Exercise 319 she was far from beautiful. Talent I

The moon: it is not dim, not pale, not thoughtful, not foggy, like ours,
and is pure, transparent, like crystal, proudly shining with a white sheen at night
and not sung by poets, like ours,
which means she’s a virgin this time too.
This is not a mature, faded beauty, which is no longer so desirable,
and a vigorous virgin, full of strength, life and strict chastity, like Diana herself.
Its piercing silver moonlight poured across the sea and sky;
she pacified the daring sparkle of the stars and reigned meekly and majestically until the morning.
Do you think the ocean fell asleep in a stream of dreams?
No; it boils and sparkles more than the stars!
Under the ship an abyss of flame opens among the sea shadows,
Streams of gold, silver and hot coals burst out with noise.
You are blinded, enveloped in sweet creative dreams...
connect your fixed gaze to the heavens:
there, now filled with gold, now with blood, now with emerald moisture, Conopus* of extraordinary beauty,
the bright light of the Argo ship;
Centauri is two huge stars.
But you lovingly calm down from the unbearable shine on four stars Southern Cross:
they shine modestly, it seems that they are looking at you intently and intelligently - for good reason!
Oh Southern Cross!
Has it ever happened to you (how has it never happened to a poet!)
suddenly see that woman
about beauty, the grace of which has been buzzing in your ears for a long time, and you can’t find anything striking in it?
“What’s special about her?” you say, peering at the woman in surprise, “
she is simple, modest, does not stand out in any way from the world of women that surrounds us..."
But she's beautiful!
You peer for a long, long time and suddenly feel that you already love her passionately!
And about the Southern Cross, seeing it for the first, second and third time,
you ask: what's special about it?
You will stare for a long time and end up with the fact that, with the onset of evenings, more than once
your gaze will look for him first - every time,
then, having surveyed all the stars that have appeared, you will turn to him again
and you will often and for a long time give your gaze to him.
The sultry day is followed by a stuffy, sweet, long night,
with a twinkle in the sky,
with a fiery stream underfoot, with trembling bliss in the air,
with thoughts of miracles!
My God! These nights are wasted here, away from everything -
no serenades, no sighs, no nightingales singing, no whispers of love!
Only the frigate moves tensely and occasionally groans,
let the exhausted sail flap or a wave splash under the stern -
and again everything is solemn and beautiful! Amazing silence!
You look at all these miracles, worlds and lights and, destroyed by their greatness, blinded,
but rich and happy with unprecedented dreams, in love with them,
stand like a statue and whisper eloquently and thoughtfully:
“No, neither the cards, nor the British, nor the Americans, nor my teachers told me this,
those who love the world of stars and the Earth as art;
spoke, but palely and vaguely, only one sensitive, poetic feeling;
it mysteriously beckoned me here as a child and whispered:

Here is young Columbus land!

In those ancient and new places,
Where other stars shine in the sky,
Where the light shines from the constellation of the Cross..."
Take, dear friend, your lyre, from which you have almost lost the habit,
your palette, your luxurious, like these heavens, language -
the language of the gods spoken among our people,
who can only talk about the local nature,
and hurry here, - and I blame myself for my powerlessness and fall silent.
My thoughts fly away to the constellations!

