Weather in the Dominican Republic. When is the best time to go on vacation? When is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic: weather by month? It is better to go to the Dominican Republic

Most often, tourists are interested in which season to choose for a holiday in a particular country. Our readers are concerned about the question of when is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic. The weather in this tropical country has its own characteristics depending on the time of year, so before your trip it is better to check what awaits you, dry and hot weather or endless rains.

When is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic?

Answering the question of when is the most comfortable time to vacation in the Dominican Republic, it is worth noting that this country is a year-round resort, where the air temperature constantly remains at 30 degrees. You can meet tourists on the island all year round.

However, there is a rainy season and even a hurricane season, when tour operators do not advise buying tour packages. If you need to be extremely careful with your vacation during the hurricane season, checking the weather forecast in advance, then during the rainy season your vacation can also be as comfortable as possible, not inferior in quality to the high season.

It does not rain here all the time; rather, it is short showers that occur mainly at night or early in the morning. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the weather. But many tourists do not know about this and prefer to choose another time for their vacation. Thanks to this, vacationers who choose this season can spend their vacation in a more relaxed environment.

All this suggests that it’s up to you to decide when to go to the Dominican Republic; holidays in this country are wonderful in their own way at any time. However, there are some things to consider if you want to relax a little better.

Dominican Republic: when is the best time to go on vacation?

The rainy season in the Dominican Republic begins in May and lasts until the middle. Hurricanes occur in September-August, but can also occur in October and November. Severe storms They happen quite rarely and not at all resorts in the country.

Although the period from August to October is considered hurricane season, during this time the weather can be completely calm. Before your vacation, check the weather forecast with your tour operator. No tour operator will send you on vacation if there is a possibility of a strong hurricane that poses a danger.

In summer, the air temperature reaches 36 degrees, so this is not the best time, When is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic? children, elderly people and those who do not tolerate heat well. Rains occur frequently at this time; these are strong and short-term downpours, occurring mainly at night. After the rain, dry weather quickly sets in, which allows you to have a great time on the beach.

The largest flow of tourists occurs in winter time. During this period, many people relax on the beaches, and it is not always possible to find a free table in local restaurants. The time from November to is high season.

When does the season start in the Dominican Republic?

The season in the Dominican Republic begins in and lasts until April. Starting this month, the most comfortable weather conditions for relaxation. In winter, the air temperature stays at 30 degrees, and at night drops to 20 degrees. The water temperature is 26-27 degrees.

Besides the pleasant beach holiday At this time, the Dominican Republic can delight tourists with a variety of holidays and interesting tourist events. For example, on February 27, guests of the island can attend the solemn celebration of Independence Day. As a rule, on this day there are marches and airplane shows. The main celebration is centered in, and it is here that over a million tourists gather.

Fans of dancing and costume balls can visit the carnival, which takes place in the capital in February. The carnival, which continues throughout the week, will bring a lot of positive emotions, make you feel like a real resident of the Caribbean, and immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of fun. This is an event you will never forget!

In Cabarete in February there is the opportunity to take part in various sports and entertainment competitions. If you active person, then this is where you will get a vacation to your liking.

In March in the Dominican Republic, more than warm weather than in February, so you can read about it by following the link.

The Dominican Republic is a country where animal lovers can enjoy watching them to their heart's content. Diving and snorkeling are very developed here. In addition, during the humpback whale season, which begins in and lasts until the end of March, you can book a special excursion to observe these amazing mammals.

The Dominican Republic has many natural and historical attractions, which makes it a very interesting tourist destination for lovers of educational tourism. It is in winter that it is most comfortable to visit excursions, since it is not so hot. On the other hand, if you are traveling to a country to study its culture and history, then it is better for you to prefer late spring or early summer, so you can avoid the crowds of tourists and thoroughly explore everything in a relaxed atmosphere.

Book on our website right now to have time to book the hotel you like.

Visa: You can stay in the Dominican Republic without a visa for up to 30 days. Upon entry you must pay a fee of $10 (~ 655 ₽), upon departure - 20 $ (~ 1310 ₽). Sometimes the exit fee is included in the ticket price.

