacrament, it is better to learn about the rules of the ceremony. It is important to clarify at what stage the godmother takes the baby, and when the baby is held by the godfather, at what point the child is wrapped in kryzhma, and when the baptismal shirt is put on him.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for godparents

To receive the sacrament of baptism, a person (or recipients, if the ceremony is performed on a child) needs to know two fundamental prayers for all Christians: “Our Father”, “Creed”. It is better to know their text by heart and understand the meaning. IN modern church They are tolerant of the fact that recipients do not remember prayers. It is allowed to read them according to the prayer book.

Responsibilities of godparents

The role of godparents does not end after the sacrament of baptism; they need to pay a lot of attention to the spiritual education of the godson. Through personal example, the recipients must demonstrate human virtues to the child and teach him the basics of the Christian faith. With Christian upbringing, children need to learn to resort to the sacraments of confession, communion, and become familiar with the dates church holidays. Godparents give knowledge about the gracious power of the icon of the Mother of God and other shrines.

The godparents teach the godchildren to attend services, pray, observe fasting and other provisions of the church charter. Of the many tasks assigned to godparents, the most important is daily prayer about his godson. Throughout your life, you should maintain a warm and trusting relationship with your godson, be with him in sorrow and joy.

How does the baptism ceremony take place?

The sacred sacrament is carried out according to a specific plan and in an established order, which does not change for many years. The baptism of a child is called a spiritual birth, the main participants in the process are the priest, godparents and the newborn. According to ancient customs, the baby’s natural parents should not be present during the ceremony, but today they are loyal to this and allow mom and dad to attend the sacrament. The procedure can be divided into the following stages:

  1. The rite of announcement. At that stage, over those preparing for baptism, the priest three times reads prohibitory prayers against evil and the baby’s renunciation of it. The baby is wrapped only in diapers, his chest and face should be free.
  2. Prohibition on unclean spirits. Turning to the west, the priest reads prayers against Satan three times.
  3. The renunciation of the recipients. The priest asks questions, and the recipients are responsible for the baby.
  4. Confession of fidelity to the son of God. The godparents and the baby turn to the east and again answer the priest’s questions. At the end of the rite of confession of allegiance, the recipients read the prayer “Creed.”
  5. Blessing of water. The priest dresses in white robes and performs the ceremony. The receivers each take a candle in their hands, and 3 more are lit on the eastern side of the font. After reading the prayer and asking for illumination of the water, the priest baptizes the water three times and blows on it.
  6. Blessing of the oil. This stage of baptism is carried out similarly to the illumination of water. Father blows into a vessel of oil three times and overshadows it sign of the cross, reads a prayer. The holy oil is anointed with the water of the baptismal font.
  7. Immersion of the baby in the font three times. The priest baptizes the child by immersing him in water three times. The procedure is accompanied by special prayers. After the baby is dipped into the font three times, the priest hands the baby over to his receivers. The godfather takes the boy's child, the godmother takes the girl. The baby is wrapped in a baptismal towel or kryzhma.
  8. Dressing the baby in baptismal clothes. The baptism ceremony continues with the putting on of baptismal shirts on the newly baptized, and the baby is also given a cross.
  9. Sacrament of Confirmation. The priest anoints the baby’s forehead, eyes, cheeks, chest, arms and legs while saying a prayer. The boy is carried around the altar three times, the priest helps the girls to venerate the icon of the Mother of God. The process is accompanied by a prayer of churching.
  10. Hair cutting ritual. The priest cuts some hair from the newborn's head. At the end of the sacrament, this hair remains in the church as a symbol of the first sacrifice to God.

Celebration of christening

The holy sacrament of baby baptism ends with a family celebration. The ceremonial table should include dishes made from dough and cereals. Guests are often treated to pancakes, pies and other pastries. It is traditional to serve poultry; clay dishes are used for baking it. An indispensable treat should be vegetables and herbs, symbolizing spring and the beginning of a new life. Godparents and the guests present the baby with a gift. There are no special requirements for choosing a gift. You can give anything: from an icon of a saint to a set of silver spoons.

What to do with baptismal items

How to be baptized is described in detail in the Bible, but there are no recommendations for the use of baptismal paraphernalia. Because of this, there are many opinions and advice. Priests can recommend several options for storing kryzhma to parents:

  • put it in a corner of the chest of drawers and take it out in extreme cases (if the baby is sick or is acting restless);
  • place the kryzhma near the crib, hiding it from public view, so that it protects the baby.