*Conopus (alpha Car / alpha Carinae / Alpha Carinae) is a star in the southern hemisphere, the brightest in the constellation Carina and the second brightest (after Sirius and not counting the Sun) star in the sky,
yellowish-white supergiant star. It is visible in the southern hemisphere. Canopus is located 310 light years (96 parsecs, or 2.96 quadrillion kilometers) from our planet. Solar System. The mass of Canopus is estimated to be approximately 8-9 solar, and its radius is 65 times that of the Sun. Canopus has the highest luminosity of all stars within a radius of 700 light years from the Sun.
The luminosity of Canopus is about 14 thousand solar.
By comparison, Sirius is only 22 times brighter than our Sun, but it is much closer to us than Canopus.
Canopus is visible in the Northern Hemisphere only south of 37 degrees northern latitude. The city south of which Canopus is visible is Athens. Canopus can be observed in the Northern Hemisphere in Egypt, India, the southern USA, and Mexico. Not visible from the territory of Russia, but from the territory former USSR Canopus is visible only in the south of Turkmenistan (in the Kushka region), low above the horizon. In the Northern Hemisphere it is visible at low latitudes in winter, in Southern Hemisphere Canopus does not cross the horizon south of 37 degrees south latitude and is always in the sky. Canopus is found in southern Australia and New Zealand.
Canopus was used in the northern hemisphere as the southern pole star.
Greek mythological version. The star is named after the helmsman of the king of Sparta, Menelaus. Egyptian version. The expression Kahi Nub means "golden land".
I.A. Goncharov. Frigate Pallas. III. SWIMMING IN THE ATLANTIC TROPICS. (Excerpt.)
But here is the moon: it is not dim, not pale, not thoughtful, not foggy, like ours, but pure, transparent, like crystal, proudly shining with a white sheen and not sung, like ours, by poets, therefore virgin. This is not a mature, faded beauty, but a vigorous virgin, full of strength, life and strict chastity, like Diana herself. Its piercing light poured across the sea and sky; she pacified the daring sparkle of the stars and reigned meekly and majestically until the morning. Do you think the ocean has fallen asleep? No; it boils and sparkles more than the stars. An abyss of flame opens under the ship, streams of gold, silver and hot coals burst out with a noise. You are blinded, enveloped in sweet creative dreams... you stare fixedly at the sky: Conopus, the bright luminary of the Argo ship, and two huge stars of the Centauri are filled with gold, then blood, or emerald moisture. But you are lovingly calmed by the unbearable shine on the four stars of the Southern Cross: they shine modestly and seem to look at you so intently and intelligently. Southern Cross...Have you ever (and how has it never happened to a poet!) suddenly see a woman whose beauty and grace have been buzzing in your ears for a long time, and find nothing striking in her? “What’s special about her?” you say, peering at the woman in surprise, “she’s simple, modest, no different...” You peer for a long, long time and suddenly feel that you already love her passionately! And about the Southern Cross, seeing it for the first, second and third time, you will ask: what is special about it? You will stare for a long time and end up with the fact that, with the onset of evening, your gaze will look for him first, then, having surveyed all the stars that have appeared, you will again turn to him and will often and for a long time rest your eyes on him.
After the sultry day, a swelteringly sweet long night comes, with twinkling in the skies, with a fiery stream underfoot, with a trembling of bliss in the air. My God! These nights are wasted here: no serenades, no sighs, no whispers of love, no nightingales singing! Only the frigate moves tensely and occasionally groans, and the exhausted sail flaps or a wave splashes under the stern - and again everything is solemn and beautifully quiet!
You look at all these wonders, worlds and lights, and, blinded, destroyed by greatness, but rich and happy with unprecedented dreams, you stand like a statue and whisper thoughtfully: “No, neither the cards, nor the British, nor the Americans told me this, neither my teachers spoke, but palely and vaguely, only one sensitive, poetic feeling, it mysteriously attracted me here as a child and whispered:
This is Asia, the world of the forefather Adam,
Here is young Columbus land!
And you'll make floating runs
To those ancient and new places,
Where other stars shine in the sky,
Where the light shines from the constellation of the Cross...
Take, dear friend, your lyre, your palette, your luxurious language, like these heavens, the language of the gods, with which only one can speak about the local nature, and hurry here - and I blame myself for my powerlessness and remain silent!
March 1853. Atlantic Ocean
The frigate "Pallada" - a frigate of the Russian navy, was laid down at the Okhtensky Admiralty in St. Petersburg on November 2, 1831, launched on September 1, 1832. The frigate was built on the personal instructions of Nicholas I and was originally intended for foreign visits of members of the imperial family. In 1852-1855, the frigate "Pallada" under the command of Captain I. S. Unkovsky sailed with a diplomatic mission from Vice Admiral E. V. Putyatin from Kronstadt through the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific Oceans to the shores of Japan. The writer I. A. Goncharov took part in this voyage.
Pallas (ancient Greek) - in ancient Greek mythology - Athena's foster sister, daughter of Triton, granddaughter of the Titan Ocean, accidentally killed by Athena as a child. According to one legend, her name served as the source of the epithet Pallas Athena. According to other interpretations, the epithet is from the expression pallein to dori (“throw a spear”) or from the island of Pallene; or from the beating (pallein) of the heart of the elder Dionysus, which she stole. The name Pallas is also used to designate the goddess Athena. The Phaeacians had the Grove of Pallas. From the name of Pallas comes the word “palladium” (a wooden image of the goddess that had miraculous effects). The city that owned palladium was considered under the patronage of the goddess. There was a legend about the palladium kept in Troy, which said that it fell from the sky. The descendants of Aeneas brought it to Rome, and since then the palladium has been kept in the Temple of Vesta.
*Pheacians (ancient Greek) - a people in ancient Greek mythology who lived on the island of Scheria (ancient Greek, associated with modern Corfu). The Phaeacians are mentioned in Homer's Odyssey. They were considered one of the blessed peoples, close to the gods, like the Hyperboreans, Ethiopians, and lotophages.
Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov (6 (18) June 1812, Simbirsk, Russian empire-15 (27) September 1891, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire) - Russian writer and literary critic. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the category of Russian language and literature (1860), actual state councilor.

Card 1. Rewrite. Explain the merged or separate writing NOT.
1) She was far (not) beautiful. 2) Dasha said firmly: “It seems to me that we (have) nothing to talk about.” 3)
Pursing his lips, Ivan Ilyich nodded. He (had) nothing to breathe. 4) To the right is a yellow, (not) blinking star
stood (not) high above the wooded hills. 5) Without a shadow of timidity, he (not) hastily walked into
boss's office. 6) (Not) hearing the answer, Pechorin took (not) many steps towards the door. 7) Only Gregory
Alexandrovich, (not) looking at the rain and fatigue, (did not) want to return. 8) Oblomov (not) stupid apathetic
nature, without aspirations and feelings, but a person, also looking for something in his life, thinking about something. 9) (Not)
stormy, impetuous force, but on the contrary, soft and some kind of poetic moderation serve
characteristic features of his talent. 10) Two of his brothers came with Filofey, not at all on him (not)

