When to bless the willow: on Saturday or Sunday. Palm Sunday

This issue is resolved individually at the parish. However, the true consecration of the willow, as in the old days, is carried out during special prayers on Saturday. In 2017 it falls on April 8th. Many people do not know when the willow tree is lit on Saturday or Sunday. The question is complex; it largely depends on the order in the temple. Here is what modern sources write about this.

The day before on Saturday

It is called Lazareva, in honor of one of the most striking miracles of Jesus Christ. An event occurred during which Christ was able to resurrect Lazarus, who had been dead for 4 days and had already begun to decompose. According to legend, it symbolized the Savior himself, who would rise on the 3rd day after his death on the cross. However, the resurrection of Lazarus allowed hundreds of thousands of witnesses to believe in his power and divine calling. That is why Lazarus Saturday smoothly transitions into Palm Sunday, when Christ was greeted during his entry into Jerusalem. And according to the Jewish calendar, the holidays all begin the night before. It is for this reason that the willow begins to be blessed on Saturday at the evening service. It is at this time that the priest reads special prayers for the consecration of the frond - this is what the willow is called in Church Slavonic. If in southern countries Christians present various flowers and palm branches, as in Greece, while Russians buy branches of young willow for Palm Sunday. You can pick them in the forest belt, but it is better to buy them at the market or near the temple. They are sold in the temple, just like church candles. Before the service (it starts at 4 or 3 p.m.) you need to buy a church candle and several willow branches. The candle can be placed in the temple in front of the icon or kept from the blessing of the willow. Usually such prayers are read at the end of the service in order to consecrate the willow. Then the priest sprinkles holy water on her, and then she can be taken away from the temple. Those who cannot bring willow can purchase it at the temple. After that, you can use it to put it at home.

However, for those who cannot various reasons to be in the temple on Saturday evening, after sunset, they make a special consecration of the willow tree in the temple. The priest usually speaks about his time at the end of the service on the evening of Lazarus Saturday, but you can find out from an announcement at the temple or from parishioners. Exactly what time the willow tree is consecrated on Sunday needs to be found out only in the church.

Sunday afternoon

You can find out the date of the service on Saturday or call the temple. Sometimes at the morning service, which starts at 8 o'clock, you can find out what time it will be (at the end). Then it’s worth going to the market or near the temple to buy several willow branches. Then come at the specified time. On this occasion, the consecration usually takes place not in the temple, but not on the street. The priest simply walks with holy water, baptizes the willow and after that you can take it home. It is considered a good omen if you can bring the flame of a candle to your home without it burning out. After this, she carries the source of grace into the house, protecting it from troubles and witchcraft.

Why is the consecration of willow needed and what does it give to people?

The holy willow is considered very useful for protecting the house from evil spirits. Its manifestations can be completely different. She protects some people from passions (in the church they mean suffering), the effects of witchcraft, or despair due to misfortune. During Palm Sunday, the fast is known to relax a little. At this time, you cannot do various agricultural work, house cleaning, laundry, or large matters. Is it worth preparing? festive table and place a few willow branches in the middle. They will remind you of spring and happiness, and give hope for better times. This is what this table can be like and what must be present.

  1. Fish dish. It replaces meat. It is best to make baked fish, for example, with garlic, various spices, dill and basil. It is best to choose carp for this purpose, gut them and bake them with spices. It can be done according to the number of people in the house. For those who have little time to cook, you can cook pike perch in tomato, salmon or salmon soup, and even crayfish. The more delicious the fish dish - the main one for this holiday - is prepared, the better your holiday will be.
  2. Salad with mussels, shrimp and seafood. You can do them in different ways. The simplest and most delicious - mussels with crab sticks, sweet corn, lettuce and orange slices. It will be a very tasty and pleasant snack, an addition to a fish dish.
  3. Wine. It is better to use red or high-quality white wine, but not beer, champagne or cocktails.
  4. Fruits and sweets. You can use a variety of dishes that will make dinner tasty and enjoyable. You can put lemonade or juice on the table for children. Various types chocolate will help you feel the festive mood.

It is recommended to celebrate the holiday with family or friends without wild fun and an abundance of booze. Such a holiday will be pleasant for all household members. Don't forget to also select

For many believers, the question is when to consecrate the willow: on Saturday or Sunday. Because, on the one hand, people call it Sunday, but on the other hand, many people already go to churches on the evening of Lazarus Saturday with festive bouquets. Let's try to figure out how to do it right and why.

About the tradition of consecration

Indeed, it is customary for people to prepare palm bouquets on Lazarus Saturday. On this day, the willow itself is collected from reservoirs, but branches of willow and birch can be picked even earlier and placed in a vase so that they bloom a few days before the holiday. You can decorate your bouquet with additional ribbons to make it even more festive and elegant.

Then you can go to the temple with these branches for the evening festive service on the Saturday of Lazarus. But you need to understand that the first consecration of them was carried out by the priest only late in the evening, almost at the end of the service. This usually happens at night. So, if you don’t plan to spend so much time in the temple, then it’s better not to take bouquets with you this time. And wake up on the morning of Palm Sunday and, already at the parade, go to the temple with your branches.

