Jim Carrey with his daughter Jane. Jim Carrey's daughter

Jim Carrey's daughter Jane was born from the marriage that the loving comedian entered into in 1987 with waitress Melissa Womer. This union, despite constant showdowns that turned into scandals, lasted about seven years.

When Jim filed for divorce, he was already basking in the rays of fame and was fabulously rich, so the “compensation” for ex-wife, who had managed to get used to luxury, amounted to $7 million.

All these events had such an impact on Kerry’s psyche that within many years he tried unsuccessfully to get out of his depression.

Paternal genes

Jim Carrey's daughter, whose personal life developed according to her father's "scenario", inherited his tendency to instability, became interested in rock musician Alex Santana, married him in 2009, and divorced nine months later. From this marriage, Jane has a son, Jackson, the grandson of Jim Carrey.

The daughter of the famous actor did not make public the reasons for the separation from her husband, announcing only that they remained good friends, and their son Jackson Riley is loved by both parents.

Jim Carrey's daughter through the eyes of an astrologer

Jane Kerry was born in 1987 under the auspices of the Rabbit (Cat) - the happiest inhabitant eastern horoscope. All Rabbits are natures, sensitive to everything beautiful, they are long-livers, diplomats and peacemakers.

Success accompanies the Rabbit in financial sector: their subtle instinct does not fail them even when it comes to earthly affairs. Outwardly calm and indifferent, they are actually very purposeful, and if necessary, even cunning. Slowly but surely they are approaching their goal, methodically searching for means and methods of dealing with the obstacles that arise in their path every now and then. By the way, the caution inherent in this sign is often mistaken by others for slowness.

The rabbit is well-mannered and pleasant to talk to, but in the face of danger it is often unpredictable.

Jane's birthday is September 7, which means that her zodiac sign is Virgo. Contrary to popular belief regarding the aimless fussiness of representatives of this astrological symbol, Virgo, who has managed to reveal her potential, is smart and successful. Many representatives of this sign consciously devote their lives to other people, choosing the professions of teachers, doctors and massage therapists. It is better to be friends with a person born on this day - he deals with his enemies without pity, without hesitation in the choice of means.

Virgo teaches her children to be independent and to show strength of character in any situation, but Virgo can react violently to any demonstration of disrespect on the part of her own heirs: representatives of this astrological symbol do not tolerate even the slightest insubordination.

People born on September 7 become more flexible with age, but do not lose their desire to compete. Real success often comes to them in old age. This probably happens because in their youth they do not think about fame and can easily give up everything they have achieved in order to start all over again.

American Idol

In January 2012, the names of the contestants who passed the first qualifying round in the American Idol talent show were announced in America. Among them was Jim Carrey's daughter.

The performance of Jane Kerry, who performed the song Something To Talk About, was very popular with the jury members - Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler. Jackson liked her beautiful voice, and Lopez appreciated creativity contestants.

Later, speaking with reporters, Jim Carrey's daughter said that by taking part in the show, she stepped out of the shadow of her famous father to find her own path in life.

In the past, Jane Kerry was a member of the group for a long time Jane Carrey Band, performing the duties of a soloist and author of musical compositions.

In my father's footsteps

Jane Kerry, although young, already has some life experience. She, following the example of her mother, began her working career as a waitress, and then, like Melissa Womer, married the man she loved and gave birth to a child. Now, as Jane herself says, the time has come to become famous and happy. But even here she was hardly original - she simply followed in the footsteps of her famous father...

The same model of behavior, as they say on the sidelines, was long ago chosen by forty-eight-year-old comedian Jim Carrey - he can be seen with his daughter and grandson much more often than in the circle of numerous admirers of his comedic and other talents.

Happy Grandpa Jim Carrey

About how happy I felt famous actor Jim Carrey after the birth of his grandson, one can judge by his official blog, decorated with a photograph of a newborn.

The baby, whose mother is Jim Carrey's only daughter, was born in one of the best clinics in Los Angeles and weighed about three and a half kilograms. The boy's height was 50 centimeters.

