And this is all Russia: more about the “Orthodox” Jew Muska Zakharova. Maria Zakharova, biography, news, photos

The world of Russian politics is literally replete with bright personalities, each of which is always interesting to the public. But among them there are some that stand apart and especially attract attention. This article will talk about a woman named Maria Zakharova, who is a speechmaker at the department in charge of foreign affairs in Russia. We will consider her biography in as much detail as possible.

Birth and parents

Maria Zakharova, whose biography will be discussed in the article, was born on December 24, 1975. According to her zodiac sign, she is Capricorn. Maria Zakharova's father, Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov, worked in the diplomatic field and was a professional orientalist. In 1971, he graduated from the Leningrad State Institute. Zhdanov and received a specialist diploma in Chinese language and literature. He worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and Russia for 34 years from 1980 to 2014. For 13 of these years, the diplomat was the head of the Russian consulate in China. From 1997 to 2001 he was an educational and cultural adviser at the same institution. Next came work as head of the department of Asia-Pacific cooperation at the Russian Foreign Ministry. And a little later, Vladimir took the post of chief adviser to the minister. From 2014 to this day he has been working as a school of oriental studies at the Higher School of Economics. At the same time, he works as the head of the Institute for Scientific and Political Research of the Black Sea-Caspian Region.

Our heroine’s mother, Irina Vladislavovna Zakharova, was born in 1949. In 1971, she completed her studies within the walls of the Moscow state university them. Lomonosov. My labor activity she started at the Museum fine arts them. Pushkin. Nowadays, the woman works as a senior researcher in a department specializing in aesthetic education. In 1949 she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis in Russian Academy arts She was awarded the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation.

Maria's childhood

Young Zakharova Maria (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will become a job for her much later) in early years In her life, she loved to walk along the picturesque Chinese streets and explore the monasteries and parks of the Celestial Empire with her parents. At school, the girl studied very diligently, regularly receiving good grades. paid special attention learning Chinese. Like her many peers, Masha became interested in dolls and making small houses for them. This childhood affection has transformed over the years into a real adult hobby - the implementation of miniature interiors.

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova dreamed of being involved in the same hectic and serious work that her father had. Most likely, this is why the girl fell in love with a TV show called “International Panorama”, main theme which included a discussion of the main economic and political events taking place abroad.

Education of M. V. Zakharova

After graduating from school, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova, together with her parents, returned to her homeland in order to enter the Moscow state institute international relations at the Faculty of Journalism. The girl chose Oriental studies as her main specialization. In her last year of university, in 1998, Zakharova went to China for pre-graduation internship at the Russian Embassy.

Five years later, Maria brilliantly defended her dissertation at the RUDN University on the topic of New Year celebrations in China. For this she was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Start of a career

Maria began her active career as an employee of the editorial office of the Russian Foreign Ministry magazine "Diplomatic Bulletin". There she met her boss, Alexander Vladimirovich Yakovenko, who later became the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The boss of our heroine adhered to those life principles the same as her grandmother. Yakovenko has always believed that only clear interaction between all team members ensures a positive result. Maria’s grandmother also always told her that everything should be done as efficiently as possible, even if no one would be able to check it. Therefore, the girl’s integration into the team was painless.


Having proven herself excellent in the editorial office, Maria Zakharova, at the command of the management, was transferred to the Department of Press and Information of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Having quickly understood her new surroundings, Masha took another step towards career ladder- in 2003, she held the post of head of the operational funds tracking department mass media. A couple of years later, Maria Zakharova, for whom the Foreign Ministry had become her life’s work, was seconded to New York, where she took on the functions of press secretary of the Russian mission to the UN.

Return to homeland

In 2008, Maria again finds herself in Belokamennaya within the walls of her native editorial office. But three years later she receives the position of deputy head of the Department of Press and Information. A little later she heads it structural unit Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Such a high appointment of a woman is explained not only by her optimal professional qualities, but also by her enormous popularity in the media sphere. Zakharova was often invited to take part in various talk shows, and she also did not miss the opportunity to express her competent opinion in popular social networks. In her functional responsibilities included ensuring the organization and conduct of briefings by the official representative of the Ministry, entries in Internet resources on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the formation of information support for Sergei Lavrov during his trips abroad. There is even a photo showing the minister, Maria Vladimirovna, the former US Secretary of State and Jennifer Psaki.