Currency: Dominican peso (DOP). However, many places accept US dollars. In Moscow it is worth exchanging rubles for dollars, and locally some dollars for pesos.It is better to have small bills with you, otherwise there is a risk of not seeing the change. If you plan to vacation in tourist regions, take with you

Flight: You can fly from Moscow to the Dominican Republic without transfers only through Punta Cana airport using Nordwind Airlines and Azur Air. The flight takes 11-12 hours.

From Punta Cana Airport to the nearest resorts you can take a taxi or transfer. You need to negotiate the cost of a taxi ride with the driver - you will have to bargain furiously. A trip from the airport to the nearest resorts will cost 30-70 $ (~ 1965-4585 ₽), transfer - approximately 35 $ (~ 2293 ₽).


  • Air: +27…+30 ºС during the day, +21 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

There is almost no rain at this time - on rare occasions a small cloud will pass by in the evening. Sunbathe, swim and indulge in all the pleasures island life she won't interfere. The least precipitation is in, the most - in Puerto Plata.

In January, the Dominican Republic celebrates two the most important holiday- the procession of the Magi, anticipating the Epiphany (January 5 and 6), and the Day of Saint Altagracia, the patroness of the Dominican Republic (January 21). During both holidays, the streets, squares and temples are filled with people and an atmosphere of joy and hospitality reigns everywhere. On the days of celebrations, it is customary to organize large feasts, and the signature dish is considered to be the “donut of kings” - a delicious pastry with fruits and candied fruits.


  • Air: +26…+30 ºС during the day, +21…+25 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

February in the Dominican Republic is as hot and dry as January. The sea is warm and gentle, there is practically no precipitation. In our calendar winter, the Dominican Republic is at the height of the season, so don’t despair if your vacation doesn’t fall in the summer - it won’t hurt to spend your vacation in the sun.

February is the height of the traditional Dominican Carnival, which runs from January 24 to March 1. La Vega, Santiago, Santo Domingo and Punta Cana transform into a fabulous non-stop holiday extravaganza. The manager of the carnival is an actor portraying a lame devil. He hobbles behind those around him and hits them on the back with a bull's bladder. There is no need to be afraid - a comic blow promises great luck.


  • Water: +28 ºС

March here is much warmer and drier than February. Every day the thermometer creeps higher and higher, there is almost no rain, and the air becomes heavier and heavier. It's March - transition month from high season to low season. The heat and humidity are gaining momentum, but there is still no unbearable heat and rain like a wall. Prices for March holidays in the Dominican Republic are much lower than in the winter months.

Photo: Ryan Brad Miller / and Bayne /

Go see the mangroves or go sea fishing. Fishing on a small boat costs from $20 (~1365 ₽), on a luxury yacht - from $550 (~37,543 ₽), a boat trip in the shade of mangroves - from 15 $ (~1025 ₽).


  • Air: +29…+31 ºС during the day, +26…+28 ºС at night
  • Water: +29 ºС

In April in local weather a turning point occurs. Dry high season ends - the rainy season begins. The air temperature is still high, but the humidity is rapidly increasing. The most precipitation is in Puerto Plateau, the least in Azua. In the evenings, mosquitoes become more active, so you should take care of protective sprays.

Exploring the coral reefs and hidden bays of Punta Cana will save you from the heat. If you decide to go there, don't forget to bring aquashoes. Well, if you want to seriously explore depths of the sea, take a couple of diving lessons. One costs from 20 to 50 $ (~1367-3416 ₽).


  • Air: +30…+32 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

The rainy season begins in May. They are short-lived, but powerful - full-fledged tropical downpours. The air and water temperatures are almost the same as in April or March, but the humidity and evaporation make it difficult to breathe. The May Dominican Republic is difficult for children, the elderly and weather-sensitive people.

Despite the worsening weather, May has its advantages. The fishing season for blue marlin, a fish whose weight can reach 800 kg, begins. Not fishing, but a whole adventure. In case you haven’t woken up the getter’s instinct, but still want to try marlin, we recommend stopping by a cozy restaurant Blue Marlin to Punta Cana or to El Rincon Del Marisco in Bavaro. Freshly caught marlin on the grill will cost about $15 (~ 1000 ₽).


  • Water: +27 ºС

June is absolutely not suitable for a beach holiday in the Dominican Republic. This is a full-fledged rainy season: they can be either short-term or last a whole week without stopping. In 10–15 minutes, an amount of precipitation falls that sometimes does not happen for months.

