The events described in the story by Taras Bulba. Reflection of the era in the story (what kind of time it is, historical events)

What period of life in Ukraine is the story dedicated to? How does the creation of this work characterize the writer?

N.V. Gogol was very interested in the history of his native Ukraine, he admired the folk heroes - the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who in the 16th-17th centuries selflessly fought against the oppressors of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples - the Polish gentry. The writer looked for great things in the past and heroic characters, contrasting them with the petty concerns and petty characters of his contemporaries. The creation of the story characterizes N.V. Gogol as a patriot who was proud of the glory of the Cossacks, heroic story of his homeland.

Does the beginning of the story seem successful to you? Why?

The beginning of the story seems to us, its readers, not just successful, but the only possible one: literally from the first lines, the flavor of an era is recreated, tragic in its essence, but with comic situations in the life and behavior of the heroes. The author introduces the reader to the family of an old Cossack, introduces him to the unique morals, customs, relationships, combining heroism and humor in the characters and behavior of his heroes.

What thoughts and feelings of Gogol are expressed in the words: “Are there really such fires, torments and such power in the world that would overpower Russian power!”? How are they related to the content of the entire story?

Gogol's story is dedicated to the events liberation movement in Ukraine, the struggle of the Cossacks with the Polish invaders, Turks and Tatar hordes. These words express the writer’s admiration for the courage and greatness of the people who fought for the freedom and happiness of their fatherland and gave their lives for it.

What are the qualities of Taras Bulba? folk hero embodied in the story? Make a plan for the characterization of Taras Bulba (including in it a definition of the main character traits of the hero and episodes that confirm these traits).

Taras is a wise Cossack and an experienced warrior, who is respected by his comrades and elected as their ataman; a brave, courageous and stern man who gave his life to defend the fatherland.

Characteristics plan

Taras is a father and husband (the arrival of his sons and the decision to take them to the Sich; relationship with his wife). Bulba is a man of the Sich (freedom and unrestrained nature and at the same time severity and asceticism, devotion common cause). The main values ​​of his life are the struggle for the Christian faith and comradeship, the highest rating for him is “good Cossack.” Taras Bulba - warrior (battle of Dubno, last Stand Taras). Attitude to camaraderie (talking about camaraderie, attitude towards the Cossacks of the Sich). A character born of time. The greatness and tragedy of Taras. Why, reading the story, “ are surprised at him (Taras. - Author), and horrified, and laugh at him” (V. G. Belinsky)?

The character of the main character of the story is very multifaceted. What is surprising about Taras is the unrestrained and rudeness of his nature, combined with devotion and tenderness; we laugh at his spontaneity, simplicity and cheerfulness, and are horrified by his cruelty and mercilessness.

Compose comparative characteristics Ostapa and Andria, paying attention to the following questions: what impression does your first acquaintance with the brothers leave? What made them different while studying at the bursa? What is the difference between the behavior of Ostap and Andriy in the Zaporozhye Sich, in battle? How did the brothers die? Using the material from previous answers and recommendations for comparative characteristics, compare the brothers Ostap and Andriy.

Rough plan

Similarities between Ostap and Andria:

A) one family;

B) education;

B) training in a bursa;

D) encirclement in the Sich.

Difference between brothers:

A) appearance, character;

B) attitude towards people;

C) perception of nature and beauty;

D) attitude towards war, behavior in battle;

D) death of brothers.

Find in the text lyrical digressions. How are they related to the main narrative and why are they introduced into the story?

Gogol introduces a number of lyrical digressions into the narrative (description of the steppe, the Dnieper, etc.), creating an emotional and artistic subtext of the story, expressing the author’s feeling for what is depicted, correlating pictures of nature with the fate of the heroes.

Is it possible to call "Taras Bulba" historical story? Are there genuine historical figures, facts, or correlations with a specific historical time in this work?

In "Taras Bulba" there is no depiction of genuine historical facts, real historical figures. The time depicted in the story can be determined only with approximate accuracy: XV-XVII centuries. Not a single specific one historical fact not in the story, i.e. Gogol did not set himself the goal of reliably telling about specific historical events, did not intend to recreate the picture of the historical past. The historical background in the story is quite conventional. Gogol set himself not so much historical as epic goals, therefore “Taras Bulba” is not a historical story, but a heroic epic. Jacques's folklore works reflect the life ideals born in the popular consciousness, and in Gogol's story ideal human characters are recreated.

