How to learn to sell any product or service at a high price! Basics of sales. How to sell a product correctly - basic trading rules


From this article you will learn:

  • How to offer products to stores
  • How to offer products on social networks and by phone
  • How to properly offer a product to a sales representative

The domestic economy has recently embarked on the path of market relations; from now on, each of the sellers asks a fundamental question: how to offer a product or service so that the buyer is interested. Let's consider the key aspects of this issue.

How to offer a product so that people buy it

Of course, the success of a business depends largely on sales volume; this is perhaps one of the most important factors. Production capacity can be increased quite quickly, but market capacity does not always provide the opportunity to realize the inherent potential. Advertising budgets can be 20–50% of production costs, and firms do everything possible to outperform competitors.

All these factors indicate that the entire distribution chain - marketing department/sales department/store - is important. The answer to the questions: “How to offer a product correctly” and “How to sell a product to a client” is the solution to the buyer’s needs.

  1. Before offering a product to a buyer, thoroughly study all the issues related to it. The more extensive and in-depth information you have about a product (operation, scope of application, availability of options and their differences, etc.), the more convincingly you can convey to the buyer why he needs it.
  2. Pay very close attention to the psychology of a possible client. You need to clearly understand who is in front of you: a student or an intellectual, young or old, man or woman. Having an idea of ​​the character of a potential client, it will be easier for you not only to offer him a product, but also to build a productive dialogue with him, to establish a competent strategy in the buyer-seller relationship.
  3. When offering a product, do not forget about the emotional component: let the potential buyer feel like the owner of a product that has not yet been purchased. Show what the product is like in action, let them touch, feel, smell it. Create all the conditions for making a purchase so that the client wants to purchase this particular product right now.

How to offer goods wholesale

There are several simple rules on how to sell goods in bulk. In this case, you need to focus on the future, that is, on the constant search for a customer. The volume of deliveries depends on the scale of the client company (whether these will be large orders or small ones). Categories such as delivery, price, terms are a temptation for the buyer and a big plus for the supplier.


  • do everything possible to “feed” the client from the very beginning with low prices for delivered orders and low logistics bills;
  • monitor compliance with the terms of the contract - never violate them;
  • deliver on time and regularly;
  • Remember that wholesale is a peer-to-peer sale.

How to properly offer a product to a buyer in a store

Most main problem The problem that retail chains, including large ones, face is the problem of recruiting staff, since employees of most stores are not ready for effective sales (residual effects of Soviet upbringing). But there is another side to this - retailers themselves often do not pay enough attention to training and motivating sellers, treating them as third-rate " labor force", which is constantly changing. This attitude leads to a lack of necessary training. The seller does not offer the product to the buyer very effectively, because he does not know how to do it. But trained employees with proper motivation may well be the key to the success of any retail outlet.

A successful salesperson is someone who:

  • easily identifies client problems;
  • can assess consumer priorities in the context of solving these problems;
  • can and strives to help buyers find solutions to these problems in the most convenient, effective, innovative and timely way, and at a price that is adequate for the buyer.

Most often, if the seller is able to identify the fundamental problems for the client, the client will be willing to pay to solve them.

The key to success can be knowledge of methods for promoting your problem-solving abilities to potential buyers. This is necessary so that clients are aware of what you can do for them and what benefits they will receive from using the solutions you offer.

Leading salespeople don't just focus on how to offer a product (or how to sell it), but they expand the horizons of what their customers can do. To become a sales leader, you need to periodically answer the following questions:

  • What customer problems am I solving?
  • What is the buyer's perspective on these problems and my proposed solutions?
  • How does a buyer prioritize solutions to these problems?
  • What other buyer problems can I solve?
  • What hidden or future problems are buyers unaware of?

The buyer comes with a huge number of problems. Your job is to point them out and give them detailed description, but not from your point of view, but from the client’s position. Focus on those problems that need to be solved first, and for this you need to formulate the right questions and listen carefully to the buyer’s answers. And after that, offer your solutions (= offer a product).

3 tips on how to talk to a buyer when offering a product

Experts share useful tips with sellers on how to talk with the buyer to achieve success, how to offer the product as efficiently as possible.

  1. Product knowledge.

Despite the fact that we have already mentioned this fact, we repeat once again: you need to start preparing for trading even before the sales themselves, in particular, we're talking about to obtain all possible information about the product. What it could be: before offering a product, check the details different manufacturers, specifics of use, price corridors for wholesale/retail, at different retail outlets and in the place where exactly you will sell. However, the psychological aspect can be called much more significant.

The task of any seller is to offer a product, while providing answers to all questions that arise. Such a seller inspires confidence; the buyer understands that he is a professional and not an amateur. There is another point: if the client receives a comprehensive answer, he begins to feel obligated, and in some cases this may influence his decision to purchase the product here, from this seller. However, in the opposite situation, when the seller answers without enthusiasm, at length, the consumer understands that he is not a professional working with him.

The only exception: the buyer, due to some circumstances, has information about the product, for example, he took part in the production of similar goods. Then you need to offer the product more carefully, you should not go too far: it is important to show your competence in this matter and respect the knowledge of your interlocutor, and maybe even ask him something, ask some questions. This model of behavior will increase the importance of the buyer in his own eyes and at the same time increase the assessment of the seller.

  1. Good mood.

In fact, the salesman's mood is a working tool, since he is an actor who cannot afford an arbitrary mood. His task is to “keep face” regardless of what is in his soul. After all, the buyer immediately catches the seller’s mood and reacts to it: good mood transmitted, but also bad things. If the buyer came to the store in a good mood, and the seller spoiled it, then the buyer subconsciously (and maybe consciously) will want to take revenge on the seller without buying anything from him.