As a rule, the festive morning service on this important Christian holiday, the last Sunday before Easter, begins at nine in the morning and lasts several hours. After this service, a second ceremony of consecrating the festive bouquets is carried out.

What to do with consecrated willow

When willow bunches are blessed, they become inviolable. After all, along with the holy water, the grace of the Holy Spirit seemed to descend on them. Therefore, these are no longer just beautiful decorated branches, but a real heirloom. Traditionally, it is necessary to keep a bouquet at home in a red corner.

In Rus', if someone was sick during the year or his mental state worsened, then several kidneys were cut off and added to the patient’s food. Or they simply placed the willow at the head of the bed, believing that the plant would help cure a physical or mental illness and restore strength faster. Some do exactly the same thing now, the church has nothing against this ritual, but still in sermons you can often hear that this is still folk superstitions. Because the main thing to do on Palm Sunday is to greet the Lord in your soul, and palm bouquets and other material rituals are given in order to better and more easily understand the essence of what is happening.

Where to put the old bouquet?

If a believer celebrates Palm Sunday every year, then he should have a lot of last year’s bouquets at home. In theory, in fact, when new willow this year is brought into the house, the old one must be disposed of. But recycling doesn’t happen simply by throwing the branches in the trash. As noted above, consecrated branches are a holy relic, and even though a year has passed, the relic has not ceased to be holy.

Therefore, there are different options preferred disposal. Alternatively, this could be burning in a fire (in temples there is also an annual ritual of burning old willow, so you can simply bring it to the temple and put it in a place specially designated for this, and they will sort it out there), you can float it along the river (should be a clean body of water with a current), you can even bury the twig (but choose a quiet and secluded place for this).

The consecration of the willow occurs either during the night service on Palm Sunday or after the festive morning liturgy on the day of Palm Sunday itself. As a rule, there are a lot of people interested, so be sure to think in advance about where to go and how much time you will have for everything: in order to be sure to have time to receive your fresh blessed pussy willow bouquet.

As Palm Sunday approaches, signs become especially important and significant. At this time, it is customary to make forecasts almost a year in advance about the weather and the future harvest.

Lazarev Saturday

Another holiday celebrated on Saturday of Palm Week is the Resurrection of Lazarus.

They sent news to Jesus that his friend and associate Lazarus from Bethany was seriously ill, and they asked him to hurry. It was not clear why Christ was in no hurry. And only after the news that Lazarus had died did he set off.

When he arrived in Bethany, four days had already passed since his death. The relatives and friends of the deceased were in deep sorrow. Jesus prayed earnestly near the cave where Lazarus was buried.

He cried out to God to perform a miracle. After the prayer, the stone blocking the entrance was moved away, and those present saw the miracle of the resurrection. 4 days ago Lazarus turned out to be alive.

Christians have been celebrating Lazarus Saturday since the 4th century. Three and a half centuries later, a certain canon for holding services on this day was developed. Chants during the service do not indicate an accidental miracle, but an important symbol of strengthening faith.

After sunset, during the evening service, willow branches begin to be blessed. This is the beginning of the celebration of Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday holiday

As already written above, Palm Sunday, according to church canons, begins on Saturday evening. But the main services and the blessing of the willow are held on Sunday.

Among other things, in Rus' this holiday symbolizes the awakening of nature after a long winter. It is not for nothing that the northern Slavs chose the willow as a symbol of this day. The tree is a harbinger of spring. As soon as the sun warms the air, fluffy lumps hatch into the light. They are the ones who give faith in warm days to come.

Orthodox Christians joyfully celebrate Palm Sunday. How is this day celebrated in Russia? People of any age go to the nearest church on Sunday morning to bless willow branches. Churched parishioners stand at the service, performing prayers and participating in chants. Upon returning home, it is customary to lightly whip the household with willow with wishes of health and grace.

Blessed branches are placed next to icons, braided into braids, made into amulets, and nailed to outbuildings. A year later, on the eve of a new holiday, the willow is burned.

If you know exact date celebrations, you can prepare in advance. How to calculate what date Palm Sunday will be celebrated in a given year? To determine the date, you need to know what day Easter will be. Exactly one week before the Resurrection of the Lord, the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is celebrated.

What not to do

Palm Sunday - significant holiday for Christians. Any work on this day is undesirable. Some don't even recommend cooking. IN modern world everything has become much simpler. There are services and professions that require daily work, regardless of calendar dates. But if there is no particular need for something, then it is better, of course, to postpone it.

In the old days, women were forbidden to comb their hair on this day, just like on the Annunciation. It is clear that this is hardly possible now. Although owners of long curls can observe the ban. Hair braided into a braid, covered with a scarf on top, can easily go a day without combing.

What other prohibitions exist on Palm Sunday? What is completely unacceptable is to indulge in gluttony. The end of the sixth week of fasting does not imply a rich feast. A little wine Lenten dishes, cooked with vegetable oil, fish is the basis of the festive table.

