When Philip's mother died. Philip Kirkorov - an exemplary father and loving son

Star Russian stage was born into an artistic family, and from childhood he got used to the touring life of his parents, who had no one to leave their son at home with. His father Bedros is a famous Bulgarian singer, and his mother Philippa Kirkorova was a concert host. Victoria Markovna died in 1994 at the age of sixty-three from cancer, and this was a huge loss for Philip, who was very kind to his mother. In memory of Victoria Markovna, Kirkorov gave her name to his daughter, calling her Alla-Victoria.

In the photo - Victoria Markovna Kirkorova

The mother of the “king of Russian pop” was born into the family of a circus gymnast and a specialist at one of the research institutes and before meeting her husband she worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Victoria's father lived to see his daughter's wedding, but died on the second day after that significant event- Mark Likhachev’s health was undermined in the camps in which he spent several years as a result of Stalin’s repressions.

Victoria Markovna met Bedros Kirkorov in Sochi, where he had already famous singer, was on tour with Eddie Rosner's orchestra. After the concert, Victoria approached the Bulgarian singer for an autograph, and he not only signed a photo for the pretty girl, but also invited her for a romantic walk through the city at night.

In the photo - little Philip with his parents

This night was enough for him to fall in love with Victoria, and in the morning she heard from him an offer to marry him. They got married in 1964, when Victoria Markovna was twenty-seven years old, and three years later she gave birth to a son, Philip.

After the birth of her son, who was born in the Bulgarian city of Varna, his mother left work and began raising the child.

When he grew up, the active Victoria Markovna could no longer sit idly by and began going on tour with her husband as a concert host.

In the photo - Philip Kirkorov with his mother

But Philip, for whom she predicted a great future, was not always in first place. After moving from Bulgaria to the Soviet capital, he was sent to study music, and then he entered the Gnessin School.

Philip Kirkorov's mother was always his best friend, and with her he could share any secrets. Victoria Markovna was ready to support her son in difficult times and give him wise advice.

When Kirkorov started going on tour, his mother was always there, managing his affairs and helping with everything.

Misfortune happened in 1992, when Victoria Markovna was diagnosed with liver cancer. She went to the hospital, had surgery and there was hope for recovery.

In the photo - Philip Kirkorov with his daughter Alla-Victoria

For two whole years, Philip’s mother fought for life, and his father Bedros Kirkorov even went to see the soothsayer Vanga, who advised him to give his wife certain drugs. But neither folk remedies, nor treatment by the famous Leningrad professor Gradov did not help Victoria Markovna - she was fading away before our eyes, and in the spring of 1994 she passed away.

The day after his mother’s funeral, Philip Kirkorov went on a tour of Israeli cities with Alla Pugacheva, whose wedding was to take place in the near future.

You can treat him differently, but it cannot be denied that Kirkorov has achieved a lot on the domestic stage and gone through all the evolutions of a modern artist. Such popularity has undoubted advantages - impressive earnings, travel around the world and the love of the public. But there are also disadvantages - the biography of Philip Kirkorov is replete with moments of negativity and loss. What is he really like - the contradictory and bright Philip? What is the secret of its popularity over the years?

We will try to highlight the most piquant moments from his biography and discuss them from the point of view of facts. After all, there is something to tell about Philip besides his family life with the Diva of the Russian stage.

Childhood and adolescence

In 1967, a bright and unique Russian artist was born, who at the same time remains a true Bulgarian. His homeland - the Bulgarian city of Varna - impresses with its beauty and authenticity. It is not surprising that this creative person was born here. Moreover, from childhood he was surrounded exclusively by people of art. For example, the boy's father is Bedros Ki Rkorian, born in 1932, was a popular Bulgarian singer. Moreover, he is Armenian by nationality. The boy's mother, Victoria Markovna, grew up in a family of circus performers.

First appearance on stage

The main tragedy in Philip's life is connected with the family: at the age of 57, Philip's mother died of cancer. The musician mentioned this more than once in his numerous interviews.

In his early childhood parents were the main support and source of adventure. Philip Kirkorov has been going on tours since he was five years old. His stage biography started at the age of five, when the boy appeared on stage in Petrozavodsk. His father gave a concert there and performed an autobiographical composition called “Son”. This song “illustrated” Bedros’s meeting with the tankers Soviet Army in 1944.

