Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. Biography of Tata Bondarchuk, wife of Sergei Bondarchuk What do you wish for yourself?

Having heard such a phrase from the lips of the clever and beautiful Tatiana (Tatiana), who acquired the surname Bondarchuk in marriage, one can think about the strict limits into which life has brought this young woman. It turns out that the matter is completely different; Tata has just such moral principles and re-marriage is considered unacceptable.

A girl who grew up in big family(parents have 3 daughters and a son), seeing the relationship that exists between father and mother, cannot dream or think differently. Her father gave her strength, including not only physical strength, although sports did not become the main source for the girl. ideal forms. Mother taught obedience and patience, respect for a man. Although she can sometimes be an active debater, skillfully defending her opinion.

Star marriage

Tatiana Mamiashvili, undoubtedly, would not have become so famous; rather, she would not have come into the spotlight so soon if it had not been for her marriage to her son famous director. Sergei and Tatyana not only knew each other for a long time friendly relations existed among their parents.

A girl with an excellent education - MGIMO, who grew up in friendly family, moreover, distinguished by good manners, manners and taste, could not go unnoticed.

The couple registered their marriage (despite superstitions) in May 2012.

Tatiana Bondarchuk's wedding dress was enchanting and discussed. More precisely, there were dresses, since the bride had two wedding outfits. Of course, the dresses were very different not only in cut and fabric, but also made by different fashion designers: Russian and Italian. One dress: with an open corset and train, trimmed with chic voluminous flowers, was perfectly complemented by a bouquet of white peonies. The second dress, with a deep neckline and elbow-length sleeves, is strewn with sparkling “splashes”.

What does the bright representative of the golden youth Tatiana Bondarchuk dream of?

Mother of two daughters: Vera and Margarita, 25-year-old Tata still, first of all, connects all her main dreams with her family: her husband, girls - these are her main objects. The family spends a lot of time together. And if not with girls, then together, young spouses often appear at various social events.

Dresses like Tata Bondarchuk’s, and she is often one of the first to use outfits from famous and even emerging designers and fashion designers, immediately become the center of attention. With the same pleasure, Tatiana takes part in the demonstration jewelry, shoes, bags.

0 January 22, 2019, 12:30

Tata and Sergei Bondarchuk

Russian media They report sad news: 27-year-old Sergei Bondarchuk and his 29-year-old wife Tata decided to separate after six years of marriage. In the social circle, rumors about problems in the marriage of this star couple have been circulating for a long time, but only now this topic has begun to be actively discussed in the press. According to an insider, now the son of film director Fyodor Bondarchuk and his wife are already preparing documents to submit to court.

By the way, neither Sergei nor Tata have yet confirmed the information about their separation. However, the pictures on personal pages The spouses on Instagram eloquently say that they have not been together for a long time: judging by them, Tata devotes his time entirely to his family and two daughters born in marriage with Sergei. While her (still legal!) husband mainly shares pictures taken on noisy parties Alexey Kiselev.

New Year holidays star couple also spent separately. It is also noteworthy that some Internet users have noticed that Tata has not been wearing a wedding ring for some time.

Let us remember that for the first time they started talking about the novel between Tata Mamiashvili and Sergei Bondarchuk in 2011. A year later, the star couple played magnificent wedding, which was attended by the entire cream of the political and cultural elite of Russia - the celebration cost the parents of Tata and Sergei 250 thousand dollars. In 2012, Tata gave birth to a daughter, Margarita, and a year later, her and Sergei’s second daughter, Vera, was born.

Sergei Bondarchuk: “Tata is my fighting friend”

On October 1, the film “Warrior” will be released - a sports drama about two brothers, professional MMA athletes, who will face each other in a brutal fight. The film became Sergei Bondarchuk's third acting job - he made his debut in "Stalingrad" and played a cameo role in the acclaimed "Thaw" before moving on to "Warrior". This picture is a new production project by Fyodor Bondarchuk, in which he also played one of the main roles. Not much is known to the public about his son Sergei - he rarely appears in public and even less often talks about himself.

