Read the akathist to the life-giving cross of the Lord. Akathist to the life-giving cross of God

Chosen by the Voivode and Lord, the conqueror of death and hell, through Your Cross and Resurrection you have brought about the salvation of the world in the midst of the earth. But because you have unspeakable mercy, save us, O Son of God, who was crucified in the flesh for us, so that we may call to You:

Ikos 1

The Creator of angels and the Creator of everything visible and invisible, who created man and did not reject him after the Fall, for the Son of God, having appeared, said to God and the Father: “Behold, I come to do Your will, O God,” - a terrible passion, the Cross and free death destined for Himself, For this reason, we offer worship to You, our Savior, Your mercy, which was revealed to us before the foundation of the world, magnifyingly:

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, to whom we showed the love of the Heavenly Father.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, to which the love of the Holy Spirit appeared, triumphant through the power of the Cross.

We bow to Thy Cross, O Christ, through which the Most Holy Trinity is known of the merciful truth.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for it is the accomplishment of our salvation.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, as it has been a mystery since the ages.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 2

Seeing the sinned people weeping greener, Lord, having mercy, you gave them the hope of salvation, saying: “The seed of the woman will erase the head of the serpent, and paradise will again open to you,” - and have mercy on us, O Lover of Mankind, and resurrect our souls, killed by sins, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Granting the understanding of Thy misunderstood promises, in the images and shadow of Thy Cross Thou hast shown power, O Lord, for this we glorify Thee Himself, the God of understandings, singing to the Lord:

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, which Abraham secretly represented with the sacrifice of Isaac.

We bow to Thy Cross, O Christ, even as Jacob blessed the children with the exchange of hands.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by whom Israel was driven out of Egypt.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by whose power the sea was stopped.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, from which Moses brought forth water from a stone.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by which Aaron’s rod, which flourished, established the priesthood.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 3

Thou hast clothed Thy prophets with power from above, O our Savior, and, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, the holy men of God have spoken, foreshadowing Thy Cross, like a sheep being led to the slaughter, Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world. Envelop us also with the warmth of Your Spirit and grant us, who worship Your Cross with love, to sing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Have the riches of mercy, so that God loved the world, for He gave His only begotten Son to eat, Who, like a lamb slain, was revealed before the foundation of the world in many ways. For these sakes we offer You this song of praise:

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by whom the copper serpent, lifted up on the tree, healed those who were bitten by serpents.

We bow to Your Cross, O Christ, which revives people who have been killed by sin.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by whose power we conquer the enemies of the venerable hands of the Ascension.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, through which You bring deliverance from troubles to everyone.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, which is the tree placed in the fountain and changes the nature of the waters.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, whose sign is the angelic rod of Gideon’s sacrifice of ignition.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 4

Having a storm of doubtful thoughts within, Isaiah saw the figuratively exalted God on the throne and cried out: “Cursed man am I, having unclean lips.” You go to him: “Go and speak My word to My people.” And as he walked, he clearly proclaimed the good news of the Savior of all: for He was wounded for our sins and tormented for our iniquities. But we, having known You, who was crucified for us, Who was healed by His stripes, cry out in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard Thy apostles, O Lord, Thy ineffable prophecies, that it was fitting for Thee to suffer much, to be killed, and to rise on the third day, without understanding the mystery of Thy Cross, this verb was hidden from them, until I opened their minds to understand the scriptures, enlighten the eyes of our minds. crying out to You and saying:

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by which you enlighten the minds and hearts of the faithful.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by which You confirm those who doubt in their faith.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by which you turn sinners to repentance.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by which you drive away demons from people.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for that is the hope of the Christian sign.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, as this is the crowning of Your Church.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 5

With Thy rich blood, poured out on the Cross, Thou hast redeemed us from the legal oath, having endured crucifixion and been pierced by a spear, O our Savior, for this reason we cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the Jewish wife of You coming into free passion and falling under the weight of Your Cross, O Jesus, I wept bitterly. Having turned to them, You said: “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, weep more for yourself and your children, for the days are coming; doisha" when they begin to say to the mountains: "Fall on us" and to the hills: "Cover us." We, in our sorrows and sorrows, fall to You, Savior, on this path and cry:

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by which You drive away sobs from us.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, which brings us joy.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, who is a consolation to those who mourn.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, who is the healer of the sick.

We worship your cross, O Christ, by which you grant forgiveness to sinners who repent.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, which is the resurrection of those killed by sins.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 6

You have deigned to endure the many-formed and fierce passions of God-bearing preachers, fulfilling the prophecies and verbs of the prophets, O Savior, crucifixion and death. We, having been healed by Your stripes, sing with skill: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The rise of the universe Your all-honorable Cross, on which you carried our sins on Your body, You nailed it, O Jesus. We, having received salvation, cry out:

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, the sign of Your ineffable love.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, the image of Your endless mercy.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, who has destroyed the mediastinum of enmity among men.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, Who united God with man.

We bow to Your Cross, O Christ, Who showed peace on earth.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, Who enlightened everything with Your light.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 7

Although you have revealed the hidden secret from the ages, like a sheep you were led to the slaughter, Jesus, and like a silent lamb straight from its shearer, you took upon yourself the punishment for the sins of the whole world, so that we may be free, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Thou didst show marvelous things on Thy Cross, Divine exhaustion, O Son of God. Even more miraculously, we cry out:

We worship your cross, O Christ, on which you suffered the wounds of the nails.

We bow to Your Cross, O Christ, on which You tasted the mixture of bitterness and gall.

We worship Your Cross, Christ, while hanging on it, You heard blasphemy and abuse.

We bow to Thy Cross, O Christ, on which Thy writing is not to blame.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, on which You spoke consolation to Your Mother.

We worship Thy Cross, O Christ, on which Thou didst institute Thy disciple's sonship to Thy Mother.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 8

Strange is God incarnate, seeing hanging on the Cross, dead, naked, diminished more than all the sons of men, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world, having transferred our minds to heaven. For this reason, the high God came down to earth, and endured the Cross and death, so that he would lead us to heaven, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All you are is love, all you are is desire, all you are is goodness, all you are is condescension, all you are is mercy and the abyss of generosity, Son of God, by His will you suffered for us, and by His death put to death, and by His Blood gave us life, singing:

We bow to Your Cross, O Christ, to which You bestow spiritual light.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, from which You grant us the sweetness of our hearts.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, through which You help us to acquire intelligent speed.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by which You establish bodily strength.

We bow to Your cross, O Christ, which seals in us the well-known hope.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, which helps us to preserve eternal memory.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 9

The whole nature of all creation has changed, seeing You hanging on the Cross, Christ, the sun has been darkened, and the foundations of the earth have been shaken, the tombs have been opened, and many bodies of the departed saints have risen, but we, worshiping Your passion, Christ, call: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

We see, with many prophecies, like mute fish, about You, Jesus our Savior, they are perplexed to say how the immutable God and perfect man are nailed to the cross, but we, marveling at the mystery, cry out:

We bow to Your Cross, O Christ, before the Church Bridegroom is nailed down.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, on which the Son of God, who was named in the Jordan and Tabor, was pierced in the ribs.

We worship your cross, O Christ, on which you gave your hand and nose to be wounded.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, on it your face You did not turn me away from spitting.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, on which You cried out to the Heavenly Father: “This thing You have forsaken to Me, My God, My God.”

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, dying on it, You cried out with a great voice: “Father, in Your hands I commend My spirit.”

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 10

Although you came to save the world, from the East to the East, to the dark West, our nature, you humbled yourself to the point of death, death on the cross. In the same way you were exalted Your name above every name, and from all the tribes of heaven and earth we hear: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou hast vouchsafed to the Heavenly King, the true Comforter, Christ, the prudent thief in one hour of paradise, enlighten us also with the Tree of the Cross and save us, so that we may cry out in tenderness songs of praise to Thy Cross, singing:

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, through which You grant forgiveness to even the most desperate sinners.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, by which You vouchsafe admonition to the lost.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for it is the intercession of those who are attacked.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for it is the restoration of the fallen.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, as by His power we crucify our flesh with its passions and lusts.

We bow down to Your Cross, O Christ, for by His help we reject all pride and the sin that besets us.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 11

We offer all-congratulatory singing to You, our Savior, we glorify Your life-giving Cross, with which You saved us from the work of the enemy, and we cry out to You in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

As a luminous lamp for those who exist in the darkness of unreason, we see Your most honorable and life-giving Cross, O Lord, with which you kindle the immaterial fire, instructing all who cry out to the Divine understanding:

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, as it is the universal power.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for to this Church is Your glory.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, as it is the adornment of God’s temples.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for it is the fulfillment of the sacred sacraments of our faith.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for it is the honest gift of sanctification through the grace of the Holy Spirit.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for it is the resurrection of those dead in sins and the resurrection of the flesh.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 12

Grant us the grace of salvation, O Life-Giver, Christ God, through Thy honest and life-giving Cross, through which we flee from a vain life and are honored with spiritual graces, and, glorifying Thee, we sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing the terrible passions and life-giving Cross of Yours and the free passion that You endured for the sake of us humans and for the sake of our salvation, Our God, we believe and confess that You are truly the Son of God, who came into the world to save sinners, and in tenderness we call:

We bow to Your Cross, O Christ, upon which You ascended and drew everyone to Himself.

We worship your cross, O Christ, to whom you opened paradise to the prudent thief.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, at whose foot the centurion, who does not know God, confesses to You as the Son of God.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for by this You have destroyed the faiths of the underworld.

We worship Your Cross, O Christ, for on it You accomplished the redemption of the entire human race.

We worship Your Cross, Christ, as on it, by Your death, You trampled down death, and You granted us resurrection.

We bow to Your Cross, Master, and glorify Your Holy Resurrection!

Kontakion 13

Oh, sweet and all-generous Jesus Christ, who may judge the living and the dead! Accept this our prayer, when the sign of the Son of Man, Your Holy Cross, appears in heaven on that terrible day, and, seeing You coming on the clouds of heaven with power and much glory, all the tribes of the earth will weep. Then have mercy on us, O our Savior, who worship and cry out to Your Cross: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then again the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.

