The joy of Satan. Satanic symbols

Satanic symbols.

Sometimes, when drawing and using some symbols, we don’t think about what their meaning is, where their origins come from. I would like to decipher some of the symbols that relate to such an area as Satanism, so that young people, before wearing things with Satanic symbols, think about the consequences. This is very dangerous.

These and similar symbols may be found on notebooks, jewelry (earrings, necklace), on walls, on clothes and it can also be homemade tattoos.

BARCHOMET EMBLEM: An inverted pictogram forming the head of a goat. It is on the cover of The Satanic Bible. Used by rock bands such as Venom, Slayer, etc. This is a fairly serious symbol and almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

CHURCH OF SATAN: This is the symbol of the Church of Satan in San Francisco. It is also found in The Satanic Bible under the Nine Satanic Commandments. This emblem is found on some rock albums, such as "Seven and the Ragged Tiger" by the rock band Diran Diran. This symbol always speaks of involvement in Satanism.

CROSS OF DISORDER: This symbol was first used by the Romans, who disputed the truth of Christianity. This sign is the symbol of the rock band Blue Oyster Cult. This is an exclusively satanic symbol.

PENTAGRAM: The five-pointed star is the most important symbol in magic. It is commonly used by Witches and Warlocks (WICCA) for "White Magic". This symbol almost always indicates involvement in the occult.

INVERTED PENTOGRAM: This symbol represents the head of a goat, which in turn symbolizes Satan. Used by many rock bands such as Motley Crue, Danzig, Morbid Angel, and many others. This is a serious symbol and almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

SWASTIKA: Also known as the "Sun Wheel". This is an ancient religious symbol that was used long before Hitler. He has become a modern symbol of evil. This symbol is also associated with skinheads and other neo-Nazi groups.

ANARCHY: Symbolizes the denial of all laws. Originally a symbol of "punk rock", it is now also used in hard rock music and Satanism.

NEURON CROSS: Also known as the “symbol of peace” (pacifism). This is a symbol of the inverted and then broken cross of Jesus Christ. Denotes hatred and contempt for Christianity. Some people wear this symbol without even knowing what it means.

MARK OF THE BEAST: Represents the mark of the beast and the number of the Antichrist (666) according to Revelation 13:18. The letter F is the sixth letter of the English alphabet.

HEXAGRAM: Also called the "Seal of Solomon" or the "Star of David". One of the strongest and most evil symbols in Satanic symbolism. Used to call evil spirits to the center of the drawn

o on the ground of a hexagon.

INVERTED CROSS: Often called the "Southern Cross". Symbolizes hatred and mockery of the cross of Jesus Christ. Present on rock albums by Ozzy Osboume, Danzid, etc. This is a fairly serious symbol that indicates involvement in Satanism.

LIGHTNING: Means Satan according to Ev. Luke 10:18, “He said to them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.” Also known as the Satanic letter "S". This symbol can be found in the names of many rock bands such as KISS, Black Sabbath and AC/DC. This symbol refers exclusively to Satanism.

Hand with curled fingers in the form of goat horns: The greeting sign among Satanists is known as the “Satanic salute.” Young people thus raise their hands during rock concerts. Shapes the head of a goat, general symbol Satanism. He is on back side"The Satanic Bible".

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To learn the secrets of the occult, you should begin to study the basics of science with occult symbols. In this article, the reader will be able to familiarize themselves with the main characteristics of some of the most famous signs and learn how to use them correctly in practice.

What are occult symbols and what are they used for?

Occultism is the study of hidden secrets, knowledge not freely shared and often encoded in a system of symbols known only to practitioners of the occult and other members of that community.

Let's remember the ancient occult symbols. Let's start with the phoenix bird - one of the oldest occult symbols of the world, which originated in ancient Egyptian Satanism. It is believed that only one of these magical birds lives at a certain time, which lives up to 500 years. She then self-immolates and her body turns to ash. But a new phoenix immediately rises from the ashes to live for the next 500 years. In occultism, the phoenix is ​​considered a symbol of Lucifer, who was cast down in flames and who must one day rise in triumph. This, of course, also relates to the rebellion of Hiram, the Masonic "Jesus Christ". IN modern world occult symbols are rapidly replacing Christian symbols.

When studying occult symbols, it should be remembered that some of them have a double meaning. For example, the pentagram has been used for centuries to convey occult power in all rituals, but for Christians this symbol is an image ordinary star- parts of God's creation.

Below are the most famous occult signs, symbols - their meaning will help you understand the true purpose of each sign.


This is a sign in the shape of a five-pointed star, which is the most important of the occult and mystical symbols. Most often used by sorcerers or witches to perform simple White Magic rituals. Due to its popularity it is often used musical groups playing in the rock style.

