Spring folk signs. Folk signs about the weather in spring

In addition to the well-known sign of spring associated with the return of migratory birds from warm regions, there are hundreds of other folk spring beliefs. Thanks to the wisdom of our ancestors, you can check forecasts about when to expect warming, what the coming spring will be like and what it will leave behind!

Signs and omens of early spring

In order for an ancient sign to be considered relevant in our time, it must carry useful information, for example, predict climate change earlier than weather forecasters, forecast natural disasters, determine the time of arrival of a particular season of the year. The predominant part distinctive features, allowing to recognize the early change of winter, refers to autumn and.

  • Whatever date the October year (thaw) begins, that day spring will mark a full-fledged April.
  • Early snow autumn time- early spring will compete with its mistress winter.
  • Snow fell on damp, damp soil but did not melt immediately - the snowdrops would be born in a bunch prematurely.
  • The wild primrose blossomed in January - winter won't have long to feast!
  • If February is warm, spring will feel cold.
  • Fierce (February) in the rains - spring, and then summer will also be rainy.
  • Before November, birch leaves began to turn yellow from the top - spring will not take long to arrive. Although there is another, according to which the foliage should begin to turn yellow in a similar way in the last ten days of July.

By the first days of spring you can find out what kind of summer will come after spring:

  • dandelions bloomed early - summer period will be short;
  • snow disappears from the sun - the year will be called fruitful, from rain - dry, hungry;
  • in the forest, the snow melts to the north from the anthill - to the warm, long summer season, on the south side it melts - to the cold, fleeting one;
  • in March lightning without thunder - for later dry summer;
  • spring with frosts - summer with hail;
  • in early spring, the holes and ravines sparkled with reflections of melted snow, and then froze - the weather would interfere with the harvest;
  • the earlier the spring, the more stormy the summer;
  • the snow flows quickly and is absorbed - it will be wet (rainy) holiday time;
  • the spring ice did not move, but sank - the year will turn out to be difficult.

They will tell you in more detail about the features of the update period. folk signs about spring by month.

There are many folk wisdoms about the first month of spring, which once opened the annual cycle in Rus'. The main one says that March is not spring yet, but just a pre-spring, that is, a preliminary new season period.

Check out the list of features surrounding nature, which you should pay attention to in March:

  • clouds are floating briskly and high - to good, sunny days;
  • water does not flow - grass does not grow in April;
  • the wind does not blow snow onto the fields evenly, but in mounds - good results are expected for spring and vegetable crops;
  • a dry month means a rich year, a wet month means a bad harvest;
  • the first thunder is a sign of a fruitful year;
  • frequent fogs - a damp summer.

People have always associated the month following March with floods, river floods, and widespread melting of ice and snow. The weather in April is changeable: warm during the day, cool at night, and a sharp deterioration in the weather is possible after seemingly established warmth. Here are the main signs of April:

  • where there is a river during this period, it will be difficult to find a stream in July;
  • April drops and streams awaken the earth;
  • brother April is rich in water, and old man October is rich in beer;
  • after wet April - good arable land;
  • rain in mid-spring is more valuable than gold;
  • the sun rolls down from the April hill into summer;
  • It’s too early to break out the oven while April days are still around.

May is famous for the riotous flowering of all kinds of plants, and a certain category of shrubs and trees. It is in May that one can contemplate the deep, sensual beauty of real spring, which great creators - artists, musicians, poets, playwrights - glorify in their masterpieces.

  • May the handsome forest decorates, the red summer awaits for a visit;
  • in May the bird cherry blossoms, but the cold still lives;
  • The May frost cannot squeeze out tears.
  • cold, dry May for a good harvest.
  • in May it rains - rye will grow, in May it is dry and warm - it’s sunny in the garden.
  • Even though the nightingale is a small bird, she knows how to give honor to May.
  • How many rains there will be in May - so many years will the harvest last!

Since ancient times, the Slavs perceived spring in two ways. On the one hand, it brought long-awaited warmth and hope for a new, better fate. On the other hand, it encouraged people to work and think about the future: last year’s reserves of the poor population, who were the majority, were running out, and new harvest still had to be grown. Only young children, who were not affected by the bustle of work, could wait with reverent impatience for the arrival of spring. What has changed now?

Modern children are not at all happy about the damp, unpredictable weather that early spring is famous for. Adults understand that the first thaw, characterized by melted snow, puddles, fog and slush, is a harbinger of renewal of nature and the onset of joyful sunny days.

However, the world still does not delight with a riot of aromas and colors, but spring vitamin deficiency influences the general mood, the children sadly see off the passing winter, which gave not only new year holidays, but also a lot of entertainment that is only possible during the frosty period.

By learning together the beliefs about spring, parents, educators, and teachers can instill in their young offspring a love for the intermediate season and maintain the warm interpersonal connections that have been established.

