Literary heroes, what is Taras Bulba, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly. Taras Bulba - folk hero

Short form of the name Taras. Taraska, Tarasik, Asya, Tarasko, Tarasichok, Tarasunchik, Tarasunya, Tarasunyo, Tarasyo.
Synonyms for the name Taras. Tarasios, Tarasios.
Origin of the name Taras. The name Taras is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Taras is a Russian form Greek name Tarasios, meaning "rebel", "rebel", "troublemaker", "restless". Ancient form of this name - Tarasius (mentioned in the Orthodox calendar).

One of the possible origins of the name Taras is a character from ancient Greek mythology - the son of the god Poseidon and the nymph Satyrion - Tarentum. His name was later transformed into Taras, and the city and the river were named after him.

There is an opinion that the name Taras comes from Latin word“taurus”, translated meaning “bull”, “ox”, and this is the name of the constellation Taurus in Latin. This name was also given to the mountain range, the gorge between Cappadocia and Cilicia - Taurus (Latin pronunciation “taurus”). Now in Russia the name is almost never found, although previously it was widespread - this fact is evidenced by the presence large quantity bearers of the surname Tarasov. The name is actively used in Belarus, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and also in Ukraine.

The affectionate address Asya is also used as an independent name and is short form many male and female names.

Since childhood, little Taras has been distinguished by his mobility and stubbornness. He is completely uninfluenced and always does things his own way, even if he pretended to absolutely agree with everything. Typically, these boys are distinguished by their intelligence and varied talents, but in order to realize their ideas, they lack determination.

Taras grows up as a rather unsociable kid, and he usually has few close friends. He is always immersed in his thoughts, silent and likes to read or watch TV in free time. Taras understands people quite well and can get to know the person he is interested in, but he does it as if reluctantly.

Winter representatives are distinguished by their silence and isolation. Autumn men have a very purposeful and active character. Summer Taras is also a very active and energetic man. Spring representatives with this name are the most vulnerable, they are easy to offend.

IN professional activity Taras lacks the perseverance to achieve his goals, so he often shares his ideas with the people around him, since he himself cannot bring them to life. Due to a lack of ambition, Taras may miss out on many opportunities in his career. In general, he is more suitable for the role of an executive, since he needs a leader in business. He is unable to resolve organizational issues when he needs to come to an agreement or get something. New things scare him very much because of the potential difficulties that Taras may encounter.

Winter and autumn representatives with this name can work as a teacher, dentist or epidemiologist. Summer and spring men become talented trainers, translators, journalists or teachers.

Taras needs an economic and active wife in order to complement her husband, who lacks hard work and initiative. If the wife takes care of the housework, then Taras in this case will be able to work closely material well-being. Often his chosen one is a divorced woman, and even the presence of her children does not stop Taras. Bad habits He doesn't have much and drinks quite a bit. He practically does not participate in household chores, except to control his wife’s expenses. The main thing is that Taras does not show stinginess and pettiness.

Name day of Taras

Taras celebrates his name day on February 25, March 9, March 10, March 22, May 26, June 20, August 15, October 25.