If you still decide to go to the Dominican Republic in June, stop. This part of the republic has the least precipitation. Here you can enjoy a beach holiday and try the famous local cigars, which owe their name to Alexandre Dumas. The name of the brand was invented thanks to cigar rollers who asked the factory lecturer to read and reread The Count of Monte Cristo to them many times.


  • Air: +31…+33 ºС during the day, +28…+30 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

The second month of calendar summer is considered low season in the Dominican Republic. There are a lot of raging downpours that suddenly begin and end just as suddenly. It rains for almost half of the month. The worst thing at this time is in Santo Domingo, more or less dry - .

On the rare dry days of July, it is pleasant to swim in the sea. But it is worth remembering that the sun is the most insidious in the rainy months - the sky seems cloudy, but the risk of burning is very high. Go to the beach either early in the morning or after 4 pm, taking with you a high SPF sunscreen.


  • Air: +32…+34 ºС during the day, +30 ºС at night
  • Water: +30ºС

The hottest month in the Dominican Republic. Tropical rains are accompanied by showers and thunderstorms, sometimes strong hurricanes. For an August trip, take out an insurance policy with advanced options: sunburn, help in case natural disasters, thermal strokes.

In the early days, Santo Domingo hosts the International Festival of Merengue, an incendiary and colorful dance, which is performed by the best dancers from all over the world at the festival grounds. It is impossible to stand still to the fiery rhythms, especially when the dance steps are picked up by a crowd of spectators. I bet you can't resist either?


  • Water: +29 ºС

Dominican September is similar to August - very hot and humid. Even the sea warms up to 30°C and is more reminiscent of a hot bubble bath than refreshing. There is a high risk of hurricanes, so you should carefully monitor the weather forecast.

Santo Domingo. Photo: Hernan Bustelo /

Beach holidays and excursions in September get tiresome very quickly: either unbearable heat or rain. But it's blooming nightlife: September weather is not a hindrance for those who are going to party all night long. There are few tourists from Europe and Asia at this time, but American youth often come for weekends. They rock in the clubs Coco Bongo in Punto Cana and Sabina Bar in Santo Domingo.


  • Air: +29…+31 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

With the onset of October there is less rain and the weather is milder. Bad weather usually occurs in the early morning or mid-afternoon. It is pleasant to swim in the sea - there are no violent waves, the water is refreshing and relaxing. October is a great month to vacation on a budget in the Dominican Republic. Prices during this period are not as high as from November to March.

Punta Cana. Photo: Erick Kellinghusen /

An extensive excursion program begins this month. We advise you to start by getting acquainted with natural resources. For example, in Manati Park You will not only meet tropical birds, reptiles and animals, but also get acquainted with the Aboriginal culture, watch a show with dancing horses and even swim with dolphins. An adult ticket costs $35 (~ 2337 ₽), a child ticket costs 20 $ (~ 1336 ₽). Combine excursions with souvenir shopping - buy local Santo Domingo coffee and Brugal rum, choose the most beautiful bracelet with Larimare turquoise and buy a Lime doll, designed by artist Liliana Mera, as a souvenir. She so wanted to convey the collective image of a Dominican woman that she gave the doll bright clothes, but left her without a face - she could not decide on her skin tone and typical features. The local beauties are so individual.


  • Air: +27…+29 ºС during the day, +27 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

In November, the high season begins, when the weather in the Dominican Republic becomes simply fabulous: the tropical downpours have subsided, the humidity has returned to normal, the sizzling heat has given way to pleasant warmth and sea breezes.

November is the month for windsurfing in Cabarete and diving in Puerto Plata. If sports don’t excite you, add some other options to your beach holiday vivid impressions. In the artist town of Altos de Chavón, see a medieval village recreated by artisans. At the Columbus Lighthouse, find out the ending to the story of the great navigator. Don't forget to experience Caribbean flora and fauna at the Armando Bermudez Park or the José del Carmen Ramírez Nature Reserve, which is full of cycling and hiking trails. To get to Altos de Chavon, you need a special pass, so it is better to go with a tour (from $80, ~ 5337 ₽).


  • Air: +27…+29 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

The Dominican Republic in December is an ideal place to escape from the snow, blizzards, warm down jackets and tired Olivier salad while the chimes strike. Yes, New Year in the Caribbean - it’s not very budget-friendly, but you have to arrange a non-standard feast for yourself at least once in your life.