  1. Respect for the buyer.

Respect for the buyer is manifested in respect for his desires and choices.

That is, if a buyer wants to buy tea, then you should not try to sell him lemonade. Of course, it is permissible to offer a substitute product, but “selling” it is fraught with consequences. The buyer is increasingly psychologically savvy, and often he also has a good understanding of the product. Therefore, the fact that instead of a substitute product they begin to very persistently offer him something completely different, even when such a replacement seems appropriate to the seller, causes irritation and negativity. This is regarded as manipulation, and its disclosure should be followed by punishment: and this is the loss of the client, because he is unlikely to ever return to the place where he was deceived or tried to deceive.

Trading is somewhat similar to fishing: it is impossible to force fish to bite, but you can attract them with high-quality bait. The buyer likes quality service, and respect is an important component. And even in the case when you do not have a certain product, directing the buyer to the place where it is available will also have a positive effect on your assessment by the buyer, and there is a high probability that he will return to you.

You need to respect not only the buyer’s problems and his desires, but also his refusal. You are unlikely to see a customer who has been rude or rude after a refusal in your store again. And even if there was no obvious rudeness, a sharp change in the seller’s behavior (from fawning/attentive to indifferent/negative) will also shock the buyer, and he is unlikely to come to this store.

  • under no circumstances talk about the negative nuances of the product, so as not to spoil the positive;
  • Even if you know how to offer a product correctly, if you don't know the rules of ethics, it will be difficult to succeed. Be charming, friendly, respectful - this will help sell the product, but avoid familiarity and familiarity, maintaining the required distance.

How to offer a product to a sales representative

A novice sales representative always faces refusals, this is explained by the fact that retail outlets are against working with new suppliers or new products - the store shelves are already overflowing with goods. However, there are good principles in sales and good methods, how to offer a product to unfamiliar customers.

  1. Make an illustrated catalogue.

If it is the woman who decides whether to work with you or not, then there is one useful method: creating a catalog with illustrations. This is relevant for women, since women are usually inclined to choose goods from catalogs: this form of shopping inspires confidence in them. Offering a product in this way is a more advantageous option: viewing a catalog takes less time than looking at a price list, and looking at pictures is more pleasant than looking at numbers.

  1. Visit all retail outlets in your assigned territory.

Be prepared to be rejected in most places when you offer a product, but this should not worry you: it is normal for the psychology of the seller to test the new person (will he appear again and how persistent is he?). Don't be upset if you are rejected. Just let them know you'll come back another time when something interesting comes up. The seller is unlikely to refuse this. Focus on finding your first client - it's difficult, but doable.

  1. Return to stores located near your first customer.

Come back after a while with a message that you have news. In the conversation, refer to the first client and tell him that your product will be presented in his store. Buyers notice everything: if one store offers your product, but this one does not, they will come to the store with new products more often. And this is an important criterion for many.

  1. Collect statistics and reviews.

Contact customers with questions about how things are going with your product at their point of sale. Don’t let their answers fall on deaf ears – record and pay attention to it.

  1. Visit the remaining stores.

Let them know that your product is already available in 15 stores. But don't lie, tell it like it is. Voice the words of customers who are satisfied with your product. This may be the impetus for them to start working with you. WITH successful people I want to work, it’s easier to offer goods to people who are this way.

How to offer your product to stores

This question is always asked by newcomers, because the managers of retail outlets refuse new products, arguing that the stores are already overflowing with goods. Therefore, there is one peculiarity in how to offer a product to a store: you need to offer not only the product, but also something more, for example, better service than competitors, best solution working moments. Your job is to offer a product while convincing the client that they won't waste their time if they start working with you.

To sell your product successfully, you need to have an idea of ​​all stages of a customer visit:

  • Preparation;
  • approach to the outlet;
  • presentation;
  • conclusion of a deal;
  • merchandising;
  • visit analysis.

There are a number important advice in how to offer a product:

  1. Remember that store managers perceive a new supplier as new problems. This is due to past negative experiences of contacts with unreliable suppliers, for example. Therefore, they perceive any new proposal with caution. Don't forget this: there are two parts to selling a product: first you have to "sell yourself" as a good business partner, and only then do you focus on how to offer the product and sell it. If you look at the situation from this position too, then it will be easier for you to negotiate and find the right words.
  2. When you go to a store to offer a product, focus on a slightly different goal: find out about the problems of your potential partners. Tell them that you are planning to work in this market, but you came today to find out what problems the store faces when working with suppliers. Pay attention to the responses you receive and tell them you will come back when you can offer a solution to these problems.
  3. Analyze this conversation: determine weak points in the work of competitors, create a service scheme for a retail outlet that will surpass the offers of competing suppliers. Focus on demonstrating this difference as effectively as possible to store managers when you begin offering the product.
  4. Organize another negotiation, but again do not talk about your products, focus on how comfortable the buyer will be in working with your company.
  5. Receive your first purchase order. Let it be small - after all, this is a kind of test, but clearly state what the minimum order volume should be in the future.

Remember: competitors will immediately pay attention to the decrease in sales that is associated with your entry into the market. The rivals' response may be, for example, to improve the quality of service. Your task is to return to the steps listed above from time to time and repeat them.

Important advice:go to the sales area after the delivery has been made and find out if everything is fine. The fact that you care about your partner– this is an additional bonus that will work in favor of working with you.

How to offer a product on social networks

SMM, or marketing in social networks, is now gaining momentum. There is not a single company that does not understand the importance of promotion on social networks. At the same time, not everyone knows how to offer goods here correctly and as productively as possible.

Statistics show the following: for example, specialists from GfK Ukraine conducted an analysis of what goods, where and how often Ukrainians purchase via the Internet. Here are the results: in 2016, more than 39% of Internet users bought goods or ordered services using social networks. And, let’s say, in 2013, only 12% made purchases through social networks.

