When is the best time to go to Cuba? Weather in Cuba: when is the best time to go on vacation?

Geographical location and proximity warm currents, which form the Gulf Stream, determined the hot tropical nature of the climate of Cuba. It is for this climate that high humidity and year-round warm weather are typical.

What is noteworthy is that in Cuba there is practically no usual seasonality of temperatures - its fluctuations are too insignificant. On average annual temperature air reaches 25.1° C. The coldest month is January, average which is only 22°C, and is hottest in August - the temperature often reaches 35°C. The temperature of the sea coast in winter averages 22-24°C, and in summer the water heats up to 28-30°C.

Weather conditions in Cuba according to different months are characterized by a relatively high average annual precipitation - 1400 mm.

It can be argued that there are two seasons on the island: May-October - rainy season, and from November to April is the main season for tourists.

About 75% of annual precipitation falls during the rainy season, and hurricanes are also typical for this period. However, truly powerful hurricanes rarely visit Cuba. Conditions of high humidity combined with heat are not suitable for everyone.

The best time for beach holiday in Cuba the period is considered to be from mid-autumn to mid-spring.

Weather in Cuba in January

January in Cuba is characterized by low moisture levels and somewhat subsided heat, which defines the dry season.

Along the coast, the sea warms up to 24° C and is ideal for swimming and water sports.

Cuba in January attracts tourists with its pleasant climate, warmth, not heat. It's nice to escape from your snow-covered homeland for a while to soak up the beach, feel the gentle touches of sea water, and stretch out at full length on the white sandy shore. This is exactly what January in Cuba attracts.

It is also worth considering that by going to Cuba this month, you can find yourself in the midst of a whirlpool of holidays. Victory Day of the Cuban Revolution is celebrated on January 1 and 2, a grandiose national holiday. Yes and New Year Cubans celebrate together with the whole world on January 1st. The exotic flora and fauna of the island, combined with the national flavor and excellent weather conditions, is a sufficient reason to relax on it in January, especially when... home country The snowstorm is just raging.

Weather in Cuba in February

It is February that can boast of the most favorable weather for residents of our climate zone. As if marking the approach of the end of winter, weather conditions in Cuba they become ideal. The average number of rainy days in February does not exceed four, which ensures harmony between the humidity of the tropics and the end of the dry period.

Magnificent summer temperatures in February are 25-28°C, sometimes reaching 30°C - a paradise for residents of Russia.

The sea temperature this month even exceeds the annual average, never crossing below 24°C.

In addition to the magnificent weather, which turns a beach holiday into a real pleasure, February will also be an excellent period for understanding the national spirit of the Cubans. Havana Carnival, held later this month, features a huge variety of performances. Also in February, a traditional Cuban carnival is held, which will be an ideal occasion to become more familiar with the customs and culture of the island. Mid-February marked a unique cigar festival, the likes of which no longer exist.

Weather in Cuba in March

Holidays in Cuba in May will not disappoint. Not hot, comfortable temperature, low humidity and low precipitation turn a holiday in Cuba in March into a real pleasure. The average number of rainy days in March is only 3.

High season rest in Cuba during this period is in full swing! Average air and water temperatures are practically equalized - the air warms up to 24.6° C on average, and the sea coast to 24.1° C. Of course, as with any climate, small fluctuations are typical - 25-28° C, and sometimes and up to 30° C. However, due to the low humidity and fresh sea breezes, the stuffiness is not felt at all.

March is perfect for passive relaxation on the beaches, but is not limited to this at all. This is a typical month for hiking, diving, and extreme sports. In addition, on March 1, the grapefruit harvest festival begins, which leaves behind unforgettable emotions. A trip to Cuba in March would be an excellent gift for International Women's Day.

Weather in Cuba in April

The unpredictability of April in our area makes it very popular for holidays in Cuba. Warm up like summer sun rays ocean, fresh sea breeze, warm but not scalding sand - this is April on the island.

end of high season and the last opportunity to enjoy a not stuffy Cuba. In April, it is typical for Cuba to have only 4 days of rain - the dry season is not over yet. Short showers are quickly replaced by bright sunshine.