In 2014, Zakharova received the “Runet Prize” as the head of the Department that won the “Culture, Mass Communications and Media” nomination.

Maria was also a member of the organizing committee involved in the preparation of the Eurasian Women’s Forum, which was held in St. Petersburg on September 24-25, 2015.

At the end of December 2015, the ministerial employee was awarded the title of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Second Class, which is a high-level diplomatic rank.

Maria Zakharova (the biography of this woman is interesting to many) is a member of the Russian Foreign and Defense Policy Council. Excellent knowledge of English and Chinese.

State award

At the beginning of 2017, Maria Zakharova was awarded in the Kremlin. At a ceremony, Vladimir Putin presented the civil servant with such an honorary badge in the presence of three dozen public and other figures. The President, in his congratulatory speech, pointed out that all those awarded are actively working with maximum dedication, always achieving the goals set for them. And before that, in 2013, Maria received a Certificate of Honor from Putin.

Also, Maria Zakharova, whose biography may well serve as an example for the younger generation, was included in the ranking of the most influential women on the planet in 2016, according to the authoritative BBC television and radio company. In addition, in February 2017, the civil servant received a letter of trust from the Russian journalistic community.

In 2016, it took second place in terms of citations in the Russian blogosphere.

Dissatisfied statements

Like many other public figures, Maria Zakharova (her biography is not burdened with damaging facts) has both fans and critics. Many Western media have a very negative attitude towards Zakharova’s emotional and fairly straightforward statements. In particular, the editor of Radio Liberty, Yaroslav Shimov, noted that journalistic style Maria, within the framework of which she maintains her blog on the Echo of Moscow website, is far from patriotic, but extremely aggressive.

In turn, journalists Olga Ivshina and Jenny Norton even stated that against the backdrop of already too strained relations between Russia and the West, Zakharova’s rhetoric looks too undiplomatic.

Abroad, Maria Zakharova, whose career is very important, is very often referred to as “a sexy, smart and terrible miracle weapon of Putin’s propaganda.” In Russia, she is considered a more perfect “analog of Jen Psaki.”

Marital status

Maria Zakharova, whose husband tries to help her in everything, is happily married. Her husband's name is Andrei Mikhailovich Makarov, he is an entrepreneur. The wedding took place on November 7, 2005 in New York, since at that moment Maria was working in the United States of America. Many years later, Zakharova’s wedding photos caused a noticeable resonance in society. In 2010, the daughter of Maria Zakharova was born, who was named Maryana.

About the profession

In one of her many interviews, Maria Vladimirovna said that she arrives at work at nine in the morning, but the duration working day varies, but very often you have to fulfill your professional duties until late at night. Sometimes Zakharova even had to take her little daughter with her to work, who simply had no one to leave at home with.

In those very rare moments when she has a long-awaited vacation, Maria Zakharova (her husband is not such a public figure) loves to write poems, which she is not ashamed to post on various popular social networks. By the way, it was Zakharova who wrote the lyrics of the song “Bring Back the Memory,” dedicated to the fallen Russian soldiers in Syria.

Also, Foreign Ministry representative Maria Zakharova says that she independently updates her wardrobe, buying things with her own money, including for serious international diplomatic meetings. In addition, the civil servant notes that she has never had any stylists.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, explained on her Facebook why she wears the Star of David, how she came to the Christian faith and spoke about her hatred to nationalism

After Maria Zakharova’s antics about Stalin and the USSR...I am not a complete supporter of Maria, and many of her statements raise quite a few questions. I kept wondering where her hatred for everything Soviet came from.

Maybe I'm wrong, but this is... star of david,turns into a "friend or foe" identifier. In my understanding, liberalism has not brought anything good during its 200 years in Russia; supporters of this movement were especially noted for their treacherous ideas of bending to the Western democratic myth.
Now it is clearly visible that there is democracy in the countries of the “fat billion” ... but it is quite strange to wear the symbol of Orthodoxy - the cross and the symbol of Judaism - the Star of David. All that remains is to put on the Muslim crescent. Remember, in the movie "The Mummy" one of the local guides has about 10 religious symbols!)))