Famous people named Taras

  • Tarasius ((c.730 - 806) Patriarch of Constantinople since 784, venerated as a saint in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches)
  • Taras Shevchenko ((1814 - 1861) Ukrainian and Russian poet and prose writer, artist. Shevchenko’s literary heritage is considered the basis of Ukrainian literature and in many ways the modern literary Ukrainian language.)
  • Taras Chernovol (Chornovil) (Ukrainian politician)
  • Taras Bidenko (Ukrainian professional boxer, performing in the heavyweight category)
  • Taras Borovets (pseudonyms: Taras Bulba, Chub, Gonta, most often known as Taras Bulba-Borovets; Ukrainian nationalist, leader of the so-called Bulbovites (1908 - 1981))
  • Taras Franko ((1889 - 1971) Ukrainian Soviet writer, son of Ivan Franko)
  • Taras Bulba (Cossack colonel - hero of the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol)
  • Taras Tsarikaev ( Russian football player, defender (formerly forward))
  • Taras Shtonda ((born 1966) Ukrainian Opera singer(bass), soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine, guest soloist Bolshoi Theater, National artist Ukraine (2008))
  • Taras Epifantsev ( Russian actor theater and cinema)
  • Taras Durai (Ukrainian football player, defender)
  • Taras Mikhalik (Ukrainian football player, central defender of Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukrainian national team)
  • Taras Gaponenko ((1906 - 1993) Soviet painter; People's Artist of the USSR (1976), laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1947))
  • Taras Sidash ((born 1972) Russian philosopher, poet and translator)
  • Taras Fedorovich (also Taras Tryasilo, Hassan Tarassa, Hassan Trassa; hetman of the Zaporozhye unregistered Cossacks (since 1629), an active participant in the struggle for the liberation of Ukraine from the rule of Poland (d. about 1637))
  • Taras Khtey (Russian volleyball player, finishing player, captain of the Lokomotiv-Belogorye team, player of the Russian national team)
  • Taras Petrivsky (Ukrainian footballer)
  • Taras Lutsenko (former Ukrainian football player, goalkeeper)
  • Taras Yavorsky (Ukrainian footballer)
  • Taras Prokhasko ((born 1968) modern Ukrainian prose writer, one of the figures of the Stanislav phenomenon)
  • Taras Stepanenko (Ukrainian footballer)

Meaning of the name Taras: name for a boy “to disturb”, “to disturb”. This affects the character and fate of Taras.

Origin of the name Taras: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Tarasik, Taraska, Asya.

What does the name Taras mean: the name comes from the ancient Greek name Tarasios, which was derived from the word “tarasso”. The name Taras translates as “to mix”, “to outrage”. Another meaning of the name Taras is “troublemaker.” He has a strong will, since childhood he believes in his bright future, and loves to help people. The ideal profession for him is a doctor or a rescuer. He has creative abilities that should be developed - this will help him become successful.

Patronymic name Taras: Tarasovich, Tarasovna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Taras celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • March 10 (February 25) - St. Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, for his pious life and zeal for the Orthodox faith, was elevated from among the royal dignitaries to patriarch; helped the poor, built many monasteries and hospitals (9th century).
  • June 20 (7) - Holy Martyr Tarasius suffered for the faith of Christ at the hands of the pagans.

Signs: March 10 - Tarasy the goon: from now on they don’t sleep during the day, otherwise kumakha, that is, fever, will attack.


  • Zodiac of Taras - Pisces
  • Planet - Uranus
  • Color - red
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Treasured plant - catchment
  • Patron - crucian carp
  • Talisman stone - topaz

Characteristics of the name Taras

Positive features: The character of Taras is dominated by self-will and determination. He strives to stand out from his environment. A guy with this name quickly becomes a leader, he has some kind of attractiveness and maybe even strangeness, which is based on the combination of the ability to take quick volitional decisions and a tendency to doubt.

Negative features: The name Taras brings inner doubts and a lack of sense of humor. A man with this name quite actively strives for self-affirmation, showing excessive assertiveness. He is characterized by a certain gloominess, phlegmatism and detachment, which, in his opinion, ensures weight in society and emphasizes independence.

Character of the name Taras: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Taras? As his wife, he usually chooses a fragile, sentimental girl, dreaming of unearthly bliss in love - and all his life he replaces her with husband, lover, and father. By old age, a man becomes eccentric, devout, tries to find his childhood friends, many of whom, alas, are no longer alive.

A man named Taras has a strong will, non-standard, somewhat paradoxical thinking, and does not succumb to the influence of others. A guy with this name is stubborn, resistant to failures, accepts them as equally as victories, but does not know how to calculate the situation many moves ahead. Taras solves complicated matters in one fell swoop, cuts the truth in the eyes and it’s not very pleasant for those around him, but everyone knows that he doesn’t keep a stone in his bosom. He is often very talented, but does not always know how to realize his potential. There is a direct and far from the easiest path to achieving the goal.