When the baby does not wear the cross all the time, it can be stored along with the kryzhma in the chest of drawers. While opinions may differ regarding the use of kryzhma, there are actions that absolutely cannot be carried out with it. The baptismal towel cannot be washed, thrown away, or baptized another person in it. The baptismal shirt is put into a box or a special bag and kept for life. It is believed that she has healing power, the shirt can be applied to the sore spot of the person who was baptized in it.


Almost immediately after the birth of a child, many parents think about his Baptism in the church.

But if in ancient times every Orthodox family knew about the rules and traditions of this ritual, now mom and dad are faced with numerous questions: what is needed for the Baptism of a child, why is this sacrament performed, when can a child be baptized, who should be taken as godparents?

The excitement of adults is not surprising, because this is the first big holiday in the life of a tiny person.

According to the Orthodox tradition, Baptism is a great sacrament that comes from God. It is the Almighty who transmits His gift to people not for their moral qualities, but simply because He loves His children.

This ceremony is intended to present little man the grace of the Holy Spirit, which no one sees or touches, but it is real.

The baptism of a child always involves water. Immersion in the font is a kind of symbol of renunciation old life, cleansing from sins (including the original), and emerging from the water symbolizes a new life, pure from everything.

In all Christian directions, this ritual takes place in a special way. For example, in catholic church The baby must be doused with water, but in Orthodoxy it is customary for children (and adults) to be immersed in the font three times.

What about other traditions? Protestants simply spray the baby, while supporters of Adventism and Baptists baptize in natural reservoirs.

Church rules do not stipulate a specific time and age when it is necessary to baptize a child, but recommendations still exist - early childhood. Orthodox parents usually strive to perform this ritual if the newborn’s age is from 8 to 40 days.

The fortieth day after the birth of the baby - significant date from the point of view of the church. It was on this day that, even in the pre-Christian period, a child was brought to the temple.

  • With physiological characteristics postpartum period;
  • workload, because the mother devotes all her attention and energy to the baby and her health.

Some parents postpone the child's christening until he is one year old, and even until he is of conscious age, when he himself decides at what age to be baptized and whether he needs this rite at all.

Certainly, last word Baptism belongs only to parents, but priests warn that all this time the child’s soul is in danger, exposed to the harmful influence of a sinful world.

Despite the absence of any specific restrictions affecting the time and place of holding, the sacrament in individual churches takes place on specific days and hours. This is usually due to the heavy workload and busyness of the holy father.

Before setting the date for Baptism, you should contact the parish to find out if there is any schedule and agree with the priest on the time. This must be done if you want to carry out the ceremony calmly and without nerves and not unnecessarily disturb the baby.

After solving organizational issues, all you have to do is arrive at the approved time. Many parents are interested in what is needed for baptism. Of course, you cannot show up empty-handed; you must take with you:

  • pectoral cross IR for a child (for a girl it must be purchased by the godmother, and for a newborn male - accordingly, the father);
  • baptismal shirt;
  • a napkin so that after the sacrament is over, you can wipe the baby’s face;
  • the image of that saint who can become for a child protective amulet(usually the choice depends on the baby’s name);
  • two towels (one larger one for the baby, one smaller one as a donation to the church).

Many parents are interested in knowing whether it is worth taking their child’s birth certificate with them. We hasten to reassure you: no documents are needed to perform the Baptism ceremony.

But you must consecrate a pectoral cross that was not purchased in a church shop before the ritual.

Your godmother and father (the so-called godparents) must be with you. They need to undergo preparation for the sacrament instead of the child if he is under 12-14 years old. Recipients undergo a course of special conversations at the church and confession with a priest.

However, not only special conversations await godparents; for several days before Baptism, they must abstain from carnal pleasures, learn a special prayer and fast. In addition, in the same parish where the baby will be baptized, they should receive communion.

Future spiritual parents are usually chosen among relatives (aunt, sisters/brothers, grandparents) or close friends. The most important condition is that both chosen ones must be baptized and believers. If your relatives want to become godparents for the baby, but did not undergo the sacrament, they should be baptized before the ritual.

In some situations, real parents can become spiritual, however, as a rule, these cases still become exceptional. Before final decision It’s better to consult with your father.