But for that position. what Maria occupies with this “multi-directionality”) clarifies a lot.

Today I was sent a screenshot of a comment by a certain “Mikhail Chernovol” posted on the website of the newspaper “Zavtra”. Usually I don’t comment on this and don’t pay attention at all. But for a number of reasons, I will make an exception for these words: "... on this Masha’s chest on a gold chain there was not a symbol of Christianity, but “Mogendovid” - a six-pointed star, the Star of David."

I remember in the second grade I brought a new word from school - “Jew”. Mom asked if I understood the meaning. I answered that I didn’t understand, and that’s what the guys said, but I remember that it sounded reminiscent of the word “livery.” Mom sat me, a seven-year-old child, on her lap and said: “This is such a nationality. The French are also a nationality, and the Chinese, and Ukrainians. Here we are, Russians. They live in peace different people, and there are a lot of nationalities. They have different languages, different dances, different fairy tales. They can live in different countries or in the same country." Everything was clear, and I was about to get off my knees. "But I want to tell you one very important thing. Unfortunately, you will still hear a lot of bad things about different nationalities. There are people who will say that one nationality is good and the other is bad. One people is better or worse than another. This is not true. Every nation has good and bad. Remember this. And no matter what you hear, know that there are no bad or good nationalities, there are bad or good people“- said my mother. Then I thought and added: “Since you learned this new word for you today, I want you to understand its meaning.” “I understand, mom, you explained it,” I hurried about my business. But my mother said: “No, not completely. You are Russian. Both dad and I are Russian, and your grandfather is half Ukrainian. We speak and think in Russian and live like Russians. But you were born thanks to a doctor who was Jewish. And if it weren’t for him, it’s unknown how everything would have turned out for us, the Russians. Remember this forever. And never allow people of other nationalities to be humiliated in front of you." And I remembered. Probably because they were very simple words, a very clear example. Or simply because my mother is like that. I remembered them forever.

When I was 20 years old, I ended up in Israel - it was a one-day excursion on a boat during a week-long vacation in Cyprus, where my mother and I were taken by her brother. These few hours in Jerusalem and Bethlehem changed my life. Fully. Religion appeared in it. Not faith. It was there before, in the form of an intuitive feeling, premonition and even understanding. But it was all somehow... pagan, or something. And it burned there. This charge is still enough. All memories are fresh and even tangible. While still in Bethlehem, I said that I would undergo all the rituals in Moscow. And my uncle, who helped us a lot financially at that time, bought me that very one in one of the local jewelry stores. gold chain, which is always on me. Returning to Moscow, I was baptized. Since then I have been Orthodox, in the sense that I try to be so. On the back of my small cross, which was bought in an Arab shop and which is always with me, it says “Jerusalem”.
Our religion prohibits hatred. She punishes her for it. But in me there is something that in English is called objective hate, and in Russian, forgetting about pathos, one can probably express it as the famous “noble rage.” I hate all types of nationalism (from racial discrimination to religious intolerance), I hate it when they humiliate or bully, no matter who. I also hate stupidity and stupid malice, which are capable of seeing the Star of David not only in a flower or a snowflake, but even in the formula of benzene.

When I was thinking about who to ask to be my daughter’s godparents, I had two cherished desires. First. So that these people are kind and love to laugh. Second. So that, if possible, they represent different nationalities or live in different countries. So that my child from the very early childhood, as with my milk, I absorbed the richness and diversity of this world and smiled. So that borders, skin color, cultural differences would never be barriers for her. Consider this my personal contribution to the fight against nationalism.
I'm lucky. Our godfather is Georgian. Sparkling and cheerful, and very kind, despite the fact that due to national question, most likely, will never again see his family’s beloved Sukhumi, Sukhum. Our godmother, I don’t even know who’s nationality (judging by the bright beauty, it’s a mix of everything), lives in New York, and when we all get together, Maryana enthusiastically plays with her son, born in a marriage with a fiery Brazilian. And our nanny, who put her soul into Maryana, is Armenian. Cool mix. "Mikhail Chernovol" would have been torn apart;))

Maria Zakharova is the first woman in the history of Russian diplomacy to be appointed to the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She is one of the most quoted diplomats in Russia and is known for her “sharp” statements on social networks.