Holiday traditions

The main and main tradition of the holiday is the blessing of willow branches. It is believed that there should be exactly as many of them as there are people in the family. Some peoples use these branches to weave family amulets. Their strength is great. They protect the house from unkind people and fire, save from hurricanes and floods, from poverty, despondency and disease.

On Palm Sunday, signs for the weather and harvest are especially reliable. They are supported by families for generations. This is especially important for residents involved in agriculture.

The tradition of putting coins in bread comes from Belarus. In this way, you can determine who will have good luck and prosperity all year long.

In some areas, it is customary to place consecrated branches in the coffin of the deceased. This tradition goes back to the very beginning of Christianity. It is believed that thanks to the willow you can enter the gates of heaven and greet the Savior there. Among other things, the willow tree is a symbol of life and awakening.

Palm markets are traditional. Children especially love this entertainment, since the main product is sweets. In addition, pleasant little things for the household are offered and the same willow, collected in bouquets and decorated with ribbons and paper angels.

A tree grown from a blessed branch increases wealth in the house. Therefore, bouquets brought from church are placed in water and carefully monitored to see if roots appear.

Rituals and customs

Many folk signs on Palm Sunday have long grown into rites, customs and rituals.

If you live near a river, try lowering a willow branch into the water. If it floats away from you, then in the near future an increase in wealth in the house is expected.

Branches attached to the roof will protect the inhabitants of the house from illness and mental anguish.

Whipping children with branches on holiday is the most common ritual. With every blow, a wish for health is spoken.

Here is another custom for increasing wealth. Even if there is a complete ban on doing anything on this day, it is still recommended to plant houseplant with thick round leaves. If the flower is accepted and grows rapidly, you can be sure that wealth will come to the house.

Rituals on Palm Sunday are traditions that go back centuries. Whether to believe them or comply with them is something everyone decides for themselves. For some, this is the principle of life, and for others, it is just a beautiful addition to the day off.

Use of consecrated willow in folk medicine

It has long been believed that willow contains enormous healing power. Sprinkling with holy water increases it several times. How can you use twigs brought from church on Palm Sunday? What to do with them to improve health? Here are some examples of the use of willow for medicinal purposes:

  • By taking a decoction of the branches, you can get rid of headaches, fever, temperature, and insomnia.
  • Rubbing the decoction into sore spots relieves rheumatic pain.
  • Willow infusion with vodka will help cope with intestinal infections and disorders.
  • The leaves are capable of healing wounds.
  • Swallowing consecrated blossoming buds helps with infertility.
  • Babies sleep more peacefully after bathing in water infused with willow branches.

Willow in folk medicine It is used wherever it grows and enjoys well-deserved respect.

Folk signs

Folk signs for Palm Sunday have long come into use. They are passed down from elders to younger ones and become part of our lives.

Calm, sunny weather promises a warm, windless summer and a rich harvest. A strong wind promised cool weather.

A cold but clear day gave hope for spring crop yields.

A frost-free Palm Sunday increases the chance of an abundance of fruit.

The number of blossoming earrings also served as an indicator of the future harvest.

And on this day it is customary to mentally call on your loved one, and the meeting will definitely take place.

Every year for many centuries in a row, the church opens its doors to everyone who believes in salvation. Palm Sunday is a holiday symbolizing the power of faith and its revival. Willow branches and bouquets bring peace and protection to the house. Following the first rays of sunshine, hope for the best arises in our hearts. And even though this day is fraught with a lot of sadness, it is still a harbinger of the Bright Resurrection of Christ and the salvation of all mankind.

Bright Palm Sunday is a major church holiday that is very important for the entire Christian world. It was established many centuries ago in memory of a grandiose event - the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The Bible says that the laity, having learned about Jesus’ amazing ability to perform miracles, called him to their city and offered him the position of ruler. They hoped that Christ would solve their everyday problems, but he wanted only one thing - to give all living forgiveness and liberation from sins.

How to spend Palm Sunday and what to do on this significant day is quite clearly indicated by the church canon. According to his information, at the time of the holiday you need to attend a solemn service, illuminate the palm branches and read prayers to the glory of the Lord. After the service, the blessed shoots must be brought home and hidden behind the icons, as a talisman against everything bad for the next 365 days. You can part with last year's willows by releasing them downstream of the river or by setting them on fire. But what you can’t do on this day is work, clean the house, wash, wash, do housework and burden yourself with heavy thoughts. Only positive thoughts and bright aspirations will help open your heart and fill it with God's grace.

What do they do in church on Palm Sunday?

Despite the popularity of Palm Sunday, not everyone knows what they do in church on this day. Even fewer people know that the celebration begins the previous Saturday evening. At this time, the most zealous believers come to churches for the All-Night Vigil and bring with them willow and pussy willow branches. The priests read ritual prayers from the Gospel, then recite the 50th Psalm and sprinkle fresh, tender shoots with holy water. After the service, the plants are handed over to the parishioners, and they stand with willow and lighted candles until the end of the service.

