What godparents should know before baptism. What should a godmother do during the baptism ceremony of a boy? Baptism set for girls includes

During the sacrament of Baptism, in its preliminary part, the person being baptized reads the Creed prayer aloud. It is advisable, in preparation for the sacrament, to memorize the Creed; in extreme cases, sight reading is acceptable. This prayer contains, in the form brief statements, the entire Orthodox faith - that is, what Christians believe in, what it means, what it is aimed at or for what purpose they believe in it. And in ancient Church, and in subsequent times, knowledge of the Creed was a necessary condition in order to come to Baptism. This fundamental Christian prayer should be known to the godparents of infants, adults and children of conscious age who receive . The Creed is divided into 12 members - 12 short statements. The first clause speaks of God the Father, then through the seventh inclusive - about God the Son, in the eighth - about God the Holy Spirit, in the ninth - about the Church, in the tenth - about Baptism, in the eleventh - about the resurrection of the dead, in the twelfth - about eternal life .

In the ancient Church there were several short creeds, but when false teachings about God the Son and God the Holy Spirit appeared in the 4th century, it became necessary to supplement and clarify this prayer.

The modern Creed was compiled by the fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council, held in 325 in Nicaea (the first seven members of the Creed) and the fathers of the 2nd Ecumenical Council, held in 381 in Constantinople. (the remaining five members) Therefore, the full name of this prayer is the Niceno-Tsaregrad Creed.


In Church Slavonic

In Russian

1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible.

2. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to whom all things were.

2. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one being with the Father, by Him all things were created.

3. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human.

3. For the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation, he came down from heaven and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human.

4. She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.

4. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried.

5. And he rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures.

5. And rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures.

6. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.

6. And ascended into heaven, and sat at the right hand of the Father.

7. And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.

7. And He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; His Kingdom will have no end.

8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets.

8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke through the prophets.

9. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

9. Into the one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

10. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

10. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

11. I hope for the resurrection of the dead.

11. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead.

12. And the life of the next century. Amen

12. And the life of the next century. Amen (truly so).


1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. 2.And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were. 3. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. 4. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. 5. And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. 6.And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. 7. And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. 8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who is with the Father and the Son, is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. 9.Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. 10. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. 11. I hope for the resurrection of the dead, 12. and the life of the next century. Amen.

Text of the prayer Creed with accents

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Baptism - the essence and meaning of the rite of baptism

The rite of baptism is a Sacrament in which the believer dies to a sinful carnal life in order to be reborn by the Holy Spirit into spiritual life. Baptism is the cleansing of a person from original sin, which is communicated to him through his birth. Just as a person is born only once, and the Sacrament is performed only once in a person’s life.

How godparents prepare for the baptism ceremony

Two or three days before the ceremony, future godparents must repent of their earthly sins and receive communion.
Directly on the day of baptism, it is forbidden to have sex and eat food.
When a girl is baptized, the godmother will have to read the “Creed” prayer; when a boy is baptized, the godfather reads it.
Responsibilities of a godmother. What should a godmother do?

A child cannot choose his godmother himself; his parents make this choice for him. The exception is the older age of the child. The choice is usually determined by the proximity of the future godmother to the family, warm attitude to the child, the principles of morality that the godmother adheres to.

What are the responsibilities of a godmother?

1.) The godmother guarantees for the newly baptized child before the Lord.
2.) Bears responsibility for the spiritual education of the child.
3.) Takes part in the life and upbringing of the child on an equal basis with biological parents.
4.) Takes care of the child in a situation where something happens to the biological parents ( godmother can become a guardian in the event of the death of parents).
5.) Godmother is spiritual guide for her godson and an example of a Christian lifestyle.

The godmother must:

Pray for your godson and be a loving and caring godmother.
Attend church with a child if his parents do not have such an opportunity due to illness or absence.
Remember your responsibilities on religious holidays, ordinary holidays and weekdays.
Take problems in your godson's life seriously and support him through difficult stages of life.
Take an interest and contribute spiritual growth child.
Serve as an example of godly life for the godson.

Features of the baptism ritual

The child's biological mother is prohibited from attending the baptism. A young mother is considered “unclean” after giving birth, and cannot be in the temple until the cleansing prayer, which is read by the priest on the fortieth day after birth. Therefore, it is the godmother who holds the baby in her arms. Including undressing and dressing, calming down, etc.