The new speaker of the diplomatic department is often compared to former US State Department Speaker Jen Psaki, who is often ridiculed in Russia for ridiculous comments and statements. For her informality of speech and ability to present diplomatic information in “live” language and in an extraordinary manner, Zakharova is called “Anti-Dogs”, considering her a worthy chief media person of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Age: 42 years

Place of birth: Russia

Height: 170

Occupation: Official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry

Marital status: Married

What does it mean to be Russian?

- This is very interesting question. I think about this often. To be emotional, sincere and generous, broad in many things, to love passionately and to hate strongly, to be very fair, but always in your own way. Harnessing slowly and driving quickly is absolutely the Russian way. Do not give in to force and melt from love.

Maria Zakharova

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova was born on December 24, 1975 in a family of Russian diplomats, for a long time working in Beijing. In this regard, the future speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry spent her childhood in the capital of the People's Republic of China, thanks to which she is fluent in Chinese. ABOUT school years There is virtually no information about Zakharova, all that is known is that she was a diligent student who dreamed of becoming a diplomat from childhood. According to Zakharova herself, her favorite program in her youth was “International Panorama,” which fascinated her.

Maria's parents

Due to this difficulty in choosing future profession the girl did not experience it - she without hesitation entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations at the Faculty of Journalism, from which she successfully graduated in 1998, receiving a diploma in international journalism. Zakharova completed her pre-graduation internship at the Russian Embassy in Beijing, and after receiving her diploma she remained to work at the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2003, Maria became a candidate of historical sciences, defending her dissertation at Peoples' Friendship University. Fluent in English and Chinese languages.

From the first days, Maria Zakharova’s career has been continuously connected with Russian Ministry foreign affairs First, the girl got a job as an editor at the departmental magazine “Diplomatic Messenger”, and then was hired by the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she served as head of the operational media monitoring department.

The next step in Zakharova’s career was a new leadership position in the diplomatic department - she headed the press service of the permanent mission of Russia to the UN in New York. Maria worked in this position until 2008, after which she returned to Moscow to her previous place of work.

For the next three years, the future speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry actively showed her professional qualities in the central office of the department, thanks to which in 2011 she was appointed deputy head of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In her position, Zakharova became widely known in society, as her responsibilities included frequent communication with the press. Her activities also included organizing regular briefings by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, accompanying the head of the department Sergei Lavrov during foreign visits, as well as popularizing the foreign ministry on social networks.

It is Maria Zakharova who owes the Russian Foreign Ministry an active presence on social networks in an informal form. Her professionalism and ability to work with the public made it possible to popularize the department among society, thanks to which the population began to receive political information“living” language with particular sharpness and emotionality. At the same time, Maria Vladimirovna regularly takes active participation in political programs and talk shows, which allowed her to become one of the most quoted Russian diplomats.

For her 15 years of work at the Russian Foreign Ministry, Zakharova was awarded the diplomatic rank of advisor upper class, and was also admitted to the Council on Foreign Policy and Defense of the Russian Federation.

On August 10, 2015, Maria Zakharova was appointed to the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In this position, they replaced Alexander Lukashevich, in connection with his appointment to the post of Russia's permanent representative to the OSCE. Having become the first media person of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Vladimirovna noted that there would be no significant changes in her work. She intends to continue to cover diplomatic activities on social networks and, in the same form, inform the public about the work of the department.

Zakharova emphasized that over the past four years of direct work under the leadership of Lukashevich, she has learned from him all the colossal experience, therefore, after being appointed to a new position, she does not see any difficulties or barriers to active work for herself. As head of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Vladimirovna promised to do her job efficiently and preserve all the achievements of her predecessors without changing the genre and format of political explanations on social networks.