At what moments did the greatness of Taras Bulba’s spirit especially manifest itself? What was the last feat he accomplished?

The greatness of the spirit of Taras Bulba manifested itself in the most dramatic moments of his life and the life of the Cossacks: here he reminds his comrades of what comradeship is, and finds such words that were necessary, infused new courage into the Cossacks; Here he is executing his traitorous son; here, risking his life, he supports his second son, the hero Ostap, before the death; now, when the fire was already licking his feet, he thinks not about himself, not about how to save himself, but about how to save him from certain death their comrades.

How does the author characterize Taras Bulba and his sons? How does he express his attitude towards them? What role does the description of the Ukrainian steppe play in the story? Why is this description interesting? How are the life and customs of the Zaporozhye Sich shown? What is attractive about the images of the Cossacks? Why did the Cossacks choose Taras Bulba as their chieftain? Do you think their choice was successful? How did the sons of Taras perceive the life and morals of the Zaporozhye Sich? Why did Ostap immediately find his place among the Cossacks, while it was more difficult for Andriy to get close to them? How and why did Andriy become a traitor? Do you admit that such a fate could befall Ostap? How is the heroism of the Cossacks shown in the battles near the city of Dubno? Is the author's voice heard here? How did the second battle of Dubno end for Taras and his sons? How did the story about Andriy’s death at the hands of his father make you feel? Did this episode change your previous opinion of them? How did Ostap die? Why does he call his father before his death? Which lines of the story express its main idea?

The gray and inexpressive reality of life in Ukraine in the first half of the 19th century did not at all inspire the imagination of the great talent seething in the soul of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The writer, a Ukrainian at heart, was more interested in the past. He was completely captured by the times when Ukraine lived a turbulent life filled with historical events. These were the hours of the birth of the free Ukrainian Cossacks, when the life of every Cossack was completely filled with the struggle for freedom, the fatherland and the faith of Christ.

This is how the idea of ​​writing a small but capacious epic work from the life of the Ukrainian Cossacks of the late 15th century arose. Gogol writes a vivid historical narrative "Taras Bulba". The whole essence of the artistic images and characters depicted on the pages of the work are real, almost epic Cossack heroes who elevate the reader’s soul.

Gogol - researcher of Ukrainian antiquity

Being an artist and poet, Gogol, like no one else, managed to be inspired by the chants and tales of the people of Ukraine. It was precisely this environment that influenced the formation of the spirit of the Ukrainian Cossacks. On the other hand, Gogol can fully be called a historian-researcher of the Ukrainian “long ago”. And this activity was very organic for him. Even the youthful historical experiences of the writer Gogol show how deeply and soulfully he was interested in the almost mystical images of the same Mr. Danila in the story “Terrible Revenge” or Mr. Chub in the fairy tale “The Night Before Christmas”.

Being educated person of his time, Gogol conscientiously studied all the primary sources that told about the great past. And these were the works of scientists, and folk works, and records of contemporaries. But, first of all, he was interested in the Zaporozhye Sich. This is the source for the historical, heroic and artistic understanding of the past of one’s homeland. Gogol, a romantic by heart, could not ignore such a deep historical theme.

The idea of ​​writing a story

According to Gogol himself, the idea of ​​writing “Taras Bulba” arose overnight. Shortly before this, Nikolai Vasilyevich finished writing “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” - a programmatic ethnic work about life ordinary people Dear Ukraine to him. After this, he takes up writing a historical cycle called “Mirgorod”. Part one of this epic consisted of two narratives - “Taras Bulba” and “Old World Landowners”. They were published in 1835. This is the historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba”.

The main character of the planned story is an elderly Cossack, the father of two beautiful sons, colonel of the Zaporozhye army - Taras Bulba. It is in him that the author personifies best qualities Zaporizhian Cossack of the late 15th century. The story itself is, without a doubt, a historical work in genre. It contains a wide variety of both everyday and battle scenes with a description of a huge number of characters.