When the composition ended, a baby with carnations walked up onto the stage. The singer introduced his son to the audience and the first applause was heard, which Philip Kirkorov heard addressed to him. Biography, nationality and good academic achievements would have provided the boy with a good start on stage in his native Bulgaria, but Philip’s family moved to permanent place residence in Moscow, where he went to school.

Initially, it was obvious that Kirkorov was not interested in physics and mathematics: he studied diligently, but without enthusiasm, because he understood that obtaining a certificate was necessary. Still, while still a little boy, Kirkorov wanted to become an artist, and therefore he studied piano and guitar..


After school, the guy decided to enter GITIS in the department of musical comedy, but he was not accepted. Then the decision fell on the Gnessin School. The guy graduated from university with honors. While still a student, Kirkorov had the opportunity to take part in the “Wider Circle” program on television, where he sang a song in Bulgarian. This is how Philip Kirkorov first appeared in Moscow. The biography a year later took a new turn, and the young man was invited to the filming of “Blue Light.”

After such a “step” he was invited to work in a music hall, and almost immediately he had to go on an overseas tour in Germany. And then there was a significant acquaintance with the songwriter Ilya Reznik. It was Reznik who introduced Kirkorov to Alla Pugacheva in April 1988. By this time the guy had a diploma of higher musical education with honors.

He also managed to travel around Mongolia, where he gave free concerts to the Soviet military. In addition, he performed at a competition for young performers in Yalta and went through the filming of the first video for the song “Carmen”.

Becoming an artist

Further, the biography of Philip Kirkorov impresses with the abundance of happy acquaintances. At the “Christmas Meetings”, where Pugacheva invited him, he became friends with songwriter Leonid Derbenev. Very soon after meeting, Derbenev will give Philip the hits “Atlantis”, “Heaven and Earth”, “You, You, You”, “Day and Night”.

And in 1989, the guy will tour Australia and Germany in the company of the Diva herself. In the same year the first solo concert in Perm and got into the finals of the Song of the Year festival.

By 1990, Kirkorov had actively begun independent concert activities, without the help of the Alla Pugacheva Theater. In the same year, the “Shlyager-90” competition was held, at which Philip took the Grand Prix.


Two years later, the artist presented two show programs simultaneously, and “Atlantis” was recognized best show year, as well as the video for the song of the same name. Solo tours took place in Israel, the USA, Germany and Canada.

The biography of Philip Kirkorov rose sharply in 1993, when he received the Ovation and Golden Orpheus awards. The tour of Australia was also successful. And a year later, Kirkorov and Pugacheva’s paths converged again in Atlantic City. After that, they almost never parted. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the Prima Donna, Kirkorov took the position of the pop king of the Russian stage and has firmly held it for more than a quarter of a century..

Euro view

The biography of Philip Kirkorov remembers one more significant year- 1995, when he represented Russia at music competition"Eurovision". The successes, however, were not pleasing, and the foreign public did not appreciate the king of pop. As a result - 17th place.

Perhaps then Kirkorov received good lesson, because he began producing young performers from the CIS countries participating in competitions of this type. His protégé was Anzhelika Agurbash, who represented the Republic of Belarus in 2005. But then she took only 13th place. Two years later, Philip sent Dmitry Koldun to the competition. The performer also represented Belarus and the result was already better - sixth position.

The most successful performance was by the representative of Ukraine, Ani Lorak, who took second place in 2008. For such successes in production activities, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Kirkorov the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. The success was repeated in 2016, when Philip wrote a song for Sergei Lazarev. The result was also second place.

Life in the cinema

It became boring for a truly creative person to develop only in music. That’s why the biography of a star like Philip Kirkorov is so interesting. The year of his birth in cinema occurred in 2000, when filming took place in the multi-part television series “Beauty Salon”.

Then there were works in the TV series “Women’s Happiness”, “My Fair Nanny”. Kirkorov was not spared from filming in the film magazine “Yeralash”. And then it was time for New Year's musicals. Not a single one could do without Philip, and his roles were always bright and central. The artist's assets include:

  • "Little Red Riding Hood".
  • "New Year's matchmakers."
  • "Golden Key"
  • "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors."
  • “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”

By the way, in last Philip received the role of the devil, and was later awarded at the Kinotavr-2002 festival for best actor.

