Vitamins for facial skin externally. The best vitamins for facial skin

The struggle to preserve the beauty and health of facial skin and attempts to stop age-related changes is not only about daily masks, massages and professional cosmetic procedures. The skin needs fortification and often a balanced diet is not enough. Cosmetologists argue that it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem and use all possible means that provide complete care.

Read in this article

What vitamins affect facial skin health?

There are a lot of useful elements, it is simply impossible to introduce absolutely all of them into the body. If we consider the benefits of vitamins for facial skin, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • It perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic and resilient, eliminates dryness and flaking;
  • B2 accelerates regenerative processes, makes skin respiration more active at the cellular level, stabilizes metabolic processes;
  • B7 or riboflavin is optimal for sensitive and dry skin, as it restores the strength of the epidermis;
  • B9, or folic acid, works as an anti-aging agent, making the skin fresh and with a natural color;
  • C strengthens the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries), eliminates “bags” under the eyes, enhances the production of collagen by the body itself;
  • E or tocopherol moisturizes the skin, suitable for dry skin types;
  • R, or rutin, has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, preventing their fragility;
  • PP, or niacin, activates the respiration of skin cells and the synthesis of enzymes “responsible” for renewal and rejuvenation;
  • K has a positive effect on regeneration processes at the cellular level and significantly accelerates blood circulation in all layers of the skin.

The best vitamins for facial skin

You cannot thoughtlessly use any vitamin complex that comes into your field of vision for facial skin care. This can cause harm and provoke the development of inflammatory processes, the appearance of age spots, and rashes. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to base it on your skin type.

For problematic

For acne

This problem indicates not only the malfunction of the sebaceous glands and hormonal problems in the human body, but also a lack of certain vitamins. Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend using vitamins B, A and E for massive rashes.

You can use ready-made complexes, or you can use them as separate preparations. It all depends on individual preferences and recommendations of a specialist.

To combat acne on the face, it is important to take ascorbic acid (vitamin C) orally. It is this that increases immunity as quickly and fully as possible, which helps to stop the process of inflammation of the skin, relieves it of irritation and improves its structure.

Beneficial for youthful skin

If you constantly “feed” your facial skin with well-chosen vitamins, you will be able to stop age-related changes. Of course, you won’t be able to completely stop the formation of wrinkles, but making them less deep, and therefore less noticeable, is quite possible.

For mature skin, vitamins that can restore and improve the regenerative abilities of the skin will be useful. These include K, A, E and D. In combination, they will have a more active effect on the dermis, but each individual vitamin will also have benefits. Cosmetologists and dermatologists claim that vitamin C will also be useful for mature skin, since to some extent it affects the level of firmness and elasticity of the skin.

For dry, oily, combination and normal

Different skin types require an individual approach, and the overall health of the dermis and a person’s appearance depend on how correctly vitamin complexes are chosen. When making a decision, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • For dry skin, it is extremely undesirable to allow a lack of vitamins A and E. They ensure normal and stable blood flow in the capillaries, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and get rid of peeling and redness in certain areas of the face. It is imperative to use vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) in caring procedures; it relieves itching and irritation for a long time, even with prolonged exposure to the open air.
  • Oily skin is characterized by the massive formation of pimples, wen and blackheads. Vitamins C and B will help solve this problem. E is also necessary; it normalizes and stabilizes the water-lipid balance on the surface of the skin, which, when disturbed, causes rashes of various types.
  • Those with a normal type of facial skin should be happy - they need care, but there is no need to focus on any specific vitamins. The fact is that this type of cover reacts well to any beneficial substances. That is why cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend that such people actively use multivitamin complexes.

As for the combined type, it would also be appropriate to use complex preparations that include the main beneficial vitamins for the face.

To learn how to slow down aging with vitamins and nutritional supplements, watch this video:

What vitamin complexes should you pay attention to?

There are really a lot of them, but not all are suitable for facial skin. The best option would be to consult a cosmetologist. But if this is not possible, then you should pay attention to the following means:

  • Complements the radiance. Available in tablet form, the composition is enriched with microelements - zinc, copper, folic acid. Regular intake of these vitamins in courses accelerates the regeneration of skin cells and promotes normal collagen production. The result will be not only the smoothing of the skin texture, but also the disappearance of small/shallow wrinkles and the return of natural color.
  • AEvit. This is generally a universal complex, consisting of only two components of the vitamin group - A and E. According to various studies, they combine perfectly and complement each other, enhancing the beneficial properties of each. The complex is produced in the form of capsules with a jelly-like coating and oil content; it can be used both for oral administration and for treating facial skin (just crush the capsule).
  • Perfectile. This complex has high regenerative properties and causes rejuvenation of facial skin cells. In addition to vitamins, the preparation contains zinc, copper, selenium and biotin. This complex will be the optimal choice for dry, mature facial skin.
  • Vitrum beauty. The composition is familiar, enriched with microelements. The only caveat is that this complex contains antioxidants, which means that regularly taking the capsules will help get rid of toxins and waste accumulated in the skin of the face. The result of this effect will be cell regeneration, narrowing of pores, a decrease in the number of blackheads and pimples, and the disappearance of peeling.