Prayer of His Holiness Patriarch Nikon before the Kiya Cross in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki in Moscow

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross!

You sanctify the entire universe and bring light. You have united everything from the east, and the west, and the north, and the south into one Church, and into one faith, and into one baptism and love. You are the invincible city of Christians, the victorious weapon of King Christ. You are the glory and joy of the universe, strength for the powerless, victory and strengthening for pious people, boldness for warriors, travel companion, deliverance for the distressed, silence for the overwhelmed, strength for monks, guardian of the world, holy and honest adornment for all saints. Let me bow to you, the Cross of Christ, kiss you, kiss you wholeheartedly with fear and joy: with fear for my unworthiness, with joy for the grace you have bestowed upon me. Through you, the closed gates of paradise are opened again, hell is crushed, heaven is united with earth, remission of sins is granted. I am worthy to be called a child of God and heir to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Oh, Cross of Christ, make the sea move on me and the fighting passions without adversity, calm down the waves and storms rushing towards me, create peace, and grant me the ability to pass through a serene life. Turn sorrow and illness, misfortunes, misfortunes, and temptations into goodness, and calm and comfort my soul, falling into despondency and sorrow.

Christ God! Have mercy and save my soul by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and the saints for the sake of the prayers, whose relics are enshrined in this Cross, as all glory, honor and worship befits You, with Your Beginning Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Information about the akathist and prayer

Akathist before the Cross of Christ. Author - His Holiness Patriarch Sergius. Bibliography: E. P. List of the main works of Patriarch Sergius (Stragorodsky) // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. No. 4, 1995. Pp. 135-138. In this publication the hymn is called “Akathist to the Life-Giving Tree of the Holy Cross.”

Prayer of His Holiness Patriarch Nikon. Publication: A Word about the Life-Giving Cross // Patriarch Nikon. Proceedings. M., Moscow University Publishing House, 2004. Pp. 85-93.

Appeal to the power of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is a great protection for every person. It is known that the sign of the cross stops the demonic influence: the devil and his servants cannot bear the correct cross, so they often try to mock it (this is precisely the origin satanic symbols inverted cross).
The correct sign of the cross is performed right hand, clenched with the thumb, index and middle fingers (they symbolize the power and omnipotence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - the Indivisible Holy Trinity). First, you need to press your fingers to your forehead, then to your stomach (approximately at waist level), to your right and then to your left shoulder.

The Life-Giving Cross of Christ - protection from the devil, witchcraft, any danger

Church tradition says that the Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross was composed in Greek back in the days when the Roman Empire was pagan, the times of the early Christians. Perhaps this akathist was written in the 4th century, when one of the greatest miracles in history happened: the Byzantine emperor Constantine I learned about Christianity and, unlike his royal predecessors, did not persecute the disciples of Christ, but turned to the Lord in his heart To Jesus. And before one of the terrible battles, after a secret prayer, the emperor saw a shining Cross in the sky above the battlefield and heard God’s voice: “By this victory!” - that is, “you will win with the help of this sign.” So the Cross became the military banner of the entire Empire, and Byzantium flourished under the sign of the Cross for many centuries. Constantine was called the Great and after his death was canonized as a holy king, equal to the apostles, for his deeds and for his faith.

The mother of Constantine the Great, Queen Helena, having heard the preaching of the disciples of Christ, was baptized, and then found the Cross itself, on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and which was buried on Mount Calvary. He was found by Queen Helena, who was looking for him along with the priests and bishops, among other crosses. As soon as the Cross was raised from the ground, the deceased, who was carried past in funeral procession.

Powerful prayer - an appeal to the Almighty Power of the Lord

Particles of the Life-Giving Cross are today in many churches around the world. Perhaps in your city there is a piece of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, and you can venerate this great shrine. The cross is called Life-giving - creating and giving life, that is, having great power.
In the morning and evening prayers, found in every Orthodox prayer book, there are prayers calling on the power of God, coming from the Cross of the Lord. Orthodox Christians thus protect themselves every day and every night with the power of the Cross of the Lord.
Turn to the Lord in prayer, protect yourself with the sign of the cross and sincere faith in God - and you will see how your life will change.
You can read the akathist to the Cross of the Lord at any time of the day or night, using a prayer book or from the screen of a smartphone or computer.
You can read the Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross online using the text below.
May the Lord protect you with the power of His Honest and Life-giving Cross!

In detail: an akathist to the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord - from all open sources and different parts of the world on the website for our dear readers.

O all-saving and all-honorable Cross, we bow down to you and magnify you, rejoicing in your divine exaltation: but as victory is a sign and an invincible weapon, protect and cover your cry with your grace schiya:

Angels from heaven invisibly surround the life-giving Cross in fear, and the illuminating grace that is now abundantly given to the faithful, seeing, is horrified and stands crying out to him:

Rejoice, Guardian of the Cross;

Rejoice, glorification of the Church.

Rejoice, healing abundantly flowing;

Rejoice, enlighten the limits of the world.

Rejoice, life-giving, fragrant tree and treasure of miracles;

Rejoice, most wonderful giver of graces.

Rejoice, for you are the footstool of the Divine;

Rejoice, for you were destined to be worshiped by all.

Rejoice, cup filled with nectar;

Rejoice, lamp of heavenly light.

Rejoice, through whom all creation is blessed;

Rejoice, to whom worship of the Creator is sent.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Elena in herself the desire to find the Cross, the princess boldly says: the all-desired of your soul is most convenient for my diligence: seeking the most powerful sign of your victory, as I say, : Alleluia.

Having understood the unreasonable mind before, the queen cried out to the servant: quickly take the cross out of the side of the earth and give the cross, having looked at it with a speech in fear, both calling to the titse:

Rejoice, true sign of joy;

Rejoice, redemption of ancient vows.

Rejoice, treasure hidden in the earth by envy;

Rejoice, appear imaginary in the stars.

Rejoice, four-rayed and fiery Cross;

Rejoice, highly established ladder, foreseen of old.

Rejoice, silent miracle of angels;

Rejoice, many-lamentable plague of demons.

Rejoice, red treasure of words;

Rejoice, extinguishing the flame of delight.

Rejoice, representative of the poor;

Rejoice, steadfast teacher of those who care.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 3

The power of the tree of the cross then appeared for the true assurance of all, and raised the voiceless and the dead to the belly, and behold then a terrible vision came to all who had the reap of salvation, even as they sang: Hallelu ́iya.

Having an invincible weapon, Elena ran to her son, and the same abi rejoiced greatly, having known the glorious Cross, and in joyful soul she cried out to him:

Rejoice, Cross, friend of light;

Rejoice, Cross, treasure of life.

Rejoice, giver of spiritual gifts;

Rejoice, safe haven for seafarers.

Rejoice, table, as you bear the sacrifice of Christ;

Rejoice, you who grow, you who have grapes, who flows mystical wine.

Rejoice, for you guard the scepters of kings;

Rejoice, for you crush the heads of the serpents.

Rejoice, bright sign of faith;

Rejoice, deliverance of the whole world.

Rejoice, God's blessing to mortals;

Rejoice, intercession to God for mortals.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 4

Elena received the divine zeal within, sought and with diligence found in the earth the Cross that was hidden, and appeared in heaven to the king, who exalted it, and when people saw it, they recited by faith: Alleluia.

The Cross appears in the world, and all the enlightenment has been fulfilled and flowed like a star, they see this, like the guilt of the good, the sanctified hand is raised, chanting it:

Rejoice, dawn of the mental sun;

Rejoice, source of inexhaustible peace.

Rejoice, Adam and Eve's proclamation;

Rejoice, slaying of the princes of hell.

Rejoice, for the One who is now raised up together with us is raised up;

Rejoice, for you who are worshiped sanctify our souls.

Rejoice, thou who preached the glory of the apostles to the world;

Rejoice, most gracious fortress of passion-bearers.

Rejoice, Cross, reproof of the infidels;

Rejoice, praise for faithful people.

Rejoice, to whom hell was overthrown;

Rejoice, to whom grace has arisen.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 5

Having seen the God-given tree, let us all now resort to its cover, holding this as a weapon, let us put the regiments of enemies to flight, and having touched with our lips the foot of the Untouchable One, let us call upon Him ́: Alleluia.

Constantine the Great saw the light from heaven, showing the sign of the Cross with the stars, and while defeating many enemies, he tried to reveal the Tree and cried out to him:

Rejoice, fulfillment of the ineffable advice;

Rejoice, horn of pious people.

Rejoice, you put the hosts of enemies to flight;

Rejoice, you burn demons like flames.

Rejoice, heavenly sceptre of the faithful king;

Rejoice, invincible victory of the Christ-loving army.

Rejoice, overthrowing the pride of the enemy;

Rejoice, take care of the souls of men.

Rejoice, protection from many evils;

Rejoice, great blessings are rewarded.

Rejoice, for those who bear Christ will leap;

Rejoice, even though the crucifixion weeps.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 6

A ladder reaching to heaven, the Cross of the Lord came into being, raising everything from the earth to the heights of heaven, with the faces of angels always living together, leaving what now exists as if it does not exist, and the leading chant: Alleluia.

Having shone a light to all, O Saviour, who are in hell, you have enlightened those who lie down: the gatekeepers of hell, the dawn does not endure yours, as the dead have fallen. Those who have been delivered from these, now seeing the Cross cry out:

Rejoice, resurrection of the dead;

Rejoice, consolation to those who mourn.

Rejoice, depletion of the storehouses of hell;

Rejoice, tasting the sweets of heaven.

Rejoice, rod, flooder of the Egyptian army;

Rejoice, thou who hast given the people of Israel drink.

Rejoice, animated tree, salvation of the thief;

Rejoice, fragrant thorn, fragrance of the pious.

Rejoice, food for those who are spiritually hungry;

Rejoice, seal, you have already received people.

Rejoice, Cross, opening of the sacraments.

Rejoice, you who exude divine streams.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 7

I want Moses to deliver the long-suffering people from the persecutor, you were given to him like a rod, but I recognized from him as a sign of God, for this reason I was amazed at the power of the Cross of the Lord and cried out: Liluia.