But it was modern cinema that connected Kirkorov with the role of St. Valentine in the trilogy “Love in the City”.

About personal

For women whose dream is Philip Kirkorov, his personal biography will seem too modest. His first relationship began in 1988 with the graceful dancer Maria Shatlanova. The girl was 17 years old at the time, and she actively starred in the singer’s videos. There were rumors about an imminent wedding, but instead the relationship fizzled out.

And in 1994, Kirkorov took the most serious step and proposed to Alla Pugacheva. He sought the favor of his chosen one for a very long time, but did not give up his goal. Philip himself later admitted that he fell in love with this woman while still a child. Of course, you can’t deny the guy’s determination! In March of the same year, registration took place in St. Petersburg. And two months later, the couple also got married in Jerusalem. It was a shock for the public, because the bride was 18 years older than the groom.

The marriage lasted 11 years and Alla married again, but her chosen one was even younger - showman Maxim Galkin. But Philip is still lonely. In an interview, he repeatedly said that Alla was and remains one of the most important women in his life. He does not hide the fact that he does not plan to marry again. WITH ex-wife he maintains warm and sincere relationships, trying to accept active participation in her life.

Alone with myself

But few people know what Philip Kirkorov really is like. The biography, personal life and interests of the pop king still remain behind a veil of secrecy. It turned out that he had long dreamed of a family and, having parted with the woman of his dreams, decided to resort to the help of a surrogate mother.

His repertoire has become more adult, lyrical and often sad. Philip himself says that he lives by his songs, and they convey his mood. Sometimes he compares himself to troubadours and says that modern performers don't sing enough about true heartbreaking love.

Philip is condescending about his age and turning 50 years old. He understands that with age it is necessary to change the direction of the texts and the style of performance. So far, for Kirkorov, everything is working out quite harmoniously.

Philip and his family

The biography of Philip Kirkorov and his children interests fans, but today the performer’s family life seems surprisingly quiet and calm. He is a kind father who loves his children and raises them in luxury. He always generously gives gifts to his children's nannies and loves to give gifts.

Philip named his daughter in honor of his two most beloved women - his mother and ex-wife. He invited Pugacheva to become godmother. But nothing is known about the mother of Kirkorov’s children. He spread the rumor that surrogate mother- American. But the journalists made their assumption, based on Alla-Victoria’s statement, that “father Philip and mother Natasha” helped her in creating children’s crafts.

After such information, Kirkorov was forced to confirm that the children’s mother spends a lot of time with them. Under the name “Natasha,” Natalya Efremova, a well-known businesswoman in the capital, with whom Philip became friends in the background, may be hiding common love to shopping. True, the singer reported that Efremova is the godmother of his children, and not theirs real mom. He says nothing about their own mother, except that he considers his family complete for Alla-Victoria and Martin.

Being the child of a celebrity is not easy work, but it also comes with a lot of pleasures and privileges. For example, People's Artist Russian Federation In honor of the birth of his daughter, he purchased a villa in the USA, in the city of Miami.

He chose a house with a friend, a singer, for six months, trying to create a cozy and elegant family nest for the children. There were countless rumors surrounding the birth of the baby, and this is understandable - it’s not every day that a celebrity has children, especially considering the unusual way a girl was born.


Alla-Victoria Filippovna Kirkorova was born on November 26, 2011 in the United States of America. Father Philip Kirkorov is a Bulgarian of Armenian origin. At the age of five, Philip first appeared on stage at his father’s concert, then followed unsuccessful attempt enter the theater institute (the young man did not pass the exams), study at the Gnessin State Music College.

Start musical career Philip Kirkorov fell in the 80s of the twentieth century. Not the least role in the development of the singer was played by the director of the New Year’s television show “Blue Light” S.I. Anapolskaya. The heyday of his career came in the 90s. In 1994, Philip married a Russian pop diva; in 2005, the marriage broke up. While still married to Alla Borisovna, Philip first spoke about his desire to become a father.