In order for facial skin vitaminization to be effective, you must follow the following rules:

  • Before using any complex, a visit to a cosmetologist is mandatory. Only a specialist will be able to accurately identify the problems, find out which vitamin is missing, and prescribe the appropriate drug with daily dosage and course duration.
  • Simultaneously with the consumption of vitamins orally, it is necessary to influence the surface of the integument. We are talking about masks made from fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • After completing the course of taking vitamin complexes, you again need to consult a doctor. It is recommended to change the drug to avoid saturation with specific elements.

You can prepare a face mask by mixing several pharmaceutical products from the vitamin category. In principle, this is quite advisable, but only subject to one point: you can only combine vitamins A and E, all other combinations are prohibited.

To learn how vitamins affect facial skin, watch this video:

What foods will be useful?

Of course, food products contain vitamins. And naturally, they will help make up for the lack of some specific elements. But if we talk about vitaminizing the skin of the face, then the diet should be adjusted towards increasing the inclusion of the following products in the menu:

  • Strawberries and fish (sea and river). The berry contains ellagic acid, and representatives of aquatic fauna contain fatty acids. These elements are necessary to moisturize the skin, so it would be appropriate to increase their amount in the menu for dry facial skin types.
  • Kiwi, pumpkin seeds and watercress. These products are needed by those who have combination or oily skin types, as they contain large quantities of vitamins B, C and E, as well as phosphorus, iron and potassium. With constant use, it is possible to get rid of rashes and acne, frequent inflammation of the skin.
  • Cottage cheese, eggs, fish and meat with herbs. These are the products that should prevail on the menu for a person with normal facial skin type. They contain a number of vitamins from the B line, which will make the skin firm, well-hydrated and elastic.

This list does not mean at all that you need to switch only to eating healthy foods. Firstly, many of them can provoke a powerful allergic reaction. Secondly, the diet should be varied, which will ensure normal and stable functioning of the whole body.

Vitaminization of facial skin should be ongoing. At the same time, you should not get carried away with professional cosmetics without first consulting a cosmetologist. Such “zeal” in pursuit of beauty and healthy skin can result in big problems:

  • liver function is disrupted, since vitamin processing products are difficult to remove from the body;
  • constant nausea appears - evidence of an overdose;
  • the person experiences fatigue, notes lethargy and apathy.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. You may need not only a correction of your facial skin care regimen, but also a full therapeutic treatment of hypervitaminosis.

Useful video

Watch this video about nutrition for perfect skin:

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

A healthy mind in a healthy body! Popular wisdom says. Indeed, if a person is healthy, then the mood is excellent and all work will go well.

Almost every person has encountered health problems of one kind or another. The most common problem among the population is vitamin deficiency.

No one thinks about it seriously, but remembers it only in moments of complete weakness. Lack of vitamins in the body leads to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Vitamins are called active supplements. They have a positive effect on the body inside and out. Vitamin deficiency leaves a very large imprint on the skin of the face, hands and neck. The skin becomes dull, sluggish, pale, and various rashes or dryness often appear. Any girl will not tolerate such troubles with her appearance and will use any methods to correct the situation.

In order for the skin to become elastic, acquire a healthy color, and be sufficiently hydrated, you just need to know what vitamins are needed for facial skin and how to use them.

Modern medicine and cosmetology have determined that all 13 vitamins, which are known throughout the world, are fully involved in nourishing and revitalizing facial skin. Having found out which vitamin is responsible for what, you can determine for yourself an individual list of vitamins that are lacking in the human body.

Vitamin A

Retinol (vitamin A) fights inflammatory processes on the face and drying out of the upper layers of the epithelium. An excellent antiseptic that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
Helps smooth out wrinkles. Helps accelerate the production of collagen, which promotes rejuvenation of facial skin cells. Helps eliminate age spots.

Vitamin B1

Thiamine resists facial skin aging, which can occur at any time in life and can be caused by anything.

Vitamin B2

Riboflavin improves cell respiration and helps speed up metabolism. Evens out complexion, makes facial skin velvety and refreshed.

Vitamin B5

Pantothenic acid is the best at smoothing out wrinkles.