The HELLO.RU website invited Bondarchuk Jr. to come out of the shadows: we walked with Sergei and his wife Tata Bondarchuk along the Black Sea coast in Sochi and talked about the acting profession, the film business, family, children and what it was like to be the heir to a famous family.

Sergey, tell us how you decided to become an actor?

Initially, I did not intend to become an actor. I studied at a film school in the States - first at the production department, where they bombarded me with all sorts of papers, filming permits, and so on, so that I could study all this. Soon it seemed to me that this was a little not my thing, besides, I saw how at the parallel faculty of directing the guys were constantly running around with cameras, filming something, writing, communicating with actors - in general, something interesting was always happening with them. And the next year I changed course - I went into directing. At the end of the year, I received an offer from Fyodor Sergeevich (that’s what Sergei calls his father by his first name and patronymic in an interview - Ed.) to try myself as an actor - to star in the film "Stalingrad". I flew in several times for photo tests, then three times for tests with actors - with Petya Fedorov, Mikhail Porechenkov and others. And in the end I was approved for the role. So my participation in the film was not sole and final decision Fedor Sergeevich.

This was your first acting experience- How did you feel during the auditions?

It’s good that my auditions took place with Mikhail and Petya - I know the first from the time of filming “9th Company”, the second from “Inhabited Island”. We had been friends for a long time, so I felt comfortable working with them. It also helped that they are great professionals in their field. They helped me a lot as a friend, “rocked” me. For example, at the beginning of filming, when Mikhail and I were working on the scene where he finds me hanging upside down and rips me off the rope, I immediately forgot the words. This happened at the moment when he began to shake me, which was suggested by the plot. As a result, he not only played his entire part of the scene, but also whispered a couple of my lines in my ear - I remembered everything, and the scene was a success. In general, it was easy for me and my colleagues, although I felt a certain discomfort - I didn’t have any acting training, but I had to work with such venerable actors and with a venerable director.

How do you like working with your father on set? Does he treat you harder than others, or vice versa?

Rather, he is more demanding of me. He sets me some task, and until I complete it a thousand percent, he doesn’t back down. Yes, I myself try to do everything as well as possible and keep in mind the instructions of my director - namely the director, since on the set there are no such concepts as “father” and “son” for us.

Did he help you like a father during work?

Of course, it happened that he would take me aside and say something like: “Serge, listen, here it’s better to do it like this. And what you came up with yourself is cool, keep up the good work.”

How does he evaluate your work?

I don't know, it's hard for me to say. I am very strict with myself in this regard.

Sergei’s wife, Tata Bondarchuk, enters the conversation.

Tata: Fedor voices his assessment not to Sergei, but to others. He doesn’t hide her from Serezha either, but he’s afraid to overpraise her. Of course, Fedor is happy, because otherwise they would not have worked together, and otherwise he would have told Seryozha that there is no need to continue this path. They have a very trusting relationship.

Sergey: Yes, our relations are very close - first of all friendly, if not brotherly, although it sounds strange when we're talking about about my father.

In the film "Warrior" Sergei Bondarchuk played the role of a professional wrestler

The role of the brother of the hero Sergei Bondarchuk in the film "Warrior" was played by Vladimir Yaglych

Fyodor Bondrachuk appears in the film as the father of the character Sergei, who prepares his son for a fight with his own brother

Sergei Bondarchuk on the set of the film "Warrior"

Sergey, in general, is your father’s opinion very important to you regarding what you are doing?

Only his opinion is important to me.

Does your last name help you or hinder you - do you feel overly responsible?

Of course I feel it. On the one hand, the surname helps a lot: thanks for this to my father and my great grandfather. On the other hand, it is a great responsibility, and, I think, the right burden for a man. It's not easy to carry him, but I think I can handle it. In addition, this load helps me improve and move forward.

Do you mean "improving in the acting profession"?

Not only that. While filming “Stalingrad,” I finally realized that, God willing, this profession will one way or another be present in my life, but so far I cannot say that it is the main one for me. I have always had a passion for business, and now I have my own business. True, I wouldn’t like to say yet what exactly I do, so as not to jinx it.

Okay, then let's get back to your movie roles. Tell us about your character in the film "Warrior" - is he similar to you?

