A message on the topic of Christian churches. Description of St. Basil's Cathedral

Many Orthodox churches amaze with the beauty and elegance of their decoration and architectural splendor. But in addition to the aesthetic load, the entire construction and decoration of the temple carries a symbolic meaning. You cannot take any building and organize a church in it. Let us consider the principles by which the structure and interior decoration of an Orthodox church is organized and what meaning the design elements carry.

Architectural features of temple buildings

A temple is a consecrated building in which Divine services are held, and believers have the opportunity to take part in the Sacraments. Traditionally, the main entrance to the temple is located in the west - where the sun sets, and the main liturgical part - the altar - is always located in the east, where the sun rises.

Prince Vladimir Church in Irkutsk

You can distinguish a Christian church from any other buildings by its characteristic dome (head) with a cross. This is a symbol of the Savior's death on the cross, Who voluntarily ascended the Cross for our redemption. It is no coincidence that the number of heads on each church is:

  • one dome signifies the Commandment of the unity of God (I am the Lord your God, and you will have no other gods besides Me);
  • three domes are erected in honor of the Holy Trinity;
  • the five domes symbolize Jesus Christ and His four evangelists;
  • seven chapters remind believers of the seven main Sacraments of the Holy Church, as well as the seven ecumenical councils;
  • sometimes there are buildings with thirteen chapters, which symbolize the Lord and the 12 apostles.
Important! Any temple is dedicated, first of all, to our Lord Jesus Christ, but at the same time it can be consecrated in honor of any saint or holiday (for example, the Church of the Nativity, St. Nicholas, Intercession, etc.).

About Orthodox churches:

When laying the foundation stone for a temple, one of the following figures may be laid:

  • cross (signifies the instrument of the Lord’s death and the symbol of our salvation);
  • rectangle (associated with Noah's Ark as a ship of salvation);
  • circle (meaning the absence of beginning and end of the Church, which is eternal);
  • a star with 8 ends (in memory of the Bethlehem star, which pointed to the birth of Christ).

Top view of the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Yaroslavl

Symbolically, the building itself correlates with the ark of salvation for all mankind. And just as Noah many centuries ago saved his family and all living things on his ark during the Great Flood, so today people go to church to save their souls.

The main liturgical part of the church, where the altar is located, faces east, since the goal of human life is to go from darkness to light, and therefore from west to east. In addition, in the Bible we see texts in which Christ himself is called the East and the Light of Truth coming from the East. Therefore, it is customary to serve the Liturgy at the altar in the direction of the rising sun.

Internal structure of the temple

Entering any church, you can see the division into three main zones:

  1. porch;
  2. main or middle part;
  3. altar.

The narthex is the very first part of the building behind entrance doors. In ancient times, it was accepted that it was in the narthex that sinners before repentance and catechumens stood and prayed - people who were just preparing to accept Baptism and become full members of the Church. IN modern churches There are no such rules, and candle kiosks are most often located in the vestibules, where you can buy candles, church literature and submit notes for commemoration.

The narthex is a small space between the door and the temple

In the middle part are all those praying during the service. This part of the church is also sometimes called the nave (ship), which again refers us to the image of Noah’s ark of salvation. The main elements of the middle part are the solea, pulpit, iconostasis and choir. Let's take a closer look at what it is.


This is a small step located in front of the iconostasis. Its purpose is to elevate the priest and all participants in the service so that they can be better seen and heard. In ancient times, when churches were small and dark, and even crowded with people, it was almost impossible to see and hear the priest behind the crowd. That's why they came up with such an elevation.


In modern churches this is part of the solea, most often oval-shaped, which is located in the middle of the iconostasis directly in front of the Royal Doors. On this oval ledge, sermons are delivered by the priest, petitions are read out by the deacon, and the Gospel is read. In the middle and on the side of the pulpit there are steps to ascend to the iconostasis.

The Gospel is read from the pulpit and sermons are preached


The place where the choir and readers are located. Large churches most often have several choirs - an upper and a lower one. The lower choirs are usually located at the end of the solea. On major holidays, several choirs, located in different choirs, can sing in one church at once. During regular services, one choir sings from one choir.


The most noticeable part interior decoration temple. This is a kind of wall with icons that separates the altar from the main part. Initially, iconostases were low, or their function was performed by curtains or small grilles. Over time, icons began to be hung on them, and the height of the barriers grew. In modern churches, iconostases can reach the ceiling, and the icons on it are arranged in a special order.

The main and largest gate leading to the altar is called the Royal Doors. They depict the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and icons of all four evangelists. On the right side of the Royal Doors they hang an icon of Christ, and behind it an image of the main holiday in honor of which the temple or this border is consecrated. On the left side there is an icon of the Mother of God and one of the especially revered saints. On the additional doors to the altar it is customary to depict Archangels.

The Last Supper is depicted above the Royal Doors, along with the icons of the major twelve holidays. Depending on the height of the iconostasis, there may also be rows of icons depicting the Mother of God, saints, passages from the Gospel... They were the ones who stood on Golgotha ​​during the execution of the Lord on the cross. The same arrangement can be seen on the large crucifix, which is located on the side of the iconostasis.

The main idea of ​​​​designing the iconostasis is to present the Church in its entirety, with the Lord at the head, with the saints and Heavenly powers. A person who prays at the iconostasis, as it were, stands before everything that constitutes the essence of Christianity from the time of the Lord’s earthly life to this day.

About prayer in the temple:


Finally, the holy of holies of any church, without which the celebration of the Liturgy is impossible. A church can be consecrated even in a simple building without domes, but it is impossible to imagine any church without an altar. Anyone cannot enter the altar; this is allowed only to clergy, deacons, sextons and individual males with the blessing of the rector of the temple. Women are strictly prohibited from entering the altar completely.

The main part of the altar is the Holy Throne, which symbolizes the Throne of the Lord God himself. In physical terms, it is a large, heavy table, maybe made of wood or stone. The square shape indicates that food from this table (namely the word of God) is served to people all over the Earth, in all four directions of the world. For the consecration of the temple, the laying of holy relics under the Throne is mandatory.

Important! Just as there is nothing random or unimportant in Christianity, so the decoration of the house of God has a deep symbolic meaning in every detail.

To new Christians, such concern for details may seem unnecessary, however, if you delve deeper into the essence of the service, it will become clear that every thing in the temple has a use. This order sets an example for every person: we must live in such a way that both external and internal order leads us to God.

