Folk calendar for preschoolers autumn. "Seasons

Autumn- golden and fabulous time of the year. All the trees are covered with paints different colors and shades: from yellow to brown. At this time, the rainy season usually begins, and the air begins to feel cool. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer. In autumn they fly to warm regions birds. This is the time of harvest and preparation for winter. No wonder they say: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.” People have written down many folk signs of autumn, which help to find out what winter and spring will be like, what kind of weather to expect, and whether the next year will be fruitful.

Signs about the weather in autumn

  • Wet summer and warm autumn- for a long winter.
  • Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather.
  • There is a lot of snow in early autumn - wait for early spring.
  • Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
  • Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain.
  • If many stars fall in the fall, there will be a crop failure next year.

Autumn signs about nature

  • A lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a clear autumn and a cold winter.
  • Cobwebs spread across plants - expect a harsh winter.
  • Mosquitoes appeared late autumn- for a mild winter.
  • Poultry hides its head under its wing - to the cold.
  • In autumn, birds fly low for a cold winter, high for a warm winter.
  • The geese have flown - snow will fall soon.
  • There is a harvest for nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • When there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, autumn will be rainy, and if there are few, it will be dry.
  • Rowan, viburnum, and black elderberry ripened early - expect a harsh and snowy winter.
  • The hazel gave birth abundantly - the winter will be rich in snow and frost.
  • If birch trees turn yellow from the top in the fall, the next spring will be early, and if from below, it will be late.
  • A lot of cones on pines and spruces - for a cold winter.
  • Abundant cones on the spruce at the bottom - there will be early frosts, at the top - the winter will be short.
  • The viburnum is ripe, and the leaves on it are green - the autumn will be warm.

Alexandra Murzina

Script writer and ILLUSTRATOR Murzina Alexandra Nikolaevna, librarian of the children's subscription "MU Kedrovskaya Central Library"

This material can be diversified with folklore, music, fine arts, divide it into seasons, supplement it and create a cycle of events.

Goals and objectives:

Formation of children's need for careful attitude to the surrounding world;

Introducing children to the oral calendar of nature, based on signs accumulated as a result of many years of observations of the world around them;

Fostering love for nature and the native language.

Since ancient times, people have kept their own calendar, according to which the peasant looked at the weather in the yard, followed natural phenomena and spoke with proverbs about what the coming season would be like. After all, it depended on what the harvest would be like in the year, and therefore when and how to prepare for work in the garden and field.

This nature diary was called a folk calendar, which passed on folk knowledge about nature from generation to generation. Many of them do not lose their wisdom even now, they tell us about the weather and the upcoming changes of seasons.

Every year they come to visit us:

One is gray-haired, the other is young,

The third is jumping, and the fourth is crying. ( Seasons).


So winter has come, and with it, using signs, proverbs and sayings, smart people read the weather outside the window and made guesses about the coming spring.

December - the year ends, winter begins. January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle. February brings the end of winter.

Folk proverbs and sayings of winter

1. The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand.

2. Thank you, frost, for bringing snow.

3. Take care of your nose in the deep frost!

4. Sun - for summer, winter - for frost!

Folk signs winter

Smoke in a column means frost.

If there was frost at night, snow will not fall during the day.

The cat goes into the stove, the cold goes out into the yard.

Crows and jackdaws sit on the tops of trees - to frost.

Early snow means early spring.

Heavy snowfalls at the beginning of winter - to heavy rains at the beginning of summer.

A snowy winter means a long spring, a rainy summer.

Warm winter leads to cold summer.

Dry and cold winter- for a dry and hot summer.

If February is cold, it means a favorable summer.

Winter questions - quizzes.

1. Which month ends the year and begins winter? (December)

2. What month is called: jelly, frowning, freezing, rekostav? (December, because it chills the ground, the sky frowns, the time of early twilight comes, rivers and reservoirs freeze).

3. What month do they talk about: midnight of the year and why? (About December. The longest nights. The darkest month)

4. What month is the middle of winter and the beginning of the year? (January)

5. The most short month year? (February)

Game "Journey"

We leave the house and walk through the frost (stomp our feet);

We turn onto a slippery country road (sliding movements with our feet);

There are deep snowdrifts ahead (rubbing palm against palm);

We crossed the river and again walked through the frost;

Now down the slippery slope;

Through the snowdrifts

And there is a snowball above our heads (we catch snowflakes with our hands).