The law that was sometimes given to the God-seer on Sinai was nailed by will to the Cross for lawless people, and abolish the ancient oath of the law, so that all of us, who now see the power of the Cross, may cry out to him:

Rejoice, rise of fallen men;

Rejoice, the fall of those who worship this world.

Rejoice, glorification of the resurrection of Christ;

Rejoice, divine delight for the monastics.

Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which the branches are covered;

Rejoice, tree, spoken of by the prophets, planted on the earth.

Rejoice, help to the kingdom against the enemies;

Rejoice, sovereign representation of the life of Christ.

Rejoice, Judge of the Righteous One;

Rejoice, condemnation of men who sin.

Rejoice, Cross, orphan intercessor;

Rejoice, Cross, richer of the poor.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 8

Having seen a strange miracle, lived a strange life, elevating the mind to heaven: for this reason Christ was nailed to the Cross and suffered in the flesh, although we drew those crying to Him on high: Alleluia.

All came from on high, this God, the one eternal Word, and was born of the Virgin Mother, and the worldly humble Man appeared, having received the Cross, revive those who cry to him:

Rejoice, Cross, weapon of the world;

Rejoice, guardian of travelers.

Rejoice, wisdom and confirmation to those who are saved;

Rejoice, those who are perishing through madness and contrition.

Rejoice, fertile, immortal and life-giving plant;

Rejoice, blossom, blossoming our salvation.

Rejoice, for you unite those who exist on earth with those on high;

Rejoice, for you enlighten the hearts of those around you.

Rejoice, for you have driven out corruption;

Rejoice, for the sorrow has disappeared.

Rejoice, immeasurable bliss of the good;

Rejoice, many-named glory of the faithful.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 9

The all-destroying regiment of demons has fallen, and the race of crucifiers has been ashamed, seeing now the Cross worshiped by everyone with love, and ever flowing healing to those crying out: Alleluia.

Having ceased from evil thoughts, I will crucify you, O Christ, on the tree: they are perplexed, even though you endured the Cross and escaped corruption. We will cry out in glorification of the resurrection:

Rejoice, height of the wisdom of God;

Rejoice, his providences are deep.

Rejoice, unknown to the mad vain talkers;

Rejoice, destruction of foolish soothsayers.

Rejoice, for you have revealed the resurrection of Christ;

Rejoice, for you renew His sufferings.

Rejoice, solver of the crime of the primordial ones;

Rejoice, the entrances of heaven are open.

Rejoice, Cross, revered by all;

Rejoice, opponent of the unbelieving tongue.

Rejoice, O Cross, to the sick doctor;

Rejoice, present helper to those who cry.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 10

Although the world, like the world, the Decorator, came to him indescribably, and endured the Cross, this God: for our sake he accepts everything for us, and also delivers us, hears from everyone: Alleluia.

We honor you as the indestructible divine wall of the universe, O life-giving Cross, who made you before, the Creator of heaven and earth, spread your hand upon you, O strange thing to hear! teaching everyone to shout:

Rejoice, foundation of piety;

Rejoice, victory for those who inherit.

Rejoice, you drive away the mental Amalek;

Rejoice, foreshadowed by the hand of Jacob.

Rejoice, for you have imagined the most ancient canopy;

Rejoice, for you have fulfilled the spoken words of the prophet.

Rejoice, bearer of the Savior of all;

Rejoice, thou who has abolished the destroyer of souls.

Rejoice, whereby we unite with the angels;

Rejoice, for his sake we will be illuminated with light.

Rejoice, for we reverently worship you;

Rejoice, for we cry out to you with an exclamation:

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 11

All singing is diminished, wanting to follow the abundance of your many miracles: for even if we bring you many praises, about the honorable Cross, we do nothing worthy of what you gave us: but we cry to God: Alleluia.

This life-giving Cross gives a light-giving dawn to those in darkness: the immaterial light receives, and everything instructs us to the divine mind, and elevates, now let us exalt, our minds sing this:

Rejoice, shining light for those who exist in darkness;

Rejoice, star, illuminating the world.

Rejoice, lightning, blinding Christ-killers;

Rejoice, O thunderous, terrifying infidels.

Rejoice, for you have adorned the faces of the Orthodox;

Rejoice, for you have destroyed the temples of idols.

Rejoice, whose image appeared from heaven;

Rejoice, by whose grace you have driven away wickedness.

Rejoice, you signify the mortification of the flesh;

Rejoice, kill the rebellion of passions.

Rejoice, Christ was crucified on this earth;

Rejoice, by whom the whole world has been saved.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 12

Having desired the grace to be bestowed upon man, Christ stretched out his hand on the Cross, calling upon all tongues, and granting the Kingdom of Heaven to all who sing a song worthily to him, and who cry out in faith: Alleluia.

Singing this song, we praise the Cross with love, like the tree of the Lord with life: on it he was crucified in flesh, Dominant over the powers of the mountains, sanctify, glorify and teach how to cry :

Rejoice, Cross, mental sword;

Rejoice, holy contemplation of the saints.

Rejoice, foretelling of the prophets and the righteous;

Rejoice, Christ's luminous warrior.

Rejoice, goodness and crown of pious kings;

Rejoice, power and strength of the reverent priests.

Rejoice, most blessed adornment of truth;

Rejoice, most favorable haven of salvation.

Rejoice, bright fertilizer for all;

Rejoice, the sons of the infidels have been driven away.

Rejoice, lamp of the immaculate light;

Rejoice, my soul's joy.

Rejoice, life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Kontakion 13

O all-sung Tree, which bore all the saints the most holy Word! By the power of the Crucified One, deliver all from all misfortune, and from eternal torment, to him crying: Alleluia.

This kontakion is said three times. And again the 1st Ikos and the 1st Kontakion are read.


May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. Like smoke disappears, let them disappear; Just as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish from the presence of those who love God, and those who sign the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, let the demons with power come upon you, our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and returned to hell the power of the devil, and who has given us to you, Your honorable Cross, to drive away every adversary. O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, help me with the holy Lady and Virgin Mary, and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2

Seeing fallen men, O Lord, You became human, and You freely endured the cross and death in your flesh for our race, so that You might deliver from eternal death those who confess Thee, the Son of God, and cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The human mind is exhausted in comprehending the greatness of Your mystery, Christ, the incarnation and free suffering for us: how You, this impassive God, endured the passion of the cross as a man and made this instrument of Your death a source of life and salvation for all who piously believe in You and those who sing in praise: Rejoice, O Cross, on which the sacrament, predestined from the ages, was performed; Rejoice, for in you our redemption has been accomplished, presented in many forms and symbols. Rejoice, for the Giver of Life who died upon you, flowed out Blood and water, in the image of which our sins are washed away; Rejoice, for with drops of His Holy Blood the sinful scabs of our souls are cleansed. Rejoice, O Cross, like the living tree that is in the midst of God's paradise, longed for by Christians; Rejoice, who intelligently nourishes us with the fruits of immortality and encourages our cowardice with the hope of Eternal Life. Rejoice, Honest Cross, a joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 3

Thy Cross, even though the tree is apparently a being, but is clothed with Divine power, and the sensory ointment is revealed, with our minds works miracles of salvation, striving to sing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the Most Holy Cross before our eyes, we honor with holy veneration the Savior Christ crucified on it for the sake of it, and, kissing us, we cry out: Rejoice, Cross, glorified by the obedience and suffering of Christ; Rejoice, exalted by the exaltation of the Son of God upon you, Who raised up the whole world from the fall of Adam. Rejoice, for the terrible mystery that came to pass upon you made the earth horrified and tremble, as if it wanted to devour the lawbreakers; Rejoice, for the veil of the temple, which was sacrificed for you by the Lamb of God, was rent and the sacrifice of the Old Testament was abolished. Rejoice, Cross, for as the stone that crumbled under you, the stony-hearted Jews who gave birth to unbelief fell away from God and lost the grace of the priesthood and the kingdom; Rejoice, for having been darkened by the sun in the passion of Christ, the night of polytheism has passed away and the light of faith has risen. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 4

Breathing in a storm of malice and driven by envy, the high priestess of Judaism hid Your Cross in the ground, O Christ our God, may their madness not be an accusation; but to that one, like a precious treasure, arose from the bowels of the earth, acquired through the diligence of the pious Queen Helen and revealed to the joy of the whole world, with the red song of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having seen then the Christian people of the acquisition of the Honest Cross, they glorified Christ God crucified on it, “Lord, have mercy,” - crying out. Now, imitating them, we glorify His Holy Cross with titanic praises: Rejoice, Cross, who sanctified our earthly nature, hidden in the earth and desecrated by sins; Rejoice, having disgraced the incarnation and divinity of Christ by your appearance from the depths of the earth. Rejoice, for He who suffered in your flesh has received all power in Heaven and on earth, so that He may lead everyone and everything to God the Father; Rejoice, for He who died on you as a man, by the power of His Divinity, broke the rivets of hell and brought out the souls of the righteous from there. Rejoice, O Cross, as a prudent thief, who was crucified with Christ, who confessed Him, through you, like a ladder, ascended to Heaven; Rejoice, for by cutting off the passions of Christ, you have raised them all into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 5

Lord, under Moses, sometimes the prophet, we show the image of Your Cross, victorious against Your enemies, now we have Your very Cross, we ask for help: strengthen Your Church and grant it victories over its enemies, so that all Your enemies may be scattered, without crying out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

The Honest Cross, Christ, prefigured the action of Amalek in the desert of Sinai: when people stretched out their hands and made an image of the cross, they became stronger; now all things have come into being in us: today the cross is erected, and demons are running away, today all creation is freed from aphids, as all the gifts of the Cross have risen up for us. Moreover, we rejoice and cry out: Rejoice, Cross, the terrible weapon of Christ, whose demons tremble; Rejoice, for by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, the hordes of demons are driven far away. Rejoice, for by the power of the Divine grace acting in you, victories against those who resist are granted to Christ-loving people; Rejoice, for from you, as from the tall and fruitful tree of Christ, suffering on you, the fruits of life and salvation grow for us. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 6