Inverted Pentagram

Symbolizes the morning star and is a symbol of Satan. It is used in witchcraft and occult rituals to summon evil spirits. Satanists use the pentagram with two points up, and pagans use one point up. The pentagram is used in many ways, but it always symbolizes evil. Regardless of the number of points pointing upward, the pentagram is enclosed in a circle. The pentagram, with all its variations, remains the symbol of Satan.

Kabbalistic tetragram

Another, more common name for this symbol is the Masonic “Seal of Solomon.”

The Seal of Solomon is the most famous of the occult symbols of protection. Depicted in the shape of a six-pointed star. Other names for the sign are the Star of David, the Shield of Solomon. According to legend, the seal was engraved on Solomon's ring, allowing the latter to control hordes of demons.

Can be used to summon evil spirits contained in the center of a hexagon drawn on the ground.


It is a type of occult symbol that promotes the “love-hate” counterbalance. Sometimes used as a tattoo. It is a subtype of hexagram.

Interesting fact! The heartgram is big state seal, widely used in worldwide Freemasonry


The most powerful symbol used when working with the forces of darkness. The hexagram is often used in magical rituals.

In the world of the occult, many symbols are endowed with power by magicians working with the world of demons. In reality, there are many symbols. This list can be continued almost indefinitely.


Another interesting symbol- the swastika or solar circle, which is an ancient religious symbol that was used long before Hitler. The swastika was present in Buddhist writing, in Celtic monuments and on Greek coins. In sun-worshipping religions, the swastika represents the movement of the sun in the sky. But the swastika still owes its popularity to Hitler.

Dot in a circle

BINDU sign found wide application in occultism, Freemasonry, due to its “perfect completeness”. It is the personification of the full cycle, the resolution of all possibilities of existence, the original source of manifestation of the seven chakras.


An ancient and universal symbol of unity, integrity, infinity, goddess and feminine power. The circle represents feminine spirit or power, cosmos or spiritualized mother earth and sacred space. With a dot in the middle, the circle becomes a complex symbolic system of Hinduism and Buddhism, in which the bindu or dot represents male power. Together, the circle and bindu symbolize the fusion of the feminine and male power. A circle divided into 4 parts is a sacred circle with four intersecting equal lines pointing from the center to the four directions, represented by the main elements: earth, water, air (or wind) and fire. In certain religions, such a circle plays an important role in spiritualistic rituals.

Tao (Yin-Yang)

The ancient Chinese symbol TAO initially reflected the diametric opposites of magic and holism. Yin and Yang included in a sign reflect the differences present in the phenomena of nature, human essence, etc.


Sanskrit letters or symbol of the sacred Hindu sound known as the "mother of all mantras". This is a cosmic vibration, where the four parts apparently symbolize the four stages of consciousness: waking, sleep, dreams and trance or transcendental state.


The sign symbolizes inexhaustible vitality. The Ankh (Coptic cross) has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, when its image was painted on the walls of ancient temples. It can be used as an amulet, the purpose of which is to prolong the life of its owner, preserving his mind even during subsequent reincarnations.

All-Seeing Eye (Eye of Horus)

The name of this ancient Egyptian symbol is Wadjet. This sign symbolizes the Divine Eye, constantly monitoring what is happening in the world, providing protection and patronage in all endeavors. Can be used as an amulet.

Satanist symbols

To conduct appropriate rituals and worship Satan, Satanists use special occult signs and symbols. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Church of Satan

It is a symbol of the Church of Satan, located in San Francisco. In addition, it is also found in The Satanic Bible, located immediately after the Nine Satanic Commandments. Indicates a person or groups of people involved in the Satanic religion.


Another symbol used by Freemasons. It can be seen on their houses and the emblems they put on their cars to differentiate themselves from each other. Baphomet represents a demonic deity and is a symbol of Satan. Baphomet can also be presented as jewelry.

Inverted cross

Another name for this symbol is “ Southern Cross" It is the opposite of the Christian cross, symbolizing hatred of the latter. Can be used in some satanic rituals.


Symbolizes the image of Satan. The sign is better known in Satanism as the letter S. It is also an attribute of Hephaestus, Vulcan and Thor - the blacksmith gods. Lightning and thunder are the weapons and voice of the gods, unleashing their wrath on snakes, opponents of the Divine principle.

Two fingers up gesture

This alternative gesture is one of the common symbols of Satanism, symbolizing the head of a goat.

Pay attention! If two fingers point up, it means evil triumphs over good - the victory and triumph of Satan. Fingers point down - Satan is in hell, so people can breathe a sigh of relief, good has triumphed again

Number 23

It is the number of the secret society of the Illuminati, and also indicates the number of members of the Sanhedrin. In Kabbalah, it symbolizes the completion of a certain cycle and the transition to a new one. All interpretations of this number are still completely unknown - it all depends on how it affects a certain person and all spheres of his life.