So spring has come, and with it, using signs, proverbs and sayings, smart people read the weather outside the window and made guesses about the coming summer.

March is the morning of the year. April - with water. May - with flowers.

Folk proverbs and sayings of spring

1. Spring, light up the snow, sparkle the ravines!

2. Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring.

3. I saw a rook, welcome spring.

4. The swallows have arrived - soon the thunder will thunder.

5. Frogs don’t croak until the first thunderstorm.

Folk signs.

Spring is just timidly coming into its own, and people want to know what it will be like, what it will tell them about the summer that follows. And here again the folk weather calendar, in folk superstitions, is at your service.

If there is no more water in the river in the spring, it will be a hot summer.

If in the spring long icicles form on the roofs when the snow melts, it means a long spring.

If it’s warm in mid-March, it means a warm summer.

Cold spring leads to hail-damaging summer.

If it melts quickly and the water runs together, it means a rainy summer.

Larks, come, bring red summer.

Spring questions - quizzes.

2. In honor of which goddess did May receive her name? (May - in honor of the ancient Italian goddess of spring Maya).

3. Old Slavonic names what month should I name? - Berezozol, “dropper”, “protalnik”, “road destroyer”, “rooker”, “sun-grazer”, “whistle” and “wind-carrier”, “greenhouse” and “gardener” called it. (March).

4. Which month was called “the morning of spring and the morning of the year” (March).

5. Which month was called Grass, Grassy, ​​Pollen, Maynik or Rose Flower. (May)

Game "Journey"

The presenter says the words and shows the movements, the children repeat after him.

We leave the house and walk along the sidewalk (stomp our feet);

We turn onto a country road, the fallen leaves rustle under our feet (sliding movements of our feet);

There is a river ahead, we are walking along the sand, the sand rustles under our feet (rubbing palm against palm);

And now we cross the river along a wooden bridge (claps our hands on our knees);

We crossed the river and again walked along the sand;

And now for the leaves;

The trees around are large, swaying (arms above your head like branches);

And there is a groove ahead, we jump (clap on the knees);

Now, little bush, let’s jump...


So summer has come, and with it, using signs, proverbs and sayings, smart people read the weather outside the window and made guesses about the coming autumn.

June is colorful. July is the peak of summer. August is the crown of summer.

Popular proverbs and sayings of summer

1. What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.

2. Prepare a sleigh in the summer, a cart in the winter.

3. Summer day per winter week

4. Place one berry at a time and you’ll get a box.

Summer folk signs.

If July is hot, it means cold weather in December.

A dry and hot summer foreshadows a frosty winter with little snow.

Rainy summer means a long winter.

If there were frequent thunderstorms and rain in the summer, it meant snowstorms in the winter.

The frogs croaked - to bad weather.

Swallows fly low - before the rain.

Heavy dew means a clear day.

Rain through the sun means bad weather.

Rainbow in the evening - good weather.

Rainbow in the morning - for rain.

Summer questions.

1. How are the words “July” and “king” related? (Both owe their origin to the name of the great Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar: Julius - July, Caesar - King).

2. And we owe the name of the month to another Roman emperor, this time August. Which one exactly? (Octavian Augustus, who after the death of Gaius Julius took his place).

3. What flower starts summer? (A bluebell. And in the garden there is a purple lilac. When its flowers begin to fall off, spring is over).

4. Which mushroom ends summer? (White milk mushrooms).

5. Who bathes in an anthill? (Grouse. They, like domestic chickens, “bathe” in the ground to get rid of insects. In the forest, the most convenient place for such “bathing” is an old abandoned anthill).

6. Does lilac bloom in spring or summer? (In spring: Summer begins when the lilacs fade).


So autumn has come, and with it, using signs, proverbs and sayings, smart people read the weather outside the window and made guesses about the coming winter.

September is the evening of the year. October is a winter season. November is the beginning of winter, the gates of winter.

Folk proverbs and sayings of autumn

1. Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.

2. In the spring the rain grows, but in the fall it rots.

4. The first snowball is not easy.

Folk signs.

Thunder in September – warm autumn.

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.