Sometimes the life-giving tree of the Cross appeared as a preacher of the power and Divinity of Christ, when with your touch you raised the dead and raised him to life, having seen many from Jews and pagans, he learned the great mystery of piety: for the sake of human salvation, God appeared in the flesh and endured the passion of the cross, and He will save those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Like the great tree of paradise, the Honest Cross of Christ rose on Calvary, from which the mental branches of grace spread throughout the entire universe and were crucified on it: under its canopy they find the coolness of the palimia with the heat of passions and those who want to live piously in Christ Jesus. In the same way, we, partakers of His grace, joyfully cry out: Rejoice, holy Cross, tree of life, planted in Eden for Adam’s sake, transfigured; Rejoice, new Adam, who stretched out his hand on you and revealed himself to the world. Rejoice, for all the faithful come running under the shadow of your blessed protection; Rejoice, for through the mercy of the One who has given us to you, repentant sinners escape the fire of Gehenna. Rejoice, Cross, our consolation in sorrows and sorrows; Rejoice, life-giving consolation and help to those who are exhausted in the fight against the temptations of passions, the world and the devil. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 7

Although You have shown the unsearchable abyss of Your goodness and mercy to the human race, Your Cross, O Lord, has given us a strong guardian and drives away demons. In the same way, all of us who believe in You glorify the greatness of Your passion, gratefully singing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Thou hast revealed wondrous deeds, O Lord, by Thy Honest Cross: for I have crucified myself upon Thy flesh, the whole creation has changed: the sun has hidden its rays, the foundations of the earth have shaken, hell has been crushed by the power of Thy power, and the enemies have been driven away, even as they have been for centuries. For this reason, let us tie flowers with these song songs: Rejoice, Cross, for all creation has compassion upon You who suffered, as for His Creator and Master; Rejoice, for the sun bears witness to His power and Divinity through darkness and the earth through shaking. Rejoice, for the One who died on you was not kept dead, but, having destroyed the power of death, rose again on the third day; Rejoice, for I have resurrected the preaching of the Gospel, which began from the face of the Apostle, and has gone forth to all the ends of the earth. Rejoice, O Cross, for through you idolatry and pagan polytheism have been abolished; Rejoice, for for your sake the right faith in the One God, glorified in the Trinity, has been established throughout the entire earth. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 8

It is strange that God became human and was crucified on the Cross, having mentally seen, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world, transferring our mind to Heaven. For this reason, God descended to the earth and ascended to the Cross, so that, like a ladder, he would lead to Heaven those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Today Adam and Eve rejoice, presently seeing the Cross, by which the adversary was struck, who of old in paradise by eating the forbidden fruit of those deceiving and creating captives for themselves. In the same way, we, rejoicing at our forefather’s deliverance from our spiritual captivity, reverently chant: Rejoice, Cross, for on you is the good Shepherd who laid down His soul for His sheep and even went down to hell, looking for the lost; Rejoice, for He did not despise the work of His hand, Adam and Eve, but with the other I snatched the righteous from hell, like from the jaws of a mighty beast, and installed them in paradise. Rejoice, for you have on you, nailed to Christ, the fiery weapon of the braids, and the Cherub, who guards the Eden, retreat from the Tree of Life; Rejoice, for we, now through baptism of rebirth, new people in Christ, partake without restraint of the food of heaven. Rejoice, Cross, rod of the power of Christ, sent from Zion, by whom we feed in the pastures of the gospel teachings; Rejoice, for through you we are preserved unharmed from the murderous wolves, who roar like lions and seek whom to devour. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 9

Deliver us from all troubles and snares of the enemy, O blessed Cross, for we have received grace and power from Christ nailed to you; to Him, as our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The Vetianism of all earthly beings is not sufficient for the glorification of Thy Cross, O Lord, on which Thou hast made our salvation; At the same time, perplexed to praise her according to her heritage, we cry out to her: Rejoice, Cross, for as the Savior of the world, exalted on you, has called many people into His knowledge and calls to this day; Rejoice, for having shone on you, like on a candlestick, the true Light illuminates all the ends of the earth with the light of the knowledge of God. Rejoice, for now the East and West glorify the One who suffered in you; Rejoice, for you, as the footstool of Christ, are glorified by all the faithful, elevating. Rejoice, for from you, as from the inexhaustible source of Christ, people will draw an abundance of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 10

For those who want to be saved and come running under the shadow of your protection, be your helper, the Most Holy Cross, preserving us from all evils by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, to Him, as to our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are the wall that protects us from troubles and misfortunes, the all-honorable Cross, and a strong pillar against the face of the enemy; the invisible fighters do not dare to approach them, afraid to look at Your power. For this reason, with faith, we are protected by your holy sign and joyfully sing: Rejoice, most honorable Cross of Christ, protect us from the attack of spirits of evil; Rejoice, keep us safe from various arrows. Rejoice, for from your sign, which we do piously with faith, all the powers of hell, like smoke from the wind, disappear; Rejoice, for through you all their strength, like wax before the fire, melts away. Rejoice, as a holy martyr, protected by your sign and calling on the name of Christ, everyone bravely endured the sight of torment; Rejoice, for the reverend fathers, with the help of the power of the Divine, inherent in your sign, have overcome demonic fears and passions of rebellion. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-contrite singing to Thee, the all-honorable Cross, and we humbly pray to Christ our God crucified on you, who has given us joy and consolation in sorrow, that through His passion He will deliver us from harmful passions and teach us to faithfully chant to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With the light of the grace of God, inherent in the mysteries, enlighten our spiritual feelings, the Holy Cross, so that we are illuminated and instructed, so that we may not stumble over the stone of temptation, but may be able to follow the path of God’s commandments in our entire life, singing to you: Rejoice, messenger of the unceasing miracles of Christ and His mercy towards the human race is a preacher; rejoice. The Cross, the renewal of the human race and the New Testament of Christ is the seal and confirmation. Rejoice, triumph of the Christian faith and trustworthy anchor of our hope; Rejoice, decoration of the holy temples of God and protection of the houses of the pious. Rejoice, blessing of the fields and vertograds; Rejoice in the sanctification of all elements. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 12

Grant us Your all-powerful grace, O Lord, so that we may follow You, our Master, taking up our cross, not nailed down to it, but through labor, abstinence and humility, so that we may be partakers of Your sufferings, from which flow the sweat of Eternal Life, soldering all the faithful, piously singing Ti: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your greatness, all-honorable Cross, we all praise you, like the victorious scepter of the Heavenly King, an all-joyful sign of our salvation, and we also cry out: Rejoice, Cross, the power of Orthodox Christians and their indestructible fence; Rejoice, adornment of the saints and strength and reinforcement of all ascetics of faith and piety. Rejoice, Cross, protect us from the cradle to the grave on all the paths of life, and after death in the air ordeals protect us from the spirits of evil; Rejoice, for under your sign those who rest, who died in faith and piety, will rise on the last day into Eternal Life. Rejoice, O Cross, who by your appearance in Heaven preceded the glorious Second Coming of Christ; Rejoice, for those who have crucified Christ and all the unfaithful will then see you and the mountaineers will weep, but those who love the Lord, seeing you, will rejoice greatly. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 13

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, consolation to all Christians! Seeing You now, we raise our thoughts to Christ crucified on you, and we humbly pray to Him, that for your sake He may have mercy on us sinners, and make us worthy in the villages of paradise to sing to Him: Alleluia.

(Kondak is read three times, then the 1st Ikos)

Ikos 1

The faces of angels, like God’s servants, glorify the Cross in reality, the free passion of Christ the Giver of Life. We, through the suffering of that eternal death, having been delivered, imitating the Heavenly Powers, joyfully cry: Rejoice, Cross, for on you Christ our God, with His will spread out His hand, created our salvation; Rejoice, for by Christ, who laid upon you the crime of Adam and Eve, who stretched out their hands to the forbidden tree, has been abolished. Rejoice, for the ancient oath that was against us has been taken away from the Lawgiver, who was raised against you, like a criminal; Rejoice, for through a strange sacrament that happened to you, the human race was freed from mortal aphids. Rejoice, for the sting of death has been broken upon you by those who suffered and died; Rejoice, for the sake of suffering, God is reconciled with people. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 1

Come, people of Christ, let us praise the Honest Cross, on which Christ, the King of Glory, stretched out his hand, leading us to the first bliss, from the fall of the serpent’s charm. But you, O Most Holy Cross, as if you have the inherent power of the Crucified Christ, save and preserve from all troubles those who lovingly call you: Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Prayers to the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

First prayer

Be the Honest Cross, guardian of soul and body: in your image, casting down demons, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving us reverence, life, and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the honest prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God. Amen.

Second prayer

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! In ancient times you were a shameful instrument of execution, but now you are a sign of our salvation, ever revered and glorified! How worthily can I, the unworthy, sing to You and how dare I bend the knees of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and ineffable love for mankind of the humble Boldness crucified upon you gives me, so that I may open my mouth to glorify You; For this reason I cry to Ti: Rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ is the beauty and foundation, the whole universe is the affirmation, all Christians are the hope, kings are the power, the faithful are refuge, Angels are glory and praise, demons are fear, destruction and driving away, the wicked and infidels - shame, the righteous - pleasure, those burdened - weakness, those overwhelmed - refuge, those who are lost - a mentor, those possessed by passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, those floating - a pilot, the weak - strength, in battle - victory and conquest, the orphans - faithful protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - a doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, typified by the miraculous rod of Moses, are a life-giving source, watering those thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are the bed on which the Risen Conqueror of hell rested royally for three days. For this reason, morning, evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who has been crucified on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of more perfect love and may all my deeds and paths be overshadowed by Thee May I take out and magnify Him who is Nailed to You, for my sin, the Lord my Savior. Amen.

Akathist to the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

Kontakion 1

O most blessed and all-honored Cross, we faithfully worship and magnify You, Rejoicing in Your Divine Exaltation. You, as a sign of victory and an invincible weapon, protect and cover with your grace those who cry to you:

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Ikos 1

Angels from heaven invisibly surrounded the life-giving Cross in reverence, and seeing it, as if with its luminous grace it clearly overshadows the faithful, standing, calling out to it like this:

Rejoice, guardian of the universe; Rejoice, glory to the Church.

