Male Muslim names and their meaning. Download for free: Crimean Tatar music, videos, books, programs, reference books, photographs, jokes, Uzbek music, Turkish music, music of the Crimean Tatars

The Tatar nationality, in general, is very rich in names. In terms of quantity and diversity, there are about 25 thousand of them (one of the first places in the world). The origin of names is associated with various religious, economic, historical and cultural processes which Tatarstan has gone through during its existence.

Here are some of their varieties

Turkic names– having Turkic roots. They belong to the pagan era. This is the 1st–10th century. The semantic content of female names of that time included belonging to various types activities of a specific type, social status in society or certain character traits. Eg:

  • Altynbike (golden princess).

But since ancient times, Turkic tribes had a belief that taking someone else’s name means taking someone else’s destiny. Therefore, they never named their children the same as the names of relatives or acquaintances who had an unfortunate fate, or had health problems, or who disgraced their family during their lifetime.

Arabic and Persian. They appear in the 10th century, after the adoption of Islam:

  • Farida (single);
  • Galia (dear).

Since Islam originated on Arab soil, the Prophet Muhammad is an Arab, and his beloved younger wife Muhammad's name was Aisha (prosperous); Tatar women were often called by this Arabic name. Slightly less popular were the following:

  • Khadija (the first wife of the Prophet);
  • Habiba (beloved, dear, wife of the Prophet);
  • Fatima (that was the name of the Prophet’s daughter);
  • Halima (name of the Prophet's nurse).

According to the translation, the Arabic names either coincided with the Muslim ones, or were very close to them in meaning.

In 1552, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, after the conquest of Kazan by the Moscow princes, the forced baptism of the Tatars began. Then they began to appear in Tataria Orthodox names. But, due to the fact that for more than two hundred years it was not possible to introduce one hundred percent Christianity in the country, Empress Catherine II in 1788 allowed the opening of a Muslim spiritual administration in the city of Ufa, to which enormous power was transferred by the queen.

Mullahs, who were required to be in every big and small locality, received unlimited powers and were complete masters over the illiterate population. The mullah accompanied the man throughout his entire earthly life, from birth to death. He named it, and he buried it. During this period, the introduction of Arabic symbols began again. Although, it should be noted that by that time the mullahs themselves practically did not know Arabic. Names such as:

  • Aishe (survivor);
  • Maryam (bitter);
  • Fatima (weaned);
  • Khadicha (premature), etc.

Residents could not argue, and did not understand the meaning of most Arabic names. It happened that the mullah called almost the entire population in one village the same name.

The ending “-ulla” was often added to the word., which translated means Allah:

  • Zinatullah (adornment of Allah);
  • Nurullah (light of Allah).

After the Great October Revolution socialist revolution 1917 Tatarstan, like all post-revolutionary Russia, was swept by a fashionable trend that prompted some true adherents of communist ideas to give their daughters symbolic names glorifying that era. However, here they did not violate Tatar traditions in any way:

  • Renata (revolution, science, labor, and also reborn);
  • Damira (long live the world, or - strong);
  • Leniza (Lenin's Testament - artistic, inventive).

At the same time, the following European and Slavic names became popular:

  • Rose (very beautiful);
  • Rimma (Roman);
  • Regina (queen);
  • Agnia (innocent).

Completely new ones are also emerging:

  • Gulara (decorated with flowers);
  • Alsou (beautiful);
  • Leysan (spring rain);
  • Zalika (who can speak beautifully).

But sometimes names are Soviet power performed only the function of identifying a person and nothing more.

Where do you get the Tatar beginning?

Where do we get the Tatar beginning? After all, even the Koran, according to which prayers are read, is written in Arabic.

Famous Tatar folk poet, Gabdulla Tukay, at the beginning of the twentieth century, wrote an article “About our names”, in which he lamented that the Tatars were brought up not in the spirit of the Tatar nation, but in the spirit of the Arab religion: “We can judge this at least by the names that they give it to us after birth.” He supported popular destination in society, leading the population to ensure that Tatar children were called Tatar names, the content of which would reveal the essence of a person, his national traits.

In modern reality, due to permanent shift religions for many centuries, the naming of a child among the Tatars occurs only according to the wishes and worldview of the parents. According to the wishes of Gabdulla Tuk, they are finally becoming relevant again national traditions. Naturally, many names have changed since ancient times, becoming modern and easy to pronounce. But, still, among the popular Tatar female names There are many Turkic, Persian, Arabic, Slavic and European ones left. They all have beauty and euphony and bring positive energy to its owner. For example, how do you like these soft in pronunciation and pleasing to the ear:

  • Latifa (beautiful);
  • Valia (saint).

In many sources you can find a list of names that will be called Tatar. Although, the list will be full of Arabic, Persian, and European ones. According to statistics, today the Tatars have names of 70% Arabic origin, 10% Persian, 4% Russian and Western, and only 16% Tatar (Turkic).

A girl was born into the family

What do parents invest in naming their daughter? Traditional Tatar names for girls they either imply some significant events, express the identity of the clan, or mean the worship of the gods. Girls are often called names, associated with such phenomena and concepts as water, flowers, names of birds:

And many call Tatar girls, connecting them for life with the heavenly bodies. Eg:

  • Chulpan (morning star, planet Venus).

A lot of female Tatar names begin with “Ai-”, which means “moon”:

  • Ainura (moonlight);
  • Aibike (moon lady).

The imagination of the Tatar people is limitless. Girls are sometimes even called this way- a softening ending is added to a popular male name:

  • Ramilya (magical);
  • Ravilya (young).

There are complex names formed by combining two words, sometimes taken from different languages:

  • Zuhrabika (radiant);
  • Musavira (artist).

The Tatars have more than a hundred names that have a word like “Bibi-” at the beginning. This applies to very young girls or young and unmarried girls. It looks like this:

  • Bibikey (girly);
  • Bibidana (only daughter);
  • Bibinaz (affectionate girl);
  • Bibinur (shining girl).

Some words having an additional suffix “-iya” means comparing its owner with something:

  • Dulkynia – comparison with water;
  • Jihaniya - comparison with the universe.

The ancient names for newborns are still used today. After all, they sometimes sound so gentle and melodious. In addition, each such name carries with it some famous ancient history.

Amilya, Aliya, Amani, Anisa, Jamila, Farida, Karima - these names came from the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula.

Guzel, Jana, Azalia - remained from Turkic times.

Yasmin, Fairuza - originally from Persia.

More complex names, made up of several that can still be found, are considered ancient and rare. They are more often present among very adult indigenous Tatar women. And in no case is it customary for the Tatars to shorten or modify their name. It is believed that this leads to imbalance and duplicity in its owner. By the way, if the name is chosen incorrectly Parents are quite allowed to choose another, more suitable one for their child.

The Tatars have another tradition that is inherent to them: they never repeat names in the same family. For example, they do not name their daughter after their mother, grandmother or great-grandmother.

According to statistics, among Tatar female names the most popular three years none of them were used. The only exception is Azalea.

And yet, here is a list that is most popular among Tatar parents:

Celebration of the birth of a baby in Tatar families

The birth of a new person is always a joyful event, delightful and a festive mood among relatives. Of course, modern mothers and fathers want to name their baby something fashionable and popular. But we must not forget that at this very moment the fate of the child is in their hands. The name given to your beloved child will play an important role in his life. After all, it contains a secret. It has long been known that the word is material. Tatars believe that any word is read in heaven. The name will go through the entire life path along with the betrothed. The Tatars say: when you choose a name, you choose your destiny. And also it all long life will serve as a talisman and amulet. Therefore, before giving a newborn a name you like, you need to understand what this word will mean.