A typical December in Punta Cana. Photo: justine.arena /

December is the time for kayaking, diving, windsurfing, jeep safari and other active entertainment. To recharge your batteries, eat more fruits: watermelons, melons, granadillas, sea grapes - and, of course, try all 40 varieties of mangoes. The cost of fruit is on average $1 per kilogram (~ 67 ₽).

We tried very hard for you to learn everything about the weather in the Dominican Republic by month. It is important to remember the main principle: when we have a severe winter, it is the height of summer, and in the summer, on the contrary, it is the rainy season, which is difficult to bear if you are not used to it. Spring and autumn are transitional stages between high and low seasons: vacation prices are falling slightly, the weather is quite comfortable, but not ideal. Use the guide and find the perfect balance between weather and seasonality for yourself.

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The Dominican Republic is accessible to tourists throughout the year. The locals came up with their own name for it - the land of eternal summer. And this is completely true.

Hospitable locals, plenty of entertainment and incredible nature– all this is offered by the Dominican Republic. Its main feature is its location in tropical zone. This is reflected in the presence of dry winters and wet summers.

Holiday season in the Dominican Republic

This country is located on the offshore islands and eastern part of the island of Haiti. The Dominican Republic has the richest and interesting story. Today it is one of the largest in the world tourist destinations. Most of the income in its economy comes from tourism, along with tobacco and coffee.

The Dominican Republic is characterized by the following:

  • Architectural monuments. They are worth seeing between holidays by the sea. Architectural monuments are represented by the most beautiful ancient buildings located in the capital of the country, Santo Domingo.
  • The clearest sea, picturesque beaches and lagoons. Exotic lovers will love it underwater world and incredibly exotic beaches.
  • High level of service. It is typical for all tourist places. That's why it's so nice to spend time in the Dominican Republic.
  • The official language is Spanish. At the same time, local residents working in the tourism sector speak excellent English.

The following resorts in this country can be distinguished:

  1. Costa del Barn.
  2. Dominican Alps.

Lovers of fishing and windsurfing are attracted to the Costa del Ambar. Not far from the city of Jarabacoa lies national park, which is famous for its waterfalls and rare tropical plants. This place is called the Dominican Alps. Full-fledged tourist complexes and magnificent hotels await you, wherever you plan to go.

Regarding climate, the following conditions are assumed:

  • throughout the year water temperature stays at +27 degrees;
  • winter air temperature does not fall below +22 degrees;
  • it is especially dangerous to be here in August, because there is a high probability of typhoons;
  • climate in northern and southern parts countries are different. In the southern part, located on the coast Caribbean Sea, the rainy season is passing mildly. And if we talk about Atlantic coast, it rains more often here.

If you choose the best time to travel to the country, go here between November and March.

At this time, vacationers can fully enjoy their holiday on the beach. You won't have to worry about heavy rainfall. And the concept of “eternal summer” is fully characteristic of the Dominican Republic. You can be here at almost any time.

The year in the Dominican Republic is conventionally divided into two parts:

  • hot period;
  • rainy season.

The rainy season here lasts from April to October. Short but frequent showers are typical for this time. They are mainly characteristic of night time. Therefore, you should not be afraid of them.

As for the cost of trips and accommodation, everything is determined by the time of year. It is cheaper to travel between July and August. This is due to the fact that this period is the main time of the rainy season.

Tropical warm showers are literally like a wall. But they are characterized by a short period. This is not the most popular, but very beautiful time. This is due to the fact that tropical plants begin to bloom during this period.

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The topic of rains in this country should be discussed in more detail. The rainy season begins in May and ends in November. It is characterized by short but very intense precipitation. It usually rains in the evening or at night.

But there are exceptions to this rule. If you are caught in a downpour on the beach, do not rush to retreat to your hotel. Of course the rain will be heavy. But it is always short-lived. At the same time, the rain is always pleasant and warm.

The bulk of precipitation in the Dominican Republic falls in May. Therefore, you should not go here this month. But it can also rain from September to November.

During the day the air temperature is not lower than +25 degrees. August is the hottest month in the Dominican Republic. During this period, the temperature will not drop below +25 degrees.

The hottest period of time is August. The air temperature at this time does not drop below +31 degrees. But this does not spoil the holiday, because the heat is slightly mitigated thanks to the cool ocean breeze. This period is characterized by hurricanes, which can begin in late summer. But they can start in June.

