Boris Galkin: “The decision to leave the family was difficult. Galkin has another daughter! News that shocked the entire Russian show business! The best of the best

September 23, 2017

The child was given to him by his third wife, Inna Razumikhina.

On September 19, Honored Artist Boris Galkin turned 70 years old. The best gift The birth of a daughter marked the anniversary of the master of Russian cinema. The child was born in one of the capital’s clinics, and Galkin’s beloved wife, singer Inna Razumikhina, gave him a gift. The spouses have a significant age difference - Inna is 44 years old. The girl was named Anna.

Boris Galkin and his wife Inna. Photo: Facebook

Boris and Inna got married in 2013, they even performed concert programs together. After the death of the son of actor Vlad Galkin (in 2010), it was the relationship and alliance with Inna Razumikhina that returned Boris Sergeevich to active life, including creative life. Despite the fact that Vlad was adopted son Boris Galkin, he raised him from the age of 10 as his own.

Elena Demidova is Boris’s third wife, Vlad Galkin’s mother died in 2017. The actor covered all expenses for organizing the funeral. After a series of misfortunes, the birth of a child on the eve of the anniversary was a real gift.

Boris Sergeevich met Inna at a film festival and soon fell in love. In addition, they began to work together - to do concert performances, Galkin staged for her musical performance. Choosing between feeling and a sense of duty, Boris Sergeevich chose the first. “I couldn’t imagine that I would ever use Pushkin’s phrase “all ages are submissive to love” in relation to myself,” the actor admitted in an interview.

Boris Galkin experienced a difficult loss - the passing of his own son. Both he and his wife were greatly distressed by the tragedy. But Boris did not stay with his wife Elena Demidova for long; he soon left for another - singer Inna Razumikhina.

Boris Galkin with Eden Demidova

The girl is 25 years younger than her husband, but this did not affect the relationship at all. Boris met his second wife on stage. She performed French chanson, and Galkin performed romances. As it turned out, he is not only an actor and director, but is also developing in other areas.

The couple created their own duet and began traveling around the world and giving concerts. Boris’s friends initially reacted poorly to his action, or rather to the fact that he left his wife in such a difficult moment.

Boris Galkin with Inna Razumikhina

But as the actor himself says, the wife practically kicked her husband out of the house. She always blamed him for the death of her son, which greatly upset Galkin. He just couldn't stay home because DC voltage. Perhaps this was influenced by the fact that Boris was not blood father Vladislav. But this did not stop him from treating him like family and giving him a decent upbringing.

Boris Galkin's wife Inna Razumikhina

The actor’s former wife had another marriage before him, from which the actress had a son and daughter. After the wedding, the actor adopted his wife’s children and gave them all his warmth.

Elena always spoke of her husband as good person capable of providing for a family and giving children a decent future. But before her, he had another marriage - with actress Irina Pechernikova. But they broke up due to lack of time and rare meetings. The wife lacked her husband's attention.

Son of Boris Galkin with his wife

Boris decided to start his third marriage with a blank slate. He decided to fix previous mistakes and become an ideal spouse.

Boris Galkin and Inna Razumikhina got married four years ago. Since then, news has been appearing every now and then about an addition to the family, but only now the actor confirmed that he really became a father for the first time!

Boris became the hero of the “Tonight” program, where he spoke about such a joyful event: “My daughter was born on July 30. My wife and I deliberately did not talk about pregnancy, since this was not the first attempt, we were very worried. Anya was born ahead of schedule, but is now catching up with peers in weight. At birth she weighed almost three kilograms. We were afraid to scare away our luck, so we didn’t say anything.”

Inna said that she actually experienced several unsuccessful attempts and I had already despaired when I found out that I would soon become a mother! Boris noted that he dreams of a long life and hopes to get his daughter married.


The girl became the first biological child actor. He adopted the children of his third wife Elena Demidova: “Vladislav and Masha have always been family to me. They are my children and this topic is not discussed.”