Similar, but not in all respects. We are both decisive and firm, but he has a trait that I managed to get rid of at one time - I did not know how to talk to people. I mean, to speak out some of your inner experiences. This character is the same - closed, like a hedgehog with thorns, he has many problems, but he does not want to solve them.

Was it difficult to prepare for the role?

No, I did it with pleasure, I devoted a lot of time to sports training. I do the same sport as my hero, and have made good progress - I had to get myself into the appropriate shape for the role. For four months I trained two to three times a day, once spending seven hours in a row in the gym. But these loads were quite easy for me, because I studied with passion and with my friends.

Yours next role again “sports” - in the film “Champions: Faster. Higher. Stronger” (the film will be released in February 2016 - Ed.) you play the wrestler Karelin. Is it true that he himself approved you for the role?

The director still approves, but if Alexander Alexandrovich had not approved my candidacy, I would not have agreed to play, even if the director had insisted. For me, and for the whole country, Karelin is too big man. He is a hero of Russia, who made a huge contribution to the development of not only Soviet-Russian, but also world sports. The scale of his personality imposes a huge responsibility on the actor who plays such a role.

Did you meet Karelin when you were preparing for filming?

It was not possible to meet during preparation, but before that I had seen him several times, and from these meetings I had very pleasant impressions. In preparation for the role, I spoke to him on the phone several times and received very wrestling, masculine instructions. I started filming with them.

Would you be interested in trying yourself in a different role - not an athlete?

Yes, but it’s hard for me to say which one. While I'm thinking about it.

Regarding your acting training, did you start studying acting after Stalingrad?

Yes, I studied with a wonderful teacher - Svetlana Efremova, who teaches acting in many large institutes in Los Angeles. She teaches the Meisner technique, which is used by almost all famous American actors. This technique is good because it can be taught within a very compressed program - thanks to this system, in two weeks you can shake up the most constrained person so that he will enter the frame and play well. When Svetlana Efremova was in Moscow, we both found free time and conducted active, intense classes. This suited me, since I was simultaneously preparing for the role in “Warrior” and running a business, and I also have a family, which is also important to devote time and attention to.

Sergey, Tata, you have two daughters - tell us how you, such young parents, manage to do everything?

Tata: Well, it’s not so difficult - we have grandparents who sometimes take girls for themselves so that Seryozha and I can be alone. And there are wonderful nannies who have become indispensable for us and turned into family members. Their help is important so that sometimes I can relax and devote some time to myself. Happy mom- happy children.

Sergey: At the same time, I would like to note that I am a rather strict husband, and I like that with all her capabilities, Tata does not waste time on unnecessary things, but is really actively involved in the children. Sometimes we do without nannies - mostly at such moments Tata does everything, but we are always there for each other.

Tata: We are young parents and that's normal. Now the age range at which it is customary to start a family has shifted significantly, but we decided not to follow this trend. Many people say that they want to live for themselves, but we didn’t have that - we immediately wanted children.

Sergey: Children for us are the meaning of life. With them there was even more pleasure in her.

What kind of parents are you?

Tata: We are hippies (smiles). Naturally, we are caring and attentive, but overall quite relaxed. We do not keep children under tight control, but give them freedom.

Sergey: And the right to make your own choices - even at such a young age.

Tata: From birth, we treat our girls as individuals, as adults. Our Vera is still very young - she is one year and four months old, and Margarita will be three years old in December, and she really often communicates like an adult. She is very reasonable, and this is probably our merit.

Who are Vera and Margarita like?

Tata: It’s enough just to look at our Margarita to understand: this is Seryozha in childhood. She actually mixed the entire Bondarchuk clan in herself - she looks not only like Seryozha, but also like her grandfather, Fyodor Sergeevich. Her facial expressions are very reminiscent of Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva. But Margarita’s character is similar to my mother - she is very neat, puts everything in a row and folds it. Sometimes Margot even cleans up after me!

Sergey: This is my mini mother-in-law. If she is cleaning something, it is better not to stand in her way.

