What's special about September? Folk calendar for September: signs for every day

People called the first autumn month differently - Veresen (for the time of flowering of heather), Ruen, Rust (“yellow”), Howler, Raincall, Gloomen (for the first autumn bad weather), grandson of July (for warm days), the evening of the year – bringing an emotional note to each nickname. Many omens are associated with this month, and many holidays fall within its share.

On Thaddeus (September 3) the weather was noted. It was believed that a clear, sunny day foreshadowed good weather for another four weeks.

On Agathon the Bean Man (September 4) they protected themselves from the leprosy of the devil. According to legend, a goblin gets out of the forest at night, walks around the villages, plays pranks - scatters and spoils the peasants' supplies for the winter. To prevent this, they drew a poker in a circle around the cellar, barn, etc., and read special spells and prayers. And at night, men in sheepskin coats inside out, with pokers in their hands, went to guard the threshing floor. In some areas they tried to appease the bean goose, leaving pies for him in the barn and chopping up the rooster.

September 8 – Natalya the fescue. Usually, oat harvesting ended on this day. In the evening we settled down folk festivals, tea drinking. They always prepared a treat - oatmeal jelly, pancakes, oatmeal cookies.

On Kupriyan (September 13), the root crop harvest began and potatoes were dug. It was believed that on this day the cranes hold a bird show to find out who has the stronger wings and the sharpest eyes. A person born on September 13 is initiated into the secrets of cranes, knows how to find bird nests and will never fall under the power of the light that fools people lost in the swamps.

September 14 – Semyon the Summer Guide, Simeon the Stylite, Semyon’s Day. This day marked the end of summer. Autumn round dances and bride viewings began with it.

In many villages, on Semyon the Summer Guide, it was customary to organize a “funeral for flies” (cockroaches, mosquitoes, fleas and other “evil spirits” that plague peasants in their huts). It looked like this: The girls carved small coffins from carrots or turnips. They put caught flies in them, closed them and in a solemn procession, sometimes with crying and lamentations, they carried the coffins with flies out of the hut in order to bury them in the ground. At this time, someone had to use a towel to drive the flies out of the rooms, saying, “Fly, flies, bury the flies!” In some places, pants were used instead of a towel to drive out flies, in the full confidence that this was a more effective remedy, after which the flies would never return to the hut.

On this day, the “heavenly fire” is renewed in the heart of a person, indicating the path to happiness. In the evening, all the lights in the house were extinguished (before sunset), and with the appearance of the first star, candles were lit and they prayed.

On the Burning Bush (September 17) they prayed for the protection of their property (house, livestock) from fire and lightning. Mass harvesting of onions began. Even on this day, it was customary to walk around haystacks, piercing them with a pitchfork, in order to rid the cattle of the “shakers” that had gotten into the hay. Sometimes the peasants could hear groans, and it was as if something was shaking away from the pitchforks. This is Kumoha - evil spirits, under the guise of a thin, emaciated wanderer, appearing to people and sending troubles to those who, out of pity, give her bread or water. Special rituals were used to expel her from the village.

September 21 – Christmas Holy Mother of God. On this day, they were sure to visit their parents and remember all the deceased. On September 21, the time for weddings began in the villages. It was customary to burn old things and shoes on this day. To get rid of diseases, amulets were prepared. Children were sprinkled with water on the doorstep of the house to ward off the evil eye. To protect against damage, onions and garlic were hung in the rooms, and bast shoes were hung under the roof of the house.

September 30. All-world women's name days. Day of remembrance of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. One of those rare days of the year when it is believed that tears are lucky. In the morning they were supposed to cry out all the problems and misfortunes for the whole year, and in the evening they had to have a get-together and celebrate the girls' holiday.

First holiday of the month - Childbirth and Maternity, falling on September 8: a holiday dedicated to family well-being. A whole bunch of important holidays fall on September 14th. New Year, or Slavic New Year, has been celebrated in Rus' as a church and state holiday since the 15th century. The meaning of the service on this day was the remembrance of the Savior’s sermon in the Nazareth synagogue, when Jesus Christ said that he came “to heal the brokenhearted.” Then, September 14, celebrated the First Osenins- harvest festival when economic activity was transferred from the field to the house and farmstead - barns, barns, storerooms. The Closing of Svarga also falls on this day - the moment when the goddess Zhiva leaves the human world, and the spirits of ancestors stop descending to earth from Iria-paradise.

After the Svarga Closing rituals take place, September 21, Svarog Day is celebrated: the influence of the light gods weakens, the earth remains in the care of the cattle god Veles. And so that people can survive hard time, Svarog gave them an ax and crafts. Therefore, on this day blacksmiths, carpenters and all craftsmen are especially honored. IN Svarog day There are also get-togethers between girls and guys, where they tell scary stories or tell fortunes about love.

September 27- day of the Slavic folk calendar, called Thekla Zarevnitsa, or Name Day Barn. However, sometimes this holiday was celebrated even on autumn equinox. There is a belief that on this day, whatever you tie, you cannot untie later - neither the knot nor fate. If they fall in love, it will be forever; if they get married, it means that the happiness of the spouses will last long. It was also believed that dawn (desires, passions) overcome people on this day. Therefore, in the evening, drying was done on Thekla Zarevnitsa.

To dry up means to tease a guy, to make him pay attention. On the night of Thekla Zarevnitsa, a new fire was lit. Before starting to make a new fire, the lights in all houses were extinguished - the stoves, the torches, and even the lamps (only in the church the lamps in front of the icons were not touched). And the ritual of making a new fire began. It was only carried out married men, and in the most ancient way - friction. Live fire was carried throughout the courtyards - stoves were lit, cattle were fumigated to prevent pestilence, and brought into the temple to light candles before holding a prayer service for deliverance from the disaster. The renewal of fire symbolized universal renewal. Well, this was done in the old days, but even today you can perform a small ritual in order to secure the blessing of the Higher Powers.

On the holiday night (September 23 for the autumnal equinox or September 27 for Thekla), turn off all the lights in the house and light a candle - always with a match (also due to friction) - a candle. Then from that candle, light several large candles prepared in advance, installed in candlesticks on the floor in a “corridor.” The number of candles on each side of the “corridor” can be 5, 7 or 9. You need to walk between the lit candles along this fiery “corridor” so that the fire burns away negativity, troubles and misfortunes.

WITH Feklina of the day threshing began: with a new fire, they began threshing in the barn. Before this, they asked permission from the barnkeeper: “Father, my dear, will you allow me to heat the heater?” The barn-keeper (also known as the barn-keeper, the barn-keeper, the barn-keeper, the zhihar, the grandfather, the barn-keeper, the barn-father, the barn-keeper, the barn-tsar) is the spirit that lives in the barn (on the barn). He is akin to the brownie, who runs the house, and the bannik, who runs the bathhouse.

On Thekla, the girls in the barn told fortunes about their betrothed. They came, thrust a roll of bread into the barn man’s window, and remarked: if the hand that took the roll of bread is warm, he will marry a rich groom, if it is cold, he will marry a poor man. Well, if the vintner doesn’t take the roll, then you’ll have to sit as a girl. They told fortunes about the betrothed and in the bathhouses, the bannik’s patrimony: on the mirror or served dinner for two. True, the devil was pretending to be a groom, so this fortune telling is dangerous. after all, despite the fact that “the bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules, the bathhouse will fix everything,” since ancient times it has been considered an unclean place, and after midnight even a terrible place, fraught with danger.