If autumn is stormy, there will be a rainy spring.

If September is cold, the snow will melt in March.

Thunder in September - for a long autumn.

If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a birch tree in October, expect a harsh winter.

Autumn quiz questions.

1. Which side of the tree should you look for mushrooms on? (From the north. Mushrooms do not have green leaves, and they do not need the sun. Mushrooms need moisture).

2. What popular names does the month of September have? (sickle, stubble, gustar, morning watcher, hospitable).

3. What popular names does the month of October have? (deciduous, leaf-falling, leafy, mud).

4. What popular names does the month of November have? (chest, snowmobile, off-road, semi-winter).

5. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? (Rowan, aspen, maple).

Host: So! Our conversation has come to an end.

Seasons in folk proverbs, sayings, riddles will teach you to master the Russian word more fully and skillfully - Russian colloquial speech, and familiarity with folk signs will develop observation and love for your native nature.

List of used literature:

1. Big book about nature: Poems, stories, riddles, signs, proverbs \ Artist. V. Dugin. – M.: Bustard-Plus, 2006. – 208 p. :

2. Monthsword. A story about the 12 months of the year. Folk signs. // Children's encyclopedia. - No. 10 – 2003.

3. "People's Monthly Book". Proverbs, sayings, signs. Compiled by Georgy Dmitrievich Ryzhenkov.

4. “Smart Ivashka, the firebird and the golden grain. Russians folk riddles. Comp. G. M. Naumenko.

5. Folk signs and calendar. L. S. Khrenov.

6. Proverbs, sayings, puzzles. V. Volina.

7. 1000 riddles, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters for primary school. Auto. -composition V. N. Ivankova.

February 12, 2015

Golden autumn - sad time... This is what many poets call the wonderful time of year. How many poems, sayings, proverbs and riddles have been invented on autumn themes. At the beginning of September it is colorful, lush and warm. There is no such sultry heat anymore. Agree that after summer you want a little coolness. In November, the sun appears less and less often, the sky darkens, frequent rains and a lot of clothes begin. However, each season has its own unique charm. Kids also learn all the delights of nature. In this article you will find new proverbs, sayings, and signs about autumn.

Autumn time - kids are having fun

The nights have become cooler, the days are no longer so hot, and the morning smells like autumn. Adults and children are tired of the heat and dream that it will become at least a little cooler. However, no one wants a period of rain or frost. After all, this makes everyday life gray and dull and lasts until spring. I just want to plunge into hibernation, like a bear in a den, and sleep through all the dull days. And if you don’t think like that, but remember that in the fall there is a great opportunity to enjoy the last warmth. Only at this time can you see multi-colored, bizarrely shaped leaves. Children in kindergartens and schools make wonderful applications with them. First, they go with their teachers to the park, where there are a lot of bright and beautiful leaves, collect bouquets from them, make herbariums, and then crafts. How kids love to jump into mountains of leaves or simply rustle them as they walk.

Some people believe that autumn is when the body relaxes after a stormy and emotional summer. As they say, to each his own.

Autumn signs

In ancient times, many different signs about autumn appeared. From here we can say whether winter will be early or late, what kind of autumn it will be, etc. There are also folk signs of autumn for preschoolers 4 and 5 years old. They are written in accessible and understandable language.

Here are some of them:

  • If the leaves fall early, the winter days will begin early.
  • Thunder in September - a warm and long autumn for children.
  • What is the first day of December - this is how the earth will be in winter.
  • The indoor parrot is silent - the blizzard is knocking on our window.
  • The cat is curled up in a ball - the potatoes will be dear.
  • There are a lot of cones on the pine tree - the winter is three times cold.
  • Rainy days in September - the whole of January is silver.
  • In autumn there are few mushrooms, but a lot of nuts - in winter it will be no laughing matter.
  • The squirrel has a lot of reserves in the hollow - for a fierce winter.
  • Birds fly low - they want rain to come to us.
  • The cat hid her face - the cold weather arrived.

Autumn sayings

Teachers and parents tell children many sayings. This gives an idea of ​​the tricks of nature, the weather, animals, etc. Better than folk sayings, you can’t tell your baby about the seasons. Thanks to them, he understands nature and simple phrases more. Sayings about autumn for children say that there is no such thing as bad weather.