Rejoice, healing abundantly flowing; Rejoice, illuminate the boundaries of the world.

Rejoice, source of miracles, fragrant belly; Rejoice, most blessed one, show grace.

Rejoice, former Divine footstool; Rejoice, revealed to the worship of all.

Rejoice, cup filled with nectar; Rejoice, illumination of the heavenly illumination.

Rejoice, for through you all creation is blessed; Rejoice, for through you the worship of the Creator is sent.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 2

Seeing in herself the desire to find the Cross, Elena boldly says to the king: What your soul desires has been revealed to my merciful zeal. For this reason, seeking the strongest sign of your victory, as you advertised, I cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having understood the reasonable news that was unintelligible, Queen Abiye says to the servant: Try to quickly extract from the bowels of the earth and lift up the Cross. When you saw this, you cried out in fear:

Rejoice, image of true joy; Rejoice, the ancient curse has been abolished.

Rejoice, treasure hidden in the earth by malice; Rejoice, sign formed in the heavens by the stars.

Rejoice, fiery Cross, flaming with four rays; Rejoice, sometimes foreseen Ladder, established on high.

Rejoice, serene and wondrous miracle by the Angel; Rejoice, much lamentable defeat of the demons.

Rejoice, all-sweet treasure of the Word; Rejoice, quenching the flame of delusion.

Rejoice, intercessor of the needy; Rejoice, steadfast mentor of those who strive.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 3

The power of the tree of the cross then appeared to the true assurance of everyone, raising the silent dead, and behold then a wondrous sight for all who wanted to receive salvation, when everyone was in a hurry: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Possessing an invincible weapon, Elena reaches out to her son. The same abiye rejoiced greatly and, recognizing the great Cross, cried out to him in joy:

Rejoice, receptacle of light; Rejoice, repository of life.

Rejoice, giver of spiritual gifts; Rejoice, refuge for those floating on the stormy sea.

Rejoice, at the altar, bear Christ like a sacrifice; Rejoice, vine, possessing branch, flowing mysterious wine.

Rejoice, for you protect the kingdom of the tongue; Rejoice, for you crush the heads of dragons.

Rejoice, clear knowledge of faith; Rejoice, deliverance of the whole world.

Rejoice, God's blessing to mortals; Rejoice, you who interceded for mortals before God on your person.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 4

Having been enveloped within by a storm of Divine jealousy, Elena diligently sought and found the Cross, hidden in the earth, and appeared in heaven to the king, and erected this, which people had seen and cried out in faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing everything like the Cross rising in the world, like the sun, and everyone enjoying the light, I strive to come to it, like a star, and contemplating the author of blessings, I raise my sanctified hands, hastening to Him:

Rejoice, dawn of the mental Sun; Rejoice, source of inexhaustible fragrance.

Hail, Adam and Eve proclamation; Rejoice, slaying of the princes of hell.

Rejoice, for you have raised us up with you; Rejoice, as you who are worshiped, you illuminate our souls.

Rejoice, preaching glory of the apostles in the world; Rejoice, blessed strength for fighters against this world.

Rejoice, reproof of the unfaithful; Rejoice, praise to the faithful.

Rejoice, for through you hell has been cast down; Rejoice, for grace has come through you.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 5

Having seen the godlike tree, let us all now resort to its cover, holding this like a weapon, we will turn the enemy regiments to flight and, having touched the inviolable one, we will call to him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the light from heaven, showing with the stars the sign of the Cross and in it the perfect victory over the enemies, the great Constantine tried to pull the tree of the Cross out of the ground and call out to it:

Rejoice, fulfillment of the ineffable advice; Rejoice, exaltation of the pious people.

Rejoice, you put the enemy regiments to flight; Rejoice, demons, as you burn up with flame.

Rejoice, heavenly sceptre of the King of the faithful; Rejoice, invincible weapon of the Christ-loving army.

Rejoice, overthrowing the arrogance of the barbarians; Rejoice, take care of our souls.

Rejoice, protection from many evils; Rejoice, great blessings are rewarded.

Rejoice, as Christ-bearers rejoice in you; Rejoice, for the infidels grieve because of you.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 6

The Cross of the Lord appeared like a ladder reaching to heaven, raising everyone from the earth to the heights of heaven, so that we could dwell there together with the faces of angels, leaving what now exists, as if bearing and learning to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having shone with light to all who are in hell, O Savior, You have shone upon those who were in the underworld; The gatekeepers of hell cannot bear to behold Your brilliance, falling as if dead, but now seeing the Cross as deliverance from them, they cry out:

Rejoice, resurrection of the dead; Rejoice, consolation for the sad.

Rejoice, destruction of the storehouses of hell; Rejoice, anticipation of heavenly pleasure.

Rejoice, rod, drowner of the Egyptian army; Rejoice, rod, giver of drink to the people of Israel.

Rejoice, life-giving tree, salvation of the thief; Rejoice, fragrant thorn, fragrance of the pious.

Rejoice, quenching of spiritual hunger; Rejoice, seal, received from the faithful.

Rejoice, door of the sacraments; Rejoice, for Divine streams flow from you.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 7

I want Moses to deliver the long-suffering people from the persecutor, you were given to him like a rod, but you were known to them as a prototype of God, for this reason you were amazed, about the Cross, by your power and you cried out: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The wondrous law that was sometimes given to the Seer of God on Sinai was nailed by will to the Cross for lawless people, and abolish the ancient curse of the law, so that we all, now seeing the power of the Cross, may cry out to him:

Rejoice, rise of the fallen; Rejoice, fall of the world-worshippers.

Rejoice, renewal of the resurrection of Christ; Rejoice, Divine delight for the monastics.

Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree with which vernias are covered; Rejoice, tree that speaks prophetically, growing on the earth.

Rejoice, help to the Fatherland's enemies; Rejoice, the rule of the people is strongly protected.

Rejoice, appearance of the Righteous Judge; Rejoice, condemnation of mortal sinners.

Rejoice, intercessor of the orphans; Rejoice, enricher of the poor.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 8

Having seen a strange miracle, we will call to new life, raising our minds to heaven, as if for this sake Christ was crucified on the Cross and suffered in the flesh, although He drew to the heights those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The One Eternal Word descended from above, born from the Virgin Mother, and appeared in the world like a humble man. This they took upon themselves the Cross and gave their lives to those who cried out to Him:

Rejoice, weapon of the world; Rejoice, traveling foundation.

Rejoice, wisdom and confirmation to those who are saved; Rejoice, admonishment and stumbling for those who perish.

Rejoice, immortal and life-giving growth; Rejoice, flower that brought forth our salvation.

Rejoice, for you unite the earthly with the heavenly; Rejoice, for you enlighten the hearts of the earthly.

Rejoice, for through you I have driven out corruption; Rejoice, for through you sorrow has been abolished.

Rejoice, immeasurable bliss of the good; Rejoice, many-named glory of the faithful.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 9

All the wicked nature of the demons fell, and the race of Jews was ashamed, seeing how they all worship the Cross with love, always abundantly giving healing to those who cry to him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The slanderers silenced the sweat of wisdom, when you were crucified, Christ, on the Cross: they are perplexed because you ascended to the Cross, and you escaped corruption. We, glorifying Your resurrection, proclaim:

Rejoice, height of the wisdom of God; Rejoice, His providences are deep.

Rejoice, ignorance of mad vain talkers; Rejoice, destruction of foolish prophets.

Rejoice, for you have revealed to us the resurrection of Christ; Rejoice, for you renew His sufferings in our memory.

Rejoice, thou who solved the crime of the first; Rejoice, you who open the gates of heaven.

Rejoice, blessed one of all; Rejoice, you who were opposed to unfaithful people.

Rejoice, doctor to the sick; Rejoice, those who call upon you for help as a protector.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 10

To save the world, the Ruler of the world came to us mysteriously and, God, endured the Cross for us, becoming like us in everything. For this reason, free from everyone, he hears: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

We honor you as the indestructible Divine wall of the universe, the life-giving Cross who made you beforehand, Creator of heaven and earth, spread his hand on you, teaching everyone to shout:

Rejoice, foundation of piety; Rejoice, reward of inheritance.

Rejoice, you who drive away the mental Amalek; Rejoice, foreshadowed by the hands of Jacob.

Rejoice, for through you the ancient images have been renewed; Rejoice, for you have fulfilled the prophetic predictions.

Rejoice, bearer of the Savior of all; Rejoice, you who have abolished the destroyer of souls.

Rejoice, for through you the Angels and I have united; Rejoice, for through you we have been enlightened by light.

Rejoice, for we reverently worship you; Rejoice, as we cry out to you with an exclamation.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

All singing is conquered if we strive to follow the abundance of your miracles: there are numerous praises, if we bring you, honorable Cross, we do nothing worthily, if you gave us, who cry out to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The luminous radiance was given by the life-giving Cross to those existing in darkness: having received the immaterial light, it illuminates the path to Divine knowledge for everyone, and the one being erected now excites us to chant:

Rejoice, shining light on those who exist in darkness; Rejoice, star, illuminating the world.

Rejoice, lightning, blinding Christ-killer; Rejoice, for thunder terrifies enemies.

Rejoice, for you have decorated the cathedrals of the Orthodox; Rejoice, for you have broken the altars of idols.

Rejoice, for your sign has appeared in heaven; Rejoice, for by your grace you have driven away flattery.

Rejoice, signifying the mortification of the flesh; Rejoice, kill the rebellion of passions.

Rejoice, for Christ was crucified on you; Rejoice, for by you the whole world was saved.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 12

Having desired to grant grace to people, Christ spread his hand on the Cross, calling upon all tongues, and granting the Kingdom of Heaven to all who sing to Him and cry out in faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing a song to you with love, Life-giving Cross of the Lord, we glorify you, as the Lord of the heavenly powers, crucified on you in the flesh, sanctify and glorify you and teach everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, mental sword; Rejoice, holy of holies contemplation.

Rejoice, foretelling of the prophets and the righteous; Rejoice, Christ's luminous victory.

Rejoice, beauty and crown of the pious saints; Rejoice, strength and strength of the reverent priests.

Rejoice, glorious adornment of truth; Rejoice, salvation is a favorable haven.