Plot of the story

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” is confirmed by the very plot of this literary masterpiece. The story begins cheerfully and beautifully. Two former students come to their parents' house. The father of the students, an experienced Cossack Taras Bulba, immediately gives his adult sons a test, checking their behavior in battle. Being a real Cossack, the father strives for his sons to adopt courage and belligerence from him. Therefore, immediately upon the arrival of their sons, they all go together to the Zaporozhye Sich, despite the mother’s prohibitions.

Reading and re-reading the scenes of the movement of Taras Bulba and his sons to the Sich, you understand that Gogol was simply resting his soul when he wrote this work. What a colorful description of the steppe, nature, life, way of life and the mood of the Cossack comradeship! The scope of Gogol's creative spirit in this short story is grandiose. In the images of the characters in the story, the author managed to embody the entire epoch-making moment of the war and the history of the entire people of Ukraine.

Siege of the fortress

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” is revealed quite accurately in the episodes where the siege of the Dubno fortress is described. It is in these stories that the historical feature"Taras Bulba" and the main characters of the story. At first, Taras Bulba and his sons fight bravely. The offspring behave very bravely, but the main test of their characters is already approaching. The glorious Cossack Taras is proud of his sons. And he himself is faithful to his main purpose as a defender native land and the Orthodox faith.

Image of Taras Bulba

Taras Bulba is very organic in the history of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. He is endowed with specific historical features and fully corresponds to the essence of the hero of the Hetmanate era in Ukraine. The historical events in the story “Taras Bulba” reveal all the character traits of this extraordinary Cossack. In the constant and intense struggle and in Bulba’s actions, as in a mirror, the times of Ukraine’s glorious past are reflected.

Cossack Colonel Taras Bulba. Historical figures like him came to the fore at a time when fierce liberation wars were going on throughout the Dnieper region. It was great time, when the fight against the insatiable Poles and unstoppable Mongol-Tatars was waged by the Ukrainian Cossacks alone - the main military and spiritual force of the Hetmanate.

The image of the Zaporizhian Cossacks

The artistic dominant feature of the story is the way of life of the Zaporozhye Cossacks romanticized by Gogol. From this point of view, the very historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” seems to be called into question. But this is far from true. Historical penetration into the plot of the story leads to the realization that Gogol in this case acts as the composer of a new original epic about the unique characters and glorious exploits of our distant Cossack ancestors.

The spiritual basis of the image of Taras Bulba is majestic, first of all, for its deep and conscious sacrifice. Taras, by fate, falls to make a quarter sacrifice for the honor of his Cossack family, which in its magnitude flows into a sacrifice for the nation and faith. The plot essence of this sacrifice is very cruel: the father with my own hand kills his son Andrei, who committed treason. The same father accepts the heroic death of another son, the hero Ostap, and then the death of his dear wife and mother of his sons. Before our eyes, father, husband and warrior Taras turns into that spirit who with all his strength resists the enemies of his native land and faith.

Historical figures

Gogol did not set himself the goal of describing specific historical figures in the story. He was not fascinated by them, but by the general image of the heroes of the liberation movement of Ukraine at the end of the 15th century. The author emphasizes the historical basis of the story Taras Bulba in chapter twelve: “the young but strong-willed hetman Ostranet led all the countless Cossack forces.”

It is in the lines of the narrative of “Taras Bulba” that the powerful and unbridled desire of the people of Ukraine to defend their independence and will is reflected. Through historical centuries, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol addresses all Slavic brothers from the pages of his immortal story.

Taras Bulba is a true patriot of his land

A true spirit of patriotism permeates the entire story, emphasizing the dramatic events. Taras Bulba is a hero who does not hesitate. He is a patriotic warrior and considers serving his fatherland his highest duty. He is a courageous and fearless defender of his land and faith. Even the last moments of Taras's life are overcrowded true love to his brothers in struggle and faith.

  1. What period of life in Ukraine is the story dedicated to? How does the creation of this work characterize the writer?
  2. N.V. Gogol was very interested in the history of his native Ukraine, he admired the folk heroes - the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who in the 16th-17th centuries selflessly fought against the oppressors of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples - the Polish gentry. The writer looked for great deeds and heroic characters in the past, contrasting them with the petty concerns and petty characters of his contemporaries. The creation of the story characterizes N.V. Gogol as a patriot who was proud of the glory of the Cossacks and the heroic history of his homeland.