Future spiritual parents must know and be aware of what they are doing, why they are doing it and what needs to be done. Speaking in church language, the godmother and father vouch for the baby before the Almighty. After the ceremony and for life, they become the spiritual child's mentors.

Agree that such duties can be fulfilled only if a person himself is not indifferent to faith, constantly improves himself, studies the basics of Orthodoxy, understands the essence of the ceremony and the meaning of prayer words and vows.

Godmothers and fathers must raise their godsons as true Christians. In the Orthodox tradition, it is generally accepted that spiritual parents will have to answer very strictly at God’s Court for poor performance of their own duties!

Features of the rite of baptism of a child

The process of Baptism is immersion in water. That is why dipping the baby into the font three times is the main action of this sacred ceremony. The number "three" tells us about three days, which Jesus spent in the tomb, and after them a miraculous resurrection occurred.

What is Child Baptism? Parents need to know what priests do, how long the process itself lasts, what they can and cannot do. This sacrament includes several important steps that are performed by the priest in a certain sequence developed over centuries:

  1. The rite of announcement. Before the ceremony begins, the priest reads special prohibition prayers against the devil to those present. After this, the priest blows on the newborn 3 times and pronounces the words of expelling Satan. Then the priest must bless the child three times and read a prayer, placing his hand on the child’s head.
  1. Three prayers of “prohibition” (spells against unclean spirits). Now the priest is doing the following - he is driving Satan away with the help of God’s name. That is, he prays to the Almighty to drive away demons and strengthen those present in faith.
  1. Renunciation. Future spiritual parents must renounce sins, indecent habits, sinful lifestyles and excessive pride. Thus, godparents recognize: unbaptized people are vulnerable to various vicious thoughts and desires, as well as sinful passions.
  1. Reading the Creed. Since it is worth considering completely young age baby, the confession of fidelity to the Son of God is read by the godmother or father. Thus, the child enters the army of Christ.
  1. Child baptism. After all the important rituals listed, the time comes for the ceremony itself, for which the baby’s relatives and friends gathered. The priest must do the following:
  • bless the water . The priest walks around the font and reads prayers on the water;
  • consecrate the oil. The priest pronounces special words with which the church oil is blessed and the font water is anointed with it. Then you need to anoint the newborn's face, chest, arms and legs.
  • immerse in the font. Since the child is immersed 3 times, the ceremony itself looks quite unusual. The father says certain words, after which he plunges the baby into the water (and so on three times). After this, the prepared cross is put on the already baptized baby, dried with a towel and dressed in a baptismal shirt.
  1. Confirmation. This sacrament represents the anointing with myrrh special units child's body. The priest touches the eyes, forehead, lips and nostrils, limbs and chest of the newly made follower of Orthodoxy. Don’t think that this is just a beautiful ritual. Each of the clergyman’s movements hides a certain meaning and sign.
  1. Procession around the font. After the anointing, the reading of the Holy Scripture begins, during which the priest walks around the font of water and talks about the importance of adding another follower to the Church. At this solemn moment, the godparents stand still, holding lit candles in their hands.
  1. Completion. After reading the Gospel, the clergyman conducts the final rite, during which:
  • the world is washed away, since the seal of the Spirit has already entered the child’s heart;
  • hair is cut as a kind of sacrifice, since the child does not yet have other gifts that he could donate to God.

That's it, the great sacrament has ended, now the baby must be raised by both parents and godfathers in the love of the Lord and in accordance with Orthodox traditions.

Is a boy's christening different? There are still certain differences in the baptism of a boy and a girl.

Thus, girls cannot be brought into the altar, unlike male children. Well, for a boy, only a godfather will be enough, and for a girl, a godmother will be enough.

How much should I pay for the ceremony?

Many parents are interested in how much it costs to baptize a child, do I need to pay for the sacrament? Official sources claim that the church should not charge any fee for the sacrament and requirement.

However, we all understand that we will still have to pay, since the temple itself pays for public utilities, priest, church worker. How much to pay? In general, price tags in churches are approximate amounts for donation.

If you cannot give money for the sacrament, the child must be baptized for free!

Parents who decide to baptize their baby face many questions: what is needed for baptism, how much to pay for the service, who can and cannot be invited as godparents, how long the ceremony takes, and many, many others.

Yes, you will have to do a lot of things, so if you are tormented by such questions, seek help from a church located nearby. The priest will certainly dispel all your fears.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.