Birth story

In November 2011 in live on the set of the television show “What? Where? When?" Philip Bedrosovich announced the birth of his daughter, and four days later confirmed this information on the “Let Them Talk” show. At the same time, the singer told the public that he gave his daughter’s first name in honor of Alla Borisovna, and the second in memory of his mother Victoria Markovna Kirkorova, who died of cancer in 1994. Philip always calls his daughter by her full name, according to him, so that the baby can quickly get used to her beautiful and unusual name.

As soon as the public learned that the artist had become a father, heated discussions began on the topic - where was the mother of the child. Soon the singer revealed the secret, saying in an interview that Alla Victoria was born from a surrogate mother. The identity of the woman who gave birth to the singer’s daughter is kept secret; it is only known that her name is Anastasia. By the way, Alla-Victoria and her brother Martin-Christine have a seven-month age difference, which suggests that the children were born from different mothers.

In February 2012, the baby moved from Miami to the Moscow region, to country house father. In April 2012, the sacrament of baptism took place according to Orthodox traditions, Natalya became godparents - close friend artist and TV presenter, showman Andrei Malakhov. At the end of June 2012, Alla-Victoria had a brother ( full name boy - Martin-Christine).

The baby’s biography is silent about who became Alla Victoria’s genetic mother, but a number of assumptions are being discussed in the media. A little later, bloggers noted the similarities between Martin-Christine and Alexander, son Russian singer. By the way, in the early 2000s, information appeared in the press about the affair between Philip Kirkorov and Anastasia Stotskaya.

Natalya Efremova, who is godmother children, at the time of meeting Philip, she owned a branded clothing store in Moscow.

In fact, Alla-Victoria and Martin-Christine are being raised by their grandmother Marie Kirkorova, who is the singer’s paternal aunt. According to Philip Bedrosovich, the girl’s own mother regularly communicates with the baby, although she lives in the USA. And the woman’s identity is kept secret, since there are already enough celebrities in their family, and Alla-Victoria’s mother does not strive for popularity.

Alla-Victoria Kirkorova now

The question of Alla-Victoria’s future with such a father does not arise in anyone’s mind. The girl is comprehensively developed and talented, like her father: she sings, dances, recites poetry. Alla-Victoria first appeared on stage at the age of five, with a dance number with ballet.

Kirkorov's daughter demonstrates her creative abilities on the page in "Instagram"- in the video, a girl reads the poem “Christmas”. The popularity of star children does not end there: in such at a young age Alla-Victoria and Martin are already appearing as models on the cover of a glossy magazine. In addition, children often accompany Philip on social events, photos from which Philip regularly publishes on his Instagram page.

In September 2017, in Sochi, as part of the “New Wave” competition, Alla-Victoria’s first vocal performance took place with her father’s song “My Bunny”. The appearance of Philip Bedrosovich's children on stage created a sensation on the stage.

In addition to his public life, Philip is actively involved in his family life - he enjoys playing with children, shopping and traveling. The Kirkorovs' housekeeper, Lyusya, says in an interview that the girl tries in every possible way to copy her father - manners, habits, behavior. And already at five years old, the girl is a big fashionista, inclined to choose extravagant outfits. Alla-Victoria is sociable and loves attention; her friends include her daughter Ukrainian singer and children.

IN free time father and children travel around the world, recently appeared on the Internet family photo from Paris, which Philippe and his children visited in July 2017. The guys enjoy posing in front of the Eiffel Tower. Photos on the Instagram page of Kirkorov's daughters tell fans about their leisure time star family: Alla-Victoria and Martin enjoy visiting grandfather Bedros in Bulgaria, traveling with him around the Crimea, and doing creative work (sculpting, drawing). Philip Bedrosovich copes excellently with the role of the father. By the way, in one of the interviews the singer says that he is thinking about a third child.

The creative potential of Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov is limitless. The outrageous brawler never misses an opportunity to shock the public with his outfits, yet another prank or details of his personal life. But being always in sight, the talented producer and performer still manages to have his secrets. We will try to show you what the life of the king of Russian pop music was like, when and why it changed dramatically, and how many interesting things happened to him.

The heart of Kirkorov's mother is an abyss of love!

Losing a mother means losing best friend and an adviser. This is exactly the kind of person his mother was for Philip. Her maternal feelings are touching. The son, even at a distance, was surrounded by her love, attention and care. How much tenderness and affection she gave him! How much attention you paid! She took care of, cherished, educated and taught. The most touching moments of the singer’s life are connected with this closest and dearest person in the world.