Thoughtlessly assigning a name to a child, the meaning of which the parents do not know, is not welcomed in Tatar families. After all, such connivance threatens to affect the future of not only the betrothed, but also the entire family. This can be clearly seen in the example of any family of the Tatar nation.

But, the name has been chosen. According to Tatar custom, it is solemnly announced in the presence large quantity guests invited on this occasion. The oldest and most respected relative, and often a local mullah who knows how to beautifully pronounce a wish, is trusted to whisper the chosen name into the baby’s ear in his native Tatar (Turkic) language. This is followed by a rich feast, fun party, dedicated to naming.

Throughout the ceremony, guests say traditional words of wishes for happiness, health, good luck, wealth, everything that they would like to give to the newborn. The holiday doesn't end there. For several more days, friends, girlfriends, neighbors go to the house of the young parents - everyone brings treats and gifts for mom and baby.


Common Tatar female names are also popular among Russian women. These are: Elvira, Regina, Svetlana, Susanna, Larisa, Agnia, Azalea, Venus, Alsou, Clara, Amalia, Roxana, Rosa and many others.

And if you are puzzled by finding an unusual Tatar name for your daughter, then you should familiarize yourself with numerous name lists. There you will certainly find the one thing, which will personify exactly your girl. In the same lists you can find out the meaning of each name. Such lists, which contain both rare and modern names, in any source you will find many. You can also turn to the Koran. And since every parent wants better fate For your girl, when choosing a name for the child, try to find one that will attract the maximum of positive events into the baby’s life.

Tatar names are very beautiful, because they contain a hundred-century history, although not all of them are originally Tatar.

Names of Tatar origin, are distinguished by their peculiar beauty and symbolism. These are names with ancient history, and for both boys and girls, they are closely related to events and outstanding personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names have one thing in common - they are Tatar in origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for a boy, look at the list of Tatar names for boys and their meanings, and also learn the history of the origin of this or that Tatar name. Modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages ​​and some names in it are borrowed from related languages, also belonging to this group; in addition, borrowings from Arabic and European dialects are traced. Tatar names, among other things, often originate simply from beautiful combinations of sounds and words.

Tatar name for a boy and his choice is a responsible and very important step in everyone’s life young man this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine the future fate of the little man, his failures and successes. Therefore, when choosing a name, you need to take into account the character and inclinations of the child, which early age can be very difficult. Modern names are often meaningless, unlike old names, the meaning of which was hidden in every syllable.

Widespread male Tatar names are often have roots in old Turkic names, to which beautiful sounds are added for euphony (for example: Ramil, Ravil or Rem). The name should be easy to remember and sound good, without causing negative analogies, so that his friends, and the boy himself, treat the name with respect and have no reason to ridicule. “Mistakes” when choosing a name, because of which the child is teased and called names, many children cannot forgive their parents for the rest of their lives, accordingly, the choice should be taken extremely responsibly.

Tatar names have a special appeal, which includes a certain amount of controlled aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and strength of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and character of the boy. Male Tatar names rarely have a single meaning; their meaning can have several connotations and shades. When choosing and understanding a future name, you should, if possible, take them all into account.

Tatar names are often classified as Muslim, but, despite the relationship, these are the names that are endemic and common only among the Tatar people. Muslim male names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, as well as Arabic ones, date back to an earlier, pre-Muslim era.

Let's look at the most common and popular Tatar names - in the list presented you can find semantic meaning each Tatar name, which will help you name your baby most successfully.

If you do not find the ones you are interested in in this catalog Tatar name exactly according to the spelling, then look at what is consonant with it, since most likely they have the same origin, for example: Walid = Vyalit, Gulsum = Gulsum, Jafar = Zhafyar.
Old Tatar names often consist of words from Persian, Arabic, Turkic languages, later Tatar names- derivatives from them or consist of words of Iranian, Tatar and other modern, Asiatic, but predominantly Turkic peoples neighboring the Tatars or are composed of several words of different origins, or of several words or names (Musagitdin, Mintimer, Saijafar, Gainutdin, Abdelzhabar) .
The "youngest" Tatar names, which arose in the 20th century, are often modified old names, into which more beautiful-sounding letters are added or the name is abbreviated: (Franis, Rimma, Marat, Raf, Rabis) or borrowed from European peoples(Albert, Hans, Marcel, Rudolf, Ferdinand, Eduard).
Often Tatars, due to their developed creativity they themselves invented and invent Tatar names to their children from beautiful words or phrases of Persian, Arabic, Turkic, Iranian, Bulgarian, Tatar languages.
It is impossible to find out exactly the origin of many names, so we recommend that those who are faced with choosing a name for a child - choose a beautiful one for him sounding name of the presented Tatar names, or you can come up with it yourself, just keep in mind that the more original the child’s name is, the more it will “disturb the ears” of others and may cause unpleasant moments for the person in the future.

Naasim - settler (disputes)
Nabi is an Arab. prophet
Nabil (Nabhan, Nabih) - noble, noble, famous
Navid - good news
Nadir is Arab. rare (f. Nadir)
Naji - saving, (f.f. Najia)
Najib - noble birth
Najmuddin (Nazmuddin) - star of faith
Nadeem - friend
Nadir (Nadir) - expensive, rare
Nadiya is the first
Nazar (Nazir) - Arabic. look, far-sighted (f. Nazira)
Nazih (Nazip, Nazif) - pure - tat. (f. Nazifa)
Nazil -
Nazmi -
Naib – assistant, deputy
Nail is Arabic. gift, gift, achieving and striving, achieving what is desired (f. Nailya, Nelya, Nellie)
Naim - quiet, calm
Namdar (Namvar) - famous
Nariman - other Iran. strong-willed
Nasim - fresh air
Nasih is Arabic. advisor, assistant, friend
Nasir (Nasr) - friend
Nasseruddin - Defender of the Faith
Naufal - generous
Nafis is Arabic. graceful, subtle, (f.f. Nafisa)
Naretdin -
Neimat (Nimat) – good
Niaz (Niyaz) - mercy
Nigina - Persian f.f. nigin - gem in a frame, ring
Nizam is an Arab. device, order
Noor is Arabic. light
Nurania -
Nuri - light (f.f. Nuria)
Nurlan (Nurlat) – sparkling (f.f. Nurlan)
Nuruddin - the radiance of faith
Nurania - Tat. from 2 words: Arabic. nur - light and named after Aniya (Haniya) Turkic - gift
Nuriahmet is Arabic. glorified light, holy radiance
Nurislam - the light of Islam
Nurullah is an Arab. light of Allah
Nurutdin -
Nelifya (Nelifyar) -