Average temperature The air temperature this month reaches 25.1° C, the water is heated a little better - up to 25.3° C. Hot days are combined with fairly cool nights - 20-21° C.

Weather in Cuba in May

In May, tourists from Europe and America predominate on the beaches of Cuba, but their number, compared to the previous month, decreases.

This month marks the beginning of the rainy season.

But there is no need to worry about a spoiled holiday - there are no more than 8 rainy days in April, the rest of the time the weather is sunny.

The average temperature increases as May is considered a summer month. The air warms up on average to 27.1° C, and the water near the coast to 26.2° C. However, the weather seems very pleasant - the tropical heat is perfectly softened by the ocean breeze, and the sea wind makes the evenings very comfortable for relaxation - 23- 24° C.

Weather in Cuba in June

June is the second month of the low season. The weather during this period is hot, but quite comfortable, which was influenced by moderate tropical climate islands. There's enough rainfall this month large number precipitation– most often in the form of afternoon tropical showers that stop after a few hours. But quantity still prevails sunny days, of which there are an average of 20 in June.

The average air temperature in Cuba in June is 27.6° C, and the coast warms up to 27.3° C.

Weather in Cuba in July

July is one of the hottest months in Cuba. High humidity during this period is due to rain. However, on average there are only 9 rainy days in July, and the precipitation itself is not long-lasting and stops within two hours.

The air temperature in July fluctuates between 24-32° C, but has never exceeded 34° C. sea ​​coast warmed up to 27°C, and a cool sea breeze neutralizes the stuffiness. There are not many tourists in July, so there is a chance to have a wonderful vacation in the other hemisphere for little money.

Weather in Cuba in August

August is considered to be the hottest month in Cuba. This is real the height of the rainy season– on average about 10 days a month with heavy rainfall. But in the resort area such rains are short-lived, which provides an average of 6 hours of sunshine per day. At the same time, the scorching sun quickly dries out the beaches.

Air temperatures in August range from 24-32° C. Over the past 40 years, this month has never recorded a temperature exceeding 35° C. Coastal waters in Cuba warm up to 28° C.

Weather in Cuba in September

September is a logical continuation of the heat summer months in Cuba. Also the rainy season has not stopped– about a third of all days in September are characterized by showers. Despite their short duration, the sun occupies the sky for an average of only 5 hours per day. The air temperature in September fluctuates between 24-31° C, and sea ​​water, as earlier in the summer, it is very warm - 28° C.

Weather in Cuba in October

Regardless of end of the rainy season soon, the weather is still quite humid in October. But it is worth noting the gradual decline in heat.

On average there are about 11 rainy days this month, but tropical downpours are short-lived and dry out quickly.

The average temperature in Cuba in October ranges from 23-29° C, and the water temperature still does not drop and is 28° C.

Weather in Cuba in November

November marks the beginning of the high season holidays in Cuba and the end of the rainy season. The air is no longer stuffy at all, and the summer heat has receded. It is in November that it is quite possible to achieve a full-fledged holiday in Cuba. The number of rainy days in November is significantly reduced - to only 5. Average temperatures in this month are 26-28 ° C, and the sea still remains warm and comfortable - 27 ° C.

The mild climate of the nights allows you to sleep without air conditioning, content with the coolness from the open window. The first ten days of November are characterized by high waves on the ocean, which are ideal for surfers, but not entirely suitable for families with children - in this case, it is better to relax on the shores of the Caribbean Sea.

Weather in Cuba in December

December is one of the months of the high season in Cuba. Almost any day this month will delight vacationers with clear sunny weather and not very hot temperatures. Also worthy of attention lack of rain– on average in December there are only 3 days with precipitation. Average air temperatures in December are 23°C, but the ocean warms up even better - up to as much as 25°C.

December in Cuba is the ideal time for a beach holiday.

Depending on your own climatic preferences, you can choose a resort location in Cuba: Havana, Santiago de Cuba, hotter islands or something else.

What can you do to entertain yourself in Cuba in December, besides the beach?