Vitamin B6

Pyridoxine is an antiseptic that treats many skin conditions.

Vitamin B9

Folic acid is an excellent “weapon” in the fight against acne.

Vitamin B12

Cyanocobalamin promotes the regeneration of facial skin and immediately refreshes it.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid tones the vessels of the circulatory system, makes the walls denser and clears adhesions. The vitamin helps produce collagen.

Vitamin D

This is the only vitamin that helps keep the skin in perfect condition and stops premature aging.

Vitamin E

Leaves skin smooth and elastic. Tocopherol serves as a protective barrier against ultraviolet rays. It also gives the skin a velvety and rejuvenating appearance.

Vitamin K

This is the only vitamin that actively eliminates pigmentation. This also helps relieve swelling. Vitamin K helps fight inflammation and acne.

Vitamin PP

This vitamin stimulates cells. Niacin evens out the complexion while protecting the skin from harmful external factors.

Vitamin H

Biotin promotes rapid regeneration of the upper skin. The main task in the body is to normalize fat and carbon metabolism.

These are the most essential vitamins for facial skin, which have an individual effect. If you know the problem, then you can simply, quickly and easily determine what vitamins to take for your facial skin for the benefit of the whole body.

Vitamin A found most in liver (beef, pork, fish, poultry), eggs, and fermented milk products. Vitamin A can be synthesized from vegetables. This happens both simply by the body itself and during heat treatment.

The most vitamins are found in carrots, parsley, legumes, mushrooms, melon, blackberries, blueberries, green onions, lettuce, sorrel, and dill. Such vitamins are simply necessary to improve facial skin!

Vitamin C found in black currants, bananas, oranges, tangerines, lemons, sweeties, grapefruits. Vegetables that are rich in C: bell peppers, cabbage, radishes, potatoes and others. Berries include: kiwi, viburnum, cranberries, nuts.

Vitamin E found in oil crops. It can be found in vegetable oils of legumes, corn, almonds, peanuts, and cereals. Vitamin E is also found in fish meat, boiled eggs, meat products, tomatoes and bananas.

B vitamins found in cereals, meat, liver, green vegetables, dairy products, bananas, chicken, mushrooms, avocados and yeast.

Vitamin PP, vitamin D, vitamin K contained in products - meat products, eggs, protein products, dairy products, peanuts, cereals, vegetables, sea fish and others.

By adhering to a proper diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals, your facial skin will always be in great shape and there will be no vitamin deficiency.

How to properly enrich your facial skin with vitamins?

Any girl whose skin looks absolutely healthy should remember that nourishing the skin with vitamins is simply necessary. If you do not do such procedures regularly, you may encounter the most unpredictable problems - aging, lethargy, acne, lack of healthy skin color, dryness, peeling and others.

There are a couple of methods that will help you consume vitamins correctly.

First method and the most common is taking vitamin complexes. This method is as simple as just taking your vitamins every day. They enter the body and “travel” through the blood vessels from cell to cell, while nourishing them with useful substances and having a positive effect on the skin of the face from within the body.

The vitamin complex can be selected individually for each person. This can be done independently or by seeking help from a cosmetologist. If a girl does not have particularly pronounced problems with her body, then vitamins can be chosen with a general spectrum of action.

If you have any problems or rashes, you just need to go to a specialist. Qualified cosmetologists will help you choose the right vitamin complex that will help enrich your skin with vitamins and solve problems.

Vitamin complexes can be purchased at local pharmacies, or can be ordered on the American website iHerb. Surprisingly, the prices in this store are affordable and competitive, even including delivery. And thanks to the wide range, ratings and customer reviews, you can quickly and easily choose best vitamins for facial skin.

Today, the bestsellers among vitamins for facial skin are:

The second effective way is to take each vitamin separately. This method is effective only if the girl is sure exactly what vitamin is missing in her body.

In this case, you can simply go to the pharmacy and buy the necessary healthy vitamins for your facial skin and take a course of them. Sometimes it happens that some vitamins are only available in ampoules and need to be pierced. In this case, it is best to seek advice from a specialist doctor.

Vitamins for facial skin from Thorne Research (), Madre Labs (), Now Foods (), Solgar () are distinguished by their effectiveness and efficiency. We recommend that you pay special attention to these brands.

Third method- This is a balanced diet. The most correct method of consuming vitamins for facial skin is a proper healthy diet rich in vitamins. will improve not only the skin of the face, but also the entire body as a whole, and will allow you to correct your figure parameters.

In order for your diet to become healthier, you need to exclude fast food, carbonated drinks, bad habits and dry foods from your diet. All these factors react very negatively on the skin of the face, and very often provoke rashes, lethargy, and premature aging.

