Russian folk holidays in September. Folk holidays and traditions of September

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day On September 30, girls' gatherings were held. In the church on September 30, the memory of four martyrs is honored: Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophie... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day It was on September 29 that they began to shear sheep, whose wool was used to make felt boots. Also on September 29, procurement continued... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day of September 28 were called differently by people: Hussar Day, Nikita Guseprolet Day, Gusyatnik Day, Reporez. Right now they are starting to cut... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day “The Exaltation, autumn moves towards winter, the warmth moves, and the cold advances”, “The Exaltation - bread moves from the field to the threshing floor”, “to the Exaltation... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day They say that after Cornelius the root does not grow, but only dies. That is why, on September 26, we tried to finish all the work in the field, collect... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day They said that even snakes went into the forest on Artamon - this meant that cold weather had set in. Indeed, they noted that life around seems... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day September 24 is the day of the autumn equinox. At this time, the peasants went to the fields to see how well they were sprouting... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day In Rus', Peter and Paul were called twice, the big one in the summer, and the little one on the days of the autumn equinox. By this time, on the ground on an ice sled... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day September 21 commemorate the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and on September 22 the memory of the parents of the Virgin Mary is honored. Anna and Joachim are popularly considered... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day Since Indian Summer begins at this time, September 21 was often called the “Second Meeting of Spring.” It is customary on September 21 to remove... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day It is not for nothing that people call September the evening of the year. His days, like twilight, melt away before our eyes, giving way to one another. And September 20th will come... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day The day of September 19 becomes shorter by five hours - this is what people said, since it began to get dark quite early. On this day... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day According to popular beliefs, September 18 was considered unlucky. But they said that all fortune telling and predictions turn out to be true, but... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day September 17 in Rus' was known as Onion Day, Burning Bush, Mother of God. People believed that on this day it was necessary to pray... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day They said that if Vasilisa came, it was advisable to hurry with the flax - it was collected and prepared for subsequent work. Besides... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day They said that on this day you cannot drive out cattle in the morning, otherwise you can invite trouble. Mammoth himself was previously considered the patron saint of sheep in Rus'... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day Since, according to the old style, the day of Semyon of the Flight Leader fell on September 1, and in pre-Petrine Rus' it was celebrated as a New Year's holiday,... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day People called September 13 the Crane Assembly, because they believed that right now cranes gather near swamps, in meadows and decide what... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day According to the sign of September 12, the peasants tried to set a rich table and arrange a feast. In the church on September 12, the memory of Alexander Nevsky is honored... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day People call the day of remembrance of John the Baptist on September 11th Ivan Lent, supporting Orthodox customs and noting: “They don’t die from fasting, from... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day Usually on September 10, peasants began to put sheaves in bins and stacks, since the time of prolonged rains was approaching, and it was necessary to kill... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day of September 9 revered rowan, which was just ripening, and it was possible to harvest along with viburnum. It must be said that our ancestors valued... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day on September 8, pancakes and oatmeal jelly were considered traditional foods. There were also a lot of mushrooms in the forest, and the peasants, free from field work... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day They said that on St. Bartholomew - September 7 - it’s time to sow the grain from the ashes. People also called this day Deciduous Day, they rejoiced at the great... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Folk names and traditions of the day In the church on September 6, the memory of the martyr Eutyches, who is known as one of the disciples of the holy apostles Paul and John the Theologian, is honored. ...

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we strongly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious they are. But, in addition to their delicate sweet taste, they are also very beneficial for health. And here’s an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are a completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in middle lane or in the house - in a container.

Quite often, difficulties in growing tomato seedlings arise even among experienced summer residents. For some, all the seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for growing seedlings in an apartment. Seedlings of any plants need to be provided with plenty of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Delicious vinaigrette with apple and sauerkraut - a vegetarian salad made from boiled and chilled, raw, pickled, salted, pickled vegetables and fruits. The name comes from the French sauce made from vinegar, olive oil and mustard (vinaigrette). Vinaigrette appeared in Russian cuisine not so long ago, around the beginning of the 19th century; perhaps the recipe was borrowed from Austrian or German cuisine, since the ingredients for Austrian herring salad are very similar.

When we dreamily sort through bright packets of seeds in our hands, we are sometimes subconsciously convinced that we have a prototype of a future plant. We mentally allocate a place for it in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will eventually get the desired flower. I would like to draw attention to the reasons why seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

Spring is coming, and gardeners have more work to do, and with the onset of warmer weather, changes in the garden occur rapidly. The buds are already beginning to swell on plants that were still dormant yesterday, and everything is literally coming to life before our eyes. After a long winter, this is good news. But along with the garden, its problems come to life - insect pests and pathogens. Weevils, flower beetles, aphids, clasterosporiosis, maniliosis, scab, powdery mildew - the list could go on for a very long time.

Breakfast toast with avocado and egg salad is a great way to start the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce that is seasoned with fresh vegetables and shrimp. My egg salad is quite unusual, it is a dietary version of everyone’s favorite snack - with Feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure of cooking something tasty and healthy. The day needs to start with positive emotions!

Perhaps every woman has at least once received a blooming orchid as a gift. It’s not surprising, because such a living bouquet looks amazing and blooms for a long time. Orchids cannot be called very difficult to grow indoor crops, but failure to comply with the main conditions for their maintenance often leads to the loss of the flower. If you are just starting to get acquainted with indoor orchids, you should find out the correct answers to the main questions about growing these beautiful plants at home.

Lush cheesecakes with poppy seeds and raisins prepared according to this recipe are eaten in no time in my family. Moderately sweet, plump, tender, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, exactly the same as my mother or grandmother fried in childhood. If the raisins are very sweet, then granulated sugar You don’t have to add it at all; without sugar, the cheesecakes will fry better and never burn. Cook them in a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil, over low heat and without a lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their larger counterparts not only in the small size of their berries. Many cherry varieties are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato one. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual exotic fruit. In this article I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits with unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but you’re amazed at how different the petunias of the past are from the many-sided hybrids of today! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods; in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

All summer residents are concerned about the question of how to grow healthy seedlings in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The Sanka tomato variety is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even bloomed yet. Of course, if you follow the growing recommendations and make an effort, even a novice grower will receive a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that your efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant high-quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM “Agrosuccess”.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender cutlets from chicken breast It’s easy to prepare with champignons according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to make juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, but this is not so! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is a bit dry. But, if you add cream, white bread and mushrooms and onions to chicken fillet, you will get amazingly tasty cutlets that both children and adults will love. IN mushroom season try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

September- means seventh. Among the ancient Romans, it was the seventh until the calendar reform of Julius Caesar, which occurred in 46 BC, after which it became the ninth, but did not change its name. And in Rus' this month was called “howler” (deer and elk roar during the rut), “veresen” (heather blooms), “gloomy”, “deciduous”, “golden summer”, “summer guide”. Time for boletus and milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps and white mushrooms. In September the forest is thinner and the birds' voices are quieter.

September- the blush of autumn.

The warmer September is, the later winter is.

In September there is one berry, and that one is a bitter rowan.

In September there is fire both in the field and in the hut.

Father September does not like to pamper.

In September, the fur coat trails behind the caftan.

September is cold, but full.

In September it is nicer during the day, but bad in the morning.

Signs of September:

Wet summer and warm autumn mean a long winter.

If the row of ripe oats suddenly turns green, autumn will be stormy.

A lot of acorns on an oak tree - for a fierce winter.

Friendly leaf fall - for a harsh winter.

If the cones on the spruce grow low, there will be early frosts, but if they are at the top, real cold will come at the end of winter.

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy.

A bountiful harvest of rowan promises a rainy and windy year ahead.

Rainy autumn, clear fall of oak and birch leaves, leaves from the trees turn upside down - for next year's harvest.

The appearance of mosquitoes in the fall means a mild winter.

If the hedgehog has made a hole at the edge of the forest, the winter will be warm; if in the depths of the thicket, expect severe frosts.

It will be a harsh spring if the birds fly away together.

September 1

Andrey Stratilat and Thekla. Noticeable warming.

The warm wind is dressed in a cobweb, bowing after the departed summer.

Stratilat's day has come - the oats have arrived.

Dig beets for Thekla.

A warm, southerly wind means a good oat harvest.

September 2

Day of the Prophet Samuel, beetroot.

Samuel the prophet himself prays to God for a man.

It's time to pull out the beets and carrots.

The beet-keeper is a slave for the girls.

September 3

Thaddeus Day. If this day is clear, you should expect the same weather for another four weeks.

Who is Thaddeus, own your happiness!

September 4

Day of Agathon the Ogumennik. The peasants were afraid of the devil and guarded the threshing floor at night so that he would not scatter the sheaves.

September 5

Lupa Lingonberry Day. First frost.

On St. Lupus the oats are frosty.

Signs of this day:

If the lingonberries are ripe, you need to hurry up with the oat harvest.

If the cranes fly low and silently, it means bad weather.

September 6

Day of Eutyches.

It’s good if Eutyches is quiet, otherwise you won’t be able to keep the flaxseed on the root: everything will hatch completely.

September 7

Day of Titus and Bartholomew.

Titus, let's go threshing!

Listopadiik-Tit grows the last mushroom.

Titus is dragging the last mushroom in the basket - the most vigorous one, without a wormhole.

September 8

Natalia Fescue Day. It's time to mow oats, cook oatmeal jelly, bake pancakes.

If oats don't grow, you'll swallow tears.

Cold matinee for Natalia - for an early and cold winter.

If you don’t mow oats with Natalya, you’ll be exhausted to the point of tears.

September 9

Anfisa's Day, fieldfare.

Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries.

Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are a lot of berries left on the rowan tree.

September 10

Anna the Prophetess and Savva of Pskov, skirmishers. On this day, they hurried to put the uncultivated sheaves into stacks and glorified the harvest.

For a good owner, a haystack is as good as a haystack, but for a lazy owner, a haystack is as good as a haystack.

The cheerful inviting fairs began. On this day, Moses Murin was also revered, to whom they prayed for deliverance from drunkenness and craving for smoking.

South wind - to good health, north, east and west - to illness.

Strictly fast day:

Whoever fasts before the Beheading of John the Baptist will be saved from poverty, poverty and poor health.

September 11

Day of Ivan Lenten (Day of the beheading of John the Baptist), Ivan Proletny. Everything round is prohibited - anything that might resemble a severed head (apples, potatoes, cabbage, etc.), knives are not taken into hand. Strict post.

They don’t eat round Ivan, they don’t cook cabbage soup.

A suitable day for harvesting medicinal roots. Autumn is getting closer:

Lenten Ivan came and took away the red summer.

No man leaves Lenten Ivan without a caftan.

Ivan the Lenten is the autumn pockmarked godfather.

Ivan the Baptist chases a bird across the sea far away.

If the cranes go to Kyiv, it means early winter.

Summer is red with work, and Ivan Proletok is red with goods.

On Lenten Day, collect tall roots.

September 12

Warm and starry - for a good future harvest.

September 13

Kupriyan Day.

It's time to harvest carrots and dig potatoes.

Potatoes are a sucker for bread.

Every root has its time.

September 14

Day of Simeon the Stylite, in the folk calendar - Semyon the Summer Conductor. In pre-Petrine Rus' (from the mid-14th century to 1700) it fell on September 1 and was considered the beginning of the New Year. This day was the deadline for paying state taxes and for appearing in court. Deadline for sowing rye and harvesting spring crops:

Seed-day - away with the seeds.

On Semyon Day, plow before lunch, and after lunch, wave at the plowman.

Housewives are preparing for winter: pickling cucumbers, collecting onions, preparing winter clothes for the whole family. The beginning of the “old Indian summer”:

Semyon spends the summer, will bring Indian summer.

Since Indian summer - women's holiday and women's worries.

If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then Indian summer will be warm. Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.

It's warm on Semyon - warm all autumn.

It was believed that on this day it was time for three-year-old children to emerge from infancy, and for adults to start hunting:

For Semyon, tonsure the child, put him on a horse and go out into the field to catch.

After completing field work, the recruit boys walked in festive clothes until November: from Semenov Day to Guria (November 28) - wedding weeks. This day is also good for housewarming.

Snakes are very dangerous on this day; their bites are fatal. If an eel is swept out of the water into the grass, it means that it shakes into the grass in a dashing way. You cannot approach it, and picking it up means incurring great grief. You cannot walk on the grass near rivers.

September 15

Mammoth Shepherd Day. To avoid misfortunes, it was customary to drive cattle out of the yard only after noon that day. Snakes are very dangerous - you should not walk barefoot, especially near water. The future can be determined by the water, by the way it flows.

September 16

Vasilisa's Day. Housewives prepared flax and hemp for spinning.

Baba Vasilisa, in a hurry with flax, get ready for chatter and confusion.

Old, worn bast shoes, hung from the roof that day, protected the house “from the evil eye.”

September 17

Lukov day. It's time to dig up the onions. On this day they prayed for the protection of houses and livestock from fires.

September 18

Day of Elizabeth the Fortuneteller.

It is considered successful for predictions, since it was on this day that Saint Elizabeth predicted the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary.

It is very dangerous to disturb the water in rivers and lakes: on this day the water spirit Ichetik falls asleep. Whoever bothers him may drown next year.

September 19

Michaelmas. Cold snap - “Mi-khailovskie frosts”.

Mikhail grabbed the ground with frost.

On this day, the peasants did not work in the fields - it was a sin. At the same time, it was he who was considered the most suitable for solving all family problems.

Daylight hours are reduced:

The day has already shortened by five hours for Mikhail.

The third flight of swallows.

September 20

Day of the Martyr Sozont. Onion day, the day of taking herbal medicinal kvass, infusions, decoctions. The deadline for digging onions from the beds, the beginning of the onion trade.

Girls weave onions into their braids.

Onions are good both in battle and in cabbage soup.

Whoever eats onions, God will deliver him from eternal torment.

To prevent the entire onion crop from drying out, it was strictly forbidden to try onions until they were completely removed from the beds. Bundles of bulbs were hung throughout the house and around the necks of animals to protect them from pestilence. It was believed that it not only saves from all kinds of misfortune, but also purifies the air.

September 21

Aspas Day, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To spend the day in wisdom and prayer is to find happiness.

Autumn, pockmarks, the second meeting of autumn.

Autumn has passed - say goodbye to warmth.

The end of every summer, a big holiday. The women met him at the water. Children walked around the yards and gave their owners small “autumn” sheaves. In their songs, they wished the owners well-being and called for a generous autumn.

Don't scold autumn

Don’t scold autumn -

Glorious autumn


Donuts, flatbreads,

Pork feet

They sat in the oven,

They looked at us

They flew into the wallet -



On this day, it was customary to go to visit the newlyweds to look at their life and teach them wisdom. Relatives spent a whole week visiting each other's families. General feasts were arranged, after which the grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for a long time. Difficult family relationships were sometimes sweetened with honey - on this day, beekeepers removed bees from apiaries and heartily treated all their loved ones with honey.

From that time on, the gatherings began.

September 22

Nikola autumn. Travel at night is stopped:

Nikola will fatten the spring horse, and drive the autumn horse into the yard.

Snakes are very dangerous. You cannot lift snakes and grass snakes above your eyes - you can get fainting, the evil eye, or damage. You cannot kill snakes - the snake kings will take revenge all year long.

Whoever confuses and tears branches invites snakes into the house.

September 23

Day of Peter and Paul - Fieldfare.

They collected rowan berries and decorated their homes with them. Day became equal to night.

Rowan is grozdna - winter is frosty.

If there are few rowan trees in the forest, then autumn will be dry,

September 24

Fedora - wet your tails. Last farewell to summer. Autumn equinox, the beginning of rains and slush.

Under Fedora, summer ends and autumn begins.

Not every summer will make it to Fedora.

Autumn Fedoras tuck the hem, and winter ones (January 12) cover the snout with a scarf.

The grain growers nicknamed Fedora obdera, since it was by this time that they tried to kill the last remaining standing bread. All field work is coming to an end:

The Monk Fedora came, and amen to every cause.

On this day it was supposed to watch winter shoots.

September 25

Artamon Day. According to legend, on this day snakes go into the forest and hide. You can’t make noise - the snake will become uneasy and stay near the house. The noise also attracts witches - they bring evil to the house.

September 26

Day of Cornelius. All root vegetables, except turnips, must be dug up by this day:

Saint Cornelius - out of the ground with rhizomes!

It's a Corniglian day in the yard - every root is in its hole.

From Corniglia the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes.

September 27

Exaltation, third meeting of autumn, first frosts. The elements are ready to obey those people who spend this day in church. Last date for harvesting bread. The birds flocked to the south, the bear lay down in its den. On this day, the peasants were afraid of the devil and did not go into the forest. It's time to chop the cabbage.