Rejoice, bright joy for all; Rejoice, Hagaryan trampling.

Rejoice, imperishable lamp of light; Rejoice, my soul's delight.

Rejoice, all-blessed Cross.

Kontakion 13

Oh, the all-honorable Cross, glorified by everyone, sometimes carrying on itself all the saints Holy Word! You have the gift to deliver us from all troubles, and deliver us from eternal torment those who cry for you: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: “Angels from heaven...” and the 1st kontakion: “O Most Blessed Cross...”.

First prayer

Oh, all-holy and all-honorable Cross of the Lord! Formerly a despicable and shameful instrument of execution, now revered and glorified as a weapon of salvation! According to your wealth, how can I sing your praises? How can I accept the boldness to bring you my worship, I am a sinner and unworthy? Just the ineffable love for mankind of the God-man Christ our Savior nailed to you strengthens me, who is weak. For this reason, hoping for His condescension, I cry to you: Rejoice, Cross, foundation of the Church, affirmation of the universe, refuge for the faithful! The cross is the destruction of demons, the destruction of the wicked, the admonition of the unfaithful! The Cross is chastity for the virgins, the Cross is the relief of the righteous, the wayward of the erring, the shameless repentance, the poor of wealth, the helmsman of the floating, the weak of strength, the guardian of the fighting, the nourisher of the orphans, the intercessor of widows, the hopeless of the poor, the only hope! You are truly the tree of knowledge, on which the Only Begotten Son of God has redeemed the immeasurable debts of ungrateful man to God and his Creator; You are the rod of Moses who works miracles, who opened the way to paradise for us, who delights our sorrows and heals our illnesses. You are Solomon's bed, on which the Lion, royal from Judah, having fallen asleep in the flesh, has risen for three days in glory, like the conqueror of hell. For this reason, according to my heritage, I sing and glorify you, Most Blessed of God on the Cross, with all my soul in the evening and morning and during the days, placing all the hope of my salvation in you. Amen.

Second prayer

O all-honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, sanctified by the blood of Christ our God! You are a sign of victory against our enemies, visible and invisible; You are about to appear at the hour of the terrible judgment of Christ. I humbly worship you, honestly touch you and kiss you kindly, offering this prayer to Him crucified on you, that He may heal me by His power within you from all mental and physical ailments, and save me from enemies visible and invisible, and place me at His right hand uncondemned at His judgment. Hey, life-giving Holy Cross! The Savior is upon you, dying for people who died in sins, giving up His spirit like a man, pouring out blood and water, and with these three one thing, which is needed more than all, He brought salvation to us, to the glory of the source of living waters, God the Father, to Himself from the blood of virgins incarnates God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, quickening the spirit of man, Whose three in one Divinity glorify and help me from the water of baptism received by immaculate faith, in the communion of the flesh and blood of the Lord with undoubted hope, and in repentance with a contrite spirit, and unfeigned love , but not only in this life is it more deplorable, like fleeting water, but in the future blissful life I will glorify the Lord, with the help of your strength, the blessed Cross, and I will worship Him with the sight of the Faithful, the desire for the possession and the pleasure of the Beloved, the only one in the Trinity glorified in endless centuries of centuries. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Save, Lord, Your people, and bless Your inheritance, victories Orthodox Christian bestowing on the resistance, and preserving Your residence through Your Cross.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having ascended to the Cross by will, to Your namesake new residence, grant Your bounty, O Christ God. Make us glad with Thy power, giving us victories as adversaries, aid to those who have Thy, weapons of peace, invincible victory.

Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord - an Orthodox spiritual hymn that affirms the strength of the spirit Orthodox people who managed, despite numerous difficulties, to defend and preserve their faith. As an example to follow, this religious text cites the feat of two ancient saints - Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen.

These pious Christians, thanks to the strength of their faith in the Lord God, were able to give Christians the opportunity to freely practice their religion. And the discovery of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, the akathist to which is read in all Orthodox churches annually on August 14 and September 27, is one of the greatest miracles in the entire history of Christianity.

What is an akathist?

Before we begin to consider the akathist to the Life-Giving Cross, we should remind readers what this type of chant is. This is usually the name given to a special genre of church hymns, which appeared much later than others similar to it.

An example is the akathist “The Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.” Religious Orthodox authors began to pay due attention to such verses only in the second half of the 19th century. Before this, the number of akathists written was very small. The genre flourished at the end of the nineteenth - beginning of the twentieth century AD.

At that time, the Special Committee on Censorship, which dealt with religious literature, reviewed a huge number of new akathists. Some of them were accepted, but many written works were rejected.

The genre received its rebirth after the Great October Revolution. At that time, there were terrible persecutions against the church and its ministers; some religious figures were destroyed through numerous repressions that affected both the clergy themselves and often members of their families. Because of these tragic Orthodox Church events, some church services were forced to be held underground.

Often services were held outside churches: in the apartments of parishioners, in the houses of priests. Often there were not even certified clergy representatives at such services. It was then that the akathist turned out to be in great demand, since reading this type of spiritual chant does not imply the obligatory participation of representatives of the priesthood in them and does not even require deep knowledge of the Orthodox canons. That is why, after the Great October Revolution, a tremendous number of works of this genre of church literature were created.

This was also facilitated by the fact that the Committee on State Censorship, which dealt with matters of spiritual literature, was abolished after the October Revolution. Accordingly, authors received more freedom in the post-revolutionary years than they had in tsarist times.

The third revival of this genre of church chants occurred already during the years of perestroika, when the Orthodox Church began to be revived in our country and many poets and writers began to turn to the genres of spiritual literature. They became interested primarily in the genre of akathist, the writing of which does not necessarily require knowledge of the Church Slavonic language. These works can also be written in modern Russian and in other languages ​​of the world.

IN this moment the total number of akathists written in the entire history of the Russian Orthodox Church is about two thousand. There are several information resources that specialize in publishing new masterpieces of this genre. Among them, the site “” stands out, which periodically publishes new works. Among the most fruitfully working authors of church literature, who most often turn specifically to this genre, we should highlight Evgeny Khrapovitsky and Alexander Trofimov.

Early Christians

The Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross is undoubtedly one of the most popular.

This spiritual hymn is dedicated to the Cross, which, being the instrument with the help of which the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was carried out, is at the same time revered by the Orthodox Church as a shrine that has special power, since as a result of the crucifixion the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over the forces of hell took place.

But this great shrine was inaccessible to the first Christians, since immediately after the removal of Christ, the Cross was disposed of along with the crosses on which the thieves were crucified, executed on Golgotha ​​at the same time as the Lord Jesus. In those harsh years, the followers of Christ did not have the opportunity to find the Cross, consecrated by the blood of the Savior, due to the terrible persecution of Christians that lasted for several centuries.

This was also reflected in the text of the akathist to the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Such a terrible period for Christians was shown in many literary works, in particular in Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel “Who Are You Coming?”, based on which a feature film was made in Hollywood in the early fifties of the twentieth century.

Christians were persecuted throughout the Roman Empire. Convicted of infidelity pagan gods and worship of the new God, Jesus Christ, were subjected to the most terrible tortures. One of the bloodiest tortures was the persecution of Christians by lions. Thousands of Roman residents gathered to see this wild spectacle. Many Christians endured these sufferings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of these martyrs were later glorified as saints.

Defenders of Christianity

Only three centuries after the Resurrection of the Savior, the Roman ruler Constantine signed a decree abolishing the persecution of Christians. According to this decree, Christians received the right to freely profess their religion, build churches and participate in worship services. Constantine himself was also a Christian, as was his mother, Empress Helena.

As it is narrated in the akathist to the Life-Giving Cross, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helen was unable to come to terms with the fact that the greatest shrine of Christianity was lost and believers did not have the opportunity to venerate the Holy Cross.

Expedition to the Holy Land

Through the mediation of her son Constantine, the empress made an attempt to find the shrine in the middle of the fourth century AD. For this purpose, a special expedition was sent to Jerusalem.

According to one version, at that time, at the place where Christ’s sacrifice on the cross took place, there was a pagan temple in honor of the goddess Aphrodite. As a result of the excavations, three crosses were discovered. Several nails and a tablet with the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” were also found. Empress Helena was faced with the most difficult task - to determine which of those three crosses was the life-giving Cross of Jesus Christ. The solution to this problem was suggested by Metropolitan Macarius. He said that the Cross The Lord must have life-giving power. Therefore, it was decided to apply the crosses one by one to one seriously ill woman. When one of the crosses was touched to this woman, the suffering woman was miraculously healed. Thus, it was possible to recognize which of the three crosses was the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.

According to other sources, a deceased person from a passing funeral procession was revived. When it was possible to determine the true Cross on which Jesus Christ endured his suffering, the patriarch went out onto the streets of Jerusalem and raised the relic above his head.

Many people who believe in Christ fell to their knees before the newfound shrine. This event is described in the Akathist to the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Thus, Patriarch Macarius resolved the task facing the other members of the expedition thanks to his faith in the Lord. This kind of power of faith is glorified in the akathist to the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross.

Throughout the entire excavation, Macarius and Elena remained in constant fasting and often offered prayers to the Almighty.

According to one of the legends, the Cross of the Lord was made from a tree that once grew in We are talking about the tree whose fruit caused the fall of the first people. When Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross was completed, this sin was atoned for. There is also a legend that the progenitor of all people, Adam, was buried on Golgotha. When Christ died on the cross, His blood seeped into Adam's remains.

Temple of the Resurrection

At the site of the discovery of the Cross of the Lord, Queen Helena planned to build a large temple complex, the list of objects of which should have included Golgotha ​​and the Holy Sepulcher, sacred to Christians all over the world, but the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helen herself did not live to see the opening of the temple. The completion of construction work was supervised by her son, Emperor Constantine the Great.

In the temple, a separate chapel is dedicated to the event of the discovery of the Life-Giving Cross. It is called the chapel of the Finding of the Holy Cross. This part of the building is its lowest point. A staircase of twenty-two steps connects her with Armenian Church, which is also underground. Thus, we can say that this chapel is located at the level of the second underground floor. The place where the true Cross of the Savior was discovered is marked by a slab with an Orthodox eight-pointed cross depicted on it. The slab is fenced on three sides with a forged lattice.

