Does the romance surrounding Matteo fit in? Means of creating a heroic character in the story P

  1. Why is the short story named this way, since it also tells about other heroes?
  2. What is interesting about the land of the maquis? What might immediately alert the reader?
  3. What qualities of Matteo Falcone's character brought him extraordinary fame?
  4. How did Fortunato behave with the bandit and with the police? How did Matteo react to his son’s action? What particularly outraged him and why did he say: “Is this my child?”

Creative task

How does the novella end? How would you rate the characters and actions of the heroes of this story? Is the romance surrounding Matteo Falcone combined with the ugliness of consciousness generated by the surrounding savagery? Support your answer with examples from the novel you read.

Prepare an oral or written detailed answer to this question. Support your answer with examples from the novel you read.

Let's compare prose and poetic texts

“Prose and poetry require different execution.

“A person needs verse,” explained the poet Valery Bryusov, “because he has a need to say other things more expressively than he can.” spoken language. Poetic speech achieves this goal by dividing speech into certain, easily observable parts. A verse is a whole... it is given a separate life by the poet. The one who, when reading aloud, does not note this integrity of the verse, is mistaken.”

Indeed, it is easy to notice that, no matter how close the poetic speech of a work is to prose, it can never be completely like it and should not be like it.

Here is an excerpt from Merimee’s story “Matteo Falcone,” which tells how the boy Fortunato, Matteo’s son, bribed by a gendarme, betrayed the hidden fugitive and was executed by his father.

The gendarme talks with Fortunato's parents:

“He hid himself so well that if little Fortunato had not been here, I would never have found him.

Fortunato! - Matteo cried.

Fortunato! - Giuseppa repeated.

Yes, Sanpiero hid in this haystack, but my nephew revealed this trick. Both his name and yours will be in the report...

Damn it! - Matteo said quietly.

Zhukovsky made a poetic retelling of this story, in which this passage is stated as follows:

      „...It would be true from us
      He slipped away, if not for Fortunato,
      Your boy helped us." - “Fortunato!” -
      Matteo screamed. - “Fortunato!” - mother
      She repeated with fear. - “Yes, Sanpiero
      Here he hid in the hay, and Fortunato
      He gave it to us, for this you are all
      Get thanks from your boss."
      Matteo broke out in a cold sweat...

Despite the closeness of Zhukovsky’s poems to prose, the difference between the verse story is quite obvious. The measured alternation of stresses, falling only on even-numbered syllables, creates rhythmic inertia and forces one to perceive differently those phrases that in a prosaic context did not reveal their “poetry.”

G. V. Artobolevsky. "Artistic reading"

Creative task

Find full text a poetic adaptation of the short story performed by V. A. Zhukovsky. Read it, compare it with the prose translation of the novella. What is the difference between the characters in the poetic and prose translations? What ways of expressing the author's attitude towards a character do the poet and prose writer use? Prepare a detailed written response to these questions.

How does Matteo Falcone's novella end? How would you rate the characters and actions of the heroes of this story? Is the romance surrounding Matteo Falcone combined with the ugliness of consciousness generated by the surrounding savagery? Support your answer with examples from the novel you read.


Merimee's short story "Matteo Falconi" ends scary picture- a father kills his son. The father is shown in the story as a cruel and at the same time respected man, because he always kept his word. His son, still a very young man, turned out to be different. He did not consider his word and honor the most important in this life and loved money. Therefore, he first begged a coin from the bandit, and then easily betrayed him when the sergeant gave him a watch.

The novella ends with Matteo killing his only son Fortunato. Matteo. A true inhabitant of the Maki area, the keeper of the traditions of this territory. For the sake of preserving his honest (from the point of view of local concepts) name, he is ready to kill even his stupid son. Fortunato. A ten-year-old boy who showed great hope for the right to continue the business (and at the same time the traditions) of Matteo Falcone, but stumbled once. Who knows whether this is a mistake due to his youth or a manifestation of the boy’s true character (selfishness, betrayal)... Teodoro Gamba. A policeman fulfilling his duty - to catch criminals - by any means necessary. Therefore, Giannetto is not offended by him: such work. Giuseppa. A wife, a woman who is not very respected in Corsican families. Economical, obedient to her husband, pious. She sincerely feels sorry for her son, but she can’t protect him from her husband.

The short story "Matteo Falcone" by Prosper Merimee ends tragically. The main character Matteo Falcone kills his son because he discredited his honor, first promising protection to the fugitive criminal, and then, coveting the watch, handing him over to the soldiers.

emphasizes. does her outfit matter? and a fantastic landscape of colored crystals. how a person feels timid or confident in the world around him. embarrassed or independent. Is she withdrawn or open to communication? How can you characterize her face?