Video about the internal structure of the temple

The most unusual churches in Russia.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush" in the city of Dyatkovo

This temple was called the eighth wonder of the world, because nowhere in the world there are such iconostases as in the neo-Palim church in the city of Dyatkovo Bryansk region. The entire iconostasis of this temple is made of crystal. In 1810, it was built by the owner of the local crystal factory, Maltsov. Not only the heavy, elegantly crafted crystal iconostasis, “as if floating in the air,” but also crystal chandeliers and chandeliers, unique candlesticks made of multi-layered and multi-colored glass, human height, adorned the church until 1929. The amazing temple was destroyed, but some parts of its decoration took refuge in the Dyatkovo museum.

In 1990, the destroyed temple was rebuilt, and local glassblowers, using surviving drawings from 200 years ago, spent more than a year making thousands of parts for its decoration. Restoring the iconostasis required several tons of crystal, and not just crystal, but fused with lead - such an alloy is used to make the most expensive tableware.
The interior of the Neopalimov temple seems both icy and rainbow-colored: mirrors are placed under the crystal plates on the walls, which gives the effect of a rainbow glow.

Arkhyz churches

Arkhyz temples are the most ancient or one of the most ancient in Russia. They date back to the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century. Scientists believe that it was here, in the area of ​​​​the ancient settlement of Magas, that there was the capital of the patriarchate of ancient Alania. The Alans finally became familiar with Christianity in the first quarter of the 10th century, but its penetration here began much earlier. Written sources mention this since the second half of the 7th century.
Three medieval temples have been preserved on the territory of the settlement - Northern, Middle and Southern. During excavations by archaeologist V.A. Kuznetsov even found the only ancient baptismal church in the North Caucasus, built from flat stone slabs. The walls of the temple were covered with frescoes skillfully executed by Byzantine masters - this is evidenced by the drawings of the artist and archaeologist D.M. Strukov, made in late XIX century.
In the Middle Church, even the acoustics are thought out: it has a system of voice boxes - through and blind holes in the walls of the temple.
The southern church of this settlement is now the oldest functioning Orthodox church in Russia. In a rock grotto not far from this temple, the face of Christ was discovered, manifested on a stone.

Temple in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the Blue Stones in Yekaterinburg

On an ordinary Yekaterinburg Khrushchev building, a bell tower and a boy on it are drawn by a child’s hand. Along the wall stretches the “Hymn of Love” written in Slavic script by the Apostle Paul. Chapter 13, Epistle to the Corinthians... You will come closer, led by words of love, and read the inscription: “Heaven on earth.” This is how easy it is for even children to begin to comprehend Christian wisdom. This temple does not have high ceilings with rotundas or domes; a narrow corridor leads inside, and bookshelves line the church walls. But here it is always full of children and there are many traditions of its own: for example, holding role playing games, drinking tea with the whole parish after Sunday liturgy, singing with the choir or drawing “good graffiti”. A Epiphany water here they sometimes “sell” for knowledge of the first commandment or immediate study of it. The parish publishes the newspaper “Living Stones,” and the temple website lives a life filled with creativity.

Church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Dubrovitsy

A mysterious church with a mysterious history, the only temple in Russia crowned not by a dome, but golden crown. The construction of the Znamenskaya Church dates back to the time when the Dubrovitsy estate was owned by the tutor of Peter I, Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn. By the way, Peter I himself and his son Tsarevich Alexei were present at the consecration of this temple. This church does not look like a Russian one; it is built in a rococo style, rare for our lands, and is very richly decorated with round sculptures from white stone and stucco. They say it looks especially impressive in winter, when the landscape around is distinctly Russian.
In 1812, the temple was occupied by Napoleonic troops, without, however, causing any damage to it. But in the 20th century this temple was closed too
In 1929, the temple was closed for worship; in September 1931, the bell tower and the Church of Adrian and Natalia located in it were blown up.
The history of the inscriptions inside the temple is interesting. Initially they were made in Latin, later, at the request of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov), they were replaced by Church Slavonic. And in 2004, during restoration, the temple “speaked” in Latin again.

Temple-carriage in Nizhny Novgorod

An Orthodox church almost opposite in its idea arose in Nizhny Novgorod in 2005. The temple surprises without trying to surprise, because it is located in... a railway carriage. This is a temporary structure: parishioners are waiting for the construction of a stone church. It all started with a gift: the railway workers gave the Nizhny Novgorod diocese a carriage. And the diocese decided to equip it as a church: they fixed the carriage, made steps with a porch, installed a dome, a cross, and consecrated it on December 19, 2005, the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. People call the unusual temple “ blue carriage"based on the children's song of the same name, and "Soul train" in the English style. The symbolism of a train, a carriage, and therefore a path, has been inherent in the Christian church since ancient times. From early times, temples were built in the image of ships - in this sense, the Nizhny Novgorod temple continues the Byzantine traditions! It is worth noting that this is not the only, but the most famous carriage temple in Russia.

Kostomarovsky Spassky Convent

The oldest cave monastery in Russia with “divas” - chalk pillars, inside of which monastic cloisters are built. The bell tower of the Spassky Church was built between two such divas and literally floats in the air. Inside, in the thickness of the chalk mountain, the temple is so large that it can accommodate two thousand people. It is here that the “cave of repentance”, famous throughout Russia, is located - a corridor stretching underground for 220 meters and gradually narrowing. It is known that before the revolution, the most ossified sinners were sent here for “correction of the mind.” The very movement through the cave sets the mood for confession: the penitent does long haul in the dark, holding a lit candle, the vault of the cave becomes lower and lower, and the man bends in bow. Pilgrims say they feel as if someone's hand is gradually bowing their head, humbling human pride. Even today, those visiting the “cave of repentance” are not accompanied to the end: the person is left to walk part of the path alone.

Trinity Church "Kulich and Easter" in St. Petersburg

This nickname for the church was not invented by witty St. Petersburg residents - the customer of the construction himself, Prosecutor General A.A. Vyazemsky asked the architect to build the temple in the shape of traditional Easter dishes. Both buildings are crowned with “apples” with a cross. Due to the fact that there is no drum on the dome of the “Kulich”, it becomes dark in the altar part of the church. The play of light and the blue “heavenly” dome change the feeling of volume, so the inside of the temple seems much more spacious than the outside.
At the bottom of the “Easter” bell tower there is a baptistery, which has only two small windows at the top of the walls. But right above the person being baptized are bells, the sound of which spreads through arches cut into the wall. The thickness of the walls increases downwards as the wall slopes. On the outside of the belfry, above the bells, there are dials painted, each of which “shows” different times. By the way, A.V. was baptized in this church. Kolchak, future admiral.