The rite of sprinkling is repeated directly on Palm Sunday itself. This happens at the time of the festive morning service. The holy fathers, dressed in elegant, solemn clothes of all shades of green, serve the beautiful Liturgy of John Chrysostom and consecrate the branches to the accompaniment of ritual chants. Then parishioners take the vegetation home and responsibly store it until next Easter. According to legend, the willow protects the family from anger, troubles and misfortunes.

What not to do on Palm Sunday and why

Palm Sunday is included in the list of the Twelfths church holidays and symbolizes the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, thanks to which it is highly revered in the Christian world and has its own strict canons. There is a whole list of what cannot be done on this bright day, and first of all, the sacred charter prohibits believers from doing any work, both at home and on earth. Strict taboos even apply to cooking. It is believed that Christians should prepare necessary dishes in advance, and on a holiday the hostess can only put them on the table and offer them to family, relatives, friends and relatives.

As for the menu, it is planned taking into account the requirements of Lent, during which this significant date falls. You won’t be able to afford any special luxuries, since meat and dairy, fatty, smoked and high-calorie sweet products are still prohibited. The only thing that is acceptable to diversify the diet is fish and seafood.

You should not clean the house, do laundry or wash dishes on Palm Sunday. It is likely that a lot of dirty dishes will accumulate and they will take up almost the entire sink, but it is better to deal with them the next day, or at least as late as possible in the evening.

The ban also applies to taking out garbage, doing housework and cleaning premises where livestock are kept. Domestic animals are only fed on Palm Sunday, but the hay bedding is not changed, droppings are not removed, and the pens are not cleaned.

It is not recommended to cut or dye your hair and nails, take a bath, or do cosmetic procedures. Simply wash your face and hands cool water and blot with a towel or linen napkin. No other hygienic actions should be performed, unless, of course, this is required by the basic rules of daily personal hygiene.

Palm Sunday - what to do with willow after the service: signs and customs

On Palm Sunday, willow shoots must be taken to church, blessed and held in your hands for the entire period. ceremonial service. According to legends, after this ritual the plant becomes completely unique properties and becomes a kind of amulet, protection and healing agent.

What to do with willow consecrated in church - folk traditions

  • To gain health for the coming year with a twig consecrated willow tap on the body and say: “Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as its roots and as rich as the earth.”
  • For patients who want to get rid of diseases and ailments, move a willow twig over those points on the body that bother you the most and read the following spell: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow - take away the disease. The willow will come and the disease will take away.”
  • So as not to suffer from insomnia, place willow shoots at the head of the bed, look at it and say: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.”
  • To protect against fever, remove 9 earrings from a consecrated branch and swallow them.
  • Women who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time should eat willow cones daily. The long-awaited conception will soon take place.
  • To ensure that an important matter is crowned with success, before negotiations, tear off three cones from a consecrated willow and eat them. The old people say that this ritual is very powerful and should be used only as a last resort.
  • To attract wealth on Palm Sunday, plant in a pot indoor flower or a plant with fleshy, succulent leaves.
  • During a thunderstorm, place willow branches near the window. This will protect the house from lightning strikes.
  • To find harmony in the heart and peace of mind stick a sprig of consecrated willow into the roof of the house (in an ordinary city apartment, simply attach it in the upper corner of the ceiling).

Palm Sunday - what to do with last year's willows: rituals and traditions

On the eve of the next Palm Sunday, believers are beginning to wonder what to do with last year's willows. Church texts state that you should never throw away old shoots, because they are sprinkled with holy water and carry a charge of divine energy. The best way to get rid of them is in the following ways:

  • float downstream in the body of water closest to the house;
  • burn it and scatter the ashes over water or simply pour it out in some deserted place;
  • plant in the ground near a river or in a forest if the branches have taken root;
  • put a deceased relative or friend in the coffin;
  • light it like a candle and consecrate the whole house, while at the same time reading one of the Christian prayers;
  • before Palm Sunday, cover the entire house with last year's branches, including the most secluded corners, and then burn it on fresh air, saying words of gratitude for protecting your home from harm.

9.1. What is worship? The divine service of the Orthodox Church is serving God through readings of prayers, chants, sermons and sacred rites performed according to the Charter of the Church. 9.2. Why are services held? Worship as the external side of religion serves as a means for Christians to express their religious inner faith and reverent feelings for God, a means of mysterious communication with God. 9.3. What is the purpose of worship? The purpose of the divine service established by the Orthodox Church is to give Christians best way expressions of petitions, thanksgivings and praises addressed to the Lord; teach and educate believers in the truths of the Orthodox faith and the rules of Christian piety; to introduce believers into mysterious communion with the Lord and impart to them the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit.

9.4. What do Orthodox services mean by their names?

(common cause, public service) is the main service during which Communion (Communion) of believers takes place. The remaining eight services are preparatory prayers for the Liturgy.

Vespers- a service performed at the end of the day, in the evening.

Compline– service after supper (dinner) .

Midnight Office a service intended to take place at midnight.

Matins a service performed in the morning, before sunrise.