The most popular products: clothing, accessories, gifts, shoes, cosmetics and perfumes. Most of the buyers are, of course, women.

Such statistics once again emphasize that you can really sell on social networks.

But how to do this?

It’s not that complicated, you just need to take into account important factors:

  • the audience of your company coincides with the audience of the social network;
  • there are no barriers to purchasing your product through a social network (no additional registrations, requests are processed slowly, etc.);
  • you are really developing your community: there is the right content, a sufficient number of participants and you were able to reach the average or even high level involvement;
  • users trust you (for example, due to high-quality feedback);
  • You realize that selling online takes time (minimum 3 months).

When you can put a plus next to each item, then you are really confidently moving in the right direction: you can safely offer your product.

  1. Please indicate the current price.

Don’t create unnecessary barriers on the buyer’s path to purchasing your product: let him see the price right away. Do not doubt that potential customers for whom the price you named will be unsuitable will in any case refuse to purchase the product.

  1. Simplify the ordering process as much as possible.

It is necessary to offer goods in online stores in such a way that the client has the opportunity to buy the product he likes almost instantly, without unnecessary manipulations of going to the site, registrations, etc. The more difficult it is to place an order, the greater the chance that the buyer will change his mind. Your task is to make sure that the customer understands the scheme for purchasing the product, and this scheme should be simple.

  1. Update your assortment regularly so that the buyer has the opportunity to choose.

Remember the female craving for shopping: walking around for hours shopping centers, the ability to choose, the understanding that one of these things will sooner or later become their property. The same principle should apply to social media: users should have choice. These can be albums with goods, where you can see everything that is available, compare, and then purchase. Plus - the larger assortment you offer, the larger number customers (and their needs) will be satisfied.

Remember about such a factor as the relevance of the product. Let you have an “In stock” album, which will be regularly updated and replenished, do not forget to periodically offer products from this album. Because often refusal to purchase is triggered by the need for a long wait for the goods to arrive or their absence at all (despite the fact that it is presented in the album/website).

  1. Follow trends and play with them.

Trends are great way earn quickly and a lot. Pay attention to what users are talking about on the Internet, what is happening around, what is interesting to people. Apply what you've learned to market your product. Items that are on trend are usually more popular than the standard assortment.

  1. Update your community information regularly.

It is important for you to convey to your customers the fact that your products are constantly being updated. However, you don’t need to do this too zealously, otherwise there is a risk of a ban (in the news feed). Do this in moderation so that when a user needs something you sell, they immediately think of you.

  1. Respond promptly to comments.

Timely responses to comments increase the likelihood of making a purchase. Slowness can lead to the buyer leaving for competitors.

  1. Don't neglect community management.

Community management is almost the key component in working with your community. It gives you the opportunity to build trust with users who may become your customers. Give public responses to negative comments, do not delete them, and be able to admit your mistakes.

Remember the importance feedback and reviews: their presence will increase the loyalty of the audience, which in the future will be able to recommend your store to friends and acquaintances. But just don’t falsify information, reviews should be honest and real, and fictitious reviews will never work in your favor.

  1. Let's advertise interesting offers and discounts.

Draw your customers' attention to various interesting offers, promotions and discounts in advertising campaigns. Such messages increase the effectiveness of advertising, which leads to increased sales.

Question from Maxim Zhukov:

Hello, Nikolay and other readers of this cool site. I have a business in which direct sales play a very important role and you need to be able to close a deal by communicating with the client. Could someone please tell me some tricks or techniques for effective direct sales. Or give advice on how to sell something that is not for sale?) Thanks in advance!

Answer to Maxim's question:

Hello, Maxim. My name is Nikolay (author of this blog). The fact is that I am not particularly strong in direct sales, so I turned to one of the specialists. Therefore, Stepasyuk Mikola, an experienced sales manager, will answer your question;). So here's the answer!

Everyone who gets into the sales field must work very hard and persistently, honing their skills - I realized this already on the first day of my internship as a seller of non-food products. The problem is that none of my newly minted colleagues had a special desire to teach me something. Ask why? The answer is very simple and does not require much explanation - competition. Competition is a kind of confrontation between people, designed to reveal the strongest and best face. A person who has a greater amount of knowledge and skills in a certain field undoubtedly has a greater chance of emerging victorious in a competitive confrontation. What does it mean to be a winner, that is, a better salesman than your colleagues, what do you think? Respect, authority, a sense of dominance and, most importantly, great wages is what separates a good salesman from a super salesman.

Having realized this in the first days, I gave up hopes that someone would teach me something really worthwhile and effective and began to take steps towards my goal without outside help. The main means of learning for me was observation. I constantly followed the consultations of my colleagues and listened to every word, selecting bit by bit the most successful and convincing sales techniques. Thus, within two months I began to surpass all my colleagues in the art of selling various types of goods. Personally, I worked as a consultant in the IT department, but this does not matter, because the sales scheme for any product is the same.

In the three electronics stores I worked at, I had the opportunity to become familiar with the so-called “customer service standards.” I must say that the time spent reading these rules was well spent. Such documents are compiled on the basis of extensive research involving various categories buyers. Next, the information is processed by psychologists and financiers, who, based on the collected data, draw up service standards. Not all retail chains have them the same. This is due to the fact that such rules of behavior for sellers are prescribed for certain categories of clients and products that the retail outlet distributes.