  3. Does the beginning of the story seem successful to you? Why?
  4. The beginning of the story seems to us, its readers, not just successful, but the only possible one: literally from the first lines, the flavor of an era is recreated, tragic in its essence, but with comic situations in the life and behavior of the heroes. The author introduces the reader to the family of an old Cossack, introduces him to the unique morals, customs, relationships, combining heroism and humor in the characters and behavior of his heroes.

  5. What thoughts and feelings of Gogol are expressed in the words: “Are there such fires, torments and such strength in the world that would overpower the Russian force!”? How are they related to the content of the entire story?
  6. Gogol's story is dedicated to the events of the liberation movement in Ukraine, the struggle of the Cossacks against the Polish invaders, Turks and Tatar hordes. These words express the writer’s admiration for the courage and greatness of the people who fought for the freedom and happiness of their fatherland and gave their lives for it.

  7. What qualities of Taras Bulba as a folk hero are embodied in the story? Make a plan for the characterization of Taras Bulba (including in it a definition of the main character traits of the hero and episodes that confirm these traits).
  8. Taras is a wise Cossack and an experienced warrior, whom his comrades respect and elect as their ataman; a brave, courageous and stern man who gave his life to defend the fatherland.

    Characteristics plan

    1. Taras is a father and husband (the arrival of his sons and the decision to take them to the Sich; relationship with his wife).
    2. Bulba is a man of the Sich (freedom and unrestrained nature and at the same time severity and asceticism, devotion to the common cause). The main values ​​of his life are the struggle for the Christian faith and comradeship, the highest rating for him is “good Cossack.”
    3. Taras Bulba - warrior (battle of Dubno, Taras’s last battle).
    4. Attitude to camaraderie (talking about camaraderie, attitude towards the Cossacks Se-chi).
    5. A character born of time. The greatness and tragedy of Taras.
  9. Why, reading the story, “ are surprised at him (Taras. - Author), and horrified, and laugh at him” (V. G. Belinsky)?
  10. The character of the main character of the story is very multifaceted. What is surprising about Taras is the unrestraint and roughness of his nature, combined with devotion and tenderness; we laugh at his spontaneity, simplicity and cheerfulness, and are horrified by his cruelty and mercilessness.

  11. Make a comparative description of Ostap and Andriy, paying attention to the following questions: what impression does your first acquaintance with the brothers leave? What made them different while studying at the bursa? What is the difference between the behavior of Ostap and Andriy in the Zaporozhye Sich, in battle? How did the brothers die? Using the material from the previous answers and recommendations for comparative characteristics, compare the brothers Ostapa and Andriy.
  12. Rough plan

    1. Similarities between Ostap and Andria:
    2. a) one family;

      b) education;

      c) training in a bursa;

      d) encirclement in the Sich.

    3. Difference between brothers:
    4. a) appearance, character;

      b) attitude towards people;

      c) perception of nature and beauty;

      d) attitude towards war, behavior in battle;

      d) death of brothers.

  13. Find lyrical digressions in the text. How are they related to the main narrative and why are they introduced into the story?
  14. Gogol introduces a number of lyrical digressions into the narrative (description of the steppe, the Dnieper, etc.), creating an emotional and artistic subtext of the story, expressing the author’s feeling for what is depicted, correlating pictures of nature with the fate of the heroes.

  15. Can “Taras Bulba” be called a historical story? Does this work contain genuine historical figures, facts, or correlation with a specific historical time?
  16. In “Taras Bulba” there is no depiction of genuine historical facts, real historical figures. The time depicted in the story can be determined only with approximate accuracy: XV-XVII centuries. There is not a single definite historical fact in the story, i.e. Gogol did not set himself the goal of reliably telling about specific historical events, did not intend to recreate the picture of the historical past. The historical background in the story is quite conventional. Gogol set himself not so much historical as epic goals, therefore “Taras Bulba” is not a historical story, but a heroic epic. Jacques's folklore works reflect the life ideals born in the popular consciousness, and in Gogol's story ideal human characters are recreated.

  17. At what moments did the greatness of Taras Bulba’s spirit especially manifest itself? What was the last feat he accomplished?Material from the site

    The greatness of the spirit of Taras Bulba manifested itself in the most dramatic moments of his life and the life of the Cossacks: here he reminds his comrades of what comradeship is, and finds such words that were necessary, infused new courage into the Cossacks; Here he is executing his traitorous son; here, risking his life, he supports his second son, the hero Ostap, before the death; now, when the fire was already licking his feet, he thinks not about himself, not about how to save himself, but about how to save his comrades from certain death.