Temples of Russia - photographs and brief description

A selection of Russian heritage, the most beautiful churches of the Russian Federation

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Rostov-on-Don.

The temple was built according to the standard design of the architect K. A. Ton and is externally very similar to his other temples built according to his designs: the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and the Vvedensky Church of the Semenovsky Regiment in St. Petersburg and the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Petrozavodsk, which have not survived to this day. But to say that one is a copy of the other is wrong.

In addition, in 1887, according to the design of the military architect-engineer A. A. Campioni and the artist-architect D. V. Lebedev, on its western side, a four-tier bell tower was erected with the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia and a belfry, height 75 meters. The gospel of its 10-ton bell can be heard 42 versts along the Zadon region.

Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the temple of military glory, one of the most magnificent temple buildings in St. Petersburg.

The main façade of the cathedral faces Nevsky Prospekt and forms the unique appearance of the city's main thoroughfare. The temple building, conceived by the architect A.N. Voronikhin, bears the features of European classical architecture, in particular, St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, and at the same time, the Russian architectural style with elements of eclecticism and classicism is clearly visible here. The cathedral amazes with its gigantic, slightly curving colonnade, which consists of 96 thirteen-meter columns of the Corinthian order. These huge columns are made from blocks of stone brought from special quarries in Gatchina, a suburb of St. Petersburg. And in the external design of the cathedral there are picturesque reliefs and statues.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow

The most famous and most main cathedral countries.

It was recreated in the 1990s on the site of the temple of the same name, created in the 19th century. The temple, 105 meters high, was built in the Russian-Byzantine style. The domes of the cathedral are made of stainless steel and covered with a thin layer of gold, and to protect against atmospheric phenomena were also covered with a layer of diamond dust. The temple has 12 external doors cast in bronze. Numerous figures of saints are placed in the arches and niches of the temple. Currently, the temple has the status of a metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov (Moscow)

It was built in 1837 according to the design of the architect E.D. Tyurin. The building was built in the style of classicism and is crowned with five domes on light drums, which form the main decoration of the temple. The large central rotunda has tall semicircular windows with graceful paintings on top, separated by paired columns. The temple is crowned by a huge golden dome with a small dome at the top. The side entrances to the temple are very large, divided into three parts by columns; There are semicircular windows on top. The shoots are framed by wide paired pilasters. In 1930, the temple became the patriarchal cathedral. Epiphany Cathedral is the heart of spiritual life Orthodox Russia the last 60 years. It never closed.

Resurrection Cathedral of the New Jerusalem Monastery (Istra)

A unique temple structure, both in complexity and beauty, built in 1658-1685.

The cathedral was conceived as a copy of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, but during construction it was not an exact repetition of the prototype, but rather its artistic transformation. The cathedral consists of several parts: in the center is the four-pillar Church of the Resurrection, to the west of it is a rotunda covered with a high tent with the Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher, to the east is the underground church of St. Constantine and Helena, as well as surviving fragments of the bell tower.

Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir

Cathedral Orthodox Church of the Vladimir Diocese on Cathedral Square in the city of Vladimir.

The Assumption Cathedral is a beautiful architectural structure Ancient Rus', a unique monument of Vladimir-Suzdal white stone architecture of the pre-Mongol era. Following its example, the Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti built the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The Assumption Cathedral houses examples of art by the best artists of different times, from nameless isographers of the mid-12th century to the brilliant Andrei Rublev and masters of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Annunciation Cathedral of the Kazan Kremlin (Kazan)

It is one of the oldest and most interesting monuments Russian church architecture.

Bookmark wooden church on the site of the future cathedral, they are erected to the acts of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The cathedral belongs to the Pskov school of Russian architecture. During this period, masters Postnik Yakovlev and Ivan Shirai were instructed to go to Kazan to build a new stone city (Kremlin). The domes of the cathedral were originally semicircular in shape, but were redone in 1736. Four domes became onion-shaped; the middle dome of the cathedral was built in the Ukrainian Baroque style, covered with copper and gilded. Annunciation Cathedral in the Kazan Kremlin It remains the most ancient building in the Kremlin ensemble.

St. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod

A wonderful architectural monument that has absorbed not only the features of Russian, but also foreign architecture.

Thus, the western entrance of the St. Sophia Cathedral is decorated with the famous Maglebur Gate of the 12th century. Tradition says that this is a military trophy obtained by the Novgorodians during the capture of the Swedish capital of Sigtuna in 1187. There is also the Korsun Gate of the 11th century, Byzantine work, leading to the Nativity border. During the Great Patriotic War, the cathedral was destroyed, but retained its shape. At present it is almost the same as it was in the 11th century. This is a five-nave cross-domed church with three apses.

St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral in St. Petersburg

A beautiful temple in the Elizabethan Baroque style, located on Nikolskaya Square.

It was built in the period from 1753 to 1762 (architect S.I. Chevakinsky) on the naval regimental yard on the site of a wooden church, and can accommodate about five thousand people. Next to the cathedral there is a four-tiered bell tower topped with a high spire. The majestic building of the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral is decorated with Corinthian columns gathered in bunches, stucco platbands, a wide entablature and crowned with a gilded five-domed dome. The rich plasticity of the façade is complemented by balconies with patterned wrought-iron grilles. During the consecration, the cathedral was named naval, since the victories of the Russian fleet were celebrated there.

The Vladimir Cathedral in St. Petersburg is dedicated to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, one of the most revered icons in Rus'.

This five-domed temple is an architectural monument of the transitional style from Baroque to Classicism, and includes two churches - upper and lower. Currently, services are held only in the upper church. The sails of the central dome are decorated with sculptural images of the evangelists.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Solovetsky Monastery

A majestic two-pillar temple, more than 40 meters high, which has no analogues in medieval Rus'

It is crowned with five chapters. The drum under the central head is shifted to the east and is perceived as a tent. The high vaults of the temple rest on two massive pillars, the light falls from above from the tent-drum, which seems to float above the iconostasis. History of the main temple of the Transfiguration of the Savior Solovetsky stauropegial monastery dates back almost six centuries. The holy relics of the first founders of Solovetsky - the Venerables Zosima and Savvaty - are kept here.