Everyone knows the evil nature of the bannik. But it harms very severely (peels the skin or steams to death) only to those who violate the prohibitions. So, you cannot wash in the bathhouse in the fourth place: this is bathhouse time. After three breaks, the visitors in the bathhouse wash themselves with devils, goblins, barn-bearers and the banniki themselves. For people, bath time in villages is usually until 7 pm.

By the way, this is why the bathhouse is placed away from the house. In the old days good people They didn’t go into the bathhouse at night. And it was a rare traveler who decided to spend the night in a bathhouse, preferring to sleep in a haystack, or even under a bush in an open field. It’s not like now - they put two-story bathhouses on the site, set up rooms on the second floor and sleep there...

September- means seventh. Among the ancient Romans, it was the seventh until the calendar reform of Julius Caesar, which occurred in 46 BC, after which it became the ninth, but did not change its name. And in Rus' this month was called “howler” (deer and elk roar during the rut), “veresen” (heather blooms), “gloomy”, “deciduous”, “golden summer”, “summer guide”. Time for boletus and milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps and white mushrooms. In September the forest is thinner and the birds' voices are quieter.

September- the blush of autumn.

The warmer September is, the later winter is.

In September there is one berry, and that one is a bitter rowan.

In September there is fire both in the field and in the hut.

Father September does not like to pamper.

In September, the fur coat trails behind the caftan.

September is cold, but full.

In September it is nicer during the day, but bad in the morning.

Signs of September:

Wet summer and warm autumn mean a long winter.

If a row of ripe oats suddenly turns green, autumn will be stormy.

A lot of acorns on an oak tree - for a fierce winter.

Friendly leaf fall - for a harsh winter.

If the cones on the spruce grow low, there will be early frosts, but if they are at the top, real cold will come at the end of winter.

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy.

Abundant Harvest Rowan berries promise a rainy and windy year ahead.

Rainy autumn, clear fall of oak and birch leaves, leaves from the trees turn upside down - for next year's harvest.

The appearance of mosquitoes in the fall means a mild winter.

If the hedgehog has made a hole at the edge of the forest, the winter will be warm; if in the depths of the thicket, expect severe frosts.

It will be a harsh spring if the birds fly away together.

September 1

Andrey Stratilat and Thekla. Noticeable warming.

The warm wind is dressed in a cobweb, bowing after the departed summer.

Stratilat's day has come - the oats have arrived.

Dig beets for Thekla.

A warm, southerly wind means a good oat harvest.

September 2

Day of the Prophet Samuel, beetroot.

Samuel the prophet himself prays to God for a man.

It's time to pull out the beets and carrots.

The beetroot girl is a slave for the girls.

September 3

Thaddeus Day. If this day is clear, you should expect the same weather for another four weeks.

Whoever Thaddeus is, own your happiness!

September 4

Day of Agathon the Ogumennik. The peasants were afraid of the devil and guarded the threshing floor at night so that he would not scatter the sheaves.

September 5

Lupa Lingonberry Day. First frost.

On St. Lupus the oats are frosty.

Signs of this day:

If the lingonberries are ripe, you need to hurry up with the oat harvest.

If the cranes fly low and silently, it means bad weather.

September 6

Day of Eutyches.

It’s good if Eutyches is quiet, otherwise you won’t be able to keep the flaxseed on the root: everything will hatch completely.

September 7

Day of Titus and Bartholomew.

Titus, let's go threshing!

Listopadiik-Tit grows the last mushroom.

Titus is dragging the last mushroom in the basket - the most vigorous one, without a wormhole.

September 8

Natalia Fescue Day. It's time to mow oats, cook oatmeal jelly, bake pancakes.

If oats don't grow, you'll swallow tears.

Cold matinee on Natalia - for an early and cold winter.

You can’t mow oats with Natalya - you’ll be exhausted to the point of tears.

September 9

Anfisa's Day, fieldfare.

Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries.

Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are a lot of berries left on the rowan tree.

September 10

Anna the Prophetess and Savva of Pskov, skirmishers. On this day, they hurried to put the uncultivated sheaves into stacks and glorified the harvest.

A good owner's haystack is as good as a haystack, but a lazy owner's haystack is as big as a haystack.

The cheerful inviting fairs began. On this day, Moses Murin was also revered, to whom they prayed for deliverance from drunkenness and craving for smoking.

South wind - to good health, northern, eastern and western - to diseases.

Strictly fast day:

Who fasts before the Beheading of John the Baptist - from poverty, poverty and poor health will be preserved.

September 11

Day of Ivan Lenten (Day of the beheading of John the Baptist), Ivan Proletny. Everything round is prohibited - anything that might resemble a severed head (apples, potatoes, cabbage, etc.); knives are not taken into hand. Strict post.

They don’t eat round Ivan, they don’t cook cabbage soup.

A suitable day for harvesting medicinal roots. Autumn is getting closer:

Lenten Ivan came and took away the red summer.

No man leaves Lenten Ivan without a caftan.

Ivan the Lenten is the pockmarked godfather of autumn.

Ivan the Baptist chases a bird across the sea far away.

If the cranes go to Kyiv, it means early winter.

Summer is red with work, and Ivan Proletok is red with goods.

On Lenten Day, collect tall roots.

September 12

Warm and starry - for a good future harvest.

September 13

Kupriyan Day.

It's time to harvest carrots and dig potatoes.

Potatoes are a sucker for bread.

Every root has its time.

September 14

Day of Simeon the Stylite, in the folk calendar - Semyon the Summer Conductor. In pre-Petrine Rus' (from the mid-14th century to 1700) it fell on September 1 and was considered the beginning of the New Year. This day was the deadline for paying state taxes and for appearing in court. Deadline for sowing rye and harvesting spring crops:

Seed-day - away with the seeds.

On Semyon Day, plow before lunch, and after lunch, wave at the plowman.

Housewives are preparing for winter: pickling cucumbers, collecting onions, preparing winter clothes for the whole family. The beginning of the "old" Indian summer»:

Semyon spends the summer, will bring Indian summer.

Since Indian summer - women's holiday and women's worries.

If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then Indian summer will be warm. Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.

It's warm on Semyon - warm all autumn.

It was believed that on this day it was time for three-year-old children to emerge from infancy, and for adults to start hunting:

For Semyon, tonsure the child, put him on a horse and go out into the field to catch.

After completing field work, the recruit boys walked in festive clothes until November: from Semenov Day to Guria (November 28) - wedding weeks. This day is also good for housewarming.

Snakes are very dangerous on this day; their bites are fatal. If an eel is swept out of the water into the grass, it means that it shakes into the grass in a dashing way. You cannot approach it, and picking it up means incurring great grief. You cannot walk on the grass near rivers.

September 15

Mammoth Shepherd Day. To avoid misfortunes, it was customary to drive cattle out of the yard only after noon that day. Snakes are very dangerous - you should not walk barefoot, especially near water. The future can be determined by the water, by the way it flows.

September 16

Vasilisa's Day. Housewives prepared flax and hemp for spinning.

Baba Vasilisa, in a hurry with flax, get ready for chatter and confusion.

Old, worn-out bast shoes, hung near the roof that day, protected the house “from the evil eye.”