Jim Carrey himself, being one of the most eligible bachelors in Hollywood, no longer intends to enter into a legal marriage and have children.

Many people dream of being in the world of show business. And at first glance, it’s easiest for the offspring of media personalities. Celebrity children find themselves under the radar of cameras from the cradle, their first steps are discussed on forums, and going out dresses are immediately copied in numerous stores. How can you grow as an independent person under such conditions? The daughter remains a mystery to the paparazzi to this day, but she is a very interesting girl.

A man with incredible plasticity

In 1962, the most popular comedian of our time and the first comic actor whose fees exceeded $20 million was born. His place of birth was the province of Ontario in Canada. The boy was with early childhood incredibly flexible and flexible. During breaks, he entertained his classmates with sketches and original grimaces. The future star’s living conditions were difficult, and he had to work from the age of 15. However, Jim made the most difficult but right decision in his life, making his passion for humor his profession. It took almost 10 years to conquer America. During this time, Jim went through the Los Angeles theater, where he became known as the most original artist. And on one of his birthdays he appeared on stage almost naked.

Popularity and development of an artist

Jim's first great success came after the film "The Mask" by Charles Russell, filmed in 1994. The film centers on the story of a modest and shy bank clerk, Stanley Ipkins, who finds a magic mask. Having put it on, Stanley turned into a completely opposite personality: freedom-loving, extravagant and witty. As an actor, Jim Carrey showed himself from two opposite sides, and thanks to his sparkling humor, the film entered the Golden Fund of cinema.

Facial expressions, perfect control of his own body, flexibility and plasticity, as well as incredible dancing skills - all this was combined in Jim so organically that roles began to be written exclusively for him.

The best films with Jim Carrey

For “The Mask,” Jim received a “pathetic” fee for himself today of a million dollars, but the sequel to the film already brought him twenty times more. What followed was a whole kaleidoscope of star roles, and each subsequent one was better than the previous one.

The Farrelly brothers' film "Dumb and Dumber" was conceived as another comedy for teenagers, but the result exceeded all expectations. Together with Kerry, he acted out a typical couple's clownery, when one of the heroes - Lloyd - does stupid things, but his friend - Harry - turns the situation into even more stupid.
In the films, Jim has a lot of contact with animals, which he does very well. In two parts of the film about Ace Ventura, Kerry was an ardent promoter of the love of “fluffies.” And then there was Edward Nygma in Batman, who surpassed in brightness main star movie - Val Kilmer.

Having won fame as the best comedian, Kerry went into serious cinema. In 1997, the film “The Truman Show” was released with obvious notes of drama, which brought the actor his first Golden Globe in the category “Best Drama Actor”. The following year there was another award for Milos Forman’s film “Man on the Moon”. The film was too serious for viewers who were accustomed to the fact that films with Jim Carrey are always funny and bright, so it did not set any records at the box office. In 2000, Carrey played in the film How the Grinch Stole Christmas, which became the highest-grossing film at the American box office and won an Oscar for his makeup.


Work completely captured Jim, but surprisingly his personal life practically did not suffer from this. The first wife, Melissa Womer, a partner in the Comic Club, gave birth to a daughter for Jim, but this did not save the family. After eight years of marriage they separated, but Jim proved himself caring father and husband, continuing to pay his wife and daughter $10,000 a month in support. He is very loving father and always spent everything with my daughter free time. Jim's love for his family is also explained by the fact that he suffers from attention deficit and total self-doubt.


Time passed, and Jim became interested in his Dumb and Dumber co-star Lauren Holly. After the film “Bruce Almighty,” he was credited with an affair with Jennifer Aniston, and after “Scammers: Dick and Jane Have Fun” - with Tea Leone. Nevertheless, Jim had a ten-month marriage. But soon the media turned their attention to the incredibly romantic duo: Renee Zellweger and Jim Carrey. The family failed again, although Jim maintains a warm relationship with Rene friendly relations. During the affair, Renee was asked what could attract her to Jim, and she answered that the most erotic thing was a man’s ability to make a lady laugh. After Rene, Jim dated for a long time personal doctor Tiffany Silver, with model Annie Bing, fashion model C last relationship were tense, there were rumors that Jim paid Jenny financial compensation for preserving the details of their life together.