And so that the children do not find this activity boring, and the knowledge lingers in their memory for a long time, it is better to put signs about spring for children in an easily digestible, poetic form.

  • In February, long icicles hang from under the roofs - this means it will be a long spring, soon they will all melt.
  • In the spring forest white hare Jump-jump - more snow will fall.
  • There are a lot of cobwebs flying in the spring - a sign of a hot summer.
  • The spring sun said to the snow: “Thai!” so that there would be an excellent harvest in the summer.
  • March has come, but the woodpecker can’t sleep (knocking), which means that spring will be late in coming.
  • The bark on the tree cracks in the spring - dry, warm weather will not leave the yard for a long time.
  • Judge spring and summer by February: if it’s rainy, it will be wet; and if it’s weathery, drought will come.

Absolutely all the signs of spring can be expressed in couplets or quatrains - for children in the garden or school, a collective game of paraphrasing folk predictions will seem exciting. For example, we should describe the phenomenon of ice drift: when the ice on reservoirs begins to crack and break, unevenly melting ice floes affect the water level. The popular saying goes like this:

As soon as the third needles fall, the river will flow in two weeks.

To explain to your child clearly, try to modernize and expand the saying:

I lost my spruce needles -
They fell from the tree for the third time.
The two week period will pass
And the ice drift will begin!

For those whose imagination is poorly developed, there is no reason to be upset - among the ancient signs you can find ready-made rhyming phrases:

  • Water in the meadow in spring - hay in a haystack in summer.
  • The March frost is creaky, but not at all stinging.
  • March has arrived - put seven trousers on your feet.
  • March, April with water - May (grass) with grass.
  • Early spring is terrible with floods.
  • The good horses went to the meadows - the red girls went out into the street.
  • The early starling is the messenger of mother spring.
  • When May comes, there will be paradise under the bush.
  • Since May has arrived, give the horses some hay, but don’t hesitate, climb onto the stove.

Developmental literature is replete with folk signs about spring for children, which mention animals, birds, and insects. Humanity's centuries-long observations of our little brothers will always be popular, because they help little ones get acquainted with all the representatives of living nature that live in these parts.

  • Migratory birds flow in flocks - bringing a long, fine spring.
  • Rooks and larks are returning earlier than usual - there will be a warm spring.
  • Birds choose the sunny side for nesting - summer will be cold.
  • We heard the trills of a nightingale - the birch buds blossomed.
  • The spring molting of hares has been delayed - there will still be frosts.
  • The spider spins a lot of webs in the spring - for the sultry summer.
  • The seagull flew low - there will be ice drift soon.
  • Expect a cold, protracted spring if the first wild ducks are characterized by excessive fatness.
  • An invasion of mice in the spring promises a hungry year.
  • The cuckoo crowed loudly and often - it was warm on the threshold.
  • Cranes, bullfinches and tits have moved into the forests - the beauty of spring will soon come to visit.
  • The bees began to swarm early - the red spring was called to the Earth.
  • Crows bathe in March water - a sign of warm weather.
  • There is darkness in the standing water (puddles) of tadpoles - the summer will be fruitful.
  • The bear crawled out of the dead wood - spring has come.

Folk signs are a whole layer of folklore. To understand the world, people have tried to systematize knowledge since ancient times. They observed nature, weather changes and gradually formed a certain pattern out of them.

There are many signs associated with holidays, rituals, children, and animals. Some of them are considered good, others portend misfortunes and troubles.

Spring signs, like most weather predictions, are related to weather conditions. The awakening of nature, sowing, preparation for summer - all this has long been of interest to man. It is enough to take a closer look at the surrounding events to make small predictions for the day, week or month.

Signs. History of origin

Signs appeared a long time ago and accompany people to this day. Who comes up with them, where do they come from?

A sign is a kind of pattern between an event and a consequence. Even in ancient times, people observed natural phenomena. We tried to recognize the behavior of animals, monitored plants and changes in the sky.

Aristotle, in his treatise Meteorology, described natural phenomena. He tried to explain the onset of good or bad weather by the nature of the wind.

Over time, people learned to compare an action and the event that it entails. Signs became simply necessary when a person, after a nomadic life, moved on to cultivating the land. The moon, the sun, the flight of birds, the actions of fish and insects, precipitation - all this is reflected in folk signs. They are distributed by time of year and day, days of the week, church holidays.

Signs about the weather

The signs remain relevant to this day. Meteorologists can make mistakes, but popular predictions are mostly correct.

Signs about winter will tell you when to expect frost and cold, snowstorms and warming. Spring signs will coordinate when to plant in the field and wait for rain. They will predict what summer will be like. Summer ones will warn you when to pick berries or mushrooms. Autumn - will set up the harvest and prepare for the coming winter.