Tata: And Vera’s character was similar to Seryozha’s. He is a very gentle, “tactile” person, he loves to hug, clap people on the shoulder, and take people by the hand. Sometimes you even have to tell him: “Seryozha, stop touching people!”

Sergey: I’m working on myself in this regard - I understand that not everyone likes it, although I do it from the heart (smiles).

Tata: Faith is the same - sometimes when you come home and take her in your arms, she immediately puts her head on your shoulders. At the same time, outwardly she...

Sergey: Tatochka.

Tata: My mom says it's little me. And her facial expressions and movements are from Svetlana (Bondarchuk - Ed.). But if you don’t take grandparents, the children are divided: the eldest is father’s, the youngest is mother’s.

Are the girls already showing any talents?

Sergey: Well, my eldest daughter is growing up to be a fighter - that’s for sure. She inherited the talents of Mikhail Gerazievich Mamiashvili, my Tata’s dad, Olympic champion and president of the Russian Wrestling Federation. Moreover, I, as a person who is also involved in wrestling, am impressed by Margarita’s abilities - she “takes over” Tata’s little brother, who is a couple of kilograms heavier than Margot: she goes to his legs and makes holds.

Tata: At the same time, she is very artistic. I must say, I was always afraid of becoming a mother who says: “My child is the best, the most talented, the smartest, he can’t compare with anyone.” But our daughter is truly wonderful, objectively (laugh).

Sergey: But Vera Sergeevna is another wonderful daughter. Our daughter is still very young, but it is already clear that she is a completely different person. She's calmer.

Tata: She is a smile person, a love person.

Sergey: It is very noticeable energetically.

Would you like your daughters to become actresses?

Sergey: I would like my children to do what they themselves want to do and to be happy.

Tata: Yes, just to do what brings them happiness. A person must live in harmony with himself and with his profession.

Sergey: And we, of course, will always support them in any endeavors. If they want to become actresses or wrestlers, we will be happy in both cases.

It seems like you are just dream parents. As for your relationship with each other, tell us, what kind of husband is Seryozha and what kind of wife is Tata?

Tata: Probably the most important thing is that Seryozha and I are not only husband and wife, but also our closest friends. Outwardly he seems brutal, but in fact he is a very cheerful and touching person. Seryozha is wonderful, both as a father and as a husband. Everything he does in his life, he does for us - I know this, and I really appreciate it.

Sergey: The facts speak about what kind of wife Tata is: my clothes are always washed and ironed, the table is always set, at home I feel comfort and warmth. This is important, but much more important is that Tata is my fighting friend. Before I met her I was enough a closed person, never talked to anyone about his inner experiences and even became a “partisan” in his family. Because of this, I had a lot of problems in my life, and I didn’t even fully realize it. With the appearance of Tata in my life, many problems were solved, and I never returned to them. Tata is one of those women who can also lend a shoulder and cover her back. And I still only talk about the most intimate things with her.

What do you want for yourself?

Tata: To be honest, everything is so good with us now that I’m even scared to want more.

Sergey: You can have more children later.

Tata: Yes, we probably would like more children. In general, I think it is important that we always have some kind of goal ahead and that we do not stop developing in different areas - professional and personal.

Sergey: I absolutely agree.

Russian socialite, wife of actor Sergei Bondarchuk.

Biography of Tata Bondarchuk

Tatiana Mamiashvili born into the family of a famous athlete, champion Olympic Games Greco-Roman wrestling Mikhail Mamiashvili. In addition to Tata, the family has two more daughters: the eldest Tamara and the youngest Elizaveta, as well as younger brother Vladimir.

Tatiana has Georgian, Ukrainian and Russian roots, but she considers herself Georgian by blood.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow state university. Soon after entering the university, Tata was recognized as one of the most beautiful representatives of the Moscow IT-girl society. Become socialite Mamiashvili succeeded thanks to his sense of style.

Bondarchuk maintains a popular blog on Instagram. Her account has more than 200 thousand subscribers.

Personal life of Tata Bondarchuk

Back in adolescence Tata met the son of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Svetlana Rudskaya (Bondarchuk) Sergei. They started dating much later. In 2011, Sergei introduced Tatu as his girlfriend at the Kinotavr festival, and in 2012, the young people got married in Moscow. Present at the celebration famous actors, musicians and politicians. In the same year, daughter Margarita was born, and in 2013 the couple had a second daughter, Vera.

