Message about the state Russian language. General information about the Russian language

State language of all subjects Russian Federation is Russian. The definition of statehood promotes mutual understanding and spiritual growth representatives of nationalities living on the territory of the Russian Federation. To protect and systematically develop the main means of communication, a clearly formed concept of the appropriate normative act.

Federal Law “On state language» N 53-FZ was adopted by the State Duma on May 20 and approved by the Federal Council on May 25, 2005. The regulatory act in question came into force on June 1, 2005. The current law regulates the use of the Russian language throughout the Russian Federation, as well as legal rights citizens related to the protection and development of the state dialect.

The current text of Federal Law 53-FZ consists of seven articles:

  • Article 1. Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 3. Areas of use of the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 4. Protection and support of the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 5. Ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 6. Responsibility for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 7. Entry into force of this Federal Law.

According to paragraph 1 of article 1 the law in question, Russian language is established as the state language based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The regulations for determining modern literary and linguistic norms are established Government of the Russian Federation (paragraph 3 of article 1). In the use of Russian literary and linguistic norms, as state norms, swearing and obscene words are not allowed ( paragraph 6 of article 1).

According to paragraph 7 of the article under consideration, derogation of the right to communicate in their native dialect of citizens of the Russian Federation belonging to ethnic minorities is not acceptable. Knowledge of the Russian language on the territory of Russia is mandatory; according to the law, communication between citizens can take place in any dialect.

Any ban on communication in foreign languages ​​is considered unlawful.

  • Legislation on norms of Russian speech is based on the provisions of the following regulations (Article 2):
  • Federal Law “On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Russian Federation” N 1807-1, adopted on October 25, 1991;
  • The law under consideration No. 53-FZ;
  • Other regulations governing language issues.

According to regulations Article 3 Federal Law 53-FZ, and The use of Russian literary speech is mandatory:

  • In everyone's activities government agencies authorities;
  • In the names of government bodies;
  • During election campaign, the process of holding elections and referendums,
    V judicial proceedings on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the magistrate’s court;
  • Upon official publication of documentation international treaties RF;
  • When making inscriptions on signs regulating traffic;
  • Upon registration state documents Russian Federation;
  • In advertising and materials provided by the media;
  • In literary works, provided they are performed in public.

As part of the protection of the linguistic diversity of Russian speech, government bodies take the following actions (Article 4):

  • Ensuring the use of Russian speech throughout the Russian Federation;
  • They are developing a concept to improve the level of education in the field of Russian philology;
  • Promote the study of the Russian language by foreigners - both within the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • Promote the production of dictionaries and grammar aids;
  • They control the purity and absence of obscene language in Russian speech and compliance with this law.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to education, receiving any information and communication in the state (Russian) language. Foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation who speak a different dialect have the right to use the services of an interpreter.

Like other Federal laws of the Russian Federation, FZ-53 regularly undergoes necessary changes. The latest amendments to the current law were introduced on May 5, 2014.

Download 53 Federal Laws on the state language of the Russian Federation

For a detailed study of the actual Federal Law
“On the state language” N 53-FZ and the latest amendments made to it, you should familiarize yourself with the actual provisions. You can download the current text of Federal Law-53 at

Latest changes in the Federal Law on the state language of the Russian Federation

The latest edition of the Federal Law 53-FZ under consideration was made on May 5, 2014. The basis for making amendments was Federal Law N 101-FZ. IN article 3 The actual regulatory act introduced clarifications regarding the choice of language dubbing or subtitles for public screening of films. The article in question has been updated clause 9.2, stating that the use of Russian speech is mandatory when reading in public literary works, conducting concerts and staging performances.

Previously, significant amendments were made July 2, 2013. The basis for the amendments was the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of legislative acts (certain provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation as no longer in force in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 185-FZ.

Changes have been made articles 3 and 4 valid law. IN
according with the provisions of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” sample No., adopted on December 20, 2012, in paragraph 8 of part 1 of article 3 it is indicated that the Russian language must be used when drawing up and printing documentation confirming the level of education or qualifications of a citizen.