Cross of Confusion

The main meaning of this sign is challenging the tenets of the Christian faith. Was also used in ancient Rome. It looks like a cross with four ends, the vertical part of which is made in the shape of a circle, open to a quarter.

Neuron Cross

Enough popular symbol, which is common among “pacifists” and representatives of the satanic movement. Another type of interpretation is contempt for Christianity (this is indicated by a broken and inverted Christian cross, dressed in a circle).

Trishul (Devil's trident)

This ancient occult symbol was mentioned long before the emergence of Christianity. "Homeland" of the sign - Far East, where Orthodox faith took a lot of knowledge, significantly distorting it, modifying it beyond recognition to hide the true Knowledge. Trishul symbolizes "grandhi" in Sanskrit (crown, sacred, throat chakra). In order for the snake energy to rise unhindered in the desired direction, all of the above chakras should be opened.

Scarab beetle - symbol of Beelzebub

There are two options for interpreting this occult sign

  • Symbol of Beelzebub - lord of insects (flies, etc.)
  • Symbol of reincarnation in Ancient Egypt

Wearing this symbol on oneself indicates the enormous power of the owner of the amulet. There is an opinion that it can protect against extraneous magical actions, automatically cutting them off.

Let this information help you in correctly deciphering popular occult symbols. Continue to follow the updates on our website and follow the links to other materials! All the best!

DEVIL'S CROSS, CROSS OF DISORDER This is an ancient Roman symbol meaning the denial of Christian values ​​and the Divine essence of Christ. The sign is a symbol of the rock band Blue Oyster Cult. This is an exclusively satanic symbol.

CHURCH OF SATAN This is the symbol of the Church of Satan in San Francisco. It is also found in The Satanic Bible under the Nine Satanic Commandments. This symbol always indicates involvement in Satanism.

BROKEN CROSS OR PEACE SIGN This is a symbol of the inverted and then broken cross of Jesus Christ. Denotes hatred and contempt for Christianity. Also known as the "symbol of peace" (pacifism), but now it is used by people involved in the occult as a symbol of supposedly defeated Christianity. Some people wear this symbol without even knowing what it means.

BAPHOMET EMBLEM An inverted pictogram forming the head of a goat. It is on the cover of The Satanic Bible. This is a fairly serious symbol and almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

ANARCHY Symbolizes the denial of all laws. Originally a symbol of "punk rock", it is now also used in hard rock music and Satanism.

HEXAGRAM Also called the "Seal of Solomon" or the "Star of David". One of the strongest and most evil symbols in Satanic symbolism. Used to summon evil spirits to the center of a hexagon drawn on the ground.

PENTAGRAM The five-pointed star is the most important symbol in magic. It is commonly used by witches and "white magic" wizards to summon evil spirits. This symbol almost always indicates involvement in the occult. Each dot represents one part of the universe. The star symbolizes humanity. The top point represents humanity reaching up to the sky, and the points below represent humanity above the natural world.

INVERTED PENTAGRAM This is a symbol that symbolizes Satan. This serious symbol almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

INVERTED CROSS Symbolizes hatred and mockery of the cross of Jesus Christ. Many Satanists wear it. This is a fairly serious symbol that indicates involvement in Satanism.

GOAT HEAD This sign, symbolizing the sacrificial goat of Mendes, is a parody of the sacrifice of Christ - the Divine Lamb who died for the sins of mankind.

UDYAT OR “ALL-SEEING EYE” This symbol refers to Lucifer, the ruler of hell. A half-closed eye means that the devil sees everything - even if it seems that he does not. A tear is depicted under the eye as a sign that Satan is “crying” over those who are outside his influence.

SCARAB BEETLE This is a dung beetle that ancient Egypt was a symbol of transformation (reincarnation). It is also a symbol of Beelzebub (Satan) - the lord of the flies. In occult practice, jewelry with a scarab symbolizes the power of the one who wears it. It is also believed that it protects its owner from other occult forces.

LIGHTNING Means Satan according to Ev. Luke 10:18: “He said to them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.” Also known as the Satanic letter "S" or "broken S". This sign depicts lightning and symbolizes the “destroyer.” It was worn by Nazi soldiers from the "death battalions". The symbol refers exclusively to Satanism.

HAND WITH FOLDED FINGERS IN THE FORM OF GOATS HORNS A sign of welcome among Satanists. Known as the "Satanic Salute". Young people fold their fingers this way when raising their hands during rock concerts. Forms the head of a goat, a common symbol of Satanism. It is on the back of The Satanic Bible.

SWASTIKA Also known as the "sun wheel". This is an ancient religious symbol that was used long before Hitler. He has become a modern symbol of evil. This symbol is also associated with skinheads and other neo-Nazi groups.