  • If a hare runs into a vegetable garden or garden, the winter will be harsh.
  • A whitish Moon in a halo means snow, a clear Moon means a sunny day.
  • If the squirrel left the hollow and came down from the tree, wait for calm, windless weather.
  • The snow creaks underfoot - it means cold.
  • If sparrows chirp loudly, it means warming.
  • Late spring is a good summer.
  • If there is no evening fog and dew, there will be a night thunderstorm.
  • Sparrows bathe in the sand, which means it will rain.
  • If dew appears on the leaves and grass in the evening, it means a warm, clear day.
  • The birch leaves are turning yellow - to bad weather, bad weather.
  • If the cranes fly high and coo, it means a warm autumn.
  • Until the last leaf falls from the cherry tree, the snow will melt.

Folk signs are passed down from generation to generation. They began their existence as oral creativity. Gradually they began to be written down and recorded.

Folk signs of spring are based on the movements of birds and insects, the behavior of animals and plants. The knowledge of ancestors may seem unfounded due to changes in climatic and environmental conditions. But sometimes their reliability and foresight are simply amazing.

Classification will take about the weather

All weather-related signs can be divided into several types. At the same time, they most often interact with each other. It does not take into account seasons, religious holidays or pagan beliefs. The conditional division of signs is based only on changes in

  1. Moon, stars, sun or sky).
  2. Natural phenomena (precipitation, frost, fog, wind or dew).
  3. Animal behavior.
  4. Fish behavior.
  5. Insect behavior.
  6. Plant changes.

Russian folk signs of spring

After long winter our ancestors, especially those living in villages, began to prepare for the sowing season. Spring weather, amount of precipitation - people tried to take everything into account in order to obtain a rich harvest.

Folk spring signs suggested when to dig and when to plant seedlings. Planting planning guaranteed a fruitful autumn and a well-fed winter.

  • If you can't see the stars in the sky, wait for the rain.
  • If March is dry, April is damp, May is cold - this means a rich harvest.
  • After the rain the rainbow disappeared - the weather will be clear.
  • If the rowan tree blooms late, a warm autumn will come.
  • There are a lot of cockchafers flying around - it's going to be a dry summer.

Spring folk signs: March

At the beginning of spring the weather is changeable. March brings the first thawed patches. gives way to a warm day, a drop. Rain and snow alternate. Spring folk signs of nature were necessary in order to find out what spring and summer would be like. Expect drought or heavy rain.

The name of the month comes from the name ancient Roman god wars of Mars. March is also harsh and unpredictable. It was in this month that the pagans spent the expulsion of winter.

  • Snow lies in waves in the fields - vegetables will grow well.
  • The longer the icicles in March, the longer the spring.
  • The snow began to melt early, which means it will remain there for a long time.
  • The larks and rooks have returned early - wait for early spring.
  • High clouds will bring good weather.

Folk signs: April

The second month of spring is warm and sonorous. Drops, birds singing, clear days bring long-awaited warmth. Ponds and lakes are freed from ice. The sun is shining brighter. There are fewer clouds in the sky, buds and the first flowers appear.

The name of the month translated from Latin means “warmed by the sun.” Nature wakes up and basks in the first rays. The cuckoo begins to crow, streams ring through the ravines. April spring signs:

  • The bees have flown - wait for an early warm spring.
  • If it is rainy in April, there will be good arable land and lush greenery.
  • The first thunder with north wind- to the cold spring.
  • In April there is a cold night and a warm day - the weather will not change for a long time.
  • Lots of birch sap - wait for a rainy summer.


The third month of spring is warm, with thunderstorms and heavy rains. But there are still often cold days. Spring weather signs associate lilacs with cold weather. The greenery is blooming more and more, and the fruit trees are beginning to bloom. The singing of the nightingale is heard more often, and mosquitoes appear.

May got its name in honor of Maya. This month is bright, characterized by lush flowering and the first garden plantings. In May, our ancestors did not allow men to do sowing work, otherwise the greenery would grow and the fruit would not set.

  • The first thunderstorm in May means prosperity in the house.
  • Cold this month - expect a bountiful harvest.
  • Violets are blooming - it's time to sow radishes, dill, parsley.
  • If during the day there is a strong smell of yellow acacia, it means rain.
  • The oak turns green before the ash - wait for a dry summer.

Signs on the behavior of animals and birds

Forest animals are also of great importance in folk superstitions. This is due to their psychological characteristics and instincts. They instantly detect changes in the information flow and react to any changes. Therefore, spring folk signs about the weather connect the behavior of birds and animals with upcoming changes.