Of course, this is a lot of excursions, Catholic Christmas, the celebration of which in the tropics will be unforgettable, relaxation with azure sea, diving, fishing. Forgetting about the snow and the cold blizzards of your homeland, you can plunge into the luxury of warm weather. A pleasant reminder of your vacation in Cuba in December will be a stunning tropical tan that will delight you all winter.

It is precisely because of the improvement in comfort on the coast of Cuba that the number of tourists is gradually increasing, and they can be understood. A short escape from the gray skies of your homeland to a tropical island is everyone’s dream. The mild climate of the second half of November is the ideal time to take a vacation and spend time with family and children in Cuba.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that any period and month is favorable for a holiday in Cuba and has its merits. Of course, the weather conditions of the dry season (from November to April) are more comfortable, but for those who are looking for privacy and do not want to share the beaches with many other tourists, the low season months are also perfect.

Cuba has a hot tropical climate, which matches her geographical location(Tropic of Cancer). This is also facilitated by the proximity of warm currents that form the Gulf Stream.

In general the weather is hot with high humidity. Before starting the description of each month, it should be noted main feature local climate - lack of seasonality of temperatures.

Almost all year round the air temperature is approximately the same and the changes are minor. The average air temperature is approximately 25.1° C, and the sea water temperature is around 22-24° C in winter, 28-30° C in summer.

The average annual precipitation is quite high - 1400 mm.

The traditional rainy season in Cuba lasts from May to October. During this period, 3/4 of the norm falls out for the year.

There are also tropical cyclones, and in The period from June to November is considered hurricane season.

There can be about 5 cyclones in one season, but the strongest hurricanes occur once every few years.

Cuba at different times of the year


As for tourists from Russia and the CIS countries, increasingly the desire to celebrate the New Year and Christmas is becoming a reality in Cuba. In January, the weather here is dry, sunny, and involuntarily puts you in a positive mood.

The air temperature ranges from 22° C to 24° C, and the water temperature off the coast heats up to +24° C. Comfortable conditions for swimming or aquatic species sports


February in Cuba is no less beautiful, so people who want to spend their February holidays abroad will be satisfied. Freedom Island is the perfect place!

The dry season is in full swing, with rainy days in February. Usually less than 4 days.

The water temperature is the same comfortable for relaxing, swimming, and playing as in January, approximately +24-25° C. The main highlight of February is the exciting Cuban carnival, which will not leave you indifferent and will introduce you closer to the culture of the local people.


Freedom Island in March continues to delight tourists who love warm weather and bright sunshine. Air temperature fluctuations in March range from 25° C to 28° C and can reach +30° C.

But the heat will not ruin your holiday thanks to the refreshing sea breeze.

Of the features of a given month, It is worth noting the celebration of the grapefruit harvest festival. The action takes place on the island of Juventud, lasts day and night, and at the end a juicy grapefruit feast awaits you!


As noted earlier, from June to November - rainy season, therefore the weather in September is appropriate. The duration of rain is usually a couple of hours with rare exceptions, and the hot sun will not leave a trace of inclement weather.

The rains at this time are more of a variety than a discomfort, because the sun will not allow you to spoil the weather in September.

If you do get caught in the rain, you can take advantage of the romantic weather and go for a walk and You can spend time in a cozy restaurant or cafe and taste Cuban cuisine.

That is, in September you can calmly relax on the beach, swim and sunbathe, and also visit local attractions.


October ends the rainy season in Cuba, at which time their duration is approximately 10-15 minutes. Summer heat decreases, as a result the air and water temperatures become more comfortable, +28° C.

Autumn here is completely different, it is not the usual slush and grayness, but blue and clean water, warm tropical sun.

In October you can enjoy music and dance festivals, and feel the fervor and idleness of the local mentality.


November is characterized by dry weather and the real start of the tourist season in Cuba.

The rainy season is finally over, now the most pleasant conditions for an unforgettable holiday: the air is fresh, but less hot and humid, The water temperature is still high + 27° C.

It's time to relax on the beach and enjoy warm sea the whole family.