The man is sociable and does not fit into the usual stereotypes, so many are disappointed in him. You need to accept him as he is, and then you will not regret your patience. He is often haunted by the envy of others, but his enemies are clearly afraid of Taras. He has few close friends. The guy with this name is a man of few words, but to the right person will always find a way. Not ambitious, reluctant to take on new business. He willingly shares his ideas with others, although he himself is often deprived of the opportunity to implement them.

Taras and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The union of the name with Aksinya, Bogdana, Dana, Claudia is favorable. The name Taras is also combined with Teresa. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Akulina, Vassa, Lilia, Roxana.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Taras promise happiness in love? From the generally accepted point of view, the marriage will be good, but it will go through severe trials, through disappointment due to relatives.

He loves women and is loved by them. There is a leader in the family, the wife will have to adapt to him. For him it has special meaning homebody He loves children, but his love is not expressed at all in indulging their whims; Tarasik is quite harsh with children. He views sex as a means of satisfying love passion, considers it beneficial for health and peace of mind and takes the slightest setbacks painfully. The wife needs to show maximum patience, tact and delicacy.

Tarasik lives well in a family if his wife is a hardworking and practical woman, while he is only busy making money. In his free time, he lies in front of the TV and reads newspapers. He often marries divorced women.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In business, a man with this name is distinguished by concentration and accuracy. Attaches great importance to working with full dedication. He gets down to business, but from the very first steps, thoughts like “is it worth it?” often begin to come into his head. It is unlikely that many things will happen in Taras's life. conflict situations, his internal energy although it is capable of an outburst of discontent, it does not imply aggression and a long accumulation of tension, so most often his personal life and career are quite smooth, without jumps and breakdowns.

Tarasik often works as a doctor at the sanitary and epidemiological station, a dentist, a teacher, a translator, and a trainer. He has been involved in sports since childhood, loves strength sports - barbell, boxing, wrestling, so he can choose military service, become a rescuer, for him this is the best way to successful career. It is usually difficult for a man named Taras to decide on anything, but if he makes a decision, it is quite difficult to convince him otherwise.

Business and career: The guy knows how to earn money, save it and increase it. From a young age, Tarasik believes in his star and prepares for great achievements. Only much later does he understand that great things require great times, and he has a hard time experiencing timelessness. The best path to success for people with this name is to choose military service, become a rescuer or a doctor.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Taras: The meaning of the name Taras from a medical point of view. This is an active and stubborn child, he will always be able to insist on his own. He has few friends, he is very touchy and reacts painfully to children's pranks that offend him. He cannot react calmly and with a sense of humor when they shout at him: “T. Bulba!”, remembering the hero N.V. Gogol. Taras withdraws into himself, becomes insecure and even more vulnerable. Parents need a lot of patience to teach their child to be more gentle with people and easier with themselves.

The rarity and visibility of a name for an adult already plays a positive role, distinguishing it from the general environment. However, his ambition is underdeveloped, and he will not be able to take advantage of it.

A man named Taras is an intelligent and conscientious person, the name Taras has many ideas, but he cannot bring them to life himself and persistently looks for people who will be interested in his proposals. Having achieved success, Tarasik begins to value himself and believe in his star.

He has common sense, he strives for a strong position in life, material security. Only when irritated does the owner of the name Taras become capricious and stubborn.