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The largest Orthodox church in Astrakhan. Located on the territory of the Astrakhan Kremlin.

Built in 1699-1710, it is considered one of the best examples of Russian church architecture of the early 18th century, and is the only architectural temple complex preserved in Russia, where the temple and Lobnoe Mesto are connected.

Annunciation Cathedral, located in the center of Voronezh.

Built according to the design of architect V.P. Shevelev in the Russian-Byzantine style. The cathedral is located on Revolution Avenue on the territory of the Pervomaisky Garden. The height of the temple itself is 85 meters, and its highest point is 97 meters. It is the third largest Orthodox church in Russia and one of the tallest Orthodox churches in the world. Construction took place from 1998 to 2009.

Holy Trinity Cathedral in the city of Murom, on the left bank of the Oka River.

Erected in 1643. The main decoration of the Holy Trinity Cathedral are forged gilded crosses - masterpieces of blacksmith work by Murom craftsmen of the 17th century - and glazed tiles of the same century with various ornaments. The tiles give the Trinity Cathedral a special grace and unique identity that distinguishes it from other Murom churches.

Smolny Resurrection of Christ

The cathedral is part of the architectural ensemble of the Smolny Monastery, which is located in St. Petersburg on the left bank of the Neva on Smolnaya Embankment.

In the 1730s, the heir to the royal throne, Elizaveta Petrovna, decided to spend the last years of her life in the peace and quiet of the monastery, surrounded by one hundred and twenty noble maidens. Already being an empress, she ordered the construction of a monastery on the site of the Smolny House, the palace in which she lived her youth. The monastery complex was to include a temple with house churches and a bell tower and an institute for girls from noble families. The architect of the cathedral is F. B. Rastrelli.

Trinity-Izmailovsky Cathedral on Trinity Square in the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg.

Full name: Holy Cathedral Life-Giving Trinity Life Guards Izmailovsky Regiment. The stone cathedral, cruciform in plan, is crowned with a powerful five-domed dome. The temple was built in the Empire style. At the time of its consecration, the cathedral was the largest in Russia. The domes are painted with gold stars on a blue background according to the personal instructions of Nicholas I, given in 1826: the domes should be painted like the domes of the Archangel Cathedral in Moscow and Tver Cathedral in Tver. The facades of the cathedral are decorated with six-column porticoes of the Corinthian order with a sculptural frieze. In the niches of the porticos there are bronze figures of angels.

Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Spilled Blood, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg

The Orthodox memorial single-altar church in the name of the Resurrection of Christ was built in memory of the fact that at this place on March 1, 1881, Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded as a result of an assassination attempt (the expression on the blood indicates the blood of the king). The temple was built as a monument to the Tsar-Martyr with funds collected throughout Russia; the project was made in the “Russian style”, somewhat reminiscent of Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Moat, also called St. Basil's Cathedral

An Orthodox church located on Red Square in Kitay-Gorod in Moscow.

A widely known monument of Russian architecture. Until the 17th century, it was usually called Trinity, since the original wooden church was dedicated to the Holy Trinity; was also known as “Jerusalem”, which is associated both with the dedication of one of the side-chapels and with what took place in Palm Sunday procession to him from the Assumption Cathedral with the “procession on the donkey” of the Patriarch.

Currently, the Intercession Cathedral is a branch of the State Historical Museum. Included in the List of objects World Heritage UNESCO in Russia.

According to legend, the architect(s) of the cathedral were blinded by order of Ivan the Terrible so that they could not build another similar temple.

There are only 10 domes. Nine domes over the temple (According to the number of thrones: the Intercession of the Virgin Mary (central), Holy Trinity (eastern), Entrance to Jerusalem (western), Gregory of Armenia (north-western), Alexander of Svirsky (south) -east), Barlaam of Khutyn (south-west), John the Merciful (formerly John, Paul and Alexander of Constantinople) (north-east), Nicholas the Wonderworker of Velikoretsky (south), Adrian and Natalia (formerly Cyprian and Justina) (northern)) plus one dome over the bell tower.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

An Orthodox church, which is part of the architectural ensemble of the Pskov region and is its main building.

The site for the construction of the temple, which was to become the center of the settlement, was chosen by a woman born here Grand Duchess Olga, visiting the Pskov land in 957. As the chronicle says, when she stood on the bank of the river, a vision appeared to her in the form of three rays pointing to this place - that is why they decided to dedicate the temple to the Life-Giving Trinity.

Military Resurrection Cathedral, Starocherkassk city.

Near the temple there is a two-tier tented bell tower 45.8 meters high. This is the only building of this type in Southern Russia.

Ascension Military Cathedral, Novocherkassk

Laid down in 1805. Its construction began in 1811, while we note that the larger St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg will begin to be built in 1818, and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow even later in 1832.

The seventh highest domed cathedral building in Russia after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Smolny Resurrection Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Trinity-Izmailovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, Trinity Cathedral in Pskov.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye

Orthodox Church of the Danilovsky Deanery of the Moscow Diocese.

The temple is located in the Nagatinsky Zaton area, the Southern administrative district of Moscow, in the former village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow. The temple is a masterpiece of world architecture, the first stone tented temple in Russia.

Temple of God, in its own way appearance, differs from other buildings. For the most part, the temple, at its base, is arranged in the form of a cross. This means that the temple is dedicated to the Lord crucified on the cross for us and that through the cross the Lord Jesus Christ delivered us from the power of the devil. Often the temple is built in the form of an oblong ship, which means that the Church, like a ship, in the image of Noah’s Ark, leads us along the sea of ​​life to a quiet harbor in the Kingdom of Heaven. Sometimes the temple is arranged in the form of a circle, this reminds us of the eternity of the Church of Christ. The temple may also be built in the form of an octagon, like a star, meaning that the Church, like a guiding star, shines in this world.

Each temple is dedicated to God, bearing a name in memory of one or another sacred event or saint of God, for example, Trinity Church, Transfiguration, Ascension, Annunciation, Pokrovsky, Michael-Arkhangelsk, Nikolaevsky, etc.