To give you a general impression, I will give an example of the basic standard scheme according to which clients are served in any stores where consultations are provided. So here it is:

  1. Greeting (eye contact, smile, greeting itself);
  2. Attachment expression (the sales consultant must ask the client a question to which he cannot answer “No”);
  3. Clarification of needs (by putting various types questions, the consultant must understand the client’s need as clearly as possible);
  4. Presentation (for a presentation you need to select two, maximum three products. When a person shows interest in one of them, you need to talk about it in detail. When naming a feature, the seller must immediately indicate how it is useful and what advantages it gives the client);
  5. Push to buy (you need to “force” the buyer to make a decision to buy a product. For this there are many methods, including very effective method three “Yes”, more about it below);
  6. Completion of the purchase (fill out all documents and give the goods to the buyer).

Three Yes Method

Human psychology is designed in such a way that after several affirmative answers, he will not be able to immediately answer “no” to any other question, but will automatically say “yes.” Based on this human peculiarity, this technique was developed. In practice, everything is still simpler than in words. For example, the seller asks the question: “Do you like this phone model?”, “Are you satisfied with the camera?”, “Are you buying?”. On last question 90% of people will give an affirmative answer, that is, they will say “yes”. Of course, this does not guarantee that the buyer will definitely buy the product, but it significantly increases the chances of this. The main thing in this technique is to choose the first two questions correctly, to which a person will definitely and without hesitation say “yes”.

From start to finish, a conversation with a buyer is a battle for trust and respect for yourself, that is, the seller. When communicating with people, you should not blindly follow pre-memorized phrases, but adapt yourself to each individual personality who visited your trading network. It was this principle that inspired me to develop my own individual techniques for talking with clients. Well, the essence of these techniques is this:

  • Start off right. I'm sure few of you understood what I mean. The point is that the standard scheme requires starting a conversation with an accession phrase, but does not oblige the sales assistant to first say his name before getting down to business. And this, I note from my own experience, is a very important thing. If you introduce yourself, then the person feels a strong connection with you because you have shown that you are ready to communicate not only as an employee, but also as a person. Humanity is what everyone wants for themselves. Smart and experienced sellers always name their names first and only then begin to talk about the essence of the matter;
  • Give a compliment. Take a close look at the person at the moment when he just walked in. Find something in him that you can compliment him on, but be gentle. A compliment can be given not only for appearance. For example, during a consultation you saw that a person is quite knowledgeable about the product you are selling him - praise him for this. This way, you can create a feeling of gratitude towards you, which will have a positive effect on the further course of the conversation;
  • Conduct the conversation skillfully. Don't look your client in the eyes all the time, or at his hands, at the wall, or anywhere else - it's not necessary. It’s best when the seller glances at the product, says one or two of its features and then returns to the interlocutor’s eyes, where he stops for 5-8 seconds. And as for the volume of the conversation, what do you think? Keep the volume of your voice just below average. It has been scientifically proven that at this mark the voice of any person is most pleasant, and therefore information is perceived best under such circumstances;
  • Control your interlocutor's attention. This item special attention should be given to employees of large retail outlets with heavy customer traffic who walk, make noise and distract both the seller and the buyer. To prevent the client from being distracted, take any object in your hand (the handle will become the best option) bright color and focus the other person’s attention on it from time to time. To do this, you can point this object at the product or raise it to your eye level, make two or three circular movements while justifying or describing the functions of the product;
  • Dealing with objections. Personally, I think that the way companies offer to deal with client objections is fundamentally wrong and you will now understand why. If a buyer makes a claim about a product, then according to the generally accepted scheme, the seller should say the following: “You are partly right, but ...”, “I can agree with you, but ...” and so on. I am convinced that if you say this, then the person will not be completely confident in the veracity of what you, that is, the seller, will say next. Thus, he subconsciously understands that he can be deceived. This is why I recommend clearly saying the following: “No, that’s not true” or “Sorry, but I can’t agree with you.” With such words you will not question your authority and will not offend the buyer, because you did not directly say that he was wrong;
  • Lose with dignity. By “failure” I mean failure, that is, when the client never “ripes” to make a purchase. In this case, many sellers cannot even say “goodbye” normally, let alone anything else. In the case when a person leaves without making a purchase, you need to sincerely smile and agree with his decision. The client will be very pleased if you show him to the exit and there you wish him all the best and ask him to come to you again. But this moment is important. It is generally accepted that a person should be invited to the store, but, personally, I believe that the buyer should be invited to you, for example: “I will be very glad if you come again and we will have the opportunity to communicate again.”

I wrote this article to answer Mkxim’s question and so that young people who have just started their journey can learn and improve their skills. Through competition and greed, I had to learn everything myself and spend precious time on it. I don’t want to keep anything secret, I’m ready to share my knowledge because I believe that this way I can make my contribution to the formation of young specialists. I have never understood people who hide knowledge because it should not belong to one person - it is the property of many people.

The Russian economy has relatively recently embarked on the path of market relations, when any seller in full height The problem arises - how to sell a product or service correctly. This topic is so vast and multifaceted that its complete coverage simply cannot be the subject of this article.

How to sell a product correctly

Here and now we will talk only about B2B sales. This is the kind of business where some companies try

sell something to other companies.

Knowing the mistakes of sellers is one of the secrets of successful sales:

    the seller does not know why his product is better than competitors;

    the selling organization is trying to sell its product or service, but it needs to sell its status, the status of an expert, a specialist in its field, which evokes a feeling of trust in the buyer and with whom it is inconvenient to talk about the price;

    the person offering to buy a product or service has not thoroughly studied the true needs of the buyer;

    the seller forgets to make a deadline (time limit, quantity limit);

    inability to competently work with customer objections;

    making presentations to non-final decision makers;

    lack of energy and positivity from the seller.

Let's take a closer look at working with objections. They can be true or false. Very often the buyer hides true objections behind false ones. One of the main true objections is “expensive”, how can we fight this “evil”, what can we oppose?