  18. How does the author characterize Taras Bulba and his sons? How does he express his attitude towards them?
  19. What role does the description of the Ukrainian steppe play in the story? Why is this description interesting?
  20. How are the life and customs of the Zaporozhye Sich shown?
  21. What is attractive about the images of the Cossacks?
  22. Why did the Cossacks choose Taras Bulba as their ataman? Do you think their choice was successful?
  23. How did the sons of Taras perceive the life and morals of the Zaporozhye Sich? Why did Ostap immediately find his place among the Cossacks, while it was more difficult for Andriy to get close to them?
  24. How and why did Andriy become a traitor? Do you admit that such a fate could befall Ostap?
  25. How is the heroism of the Cossacks shown in the battles near the city of Dubno? Is the author's voice heard here?
  26. How did the second battle of Dubno end for Taras and his sons? How did the story about Andriy’s death at the hands of his father make you feel? Did this episode change your previous opinion of them?
  27. How did Ostap die? Why does he call his father before his death?
  28. Which lines of the story express its main idea?

Didn't find what you were looking for? Use the search

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • episode from Taras Bulba near Dubno
  • appearance of Andria from Taras Bulba
  • questions for chapters 5-7 based on the story Taras Bulba
  • Taras Bulba main characters and interesting episodes
  • questions and answers geography of gogol
Municipal budgetary educational institution-

gymnasium No. 133

Ussuriysk, Ussuriysk urban district.

"Difficult and abusive"

time in Gogol's story.


Alekseenko E.V.

Russian teacher

language and literature

highest qualification

Equipment for the lesson.

On the board.

1. Map “Russia in the 16th-17th centuries”

2. Painting “Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan” by Repin.

3. Illustrations by students for the story “Taras Bulba”.

4. Presentation about N.V.’s childhood and school years. Gogol, photographs of the writer, parents, friends.

5.Newspaper with a portrait of the writer and an epigraph for the lesson

"My thoughts, my name, my works

Will belong to the people"


1.Zaporozhye Sich-

2. Abusive (old) - war, battle

3. A free Cossack is a free person who does not depend on anyone (in the old days in Ukraine and Russia).

4. Ataman - leader, leader.

5. Bursak - student of theological school.

7. Cossack costume.
The topic of our lesson: “N.V. Gogol acquaintance with the story “Taras Bulba” (Difficult and abusive time in the work).

What new word did you come across in the topic of our lesson?

How do you understand “bad” time?

How does Ozhegov’s dictionary explain the meaning of this word?

What do you think are the goals of our lesson?

Write down the epigraph of the lesson, we will return to it at the end of the work.

Before getting acquainted with the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, we will take a correspondence excursion to Bolshie Sorochintsy, Ukraine, where the writer was born.

3. The message is read by a student (about the writer’s childhood and high school years).
Teacher: It is impossible to imagine a writer without familiarity with his work.

A message about the writer's work.

What other interesting facts biographies of N.V. Do you know Gogol?

What works of Nikol Vasilyevich have you read?
4. Teacher

Gogol really wanted to write a work about the brave, strong, his native people. And Nikolai Vasilyevich often thinks: won’t he be able to tell about such people. And Gogol plunges more and more into the study of the history of the Ukrainian people, persistently, patiently rummaging through historical works, reading chronicles. And a bright one stands before him, living history people. And the imagination draws images of brave, proud people, battles, military victories, exploits, wide and free wild steppes. These thoughts take the writer into the depths of the history of the 16th-17th centuries, Zaporozhye. The Russian Cossack force grew here. The writer was not satisfied with the present; he lived in the past.
- Today we will get acquainted with the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

"Taras Bulba".

5. Teacher

What types of literature do you know?

What type of literature does Taras Bulba belong to?

What genre of literature does this work belong to?

And when the work describes reliable historical events, How

what is it called?

What if heroes accomplish feats? (historical-heroic story)

So, what historical event is the basis of the story, what time is reflected in it, you will learn about this from the historical reference.

6. Historical background"Zaporozhye Sich" (Attached)

7. Teacher

Let's sum it up

Why was the Zaporozhye Sich called that?