The main thing here is the ocean. Regarding the minimum temperature level in the Atlantic Ocean, it will not drop below +22 degrees even during the rainy season. The temperature in the Caribbean Sea is +27 degrees. If you have planned a trip for the summer, best choice will become Punta Cana. This resort is located at the junction between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, which attracts tourists so much.

During the rainy season, the reduction in cost becomes the best addition to your holiday. With the onset of saving moisture, nature literally comes to life. Get interesting nature reserves and parks, as well as boat trips. During other periods they are unavailable due to the heat.

Car rental in the Dominican Republic

Hurricane Season

The majority of hurricanes that have ever struck the Dominican Republic are associated with heavy rainfall in the United States. Hurricane season officially begins in early June and continues until the end of November. It will take several days or weeks for the cyclone to become a full-fledged hurricane. It begins as a so-called tropical depression, which develops into a tropical storm.

There have been many hurricanes in the Dominican Republic, among which are the following:



But hurricanes are considered quite rare natural phenomena. If you study history, they affected only the southwestern sparsely populated areas Dominican Republic

How to relax in the Dominican Republic at any time?

It is not necessary to choose the most suitable ones for your holiday warm months, in which it does not rain. You may prefer almost any time of the year. Everything is determined by your personal preferences, requirements for the quality of your vacation and financial capabilities.

High season in the Dominican Republic

It starts in December and ends in April. The high season is also called the dry season.

It is characterized by the following:

Good weather .
Practically complete absence precipitation.
Average temperature during the day+27 degrees.
Average temperature at night+24 degrees.
Calm and clear water, which warms up to +25 degrees.
Almost complete absence of typhoons.

Although this is the dry season, the air humidity at this time reaches 80%. The dry season is ideal for swimming and sunbathing, diving and fishing, as well as for water activities and excursions. The only downside is the prices. During this period, tourists large quantities going to the Dominican Republic.

This number of tourists is explained by the following:

IN European countries and winter is coming to Russia, and there are not many countries on the planet with good weather at this time;
The weather here is ideal in winter;
This is the migration time of humpback whales.

Low season in the Dominican Republic

It's the rainy season. It starts in May and ends in November. But this time can hardly be called autumn or winter.

It is characterized by following features:

It's a humid and hot summer.
The air temperature shows from +28 to +32 degrees.
Big discounts.

But during this period there is a high probability of typhoons. But they don't happen every season. Instead, strong gusts of wind may appear.

If you decide to travel to the Dominican Republic now, it will be difficult to guarantee good weather.

You should not go here only in August, as there will most likely be bad weather and strong winds.

At the same time, your holiday will not be spoiled by downpours, this is due to the following:

They last from a few minutes to half an hour;
They usually go at night or in the evening;
the sun appears immediately after a rainstorm;
rainy summer is not cold.

Beach season in the Dominican Republic

The swimming season in the Dominican Republic continues throughout the year. Therefore the concept beach season conditional for this country. The average water temperature here ranges from +27 to 30 degrees throughout the year.

This temperature is comfortable for swimming. But best time is the period from November to March. During these months, the Atlantic wind, which relieves the heat, prevails and there is practically no rain.

Velvet season

It is difficult to identify the velvet season in the Dominican Republic. But some months can be called milder. These include the period from October to early November, as well as February.

Best time for excursions

People often come to this country for a beach holiday. It is usually chosen to enjoy snow-white beaches, azure sea and bright sun. But you should not bypass excursions if you are planning a trip to the Dominican Republic.

Interesting following places for excursions:


ancient villages.

From interesting species pastimes in the Dominican Republic highlight the following types active recreation like the following:

Rope crossing;
jeep safari;

The period from November to March is the best time for excursions in the Dominican Republic.

You can travel to the Dominican Republic at almost any time of the year. It all depends on your personal preferences. If your budget allows, it is better to travel around the country during the high season. If you want to save your money and do not have great demands on the weather, you can visit the country at almost any time.

The Dominican Republic is one of the most amazing and unique countries in the whole world. In the small territory of this island state, snow-white beaches and mountain peaks, seas and oceans coexist, rain forests and arid deserts.