In the fall of 2018, rumors began to appear in the media that Tata and Sergei had stopped going out together. In January 2019, it became known that the couple was preparing documents for divorce.

Clans and dynasties exist in politics, economics and culture. In art, the “third generation elite” syndrome is most hypertrophied. Thus, a filmmaker gives his soul and heart to his profession from God, treats the audience with reverence and delicacy, and pays attention to his own reputation, so that his son, a strong professional, will continue his work, and his son’s experience will be taken over by his grandson, an actor who has nothing better to do. But sometimes a bright creative figure grows out of a rather mediocre artist. Be part of the famous family tree- a gift and responsibility that is given to a person from birth. But often people use the resources of this gift wastefully and extremely ineptly.


How the dynasty was created

Founder of a dynasty at work

Bondarchuk - perhaps only in the most remote taiga village have they not heard this name. The famous cinematic dynasty dates back to 1920: then the future People's Artist USSR Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk. In his seventy-four years, the mastodon Soviet cinema And consummate master He filmed battle scenes and starred in many films, including “War and Peace”, “Waterloo”, “The Fate of Man”, “They Fought for the Motherland”. But the contribution to cultural heritage He contributed to Russia not only with his film projects - Bondarchuk’s children and grandchildren also tied themselves to art. Cinema, theater and music. The exception is the eldest son Alexey, born from Rostovite Evgenia Belousova.

According to some sources, Sergei Fedorovich twice became the father of boys named Alexei. For the first time - in 1944, and much later - in 1987.

The genealogical branch of the Bondarchuk-Makarovs is, first of all, the second wife of the director Inna Vladimirovna Makarova, eldest daughter Sergei Fedorovich Natalya and two grandchildren - Ivan and Maria. In her youth, Natalya Sergeevna realized herself in an acting career, and in adulthood she preferred directing. Bondarchuk's grandson Ivan Burlyaev is known as a talented composer, and granddaughter Maria chose the acting path. Bonadarchuk lived with his second wife and lifelong muse, Irina Skobtseva, for 35 years. Just as Irina Konstantinovna idolized and admired the talent of Sergei Fedorovich, so their children - Alena and Fedor - treated their father with reverence and admiration from childhood. The cult of the head of the family largely predetermined them future fate. Aristocratic and unglamorous daughter Alena was an actress of rare organics. In 2009, she died of cancer. The actress became a mother only once, in 1985: her son Konstantin Kryukov was born in her marriage to a scientist. The ambitious young man grew up as a gifted guy - he wrote poetry from childhood and had a talent for painting.

The actor considers his main achievement in the field of painting to be the Franz Kafka Order for the series of paintings “Thought Forms”.

Kostya studied gemology and law, but makes a living as an actor. How did this happen? It’s just that one day Kostya’s uncle, Fyodor Bondarchuk, made the guy an offer that he couldn’t refuse. Now there are more than fifty roles in Kryukov’s filmography, and there are two stamps in his passport. However, the leadership in terms of authority in the dynasty and stability of ties with cinema rightfully belongs to Fedor. Fedor Sergeevich is officially youngest child Oscar-winning director. It is he who is now the central link in the family tree. He has proven his worth in many fields: music video director, actor, producer, TV presenter. Now Fedor is an influential figure in the film business, a true philanthropist and cinema fan. Fedor has two children with already ex-wife Svetlana. The youngest Varvara spends most of her time abroad for health reasons. And the eldest son Seryozha has recently been winning a place in the sun in cinema: apparently, the laurels of his famous grandfather do not give him rest either.
Rare photo from the home archive of the star family

Biography of Bondarchuk Jr. Early years

Met with future wife, Svetlana Rudskaya, young Fedor during one of his army leaves. At nineteen, he came to his parents with the decision to get married, which greatly surprised them. At first, the common-law spouses lived with friends, Fyodor filmed his beloved in his graduation projects. And only with the birth of Seryozha’s son, the daughter-in-law’s relationship with her husband’s parents developed.