Card 2. Rewrite. Explain the combined or separate spelling of NOT.
1) Bolshov is not a strong person at all. 2) Pavel Petrovich is a very (not) stupid person. 3) In (not)
In ordinary silence the dawn is born. 4) This is (not) real, this is fairy forest. 5) Sailors have difficulty
coped with (un)familiar mechanisms. 6) We raise the net and instead of expensive salmon
pull out guinea pig, completely (not) necessary. 7) One hundred were (not) counted from the “Svetlana” crew
sixty-seven people. 8) She (didn’t) listen to the end, walked away. 9) This is an experienced person, on his own, (not)
evil and (not) kind, but more calculating. 10) Only (un)expected snowfall can force
fly further, (not) looking at the wind and cold.
Card 3. Rewrite. Explain the combined or separate spelling of NOT.
1) Here is the moon: it is (not) dim, (not) pale, (not) thoughtful, (not) foggy, like ours, but clean, transparent, like
crystal. 2) Pechorin was (not) healthy for a long time, he lost weight, poor thing. 3) Anatole was (not) resourceful, (not) fast and
(not) eloquent, but he had the ability of calm, precious for the world, and nothing (not)
variable confidence. 4) I am (not) rich, (not) an official, and my age is not at all (not) a match for him. 5) Expression
this gaze was very (not) definite, but (not) mocking. 6) She began to sing: her voice is (not) bad. 7) She was
(not) hasty, (not) cold, (not) talkative, without an insolent look for everyone, without pretensions to success...
Card 4. Rewrite. Explain the combined or separate spelling of NOT.
1) In the morning I felt (not) good, although I still (could not) clearly determine what my (not) was
health. 2) We had a (not) hasty conversation among ourselves. 3) The sun was (not) cloudy, like in the evening, but
light, rested overnight. 4) There were tears in her eyes, (not) timid, (not) bitter, but proud, angry
tears. 5) (Not) old and quite beautiful woman brought in a (not) large samovar. 6) (Not) acquaintance,
when they saw him, he turned out to be a man of about thirty, (not) handsome and nothing (not) remarkable. 7)
His face was the same as always, (not) smart and (not) stupid. 8) There was a fire outside the window, there was no way it could go out
(not) bright light.9) His (Davydov’s) character showed a never before (not) characteristic irritability.
10) Any, even the slightest, rudeness or (in) delicately spoken word worries me. 11) The nightingale is no longer (not)
(in) the evening, abruptly and (not) decisively, but (in) the night, (not) hastily, calmly poured out completely
Card 5. Rewrite. Explain spelling NOT with participles.
1) Above, Stozhary smoldered with a (not) extinguished fire. 2) All the sailors (not) busy with the watch went to the top
deck. 3) Memories are (not) yellowed letters, (not) old age, (not) dried flowers and relics, but
a living, vibrant world full of poetry. 4) Only one strip is (not) compressed. 5) In (not) visible, curtained
someone knocked on the carpeted door. 6) The sun was rising. Not yet (not) visible to the eye, it spread across the sky
a transparent evening of pink rays... 7) Activity for himself Savka chose a special, (not) dependent on anyone, hunting.
8) Telegin folded the (not) finished letter. 9) Mother ran out of the hallway with her (un) covered head. 10) Sun,

bright, but (not) warming, looked coldly from the height of the sky. 11) Pavel raised his head and looked at Sukharko
a look that (does not) promise anything good.


CARD 8. Rewrite. Explain the spelling of the words in which you needed to insert
missing letters or open brackets.
About the past..to remember (not) (for) what, Bazarov said, and as for the future, then about it the same (not)
It’s worth racking my brains, (because) I intend to (not) slowly find out. Let me cut your leg now,
your wound is (not) dangerous, I better stop the bleeding.
Pavel Petrovich hated (not) to look at Bazarov, he still (still) (didn’t) want to fight with him: he was ashamed
of his arrogance, his (bad) luck, he was ashamed of the whole thing he had done. The silence lasted, heavy and (not)
deft. Both were (not) good. Each of them realized that the other understood him. To friends this is consciousness
nice, and very (un) nice (not) to friends.
(Didn’t) I wrap your leg too tightly? - Bazarov finally asked.
CARD 9. Rewrite using punctuation marks.
I (n..) would.. describe the performances of Chekhov's plays as much as possible. Their beauty is that
(n..) conveyed.. by words and hidden under them or in pauses or in the looks of actors in the radiation.. of their inner.. him
feelings. (At the same time) dead objects on the stage come to life... and sounds and decorations and images created.
artists and the very mood of the play and the whole performance. It's all about creative intuition... and
artistic feelings...
CARD 10. Rewrite using punctuation marks. Indicate the composition of the highlighted words.
Without thinking twice, I looked for a place in the shade and dragged there a new mat, the appearance of which seemed to give me
The first thought was to sleep here and with great pleasure I stretched out on it. Close your eyes, tired
the sunshine was very nice..nice. However, I had to open them halfway to unfasten the pcs..blets
loosen the belt and put something under your head. I saw that the natives had become a semicircle in some
away from me, probably wondering and making assumptions about what will happen next.


shining light.
CARD 12. Rewrite using punctuation marks.
So, judging, Selifan finally climbed into the most distant abstractions. If (if only) Chichikov
pr.. listened, he would have learned (would have) many details relating to him personally, but his thoughts were so busy
its subject that alone swipe thunder made him wake up and look at everything around him
the sky was completely overcast and the dusty post road was sprinkled with raindrops. Thunderous
The blow sounded louder and closer another time, and rain poured out like a bucket. (C) began..
he whipped the direction from one side of the body (then) to the other (then) changing... changing the image
attacks and, having become completely straight, drummed straight (at) the top of the body.
CARD 13. Rewrite using punctuation marks.
It was already dark in the room. The doctor stood up and, standing, began to tell what they were writing (abroad) and in Russia... and
what direction of thought is noticed now? While reading and (then) going to bed, he kept thinking about Ivan..
Dmitrich.. and waking up the next morning I remembered that yesterday I dreamed... I met with a smart and interesting
person and decided to go to him again at the first opportunity...
Ivan Dmitrich lay in the same (same) position as yesterday, clasping his head in his hands and crossing his legs. His face was gone
it is seen.
Hello, my friend said Andrey Efimych. You are not sleeping (First of all) I told you (not) a friend Ivan
Dmitrich in the pillow and (secondly) you are fussing in vain..you won’t get one word from me (n..).
Andrei Yefimitch muttered strangely in embarrassment. Yesterday we talked...we were talking so peacefully, but suddenly you (for some reason)
offended..sheet... I probably expressed myself as (n..be) (n..) cleverly or maybe expressed an idea that I disagree with.. with
your beliefs...
Yes, I will believe you! said Ivan Dmitrich, standing up and looking at the doctor mockingly and with alarm. I
Yesterday I understood why you came.
CARD 6. Rewrite. Explain the combined or separate spelling of NOT.
1) Everything was full of sad and sweet, (in)explicable spring charm. 2) Cultural growth
worker and peasant - an (in)disputable fact. 3) My friends, our union is wonderful! He's like a soul (not)
divisible and eternal. 4) Levin, (not) noticed by the people, continued to lie on the haystack, and watch, and listen, and
think. 5) All his actions, big and small, are (in)explainable. 6) Both friends were the same age, but between
there was an (in)measurable difference in everything. 7) Silence, (not) disturbed by any movement or sound, especially
amazing. 8) Prince Andrei could think completely (not) dependent on general issues subject - about
your regiment. 9) The candles, (not) lit on other days, cast a bright light throughout the room.
CARD 7. Rewrite. Explain the combined or separate spelling of NOT.
1) Efim Andreevich’s conversation was important, (not) hasty and full of content. 2) I became more and more convinced
that he is far from being an ordinary artist. 3) Sometimes he imagined himself as a famous traveler... He
discovered (un) yet explored lands 4) Strange, (not) clear sensations worried him. 5) Vortex,
(not) cold, but warm, hit the trees, the walls, the street. 6) The garden is especially good, (not) big, but
thick and pleasantly intricate. 7) The old manor house stood on a (not) high, but noticeable hill. 8) Paradise