The fate of Taras in history

What does the name Taras mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. The name of Taras is associated with the story of the “Taras Night”, about the defeat inflicted by the Cossacks in 1628 on the Poles in the vicinity of Pereyaslavl, besieged by the Polish crown hetman Koncepolsky. The Little Russian hetman Taras Shakylo, having gathered up to thirty thousand Cossacks, hastened to the rescue of the city and strengthened himself in the camp between Trubens and Alta. Almost daily attacks by the Poles were repulsed by Taras artillery. Up to three hundred Polish nobles alone died, many warriors drowned in the river, the rest scattered; the entire convoy and artillery of Kontsepolsky went to the Cossacks. Glorified for his selfless, desperate courage Zaporizhian Cossack Taras Bulba, the hero of the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol.
  2. Taras G. Shevchenko (1814-1861), Ukrainian poet, artist and thinker was a serf until 1838. The undoubted influence of Bryullov is marked by the painting “Katerina”, created by Shevchenko 4 years later on the plot of his own poem of the same name. It is inspired by the young artist’s memories of Ukraine. In the early 1840s, the first collection of Shevchenko’s poem “Kobzar” was published - one of the remarkable creations in the history of Ukrainian poetry. For composing revolutionary works, and, above all, the poem “Dream” - a devastating satire on autocracy, Taras Shevchenko in 1847 was given up as a soldier and exiled to the deserted Trans-Caspian steppes. He was forbidden to write and draw. But despite the ban, he created.
  3. Taras Chernovol - Chornovil) (Ukrainian politician.
  4. Taras Bidenko is a Ukrainian professional boxer who competes in the super heavyweight category.
  5. Taras Borovets - pseudonyms: Taras Bulba, Chub, Gonta, most often known as Taras Bulba-Borovets; Ukrainian nationalist, leader of the so-called Bulbovites (1908 - 1981).
  6. Taras Franko - (1889 - 1971) Ukrainian Soviet writer, son of Ivan Franko.
  7. Taras Bulba - Cossack colonel - the hero of the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol.
  8. Taras Tsarikaev is a Russian football player, defender (formerly forward).
  9. Taras Shtonda - (born 1966) Ukrainian opera singer (bass), soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine, guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, People's Artist of Ukraine (2008).
  10. Taras Epifantsev is a Russian theater and film actor.
  11. Taras Durai - Ukrainian football player, defender.
  12. Taras Mikhalik is a Ukrainian football player, central defender of Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukrainian national team. Taras Gaponenko - (1906 - 1993) Soviet painter; People's Artist of the USSR (1976), laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1947).
  13. Taras Sidash - (born 1972) Russian philosopher, poet and translator.
  14. Taras Fedorovich - also Taras Tryasilo, Hassan Tarassa, Hassan Trassa; hetman of the Zaporozhye unregistered Cossacks (since 1629), an active participant in the struggle for the liberation of Ukraine from Polish rule (d. circa 1637).

What is Taras? Meaning and interpretation of the word taras, definition of the term

Taras- Of ancient Greek origin, means: restless, rebel, troublemaker. As a child, Taras is active and stubborn. He will always act in his own way, so it is better not to waste time on explanations and instructions; he will listen silently, maybe even nod his head in agreement, but will stubbornly move towards his goal. Among the Taras there are many smart and talented people, however, they do not always have enough activity to realize their abilities. Frightened by potential difficulties, they are reluctant to take on new things. Taras has many ideas, which he shares with others, since he himself cannot bring them to life. His ambition is not sufficiently developed, and this also prevents practical success. Taras has few close friends, he is more immersed in the world of his own experiences than in the events of the world around him, but if he really needs a person, he will find the opportunity to get to know him closely, but he does it as if with reluctance. Taras is a man of few words; he likes to spend his free time watching TV and reading books. Taras needs a wife who could compensate for his natural lack of initiative and hard work. He, one might say, will blossom as a family man if his wife turns out to be a practical woman and takes on most of the household chores. Taras, in this case, will be completely occupied with making money, and his participation in household chores will be reduced mainly to monitoring his wife’s expenses. At the same time, he may show pettiness and stinginess. He often marries divorced women; children from his first marriage do not stop him. He drinks a little.


Ancient Greek origin, meaning: restless, rebel, troublemaker. As a child, Taras is active and stubborn. He will always act in his own way, so it is better not to waste time on explanations and instructions; he will listen silently, maybe even nod his head in agreement, but will stubbornly move towards his goal. Among the Taras there are many smart and talented people, but they do not always have enough activity to realize their abilities. Frightened by potential difficulties, they are reluctant to take on new things. Taras has many ideas, which he shares with others, since he himself cannot bring them to life. His ambition is not sufficiently developed, and this also prevents practical success. Taras has few close friends, he is more immersed in the world of his own experiences than in the events of the world around him, but if he really needs a person, he will find the opportunity to get to know him closely, but he does it as if with reluctance. Taras is a man of few words; he likes to spend his free time watching TV and reading books. Taras needs a wife who could compensate for his natural lack of initiative and hard work. He, one might say, will blossom as a family man if his wife turns out to be a practical woman and takes on most of the household chores. Taras, in this case, will be completely occupied with making money, and his participation in household chores will be reduced mainly to monitoring his wife’s expenses. At the same time, he may show pettiness and stinginess. He often marries divorced women; children from his first marriage do not stop him. He drinks a little.