September 17

Lukov day. It's time to dig up the onions. On this day they prayed for the protection of houses and livestock from fires.

September 18

Day of Elizabeth the Fortuneteller.

It is considered successful for predictions, since it was on this day that Saint Elizabeth predicted the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary.

It is very dangerous to disturb the water in rivers and lakes: on this day the water spirit Ichetik falls asleep. Whoever bothers him may drown next year.

September 19

Michaelmas. Cold snap - “Mi-khailovskie frosts”.

Mikhail grabbed the ground with frost.

On this day, the peasants did not work in the fields - it was a sin. At the same time, it was he who was considered the most suitable for solving all family problems.

Daylight hours are reduced:

The day has already shortened by five hours for Mikhail.

The third flight of swallows.

September 20

Day of the Martyr Sozont. Onion day, the day of taking herbal medicinal kvass, infusions, decoctions. The deadline for digging onions from the beds, the beginning of the onion trade.

Girls weave onions into their braids.

Onions are good both in battle and in cabbage soup.

Whoever eats onions, God will deliver him from eternal torment.

To prevent the entire onion crop from drying out, it was strictly forbidden to try onions until they were completely removed from the beds. Bundles of bulbs were hung throughout the house and around the necks of animals to protect them from pestilence. It was believed that it not only saves from all kinds of misfortune, but also purifies the air.

September 21

Aspas Day, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To spend the day in wisdom and prayer is to find happiness.

Autumn, pockmarks, the second meeting of autumn.

Autumn has passed - say goodbye to warmth.

The end of every summer big holiday. The women met him at the water. Children walked around the yards and gave their owners small “autumn” sheaves. In their songs, they wished the owners well-being and called for a generous autumn.

Don't scold autumn

Don’t scold autumn -

Glorious autumn


Donuts, flatbreads,

Pork feet

They sat in the oven,

They looked at us

They flew into the wallet -



On this day, it was customary to go to visit the newlyweds to look at their life and teach them wisdom. Relatives spent a whole week visiting each other's families. General feasts were arranged, after which the grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for a long time. Difficult family relationships were sometimes sweetened with honey - on this day, beekeepers removed bees from apiaries and heartily treated all their loved ones with honey.

From that time on, the gatherings began.

September 22

Nikola autumn. Travel at night is stopped:

Nikola will fatten the spring horse, and drive the autumn horse into the yard.

Snakes are very dangerous. You cannot lift snakes and grass snakes above your eyes - you can get fainting, the evil eye, or damage. You cannot kill snakes - the snake kings will take revenge all year long.

Whoever confuses and tears branches invites snakes into the house.

September 23

Day of Peter and Paul - Fieldfare.

They collected rowan berries and decorated their homes with them. Day became equal to night.

Rowan is Grozny - winter is frosty.

If there are few rowan trees in the forest, then autumn will be dry,

September 24

Fedora - wet your tails. Last farewell to summer. Autumn equinox, the beginning of rains and slush.

Under Fedora, summer ends and autumn begins.

Not every summer will make it to Fedora.

Autumn Fedoras tuck the hem, and winter ones (January 12) cover the snout with a scarf.

The grain growers nicknamed Fedora obdera, since it was by this time that they tried to kill the last remaining standing bread. All field work is coming to an end:

The Monk Fedora came, and amen to every cause.

On this day it was supposed to watch winter shoots.

September 25

Artamon Day. According to legend, on this day snakes go into the forest and hide. You can’t make noise - the snake will become uneasy and stay near the house. The noise also attracts witches - they bring evil to the house.

September 26

Day of Cornelius. All root vegetables, except turnips, must be dug up by this day:

Saint Cornelius - out of the ground with rhizomes!

It’s a Cornish day outside—every root is in its hole.

From Corniglia the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes.

September 27

Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn, the first frost. The elements are ready to obey those people who spend this day in church. Last date for harvesting bread. The birds flocked to the south, the bear lay down in its den. On this day, the peasants were afraid of the devil and did not go into the forest. It's time to chop the cabbage.

The caftan and fur coat will move, the last cart will leave the field, the birds will fly away, and the cold will approach.

The erection of the caftan will slide off the shoulders, the sheepskin coat will be pulled on - winter is just around the corner.

The bird began to fly away to Vozdvizhenye.

On Vozdvizhenya, a good fellow has cabbage on the porch.

On this day, a humorous ritual of “funeral of a cockroach” was performed. They placed the “dead man” in a coffin cut from a turnip tuber and buried him in the garden, pretending to read:

Oh, little cockroach,

Yes, our father,

Yes, our falcon

Yes, how we bury you,

Yes, it’s like we’re burying it in the ground.

Oh, our cockroach is dead

A mound was placed on the “grave”, a cross was placed and it was decorated with a wreath. The cockroaches remaining in the house were lured outside:

Cockroach to cockroach, go bury the cockroach.

It was believed that such a ritual action would help get rid of cockroaches at least until next spring. Other insects were also buried if they became too annoying: flies, spiders, lice. This custom is common among all Slavic peoples.

September 28

Nikita the goose fly, reporez, Nikita the goose fly.

The geese are flying - they are dragging winter clothes on their tails, carrying snow on their noses.

The merman is furious, getting ready to sleep - he needs to be appeased with a goose. You cannot eat the bird yourself, otherwise the water bird will be harmful throughout the next year.

It's time to gather turnips and start shearing the sheep.

Turnips are meat, cut and eat!

September 29

Last date for swallows to fly away.

September 30

Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, all-world women's name days. Read conspiracies for memory and understanding.

The ninth month of 2018 has arrived and the first month of autumn - September. The Russian folk calendar has many customs, rituals and signs associated with this month.

September is gloomy. Name and symbolism of the month

Russian folk calendar. Ancient and modern names of months.

September is called by poets the evening of the year. But this time has its own unique feature: clarity of distance. The transparent air seems to expand the horizon, revealing a distant view of the surrounding area. Autumn is clearer than summer.

Asters, gladioli, and nasturtiums are blooming in the gardens. Lush dahlias droop and wither. When you see them, Fetov’s lines involuntarily come to mind: “September has died, and the dahlias have been scorched by the breath of the night.” The nights are still warm, but the autumn freshness is destructive for flowers.

The Old Russian name for September - “ruen” - was associated with yellow autumn, “howler” - with rains and bad weather, “ruin” - with the rut, roar of deer, “gloom” - with fading sunlight, gloomy sky and early twilight.

The current name for September comes from the Latin "septimus", meaning "seventh". In the ancient Roman calendar, it was the seventh month (March was considered the first). And although astronomical autumn begins on September 23, the day of the autumnal equinox, the activity of all living things has now noticeably weakened. A “lush decline of nature” sets in. The day has noticeably waned. The sun seems to be “moving down the mountain.”

IN Ancient Rus' The first day of September, according to the old style, was the first meeting of autumn and was popularly called the summer guide - farewell to summer. From this day the so-called Indian summer began. It lasted, according to some estimates, one week, according to others - two. The fact is that our ancestors celebrated autumn three times. On the first of September is the first holiday of meeting autumn or the first autumn, on the eighth - the second, and the third autumn - on September 14, on the Exaltation (shift), when “the grain moved from the fields, and the birds took flight.”