Clock services recollection of the events (by the hour) of Good Friday (suffering and death of the Savior), His Resurrection and the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.

On the eve of major holidays and Sundays, evening service, which is called the all-night vigil because among the ancient Christians it lasted all night. The word "vigil" means "to be awake." The All-Night Vigil consists of Vespers, Matins and the first hour. In modern churches, the all-night vigil is most often celebrated in the evening before Sundays and holidays.

9.5. What services are performed in the Church daily?

– In the name of the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church He performs evening, morning and afternoon services in churches every day. In turn, each of these three services is composed of three parts:

Evening service - from the ninth hour, Vespers, Compline.

Morning- from Midnight Office, Matins, first hour.

Daytime- from the third hour, sixth hour, Divine Liturgy.

Thus, nine services are formed from the evening, morning and afternoon church services.

Due to the weakness of modern Christians, such statutory services are performed only in some monasteries (for example, in Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam monastery). In most parish churches, services are held only in the morning and evening, with some reductions.

9.6. What is depicted in the Liturgy?

– In the Liturgy, under the external rites, the whole earthly life The Lord Jesus Christ: His birth, teaching, works, suffering, death, burial, Resurrection and Ascension into heaven.

9.7. What is called mass?

– People call the Liturgy mass. The name “mass” comes from the custom of ancient Christians, after the end of the Liturgy, to consume the remains of the brought bread and wine at a common meal (or public lunch), which took place in one of the parts of the church.

9.8. What is called a lunch lady?

– Sequence of figurative (obednitsa) – this is the name of a short service that is performed instead of the Liturgy, when the Liturgy is not supposed to be served (for example, during Lent) or when it is impossible to serve it (there is no priest, antimension, prosphora). The Obednik serves as some image or likeness of the Liturgy, its composition is similar to the Liturgy of the Catechumens and its main parts correspond to the parts of the Liturgy, with the exception of the celebration of the Sacraments. There is no communion during mass.

9.9. Where can I find out about the schedule of services in the temple?

– The schedule of services is usually posted on the doors of the temple.

9.10. Why is there not censing of the church at every service?

– The presence of the temple and its worshipers occurs at every service. The liturgical censing can be full, when it covers the entire church, and small, when the altar, iconostasis and the people standing in the pulpit are censed.

9.11. Why is there censing in the temple?

– Incense lifts the mind to the throne of God, where it is sent with the prayers of believers. In all centuries and among all peoples, the burning of incense was considered the best, purest material sacrifice to God, and of all types of material sacrifice accepted in natural religions, Christian Church kept only this one and a few more (oil, wine, bread). AND appearance nothing is more reminiscent of the gracious breath of the Holy Spirit than the smoke of incense. Filled with such high symbolism, incense greatly contributes to the prayerful mood of believers and with its purely physical effect on a person. Incense has an elevating, stimulating effect on the mood. For this purpose, the charter, for example, before the Easter vigil prescribes not just incense, but an extraordinary filling of the temple with the smell from the placed vessels with incense.

9.12. Why do priests serve in vestments of different colors?

– The groups are assigned a certain color of clergy vestments. Each of the seven colors of liturgical vestments corresponds to the spiritual significance of the event in honor of which the service is being performed. There are no developed dogmatic institutions in this area, but the Church has an unwritten tradition that assigns a certain symbolism to the various colors used in worship.

9.13. What do the different colors of priestly vestments represent?

On holidays dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as on the days of remembrance of His special anointed ones (prophets, apostles and saints) the color of the royal vestment is gold.

In golden robes They serve on Sundays - the days of the Lord, the King of Glory.

On holidays in honor Holy Mother of God and angelic powers, as well as on the days of remembrance of holy virgins and virgins robe color blue or white, symbolizing special purity and innocence.

Purple adopted on the Feasts of the Holy Cross. It combines red (symbolizing the color of the blood of Christ and the Resurrection) and blue, reminiscent of the fact that the Cross opened the way to heaven.

Dark red color - the color of blood. Services in red vestments are held in honor of the holy martyrs who shed their blood for the faith of Christ.

In green vestments The day of the Holy Trinity, the day of the Holy Spirit and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) is celebrated, since green- a symbol of life. Divine services in honor of the saints are also performed in green vestments: the monastic feat revives a person by union with Christ, renews his entire nature and leads to eternal life.

In black robes usually serve in weekdays. Black color is a symbol of renunciation of worldly vanity, crying and repentance.

White as a symbol of Divine uncreated light, it was adopted on the holidays of the Nativity of Christ, Epiphany (Baptism), Ascension and Transfiguration of the Lord. Easter Matins also begins in white vestments - as a sign of the Divine light shining from the Tomb of the Risen Savior. White vestments are also used for Baptisms and burials.

From Easter to the Feast of the Ascension, all services are performed in red vestments, symbolizing the inexpressible fiery love of God for the human race, the victory of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.