No matter what month you come to the Dominican Republic, you will always be greeted by hot sun and warm sea. The temperature here never drops below 26 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night. Perhaps the only exception is the mountainous regions of the Dominican Republic - Jarabacoa and Canstancia. Here the air temperature drops to 12 degrees. And in winter, when you climb the highest peak in the Caribbean, Peak Duarte, you can even see snow. Well, you won’t surprise us with snow, so we’re transported back to the eastern part of the Dominican Republic, where the famous resorts of Bavaro and Punta Cana are located. Throughout the year, the air and water temperatures here change slightly.

So, the weather in the Dominican Republic practically does not change from month to month, but our feelings change. For example, in winter, as a rule, the winds blow stronger, so it seems to us that the air temperature is lower than in summer. And in the summer, with the onset of the rainy season, moisture comes, which creates a feeling of unbearable heat.

Dominican Republic in January

The Dominican Republic in January is my favorite Dominican Republic. A warm breeze blows, creating a feeling of slight coolness and at the same time you do not need to wear a sweater or warm pants. Nothing in your wardrobe changes all year round. But in January you can afford beautiful and not the most practical clothes. For example, wear silk long dress and not be afraid that it will be too hot, and in the evening wear your favorite gins and not go crazy. The weather in the Dominican Republic in January is amazing. You can lie on the beach longer without fear of being swallowed alive by the sun. And the ocean is really refreshing. The Dominican Republic in January is popular among lovers of a comfortable holiday. For those who prefer real heat, you are welcome during the summer season.

Air temperature in January

Water temperature in January– 26 degrees.

Dominican Republic in February

The Dominican Republic in February is practically no different from the Dominican Republic in January.
A pleasant and refreshing wind still blows from the ocean, and you continue to dress beautifully. In general, the Dominican Republic in winter, and in particular in February, in my opinion, is the most favorable for relaxation. Well, first of all, you are leaving cold winter Russia to grab a piece of your tropical sun. And secondly, thanks to the pleasant evening coolness, you don’t go crazy from the endless and so unusual heat. But, as they say, felt-tip pens have different tastes and colors. Some people prefer the heat, while others prefer the slight coolness typical of the Dominican Republic in February.

Air temperature in February– 29 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night.

Water temperature in February– 26 degrees.

The Dominican Republic in March is practically no different from the Dominican Republic in February. But we are already clearly beginning to feel the arrival of spring. Along with spring, heat comes to the Dominican Republic. We feel the sun starting to get hotter and hotter. And now you can no longer lie in the sun without fear of getting badly sunburned. Forward for sunscreens! And there is practically no rain in March. Forecasters say that March in the Dominican Republic is the driest month of the year.
In addition, more plants and fruits appear in spring. For example, mango or fire tree. In winter, it is not so easy to find mangoes on sale, but in spring they appear on every store counter. So, a holiday in the Dominican Republic in March is very comfortable. The air temperature becomes slightly warmer, but the ocean water remains unchanged. This way, you still get nice, refreshing water. And the weather itself in the Dominican Republic in March is very pleasant both for relaxation and for life.

Air temperature in March– 30 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night.

Water temperature in March– 26 degrees.

It's getting hotter every day. And you already feel in your gut the approach of summer. You know, before we moved to the Dominican Republic, I was looking forward to summer like manna from heaven. And now summer for me is the season of air conditioning and the most breathable clothes. Wait, it’s still spring here. So, what is the Dominican Republic like in April, and what kind of vacation awaits us this month? The weather in the Dominican Republic in April is wonderful, as it always is. The breeze is still blowing from the ocean, but much weaker than in winter, and new spring fruits are appearing on store shelves. Well, let's not forget about the most grandiose celebration in the Dominican Republic in April - Holy Week. People from all over the island country come to Bavaro to celebrate the country's main religious holiday on a Dominican scale. Beer and rum flow like a river. And the rhythms of bachata and merengue can be heard from all sides. The Dominican Republic in April is definitely the most party-loving Dominican Republic!

Air temperature in April– 30 degrees during the day and 21 degrees at night.

Water temperature in April– 26 degrees.