considered himself (not) the latest, that is, (not) young, but by no means (not) backward. 9) Behind the mounds on
In the east lay a yellowish haze, (not) similar to smoke or dust.
CARD 11. Rewrite using punctuation marks. Take the highlighted words apart
The sea was melting. Under the light... blow of the sultry wind, it shuddered and became covered with small ripples brightly
the reflecting sun smiled at the blue sky with thousands of silver smiles. In the deep... space between
The sea and sky were filled with the cheerful splash of waves running up one after another onto the gentle shore of the sandy spit.
This sound and the shine of the sun thousands..reflected...multiple times by the ripples of the sea harmoniously merged into a continuous...
movement full of living joy. The sun was happy because it shone the sea because it reflected it
shining light.

No. 297. To figure it out by eye, by eye, to smash it to smithereens, to make people laugh, to rear up, to attack with a flourish, to add in conclusion, to say in mockery, to taste, to memorize, to work for glory.

No. 298. I. 1) Potemkin folded the paper in half, four times, eight times, aiming for some final, already indivisible fraction. 2) One of the girls was skipping along the highway, going down to the sea. 3) And here I am

I thought she would hit the shore with a bang and break into pieces. 4) The clip had already run out, and the shutter was clicking in vain. 5) Following the vehicles, infantry scattered up the mountain. 6) The three of us sat in the tent: Marya Ivanovna with Palashka and me. Sometimes he himself got into trouble, like a simpleton.

II. 1) Think first, then answer. 2) It has been raining continuously since the beginning of spring. 3) How beautiful the forest is in early autumn! 4) At first I did not feel the peculiar beauty of the mountain landscape. 5) During the trip to Elbrus, the excursionists admired the stormy Baksan and the wonderful mountains. 6) Everyone got ready on time, no one was late. 7) It was so beautiful all around that everyone fell silent and looked forward and upward with delight. 8) How many kilometers up did the climbers climb without rest? 9) The birch tree leaned to one side. 10) The boundless Kuban fields stretch wide and far. 11) The convoys were moving into the foggy distance. 12) Despite the end of September, it was summer-like warmth near Moscow. 13) The travelers finally reached the river. 14) The boy looked at me point blank.

No. 299. 1) Small houses sleep soundly. 2) I set up a shelf with a bunch of books, read and read, but to no avail. 3) We got home

no more than half an hour, but all the time talking about the fears we experienced. 4) The water roars incessantly. 5) The third day is already sowing. the wind blows through the aspen, and the earth tirelessly demands more and more seeds. 6) Ro-

Mashov looked gloomily to the side, and it seemed to him that no force would force him to move his eyes. 7) Pavel decided to ford the next river. 8) Onegin never boasted of postal friendship with me, but I, happy man, have not corresponded with anyone in forever.

9) Yellow, half-withered willows, leaning exactly to the right and left on both sides of the road, stretched into the distance and crossed the hills.

10) Being strong is good, being smart is twice as good.

No. 300. 1) The sun had reached its climax in the sky and was scorching with might and main. 2) Varya walked halfway through the village without any results and, completely upset, turned back. 3) The guests began to disperse, but few wandered back home: many remained to spend the night with the captain in the wide courtyard. 4) The owner's eyes are needed everywhere: he will instantly notice something. 5) Alexander became thoughtful and spoke in a low voice, as if to himself. 6) The tree grew almost close to the rock. 7) Sailors

They moved like a seaman - a little waddle, with a special, only inherent dashingness. 8) The birds chirped somehow out of tune. 9) One of the young men has a saddle coat over his green caftan. 10) Uncle Mizgir lay stretched out and dozed. 11) The old man flatly refused yesterday. 12) The owls flew low, curled like a wheel, darting to the ground with their wings.

No. 301. 1) Secretly, Firsov wished that the journey would last forever. 2) They somehow began to treat him more familiarly. 3) We have had it since ancient times that honor is given to father and son. 4) It’s frosty in the morning in the steppe. 5) Everyone vied with each other in praising his courage, intelligence, and generosity. 6) The next morning rose bright sun quickly ate up the thin ice that covered the waters... 7) I have never heard the whistle of bullets in my life. 8) The order was to move forward and to the left. The soldiers began to run across, two by two and one by one, to the next ditch, which stretched towards the oat field. 9) I looked at his oval pale face from the side. 10) The sea was still calm. 11) It’s scary, involuntarily scary among the unknown plains. 12) This medicine must be taken on an empty stomach. 13) He shouted out his iambic tetrameters. 14) The Elephant was driven through the streets, apparently for show. 15) There was a front garden in front, a garden in the back. 16) Don’t dive deep: you’ll drown. 17) The gray strip of road went from the river into the depths of the steppe.