For healthy skin, you need to add fiber, vegetables, and fruits to your diet. Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Drinking enough water per day will give your skin freshness and restore water balance. The skin will no longer be dry and peeling will stop.

Water is a natural solvent. It will help remove the remnants of bad fluid and excess salt from the body, due to which the pores of the face in the temples, chin and forehead become dirty. By adhering to basic rules, you can enrich your facial skin with a huge complex of vitamins and minerals without much effort.

A well-groomed face is not always a gift from above. This also includes proper nutrition, positive emotions and good sleep. The personal care complex includes vitamins for facial skin and beneficial elements. They enrich the skin with everything it needs, give radiance, promote the healing of wounds and abrasions, rejuvenate, and add freshness. What are the best vitamins for facial skin?

What beneficial components are necessary for facial skin?

Each of the vitamins has an incredible effect on the beauty of the face, and also participates in the restoration process. Having certain information about the properties of useful elements, you can independently choose the most suitable vitamin complex. Vitamins enter the body together with certain foods, but the skin still needs additional nourishment.

Some useful vitamins

Retinol helps eliminate age spots on the skin, restore the epidermis, and synthesize fibrillar protein. Eliminates excessive dryness. contain a certain percentage of vitamin A, which helps remove oily shine. Retinol is responsible for moisturizing the skin.

Thiamine prevents skin aging. Riboflavin restores a healthy complexion and regulates metabolism. Calcium pantothenate smoothes expression lines. Pyridoxine actively fights inflammatory skin diseases. Folic acid eliminates acne. Vitamins for facial skin containing this substance effectively fight the aggressive environment.

Cyanocobalamin takes part in the process of skin cell regeneration. Any vitamin complex for rejuvenation must contain B12. Ascorbic acid tones blood vessels, makes their walls denser, and promotes collagen production. Calciferol is the only vitamin that helps maintain the skin in perfect condition and prevents premature aging.

Tocopherol makes the skin surface smoother and more elastic, and also protects against ultraviolet rays. In addition, it makes the skin velvety and youthful. Phylloquinone is the only useful trace element that actively eliminates age spots. eliminates swelling and also fights inflammation and acne. Nicotinic acid activates cells, evens out complexion, and serves as a barrier against negative environmental factors.

Biotin helps instantly restore the upper skin. The main task is to normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Hyaluronic acid is capable of retaining water in cells, the mass of which is thousands of times greater. Therefore, hyaluron is an excellent tool for maintaining water balance in the dermis. This vitamin for facial skin protects the skin from facial wrinkles, cracks, increases elasticity and smoothness.

Alpha lipoic acid is considered a powerful antioxidant that is both fat-soluble and water-soluble. It protects cells from toxins and free radicals (both externally and internally). This microelement, together with hyaluron, is used as injections and massages to rejuvenate and tighten the epidermis.

All of the above substances are the most necessary vitamins for facial skin. Let's take a closer look at them.

How to properly saturate your facial skin with vitamins?

Any woman whose skin looks completely healthy should remember that nourishing and moisturizing the skin with beneficial components is simply necessary. If you do not carry out such procedures systematically, then you can encounter the most unexpected problems - withering, wrinkles, aging, peeling, sagging, dryness, “orange peel”.

There are four ways to solve the problem

The first and simplest is taking vitamin-mineral complexes. This method is the easiest, since you need to take vitamins every day. Once in the body, they spread through the blood vessels, while saturating them with useful microelements, thereby positively affecting the epidermis of the face from the inside. What vitamins are best for facial skin?

A multivitamin complex can be selected individually for each patient. This can be done either independently or by contacting a specialist. If the fair half does not have any special problems with the skin, then a vitamin-mineral complex can be chosen with a general spectrum of action.

If there are any rashes or problems with the epidermis, then you need to contact a cosmetologist to choose the most suitable vitamins. Multivitamin complexes can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The second way is to take useful components separately. This method is effective if the patient knows exactly which vitamin he is deficient in. In this case, you can go to the pharmacy and buy the necessary vitamins for your facial skin. It happens that some useful substances are produced in ampoules and need to be pierced. In such a situation, it is best to consult a cosmetologist.

The third way is proper nutrition. To do this, you need to stop eating fast food, carbonated water, and you also need to quit smoking and drinking strong drinks. All these points have a detrimental effect on the skin of the face, quite often causing rashes, peeling, sagging and premature aging. To enrich the skin with beneficial microelements, you need to add fiber, fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day. Sufficient fluid intake per day will give the skin freshness and restore water balance. The epidermis will no longer flake and be dry. Water is a natural solvent. It helps remove toxins, excess salt, which clogs the pores in the temples and chin.