At the Russian Foreign Ministry, opinions regarding the appointment of Maria Vladimirovna to the post of official representative were divided. Some believe that foreign policy is far from being an area where one can experiment in characteristic style Zakharova, while others, on the contrary, call Zakharova’s appointment a beneficial option for the department, since she is a professional in her field.

Personal life

The Russian diplomat spends his free time with his family. She is married to businessman Andrei Makarov and has a seven-year-old daughter, Marianna. Maria Zakharova also regularly visits the gym, writes poetry and is active user social Facebook networks. On her page, she shares personal photos with subscribers and covers current events. In rare moments of rest, he likes to write poetry, which he sometimes shares with subscribers on social networks.

In November 2016, on her eleventh wedding anniversary, Zakharova shared photos from the ceremony. The celebration took place in New York in 2005. “I worked there. The husband is domestic. Came, got married, left,” Maria reassured her subscribers.

Wedding photo Maria Zakharova (2005)

Thanks to her active, witty, and sometimes even harsh defense of the Foreign Ministry’s positions, Maria was included in the top ten media ratings of Russian women for 2015-2016 in terms of frequency of mention in the domestic media.

With daughter Maryana.

Maria always looks great and, despite the strictness of dress required for a diplomat, she manages to appear stylish, beautiful and feminine to the public.

“There is no stylist, I dress myself, I buy things myself. They don’t give money for this, unfortunately, they don’t sew anything. Except dress uniform- the same uniform that was presented to everyone on Diplomat’s Day, it’s really laid out, it’s being sewn,” she says.

IN everyday life, she, of course, allows liberties and experiments with the image.

— How do they address you more often: Maria or Maria Vladimirovna?

- It’s different if journalists have known me for a long time - Maria, if not very well - Maria Vladimirovna. Foreign journalists are most often just Maria. To be honest, in this sense I am an unpretentious person, not capricious. I try to agree to all conditions as much as possible, if they are unimportant for me, but important for the interlocutor or partner.

I don't try to invent difficulties where there are none. And I myself don’t like it when I meet people or authorities who come up with problems out of nowhere.

Tell me, how do you choose your clothes?

— Clothing must match the format of the event, time of day, circumstances. Apparently, for some reason people think that I’m flying on a cloud harnessed by two pink ponies, and the morning swallows bring me outfits made from spring flowers. But that's not true. I ordinary person, I have nothing that would distinguish me from a person on the street, in a cafe or in a store, except for the fact that I am shown on TV.

I have neither an atelier, nor my own tailors, nor stylists.

-Where do you get your hair done?

- At the hairdresser's. If this is a Foreign Ministry briefing, then before the briefing I style my hair at the hairdresser. And if it’s a television studio, then it’s all there in the dressing room.

— What did you dream of as a child?

— Childhood is heterogeneous, the child goes through certain stages. And on different stages I dreamed about different things. I once dreamed about the toys I liked, then about how no one in the world would get sick - it was a very specific dream. I dreamed of becoming someone: in the morning - a doctor, in the afternoon - an astronaut, in the evening - a ballerina.

Tell me, how did you come up with the idea to become more active on social networks so that the official position of the Russian Foreign Ministry appears there?

“It was a combination of many factors. Firstly, it is a statement that a new phenomenon has emerged that has become so large-scale and influential that it is simply impossible not to take it into account in our work. The second point: this task was set by the management; we need to be closer to people, more open and communicative. Third: we ourselves understood that new times require a new presentation of information.

- Maria Vladimirovna, do you have a dacha?

- Yes. We go there often. When the dacha was built, a place was chosen next to big lake. This is a very beautiful place.

— Did you celebrate Maslenitsa?

- Of course, one day Maslenitsa week I was baking pancakes. I have them special: thick pancakes, I don’t really like thin ones. These are not pancakes, but they are not thin pancakes either.

— Do you have any pets?

- For all of our big family we have one dog. Her story is connected with me. For 15 years, we never bought dogs, but only picked them up - they were dogs brought in from the street. After my grandmother’s dog died of old age, I found one of the dog shelters on the Internet. There I saw a photograph of a dog, there was something so soulful about it. And when we went to the shelter, it turned out that she was three times larger than expected (laughs).