Star daughter

Despite the fact that with ex-wife Jim has virtually no contact, Jane Carrie is very close to her father. They often appear together at events, although the girl does not use her last name for work and school. In February 2010, information leaked to the media that Jim's daughter had given birth to a son. Jim did not hide his emotions and eloquently admitted the joyful event. Well, such a grandfather must have the most talented and funny grandson!

Jane Carrie is a very original and impulsive girl who did not want to rest on her father’s laurels. She has her own music group, performing in the style of classic rock, jazz and blues - Jane Carrey Band. Jim Carrey's daughter does not need patronage and never tires of proving her musical talent. For example, she was able to qualify for the American Idol talent show. In a preview interview, she talked about how difficult it is to grow up in the shadow of a famous father while trying to find your own path in life. The jury members, including Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson and Jennifer Lopez, praised the girl's creative potential, although with some criticism. Now Jim Carrey's daughter has every chance of success musical career. And in her personal life, she has already found happiness in the person of musician Alex Santana, whom she married in 2009 and to whom she gave a son, Jackson. Jim Carrey is crazy about his grandson, and his daughter always calls best mom in the world.

The path to yourself

Jim Carrey's daughter began her path to the stage literally in her mother's footsteps - she got a job as a waitress. She did not blame her father for the breakup with her mother. Perhaps she understood his mood at that time. It was during those years that Jim lost his parents, became depressed and tried to break up with old life. Now he has calmed down and began to lead healthy image life, even giving up coffee. He is sincerely happy about the addition to the family, speaks of his daughter with love and tenderness, but does not strive for a public demonstration of emotions. In this Jane - exact copy star dad. The media has catastrophically little information about the girl and there are no compromising photographs.

The actor has always played naive romantics, ready to do anything for their beloved. However, in real life he is more pragmatic and does not believe in long-term relationships...

Jim Carrey, his daughter Jane Carrey and Jenny McCarthy. Photo: Rex Features/Fotodom.ru.

Don't tell your kids this, but it's a true fact: Jim Carrey dropped out of school after only reaching the ninth grade. It’s just that he, scrubbing toilets at night at the Titanium Wheels factory, realized that he was not ready to spend his whole life like that. “Son, you are doing the wrong thing, because you want to earn a lot of money in the future, and not do odd jobs? And for this you need to get an education,” his parents admonished the boy (they were gentle people and always tried to find a compromise in communicating with their son. Jim usually listened to the advice of his family, but this time he was firm. He made his choice.
He was only fifteen when he made his first performance at the Yuk-Yuk comedy club. Kerry remembered his debut for a long time: when a rotten tomato flew right into his face, at first he didn’t even understand what was happening. The first was followed by a second, a third...
Returning home, he made a vow to himself - to return to school and forget about the stage. But ten minutes later he was already learning a new program.
Not immediately, but Jim finally received recognition. First, in the very Yuk-Yuk club where he was once booed. And then his fame spread throughout Canada.
Of course, like any artist dreaming of world fame, he soon left home country and went to America with a one-way ticket. And although Hollywood usually does not immediately accept newcomers, Carrey soon achieved success there too. In the fall of 1984, the influential People magazine named him the best young American parodist, then he received a role in the comedy series “The Duck Factory.” And although it was far from real triumph (the film “The Mask”, after which he woke up famous, appeared on screens only in 1994), nevertheless Jim was quite happy with his life. Moreover, it was then that he acquired new status- a married man.
…It’s unlikely that Jim Carrey knew about the existence of such a holiday as International Women’s Day. However, for the first time he appeared before the altar on March 8th. This happened in 1987. His chosen one was a girl named Melissa Womer, an aspiring actress who was never able to clearly declare herself in the profession and worked as a waitress. Judging by the fact that their daughter Jane was born just six months after the wedding, this marriage was a forced measure.
The young people did not live particularly happily. After the honeymoon (it lasted exactly a month, no longer), everyday life began. Gray, dull, depressing and thoughts about a huge mistake that both made. Jim sometimes had bouts of uncontrollable aggression, which he was able to cope with only after another scandal. In addition, the higher Jim's career went, the worse his relationship with Melissa became.
They decided to separate in 1995 - immediately after the whole world learned about Jim Carrey and started talking about his talent. True, the actor, whose fees had already skyrocketed, had to pay a decent amount of compensation for the coveted divorce stamp - seven million dollars. It’s hard to say whether it was the loss of an impressive amount, or the collapse of the family that impressed him so much, but after the divorce, Jim fell into depression. He began to swallow tranquilizers by the handful. And perhaps he would have been drawn into this bottomless pool if he had not caught himself in time.
Exercise, healthy food and vitamins - that was his recipe for a new life. And it turned out to be effective. Jim was even going to write a book so that as many people as possible would know about his method of fighting the blues. more people. However, he had so many new film proposals that he never sat down at his desk.
Kerry met his second wife, actress Lauren Holly, on the set of the film Dumb and Dumber. According to the recollections of witnesses of their meeting, Jim and Lauren began flirting from the very first second, as soon as they saw each other. And although their marriage, concluded in a terrible hurry, lasted only ten months, nevertheless, Kerry still speaks warmly of his ex-wife. And now Jim and Lauren often appear together at parties. And, what’s important, the two of them also leave there together, tenderly holding each other’s hands. And when, four years after their divorce, Holly got married again - with investment banker Francis Greco, it was Kerry who was among the first to congratulate her on the joyful event.