Oigul (Aigul) - Turkic. Lunar flower
Oktay – judge
Olzhas - Kaz. gift, gift
Omar (Umar, Umyar, Omeir, Gumar, Homer) - Persian. life, longevity
Omid - hope
Omran - firmly folded
Oner - advanced
Orkhan - khan of the army, commander
Payam - good news
Pasha is the owner
Peyman - promise
Polad – strong, powerful
Pujman - dream, desire
Puya - seeker
Rabah - conqueror
Rabi - spring
Rabiga is Arabic. spring, daughter of the prophet
Ravil - Aram. 1. taught by God, 2. teenager; traveler
Raghib - willing, thirsty
Razil (Ruzil, Ruzbeh) - happy
Radik - aspiring
Radif - spiritual
Raphael (Raphael, Rafail, Rafil, Rafil) - other Ar. God's medicine
Rafik (Rifqat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafqat) - Arabic. Kind
Razi - mystery
Razil (Ruzil) - the secret of Allah
Raid - leader
Rail - miracle of Allah
Rais. - tat. (f. Raisya)
Rakin - respectful
Rakiya is Arabic. walking ahead
Ralina - loving father
Ralif (Raif) -
Ramiz (Ramis) - symbolizing goodness
Ramil - magical, enchanting (f. Ramil)
Rania -
Rasil is Arabic. sent
Rasim is Arab. stronghold, protector (J.F. Rasima)
Rasikh is Arabic. solid, resistant
Rasul - apostle; precursor
Ratib - measured
Rauza (Ravza, Rose) - Tat. flower rose
Rauf is Arabic. gracious (f. Raufa)
Rauza (Rose) - Tat. flower rose
Raf -
Rafgat (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind
Rafik (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat) - Arabic. Kind
Rafis -
Rafi (Rafik) - good friend
Rafqat (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind
Rachel - sheep f.f.
Rahim is Arabic. gracious
Rahman -
Rashid (Rashad) - Arabic. going the right way, conscious, prudent (J.F. Rashidya)
Reza - determination; humility
Renat (Rinat) - lat. - born again, reborn, renewed (f. Renata, Rinata)
Mignonette - flower
Refah - prosperity
Rida (Riza) - benevolence, favor
Ridwan - contented
Rome (Rem) - Tat. (f. Rimma)
Rimzil - Tat. (J.F. Ramzia)
Rizvan is an Arab. favor, satisfaction
Rifat (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind
Rifkat (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rufat) - 1. Arabic. Kind. 2.high position, nobility
Rishat (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind
Riyadh - gardens
Rosalia - from 2 names - Rosa and Aliya
Roxana is Turkish.
Rubin - Persian gem
Ruzil (Ruzbeh) - happy
Rumia - lat. roman princess
Runar - scand. - the mysterious wisdom of God
Ruslan (Arslan) - Turkic. a lion
Rustam (Rustem) - 1.Iran. strong, pers. deliverance, salvation, 2. very large, with a powerful body
Rufia - Tat. from other ar.Ruth -
Rushan (Ravshan) - Persian. light, brilliant, radiant (f. Rushana, Rushaniya)
Saad - luck
Sabir (Sabur) - Arabic. patient (f. Sabir)
Thabit is Arabic. strong, durable, resistant, solid
Sabih - beautiful, wonderful
Savalan - majestic
Sagyt (Sagyyt) -
Sajid (Sajid) - worshiper of God
Sadri is Arab. first (f. Sadria)
Sadyk (Sadikh, Sadik) - Arabic. sincere, faithful, true
Said is Arabic. happy (f. Saida, Saida)
Saifi is Arabic. sword (f. Saifia)
Saifuddin - sword of faith
Saifullah is Arabic. sword of Allah
Sakib - meteor, comet
Sakit – peaceful, moderate
Salavat is Arabic. prayers of praise
Salar - leader
Salah (Salih) - goodness, goodness, justice, good, righteous
Salim is Arab. healthy, damaged
Salima is Arabic. healthy, harmed
Salman (Salem, Salim) - Arabic. 1.necessary, 2.peaceful, quiet, calm
Samad (Samat) - Arabic. eternal
Sami - exalted
Samir (Samiir) - interlocutor who supports the conversation
Sanjar - prince
Sani - praising, shining
Sania is Arabic. second
Sarah - other ar. Mrs. (Sarah)
Sardar (Sardor) - commander-in-chief, leader
Sariya - night clouds
Sarkhan - big khan
Sattar -
Safi - best friend
Sahir - alert, awake
Sahidyam (Sahi) - clear, pure, cloudless
Sayar -
Sepehr - sky
Sibgat -
Siraj - light
Sofia - from Sofia
Sohel is a star
Soyalp - from a family of brave men
Subhi - early morning
Suleiman - bib. Solomon, protected, living in health and prosperity
Sultan is Arab. power, ruler
Suud - good luck
Suhaib (Sahib, Sahib) - friendly
Sylu -

Tair - flying, soaring
Taimullah - servant of the Lord
Taysir - relief, help
Such (Tagi) - pious, devout
Talgat (Talha, Talkhat) - 1. beauty, attractiveness, 2. Arabic. desert plant name
Talip is Arabic. Taliban - irreconcilable
Talal - beautiful, wonderful
Tamam - perfect
Tanzilya -
Tansylu is Turkic. beautiful as the morning dawn
Taref (Tariff) - rare, unusual
Tariq - morning star
Tarkhan (Tarkhun) - Persian. 1. overlord 2. type of spice
Taufik - agreement, reconciliation
Tahir (Taghir) - pure, modest, chaste
Tahir (Taghir) - Persian. bird
Timur (Timer, Teymur, Temir, Teimuras) - Turkic. iron, iron, strong
Tinchura -
Tokay (Tukay) – warrior
Tomindar -
Tofik (Taufik, Tawfik) - success, luck, happiness
Tugan – 1.Turk. falcon, 2.tat.native
Turan - homeland
Turkel - Turkic land, Turkic people
Tufan -
Ubaida - servant of the Lord
Uzbek is Turkic. name people, which has become a personal name
Ulmas is Turkic. immortal
Ulfat is Arabic. friendship, love
Ulus - people, land
Umida is Arabic. Nadezhda (m. Umid)
Ural is Turkic. joy, pleasure
Uruz (Urus) – the highest title
Urfan – knowledge, art
Osama is a lion
Usman is an Arab. slow
Favoise - successful
Fadl - venerable
Faik - excellent, amazing
Fail - giver good sign which is a good omen
Fayzulla (Feyzullah) - Arabic. Allah's bounty
Faisal - determined
Fawzia - from Arabic. winner
Fagin (Fagim) -
Faiz is Arabic. winner
Faik is Arabic. excellent
Faizrahman -
Faina (Fania) - Arabic. excellent
Fayzulla - Tat. son of the winner, Arab. Faiz is the winner
Fandas -
Fanis - Persian sugar (f. Fanisa)
Faraz - exalted
Farbod - direct, uncompromising
Farzan - wise
Farid (Farit, Faryit, Farit) - Arabic. rare, exceptional, unique (f. Farida)
Faris - strong; insightful
Faruk (Farukh) - happy
Farhat (Ferhat, Farshad) - happy
Fateh (Fatih, Fatyh) - Arabic. winner
Fatima is Arab. weaned
Fatin - smart
Fahad - lynx
Fakhir - proud
Fakhri - honorable, respected
Fakhrutdin (Farkhutdin) -
Fayaz is Arabic. generous
Fida - sacrificer
Filza -
Finat -
Firdaus - paradise, heavenly abode
Firinat -
Firoz (Firuz) - winner
Firuza - other Persian f.f. radiant, turquoise
Flera (Flyora, Flyura) -
Flun -
Foat (Foad, Fuat, Fuad) - Persian. - heart, mind
Foruhar - aroma
Francis - Tat. from Pers. fanis - sugar
Fuat (Fuad, Foat) - Pers. fuad - heart, mind
Fudale (Fadl) – dignity, honor
Habib is Arabic. beloved, pet, friend (f. Habiba, Habibya, Habibi, Apipa)
Habibrahman - Tat. from 2 Arab. names: Habib and Rahman
Habibullah is an Arab. beloved of Allah.
Khabir is Arabic. Informant.
Chava (Eve) - Arabic. she who gives life (mother), source of life
Khagani - Arab ruler
Hadi is Arabic. Leader, leader. (female - Hadiya)
Khadija - symbolizes a holy woman, the wife of a prophet
Hadith - Arabic. sayings of the Prophet, tradition, legend, story (f. Hadith)
Khadicha is Arabic. premature
Hadiya is Turkic. Present.
Haydar is Arabic. A lion.
Khairat is Arabic. Benefactor.
Khazar - Arab. A city dweller, a person with average income.
Hakim is Arabic. Knowledgeable, wise.
Khalida is Arabic. Eternal, constant.
Khalik is Arabic. Illuminator.
Khalil is Arabic. True friend.
Halim is Arabic. Soft, kind. (female Halima, Halima)
Khalit is Arabic. Will live forever.
Hamza is Arabic. Sharp, burning.
Hamid is Arabic. Glorifying, ascending (Women-Hamida)
Khamisa is Arabic. Fifth.
Hamat, Hamit - Arabic. Glorifying.
Hanif is Arabic. true (wife-Hanifa).
Hania is Turkic. f.f. present
Haris is Arabic. Plowman.
Hassan is Arab. good. (wife-Hassan)
Khattab is Arabic. Woodcutter.
Hafiz (Hafis, Hefis, Hefiz, Kapis) - Arabic. defender.
Hashim is an Arab. tax collector.
Hayat is Arabic. life.
Hedayat is Arabic. leader, leader
Hikmat (Hikmet) - Arabic. wisdom.
Hisam is Arabic. Sword.
Hisan is Arabic. very beautiful.
Khoja - Persian Mister, mentor.
Husain is an Arab. beautiful, good.
Hussam is an Arab. sword.
Chingiz (Chinggis) - Mong. Great, strong.
Chulpan is Turkic. morning Star(planet Venus)
Shadida is Arabic. strong.
Shaida - Persian darling.
Shayhullah is an Arab. old man of Allah.
Shakir is Arabic. thanking. (female - Shakira)
Shakirt, Shakird - Persian. student.
Shakirzhan is Arabic. - Persian A grateful soul.
Shakur is Turkic. sugar
Shamil is Arab. Comprehensive (female - Shamilya)
Shamsi - Persian Solnechny (women - Shamsia)
Shafagat is Arabic. Help.
Sharif, Sharip - Arabic. Honor, glory.
Shafiq is Arabic. compassionate
Shafqat is Arabic. Compassionate.
Shahryar - Persian Sovereign
Shirin - Pers. Sweet
Evelina - French Hazelnut.
Edgar - English A spear.
Edward - English Abundant, rich.
Eleanor - Ar. Allah is my light.
Elvir - Spanish Protective (female - Elvira)
Eldar is Turkic. Ruler of the country
Elsa - German Swore before God, short for Elizabeth.
Elmir - germ. beautiful. (wives - Elmira)
Emil (Amil, Imil) - Arabic. ray of light. (female - Emilia)
Eric - scand. Rich.
Ernest - gr. Serious.
Esther - ar. Star (female - Esfira)
Yuzim - Turkic-Tat. Raisins, two faces.
Yuldash is Turkic. Friend, companion.
Yuldus - Tat. Star.
Julia - lat. Wave, hot.
Yulgiz (Ilgiz) - Turkic. - Persian Long-liver (wives - Yulgiza)
Unis-tat. peaceful
Yunus - Old Ar. Pigeon.
Yadgar - Persian Memory.
Yakub, Yakup - Old Ar. coming next, the name of the prophet.
Yakut - gr. Rubin, yacht.
Yamal - see Jamal, f. Jamila.
Yansylu - Tat. feather, beloved, beauty soul.
Yatim - Persian the only one.