Cuba is special in December. This is one of the months of the high season, which begins in November and ends in April.

The high season differs from the low season by dry weather, while the low season from May to October has rainy weather. In December there is minimal precipitation.

IN winter months storm possible hurricane wind, but it doesn't last long. An hour later the sun comes out and the ocean stops raging. It's time to sunbathe and relax again, the beach is waiting.

We draw conclusions and choose the best time

Choosing a month to visit Cuba is an individual matter, depending on the client’s preferences and free time. However, there is definitely more favorable time to visit Liberty Island:

  • Winter, at this time of year the weather is most favorable. Precipitation falls three times less than in summer, and the likelihood of hurricanes is minimal. In December the air temperature averages + 27° C, in February approximately + 22° C. The most cold month- January. In winter, tourists from Russia like to celebrate New Year and Christmas in Cuba, radically changing the usual environment.
  • The weather is comfortable in spring, but the rainy season begins in May. For lovers of changeable weather and romance, this is the place. Spring is characterized by high temperatures and humidity.
  • In summer the weather is very hot and humid and the rainy season is in full swing. The hottest month is August. Falls out greatest number precipitation. The right time for lovers of hot weather and burning sun! The pleasant thing is that the rains do not last long and, on the contrary, save you from the sultry heat.
  • The rainy season ends in autumn, namely in November. Therefore, almost all autumn the weather is humid, the sun is less hot, but still the difference in temperatures in summer and autumn is insignificant. But still, it is a more comfortable time to relax for those who do not like maximum heat.

Based on the above, we draw the following conclusion:

Cuba is wonderful at any time of the year, every day and every month!

Temperatures fluctuate minimally throughout the year, the difference being felt only due to the rainy season (May - November). Based on this, you can safely go to Cuba at any time of the year.

Carnivals and dance events are held regularly throughout the year, so you can enjoy them whenever it suits you.

Cuba is freedom and joy all year round!

Video tour of Cuba

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When to go on vacation to Cuba? Cuba is one of the largest Caribbean islands. The country is known for its gorgeous white sand beaches and centuries-old traditions. Cuba is one of the largest Caribbean islands. The land of eternal summer is known for its gorgeous white sand beaches and centuries-old traditions. This is an island of freedom with colorful vintage cars, delicious Cuban cuisine, a relaxed Havana atmosphere and happy residents, where there is always music playing.


Cuba has a tropical climate and two seasons: dry and rainy season. When is the best time to go to Cuba? The best time to visit Cuba is from December to May, during which time the dry season lasts . At this time, you can walk in a T-shirt and shorts in good sunny weather, sunbathe, swim in the sea and ride around the country. From May to November is the rainy season in Cuba. But this does not mean that no one visits Cuba at this time.

Dry season

From December to May, daytime highs fluctuate around 27°C, the air is fresh and not stuffy. This best time for a beach holiday, although the water here is warm all year round. Also during the dry season you can explore the sights of Cuba.

Rainy season

During the rainy season, you can go to Cuba much cheaper, so tourists still come. The rainy season lasts from May to November. The heaviest rainfall in Cuba occurs in June and July. The average temperature hovers around 31°C. In January, night temperatures drop to 15°C and can be chilly. During the rainy season, Cuba is hot, humid and wet. But during this time you can go sightseeing. Cuba is at risk of occasional hurricanes and typhoons during the wettest months of the year.

Temperature in Cuba by month

Minimum and maximum temperatures in Cuba by month.

  • January 19-26°C
  • February 19-26°C
  • March 20-28°C
  • April 21-29°C
  • May 22-30°C
  • June 23-31°C
  • July 24-31°C
  • August 24-32°C
  • September 24-31°C
  • October 23-29°C
  • November 21-28°C
  • December 20-27°C

Water temperature

The Caribbean coast is famous for its beaches, the most famous of which are Playa Paraiso and Varadero. In Cuba you can not only swim, but also snorkel and dive. When to go on vacation to Cuba for a beach holiday? Water temperatures all year round range from 24°C in January to 29°C in August.

Tours to Cuba from Travelata

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How much do air tickets cost to Cuba?