MARKS OF THE BEAST The sign of Satan, the beast or the Antichrist is depicted in four ways. Represents the mark of the beast and the number 666 - Antichrist (666) according to Revelation 13:18. The letter F is the sixth letter of the English alphabet.

Satanism is a religion that has perhaps the most dubious reputation in the world. Very often this movement is branded as a catalyst for the most heinous and brutal crimes. However, despite this, Satanism exists and continues to develop. According to unofficial statistics, there are currently several million adherents of this religion in the world.

Who do the followers of this dark movement consider their patron? In Abrahamic movements, Satan is first and foremost main antagonist heavenly powers and the Creator in particular. Even his name itself is translated from Hebrew as “one who resists God.” Common synonyms for Satan are:

  • Devil.
  • Lucifer.
  • Sly.
  • Beelzebub.

Representatives of the most widespread religions today - Christianity and Islam - consider Satan the main culprit of all human misfortunes, the personification of evil, pushing people onto the path of spiritual death. After seducing Eve in paradise, this once beautiful angel was turned by the Creator into a vile snake, forced to crawl on his belly all his life.


So, Satanism is a movement or religion whose representatives consider the enemy of God, the rebel Satan, as their patron. The origin of this, today quite numerous movement, occurs approximately at the beginning of the 20th century. However, Satanism, of course, cannot be considered a completely new teaching. For example, the same humanistic revolution of the Renaissance can be presented not only as an essentially anti-Christian, but even an anti-religious movement. Apostle Paul's advice on achieving eternal life Through spirituality, its adherents contrasted the active assertion of interests and rights with the flesh.

Existed in different centuries different countries and all sorts of occult and magical secret societies. Actually, Satanism itself did not exist, but some Catholic priests in past centuries they performed a black mass and other dark rituals. From literature, for example, the French witch-diabolist La Voisine, who lived during the time of Louis XV, is known. This woman is credited with carrying out a huge number of dark rituals, including the sacrifice of babies, as well as many poisonings.

Aleister Crowley

Diabolism has flourished in this way, perhaps, for as long as Christianity has existed. The history of modern Satanism began with Aleister Crowley. It is this man who is considered by many to be the ideological inspirer of the dark movement. A. Crowley became famous primarily for actively promoting this religion at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Modern Satanists do not like to advertise the fact that it was Crowley who “recreated” various supposedly ancient spells and rituals. Therefore, today the name of this occultist is quite thoroughly forgotten. Once upon a time he was considered the “great magician of the twentieth century.” A. Cowley became famous not only for his numerous sexual orgies with the use of drugs and his loyal attitude to National Socialism, but also for some scientific works.

The idea of ​​a superman

In addition to Aleister Crowley, the German philosopher and representative of irrationalism Friedrich Nischze is also considered the inspirer of modern Satanism. It is his idea of ​​the superman that in this movement is the equivalent of an individual capable of finding for himself the main goal and meaning of life on his own.

Anton LaVey

Thus, Satanism is a dark movement, ideological inspirers which can be considered Aleister Crowley and Friedrich Nischze. The founder new Church An American of French origin, Anton LaVey, became Satan in the last century. It was this man who formulated the main provisions of the new doctrine in the 60s. Almost all modern Satanists are members of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan.

Satan's Commandments

People who for some reason are interested in this religion would probably like to know what the commandments of Satanism are. Of course, this religion also has its own philosophy. There are only nine commandments of Satan. They look something like this:

  • instead of abstinence, a person should indulge his instincts;
  • instead of spiritual dreams, one should choose a full existence in the material world;
  • enemies need to take revenge, and not turn the other cheek;
  • Instead of hypocritical self-deception, it is worth showing wisdom;
  • mercy can be shown not to flatterers, but only to those who deserve it;
  • You should behave responsibly only with responsible people, and not with spiritual vampires;
  • man is the animal most dangerous to all other animals;
  • all sins, which Satan personifies, do not lead to spiritual death, but to physical, emotional and mental satisfaction.

"Black Bible"

The main provisions of the dark doctrine, including the commandments of Satan, were set out by Anton LaVey in a book specially written for this purpose. It is called “The Satanic Bible” and includes four main sections:

  • "The Book of Satan"
  • "The Book of Lucifer".
  • "The Book of Belial".
  • "The Book of Leviathan."

According to many representatives of the intelligentsia, The Satanic Bible is a completely consistent and rational work that can arouse interest primarily among teenagers and young adults. Judging by this work, generally accepted ideas about this religion are often erroneous. After all, the ideology of Satanism is often presented as condoning irresponsible and cruel actions. However, judging by the work “The Satanic Bible”, such behavior is absolutely at odds with the basic ethics of this teaching. In LaVey's religion, the independence of the individual is placed at the forefront. That is, a person must answer for his actions to himself, and not to God or the devil.