September calendar

Zhukovsky Stanislav Yulianovich (1873-1944). Clear autumn. Indian summer. 1899

September 1. Day of Andrew Stratelates. Andrey Teplyak. Indian summer. Beginning of autumn. By modern calendar September opens with the day of Stratelates Teplyak. Teplyak holds on, bows after the departed summer.

September 3. Thaddeus Day. It was customary to remove flax on Thaddeus. Lie down, my little lenok, white and soft, do not be afraid of the wind, nor the whirlwind, nor the frequent rain, nor the red sun.

September 4. Day of Agathon the Ogumennik. On this day, the goblin comes out of the forest into the fields, runs through villages and villages and scatters sheaves across the threshing floors.

September 5. Luppa Lingonberry Day. The first frosts are “Luppovsky”. On Luppa - the oats are crushed by frost. Once the lingonberries have ripened, the oats have “returned” (arrived). The first frosts, if at this time the cranes are moving south, it is early winter.

September 6. Day of Eutyches. A quiet and windless day on Eutyches foreshadowed good flaxseed on the vine.

September 7. Day of Titus the Deciduous. Bartholomew's Day. Bartholomew has come, they will sow the crops into ashes. Titus the Listopadnik grows the last mushroom. Whoever gets up early on Titus will pick more mushrooms than other mushrooms, and whoever gets up late will only go for nettles.

September 8. Day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa and Andrian. Oats are cut on Natalya Ovsyanitsa. “If oats don’t grow, you’ll swallow tears,” the peasant said. At the same time, the autumn Petro-Paul Rowanberry was celebrated. They picked rowan berries and hung them under the roof with tassels so that they would freeze, wither, and accumulate sugar. Part of the rowan was prudently left on the bush - for the rowan thrushes, red-throated bullfinches and any other bird sister-brother.

September 9. Day of Pimen the Great and Pimen of Palestine. On Pimen, peasants came out to bow to the mountain ash and pick berries. On this day, rowan berries were brewed with tea, jam was made from it, and stored for the winter.

September 10. Day of Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. The rains would soon begin, so on this day they began to stack the sheaves in stacks.

September 11. Ivan Lenten Day. Lenten Ivan is the godfather of autumn. A man doesn't leave Lenten Ivan without a caftan. After Ivan, they begin to pull root vegetables (except turnips) and dig up potatoes. Every root has its time.

September 12. Day of Alexander Sytnik. On his day, it was customary to set rich tables, gather guests, and arrange feasts.

September 13. Day of Cyprian or Kupriyan. On Kupriyan, cranes gather in the swamp and give advice: how to fly south, when to go, which path to choose.

September 14. Day of the Seeds of the Stylite or Summer Guide. First meeting of autumn. In pre-Petrine Rus', the New Year began on September 1 (14), on Semyon Day. That is why the peasant clerk timed the completion of many summer works and the last sowing of rye to coincide with this date. Those who did not remove the grain are considered lost: the grain fell to the ground. On Semyon Day, before lunch, Sey Pasha, and after lunch, wave at the plowman. By this time, fine warm days often set in - Indian summer. According to old notes, it lasts only a week - from September 14 to 21. The sun is hot, the azure vault of the sky is clean and clear, it seems that summer has accidentally returned. If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then autumn will be warm. Indian summer is stormy - autumn is dry. There is a lot of shade in Semenov autumn - the autumn is long and clear. Sometimes Semyon was known as a goose guide, escorting wild geese to hot countries. But in general, this period for the departure of geese is too early. If the goose flies away at such a time, we expected early winter. Once upon a time, a fly funeral was held on Semyon Day. The wrapped flies were buried in the ground. Girls performed this ritual, singing and wearing festive dresses. And the guys, of course, spied on them, choosing a mate for themselves.

September 15. Day of the Mammoth Shepherd - the patron saint of goats and sheep. Day of Fedot and Rufina. Don’t drive your cattle to Fedota and Rufinn. They drove out the cattle and caused trouble.

Savrasov Alexey Kondratyevich (1830-1897). Autumn. 1871

September 16. Day of the Blast Furnace. They were in a hurry to remove the flax before the offensive heavy rains and cold.

September 17. Burning bush. Holiday icon Mother of God“Burning Bush”, which was considered a protector from fire and lightning.

September 18. Day of Zechariah and Elizabeth. The girls wondered about their betrothed, trying to find out their fate.

September 19. Michael's Day. The day becomes five hours shorter. You can’t work for Mikhail - God will punish you. The first frosts were beginning. Mikhail grabbed it with frost. Indeed, the Mikhailovsky matinees are captivating!

September 20. Luke's Day. On this day, onions were harvested: nigella and sets - for seeds, and turnips or “onions of the second earth” - for the table. Yaroslavl gardeners who raised ridges near Rostov the Great were once reputed to be miracle workers of onions. These craftsmen developed an excellent variety of onions, “bubby”, the glory of which has not faded to this day. Already in those early years they were known medicinal properties Luke. Onions and baths rule everything.

September 21. Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Autumn, the second meeting of autumn. In the morning the air is fresh and chilly. There is deep dew on the grass. The sun rises as if reluctantly, dejectedly. By noon it will barely reach a height of 34 degrees, but at the summer solstice it rose to 57 degrees. That is why the days have shortened by 5 hours and the heat supplied is half as much. Indian summer showed off, pampered us with warmth and moved away. Soon after it, the milestone date passed - the autumn equinox. This moment is considered the astronomical beginning of autumn. It's raining. September precipitation is beneficial for gardens and winter crops. They are also useful for spring wedge. Interestingly, at the March and September equinoxes, the Sun sends the same amount of heat to the Earth. But our March is much colder than September.

September 22. Day of Akim and Anna. Mother's Day. They congratulated young mothers and honored midwives. They baked pies, cooked porridge and invited women to a feast.

September 23. Day of Peter and Pavel Royabinnik. On this day, rowan berries were picked and hung under the roof. Rowan kvass was made from rowan berries. They also tried to judge the future weather from it. A lot of rowan - there will be a lot of rain, and the winter will be harsh. Not enough rowan - autumn will be dry.

September 24. Fedora Day, every summer ends. Not every summer will last until Fedora. The weather has changed, rain and slush prevail. Two Fedoras a year: autumn and winter, one with mud, the other with cold. Autumn Fedoras tuck the hem, and winter Fedoras cover the snout with a scarf.

September 25. Day of Artamon the Serpentine. On this day, every snake goes into the forest and hides until spring.

September 26. Day of Cornelius. It was believed that from this day on the root would no longer grow. The cornelian root does not grow in the ground, but freezes.

September 27. Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn. First winters. The shift will move the heat, and the cold will push in. The rise is moving towards winter. Exaltation - the last cart moved from the field, and the bird took flight. From this day on, the bear lies in a den. Potapych got fat, tasted the laxative buckthorn roots, cleared his stomach and went to the den. The snakes, huddled together in balls, hid under rotten stumps and hibernated. During the Exaltation, not a snake or reptile moves on the earth. On Vozdvizhenie the first lady is cabbage (cabbage is cut down). Carts with tight heads of cabbage and ripe vegetables are pulled from the fields. On this occasion, young people started a party - “cabbage party”. They pull the turnips, cut off the tops and roots: “Don’t sleep, woman, it’s a day for cutting.” The riddle says about turnips like this: “Crumbs into the ground - cakes from the ground.” They ate turnips steamed, boiled (in stews and porridges), dried and just like that.