How does the dictionary explain the meaning of this phrase?

What kind of people gathered there?

What united these people?

(They were united by recklessness and belligerence. For each of them, war is a normal state, they cannot help but fight. They came to the Zaporozhye Sich as if they were returning to their own home, from which they had just left)

Who was chosen as chieftain?

What goal now stood before Taras as an ataman?

(To unite such different people: runaways, convicts, with their own views, habits, characters, unite this mass for the fight).
8. Teacher

Yes, Taras knows nothing higher than love for the Fatherland, for him there is nothing higher than the Cossacks, purer and holier than military friendship. And when the Cossacks chose him as their chieftain, and the Sich rose to action and was preparing for battle, Taras Bulba could not resist and made a speech to the Cossacks - he wanted to express everything that was in his heart. His words reached his fellow Cossacks to the very depths of their souls.

Reading by heart Taras's speech about comradeship (a boy in a Cossack costume).

How did the oldest and young Cossacks react to the ataman’s speech?

(read an episode from Chapter 9).

Guys, how do you understand what partnership is?

How do you understand Taras’s words “There is no bond holier than fellowship”?


To better imagine the appearance of the era that Gogol depicted in the story, we turn to Repin’s famous painting “The Cossacks Write a Letter to the Turkish Sultan”

(Student reads the message)


Let's pay attention to the illustrations made by the guys for

read story.

(The teacher introduces the students to the illustrations, indicating their names).


So, you have read Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. What kind of leaders

have you identified the central themes?

1. Theme of war and peace.

2. Family theme.

3. Theme of mercy.

4. Theme of good and evil.

5. History of Ukraine.

6. The struggle of the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

What is the idea of ​​the story “Taras Bulba”?

Fatherland! (I wanted the Fatherland to be strong and powerful).

Partnership! (So ​​that Rus' would be a single state).

Faith! (So ​​that contemporaries believe in a better future).

What episodes do you particularly remember?

Did you like the work and why?

12. Eduard Romanenko will share his impressions of the story he read; he will read his own poem “Taras Bulba”.

Taras Bulba.

Talented artist of words,

He skillfully holds the pen

in your own hands. And again, again

he creates stories, but

One beautiful creation

He called him “Taras Bulba”.

Him in moments of inspiration

he wrote one morning.

Flipping through the pages of the story

about the adventures of a Cossack,

to me dark night I dream clearly

when suddenly Taras's hand

deprived me in one motion

suddenly the life of his son.

And then the enemy force

decided to burn him alive.

She mourns so quietly and sadly.

A wife deprived of a family.

Cossack spirit, Cossack strength

Visible in the work.

Romanenko E.

Message I.

“The old-world Ukrainian farm was Gogol’s birthplace, the old-world farmers were his educators.” N.V. Gogol was born on March 20, 1809 in the village of Sorochintsy, near Poltava. The future writer spent his childhood in the village of Vasilyevka. The father of the future writer, Vasily Afanasyevich, was an extraordinary man. After retiring, he devoted almost all his time to literature and theater.

Often, the father brought his sons to performances hosted by his distant relative Dmitry Prokofievich Troshchinsky. Gogol's mother, Marya Ivanovna, is an extremely beautiful and very kind woman. When Gogol grew up, he and his brother Ivan entered the Povetov School, where they studied for a year. Since 1820 he has been studying at the Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences. A short, pointed-nosed teenager with brown eyes It was difficult for him to get used to new living conditions, but gradually he became acquainted and made friends with many comrades. Gogol had an amazing gift, like everything stupid and funny in the character and actions of people, he was able to “guess” a person. The high school students formed their own literary circle. At the gymnasium, Gogol was interested in drawing and theater, and read a lot.
Message II .

Living in Nezhin, Gogol dreamed of St. Petersburg. With such dreams, he graduated from the Nizhyn gymnasium and on December 13, 1828 he left for St. Petersburg. He began to engage in literary creativity during his high school years. In St. Petersburg he publishes the poem “Ganz Küchelgarten” under the pseudonym V. Alov. The critics did not spare the poem and, after reading a review of his work, Gogol bought all the copies of the books in the shops and burned them. Upset by his failures, at the end of July 1829 Gogol left for Germany. After a while he decides to start again literary creativity. In 1830, the story “Basavryuk” was published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. He is working on the collection “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”. And when the story “Evenings on the Eve of Ivan Kupala” was published, real fame came to Gogol.