In many churches it is customary to collect a donation for the baptismal ceremony. But even in the absence of funds, they cannot refuse to perform the baptismal ceremony.

Baptism in the temple is not a mandatory rule. You can invite a priest home if the baby is sick. After recovery, he should be brought to church for churching.

If the baby’s name is present in the Saints, then it remains unchanged at Baptism. In other cases, the child is given the name of the Saint on whose day the ceremony is performed.

Spouses cannot become godparents, and biological parents child, because the Sacrament of Baptism presupposes the emergence of a spiritual relationship between godparents.

Considering that carnal relationships between spiritual relatives are not allowed, marriages between, for example, a godfather and the godson’s mother are also prohibited.

How is the sacrament of child baptism performed?

The Baptism ceremony lasts about an hour. It consists of the Annunciation (reading special prayers over the child), his renunciation of Satan and union with Christ, as well as confession Orthodox faith. The godparents say the appropriate words for the baby.

At the end of the announcement, the sequence of Baptism begins - immersing the child in the font (three times) and pronouncing traditional words.

The godmother (if the newly baptized person is a girl) takes a towel and receives the godson from the font.

What should the godmother do? The baby is dressed in white clothes and put a cross on it.

The myrrh is washed from the baby's body by the priest using a special sponge moistened with holy water.

Then the baby's hair is cut on four sides, which is folded onto a wax cake and lowered onto it into the font (a symbol of submission to God and sacrifice in gratitude for the beginning of spiritual life).

Prayers are said for the newly baptized and his godparents, followed by churching.

The priest carries the baby around the temple; if it is a boy, he is brought into the altar and then given to his parents.

After baptism - communion.

Requirements for godmother at the christening

The most important requirement for godparents is to be baptized Orthodox Christians who live according to Christian laws. After the ceremony, godparents must promote the spiritual growth of the child and pray for him. If the future godmother has not yet been baptized, then she should be baptized first, and only then the baby. Biological parents may be completely unbaptized or profess a different faith.

The godmother must be aware of her responsibility for raising the child. Therefore, it is welcomed when relatives are chosen as godparents - family ties break less often than friendly ones.

The godfather can attend the girl’s baptism in absentia, the godmother - only in person. Her duties include receiving the girl from the font.
Godparents should not forget about the day of baptism. On the day of the Godson's Guardian Angel, you should go to church every year, light a candle and thank God for everything.

What should a godmother wear? Appearance godmother at christening.

The modern church is more loyal to many things, but taking into account its traditions is certainly recommended. Basic requirements for a godmother at baptism:

1. It is mandatory for godparents to have crosses (consecrated in the church).
2. It is unacceptable to come to baptism in trousers. You should wear a dress that covers your shoulders and legs below the knee.
3. The godmother must have a scarf on her head.
4. High heels are unnecessary. The baby will have to be held in your arms for a long time.
5. Flashy makeup and provocative clothing are prohibited.

What do godparents buy for baptism?

White christening shirt (dress). It can be simple or with embroidery - it all depends on the choice of the godparents. The shirt (and everything else) can be purchased directly from the church. At baptism, the baby’s old clothes are removed as a sign that he appears clean before the Lord, and the baptismal shirt is put on after the ceremony. Traditionally, this shirt should be worn for eight days, after which it is removed and stored for life. Of course, you cannot baptize another baby in it.
- Pectoral cross with an image of the crucifixion. They buy it directly from the church, already consecrated. It doesn’t matter - gold, silver or simple, on a string. After baptism, many people remove the crosses from their children so that they do not accidentally harm themselves. According to church canons, the cross should not be removed. Therefore, it is better to choose a light cross and a rope (ribbon) so that the baby is comfortable.
- The towel in which the baby is wrapped after the Sacrament of baptism. It is not washed after the ceremony and is stored as carefully as a shirt.
- Cap (kerchief).
- The best gift from the godparents there will be a cross, icon or silver spoon.
Also for the baptism ceremony you will need:
- baby blanket. For comfortable swaddling of the baby in the baptismal room and warming the baby after the baptismal bath.
- A small bag in which you can put a lock of the baby’s hair, cut by a priest. You can keep it with your shirt and towel.
It is advisable to make sure in advance that the items will suit the baby.