HELP ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT FEDINA'S STORY TASK!!! ANSWER AT LEAST ONE!!! PLEASE!!! 1) Can we say that Fedya is a man of feelings?

oh humor? Why do you think so?

3) Do you think the story about Fed Rybkin is satric or humorous?

1. How do you assess the relationship between the old and young soldier? Lermov the author was the same age as the young soldier. Did he manage to convey respect to

a veteran of past battles?
2. Which episode of the battle described by the old soldier seems the most important to you?
P.S. Preferably complete answers!!!

- Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing
Moscow, burned by fire,
Given to the Frenchman?
After all, there were battles,
Yes, they say, even more!
No wonder all of Russia remembers
About Borodin Day!

Yes, there were people in our time
Not like the current tribe:
The heroes are not you!
They got a bad lot:
Few returned from the field...
If it weren't God's will,
They wouldn't give up Moscow!

We retreated silently for a long time,
It was a shame, we were waiting for a fight,
The old people grumbled:
“What are we going to do? Go to winter quarters?
Don't you dare, commanders?
Aliens tear up their uniforms
About Russian bayonets?"

And then we found a large field:
There is somewhere to go for a walk in the wild!
They built a redoubt.
Our ears are on top!
A little morning the guns lit up
And the forests have blue tops -
The French are right there.

I jammed the charge into the gun tightly
And I thought: I’ll treat my friend!
Wait a minute, brother monsieur!
What is there to be cunning about, perhaps for a fight;
We'll go and break the wall,
Let's stand with our heads
For your homeland!

We were in a firefight for two days.
What's the use of such a trifle?
We waited for the third day.
Speeches began to be heard everywhere:
"Time to get to the buckshot!"
And here on the field of a terrible battle
The shadow of the night fell.

I lay down to take a nap by the gun carriage,
And it was heard until dawn,
How the Frenchman rejoiced.
But our open bivouac was quiet:
Who cleaned the shako, all battered,
Who sharpened the bayonet, grumbling angrily,
Biting a long mustache.

And only the sky lit up,
Everything suddenly began to move noisily,
The formation flashed behind the formation.
Our colonel was born with a grip:
Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...
Yes, I feel sorry for him: he was struck down by damask steel,
He sleeps in damp ground.

And he said, his eyes sparkling:
“Guys! Isn’t Moscow behind us?
We'll die near Moscow,
How our brothers died!
And we promised to die
And they kept the oath of allegiance
We are at the Battle of Borodino.

Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds
And everything is at our redoubt.
Lancers with colorful badges,
Dragoons with ponytails
Everyone flashed before us,
Everyone has been here.

You will never see such battles!..
Banners were worn like shadows,
The fire sparkled in the smoke,
Damask steel sounded, buckshot squealed,
The soldiers' hands are tired of stabbing,
And prevented the cannonballs from flying
A mountain of bloody bodies.

The enemy experienced a lot that day,
What does Russian fighting mean?
Our hand-to-hand combat!..
The earth shook - like our breasts,
Horses and people mixed together,
And volleys of a thousand guns
Merged into a long howl...

It's getting dark. Everyone was ready
Start a new fight tomorrow morning
And stand until the end...
The drums began to crack -
And the Busurmans retreated.
Then we began to count the wounds,
Count comrades.

Yes, there were people in our time
Mighty, dashing tribe:
The heroes are not you.
They got a bad lot:
Few returned from the field.
If it weren't for God's will,
They wouldn't give up Moscow!

Questions about the work "The Adventure of Tom Sawyer" 1) How do those around him - adults, children - treat Tom Sawyer? 2) Why does Tom so often violate prohibitions

adults and generally accepted rules of behavior? 3) How did Tom manage to avoid tedious work? What law did Tom discover? Have you ever encountered the effect of this law in your life? 4) What actions of Tom helped you understand him better? 5) Can we say that the author notes such qualities of Tom as justice, loyalty to friends, resourcefulness, courage? Find these episodes. 6) With whom is it easier for him to find common language- with adults or? Are adults always fair to Tom? Find episodes in which Tom and the adults do not understand each other. Whose side is the author on - Tom's or the adults'? Prove your opinion based on the text. 7) Why Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn? Compare these heroes: how are they similar and how are they different? Which one of them would you like to be friends with? Why? 8) How did Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher become friends? How did they manage to survive the cave? Did they wait for rescuers?