9.14. What do candlesticks with two or three candles mean?

- These are dikiriy and trikiriy. Dikiriy is a candlestick with two candles, symbolizing the two natures in Jesus Christ: Divine and human. Trikirium - a candlestick with three candles, symbolizing faith in the Holy Trinity.

9.15. Why is there sometimes a cross decorated with flowers on the lectern in the center of the temple instead of an icon?

– This happens during the Week of the Cross during Great Lent. The cross is taken out and placed on a lectern in the center of the temple, so that, with a reminder of the suffering and death of the Lord, to inspire and strengthen those who are fasting to continue the feat of fasting.

On the holidays of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Origin (Destruction) of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross The Lord's Cross is also brought to the center of the temple.

9.16. Why does the deacon stand with his back to the worshipers in the church?

– He stands facing the altar, in which is the Throne of God and the Lord Himself is invisibly present. The deacon, as it were, leads the worshipers and on their behalf pronounces prayer requests to God.

9.17. Who are the catechumens who are called to leave the temple during worship?

– These are people who are not baptized, but who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. They cannot participate in church Sacraments, therefore, before the start of the most important church Sacrament - Communion - they are called upon to leave the temple.

9.18. What date does Maslenitsa start from?

– Maslenitsa is the last week before the start of Lent. It ends with Forgiveness Sunday.

9.19. Until what time is the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian read?

– The prayer of Ephraim the Syrian is read until Wednesday of Holy Week.

9.20. When is the Shroud taken away?

– The Shroud is taken to the altar before the start Easter service on Saturday evening.

9.21. When can you venerate the Shroud?

– You can venerate the Shroud from the middle of Good Friday until the start of the Easter service.

9.22. Does Communion happen in Good Friday?

- No. Since the Liturgy is not served on Good Friday, because on this day the Lord Himself sacrificed Himself.

9.23. Does Communion happen on Holy Saturday or Easter?

– On Holy Saturday and Easter, the Liturgy is served, therefore, there is Communion of the faithful.

9.24. Until what hour does the Easter service last?

– In different churches the end time of the Easter service is different, but most often it happens from 3 to 6 o’clock in the morning.

9.25. Why aren’t the Royal Doors open throughout the entire service on Easter Week during the Liturgy?

– Some priests are awarded the right to serve the Liturgy with the Royal Doors open.

9.26. On what days does the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great take place?

– The Liturgy of Basil the Great is celebrated only 10 times a year: on the eve of the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord (or on the days of these holidays if they fall on Sunday or Monday), January 1/14 - on the day of remembrance of St. Basil the Great, on five Sundays Lent (Palm Sunday excluded), in Maundy Thursday and on Holy Saturday of Holy Week. The Liturgy of Basil the Great differs from the Liturgy of John Chrysostom in some prayers, their longer duration and longer choir singing, which is why it is served a little longer.

9.27. Why don’t they translate the service into Russian to make it more understandable?

Slavic language- this is a grace-filled, spiritual language that the holy church people Cyril and Methodius created specifically for worship. People have become unaccustomed to the Church Slavonic language, and some simply do not want to understand it. But if you go to Church regularly, and not just occasionally, then the grace of God will touch the heart, and all the words of this pure, spirit-bearing language will become understandable. The Church Slavonic language, due to its imagery, precision in the expression of thought, artistic brightness and beauty, is much more suitable for communication with God than the modern crippled spoken Russian language.

But main reason the incomprehensibility lies not in Church Slavonic language, it is very close to Russian - to fully perceive it, you need to learn only a few dozen words. The fact is that even if the entire service were translated into Russian, people would still not understand anything about it. The fact that people do not perceive worship is a language problem to the least extent; in the first place is ignorance of the Bible. Most of the chants are highly poetic renditions of biblical stories; Without knowing the source, it is impossible to understand them, no matter what language they are sung in. Therefore, anyone who wants to understand Orthodox worship must, first of all, begin by reading and studying the Holy Scriptures, and it is quite accessible in Russian.

9.28. Why do the lights and candles sometimes go out in the church during services?

– At Matins, during the reading of the Six Psalms, candles in churches are extinguished, except for a few. The Six Psalms is the cry of a repentant sinner before Christ the Savior who came to earth. The lack of illumination, on the one hand, helps to think about what is being read, on the other, it reminds us of the gloom of the sinful state depicted by the psalms, and of the fact that external light does not suit a sinner. By arranging this reading in this way, the Church wants to incite believers to deepen themselves so that, having entered into themselves, they enter into a conversation with the merciful Lord, who does not want the death of a sinner (Ezek. 33:11), about the most necessary matter - the salvation of the soul through bringing it into line with Him. , Savior, relationships broken by sin. The reading of the first half of the Six Psalms expresses the sorrow of a soul that has moved away from God and is seeking Him. Reading the second half of the Six Psalms reveals the state of a repentant soul reconciled with God.