The caftan and fur coat will move, the last cart will leave the field, the birds will fly away, and the cold will approach.

The erection of the caftan will slide off the shoulders, the sheepskin coat will be pulled on - winter is just around the corner.

The bird began to fly away to Vozdvizhenye.

On Vozdvizhenya, a good fellow has cabbage on the porch.

On this day, a humorous ritual of “funeral of a cockroach” was performed. They placed the “dead man” in a coffin cut from a turnip tuber and buried him in the garden, pretending to read:

Oh, little cockroach,

Yes, our father,

Yes, our falcon

Yes, how we bury you,

Yes, it’s like we’re burying it in the ground.

Oh, our cockroach is dead

A mound was placed on the “grave”, a cross was placed and it was decorated with a wreath. The cockroaches remaining in the house were lured outside:

Cockroach to cockroach, go bury the cockroach.

It was believed that something like this ritual action will help get rid of cockroaches at least until next spring. Other insects were also buried if they became too annoying: flies, spiders, lice. This custom is common among all Slavic peoples.

September 28

Nikita the goose fly, reporez, Nikita the goose fly.

The geese are flying - they are dragging winter clothes on their tails, carrying snow on their noses.

The merman is furious, getting ready to sleep - he needs to be appeased with a goose. You cannot eat the bird yourself, otherwise the water bird will be harmful throughout the next year.

It's time to gather turnips and start shearing the sheep.

Turnips are meat, cut and eat!

September 29

Last date for swallows to fly away.

September 30

Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, all-world women's name day. Read conspiracies for memory and understanding.

September is next.

01.09 - the day of Thekla the beetroot worker, Andrei Stratilat the warmer. The beginning of the year before Peter I. They checked in the field to see if the wind was warm and if the oats were ripe.

The month with its horns down means bad weather.

Beetroot is harvested at Beetroot.

Born on Andrei Stratelates, he is a man endowed with great wisdom.

02.09 - Samoilin, Samuel Day, patron saint of all the disadvantaged, Beetroot. In the church they begged Samuel for good days so that they could finish the harvest before the rains. We tried to set the table in every house, the owner would be well-fed, kind - and the work would be fine.

Harvesting beets is a difficult task for girls, but with each bend over the garden bed the girl gained more health, a beetroot blush and beauty.

Cranes are in no hurry to fly away - this means lingering warmth.

An abundance of mountain ash means an abundance of autumn rains.

Mole holes face north - towards mild winter.

Mice are becoming more and more common near villages - a sign of severe winter cold.

03.09 – the day of Vasilisa the flax woman, who protects the flax crops and gives the zealous peasant a sign of harvesting the flax; day of Thaddeus.

Fine Linen - it will remain warm for almost a month.

There are a lot of acorns on Thaddeus - you can expect a snowy Christmas.

Mice nest in haystacks - a sign of a damp, lingering autumn.

Talented healers are born on Thaddeus.

04.09 – day of Agathon the Ogumennik; Afanasiev day. At night they guarded the threshing floor from the devil. But if he was appeased, he could then be useful in some way.

A clear day on Ogumennik – it will be fine for a few more weeks.

There is an abundance of nuts, but mushrooms are scarce - you will have to wait for a fierce winter.

Kind but touchy people are born on Agathon.

05.09 – Luppa-Lingonberry Day.

Warm morning on Luppu - it will be warm all month.

Before Lingonberry, oats that are not harvested will die from frost.

The cranes on Luppa were heading south - for the coming winter; flew low - expect a mild winter; high - soon she will announce herself with cold; They fly quickly and silently - very soon rains and cold weather will come.

06.09 - the day of Eutyches the Quiet, a martyr, one of the disciples of the holy apostles Paul and John the Theologian.

Rain promises a sunny autumn and a solid harvest ahead.

The cry of a tit signifies the imminent arrival of autumn cold and rain.

A large harvest of acorns means a cold, long winter.

On Eutychius they try to finish the harvest in order to keep the harvest unharmed.

07.09 - the day of Bartholomew and Titus the mushroom picker, Deciduous.

A bountiful harvest of mushrooms means long frosts in winter.

Birds flying south rest on the ground - for fine days; settling on the roof of a house means bad weather.

Those born on Titus will find happiness only in maturity; amber serves as their talisman.

After the day of Titus the Mushroom Picker, the collected mushrooms were not suitable for pickling, so they tried to have time to collect as much as possible for the Deciduous Picker.

08.09 – Day of Andrian and Natalia Ovsyanitsa. Day of Paul the Rowanberry. Oatmeal harvests were carried out in the fields. We prepared oatmeal jelly with pancakes.

Morning frosts on Andriana mean an early cold winter.

An abundance of rowan - to frequent, heavy rains and early frosts.

There are still leaves on the birch and oak trees - there will be no mild winter.

09.09 - Day of Kuksha the Fieldfare, in memory of Anfisa and Pimen. Harvesting rowan is a traditional, tasty and healing berry.

A meager harvest of rowan - autumn will delight you with warm days.

Thunderstorm Kuksha - for a fine autumn.

Those born on Anfisa received protection from enemies; they should wear onyx and alexandrite.

Not all the berries on the mountain ash are eaten by birds - the winter will not be severe.

The rowan color has appeared again - for a long, fine autumn.

10.09 - the day of Moses Murin, Anna the prophetess, Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. The bread was put away in stacks. The sowing of winter crops was completed. They prayed to Moses to heal their loved one from drunkenness.

It's a fine day - winter won't make itself known for a long time.

Crane and goose migration has not yet been observed - winter will be late and mild.

An agate or chrysolite talisman will help in life for those born under Moses Murin.

11.09 – the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist; Day of Ivan Lenten, Ivan the Poletny. Turnip holiday, Lenten holiday. There was no field work, the time had come for preparations, fairs, and auctions. It was problematic to observe fasting when the harvest was in the bins. Although the duration of fasting is only one day, it is distinguished by strictness and special requirements. Nothing round (similar to the shape of a head) should get into the food; You cannot pick round fruits or dig potatoes.

Summer ends for Ivan and Indian summer begins.

Flying away cranes are a sign of early winter.

A swan is flying in the sky - snow will fall soon, and if you see a goose flying in the sky - it will start raining.

Starlings are in no hurry to warm regions, and the rooks fly away - towards warm autumn.

12.09 - the day of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, the protector of the Russian land; Alexander Sytnik. It was necessary to prepare a rich festive table, on which there should be a hearty barley porridge.

Migratory birds fly high in the sky in circles, they are not going to fly away - a good, clear autumn will drag on.

A fine evening on Sytnik means a rich future harvest.

The stars often fall on Alexander - a shortage of crops is possible next fall.

Hedgehog holes are found at the edge of the forest - a mild winter; the hedgehog hid its home in the thicket - the winter is expected to be harsh, the direction of the winter winds will be from the back side of the hole.

13.09 - Kupriyanov's day. Day of the Crane Assembly. They collect cranberries, but it was impossible to go for cranberries in Kupriyanka the day before the cranes flew away. This threatened loss of reason or death in the swamp.

The crane wedge broke up to fly one by one - to a possible future shortage of crops.

The cranes fly loudly and it means it will rain soon.

Chickens and ducks have become ruffled - to bad weather.

14.09 – Simeon Stolpnik (Stovpnik). Seed day is the first day of the new year. Everyone gathered in the hut of the eldest in the family for a celebration, welcoming the new summer and the morning procession to church. Beginning of wedding weeks (until the end of November - Guryev's Day); It's time for housewarmings (with the obligatory relocation of the brownie in the stove utensils). It's time to pickle cucumbers.

Warm Semyon day, south wind - for a warm winter.

Fine Simeon – autumn without precipitation; rainy - wet, stormy autumn time.

Geese fly south to Simeon - winter will come earlier.

The beginning of Indian summer: dry Stovpnik - rainy autumn.

15.09 – Mammoth-Shepherd, patron of sheep. They prepared the livestock's home for winter. They worshiped the Sheepfold, fumigated the folds and flocks with heather from evil power.

To drive out the cattle in the morning is to invite misfortune.

A red glow in the evening means early frost.

The sheepfold is rainy - autumn without precipitation.

In the morning and evening there is heavy dew - for fine days.

16.09 - Vasilisa's day. Harvesting flax and preparing it for weaving. Cleaning, cleaning the premises, the owners moved into winter housing. Potato peelings, garbage after harvesting, unnecessary trash burned - attracted happiness for a year.

Rainy Vasilisa - for a dry, fine autumn.

17.09 - the day of the Burning Bush, which protects the house from lightning and fires, from diseases whose names contain the word “fire”. Onion Day, Babylon, Mother of God.

Onions in numerous husks - for a fierce winter.

Mice are running across the floor towards Burning, a hare is running, a cuckoo is flying through the village - to an imminent fire.

Keeping a fire barrel ready will attract a fire.

18.09 - the day of Athanasius of Brest, Zechariah and Elizabeth the Fortuneteller, who predicted to the Virgin Mary the birth of Jesus Christ. The day was considered unlucky, but the predictions of healers and fortune-tellers about Elizabeth were true; girls rushed to them to tell fortunes about the groom.

Leaves that turn yellow ahead of schedule are a sign of the early arrival of autumn followed by a cold winter.

Rowan in numerous berries - for a stormy autumn.

19.09 - Michaelmas Day. Michaelmas frosts, or matinees. Archangel Michael descended to earth to destroy the evil force with frost.

Working on Michaelmas Day is a sin, unfortunately. They held meetings to sort out quarrels, grievances, and disputes. The obligatory reconciliation must be celebrated.

A good day on Michaelmas - for a long, blessed autumn.

The frost that appeared on Michael promised a snowy winter.

20.09 - Lukov day. Sozont Day. Trading on onions began.

It was impossible to cook onions for food before they had been completely harvested from the garden, so that there would be no crop shortage or death of the onions remaining in the ground.

Cranes on Sozonta are high in the sky - for a cold, protracted autumn.

White clouds are observed for several days - to the coming cold weather; dark ones - to precipitation.

The Day of Sozont gives birth to excellent healers; amber will help them in this craft.

21.09 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Apasov (Passikov) day. The second meeting of spring is the beginning of Indian summer. The bees are transferred to their winter quarters. Onions are removed from the permitted use for food. The beginning of the pockmarks is a harvest festival with boys-recruits partying, visiting, and young spouses presenting their relatives with round pies.

A fine Apasov day promises a good autumn.

Early leaves fall means winter will come early.

Cobwebs on plants mean clear weather.

Red glow - for windy, rainy weather.

22.09 - the day of remembrance of Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Virgin Mary, who conceived a child in deep maturity, patrons of women in labor and the childless.

Celebration of young mothers and midwives.

Guests on Akim and Anna - to happiness and well-being in the house, it is customary not to refuse guests anything, also to attract happiness.

It is customary to remember deceased relatives and friends.

It’s better to spend the day alone with nature, it will add strength.

Those born on the day of Akim and Anna will have a happy, bright life.

Adultery on Parents' Day is a special sin.

A gift for Akim and Anna will bring prosperity and joy to the home.

23.09 - day of Saints Peter and Paul, bishops of Nicaea; mountain ash. Day became equal to night. They organized festivities, gathered rich tables with autumn pies - mushroom, lingonberry, cabbage, and the obligatory rowan kvass.

A lot of rowan trees on rowan trees - for a rainy autumn; little - to dry.

A rowan branch on the table attracts happiness to the house.

Any undertaking on Peter and Paul will lead to a good ending.

Good luck awaits travelers.

The intuition of saints is especially strong; it is worth listening to yourself.

On this day, long-livers are born, distinguished by patience and hard work; sapphire will help them in everything.

24.09 – the day of Fedora, patroness of winter crops, Fedora Obdera.

A girl's hem gets dirty on Fedora - the girl will marry a drunkard.

The bees do not calm down in the omshanik - autumn will remain for a long time.

For newlyweds, eating cabbage in any form on Fedora means a happy family life.

You shouldn’t paint Fedora’s lips – you might get sick; and washing your hair is a sign of failure.

Beginning with Fedor Obder leads to an unsuccessful end.

25.09 – snake day, the day of Artamon, protector from snake bites. Cold weather sets in, causing snakes to go into the forest.

Time for a successful hunt if there is any prey that day, even a small one.

Trees with yellow leaves - by early autumn.

Rainy Artamon - for a long winter.

Tall weeds mean an abundance of snow.

An abundance of acorns on snake day means a mild winter and a fruitful summer.

Thunder on Artamon - for a warm autumn.

26.09 - day of Cornelius, patron saint of farmers. After Kornilov Day, nothing grew anymore; they hurried to remove everything in the field and garden, except turnips.

Rain on Cornelius - the future harvest will be rich.

Warm rain on Kornilov day is the last. Going out under it means recharging with health and optimism.

Eating a radish means illness will rarely occur!

A turnip on the table means peace and harmony in the family.

A turnip with honey eaten by young people for two - to happy life and long.

Weddings and matchmaking on Cornilou are a sign of failure.

27.09 – Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Exaltation of the Lord, Stavrov Day. The swallows are flying away.

Any undertaking will not be successful. It’s also better not for the girl (the girl) to go into the forest - the devil will drag her away.

A cold wind on Stavrov Day means a warm future summer.

Frosts in the morning - a sign of imminent winter.

A fine Stavrov day means late winter.

You can’t cross the mysterious tracks on the ground, it’s possible that forest evil spirits have left them - you can soon get sick.

28.09 - Nikita Guseprolet's day. Recut. They harvest and prepare turnips and slaughter geese. Goose is the main figure on Nikita.

A goose on one leg over a puddle means a quick frost; splashing in the water - a fine day is expected; nose under the wing - for early winter.

When migrating, geese often rest on the ground, and starlings leave native land Don't rush to the Guseflight - autumn promises to be good.

29.09 - Lyudmila's day. Euphemia Day. The main occupation is shearing sheep and preparing cabbage (at parties). We caught goldfinches and tits for the winter for entertainment in the house. The obligatory dish is poultry. From the bones they noted:

thin - to a mild winter and early warmth, an easy existence;

thick - for severe winter, late spring and difficult wintering.

Fine Efimiya - for a late, mild winter.

Thunder on Lyudmila - for a snowless winter.

30.09 - the day of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, who accepted death from refusing to renounce Christianity. Their mother died three days after the children's funeral.

A cloudy morning promises good days ahead.

A day without precipitation, warm - for a long autumn, successful fishing.

The cranes are about to fly away - The cover will be frosty, if they linger - and the frosts will linger.

Folk calendar of holidays and dates for September

September - leaf fall, spring, spring, howler (from the beginning of cold winds, rains), gloom ( sunny days becomes smaller and smaller), ruin (deer begin to roar), ruen, zhelten, zhovten (everything becomes covered in yellow).

September is the Golden Time. It is September that gives us the warm season of Indian Summer. In the old days, it was Indian summer that predicted autumn weather. From September 22 to 23, the autumnal equinox occurs. It is at this time that our sun leaves Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere, i.e. crosses the equator. In the Northern Hemisphere, astronomical autumn is coming, which will last 90 days. In September there is a great variety of different jobs, both in the field and around the house. In the villages it was plowing and threshing, they dug up potatoes and various root crops, spread flax, prepared the barn for winter, and women were engaged in pickling vegetables. The end of the harvest falls on the days of Natalia and Adrian, this holiday is called Dezhen, Christian and pagan rituals converged on this holiday: people from the field carried the last sheaf, with songs, which had to be placed in the house under the image for a day. Then everyone sat down at a common table and ate dezhen - oatmeal, which was kneaded either with water or sour milk. Also, after finishing the grain harvest, a doll was made from straw, which was dressed in a bright red sundress, beads and various jewelry, and then this doll was carried around the village and singing. According to custom, September was divided into four “nominal” weeks - the first week is Semenovskaya, the second week is Mikhailovskaya, the third week is Nikitskaya, the fourth week is Dmitrievskaya. In the old days, people adhered to Orthodox faith and church canons and, following them, adapted their customs precisely to this. But September also marks two Christian holidays: the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and the Exaltation. September is full of holidays and almost all of them were dedicated to harvesting a new harvest - in the field, in the garden, in the forest, etc. September is also known for its first frosts - Luppovskie - on September 5 and Mikhailovskie - on September 19. In September there are also late thunderstorms - on September 14, which, according to legend, promise warm weather in the fall. September changes the color of trees, so in the second half of September leaf fall begins on maple, birch, oak, linden, etc.