  • A cat covers its head with its paw - a sign of cold weather. If it scratches with its claws, it will rain.
  • The dog is rolling on the ground - expect a thunderstorm. Stretch out and spread your paws - it will become warmer.
  • Small midges crawl into your face - it means rain.
  • The cows are huddled together - it will rain soon.
  • The ants hid in an anthill - there will be heavy rain.
  • A pig squeals loudly - it means bad weather. If you scratch, the heat is approaching.
  • If the lark is silent early in the morning, bad weather is coming.
  • Crows walk on the ground - there will be warming. Sitting on a tree, disheveled and hunched over, it means rain.
  • The horse snorts - wait for the warmth.
  • There are a lot of cobwebs flying - for a hot summer.
  • Seagulls are chattering on the shore - a storm is approaching.
  • If during the day frogs croak loudly and jump, it means bad weather.

Signs on plants, flowers

For many centuries, people have discovered the properties of plants and flowers. They are considered to be animate beings. The relationship between weather changes and plants has been noticed for a long time. This is how signs, superstitions, and sayings began to appear. Some trees are believed to have positive or negative energy. IN folk medicine plants with medicinal effects are used.

People have long associated signs of spring with plants and pass this knowledge on to their descendants.

  • The coniferous forest is noisy, which means the thaw is approaching.
  • The burdock has straightened its thorns - there will be bad weather.
  • Flowers and bindweeds have closed their buds - it will rain.
  • Was Starlight Night- you can sow peas.
  • Strong smell of herbs - expect heavy rain.
  • The violet bent its stem - it will rain soon.
  • If mold appears on the thawed area, this means an abundance of mushrooms.
  • Dry grass in the morning, without dew - for rain.

Signs of clouds and wind

The shapes of the clouds, the changes in the wind - everything connected weather and spring folk signs. For children, since ancient times, they have tried to make all predictions rhyme - this helped with quick memorization. They were told on a walk, during field work. Children sailed boats along streams and memorized signs.

  • The clouds are running like lambs - they will bring a gale wind.
  • A cloud floats against the wind - it will attract rain, it will rain.
  • In the evening the wind blows - during the day bad weather blows.
  • Cumulus clouds - lightning, thunderstorm will strike.
  • We saw a rook - spring has come.
  • As the fogs roll in, they will bring rain for the summer.

Signs in the sky

The sky is always interesting to look at. This is a bright sun and curly clouds, twinkling stars and a thin crescent of the month. Signs associated with changes in the sky served as clues as to what the next day would be like, when it started to rain or thunderstorm.

  • Red dawn in the evening - rain is approaching.
  • If the month's horns are down, it will be warm. If it is red, it means rain.
  • If the month was born with a strong wind, it means that the wind will blow all month.
  • At night, few stars are visible - bad weather is approaching.
  • born new Moon- in a week the weather will change.
  • If the month is visible in a slight haze, get ready for bad weather.
  • The sun has risen in the fog - the whole day will be windless and stuffy.
  • After heavy rain, the sun is hot - the next day it will rain.

Signs by day of the month

Spring folk signs for every day are often based on church holidays or pagan beliefs. In ancient times it was convenient to make calculations based on memorable dates. Therefore, most signs are associated with a specific day of the month.

For example, on Epiphany (January 19) they predicted the weather for the summer. If the day is clear, summer will be warm.

Evdokia Ivy(March 14th). Frost on this day foreshadows a cold summer. Warm wind with snow or rain - rainy.

Fedot Vetronos(March 15th). Snow drift or strong wind - the first grass will not appear for a long time.

Forty Martyrs(March 22). If the morning on this day is frosty, then there will be morning frosts for another 40 days.

Daria Dirty-lunchers(April 1). Spring waters stormy and noisy - be tall grass. Quiet and cloudy - the greens will be withered and low. On this day, the brownies woke up and began to play pranks.

Annunciation(April 7). A warm night foreshadows a friendly spring. A thunderstorm on this day means an abundance of nuts. If the snow is still on the roofs, it will last in the fields until Yegor (May 6).

Irina Urvi-berega(April 29). Cloudy day and clear quiet evening- This weather will last for a long time.

Nikolay(22nd of May). After this day there were 12 frosty mornings left. If they did not come, they were transferred to Semenov Day (September 14).

Signs for children

Spring weather signs for children are simple and clear. They help the child develop observation and curiosity. They are taught in families, kindergartens, and schools. There are a great many folk superstitions about the weather for children. Entire collections of folk weather forecasts are published.

  • Strong wind on Palm Sunday- wait for summer with the wind.
  • April wind means June rain.
  • The moon is bright in the sky - the weather is warm and kind.
  • The dog hides in the warmth - cold weather sets in.
  • The cat licks itself - it will rain.