The fourth method is face masks. They are very useful and effective, since the effect is almost instantaneous.

Effects of tocopherol

According to the instructions for use and reviews, vitamin E for facial skin has a complex effect. Rejuvenation occurs, cells are more actively restored, facial wrinkles are reduced, the epidermis becomes firmer and more elastic, and blood microcirculation improves.

Tocopherol is a natural antidepressant and natural antioxidant, vitamin E relieves tension and fatigue, gives vigor. After using it, the face looks more rosy. In addition, tocopherol has a therapeutic effect, weakens allergic manifestations, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and promotes recovery from anemia.

How to use vitamin E for facial skin? Tocopherol is available in capsules, in the form of an oil solution, and liquid for injection. Concentrated solutions are not recommended for use on large areas of the epidermis, as inflammation or allergies may occur.

The use of vitamin E for facial skin in capsules is considered the most convenient and simple way to eliminate small scars and age spots. To do this, you need to pierce the capsule with a needle and carefully apply it to the affected area.

Tocopherol in the form of oil can be used to prepare creams and face masks. Weakly concentrated liquids are also used, which can be applied with a cotton pad to facial massage areas. After applying the drug, it is necessary to massage with your fingertips.

Can tocopherol be used in its pure form?

According to the instructions and reviews, vitamin E for facial skin can be used as follows:

  1. First you need to cleanse your skin of cosmetics.
  2. Next, the face is moistened with water, since it should not be dry.
  3. Then cover your face with oil and leave for ten minutes.
  4. At the end, thoroughly rinse off any remaining oil and apply moisturizer.

Is it necessary to wash off tocopherol from the face?

Vitamin E applied to the epidermis has certain benefits. The composition and its properties help it quickly dissolve and be instantly absorbed into the skin. Therefore, there is no need to wash it off. As a rule, it is advisable to apply it before going to bed and leave it overnight, then wash your face with warm water in the morning. This therapy should be done two to three times every seven days.

If vitamin A was used in creams, then in this case it is necessary to remove the residues after a certain time.

Retinol: where to find it?

According to reviews, vitamin A for facial skin is useful for increased dryness, itching, and flaking. The result is noticeable immediately - the epidermis is cleansed, microcracks and peeling disappear, and the feeling of skin tightness disappears. Retinol can be found in carrots and spinach; it helps ensure protection and regeneration of the epidermis; it must be taken to speed up the recovery processes in the body.

How to use retinol correctly?

This useful microelement is available in the form of capsules and oil for external use of vitamin A for the face. According to reviews, it is known that retinol must be used regularly after thirty-five years; one procedure per month will be enough.


  • Vitamin A should be applied at night or in the evening;
  • it is necessary to add the main types of oils to creams and masks - sea buckthorn, rosehip, amaranth;
  • therapy using masks with retinol is carried out for forty-five days, after which a break is taken for three months;
  • to make vitamin A more effective, add a couple of drops of olive oil to the mask;
  • When making a mask, you should add one or two drops of oil.

Frequent use of masks with vitamin A can contribute to premature aging, cause dryness and flaking. Therefore, after ten to twelve procedures, it is necessary to take short breaks for a couple of months.

Vitamins for facial skin against acne

Acne and acne are one of the most pressing problems. To eliminate them, you will need B vitamins, retinol, and tocopherol. Citrus fruits help compensate for their deficiency. If acne needs to be eliminated urgently, you can use a face mask:

  • you need to take orange pulp;
  • then it must be ground with a small amount of cherries;
  • then add a few tablespoons of cornstarch;
  • let the mixture sit for five minutes.

When the composition has turned into a homogeneous mass, the mask is applied to the entire face and kept for thirty minutes.

What multivitamins can I take?

Review of the most useful and common vitamin and mineral complexes:

  1. "Vitrum".
  2. "Aevit".
  3. "Biostop".
  4. "Complivit: Radiance."
  5. "Aekol."
  6. "Perfectil."
  7. "Lady's Formula".
  8. "Serum InstaNatural".

What are the best vitamins for facial skin? Let's take a closer look.


This is a multivitamin complex with immunostimulating and antioxidant properties. The drug is indicated for use in the following conditions:

  • impaired microcirculation;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • hemeralopia;
  • keratomalacia;
  • xerophthalmia;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastrectomy;
  • steatorrhea;
  • celiac disease;
  • cholestasis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • cystic fibrosis.

"Aevit" is available in capsule form, with thirty tablets in a package.

Directions for use:

  1. Vitamins are taken after meals; the capsules must be swallowed whole and washed down with enough water.
  2. The duration of therapy is from thirty to forty days.
  3. You need to take one tablet per day.