Abdullah- Servant of Allah, servant of God. Component of the Tatar and Arabic name.
Agdalia- The most fair.
Abid, (Abide) - worshiper, prayer, believer; slave. Male and female name
Abulkhair- doing good
Adalet- justice, fairness
Adil, (Adile) - fair. Male and female name
Adeline- Honest, decent.
Adip- Well-mannered, writer, scientist.
Azat- Noble, free.
Azalea- From the name of the flower.
Azamat- Knight, hero.
Azhar- Very beautiful.
Aziz and Aziza - respected, revered, dear.
Azim- Great, decisive
Aidar(Aider) - 1.natal hair that has not been cut since birth in male infants. As a result, a large forelock spit grew, Zaporozhye Cossacks it was an asshole. 2. worthy, from among worthy husbands.
Aydin- light, bright
Ainur- Moonlight. (Ai-luna, Nur - light or ray. Common Tatar name)
Airat- khairat-amazement, (Mongolian) forest people.
Aisha(Aisha) - Living (one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad).
Akim- Knowledgeable, wise.
Akram- Generous.
AK Bars- Snow Leopard.
Alan- Good-natured.
Ali(Alie) - Sublime. name of Prophet Muhammad's cousin
Alim(Alime) - wise, learned, noble.
Alsou- The most beautiful, the most beautiful; Scarlet water.
Amine and Amina - Faithful, honest.
Amir and Amira - Commander, Prince.
Anwar- Radiant, light (one of the surahs of the Koran).
Arsen- Strong, fearless.
Arslan and Ruslan - Lev.
Arthur- Bear.
Asan- Healthy.
Asie- Comforting, healing.
Ahmad and Ahmet - Illustrious.

-= B =-

Basyr- shrewd, insightful, far-sighted
Batal- brave, courageous, hero
Batyr- hero
Bakhtiyar- from Pers. happy
Bekbay- Very rich.
Bekbulat- Iron Bek, sir.
Bulat- Iron, steel.
Belial- Healthy, alive.


Wahid and Vahit - the One, the first.
Venus- Star, planet.
Vetan(Vetaniye) - Motherland.
Vibiy– wandering.
Wildan(from the Arabic words valid, veled, evlyad) ¾ newborn children; slaves


Gabdulla- see Abdullah.
Gadel and Gadile - Direct, fair.
Ghazi- Fighter for faith.
Galim- Knowledgeable, scientist.
Ghani- Rich, state-owned.
Gafar, Gaffar, Gafur, Gafura - Forgiving.
Guzel- from Turk. beautiful, good. Female name.
Gul- Flower, blooming, symbol of beauty.
Gulzar and Gulzifa - Flower Garden. (Old Tatar name)
Gulnaz- Delicate like a flower.
Gulnara- Decorated with flowers, pomegranate.
Gulnur- Light as a flower.
Gulchechek- Rose.
Guzman, Gosman, Usman - Chiropractor.
Garay- Worthy.

-= D =-

Davlet- Happiness, wealth, state.
Damir And Damira- persistent, Russian "Long live the world" or "Give us a world revolution."
Daniyal- A person close to Allah.
Dayan- Supreme Court (religion).
Denise And Denis- Sea.
Jamil, Jamal, Jamila- Beautiful.
Dzhigan- Universe.
Dilyaver- from Pers. brave, courageous, courageous
Dilyara- from Pers. poet. gorgeous; sweet, beautiful, soothing to the heart
Dilbar- Darling, charming.
Dina- Dean-vera.
Dinar And Dinara- from the word dinar - gold coin; apparently here it means precious.


Zaid- Present.
Zainab(Zeynep) - Complete. name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad,
Zakir And Zakira- Remembering.
Zalika- Eloquent.
Zaman- A man of our time.
For peace- Mind, mystery.
Zamira- Heart, conscience.
Zarif- Affectionate, handsome, kind.
Zafer- achieving the goal; victorious, winner
Zahid- Ascetic, ascetic.
Zahir And Zahira- Assistant, handsome.
Zeki(Zekiye) - pure, without impurities, natural, unadulterated.
Zinnat- Decoration.
Zinnur- Radiant.
Zifa- Slender, stately.
Zia- Light, light.
Sulfate- Curly.
ZulfiyaBeautiful hair with curls.
Zufar- Winner.
Zukhra- Shiny, light, star, flower.
Ziyatdin- Spreader of religion, missionary.