Actually, the Fallen Angel itself, according to LaVey’s teachings, is a symbol of freedom, rebellion against injustice, and self-development. The status of the Church of Satan in our time is official. It is allowed in many countries of the world. In our country, the Russian Satanic Church was officially registered in May 2016.

The main symbols of Satanism

Initially, this religion was designated mainly only by inverted crucifixes. After the publication of LaVey's Bible, the main symbol of Satanism became a pentagram with an image of a goat (Baphomet) inside. Of course, this pentacle was not invented by the founder of the Church himself. Most likely, its prototype is the symbol of the Goat of Mendes (the incarnation of Neter Amon). The latter was called by the Egyptian priests “hidden, abiding in things” and was considered a kind of dark force that permeates all nature.

The inverted cross and Baphomet are thus the main symbols of Satanism. But they are, of course, far from the only ones. Includes religions and other signs. For example, three sixes are very common. They can be displayed either as 666 itself or as FFF (F is the sixth letter of the English alphabet).

Satanism as a religion: gods

In essence, there are, of course, no gods as such in this movement. The main patron of the flock in this case is Satan himself. Also, in their rituals, representatives of such movements can turn to various kinds of demons. In addition to Baphomet, the most popular include:

  • Astaroth.
  • Hippopotamus.
  • Abadonna.
  • Leviathan.
  • Asmodea.

These are, of course, not exactly the gods of Satanism. Demons in this religion are considered rather different faces of Lucifer himself. Sometimes representatives of this movement also use fictitious ones in rituals. dark characters. For example, LaVey’s book “Satanic Rituals” describes a way to appeal to Of course, Satanists also believe in Jehovah. After all, Satan must resist someone.


The essence of Satanism lies, therefore, in the freedom of choice of a person and his independence from any Higher powers. Of course, there is more to this religion than just symbols and philosophy. As already mentioned, its representatives also conduct various kinds of rituals.

According to A. LaVey, fantasy in any religious activities plays an important role. It can manifest itself to the maximum only when performing special ritual actions. Therefore, the founder of the Church of Satan developed several rituals, which can be divided into two main categories:

  • practical actionable;
  • ceremonial.

The magic of Satanism is usually based on appealing to some kind of demons in order to achieve personal goals. Satanists do not consider LaVey's well-known Black Mass to be ceremonial. In their opinion, this is precisely an effective ritual, the main purpose of which is liberation from the dogmas of the Christian church.

It is also believed that both men and women can perform satanic rituals. Of course, when performing rituals, their participants also use all kinds of symbols of Satanism - inverted stars, black candles, crosses, pentagrams.

Satanic "sins"

The main qualities that representatives of the LaVey movement should not have are:

  • stupidity;
  • lack of open-mindedness;
  • ignorance of the experience of generations;
  • herd conformism;
  • unproductive pride;
  • rudeness of nature, lack of a sense of aesthetic, noble;
  • solipsism;
  • tendency to self-deception;
  • pretentiousness.

Satan and Lucifer - what's the difference?

For many people, these two characters are identical. However, historically there is still a difference between Satan and Lucifer. The most important difference between these names is age. Lucifer is a much more ancient demon, appearing in mythology back in the pre-Christian era. For example, the Romans identified him with morning star- Venus. From ancient Greek the name “Lucifer” is translated as “Bearer of Light.” Since ancient times, this demon has been a symbol of the desire for freedom, open rebellion. Satanism itself professes the same principles (photos of rituals and symbols of this religion are presented on the page).

In the Christian understanding, Lucifer is actually fallen angel, who declared himself equal to God(in revenge for the latter’s love for people) and rebel. As a result, he and the angels who joined him (a third of the entire composition) were overthrown into hell, where they remain to this day.

Satan, compared to Lucifer, appears to be a somewhat more down-to-earth character. No wonder he is considered the Prince of Peace. Satan was first mentioned in the Torah, a Jewish religious book from which Christians and Muslims later drew information. Here Satan is presented for the most part simply as an accuser or witness to man's bad deeds. Actually, he was transformed into the personification of evil, the enemy of God, only in Christianity and Islam.


This ancient one pagan god is also often identified with the concept we are considering (Satanism). The Devil and Beelzebub in some sources are identical characters. Historically, the latter is believed to represent a transformation of the ancient Eastern god Baal-Zebub. And this deity, in turn, was once allegedly offered numerous sacrifices, including human ones. And, of course, Christianity put an end to this.

There is no reliable archaeological evidence that people were sacrificed in the temples of Baal, however. Actually, this god was transformed into Beelzebub back in the Middle Ages. In the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, he is called the prince of the underworld, the supreme ruler of the infernal empire. In some cases, in ancient sources, Beelzebub is identified with Satan, in others he is considered his main assistant.