September 28. Day of Nikita Gusyatnik - flight of goose, hussar. The geese are flying, dragging the winter bird on their tail. Sheep were sheared for “hussar”. Before the big cold weather, they will have time to grow new wool, and the removed wool, coated with fat, will be used for felt boots, woolen boots, and cloth. In winter, you can’t go out the door in bast shoes without cloth. Last days September announced the clicks and departing geese and cranes. The birds cannot calmly fly away from the cute side. “The road with a wheel, the road with a wheel!” Come back in the spring!”

September 29. Euphemia Day. Bird bone. They used the bones of the birds to guess what the winter would be like.

September 30. Day of Sofia, Faith, Hope and Love. All-world women's name days. On this day, many girls and women celebrated their name days, so over time they began to celebrate the Ecumenical Women's Name Days. All women were congratulated on him.

Nature in September

Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich (1871-1960). Pock. 1915

Golden time! Clear light blue sky. The air became clearer. The dust was blown away by the rains. Flower pollen is not carried by the wind. “Autumn is clearer than summer,” says a popular sign. And at this time the distances open up more widely, and all the objects around us are seen clearly, as if you are looking through a magic glass.

September in many places is the driest month of autumn. Less than 10 percent of the annual precipitation falls in 30 days. In the calm against the sun it is warm, or even hot, but in the shade it is cool. On some cloudy and windy days it is even cold. There are fogs in the morning. The water in the rivers has cleared, cooled down and does not have time to warm up during the day.

A short but wonderful time... The days of return of warmth and sunny weather are coming. “The whole day is like crystal,” said F. Tyutchev. Against the backdrop of a gilded autumn landscape there is warmth and silence. In the silent air above the field, as if in water, a thin silky strand with traveling spiders floats. People called this time “Indian summer.”

In September, the regrowth is still growing in the southern meadows. It pleases the eye with fresh, lush greenery, among which flowering plants are occasionally found. During haymaking, autumn kulbaba, umbelliferous hawkweed, flagellum root, and pulmonary gentian were in the stage of basal rosette of leaves. That's why they bloomed only in August. And clovers, peas, and many meadow grasses bloom a second time due to shoots formed from the buds.

At this time, violets, cornflowers, and golden buttercups bloom again among the withered grasses that are ready for dormancy. Toward the end of Indian summer, fruit trees sometimes bloom.

But flowering plants still not enough. They only evoke sadness for the past summer. But the tillering of meadow and steppe grasses is in full swing. A new root system quickly forms on the growing shortened shoots of grasses. U forest trees and many shrubs also actively grow roots in September.

Autumn imperceptibly, as if stealthily, enters the forest and field. On trees and bushes, the further away, the more yellow leaves, and from some they have already completely fallen off. One of the first to “undress” is the thorn, and dark purple, round fruits with a bluish bloom hang from its branches on strong stalks.

All the colors of the rainbow play in the autumn artist’s palette. Maple and mountain ash are blazing with fire. Aspen in a solemn porphyry outfit. On one tree you can find yellow, orange, red, purple leaves. No one has yet unraveled this secret of nature. It is only known that daylight and cold contribute to the formation of substances in the leaves that give rise to the magical colors of the forest, and the green pigment - chlorophyll - is destroyed.

The autumn landscapes are captivating. Isn’t that why nature most often attracts artists with the richness of its palette in autumn?

The animals replenish their reserves for the winter. Forest mice They pull hazel nuts, acorns, rose hips and hawthorn into the holes. The slender roe deer have an autumn wedding. In the middle of the field, somewhere under bushes or in thickets of weeds, hares bear offspring.

The clear days of early autumn are permeated with sunshine and the aroma of late flowers and apples. And although the fields have already been mown, the good smell of bread lingers for a long time. Majestic golden autumn! It is never sad, because it is filled with the fruits of human labor.

Weather in September

Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich (1871-1960). Autumn. Rowan and birch trees, 1924

Autumn creeps up at first, quiet and gentle, with a bouquet of azure heliotrope near the flower garden, with a juicy apple in the garden.

Summer, having pleased us with the grace of the sun, retained its majestic beauty and strength until the calendar autumn. True to the season, at the end of the season it was protected from possible frosts at this time by warm showers from the south.

The entire width of the Russian Plain - from the Black Sea to the White Sea - began to rustle with spores. In Moscow, for example, about 40 millimeters of precipitation fell per day - half for a normal August. In Belarus and some other places, the sky gave out the monthly moisture norm in one gulp. And the greater its current reserves, the higher the “heat capacity of the earth.” The more difficult it is for the North to change the weather regime.

September is a turning point in her character, a steep one in her choice of maneuver. It is never warmer than its predecessor; most often it reduces the average daily air temperature in the Moscow region by a third - to 10-11 degrees.

Of all the seasons known to us, the first autumn of 1938 turned out to be especially radiant in the Moscow region. Then September continued the hot summer. And although it significantly weakened the heat, it still retained almost June temperatures - almost 15 degrees. September of the previous year, 1937, gained just a degree less. The absolute maximum of the month is surprisingly high: on September 3, 1890, thermometers showed 32.3 degrees in Moscow.

However, it is no coincidence that September in Rus' was called gloomy. Behind the fleeting brilliance of the sun, gloomy bad weather often set in, and relentless rain poured down.

“The whole autumn was rainy,” we read in the Novgorod Chronicle for 1143, “... and there was water, very much in Volkhov.” “That autumn it began to rain heavily, day and night: from August 15 almost until mid-October,” it is said about 1228.

It happened that winter began almost immediately after summer. “On September 5-9, it rained incessantly, then snow fell, and there were frosts and severe cold,” it is written about 1389. A similar thing was noted in 1421: “In September there were severe frosts, on the 15th day of the same month snow fell, which fell for two days and two nights.”

The autumns of recent decades are much more favorable than in those distant seasons. The coldest Septembers occurred in the last century: in 1884 average monthly temperature month was only 8 degrees, and in 1894 - 7.3 degrees. And the absolute minimum date is quite far from us: on September 29, 1881, thermometers showed minus 8.5 degrees in Moscow.

So, with all the current weather conditions, we cannot complain about it. Nowadays, only a third of the first autumn days are cloudy. The sun shines on average 140 hours per month. Meteorologists noticed that in some areas of the central zone in September it became somewhat warmer than before, and to the north - a little cooler. This subtle contrast can manifest itself in increased confrontation between air fronts as the seasons change.

But, judging by the nature of the past summer, autumn will give us its sunny wonder, although it does not promise long-term warmth.

It turns out that the great poets who shrewdly favored autumn were right. Let us remember A. Pushkin: “And every autumn I bloom again.” Or N. Nekrasova: “Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air invigorates tired forces...” And this is also the wonder of the first autumn. Wise nature instills in us charges of health and increased vitality.

September signs

Myasoedov Grigory Grigorievich (1834-1911). Autumn morning. 1893

A characteristic sign of September is the ripening of fruits of wild trees and shrubs. crumble on forest floor hazel nuts and oak acorns, winged seeds of birch, maple and ash scatter. In the south of the country, the collection of real pistachio nuts and walnut, sea buckthorn fruits are ripening. IN middle lane The fruits of thorns, rose hips, forest pears and apple trees, rowan, and viburnum ripen. Mass harvesting of cranberries begins in the swamps. Exciting mushroom hunting is reaching its zenith, and mushroom pickers will spread the tenacious fruits of string, burdock, and cocklebur.