-= AND =-

Ibrahim- Abraham, father of nations.
Idris- Learner, diligent.
Ishmael- see Ismagil
Izzet- greatness, respect.
Ikram- Honor, respect.
Ildar- Ruler.
Ilnar And Ilnara- Nar (Flame) + Il (Homeland).
Ilnur And Ilnura- Nur (Beam) + Il (Homeland).
Ilham(Ilhamiye) - inspiration.
Ilshat- Pleasing the homeland, meaning famous.
Ilyas- The power of Allah.
Ilgam- Inspiration.
Iman- Faith.
Ears- mercy, guardianship, care.
Indira- Goddess of war.
Insaf- Justice, well-mannered.
Irade- Good wishes.
Irek And Irik- Will.
Irina- Calm.
Irfan- knowledge. Male name.
Isa And Jesus- God's mercy.
Iskander- Alexander - defender, winner of the Arabized form.
Islam And Islamie- Devoted to Allah.
Ismail And Ismagil- God heard.
Ismat And Ismet- Purity, abstinence; protection.
Ihsan- Beneficence, virtue.

-= K =-

Kadir And Kadira- Almighty.
Kazim- Patient.
Kaila- Talkative.
Kaima- Standing firmly on her feet.
Kamal And Kamalia- Perfection.
Kamaletdin- Religious perfection.
Kamil And Kamila- Perfect.
Karim And Karima- Generous, noble, generous.
Katiba And Katib- Writer, writing.
Kerim(Kerime) - generous, noble.
Kurban- Victim.
Kurbat- Kinship.
Kamal- Mature.

-= L =-

Lily And Lillian- White tulip flower.
Lenar And Lenara- Lenin's army.
Latifa- Beautiful.
Leniza And Leniz- Lenin's Testament.
Lenora- Daughter of a lion.
Lenur- Lenin founded the revolution.
Lei- Antelope.
Liana- From a plant, a thin liana.
Louise- Collision.
Lutfi(Lutfiye) - kind, dear. Male and female name
Laysan- Spring rain, month of April according to the Syrian calendar.
Latife- tender, soft. Female name.
Lyale- tulip

-= M =-

Madina- A city in Arabia.
Mazit- Famous.
Mayan- From the month of May.
Mariam- From the name from the Bible Mary.
Maksuz And Mahsut- Desired.
Mansour And Mansura- Winner.
Marat- In honor of the leader of Fr. bourgeois revolution Jean-Paul Marat.
Marlene- (German - Russian) Abbreviation for Marx and Lenin.
Maryam(Meryem) - mother of the prophet "Isa",
Masnavi- from the Koran, “Giver”, gave the name to a boy born as the second male child.
Mahmoud- Illustrious.
Mirgayaz- Helpful.
Mirza- Son of the king. Name component.
Munir And Munira- Sparkling, illuminator.
Murat- Desired.
Murtaza- Favorite.
Musa- Prophet, child.
Muslim- Muslim.
Mustafa- Chosen One.
Mustafir- Smiling.
Muhammet- Praised.
Muhammetjan- Soul of Mohamed.
Mukhtar- Chosen One.

-= N =-

Nabi- Prophet.
Nabib- Smart.
Naked- Well-being.
Nadir And Nadire- Rare.
Nazar And Nazira- Look, Self-sacrifice.
Nazim(Nazmie) - composing.
Nail And Nailya- Gift. achieving the goal
Nariman- Strong-willed.
Nasretdin- Helping religion.
Nafise- very valuable; beautiful
Niyaz- Necessity; request, desire; present; grace.
Nedim(Nedime) - interlocutor
Nugman- Red, good deed, flower variety.
Nurvali- Saint.
Nurgali- Majestic.
Nuretdin- Ray of religion.
Nuri And Nuria(Nur) - Light.
Nurullah- Nur(light) + Allah.

-= O =-

Oigul- Aigul - Moon Flower. Another interpretation - Beauty and Flower (Ancient Tatar name)

-= P =-

Ravil- Young man.
Radik- From chem. element.
Rail And Raila- Founder.
Rais- Supervisor.
Raihan- (male and female ancient Tatar name) Basil, bliss.
Ramadan- Hot month, 9th month of Hijri.
Ramiz- Identification mark reference point.
Ramil And Ramilya- Miraculous, magical.
Ramis- Raftsman.
Rasim And Rasima- Artist.
Rafail- God cured.
Rafik- Good friend.
Rahim- Merciful.
Rahman- Friendly.
Rashid And Rashad- Walking the right path.
Renat And Renata- Newly born or Russian. option revolution, science, labor.
Refat- compassionate, kind
Riza, Reed- Chosen One.
Rizvan- Favor, satisfaction.
Riyana– a beautiful stranger (Riyanochka Ablaeva)
Ruslan- from Arslan.
Rustem- Bogatyr, hero.
Rushena- Light, shiny.

-= C =-

Saadet- happiness
Saban- (Turkic-Tatar name) Plow, the name was given to a child born during plowing.
Sabah And Sabiha- Morning.
Sabir And Sabira- Patient.
Sabit- Strong, durable, durable.
Sagadat And Sagid- Happiness.
Sadri And Sadria- First, main.
Sadriddin- with faith in the heart
Sadyk And Sadika- True, friend.
Said And Side- happy, lucky sir.
Saifullah- Sword of Allah.
Salavat- Prayers of praise.
Salamat And Salim- Healthy.
Sania- Second.
Sattar- Forgiving.
Safiye- pure, without impurities
Selim(Selima) - without flaws
Selyamet- well-being, safety
Sefer- journey
Subhi(Subhiye) - morning
Suleiman- Bible Solomon, the Protected.
Sultan and Sultana - Power, ruler.
Susanna- Lily.
Sufia- Not doing evil.


Tair- Birds.
Taimas- He won’t go astray from the right path.
Talib- Seeker, desiring.
Tahir And Tagir- Clean.
Timur- Iron.
Tukay- (Mongolian) Rainbow.


Uzbek- name people, which has become a personal name among many peoples, Life.
Ulvi(Ulviye) - hill
Ulmas- Immortal.
Ulfat- Friendship, love.
Umida and Umid - Nadezhda.
Uraz- Happy.
Usman- Slow, but the etymology is not entirely clear.

-= F =-

Fazil And Fazilya- Knowledgeable, humane.
Faizullah- (male) (name of Arabic origin) The generosity of Allah.
Faiz- (male) (name of Arabic origin) Happy, rich.
Faik- (male) (Arabic) Excellent.
Faina- (male) (gr.) Shine.
Fandas- (male) (Arabic) Attached to science.
Fanis And Anisa- (pers.) Lighthouse.
Fannur- (male) (Arabic) Light of science.
Farit And. Farida- (Arabic) Rare.
Farhad- (male) (Iranian) Invincible.
Fatima- (Arabic) Weaned, daughter of Muhammad.
Fatih and Fatykh - (Arabic) Winner.
Fauzia- (female) (Arabic) Winner.
Firuza- (female) (Old Persian) Radiant, turquoise, happy.