What does the coming day have in store for us? The desire to know the future is ineradicable in man. Either innate curiosity takes its toll, or the need to be confident in the future. So the inquisitive mind looks for clues in everything, including in the behavior of nature. It is difficult to say how true the signs are, but there is undoubtedly a rational grain in the long-term observations recorded in folk art.

March signs

Early spring is remembered for crying icicles on the roofs of houses, cold streams cutting through the darkened snow, and the joyful trill of birds. Among the ancient Slavs, March 1st was the day of Yarila the Sun.

In Rus', in the pagan era, the new year started on this date.

Spring was greeted with round dances and ritual songs. On Yarilin day no one worked. Real warmth, of course, is still far away, but the expectation of change is subtly in the air. Migratory birds are the first to sense the change in weather: rooks walk importantly on arable fields still covered with snow.

By the signs of March you can judge what the summer and the future harvest will be like.

  • Short icicles portend early summer, long ones – a protracted spring.
  • Rainy March means crop shortages. Dry - for a good harvest.
  • Frequent fogs are a harbinger of a rainy summer.
  • Snow falling in mounds on the fields during a March snowstorm is a sign of the harvest of spring crops and vegetables.
  • If the snow begins to melt on the south side of the anthill, the summer will be short and cool.
  • Crows bathe - for warmth, rooks play - for good weather.
  • Rapid melting of snow everywhere promises a wet summer.

The Slavs believed that during the first three weeks of March, Spring fights Winter. The new season is finally established in its rights on the 21st - at the spring equinox. The symbols of this day are larks and willow. Spring will be warm if birds build nests on the sunny side on March 21. This is confirmed by the palm color. The abundance of water around will bring a good harvest.

April signs

“April” is a Latin name meaning “warmed by the sun.” In some regions of Rus', the second month of spring until the beginning of the 15th century was traditionally called birch ash. This name appeared as a result of the merger of two words - “birch” and “green”.

At the row Slavic peoples The month is called in the old way: Belarusians – “krasavik”, Ukrainians – “kviten”, Poles – “kfechen”.

From this we can see that the sure signs of April are flowers. But before the crocuses, scillas, and early tulips bloom in the middle of the month, the daylight hours will become a little longer, the snowmelt will increase and the flood will begin.

As you know, the best weather forecasters are birds, animals and insects. Many weather signs in spring are interpreted based on the behavior of living creatures in April.

  • The early arrival of wagtails means warmth.
  • The crow ruffled its feathers on a branch - leading to precipitation.
  • A low-flying lapwing indicates dry weather.
  • If a bird screams in the evening, wait for it to clear up.
  • If a crow builds a nest in a tree high up, there will be a large flood.
  • Cattle roar loudly in bad weather.
  • If a spider sits in a corner, wrapped in a web, frost is coming.
  • The early appearance of bees means warmth and abundant flowering.

Spring signs are often used to predict the harvest. So, wet April means good arable land and an abundance of hay. The thunderstorm promises warm summer and nut harvest. Has the aspen blossomed? It's time to sow early beets and carrots. The aspen is all in catkins, and the hazel is in the buds - it will spoil the oats. Rain on Annunciation promises good rye, sun - a wheat harvest. If frost hits on April 7, prepare a basket for milk mushrooms.

May signs

At the beginning of May there may still be short periods of cold. They usually occur during the flowering period of bird cherry. Towards mid-May, catkins appear on birch trees. Cherries and apricots, strewn with white flowers, look like brides. Apple trees dressed in soft pink look no less romantic. Plum blossoms are striking in their variety of white and pink shades. Following the buds, leaves develop. Young greenery is initially fragile and bright. Above all this natural splendor, bees buzz together and cheerfully. It spreads in the air unique aroma spring. At the end of May, lilacs bloom.

Folk signs about spring in May are as follows.

  • Moderately cold May - for the harvest.
  • A lot of cranes and beetles mean drought.
  • Frequent fogs and rains - for a fertile year.
  • If the birch leaf opens before the maple or alder, the summer will be dry.
  • Nightingales singing in a bare forest mean a crop failure for fruit trees.
  • A lot of sorrel - for a snowy and warm winter.
  • If the bird cherry blossoms before May 4, the summer will be warm.

Based on the signs of spring, you can make a timely decision about planting certain vegetable crops. If violets bloom on May Day, it's time to sow radishes, carrots, dill and parsley. Clear weather on May 9, or Stepanov Day, promises a harvest of cucumbers. The period of the Swimsuit was considered the most favorable for agricultural work. If May 20 turns out to be fine, the plants planted on this day will give a good harvest.

Spring - favorite time of the year large quantity of people. IN spring months nature awakens from hibernation, everything around comes to life and blossoms, birds fly in from the south. Since ancient times, in order to have an idea of ​​weather conditions and be prepared for their manifestations, people have carefully observed various natural phenomena and the behavior of representatives of the world of flora and fauna. Based on their observations and folk signs of spring, which will be discussed in this article, our ancestors could predict all the vagaries of the weather.