The temple building usually ends at the top dome, representing the sky. The dome ends at the top head, on which a cross is placed, for the glory of the head of the Church - Jesus Christ. Often, not one, but several chapters are built on a temple, then: two chapters mean two natures (Divine and human) in Jesus Christ; three chapters- three Persons of the Holy Trinity; five chapters- Jesus Christ and the four evangelists, seven chapters- seven sacraments and seven ecumenical councils, nine chapters- nine ranks of angels, thirteen chapters- Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles, and sometimes they build more chapters

The shape of the dome also has a symbolic meaning. The helmet-like shape was reminiscent of the army, of the spiritual battle waged by the Church with the forces of evil and darkness. The shape of the onion is a symbol of the candle flame, turning us to the words of Christ: “You are the light of the world.” The intricate shape and bright colors of the domes on St. Basil's Cathedral speak of the beauty of Heavenly Jerusalem.

The color of the dome is also important in the symbolism of the temple. Gold is a symbol of heavenly glory. The main temples and the temples dedicated to Christ and the twelve feasts had golden domes. Blue domes with stars crown churches dedicated to the Mother of God, because the star recalls the birth of Christ from the Virgin Mary. Trinity churches had green domes, because green is the color of the Holy Spirit. Temples dedicated to saints are also crowned with green or silver domes.

Above the entrance to the temple, and sometimes next to the temple, it is built belfry or belfry, that is, the tower on which the bells hang. Bell ringing is used to call believers to prayer and worship, as well as to announce the most important parts of the service performed in the church. The ringing of one bell is called "blagovest"(good, joyful news about the Divine service). Ringing all the bells, expressing Christian joy, on the occasion of a solemn holiday, etc., is called "ringing". The ringing of bells about a sad event is called "chime". The ringing of bells reminds us of the higher, heavenly world.

The Lord Himself gave people in the Old Testament, through the prophet Moses, instructions on what a temple should be like for worship; The New Testament Orthodox church is built according to the model of the Old Testament.

How the Old Testament temple (initially the tabernacle) was divided into three parts: holy of holies, sanctuary and courtyard; Likewise, an Orthodox Christian church is divided into three parts: altar, middle part of the temple and vestibule.

Just as the Holy of Holies then meant, so now the altar means the Kingdom of Heaven. If several altars are installed in a temple, each of them is consecrated in memory of a special event or saint. Then all the altars, except the main one, are called side-altars or aisles.

In the Old Testament, no one could enter the Holy of Holies. Only the high priest could enter, once a year, and then only with the blood of a cleansing sacrifice. After all, the Kingdom of Heaven after the Fall was closed to man. The high priest was a prototype of Christ, and this action of his signified to people that the time would come when Christ, through the shedding of His blood and suffering on the cross, would open the Kingdom of Heaven to everyone. This is why, when Christ died on the cross, the curtain in the temple that covered the Holy of Holies was torn in two: from that moment on, Christ opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven for all who come to Him with faith.

Orthodox churches are built with the altar facing the east - towards the light, where the sun rises: the Lord Jesus Christ is the “east” for us, from Him the eternal Divine Light has shone for us. IN church prayers we call Jesus Christ: “Sun of Truth”, “from the heights of the East” (i.e. “East from above”); "East is His name."

The sanctuary corresponds, in our Orthodox church middle part of the temple. None of the people had the right to enter the sanctuary of the Old Testament temple, except the priests. All Christian believers stand in our church, because now the Kingdom of God is closed to no one.

The courtyard of the Old Testament temple, where all the people were, corresponds in the Orthodox church to the vestibule, which now has no significant significance. Previously, catechumens stood here who, while preparing to become Christians, had not yet received the sacrament of baptism. Now, sometimes those who have seriously sinned and apostatized from the Church are temporarily sent to stand in the vestibule for correction.

At the entrance to the temple there is a place outside porch- platform, porch.

The main part of the temple is altar, the place is holy, so the uninitiated are not allowed to enter it. The altar means the sky where God dwells, and the temple means the earth. The most important place in the altar is throne- a specially consecrated quadrangular table, decorated with two materials: the lower one - white linen and the upper one - brocade. It is believed that Christ himself is invisibly present on the throne and therefore only priests can touch it.

The altar is separated from the middle part of the temple by a special partition, which is lined with icons and is called iconostasis.

The iconostasis contains three doors, or three gates. The middle gate, the largest, is located in the very middle of the iconostasis and is called Royal Gates, because through them the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the King of Glory, invisibly passes in the Holy Gifts. No one is allowed to pass through the royal doors except the clergy. At the royal doors, on the side of the altar, hangs a curtain, which, depending on the course of the service, opens or closes. The Royal Doors are decorated with icons depicting them: the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the four evangelists, that is, the apostles who wrote the Gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The icon of the Last Supper is placed above the royal doors.

An icon is always placed to the right of the royal doors Savior, and to the left of the royal gates is an icon Mother of God.

To the right of the icon of the Savior is south door, and to the left of the icon of the Mother of God is north door. These side doors depict Archangels Michael and Gabriel, or the first deacons Stephen and Philip, or the high priest Aaron and the prophet Moses. Side doors are also called deacon's gate, since deacons most often pass through them.

Further, behind the side doors of the iconostasis, icons of especially revered saints are placed. The first icon to the right of the icon of the Savior (not counting the southern door) should always be temple icon, that is, an image of that holiday or that saint in whose honor the temple was consecrated.

At the very top of the iconostasis there is cross with the image of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ on it.

If iconostases are arranged in several tiers, i.e. rows, then icons are usually placed in the second tier twelve holidays, in the third - icons of the apostles, in the fourth - icons prophets, at the very top there is always a cross.

In addition to the iconostasis, icons are placed along the walls of the temple, in large icon cases, i.e. in special large frames, and are also located on lecterns, that is, on special high narrow tables with an inclined surface.

Some part of the altar is located in front of the iconostasis. They call her salty(Greek “elevation in the middle of the temple”), and its middle solea - pulpit(Greek: “I rise”). From the pulpit, the priest pronounces the most significant words during the service. The pulpit is symbolically very significant. This is also the mountain from which Christ preached; and the Bethlehem cave where he was born; and the stone from which the angel announced to the women about the ascension of Christ. Along the edges of the salts near the walls of the temple they arrange choirs- places for singers and readers. The very name of the kliros comes from the name of the singer-priests “kliroshans”, that is, singers from the clergy, clergy (Greek “lot, allotment”). At the very choirs they usually place banners- icons on fabric, attached to long poles in the form of banners. They are worn during religious processions.