My grandmother’s apartment was small, my grandmother could manage a small dog, but this one turned out to be 70-80 centimeters at the withers. We liked the dog, and she liked us. Since then she has been living with us, an amazing kind dog. At first she lived with her grandmother, when my grandmother was alive, and now the dog lives with us, with my parents, and we also go to the dacha together.

— Your appearance at one of the briefings in uniform caused a real sensation not only among journalists...

— Yes, such keen interest really surprised me, because the reaction was close to shock. Although this form has its roots back in Tsarist Russia. IN modern form this form has existed for decades. The uniform is required for envoys extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the first and second class and ambassadors of Russia. Russian diplomats wear it on the occasion of national holidays, receptions in the host country, and an audience with the government leadership in the country where the ambassador is accredited. Moreover, there is also a light milky beige diplomatic uniform for countries with hot climates.

- And what about the second courses?

— I cook both fish and meat. I recently made a rabbit. I made it according to Eastern European recipes, marinated rabbit meat overnight in red wine, then stewed it. I love cooking, I enjoy it.

- Have you ever thought that you would someday become a member of the government, minister of foreign affairs or ambassador of Russia to the United States?

“I never thought about any of these points.” And I say this absolutely honestly and sincerely. Moreover, I never thought that I would become director of the information and press department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. For Russia, the diplomatic service has always been a traditionally male affair. I am a very realistic person, and it is really important for me to do my job well today and now.

I have no idea how tomorrow will turn out - this is especially true for those who work in the information sector. In our profession, you can get up in the morning and realize that something has happened that makes all the work done in advance unnecessary, irrelevant and untimely, and you need to start all over again.

- What was the most important thing in your life? great success?

— The birth of a daughter is without options. The birth of a child allows you to look at this life in a completely different space. A child opens for you with an unknown magic key the secret doors of this universe - that’s for sure.

In general, I think that raising a child is the most difficult thing in life. There is nothing more difficult. This is the biggest responsibility in life. It is difficult to be a doctor and perform operations, it is difficult to fly an airplane. But raising a child is a huge responsibility.

—Are you satisfied with your life?

— If a person says that he is satisfied, there are big doubts about his sincerity. Life is a story not only about pleasure, but also about overcoming. It's a process. There are times when I am extremely dissatisfied with something, and then everything works out, and I am very happy. This is life.

While I'm exploring it.


Maria Zakharova is married and has minor daughter Maryana.

Zakharova's parents are Soviet diplomats. Father - Vladimir Yurievich Zakharov- orientalist. Currently working with the National Research University Higher School of Economics.


In 1998, she graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO with a degree in Oriental Studies and Journalism. The internship took place at the Russian Embassy in Beijing.

In 2003, Zakharova defended her PhD thesis at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia on the topic "Transformation of understanding the symbolism of celebrating the traditional New Year in modern China. The last quarter of the 20th century."

Since 1998 - an employee of the editorial office of the magazine "Diplomatic Bulletin" of the Russian Foreign Ministry, then in the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

From 2003 to 2005 - head of department in the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 2005 to 2008, she worked as press secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York.

From 2008 to 2011 - head of department in the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Maria Zakharova is one of the most quoted Russian diplomats. She is often compared to Jen Psaki (official representative US State Department until March 31, 2015).

On August 10, 2015, by order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Zakharova was appointed director of the Department of Information and Press. Zakharova became the first woman in the history of the department to hold this position.

Speaks English and Chinese. Has a diplomatic rank - Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 2nd class.

Scandals, rumors

Maria Zakharova was criticized by Radio Liberty for her own journalistic style, which was called aggressive and compared to the publications of Soviet newspapers on international events.

On December 30, 2015, Zakharova almost disrupted the broadcast of the “Minority Opinion” program on the Ekho Moskvy radio station. The guest of the program was a Polish journalist Vaclav Radzivinovich, which, according to the format, must give its own assessment of the main news of the day. During the discussion of the issue of depriving Radzivinovich of Russian accreditation, Maria Zakharova herself appeared in the studio, not announced as a participant in the program, but invited to the broadcast by the editor-in-chief.