Lilith - the first woman

Of course, Satan, like almost any self-respecting god, also has a wife. In fact, he has four of them. However, the main one in this case is Lilith - the first woman who escaped from paradise. According to the Alphabet of Ben Sira, three angels were sent after her by the Creator. However, Lilith flatly refused to return to her husband. For such an offense, God punished her by having 100 of her demon children die every night.

In Jewish philosophy, Lilith is a winged monster that harms newborns. Jews believe that at night she abducts babies and drinks their blood or replaces them with demons. She does not touch, by agreement with the angels sent by God, only those children whose name is written above their bed.

In the Kabbalistic tradition, Lilith is a demon who appears to men, seduces and then kills them. It was in the literature of this orientation that she was first mentioned as the wife of Samael (book of the Zohar).

In the modern satanic tradition, Lilith can be identified with many black goddesses - Kali, Hecate, Helyu, etc. We can talk about two Liliths - the elder and the younger. The first is actually the wife of Satan, and the second is the wife of the demon Asmodeus.

Other wives

In addition to Lilith, the consorts of Satan and the mothers of demons are also considered:

  • Naama;
  • Agrat;
  • Ishet Zennunim.

There are other female demons in Satanism - Lamia, Mahkhalat, Elizadra. Lilith is different from the others in that she used to be mortal. Most of the other demonesses were cast out of heaven along with Lucifer. In rituals carried out by representatives of this movement, among other things, such signs of Satanism as the “Black Moon” of Lilith and the lamen of Naama can be used.

The opinion of the pagans

Thus, for the Jews, Satan is a witness to human actions, a slanderer and an accuser before God. For Christians, this character is the personification of evil, knocking a person down true path. What do pagans think about Satanism? Christians are known to dislike both of these religions. Indeed, Satanism and paganism have something in common - the rejection of God or gods as a force that needs to be worshiped in any way. Well, or to whom you can shift responsibility for your actions. However, many Satanists consider the Creator to be an enemy whom Lucifer will sooner or later defeat. Pagans, of course, have a slightly different attitude towards the gods. Representatives of this religion do not consider them as some kind of Absolute that controls human life, but rather as more powerful partners than people. Representatives of this religion do not consider any god to be an enemy.

The majority of pagans do not deny the existence of Yahweh. However, many representatives of this religion consider him quite boring, angry and unbalanced. Some pagans equate Yahweh with the dark principle - the devil, explaining this, among other things, by the similarity of the very names of these two characters.

Actually, representatives of this religion sometimes identify Lucifer himself with the god Wotan (Odin) or the Russian Veles. Also, sometimes Satan in this religion can be associated with Chernobog.

Satanism in the Russian Federation today

In our country, Satanism as a religion appeared during the USSR. In Moscow, for example, the first such groups were noted in the 70s. At that time, however, they were very few in number. But gradually this religion gained popularity in the USSR, spreading to other large and small cities. In the 80s, quite large satanic societies had already appeared in the country. In the 90s, being a follower of one of these groups also became very fashionable.

At the moment, Satanism in Russia is represented mainly by the religious society “Russian Church of Satan”, whose members are followers of La Vey. Of course, there are other, mostly closed and secret movements of a similar orientation in the Russian Federation today. Among the most famous are the following: “Black Angel”, “Southern Cross”, “Green Order”.

In general, the entire spectrum of adherents of dark forces in Russia is divided into two main groups:

  • actually the Satanists themselves;
  • demon worshipers.

With some stretch, all kinds of practicing sorcerers and witches can be classified as followers of Lucifer.

Christians on Satanism

The attitude of members of the Russian Orthodox Church towards representatives of this movement, of course, in most cases is sharply negative. Christians are trying with all their might to bring this movement to naught. Moreover, they direct their religious anger not only at the Satanists themselves, but also at all movements classified by the Russian Orthodox Church as such, and even at representatives of culture. For example, in 2014, problems arose with the pro-Satanic Polish group Behemoth. The latter, on the initiative of Orthodox activists, was even expelled from Russia (officially for violating the visa regime).

Of course, Christian priests also express their opinions about this religion. For example, those who wish can read A. Kuraev’s book “Satanism for the Intelligentsia.” It is dedicated not only to this dark current itself. It also talks about other directions and movements classified by the Russian Orthodox Church as Satanism.

Among such religions in the book “Satanism for the Intelligentsia” Kuraev includes, for example, the “Living Ethics” of the excommunicated Roerichs, paganism, occultism, Blavatsky’s theosophy, etc.

Light Satanism

There is such a movement in the world today. It is believed that light Satanism is primarily a philosophical worldview based on common sense. Representatives of this movement put their own minds and life experience accumulated in past years at the forefront. The main god of light Satanism is Satanail. The light in this flow symbolizes human consciousness, not clouded by any dogmas. After all, one of Satan’s names—Lucifer—literally means “Lightbringer.”