Boris took Vladislav’s death very hard: “Vlad and I met when he was ten years old. He was very talented actor. I was not with him on that tragic day. He always said that if he fell, his father's hands would be nearby. But I wasn't there. Sometimes I really blame myself for this.”

Boris Galkin is a descendant of Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov on his sister’s side outstanding commander. Born in Leningrad. Grew up in Riga. Father, Sergei Mikhailovich, is a virtuoso shoemaker, worked first in an artel, and then in the Riga Operetta Theater. His mother, Svetlana Georgievna, was a front-line soldier and worked as a head nurse in the hospital. Borya spent his days improving physically, doing all possible sports - boxing, gymnastics, acrobatics, freestyle wrestling, sambo (at the age of 16 he won the Latvian silver prize in men's lightweight wrestling). And in the evenings the young athlete went to the reader's studio. “By the time after school I went to Moscow to enter the theater institute, I already had three solo poetry programs,” said Boris Sergeevich. “I performed with them at concerts, tickets for which were sold for 30 kopecks, and, despite this, the audience was full.”

By this time, the young man had already managed to master various kinds of work skills: he worked as a lighting technician in a local recreation center, looked after the garden in a holiday home, during the summer holidays he got a job as a sailor at a rescue station, not to mention the fact that already at the age of 15 he appeared in films - in the lyrical film “Shore Leave...”

Boris Galkin in his youth. Photo: East News

After graduating from the Shchukin Theater School, Boris served in the Satire Theater for a couple of years, then moved to Taganka, at the same time acted in films, and later graduated from the directing department of the Higher Theater Courses at GITIS. And in the same 1977, fame fell on Galkin - the film “In the Zone” was released. special attention", where the artist demonstrated best qualities Soviet paratroopers. And the continuation of the film - the film "Retaliation", which appeared four years later - only consolidated the stunning success. Inspired by the exploits of the heroes, young people flocked to join the ranks of the Airborne Forces, and Galkin gained the image of a fearless brave man, a courageous hero, a valiant knight - in a word, the ideal of a real man. Moreover, not only among the audience, but also among filmmakers, thanks to which the heroic-patriotic theme was continued by the films “People in the Ocean” and “Waiting for Colonel Shalygin” (with famous phrase his hero “I hate to endure!”), as well as many other films.

Irina Pechernikova: “love didn’t work out”

Events in the artist’s personal life did not develop so rapidly. The first time he married actress Irina Pechernikova (“We’ll Live Until Monday,” “Two Captains,” “Omega Option”). We met at the Mayakovsky Theater, where Boris came to stage his graduation performance. While looking for actors for the production, I looked at their portraits hanging in the theater foyer. As Irina later said, after seeing her photograph, “he started asking everyone who I was and where to find me. Despite the fact that I walked past it hundreds of times. But he didn't recognize me - because of what I wore short haircut, and in the photo she had long hair.” At this time, Ira was rehearsing a role in one of Andrei Goncharov’s performances - she played a Latin American revolutionary. One day I came to a rehearsal for what is called a parade - hairstyle, makeup, luxurious dress. Galkin, who was sitting in the hall, was impressed and began asking everyone who this actress was and what her last name was. “The stranger” later recalled: “Everyone was already making fun of him - they say, this is the same one from the portrait in the foyer that you are looking for. But my images in his head just didn’t add up. And when they worked out, I fell in love - out of confusion, probably.”

Irina Pechernikova. Still from the film "We'll Live Until Monday." Photo: Global Look Press

Then the creative relationship grew into a close one, then into a family one. Boris insisted on registration. “He looked after me very nicely, read poetry, played the guitar. And I couldn’t stand it - I married him.” Their union lasted about seven years. Why did it break up? “Because together it became worse than apart,” Irina Viktorovna explained after the divorce. - Over the years, it became clear to both of us that initially we were too hasty and essentially made a mess. There was no need to marry him - there was no love between us, there was no happy union. No matter how pompous it may sound, my main love then was not my husband, but the theater. I went there early in the morning and returned by midnight.” At that time, Pechernikova was already serving on the famous Maly stage, playing leading roles in the classical repertoire.