At the place where Saint Helena Equal to the Apostles observed the excavations, there is a window that looks out onto the altar of the Armenian church.

This story, in addition to Christian authors, was described by a number of Roman and Arab historians. In honor of the discovery of the Cross of the Lord, a church holiday was established, which is one of the twelve. On this day during the holidays church services an akathist is read to the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

Distribution of parts of the Life-Giving Cross throughout the world

After the discovery of the True Cross of the Lord, Empress Helen ordered the sacred tree to be divided into several parts so that Christians in other countries could worship the instrument of victory over death.

One of its parts remained in the Holy Land, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord. The place where the relic was discovered is located in the chapel of the Finding of the Holy Cross. One of the parts of the life-giving Cross is also in Russia. You can venerate her in the main temple of the monastery, which is located in a small village Yaroslavl region, Godenovo.

Cross in Godenovo

In the akathist to Goden's Life-Giving Cross, about how this relic was found, the following is said: it miraculously appeared and was found in one of the swamps in a dense forest near the city of Rostov the Great. The sacred tree is designed in the form of a cross on which the Savior was crucified. The miraculous appearance of the shrine occurred in the twenties of the fifteenth century.

It is believed that the Cross mysteriously came to Rus' from Constantinople. This was a kind of omen of the fall of the capital of the Byzantine Empire, which happened three decades later. Also, the Cross, which appeared on Russian soil, became a harbinger of the imminent strengthening of the Moscow principality and the unification around it of all other principalities into one Russian state. The Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord in Godenovo glorifies the shrine, which appeared in Russia on the eve of the declaration of independence of the Russian Orthodox Church from the Byzantine patriarch.

Then, after the signing of the corresponding document, the Moscow bishop began to head the Russian Church. This contributed to the strengthening of Russian statehood. Around the same time, the number of Russian shrines increased and then one of the elders said famous phrase about the third Rome. A nun from the Pereslavl St. Nicholas Monastery says that in the Soviet era, even representatives of the clergy and monasticism almost completely forgot about the Goden Cross. In the early nineties, pilgrims told the monks of the St. Nicholas Monastery about the Miraculous Cross, which was located in one of the forgotten, dilapidated churches not far from the monastery. Then the monastery took this church with the part of the Sacred Tree stored in it under its guardianship. Now up to ten thousand pilgrims a year come to venerate the Cross of the Lord.

An akathist to the Life-Giving Cross is often heard in front of the shrine. In Godenovo the Cross itself underwent restoration at the beginning of the new millennium. Restoration work was carried out by leading restorers from museums in St. Petersburg. At the request of the priests and monks of the monastery, the shrine did not leave the temple during the restoration. All work was carried out in the existing temple. Currently, the Goden Cross is one of the most revered shrines in Russia. In honor of the Sacred Tree, located in Godenovo, a new Akathist to the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross was written, which is read daily during services.

Copies of the Goden Cross

Orthodox people love the Goden Cross so much that priests from other cities in Russia began to ask for copies of this artifact to be made for their churches. To date, more than ten copies are known. Before each of them, an akathist to the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is regularly read. The first of these copies was made for one of the churches of Sevastopol and brought to the city at the end of 2013. At that time, the uprising on the Maidan had already broken out in the capital of Ukraine. After some time, Crimea was returned to Russia. With God's help this happened without any bloodshed.

Some believers see the coming of the Cross to Sevastopol as an omen of this significant event for Russia. The next copy went to Vologda. The third was made for the Lugansk temple. On it the Savior appeared with a dark face, but a year later the face of Christ miraculously brightened. The church where this copy is kept was not damaged by military operations. The fourth copy was presented as a gift to the Ekaterinburg Patriarch.

Before sending this copy to the Urals, it was carried out in a religious procession around the temple in Godenovo. It is said that during the procession a cloud made up of clouds appeared in the sky. In 2015-2016, a copy of the Goden relic flew to the international space station as part of an international crew of astronauts.

When is the Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross read?

In the annual cycle of services there are two holidays dedicated to the Venerable Tree of the Cross. One of them is the twelfth holiday, that is, one of the twelve main holidays of the Orthodox Church. This day is called the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. It differs from a number of others in that it is not dedicated to any event from the earthly life of Jesus Christ. The raising of the Cross of the Lord is called the raising of the Cross of the Lord by Metropolitan Macarius so that the people of Jerusalem would bow to him.

There are lines about this in the Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross. After this, the tradition of raising the cross over those praying spread to many countries. On this day, in all Orthodox churches there is a reading of the Akathist to the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (the text of one of the options can be seen in the photo above).

This holiday began to be celebrated immediately after the events described took place. Initially, it preceded the more revered holiday dedicated to the Holy Sepulcher. But time has made its own amendments to history, and today the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross ranks among the twelve greatest holidays of the Orthodox Church.

In addition to this holiday, there is another one. This is the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Holy Cross. In the title, the word origin is used to mean “procession”.

On this day, it is indeed customary to organize religious processions, in front of which a crucifix is ​​usually carried. This holiday is celebrated on August 14th. Although it is not the Twelfth Day, nevertheless, love for this day has lived in the Russian people since ancient times, because it was on this day that the Baptism of Rus' took place. This holiday in the Russian tradition it is also called the Honey Savior, since in addition to the rite of consecration of water before and after the liturgy, the rite of consecration of honey is also carried out.

It is believed that from this date honey from the new harvest can be eaten. The Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross is read at the festive service on this day. During the service, believers remember Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross.

In the writings of Greek theologians, the choice of date for the holiday is explained as follows: in ancient times, the end of summer was the height of epidemics of numerous diseases. Therefore, processions of the cross were held along the city’s main streets to consecrate homes and drive away diseases. At the end of the procession, the crosses were displayed for veneration. Many people gathered at the Cross to ask the merciful God in sincere prayers to deliver them from illnesses and other sorrows.

The meaning of the akathist to the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

This hymn is the thanksgiving that people offer to the Son of God for His sufferings, which he endured in the name of love for his spiritual children. How does the akathist help the Life-giving Cross of the Lord? It is often read as a prayer for health, since there are a great many cases of miraculous healing of people when touching the Sacred Tree. The first of them occurred immediately after the discovery of the shrine and served as a means of identifying the true Cross of the Lord among the other two, belonging to the robbers. Also, this akathist is an excellent example of a prayer for cleansing from sins, which must be performed by every Orthodox person with proper repentance and humility.

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2

Seeing fallen men, O Lord, You became human, and You freely endured the cross and death in your flesh for our race, so that You might deliver from eternal death those who confess Thee, the Son of God, and cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The human mind is exhausted in comprehending the greatness of Your mystery, Christ, the incarnation and free suffering for us: how You, this impassive God, endured the passion of the cross as a man and made this instrument of Your death a source of life and salvation for all who piously believe in You and those who sing in praise: Rejoice, O Cross, on which the sacrament, predestined from the ages, was performed; Rejoice, for in you our redemption has been accomplished, presented in many forms and symbols. Rejoice, for the Giver of Life who died upon you, flowed out Blood and water, in the image of which our sins are washed away; Rejoice, for with drops of His Holy Blood the sinful scabs of our souls are cleansed. Rejoice, O Cross, like the living tree that is in the midst of God's paradise, longed for by Christians; Rejoice, who intelligently nourishes us with the fruits of immortality and encourages our cowardice with the hope of Eternal Life. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 3

Thy Cross, even though the tree is apparently a being, but is clothed with Divine power, and the sensory ointment is revealed, with our minds works miracles of salvation, striving to sing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the Most Holy Cross before our eyes, we honor with holy veneration the Savior Christ crucified on it for the sake of it, and, kissing us, we cry out: Rejoice, Cross, glorified by the obedience and suffering of Christ; Rejoice, exalted by the exaltation of the Son of God upon you, Who raised up the whole world from the fall of Adam. Rejoice, for the terrible mystery that came to pass upon you made the earth horrified and tremble, as if it wanted to devour the lawbreakers; Rejoice, for the veil of the temple, which was sacrificed for you by the Lamb of God, was rent and the sacrifice of the Old Testament was abolished. Rejoice, Cross, for as the stone that crumbled under you, the stony-hearted Jews who gave birth to unbelief fell away from God and lost the grace of the priesthood and the kingdom; Rejoice, for having been darkened by the sun in the passion of Christ, the night of polytheism has passed away and the light of faith has risen. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 4

Breathing in a storm of malice and driven by envy, the high priestess of Judaism hid Your Cross in the ground, O Christ our God, may their madness not be an accusation; but to that one, like a precious treasure, arose from the bowels of the earth, acquired through the diligence of the pious Queen Helen and revealed to the joy of the whole world, with the red song of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having seen then the Christian people of the acquisition of the Honest Cross, they glorified Christ God crucified on it, “Lord, have mercy,” - crying out. Now, imitating them, we glorify His Holy Cross with titanic praises: Rejoice, Cross, who sanctified our earthly nature, hidden in the earth and desecrated by sins; Rejoice, having disgraced the incarnation and divinity of Christ by your appearance from the depths of the earth. Rejoice, for He who suffered in your flesh has received all power in Heaven and on earth, so that He may lead everyone and everything to God the Father; Rejoice, for He who died on you as a man, by the power of His Divinity, broke the rivets of hell and brought out the souls of the righteous from there. Rejoice, O Cross, as a prudent thief, who was crucified with Christ, who confessed Him, through you, like a ladder, ascended to Heaven; Rejoice, for by cutting off the passions of Christ, you have raised them all into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 5

Lord, under Moses, sometimes the prophet, we show the image of Your Cross, victorious against Your enemies, now we have Your very Cross, we ask for help: strengthen Your Church and grant it victories over its enemies, so that all Your enemies may be scattered, without crying out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