In paragraph 4 of Article 4 The normative act in question states that within the framework of protecting and promoting the foundations of Russian traditions in the foreign community, government educational institutions prepare appropriate personnel. Teachers of Russian as a foreign language carry out their activities both within the Russian Federation and abroad, in relevant educational institutions.

Amendment from 185-FZ in paragraph 4 of article 4 word "institutions" replaced by "organizations".

Modern Russian is the language of the Russian people, the language of interethnic communication, the language of international communication, the state language of the Russian Federation. The national form is represented by dialects and the national form of the Russian language. Dialects – territorial varieties of general national language(South Russian, Central Russian, Northern Russian).

The popular form of the Russian language includes literary (literary language) and non-literary components (colloquial speech, jargon).

Literary language- the main supra-dialectal national form of existence of the national language, processed, standardized, multifunctional, obligatory for use by the educated part of society. The main features of a literary language include:

a) processing - provision of descriptive parts (reference books and dictionaries different types) and exemplary texts created creative personalities in different fields of activity;

b) normalization - subordination to the rules and laws of the formation and use of all units of language in speech;

c) multifunctionality - the ability to express all the knowledge accumulated by humanity in all areas of its activity, support of any kind speech interaction;

d) stylistic differentiation - the presence of historically formed varieties of literary language - functional styles serving certain areas of activity.

Non-literary varieties of the national language traditionally include vernacular and jargon, although in Lately The terms sociolect and professionallect are actively used.

Vernacular It is customary to call the speech of the urban population in violation of the norms of the literary language. Vernacular language means are heterogeneous and it is assumed internal control in professional communication, limiting their use:

1) acceptable colloquial means - serve to compress information as a factor in saving linguistic means and are acceptable in informal business communication ( operative, service); 2) unacceptable means: a) vulgar (vulgar), b) rude, c) obscene (obscene vocabulary - obscene language - this is non-literary taboo vocabulary, historically developed in the language as an expressive means of expressing excitement, irritation, aggression).

Jargons– the speech of sociocultural groups united by a) profession - professional jargon or professional lects: “villain” - criminal, “suffered” - victim (from the professional jargon of police officers); b) type of activity and interests - social jargons or sociolects (jargon of drug addicts, youth jargon) more often perform an identifying function (according to the “friend” - “stranger” principle). Blat - fenya - arose in the second half of the 19th century from the language of small merchants-peddlers (ofenya), who used special words and phrases to hide the essence of negotiations between themselves from buyers. The thieves' language has ceased to perform a conspiratorial function and is an indicator of belonging to a criminal community.

Occupies a special position slang – set slang words, constituting a layer of colloquial vocabulary reflecting a rudely familiar, sometimes humorous attitude towards the subject of speech (youth slang: “ I'm purple», « do not care»).

A nationwide literary norm was formed only by the middle of the 1st century. based on the Moscow dialect, and in the second half of the 1st century. book styles of the literary language developed.

Speech (language) norm– a set of the most stable traditional ways linguistic expressions selected and consolidated in the process of public communication based on the choice of one of the options for use as mandatory for the educated part of society.

General terms education norms:

1) compliance with the structure of the language;

2) massive and regular reproducibility;

3) public approval and recognition;

4) consolidation in normative publications (dictionaries and reference books);

5) for the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation - approval by the Government of the norms of the literary Russian language and normative dictionaries and reference books.

Changes in norms are often caused by the action of linguistic laws themselves - the law of economy of linguistic means (preference for the most short form expressions to save time and effort) and the law of analogy (likening one form of linguistic expression to another, correlating with the first in form and content: alignment of stress in groups of words, likening morphological forms and forms of management).

Types of norms - are allocated in accordance with the main levels and areas of language use ( Table).

Dictionaries give approximately the following definition: language is a system of signs that serves as a means of communication between people, the result of thinking and expression. With its help, we understand the world and form a personality. Language conveys information, controls human behavior, and in the state it serves to ensure that people - officials and ordinary citizens - understand each other as much as possible.

