Bogdan is missing from the brigade as a ghost. Bogdana “Dotsya” Neshcheret – little big girl

Did you recognize this little girl in the photograph with the still living commander of the Prizrak brigade, Alexei Borisovich Mozgov? This is the same Bogdana Neshcheret, who became famous after reading poetry at a requiem meeting in memory of Alexei Borisovich. You can see the video below. You can also watch other videos with Bogdana.

On this moment against this little girl. The Kremlin's representatives in the LPR are real persecution. And this whole dirty campaign against the child began with Olga Zahran (“Bee”), a native of Krasny Luch, now living in Sochi. Bogdana refused to beg for humanitarian aid for “Pchelka” (this Zahran was treated like a real prostitute, which she is), when she was still running for the post of mayor of Krasny Luch, and for this she received real persecution from the puppet authorities in the LPR. I will not describe this matter in detail. I will try to write about this briefly. And if you want to read about this in detail, you can go to the top link.

So, after Bogdana refused to help this Olga Zahran, who also calls herself Olga Novorosskaya (I would call her Olga a sucker), suddenly this whore found out that supposedly this little girl does not write poetry herself (although in reality this is not so), and instead of her grandmother. And it was such a “terrible crime” that the whore wrote a denunciation to Plotnitsky so that young girl force the return of all rewards. And the matter did not stop there. They set the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs against her, calling her in for interrogation. They searched the little girl's house, promising to put her in prison for allegedly possessing firearms. This is the kind of crap that is happening in the LPR now. When the bastards planted by the Kremlin in the LPR participate in the real persecution of a child.

Right now I can barely restrain myself from swearing at the Kremlins and their filthy puppets for bullying a little girl. Scum can only fight with defenseless children, instead of at least driving dill away from large cities. Come on bitches, put Bogdana in the basement, just like you put all the unwanted militias and public figures in Donbass. Many of whom do not come out alive. Or send ukroDRG against her. That's all you scum know how to do. Hiding behind the backs of women and children. fight with women and children. But you have little guts against dill, since the West can punish you for it. Therefore, you have a blast on civilians, including children, you freaks.

Bullying and persecution in the now gangster republic also has another symbolic meaning. After the physical liquidation of Alexei Mozgovoy, Moscow curators are trying to erase from the people any memory of the legendary brigade commander. To do this, the "Ghost" is destroyed. Mozgovoy's loyal people are sent to the basement, where many quietly end up. And his idea is forced to be forgotten. And little Bogdana was Mozgovoy’s favorite and the daughter of the “Ghost” brigade. And these creatures cannot forgive her for this. That's why they created such chaos against her.

Everything is clear to me with these freaks. It's not clear to me otherwise. Are there any real men left in the militia who can stand up for little Bogdana and bring down everyone who is now taking up arms against her? Or are there only women left in the militia who can’t even protect children from fucking creatures like Plotnitsky and that whore “Bee”? If this is so, then it’s time for those who now call themselves militias to put on skirts, grow breasts, cut off their penises and stop calling themselves men. Because men don’t behave like cowards. And the only man among you is this little girl. And you are cowardly scum, worthy only of contempt.

P.S. And in this exile, this gone scum openly threatens the girl with a scandal. making her cry.

P.S. If you want to write a couple of “affectionate words” to this Zahran, you can do it in her

If I fall, pick up my sword...

Sleep well "Combrig"
"The ghost raised your sword
With honor and glory will be carried
Protect your people
Defend the Russian World,
And lead to a great victory.
People love “Ghost”, trust him,
The “Brigade” comes to the rescue of everyone
Everybody's sure here
The enemy should not be here
After all, the guys are fighting for the truth
They die in battle, do not surrender to the enemy,
And they always remain in service


Now I began to understand
What does it mean to remember and be proud,
People, there is no need to grieve,
The enemy shouldn't have fun.
Our "Ghost" will not let us down,
We will carry the memory together.
And our people will remember
About Uncle Lesha Mozgovoy

Ode to Donbass

Donbass is burning, Donbass is in tears
Our steppes are burning.
Mother wife crying in tears
And our children are dying.
The Nazi is coming, the horde is crawling,
Sweeping away all living things.
Forgive us, Mother Earth,
Why are they doing this?
Do not conquer Donbass to enemies,
The people will not kneel!
And there will be PEACE, and there will be MOTHER,
And the children will run!


Lord, please save the children of Donbass,
Cover them with a blanket of peace and love.
I ask you every evening on my knees,
Don't let them die, don't let them!
I ask the whole world to hear the pain of Donbass,
Donbass, that he didn’t want to kneel!
They're bombing! They're bombing! They're bombing!
There is the same ringing in my ears -
Sobbing people and dying groans.