Another sign of September is the autumn coloring of leaves, the beginning of massive leaf fall of trees and shrubs. The leaves of the birch trees turn yellow and begin to fall first, later the maples and aspens are touched with crimson, and now autumn has decorated the forests “in crimson and gold.”

It was believed that the drier and warmer September remained, the later winter would come.

If it's Indian Summer good weather, then the autumn will be wet, and if the Indian Summer is with bad weather, then the autumn will be dry.

If there is a lot of shading during Indian Summer, then this promises a clear, warm autumn and cold winter.

If thunder roars in September, this promises a long and warm autumn.

If the fogs are thick in the morning in September, this means the beginning of the mushroom season.

If the rose hips are ripe, it means autumn has already arrived.

The clouds in the sky have become cirrus, which means that soon the birds will fly to hot countries.

If there are a lot of acorns in September, it means the winter will be harsh.

People say. Proverbs and sayings of September

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich (1832-1898). Autumn forest. 1876

September is the evening of the year.

September is a dawn, gloomy, cold and gloomy...

In September it is cold, but satisfying.

September without fruit is like winter without snow.

The tit calls autumn for a visit in September.

In September there is only one berry - rowan.

In the month of September, even the leaves on the trees do not stick.

In September there is fire in both the house and the field.

In September, the leaves become thinner and the birds sing more quietly.

September has arrived and brought rain with it.

Rain in September is a man's delight.

In September, any seed from the spikelets floats.

In September, people's bins and pockets are full.

September customs and traditions

Volkov Efim Efimovich (1844-1920). Golden autumn. Quiet river (Forest landscape with a river). 1893

September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn. For a long time in Rus', one of the days of the month was dedicated to the mountain ash - celebrated by the “rowaners”. On this day, the berry was considered the birthday girl - it became sweet. Its harvest has long been used to predict the weather not only for autumn, but also for the next winter. A bountiful harvest means severe frosts.

The “first lady” - cabbage - was also considered the birthday girl in September. And in the middle of the month the “holiday of sharp pitchforks” was celebrated. Now they “don’t throw coins and don’t raise layers, they don’t rush to work, they lie quietly in vain.” It was necessary to carefully prepare for these holidays. Folk month-speakers recommended tidying up the house, washing the floors, decorating the hut with colorful rugs...

A kind of holiday began with Indian summer. From the third autumn it was time for “cabbage parties”, which lasted two weeks. All this took place in the light of splinters on long autumn evenings. Girls and women chopped cabbage and sang, spun and joked. Apparently, this is where the name of the special period at the beginning of autumn came from - “Indian summer”. Summer has passed, but sad autumn time It hasn't arrived yet.

Autumn holidays are also celebrated in other countries.

In Japan, a chrysanthemum festival is held in September. Switzerland celebrates the festival of flowers and grapes. Decorated chariots take part in the ceremonial procession. In the north of Scotland, it has been held annually for 650 years. sports festival. On the first Saturday of September, men, and for some time now also women, compete in various types sports Large number spectators are gathered by a dispute between throwers... a heavy log and a kind of “hammer”, which is a stone or an iron ball with a wooden handle.

September 5 – Luppa – lingonberry

Lingonberries have a special taste:
Either sour or not.
No matter how much you try it,
You won't find the answer to that.
And the green leaves
They do not turn yellow in winter either.
We brought it from the forest
Take this berry home.

Oats and flax are harvested. The cranes are flying away.
If the cranes fly low, then the winter will be warm, if high, then the winter will be cold. If the cranes fly low, quickly, silently, there will soon be inclement weather.

Let's play the word game "Body".
Take a box - this will be our game “body”. Lingonberries are collected in a basket or box. And we will have a special box: “Here is a box, put words in there that start with -ok.” We take turns calling words that end in –ok (lock, mushroom, petal, bun, comb, collar, iron, boot, cast). Whoever makes a mistake or cannot come up with a word puts his thing in the box. At the end of the game, you need to act out your thing - complete a task: ask a riddle, sing a song, dance to cheerful music, etc.

Grammar game with words – “Mors”. What is the name of lingonberry fruit drink - guess (remember if the baby has already drunk it) - ? (Lingonberry! That's right!). And from blueberries? (Blueberry) And from cranberries? And from raspberries? And from currants? Guess which fruit drink I like most? (the kid guesses: “Cranberry? No? Blueberry? No? and so on). The game reinforces the ability to form adjectives from nouns and develops linguistic flair.

September 7. Titus and Bartholomew

Saint Titus grows the last mushroom.

They used to say this: “Whoever gets up early will pick mushrooms.” And the sleepy and lazy ones go after the nettles.” And so - “Not every mushroom is put in a basket.” Introduce your baby to edible and poisonous mushrooms. And read the wonderful autumn fairy tale about mushrooms.

Brave honey fungus.
E. Shim

There were a lot of mushrooms in the fall. Yes, what great fellows - one is more beautiful than the other!
Grandfathers stand under the dark fir trees. They wear white caftans and rich hats on their heads: the bottom is yellow velvet, the top is brown. What a sight for sore eyes!
The boletus fathers stand under the light aspen trees. Everyone is wearing shaggy gray jackets and red hats on their heads. Also a beauty!
Brother boletus grows under the tall pines. They are wearing yellow shirts and oilcloth caps on their heads. Good too!
Under the alder bushes, the Russula sisters perform round dances. Each sister is wearing a linen sundress and has a colored scarf tied around her head. Not bad either!
And suddenly another mushroom mushroom grew near the fallen birch tree. Yes, so invisible, so unsightly! The orphan has nothing: no caftan, no shirt, no cap. He stands barefoot on the ground, and his head is uncovered - his blond curls curl into little ringlets. Other mushrooms saw him and, well, laugh: “Look, how unkempt!” But where did you come out into the white light? Not a single mushroom picker will take you, no one will bow to you! Honey fungus shook his curls and answered:
- He won’t bow today, so I’ll wait. Maybe someday I’ll come in handy.
But no, mushroom pickers don’t notice it. They walk among the dark fir trees, collecting boletus mushrooms. And it gets colder in the forest. The leaves on the birch trees turned yellow, on the rowan trees they turned red, on the aspen trees they became covered with spots. At night, chilly dew falls on the moss.
And from this chilly dew the grandfather boletus came down. There is not a single one left, everyone is gone. It’s also chilly for the honey mushroom to stand in the lowlands. But even though his leg is thin, it is light - he took it and moved higher, onto birch roots. And again the mushroom pickers are waiting.
And mushroom pickers walk in the copses, collecting boletus fathers. They still don’t look at Openka.
It became even colder in the forest. A strong wind whistled, tore off all the leaves from the trees, and the bare branches swayed. It rains from morning until evening, and there is nowhere to hide from them.
And from these evil rains the boletus fathers came away. All disappeared, not a single one remained.
The honey mushroom is also flooded with rain, but although it is puny, it is nimble. He took it and jumped onto a birch stump. No rain will flood it here. But mushroom pickers still don’t notice Openok. They walk in the bare forest, collect butter brothers and russula sisters, and put them in boxes. Is Openka really going to disappear for nothing, for nothing?
It became completely cold in the forest. Muddy clouds moved in, it became dark all around, and snow pellets began to fall from the sky. And from this snow pellets came the boletus brothers and russula sisters. Not a single cap is visible, not a single handkerchief flashes.
The groats also fall out on Openka's uncovered head and get stuck in his curls. But the cunning Honeypaw did not make a mistake here either: he took it and jumped into the birch hollow. He sits under a reliable roof, slowly peeking out: are the mushroom pickers coming? And the mushroom pickers are right there. They wander through the forest with empty boxes, but they cannot find a single fungus. They saw Openka and were so happy: “Oh, my dear!” - They say. - Oh, you are brave! He was not afraid of rain or snow, he was waiting for us. Thank you for helping in the most inclement time! And they bowed low and low to Openko.