    Even before the start of the presentation, negotiations, etc., you need to know what amount the buyer expects and offer the product in its price range.

    Attitude to price. The buyer is asked that the product you need is available at such and such a price, is it worth telling in more detail. And by the intonation of the answer, determine its attitude to the price, and therefore, the very possibility of selling for this price.

    Reputation. There was a product available with approximately similar characteristics, but with a lower price from another manufacturer, but I had to refuse it, since the quality of the product left much to be desired, and there were numerous complaints about buyers. Reputational costs have arisen. We are interested in ensuring that our clients remain satisfied and recommend us to their colleagues. Therefore, our reputation does not allow us to offer cheap, low-quality goods.

    There are cheaper ones. The buyer says that he was recently offered the “same” product, but much cheaper. You can answer as follows. We make N number of sales per month and 50% are new customers, 50%. - according to recommendations. Was this really possible if there really was the same product on the market for a lower price?

Everyone knows that it is easiest to sell a product when the buyer wants to buy it. That is, some problem has arisen that can be solved by purchasing required product or services. What to do in other cases, you should always make sales and as often as possible. There is an interesting technique that allows you to answer the question of how to properly offer a product to a buyer.

Its essence is to help the buyer see the problem, understand and immerse himself in it, thus creating a need to purchase a product or service. This technique can be schematically represented in the form of a funnel; in fact, it is simply a series of questions for the future buyer. Let's look at a specific example. Let's say we are trying to sell a service such as sales training, and the head of the sales department and the head of the company do not understand that they need this training.

The first type of questions are situational, they are asked according to the situation and are of a general nature:

— what is the size of the sales department?;

— who are your clients now, b2b or b2c?;

— do you have an incoming flow of requests or do managers call cold?;

General questions related to the sales department.

The second type of questions are problematic questions, the purpose of which is to make the client think about the problem:

— How many cold calls does a sales manager make per day? Trying to answer this question, the client begins to dive into the problem;

— what is the conversion rate of these calls? If the answer is an exact number, then this is a problem, since the conversion will probably be low. If there is a difficulty with the answer, then this is also a problem, the management does not know how the sales department works;

- How many new clients did your managers find last month? The purpose of the question is to focus on the problem. The client may be aware of the problem, but he is not focusing on it.

The third type of questions is extractive. Their main goal is to deepen and intensify the problem and are highly dependent on problematic issues and answers to them.

— how often do customer objections arise, how do managers handle these objections, how many sales were there after processing the objections;

— last month there were 100 incoming requests, and how many of them were sales?

— how do you evaluate your managers on a ten-point system?

- when answering the question - how many new clients did your managers find in the past month, for example, three, we can say that after our trainings in such and such a company, their managers brought this value to eight. Here there is a strong immersion in the problem and extraction of specifics from the future buyer, so that the problem is not easily defined, but is quite obvious, specific and expressed in numbers.

The fourth type of questions are leading questions. The purpose of these questions is to suggest that everything can be changed. Essentially, this is where pre-selling begins.

- How much did the sales volume increase if the manager made not ten calls a day, but fifty calls a day?

- if your technology manager handled all the typical customer objections, such as “you’re expensive”, “I need to think”, “there’s no money right now”, “we’re already working with others”, how many additional customers would you get?

— if your sales department increases sales volume by one and a half times next month, will you have enough goods in stock?

When thinking about the answers, the client becomes even more immersed in the problem and he himself begins to have questions that he asks. From this moment on, he is ready to present your product or service.

Guided by the basic rules of sales, you cannot do without such a tool as “cold” calls. They are necessary if we want to answer the question - how to properly sell a product to a buyer? Very often, many do not pay due attention to this tool and thus deprive themselves of part of the profit. Below are some ideas for making cold calling more effective.

    Determine the purpose of the call. A “cold” call, like the entire active sales strategy, is a sequence of blocks leading to making a profit and the goal of the first call

is not necessarily a sale. Possible goals are preparing the client to familiarize himself with the commercial offer, identifying the client’s needs for the company’s goods or services.

    Do not use the phrases “we want to offer you”, “we are selling” on the first call, otherwise the conversation will not work out.

    Try to stand out from the crowd of salespeople calling, start talking not about yourself, but about them, go to their website, get information (who they work with, what they do) Example. “As far as I know, you are engaged in cargo transportation in Russia and Europe, mainly road freight transportation, and are now actively expanding your staff, because I saw an extensive list of vacancies on your website. So?" Possible answer: “Yes, yes. And what?" The client is already a little interested and, having caught on to this, you can continue the conversation.

    To strengthen loyalty, you can say that you are currently working with its specifics or are starting to work. Example. “We are now starting to work with companies involved in road transportation by central Russia. Your company is just right and we would like to discuss options for cooperation.”

    There are times when it is simply inconvenient for a client to speak (he is having lunch, driving, having an important conversation, etc.). It is necessary to ask about the very possibility of conversation.

    Speak clearly and legibly; if the client does not understand from the very beginning, then the caller is to blame and most likely there will be no contact.

    When talking, you need to pause.

    All the above points - the first block is establishing contact with the client in order to somehow outline positions, get to know each other a little, then the second block is asking questions. But it is not recommended to do this right away; you may encounter misunderstandings and rejection. To move on to questions, you need to make a logical transition, make sure that the client wants to answer and understands why he is doing this, that the questions are appropriate and are within his competence.

    Make sure the conversation is with the decision maker.

    The secretary is your friend, but can become an insurmountable obstacle.