According to reviews, Aevit can cause negative consequences if taken incorrectly. The cost of the drug varies from 20 to 100 rubles.


The vitamin-mineral complex is produced in the form of tablets; one package can contain from thirty to one hundred and twenty pieces. "Vitrum" helps the body recover from illnesses, and the drug also promotes instant regeneration of the dermis, as well as the production of fibrillar protein (collagen).

Directions for use:

  1. You need to take one tablet once a day.
  2. The duration of the course is prescribed by the attending doctor.

Available without a prescription, shelf life is five years. The cost of Vitrum vitamins ranges from 450 to 1300 rubles.

"Complivit: Shining"

A biologically active food supplement, an additional source of beneficial microelements. Available in tablet form, one package can contain from thirty to ninety capsules. These vitamins for hair and facial skin are effective.

Multivitamins have an antioxidant, detoxifying effect, and also support the formation of fibrillar protein, restore tissue, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and accelerate metabolism.

Directions for use:

  • the dietary supplement must be taken with meals;
  • You need to take no more than one tablet per day;
  • The duration of treatment is one month.

The cost of the drug varies from 190 to 400 rubles.

"Lady's Formula"

Multivitamins are available in capsule form; one package contains thirty tablets. The drug is intended for women who suffer from vitamin deficiency. In this condition, the skin becomes flabby, peels, hair falls out greatly, and peeling of the nail plate is observed. In addition, vitamins are taken for dermatitis, cracks, wounds and other diseases of the epidermis.

Method of administration:

  1. Take no more than three tablets per day.
  2. Take the drug during meals.
  3. Do not give to children under twelve years of age.

The cost of the drug is 800-900 rubles.


Combined multivitamin medication for external use, which is used to heal wounds and abrasions, burns. The result of tissue restoration is achieved thanks to vitamins A and E, beta-carotene and menadione.

Available in the form of a solution, the cost of the drug is 170 rubles.

What is the largest organ in the human body? Ask this question to anyone and you will hear a lot of assumptions, but few will give the correct answer. And when you say that this organ is the skin, the answer will be silent surprise. Skin vitamins play a big role in maintaining youth and are simply necessary for our health.

But we are so accustomed to our natural “clothing” that we take it for granted. Well, of course, we all know about the structure of the skin, all its layers and how to care for it. Our skin sometimes gives us a lot of trouble: sometimes a pimple, sometimes a new wrinkle, heels and elbows peel, and “orange peel” on soft places is generally a sore subject... But, buying a cream for the face or hands, attacking the hated cellulite and furiously scraping off the keratinized heels, We don’t think about the fact that all skin manifestations are not only its inevitable age-related changes, but also signals about problems within the body. Even the smallest pimple is not a “clogged pore”, but toxins that the liver or kidneys have failed to remove. And wrinkles do not always mean the onset of old age, most often it is just weakening muscles... But first things first.

The skin is not only the largest, but also the most multifunctional organ of our body. Its very first function is, of course, protection. We are dressed in a “skin” that protects us from the external environment, including dangerous microbes and various radiations (infrared and ultraviolet). Skin also protects us from heat and cold. It saves you from the cold, of course, not as effectively as a warm fur coat, but the skin copes perfectly with the problem of thermoregulation in the heat. We sweat from the heat - and thereby save ourselves from overheating. Another function of the skin is breathing. Skin respiration takes up only about 2% of gas exchange in the body, but if it is disrupted, it can lead to big troubles. Among other things, the skin can absorb (absorb) various substances, and also has a very important excretory function. The latter is especially important, because if the liver or kidneys cannot cope with their responsibilities for some reason, then it is through the skin that substances that usually excreted in urine (for example, acetone or bile pigments). And finally, the skin plays a big role in metabolic processes. In addition to the gas exchange that occurs during skin respiration, intermediate carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and water-salt metabolism also occur in it.

Some facts are simply amazing! For example: the skin weighs more than 2.5 kg - almost twice as much as the liver. A piece of skin the size of a penny contains on average about 90 cm of blood vessels, 100 sweat glands, more than 360 cm of nerves, 25 baroreceptors for sensing touch, from 6 to 23 nerve endings for sensing cold and only 3 for sensing heat, 15 sebaceous glands, 10 hairs. Our skin removes up to 800 ml of water vapor per day - 2 times more than the lungs!

Now it becomes clear that any change in the skin - peeling, pimples, unevenness, ulcers - are not just cosmetic defects, but a signal that there is something in the body has broken down and is not working properly. After all, harmful substances (decomposition and metabolic products) are removed from the skin not only through sweat. These substances are deposited in the upper layers of the skin, in cells that gradually exfoliate, removing accumulated toxins from the entire surface of the skin. That is why on the heels, where the skin renewal process is faster, whole layers of keratinized dead skin grow, and the skin on the elbows always peels off, not responding to any anointings...