And Boris was constantly traveling - he acted in films, performed concerts around the country, and staged plays. And he also considered the reason for their distance from each other to be one of the main reasons for their separation. But still, Galkin saw the most basic problem elsewhere: “Somewhere deep inside, at the level of the deepest feelings, there was incompatibility between us,” he once admitted.

Elena Demidova: an exemplary family

For the second time, Boris Sergeevich married Elena Demidova, an artist and screenwriter. This union lasted a long time - 30 years - and was considered exemplary. The future spouses met in the North, in the Arkhangelsk region, on the set of the film “Matveeva’s Joy”. Galkin played main role, Elena, who graduated from the Stroganov School, was a decorative artist. The film crew lived in one large hut; men and women were separated by a curtain and a Russian stove. “Because of this “screen” I first saw female hands of extraordinary beauty, who cut something out of cardboard, and I was completely shocked by their plasticity,” the actor recalled. - And then we met eyes. That's where it all started." then there was courtship, getting used to each other and, as a result, six months later - stamps in passports indicating the registration of marriage.

Boris and Elena, Vlad with his wife Daria Mikhailova and sister Masha. Photo: from the personal archive of Boris Galkin

“I was lucky, I found my woman,” Boris said. And many years later, answering a journalist’s question about the secret family longevity, “declassified” as follows: “He is on a special level of kinship and intimacy. Which is formed from the devotion of two people who coincide in attitude to life, in worldview, in heart...” And Elena Petrovna, for her part, argued that her husband was the best in the world.

Indeed, Galkin got along well with her children from her previous two marriages - son Vlad (future famous artist, who passed away in 2010) and daughter Masha. He gave the children his last name and raised them. I went to parent meetings and sorted things out difficult situations, was fully involved in their lives...

Vladislav Galkin. Photo: Global Look Press

Boris Sergeevich entered the family of his second wife when her son was ten years old and her daughter was five. "With Mashenka common language“it was established instantly,” the actor later said, “but with Vladik it was more difficult.” No, there were no problems or global misunderstanding between the stepfather and stepson. “Vlad just needed a break. He was watching me. I constantly caught his examining gaze on me.” The teenager’s wariness was finally overcome about a year later - on the day when the family was returning from watching the film “That Scoundrel Sidorov,” in which Vlad Galkin starred shortly after “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.” The impressed Galkin Sr. told the 11-year-old boy who played the main role in the film that he considered his performance to be a very serious, deep, completely mature acting work, and expressed confidence that in the future he would become an outstanding artist. “He looked at me with a long, not at all childish look, asked if I had said the truth, and when I once again confirmed my words, he said with sincere joy: “Thank you, dad...” That’s what he called me for the first time,” this iconic figure recalled episode Boris Sergeevich.

But my daughter was not inspired by public life. According to her stepfather, she preferred privacy. Possessing a wonderful voice, she neglected stage activities and chose the profession of a cook. “And when we bought a house in a village in the Pskov region on the shore of a lake, surrounded by forest, Masha unexpectedly said that she would stay there. And she stayed. She took up subsistence farming, began baking pies and bread and selling them in the nearest village. In general, she can perfectly cook any dish, and old recipes. And Masha is also a wonderful writer - she composes ditties and fairy tales,” her father admired Maria. Parents periodically came to see their daughter - picked mushrooms and berries, fished, enjoyed the beauty of nature, and worked on writing away from the bustle of the city.

The personal relationship of Boris and Elena Galkin was reinforced by creative relationships. “My wife is an extremely gifted person,” said the artist. - Not only a very talented artist, but also a writer. She has written many books and scripts; about a dozen films have been made based on them.” In 1991, the couple jointly created the experimental studio “RUN” (translated as “Nobility, Unity, Harmony”), which organized concerts and filmed films (among them: the political detective story “Black Clown”, the action movie “ Male mascot", the melodrama "Do you remember the smell of lilacs?", the absurdist comedy "The Game", the war drama "June 22, at exactly four o'clock..."). In a word, the spouses were one in all respects, they lived common interests. “Lena and I have been together for almost three decades, and we are still in love with each other!” - the artist admitted... However, life is unpredictable, it presents plots “stronger than Goethe’s Faust”, sharper than those invented in the movies.