In March 2016, a columnist for the Vedomosti newspaper Mikhail Overchenko drew attention to the diplomatic incident involving Maria Zakharova, who considered what was said by the representative of the State Department Mark Tonner the phrase put up or shut up (meaning to take action to do what is being said, or to stop talking about it) is a gross insult to the Russian Federation, calling on him to order his colleagues to shut up.

According to Western media, Zakharova is a “sexy and smart blonde” whose appearance is a “subtle diplomatic provocation.” This opinion was expressed by the German publication Stern in an article dedicated to Zakharova.

The publication called the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry a “sexual beast.”

According to Stern, Maria Zakharova demonstrated that it is possible to simultaneously combine femininity and beauty with success and even toughness.

The attention of German journalists was drawn to a recent incident involving correspondents from the Moscow editorial office of Reuters. Maria Zakharova literally made journalists of the British agency laughable in connection with a Reuters report that Russia would allegedly begin preparing the reform process in Syria.

It should be noted that Zakharova is also an active blogger, and regularly posts his photographs on the Internet, which are not always of a “diplomatic nature.”

However, the passion for fashionable hats, expensive resorts and daily “looks” on Instagram has not yet affected professional activities Russian diplomat.

Maria Zakharova is a charming woman who attracts the attention of many residents of the country, even those who are not interested in politics. She's for short term became very popular and famous. Sergei Lavrov appointed her as a personal assistant, whom he takes with him on trips to other countries. She then meticulously and accurately describes everything that happened during the trip, allowing those reading the information to form their own opinion about the policies of the Russian Federation.

It was her first in all Russian history the woman was entrusted to become a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She is respected not only in our country, but also in other countries. Her speech is literally divided into quotes. It is distinguished by its objectivity and simplicity, which is why it is appreciated by many politicians all over the world.

Height, weight, age of Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova is distinguished by her rigidity and even some harshness in her statements. But many people not only of the Russian Federation, but also foreign countries interested in all the information about her, including height, weight, age of Maria Zakharova. During the speeches of this representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, men look at her appraisingly, amazed at the perfection of her forms and the luxury of her body. Women look at her figure with envy, although she almost always appears in public dressed as a diplomat. But it emphasizes the perfection of the body lines.

On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website you can find out that the year of birth of our heroine was 1975. Having made some simple mental calculations, we can say that Maria Zakharova is 42 years old. The diplomat's height is 170 centimeters and his weight is 58 kilograms.

Maria Zakharova has stubbornness and perseverance, which is important for moving up the career ladder.
On her Instagram page, Maria Zakharova recently posted photos in her youth and now. Many subscribers put class under the pictures.

Father - Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov and mother - Irina Vladislavovna influenced her daughter. It was thanks to their attention that the girl became so purposeful, brave and open.

Maria has been interested in politics since childhood. She watched the International Panorama with interest. The girl did well at school, wrote poetry, studied Chinese and English languages which he now knows perfectly. Having graduated from school with excellent marks, Maria Zakharova entered MGIMO on her first try. The girl chooses journalism. After receiving his diploma, the young diplomat goes to practice in the East. She chose Chinese Beijing.

After working at the Chinese embassy, ​​the girl becomes an employee of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2003 The girl wrote a dissertation, which was soon brilliantly defended at RUDN University. She became a candidate of historical sciences. At first, Maria Zakharova did not serve in responsible positions; she became an editor in a special magazine for diplomatic figures - “Diplomatic Bulletin”.

After a short period of time, the young diplomatic worker began working on media monitoring. Rapid advancement up the career ladder was ensured due to the fact that Maria performed her duties well. After 2-3 years, she begins to serve in the Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations as a press secretary. In 2008, Zakharova was transferred to the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, where she served for three years.

At the beginning of 2011, she began serving in the Department in charge of information and press affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At this time, she becomes a public person, communicating with journalists from various newspaper and magazine publishing houses and television and radio services.

Sergei Lavrov took Maria with him as a personal assistant during his trips outside the country. She carried out her tasks with great responsibility, and then she posted reports on the results of the trip on Instagram, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

It was thanks to Maria and her scrupulousness that the articles became emotional and also sometimes humorous. It was she who became the political figure who helped defend the honor of Russia in various television show programs.