State language of Russia

Now about the state language. This concept is more in-depth, since each country, each state has its own national characteristics. But fundamental principles united. So, let's look directly at the state language of Russia and what it is. According to the country's Constitution, this is the language that is used in legislation, office work, legal proceedings and other areas of social and public life. This is the language in which the government communicates with its citizens. It publishes laws, publishes official documents and conducts official government correspondence. The state language of Russia is used by the media (mainly, but not to the detriment of national ones), it is the language of instruction in schools, universities and other educational institutions. The Constitution of the country (Article 68) establishes that the state language of the Russian Federation throughout its vast territory is Russian.

National languages

But this does not mean at all that others, for example Ukrainian, Tatar, Kalmyk, are somehow worse. This does not mean that all Russian citizens, without exception, should speak only Russian among themselves. But nevertheless, in any corner of Russia, all government officials - judges, police officers, mayors, governors - must know Russian. So, to the question of how many official languages ​​there are in Russia, there is only one answer: Russian!

Other options

Along with this, the republics, autonomies (districts and regions) that are part of the Russian Federation also have the right to introduce for widespread use on their territory those languages ​​with which the local population communicates. So, according to the latest data, together with Russian, 49 languages ​​do not have official status! In other countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Abkhazia, the Transnistrian Republic) Russian is also used as the official language.

Simple example

The official language of Russia is Russian. And if, for example, a Yakut reindeer herder flies to a resort in Ossetia, then he has no problems checking into a hotel or, if necessary, purchasing medications at a pharmacy. A young, pretty Ossetian pharmacist smiles knowingly and fulfills the order. But the hero reindeer herder has nothing to worry about. He knows that on the packaging of tablets or powder the instructions for use are also written in Russian, he clear language. Since in his huge power the official language is Russian, then there are no problems with reading this kind of texts.

Who owns the language?

Thus, we can conclude: the state, declaring that the state language of Russia is Russian, defining it as its own official language, undertakes to always understand the one who addresses him. The President, as the head of the Russian Federation, makes sure that he strictly fulfills his obligation. The question naturally arises: “Who owns this very Russian language - the Yakuts, the Karelians? In our time, when Russia united many peoples with their historical language, the language of their ancestors into one state, this particular one has become the property of all the peoples who now live under its flag. It would be pompous to say that the Russian Federation as a state is proud of each of the languages ​​on its multinational list, but the fact that preserving them is a task of special importance is beyond doubt. It is natural and natural that all peoples living in Russia have such a language. the opportunity is to communicate in one (Russian) language and at the same time speak freely, without restrictions of the existing authorities, in everyday life in the language of our ancestors.

According to the results of the latest Russian population census, it turned out that today representatives of 160 nationalities live in the Russian Federation. Of course, each of them has its own, special and different language. It is difficult to imagine how representatives of different nationalities would understand each other if a Russian had not come to their aid.

Perceived need

It goes without saying that any citizen who wishes to become or public figure, will not do without knowledge of the Russian language. And the state, in turn, provides its subjects with such an opportunity. If a citizen does not intend to enter the service of the state, this does not mean that the Russian language will not be useful to him in life. Everyday life. After all, this is not only an opportunity to convey your voice, your opinion from any corner of the vast country. They are also rich cultural traditions: songs, poems, books. And it would be reckless not to hear and know all this.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), Russian is the state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory. At the same time, Russian is the state or official language of a number of republics that are part of the Russian Federation, along with the language of the indigenous population of these republics.

Knowledge of the state language is mandatory for officials government agencies, it is on it that all official documentation is compiled.

As the state language, Russian actively functions in all spheres of public life that have national significance. Central and local institutions at the federal level operate in Russian, and communication between the subjects of the federation is carried out. The Russian language is used in the army, the central and local press, on television, in education and science, in culture and sports.

Russian is the second state language in Belarus and the official language in Kazakhstan.

The connection of the Russian language with the history and culture of the people

Language is not only a system of signs, but also a historically established form of culture of a people. According to W. Humboldt, “language is not a dead clockwork, but a living creation emanating from itself” (W. Humboldt. Selected works on linguistics. M.: 1984. P. 275). Natural language arises not as a result of a mathematical calculation by a group of “language creators,” but as a result of centuries-old efforts of people belonging to the same national community to make their speech generally understandable within the framework of the national collective.