Features of the appearance of signs

There is an opinion that various reasons contributed to the emergence of folk signs. Some signs “saw the light” with the help of observations, others were the result of a desire to comprehend the inexplicable, the origin of others had a direct relationship with social factors and the way of life of people.

Not all spring signs about spring have survived to this day in an unchanged interpretation. Over time, certain words have been accidentally or intentionally replaced. As a result, the meaning of some of them may have changed somewhat.

Currently, many believe in predictions encrypted in signs, but there are also those who consider them simply pagan superstitions. Despite everything, folk signs of spring can rightfully be called cultural heritage Russian people.

Signs for March

The first month of spring has long been associated with melting icicles, streams of melt water, as if winding through darkened snow, and the perky singing of birds. On March 1, the ancient Slavs celebrated the day of Yarila - the sun. They did not work, danced in circles and sang ritual songs.

Using spring signs for March, our ancestors judged the summer season and the future harvest.

  • Frequent rains this month predicted a poor harvest; dry weather, on the contrary, indicated that the granaries would be full of grain.
  • Fogs and rapid melting of the snow cover indicated rainy days. summer months.
  • Short icicles were harbingers early summer, long - protracted spring period.
  • The snow starting to melt on the southern side of the anthill testified to the fleeting and cold summer season.
  • The snow cover near the tree drew circles with steep edges - a sign of quick spring.
  • High level water in the river indicated an invasion of pests.
  • The woodpecker knocked in March - for a long spring.

The Slavs were sure that on the day of the vernal equinox (signs say that only on this holiday, March 21, spring finally comes into its own) the flood brings a rich harvest. Good weather on this mystical day symbolized that summer would be warm and come on time.

April signs

The April season is characterized by an increase daylight hours, enhanced by the melting of snow cover and the onset of floods. In April, pleasing to the eye, early flowers begin to bloom: crocuses, scillas and others.

Based on the signs of the spring month of April, the Slavs predicted what the harvest would be like.

  • The wet weather outside promised good arable land and a sufficient amount of hay.
  • April thunderstorms - warm weather in the summer months and a harvest for nuts.
  • The aspen was wearing earrings, and the hazel was in buds - the oats would please with their harvest.
  • In April there are a lot of cobwebs hanging on the trees - summer will be warm.

Signs of May days

At the beginning of the last spring month, especially cold days can still be observed. Closer to its middle, earrings appear on birch trees, apple trees dress in pale pink outfits, and plums and other fruit trees begin to bloom amazingly beautifully. The air in May seems to be saturated with the enchanting scent of spring.

Spring signs in May indicate the following:

  1. Moderately cool weather This month promises a rich harvest.
  2. Rains and fogs are a good harvest.
  3. Abundance of sorrel - for snowy, soft winter time.
  4. Bird cherry blossoms before May 4 indicate a warm summer.
  5. The leaves on birch bloom earlier than on maple and alder - in the dry summer.
  6. May is cold - the grain will be harvested.
  7. The abundance of birch sap is a harbinger of the rainy season.

Signs associated with natural phenomena

A large number of spring signs that characterize certain weather conditions are interconnected with various natural phenomena.

  • The first thunderstorm that thundered with a southern wind foreshadows a warm spring, with a western wind - rainy, with an eastern wind - hot and dry, with a northern wind - summer will not be warm.
  • Clouds float across the sky of blue color- to warm weather and rain.
  • In spring, there will be as much dirt as there is bread.
  • Early melting of snow indicates its long melting.

Signs associated with bird behavior

Since ancient times, it has been believed that birds can sense what the weather will be like outside the window. People have always closely observed the behavior of birds, with which many folk signs of spring are associated.

  • The tit does not fly away for a long time - by the cold spring.
  • The arrival of blackbirds symbolizes warming and the decline of frost.
  • The friendly return of birds from warmer climes - to the short spring time.
  • Birds place their nests on the south side of a house or tree - for the cold summer months.
  • Rooks are frolicking - for beautiful weather.
  • Crows bathe - it means warming, ducks - it will rain.
  • Geese, returning to their native lands, fly very low - there will be insufficient precipitation in the spring, high - summer time the year will not be warm.

Signs arising from observations of insects and animals

Our ancestors also considered some insects and animals to be good weather forecasters. The interpretation of certain spring signs is directly related to the behavior of these representatives of the flora world.

  • The spider begins to weave its web far from the ground - spring will be warm. He climbed into a corner and wrapped himself in cobwebs - to frost.
  • Ants come out of the anthill from the south side - towards cold summer and vice versa.
  • Bees leave their hives early - for a long spring.
  • A large number of May beetles means drought will come soon.
  • A lot of mice in the spring - a hungry year.
  • Meet a hare in spring white- It will definitely snow.