After the baptism ceremony

So, the baby was baptized. You have become a godmother. Of course, according to tradition, this day is a holiday. It can be celebrated in a warm family circle or crowded. But it is worth remembering that christening is, first of all, a celebration of the spiritual birth of a baby. You should prepare for it in advance and thoroughly, thinking through every detail. After all, the day of spiritual birth, which you will celebrate now every year, is much more important than the day physical birth.

The very first step for a believer, cleansing from sins and joining the Church, is the sacrament of baptism. It requires preparation - in ancient times it took several years. Today, you only need to learn two prayers before baptism.

How to properly prepare for a child's baptism

In order not to just perform a ritual, but to truly become a Christian, you need to understand everything that is happening. To do this, you need to attend a public conversation, where the main dogmas are pronounced (announced), the meaning of the actions that the priest and his assistants will perform is explained. Before baptism, be sure to learn the main prayers - and.

  • The Lord's Prayer was given by Jesus Christ himself. It gathers the soul and mind of a person, directing them directly to God, directly to Him, bypassing any intermediaries. This is the goal of Christian life - to turn to heaven, to reach Him, to achieve with all life, with all aspirations, renouncing one’s self.
  • Otherwise, if a person is not ready for this, you should not even be baptized; it is better to go to church, get to know parish life well in order to understand whether it is right for you.
  • Our Father is also one of the daily prayers. Personal communication with God is like breathing; without it, a Christian is simply dead spiritually. How can you not know at least the basic prayers?

The Creed was developed over several centuries; it is the fruit of the efforts of many holy fathers. Its canonical formulation was aimed at giving parishioners the entire teaching in a condensed form and avoiding its distortions, of which there are many today. This prayer is also required to know when baptized. After all, it expresses all the main dogmas that an Orthodox Christian must not only memorize, but also be able to explain to those who ask - friends, acquaintances, relatives.

IN Orthodox Church The Church Slavonic language is used for liturgical purposes. Therefore, texts also need to be learned in it. Before doing this, it is necessary to read the interlinear translation so that the meaning of the prayer is clear. If there are still any uncertainties, you should contact the priest who will baptize. There is no need to be afraid of seeming stupid - it is stupid to visit a temple and not understand what is happening there. And questions show that a person is trying to learn new things and has an inquisitive mindset.

Baptism of a child - what difference does it make?

For children, prayers at baptism, the rituals themselves are absolutely the same. Only godparents should learn and read them. It is they who are obliged to attend conversations in the temple, and also then take the child to the temple and explain to him the truths of the New Testament teaching. This is a very big responsibility that needs to be understood.

The recipients go through all the preparation for the baby; instead, the baptismal prayers are read aloud. The child's mother does not need to know any special prayers. The main thing is to undergo a cleansing ritual. This is an ancient custom associated with the fact that after giving birth a woman becomes ritually unclean. Before this, according to tradition, you cannot enter under the arches of the temple; you can only be in the vestibule (a small corridor immediately at the entrance). The priest will read several prayers, and then the young mother will be able to attend the baptism.

Passing the ritual

The preparations are complete, the big day is coming. During baptism, a lot of prayers are read; only a priest can perform the sacrament. But in exceptional cases This is also allowed for a layman to do. For example, if a person is in intensive care and no one is allowed there. Then the doctors themselves can sprinkle the patient with holy water and say short prayers, which are pronounced by the laity at baptism.

Immediately before the ceremony, you don’t need to do anything special, just take everything you need with you and come to the temple on time. You will need a candle, a cross, a change of clothes, and a towel. If they are baptized by immersion, then so are the linens, although in most churches today adults are only doused (on the head and shoulders). But the priest can completely lower the baby into the font three times, covering his nose and mouth with his hand so that no water gets in. There is no need to be afraid, usually the child does not have time to understand anything, and heated water is poured.

When the time comes to read the prayers required before baptism, the priest or his assistant will give a sign. After the sacrament, the rite of churching still follows, then you can go home. The next day (or a few days later, depending on the schedule and depending on when the ceremony was performed), be sure to come to the Liturgy and receive communion. If someone is baptized in a hospital, usually the priest gives communion to such a person immediately, because there is a threat of death.

There is a lot of fictitious information on the Internet, so you should find out everything in the temple, and not on dubious sites. Preparation for the sacrament is not difficult, but after it the whole life, full of temptations, falls, aspirations for God. This is what you really should be preparing for. God help you!