September 8. Natalya - fescue

On this day, oats are cut in some areas, while in others they have already been harvested. At home you can bake oatmeal cookies and cook oatmeal. On this day they cooked oatmeal jelly and baked pancakes.

Let's play the game "Oats" this day. All players join hands and sing or say rhythmically at each step in the circle: “Who wants to know how oats are sown? My father sowed like this...” And they show the movements. “And then I rested like this” (stand with folded hands). Together we say: “Oats! Oats! May you grow!”

The next verse is “Who wants to know how oats are reaped? My father reaped him like this! (showing a gesture) And then I rested like this! (showing gesture). Oats, oats, so that you grow!

In the next verse the words are spoken: “Who wants to know how oats are knitted,” then “How oats are threshed.”

This is how the game explains the sequence of growing oats (sow - reap - knit - thresh) and children clarify their ideas about the world around them.

September 10 – Skirdnitsy

“The field is red with sheaves, and the threshing floor with stacks.” On this day, sheaves are put into stacks, people rush to collect bread before the autumn rainy season.

On this day let's prepare straws for crafts or let's try to make small crafts together with the children from pre-prepared straw.

How to prepare straws?

After the grain is harvested, spikelets remain along the side of the fields. They can be cut and turned into straws. You can also use herbs for straws - bluegrass, foxtail, timothy.

How to make straw:

- Cut off the top of each spikelet - a panicle (spikelet), remove the top layer with leaves. Cut into stems of the desired length.

— We keep the finished straw in the sun for 2-3 days.

— Steam the straws in a basin or large saucepan hot water(duration from 5 minutes to 1-2 hours).

- Let the water drain. We make toys and crafts only from wet straw; it can be wetted during work.

In the video you will see in more detail how to prepare straw for work and how to weave a bell from it to decorate the interior:

Straw bell

Very detailed step-by-step master class You will find information about preparing straws for appliqué and making panels from straws with babies and older children in the article

September 13. Kupriyan

From Kupriyan they begin to pull root vegetables (except turnips) and dig up potatoes.

Play while walking outdoor game "Potato". And after the walk we will make potato toys.

We enjoyed playing this game even during my childhood. We all stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The ball needs to be hit to each other. If the player does not hit the ball, then he squats down and becomes a “potato”. To get out of the circle and get back on its feet, the “potato” needs to catch the ball that the other players are throwing. The ball can only be caught from a sitting position. If the “potato” catches the ball, it becomes a player again.

Potato crafts . Consider different shaped potatoes with your children. Often there are potatoes of very bizarre shapes, similar to various objects and animals. They can be used to make potato toys.

In potato toys, potatoes are connected to each other like in a construction set. different sizes(for example, the small one is the head, and the large one is the torso), halves of potatoes (for the stability of the craft). The potatoes are connected in the toy using matches (toothpicks, short sticks). For example, you can stick sticks - legs - into potatoes, and you get an animal. In crafts, we pay attention to the eyes of potatoes. They can be used as toy eyes.

September 14. Simeon the Stylite. Semyon is a summer guide (sees off the summer). September 16 – Vasilisa. Vasilisa - in a hurry with flax

From now on, Indian summer begins.

If on this day warm weather, then the winter will be warm. If geese fly away on this day, then wait for early winter.

On Semyonov Day the Osenins celebrated the first meeting of autumn.

From this day on, work began in the huts by fire. They extinguished the old fire, and in the morning they made a new fire. From this day on, they began to dry and crush flax. By Semenov's Day, they tried to complete old tasks and start new ones, they began to harvest root crops, and finished sowing winter crops.

After three years of age, boys (who left an early age) were tonsured and mounted on a horse in a ceremonial ceremony. A lock of hair from their head was cut with prayer and then stored. Godfather held the reins of the horse and led her around the yard. Went from here the custom of giving boys a wooden horse - a rocking chair like a traditional boy's toy.

Previously, knowledge about the world around us was passed on to children through folk games. Let us also tell and show our children how much work people need to do to get linen fabric. Show a linen napkin or tablecloth at home or in the store. Tell us about flax - this article will help you tell children about it in an entertaining way, and play folk game about growing flax "Lenok". In this game, as we sing, we depict the actions that are sung about in the song.

My flax is green
When it’s mountainous, when it’s steep,
I have already sowed, sowed flax, (we depict how flax is sowed)
Having sowed, I said,
Pinned me with chebots,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When it’s mountainous, when it’s steep,
I weeded, weeded flax, (we depict how we weeded flax)
I half-heartedly said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I was already tugging, tugging, flax (we depict how flax is tugged, etc.)
I was already tugging and saying
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I have already laid, laid lenok,
I, having grown up, began to say,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I wet, wet the flax,
I got wet and said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I dried, dried flax,
As I dried it, I said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I’ve already crumpled, I’ve crumpled flax,
I was already muttering, saying,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I ruffled and ruffled the flax,
I chattered and said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I scratched and scratched my flaxen
I scratched and said,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

My flax is green
When there is a mountain when it is steep,
I've been spinning, I've been spinning flax,
Already, spinning, I was saying,
You succeed, succeed, my flax,
You succeed, my white flaxen.

September 17. Lukov day.

They begin to dig out onions from the ridges.

Make a wish riddles about onions : “The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.”

Read Armenian folk tale“Why are onions bitter?” and discuss it with your children.

"In the old days sweet onion and bitter Watermelon lived next door. Then the onion was the size of a watermelon now. A watermelon is the same size as an onion today. As the Onion grew large and sweet, it was watered. He didn't have to take care of himself. Carefree Onion grew fat and heavy. One bad thing: he was bored.
One day, behind the fence, Onion heard a rustling sound. He knew that he was in no danger, but because he had nothing else to do, he began to listen. The rustling grew into rapid breathing. Onion wanted to see who showed up there, but he was too lazy. In the end, he couldn’t stand it and turned his heavy body. Behind the fence, from the hummocks, sweating profusely, a frail Plantain made its way into the light. The onion was well-watered, so no matter how much he tried, he did not dare to remain silent.

“Listen, goofball,” he turned to Watermelon, “do you hear, Plantain is puffing again.”
“It’s not easy for the poor guy,” said the skinny Watermelon.
- What poor fellow? “He’s just impudent,” Onion was indignant, “before they had time to throw him out of the garden, he clung to the hummocks.
“It’s not easy for him,” sighed Watermelon.
“It’s not easy, it’s not easy,” Onion got angry.