During the high season from November to May it is more expensive than the rest of the year. The all-inclusive system is common in hotels (everywhere except the city of Havana). Taking into account accommodation and flights, holidays in Cuba at high tourist season will cost 20-30% more than in the low season.

During the low season from June to October, prices for holidays in Cuba are reduced. Airfare prices start to drop in April and May (off-season), and in the rainiest months of June and July they are 40% cheaper.

Festivals and holidays in Cuba

  • Havana Jazz Festival (January) is the most famous jazz festival in Cuba, which takes place over 4 days.
  • The Habano Cigar Festival (February) is an event where cigar lovers from all over the world come to Havana, visiting plantations, gala dinners and fairs.
  • Carnival in Havana and Santiago de Cuba (July) are the most famous carnivals in Cuba, which take place in every city and each tries to surpass the others in entertainment and scale.
  • The Havana International Ballet Festival (November) is one of the oldest ballet festivals in the world, held every two years in the grand theaters of Havana.
  • Las Parrandas de Remedios (December) is one of the largest festivals in Cuba, held from December 16 to 24.

What clothes to take to Cuba

  • Shorts, a few T-shirts and dresses
  • Swimsuit
  • Trouser and light cardigan (for cool nights)
  • Beach bag
  • Sun hat
  • Pareo
  • Flip-flops
  • Hiking shoes

Now you know when to go to Cuba on vacation. People come to Cuba to visit UNESCO heritage sites, museums and historical sites. Here you can also watch the process of growing coffee, bananas and making the famous Cuban cigars. By the way, the time difference compared to Moscow is 8 hours.

Very often, when communicating with tourists, you have to explain what high and low seasons are in Cuba, how they are determined and what they influence. In this article we will try to tell you in detail about the holiday seasons in Cuba.

Although you can relax in Cuba all year round, nevertheless, there are weather conditions here that affect the seasonality of vacations and the influx of tourists. But not only this influences seasonality - the global practice of taking vacations at the end of summer and holidays when the number of tourists increases and not only weather conditions begin to dictate their laws.

In fact, in addition to the high and low seasons, there is also an ultra-high season - this is Christmas and new year holidays- when prices for hotels and tickets and, accordingly, tours skyrocket.

Of course, it is intuitively clear that in the low season the number of tourists falls, therefore, hotels try to attract tourists with cheap prices and special offers, but in the high and especially ultra-high seasons, hotel prices increase significantly.

In different seasons, the price not only for hotels, but also for car rentals changes. The price for renting private real estate in Cuba (houses, rooms, apartments) is more or less stable, with the exception of villas, the price of which can also increase in the ultra-high and high seasons.

So, let’s go through the dates, immediately clarify the beginning and end of the season, and also why this season is on these dates:

December 22 - January 3- Ultra-high season. Christmas and New Year - and that says it all. Hotel prices increase 2-3 times. Plane tickets 1.5 times.

January 4 - March 31- High season. Winter in Europe and the lack of alternatives to beach holidays lead to increased demand for travel to the Caribbean region. Also, the lack of likelihood of hurricanes and sweltering heat plays a role. Hotel prices are consistently high, hotels are maximally occupied, hotels must be booked in advance to avoid being rejected.

April 1 - April 30- High season. Hotel prices are comparable to November, slightly lower than March, but higher than high season in August.

May 1 - July 14 - Low season. The rainy season begins in Cuba. Hotel prices are falling. But in May holidays flow increases Russian tourists, which leads to an increase in the cost of tours and flights, since the number of flights to Cuba does not change. Therefore, anyone who wants to spend the May holidays in Cuba needs to book tours in advance.

July 15 - August 24- High season. Traditionally, August is the holiday season in Europe and Russia, which increases the flow of tourists on vacation, therefore, despite the hottest months of the year and the high probability of hurricanes, it is high season in Cuba. Hotel prices are increasing, but still lower than in the winter high season. July 26 is a public holiday in Cuba: carnivals and festive events are held everywhere. August is carnival season in Cuba.