Childhood was stolen, life was stolen
Nazi dances on blood
And greedily drinking blood,
Everywhere shouts: Donbass die!
And the plague spreads
He's coming to Europe with a swastika.
Is Europe asleep or blind?!
No... They need Russia!!!


I serve in the Ghost brigade,
And I have a dream:
I want the white car of the humanitarian convoy,
Well, at least one, do you hear? - one,
I came to Alchevsk for the residents.
But I'm afraid to talk about it
I’m also ashamed to ask the LPR.
What if the Ukrainian DRG,
They'll start shooting at me from the bushes
There is so much I want to say...
But you can’t... It’s such a shame.

Ukrainian mothers...

Ukrainian mothers, wake up!
There are a thousand reasons for this.
The junta is growing wild in that Verkhovna Rada
And exterminates all Ukrainian men
There will be no husband, son and father
And you can’t rock your grandchildren on your lap.
Wake up women, I ask you
The men in your villages will die.
Who will you give birth to?
After all, everyone was killed...
It's time for you to get up yourself
Take your men from Donbass.
Bring them home!
Let them not shoot at their brother
Donbass is still too tough for them
Yes, and God will give them retribution

Answer adults...
What could be scarier in the world?
Although I know the answer myself...
Hungry and dying children...
War is sweeping through Donbass
With your bloody black mouth
Can't get enough
Enveloping the earth in evil.
And the Kyiv junta is getting richer
Zombifying your own people
Oh, Lord, what will happen next?
What will the dominance of dirt lead to?
I dream so much about a happy childhood...
Write not adults, but children's poems.
But I can’t do it yet, it doesn’t work!!!
God save us, save us and preserve us!

Dear residents of Moscow!
Dear residents of Russia!

Help the children of the militias,
Help them go to school
Donate stationery and cookies
They need notebooks and albums,
Paints, pens and pencils
Well, give them some more candy.
Let the kids rejoice!
Their fathers are fighting the occupier
Defend their land and their home!
Help the children of the militias,
Give them hope and warmth!

Volunteers from Surgut

I know firsthand about Volunteers
I meet them, I see their goodness
They save those who are in dire need
They bring joy and warmth into the home
My godmother told me
About Lena, Vadim and others
We arrived from distant Surgut
Save the people!!!
We can only say, Thank you!
And bow to them.
Risking their lives, sometimes they die
And the Nazis are trying to capture them,
But our Volunteers are not afraid!
They simply don’t care about risk or fear!!!

A child walks through a destroyed house.
The eyes are not children and adults sight.
Answer him America, Europe,
What is he, baby, guilty of before you?...
The whole world is crying over the terrorist attacks in Paris.....
We are also very sorry for these people.
Why don’t you see deaths in Donbass?
Innocently murdered little children!
Donbass does not want to live on the values ​​of Europe.
After all, he has his own values.
America, Europe! already tried,
carry your valuables to foreign countries.
What happened???
Now while you are fighting the egil,
Nazism from Ukraine, the heat is breathing down your back!

Bogdana Neshcheret. 9 years. 4th grade. Private of the "Ghost" brigade.

Time flies. The third year has already passed since the beginning of the end of the former, prosperous and prosperous Ukraine. The “children of Maidan” have already grown old and given birth to their own children. The rulers of Nenki have already managed to rewrite history and introduce an ideology of hatred towards their past, without giving even a hint of a bright future. But apart from these dubious “peremogs”, nothing changes in my former country.

In the perverted consciousness of Ukrainian patriotism, brought to the point of bloodthirsty fanaticism, a simple truth does not fit: in the Donbass there are no terrorists and separatists, there are people who do not accept foreign and alien views, beliefs and concepts. And while parts of “that” Ukraine do not understand this, today’s realities of the mining region will be accepted as “Russian propaganda” and “involvement in hostilities”: even children stood up to defend their Motherland. Bogdana Neshcheret often becomes the heroine of stories and publications for a reason. She was only 9 years old when she received a “militia certificate.” Today, the story about her was picked up by Ukrainian journalists, twisting the girl’s story inside out according to their post-Maidan tradition.

Why today? Because the day before, Bogdan was awarded the medal “For Courage and Courage” for services to the Motherland and Fatherland on behalf of the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans.

Not every adult is courageous on the battlefield, but here is a little girl. Something absolutely incomprehensible to those who call themselves patriots in Ukraine today. They are painfully ashamed to admit to themselves that even children rebelled against their doomed neo-fascist way of life with enviable courage.