9.29. What psalms are included in the Six Psalms and why these particular ones?

– The first part of Matins opens with a system of psalms known as six psalms. The sixth psalm includes: Psalm 3 “Lord, who has multiplied all this,” Psalm 37 “Lord, let me not be angry,” Psalm 62 “O God, my God, I come to You in the morning,” Psalm 87 “O Lord God of my salvation,” Psalm 102 “Bless my soul the Lord,” Psalm 142 “Lord, hear my prayer.” The psalms were chosen, probably not without intention, from different places in the Psalter evenly; this is how they represent it all. The psalms were chosen to be of the same content and tone that prevails in the Psalter; namely, they all depict the persecution of the righteous by enemies and his firm hope in God, only growing from increasing persecution and in the end reaching jubilant peace in God (Psalm 103). All these psalms are inscribed with the name of David, excluding 87, which is “the sons of Korah,” and were sung by him, of course, during persecution by Saul (maybe Psalm 62) or Absalom (Psalms 3; 142), reflecting spiritual growth singer in these disasters. Of the many psalms of similar content, these are chosen here because in some places they refer to night and morning (Ps. 3:6: “I fell asleep and arose, I arose”; Ps. 37:7: “I walked lamenting all day long”) ", v. 14: "I have taught the flattering all day long"; ps. 62:1: "I will teach You in the morning", v. 7: "I have commemorated Thee on my bed; in the morning I have learned from Thee"; I cried out to You in the days and in the night,” v. 10: “All day long I lifted up my hands to You,” v. 13, 14: “Thy wonders will be known in the dark... and I have cried out to You, O Lord, and morning prayer mine will precede Thee"; Ps. 102:15: "His days are like the flower of the field"; Ps. 142:8: "I hear Thy mercy upon me in the morning"). Psalms of repentance alternate with thanksgiving.

Six Psalms listen in mp3 format

9.30. What is "polyeleos"?

- Polyeleos is the name given to the most solemn part of Matins - a divine service that takes place in the morning or evening; Polyeleos is served only at festive mornings. This is determined by the liturgical regulations. On the eve of Sunday or a holiday, Matins is part of the all-night vigil and is served in the evening.

Polyeleos begins after reading the kathisma (Psalter) with the singing of verses of praise from the psalms: 134 - “Praise the name of the Lord” and 135 - “Confess the Lord” and ends with the reading of the Gospel. In ancient times, when the first words of this hymn “Praise the name of the Lord” were heard after the kathismas, numerous lamps (unction lamps) were lit in the temple. Therefore, this part of the all-night vigil is called “many oils” or, in Greek, polyeleos (“poly” - many, “oil” - oil). The Royal Doors open, and the priest, preceded by a deacon holding a lighted candle, burns incense to the altar and the entire altar, iconostasis, choir, worshipers and the entire temple. The open Royal Doors symbolize the open Holy Sepulcher, from where the kingdom of eternal life shines. After reading the Gospel, everyone present at the service approaches the icon of the holiday and venerates it. In memory of the fraternal meal of ancient Christians, which was accompanied by anointing with fragrant oil, the priest draws the sign of the cross on the forehead of everyone approaching the icon. This custom is called anointing. Anointing with oil serves as an external sign of participation in the grace and spiritual joy of the holiday, participation in the Church. Anointing with consecrated oil on polyeleos is not a sacrament; it is a rite that only symbolizes the invocation of God's mercy and blessing.

9.31. What is "lithium"?

– Litiya translated from Greek means fervent prayer. The current charter recognizes four types of litia, which, according to the degree of solemnity, can be arranged in the following order: a) “lithia outside the monastery,” scheduled for some twelfth holidays and on Bright Week before the Liturgy; b) lithium at Great Vespers, connected with the vigil; c) litia at the end of the festive and Sunday matins; d) lithium for the repose after weekday Vespers and Matins. In terms of the content of the prayers and the rite, these types of litia are very different from each other, but what they have in common is the departure from the temple. In the first type (of those listed), this outflow is complete, and in the others it is incomplete. But here and here it is performed in order to express the prayer not only in words, but also in movement, to change its place to revive prayerful attention; The further purpose of the lithium is to express - by removing from the temple - our unworthiness to pray in it: we pray, standing before the gates of the holy temple, as if before the gates of heaven, like Adam, the tax collector, to the prodigal son. Hence the somewhat repentant and mournful nature of lithium prayers. Finally, in litia, the Church emerges from its blessed environment into the outside world or into the vestibule, as a part of the temple in contact with this world, open to everyone not accepted into the Church or excluded from it, for the purpose of a prayer mission in this world. Hence the nationwide and universal character (for the whole world) of lithium prayers.

9.32. What is the Procession of the Cross and when does it happen?

– A procession of the cross is a solemn procession of clergy and lay believers with icons, banners and other shrines. Processions of the cross are held on annual special days established for them: on the Holy Resurrection of Christ - the Easter Procession of the Cross; on the feast of Epiphany for the great consecration of water in memory of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan, as well as in honor of shrines and great church or state events. There are also extraordinary religious processions established by the Church on especially important occasions.

9.33. Where did the Processions of the Cross come from?

– Just like holy icons, religious processions got their start from Old Testament. The ancient righteous often performed solemn and popular processions with singing, trumpeting and rejoicing. Stories about this are set out in the sacred books of the Old Testament: Exodus, Numbers, the books of Kings, Psalms and others.