Prayer at baptism Creed

1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. 2.And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were. 3. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. 4. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. 5. And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. 6.And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. 7. And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. 8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who is with the Father and the Son, is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. 9.Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. 10. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. 11. I hope for the resurrection of the dead, 12. and the life of the next century. Amen.

Prayer Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

May your kingdom come

Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

Prayer for the baptism of a child - which one to read was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Being a godmother means taking responsibility for the baby, playing a big role in his life. Before God, a mother is a spiritual mentor. Her responsibilities are very significant and numerous, and all of them relate to the spiritual development of the child and his involvement in the church.

The ritual of baptism is sacred. After the baby is immersed in the font, the clergyman hands him over to his godparents. And, handing over the baby, he at the same time places on them the responsibility to take care of the spiritual education of his godson.

During baptism, a spiritual relationship is established between the godson and godparents (they are called godparents). Not every woman is suitable for this role. There are certain requirements for selection. Can't become a godmother birth mother baby, the same goes for the receptionist. Moreover, godparents cannot be married to each other.

Nowadays, traditional baptismal duties have been somewhat distorted. But a godmother is a mother before God. It is important for her not only to completely take care of the child during christening, but to raise him, engage in spiritual development and involve him in the church after. And the most important thing is to take on the role of parents if something happens to them.

In order for the ceremony to take place according to traditions, the recipient must meet certain requirements:

There were often cases when joining the church occurred after participation in the ritual. The main thing when choosing a godmother is to give preference to a person who will feel responsible and will take both the sacrament of baptism and the subsequent spiritual education of the baby seriously.

Today, any baptized girl who is chosen among relatives or close friends can become a successor. As practice shows, the godmother is usually chosen by the mother.

What is a godmother supposed to do?

The responsibilities of the godmother are clearly defined, therefore, based on church statutes, she must:

  • pray for spiritual development and baby's health;
  • to introduce the child to the church, attend it together, as he grows up, introduce him to Orthodox traditions, take him to the temple of God and be a real mentor;
  • providing support and assistance is mandatory;
  • be good example, that is, it must embody the ideal of an Orthodox believing woman, capable of directing her to perform pious deeds.

The duties of the godmother include explaining what the Bible is, reading it, and explaining the meaning of religious rites, holidays and traditions. Having your own children, younger sisters and brothers, as well as nephews should not become an obstacle to caring for your godson.

What is needed for christening

Christening is a significant event symbolizing the birth of a child. It is believed that performing it helps the child’s life to be sinless and pious.

The recipients take the baby in their arms immediately from the font, when he is clean, devoid of sinful thoughts and deeds, when original sin has been removed from him. After dipping, the baby is dressed in a ritual shirt (kryzhma) and a cross is put on his neck .

In the days of our ancestors, the purchase of a cross was carried out by the godfather, but the woman brought the kryzhma. Today, this tradition is somewhat broken, and sometimes all the important attributes are acquired by the parents themselves.

Since at present the christening cover in its true form is a rare find, its analogues can be a shirt, an openwork diaper or a towel, always new, which have not yet been washed.

What a child’s spiritual mentor should know

Preparation must be done in advance. At the same time, knowledge of the prayers that will be required at baptism is mandatory. In addition, you need to understand their meaning and the meaning of the sacrament itself. Although nowadays few people learn prayers by heart, and during the ceremony those present simply repeat the words after the clergyman or read from sight.

Pay attention! Regardless of the fact that now for many this is just a formality, a woman who makes an effort to live according to the commandments should become a godmother.

It is important to know several prayers:

  • "Our Father";
  • "King of Heaven";
  • “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.”

Reading the Creed is also very important. The prayers reflect the essence of the Orthodox Christian faith. Ideally, everyone present should know them. Although now this is very rare.

To better understand the need to know prayers, it is worth noting that the first “Our Father” is a direct appeal to the first person who stands in the Holy Trinity - the Father. Christians believe that people learned this prayer thanks to their Savior. “Our Father” is the personification of the desire for life, which is so pleasing to the Lord God, as well as hope in his favor and care for every mortal.

“To the King of Heaven” is an appeal to the Holy Spirit, who, during the sacrament, invisibly cleanses the baby’s soul from sins, gives him the strength to overcome any obstacles that may arise on the path to salvation, and the strength to bear his life’s cross.

“Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” or “Ave Maria,” as it sounds in Latin, is a greeting to the Blessed Virgin. With this prayer, the Archangel sent by God greeted the Virgin Mary. By reading “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” we show respect to her.