The Dominican Republic in May is different for everyone. Fans of heat will like the weather in the Dominican Republic in May. Personally, I, a northern person, am wary of May in the Dominican Republic... After all, summer is approaching, which means the rainy season is approaching. The seasonal rains themselves do not cause discomfort, since they are warm and short-lived. Delivers discomfort humid air which comes after the rain.
True, I have more than once met tourists who claim that they like the Dominican Republic much more in the summer. You can stay in the water for hours and not wrap yourself up in the evenings. How many people, so many opinions. One thing I know for sure is that the Dominican Republic in May is mango season. For those with a sweet tooth and lovers of heat, welcome to the Dominican Republic in May. And prices for holidays in May are usually lower than winter prices.

Air temperature in May– 30 degrees during the day and 22 degrees at night.

Water temperature in May– 27 degrees.

Dominican Republic in June. Ugh. Of course, from the point of view have a good rest– the weather in the Dominican Republic in June is very good. But how to live here? There is practically no wind, the water is fresh milk and even at night you can’t find saving coolness. And all because of the rainy season, which begins in May and ends in August. The rains themselves are not boring at all. As a rule, they are all short-term and warm. But after the rain comes moisture. It feels like you are in a bathhouse all the time. Some people like it. Some people don't. Among the advantages we can safely name the following: calm sea - once. Warm sea – two. Super cheap and delicious mango - three. You can even sleep on the beach - four. The latter will undoubtedly become a significant argument for the budget tourist!

Air temperature in June

Water temperature in June– 27 degrees.

Dominican Republic in July – another phew! It's swelteringly hot outside. The rainy season and the accompanying bath moisture continue. You run to the city library in search of books on shamanism. did the Indians cause coolness there? Okay, if we can’t induce coolness naturally, let’s induce it artificially. Air conditioners! This is my salvation in the Dominican Republic in July. But how many beautiful and loving couples walk along the beach. Just like the Maldives! The Dominican Republic is very popular among newlyweds in July. Thousands of newlyweds come to the hot weather Dominican Republic to spend an equally hot wedding night here. Moreover, the weather in the Dominican Republic in July heats up their hearts even more;)

Air temperature in July– 31 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night.

Water temperature in July– 28 degrees.

The Dominican Republic in August is encouraging. The winds will appear very soon. August in the Dominican Republic is popularly considered transition period between the rainy season and the hurricane season. August in the Dominican Republic is also considered the hottest month of the year. In fact, there are no such hurricanes here. It’s just that winds come to us from Africa and bring a little relief. It is known that starting in August, a short tourist lull occurs in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic in August is calm and dreamy. You can wander along the empty beach and enjoy your own Dominican Republic. Well, here I am again in the wrong place. The beaches are not completely empty, there are just noticeably fewer people. Holidays in the Dominican Republic in August are not at all worse than rest in June or July. Everyone just chooses a time that is convenient for them. Fortunately, in the Dominican Republic, all seasons are good in their own way.

Air temperature in August– 32 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night.

Water temperature in August– 28 degrees.

Summer is over. The rainy season has also ended. By the way, the rainy season does not mean constant tropical downpours. A winter season(or as it is also called the dry season) does not mean the absence of rain. Everything is changeable. For example, I remember the summer of last year (2013) as very dry summer, and the winter of 2014 is rainy. But now it's autumn. And it's time to talk about the Dominican Republic in September.
So, the Dominican Republic in September, what is it like? Definitely not the most popular among tourists. Almost empty beaches, lots of free sun loungers, relaxed hotel staff. Quiet and calm. Time to pause and relax, because in a month the hot tourist season will begin again! I love the Dominican Republic in September. After all, the so-called hurricane season comes to us and brings coolness. What is the hurricane season in the Dominican Republic through the eyes of a local resident? These are ordinary winds. In Russia this happens often. As a rule, they don’t touch Bavaro and Punta Cana at all, but on the Caribbean coast they can make some noise. For example, the wind may rise and the sea will be rough, literally and figuratively. Boats will be prohibited from going out to sea. Fishermen will get a couple of extra days off. That's the whole hurricane season.

Air temperature in September– 31 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night.

Water temperature in September– 29 degrees.

The Dominican Republic in October is very favorable for relaxation. Hurricane season is coming to an end and the weather is gradually becoming predictable. The weather in the Dominican Republic in October can safely be called transitional. Every day it gets a little cooler, and the ocean gradually moves away from the rainy season and cools down. Not much, just one degree.
October in the Dominican Republic – last month when there are not many tourists on the beaches yet. It feels like the ocean is enjoying its solitude and at the same time saying goodbye to it. After all, in a month it will belong to millions of tourists from different corners peace.