Last year was an anniversary year for the artist. And this year Philip Kirkorov will celebrate his 51st birthday (he was born on April 30). The love between his parents arose when Victoria Markovna Likhacheva had the strength and determination to approach Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov to get an autograph. At that time, Philip's mother, Victoria Markovna, was 27 years old. That day she sat in the eighth row, enjoying Bedros's concert performance. And it is unknown whether fate would have brought them together without the persistence she showed that day. Then came an offer from the Bulgarian singer to take a walk along the evening streets of Sochi, where his performance was then taking place. And then he proposed to Victoria.

Perhaps someone condemns the Russian king of the pop scene for his scandalousness, but he has a particularly reverent attitude towards his mother, Victoria Markovna. And this quality of the singer should undoubtedly deserve the attention of both those who adore him and his enemies.

Victoria Markovna Kirkorova - mother of Philip Kirkorov

You can laugh at his costumes, admire the voice of a great artist, condemn his participation in scandals... But how much love he had for his mother is a separate topic that deserves attention.

The biography of Victoria Markovna is closely connected with the work of her son. Philip Kirkorov's mother is no longer alive. She died 24 years ago due to terrible disease that befell her - how much pain she had to endure... But during her life, she was always close to her son. Accompanying her husband on tour, she became an entertainer at his concerts. At the same time, she paid a lot of attention to the upbringing of the growing Philip. How much effort and work she put into it! She believed that he could reach heights. And, as we see, I was not mistaken.

This beautiful woman always came to my son’s aid in the most difficult moments. She gave him wise instructions and consoled him kind words. Until now, the famous performer has not forgotten how much kindness and how much attention his mother showed him. Many celebrity songs become hits. And this is due to his mother, who was his guardian angel. He could share his secrets and mysteries with her as much as he wanted, because he knew: his mother would always come to the rescue, even in the most difficult moments.

The diagnosis (liver cancer) canceled out all future plans. No matter how much the woman fought for her life, two years after the operation, she was gone... And even when she was dying, she thought about her beloved son, so that everything would be fine with him. After all, when Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov came to the hospital room, the mother turned to future wife her son asking her to take care of him.

The woman was buried in Bulgaria. And the very next day Philip had to go on a pre-planned tour with Alla. This trip to Israel, the audience and performances helped the singer cope with pain and depression. On stage, the artist survived grief more easily.

The King and the Diva – two bright personalities of Russian show business together

The relationship between the two celebrities was closely monitored by the paparazzi. Star couple for a long time was "under gunpoint". For how many years everyone watched them, admired them, discussed them. And suddenly: separation, breakup, Alla’s new relationship... Yes, it looks like the most rated “series” has come to an end. But for Philip himself, Alla still remains the No. 1 authority.

Philip Kirkorov first met Alla Pugacheva when he was 21 years old. However, their relationship began to develop a little later. First, she invited him to the “Christmas gatherings.” Afterwards there were joint tours and participation in various festivals.

Kirkorov entered into an alliance with Alla at the age of 27. She was 45 at that time. They got married in the northern capital. This happened on March 15, 1994. A month later, the couple went to Jerusalem, where they got married.

I would like to call her a “great singer” here, but Pugacheva herself hates this word. How many times has she said that the word “great” immediately makes her fat! But many paparazzi still don’t stop calling her that, not paying attention to the rebellious nature of the star.

The separation between the couple became publicly known in 2005. “The Woman Who Sings” went to Maxim Galkin. And Philip still torments himself for not being able to preserve his lost feelings. He gave himself too much to the stage, was “immersed” in fame and lost a “luxurious woman” - that’s what Kirkorov called her.

The singer believes that he was selfish towards her. He himself admits how many bad deeds he did behind his back, for which he paid. He remembers how many “fireworks” happened in his personal life with Alla, but everything ended in failure. Now the artist repents and at the same time rejoices that Alla is happy, younger, and drowning in the love of her children and husband.

The pop king's beloved was unable to give birth to his child, no matter how hard she tried. Many media outlets trumpeted this, discussing the details of their marriage. There were various gossips and rumors. To the point that their union is just another “project” of Pugacheva. But, nevertheless, the charismatic actor and the Diva lived together for 11 years. And Kirkorov still values ​​his opinion ex-wife, her advice.