Folk beliefs, signs, proverbs and sayings of September

  • September is the evening of the year.
  • In September it is cold, but satisfying.
  • September without fruit is like winter without snow.
  • If it's Indian Summer good weather, then the autumn will be wet, and if the Indian Summer is with bad weather, then the autumn will be dry.
  • If there is a lot of grass during Indian Summer, then this promises a clear, warm autumn and a cold winter.
  • If thunder roars in September, this promises a long and warm autumn.
  • If the fogs are thick in the morning in September, this means the beginning of the mushroom season.
  • If the rose hips are ripe, it means autumn has already arrived.
  • The clouds in the sky have become cirrus, which means that soon the birds will fly to hot countries.
  • The tit in September is calling for autumn to visit.
  • In September there is only one berry - rowan.
  • If there are a lot of acorns in September, it means the winter will be harsh.
  • In the month of September, even the leaves on the trees do not stick.
  • In September there is fire in both the house and the field.
  • In September, the leaves become thinner and the birds sing more quietly.
  • September has arrived and brought rain with it.
  • Rain in September is a man's delight.
  • In September, any seed from the spikelets floats.
  • In September, people's bins and pockets are full.

Folk weather calendar and weather for September

Day of Andrei Stratilat - Teplyak and Thekla. Indian summer. Beginning of autumn.
If the wind blows from the south on this day, it meant that there would be a good harvest of oats. Father south, the wind has blown through the oats. The oats went quickly.
The stratilatus is ripe, which means the oats are ripe.

Day of Samoilin. Day of Samuel.
On Samoilin's day he prays to God for a man.

Thaddeus Day.
It was noted that if the weather was good that day, then there would be good weather for four weeks.

Day of Agathon the Ogumennik.
On the night of Agathon the Ogumennik, in the old days, people guarded their threshing floors, people wore sheepskin coats inside out, took a poker so that they could not approach the fence - On Agathon the Ogumennik, a goblin comes out of the forest into the fields, runs through the villages and villages and scatters sheaves over the threshing floors .
But, at the same time, if a person respected the goblin in some way, then the goblin could help the person that day.

Luppa-Lingonberry Day. Loop Lingonberry. Lingonberries and cranberries are ripening. Oats and flax are ripening.
If there is no morning frost (matinee) on this day, then September will be frost-free.
On St. Luppa's Day, frost begins to peel the oats. If you don’t collect oats now, you’ll soon swallow tears.
From this day on, morning frosts (morning frosts) began, which were harmful to flax, and therefore people were in a hurry to harvest oats and flax, precisely before this day.
Flax blooms for 2 weeks, ripens for 4 weeks, and at the 7th week the seed begins to fly.
If lingonberries ripen by this day, then people were in a hurry to harvest the oats.
It was noted that if on the day of Luppa the cranes pulled their wedges to the south, it meant the arrival of early winter.
We also watched the cranes fly - low - the winter will be warm, and if high - then the winter will be cold.
And if the cranes fly very low, and also quickly, and silently, then there will soon be bad weather.

Day of Eutyches.
If the day on Eutyches is calm and without wind, then the linseed seed will be on the vine.

Day of Saint Titus and Bartholomew. Titus Deciduous.
If Bartholomew came, it means that the grain should be sown on ashes.
Saint Titus the Deciduous Plant grows the last mushroom. Whoever gets up early on Titus will pick more mushrooms than other mushrooms, and whoever gets up late will only go for nettles.

Day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa and Andrian. Day of Pavel Ryabinnik.
If on this day there was a matinee (morning frosts), then this meant a cold and early winter.
On this day, oatmeal jelly is cooked and pancakes are baked.
The day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa has come, which means mushrooms have started to appear in the forest.
This day was dedicated to rowan. It was on this day that they began to collect rowan and viburnum. If there are a lot of rowan trees, it means there will be frost soon, and there will be a lot of rain in the fall.

Day of Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. Day of Anna the Prophetess. Day of Savva of Pskov.
On this day, they began to put sheaves and bread into storage bins and stacks, since the rains would soon begin.

Ivan Lenten Day. Ivan Poletny Day. Day of Ivan the Flyer. Ivan the Baptist Day. Saint John the Baptist Day. "Turnip" Festival. Turnip holiday.
On this day, they remember the soldiers who died on the battlefields.
Ivan Lent came and took the summer with him.
Ivan Lenten Day is the godfather of autumn.
Since Ivan's Day, a man doesn't even go out into the yard without a caftan.
On the day of Ivan the Baptist, the bird flies far away.
If the cranes flew south on Ivan the Baptist, it means there will be early winter.
Starting from the day of Ivan Lenten, they begin to harvest turnips.
The Turnip Festival was celebrated without songs, but there must be a lot of varied food on the table, which was then treated to the poor and poor.
On the day of Ivan Lenten, they began to collect various roots.
On this day it was forbidden to sing, dance, or eat anything that was round in shape. People observe strict fasting on this day. You cannot eat apples, cabbage, onions, anything that resembles a human head, and you cannot pick up a knife on this day.
From the day of Ivan Lent, the man welcomes autumn, and the woman begins her Indian summer.

Kupriyan Day.
On Kupriyanov day they begin to drip potatoes. Harvest carrots and beets.
Cranes fly to hot countries. On Kupriyan's day, the cranes gather in the swamp and decide which way to fly to warm countries.

Day of Simeon the Stylite. Day of the Seeds of the Summer Guide. Semyon Day. Martha's Day. The beginning of Indian Summer.
If on the day of Seeds of the Summer Conductor it is worth warm weather, then the winter will be warm.
If the south wind blows on the day of Seeds of the Letoprovod, then the winter will be warm.
Dry for the day Seeds of the Stylite, the autumn will be dry.
The geese have flown to Semyon, it will be early winter.
On the day of Sam the Stylite, grass snakes come ashore and walk three miles through meadows and fields.
If Martha's day is dirty and wet, then autumn will be the same.
On this day, sparrows cannot be seen, since the devil collects all the sparrows and decides how many to keep for himself and how many to release.
From this day on, the women began their holiday.
All spring crops had to be removed before the day of the Seeds of the Summer Guide; it was believed that if they were not removed, the crop would die and the grain would fall to the ground. On Seeds, seeds fall out of the ears.
On the day of the Seeds of the Flyer, the last day of sowing rye.
After the Seeds of the Chronicler, it is a sin to sow bread.
You can plow Semyon before lunch, but not after lunch.
Starting from the day the seeds begin to crush and dry the flax.
They begin to drip potatoes onto the Seeds.
On Semyon, the gates are opened and cattle are allowed into the fields.
Cucumbers are pickled for Stylite Seeds.
In the old days, all contracts and transactions were completed on Seeds of the Flyer.
According to custom, when a boy turned four years old, it was customary to put him on a horse, in this way it was believed that the boy was emerging from infancy.
On Semenov's Day, children's hair was cut.
Festival of kennel hunters.
On this day, hunters began to hunt hares.
From this day the wedding weeks began.
Housewarming on this day will bring happiness and fun.
On the day of the Seeds of the Flyer, fleas, husbands, cockroaches and other domestic insects are buried so that there are no more in the house.

Day of the Mammoth Shepherd. Day of Fedot and Rufin.
On the day of Fedot and Rufin, you cannot drive out cattle in the morning; if you drove out the cattle, you would cause trouble.
In ancient times, mammoth began as the patron of goats and sheep.

Vasilisa's Day. Domna Day
Vasilisa has arrived, we must hurry with the flax.
On the day of Domna, women in the villages collected all sorts of junk from the house so that the autumn would be prosperous.

Lukov day. Our Lady of the Burning Bush.
It is the Burning Bush that protects the house from fires and lightning. On this day, people prayed to the Burning Bush to protect their homes, livestock, and barns from fires.
On Lukov Day, onion harvesting begins.
If there are a lot of peels on the onion, the winter will be cold.

Michaelmas matinees. Mikhailovsky frosts. Michael's Day.
The day becomes five hours shorter.
You cannot work on Michaelmas Day, otherwise God will punish you.
Remove the onions.

Sozont Day.
On this day, onions are harvested.
From this day on you can trade onions.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Autumn. Smallpox. Second meeting of spring. Passikov day. Apasov day.
From the day of Passikov, they begin to kill bees from apiaries.
Onion week has begun.
Ospozhinki - the harvest festival - begins. The larger the harvest, the longer the holiday will last (it can last almost a week). Visitors visited Ospozhinki.
The Nativity of the Virgin Mary, popularly known as the Little Most Pure One, means the end of summer.

Day of Peter Pavel Ryabinnik.
On Peter Paul's Day, rowan berries were picked with tassels and hung under the roof. It was definitely necessary to leave some berries on the tree for the birds.
There are a lot of rowan trees, there will be a lot of rain in the autumn, and the winter will be harsh; if there are few rowan trees, the autumn will be dry.
Rowan berries were harvested for rowan kvass.
Rowan on Pyotr Pavel Royabinnik becomes more tasty; it was at this time that rowan began to be collected for consumption.

Fyodor Obder's Day. Autumn equinox.
Not every summer will last until Fedora.
If the bee is entered into the entrance for the second time, then the autumn will be long.
The last bread that remains in the fields is wrapped around Fedora.
You can’t start new things with Fedora. To every business - Amen.
On Fedora, people go to the fields to watch the winter crops sprout.

Artamon's Day.
On the day of Artamon, every snake goes into the forest and hides until spring.

Day of Cornelius.
Since the day of Cornelius, the root no longer grows, but only dies.
Root vegetables are removed, everything except turnips.

Exaltation. The erection of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord. Cabbage plants.
On Vozdvizhenye the last haystack is removed from the field.
On Vozdvizhenye the sheepskin coat shifts from the caftan.
On Vozdvizhenie, birds fly away to warmer climes.
On Vozdvizhenye the bear goes into hibernation.
If geese fly high on Vozdvizhenye, there will be a large flood, and if they fly low, then low water.
Snakes go into hibernation.
Starting from Vozdvizhenye they begin to chop cabbage.
You can’t go into the forest on Exaltation Day.
On this day you cannot start any important business.
On this day it is customary to cook pies with cabbage.
Kastniks (evening gatherings) begin and last two weeks.

Day of Nikita Guseprolet. Hussar Day. Goose Day. Recut.
Starting from this day, they begin to cut turnips.
There must be turnips on the table on this day. They prepared dishes from turnips.
On Goose Day, the geese begin to be beaten.
On this day, wild geese begin to fly away to warmer regions. The geese are flying, dragging winter on their tail.

02.09.2017 | Visitors: 8813


Day of Andrei Stratelates the Teplyak.

The wind blowing from the south at that time was called the teplyak. It was believed that it contributed to the rapid ripening of oats.

On this day, a ritual was carried out when the birthday girl (or a woman born on this day) brought the first (or last, if the oats were already collected) sheaf of oats into the house and placed it in a woman’s kut (a place near the stove where household utensils were stored). It was believed that such a sheaf protected the house from evil spirits and brought prosperity. They also placed a sheaf of oats in the stable so that the goblin, who loved to scare horse harnesses, would not approach the peasant yard. Sheaves of oats were also placed in the entryway and upper room.

The warm wind is dressed in a web - it bows after the departed summer.

If the moon hangs in the sky with its horns down and its back up (last quarter), it will be cloudy and stormy for a long time.

A pre-autumn day can be hotter than a July day.

Teplyak holds on, bows after the departed summer. If there is a lot of fog in the fall, there will be a lot of snow in the winter.

It is believed that Indian summer begins on this day. The oats are ripening. South wind - to a large oat harvest. Usually the weather on September 1 is clear and sunny.

Day of the Prophet Samuel.

The people believed that the prophet Samuel was asking the Lord for good weather, which was very important in September. Because “the land must have time to dress itself in greenery,” long-growing oats must reach full maturity, and flax and hemp still need to be harvested.

It was time to harvest the beets.

The girls were tugging at her; neither men nor women approached the beet beds. This is where the saying came from: “The beetroot keeper is a slave for the girls.” The work of harvesting beets was hard, but people believed that the lower you bow to the beet bed, the more health it gives you. If you want a ruddy face and not lose your beauty, you need to please the eye-catcher.

If the moles' burrows face north, the winter will be warm. In the fall, moles drag a lot of stubble (spikelets) and straw into their burrows - for the cold winter.

Field mice are moving closer to the village - towards the cold winter.

Rooks join together in the first migratory flocks.

The reddish outline of the Moon is towards the wind.

Day of Saint Thaddeus the Guide, Apostle from the Seventy.

If the weather was good that day, then the weather will be good throughout September.

If at sunset the sky is covered with clouds from the north - towards the winds.

If the wind changes direction from southwest to northwest - towards the bucket, the temperature will gradually increase over 2 days.

The south wind brings warmth, the east wind brings rain, the west wind brings rain, and the north wind brings cold.

Day of Agathon the Ogumennik. According to an old belief, on this day the goblin comes to the threshing floor to “make fun of the straw” - to throw sheaves from one threshing floor to another, untie them and drag the straw all over the area. Therefore, the owners went out on patrol to guard their supplies. When getting ready for the night, the men put on a sheepskin coat inside out, fur side up, tied a towel around their heads, and took a poker in their hands. With this poker they drew a circle around the threshing floor and sat inside it. They said that in this case the goblin would not be able to approach the threshing floor.

The abundance of mushrooms in the forest foreshadows the lack of bite of fish.

Predatory fish bite better before cold weather.

Luppa-Lingonberry Day. Lingonberries and cranberries are ripening. Oats and flax are ripening. If there is no morning frost on this day, then September will be frost-free. On St. Luppa's Day, frost begins to peel the oats. If you don’t collect oats now, you’ll soon swallow tears.

If lingonberries ripened by this day, then people rushed to harvest the oats. It was noted that if on the day of Luppa the cranes pulled their wedges to the south, winter will be early. If the cranes fly low, the winter will be warm, if high, the winter will be cold. And if the cranes fly very low, and also quickly, and silently, then expect bad weather soon.

Day of Eutyches. Eutychius is quiet. Erema.

According to popular beliefs, on this day you should not look at the dawn and go far from home. It was believed that September 6 either a magical red flower or a witch’s fire is rolling across the fields and meadows, which lures the traveler into the forest thicket. A meeting with such a “light” was considered a bad omen. And, according to popular belief, if such a “flower” could be scorched in earnest, you would have to undergo treatment for a long time. They believed that will-o'-the-wisps were the souls of people who died a bad death: those strangled, those who died from accidents or from drinking, etc.

The wind was considered a bad omen on this day, which, if it came, would definitely break the flaxes and scatter all the seeds.

But most often the weather on September 6 was calm, hence one of the names of this day - Quiet Eutychius.

Rain on Eutyches promises a dry autumn and a good harvest for next year.

It’s good if Eutyches is quiet, otherwise you won’t be able to keep the flaxseed on the root: everything will hatch completely.

Day of Saint Titus and Bartholomew. Titus Deciduous. If Bartholomew came, it means that the grain should be sown on ashes. Saint Titus the Deciduous Plant grows the last mushroom. Whoever gets up early on Titus will pick more mushrooms than other mushrooms, and whoever gets up late will only go for nettles.

Afternoon rain - continuous.

The clicking and crackling of trees means dry weather.

Crows caw abruptly, more often than usual and hoarsely - before the rain.

The handle of the bucket of the Ursa Major constellation is directed upward, the stars are sparkling - towards frost.

September 8th is the day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa and Andrian. Day of Pavel Ryabinnik. If on this day there was a matinee (morning frosts), then this meant a cold and early winter. On this day, oatmeal jelly is cooked and pancakes are baked. The day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa has come, which means mushrooms have started to appear in the forest. This day was dedicated to rowan. It was on this day that they began collect rowan and viburnum. If there are a lot of rowan trees, it means there will be frost soon, and there will be a lot of rain in the fall.

Kuksha, Kuksha-fieldfare, Anfisa.

By this day, the rowan berries were ripening, and the peasants prayed to Saint Kuksha for a good harvest of berries. Since ancient times, there has been a legend that Saint Kuksha walks the earth with a rowan branch in his hands and baptizes pagans with it.

Rowan berries were valued in villages as an excellent remedy for colds. It was believed that whoever drinks rowan juice every day would not be overcome by any illness; they believed that in case of various diseases it was very good to crawl through a rowan tree, split in half and tied at the edges. A conspiracy against fever was read over the roots of the rowan tree, and then, tearing them out of the ground, they placed them on the bed of a sick person.

The peasants believed that bunches of rowan berries were a strong amulet, so the berries were sprinkled down the groom's boots to prevent damage to the wedding. To prevent the dead from disturbing the living when returning from the cemetery, they hung rowan rods above the door. In Rus' it was forbidden to break rowan trees, chop them for firewood, or pick flowers from trees. This prohibition arose because healers usually transferred all the diseases they read to this tree. And if anyone takes a piece from such a tree, he himself will soon get sick and die.

Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are a lot of berries left on the rowan tree.

In September there is only one berry, and that one is bitter rowan.