The temple and its paintings are a book meant to be read. This book must be read from top to bottom, for the temple comes from above, from heaven. And its upper part is called “sky”, and the lower part is called “earth”. Heaven and earth make up the cosmos (this word in Greek means “decorated”). And indeed, the inside of the temple was painted everywhere possible, even in corners that are invisible to the eye. The painting is done carefully and beautifully, because the main viewer of everything is God, the All-Seeing and the Almighty. His image is located in the dome itself, at the highest point of the temple. God in the Orthodox tradition is depicted in the form of Jesus Christ - Pantocrator (Almighty)1. In his left hand He holds a book, in his right hand he blesses the Universe.

During the transition from the dome to the main volume of the temple, hemispherical planes are formed, on which four evangelists are depicted, bringing the heavenly Good News to earth through the Gospels. Vaults and arches connect heaven and earth. The main events of the gospel history are depicted on the vaults, the apostles, prophets, saints, those who help people in their ascension to heaven are depicted on the arches. The walls of the temple are painted with scenes from the Sacred History: this Old Testament, New Testament, as well as Ecumenical Councils, lives of saints - right up to the history of the state and the area. At first glance, the range of subjects seems limited and repetitive, however, not a single temple inside is similar to the other - each has an original painting program.

An Orthodox church can be called an encyclopedia. In each temple there is the entire history of mankind, from the fall of Adam and Eve up to the present day, the saints of the 20th century. The culmination of world history and the pinnacle of the universe is Golgotha, the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, His Sacrifice on the Cross and victory over death in the act of Resurrection took place. All this is concentrated in the eastern part of the temple, where the altar is located. The prologue and epilogue of the world are in the opposite part of the temple, on the western wall: here you can see scenes of the creation of the world, the image of Abraham's womb - paradise, where the souls of the righteous are in bliss. But most often the western wall is occupied by the image of the Last Judgment, because when leaving the temple through the western doors, a person must remember the hour when his earthly life will end and everyone will appear at the Judgment. However, the Last Judgment should not so much scare as remind a person of responsibility for the life he has lived.


Following the example of the Old Testament Church, where there were a high priest, priests and Levites, the holy Apostles established in the New Testament Christian Church three degrees of priesthood: bishops, presbyters (i.e. priests) and deacons.

They are all called clergy because through the sacrament of the priesthood they receive the grace of the Holy Spirit for the sacred service of the Church of Christ; perform divine services, teach people the Christian faith and good life (piety) and manage church affairs.

Depending on their attitude towards marriage and lifestyle, the clergy is divided into two categories - "white" (married) And "black" (monastic). Deacons and priests can be either married (but only by first marriage) or monastics, and bishops can only be monastics.

Bishops constitute the highest rank in the Church. They receive the highest degree of grace. Bishops are also called bishops, i.e., the heads of the priests (priests). Bishops can perform all Sacraments and all church services. This means that bishops have the right not only to perform ordinary Divine services, but also to ordain (ordain) clergy, as well as to consecrate chrism and antimensions, which is not given to priests.

According to the degree of priesthood, all bishops are equal to each other, but the oldest and most honored of the bishops are called archbishops, the capital's bishops are called metropolitans, since the capital is called metropolis in Greek. Bishops of ancient capitals, such as: Jerusalem, Constantinople (Constantinople), Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, and from the 16th century the Russian capital of Moscow, are called patriarchs.

From 1721 to 1917, the Russian Orthodox Church was governed by the Holy Synod. In 1917, the Holy Council meeting in Moscow elected him again to govern the Russian Orthodox Church." His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and all Russia."

To help a bishop, another bishop is sometimes given, who, in this case, is called a vicar, that is, a vicar.

Priests, and in Greek priests or elders, constitute the second sacred rank after the bishop. Priests can perform, with the blessing of the bishop, all the sacraments and church services, except for those that are supposed to be performed only by the bishop, that is, except for the sacrament of the priesthood and the consecration of the world and antimensions.

The Christian community under the jurisdiction of a priest is called his arrival.

More worthy and honored priests are given the title archpriest, i.e. the main priest, or the leading priest, and the main one between them is the title protopresbyter.

If the priest appears at the same time monk, then it is called hieromonk, i.e., a priestly monk. Hieromonks, upon appointment by their abbots of monasteries, and sometimes independently of this, as an honorary distinction, are given the title abbot or more high rank archimandrite. Especially worthy of the archimandrites are elected bishops.

Deacons constitute the third, lowest, sacred rank. "Deacon" is a Greek word and means: servant. Deacons serve the bishop or priest during Divine services and perform the sacraments, but cannot perform them themselves. The participation of a deacon in the Divine service is not necessary, and therefore in many churches the service takes place without a deacon.

Some deacons are awarded the title protodeacon, i.e., chief deacon.

A monk who has received the rank of deacon is called hierodeacon, and the senior hierodeacon - archdeacon.

The hierarchy of the clergy can be presented in the form of a table:

Hierarchical degree"White" (married) clergy"Black" (monastic) clergy
Deacon Deacon
Priesthood Priest (priest)
Bishopric Bishop

Monasticism has its own internal hierarchy, consisting of three degrees (belonging to them usually does not depend on belonging to one or another hierarchical degree itself): monasticism(Rassophore), monasticism(small schema, small angelic image) and schema(great schema, great angelic image). The majority of modern monastics belong to the second degree - to monasticism proper, or the small schema. Only those monastics who have this particular degree can receive ordination to the rank of bishop. To the name of the rank of monks who have accepted the great schema, the particle “schema” is added (for example, “schema-abbot” or “schema-metropolitan”). Belonging to one or another degree of monasticism implies a difference in the level of severity monastic life and is expressed through differences in monastic clothing. During monastic tonsure, three main vows are made - celibacy, obedience and non-covetousness, and a new name is assigned as a sign of the beginning of a new life.

In addition to the three sacred ranks, there are also lower official positions in the Church: subdeacons, psalm-readers(sacristans) and sexton. They, belonging to the number clergy, are appointed to their positions not through the sacrament of the Priesthood, but only with the blessing of the bishop.

Psalmists have the duty to read and sing, both during divine services in the church on the choir, and when the priest performs spiritual needs in the homes of parishioners.

Sexton have their duty to call believers to Divine services by ringing bells, light candles in the temple, serve censers, help psalm-readers in reading and singing, and so on.