-= X =-

Khabib and Habiba- (Arabic) Beloved, friend.
Habibullah- (female) (Arabic) Favorite of Allah.
Khadija(Khatice) - the first name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad,
Haydar- (male) (Arabic) Lev.
Khairat- (male) (Arabic) Benefactor.
Khazar- (male) (Arabic) A city dweller, a person with average income.
Hakim- (male) (Arabic) Knowledgeable, wise.
Khalil- (male) (Arabic) Faithful friend.
Halit- (male) (Arabic) Will live forever.
Hamza- (male) (Arabic) Acute, burning.
Hamid And Hamida- (Arabic) Glorifying, ascending.
Hammat- (male) - (Arabic) Glorifying.
Hanif And Hanifa- (Arabic) True.
Haris- (male) (Arabic) Plowman.
Hassan and Hasana - (Arabic) Good.
Khattab- (male) (Arabic) Woodcutter.
Hayat- (female) (Arabic) Life.
Hisan- (male) (Arabic) Very handsome.
Khoja- (male) (pers.) Master, mentor.
Husain- (male) (Arabic) Handsome, good.

-= H =-

Chingiz- (male) (Mong.) Great, strong.
Chulpan- (male) (Turkic) Planet Venus.

-= W =-

Shadide- (female) (Arabic) Strong.
Shaide- (female) (pers.) Beloved.
Shayhullah- (male) (Arabic) Elder of Allah.
Shakir And Shakira- (Arabic) Giving thanks.
Shafik And Shafqat- (male) (Arabic) Compassionate.
Shahryar- (male) (pers.) Sovereign, king (from the fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights”).
Shevket- majestic, important
Shemsi And Shemsia- (pers.) Sunny.
Shirin- (female) (pers.) Sweet (from folklore).
Sheriff- honorary
Shefik(Shefiqa) - kind, sincere
Shukri(Shukriye) - giving thanks

-= E =-

Evelina- (male) (French) Hazelnut.
Edgar- (male) (English) Spear.
Edib(Edibe) - well-bred
Edie(pedie) - gift
Ekrem- very generous, welcoming
Eleanor- (female) (Heb.) Allah is my light.
Elvir and Elvira - (Spanish) Protective.
Eldar- (male) (Turkic) Ruler of the country.
Elmaz- precious stone, diamond
Elsa- (female) (German) Swore before God, short for Elizabeth.
Elmir and Elmira - (English) Beautiful.
Emil and Emilia - (lat.) Diligent.
Emin(Emine) - honest
Enver- very radiant, light
Enis(Enise) - good conversationalist
Eric- (male) (scand.) Rich.
Ernest- (male) (gr.) Serious.
Esma- very generous, welcoming
Eyub- the name of the Prophet,

-= Yu =-

Yuldash- (male) (Turkic) Friend, companion.
Yuzim- (male) (Turkic-Tat.) Raisin, two faces.
Yuldus- (female) (tat.) Star.
Yulgiza and Yulgiz - (Turkic - Persian) Long-lived.
Yunus- (male) (Heb.) Dove.
Yusuf- the name of the prophet,

-= I =-

Yadgar- (male) (pers.) Memory.
Yakub(Yakub) - (male) (Hebrew) Coming behind, the name of the prophet.
Yakut- (male) (gr.) Ruby, yacht.
Yamal- see Jamal, f. Jamila.
Yansilu- (female) (tat.) feather, beloved, Jan (soul) + sylu - (beauty).
Yatim- (male) (pers.) The only one. (Or lonely). An ancient Tatar name borrowed from the Persian language.
Yashar- from Turkic: zhiznel

If you know a name - which is not in this article - send it to akim@site, I will definitely add it.

Male Tatar names:

Tatar boy names

Agzam - (Arabic) Tall, sublime.
Azat - (Persian) Noble, free.
Azamat - (Arabic) Knight, hero.
Azim - (Arabic) Great.
Aziz - (Arabic) Mighty, dear.
Aidar - (Tatar) 1. A man’s hair that has not been cut since birth. As a result, a large forelock grew. 2. The most worthy.
Ainur - (Tatar) Moonlight.
Airat - (Arabic) Amazement; (Mongolian) Forest people.
Akbars - (Tatar) White leopard.
Alan - (Tatar) Good-natured.
Ali - (Arabic) Tall.
Alim - (Arabic) Knowing.
Almas - (Tatar) They called it by this name so that the child would not get sick and evil forces would not overcome him.
Diamond - (Arabic) Diamond.
Albert - (Latin) Glorious, famous.
Amin - (Arabic) Faithful, honest, reliable
Amir - (Arabic) Commander, ruler; Prince.
Anas - (Arabic) Joy.
Anwar - (Arabic) Light.
Arsen - (Greek) Strong, fearless.
Arslan and Ruslan - (Turkic) Lev.
Arthur - (English) Bear.
Asaf - (Arabic) Caring, thrifty.
Asan - (Tatar) Healthy.
Asgat - (Arabic) The happiest.
Ahad - (Arabic) The only one.
Ahmad or Ahmet - (Arabic) Praised One.
Ayaz - (Tatar) Clear, bright, sunny, radiant.
Bakir - (Arabic) Studyer.
Bars - (Old Tatar) Strong.
Batullah - (Arabic) House of Allah, Kaaba.
Bakhtiyar - (Persian-Arabic) Happy.
Golden Eagle - (Old Tatar) Symbol of heroism, courage.
Bilal - (Arabic) Healthy, alive.
Bulat - (Arabic) Iron, steel.
Bakhet - (Arabic) Happiness.
Vali - (Arabic) Close to Allah, holy.
Vasil - (Arabic) Inseparable friend.
Wahid or Vahit - (Arabic) One, first.
Vilen - (Russian) From Vladimir Ilyich LENIN. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Wildan - (Arabic) Child, child.
Vladlen - (Russian) From VLADIMIR LENIN. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Gabdulla - (Arabic) the same as Abdullah.
Gadel - (Arabic) Direct, fair.
Gaziz - (Arabic) Dear, respected.
Gali - (Arabic) Dear, tall.
Gamil - (Arabic) Hardworking person.
Gayaz - (Arabic) Helper.
Gerey - (Persian) Worthy.
Davlet - (Arab) State.
Damir - (Turkic) Persistent, (Arabic) Conscience.
Danis - (Persian) Knowledge.
Dayan - (Arabic) High court (religion).
Deniz - (Turkic) Sea.
Denis - (Greek) from Dionysus - the god of the fruit-bearing forces of the earth, vegetation, viticulture, winemaking. Son of Zeus and the mortal woman Semele. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Jamil, Jamal - (Arabic) Handsome.
Jigan - (Persian) Universe.
Dinar - (Arabic) gold coin; here it means precious.
Zabir - (Arabic) Hard, strong.
Zakir - (Arabic) Rememberer.
Zaki - (Arabic) Virtuous.
Zamir - (Arabic) Intelligence, mystery.
Zarif - (Arabic) Affectionate, handsome, amiable.
Zahid - (Arabic) Ascetic, ascetic.
Zahir - (Arabic) Helper, handsome.
Zinnur - (Arabic) Radiant.
Zulfat - (Arabic) Curly.
Zufar - (Arabic) Winner.
Ibrahim - (Hebrew) Abraham, father of nations.
Idris - (Arabic) Learner, diligent.
Ilgiz - (Tatar-Persian) Traveler.
Ildar - (Tatar-Persian) Ruler.
Ildus - (Tatar-Persian) Loving his homeland.
Ilnaz - (Turkic-Persian) Il (homeland) + Naz (Tenderness)
Ilnar - (Turkic-Arabic) Nar (Flame) + Il (Homeland).
Ilnuri - (Turkic-Arabic) Nur (Beam) + Il (Homeland).
Ilsur - (Turkic-Arabic) Hero of the Motherland.
Ilshat - (Turkic) One who pleases the homeland, meaning famous.
Ilyas - (Arabic) The Power of Allah.
Ilgam - (Arabic) Inspiration.
Iman - (Arabic) Faith.
Irek and Irik - (Tatar) Will.
Iskander is an Arabized form of the same as the other Greek Alexander - defender, winner.
Ismail and Ismagil - (Hebrew) God heard.
Ishak - (Hebrew) Laughter.
Ihsan - (Arabic) Beneficence, virtue.
Kadim - (Arabic) Old, ancient.
Kadir - (Arabic) Almighty.
Kamal - (Arabic) Perfection.
Kamil - (Arabic) Perfect.
Karim - (Arabic) Generous, noble, generous.
Qasim - (Arabic) Distributor.
Latif and Latif - (Arabic) A man with an open look.
Lenar - (Russian) Lenin's army.
Magdan - (Arabic) Spring.
Malik - (Arabic) Lord.
Marat - (French) In honor of the leader of France. bourgeois revolution Jean - Paul Marat.
Mars - (Latin) God of war, planet. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Marina - (female) (Latin) Marine.
Marlene - (Russian) From MARX LENIN. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Marcel and Marcel - (French) in honor of the leader of the French workers, Marcel Cachin.
Masnavi - (Arabic) “Giver”, was the name given to the boy born as the second male child.
Mahmud - (Arabic) Illustrious.
Mirza - (Arabic-Persian) Son of the king.
Munir - (Arabic) Sparkling, illuminator.
Murat - (Arabic) Desired.
Murtaza - (Arabic) Favorite.
Musa - (Hebrew) Child.
Muslim - (Arabic) Muslim.
Mustafa - (Arabic) The Chosen One.
Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammet - (Arabic) Praised One.
Nadir - (Arabic) Rare.
Nazar - (Arabic) Look, (Hebrew) Self-sacrifice.
Nazim - (Arabic) Builder.
Nazir - (Arabic) Notifier.
Nail - (Arabic) Gift.
Narbek - (Persian) From the fruit of the pomegranate, (Arabic) light.
Nariman - (Iranian) Strong in spirit.
Naseem - (Arabic) Warm wind, gentle.
Nasretdin - (Arabic) Helper of religion.
Nafis - (Arabic) Handsome.
Nizam - (Arabic) Structure, order.
Niyaz - (Arabic) Necessity; request, desire; present; grace.
Nugman - (Arabic) Red, good deed, flower variety.
Nuri (Nur) - (Arabic) Light.
Ravil - (Arabic) Young man; (Hebrew) His friend is God.
Radik - (ancient Greek) - Sunbeam