Each time of year pleases adults and children in its own way. Read sayings about autumn to the children and ask how they understand them.

  • Autumn is the time of eating (the proverb speaks of the harvest).
  • Autumn is rich - winter is satisfying (if a lot of harvest is harvested, it means winter time food will be available).
  • In autumn, any bird is rich (there is something to eat in the fields).
  • A few hours of rain mean the ground dries out for many days.
  • September - farewell to summer, welcome to cold weather.
  • The day did not work - the harvest failed.
  • November is the winter threshold (ready for winter).
  • November - frost is upon us.

It is better to tell sayings about autumn for children in a group. This way they learn the material faster.

Autumn proverbs

Proverbs tell children about natural phenomena and the habits of animals. Signs of autumn for preschoolers are found in almost every proverb.

Therefore, it is useful to tell them to kids. It is in short proverbs there is all the information:

  • In the fall, everyone knows that it doesn’t rain.
  • In September there are a lot of apples, in October there is cabbage as a gift.
  • Colorful autumn has arrived and brought joy to the children.
  • The autumn palette is used to the herbarium.
  • When they cut the hay, they didn’t ask for rain.
  • Plant a tree - don’t expect a harvest now.
  • In September it is cold, but satisfying.
  • What you collect from the harvest is what you live on in the winter.
  • The bread that is in the field cannot be put into your mouth.
  • There is no such thing as bad land; there are owners who don’t understand anything about the harvest.
  • In November, winter and autumn argue.
  • If you dig in the fall, you won’t go hungry in the winter.
  • Those who didn’t work in the fall have nothing in the winter.
  • Autumn has arrived and brought rain with it.

Tell proverbs and sayings about autumn for children accessible language. They must understand what exactly they say. If children ask questions, then explain what the phrases or words in proverbs or sayings mean.

Poems about autumn

Many poets write short quatrains for children about this time. Why specifically about autumn? Probably because nature is very beautiful, it plays with a multi-colored palette. If everything is green in the spring, then in the fall you can see bright red, yellow, orange and other colors.

Leaves are falling, covering the roads,

It's nice to walk on them

All our worries fade away

We really want to have fun.

Leaves are flying and circling above us,

What a beauty this is

Can't put it into words

The autumn dream has arrived.

Birds fly to warmer climes,

I look at them, frozen,

How they wag their tails

Take me with you.

The birdhouses are empty,

I see birds flying past,

We didn’t even finish the songs,

With a feeling that snowstorms will begin soon.

Autumn has come

The rains have started

We'll ask her

Don't go yet.

Riddles about autumn

After proverbs, sayings, stories or poems for children, it is best to consolidate the material with riddles.

From these, you can also determine some signs of autumn for preschoolers. Here are some of them:

  1. We are walking in the yard

It's fun for our kids,

When does this happen? ... (in November).

2. She brought a lot of harvest to people,

This... (autumn) has come to us.

3. There are no brushes or paints,

And it’s decorated like in a fairy tale (autumn).

4. When do we harvest potatoes? (autumn).

5. The rain is pouring down like buckets,

the whole earth was wet.

When does this happen? (autumn).

6. It flies, but not a bird, howls, but not a wolf (the wind).

7. They were afraid of the cold weather and flew away to where it was warm.

They stopped singing and having fun,

These are migratory... (birds).

What a child needs to know about autumn

Before asking the kids questions about the time of year, first tell them a little. Show the children the pictures. Signs of autumn for children or riddles will be more understandable if they see with their own eyes what is meant. Tell them how cold days are, how windy, how often it rains, how leaves come in different colors and shades. Children should understand that in the fall you can make wonderful crafts not only from leaves, but also from chestnuts, acorns, etc.

Show the kids on clear example What is leaf fall? Let them run over the leaves, touch them with their hands, and collect them for crafts. From the pictures you can see how a flock of birds flies south. You can go on an excursion to the fields with children aged 5-6 years. Let them watch how people harvest, while listening to the teacher talk about what it is for and what will be done with it next. Make up some autumn-themed sentences with your children. Have a fall festival for them to learn poetry. At the same time, memory, attention, and thinking will develop. Ask them to come up with signs of fall for preschoolers. From their observations, they can teach adults a lot.

Folk autumn calendar Russian traditions, games and fun with children. Part 2. October.