No. 302. 1) He walked around the garden with Arkady and explained to him why other trees, especially oaks, did not grow. 2) Fruit trees near the buildings were burning, making the smoke especially thick and black. 3) What I left is what I came to. 4) He was gloomy not only because he himself was forced to stay, but also because because of him his mother and sister stayed. 5) And the heart burns again and loves because it does not love

it can't. 6) From someone who is not nice, the gift is hateful. 7) “Why does StudyPort go to my right?” - the driver asked with displeasure. 8) ru There were people all around, so they said goodbye with restraint. 9) Along this shore

It's easier to walk than that. 10) Why bother you? I'll settle down somewhere. 11) A reasonable person sees what follows what. 12) The painter and his companion greedily drank cold kvass and then continued the conversation. 13) Azamat, a boy of about fifteen, got into the habit of visiting us every day, sometimes for one thing or another.

No. 303. Look primitive, be fundamentally different, think radically, eat rationally, be revolutionary-minded, train regularly, notice reasonably, move rhythmically, reason sentimentally, respond solidly, fight spontaneously, describe subjective, end tragically, dress traditionally, dance energetically, solve problems effectively.

No. 304. Today we had the opportunity to observe a shadow segment of the earth in the east. The evening dawn shimmered especially bright colors. At first she was pale, (one person) then she became emerald

green, (slc) and against this green background, (cf) like diverging pillars, two light yellow circles rose from the horizon. After a few minutes the rays disappeared. Green color the dawn turned orange, (odd) and then red. The most recent phenomenon was that the crimson-red horizon became dark, as if from smoke. Simultaneously with sunset, a shadow segment of the earth appeared in the east. One end of it touched the northern horizon, (one end) the southern horizon. The outer edge of this shadow was purple; the lower the sun was going down, the higher he raised-

Xia shadow segment. (; (then...), [them].) Soon the purple stripe merged with the red dawn in the west, (slc) and then the dark night came. (, .)

In the evening we sat for a long time by the fire. In the morning we got up early. We were tired during the day, (one person) and therefore, (come) as soon as we had dinner, we immediately went to bed. Our pre-dawn sleep was somehow heavy. I felt languor and weakness throughout my whole body, my movements were sluggish... Reluctantly we ate and reluctantly swam further.

No. 305. 1) We composed it [the song] in the old way. 2) Is the sable hat wrinkled? Has your treasury been spent? Or has the tempered saber become jagged? Or was the horse lame, poorly shod? 3) First, bow to the clever matchmaker and send precious gifts to your Alena Dmitrievna. 4) The wide living room yard is empty. 5) In front of him stands a young wife, herself pale, bare-haired, her brown braids unbraided with snow and frost sprinkled with snow. 6) How will I lock you behind an iron castle, behind a bound oak door. 7) His falcon eyes are burning, they are looking intently at the guardsman. 8) And you said

StudyPort the true truth: they will sing a funeral service for one of us. , and not later than tomorrow at noon. 9) And Stepan Paramonovich thought:

what is destined to happen will come true, I will stand for the truth to the last! 10) Order me to be executed - and my guilty head will be put on the block. 11) I command your brothers from this very day throughout the wide Russian kingdom to trade freely, duty-free. 12) And they executed Stepan Kalashnikov with a cruel, shameful death; and the mediocre little head, covered in blood, rolled onto the chopping block. 13) And the violent winds roar and roar over his nameless grave.

No. 306. 1) From the ocher-painted cornice, an intricately painted inscription in Slavic script looked out onto the street. 2) Hemp seeds were sprinkled on the painted floor in one of the corners year after year. Next to the door stood a tub of pickled apples. 3) The windows from the inside were tightly curtained with sackcloth, the shutters were closed. 4) Hobbled horses were grazing in the meadows. 5) The Carpathians are deserted and sad on a windy autumn evening. 6) The evening was windless and hot

cue 7) Mother was sitting in the living room and pouring tea. 8) Dasha was sitting in a wicker chair. 9) She was wearing a knitted blouse and a blue skirt. 10) Agafya, although she stopped following Lisa, remained in the house and often saw her pupil. 11) We all read, we all love holiday books written by workers of science.

12) Menshin suddenly twisted the starter handle with furious force.

13) The car jerked. Telegin leaned back on the leather seat.

14) Unloaded mines were stored in numerous sheds scattered along the shore. 15) A lot of mushrooms grew in the ruts of the unbeaten road. 16) The huge flywheel was spinning madly.

No. 307. 1) At a meeting of young track and field athletes organized in the summer, several records were set. The competition was organized (cr.) well. The participants arrived and left in a very orderly manner (adv.). 2) A commission has been formed to investigate the causes of the fire. The commission formed (proverb) to investigate the causes of the fire began work. Olga Ilyinskaya was smart and educated (cr adj.). 3) The estate is bordered on both sides by the river. Bounded on both sides by a river, the estate was located in a beautiful wooded area. 4) The examinee answered the examiners’ questions calmly and thoughtfully (adv.). The conduct of the tourist trip was thought out (except) from all points of view. 5) The orphan girl was raised (cr.) in orphanage. Many of the children raised (proverb) in the orphanage then entered higher education. educational establishments. The pupils (noun) remembered their mentors with deep gratitude.

No. 308. At night (vin. pad.), for the shores (gen. pad.), near the Lukomorye (gen.

pad. ), on an oak tree (adv. fall.), to the heavens (dat. fall.), towards the rays of StudyPort (date. fall.), by bringing (genus pad.), to one (dan. pad. ru.), with it

(tv. pad.), thanks to you (dat. pad.).

Derivative prepositions formed from: 1) adverbs (towards); 2) nouns (by); 3) participles (thanks)

No. 309. Miss your hometown, wander through the park and grove, climb the stairs, arrive after graduation, return after construction is completed, inquire upon arrival in the capital, tell after returning from a business trip, report at the end of the expedition, pay three hundred eight rubles , buy twenty-three notebooks, act contrary to desire, act contrary to advice, leave as prescribed, achieve a good harvest thanks to proper cultivation of the fields, go out to meet the participants of the race, sing like a nightingale.