The Russian language has evolved over many centuries. His vocabulary and grammatical structure were not formed immediately. The dictionary gradually included new lexical units, the appearance of which was dictated by new needs social development. The grammatical system gradually adapted to a more accurate and subtle transmission of thought following the development of national social and scientific thinking. Thus, the needs of cultural development became the engine of language development, and the language reflected and preserved the history of the cultural life of the nation, including those stages that have already become a thing of the past.

Thanks to this, the language is for the people unique means preservation of national identity, the largest historical and cultural value.

As W. Humboldt wrote, “language, no matter what form it takes, is always the spiritual embodiment of the individual life of a nation” (W. Humboldt. Selected works on linguistics. M.: 1984. P. 72) and moreover, “language is breath , the very soul of the nation" (ibid., p. 303). Thus, speech culture is an important part of the national culture as a whole.

What is the state Russian language - two aspects of one concept

The modern literary Russian language is one of the most universal languages ​​in the world. With its help, absolutely any thought and concept can be expressed in several ways and fixed in the mind of the listener with varying degrees of accuracy and detail. In grammars and reference books, the structure and lexical composition of the Russian language are described to a degree of completeness that corresponds modern level linguistic knowledge.

The Russian language has a developed conceptual and semantic structure, the presence of a comprehensive corpus of original texts in all functional varieties and social functions. This ensures the functioning of the Russian language as one of the world languages. Ideas about the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation require special interpretation, since they can be interpreted in two equal and complementary aspects.

Firstly, the Russian language, understood as an integral sign-communicative system, in the status of the state language is legally distinguished from the languages ​​of other indigenous peoples of Russia. Understanding the special role of the Russian language in the life of our country corresponds to the first paragraph of Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation” (No. 53-FZ of June 1, 2005), which states that “ in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian" The Russian language is recognized as a language widespread in all regions of Russia and uniting the entire territory of our multilingual country. This is the most universal language of Russia - all the most important knowledge about the world and society is expressed and recorded in an extensive corpus of texts (original and translated).

Secondly, the state status of the language, understood as practical, social function, highlights that part of the Russian literary language that is used by the authorities state power and governance as not only the language of laws and regulations, but, equally important, as the language of official communication. This understanding of the state status of the Russian language corresponds to the content of Article 3 of the Federal Law on Language, which describes its functional properties. Thus, paragraph 1 of this article states that the state language of the Russian Federation is subject to mandatory use “ in the activities of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, local government bodies, organizations of all forms of ownership, including in office work activities", and paragraph 4 obliges the use of the Russian language " in constitutional, civil, criminal, administrative proceedings, legal proceedings in arbitration courts, office work in federal courts, legal proceedings and office work before justices of the peace and in other courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and so on.

Functions of the state language

The range of theoretical issues discussed in connection with the functioning of the Russian language as a state language is usually limited to direct consequences from the statement that the grammatical and lexical repertoire of linguistic means used to solve state problems and realize state interests should be understandable to any literate native speaker of the Russian language and, therefore, must comply with the norms of general literary language. This interpretation of state status does not require a special description of the norms, procedures and rules for using language in this capacity, because the normative and stylistic characteristics of linguistic means are developed in detail in dictionaries and grammars of the Russian language. However, the idea of ​​the mandatory normativity of the use of linguistic means used in the socio-political, national-cultural, official business, and legal spheres speech activity, cannot be limited only general requirements compliance with spelling, spelling, punctuation or stylistic norms of the language. The distinctive properties of linguistic means functioning in thematically, compositionally and stylistically stable types of text, united by the official business style of speech, are the features of the communicative tasks implemented with their help, and the specificity of the pragmatic orientation of rhetorical constructions.

To describe the functions of the state language in this understanding means to give a functional description of the linguistic means of the state language. This means the need to describe the rules and norms of linguistic interpretation of the text as a structural and conceptual whole, connecting the authorities and the people, society and a separate social group, enterprise owners and workers, officials and civil society through communicative and pragmatic relations. Without detailed description functions of linguistic means used in the state language, legally significant situations of information or documentary dispute will continue to arise, when normative, logical interpretations of the text turn out to be officially indistinguishable from arbitrary interpretations that generate random semantic results.