He regretted talking to Watermelon. He turned away and fell silent. But boredom always plagues the well-fed, and Onion even condescended to talk:

- How did you manage to break out of the hard bumps, Plantain?
“I am content with little and work hard,” the Plantain whispered barely audibly, since he was still in the ground up to his shoulders.
“They cut you out here, and you sprout there.” They'll pull it up by the roots, and you'll make your way next to it. Where do you get so much strength of spirit that you don’t perish in endless persecutions?
“Strength of spirit grows stronger from struggle,” answered the Plantain a little louder, freeing his chest from the clenched blocks.
- From fighting, you say? What are you strong about?
- Strong against enemies! - Plantain answered loudly.

Onion did not tolerate high tones - satiety requires more contemplative peace. So he winced and asked with a grin:

- Tell me, Plantain, what is the hardest thing in the world: to die of thirst in the sun, to be crushed by a Hoof, torn out by the roots, or to be chopped by an inexorable Iron?
— The most difficult thing is not to offend others.

Onion stood up in surprise and gasped: Plantain was already raising children. Onion was frightened: “When his children grow up, they will drink all the moisture that people pour on me. Then you yourself will have to get water from the hard, greedy, dark depths. No, no - not this!” - Onion was horrified and shouted:
- Iron! Here!!!
Watermelon tried in vain to stop him. Onion screamed more and more.
Iron appeared and began to shred the rebel. Shred for living... and even on their own land.
- Oh Luk! - the dying man shouted. - Idleness and laziness gave rise to envy in you and drove you to betrayal! If there is justice in the world, let it make you as bitter as my fate! Watermelon for kindness - full, like my hopes! And sweet as a dream.

The fierce Iron was sharp. Sharp but blind. It felt that it had destroyed the Plantain, but did not see that it was sowing its children, washed instead of moisture by the tears and juice of the Plantain itself.
Nearby, his children soon began to make their way into the world. In the loosened and moist soil it was easier for them and they grew faster. Onion saw them - the bitterness burned him and began to dry him out. Out of impotent rage, he gnawed at himself, shrinking before his eyes.

Watermelon also saw the children of the Plantain - the sweetness of joy spilled into his soul. And when the grandchildren made their way into the world, they saw Onion as he is now. And they saw Watermelon differently - what it is like these days.”

Why do they say: “Onion cures seven diseases”? (that is, it helps against various diseases).

You can make an applique from onion peels using PVA glue. To do this, the husks need to be steamed in hot water(hold in it for 15 minutes) and then iron with a hot iron. The color of the husk will change. You can boil the husks.

A drawing is applied to the cardboard base. Pieces of husk are spread with PVA glue and glued to the base in accordance with the picture. You can glue the pieces onto very thin paper and let them dry. And then cut out the desired silhouettes on the wrong side. Children will need adult help with this activity.

Detailed master class on making crafts from onion skins with children preschool age You will find in the article

September 21. Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

This is the second meeting of autumn; on this day we met Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread and songs.

You can celebrate the harvest festival with your kids. On this day we go to visit, treat ourselves to vegetables and pies. We talk about vegetables and fruits, together we make a simple salad and interesting dishes from the gifts of autumn and decorations for vegetable dishes.

For the harvest festival, you can make autumn cards with your children and give them to guests, family and friends. You will find simple techniques for making autumn cards in the articles,

September 23. Peter - Pavel - field ash

This day is the name day of the rowan tree.

From this day on, rowan berries were picked - after frost they became sweeter. Some of the berries were left on the tree for different birds.

If there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, autumn is rainy, if there are few, it’s dry.

Once upon a time, people used to decorate winter windows with rowan: they placed branches between double frames until spring. People believed that rowan would protect them from evil forces. You can try to do this at your dacha now.

In honor of the holiday - take the fieldfare with your children round dance "Rowanushka".

Let's go in circles:

“So autumn has come,
The garden turned golden.
And the mountain ash put on
Red monistas.

We perform dance movements:
And putting on a beautiful dress,
Everyone became more dressed up.
Bright rowan is with us
They danced together.

She lowered her branches (leaning forward - bowing to the ground),
Bowed to the waist,
Golden foliage
Spun with the wind (spinning in place).

Me and the mountain ash in the valley
We saw off the summer
And on an autumn evening
We walked until dark."

Make this day with your children Traditional Russian women's rowan beads– string the berries on a needle and thread, connect them into beads. When the beads are completely dry, they can be varnished. You can also use hawthorn, rose hips, and dogwood berries for beads.

Before making beads, talk to the mountain ash and carefully take the berries from her.

From this short video You will learn a lot of interesting things about mountain ash and how people used to treat it.

Video "Rowan beads - an ancient women's amulet."

On Fieldfare Day, you can also make a wonderful craft with your children using the quilling technique -

September 27. Exaltation

This day is the third meeting of autumn. On this day you can celebrate cabbage day with your children. They used to say this: “On Vozdvizhenie the first lady is cabbage,” they cut it down and completed the harvest.

Cut the cabbage and start harvesting sauerkraut for the winter. Even the name was “cabbage evenings.” The work was done together, in harmony, with song. Housewives baked pies with cabbage for tea.

Let's play the folk game "Cabbage". Place different things in the middle of the room or play area (this will be our cabbage). We choose the owner of the garden who will guard the “cabbage” from wolves, tits, beavers, martens, hares and bears (that is, he will guard our things placed in the middle from us, the players). All players say or sing:

"I'm sitting on a pebble,
I play with small pegs,
I play with small pegs,
I will build my own vegetable garden.
So that the cabbage is not stolen,
They didn’t go to the garden
Wolves and tits, beavers and martens,
The mustachioed hare
Thick-footed bear."

After these words, all players try to run into the “garden”, quickly grab the “cabbage” and run away. If the owner managed to stain the player, he leaves the game. The one who carried away the most cabbages became the most dexterous and wins.

They say that on this day The bear lies in its den for the winter.

Play in the game "Bear"

Draw a line on one side of the room or playground - this is the house in which we will hide from the bear. On the other side of the site, mark the bear’s den with a line. We choose who will be the bear and start playing. We pretend that we are picking mushrooms and berries in a basket in the fall. The bear pretends to be sleeping in a den. We say the words in chorus:

"At the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep
And he’s looking at us.”

At the word “looks” the bear wakes up and catches up with the players. His task is to stain them with his hand. Players must have time to escape from the bear to the “house”.

September 28. Nikita - goose flight

From this day on, they begin to collect turnips from the beds. Wild geese fly away these days to wintering in distant countries.

Play while walking active folk game "Geese".

We select a site and draw a line on the ground with a stick. On the side of the site we draw a line behind which the wolf will hide. On one side of the site we draw a line from which the geese will begin to fly. On the other side of the site there is a line where their “home” will be, where they need to fly to the owner.

We choose who will be the wolf, who will be the mistress, and who will be the geese. The geese stand in a line on one side of the site, the wolf hides on the other side of the site.

The hostess calls the geese:
Geese - geese!
Geese answer:
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes, yes, yes!
- So fly!
- We can't!
Gray wolf
Under the mountain
He won't let us go home!
- So fly as you want,
Just take care of your wings!

The geese must run from one side of the site to the other - to their home, from where the mistress called them. The wolf catches them.
If the wolf catches the goose, then that player becomes the wolf in the next game.
Make paper geese who can fly and move their wings. You can make a whole panel - geese flying into warm regions. You will learn how to make a goose in just a few movements from this video.

With kids on this day you can dramatize a fairy tale about a turnip, which they are starting to remove from the garden these days.