The Honest Cross, Christ, prefigured the action of Amalek in the desert of Sinai: when people stretched out their hands and made an image of the cross, they became stronger; now all things have come into being in us: today the cross is erected, and demons are running away, today all creation is freed from aphids, as all the gifts of the Cross have risen up for us. Moreover, we rejoice and cry out: Rejoice, Cross, the terrible weapon of Christ, whose demons tremble; Rejoice, for by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, the hordes of demons are driven far away. Rejoice, for by the power of the Divine grace acting in you, victories against those who resist are granted to Christ-loving people; Rejoice, for from you, as from the tall and fruitful tree of Christ, suffering on you, the fruits of life and salvation grow for us. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 6

Sometimes the life-giving tree of the Cross appeared as a preacher of the power and Divinity of Christ, when with your touch you raised the dead and raised him to life, having seen many from Jews and pagans, he learned the great mystery of piety: for the sake of human salvation, God appeared in the flesh and endured the passion of the cross, and He will save those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Like the great tree of paradise, the Honest Cross of Christ rose on Calvary, from which the mental branches of grace spread throughout the entire universe and were crucified on it: under its canopy they find the coolness of the palimia with the heat of passions and those who want to live piously in Christ Jesus. In the same way, we, partakers of His grace, joyfully cry out: Rejoice, holy Cross, tree of life, planted in Eden for Adam’s sake, transfigured; Rejoice, new Adam, who stretched out his hand on you and revealed himself to the world. Rejoice, for all the faithful come running under the shadow of your blessed protection; Rejoice, for through the mercy of the One who has given us to you, repentant sinners escape the fire of Gehenna. Rejoice, Cross, our consolation in sorrows and sorrows; Rejoice, life-giving consolation and help to those who are exhausted in the fight against the temptations of passions, the world and the devil. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 7

Although You have shown the unsearchable abyss of Your goodness and mercy to the human race, Your Cross, O Lord, has given us a strong guardian and drives away demons. In the same way, all of us who believe in You glorify the greatness of Your passion, gratefully singing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Thou hast revealed wondrous deeds, O Lord, by Thy Honest Cross: for I have crucified myself upon Thy flesh, the whole creation has changed: the sun has hidden its rays, the foundations of the earth have shaken, hell has been crushed by the power of Thy power, and the enemies have been driven away, even as they have been for centuries. For this reason, let us tie flowers with these song songs: Rejoice, Cross, for all creation has compassion upon You who suffered, as for His Creator and Master; Rejoice, for the sun bears witness to His power and Divinity through darkness and the earth through shaking. Rejoice, for the One who died on you was not kept dead, but, having destroyed the power of death, rose again on the third day; Rejoice, for I have resurrected the preaching of the Gospel, which began from the face of the Apostle, and has gone forth to all the ends of the earth. Rejoice, O Cross, for through you idolatry and pagan polytheism have been abolished; Rejoice, for for your sake the right faith in the One God, glorified in the Trinity, has been established throughout the entire earth. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 8

It is strange that God became human and was crucified on the Cross, having mentally seen, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world, transferring our mind to Heaven. For this reason, God descended to the earth and ascended to the Cross, so that, like a ladder, he would lead to Heaven those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Today Adam and Eve rejoice, presently seeing the Cross, by which the adversary was struck, who of old in paradise by eating the forbidden fruit of those deceiving and creating captives for themselves. In the same way, we, rejoicing at our forefather’s deliverance from our spiritual captivity, reverently chant: Rejoice, Cross, for on you is the good Shepherd who laid down His soul for His sheep and even went down to hell, looking for the lost; Rejoice, for He did not despise the work of His hand, Adam and Eve, but with the other I snatched the righteous from hell, like from the jaws of a mighty beast, and installed them in paradise. Rejoice, for you have on you, nailed to Christ, the fiery weapon of the braids, and the Cherub, who guards the Eden, retreat from the Tree of Life; Rejoice, for we, now through baptism of rebirth, new people in Christ, partake without restraint of the food of heaven. Rejoice, Cross, rod of the power of Christ, sent from Zion, by whom we feed in the pastures of the gospel teachings; Rejoice, for through you we are preserved unharmed from the murderous wolves, who roar like lions and seek whom to devour. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 9

Deliver us from all troubles and snares of the enemy, O blessed Cross, for we have received grace and power from Christ nailed to you; to Him, as our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The Vetianism of all earthly beings is not sufficient for the glorification of Thy Cross, O Lord, on which Thou hast made our salvation; At the same time, perplexed to praise her according to her heritage, we cry out to her: Rejoice, Cross, for as the Savior of the world, exalted on you, has called many people into His knowledge and calls to this day; Rejoice, for having shone on you, like on a candlestick, the true Light illuminates all the ends of the earth with the light of the knowledge of God. Rejoice, for now the East and West glorify the One who suffered in you; Rejoice, for you, as the footstool of Christ, are glorified by all the faithful, elevating. Rejoice, for from you, as from the inexhaustible source of Christ, people will draw an abundance of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 10

For those who want to be saved and come running under the shadow of your protection, be your helper, the Most Holy Cross, preserving us from all evils by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, to Him, as to our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are the wall that protects us from troubles and misfortunes, the all-honorable Cross, and a strong pillar against the face of the enemy; the invisible fighters do not dare to approach them, afraid to look at Your power. For this reason, with faith, we are protected by your holy sign and joyfully sing: Rejoice, most honorable Cross of Christ, protect us from the attack of spirits of evil; Rejoice, keep us safe from various arrows. Rejoice, for from your sign, which we do piously with faith, all the powers of hell, like smoke from the wind, disappear; Rejoice, for through you all their strength, like wax before the fire, melts away. Rejoice, as a holy martyr, protected by your sign and calling on the name of Christ, everyone bravely endured the sight of torment; Rejoice, for the reverend fathers, with the help of the power of the Divine, inherent in your sign, have overcome demonic fears and passions of rebellion. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-contrite singing to Thee, the all-honorable Cross, and we humbly pray to Christ our God crucified on you, who has given us joy and consolation in sorrow, that through His passion He will deliver us from harmful passions and teach us to faithfully chant to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With the light of the grace of God, inherent in the mysteries, enlighten our spiritual feelings, the Holy Cross, so that we are illuminated and instructed, so that we may not stumble over the stone of temptation, but may be able to follow the path of God’s commandments in our entire life, singing to you: Rejoice, messenger of the unceasing miracles of Christ and His mercy towards the human race is a preacher; rejoice. The Cross, the renewal of the human race and the New Testament of Christ is the seal and confirmation. Rejoice, triumph of the Christian faith and trustworthy anchor of our hope; Rejoice, decoration of the holy temples of God and protection of the houses of the pious. Rejoice, blessing of the fields and vertograds; Rejoice in the sanctification of all elements. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 12

Grant us Your all-powerful grace, O Lord, so that we may follow You, our Master, taking up our cross, not nailed down to it, but through labor, abstinence and humility, so that we may be partakers of Your sufferings, from which flow the sweat of Eternal Life, soldering all the faithful, piously singing Ti: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your greatness, all-honorable Cross, we all praise you, like the victorious scepter of the Heavenly King, an all-joyful sign of our salvation, and we also cry out: Rejoice, Cross, the power of Orthodox Christians and their indestructible fence; Rejoice, adornment of the saints and strength and reinforcement of all ascetics of faith and piety. Rejoice, Cross, protect us from the cradle to the grave on all the paths of life, and after death in the air ordeals protect us from the spirits of evil; Rejoice, for under your sign those who rest, who died in faith and piety, will rise on the last day into Eternal Life. Rejoice, O Cross, who by your appearance in Heaven preceded the glorious Second Coming of Christ; Rejoice, for those who have crucified Christ and all the unfaithful will then see you and the mountaineers will weep, but those who love the Lord, seeing you, will rejoice greatly. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 13

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, consolation to all Christians! Seeing You now, we raise our thoughts to Christ crucified on you, and we humbly pray to Him, that for your sake He may have mercy on us sinners, and make us worthy in the villages of paradise to sing to Him: Alleluia.

(Kondak is read three times, then the 1st Ikos)

Ikos 1

The faces of angels, like God’s servants, glorify the Cross in reality, the free passion of Christ the Giver of Life. We, through the suffering of that eternal death, having been delivered, imitating the Heavenly Powers, joyfully cry: Rejoice, Cross, for on you Christ our God, with His will spread out His hand, created our salvation; Rejoice, for by Christ, who laid upon you the crime of Adam and Eve, who stretched out their hands to the forbidden tree, has been abolished. Rejoice, for the ancient oath that was against us has been taken away from the Lawgiver, who was raised against you, like a criminal; Rejoice, for through a strange sacrament that happened to you, the human race was freed from mortal aphids. Rejoice, for the sting of death has been broken upon you by those who suffered and died; Rejoice, for the sake of suffering, God is reconciled with people. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 1

Come, people of Christ, let us praise the Honest Cross, on which Christ, the King of Glory, stretched out his hand, leading us to the first bliss, from the fall of the serpent’s charm. But you, O Most Holy Cross, as if you have the inherent power of the Crucified Christ, save and preserve from all troubles those who lovingly call you: Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Prayers to the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

First prayer

Be the Honest Cross, guardian of soul and body: in your image, casting down demons, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving us reverence, life, and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the honest prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God. Amen.

Second prayer

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! In ancient times you were a shameful instrument of execution, but now you are a sign of our salvation, ever revered and glorified! How worthily can I, the unworthy, sing to You and how dare I bend the knees of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and ineffable love for mankind of the humble Boldness crucified upon you gives me, so that I may open my mouth to glorify You; For this reason I cry to Ti: Rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ is the beauty and foundation, the whole universe is the affirmation, all Christians are the hope, kings are the power, the faithful are refuge, Angels are glory and praise, demons are fear, destruction and driving away, the wicked and infidels - shame, the righteous - pleasure, those burdened - weakness, those overwhelmed - refuge, those who are lost - a mentor, those possessed by passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, those floating - a pilot, the weak - strength, in battle - victory and conquest, the orphans - faithful protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - a doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, typified by the miraculous rod of Moses, are a life-giving source, watering those thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are the bed on which the Risen Conqueror of hell rested royally for three days. For this reason, morning, evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who has been crucified on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of more perfect love and may all my deeds and paths be overshadowed by Thee May I take out and magnify Him who is Nailed to You, for my sin, the Lord my Savior. Amen.