Air temperature in October– 31 degrees during the day and 22 degrees at night.

Water temperature in October– 29 degrees.

In November, the Dominican Republic opens its tender arms and opens its hospitable doors tourist season. Hurray, winter is coming, soon such long-awaited coolness will come to us. The weather in November can still throw up numbers in the form of winds. But it’s very rare now. And even with a small amount of modesty: “they say, forgive me, good tourists, I’ll just fool around a little and stop.” Of course, holiday prices are rising by leaps and bounds. And like decent weather, it should not undermine the economic situation in the country. Only warm sun, light breeze and stunning ocean;)

Air temperature in November– 31 degrees during the day and 21 degrees at night.

Water temperature in November– 27 degrees.

The thermometer drops to a very pleasant level. It becomes incredibly comfortable in the Dominican Republic. Ask me if I've ever seen perfect weather? Yes and yes again! Dominican Republic in December - here it is, perfect weather! How I love the Dominican Republic in winter. True, many find it cool. But, as a rule, these are local residents who, at a temperature of 26 degrees, begin to freeze and wrap themselves in down jackets! They haven't seen it yet Russian summer;) The ocean invigorates and refreshes, the sand doesn’t get hot, and you can sunbathe again under the sun without fear of getting a 2nd degree burn;) And at night you even turn off the fan!

Air temperature in December– 30 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night.

Water temperature in December– 27 degrees.

At the end of the description of the weather for all months, I would like to add that the Dominican Republic is beautiful at any time of the year. Beautiful in its own way. In what month to visit it is not as important as visiting it itself!
We wish you a fair wind, bright sun and romantic rain!
After all, nature does not have bad weather...

The sunny Dominican Republic welcomes guests all year round to its fertile lands, replete with exotic nature and shores gently washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Where else, if not here, the spirit of Latin American culture harmoniously coexists with European features, and incendiary street music does not leave even the most impartial person in the world indifferent.

When is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic?

The first thing you should pay close attention to is the weather. Despite the fact that the air temperature in the resorts of the Dominican Republic remains quite high throughout the year, there is a possibility of spoiling the pleasant impressions gained from visiting this chic Caribbean island by going on a trip at the “wrong” time.

It's all about the peculiarities of the prevailing humid tropical climate here, which conventionally divides the Dominican season into “dry” and “wet” with characteristic hurricanes arising in the Caribbean Sea. So, rainy season here lasts from May to September. They are quite frequent, but short-lived.

And after that it always shines bright sun, which maintains air temperature up to 31°C. But the water in the ocean and sea is completely uncomfortable for swimming - 29°C - 31°C. In addition, typhoons reaching their climax near the US coast make relaxing on the beach completely impossible.

Things are completely different in "dry" season from November to April. This is the most popular time among Russian and American tourists. Having escaped from the gray cold everyday life, the Dominican Republic welcomes everyone with kilometer-long snow-white beaches, filled with gentle sun, luxurious palm trees and the serene surface of the sea and cozy lagoons. The water temperature is set quite ideal for swimming - +25-27°C. And the air temperature remains at 27°C-29°C.

The water temperature is set quite ideal for swimming - +25-27°C. And the air temperature remains at 27°C-29°C. A real fairy tale!

Holiday mood

In addition to an active beach holiday, the program of which includes not only swimming and sunbathing, but also contemplation of magnificent coral reefs and other underwater beauties, the Dominican Republic personifies the atmosphere of an endless holiday in the form of enchanting carnivals and festivals.

The capital, Santo Domingo, is marked by summer carnivals on Restoration Day (in August) and winter carnivals (late February), which are always accompanied by dressing up in luxurious costumes and frightening papier-mâché devil masks. Fun and unpretentiously pretty girls show off their breasts in exchange for beads and bracelets. This custom has been around for a long time and is still in effect.

One of the most important holidays of the state is considered Independence Day, attributable to February 27.

It is celebrated with a pompous military parade involving Simoronov combat helicopters.

The Simoronov combat helicopter show features stunning celestial aerobatics

Festival fiery Caribbean dance "Merengue"- a very large-scale and significant event at the end of July, which attracts millions of fans from all over the world.

Humpback whale season

The period from late December to early January marks the humpback whale watching season on the Samana Peninsula. Mating games mammals - an impressive sight!