Essay on literature based on the works of P. Merimee

Essay text:

First of all, it should be said that Prosper Mérimée is one of the remarkable French critical realists of the 19th century, a brilliant playwright and master of artistic prose. Unlike his predecessors - Stendhal and Balzac, Mérimée did not become the ruler of the thoughts of entire generations: the impact he had on the spiritual life of France was less widespread and powerful. However, the aesthetic significance of his work is enormous. The works he created are extraordinary: the truth of life is so deeply embodied in them, their form is so perfect.
In my opinion, the theme of the people as the guardian of the vital energy of the nation, as the bearer of high ethical ideals, plays a significant role in Merimee’s work. He addresses people outside of society, representatives of the people. In their minds, Merimee reveals those spiritual qualities dear to his heart, which, in his opinion, have already been lost by bourgeois circles: integrity of character, passion of nature, selflessness, inner independence.
This is exactly the kind of person he is main character short stories - Matteo Falcone. This image is presented in exceptional relief by the author. While portraying the noble, heroic features of his appearance, Merimee did not hide the negative, ugly sides of his consciousness, generated by the savagery, backwardness, and poverty that surrounded him, despite the fact that he was from a fairly wealthy family.
It is worth noting that the background of the hero - a brave and dangerous man, famous for the extraordinary art of shooting a gun, “faithful in friendship, dangerous in enmity”, creates a special moral atmosphere, in the light of which the unusualness of the main event should appear as a pattern of Corsican life.
At the beginning of the story there is a message that the author sees Matteo two years after the incident he is going to talk about. We learn that he was a youthful, energetic man, with an aquiline nose and large, lively eyes. This makes the epilogue unnecessary, allowing the reader, after reading the short story, to connect the “incident” with the subsequent life of the hero, to learn that the murder of his son, apparently, did not affect Matteo, did not deprive him of either energy or liveliness of character.
It is worth saying that when reading the work you can be amazed by one fact. When Matteo was informed that they had caught a robber, Gianneto Sampiero, who had committed many misdeeds and crimes (the Falcone family also suffered at his hands - he stole a milk goat), he finds an excuse for such an act, saying that he was hungry. Matteo even sympathizes with Janneto: “Poor guy!” However, he did not spare his son, he did not even want to listen to him. I even began to suspect whether it was his child. He also came up with an excuse for his son: “So this child is the first in our family to become a traitor.” Fortunato betrayed Corsican laws and violated the moral standards of the environment in which he lives.
Matteo decided to punish his son: he shot the boy, but before that he forced him to prepare his soul for death. Fortunato said prayers and “died a Christian.”
It seems to me that the sentence passed on Fortunato by his father expressed a moral attitude towards the betrayal of the entire people.
Merimee, the novelist, significantly deepened the image of inner world person. Psychological analysis in the short stories it is realistic. Mérimée's short stories are perhaps the most popular part of his literary heritage. Without a doubt we can say that Mérimée's prose is among the most brilliant pages in the history of French literature of the 19th century V.

Reference material for schoolchildren:
Prosper Merimee is a famous French writer.
Years of life: 1803-1870.
The most famous works and works:
1829 - “Tamango”, short story
1829 - “The Capture of the Redoubt” (L’enlèvement de la redoute), story
1829 - “Matteo Falcone” (Mateo Falcone), short story
1830 - “The Etruscan Vase” (Le vase étrusque), short story
1830 - “The Backgammon Party” (La partie de tric-trac), short story
1833 - “The Double Fault” (La double méprise), short story
1834 - “The Souls of Purgatory” (Les âmes du Purgatoire), short story
1837 - “Venus of Ille” (La Venus d’Ille), short story
1840 - “Colomba”, story
1844 - Arsène Guillot, short story
1845 - “Carmen”, story
1869 - “Lokis”, story
"Djouman", short story
"Blue Room" (Chambre bleue), short story
1825 - “Clara Gazul Theater” (Théâtre de Clara Gazul), collection of plays
1828 - “The Jacquerie” (La Jacquerie), historical drama-chronicle
1830 - “The Discontented” (Les Mécontents), play
1850 - “The Two Inheritances or Don Quichotte” (Les deux héritages ou Don Quichotte), comedy
1827 - “Gusli” (Guzla)
1829 - “Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX” (Chronique du règne de Charles IX)
1835 - “Notes on a trip to the south of France” (Notes d’un voyage dans le Midi de France)
1837 - “Study on religious architecture” (Essai sur l’architecture religieuse)
1863 - essay “Bogdan Khmelnitsky” (Bogdan Chmielnicki)