Genre features of speech activity in areas of use
state language of the Russian Federation

The functional properties of the state Russian language are fully manifested in texts written in an official business style. This style of literary language is formed in those areas of speech activity in which it is preferable to use a predetermined set of linguistic means, standard ways of developing thoughts about a certain range of topics of discussion. The official business style maintains a uniform speech etiquette and mandatory adherence to such rhetorical patterns of speech construction that the best way are able to provide semantic clarity, intelligibility, and neutrality of the act of communication. For this reason, colloquial and dialect words and expressions are excluded from official texts, and metaphorical meanings are not used.

The official business style is traditionally implemented in diplomatic texts, legal documents, instructions, orders and other official papers from modern document flow. This style is gradually spreading to the sphere of business communication itself - trainings, negotiations, presentations, etc. Fast growth volume of speech activity in this genre leads to the need to develop modern standards and rules that promote the development and improvement of this style of literary language.

To the contents of documents formal business style requirements are presented that are designed to eliminate all kinds of ambiguity and discrepancies. Speech, built according to the patterns and rules of the official business style, is the result of a consistent assembly of the meanings of words and phrases into statements that are devoid of individuality, but have a predictable, uniformly derived meaning. Consequently distinctive features Texts of this genre are characterized by clarity, accuracy, specificity, clarity of formulation, as well as laconism of presentation and special forms of arrangement of material. Sometimes the advantages of a style turn into its disadvantages. For example, a rule allowing the sequential subordination of similar forms in the attributive meaning genitive case, has no formal restrictions, therefore it allows you to create constructions like: “ Department for working with citizens' appeals and organizing reception of the population of the Department of Administration of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation" And the rules that allow the construction of abbreviations from the names of enterprises allow the formation of names like: Volgovyatelectromashsnabsbyt company. Taking into account the rules in force in other language styles, such names seem impossible. However, for a business style this name, although it can be assessed as somewhat long, is quite understandable and has an important advantage - it is unique and therefore easily recognizable. Moreover, it is quite convenient to use it in writing, because it changes according to cases and numbers in a standard way (cf.: demand from Volgovyatelectromashsnabsbyt, transfer to Volgovyatelectromashsnabsbyt).

Tasks of examination of texts in the state language

Texts generated in the socio-political, legal, socio-economic spheres human activity, usually operate with information presented in the form of facts, therefore official business texts should be devoid of signs of an individual author’s style and be understood unambiguously. To do this, they must be created according to a certain pattern, using words that have clear connections with the concepts motivating them. All this inevitably gives rise to the need to develop practical language rules that ensure not only the unification of the data structure, but also allow significant savings in time both when preparing texts and when reading them. The public need for rules intended for texts for official business purposes is realized through the development of special state standards.

The first such generally binding set of rules, adopted to eliminate discrepancies and inconsistencies in the spelling of words, their transfer and the rules for highlighting syntactic units, were the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation,” officially approved only in 1956. Since then, the country has adopted several standards applicable to official business texts (in information, librarianship and publishing). Today in the Russian Federation many written, printed works and publications (laws and regulations, administrative documents, educational, reference literature, abstracts, theses, essays, etc.) are prepared and formatted according to certain established rules. Standards for paperwork in various areas have been adopted or are being developed professional activity(for example, GOST 7.32-2001, which determines the structure and rules for preparing reports on research work), many departments independently develop internal standards for conditional abbreviations words, abbreviations, numerical designations of quantitative indicators, accounting documentation, etc.