Day of Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. Day of Anna the Prophetess. Day of Savva of Pskov.

It was customary to remove the last sheaves into the stacks on September 10th. Hence the name of this day - skirdnitsa. This was not an easy task, so Saints Anna, Sava and Moses were called to help. According to legend, Saint Anna inspected the stacks, thereby helping the peasants. After this day, they began to prepare for the autumn fairs, because the main agricultural work had already been done.

If you don’t choose hemp before Ivan Lent (September 11), then you will spend the entire Lent without hemp oil.

Plowed in the fall, better sown in the spring.

Thunder in September foreshadows a long and warm autumn.

If the leaves of aspen and birch fall cleanly, the next year will be easy and fruitful.

The first leaves of the birch trees have turned yellow, get ready for honey mushrooms.

Ivan Lenten Day. Ivan Poletny Day. Day of Ivan the Flyer. Ivan the Baptist Day. Saint John the Baptist Day. "Turnip" Festival. Turnip holiday. On this day, they remember the soldiers who died on the battlefields. Ivan Lent came and took the summer with him. Ivan Lenten Day is the godfather of autumn. Since Ivan's Day, a man doesn't even go out into the yard without a caftan. On the day of Ivan the Baptist, the bird flies far away. If the cranes flew south on Ivan the Baptist, it means there will be early winter. Starting from the day of Ivan Lenten, they begin to harvest turnips. The Turnip Festival was celebrated without songs, but there must be a lot of varied food on the table, which was then treated to the poor and poor. On the day of Ivan Lenten, they began to collect various roots. On this day it was forbidden to sing, dance, or eat anything that was round in shape. People observe strict fasting on this day. You cannot eat apples, cabbage, onions, or anything that resembles a human head, also on this day. you can't pick up a knife. From the day of Ivan Lent, the man welcomes autumn, and the woman begins her Indian summer.

Day of Alexander, Alexander the Sytnik; sytnik, sytnik.

On this day, there was a custom to curl barley, flax and oat stalks together, charming the cornfield for a future rich harvest.

This day was nicknamed Svytnik because they cooked svytny (barley) porridge. The very word “svytno” meant something familiar, something that had already become a way of life.

Warm evening and starry night - for the harvest.

If the hedgehog has made a hole at the edge of the forest, the winter will be warm; if in the depths of the thicket, expect severe frosts., and the winds will blow more often from the direction opposite to the entrance to the hole.

Cyprian, Kuprian, Kupriyan, Kupriyan's day, Cyprian's day, crane assembly.

In the old days they believed that on this day cranes gathered in the swamp and held advice on which route to fly to warmer lands. Hence the name of the day - “Crane Assembly”. And next to the birds, swamp spirits - kikimors - sit and count the bones of those whom they were able to drag into the quagmire in the summer.

In the Kupriyan swamps there is always a bluish haze, and strange sounds can be clearly heard, reminiscent of the groans of drowned men whose bones have been disturbed by evil spirits.

It was possible to collect cranberries from Kupriyan. Previously, people were afraid to go to the swamp, because there was a belief: taking unripe cranberries meant pleasing evil spirits. The girl will become infertile, the guy will lose strength and lose his mind, and the old man will be taken into the swamp by evil spirits, luring him with bright lights. That’s why they used to say in the old days: “Don’t touch the cranberries until they blaze (ripe) and drive away evil into the quicksand.” If cranes fly low in the fall, the winter is expected to be warm, if high, the winter is expected to be cold.

Cranes crow loudly - it means rain.

The swan flies towards the snow.

The swan flies south late - the autumn will be long and warm.

The bird is ruffled - it means bad weather.

September hurries the bird on its way.

Day of Simeon the Stylite. Day of the Seeds of the Summer Guide. Semyon Day. Martha's Day.

Many beliefs and rituals were associated with this day; on September 14, cockroaches and flies were buried in villages. This custom has its roots in pagan times and is associated with veneration of Belbog - the ruler of all insects.

An important custom was to extinguish the old fire and start a new one. The old men went out into the yard and rubbed two pieces of wood against each other until they began to smoke. The girl or daughter-in-law fanned the smoldering tree, and then lit a candle from the flaring fire. This fire was used to light the stove. The next morning the coals were fanned again. So the fire was kept in the stove all year.

September 14 was called Indian summer in the villages because at this time various agricultural work began (scraping hemp, soaking flax, etc.), which were usually performed by women in the open air.

The drier and warmer September stays, the later winter will come.

If the cones on the spruce tree have grown low, there will be early frosts, and if they are at the top, real cold will come only at the end of winter.

Indian summer (starts on September 14) is stormy - autumn is dry, and Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.

First Autumn(September 15) - the beginning of the great 2-week sunny holiday Veresen.

The beginning of the last week of astronomical summer (the week of “Indian summer”), which will end on the day of the autumnal equinox (September 22), and astronomical autumn will begin on the planet.

In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called “Oseniny” or “Ospozhinki” and was celebrated as a harvest festival.

On this day, thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth.

At the beginning of September, the harvest ended, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year.

In addition, the meeting of autumn was marked by the renewal of fire: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined by striking flint.

From the “Osenin”, the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (onions were first of all harvested).

Usually in Oseniny there was a treat for which the whole family gathered.

For the holiday, beer was brewed and a sheep (ram) was slaughtered.

A cake was baked from the flour of the new harvest. They praised Mother Earth for giving birth to bread and other supplies.

Since the hop harvest began on this day, the corresponding game songs were sung during the festive festivities:

We are drunk, we are drunk, we are drunk,

To our side

There is great freedom on our side!

And the freedom is great, the men are rich!

That the men are rich, stone chambers!

What stone chambers, golden doors,

What domes are cast!

Vasilisa's Day. Domna Day. Dorofey

Celebrated name day on September 16 Blast furnace, which personified home order and comfort. On this day, it was customary to restore order in the hut: potato sacks and old shoes were rinsed in the river, the floors were washed with heather water and lined with rugs. They burned all the junk in the garden along with potato tops.

It must be said that even those things that could not burn were thrown into the fire, because such a fire not only helped to get rid of old things, but also symbolized the complete cleansing of the house from everything bad. But in some places, on the contrary, it was customary to drag all sorts of junk into the house on Dorofey so that the fall would pass safely.

Particular attention was paid to old bast shoes, which were considered a sure cure for the evil eye.

the day of Vavila, Vavila, the holiday of sharp pitchforks, Burning bush, bow day.

On this day, after praying to Saint Babyla, who in Rus' was revered as the patron saint of the household, the peasants checked the haystacks and hayloft. It was believed that if you move the haystack around with a pitchfork, then evil spirits, oppression and shaking (fever) will scatter, which would harm the cattle in winter. And if you go out into the yard with a pitchfork in your hands, then all the demons will run away in all directions.

There was a belief that if a pitchfork came across something hard, then it would hide in the hay away from human eyes.

They prayed to Vavila for protection from fires. To do this, they went to church at dawn and bowed to the Burning Bush icon.

“Vavila, save my house and me from misfortune and fire.”

Rakes, scythes, and pitchforks are being repaired at Vavila.

If Indian summer is stormy, autumn is as dry as black alder.

Large ant heaps in the fall mean a harsh winter.

Day of Zechariah, Zahara, Athanasius, Raisi, autumn kumokha.

According to legend, on this day kumoha (fever) came out of the forest and attacked the village women. The evil spirit turned into an old woman - a wanderer who asked for bread and to let her spend the night. But, having crossed the threshold, the kumokha brought various diseases into the house. It is not for nothing that she was considered the sister of twelve fevers: avvareushi, glazy, deaf, yellow, karkusha, ledei, numb, fire, drink, puffy, shaking, snoring.

All fevers, as well as kumoha, were attributed human characteristics: they were presented as ugly, bare-haired women.

In general, in Rus', loose hair was considered a characteristic sign of female evil spirits. And the number twelve was not accidental either. The belief in the 12 evil shaking sisters has its roots in biblical texts and is associated with the daughters of King Herod.

To get rid of kumokha, it was necessary to clean the house on September 18, flood the bathhouse and steam with a birch broom, because birch can heal many diseases.

Michaelmas Day, Michaelmas, Michaelmas, Michaelmas frosts, Michaelmas matinees, Michaelmas frosts, Michael the Archangel.

On September 19, morning frosts begin, and that rotten time is not far off when all sorts of ailments begin to cling to a person. But the frosts on this day were considered a good omen, because it was the Archangel Michael and his army who descended from the sky and froze out the evil spirits. They believed that not only evil spirits and witches feared the Archangel Michael, but also wicked people, because it was impossible to hide a single sin from the Archangel.

On this day they organized the first brotherhood meeting, which began with a general reconciliation meeting. They tried on it resolve family and social affairs amicably. Having finished with their business, they went to church, where they lit a secular (common) candle, and then sat down at a table set by a pool.

Mikhail grabbed it with frost.

If frost appeared on the trees after the Michaelmas frost, it was necessary to wait for heavy snow in winter.

We observed how leaves fall from an aspen tree: if they are “face up” - towards a cold winter, if “wrong side” - towards a warm one.

Sozont, Luka, onion day, onion.

Since ancient times in Rus', bow day was considered a holiday. Onions braided in braids were hung in the rooms in times of pestilence. Hair was usually rinsed with an infusion of onion peels to make it strong and shiny. The girls, braiding onions into garlands, asked Saint Luke to send them shiny, tight braids.

On this day you cannot:

Borrow bread, water and money.

Make a match.

Remember the deceased by name.

Buy girls dolls, otherwise they will be infertile.

Boast about your health, otherwise you will immediately lose it.

Place your shoes on a chair or table, otherwise there will be a suicide hanging in the house.

If the cranes fly high, slowly and coo, it will be a cold autumn.

Nativity of the Mother of God, Little Most Pure One, Aspozhki, Ospozhin Day, Autumn, the second meeting of autumn, Harvest Festival, Mistresses, Spasov Day, Aspasov Day, Apiary Day, Onion Teardrop Day.

During pagan times, on this day they celebrated the harvest festival and worshiped the goddesses of fertility, love and marriage, Lada and Lelya, mother and daughter. After the baptism of Rus', the ancient tradition was not forgotten. The Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was celebrated on a grand scale, as in the popular imagination it was combined with the harvest festival, which was called Ospozhinka. On this day, peasants usually went to a prayer service in the morning, and then went to the springs to pray to the Blessed Virgin.

In villages on this day, relatives went to visit the newlyweds. The owner treated his relatives to beer, symbolizing the generosity of nature, and boasted of the goods acquired since his marriage. The hostess set the table, where the central place was again given to the loaves - the main ritual treat for the occasion. It was also considered obligatory to invite young people to their parents.

If the weather is good on this day, autumn will be good.

Apiary day - bees are removed.

Early leaf fall means early winter.

If the web falls on the plants, it means warm weather.

Hares dig deep beds in the fall - it will be a cold winter.

Red sky means wind and rain.


This Slavic holiday dedicated to family well-being, falls on September 22, new style.

After the beginning, at which the glorification of Rod, Lada and Lelya is obligatory, the ritual begins "funeral of flies".

A caught autumn fly (cockroach, mosquito, wasp) is placed in a carrot house, solemnly taken to a vacant lot and buried in a grave, which indicates the torpor of insects during the coming winter.

After the “funeral” the ritual “moose hunt” begins.

Two girls, dressed as moose cows (deer), appear for a short time from the forest and run away.

Guys-hunters set off in pursuit, trying to catch them.

The first “moose cow” caught is immediately released, and the second is led to the temple, where they are also released, having previously been scolded for making the good fellows run for a long time.

The holiday ends with a Rozhanichny feast (ritual food: cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, venison or beef, oatmeal, berry wine) and folk games.

The games begin with round dance, which is performed around the eldest of the women.

A woman holds bread (preferably oatmeal) in her hands.

At the end of the round dance, the bread is divided and distributed for the treatment of people and domestic animals.

The special status of Lada - the great goddess of spring-summer fertility and patroness of weddings, marriage life - determined the multiplicity of holidays dedicated to it: they were celebrated six times a year, from early March to mid-September. Rituals associated with Lada are usually timed to coincide with the spring-summer and autumn cycle of holidays.

The cycle of glorification of the goddess ended after the harvest (at the end of August-September), so the last holiday associated with Lada was the autumn solstice. (September 8-9, old style) and September 22, new style.

Peter-Paul - rowan trees, name day rowan trees, autumn equinox.

September 23 is the autumnal equinox, when day equals night. According to legends, the sun went to bed before the onset of spring. The autumn equinox in Rus' was celebrated as a big holiday.

In the villages, celebrations were held, tables were set, where the central place was occupied by pies with various fillings: meat, cabbage, mushrooms, lingonberries. The peasants turned to Peter and Paul with prayers, asking them to help them survive the winter and survive until next spring.

September 23 was the name day of the rowan tree, which was considered the personification of the sun. After the first autumn frosts, the berries became soft and sweet. Such berries served as an excellent amulet. Rowan berries were hung under the roof of the house to attract happiness and prosperity to the hut. For the same purpose, rowan bunches were placed on the povet - a hayloft located above the stable and barn. It must be said that when going for rowan, the berries were never cleanly picked from the trees - they were always left for the forest inhabitants to feed.

Rowan is sweet on its name day.

There is no rowan, and autumn is not autumn.

Peter and Pavel, the mountain ash growers, invite you to pick up rowan berries and stock up for future use.

The sun begins to curtain the windows of his mansion with stars in order to fall asleep.

Fedora's day, Fedora, Fedora - wet your tails, Fedora autumn, the third meeting of autumn.

By this time, Indian summer was already ending and real autumn was approaching, with rain and slush. In ancient times it was believed that if on this day it's raining, then the heavens are crying for the sun, which has fallen asleep until spring.

With the adoption of Christianity in folk tradition changes have occurred. Now the peasants believed that it was Fedora who was shedding tears, mourning the sin of adultery that had once been committed.

On Fedorin's Day, women wore scarves embroidered with blue and gold threads on their heads. This headdress symbolized bright sun in a clear sky and had to influence the heavens so that they would not shed much rain on the earth.

The rains made the roads muddy, and in order to walk along them, you had to tuck your hem up higher. Hence another nickname for Fedora - “get your tails wet.” From Fedora it's time for cabbage evenings, which would continue for another two weeks, when the women chopped cabbage and baked apples and lingonberries.

All warmth ends with Fedora.

Black mud covered all the roads to Fedora.

If the bee is entered into the entrance for the second time, then the autumn will be long. The last bread that remains in the fields is wrapped around Fedora. You can’t start new things with Fedora. To every business - Amen. On Fedora, people go to the fields to watch the winter crops sprout.

Avtonom, Artamon, Artamonov day, snake day.

Snake Festival happens twice a year. The first is on the day of Isaac the Serpentine (June 12), when all the snakes crawl out of their holes. The second is September 25, when snakes last time crawl on the ground, because, according to legend, they freeze on this day, hiding in their underground kingdom.

It was believed that on September 25, snakes crawl in a line through the forest, as they are convened by Saint Artamon, who closes the snake holes with a lock. They believed that snakes obeyed Artamon, so they turned to him with a request to protect them from a snake bite. On this day we tried not to go into the forest or into the swamp, not to disturb the snakes. Otherwise, the serpent king basilisk may become angry and drag the person underground with him.

If you see a lot of snakes, the winter will be harsh.

The day will become equal to the night, and it will begin to decline.

When it freezes naked in the fall (cold weather without snow), rye will be better, but when the thawed ground is attacked, the rye will support it.

Long twilight means bad weather, short twilight means good weather.

The rapid end of leaf fall means a harsh winter.

Korney, Korniliy, Kornilov Day, Korniglia.

Good owners tried their best for the Day of Cornelius remove remaining root vegetables from gardens, because after September 26 “the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes.” They harvested everything: potatoes, rutabaga, carrots... Only they didn’t touch the turnips, they waited for the day of Nikita the Recut (September 28). It was customary to turn to Saint Cornelius for help in cleaning.

If there is thick fog in the evening, it will rain at night.

If autumn is rainy, spring will be rainy.

If frost occurs in the morning for two days in a row, it will certainly rain on the third day.

In a clear autumn, the wind will bring winter faster.

The branches of spruce and pine trees are lowered down - to the rain.

If chickens begin to molt early in the fall, then the winter will be warm.

Bubbles have appeared in the ditches in the water and gurgling can be heard - this means bad weather.

The wind changed direction from east to west - to soon rain.

Elevation, retraction, movement, stavrov day.

In ancient chronicles, September 27 was called “Stavrov Day” (from stauros - cross). In ancient times, on this day it was customary to draw crosses on doors, lintels and matitsa (a thick log-beam cut across the building).