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And husband.; old Tarasy, I. Report: Tarasovich, Tarasovna; decomposition Tarasych.Derivatives: Taraska; Asya. Origin: (From the Greek tarasso to confuse, disturb.) Name days: March 10, March 22, June 20, Aug. 15, Oct. 25. Dictionary of personal names. Taras... ... Dictionary of personal names

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  • Taras Shevchenko. Lyrics, Taras Shevchenko. The book by Taras Shevchenko (1814 - 1861) includes poems from 1837 - 1861. The publication contains illustrations...
  • Taras Shevchenko. Lyrics, Taras Shevchenko. Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko was a lyric poet. His experiences, his attitude to the world and society formed the basis of poetic creativity. And no matter what images its content is embodied...

What is "TARAS BULBA"? How to spell given word. Concept and interpretation.

TARAS BULBA TARAS BULBA is the hero of N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” (first edition 1835, second edition 1842). Historical prototypes of the image of T.B.- prominent figures national liberation movement of Ukraine in the 15th-17th centuries: Na-lyvaiko, Loboda, Taras Tryasylo, Gunya, Ostra-nitsa. Some biographical features connect T.B. and Bohdan Khmelnitsky. However, T.B. is a collective image, and Gogol’s main source was folklore: Ukrainian folk songs and thoughts, historical songs, heroic epics and tales of heroes. Image of T.B. epic, heroic and large-scale. His fate unfolds against the backdrop of formidable historical events - the struggle of the Zaporozhye freemen against the Polish gentry, Turkish and Tatar rule. T.B. is a type of positive hero, for he is an integral part of the tribal unity of the Cossack brotherhood; his actions are mainly guided by the code of knightly honor; he fights and dies in the name of the interests of the Russian land and the Orthodox faith; it has “the broad, riotous manner of Russian nature.” The positive beginning of the image of T.B. balances the lack of ideality of the images of “freaks” and “existents” (Gogol creates the image of T.B. simultaneously with his work on “Dead Souls”). In the image of T.B. the idea of ​​comradeship, which holds together the element of the collective, is opposed to the egoism of detached individuality, and the utopian republic of the Zaporozhye Sich with its freedom, equality, brotherhood is opposed to the narrowness, pettiness, admiration for the ranks and capital of cold and soulless St. Petersburg (G.A. Gukovsky). Portrait of T.B. hyperbolic. Heroic strength, bodily strength, severity and straightforwardness, alien to any guile, form the basis of T.B.’s appearance: “Bulba jumped on his Devil, who stepped back furiously, feeling a twenty-pound burden on himself, because Taras was extremely heavy and fat”; “... he hung his gloomy, black-white eyebrows even lower over his eyes, like bushes that grew along the high crown of a mountain, the tops of which were covered right up by the needle-like northern frost”; “He was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the brutal directness of his character.” The breadth and mighty scope of T.B. in feasting and military affairs they acquire epic, grandiose spontaneous features: “There is no need for donuts, honey cakes, poppy cakes and other pundits, bring us the whole ram, give us a goat, forty-year-old honeys! Yes, a bigger burner, not with fancy burners, not with raisins and all sorts of trash, but a clean, foamy burner, so that it plays and hisses like mad.” T.B. in anger he smashes pots and flasks. In the heat of battle, “Taras hacks and fights, pouring gifts on the heads of one and the other... chopping those he meets and crosses into cabbage.” Wounded, T.B. crashed “like a chopped oak tree to the ground.” “Meanwhile, a gang suddenly ran up and grabbed him under his powerful shoulders. He started to move with all his limbs, but the haiduks who grabbed him no longer fell to the ground, as had happened before. But old age was not the fault: strength overcame strength. Almost thirty people hung on his hands and feet.” Image of T.B. ambiguous: he is characterized by cruelty and deceit, which were considered the ethical norm in the 15th-17th centuries. T.B. deposes the Koshevoy, who