It is noteworthy that in the male line of this clan the choice of name is predetermined: boys through the generation are called Sergei and Fedor. Fedor’s daughter-in-law Tatiana Mamiashvili admits that if a boy appears in her and Sergei’s family, he will become the next Fedor in the family tree.

In 1999, Fedor and Svetlana became parents for the second time. Daughter Varvara was born premature, and in infancy she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. And while efforts were being devoted to Varya’s rehabilitation, it became clear that the physically developed Seryozha was seriously stalling in intellectual development. In his first year of school, it was discovered that the child had difficulty concentrating. Over time, the situation did not change: the boy did not like to read and had an antipathy towards exact sciences. Seryozha compensated for these annoying disadvantages with his innate charm and artistry, this was especially noticeable in family interviews and programs with the participation of Bondarchuk. Studying at an elite school cost Fyodor Sergeevich a pretty penny, but even in his youth this did not bother Seryozha: he got from grade to grade and skipped classes for weeks. Fedor, how loving father, tried to influence his son, but more often he was forced to justify him in the eyes of others: they say, in his youth he himself was disorganized and flighty, he could do anything. In the interview, Fedor carefully created the appearance of an exemplary family. A film enthusiast spoke about life in country house, about an ideal day that begins with gentle communication with children, walks in the forest with dogs, family breakfasts. He talked about his son with gusto: he was a keen guy. He loves boxing, rides a bike, and is interested in cars.

Another representative of the “golden youth” was famous for his love of love.

Sergei’s school friend confirms that in his friendships with girls he behaved more like an oriental man - for example, at one time he dated three girls at the same time.

One day, while still at school, an incident occurred: two of his passions, who did not know about each other’s existence, unexpectedly turned up at Sergei’s dacha. The meeting ended in a brawl between the girls, and the object of their adoration decided not to interfere in the “heated debate” of her friends.
His son gave Fyodor many reasons to worry, but the family tried not to make it public

Today, Sergei, who has matured with the advent of children, admits that he had problems with communication. He did not know how to express his feelings and anxieties even with his loved ones and therefore often became a “partisan.” Maybe this is where the guy’s passion for fighting without rules comes from: there he could take out all the accumulated negativity. Parents often had to pick up their offspring from nightclubs and closed parties in a state of “altered consciousness.”

Today Bondarchuk is frank: he knows firsthand about the problem of fathers and children. Dialogue and mutual understanding were lost with Sergei for several rebellious years.

But either the father, with his democratic approach, at some point missed his son, or the son, torn by contradictions and the desire to break out from under the hood, did everything exactly the opposite. In 2009, an eighteen-year-old guy ended up in the tabloids: in one of the elite nightclubs, a conflict occurred between the company “Bondarya” - as his friends call him - and tennis player Marat Safin, which escalated into a fight. Eyewitnesses claimed that the incident was rather a cynical beating of Safin, since Sergei Fedorovich, in the company of several other heavyweights, methodically struck the “ex-first racket”. They wrote that the cause of the conflict was that Safin accidentally touched Bondarchuk Jr. with his elbow. The case did not come to court: in once again Father came to the rescue. Fedor undertook diplomatic maneuvers to save his son, but the family’s reputation was tarnished.

Marat Safin's father recalls this incident with a shudder and is surprised at the cruelty of young Bondarchuk.

It was clear that Bondarchuk Jr.’s irrepressible energy needed an outlet, otherwise the consequences risked being even worse. But Fyodor did not refuse his son anything: since childhood, he and his sister were surrounded by love and care. It is possible that the roots of Seryozha’s teenage nihilism grow precisely from the situation with younger sister, and rebellious antics are just an attempt to prevent attacks and ridicule from the outside. Judging by Sergei’s Instagram, now the relationship with Varvara is completely idyll. Sergei does not hide his tender feelings for his sister from his followers. So, on the girl’s seventeenth birthday, he published a touching photo in which he hugs and kisses Varya.
“Happy Birthday, beloved sister. I love you,” Sergey left a comment under the photo

Incident at Kinotavr

In 2011, a strong twenty-year-old man came to the annual film screening in Sochi. Sergei walked along the red carpet of Kinotavr in the company of his parents and arm in arm with Mikhail Mamiashvili’s daughter, MGIMO student Tatiana. The couple was seen together for the first time, and only the lazy did not think: twenty-two-year-old Tatiana, the daughter of the president of the Russian Wrestling Federation, is an advantageous match even for such an authoritative clan as Bondarchuk.