Such crosses were made with chalk, charcoal, garlic, the blood of a sacrificial animal or dough, and were carved on household utensils. Small wooden crosses were placed in mangers for cows and horses. (If there was no cross, then crossed rowan branches were placed, which was a symbol of bright light that repels evil spirits). Thus, the peasants “baptized” the most dangerous places in the house from the machinations of evil spirits.

According to beliefs, on the Exaltation, birds, snakes and insects go to the magical country of Iriy, which was located on the warm sea, in the west or southwest of the earth. The sea in the popular consciousness is associated with death, which is also associated with the concept of the west, where every evening the sun sets and dies.

Since ancient times, Russian people have been trying to relax by the warm sea, which corresponds to their traditional ideas about the Slavic Paradise.

In Paradise there grows a world tree (our ancestors believed that it was a birch or an oak), at the top of which birds or the souls of the dead lived.

The crow once had the keys to the Iriy Garden, but it angered the Gods, and the keys were given to the swallow.

According to folk legends, in the Iriy Garden, near the wells, there are places prepared for the future life of good, kind people.

These are students with clean spring water, around which fragrant flowers grow, rejuvenating apples ripen on the trees, and birds of paradise sing sweetly.

Nikita, Nikita the reporez, gosling, gosling, hussar, homewrecker, boring.

On September 28, they began to harvest turnips. Before the advent of potatoes in the early 18th century, turnips were the staple food of peasants. They ate this vegetable fresh, steamed, dried, boiled; they baked pies with turnips, dried them, cooked turnip porridge, and prepared turnip kvass.

Turnip decoction has analgesic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. This decoction is useful to drink when you have a cold, especially with a severe cough. It also improves sleep and calms the heartbeat. A warm decoction helps with toothache (gargling).

On September 28 it was customary to slaughter geese. According to tradition, one bird was sacrificed to the merman, who on this day threw the last feast before going to bed until April 1 of the following spring.

Geese fly high - to the friendly and high spring flood, low - to the low spring water.

A goose raises its paw - to the cold, stands on one leg - to the frost, rinses in the water - to the warmth.

Geese are dragging the winter on their tails.

Goose and duck often dive - it means rain.

Lyudmila's Day. Bird bone, bird nakedness.

Game (grouse, quail, wild goose) was ritual food on this day, since at this time the birds flew to warmer regions. In ancient times, it was believed that migratory birds followed the sun. It is no coincidence that the custom of serving roast goose at Christmas, symbolizing the waning and increasing power of the sun, arose.

Quail in Rus' also symbolized the sun, was the emblem of the Russian tsars and a symbol of spring.

Birding is another name for September 29th associated with birds. Bird calls are the singing of migratory birds leaving their native lands. Perhaps it is precisely these songs that are associated with the belief that those born on this day have a melodious voice. Such a girl will be the first singer at gatherings and weddings, which began at this time.

Girls born on September 29 were often called Lyudmilas. The name is of Slavic origin and means “sweet”, “responsive”.

In which direction the animals lie with their backs, wait for the wind.

Jackdaws gather in flocks and scream - the weather will be clear.

If in the morning the stars twinkle brightly, audibility increases, smoke spreads below - the weather will worsen.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, girls' holiday, women's name day, all-world women's holiday, all-world women's howl.

On this day, one of the so-called women's holidays was celebrated. Only it began not with fun, but with crying. This is where the name “worldwide woman’s howl” comes from.

Indeed, according to custom, even those to whom it was a sin to complain about their fate were supposed to cry. They cried, if not about their own fate, then about the fate of their relatives and friends, because “a woman’s fate does not exist alone.” The tradition of such crying did not appear by chance, because on September 30 they remembered not only Faith, Hope and Love, but also their mother Sophia, who suffered and cried for her daughters.

In general, tears in folk tradition are not only an expression of natural grief or sadness, but also a form of ritual behavior. So, for example, the bride always “cryed” before the wedding, saying goodbye to her home.

It was customary to treat birthday girls with pies on September 30th. Birthday girls celebrated Angel Day for three whole days, glorifying maternal wisdom and feminine virtues.

It's time to pick the last apples.

Name days: Andrey, Augustus, Agap, Timothy, Kallistratus, Pitirim, Thekla, Theophanes.

Orthodox calendar: Day of Martyrs Andrew Stratilates, Agapius, Timothy, Thekla; Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Great Perm.

Folk signs: It was noted that this day is hotter than July. The wind blowing from the south on this day means the oat harvest. If the moon has its horns up, then the weather will be good for several days, and maybe the whole month, but if its horns are down, it will be cloudy and stormy for a long time.

Folk beliefs and customs: They looked back over the past year to Stratelates and in their thoughts tried to correct mistakes and ask for forgiveness. After that, we planned for the coming year. All this was done with prayer, in a calm mood, so as not to arouse evil forces that could “confuse” all the plans.

On this day oats were harvested: “The day is ripe for the stratilates - the oats are ripe.” They pulled beets and carrots: “The beetroot girl is a slave for the girls. It’s no wonder to carry vegetables by the tops. But you need to bow to your garden. And if the sun shines, the girl is happy.”

September 2. Samoilin day

Name days: Agathon, Adeline, Achilles, Victor, Guy, Dementius, Eustathius, Izot, Lukiy, Maxim, Nikon, Orion, Panteleimon, Sevier, Savin, Samuel, Silvanus, Timofey.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Prophet Samuel; martyrs Sevier and Memnon.

Folk signs: From this day on, winter mushrooms appear. Migratory birds begin to gather in flocks.

Folk beliefs and customs: It was believed that on Samoilin’s day God especially takes care of the peasant: “Samoila asks God for a man.”

September 3. Vasilisa

Name days: Abraham, Agap, Alexander, Anikius, Vassa, Dorotheus, Ephraim, Cornelius, Pistus, Sabina, Thadeus.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Apostle from the seventy of Thaddeus; Martyr Vassa; Venerable Abraham of Smolensk.

Folk signs: On this day, the weather was judged by the wind: if the wind is north, then cold is near; south wind - warmth; Western - to phlegm, rain; eastern - to the bucket, wait for clear weather.

Folk beliefs and customs: From this day the flax harvesting began: “Baba Vasilisa cares about flax.” The peasants went to the fields and judged: “Isn’t it time to pull the flax? Select flax in the green so that you don’t lose the fiber, and the seed will ripen in the sheaves.”

September 4. Agathon-gumennik

Name days: Athanasius, Agathon, Anfisa, Ariadne, Gorazd, Eulalia, Zeno, Izot, Irinius, Neophyte, Rose, Rosalia, Severian, Felix, Theodora.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyrs Agathonicus, Zotikos, Akindinus, Severianus; Hieromartyr Gorazd of Bohemia, Venerable Anthusa.

Folk signs: If it’s warm and the cobwebs are flying, it means a good autumn and some snow. If the web flies low, then the winter will be warm, and if it flies high, the winter will be cold.

Folk beliefs and customs: For a long time it was believed that Agathon the goon “ drives the devil out". According to popular belief, if you see a goblin, then you can’t eat anything that day (after all, treating the goblin made the unfortunate person forget about home). On this day, the peasant dressed in a sheepskin coat inside out, armed himself with a poker and guarded his property all night.


Leshy, woodsman, boletus, in Slavic mythology - the forest spirit, the owner of the thicket and animals. From a distance, he looked a little like a man covered with thick fur, with long hair, a green beard, goat horns and legs, dressed in animal skin. The goblin could scare people with his laughter, lead travelers into impenetrable thickets, and could steal a child. The owner of the forest could become as small as a mouse or grow taller than the tallest tree. “The goblin plays the fool in the field at night, fells sheaves, and tries to turn everything upside down on the threshing floor. The goblin can cry like a child, neigh like a horse, and laugh so hard that the trees shake. A goblin can turn into moss on a tree, into creaking roots, into a shaggy animal. Or he’ll choose a hollow for himself: lay dry grass in the hollow, and curtain the hole with moss.” In October, the goblin hibernated, and in the spring it returned even more wild and noisy.

However, it was believed that the goblin not only plays pranks, leads people through the forest, he often helps a person, especially if he respected him in some way.

September 5. Lupp-lingonberry

Name days: Eutychius, Elizabeth, Irinius, Luppus, Callinicus, Florentius.

Orthodox calendar: Martyr Lupp's Day; Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons; Saint Kalnikos, Patriarch of Constantinople.

Folk signs: The first frosts are “Luppovskie”. Luppen frosts set on oats and are sweetened with lingonberries. If the cranes fly south to Luppa, then winter will come early.

Folk beliefs and customs: On Lupp they collected lingonberries and said: “Luppa is walking around, the red-haired guy is hitting on the back. Bend over - the lingonberries are ripe, move - the oats have reached the field.” Housewives soaked lingonberries for the winter.

Soaked lingonberries.

Sort the lingonberries, rinse with cold water, pour into glass or enamel containers, into wooden barrels and pour cooled boiled water so that the water completely covers the berries. Place a circle on top, cover with a clean linen cloth and place some heavy object.

The filling liquid can be prepared as a light brine with syrup. To do this, take 100 g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water, boil the water and cool. To improve the taste, you can add apples cut into several pieces, pepper or cinnamon to the lingonberries. Should be stored in a cool place. Soaked lingonberries are good both as a side dish and as a dessert - with honey or sugar, and as a filling in pies and pancakes.

Lingonberry water.

Lingonberry water is one of the most favorite drinks of our ancestors. For Luppa-lingonberry, they picked the berries, put them in a barrel, filled them with spring water and put them in the cellar. The lingonberry water was ready for winter.

IN modern conditions When soaking lingonberries, you need to fill a three-liter jar with only two-thirds of the berries, and fill the top with water (preferably spring water) to the brim. Each jar will yield 1.5 liters of lingonberry water. When draining, you can refill it with spring water. It will be delicious the second time.

September 6. Eutyches. Quiet dawn

Name days: Arseny, Georgy (Egor, Yuri), Peter, Eutychius, Martyrius, Sira, Tation.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Holy Martyr Eutyches; Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow; Venerable Arseny of Komel.

Folk signs: If it rains on Eutyches, then autumn will be dry.

Folk beliefs and customs: According to popular belief, on this day “The dawn calls out and warns everyone who is going into the forest alone.” On Eutychius they did not go into the forest, for fear of getting lost or meeting a goblin.

September 7. Bautromei-zhitosey. Tit mushroom

Name days: Gregory, Bartholomew, Epiphanes, Ivan, Mina, Regina, Renat, Titus.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Apostles Bartholomew and Titus; Saint Mina, Patriarch of Constantinople.

Folk signs: A large harvest of mushrooms means a long winter.

Folk beliefs and customs: In the old days, this day ended the mushroom season: “Saint Titus is growing the last mushroom,” “Titus is dragging the last mushroom in a basket. The most vigorous, without a wormhole.” And there is a belief that a person born on this day will experience happiness only in adulthood. On this day, the peasants threshed grain and said: “Mushrooms are mushrooms, but the threshing is behind you,” “Titus went to thresh.”

September 8. Natalya-ovsyannitsa and Odriyan

Name days: Adrian, Atticus, Natalya.

Orthodox calendar: Day of Martyrs Adrian and Natalia. Celebration Vladimir icon Holy Mother of God.

Folk signs: If thunder rumbles, then autumn will be warm. If the clouds are rare, it will be clear and cold.

Folk beliefs and customs: By this day, the peasants tried to harvest the oats: “You can’t mow oats with Natalya - you’ll be exhausted to the point of tears.”

They spoke against Natalya and Audrian from misfortune: “Natalya doesn’t put an oat pancake in the barn, and Odriyan doesn’t put oatmeal in a pot. So that the stuffiness and rot, the sudden fire, will recoil from the walls of the barn, so that the threshers and other workers will begin their work with a kind word.”

September 9. Anfisa-rowannitsa

Name days: Anfisa, Liveriy, Kuksha, Hosiya, Pimen, Savva.

Orthodox calendar: Day of Saints Pimen the Great, Kuksha and Pimen of Pechersk; Saint Liverius, Pope of Rome; Martyr Anfisa (Anfusa).

Folk signs: If there are a lot of berries on the rowan tree, then the winter will be harsh.

Folk beliefs and customs: On this day they “glorified” the mountain ash. We tried to collect as many rowan tassels as possible and hang them on poles under the roof - this should bring happiness to the house. It was noticed that birds are the first to feast on rowan berries.

September 10. Moses Murin and Anna-skirdnitsa

Name days: Anna, Agathon, Anatoly, Arseny, Afanasy, Gregory, Denis, Efim, Zakhar, Job, Hilarion, Inessa, Joseph, Karl, Kasyan, Lavrenty, Leonty, Lukyan, Makar, Moses, Nestor, Pavel, Pankrat, Pimen, Savva, Silvanus, Sophron, Titus, Feodor, Theodosius.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Moses Murin; Saints Job of Pochaevsky, Savva of Krypetsky; righteous Anna the prophetess.

Folk signs: If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, then next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

Folk beliefs and customs: They hurried to put the untended sheaves into stacks at Anna-stack, fearing the onset of September bad weather: “The field is red with sheaves, and the threshing floor with stacks.” They transported sheaves from the fields, stored them in warehouses, and “celebrated” the harvest. From this day on, cheerful inviting fairs began.

September 10 is also a day of healing from drunkenness, insight and purification. They pray to Moses Murin for deliverance from drunkenness and fornication.

Kontakion to the Monk Moses Murin, tone 2.

“For the love of the Lord, reverend, you hated the desire for peace, having enlightened your spirit with fasting: for you have conquered the beasts with great strength: but with your prayers you have destroyed the vacillation of those who are contrary.”

September 11th. Ivan Postny, cab

Name days: Anastasy, Ivan.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist. Strict post.

Folk signs: The day ends the summer: Ivan Lent came, the red summer took away. Since Lenten Ivan, no man goes out into the field without a caftan. Ivan Poletovshchik brings the red summer. Ivan Lenten is the godfather of autumn. Ivan the Baptist chases a bird across the sea far away. Midsummer drives the bird overseas. If the cranes moved south from Ivan Lent, then autumn will be short and winter will be early. On September 11, “Indian summer” begins, which will last until September 22.

Folk beliefs and customs: On this day, all Orthodox soldiers killed on the battlefield are commemorated. This commemoration was established in the Russian Orthodox Church under Empress Catherine II (by decree of 1769), during the war with the Turks.

The day of September 11 is marked by strict fasting. Hence the name of the day “Ivan Lenten”. The biblical legend underlying this holiday is associated with prohibitions on eating everything, singing and dancing. You cannot eat not only meat, but also apples, potatoes, cabbage, turnips, watermelons, onions - anything that resembles a head; It was considered a sin to pick up a knife and cut anything. They even broke bread with their hands that day. It is not customary to eat borscht and cabbage soup made from fresh white cabbage on this day. You cannot sing and dance on this day because Herod’s stepdaughter begged for the head of John the Baptist through dances and songs.

Until the 19th century, the following solemn ritual was observed on this day: young people from all over the village gathered to the outskirts; a clay doll, dressed in a linen shroud, was brought there, a headless doll; This doll was lifted by two young girls and carefully carried to the river, where they laid their burden on the ground on the steepest bank. The crowd accompanying the girls began to lament over the doll, as if over a real dead person. Then the mourned clay deceased was picked up by two young guys and thrown into the water with a flourish.

This day was celebrated widely, with food for relatives, friends and, of course, the poor, beggars, and wanderers: “On Ivan Lent - even though it’s fasting, it’s a pickle.” Even a host who strictly adheres to the precepts of antiquity has something to treat his guests. The hostess was baking “kulaga” (steamed malted dough with viburnum).

Ritual dish "Kulaga"

Kulaga is the sister of malt. Dahl gives such a detailed recipe for kulagi: “... mix equal amounts of rye flour and malt in a korchag with boiling water until the thickness of kvass grounds, evaporate in a free spirit and put in the cold.”

Kulaga was prepared from rye malt. By appearance The kulaga resembled porridge; it was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. The color of kulaga is from golden-pinkish to dark brown, the taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is honey.

There are many options for preparing kulagi. Most often, kulaga was prepared from rye malt, buckwheat or rye flour. Kulaga was boiled or simply brewed with boiling water, fermented or eaten unleavened. If kulaga was prepared from malt, then it itself had a sweetish taste. And kulaga, made from flour, is slightly sweetened with honey. Berries in the kulag are simply necessary. The most suitable one is viburnum. Its taste and aroma go well with rye malt.

Russian kulaga.

Russian kulaga is prepared from rye malt and rye flour, viburnum, without the addition of sweet foods (sugar, honey).

Dilute the malt with boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, then double it in more rye flour, knead the dough and let it cool to temperature fresh milk, then ferment it with rye crust and after the dough has soured, put it in a heated oven - usually from evening to morning, for 8–10 hours. At the same time, close the dishes tightly and cover them with dough to completely seal. And a day later, add the same amount of steamed viburnum mashed and rubbed through a sieve.