Since 2015, Zakharova began to represent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working as an official representative of this institution.

Maria Zakharova herself, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, reports how she came to the profession. Biography (Wikipedia gives only the most meager information about the young diplomat) of Zakharova is revealed to the audience in more detail.

Personal life of Maria Zakharova

Young Maria Zakharova does not talk about her personal life at all. For the broad masses of Russian residents this is a secret. All questions about this matter are ignored. She only answers: “No comment,” and smiles mysteriously.

The personal life of Maria Zakharova is not advertised on social networks and blogs. No one has any idea when she started dating members of the opposite sex, or whether she has a husband. This is hidden, since Maria works in an organization where frankness is not expected. Only recently it became known that Zakharova has official husband who surrounds his wife with attention and care.

Family of Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova's family was distinguished by its education and intelligence. Our heroine's dad was a diplomat who specialized in Chinese and other oriental languages. But in the 80s he was sent to work in the People's Republic of China, where he moved with his family - his wife and daughter Masha. After returning to the Russian Federation, he worked at the Higher School of Economics and the School of Oriental Studies. The mother of the famous representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry did not work anywhere in her youth; she took care of the home.

After returning from China, she began working at the Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. During her years in China, she perfectly studied the culture, history and traditions of this eastern country. The couple recently published a book of Chinese folk tales, among the main images you can recognize their daughter and granddaughter.

Recently, Zakharova said in her interview that she received her sense of purpose thanks to her grandmother, but she did not give her last name, first name, or patronymic.

Children of Maria Zakharova

Until recently, it was unknown whether Maria Zakharova has children. You cannot find out about them either from official sources or on the global web. Social networks also do not provide any information on this issue. This generated large number rumors They said that Zakharova’s children study in elite schools abroad. But how many children, what age and what they like to do was hidden. They said that such secrecy was due to the fact that children could be kidnapped or killed.

Only in lately it became known that our heroine has a little daughter whom she loves incredibly. The girl is raised by Maria's parents, who try to do everything for the girl.

Daughter of Maria Zakharova - Maryana

A few months ago it became known that Zakharova has a little daughter, who was named Maryana. But sometimes another name is mentioned - Marianne. On Wikipedia you can read that Maria Zakharova’s daughter, Maryana, was born in mid-2010. Recently the girl celebrated her 7th birthday.

Next year Marianna - Maryana will go to one of the Moscow schools. But now she can speak Chinese and English. Maryana is interested in the East, especially China, about which she loves to listen to fairy tales and stories.

Recently, information appeared on the World Wide Web that Maryana was bitten by a dog while on vacation in Sochi. The bites were minor, but the baby has now fully recovered.

Maria Zakharova's husband - Andrei Makarov

Until recently, it was impossible to find on the World Wide Web whether Maria Zakharova had a husband. There is no information on this issue on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

But in June 2017, Zakharova herself posted a joint photo of herself and young man. She captioned the photo: “Me and my beloved man.” At the beginning of autumn, she posted another photo depicting a wedding ceremony. So it became known that the husband of the young representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is Andrei Makarov. But the wedding took place back in 2005. Maria Zakharova’s husband, Andrei Makarov, is engaged in business. He is successful in this field.

Photo of Maria Zakharova in Maxim magazine

Maria Zakharova is not at all shy; she often posts her candid pictures on social networks. Men look at her photographs with interest, and girls are amazed by the beauty and sophistication of her forms.

At the beginning of 2017, you could view a photo of Maria Zakharova in Maxim magazine. In some photographs, the young Foreign Ministry representative poses naked. She amazes with her flawless body lines, without the presence of any flaws.
Maria Zakharova also starred for Playboy magazine and posted a photo in a swimsuit on her Instagram page.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Zakharova

The young diplomat has pages on many social networks. On the Instagram page you can see photographs that illustrate information about where Zakharova went, how she plays sports, and runs a household.

But Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Zakharova provide absolutely no information about the children and wife of the young diplomat. But you can find out how she spends her time free time. On pages on social networks you can read Zakharova’s poems and a fairy tale written by her parents. Posts to photographs are written in a humorous manner, which attracts the attention of many subscribers to the page.