Signs related to holidays

March 7 is considered the Day of Remembrance of the Christian Martyr of Mauritius. A spring sign says that if rooks arrive on this day, then spring will be warm. On March 13, when Vasily Kapelnik's holiday is celebrated, it started to rain - summer weather conditions will be favorable.

On Evdokia (March 14) it was established good weather- have a good summer. On March 30, the date of honoring St. Alexis, a warm breeze blows - the summer months will be warm and rainy. If it is frosty and windy on this day, the summer will not be warm and rainy - it will rain all summer.

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are many spring signs associated with this holiday. If it is windy and foggy on Annunciation Day, it means a fruitful summer; rainy - mushrooms and rye will grow; It's frosty - there will be a lot of milk mushrooms. A warm night on the holiday indicates early spring.

Calm weather on Eutychius (April 19) - spring grain crops will be harvested. Rain on Akulina (April 20) - viburnum will please the eye.

A clear dawn on Yegoria (May 6) indicates that sowing work will begin early. Dew on this day indicates a harvest of millet, frost - oats will also be good. Bad weather on the day of Eremey Zapashnik (May 14) foreshadows a cold summer. Warm weather May 28 (Pakhom Bokogrey) - summer time promises to delight with warmth.

Spring signs for good luck

The accumulated experience of our great-grandfathers is full of predictions for all occasions. Among them there are beliefs that foretell happy life.

  1. If a person steps in manure, success in business and love awaits him in the future.
  2. A horseshoe found in spring will attract wealth to your home. This find was usually hung at front door. The Slavs had an opinion that if you spit on this horseshoe, make a wish and throw it over left shoulder, then your plan will come true in seven days.
  3. To get caught in the spring rain, during which the sun is shining in the sky, any wish will come true.
  4. A rusty nail found on the road, according to another spring sign, should certainly be taken with you and placed under the threshold of your home. It was believed that this find could attract success and scare away negativity.
  5. At a time when nature awakens from hibernation, a large number of people are still trying to find five-leaf lilac flowers and four-petal clovers. They are sure that if these finds are dried, clovers are placed in a wallet, and lilacs are hidden at home away from prying eyes, then happiness and prosperity will not leave their home.
  6. Watching a wedge of cranes flying in the sky means a successful year. For the omen to come true, you need to wave your hand to the flying birds.
  7. To attract luck, as soon as the snow melts, you should go on an excursion to the forest and find last year’s strawberries on its edge. Our ancestors firmly believed in this sign of spring.
  8. A swallow that built a nest near the house promised prosperity, a sparrow - happiness, a tit - the appearance of a baby.

People decide for themselves whether to believe in folk signs or not. However, behind each of the spring signs is the experience of our ancestors, accumulated as a result of centuries of observations. Some of these omens are of great interest to a large number of people even today.

Even in ancient times, our Slavic ancestors noticed: there is a close relationship between atmospheric phenomena and living nature. Thanks to this, plants, animals and insects often warn by their behavior of the onset of cold weather or the approach of warm weather. The people passed on their invaluable experience of many years of observation in signs, sayings and proverbs.

Do you want to feel like the great Nostradamus, and maybe even demonstrate your gift of weather prediction to your friends? Then quickly read folk signs about spring from Pustunchik and make accurate synoptic forecasts on changes in nature.

Spring signs about animals and birds

It is very interesting to watch animals, insects and birds in the spring - they, it turns out, are excellent meteorologists and often tell people what lies ahead.

The bees flew out of the hives early - wait for a warm spring. The imminent arrival of warmth is also indicated by the loud singing of birds. And if you happen to see a cuckoo or a woodpecker on a dry tree, rest assured that spring will be cold and rainy. Late spring is also foreshadowed by an encounter with a white bunny in the forest.

  • The early arrival of the lark promises an early spring.
  • Sparrows bathe in early spring- to quick warmth.
  • If you see a starling, you know: spring is on the porch.
  • Migratory birds fly in large flocks - this means a friendly spring.
  • Once the blackbirds have arrived, there will be no more frost.
  • The finch flies to the cold, and the lark to the warmth.
  • If in spring there are a lot of tadpoles in puddles, it means a fruitful summer.
  • There are many tits near human habitation - spring will be cold.
  • When a lot of mice appear in the spring, expect a hungry year.
  • If a woodpecker is seen in March, then spring will be late.
  • The tits are singing - wait for the warmth.
  • The crane has arrived - the ice will melt soon.
  • When a cuckoo crows on a dry tree, it means frost.
  • When geese fly low, there will be little water, and when they fly high, expect a lot of water.
  • If you met a hare (hare) in the spring, expect that snow will definitely fall.
  • If rooks fly straight to their old nests, then the spring will be warm.
  • Early flight of bees - for the red spring.
  • Crows bathe in early spring - to the warmth.
  • If hares shed for a long time in the spring, wait for more cold weather.
  • The cuckoo crows loudly and often in the spring - warm weather is just around the corner.
  • Migrant flies in flocks - to a friendly spring.
  • The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.
  • Early in January the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs flying in the spring, the summer will be hot.
  • If a woodpecker knocks in March, then spring will be late.
  • When geese fly low, there will be little water, and when high, expect a lot of water.
  • If birds build their nests on the sunny side, the summer will be cold.
  • Ducks scream and splash - it means rain.