Kulaga is created through a process of restrained fermentation without access to air and low heat. As a result, special enzymes are formed, rich in B vitamins, which, together with other components, provide the product with a pleasant taste and benefits. Among the people, kulaga was used to treat colds, nervous, heart, kidney, and gallstone diseases. This healing effect and taste were the result of exceptionally special cooking conditions.

Belarusian kulaga.

1 kg of berries, 1 liter of boiling water, 80 g of rye flour, 200 g of sugar, 60 g of honey.

Dishes for kulagu ( clay pot) fill half with viburnum berries, half with water and cook. When the berries are boiled, add rye flour to them and stir until it acquires the consistency of jelly. But before the kulaga is ready, in the middle of cooking, after adding flour, season it with honey. In this case, the proportion of flour increases by 1–3 tablespoons, depending on the consistency of the kulaga, which should resemble a slurry porridge.

Name days: Alexander, Arseny, Athanasius, Gabriel, Gregory, Daniel, Denis, Ephraim, Ivan, Ignatius, Cornelius, Leonid, Makar, Nicodemus, Pavel, Savva, Spiridon, Fedor, Ferapont, Christopher, Jacob.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Blessed Princes Yes, neither the silt of Moscow, Alexander Nevsky; Venerable Alexander of Svirsky.

Folk signs: If there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, then autumn will be rainy.

Folk beliefs and customs: In Rus', “Svytnik” was celebrated on this day. Until this day, peasants had left barley stalks standing in the field since the August harvest: “The last blanket for the flax has arrived”. And on this day they “curled” barley stalks along with flax and oat stalks, charming the cornfield for the future harvest.

They prayed to Saint Alexander of Svir for the birth of a male child.

September 13. Cyprian. Crane meeting

Name days: Gennady, Basilisk, Cyprian.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Hieromartyr Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage; Saint Gennady, Patriarch of Constantinople.

Folk signs: If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk,” it will be a good autumn.

Folk beliefs and customs: The crane's flight begins on Cyprian. It was noted that “On Kupriyanov’s day, the cranes in the swamp are going to “keep an agreement”, which way to go warm waters fly".

After this day we walked around the cranberries: “To take cranberries before the deadline is to please the darkness.” We started digging for root crops: “Every root is in its own hole.”

Name days: Ammonius, Angel, Hermogenes, Jesus, Callista, Meletius, Martha, Semyon.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Simeon the Stylite. The beginning of the indict - the church new year.

Folk signs: On Semenov Day they monitored the weather, since the state of nature for the entire subsequent autumn was determined by this day: if the weather is warm on Semenov Day, then the whole winter will be warm. If it’s dry on Semenden, then the whole autumn will be dry. If there is a lot of grass in Semenov autumn, then the autumn will be long and clear. If on Semyon Day the wind comes from under the sun, then in winter the winds will come from the north.

The weather was also determined by the behavior of animals and birds on that day: if wild ducks land and starlings do not fly away, then the autumn will be long and dry. If geese fly away on Semyon Day, then wait for early winter. If Indian summer is stormy, then autumn will be dry. A lot of cobwebs on Semenov's day - for a clear autumn and a cold winter.

Folk beliefs and customs: From the 14th century to 1700, until the famous Decree of Peter I, which moved the celebration of the New Year to January 1, St. Simeon's Day was the first day of the new year and the “day of judgment.” People came to Moscow to “be put on trial” in the presence of the sovereign and the boyars. The judicial expression: “to accumulate complaining people” on the court day in Moscow has been known since the time of Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich. The same “days of judgment” for monastic people and peasants, as can be seen from the letters of Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Aleksey Mikhailovich, were Christmas and Trinity Day.

As the end of one year and the beginning of another, the day of Simeon the Stylite, according to established custom, was considered an “urgent day” and was the deadline for paying quitrents, taxes and duties. By this time, all economic contracts and transactions concluded by peasants among themselves and with merchants had ended. Thus, in the scribe books about the rental of land, fishing grounds and other lands, it was said: “Pay the quitrent annually for the term of Seeds of the Summer Guide.”

Semenov Day occupied a special place among the peasants.

Ritual of "Autumn". First meeting of autumn.

This day was associated with the end of summer and the beginning of autumn: “Semyon says goodbye to summer.” The ritual of “Osenina”, the first meeting of autumn, was performed. The real, or “old” Indian summer began: “Indian summer brings Semyon.” The “old” Indian summer lasted until September 21, the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. This week was called “Semenskaya” in Rus'. They said about this time: “No matter how much you boast, woman, of the Indian summer, the autumn still looks - mother: it’s September outside - in September there is only one berry, and that bitter rowan!”

From the first day of Indian summer, autumn round dances and games began. At the same time, rich people placed vessels with mash and beer at the gate and announced that “the pies were baked and the honey was brewed.” During the festivities, the round dancers came to the gate, where their owners treated them. Young women came out of the gate and offered mash, first to the old and then to the young. Then they played a game called “brew beer,” which began with the song:

“Oh, we brewed beer on the mountain,

Lado, Lado, they brewed beer!

We'll all gather around this beer;

My Lado, Lado, let’s all gather around!”

By the day of Simeon the Stylite, the harvest of spring crops was completed: “Seed day – down with the seeds”, i.e. the seeds themselves fall out of the ears; completed the sowing of rye: “On Semyon’s Day, sow from the shoulders,” “On Semyon’s Day, plow before lunch, and after lunch, drive the plowman with a roller.” From Semenov's day you cannot sow seeds.

According to popular belief, on Semenov’s day you cannot go to the river bank until the morning dew subsides, since at dawn an eel fish comes out of the water onto the bank and walks through the meadows for three miles in the dew. They believed that in this way she washes away all diseases from herself, passing them on to humans. Eel was generally considered a forbidden fish in Rus', which was allowed to be eaten only as a last resort, when “you go around seven cities in advance and you won’t find any food,” and even in these cases it was forbidden to touch the head and tail. The people saw the eel in the form of a cunning and evil water serpent, deprived of the ability to sting people and animals for their sins. Healers and sorcerers used the eel during fortune telling: they placed it on hot coals and, based on the direction of the jumps, determined where the stolen item was located. At the same time, they conjured the eel in the name of Saint Martha, the mother of Simeon the Stylite, whose memory was celebrated by the church on the same day as her son.

In addition, it was believed that on Semenov’s day the devil measures the sparrows with a yardstick: how many to take for themselves and how many to release. For this, all the sparrows gathered towards him and could not be seen. From Semenov's day, plowing of the fields began to protect them from evil spirits.

Semenov's day was considered a holiday for kennel hunters, their first trip to the departing field took place, and hares were hunted. There was a belief that “from the Semeninsky ride, the horses become bolder, the dogs become healthier and don’t get sick, the first bait brings big prey in the winter”.

Ritual of "Zasidki"

From Semyonov’s day the “stays” began - work in huts under fire. At the same time, it was customary on the eve of Semenov's day to extinguish all the fire, except for the lamp, and at dawn to light a new fire. Previously, there was a custom to make a new fire from dry wood. It was done like this: older people rubbed dry wood against a tree, and a young guy or girl lit a new fire with a knitting needle, which was used to light the stoves in the huts and baths, and in the shelters they lit a torch and candles.

Indian summer was considered both an Indian holiday and the time when autumn women's work began: they crushed and ruffled hemp, soaked hemp, washed it in water and spread flax across the meadows. On Semenov day they began to spin and plug the yarn, prepare the warp on the weaving mills to weave canvas.

On the same day, they usually moved to new houses and celebrated housewarming: “Transitions on Semyon-Day for housewarming - happiness and fun.”

Ritual "Funeral of Flies".

On Semyonov’s day the girls ran to “bury flies”: “On Semenday they bury fleas, cockroaches and other domestic insects in the ground so that they do not live in the house,” “If you kill a fly before Semenday, seven flies will be born; If you kill after Semyon-day, seven flies will die.”. The girls put on their best outfits and made small coffins from dry leaves, turnips, rutabaga, carrots, beets or cabbage stalks (cockroaches were sometimes buried in wood chip coffins). Then they put the caught insects there, covered them and with “joking solemnity”, sometimes with crying and lamentations, took them out of the hut and buried them in the ground. While the coffins were being carried out, someone would drive the flies out of the house with a towel or pants (which in some cases was considered a more effective method) and say: “A fly after a fly, fly to bury the flies,” “You are flies, mosquito friends, it’s time to die. A fly eat a fly, but the last one eats itself.” The ceremony was accompanied by songs:

“The cockroach was chopping wood,

The mosquito carried water

My feet got stuck in the mud.

The louse was steaming

Yes I hit it

Inadvertently -

Right side:

The rib was dislocated.

The bugs were raising

My stomach was torn."

The meaning of the ritual was not only the destruction and expulsion of insects from peasant huts, but also that during the “fly funeral” the girls arranged a show for themselves, trying to show their merits in front of the spectators who had gathered to watch the ceremony, especially the guys who were looking for brides. After all, the time for weddings was approaching; it was not for nothing that it was believed that “from Semyon-day to Guria(November 28) – wedding weeks."

The rituals of “Tunement” and “Mounting a horse.”

The rituals of “Tunement” and “Mounting on a horse” were timed to coincide with Simeon’s day: “Give Semyon a child’s hair, put him on a horse, and go out into the field to fish.” It was performed on boys, most often the first-born, “during the transition from infancy,” usually when they turned three years old. The ritual was performed not only on peasants, but also on grand ducal children. In the latter case, the ritual took place in a church and was performed by a bishop. Boyars and ordinary people They performed the ritual at home, in the presence of relatives.

The godfather performed the tonsure. The hair cut from the baby was given to the mother, who sewed it into an amulet; It was customary to keep them until death. The godfather and godfather took the godson out into the yard, where the father was waiting for them with a broken horse. The father put his son on the horse and held it with his hand, and the godfather led the horse by the bridle. At the porch, the father took the child off the porch and handed it over to the godfather, who handed the godson to the godfather - “from floor to floor” with bows. Kuma took him to his mother. Father and mother gave gifts to godfather and godfather, and they, in turn, presented gifts to the godson. At dinner, godfather and godfather broke a pie on the godson's head with wishes of wealth and happiness.

September 15. Shepherd mammoth. Fedot and Rufina

Name days: Alfred, Anton, Demid, Ivan, Leonid, Mamant, Rufina, Fedor, Fedot, Philip, Julian.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyrs Mamantus, Theodotus and Rufina; Saint John the Faster, Patriarch of Tsar Grad; Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk.

Folk signs: If the day is clear, then autumn will be warm.

Folk beliefs and customs: Saint Mamant was considered the patron saint of sheep and goats. On this day, they cleaned the yard and the barn where the sheep and goats stood: they covered it with moss and smoked it with heather. And the goats and sheep were driven out to pasture during the day. They said about this day: “Do not drive out the cattle in the morning against Fedot and Rufina; if you drive them out, you will cause trouble,” “Veles blows the shepherd’s horn, commands the autumn moisture to fill the hoof prints with life-giving power.”

After all the field work was completed, the guys whose lot it fell to become recruits were given complete freedom. Until recruitment itself (usually in November), they were freed from work. The guys walked around in smart, festive clothes and visited each other.

September 16. Good blast furnace

Name days: Anikius, Anfim, Ariston, Vasilisa, Vitalian, Domna, Dorotheus, Zeno, Efim, Ivan, Ioannikiy, Constantine, Peter, Theoktist, Theophilus, Chariton.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Hieromartyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia; martyrs Theophilus, Dorofey; martyrs Domna the Virgin, Vasilisa of Nicomedia; St. Ioannikios II, Patriarch of Serbia; Blessed John Vlasaty, Rostov Wonderworker.

Folk signs: If thunder rumbles, then there will be a long and warm autumn.

Folk beliefs and customs: Domna Day - “tidying up the junk in the house.” It is believed that in order to gain prosperity for the fall, you need to tidy up your house, barn, or shed. Housewives on this day burned all sorts of junk and worn-out things: “And what was no longer useful - the blast furnace burned on the ridge along with the potato tops.”

September 17. Lukov day. Vavila Viloprazn

Name days: Athanasius, Babyla, Donatus, Josaf, Kion, Mois this, Feodor, Julian.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Hieromartyr Babyla, Bishop of Great Antioch; the prophet Moses, the seer of God, Saint Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod; First Martyr Athanasius of Brest. Celebration of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Burning Bush”.

Folk signs: If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, then the winter will be snowy and harsh. There may be early snowfall (average - October 12, later - November 7).

Folk beliefs and customs: The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Burning Bush” is considered a guardian against fires and lightning. On the day of its celebration, prayers were ordered to save houses from fire, and people from all sorts of diseases (Antonov fire, fire).

September 18. Zachary and Elizabeth

Name days: Avdey, Gleb, David, Denis, Elizaveta, Zakhar, Iraida, Maxim, Raisa, Sarvil, Fedor, Fiveya.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Prophet Zechariah and the Righteous Elizabeth, parents of Saint John the Baptist; Martyr Raisa (Iraida); Martyr Obadiah; Blessed Prince Gleb.

Folk signs: On this day, they judged winter: if the leaves on the mountain ash turned yellow early, then there would be early autumn and an early cold winter.

Folk beliefs and customs: Saint Elizabeth predicted the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary, therefore this day is considered successful for predictions, fortune telling and other cherished, secret matters. They prayed to the Prophet Zechariah and the righteous Elizabeth for the conception and birth of a child.

Prayer for conception and birth of a child.

“O holy saints of God, prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth! Having fought a good fight on earth, we have naturally received in heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy, through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen".

September 19. Michaelmas

Name days: Arkhip, Aviv, Amalia, Andrey, Cyril, Cyriacus, David, Zeno, Eudoxius, Makar, Mikhail, Romil, Thekla, Theoktist.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyrs Eudoxius, Macarius, Zenon, St. Archippus, Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyn. Memories of the miracle of Archangel Michael.

Folk signs: Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away. From this day forward, the Mikhailovsky matinees covered the earth with frost: Mikhail grabbed the earth with frost.

Folk beliefs and customs: On Michaelmas Day the first “brotherhood” celebrated. Bratchina, fraternity, fraternity - worldly gatherings at which family and private matters were decided. After the reconciliation gathering, mutual treats were offered, leading into the celebration itself. In winter, two main brotherhoods were celebrated: Mikhailovsky (September 19) and Nikolsky (December 19). According to popular belief, Mikhail was not allowed to work - God would punish him.

September 20. Luke

Name days: Ivan, Luke, Makar, Savva, Serapion, Sozont.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyrs of Sozont, Macarius of Kanevsky; Venerable Serapion of Psovsky; St. John, Archbishop of Novgorod, St. Luke.

Folk signs: On Luka, they used the bulb to tell fortunes about winter: an abundance of husks on the bulbs meant a cold winter.

Folk beliefs and customs: On Luka they removed bees and collected onions. On this day “the girls wove onions into their braids,” and the witch said: “The braids will be silky and tight - from onion scum and onion skins.” Healers treated skin diseases and abscesses with steamed onions: “The onion cures this disease!”

September 21. Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Spozhinki

Orthodox calendar: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the twelfth holiday in honor of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Nativity of the Mother of God (Theotokos Day, Second Most Pure Day, Small Most Pure One, Second Lady, Rich Lady, Spozha, Spozhka, Big Spozhka, Asposov /Aspasov/ Day, Sposov Day, Pasikov Day, Autumn, Second Autumn, Lukov Day, Podnesenev Day) - folk the name of the great twelve-day feast of the Mother of God of the Orthodox Church - the Nativity of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Installed in memory of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Lord God Jesus Christ.

Folk signs: If the weather is good on this day, then autumn will be good.

Folk beliefs and customs: Day of the Virgin Mary of Rus'. The Day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is celebrated with a solemn prayer service; singing of magnification at Matins: “We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy parents and glorify Your birth with all glory.” Church hymns: stichera, troparia and canons in honor of the Mother of God are called “Theotokos”; they are part of all daily services. In the liturgical books, the Mother of God holidays in honor of the Mother of God are especially highlighted. Each Mother of God holiday has its own Theotokos.

Among the people, the Mother of God was especially revered. The image of the Mother of God was clearer, more accessible and closer to the people’s consciousness than the image of Jesus Christ. On the one hand, “ascended into the divine world,” on the other, she remained connected with ordinary people, worrying and interceding for them like a mother. The popular cult of the Mother of God was expressed in numerous epithets: “Most Holy”, “Most Pure”, “Mistress”, “Queen of Heaven and Earth”, “Deliverer of Sorrows”, “First Helper”, “Heavenly Intercessor”, “Healer from illnesses and passions” , “Defender from troubles, evil spirits, misfortunes and suffering.” Since in popular ideas the Mother of God was seen as comforting, merciful, responsive to any misfortune and relieving pain, people often turned to her with spells and prayers

and spells in different cases of life: “Most Pure Mother of God, deliver me from the toil, take away the annoyances from my soul, illuminate my life!”