No. 310. 1) Between business and leisure, she discovered the secret of how to autocratically rule a spouse. 2) Among the mountaineers, the prisoner observed their faith, morals, and upbringing. 3) I'm always happy to notice the difference between

Onegin and me. 4) The prince turned into a fly, flew and landed between the sea and heaven on a ship - and climbed into the crack. 5) Don’t worry about sweet dreams. 6) He missed his uncle. 7) The moon is creeping across the sky. 8) Somewhere a country road winds its way in a whimsical twist, and a cart gallops briskly along it. 9) After graduating from university, he went to work in the village. 10) Upon arrival at the place, we went to the commandant. 11) After the expiration of his vacation, he returned to the plant. 12) All the houses were built the same way: the facade faced south, there were ten windows on each facade, six windows on each west side, six windows on the east side, and four windows on the back, on the north side. 13) According to the instructions of the army headquarters, the detachment was supposed to move to the Dvina. 14) We drove five hundred and sometimes six hundred kilometers a day. 15) They will see each other, they will sit together for several hours every day. 16) Thanks to Gottlieb Schultz’s open disposition, they soon began to talk amicably. 17) In St. Petersburg, despite him own desires, he got lucky. 18) Thanks to a lot of new impressions, the day passed unnoticed for Kashtanka.

No. 311. 1) Due to the expected frosts, the palm trees were removed to the greenhouse. 2) Due to the repair of the railway track, the train arrived late. 3) Thanks to the driver’s courage and self-control, the accident was prevented. 4) Part of the embankment was flooded due to the rapid rise of water in the river. 5) In view of the upcoming tournament, the chess players trained intensively. 6) Thanks proper treatment and with careful care the patient soon recovered.

No. 312. I. Absent from classes for a week; observe

changes in river flow; be sick for a month; read about StudyPort the fate of the hero in the continuation of the novel; don't go for a walk. due to rain; leave, but subsequently return to their hometown.

II. 1) Far from behind the trees, from behind the branches, from behind the foliage, a song came. 2) From behind the cape, cutting through the waves, a steamer sailed 3) Yellow, nimble lights burst out from under the bluish smoke. 4) Something rustled in the little garden behind the backdrop. 5) From under the collar of the coat the stand-up collars of the shirt showed white. 6) The garden is blooming over the Don. 7) Who did he mean? I meant yesterday's incident. 8) Instead of nine o’clock in the morning we left at two. 9) The walls were painted with some kind of blue paint, like gray. 10) During May, northeast winds blew more often. 11) There were no thunderstorms during August. 12) Having agreed about tomorrow, they said goodbye. 13) Due to some delay on the way, the horses fell behind. 14) Subsequently, I learned that it was not only the flood that was the reason for our delay. 15) Many Russian rivers, like the Volga, have one mountain bank and the other meadow. 16) For a whole hour we

observed green lights in the water. 17) For fifteen minutes the enemy did not respond.

No. 313. 1) The dark thundercloud has already gone far and (members of the sentence) took the thunderstorm with it. 2) Night was already falling on the mountains, and (sentence) the fog began to wander through the gorges. 3) Gavrila was drenched in sweat, but (sentence) continued to row with all his might. 4) The sun has set, but (sentence) it is still light in the forest. 5) The wind either howled dully, or (members of the sentence) whistled gustyly. 6) When (sentence) the fog rushed off to the west, the caravan was making its scheduled journey. 7) To (sent.) the water did not flood the fire, we had to add more wood to the fires. 8) If (sentence) grandfather left home, grandmother would organize the most interesting meetings in the kitchen.

No. 314. I. 1) Place chains under the wheels instead of brakes so that they do not roll off. 2) To eat a fish, you need to get into the water. 3) No matter what they say, I will do this job. 4) We had to wait for the mules at all costs. 5) He certainly wanted to become a hero and for this he was ready to do anything, the most terrible thing, no matter what was offered to him. 6) Vasilek wanted to be the first to tell his brother everything. 7) Didn’t he plow and sow for the same reason, so that the autumn wind would scatter us? 8) Be careful, godfather, not to disgrace yourself. 9) Obviously, the moose are accustomed to the fact that they can come out here at any time of the day or night to bask in the cool seashore, where there are no annoying, blood-sucking insects.

II. 1) The village of Shchipachi is changing, but the month is also drowning in the shallow river, and the keys also give it strength, and the boys drink from the ladle of their palms. 2) My companions also examined the shore, but they had in mind

completely different. 3) If the oak and black birch chose the southern StudyPort slopes of the mountains, then the linden descended lower, where it was thicker. layers of alluvial soil; but at the same time she avoided other trees, which

Some could shade it from the sun. 4) I leaned towards the river, but there, and in this dark, cold depth, the stars also swayed and trembled. 5) “Yes, good!” - she [Asya] answered just as quietly, not looking at me. 6) There were about a hundred mackerel entangled in the mesh of the net, but I also caught one very strange fish that I had never seen before. 7) Various flowers They open exactly in time at different hours of the morning and close in the same way in the evening. 8) The enterprises stood silent, quiet and also empty. 9) He was silent for a second, his mother also looked at him silently. 10) Pavel Ivanovich’s people also liked the village. 11) They, just like him, settled in it.

III. 1) What thieves get away with, they beat the thieves for. 2) This beast has enormous strength and excellent charm, but its vision and hearing are rather poorly developed. 3) A gun is a noble thing, the most interesting amusement, and, moreover, a pleasant decoration in the room.