In addition, the son’s irrepressible temper had to be extinguished by something or someone. Seryozha’s case with Safin’s desecrated dignity did not teach him anything; he still continued to play tricks in the company of friends - guys of terrifying appearance and southern temperament. So I predictably ended up in the chronicle of the events of Kinotavr.

“Kinotavr” is known not only as a place of bright premieres and cultural discoveries, but also as a center of adrenaline madness: during breaks between screenings, filmmakers relax on beaches, discos and buffets, where food and drinks are provided by the festival organizers.

At the after-party of one of competition days Another embarrassment happened to Seryozha. Having filled himself with whiskey, Bondarchuk zealously courted famous actress Agnia Ditkovskite in one of the cafes. Later, the young people went to the embankment, and Sergei beat the man again. The guy didn’t seem to offend him in any way, but just somehow looked at Bondarchuk’s companion in the wrong way—this became the reason for the conflict. A video has appeared online that shows the incident from the moment of the beating, but what preceded it is anyone’s guess. Newspapers then wrote: Bondarchuk Jr. terrorized people for a week, beat up an innocent guy...
22nd Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr" in Sochi

And again the father stood up for his son: he said that the conflict was completely initiated and paid for by the press, and the video reflected only the end of the incident. They say that his adult son has not yet learned to ignore provocations and he was not the instigator. Fedor even promised monetary reward for full version video report.

By the way, there were no people willing to receive financial rewards from Bondarchuk himself, and, accordingly, there was no uncut version of the video that my father was eager to see.

It seems that his parents poured their whole soul into their unlucky son: they sent him to study production at a famous film school in Los Angeles, and made him a co-founder of a business project back in 2008, but they received no return. Interesting fact: in an interview in 2015, Sergei recalls that studying the intricacies of producing was painful and boring for him, but the acting and directing course with cherished practical tasks then became the subject of envy and dreams. After studying producing for a year, Bondarchuk Jr. transferred to a parallel course. The choice in favor of creative film professions became a starting point for Sergei as an actor.

Wedding: save Private Bondarchuk!

After Kinotavr, not only photos of “fights without rules” appeared on the Internet, but also joint photos with the charming Georgian Tata. For almost a year, the famous Moscow thing and the representative of the illustrious clan met, especially without shining in public. And in April 2012, the press was excited by information about upcoming wedding Sergei and Tatiana. It is known that for the sake of Sergei, Tatiana broke off her previous relationship. Even the fact that the young man proposed to her and, as a sign of engagement, gave her a luxurious ring with a ruby ​​for several thousand euros did not stop the girl. Love for Sergei turned out to be higher and stronger. Another thing is interesting: when asked by journalists whether Tatiana’s parents immediately fell in love with their future son-in-law, the girl evasively answered that first they settled one nuance that was preventing her and Seryozha from sharing happiness. Having eliminated this pitfall, everything worked out by itself, including the relationship between the future son-in-law and father-in-law - Seryozha and Mikhail Gerazievich. On May 12, 2012, a solemn wedding ceremony of the couple took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office of the capital and the Barvikha Luxury Hall concert hall. The bride shone in a dress from Alexander Terekhov, those present were entertained by Ivan Dorn, and the number of influential representatives of the sports, business and cultural elite was simply off the charts! It was enough to look at the wedding car park - all elite cars!

By agreement of the parties, the celebration was sponsored by the groom's side, and the bride's father took care of purchasing a separate home for the young family. They say that the menu for each guest cost Fedor Sergeevich ten thousand dollars.

Photo gallery: celebrating the creation of a family

The grand celebration ended well after midnight

More than 700 guests attended the wedding!