The Mother of God was considered the intercessor of children in this and the next world. According to Russian beliefs, a mother who “slept” her child (pressed him down during sleep) had to pray alone in church for several nights in a row in a outlined circle. Then, on the first night, the Mother of God showed the mother her child covered in blood, on the second night the blood became less, and so on until complete cleansing.

Mother the Most Holy Theotokos was often invoked in incantations and prayers for healing from illnesses.

Conspiracy against diseases.

“I will get up slave (name) early in the morning, I will wash myself with spring water, dry myself with the Lord’s shroud and I will pray to the image of the Savior, the Mother of the Most Holy Lady, the Most Pure Theotokos. On the sea-ocean, on the Jordan River, on the Alatyr stone stands the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, next to her are 77 angels, 77 archangels. 1st angel Michael the archangel, 2nd angel Gabriel the archangel, third angel Kuzma and Damyan. Do not shoot the slave (name), but fly away, eyes, from the slave (name) from door to door, from gate to gate, through the moss, through the swamps, to the hayfields. Amen, amen, amen."

Holiday "Spozhinka".

This day is also known as “Spozhinki” - the end and celebration of the end of the harvest, the harvest festival. Spozhinki have been dealt with for a long time and sometimes lasted a whole week. The more fruitful the summer was, the longer the holiday lasted, celebrated by visiting people and widespread hospitality. They were sure to invite the newlyweds to their father-in-law and mother-in-law, along with their father-in-law and mother-in-law. Often grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for several days after the holiday.

Ritual of "Autumn". Second meeting of autumn.

According to the Russian folk calendar, September 21 is the second meeting of autumn (the first on Semyon Day - September 14, the third on Exaltation - September 27). On this day they celebrated “Oseniny”.

Early in the morning, women went out to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. The older woman stood with the bread, and the young women around her sang songs, after which they broke the bread into pieces according to the number of those present and fed it to the livestock.

With Osenin, gatherings began: girls with yarn gathered in one hut, guys came to them with a harmonica and treats, and game songs were sung:

“Get drunk, you drunk,

Change yourselves

To our side.

Like on our side

Great freedom!

And there’s a lot of freedom,

The guys are rich!

That men are rich

Stone chambers!

Golden doors

What domes are cast!”

Just like the day spring equinox, on this day they renewed the fire in the huts - they extinguished the old one and lit a new one. To avoid damage from the evil eye and disease, old clothes and shoes were burned, and children were doused with water on the doorstep.

September 22. Day of Akim and Anna. Present day

Name days: Anna, Athanasius, Joseph (Osip), Joachim, Marin, Nikita, Sevres, Severian, Stratonik, Strator, Theo before this, Feofan, Chariton.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Righteous Joachim and Anna, parents of the Mother of God; Martyr Severian; St. Joseph, abbot of Volotsk, wonderworker; Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov.

Folk signs: Day of the autumn equinox. The night is equal to the day and will increase: the day is getting shorter, the evening is getting longer. A lot of shade - for a clear autumn and cold winter.

Folk beliefs and customs: Day of Akim and Anna - God's ancestors. These righteous people are considered helpers of women in labor and the childless. On this day we honored the sun and prayed to it “to accumulate strength and drive away the darkness approaching the gate.” In the old days, there was a custom for newlyweds to treat their relatives, so this day was also called “Presentation Day.”

"Presentation Day"

All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds “to visit the young, look at their lives and teach them wisdom.” After hearty lunch the young housewife showed all her household goods in the house. The owner took the guests to the yard, showed them livestock in the barns, summer and winter harnesses in the sheds, and treated them to beer from a keg in the garden. Guests, according to custom, were supposed to praise and teach wisdom. All this was accompanied by the presentation of beer with a joke: “Presence day. Lay, lay, little egg! Water it, little egg! Drink, guests, drink - don’t begrudge your host’s goodness!”

September 23. Name day Rowan

Name days: Andrew, Appellius, Callinicus, Kasyan, Clement, Lucius, Minodora, Mitrodora, Nymphodora, Paul, Peter, Pulcheria.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyrs Minodora, Mitrodora, Nymphodora; Blessed Pulcheria, Queen of Greece; St. Paul the Obedient, Peter; Venerable Prince Andrew (Joasaph) of Spasokubensky.

Folk signs: If there are few rowan trees, then the autumn will be dry; if there are many, then there will be a harsh winter.

Folk beliefs and customs: This day is the name day of the rowan tree. The peasants said: “The rowan tree has chilled, withered, and has picked up sugar,” “Peter and Pavel the mountain ash growers are calling to sour, to stock up on rowan berries for future use. Remove from the povet, a place for evil spirits to take.”

According to popular belief, rowan could protect against evil spirits: “If evil spirits torment you, do not give you sleep, come up to your chest, suffocate you, then take a rowan branch, draw it around yourself - and the evil spirits will disappear.” Therefore, windows were decorated with rowan berry clusters for the winter, and rowan berries brought in from the frost were used to relieve headaches.

September 24. Fedora

Name days: Herman, Demid, Didim, Dimitrian, Diodorus, Dmitry, Evanthia, Euphrosynus, Zeno, Isidore, Iya, Leo, Roman, Sergei, Silouan, Fedora.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Theodora of Alexandria; Saints Sergius, Herman, Valaam wonderworkers; Venerable Silouan of Athos; martyrs Demetrius, his wife Evanthia.

Folk signs: Strong shoots of winter crops mean a good harvest next year.

Folk beliefs and customs: From this day on, the autumn warmth ended: “Indian summer will not reach Fedora”, “Fedora conceives the autumn mud.” Saint Theodora was considered the patroness of winter grains, so on this day they went to the field to look at winter grains.

September 25. Artamon. Autonomous. Snake day

Name days: Autonomus, Albert, Athanasius, Vassian, Daniel, Macedon, Nicodemus, Semyon, Fedor, Julian.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Hieromartyr Autonomus, Bishop of Italy; Venerable Vassian of Tiksna; righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye; Martyr Julian.

Folk signs: If the leaves from the birch and oak do not fall cleanly, then expect a harsh winter.

Folk beliefs and customs: People noted: “On Autonoma, day and night are equal, and snakes go into hibernation.” On this day, snakes crawl in a line through the forest. “Artamon releases the snake into freedom for the last time. And then he invites them into holes and locks them in the depths of the earth.”

Rowan berries were collected on Avtonoma. There was a belief: cutting down a rowan tree means starvation, that is, depriving yourself of natural medicine for the winter and leaving the birds without food. Housewives stored rowan for future use, made rowan kvass, which helped against inflammation, and prepared rowan treats with honey.

Red-fruited rowan on honey.

For 400 g of berries - 200 g of honey.

After the first frost, remove the rowan from its branches and sort it out. Prick each berry, put it in boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and keep it there until the rowan softens. Then place the berries in a sieve, boil honey, add rowan berries and cook until thick, skimming off the foam.

September 26. Kornilov day

Name days: Valerian, Gordian, Erofey, Izot, Ilya, Cornelius, Kornid, Leonty, Lukian, Peter, Julian.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyrs Cornelius the Centurion, Cronidas, Serapion and Leontius, Ilin, Zotik, Lucian, Valerian.

Folk signs: If the moon turns red, then wait for the wind to blow. The rain falls to the ground - it begins to heal the earth.

Folk beliefs and customs: They said about this day: “From this day on, the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes.” Therefore, the peasants tried to remove all root crops before Kornilov Day: “Holy Cornelius – remove the rhizome from the ground.”

September 27. Exaltation

Name day: Ivan.

Orthodox calendar: The Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is one of the most important Orthodox and Christian holidays, refers to the twelfths. Established in the 4th century in memory of the discovery in Jerusalem of the greatest shrines of the Christian world - the Holy Cross and the instrument of the Passion of the Lord.

Folk signs: Exaltation will move the heat away, and the cold will push in. On Vozdvizhenie the bird takes flight. If geese fly high into Vozdvizhenie, it means a high flood, if low, it means a low flood. If on Exaltation north wind, then the summer will be warm. Exaltation - the last haystack moved from the field. The Exaltation came - the caftan and fur coat moved, and the hat pulled down.

Folk beliefs and customs: According to popular legend, on the Exaltation there is a battle between “honor” and “dishonor”; two forces rise (“erect”) one against the other: truth and falsehood, “holy” and “unholy.” Truth wins with the help of the Holy Cross of the Lord rising from the depths of the earth. Since the cross is a symbol of suffering, the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord was considered fast by the people:

“Even if there is a movement on Sunday, everything will be on it - Friday-Wednesday, fast food”; “Whoever does not fast the Exaltation – the Cross of Christ – seven sins will be raised upon him”; “Whoever has a carnage on the table about the Exaltation kills all his prayers.”

This day was also called “Stavrov’s Day” (from Greek “cross”). For a long time, the Vozdvizhenie celebrations were performed. religious processions around villages to protect them from harm for a year. Molebens were served, icons were raised, and fields were walked around with prayer for the future harvest. They also prayed for the sick: “Pray with faith on the Day of Exaltation, so the Life-Giving Cross will rise from your deathbed.” It was customary to raise crosses on churches under construction; install roadside crosses; build votive chapels (ordinaries) and small churches - according to the promise, in honor of the holiday. And in the bins, and in the sap, and in the cow’s manger, the peasants placed crosses carved from wood, or even just rowan branches criss-crossed. In the old days, crosses were burned on door lintels and barn gates to protect their home, livestock, and harvest from harm.

There was also a belief that on the day of the Exaltation one should not begin any important and significant work, since everything started on this day would either end in complete failure or would be unsuccessful and useless.

According to popular remarks, on the Feast of the Exaltation “reptiles and other reptiles go to some unknown warm countries.” Swallows also fly there. Therefore, the men carefully locked the gates, doors and gates all day long, for fear that the reptiles crawling into the hole would not crawl into the yard by mistake. For the same reason, we tried not to go to the forest for the Exaltation: “You can’t go into the forest for the Exaltation, because then the bastards go into the woods.”

Exaltation was considered a dangerous day for going into the forest, not only because of snakes, but also because of goblin, werewolves and other evil spirits. According to popular belief, goblins gathered the animals under their control in one place and gave them a review before the coming winter. At the same time, they could cause harm to the person they encountered.

In addition to the goblin, this day was also important for the barn-keeper - the spirit that lives in the barn and takes the form of the owner of the house. The WHO movement celebrated “name days.” Ovin was “resting” - he was not allowed to drown. The threshers did not work either. If the barn was already “planted”, all the sheaves were laid in it, then the owner pretended to “seat” the barn, taking out the two top sheaves. On this day, the hostess spread an embroidered towel on the “sadila” - the barn window - and left a treat for the barn and the “barn owner” for the night.

"Skit". Third meeting of autumn.

From this day began a series of cheerful autumn parties - “cabbage parties”, “cabbage parties”, which lasted two weeks, and were celebrated not only by peasants, but also by city dwellers. On this day, girls, dressed up in colorful festive dresses, went from house to house to chop cabbage. The grooms were looking for brides - “cabbage girls”.

In the evening, when the cabbage was already chopped, there was fun everywhere, often leading to weddings taking place on Pokrov. There was a belief that if, when going to the Vozdvizhensk skit party, a girl read a special kind of spell seven times, then the young man who liked her would also like her beauty : “My word is strong as iron! Raise, Father Exaltation Day, in the heart of a good young man (name), love for me, the red maiden (name), so that this love does not end forever, so that it does not burn in fire, does not drown in water, so that the cold winter does not chill it ! My word is strong as iron!”

Neighbors were invited to Kasputen parties: “And the bad woman about Vozdvizhenie is a cabbage girl.” The cabbage girls, entering the house, congratulated the owners on the cabbage harvest, as if on a holiday. Beer was brewed for the guests and a meal was prepared with the main dish - “bread pie”. The evening ended with dancing and games.

September 28. Nikita-guseprolet

Name days: Akakiy, Valerian, Vissarion, Gerasim, Ivan, Clementine, Leonid, Makar, Maxim, Maria, Nikita, Porfiry, Stepan, Fedot.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Great Martyr Nikita; First Martyr Stephen, Martyr Porphyry; Saint Akakios, Bishop of Melitino.

Folk signs: If geese fly high - to high flood, low - to low flood. If migrating geese often land on the ground, if starlings are not yet in a hurry to fly away, then expect a dry and warm autumn.

Folk beliefs and customs: They said about this day: “Geese are dragging the winter on their tail,” “The hussar bows to the water priest, so that in his kingdom he will not be angry with the bird race.”

Saint Nikita was considered by the people to be the protector of children from diseases. On this day, healers treated children's illnesses with their spells. The children were washed Epiphany water, let them drink it.

Conspiracy for the health of the child.

“Man was born, the cross was erected, and Satan became stronger, and God was glorified, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen! Holy Father Nikita, place him, Lord, the servant of God (name) in a holy place, to think about God and to do God: the Holy Spirit will come upon him and all heaven will shine upon him, and all that is above will pass by him, the hand of Savior, the seal of Christ, Mother of God Cross, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Just as the Lord God, Jesus Christ, established springs, rivers and streams, so comfort sickness and illness in God’s servant (name) with the prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary and all the Saints and Heavenly Powers. Forever and ever. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

“The mother herself carried, she brought, she babbled, she cared for her child herself. She spoke to all 12 veins: nasal, ear, eye, buttock, scale, heel, abdominal, dorsal, hand, vertebral, inguinal, nail.”

September 29. Efimiya. Bird bone

Name days: Victor, Dorofey, Efimiya, Cyprian, Lyudmila, Melitina, Procopius, Renat, Sebastian.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Great Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised; Martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Bohemia; Martyr Victor; Saint Cyprian of Moscow.

Folk signs: If thunder rumbles on Efimiya, then the winter will be short, soft and snowless.

Folk beliefs and customs: On Efimiya they looked at the bird bone and found out from it: what kind of winter will it be? Will the seeds and roots of herbs and winter crops freeze in harsh times? A poultry bone - a duck or a chicken - with its hardness and fatty coating seemed to give the answer: if the bone is thick and there is a lot of fat on it, then the winter will be cold. This is one of the examples of long-term signs of our ancestors.

September 30. Faith, Hope, Love, Sophia. All-world women's empresses (name day)

Name days: Faith, Hope, Love, Sophia, Zeno, Ilya, Lucia, Nile, Tom, Theodotia.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

Folk signs: If the cranes fly on this day, then there will be frost on Pokrov; if not, then the cold will come later.

Folk beliefs and customs: On the day of the “All-World Women’s Empresses,” all women were allowed not to work and men congratulated them on the holiday. It was customary to honor and treat women and girls with pies, whose names were Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov. Name days were usually celebrated for three days in honor of maternal Wisdom and female Virtues.

September 5 – Luppa – lingonberry

Lingonberries have a special taste:
Either sour or not.
No matter how much you try it,
You won't find the answer to that.
And the green leaves
They do not turn yellow in winter either.
We brought it from the forest
Take this berry home.

Oats and flax are harvested. The cranes are flying away.
If the cranes fly low, then the winter will be warm, if high, then the winter will be cold. If the cranes fly low, quickly, silently, there will soon be inclement weather.

Let's play the word game "Body".
Take a box - this will be our game “body”. Lingonberries are collected in a basket or box. And we will have a special box: “Here is a box, put words in there that start with -ok.” We take turns calling words that end in –ok (lock, mushroom, petal, bun, comb, collar, iron, boot, cast). Whoever makes a mistake or cannot come up with a word puts his thing in the box. At the end of the game, you need to act out your thing - complete a task: ask a riddle, sing a song, dance to cheerful music, etc.

Grammar game with words – “Mors”. What is the name of lingonberry fruit drink - guess (remember if the baby has already drunk it) - ? (Lingonberry! That's right!). And from blueberries? (Blueberry) And from cranberries? And from raspberries? And from currants? Guess which fruit drink I like best? (the kid guesses: “Cranberry? No? Blueberry? No? and so on). The game reinforces the ability to form adjectives from nouns and develops linguistic flair.

September 7. Titus and Bartholomew

Saint Titus grows the last mushroom.

They used to say: “Whoever gets up early will pick mushrooms.” And the sleepy and lazy ones go after the nettles.” And so - “Not every mushroom is put in a basket.” Introduce your child to edible and poisonous mushrooms. And read a wonderful autumn tale about mushrooms.