4) This quarrel ended with both sides turning to my arbitration court, and trying to out-shout each other. 5) Take on what you are passionate about, if you want your business to have a successful end. 6) Like the wind, his song is free, but like the wind, it is fruitless. 7) So, one desire for benefit made me print excerpts from a magazine that I got by chance. 8) Elusive images wandered in the soul, arousing in it either pity or bewilderment. 9) For some reason, Lisa had a completely clear impression that Tsvetukhin uttered these words in a whisper.

No. 315. 1) All around, wherever you look, there is southern luxury of nature, roses, and geraniums. 2) Platoons occupied the firing line. 3) The coachman walked around with nothing to do, adjusting the harness. 4) He who has bile in his mouth, everything is bitter. 5) A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you reap. 6) Eat bread, but cut the truth. 7) Sighs and quiet crying were heard behind the door. 8) From a distance, it was possible to distinguish alder thickets from birch groves and pine trees by the color of the greenery. 9) The heavy air was smelly and disturbing. 10) Aksinya went to close the gate that was left wide open. 11) They didn’t dare chase us; we managed to reach the shores and went into the forest. 12) The fish didn’t say anything, just splashed its tail in the water. 13) The officer rushed backwards. 14) You never get bored while traveling. If you hit it so hard, you can barely drag yourself to the bike.

No. 316. Is it a modal interrogative particle; Not - negative particle; already - modal intensifying particle; here is a modal demonstrative particle; as - modal exclamation particle; what the - modal exclamation particle; ni is a modal intensifying particle; even - modal intensifying particle;

really - modal interrogative particle; only - modal StudyPort restrictive particle; same - modal intensifying. particleru .

No. 317. 1) After all, there were combat fights, yes, they say, some more. 2) He opened the door for me, I entered a spacious room and what did I see? 3) His essays are as brief as they are sharp 4) Go and bring the light to seal the letter. 5) “Neighbor, stop being ashamed,” Shavka tells her. - Should you bother with the Elephant? 6) There is nothing in the world that could cover the Dnieper. 7) “Exactly so,” said Peter. 8) Where are they going, to the city, or what? 9) So your brother came in to see you?.. Let me rock Mitya. 10) B last days the weather was quite damp. 11) “What if, sister, with such beauty, you are a master of singing, because you would be our kingbird!” 12) A petition from the sheep came into the order: “That the wolves are completely tearing off the skin from us.” 13) But the novel is still good! 14) It’s time to rest. 15) Little Seryozha, as soon as he woke up, immediately climbed to the window to see if the starlings had arrived. 16) “Gossip, this is strange to me: did you work in the summer?” 17) How much

dry days must pass so that the consumer of nature does not scold nature for rainy summer? 18) There is no thought that cannot be expressed simply and clearly.

No. 318. 1) rainy - without not not used. 2) not fiery, not incandescent, not dull purple, but... - the presence of opposition. 3) small - with does not form a new word, it can be replaced with a synonym without not (small). 4) involuntarily - not used without. 5) did not become - not with a verb. 6) hated - not used without. 7) didn’t look enough, didn’t hear enough - prefix not enough -. 8) did not want - not with a participle with dependent words. 9) non-blinking - with does not form a new word, can be replaced with a synonym without not. 10) despite - preposition, intolerable - without not not used. 11) without looking, without turning around - not with gerunds. 12) not mowed - not with short communion. 13) lacked - prefix not enough -. 14) lacks – not with a verb. 15) indestructible - without not not used.

No. 319. I. 1) She was far from beautiful. 2) Dasha said firmly: “It seems to me that we have nothing to talk about.” 3) Pursing his lips, Ivan Ilyich nodded. He couldn't breathe. 4) To the right, a yellow, unblinking star stood low above the wooded hills. 5) Without a hint of timidity, he walked leisurely into the boss’s office. 6) Without hearing the answer, Pechorin took several steps towards the door. 7) Only Grigory Alexandrovich, despite the rain and fatigue, did not want to return. 8) Oblomov is not a stupid apathetic nature, without aspirations and feelings, but a person who is also looking for something in his life, thinking about something. 9) Not stormy, impetuous force, but, on the contrary, softness

and some kind of poetic moderation serve as characteristic

traits of his [Turgenev's] talent. 10) With Filofey came his two StudyPort brothers, who were not at all like him. 11) Bolshov. - not a strong person at all. 12) Pavel Petrovich is a very intelligent person.

13) Dawn arises in extraordinary silence. 14) This is not a real forest, this is a fairy forest. 15) The sailors had difficulty coping with mechanisms unfamiliar to them. 16) We lift the net and instead of expensive salmon we pull out a completely unnecessary guinea pig. 17) One hundred and sixty-seven people were missing from the Svetlana crew. 18) She didn’t listen enough and walked away. 19) This [Morgach] is an experienced person, with his own mind, neither evil nor kind, but more calculating. 20) Only an unexpected snowfall can force birds to fly further, despite the wind and cold.

II. 1) Here is the moon: it is not dim, not pale, not thoughtful, not foggy, like ours, but clean, transparent, like crystal. 2) Pechorin was unwell for a long time, lost weight, poor thing. 3) Anatole was not resourceful, not quick and not eloquent, but he had the ability of calm and unchangeable confidence, precious for the world. 4) I

He’s not rich, he’s not an official, and he’s not at all his age. 5) The expression of this gaze was very vague, but not mocking. 6) She [Princess Mary] began to sing: her voice is not bad. 7) She [Tatyana] was unhurried, not cold, not talkative, without an insolent look for everyone, without pretensions to success...