August 25 - October 31- Low season. Start academic year, the end of vacations and hurricane season in Cuba means that this time of year is the lowest tourist flow and the most low prices to hotels.

November 1 - December 21- High season. Everyone who postponed their trip for fear of hurricanes, as well as everyone who did not have time to relax in the summer, are heading to the warmth and the flow of tourists is increasing. Also in November, Havana hosts major exhibitions and international conferences, resulting in high demand for hotels and villas in Havana. Hotel prices are higher in October and comparable to April prices; some hotels offer promotions and reduce prices at the beginning of December, since during this period the flow of tourists drops slightly - which is most likely due to the end of the year and the availability of annual reports for most potential tourists :-)

Plan your vacation in advance, take into account all the features and choose the best vacation options for you!

The seasons on Liberty Island are wonderful, it lasts almost the whole year good weather, but there are also some weather features that appear during the rainy and dry seasons. One can say this about Cuba - this is that corner of paradise where it is always light, where they love and wait.

Weather in Cuba now:

However, tourists who are going to relax in Cuba or on Liberty Island should definitely take into account the peculiarities of the climatic zone in which this country is located. This should be taken into account in order to better choose a vacation spot and the necessary travel accessories.

Cuba climate by month:


In spring it is very comfortable in Cuba. The weather is favorable have a good rest. But, unfortunately, Cuba is in such climatic zone, the features of which are the presence of a rainy season. Therefore, in Cuba there is a dry season from November to April, during which people try to leave the country due to the very high air temperatures, it is very hot here. This season quickly gives way to the rainy season, which begins in May.

The weather can vary greatly, with some very hot days during the rainy season. Therefore, spring in Cuba can be met both under the scorching sun and during downpours. There are very windy days in spring. There may be about 4-5 rainy days during these months, but on average there is no rain throughout the day. It only lasts for 3-4 hours. During this time, the earth has time to freshen, and the air changes to better side. Here you can find the smallest bird, hummingbird, frog, no more than 12 mm high.


Summer in Cuba could be called truly hot, as the air temperature reaches 34 degrees, only at night the thermometer can drop to 25 degrees. As you can see, you can simply sleep here in swimsuits at night. This season will be an ideal holiday destination for people who love extreme species sports, especially diving, water skiing and motorcycles.

You can spend the whole summer in Cuba, and the temperature will not be lower than 19 degrees, which will not cause pressure drops in people who are especially sensitive to weather changes. The most interesting thing to be here is during the carnival, which is especially good in Havana. There are a lot in Cuba interesting representatives flora and fauna, but none of them are capable of causing harm to humans. Crocodiles and snakes can only scare you a little, but not eat or injure you.


The weather on the island is already changing noticeably at this time. It seems during the day that the temperature has not changed, high temperature still lingers in the air, only the nights become noticeably cooler. The rainy season continues. However, this does not mean that it rains around the clock for days and weeks. The rains will be replaced by the sun, which is already less warm.

Tourists do not rush to Cuba in the fall because they know that hurricanes, strong winds and bad weather can ruin their holiday. October replaces September and the rainy season ends. Therefore, in October - November there is a very large influx of tourists who come not only to relax, lie in the sun, but also to go fishing. Fishing here is excellent. There are few places where you can boast of such a good catch.


Winter in Cuba is the most favorable time for relaxation. When all of Europe is covered in snow, it is very good temperature, not very cold and not too hot. One way or another, but at this time there are no strong winds, no hurricanes, no rain. Possible rain for one or two days during three months. But all tourists strive to get to Cuba during these months, because the rains have already stopped and there is no bright sunshine.

It is important to remember that in the evenings winter period It can be chilly here, so it's a good idea to dress warmly. At this time of year on Liberty Island you can have fun, plunge into the ocean, dive, watching underwater world or just visit one of the most beautiful carnivals.

The island has one more feature, distinguishing feature from all cities of the world. These are old retro cars of the townspeople, which have become a symbol of Liberty Island and a real living museum of time. After all, all cars are often in good condition and running. See real Cuban cars on our website page!

And come to Liberty Island. You will be truly welcome here!