As for the Creed, these are the main dogmatic provisions of Orthodoxy that are needed for baptism. Since the baby is not yet able to pronounce the Symbol and answer to the celebrant, the recipients do this for him. Actually, this is what they should teach their godson in the future.

Nowadays, raising a child in the traditions of Orthodoxy is very hard work, which is simply impossible to do on your own. You need to pray to God to help and send strength, and also to understand and thank him.

Rules for godmother

To begin with, you need to come to church several times to talk with the catechist. This is followed by the purchase of everything necessary, since after dipping the baby must be wrapped in new, clean clothes. Before baptizing the baby, the woman chosen for this important role must confess and receive communion. In addition, there are a number of rules that are also required to be followed.

As already mentioned, she must be baptized. Moreover, the ceremony does not necessarily take place in infancy. In some cases, this may occur already at a more conscious age. The main thing is that the decision to come to faith is thoughtful and sincere.

Attention! Representatives of another faith cannot be recipients. During the sacrament, participants are required to wear their cross on their chest.

But as for the natural parents, they may profess a different faith or even be atheists, although such situations are extremely rare. The Church welcomes the choice of relatives as successors, since these ties are the strongest and break much less often when compared with friendly ones.

Useful video: everything about godparents: theory and practice

Responsibilities of a godmother during the baptism of a girl and a boy

When a girl undergoes the ceremony, the spiritual mother must be present, while as for the godfather, he can be present in absentia. The mother bears great responsibility for the girl and acts as a spiritual mentor for her.

Responsibilities of a godmother at baptism:

  1. Some time before the sacrament, he reads a prayer for the child, as well as the Creed.
  2. She must enter the church with her head covered with a scarf and wearing a long, modest dress.
  3. After dipping the baby into the font, first of all he takes the goddaughter in his arms and puts white clothes on her, symbolizing purity and innocence.
  4. While walking around the font, following the priest, who reads prayers for the child, he holds the baby in his arms.

When a boy is initiated into the faith, a big role is given not to the godmother, but to the godfather. He is entrusted with the main responsibilities at baptism.

It is believed that for a boy, it is the man who will later be the spiritual mentor and answer to God for the actions of his godson. At this time, the godmother performs the same functions as for the girl, with the exception that after immersion in the font, the child is given into the arms of the godfather.

In addition, the priest carries the boy behind the altar, which is not done with girls.

Useful video: about godparents


Currently, few people follow the rules of baptism, although this ceremony is performed by the majority of Christians. And many people greatly simplify the duties of a godmother, reducing it only to participation in the sacrament. But those who honor church traditions will definitely choose a successor who is strong in faith and will be able to fulfill everything that is required of her.

Being a godmother is a very serious matter. It is believed that being a godmother means becoming a second mother, who can always come to the rescue even in the most difficult situation. Before baptism, you must carefully select the person who is ready to bear responsibility for his godson. This is a kind of real spiritual mission, which can no longer be abandoned, since you need to live with it. If a woman has been chosen as a godmother, then in her daily appeals to the Lord God she must definitely read a special prayer for her child, whose second mother she is.

The meaning of the godmother's prayer

Since from an early age the child does not know how to pray and does not really know what it is, the godmother must turn to God for him. This direct responsibility lasts until the godson matures and begins to independently turn to the Lord. But even after the child’s first prayers with God, you should not stop asking the Almighty for all the child’s blessings.

A spiritual parent must always instruct his child so that he understands that not only his own father and mother are responsible for him, but also those who were chosen at baptism. The main meaning of the godmother’s prayer for her godson is a request from higher powers so that everything is fine, and that a person has only good thoughts in his head.

Prayer of the godmother for his godson for health

Sweetest Jesus! God of my heart! You gave me children according to the flesh, they are Yours according to your soul. You redeemed both my soul and theirs with Your priceless Blood. For the sake of Your Divine Blood, I beg You, my sweetest Savior, with Your grace touch the hearts of my children (names) and my godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear, keep them from bad inclinations and habits, direct them to the bright path of life, truth and good. Decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as You yourself want and save their souls with their own destinies! Lord, God of our fathers! Give to my children (names) and godchildren (names) a right heart to keep Your commandments, Your revelations and Your statutes. And do it all! Amen.