"I'll die without him"

Although things didn't work out for Jim Carrey family life with none of his chosen ones, he showed himself to be an exemplary father and caring grandfather. The actor is proud of his daughter Jane. She became a singer, organizing her own group, which she called the Jane Carrey Band. When Jane was only twenty-two years old, she gave birth to her first child - from the musician of her own group, Alex Santana (no relation to that same Santana). The boy was named Jackson Riley Santana, and Jim Carrey doted on him. “I was afraid that if it was a girl, she wouldn’t be as interested in me, if you know what I mean. That’s why I’m happy that I have a grandson,” the actor told the public immediately after Jackson’s birth. “This boy is just a magician,” Jim admitted a couple of years later, when his grandson was a little older. “One day I was playing with him and suddenly thought: “But without him I’ll die!”

The actor does not believe in long-term relationships...

In addition to official marriages, Jim Carrey had many hobbies. And some of them lasted much longer than those relationships that turned out to be (for various reasons) legalized. Jim dated his colleague Renee Zellweger for quite a long time - many then even managed to get them married. Then he had a long affair with his personal doctor Tiffany Silve, and even later with Playboy model Anin Bing, and he lived with fashion model Jenny McCarthy for five whole years. However, the actor does not believe in long-term relationships. "All this talk about eternal love- just fairy tales. I believe that ten years with one person is more than enough. During this time, you can give your partner enough love.” Jim and Jenny announced their separation on their personal pages on social networks.

Kerry’s latest hobby was a student at New York University, who is originally from Russia. The relationship between the popular comedian and the Russian beauty began back in 2010, almost immediately after breaking up with Jenny McCarthy. According to rumors, the 50-year-old actor intends to propose to his beloved soon.

Jim Carrey is a popular Hollywood comedy actor, producer and screenwriter.

Popular comedy actor Jim Carrey was born on January 17, 1962 (Newmarket, Canada). He grew up in a Catholic family. Jim was the most youngest son in the Kerry family, in addition to two daughters and a son. At the age of 14, Jim and his family were forced to move to Scarborough, where he began attending Blessed Trinity School in North York. They lived poorly, their father constantly had problems with work, and his mother was a housewife who had health problems. In order to somehow survive, Jim worked at the Dofasco steel mill in the late 70s.