Good afternoon, readers of our site. Do you know what determines the level of sales? Some might say that it depends on the quality of the product, on the brand, on the fame of the company, or on advertising. Sales also depend on the successful location of the store, marketing strategies and customer service. All this is correct, there are dozens of factors, but few people know that you can sell even the most unsaleable thing, the buyer can be forced to buy something that he absolutely does not need.
Scientists from all over the world have been analyzing buyer behavior for many years, studying various scientific methods of influencing our desires to buy this or that thing. It turns out we are very simple biological species which is easier to manage than it seems. Now you may think, no, I’m not like that, I won’t be fooled by various scientific tricks. I want to disappoint you, because you, me, and millions of other people around the world every day in stores, restaurants, and supermarkets are faced with well-developed sales techniques. Sometimes we don’t even notice them, but somewhere, on a subconscious level, everything is put aside, and the desire to pay attention to a certain group of products, stop near a shelf, buy this or that product arises.
Today the article will be about the 5 most common scientific methods that help sell goods. Be sure to read the article carefully, draw conclusions, and use these techniques when building your sales schemes.

How to sell a product: Rule No. 1 - the buyer is predictable

Next time you go to a big grocery store, then pay attention to what is on the right. Remembering supermarkets in Kyiv, I can say that many of them have a department with fresh fruit and vegetables. Some try to place baked goods nearby. It is noteworthy that almost entrance doors are located so that upon entering you will be forced to turn to the right. This construction is not accidental, and everything is subject to strict rules and long scientific research.
As it turns out, people are very predictable, almost like animals during migration. We choose the same routes around the store. Scientists who have studied consumer behavior in different countries, came to the conclusion that we prefer to walk around the store counterclockwise.
Modern markets are designed in such a way that you unwittingly follow a well-thought-out route. Knowing that when you enter a store, you will definitely turn to the right, marketers try to place the freshest, most seductive and attractive product there. It is the first one that catches your eye, and whether you like it or not, you will think about it, consider the need for such a purchase. As a rule, the products are not the most popular, those that need to be sold quickly. They understand that if you place a shelf of chips or refrigerators with beer at the entrance, you will simply grab them and go to the checkout without ever seeing all the store offers.
Another trick is that the first thing you see shapes your impression of the entire store. When you go to the market and see fresh herbs, bright and beautiful fruits, you will automatically be more loyal to this store; it will be associated with freshness, bright colors and pleasant smells.
The order in which products are “showed” to you is also thought out to the smallest detail. Having seen the palette of colors and freshness from the fruit, you move on, you see other products, but not at all the ones that I buy most often. Bread, dairy products, meat, eggs - all this is located at the very far end of the market, and by the time you get there, you’ve already thrown a bunch of nonsense into the cart that you didn’t even intend to buy in the first place.
Remember! The most important thing is to force the buyer to stay in the store as long as possible, to get around maximum quantity racks and browse a variety of products. A person will never buy “Haporel Honey Pepper” if he does not know about its existence.
Why does this work?
Walking in circles is a common activity for herd animals, but why people behave this way is not yet clear. Research has shown that shoppers in England, Japan and Australia prefer to walk around the store clockwise, perhaps because left-hand traffic in their countries. If you are used to driving on the right side, then there is a high probability that in the store you will also go to the right, along the wall.
Be that as it may, we can say that this impulse is really strong. In the USA they even tried to conduct an experiment. They opened the right door in the store and wanted to force customers to walk clockwise, that is, turn left. Imagine the surprise when customers entered through the right door, but still went to the left entrance to start moving counterclockwise. This is already embedded in the subconscious, so people feel more comfortable.

How to sell a product: Rule No. 2 - more shiny

Everything shiny and beautiful is automatically perceived as something new, fashionable and valuable. Many drivers can confirm that after a good wash and polish, they even feel like the car drives much better. “This cannot be my 1990 Lada, which I previously drove. Look how shiny it is, the engine works differently.”
This is precisely why in good and expensive stores everything sparkles, glows, shimmers with different colors of the rainbow.
Envirosell Inc. conducted a large-scale study and found out that a shiny display makes those passing by involuntarily slow down, and some even stop to take a closer look at the products on display. And it's hard to fight this.
Why does this work?
In 1990, researchers from England put forward a rather interesting theory. They believe that our love for everything shiny dates back to the times of the first people. It was then that the first people looked for good, clean and drinkable water, focusing on its shine.
Scientists conducted a study and asked people to choose vessels with the best water, in their opinion. Many girls, without hesitation, chose the one that shone the most. The argument was that this water is more trustworthy and should be clean, tasty and pleasant.
Next, the experiment was with children, very young, who did not have time to fall under the influence of society. Two plates were placed in front of them - white and shiny. Almost everyone chose the shiny one, squatted down and tried to lick it. No child has ever done this to a white girl.
The results of the research allowed us to put forward a hypothesis that people used to look for water and recognize it by its shine; it was this skill that remained in the subconscious and did not disappear over thousands of years. Therefore, when we see something shiny, we involuntarily stop, try to look at it and understand what it is.