Prayer for raising godchildren by Christian parents

God, our merciful and heavenly Father!
Have mercy on our children (names), for whom we humbly pray to You and whom we entrust to Your care and protection.
Put strong faith in them, teach them to revere You and deign them to deeply love You, our Creator and Savior.
Guide them, God, on the path of truth and goodness, so that they do everything for the glory of Your name.
Teach them to live piously and virtuously, to be good Christians and useful people.
Give them mental and physical health and success in their work.
Deliver them from the cunning machinations of the devil, from numerous temptations, from evil passions and from all wicked and disorderly people.
For the sake of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all the saints, lead them to the quiet haven of Your eternal Kingdom, so that they, along with all the righteous, will always thank You with Your only begotten Son and Your life-giving Spirit.

Listen to prayer for godparents

How does the prayer of the godmother help during baptism?

The godmother must love the Lord God, believe in him, be able to forgive people, constantly pray, observe all fasts and visit church services. The godson, looking at her, should learn the same. Prayer actually reinforces all this, strengthens the child’s desire to be just like his beloved godmother.

Throughout your life, turning to the Lord for your godson or goddaughter should be constant, without pauses or long breaks. Prayer helps to cope with all difficulties, fills a person spiritually, gives strength and energy. Every time you visit a church, it will be wonderful if the godmother submits a note with the name of the godson for commemoration at the proskomedia. During the service, it is important to listen carefully to what names Father is reading, so that you can begin to read a prayer after the desired spoken name.

The main responsibilities of a godmother in prayer for her goddaughter

Having her own children, a woman must not forget about those for whom she is responsible before the Lord God. There are enough beliefs about what every godmother should do in relation to her godson. Here are just a few of the responsibilities that must be fulfilled for the rest of your life:

  • daily asking the Lord for guidance on the true path, a prayer for the health of the child, for a bright mind and good thoughts;
  • visiting church every weekend for morning service, communion, confession;
  • active participation in nurturing the child’s spiritual worldview, being a true role model, teaching how to pray correctly and believe in the Lord God;
  • become someone you can turn to at any time;
  • to be a real support and become the whole world even in a situation if the child’s natural parents die.

What prayers should a godmother know?

Firstly, under no circumstances should you refuse such good news that you will soon become a godmother. This is the most joyful news. This means that people are not only confident that you will cope with your mission, but they also trust you with their child - the most valuable thing in the whole world. Thus, it is the responsibility of every godmother to know the following important prayers:

  • "To the King of Heaven";
  • “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”;
  • "Our Father."

All three sacred text must be known by heart. You should read in order, slowly, without rushing. The first thing you need to say is an appeal to the Holy Spirit, which fills the soul with energy and life-giving force. Then, it is important to turn to the Mother of all living beings on earth - the Mother of God.

The appeal to the Virgin Mary should be repeated 150 times. This is not as much as it seems at first glance, since the prayer is very small and is said quite quickly. All three prayers invisibly cleanse a person’s thoughts and actions from sins, fill them with strength and protect. A pectoral cross worn on a person at baptism further strengthens the connection between the godmother, her prayer and the child.

“The Symbol of Faith” is another special appeal to the Lord God, which the godmother should also know. Subsequently, grown children are obliged to learn it and read it at every opportunity.

Who can become a godparent?

Only Orthodox man. Anyone who does not believe in the Lord God, a person who does not take communion, does not confess, or someone who adheres to a different religion cannot become a godfather. Becoming a second mother for a child means praying and asking the Almighty that among all other sinful people this child will be the brightest, and that his actions will be thoughtful, balanced and correct.

The godmother is entrusted with rules that she has no right to refuse. If a person is not ready to pray daily for his godson, then he should think about whether to appoint him as a godson. Also, the godfather cannot be changed: according to church customs, this is an irreplaceable person. Older sisters, aunts, grandmothers and friends who have been nearby since the birth of the child can be chosen as the second mother.

So that the baby is protected from life difficulties, stumbled less often and stumbled along the way and was always under the wing of the Guardian Angel, it is important to turn to the Saints every time. You can pray for your godson at any time of the day or night. But the main thing is to always stand in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and Mother of God. None now existing church cannot do without these Holy faces, which are very easy to find.

As a godmother, protect your child, become an outlet for him and always meet him. You have accepted God's rules, which means you are answerable, first of all, to the Lord.

What are the responsibilities of godparents?