Rais - (Arabic) Leader.
Rayhan - (Arabic) Basil; bliss.
Ramil - (Arabic) Miraculous, magical.
Ramis - (Arabic) Rafter.
Rasima - (Arabic) Artist.
Rasikh - (Arabic) Solid, stable.
Raushan - (Persian) Light.
Raphael - (Hebrew) God healed.
Rafik - (Arabic) Good friend.
Rashid and Rashad - (Arabic) Walking the right path.
Rafik - (Arabic) Friend.
Rafis - (Arabic) Noticeable, popular.
Rafqat - (Arabic) Seeker.
Renat – (Russian) from REVOLUTION, SCIENCE, LABOR.
Rinat - (Latin) Newly born
Rizvan - (Arabic) Favor, satisfaction.
Rifqat - (Arabic) Friendship.
Robert - (Old German) Unfading glory.
Ruzal - (Persian) Happy.
Ruslan - from Arslan.
Rustem - (Persian) Bogatyr, hero.
Rushan - (Persian) Light, brilliant.
Saban - (Tatar) Plow, the name was given to a child born during plowing.
Sabir - (Arabic) Patient.
Sabit - (Arabic) Strong, durable, resistant.
Saghir - (Arabic) Child.
Sadri - (Arabic) First, chief.
Sadiq - (Arabic) True, friend.
Said - (Arabic) Master.
Salawat - (Arabic) Prayer of praise.
Salamat and Salim - (Arabic) Healthy.
Salman - (Arabic) Necessary.
Sattar - (Arabic) Forgiving.
Suleiman - (Hebrew) Protected.
Sultan - (Arabic) Power, ruler.
Tahir - (Arabic) Birds.
Talib - (Arabic) Seeker, desiring.
Tahir and Tagir - (Arabic) Pure.
Timer - (Tatar) This is what the young man was called so that he would be strong as iron.
Timur - (Turkic) Iron.
Tukai - (Mongolian) Rainbow.
Ulfat - (Arabic) Friendship, love.
Uraz - (Turkic) Happy.
Ural - (Turkic) Joy, pleasure.
Uthman - (Arabic) Slow, but the etymology is not entirely clear.
Faiz - (Arabic) Happy, rich.
Fanis - (Persian) Lighthouse.
Fannur - (Arabic) Light of science.
Farid - (Arabic) Rare.
Farhad - (Iranian) Invincible.
Fatih and Fatyh - (Arabic) Winner.
Fattah - (Arabic) Opener.
Fayaz - (Arabic) Generous.
Fidai - (Arabic) Ready to sacrifice oneself.
Fidail - (Arabic) One who does good.
Fidel - (Latin) Truthful, correct.
Firdaus - (Arabic) Paradise, Garden of Eden.
Khabir - (Arabic) Informant.
Hadi - (Arabic) Leader.
Khazar - (Arabic) A city dweller, a person of average income.
Hakim - (Arabic) Knowledgeable, wise.
Khalid - (Arabic) Eternal, permanent.
Khaliq - (Arabic) Illuminator.
Khalil - (Arabic) Faithful friend.
Hamza - (Arabic) Sharp, burning.
Hasan - (Arabic) Good.
Khattab - (Arabic) Woodcutter.
Hisan - (Arabic) Very handsome.
Khoja - (Persian) Master, mentor.
Husain - (Arabic) Handsome, good.
Genghis - (Mongolian) Great, strong.
Chagatai - (Mongolian) Batyr, pleasant, sincere intention; child
Chuk - (Bulgarian-Tatar) Very much, in great abundance.
Chuak – (Turkish-Tatar) Clear, beautiful day
Chyntash - (Tatar) Granite
Shakir - (Arabic) Giver of thanks.
Shamil - (Arabic) Comprehensive.
Shamsi - (Arabic) Sunny.
Sharif and Sharip - (Arabic) Honor, glory.
Shafiq and Shafqat - (Arabic) Compassionate.
Edgar - (English) Spear.
Edward - (English) Abundant, rich.
Elvir - (Spanish) Protective.
Eldar - (Turkic) Ruler of the country.
Elmir - (English) Handsome.
Emil - (Latin) Diligent.
Yuldash - (Turkic) Friend, companion.
Yuzim - (Tatar) Raisin, two faces.
Yulgiz - (Turkish-Persian) Long-lived.
Yunus - (Hebrew) Dove.
Yadgar - (Persian) Memory.
Yakub (Yakup) - (Hebrew) Walking behind, the name of the prophet.
Yakut - (Greek) Ruby, yakhont.
Yamal - see Jamal.