And you shouldn’t immediately get rid of all kinds of pimples, blackheads, boils and other “charms” by covering them with a variety of medicinal (or, God forbid, cosmetic!) products. In this case, we will get rid of the effect - but not the cause. And the reason must be sought in an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating or undereating (if you are closely “sitting” on an unbalanced diet), as well as in a lack of vitamins. We know that a person cannot live without vitamins. A lack of vitamins can lead to many problems. Our The skin is a mirror that reflects the state of our health, and if there are not enough vitamins for the skin, it can be seen almost immediately. Let's figure out which vitamins are simply necessary for the skin and what they are responsible for.

For example, vitamin A, which is responsible for maintaining skin moisture and elasticity. Lack of vitamin A leads to dryness and flaking. If even oily skin becomes unpleasantly dry and flaky, this directly indicates a vitamin A deficiency.

Or, let's say, vitamin C is one of the most essential vitamins for the skin. The fact is that the youth of the skin largely depends on the rate of formation of collagen fibers, and it is vitamin C that promotes their active formation. With collagen deficiency, the skin becomes flabby and dull. In addition, vitamin C ensures faster healing of wounds and less bruising, as it strengthens blood vessels.

Another vitamin for the skin, without which healthy skin is unthinkable, is vitamin E. Thanks to it, skin cell renewal is significantly accelerated. Vitamin E also helps protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

No less beneficial for the skin are B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B10. In particular, vitamin B1 helps prevent premature aging of the skin, vitamin B2 helps improve complexion, and vitamin B9 helps protect the skin from harmful environmental influences. A lack of vitamin B6 can cause dermatitis, and a deficiency of vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid) can lead to sunburn, as this vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that protects our skin from damage from the sun.

Our skin needs skin vitamins such as vitamin PP, Vitamin D and vitamin K. Deficiency of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) leads to loss of elasticity, deterioration of skin color and flaking. Vitamin D helps slow down the aging process of the skin, maintains its tone and youth. Vitamin K helps fight various age spots, including freckles, and also relieves swelling and inflammation of the skin.

Of course, this is not a complete list of vitamins for the skin, but, strictly speaking, vitamins cannot be divided into “for skin” or “for nails” - all vitamins are needed, since they affect the entire body.

It's no secret that proper nutrition and movement are the main conditions for health and longevity. The number of fitness clubs is growing year by year, and this indicates that more and more people are taking their bodies seriously. This is good. But with nutrition, things are much worse. The abundance of products on the shelves sometimes just my eyes widen... But, probably, there is no point in saying that semi-finished and canned foods are not nearly as healthy as we would like. Therefore, in order for our skin not to upset us, we need to reconsider our diet and change some eating habits and cooking methods.

Skin vitamins are present in almost all foods. But deep freezing, improper storage and preparation can destroy almost all the vitamins and other beneficial substances in food. Traditional cooking methods - boiling, frying, stewing - destroy vitamins, making food unhealthy, and sometimes even harmful. Deep frying and repeated use of frying oils "enrich" our food with carcinogens. What kind of beauty can we talk about when the skin is literally suffocating, trying with all its might to remove all this nasty stuff from the body...

There is a way out! There are many cooking methods that can maximize the beneficial properties of foods. And in fact it turns out that these methods take less time and effort. For example, baking. In foil or in a special baking sleeve, food is cooked without the use of fat, faster, and the food remains juicy and tender. Or steaming is perhaps the most gentle method, which preserves not only the beneficial substances, but also the color and shape of the food. And if you can’t imagine life without a crispy fried crust, then the meat can be fried using an accelerated method - with sugar and almost no oil. To do this, dry the meat, place it in a well-heated frying pan without oil or fat, sprinkle with a pinch of sugar and quickly fry. When the juice and fat released from the meat have boiled away from the frying pan, you can add a drop of vegetable oil and salt as usual. Sugar, when melted, forms an appetizing crust, and also reduces cooking time. If you are preparing boiled vegetables, do not discard the water in which they were boiled, but use it to prepare sauces. It is good to steam cereals for a side dish or by evaporation - this method does not allow the beneficial substances to be washed out, they all remain in the cereal. And if you cook porridge with milk, then first boil the cereal in a small amount of water until almost completely cooked, and then pour in the milk. Once boiled - and it's ready! Milk really does not like long boiling, which destroys vitamins and turns calcium into an indigestible form. The value of such milk and cereals is minimal.