refused to break his oath and resume the war, only because T.’s two sons. B. must be battle-hardened. T.B. got the Cossacks drunk, persuaded them to organize a general gathering, and the drunken Cossacks, at the instigation of T.B., removed the Koshevoy, choosing whomever T.B. liked. Kir-dyagu. After the execution of Ostap T.B. takes revenge on the gentry, holds a “wake” for his son: robs castles, burns down 18 towns, churches: “Don’t regret anything!” - only Taras repeated. The Cossacks did not respect black-browed ladies, white-breasted, fair-faced girls; they could not escape at the very altars: Taras lit them together with the altars; the cruel Cossacks did not listen to anything and, lifting their babies from the streets with spears, threw them into the flames.” In the image of T.B. two stylistic elements of Gogol’s narrative merge: historical concreteness and realism of the depiction of a rough age, when the mutual ferocity of Cossacks and Poles is a common occurrence, and, on the other hand, the solemn lyrical pathos of the folk poetic epic, the meaning of which is the apotheosis of the heroic power of the Russian land. The filicide was motivated by Andriy’s betrayal and betrayal of the Russian land and Orthodox faith, therefore, ethically justified: ““So sell? sell faith? sell yours? I gave birth to you, I will kill you! - said Taras...” Gogol reinterprets the biblical motif of Abraham’s sacrifice: Andriy (the sacrificial lamb Isaac) is not saved by God, but T.B. (Old Testament Abraham) sacrifices him to Orthodoxy: “like a young lamb, sensing a deadly iron under his heart, he hung his head and fell on the grass, without saying a single word.” In contrast to the traitor Andriy Ostap, another son of T.B., was crucified by torturers on the scaffold for his faith, like Christ (“Ostap endured torment and torture like a giant”). T.B. “he stood in the crowd with his head down and at the same time proudly raising his eyes, and only said approvingly: “Good, son, good!” “Ostap’s abandonment of fatherhood and his cry, similar to the cry of Christ on the cross: “Father! where are you? Can you hear? (cf.: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” - Matt. 27:46) gives rise to a response cry from T.B. (as if God’s answer to faithful Christians dying for him): “I hear!” (M. Weiskopf). Thus, the epic unity of the image of T.B. bifurcates into the images of his sons. The image of Ostap embodies the idea of ​​an inextricable connection with the ancestral body, loyalty to knightly honor and the Fatherland, the image of Andriy - the idea of ​​apostasy, selfish disunity of people, separation from the whole: the collective, the people, God (the motive of the Fall), which is characteristic of European civilization contemporary to Gogol (cf. criticism of the latter in “ Dead souls"and St. Petersburg stories). Bloody battle is the element of T.B. It contains the motif of a mortal feast, as in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” The death of knights for the Fatherland is pleasing to God (“And the young soul flew out. The angels lifted her by the arms and carried her to heaven”). The Cossacks, therefore, appear by God's army, and the winged words of T.E., encouraging them (“Is there still gunpowder in the flasks? Is the Cossack strength still strong? Are the Cossacks still bending?”), are the words of the “punishment ataman”, appointed by God’s providence for the glory of the Russian land. The Russian land acquires a messianic meaning in Gogol's understanding. Death of T.B. retains the same high Christian pathos, although reduced by the humorous motive of the lost T.B. cradle: “And the old chieftain bent down and began to look in the grass for his cradle with tobacco, an inseparable companion on the seas and on land, and on campaigns, and at home.” The Poles burn T.B. on fire, crucifying on a tree trunk (cf. the traditional Christian symbol of the tree-cross): “Are there such fires, torments and such strength in the world that would overpower the Russian force!” Lit.: Kamanin I.M. Scientific and literary works N.V. Gogol on the history of Little Russia // In Memory of Gogol. Kyiv, 1902; Karpenko A.I. About the nationality of N.V. Gogol. Kyiv, 1973; see also Lit. to the article "Chichikov". A.B.Galkin