Inna Razumikhina: head over heels

Three years after tragic death Vladislav Boris Sergeevich... fell in love. Unexpectedly for myself. A woman 25 years younger - Inna Razumikhin, a singer who performs lyrical songs and French chanson. “I couldn’t imagine that I would ever use Pushkin’s phrase “all ages are submissive to love” in relation to myself,” said the actor.

With Inna Razumikhina. Photo:

Cupid with his arrow flew to Galkin in Bryansk at the Military-Patriotic Film Festival, where the actor was invited to present the prize for best actor in the name of his adopted son. I saw Razumikhina perform there and was seriously impressed. “It was like a flash. Her singing was mesmerizing. Musical intonations, reverent attitude towards the poetic word, depth of experience - all this penetrated into the depths of my heart,” the artist shared his feelings. And soon they were both invited to perform at the same concert. The acquaintance was established. After some time, the idea of ​​joint concert programs appeared, and it was implemented - a musical and poetic duet was formed. General tours began. “Inna filled all my thoughts and heart, the need to communicate with her grew every day, and finally the moment came when I simply could not live without her,” Boris Sergeevich once admitted. However, the decision to leave his wife was not easy for him. “I had to make a painful choice between feeling and duty. I tried to understand myself, I thought: “Or maybe I’m just getting carried away?”, but the feeling did not go away.” The actor lived in such internal turmoil more than a year. “And every day the confidence grew stronger: I really love very much, and I can’t get rid of this love. It was no longer possible to lie...” The time had come to confess everything to my wife.

A couple of months after his divorce from Elena, Galkin officially formalized his marriage to Inna. A little later, in the same 2014, a wedding celebration took place - on a ship. Next, the newlyweds connected Inna’s apartment with Boris’s small studio (he left the main residence former family), and they lived together in the same apartment.

Wedding with Inna Razumikhina. Photo:

And Elena Petrovna, having experienced two losses - the death of her son and the departure of her husband - went to live in the Pskov region - with her daughter. Soon her health began to fail - stage 4 cancer was diagnosed. She passed away in May this year, having passed the 70-year mark. Boris Sergeevich took over the organization of the funeral.

A little earlier, information about pregnancy began to appear in the media current wife Galkina. However, no further information was released. Boris Sergeevich, when asked by journalists whether the couple was thinking about adding to their family, answered vaguely: “As God willing...”

Boris Galkin is already 70 years old and his only heirs have always been his children ex-wife Elena - Masha and Vlad, whom he raised and loved as family.

But four years ago famous actor connected his life with singer Inna Razumikhina, the couple had already tried to have children several times, but their attempts were unsuccessful.

But recently Boris, invited to the “Tonight” program, said that finally his dream came true and he became a father.

“My daughter was born on July 30. My wife and I deliberately did not talk about pregnancy, since this was not the first attempt, we were very worried. Anya was born prematurely, but is now catching up with her peers in weight.

At birth she weighed almost three kilograms. We were afraid to scare away luck, so we didn’t say anything,” said Boris.

The actor, despite his 70 years, is incredibly happy; he admitted that he dreams of living until his daughter’s wedding in order to walk her down the aisle with his own hands.

For Inna, this was a fairly late birth; she is now 44 and after all the unsuccessful attempts, she no longer hoped to become a mother.

Boris also mentioned his first children from his third marriage: “Vladislav and Masha have always been family to me. They are my children and this topic is not discussed. Vlad and I met when he was ten years old.

He was a very talented actor. I was not with him on that tragic day. He always said that if he fell, his father's hands would be nearby. But I wasn't there. Sometimes I really blame myself for this,” the actor admitted.

Long and happy life to Boris Galkin and Inna, as well as health to their little daughter!