Subdeacons participate only in the episcopal service. They dress the bishop in sacred clothes, hold lamps (trikiri and dikiri) and present them to the bishop to bless those praying with them.

To perform divine services, clergy must wear special sacred robes. Sacred robes are made of brocade or any other suitable material and decorated with crosses.

Clothes deacon are: surplice, orari And instruct.

Surplice There are long clothes without a slit in the front and back, with an opening for the head and wide sleeves. The surplice is also required for subdeacons. The right to wear the surplice can be given to psalm-readers and laymen serving in the church. The surplice signifies the purity of the soul that persons of holy orders must have.

Orar there is a long wide ribbon made of the same material as the surplice. It is worn by the deacon on his left shoulder, above the surplice. The Orarium signifies the grace of God that the deacon received in the sacrament of the Priesthood.

By hand are called narrow sleeves, tightened with laces. The instructions remind the clergy that when they perform the sacraments or participate in the celebration of the sacraments of the faith of Christ, they do this not with their own strength, but with the power and grace of God. The guards also resemble the bonds (ropes) on the hands of the Savior during His suffering.

vestment priest are: sacristan, stole, belt, instruct And felonion(or chasuble).

Podryznik there is a surplice in a slightly modified form. It differs from the surplice in that it is made of thin white material, and its sleeves are narrow with laces at the ends, with which they are tightened on the arms. White The sacristan reminds the priest that he must always have a pure soul and lead an immaculate life. In addition, the cassock also resembles the tunic (underwear) in which our Lord Jesus Christ Himself walked on earth and in which He accomplished the work of our salvation.

Stole there is the same orarion, but only folded in half so that, bending around the neck, it descends from the front downwards with two ends, which for convenience are sewn or somehow connected to each other. The epitrachelion signifies the special, double grace compared to the deacon, given to the priest for performing the sacraments. Without an epitrachelion, a priest cannot perform a single service, just as a deacon cannot perform a single service without an orarion.

Belt worn over the epitrachelion and cassock and signifies readiness to serve the Lord. The belt also signifies Divine power, which strengthens the clergy in carrying out their ministry. The belt also resembles the towel with which the Savior girded when washing the feet of His disciples at the Last Supper.

Riza, or felonion, worn by the priest on top of other clothes. This clothing is long, wide, sleeveless, with an opening for the head at the top and a large cutout in the front for free action of the arms. In its appearance, the robe resembles the scarlet robe in which the suffering Savior was clothed. The ribbons sewn on the robe resemble the streams of blood that flowed through His clothes. At the same time, the robe also reminds the priests of the garment of righteousness in which they must be clothed as servants of Christ.

On top of the robe, on the priest’s chest is pectoral cross.

For diligent, long-term service, priests are given legguard, that is, a quadrangular plate hung on a ribbon over the shoulder and two corners on the right thigh, meaning a spiritual sword, as well as head decorations - skufja And kamilavka.

Bishop (bishop) puts on all the clothes of a priest: vestment, epitrachelion, belt, armlets, only his chasuble is replaced sakkos, and the legguard club. In addition, the bishop puts on omophorion And miter.

Sakkos- the bishop’s outer garment, similar to a deacon’s surplice shortened at the bottom and in the sleeves, so that from under the bishop’s sakkos both the sacron and the epitrachelion are visible. Sakkos, like the priest’s robe, symbolizes the Savior’s purple robe.

Mace, this is a quadrangular board hung at one corner, over the sakkos on the right hip. As a reward for excellent and diligent service, the right to wear a club is sometimes received from the ruling bishop by honored archpriests, who also wear it on the right side, and in this case the legguard is placed on the left. For archimandrites, as well as for bishops, the club serves as a necessary accessory to their vestments. The club, like the legguard, means the spiritual sword, that is, the word of God, with which clergy must be armed to fight unbelief and wickedness.

On the shoulders, above the sakkos, bishops wear omophorion. An omophorion is a long, wide, ribbon-shaped cloth decorated with crosses. It is placed on the bishop's shoulders so that, encircling the neck, one end descends in front and the other behind. Omophorion is a Greek word and means shoulder pad. The omophorion belongs exclusively to bishops. Without an omophorion, a bishop, like a priest without an epitrachelion, cannot perform any service. The omophorion reminds the bishop that he must take care of the salvation of the lost, like the good shepherd of the Gospel, who, having found the lost sheep, carries it home on his shoulders.

On his chest, on top of the sakkos, in addition to the cross, the bishop also has panagia, which means "All Holy". It's small round image Savior or Mother of God, decorated with colored stones.

Placed on the bishop's head miter, decorated with small images and colored stones. Mithra marks crown of thorns, which was placed on the head of the suffering Savior. Archimandrites also have a miter. IN exceptional cases The ruling bishop gives the right to the most honored archpriests to wear a miter instead of a kamilavka during divine services.

During divine services, bishops use rod or staff, as a sign of supreme pastoral authority. The staff is also given to archimandrites and abbots, as heads of monasteries.

During the Divine service, they place orlets. These are small round rugs with the image of an eagle flying over the city. Orlets mean that the bishop must, like an eagle, ascend from the earthly to the heavenly.

Home clothes the bishop, priest and deacon are made up of a cassock (half-caftan) and cassock. Over the cassock, on the chest, the bishop wears a cross and panagia, and the priest wears a cross.

Church utensils

The most important part of the temple is altar. Divine services are performed in the altar by the clergy and the most holy place throughout the temple - holy throne, where the sacrament of Holy Communion is performed. The altar is placed on a raised platform. It is higher than other parts of the temple, so that everyone can hear the service and see what is happening in the altar.

Throne is called a specially consecrated quadrangular table, located in the middle of the altar and decorated with two clothes: the lower one is white, made of linen, and the upper one is made of more expensive material, mostly brocade. On the throne, mysteriously, invisibly, the Lord Himself is present, as the King and Ruler of the Church. Only clergy can touch and kiss the throne.

On the throne there is an antimension, a Gospel, a cross, a tabernacle and a monstrance.

Antimens is called a silk cloth (shawl) consecrated by the bishop, with an image on it of the position of Jesus Christ in the tomb and, necessarily, with a particle of the relics of some saint sewn on the other side, since in the first centuries of Christianity the Liturgy was always performed at the tombs of martyrs. It is impossible to perform without an antimension Divine Liturgy(The word “antimins” is Greek, meaning “in place of the throne”).