No. 320. 1) In the morning I felt unwell, although I still could not clearly determine what my ill health was. 2) We had a leisurely conversation among ourselves. 3) The sun was not cloudy as in the evening, but bright, having rested during the night. 4) Tears appeared in her eyes, not timid, not bitter, but proud, angry tears. 5) A not old and quite beautiful woman brought in a small samovar. 6) The stranger, when they saw him, turned out to be a man of about thirty, ugly in appearance and not remarkable in any way. 7) His face was the same as always - neither smart nor stupid. 8) The dim light was burning outside the window and could not go out. 9) His [Davydov’s] character showed an irritability that had never before been characteristic of him. 10) Every word, even the slightest rudeness, indelicately spoken, worries me. 11) The nightingale no longer sang like an evening, abruptly and hesitantly, but like a night, slowly, calmly poured out over the whole garden. 12) The young gymnasts performed the required exercises far from flawlessly. 13) Rainy days are very unpleasant for me. 14) The hut was worthless. 15) Our choir was small, but wonderful. 16) Davydov walked slowly, but with wide steps. 17) Each bell spoke in its own way: distance reduced only the strength, but not the clarity of the sound. 18) The sun burned like yesterday, the air was still and dull. 19) To the right and left of the gazebo

uneven clayey banks stretched out. StudyPort No. 321. 1) Above, Stozhary smoldered like an unextinguished fire. 2) Allru mat-

the dews, not busy with watch, went out onto the upper deck. 3) Memories are not yellowed letters, not old age, not dried flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry 4) Only one strip is uncompressed. 5) Someone knocked on the invisible, carpeted door. 6) The sun was rising. Not yet visible to the eye, it spread a transparent fan of pink rays across the sky... 7) Savka chose a special occupation for himself, independent of anyone - hunting. 8) Telegin folded the unread letter. 9) Mother ran out of the entryway with her head uncovered. 10) The sun, bright but not warming, looked coldly from the height of the sky. 11) Pavel raised his head and looked at Sukharko with a look that did not promise anything good. 12) A sharp cry escaped my still fragile throat. 13) Podkhalyuzin

The man is smart and not at all attached to his master. 14) For him [Ostrovsky], in the foreground there is always a general life situation that does not depend on any of the characters.

15) A poor girl who has not received a broad theoretical education, who does not know everything that is going on in the world, who does not even properly understand her own needs, cannot, of course, give herself an account of what she needs. 16) The team dispersed, perplexed and amazed. 17) The houses had not been plastered for a long time, the roofs had not been painted... The doors of the dacha were unlocked.

No. 322. 1) Everything was full of sad and sweet, inexplicable spring charm. 2) He sang some song that was unfamiliar to me... 3) My friends, our union is wonderful! He, as a soul, is indivisible and eternal. 4) Levin, unnoticed by the people, continued to lie on the haystack, and watch, and listen, and think. 5) All his actions, big and small, are inexplicable. 6) Both friends were the same age, but there was an immeasurable difference between them in everything. 7) The silence, undisturbed by either movement or sound, is especially striking. 8) Prince Andrei could be thinking about another subject, completely independent of general issues - about his regiment. 9) Candles, not lit on other days, spilled bright light throughout the room. 10) Raisky, without moving, looked, unnoticed by anyone, at this entire scene. 11) The source of knowledge is inexhaustible. 12) Soroka walked at random, guided by the wind and some elusive signs for an unusual person. 13) The princess is cold; That night the frost was unbearable. 14) What precision and definiteness in every word, how in place and irreplaceable to others every word! 15) The depth of Chekhov’s works is inexhaustible for a thoughtful, sensitive actor.

No. 323. 1) Efim Andreevich’s conversation was important, leisurely and rich in content. 2) I became more and more convinced that this was far from

mediocre artist. 3) Sometimes he [Avilov] imagined himself as a famous traveler...He discovered the unknown. moreru earth.

4) Strange sensations that were not clear to him worried him. 5) The whirlwind, not cold, but warm, hit the trees, walls, and the street. 6) The garden is especially nice, small but dense and pleasantly intricate. 7) The old manor’s estate stood on a low but noticeable hill. 8) Raisky considered himself not the latest, that is, not young, but by no means a backward person. 9) Behind the mounds in the east lay a yellowish haze, unlike either smoke or dust.

№ 324.

- There’s no need to remember the past,” Bazarov objected, “and as for the future, there’s no need to worry about it either, because I intend to sneak away immediately.” Let me bandage your leg now, your wound is not dangerous, but it’s better to stop the bleeding.

Pavel Petrovich tried not to look at Bazarov; he still did not want to make peace with him: he was ashamed of his arrogance, his failure, ashamed of the whole business he had started. The silence lasted

Far from being a beauty

far away O/ not beautiful A/ Vitsa

Together. Apart. Hyphenated..

B. Z. Bookchina.

    See what “far from beautiful” is in other dictionaries: far from beautiful - far from beautiful...

    See what “far from beautiful” is in other dictionaries: - … Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    FAR Dictionary Ushakova

    FAR- and FAR, adv. 1. adv. to distant in 1, 2 n 3 digits. I live far from you. He ran far into the forest. 2. without a word, meaning predicate. About a far distance from someone or something. It's still a long way from home. 3. without a word, meaning predicate, who cares about what.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Beauty and the Beast (TV series, 2012)- This term has other meanings, see Beauty and the Beast (meanings). Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast Genre Police procedural ... Wikipedia

    distance- Far after a considerable time after what n. term. We stayed up long after midnight. Far from (colloquial) not at all. She is far from beautiful. go far (go) (colloquial) make a career, achieve great success what n. WITH … Phrasebook Russian language

    Particle in Russian- This term has other meanings, see Particle. Particle service part speech that brings different meanings, emotional shades in a sentence or serves to form word forms. Function words expressing the main ... ... Wikipedia

    Particle (part of speech)- This term has other meanings, see Particle. A particle is an auxiliary part of speech that introduces different meanings, shades into a sentence or serves to form word forms. Contents 1 General properties particles 2 Particle discharges ... Wikipedia

    Particle (in linguistics)

    Particle (grammar)- The particle is a service part of speech. Contents 1 General properties of particles 2 Discharges of particles 3 Classification of particles by origin ... Wikipedia


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