Start of a career

Jim Carrey, as we noticed, has excellent facial expressions. Even in his youth, he parodied Hollywood stars. His first performance as a comedian took place at the age of 15 in Toronto at a local comedy club. As Jim recalls, “I was booed and practically pelted with rotten eggs.” The real breakthrough for him was 1981 - he became a true star of the Yak-Yak club. Later he moved to Los Angeles (USA) and began performing at the local club “The Comedy Store”.

Popularity and the world of Jim Carrey cinema

Jim Carrey made his professional acting debut in the film Rubberface (1983). For another ten years he starred in second-rate Hollywood films, but his popularity came in 1993. In the same year, a low-budget film at that time, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, which no film studio wanted to sponsor, gained enormous popularity after its theatrical release. Box office receipts amounted to more than $100 million. Hollywood finally noticed Jim Carrey and after that he received offers from various film companies. So in 1994, Kerry played the main roles in the films “The Mask” and “Dumb and Dumber.” These three films not only pushed, but actually “catapulted” Jim Carrey’s career.

In 1996, he was invited to the American show “Saturday Night Live” (“Evening Urgant” was copied from there). There he played a role in the sketch com Roxbury Guys (Boys from Roxbury) along with Will Ferrell and Chris Katten, where three guys bob their heads to the song "What is Love" and amuse the audience with their extraordinary actions.

Jim Carrey played roles in comedy films for quite a long time, in which he showed his excellent acting and facial expressions. Jim wanted to show the viewer that he can cause not only laughter but also other feelings! Having played the role of the melancholic Joel in the 2005 film “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” he helped the film win an Oscar and show the viewer how multifaceted Jim is.

In total, as of 2014, Jim Carrey received 22 nominations and 10 MTV Movie Awards (excluding the MTV Generation Award), which is absolute record among nominations and awards.

Jim Carrey Personal life

Jim has not changed a single wife in his life, and the Lifeactor team presents to you short list his wives.
From 1987 to 1995 - waitress at the Comedy Store where Jim worked - Melissa Womer.
From 1996 to 1997 - actress Lauren Holly.
From 2005 to 2010, he dated fashion model Jenny McCarthy.
Daughter - Jane Erin Kerry.

Jim Carrey is a wonderful actor whose roles make his fans smile again and again. And, if his career is going very well, then with his personal life everything is a little more complicated.

Jim Carrey, his family and children

Comedian actor and parodist Jim Carrey has already passed 50, and he still has not started a family. As you know, he was married, more than once:

  • in 1987, Kerry married Comedy Store waitress Melissa Womer, but a couple of years later the couple separated - after the divorce, Melissa admitted that living together with Jim was comparable to a relationship with Mickey Mouse;
  • The “victim” of the second marriage was actress Lauren Holly, but their marriage broke up less than a year later for similar reasons.

Jim Carrey was almost never alone, he was always surrounded beautiful women- his friends were Anina Bing, Jenny McCartney. Relationships with some of them lasted a couple of months, while others lingered in Kerry’s life for several years.

Admirers of the actor’s work are often interested in the question of whether Jim Carrey has children. It turns out that yes, in 1988 she became a father. Jim's daughter was born to his first wife, Melissa Womer.

Jim Carrey's relationship with his daughter Jane

Little is known about Jim Carrey's relationship with Jane when she was little. The actor broke up with her mother when the baby was about a year old, but all this time he communicated with his daughter and helped his former family.

In 2009, Jane got married, which Jim Carrey was very happy about, who was unable to start a family by his half-century anniversary. He was present at the wedding, gladly told reporters about this event, and called the celebration sweet and wonderful.

When my daughter gave birth to her grandson famous actor, he was just happy. In one of the interviews, he admitted that he was very afraid that a granddaughter would be born, who, from his point of view, might not be interested in being with her joker grandfather. Judging by the photographs, he dotes on his little grandson and spends a lot of time with him.

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Unfortunately, Jim Carrey's daughter's marriage did not last long; she divorced and is raising her son with her dad. Jim Carrey has not given up on his personal life; he is still dating attractive women. It is possible that Jim Carrey will have more children.