Brave honey fungus.
E. Shim

There were a lot of mushrooms in the fall. Yes, what great fellows - one is more beautiful than the other!
Grandfathers stand under the dark fir trees. They wear white caftans and rich hats on their heads: the bottom is yellow velvet, the top is brown. What a sight for sore eyes!
The boletus fathers stand under the light aspen trees. Everyone is wearing shaggy gray jackets and red hats on their heads. Also a beauty!
Brother boletus grows under the tall pines. They are wearing yellow shirts and oilcloth caps on their heads. Good too!
Under the alder bushes, the Russula sisters perform round dances. Each sister is wearing a linen sundress and has a colored scarf tied around her head. Not bad either!
And suddenly another mushroom mushroom grew near the fallen birch tree. Yes, so invisible, so unsightly! The orphan has nothing: no caftan, no shirt, no cap. He stands barefoot on the ground, and his head is uncovered - his blond curls curl into little ringlets. Other mushrooms saw him and, well, laugh: “Look, how unkempt!” But where did you come out into the white light? Not a single mushroom picker will take you, no one will bow to you! Honey fungus shook his curls and answered:
- He won’t bow today, so I’ll wait. Maybe someday I’ll come in handy.
But no, mushroom pickers don’t notice it. They walk among the dark fir trees, collecting boletus mushrooms. And it gets colder in the forest. The leaves on the birch trees turned yellow, on the rowan trees they turned red, on the aspen trees they became covered with spots. At night, chilly dew falls on the moss.
And from this chilly dew the grandfather boletus came down. There is not a single one left, everyone is gone. It’s also chilly for the honey mushroom to stand in the lowlands. But even though his leg is thin, it is still light - he took it and moved higher, onto the birch roots. And again the mushroom pickers are waiting.
And mushroom pickers walk in the copses, collecting boletus fathers. They still don’t look at Openka.
It became even colder in the forest. The great wind whistled, tore off all the leaves from the trees, and the bare branches swayed. It rains from morning until evening, and there is nowhere to hide from them.
And from these evil rains the boletus fathers came away. All disappeared, not a single one remained.
The honey mushroom is also drenched in rain, but although it is puny, it is nimble. He took it and jumped onto a birch stump. No rain will flood it here. But mushroom pickers still don’t notice Openok. They walk in the bare forest, collect butter brothers and russula sisters, and put them in boxes. Is Openka really going to disappear for nothing, for nothing?
It became completely cold in the forest. Muddy clouds moved in, it became dark all around, and snow pellets began to fall from the sky. And from this snow pellets came the boletus brothers and russula sisters. Not a single cap is visible, not a single handkerchief flashes.
The groats also fall out on Openka's uncovered head and get stuck in his curls. But the cunning Honeypaw did not make a mistake here either: he took it and jumped into the birch hollow. He sits under a reliable roof, slowly peeking out: are the mushroom pickers coming? And the mushroom pickers are right there. They wander through the forest with empty boxes, but they cannot find a single fungus. They saw Openka and were so happy: “Oh, my dear!” - They say. - Oh, you are brave! He was not afraid of rain or snow, he was waiting for us. Thank you for helping in the most inclement time! And they bowed low and low to Openko.

September 8. Natalya - fescue

On this day, oats are cut in some areas, while in others they have already been harvested. At home you can bake oatmeal cookies and cook oatmeal. On this day they cooked oatmeal jelly and baked pancakes.

Let's play the game "Oats" this day. All players join hands and sing or say rhythmically at each step in the circle: “Who wants to know how oats are sown? My father sowed like this...” And they show the movements. “And then I rested like this” (stand with folded hands). Together we say: “Oats! Oats! May you grow!”

The next verse is “Who wants to know how oats are reaped? My father reaped him like this! (showing a gesture) And then I rested like this! (showing gesture). Oats, oats, so that you grow!

In the next verse the words are spoken: “Who wants to know how oats are knitted,” then “How oats are threshed.”

This is how the game explains the sequence of growing oats (sow - reap - knit - thresh) and children clarify their ideas about the world around them.

September 10 – Skirdnitsy

“The field is red with sheaves, and the threshing floor with stacks.” On this day, sheaves are put into stacks, people rush to collect bread before the autumn rainy season.

On this day let's prepare straws for crafts or let's try to make small crafts together with the children from pre-prepared straw.

How to prepare straws?

After the grain is harvested, spikelets remain along the side of the fields. They can be cut and turned into straws. You can also use herbs for straws - bluegrass, foxtail, timothy.

How to make straw:

- Cut off the top of each spikelet - a panicle (spikelet), remove the top layer with leaves. Cut into stems of the desired length.

— We keep the finished straw in the sun for 2-3 days.

— Steam the straws in a basin or large saucepan hot water(duration from 5 minutes to 1-2 hours).

- Let the water drain. We make toys and crafts only from wet straw; it can be wetted during work.

In the video you will see in more detail how to prepare straw for work and how to weave a bell from it to decorate the interior:

Straw bell

You will find a very detailed step-by-step master class on preparing straws for application and making panels from straws with babies and older children in the article

September 13. Kupriyan

From Kupriyan they begin to pull root vegetables (except turnips) and dig up potatoes.

Play while walking outdoor game "Potato". And after the walk we will make potato toys.

We enjoyed playing this game even during my childhood. We all stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The ball needs to be hit to each other. If the player does not hit the ball, then he squats down and becomes a “potato”. To get out of the circle and get back on its feet, the “potato” needs to catch the ball that the other players are throwing. The ball can only be caught from a sitting position. If the “potato” catches the ball, it becomes a player again.

Potato crafts . Consider different shaped potatoes with your children. Often there are potatoes of very bizarre shapes, similar to various objects and animals. They can be used to make potato toys.

In potato toys, like in a construction set, potatoes of different sizes are connected to each other (for example, a small one is the head, and a large one is the body), halves of potatoes (for the stability of the craft). The potatoes are connected in the toy using matches (toothpicks, short sticks). For example, you can stick sticks - legs - into potatoes, and you get an animal. In crafts, we pay attention to the eyes of potatoes. They can be used as toy eyes.

September 14. Simeon the Stylite. Semyon is a summer guide (sees off the summer). September 16 – Vasilisa. Vasilisa - in a hurry with flax

From now on, Indian summer begins.

If the weather is warm on this day, then the winter will be warm. If geese fly away on this day, then wait for early winter.

On Semyonov Day the Osenins celebrated the first meeting of autumn.

From this day on, work began in the huts by fire. They extinguished the old fire, and in the morning they made a new fire. From this day on, they began to dry and crush flax. By Semenov's Day, they tried to complete old tasks and start new ones, they began to harvest root crops, and finished sowing winter crops.

Boys after three years (coming from early age) were tonsured and mounted on a horse in a solemn ceremony. A lock of hair from their head was cut off with prayer and then stored. The godfather held the horse's reins and led her around the yard. Went from here the custom of giving boys a wooden horse - a rocking chair like a traditional boy's toy.

Previously, knowledge about the world around us was passed on to children through folk games. Let us also tell and show our children how much work people need to do to get linen fabric. Show a linen napkin or tablecloth at home or in the store. Tell us about flax - this article will help you tell children about it in an entertaining way, and play folk game about growing flax "Lenok". In this game, as we sing, we depict the actions that are sung about in the song.

My flax is green
When it's mountainous, when it's steep,
I have already sowed, sowed flax, (we depict how flax is sowed)
Having sowed, I said,
Pinned me with chebots,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When it's mountainous, when it's steep,
I weeded, weeded flax, (we depict how we weeded flax)
I half-heartedly said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I was already tugging, tugging, flax (we depict how flax is tugged, etc.)
I was already tugging and saying
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I have already laid, laid lenok,
I, having grown up, began to say,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I wet, wet the flax,
I got wet and said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I dried, dried flax,
As I dried it, I said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I’ve already crumpled, I’ve crumpled flax,
I was already muttering, saying,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I ruffled and ruffled the flax,
I chattered and said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I scratched and scratched my flaxen
I scratched and said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I've been spinning, I've been spinning flax,
Already, spinning, I was saying,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

September 17. Lukov day.

They begin to dig out onions from the ridges.

Make a wish riddles about onions : “The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.”

Read Armenian folk tale“Why are onions bitter?” and discuss it with your children.

“In the old days, sweet Onion and bitter Watermelon lived next door. Then the onion was the size of a watermelon now. A watermelon is the same size as an onion today. As the Onion grew large and sweet, it was watered. He didn't have to take care of himself. Carefree Onion grew fat and heavy. One bad thing: he was bored.
One day, behind the fence, Onion heard a rustling sound. He knew that he was in no danger, but because he had nothing else to do, he began to listen. The rustling grew into rapid breathing. Onion wanted to see who showed up there, but he was too lazy. In the end, he couldn’t stand it and turned his heavy body. Behind the fence, from the hummocks, sweating profusely, a frail Plantain made its way into the light. The onion was well-watered, so no matter how much he tried, he did not dare to remain silent.

“Listen, goofball,” he turned to Watermelon, “do you hear, Plantain is puffing again.”
“It’s not easy for the poor guy,” said the skinny Watermelon.
- What poor fellow? “He’s just impudent,” Onion was indignant, “before they had time to throw him out of the garden, he clung to the hummocks.
“It’s not easy for him,” sighed Watermelon.
“It’s not easy, it’s not easy,” Onion got angry.

He regretted talking to Watermelon. He turned away and fell silent. But boredom always plagues the well-fed, and Onion even condescended to talk:

- How did you manage to break out of the hard bumps, Plantain?
“I am content with little and work hard,” Plantain whispered barely audibly, since he was still in the ground up to his shoulders.
“They cut you out here, and you sprout there.” They'll pull it up by the roots, and you'll make your way next to it. Where do you get so much strength of spirit that you don’t perish in endless persecutions?
“Strength of spirit grows stronger from struggle,” answered the Plantain a little louder, freeing his chest from the clenched blocks.
- From fighting, you say? What are you strong about?
- Strong against enemies! - Plantain answered loudly.

Onion did not tolerate high tones - satiety requires more contemplative peace. So he winced and asked with a grin:

- Tell me, Plantain, what is the hardest thing in the world: to die of thirst in the sun, to be crushed by a Hoof, torn out by the roots, or to be chopped by an inexorable Iron?
— The most difficult thing is not to offend others.

Onion stood up in surprise and gasped: Plantain was already raising children. Onion was frightened: “When his children grow up, they will drink all the moisture that people pour on me. Then you yourself will have to get water from the hard, greedy, dark depths. No, no - not this!” - Onion was horrified and shouted:
- Iron! Here!!!
Watermelon tried in vain to stop him. Onion screamed more and more.
Iron appeared and began to shred the rebel. Shred for living... and even on their own land.
- Oh Luk! - the dying man shouted. - Idleness and laziness gave rise to envy in you and drove you to betrayal! If there is justice in the world, let it make you as bitter as my fate! Watermelon for kindness - full, like my hopes! And sweet as a dream.

The fierce Iron was sharp. Sharp but blind. It felt that it had destroyed the Plantain, but did not see that it was sowing its children, washed instead of moisture by the tears and juice of the Plantain itself.
Nearby, his children soon began to make their way into the world. In the loosened and moist soil it was easier for them and they grew faster. Onion saw them - the bitterness burned him and began to dry him out. Out of impotent rage, he gnawed at himself, shrinking before his eyes.

Watermelon also saw the children of the Plantain - the sweetness of joy spilled into his soul. And when the grandchildren made their way into the world, they saw Onion as he is now. And they saw Watermelon differently - what it is like these days.”

Why do they say: “Onion cures seven diseases”? (that is, it helps against various diseases).

You can make an applique from onion peels using PVA glue. To do this, the husks need to be steamed in hot water (hold in it for 15 minutes) and then ironed with a hot iron. The color of the husk will change. You can boil the husks.

A drawing is applied to the cardboard base. Pieces of husk are smeared with PVA glue and glued to the base in accordance with the picture. You can glue the pieces onto very thin paper and let them dry. And then cut out the desired silhouettes on the wrong side. Children will need adult help with this activity.

You will find a detailed master class on making crafts from onion peels with preschool children in the article

September 21. Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

This is the second meeting of autumn; on this day we met Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread and songs.

You can celebrate the harvest festival with your kids. On this day we go to visit, treat ourselves to vegetables and pies. We talk about vegetables and fruits, make a simple salad together and interesting dishes from the gifts of autumn and decoration for vegetable dishes.

For the harvest festival, you can make autumn cards with your children and give them to guests, family and friends. You will find simple techniques for making autumn cards in the articles,

September 23. Peter - Pavel - field ash

This day is the name day of the rowan tree.

From this day on, rowan berries were picked - after frost they became sweeter. Some of the berries were left on the tree for different birds.

If there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, autumn is rainy, if there are few, it’s dry.

Once upon a time, people used to decorate winter windows with rowan: they placed branches between double frames until spring. People believed that rowan would protect them from evil forces. You can try to do this at your dacha now.

In honor of the holiday - take the fieldfare with your children round dance "Rowanushka".

Let's go in circles:

“So autumn has come,
The garden turned golden.
And the mountain ash put on
Red monistas.

We perform dance movements:
And putting on a beautiful dress,
Everyone became more dressed up.
Bright rowan is with us
They danced together.

She lowered her branches (leaning forward - bowing to the ground),
Bowed to the waist,
Golden foliage
Spun with the wind (spinning in place).

Me and the mountain ash in the valley
We saw off the summer
And on an autumn evening
We walked until dark."

Make this day with your children Traditional Russian women's rowan beads– string the berries on a needle and thread, connect them into beads. When the beads are completely dry, they can be varnished. You can also use hawthorn, rose hips, and dogwood berries for beads.

Before making beads, talk to the mountain ash and carefully take the berries from her.

From this short video You will learn a lot of interesting things about mountain ash and how people used to treat it.

Video "Rowan beads - an ancient women's amulet."

On Fieldfare Day, you can also make a wonderful craft with your children using the quilling technique -

September 27. Exaltation

This day is the third meeting of autumn. On this day you can celebrate cabbage day with your children. They used to say: “On Vozdvizhenie the first lady is cabbage,” they cut it down and completed the harvest.

Cut the cabbage and start harvesting sauerkraut for the winter. Even the name was “cabbage evenings.” The work was done together, in harmony, with song. Housewives baked pies with cabbage for tea.

Let's play the folk game "Cabbage". Place different things in the middle of the room or play area (this will be our cabbage). We choose the owner of the garden who will guard the “cabbage” from wolves, tits, beavers, martens, hares and bears (that is, he will guard our things placed in the middle from us, the players). All players say or sing:

"I'm sitting on a pebble,
I play with small pegs,
I play with small pegs,
I will build my own vegetable garden.
So that the cabbage is not stolen,
They didn’t go to the garden
Wolves and tits, beavers and martens,
The mustachioed hare
Thick-footed bear."

After these words, all players try to run into the “garden”, quickly grab the “cabbage” and run away. If the owner managed to stain the player, he leaves the game. The one who carried away the most cabbages became the most dexterous and wins.

They say that on this day the bear lies in its den for the winter.

Play in the game "Bear"

Draw a line on one side of the room or playground - this is the house in which we will hide from the bear. On the other side of the site, mark the bear’s den with a line. We choose who will be the bear and start playing. We pretend that we are picking mushrooms and berries in a basket in the fall. The bear pretends to be sleeping in a den. We say the words in chorus:

"At the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep
And he’s looking at us.”

At the word “looks” the bear wakes up and catches up with the players. His task is to stain them with his hand. Players must have time to escape from the bear to the “house”.

September 28. Nikita - goose flight

From this day on, they begin to collect turnips from the beds. Wild geese fly away these days to wintering in distant countries.

Play while walking active folk game "Geese".

We select a site and draw a line on the ground with a stick. On the side of the site we draw a line behind which the wolf will hide. On one side of the site we draw a line from which the geese will begin to fly. On the other side of the site there is a line where their “home” will be, where they need to fly to the owner.

We choose who will be the wolf, who will be the mistress, and who will be the geese. The geese stand in a line on one side of the area, the wolf hides on the other side of the area.

The hostess calls the geese:
- Geese, geese!
Geese answer:
- Ha-ga-ha!
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes, yes, yes!
- So fly!
- We can't!
Gray wolf
Under the mountain
He won't let us go home!
- So fly as you want,
Just take care of your wings!

The geese must run from one side of the site to the other - to their home, from where the mistress called them. The wolf catches them.
If the wolf catches the goose, then that player becomes the wolf in the next game.
Make geese out of paper who can fly and move their wings. You can make a whole panel of geese flying to warmer climes. You will learn how to make a goose in just a few movements from this video.

With kids on this day you can dramatize a fairy tale about a turnip, which they are starting to remove from the garden these days.