Spring signs for children: predicting the weather based on the state of the sky

Our great-grandfathers endowed the sky with something special, sacred meaning. Based on the state of the sky in the spring, they judged the future harvest, predicted the onset of heat, or predicted prolonged cold. Let's read the spring signs about the weather and at the same time check the veracity of their observations.

  • Crimson stars - to the winds.
  • Blue clouds in the sky mean warmth and rain.
  • Clouds are floating high - good weather.
  • A ring is visible around the month - wait for the wind.
  • Thunder rumbles - bread will be born.
  • When lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, it will be a dry summer.
  • The first thunder thunders with a south wind - and spring will be warm, with a west wind it will be rainy, with a north wind it will be cold, with an east wind it will be warm and dry.
  • The sun before sunset is red - towards the winds.
  • The red color of the moon in March is a sign of a quick cooling, increased wind, but not for long.
  • Blue clouds mean warmth and precipitation.
  • A low rainbow at noon promises heavy rain.

Folk signs about spring and spring months: March, April, May

Each month of spring is special and unique: March struggles to snatch the Earth from the embrace of winter, April pleases with flowers and the first warmth, and May is replete with the greenery of herbs and gardens. A spring day feeds the year, the Slavs said, which is why it is so important to make a correct weather forecast for the spring months. Signs about spring, passed down to current generations by ancestors, still help attentive owners to this day.

  • May is cold - a grain-bearing year.
  • In March there is water, in April there is grass.
  • Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.
  • There are two cold periods in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak blossoms. If it rains in May, there will be rye.
  • Flood and uplift groundwater portends an invasion of harmful insects in the summer.
  • If the water does not flow in March, then in April the grass does not grow.
  • March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
  • If during March snowstorms the snow falls unevenly and wavy on the fields, then garden vegetables and spring grains will be born well.
  • The March wind is warm - for a warm, rainy summer.
  • March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.
  • Sometimes March boasts frosts too.
  • In March the frost is creaky, but not tenacious.
  • Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.
  • A dry March means grain fertility, and a rainy March means crop failure.
  • April with water - May with grass.
  • The April flower breaks the ice.
  • Many stars at the end of April - for a fruitful year.
  • Blue April skies signal warm and rainy weather.
  • Warm May is waiting for summer any day now.
  • Rain in May - wait for the harvest.
  • Rainy, cold and windy weather in May means harvest.
  • The handsome May of the forest is dressing up, waiting for the red summer to visit.
  • In May the bird cherry blossoms, but the cold still lives;
  • The May frost cannot squeeze out tears.
  • Cold, dry May - for a good harvest.
  • In May it rains - rye will be born, in May it is dry and warm - it is sunny in the garden.
  • Even though the nightingale is a small bird, she knows how to give honor to May.
  • How much rain there will be in May - so many years will the harvest last!

Spring folk signs: as evidenced by natural phenomena in spring

To understand the world around us, humanity has long tried to systematize knowledge and establish patterns of changes in nature. Our ancestors captured the connection between an event and a consequence in sayings and signs.

You have probably been convinced more than once: older people, whose childhood was spent not behind computer screens, but in a strong friendship with the sun, air and water, subtly notice the slightest changes in nature. Heavy dew portends a good harvest, old-timers assure. The persistent smell of yellow acacia in the air means rain. Read on for other interesting observations of spring.

  • Long icicles at the end of February - for a long spring.
  • It’s nicer for Evdokia (March 14th) – it’s been nicer all summer.
  • If in the spring the birch tree opens its leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, if the alder is wet in advance.
  • I saw a fluff on a willow - and spring arrived.
  • Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer.
  • If the snow melts in the spring on the northern side of the anthill, the summer will be warm and long, and if on the southern side it will be short and cold.
  • If in the spring the snow melts quickly and the water runs smoothly, it means a wet summer.
  • If in the spring the snow melts from the sun, there will be a fruitful year; from the rain, expect drought.
  • If the dandelion blooms in early spring, the summer will be short.
  • Oak trees are blooming - to the cold.
  • Spring with frosts - summer with hail.
  • Rare frosts - for a fruitful year.