And more raw vegetables and fruits! This is where there is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable microelements. Just don’t forget that all the benefits from plant foods are better absorbed if you eat them with a small amount of fat. Dress your salads with low-fat sour cream, yogurt, vegetable oil or one of the delicious sauces, recipes for which can be found on our website.

Eat varied and healthy and be healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin is a reflection of the health of the body. Vitamin deficiency leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and flaking, as well as a gray and dull complexion. It is especially important for girls that their skin shines with beauty and health.

What vitamins are needed for the skin and why?

What vitamins does the skin need? All.

Medicine knows 13 groups that contribute to the normal functioning of the body:

What products contain

A healthy diet not only keeps your skin in good condition, but also cures many diseases.

To fully provide the body with useful substances, you need to include a number of products in your diet:

  • green vegetables. The main thing is to eat them fresh; heat treatment significantly reduces the concentration of vitamins, since they are broken down at high temperatures;
  • meat products and seafood;
  • legumes to replenish group B;
  • dairy products to replenish vitamin D reserves;
  • eggs, tomatoes, melons, peaches contain a considerable supply of group A.

There is no need to say much about citrus fruits. They are full of ascorbic acid. This antioxidant is also found in black currants, cranberries, sauerkraut and bell peppers. Look for rutin (R) in walnuts, green tea and rose hips.

The best vitamin complexes for skin

Aevit is the simplest and most affordable drug. It contains two vitamins A and E. The drug is suitable for preventive measures for skin and hair conditions. When using it, you need to carefully monitor your own feelings; if side effects are detected, stop taking it.

The price per package is 100-200 rubles.

Revalid from the manufacturer of the same name is considered a full-fledged complex drug. In addition to vitamins, it contains amino acids, minerals and plant extracts. It helps normalize metabolic processes, speed up healing of wounds and cleanse the dermis. Take the drug before or after meals.

Problems usually disappear within a month.

Before taking, you should consult a doctor, since the complex is potent and may cause allergic reactions.

The cost ranges from 300-450 rubles.

The drug promotes natural cleansing of the skin and its restoration, as well as improving the condition of hair and nails. The processing of fats and the digestion process in general are significantly improved. It is prescribed for poor nutrition, increased stress and treatment of vitamin deficiencies.

You will have to pay 250-500 rubles for packaging, depending on the type chosen.

External use of vitamins

The problem, as they say, needs to be solved on two fronts. It will not pass without active action. And regular care makes itself felt after a short period of time. The body always thanks for your attentive attitude towards itself.

For acne

Cosmetologists fully approve of the external use of vitamins. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and strictly observe the dosage.

Pimples and acne are one of the most common problems.

Vitamins of groups A, B and E help get rid of them. Citrus fruits help compensate for their deficiency.

In emergency situations, you can use a mask. The orange pulp is ground with a small amount of peeled cherries, a few teaspoons of corn or potato starch are added and allowed to swell for about 5 minutes.

The resulting mass is applied to the entire face and kept for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water and apply nourishing cream.

For rejuvenation

You need to mix a couple of teaspoons of ground oatmeal with kefir or homemade yogurt, add a little honey and 5 drops of vitamin A and E. Gently place the mixture on the face and décolleté, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes and apply daily care.

For oily skin

The shine of an oil lump indicates a B2 deficiency.

To tidy up the skin, grate fresh potatoes and add a teaspoon of lemon pulp and juice.

The mixture is applied to problem areas and removed after 15 minutes with cool water.

Regular use of this mask will regulate sebum production and eliminate unsightly shine.

For dryness

In winter, the dermis needs nutrition and hydration. Vitamins A and E will help fill it with healing moisture. Grate a small apple, add sour cream and 3-5 drops of oil solution. The mask is applied to the entire face and lasts for about 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

For pigment spots

Vitamin C lightens blemishes and acne well.

A tablespoon of cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream (proportion 2:1), and then a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask is applied to the required areas and kept for 20 minutes.

After waiting the required time, use a cellulose sponge to wipe the mixture and rinse off the residue with cool water.

Solutions and masks should be kept for no more than 20-30 minutes.

Symptoms of lack of vitamins for the skin

The body always gives a signal about a problem and a lack of something. Dryness, peeling and the appearance of new wrinkles indicate a deficiency of nicotinic acid and vitamins A and E. Fat content, on the contrary, indicates a lack of group B. Also, their deficiency makes itself felt as allergic dermatitis and the manifestation of hyperpigmentation. Inflammation and acne appear due to a lack of fatty acids (no matter how surprising it may sound). If your skin turns yellow, then it’s time to add B12-rich foods to your diet.