Light Satanists, unlike ordinary ones, do not carry out magical rituals. Representatives of this movement believe that they, being, in fact, crutches, are simply not needed. In very bad situations, when it is impossible to do anything on one’s own, a bright Satanist can turn to Satanail for help. Main moral principle This teaching is the freedom to choose your own path.

Little known facts

Actually, almost everyone knows about Satanism itself today. For the most part, people believe that representatives of this movement summon demons, hold a black mass, wear inverted crosses, make sacrifices to their dark god from time to time, etc. Several other people are associated with this church little known facts that the reader may want to know about:

    In order to become a member of the LaVey Church of Satan, you need to make a fairly large financial contribution. Once upon a time this amount was only about $2. Today, due to inflation, you can join this church for only $200.

    Officially, the Church of Satan is categorically against any black magic. Its representatives do not practice “evil” rituals.

    The biggest sinners in the eyes of Satanists are people lacking intellect.

The Encyclopedia Satanica lists 16 different groups as Satanism. Their ideologies vary greatly. There are different satanic cults in the world today - from those dedicated to Cthulhu to gnostic esoteric ones.

Drawings consisting of figures and signs have been used since time immemorial. It is unknown who first invented the pentagram depicting an equilateral five-pointed star. This sign is found in the tombs of the pharaohs and on Sumerian clay tablets dating back to the 4th millennium BC. Tracing the path of the pentagram from those ancient years to the present day is not easy. She then went into the shadows, then loudly declared herself again. Now this sign is at the peak of popularity. The inverted pentagram of the devil is used by Satanists for their dark deeds, and the correct one is used by Christians for protection from these same Satanists. What is the essence and attractiveness of this sign?

The word "pentagram" has Greek roots. "Pente" (πέντε) in Greek means five, and "grammi" (γραμμή) means line. This sign came to Hellas from Mesopotamia. There the five-pointed star was powerful protective amulet. They believed in her power so much that they even painted them on the doors of houses and shops. Rulers associated the star with strength and power and depicted it on their seals. However, there is a version that the pentagram originally belonged not to the Sumerians, but to the goddess Kore. Its sacred fruit was an apple, which contained the Great Secret of the Universe, and which should not become the property of man. It was this forbidden fruit that the cunning devil slipped to Eve. Cut the apple crosswise and you will see a small five-pointed star there. Who knows, perhaps this legend about the pentagram is the most reliable? It is not without reason that as long as humanity has existed, it has been searching for this “apple of knowledge.”

Pentagram and "divine section"

The pentagram captivated the famous Pythagoras with the ideality of its proportions, corresponding to the golden, or divine, section, which has a lot of mathematical and magical properties. Built according to him Egyptian pyramids, tombs of the pharaohs, figures of gods and goddesses. Pythagoras saw mathematical perfection in this sign. There is an opinion that it was he who called it a pentagram. The scientist and his brotherhood of Pythagoreans associated the angles of the pentagram with the five elements. Earth, physical strength and stability (bottom left corner), fire, courage and bravery (bottom right corner), air, mind, talents (top left corner), water, emotions, foresight (top right corner), ether, spirit and its higher purpose (upper corner). In their inverted form, the star meant the universal chaos from which our world arose. Darkness was then located in five refuges (corners) and was considered the source of wisdom. This inverted image, now called the “Satanic pentagram”, is considered the most ancient.

among other peoples

The Jews associated the pentagram with the Pentateuch given to Moses by God himself. Ancient philosophers, Orpheists, Egyptians - members of the "Keepers of the Secret" group, the Templars, ancient Gnostics, who had a special idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world, are also associated with the five-pointed star. Their common symbol is the pentagram. They painted it on their coats of arms, shields and seals. Since almost all of these organizations were shrouded in secrecy, their signs and symbols acquired a certain element of mysticism. For example, the pentagram “star in a circle”. The meaning of this symbol was translated as the silence of the initiates. Not only were they attributed to him protective forces, but also the ability to give power, invincibility, power. Alexander the Great and Constantine I depicted the pentagram on their seals, and the nephew of the glorious King Arthur on his shield. For a knight, the star meant courage, nobility, piety, chastity and politeness.

Pentagram and Christianity

For Christians in Europe, the five-pointed star has always been a source of health. They associated her with the five human senses, the five fingers on the hand, the five wounds of Christ, the five joys of St. Mary, which her divine son brought her. It was also the most important symbol of the fact that Christ is the Son of God, but has a human nature.

And only Torquemada, who laid the foundation for the most terrible Inquisition, unprecedented in scale and cruelty, saw something satanic in the five-pointed star. The church banned this good sign. Now it was regarded as the devil's pentagram.