The main part of the celebration and finest hour designer Alexander Terekhov

The bride wore a dress from Italian designers

Newlyweds cutting a cake

In December of the same year, the couple became parents and named their daughter Margarita. The grown-up Margot is a small copy of her dad, but at the same time the girl is very reasonable and smart. In 2014, the Bondarchuk-Mamiashvili family welcomed youngest daughter Verochka. And you can easily discern the features of a charming mother in her. Tata says that the baby, like Sergei, loves to hug more than anything else. Bondarchuk Jr. traded club life for evenings with his beloved women and seems to be happy about it. Grandparents and nannies allow spouses to find time for each other. Sergei proudly emphasizes that his Tata’s priority is family, and trips to fashionable parties happen only when necessary.

Acting career and roles

2011 was a landmark year for the future actor: he not only fought, but also made his film debut. The role in Todorovsky’s big TV project “The Thaw” was episodic, but it was a bad start! Moreover, there Sergei tried on the image of his grandfather, with whom everyone notes an amazing portrait resemblance.

One of the significant events in Sergei’s personal life - the wedding with Tatiana Mamiashvili - coincided with his finest hour acting career. May-July 2012 saw the main filming of Fyodor Bondarchuk's epic military drama "Stalingrad", in which Sergei played one of the key roles.

Bondarchuk the son recalls that he went through all stages of the casting on a general basis. First, he came from Los Angeles for photo tests, and later for partner tests with Pyotr Fedorov and Mikhail Porechenkov.

Sergei gradually got used to his new role, so the first days of filming were “rocked” by his partners. In the edited version, Sergei's character got a decent amount of screen time, and this is the most irrefutable fact: the director was satisfied with the work of his actor. The box office of the film on the first weekend set a record in the history of new Russian cinema, and the name of Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. was heard for the first time without reference to the merits of his father and grandfather. In an interview, Sergei repeatedly emphasized that film set does not allow familiarity in relation to his father and in absentia calls him nothing more than “my director.” While the format of personal relationships with famous parent means fraternal. Immediately after filming “Stalingrad,” Sergei decided that it was time to master the theoretical basis of acting. No sooner said than done: the young man took mastery lessons using the Meisner method under the guidance of Svetlana Efremova, a teacher at the Los Angeles Film School.

In 2014, Sergei played in the sports drama “Warrior” by Alexei Andrianov, an adaptation American project"Fighter". The production was handled by Fyodor Bondarchuk's film concern Glavkino, and therefore the approval for the role of one of the boxing brothers Sergei was quite predictable. Sergei’s type and his sports background fit organically into the role, and his own father provided partner support in this film. Fyodor Bondarchuk admitted that after watching the American version, he immediately projected the story onto him and his son. In Andrianov’s film “Warrior,” Sergei played a stern guy forced to fight for victory in the ring with his own brother. Sergei is not betting on acting yet, but says that this profession will be present in his life, one way or another. For now, that’s what’s happening. The next time, Sergei was entrusted with the role of a person who not only really exists, but also has a title: in the film “Champions: Faster. Higher. "Stronger" he played Olympic champion Alexandra Karelina. The success story from director Artyom Aksenenko is a panegyric to Russian athletes. The film was released in April 2016. For this role, the already large Sergei gained fifteen kilograms! They also say that Karelin not only approved the directors’ choice in favor of Bondarchuk, but was also pleased with the final result. It is not yet known whether there was a place for his son in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s new project “Attraction”. One thing is clear: the famous guy will have new projects.

Photo: Sergei Bondarchuk in cinema and personal life

Rare joint photo Sergei and sister Varya

The Bondarchuk-Mamiashvili couple flew together again to the 27th Open Russian Festival “Kinotavr”. This time - to breathe in fresh cinematic air, communicate with colleagues and support Fedor’s new director’s brainchild - the film “Attraction”. Revelry and scandals for young Sergei are a thing of the past, the abyss of misunderstanding in relations with parents has been overcome, and in many ways this is the merit of the wife. Bondarchuk Jr. emphasizes that in his wife he sees not only his beloved, but also a sensitive friend and ally, ready to lend a shoulder if necessary. In harmonious relationships people change in better side. Well, love can work miracles!