How to sell a product: Rule No. 3: enjoy shopping

In Europe, and in lately in our country, on all major holidays, Christmas, New Year, many stores are organizing huge sales. In the USA there is a whole sales season, which begins with Black Friday. People take time off from work, line up at stores late at night, stand and crowd at the entrance, waiting for the store to open and huge discounts. Do you think all this is because they need to buy some thing, or because they want to save money? 95% of buyers during the sales season simply get a thrill from the purchases themselves, from shopping, from shopping and the opportunity to buy something, and even cheaper than yesterday. Skilled sellers know about this human weakness, and can more than sell goods stored in warehouses in a few days.
Many of you laugh at shopaholics whose girls don’t feed them bread, let them buy a new jacket or blouse. But wait, this technique is used for more than just clothes and shoes. According to statistics, many gamers have about 10% of the games they bought, played several times and that's it, the discs gather dust on the shelves. Some people buy books and then don't read them. Yes, a person can be forced to buy anything, and he will think that it is necessary. The understanding that a thing is useless comes much later.
Look around, you don’t have these things that you bought, but now you don’t understand why? My friend has a lot DVD discs, with a variety of films. He definitely won’t watch them, but every time he buys them, he says that he is adding to the collection. The search process itself brings pleasure good movie and buying a disc.
Why does this work?
This is where old Dopamine comes into play. This substance is produced by your brain when you are in love, when you eat delicious food or do what you love. Dopamine affects all functions of the body that are responsible for behavior, cognition, movement and other important things, such as the ability to retain saliva in the mouth.
The effect of dopamine becomes stronger if you go into new store, or come to another city. New emotions, new desires. It’s not for nothing that scientists note that we make the most pointless purchases while traveling. And, of course, we don’t actually need the thing. We want to feel an emotion, to get a dose of dopamine.

How to sell a product: Rule No. 4 – numbers are not your strong point

In 2010 Steve Jobs introduced the whole world to a new miracle of technology – the iPad. And the price for it was quite low, only 499 dollars. This is very good price for... although wait, for what? Before this, there were no tablets on the market; no one could say the exact price, but everyone thought it was excellent, and even very low. The price was more than phones and most laptops, so how can you be so sure it was good?
And one more thing, why do they still continue to put nines at the end of price tags? Buyers have long understood that 499 is almost 500 dollars, so set a normal price that is already this dollar. Many are sure that they have seen through this marketing ploy and are not falling for it. But is this true? Not a fact, far from a fact. Knowing that you are being manipulated in this way and not falling for the bait are two different things.
In fact, people are not good with numbers. Only a few can calculate the real benefit and understand the real price of the product. Let's say you wait until there is a discount on a sweater you like, then you go to the store and pay with a credit card. The bank calculates a percentage for the use of money, and it happens that a sweater purchased at a discount turns out to be more expensive than it was originally.
Also, many end up with loans. No one considers the actual amounts, they are tempted by small monthly payments, take out a loan for a long period, and at the same time the overpayment can reach 100% of the amount.
Sellers understand that the price of the product depends on them. Even when you see that the product is 50% cheaper, then from the price they came up with. I specifically looked at the prices for household appliances with a 30% discount in one large store, and then on the Internet I found a similar offer, without a discount, and even at a lower price. It turns out that you save 30% of the price taken “out of the blue.”
Let's go back to the very low price of the iPad at $499. Where did the belief that the price is really good come from? Several months before the presentation, many leading magazines and Internet sites, commissioned by Apple, carried out a good marketing ploy. They allegedly published information from reliable sources about the new tablet, its functionality, and hinted that having such characteristics, the gadget would cost at least a thousand dollars. At the presentation, Jobs also emphasized this fact that the price was planned to be much higher. That's how people got the impression that 499 is very cheap. Perhaps the price was too high, but people thought otherwise.
How does this work?
Imagine 3 tennis balls lying on a table. Introduced? Now try to imagine 4037 of the same balls. I am sure that it will be almost impossible to do this, and it is difficult to imagine a table on which they will fit. The brains of many people are simply not equipped to work with such numbers, because nature did not provide us with such functionality, and natural selection did not take into account mathematical abilities.
The story with 499 dollars and 500 is an excellent confirmation that numbers are not our strong point. Even if you understand that the difference is tiny, just one dollar, the subconscious perceives it differently. This happens for one simple reason - you read prices from left to right, and remember to a greater extent, only the first one. You would rather call $499 “four hundred and something” rather than “almost 500.” Sometimes people ask me how much this or that product cost. I answer that it’s a hundred and something rubles, and then I catch myself thinking that it cost 199. Even knowing and understanding this marketing ploy does not protect against price perception errors.
Research also shows that those who try to calculate expenses directly in the store and save on purchases spend no less, if not more. The notorious nines at the end of the price tag do not allow us to accurately and quickly calculate the price. Answer the question, how much will 5 avocados cost 30 rubles each? I'm sure you answered immediately. Now calculate the price of the same number of avocados, but at 29.89 per piece. I think problems have arisen.

How to sell a product: Rule No. 5 – a familiar logo can deceive taste

Incredible brand trust is justified, but only to a certain extent. If you have owned a BMW car, then when buying a new one, you will give preference to this particular brand. Users of Apple products are unlikely to ever exchange them for Samsung. But at a certain point, a brand name can play a cruel joke on you. You begin to idealize the product, exaggerating the pleasure it can deliver. I’ll say right away that I don’t mean fashionistas who are chasing Gucci shoes and Prada handbags. For them, the brand is a kind of mark that brings these girls closer to the upper strata of society.
I'm talking about something completely different:
In 1970, the Pepsi company conducted one interesting experiment, calling it "Pepsi Challenge." Cola and Pepsi were poured into identical glasses. People were asked to choose which drink tastes better and what suits them best. Most Americans chose Pepsi. This experiment ended in stunning success, many media reported on it, and it would seem that after this Cola should have drowned in its sugar syrup, sales would have fallen to a minimum, and the company would have left most of the market. But, as we see, Coca-Cola outsells Pepsi to this day. And this despite the fact that many still say that Pepsi is much tastier.
What is even more surprising is the fact that when there were logos on the glasses, people, seeing the familiar white lettering on a red background, chose Coke. This phenomenon was called the "Pepsi Paradox".
A similar experiment was carried out with wine. One test group was told the price of the drink ($90 and $10) and almost everyone said that the expensive one was of better quality. But the second group did not know the prices, and the answers about quality were divided 50 to 50. By the way, in China there is very expensive beer (a bottle costs more than $40), but it tastes like cheap beer, which in the states costs no more than $3. The whole secret is that the enterprising Chinese stuck on a beautiful label, carried out an advertising campaign and inflated the price.
Why does this work?
And again it’s all about our brain, more precisely in the hemispheres. One responds to visual perception, and the other to taste. When you don't see a logo, you trust solely the taste, the real taste. When a person sees a logo, then memory comes into play, which associates the logo with something good, better quality and famous, which means that products under this brand will be better.
Without logos, your brain tells you that Pepsi is much better and tastier, choose it. But as soon as you see the logo, your brain repeats: “When it’s great, you should drink it.” Tens of years advertising company, and driving data into a person’s head did their job. Companies are actually brainwashing consumers into liking not what is better or healthier, but what they want to sell.