In 1835, the collection “Mirgorod” was published. The collection includes 4 stories “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”, “Old World Landowners”, “Viy”, “Taras Bulba”.

The last years of his life he lived in Moscow, engaged in literary creativity.
Zaporizhzhya Sich

In ancient times peoples modern Russia and Ukraine lived together in one state. But the Mongolian Tatar yoke separated these two peoples. Rus' came under the rule of the Golden Horde, and Ukraine was divided among neighboring states, and in the 16th century Poland annexed most of Ukraine.

Polish landowners (gentry) wanted to completely subjugate Ukraine. They forbade Ukrainians to adhere to Ukrainian customs, wear familiar clothes, and speak their native language.

Instead of the ancient Orthodox faith in Ukraine they began to forcibly introduce the Catholic religion adopted in Poland. Ukrainian and Polish landowners forced peasants to work for themselves. The working people resisted this. For this, people were severely punished: they were executed or had their noses and ears cut off. People fled to the distant outskirts, to the steppes, settled there, fished and hunted. A particularly large settlement arose on the Dnieper River, beyond the rapids (Zaporozhye). Here they built fortifications, “notches”. This is where the name Zaporozhye Sich came from. The places here were difficult to reach, and people felt safe here. They repelled the attacks of the Crimean Khan or the Turkish Sultan. There were many thousands of people here. They obeyed their atamans and hetmans. In battle they obeyed them unquestioningly, and in peacetime any chieftain could be replaced by another. Having reached the Zaporozhye Sich, people became free. In open boats, the Cossacks went to sea and attacked merchant ships, landing on the coast of Turkey or Crimea. Many Cossacks died here. But those who returned to the Zaporozhye Sich brought rich booty: gold, carpets, silks, etc. expensive goods. The Cossacks became dangerous not only for the Turks and Crimean Tatars, but also for the Poles. The Polish landowners understood that only then would they gain a foothold in the Ukrainian lands when they put an end to the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

For fifty years the Cossacks fought against the Polish gentry. Much blood was shed, many lives were cut short. The largest Cossack uprising in the 17th century was the uprising led by Taras Fedorovich Pavlyuk, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Yakov Ostryanin. The Cossacks won victories more than once, but they could not resist the Polish landowners, since at that time they were one of best warriors in Europe

Repin “The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”

Repin did not love a single painting as much as the “Cossacks”. He admired the images of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, since no one in the world felt freedom, equality and brotherhood so deeply. Zaporozhye has always been free and did not obey anyone.

The artist worked on the painting for more than 13 years. This painting is based on a true historical event.

In 1676 Turkish Sultan Mahmud IV sent a formidable letter to the Cossacks, in which he ordered them to surrender without resistance. And the Cossacks did not remain in debt. They sent a mischievous reply to the Sultan.

Repin depicted the Zaporozhian Cossacks at the moment when they, huddled around a roughly hewn table, were composing their famous letter. One after another they make sharp and caustic remarks about the Sultan, laughing at the very thought of the possibility of their enslavement.

Repin's painting reveals such an extraordinary wealth of human characters depicted on the canvas.

In the center of the picture is a long and insightful chieftain - Ivan Serko, a legendary hero about whom many legends have been preserved. The expression on his face conveys dignity, self-confidence, strength and humanity.

There is a clerk next to him. There is a thin, sarcastic grin on his smart, ironic face.

Noteworthy is a Cossack in a red zhupan and a white hat, answering the joke of his comrades with a roar of laughter. A thin old man with a gray forelock on his shaved head laughs with a thin, silent laugh. And next to him, a handsome young man laughs loudly, with his luxurious mustache tucked behind his ear.

In the picture, Repin managed to convey general, unbridled joy. Gestures, variety of clothing and equipment of the Cossacks help to more clearly sense the mighty strength of the Cossacks.

The feeling of strength also arises because the central group is not given in isolation, but against the background of the rest of the Zaporozhye army, covering the entire horizon.