Seal of the legendary King Solomon

According to the Bible, a long time ago there lived the great and mystical King Solomon, who inexplicably managed to reconcile and unite into one two irreconcilable states - Israel and Judea. It is believed that God himself appointed Solomon to reign, endowing him with a mass of talents. From his father David he received a special sign - a six-pointed star composed of two regular triangles superimposed on each other. Solomon placed this star on his seals and ring, which, according to legend, gave him power over spirits. Now some depict this seal with eight rays, and some with twelve. All these signs are called the “seal of Solomon” and are used in occultism. Thus, special symbols are inscribed in the center of the twelve-rayed star, due to which the pentacle enhances talents and capabilities. Medieval magicians were also very interested in the seal of Solomon, only they depicted a star not with six, but with five rays. Perhaps the use of the pentacle in magic prompted Torquemada to call it that way: “the devil’s pentagram”, or “witch’s foot”.

and occultism

Another symbolism of the pentagram was adopted by Renaissance occultists. They connected it with the microcosm. This word also has Greek roots. μικρός among the Greeks means “small”, and κόσμος means “people” or “Universe”. They began to inscribe a human figure into the star, linking it with the Pythagorean five elements. Now the pentacle has acquired material significance as the result of work spiritual origin. The occultists depicted a pentagram “star in a circle.” The meaning of the circle was defined as the unity of all five elements, as well as a sacred mystical place where the spirit controls the other four elements. The connection between the pentagram and the microcosm was started by Cornelius Agrippa, the most famous magician of the 16th century. Therefore, some call this sign the “Pentacle of Agrippa.” Often above the tops of the rays the name IHShVH, the divine savior in occultism, and in particular in Kabbalah, is written.

When did the inverted pentagram first become a symbol of Satanism?

The five-pointed equilateral star has been used by many peoples for thousands of years, secret societies and currents. It was called so - “the devil’s pentagram” - in the 18th century with the light hand of the Frenchman Eliphas Levi. At first he was a clergyman. Subsequently, he became interested in the occult, left his abbey and devoted himself entirely to mysticism. He published several books on magic and ritual. He even spent time in prison for one of them. Answering the question what the pentagram means, Levi stated that it embodies the dominance of the spirit, helps to subjugate angels, demons and phantoms, you just need to know how to handle it. Whoever masters this knowledge will be able to see infinity. In a book of practical magic called The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic, he wrote that an inverted pentagram frames the head of the goat of Mendes. I hate to disappoint Satan worshipers, but the unfortunate exiled goat Mendes existed only in the fantasies of the Roman Church. But there was the god of Mendes. This is the well-known Egyptian god Amon Ra with the head of a ram. Clever Levi, of course, knew this and, by inventing the satanic symbol of the pentagram, most likely created a trap for the uninitiated.

Symbol of modern Satanists

Levy's idea was supported by the American Anton LaVey. He for many years was a priest in the Church of Satan he created and promoted Satanism in every possible way, in particular, he held satanic weddings, funerals, and even baptized his daughter Zina according to satanic rites. He created his own teaching, combining the ideas of magic and the occult, wrote the Satanic Bible and many articles. The symbol of his church was the devil's pentagram. The photo clearly shows what this sign looks like, which Satanists call the seal of Baphomet. The Satanic god Baphomet is depicted as a goat with large horns and wings on his back. The troubadour Gavaudan first wrote about it in the 12th century. The inquisitors believed that Baphomet was worshiped by the Templars, for which many of them were burned. LaVey brought the sign to worldwide fame by participating in television programs and starring in films about the devil. In one of them he played the high priest, in the other - Satan himself.

Pentagram - protection from dark forces

Satanists use their symbol to subjugate the forces of evil. Pentagrams protect everyone else from these forces. For the sign to work, you need to draw it with one continuous line clockwise. It is believed that there should not be a single break in the contour of the pentagram. Demons and evil spirits that penetrate such a gap will be very difficult to neutralize. An example of this is Mephistopheles from Goethe's Faust. In addition to hard surfaces, pentagrams for protection are drawn in the air, visually imagining this image and mentally, as if enclosing oneself inside. Only those who have a powerful imagination can do this correctly. Many people wear a pentagram-amulet like a medallion, either with one ray up or with two. Such pentagrams only became satanic at the instigation of Levi. Previously, they signified the descent of Christ onto our mortal earth. This is confirmed by stained glass windows and frescoes in many cathedrals.

Currently, there are three types of pentagrams - personal, protective and with the signs of the planets. Personal ones are compiled taking into account the date of birth and the sign of the planets under which you were lucky enough to be born. Such a pentagram helps to establish a close connection with the guardian angel and patron angel.

Pentagrams with signs of planets help to achieve the fulfillment of any desire, to achieve a goal. These pentacles are also composed individually.

The pentacles of protection are the most ancient. Our ancestors made them as amulets. The protective pentagram helps in a specific situation, such as during travel or for recovery.

For any pentagram to start working, it must be activated by performing special rituals. That's what the white magicians say. Whether this is true or not, everyone can check it personally.