The first prototypes of the religious processions were: the journey of the sons of Israel from Egypt to the promised land; the procession of all Israel following the ark of God, from which the miraculous division of the Jordan River occurred (Joshua 3:14-17); the solemn seven-fold circumambulation of the ark around the walls of Jericho, during which the miraculous fall of the impregnable walls of Jericho took place from the voice of the sacred trumpets and the proclamations of the entire people (Joshua 6:5-19); as well as the solemn nationwide transfer of the ark of the Lord by kings David and Solomon (2 Kings 6:1-18; 3 Kings 8:1-21).

9.34. What does the Easter Procession mean?

– The Holy Resurrection of Christ is celebrated with special solemnity. Begins Easter service back on Holy Saturday, late in the evening. At Matins, after the Midnight Office, the Easter Procession of the Cross takes place - worshipers, led by the clergy, leave the temple to make a solemn procession around the temple. Like the myrrh-bearing women who met the risen Christ the Savior outside Jerusalem, Christians greet the news of the coming of the Light Christ's Resurrection outside the walls of the temple - they seem to be marching towards the risen Savior.

Easter Godfather progress is underway with candles, banners, censers and an icon of the Resurrection of Christ under the continuous ringing of bells. Before entering the temple, the solemn Easter procession stops at the door and enters the temple only after the jubilant message has been sounded three times: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs!” The procession of the cross enters the temple, just as the myrrh-bearing women came to Jerusalem with joyful news to the disciples of Christ about the risen Lord.

9.35. How many times does the Easter Procession happen?

– The first Easter religious procession takes place on Easter night. Then, during the week (Bright Week), every day after the end of the Liturgy, the Easter Procession of the Cross is held, and before the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, the same Processions of the Cross are held every Sunday.

9.36. What does the Procession with the Shroud on Holy Week mean?

– This mournful and deplorable procession of the Cross takes place in remembrance of the burial of Jesus Christ, when His secret disciples Joseph and Nicodemus, accompanied by the Mother of God and the myrrh-bearing women, carried in their arms the deceased Jesus Christ on the cross. They walked from Mount Golgotha ​​to Joseph's vineyard, where there was a burial cave in which, according to Jewish custom, they laid the body of Christ. In remembrance of this sacred event - the burial of Jesus Christ - a Procession of the Cross is held with the Shroud, which represents the body of the deceased Jesus Christ, as it was taken down from the cross and laid in the tomb.

The Apostle says to the believers: "Remember my bonds"(Col. 4:18). If the Apostle commands Christians to remember his sufferings in chains, then how much more strongly should they remember the sufferings of Christ. During the suffering and death on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, modern Christians did not live and did not share sorrow with the apostles, therefore in the days of Holy Week they remember their sorrows and lamentations about the Redeemer.

Anyone called a Christian who celebrates the sorrowful moments of the Savior’s suffering and death cannot help but be a participant in the heavenly joy of His Resurrection, for, in the words of the Apostle: “We are joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with Him, so that we may also be glorified with Him.”(Rom.8:17).

9.37. On what emergency occasions are religious processions held?

– Extraordinary processions of the Cross are carried out with the permission of the diocesan church authorities on occasions that are especially vital for the parish, the diocese or the entire Orthodox people - during an invasion of foreigners, during the attack of a destructive disease, during famine, drought or other disasters.

9.38. What do the banners with which religious processions take place mean?

– The first prototype of banners was after the Flood. God, appearing to Noah during his sacrifice, showed a rainbow in the clouds and called it "a sign of an everlasting covenant" between God and people (Gen.9:13-16). Just as a rainbow in the sky reminds people of God’s covenant, so on banners the image of the Savior serves as a constant reminder of the deliverance of the human race at the Last Judgment from the spiritual fiery flood.

The second prototype of the banners was during Israel's exit from Egypt during the passage through the Red Sea. Then the Lord appeared in a pillar of cloud and covered all the army of Pharaoh with darkness from this cloud, and destroyed it in the sea, but saved Israel. So on the banners the image of the Savior is visible as a cloud that appeared from heaven to defeat the enemy - the spiritual Pharaoh - the devil with all his army. The Lord always wins and drives away the power of the enemy.

The third type of banners was the same cloud that covered the tabernacle and overshadowed Israel during the journey to the Promised Land. All Israel looked at the sacred cloud cover and with spiritual eyes understood in it the presence of God Himself.

Another prototype of the banner is the copper serpent, which was erected by Moses at the command of God in the desert. When looking at it, the Jews received healing from God, since the copper serpent represented the Cross of Christ (John 3:14,15). So carrying on time Procession of the Cross banners, believers raise their bodily eyes to the images of the Savior, the Mother of God and the saints; with spiritual eyes they ascend to their prototypes existing in heaven and receive spiritual and physical healing from the sinful remorse of spiritual serpents - demons who tempt all people.

A practical guide to parish counseling. St. Petersburg 2009.