Sales is one of the most controversial and promising professions in the world. People are engaged in sales, as if without higher education, and with three educations and an academic degree. Sales are carried out by salespeople behind the counter and by managers of large companies in large, spacious offices.

A lot of people love to sell, and a lot of people hate doing it. But sales can help you always have interesting work, generous bonuses for your efforts, and opportunities for self-development that you won't get in any other profession.

Salespeople are not born; every person, man or woman, young or old, with an economic or technical education, can learn to sell.

Here are 17 rules of success that will help you learn how to sell:

1. Set yourself a goal.

Until you say the following phrases to yourself, you have declared your intention and believed in own strength, you will not be successful in sales. Phrases for self-motivation for sales training:

- “Yes, I want to learn how to sell!”

- “It’s important for me to learn how to sell!”

- “I take responsibility for my development and my successes”

“I promise myself to achieve my goals”

2. Imagine the future.

Imagine yourself in a year, you know how to sell perfectly and earn several times more than now. Imagine what you would like to achieve in a year, what to buy, where to go, where to live. Imagine it all in such a way that you want to achieve it. Do you really need this? Why are you going to learn to sell? It's worth it! Then go ahead!

Think about what you do best when communicating with people. What is most difficult for you? Choose one of yours every day strong point and one of your weaknesses and set yourself tasks to make them stronger and stronger. Strengthen what is given and tighten up what is weak. For example, if it is difficult for you to work with client objections, then devote time to this every day (write down the most important ones, and look for information on how to respond to them, so that you always have convincing answers to “Expensive”, “I’ll think about it”, “I I’m just looking,” “I don’t need anything,” “You haven’t convinced me,” etc.)

4. Study your product and competitors' products.

Find out everything about your product, ask customers what they especially like and why they buy. What did you compare it to when you chose it? You will soon become an expert and will be consulted.

5. Watch other sellers.

Notice what you like about the behavior of other sellers and try to do the same. The most interesting finds include your seller's arsenal. Look at other people's mistakes. Think about how you could serve the customer differently.

6. Ask buyers for advice.

Never argue with a buyer. It’s better to find out why he thinks this way, what he will advise, what he thinks is better in this or that situation. If the Buyer has refused the purchase, ask if he can give you advice for the future as a seller.

7. Find a mentor.

8. Read 2 books on sales per month.

Yes. Two books a month. You already know everything, there is nothing new in them. Sales books are for beginners. It is precisely because you think so that you now have such results. Look for diamonds, don't reinvent the wheel. Download the materials from the book “111 Tips for Sellers. How to Become a Better Seller” (link to Google Drive)

9. Analyze your work.

At the end of each day, ask yourself what you did best and worst in sales that day. Analyze your work and draw conclusions. No conclusions - no development.

10. Work for the future.

Do your job 10% better than what is required of you. And in a year you will receive 50% more than you expected. To receive, you must first invest.

11. Show persistence, confidence and patience.

Try to help the person as much as possible; at the moment of communication with the buyer, this is the most important person in the world for you. Listen, clarify, demonstrate confidence and a desire to help. Take as much time as you need. It may seem to you that this buyer will never buy, but if you analyze 100 of your buyers, you will see that they made the largest purchases thanks to your attention, and you could not always imagine that they would buy so much from you.

12. Create loyal customers.

Think ahead, offer something that the buyer will only think about tomorrow, help him see the future, take advantage of new opportunities and get rid of problems. Incorporate personal touch, charm, and invite customers to come back for more. Exchange contacts with buyers, sell to friends and friends of their friends.

13. Be a good listener.

Ask questions, ask more and talk less. Successful salespeople know how to make the client tell everything about himself, and even sell to himself what you wanted to tell him. Learn to be doubly attentive listeners on the phone, be sure to develop your phone sales skills at!

14. Never give up.

There will always be failures. Enjoy them - they develop you. What did this failure teach you? What will you do differently next time?

15. Attend sales training.

Each sales training gives you as much experience and practice as you get in half a year successful work in sales. Trainings develop you instantly, trainings save your time, trainings help you improve what is difficult for you to develop in yourself without other people. Attend all the trainings that you can attend in the company, and if there are none, then go to a good open training in your city. Invest in yourself, this investment pays off the fastest! This is the quality of your life!

16. Create your environment.

Connect more with people who believe in you, support you, and inspire you.

17. Always continue your development.

Life is an escalator - which goes down, as soon as you stop your development, a lot of temptations will appear to waste your strength, time and energy. Think about the future. Live in the moment. Sell ​​with pleasure. Be sincere. With your help, there are more joyful and satisfied people in the world every day! The buyer is your friend, show concern, help him in his situation and he will come back again and again.

Have you decided to improve your sales level?

Ask your manager if your company plans to train you and your colleagues in sales training in the near future!

Tell me what's the best quick way to increase sales is to invite a sales trainer directly to your office so that he can conduct training for all sales department employees at once!

We can offer your company the following assistance:

Analysis of commercial offers and emails (do you want to know how competent and attractive what you send to them looks?)

Ask a sales question!