Star dad: what is he like?

How much happiness children bring to a home! We never stop glowing with joy after the baby arrives. Celebrities feel the same way. The children of Philip Kirkorov are new feelings, a surge of emotions, his hope, support and pride. What kind of father Kirkorov is, how much time he devotes to children, how much kindness is in his heart - you will learn about all this right now!

The age difference with Pugacheva did not bother the actor. And after their relationship was dissolved, Kirkorov was never able to get married. As the singer admitted, there will be no second level of queen for him.

But Philip was always interested in procreation. In this regard, he also surprised the public: the surrogate mother gave birth to two wonderful children seven months apart. He named his daughter Alla-Victoria in honor of the Prima Donna and his mother. He gave his son a double name: Martin-Christine. He was named after the beloved Puerto Rican pop musician Enrique Martin Morales, better known to the public as Ricky Martin.

Initially, Philip protected the children from the press. There were so many questions, and Philip tried his best to avoid them. On social networks he published photographs only with images of children from the back. But if earlier he hid everything about them from the public, now he willingly shares information.

Curious kids are not spoiled at all. They really miss it when their father goes on tour. However, they understand that he must earn money. Children, despite their age, can call on Skype. And they are waiting with great impatience for their father to return.

Philip absolutely adores his children. He admits that he can be strict at times. But he also loves to play around with them, and is not averse to going to the cinema or game center. However, their upbringing is mainly done by their mother, who does not like publicity. They like to call Natalia Efremova “mysterious mother.” How many questions do fans have about their relationship with the Russian pop star! However, Philip himself is in no hurry to share his secrets.

And she does not comment on rumors that she is the biological mother of his children. But even a difference of 7 months casts doubt on this question. Perhaps the woman is a surrogate mother of one child. But the main thing: she became a real mother for two beautiful kids. And he can give them a good education.

Download Kirkorov's new song? First, find out everything about her!

The work of the popular singer is still interesting to many today. Moreover, outrageous singer never ceases to amaze the audience. He continues to delight with his new songs, which can be downloaded on the Internet. The singer's potential is limitless. Family life, scandals... But now let's talk about music. Who loves this artist, should hurry to download his latest song and enjoy his pop music to the fullest! And opponents of his work can also rejoice. And here's why.

Philip Bedrosovich never ceases to amaze the audience. He continues to rock. And even the stars are now dancing to his hit, which can be downloaded on the Internet. Colleagues decided to support the song “The Color of Mood is Blue.” They started creating mini-clips. The audience received them ambiguously.

So, Lolita Milyavskaya, who dances to his song at the airport, looks more like... a “drunk”. Her fans call her unflatteringly, expressing their negativity. Sergei Lazarev also supported the singer and danced with Maria Fedunkiv. You can download the published video and express your opinion. Olga Buzova also supported the artist.

The "blue" version is already available. If you haven’t seen a video of stars dancing to Kirkorov’s hit, you can download the videos. Those Ukrainians who remain ardent fans of Kirkorov, despite the fact that he supports the aggressive policies of Putin and himself as President, can download the video and rock with the stars. And his ardent opponents are probably not averse to downloading videos to criticize the work of the singer and show business celebrities.

Philip Kirkorov gave a start to life to many. He helped and continues to help musical talents: he introduced Anastasia Stotskaya to the public, Ani Lorak performed under his “wing,” he produced Dmitry Koldun, etc. The singer led many young performers to victories at competitions. However, only he knows how much effort and labor had to be put in to reach certain heights!

He thanks those viewers who have remained loyal fans throughout the years of his work. And they admired the unexpected characters he had to play. Time passed unnoticed. Now he has so much behind him: a whole arsenal of videos, films and musicals!

Look new clip Philip Kirkorov “The color of mood is blue”:

Biography of celebrities - Philip Kirkorov

Famous Russian pop singer, music producer


Philip was born on April 30, 1967 in the Bulgarian town of Varna. His father's parents were Armenians, his grandfather worked as a shoemaker. On my mother's side, my grandmother was a dancer and circus actress. There were gypsies in her family.

Father - Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov, Honored Singer of Bulgaria, named his son in honor of his grandfather. Initially, the father bore the surname Kirkoryan, but in order to enter a Bulgarian school, the family decided to change the surname.