For safety, the antimind is wrapped in another silk board called orton. It reminds us of the sir (plate) with which the Savior’s head was wrapped in the tomb.

It lies on the antimind itself lip(sponge) for collecting particles of the Holy Gifts.

Gospel, this is the word of God, taking into account our Lord Jesus Christ.

Cross, this is the sword of God with which the Lord defeated the devil and death.

Tabernacle called the ark (box) in which the Holy Gifts are stored in case of communion for the sick. Usually the tabernacle is made in the form of a small church.

monstrance called a small reliquary (box), in which the priest carries the Holy Gifts for communion with the sick at home.

Behind the throne is seven-branched candlestick, that is, a candlestick with seven lamps, and behind it altar cross. The place behind the throne at the very eastern wall of the altar is called to the heavenly(high) place; it is usually made sublime.

To the left of the throne, in the northern part of the altar, there is another small table, also decorated on all sides with clothes. This table is called altar. Gifts for the sacrament of communion are prepared on it.

On the altar are sacred vessels with all accessories, namely:

1. Holy Chalice, or chalice, into which before the Liturgy wine and water are poured, which are then offered, after the Liturgy, into the blood of Christ.

2. Paten- a small round dish on a stand. Bread is placed on it for consecration at the Divine Liturgy, for its transformation into the body of Christ. The paten marks both the manger and the tomb of the Savior.

3. Zvezditsa, consisting of two small metal arcs connected in the middle with a screw so that they can either be folded together or moved apart crosswise. It is placed on the paten so that the cover does not touch the particles taken out of the prosphora. The star symbolizes the star that appeared at the birth of the Savior.

4. Copy a spear-like knife for removing the lamb and particles from the prosphora. It symbolizes the spear with which the soldier pierced the ribs of Christ the Savior on the Cross.

5. Liar- a spoon used to give communion to believers.

6. Sponge or boards- for wiping blood vessels.

The small covers that cover the bowl and paten separately are called patrons. The large cover that covers both the chalice and the paten together is called air, signifying the air space in which the star appeared, leading the Magi to the manger of the Savior. Nevertheless, together the covers represent the shrouds with which Jesus Christ was wrapped at birth, as well as His burial shrouds (shroud).

All these sacred objects must not be touched by anyone except bishops, priests and deacons.

Still on the altar ladle, in which, at the beginning of the proskomedia, wine and water are served to be poured into the holy cup; then, before communion, warmth (hot water) is supplied in it, and the drink after communion is taken out in it.

Still in the altar censer or censer- a vessel attached to a chain that distributes fragrant smoke - incense (incense). Ceremony was established in the Old Testament church by God Himself. Ceremony before St. the throne and icons expresses our respect and reverence for them. Every prayer addressed to those praying expresses the wish that their prayer would be fervent and reverent and would easily ascend to the sky, like incense smoke, and that the grace of God would overshadow the believers as the smoke of incense surrounds them. Believers must respond to incense with a bow.

The altar also contains dikiriy And trikirium, used by the bishop to bless the people, and ripids.

Dikiriy called a candlestick with two candles, symbolizing the two natures in Jesus Christ - Divine and human.

Trikirium called a candlestick with three candles, symbolizing our faith in the Holy Trinity.

Ripids or fans are called metal circles attached to the handles, with the image of cherubs on them. Deacons blow ripids over the gifts during their consecration. Previously, they were made from peacock feathers and were used to protect St. Gifts from insects. Now the trend is rapid symbolic meaning, it depicts presence heavenly powers when performing the sacrament of Communion.

On the right side of the altar is arranged sacristy. This is the name of the room where vestments are stored, that is, sacred garments used during Divine services, as well as church vessels and books with which Divine services are performed.

In front of the icons and lecterns there are candlesticks on which believers place candles. Parishioners take candles to candle box - special place at the entrance to the temple. A lit candle means our fiery love for God, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints to whom we turn with prayers.

In a special place of the temple (usually on the left side) is installed eve- a small table with an image of the Crucifixion and cells for candles, which believers place for the repose of loved ones, relatives and friends.

In the middle of the temple, at the top of the ceiling, hangs chandelier, i.e. a large candlestick with many candles. The chandelier is lit during solemn moments of the service.

The following works were used in preparing the material:
"The Law of God", Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy.
"Orthodoxy for children", O.S. Barilo.
Resource materials Orthodox World. Ru., Fundamentals of Orthodoxy

St. Basil's Cathedral (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Extraordinary beautiful temple St. Basil's, or the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the Moat, flaunted on Red Square, is one of the most famous architectural monuments Moscow. At the sight of a multi-colored temple, the tops of which are one more beautiful than the other, foreigners gasp in admiration and grab their cameras, but compatriots proudly declare: yes, that’s what it is - majestic, elegant, standing even in the difficult Soviet times for all churches.

Relatively last fact there is even a historical tale. Allegedly, when presenting a project for the reconstruction of Red Square to Stalin, Kaganovich swept away the model of the temple from the diagram, making way for demonstrations of workers, to which the Secretary General sternly replied: “Lazarus, put it in its place.” Whether it was so or not, the temple was one of the few that survived and was constantly restored throughout the second half of the 20th century.

History and modernity

The Intercession Cathedral was built in 1565-1561. by decree of Ivan the Terrible, who vowed, in the event of the successful capture of Kazan, to build a church in memory of this event. The temple consists of nine churches on one foundation and a bell tower. At first glance, it can be difficult to understand the structure of the temple, but once you imagine that you are looking at it from above (or actually look at the temple from this angle on our live map), everything immediately becomes clear. The main pillar-shaped church in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God with a tent topped with a small dome is surrounded on four sides by axial churches, between which four more smaller ones are built. The tented bell tower was built later, in the 1670s.

Today the cathedral is both a temple and a branch of the Historical Museum at the same time. In 1990, services were resumed. Architecture, external decorative decoration, monumental painting, frescoes, rare monuments of Russian icon painting - all this makes the cathedral unique in its beauty and significance as a temple in Russia. In 2011, the cathedral celebrated its 450th anniversary; anniversary events were held throughout the summer to mark memorable date chapels that were previously inaccessible to the public were opened, and a new exhibition was arranged.

St. Basil's Cathedral


Address: Red Square, 2.

Opening hours: excursions are held daily from 11:00 - 16:00.

Entrance: 250 RUB. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

The central church of the Cathedral is not accessible for inspection due to restoration work.