Folk calendar: October. Children's games, fun, Russian traditions.

How to weave rugs from strips of paper together with your children and how you can make them based on them original postcard on any topic, you will learn from this video.

October 19. Foma - winter

Everyone has heard the saying “They talk about Yerema, and he talks about Thomas”. Yes, this is the same Thomas mentioned in this saying! The song about Thomas and Yerema is still known, it found its way into folklore collections and was depicted in popular prints.

On this day, you can watch the cartoon “About Thomas and Yerema” with your child and read a fable about them in verse.

Fable about Thomas and Yerema

Foma and Erema met one day.

They began to hug and boast to each other:

Where were you last summer?

He carried firewood from the village to the forest.

And I sowed flour with a bucket, kneaded the dough,

And he carried water home from the river with a sieve.

Erema says angrily:

How I harnessed the horse to the trough,

And then I went to mow,

To feed a cow in winter.

And I wash clothes in the cart,

I sing songs, and I don’t know trouble.

Foma smiled slyly:

What you are making up is right!

One day in the winter I left the house:

The grass is turning green, the melons are ripe on the roof.

A day later I look: snowstorms have arrived,

Snow, frost, and the rooks flew away somewhere...

Oh, what a wonderful summer it has been!

The tree branches are covered with white frost,

You can easily walk barefoot like this,

Swim in the river and fish.

And Erema looks at Thomas and sighs:

Oh, Burenka, my little cow, everything is sick,

She used to give me sweet tea,

The old woman used to milk a hundred liters.

I still don’t understand what happened to the cow,

Gives milk instead of sweet tea.

And things are not going well in my household, -

Foma answers annoyingly,

Pigs used to rush in the morning,

I collected ten eggs myself.

The chickens grunted, nibbled grass,

For half a day everyone lay lazily in the swamp,

And now, they cackled boldly.

I just don’t understand: what’s the matter?

Yerema and Thomas sighed

Over such an absurd mess,

They said goodbye, went home,

And only a fable remained from them.

You guys should read it quickly,

And find the mistakes of Thomas and Erema,

Figure out what's true and what's not

I believe your answer will be correct.

Come up with your own fables of Thomas and Erema.

October 21 – Tryphon and Pelageya

From Tryphon to Pelagia it gets colder.

They used to say this: “Trifon is mending his fur coat, Pelageya is sewing mittens.” And we will also start preparing winter clothes, because it will soon become very cold.

  • Cut out the silhouette of mittens and a fur coat from paper and decorate with an ornamental line(you can make an ornament all over the mitten, or you can do it only on part of it). The ornament can be made along the hem of the fur coat and the cuffs. The ornament can be drawn (for older children) or made using the appliqué technique. By making an ornamental stripe, the baby will learn to arrange the elements in sequence in a strict order of their alternation.
  • You can pair up children and give a task to a couple of children decorate a pair of mittens for the Snow Maiden- She is already preparing to come to us in winter. Each child makes one mitten from a pair. This task is complex and accessible to children from 6 years old. Teach children to pre-negotiate with each other before work, discuss how they will decorate the mittens, what shape, color, and size of the parts they will take. After all, the mittens should turn out exactly the same.
  • You can wish each other different ornaments to continue and guessing the principle of its construction. You lay out an ornament of figures, and the child needs to guess the pattern in its composition and continue the series. First, alternate the figures according to one characteristic. For example, by color: red square - yellow square - red square - yellow square (or similar in shape or size). Then start combining two parameters in one ornament, for example, size and color.

October 25. Prov

On this day people they watch the stars and use them to tell fortunes about the weather and the harvest. I highly recommend reading Levitan’s books “To Kids about Stars and Planets” and any of their modern reissues by this author. You yourself will learn a lot, and you can tell and show a lot of interesting things to your children in an entertaining way.

Tell the children about solar system, and my favorite educational TV show for preschoolers on the TV channel “My Joy” - “Shishkina School” - will help you with this.

Solar system.

Planets are giants

Pluto and comets.

See you on the next pages of our autumn calendar of children's games, fun and folk traditions.

Continuation of the calendar folk games and fun and traditions in the next article from the series “Folk Calendar” - - folk traditions and customs, ideas for crafts, videos, tasks for children.