Repin, like Gogol, pictured the Zaporozhye Sich as a free Cossack republic, giving birth to talented and powerful people, strong in spirit. To be truthful, Repin, when painting the picture, consulted with historians, sketched antique weapons, visited all the legendary places of the Zaporozhye Sich. And although this picture was not painted directly for the story “Taras Bulba,” you can still recognize Gogol’s heroes on the canvas.

The cheerful fat Cossack is reminiscent of Taras Bulba, the old man with forelock is reminiscent of Kisyan Bovdyuk, the handsome Cossack is reminiscent of Kukubenko.

The historical basis of N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”.
N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” reflects the main events of the 16th century: in Ukraine at that time, Polish nobles - “gentry” - became large landowners, who introduced Polish laws on their lands and instilled “their faith” - Catholicism.
The bulk of the population of Ukraine professed Orthodoxy and did not want to convert to Catholicism: apostasy was always considered a terrible sin by the Russian people. In addition, the arrival of Polish lords to the Ukrainian lands was accompanied by a deterioration in the life of the people: the best things were taken away from the peasants. land plots, which from time immemorial belonged to their families, many were simply driven off their land or resettled to infertile lands of little use for farming. Large taxes were imposed on free peasants in order to force them to sell their land to a large landowner.
A “quiet” expansion of foreign territory began: everything Ukrainian, everything national was persecuted, the language, way of life and customs of the Polish people were implanted. Some Ukrainian landowners adopted the customs and way of life of the Poles, but the people resisted desperately, resisted polonization as best they could (Poland in Latin sounds like Polonia) and, if possible, waged an open struggle against the new owners and the new faith.

Expansion (lat. expansio) - expansion, spread of boundaries or influence beyond the original limits, for example. trade expansion - capturing new markets. — (Newest
dictionary foreign words and expressions. - M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2002. - P. 933.)

To somehow “win” over to your side Ukrainian people, Polish and Ukrainian landowners under the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church came up with a “union” - an “agreement” between Orthodox and Catholics, essentially a new version of the Christian religion - Uniatism. Many church rituals in the Uniate externally resembled the ritual side of Orthodoxy, but in fact, the Uniate was and remains an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church with its dogmas and ideas about how a Christian should live.
Ukrainians spoke out against the encroachment on the faith and moral foundations of their people.
XVI-XVII centuries, the fictional hero Taras Bulba is fighting against this with the “damned gentlemen”, “Poles”.
The story by N.V. Gogol describes Zaporizhzhya Sich is a real historical object, arose in Ukraine in the Middle Ages: often peasants from the western and central regions of Ukraine, fleeing Polish oppression, went east, many settled in the lower reaches of the Dnieper. Here, at the Dnieper rapids, on the island of Khortitsa, a large fortified camp of Cossacks and fugitive peasants from Great Russia arose. (After the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station in the 1940s, the island of Khortytsia, like part of the rapids, went under water.) They began to be called Zaporozhye Cossacks.
Zaporozhye Cossacks usually surrounded their camps with fences - fences made of felled trees, pointed upward. From the Ukrainian word sech (in Russian - zaseka) the largest camp on Khortytsia got its name - Zaporozhye Sich.
The Cossacks are a conditional name, since there was no permanent population in the Zaporozhye Sich: as a rule, in the spring the bulk of the Cossacks gathered in the Sich, united in kuren - a kind of detachment that lived in one hut (kuren - hut), elected their kuren ataman. For better management With such a combined population, the kurens were united into camps, or koshes, which were headed by koshe atamans. All affairs of the Sich were decided at a general meeting - the Rada.
Many Cossacks were engaged in cattle breeding, hunting or various crafts, less often - farming. More often they went on long trips to Poland or Crimea, to Turkish cities or Tatar settlements on Black Sea coast. There is no point in idealizing the Cossacks: their campaigns were predatory, in the spirit of the Middle Ages.
However, by the end of the 16th century, the oppression of Poland became unbearable for the population of all Ukraine, so Zaporozhye Cossacks, fugitive peasants and the population of enslaved regions actively opposed the expansion of the Poles: they attacked Polish lands, burned crops and cities, drove out Polish landowners and “put their landowners in their place.”
This went on for almost a hundred years. In the second half of the 17th century, Ukraine voluntarily joined the Moscow State (1654). Now a strong Orthodox state defended the interests of its citizens, most of whom were
Ukrainians - a people related to the Russians.