Mom, Victoria Markovna Kirkorova, worked as an accompanist.

His parents met during one of his father’s concerts. The girl came to the concert of a young but talented performer. After the concert, the girl decided to ask for an autograph, and so their relationship began, which soon grew into marriage.

Since Philip's parents were creative people, almost their entire life was spent on tour. Accordingly, they took their son with them on trips. The rest of the time the family lived in Moscow. At the age of 5, Philip first appeared on stage. After his father performed the song, the boy went on stage, his father introduced him to the audience, to which there was a standing ovation. This was the first applause in the boy's life. This happened in Petrozavodsk.

The boy studied well at school and graduated from school 413, receiving a gold medal. After graduating from school, he decided to enter the Theater Institute, but failed the exams.

In 1984 he entered the Gnessin State Music College, where he was chosen to study in the musical comedy department. After 4 years, my studies were completed with honors.

Childhood photos of Philip Kirkorov

Path to glory

In November 1985, Philip Kirkorov performed in the “Wider Circle” program; the song was called “Alyosha” and was performed by a singer in Bulgarian.

This program was a definite start in my career young singer, there he was noticed by Svetlana Anapolskaya, at that time she was the director of “Blue Light”. She suggested young man take part in the filming of a TV show. But the management opposed it, arguing that the young man was too handsome. Then Anapolskaya gave an ultimatum: either Kirkorov takes part in the filming, or she resigns from her duties as director.

In 1987, a fateful meeting took place with songwriter Ilya Reznik. A year later, it was at Reznik’s opening day that a meeting between Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva took place. Alla Borisovna already had a name and many fans. And then she invites a young aspiring artist to take part in the filming of the program “Christmas Meetings.” By this time, the young and talented singer had already graduated from the Gnessin School, he held a successful concert in Yalta and recorded a video for his song “Carmen”.

Having gone to prepare the program “Christmas Meetings,” Kirkorov met Leonid Derbenev, who later began writing songs for Philip. Almost all of them were destined to become hits.

In 1989, the young artist went on tour with Alla Pugacheva in Germany and Australia. And at the end of the year he took part in the filming the most popular program"Song of the Year" The songs “Atlantis”, “You, you, you”, “Day and Night” became real hits. Almost the whole country knew and sang them. Popularity was gaining momentum. At the end of the same year, Kirkorov began to conduct active concert activities.

Since the 90s

In 1990, he received the Grand Prix for the song “Heaven and Earth”. Two years later, the video clip “Atlantis” was filmed, which was subsequently recognized as the best video of the year. In 1994, the solo program “I am not Rafael” was released.

In 1995, Kirkorov was awarded two more Ovation awards and shot several videos that the audience invariably liked.

In 1997, a tour began across all cities of Russia with the program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You!”

In 1999, a program was prepared called “Oh, Mom, I’ll give you some chic!” which included songs of oriental motifs.

In 2002, he staged the musical “Chicago,” which was named “Premiere of the Year” at the end of the year.

Philip Kirkorov in the musical "CHICAGO"

Personal life

A handsome and talented performer simply could not have an ordinary personal life. Of course, it is just as bright and rich. Philip met his first wife Alla Pugacheva back in 1988. For almost five years he sought the hand of the woman he loved and finally she agreed!

In 1994, Philip and Alla registered their marriage in St. Petersburg. The marriage registration was carried out by the city mayor Anatoly Sobchak himself. After two months, the newlyweds went to Jerusalem to get married there. The marriage lasted 11 years and in 2005 the couple separated. During this time, a lot of speculation and gossip appeared in newspapers and on television. The star couple has always been interesting to the audience.

6 years have passed since the divorce and the singer admitted that he simply could not meet such a woman again, and he would not agree to anything less. Then he thought about procreation. So in 2011, Kirkorov had a daughter, she was given the name Alla Victoria, in honor of her mother and first wife. To give birth to a girl, he used the services of a surrogate mother, as he admitted on Andrei Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk.”

A year later, their son Martin was born in the same way.

Currently, Philip Kirkorov actively takes part in the filming of various television programs and shows. Its popularity is no less than in the 90s of the last century. And on April 30, 2017, the singer celebrated his 50th birthday in the Kremlin Palace.