At the same time, many official documents, structurally and thematically similar, are prepared without relying on model texts, without taking into account the opinion of language experts. The time has come to move from formal unification to the development of language standards that would take into account the specifics of word order, the features of rhetorical constructions related to the communicative tasks of the text and its target orientation. However, it is impossible to carry out this work without the participation of specialists in the field of official business Russian. As studies show, the applied patterns and rules of linear speech construction, seemingly intended to ensure the most reliable communication, sometimes contradict each other. Convincing examples of this can be found even in the texts of Federal laws. Usually, if there is a need for their additional interpretation, it is customary to rely on the results of grammatical and syntactic analysis of the text. The importance of the linguistic formulation of a norm for its understanding and application has been repeatedly confirmed by practice. A verbal inaccuracy, the absence of a comma, the wrong case, or the wrong type of verb can significantly distort the meaning of a normative act, leading to the fact that the act will be understood and applied completely differently than expected by the law-making body.

Of course, if the text violates the rules of spelling or punctuation, then you need to understand the text as if this error did not exist. However, in some cases it can be difficult to decide whether this is an error or whether the text contains the meaning that follows when read literally. In this case, research into a broader context is required, which can only be done by examining the text.

In turn, linguistic examination of the text can be carried out only if there are, firstly, authoritative reference books containing detailed normative characteristics of the entire arsenal of linguistic means used in all spheres of speech activity of the modern Russian literary language, and, secondly, based on proven techniques linguistic characteristics of the text, the use of which would provide reasonable and evidentiary data about its content.

Such techniques should contribute to the fulfillment of the main task of a linguist, which is to isolate the available textual information and characterize it according to the rules of linguistic analysis. To do this, the source text must undergo expert processing - its content must be clear rules interpreted, shortened and converted into analytical and reference information containing linguistic knowledge about the text and knowledge about real world reflected in the text.

State tasks of language construction in Russia

The Russian language, as a state language, needs targeted strengthening and development. After all, it acquired state status in legislative form only with the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991 No. 1807-I “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.” It was then that the Russian language was officially recognized as the state language. Later, legislative norms approving the state status of the Russian language in the Russian Federation were enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 and in Federal law“On the state language of the Russian Federation” dated June 1, 2005 No. 53-FZ.

The adopted legislative norms make it possible to determine the procedure for the formation, development and regulation of linguistic means of the modern Russian literary language used in state functions. To do this, it is necessary to carry out research work to clarify the declarative norms and procedural rules for the use of that part of the linguistic means that is used in the function of the state language, as well as to explore and describe the cognitive properties of the language apparatus, conduct a complete inventory and create a reliable description of the linguistic means used in this function.

A separate problem that requires special regulation is the problem of legal control, maintaining and strengthening the status of that part of the Russian literary language that is used as the state language of the Russian Federation. Russian state, whose citizens speak one of the world languages, should be interested in the development and improvement of those language tools that are used in speech activities that promote national humanitarian values. From this point of view, it can be argued that the state function of the Russian language is to consolidate and develop knowledge about the moral principles of social life in Russia, traditional moral values ​​and social norms. Any state must cultivate the speech reflection of society on issues related to personal freedom and opportunities moral choice individuals, with the development of the socio-cultural heritage of the country; encouraging respect for the faith, language, traditions and customs of ancestors; with a discussion of problems of social justice, goodness, kindness, humanity, tolerance for a different point of view, respect for the rights of religious faiths, etc. Any language or speech restrictions in this area are fraught with stagnation of the national language, delays and lags in its development relative to other world languages.

In order to maintain national sovereignty in the field of international information exchange, the state must actively develop the practice of public speech activity in Russian. Until recently, the Russian language acted as a convenient and full-fledged channel of communication with foreign language partners. However, now that information technology uses the Latin alphabet and English vocabulary as a working language scientific conferences English is used, international negotiations are often conducted on both sides without an interpreter in English language, the prestige of other officially recognized world languages ​​is falling. Accordingly, the linguistic and cultural sovereignty of countries speaking other languages ​​is subject to significant restrictions.

The new “regional” status of former world languages ​​must be interpreted as a clear sign reducing their cultural and scientific significance. In order to prevent a further decline in the status and role of the Russian language in the world, national language construction should be actively developed and improved. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the texts containing the world achievements of scientific thought in the humanities, socio-political, and economic studies are the best works of art etc., were presented in Russian, but also so that the authors and readers of the texts had a clear understanding of the semantic and grammatical rules and norms speech use linguistic means.