Female Tatar names:

Tatar girl names

Adeline - (German) Honest, decent.
Azalea - (Latin) From the name of the flower.
Aziza - (Arabic) great, dear.
Aigul - (Turkic-Persian) Moon flower.
Aisylu - (Bulgarian) Beautiful as the moon.
Alice - (German) Beautiful.
Aliya - (Arabic) Sublime.
Albina - (Latin) White-eyed.
Almira - (Spanish) from the Spanish town of Almeiro.
Alfira and Alfia - (Arabic) Exalted, long-lived.
Amilya - (Arabic) Hard worker.
Amina - (Arabic) Faithful, reliable, honest.
Amira - (Arabic) Commander, ruler; Princess
Anisa - (Persian) Lighthouse.
Asiya - (Arabic) Consoling, healing.
Bella - (Latin) Beautiful.
Walia - (Arabic) Saint, lady, friend.
Vasilya - (Arabic) Inseparable friend.
Venus - (Latin) Star, planet.
Violet - (French) Flower.
Gadila - (Arabic) Direct, fair.
Gaziza - (Arabic) Very expensive.
Galima - (Arabic) Knowing.
Galia - (Arabic) Dear.
Gulnaz - (Persian) Tenderness of a flower.
Gulnara - (Persian) Decorated with flowers, pomegranate.
Gulnur - (Persian) Light of a flower.
Damira - (Turkic) Persistent; Russian "Give a world revolution."
Dana - (Persian) Knowing.
Denmark - (Arabic) Close, illustrious.
Jamila - (Arabic) Handsome.
Diana - (Latin) Divine, In ancient roman mythology goddess of the moon and hunting. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Dilyara and Dilya - (Persian) Beloved, beauty.
Dina - (Arabic) Faith.
Dinara - (Arabic) gold coin; meaning precious.
Zabira - (Arabic) Firm, strong.
Zakira - (Arabic) Rememberer.
Zakiya - (Arabic) Virtuous.
Zalika - (Arabic) Eloquent.
Zalia - (Arabic) A girl with blond hair.
Zamira - (Arabic) Heart, conscience.
Zahira - (Arabic) Helper, beautiful.
Zilya - (Arabic) Merciful, purity.
Zulfiya - (Arabic) Pleasant, pleasure, pleasure.
Zuhra - (Arabic) Shiny, light, star, flower.
Ildusa - (Tatar-Persian) Loving her homeland.
Ilnara - (Turkic-Arabic) Il (Motherland) + Nar (Flame).
Ilnura - (Turkic-Arabic) Il (Homeland) + Nur (Beam).
Ilsiya - (Tatar) Il (Motherland) + Siyarga (to love).
Ilsura - (Turkic-Arabic) Heroine of the Motherland.
Indira - (Indian) Goddess of War. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Irada - (Arabic) Will.
Irina - (Greek) Calm.
Kadima - (Arabic) Ancient.
Kadira - (Arabic) Strong.
Qadriya - (Arabic) Valuable.
Kamalia - (Arabic) Perfect.
Kamila - (Arabic) Perfect.
Karima - (Arabic) Generous, noble, generous.
Qasima - (Arabic) Distributing.
Lala and Lala - (Persian) Tulip.
Lily of the valley - (Latin) Flower.
Latifa - (Arabic) Tender, pleasant.
Laura - (Latin) From the laurel tree.
Lenara - (Russian) Lenin's army.
Leah - (Hebrew) Antelope.
Liana - (French) From a plant, a liana, thin.
Lilia and Liliana - White flower, tulip.
Louise - (French) Clash.
Lucia - (Latin) Light.
Laysan - (Arabic) Spring rain, month of April according to the Syrian calendar.
Mavlyuda - (Arabic) Born.
Madina - (Arabic) City of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Maya - (Latin) From the month of May.
Malika - (Arabic) Queen.
Mariam - (Hebrew) This was the name of the holy mother of Isa (Jesus).
Milyausha - (Persian) Violet.
Munira - (Arabic) Sparkling, illuminating.
Nadira - (Arabic) Rare.
Nadia - (Arabic) Inviter.
Nazira - (Arabic) Maker of a vow, a promise.
Nailya - (Arabic) The one who has received the benefit.
Nasima - (Arabic) Warm wind, gentle.
Nafisa - (Arabic) Dogoraya.
Nuria (Nur) - (Arabic) Light.
Rada - (Russian) Joy.
Raila - (Arabic) Founder.
Rayhan - (Arabic) Basil, a fragrant flower.
Ramilya - (Arabic) Miraculous, magical.
Rana and Rania - (Arabic) Beautiful.
Rasima - (Arabic) Artist.
Raushaniya - (Persian) Light.
Rashida - (Arabic) Walking the right path.
Regina - (Latin) Queen.
Mignonette - (French) From the name of a flower with a pleasant aroma.
Renata – (Russian) from REVOLUTION, SCIENCE, LABOR.
Riza, Rida - (Arabic) Satisfied.
Rinata - (Latin) Born again
Rosalia, Rose - (Latin) Rose.
Roxana - (Persian) Dawn.
Rumia - (Arabic) Roman.
Rushaniya - (Persian) Light, shiny.
Sabira - (Arabic) Patient.
Saghira - (Arabic) Small.
Sagiya - (Arabic) Attentive.
Sadika - (Arabic) Truthful or true friend.
Saida - (Arabic) Lady.
Saniya - (Arabic) Pleasant light.
Sarah - (Hebrew) Lady.
Sultana - (Arabic) Power, ruler.
Sufiya - (Arabic) Pure, transparent.
Tabiba - (Arabic) Doctor.
Tawisa - (Arabic) Peacock.
Taiba - (Arabic) Good.
Taqiyya - (Arabic) God-fearing.
Tamara – (Hebrew) Fig; Date palm
Tanzilya - (Arabic) Transporting.
Tansylu (Turkic) Beautiful sunrise
Tanyulduz – (Tatar) Morning star (planet Venus)
Tatlybike – (Tatar) Sweet
Tahira - (Arabic) Pure.
Tahiya - (Arabic) Greeting One
Tashbike – (Tatar) Strong
Tulip – (Dutch)
Uka - (Tatar) Beautiful
Urazbike – (Tatar) Happy
Faiza - (Arabic) Victorious.
Falia - (Arabic) Happiness, will lead to good, will turn out good.
Fardana - (Arabic) Mandatory.
Farida - (Arabic) The only one, Self-sufficient.
Farhiyah - (Arabic) Delighted, Receiving Good News
Fatima - (Arabic) Weaned; This was the name of the daughter of the Prophet (pbuh), the wife of the 4th righteous caliph; for her, the meaning of the name is excommunicated from the fire.
Fathiya - (Arabic) Victory, place of victory.
Fauzia - (Arabic) Victorious.
Fahima - (Arabic) Smart, understanding.
Firaya - (Arabic) Beautiful.
Firuza - (Old Persian) Radiant, turquoise, happy.
Hadiya - (Turkic) Gift.
Hakima - (Arabic) Wise.
Khalida - (Arabic) Eternal, constant.
Khalila - (Arabic) Close, faithful friend.
Khamisa - (Arabic) Fifth.
Hasana - (Arabic) Good.
Chia - (Tatar) Fruit tree.
Chulpan - (Turkic) Morning star, Planet Venus.
Shadida - (Arabic) Strong.
Shayda - (Persian) Beloved.
Shakira - (Arabic) Grateful.
Shamilya - (Arabic) Comprehensive.
Shamsia - (Persian) Sunny.
Shirin - (Persian) Sweet (from folklore).
Evelina - (French) Hazelnut.
Elvira - (Spanish) Protective.
Elmira - (English) Beautiful.
Emilia - (Latin) Diligent.
Yuldus - (Tatar) Star.
Julia - (Latin) Wave, hot.
Yulgiza - (Turkish-Persian) Long-lived.
Yaria - (Persian) Friend, girlfriend.
Yasina - (Arabic) By the name of a sura of the Koran
Yasir - (Arabic) Light, relief.