Young "ghost"

A little less than a year ago, children from schools and boarding schools in Alchevsk, Lugansk came to the headquarters of Alexey Mozgovoy’s “Ghost” brigade people's republic. They brought gifts and crafts to congratulate the defenders of Lugansk land and remind them that they are fighting for a just cause. Among the gifts was a letter from nine-year-old schoolgirl Bogdana Neshcheret.

“Hello, Uncle Lyosha! Bogdanka writes to you! Happy New Year! I give you my beloved friend Levchik. He is very lucky! Lyovochka was the mascot of the Olympics in Sochi, and Russia won, I took him to school and brought him A's, and now I give him to you - let him bring us victory. I know that Novorossiya will win! I love you and the girls and I say – “Uncle Lyosha Mozgovoy is the strongest and coolest”! Please win! Bogdanka".

Uncle Lesha liked the letter so much that he met the girl and invited her to the Puppet Theater in Lugansk. After 5 months, Mozgovoy will be gone. He will be killed on May 23. The next number, the 24th, will remain circled in the shape of a heart on the wall calendar - the day when Bogdana was expecting an invited guest on her ninth birthday.

Washing her face with tears, Bogdana spoke at his funeral, reading her poems:

Ode to Donbass

Donbass is burning, Donbass is in tears,
Our steppes are burning.
The mother is crying, the wife is in tears,
And our children are dying.
The Nazi is coming, the horde is crawling,
Sweeping away all living things.
Forgive us, Mother Earth,
Why are they doing this?
Do not conquer Donbass to enemies,
The people will not kneel!
And there will be PEACE, and there will be MOTHER,
And the children will run!

Main decision

During the summer holidays, Bogdana asked the new command of the Prizrak brigade to allow her to help in the kitchen. “I have my own responsibilities here: I help our soldiers in any way I can and by doing this I support the fighting spirit of the brigade. In addition, I sometimes help women in the kitchen peel potatoes, cook, and wash dishes. The only thing I don’t like is washing the floors and railings at the headquarters,” says “Dotsya”.

This is what Bogdana is called in the militia, where she decided to follow her father after the death of Alexei Mozgovoy. “I want to be brave and courageous, like Alexey Borisovich. After all, Uncle Lesha loved his people. He was a friend to the people. And I believe in the victory of Novorossiya, since the path to victory is paved for us by the deep memory of Alexei Mozgov, true patriot and the hero of Novorossiya,” she says in one of her interviews.

Now she is studying at primary school, but tries with all his might to help his native Lugansk People's Republic. For the modest “salary” she received in the Prizrak brigade, Bogdana bought three backpacks and stationery for low-income first-graders in her Svitanok educational complex.

A child who has done thousands of times more for his home, for his Motherland, than one of the smallest politicians in Ukraine over the past two years. Under the adult gaze of a child, one must be able to distinguish “propaganda” from true courage and patriotism.

Friends! I ask everyone who is concerned about the fate of Novorossiya to spread this information! One of these days it will be a year since the commander of the "Ghost" - Alexey Mozgovoy - passed away! If his memory is dear to you, we must all help stop this shameful persecution!

On the anniversary of the murder of Alexei Mozgovoy, ill-wishers launched a persecution of the favorite of the Prizrak brigade, Bogdana Neshcheret.

Nine-year-old Bogdana Neshcheret has long become a symbol not only of the Prizrak brigade, but of the entire Novorossiya. Thanks to personal acquaintance and even friendship with the brigade commander Alexei Mozgov. IN short term she became everyone's favorite. Her portrait next to the legendary brigade commander can be seen throughout Alchevsk. The poster says "We will live forever." The photograph was taken on May 9 last year, less than two weeks before the death of the Ghost commander.

“I first wrote him a letter,” Bogdana recalls, “I congratulated him on the New Year, it was in 2014... I just... wanted to wish him a Happy New Year... I wrote it. My uncle served in the “Ghost” brigade and he took the letter to Uncle Lesha.” .

Here is the text of that famous letter:

"Hello, Uncle Lyosha! Bogdanka is writing to you! I wish you a happy New Year! I give you my beloved friend Levchik. He is very lucky! Lyovochka was the mascot of the Sochi Olympics, and Russia won, I took him to school and brought straight A’s, and Now I give it to you - let him bring us victory. I know Novorossiya will win! I love you and the girls say: “Uncle Lyosha Mozgovoy is the strongest and coolest”! Please win!

“Then we met him at the wedding of a militiaman, our friend, there I danced with him. Then I called him and said: “Uncle Lesha, I was the princess at Uncle Edik’s wedding.” Then I composed a poem and on May 9th I told him Then we went to the parade, where I took a photo with him. He called me and asked how I was doing. We were very friends, he often came to visit,” Bogdana recalls.

May 24 was Bogdana’s birthday. She was waiting for Uncle Lesha, but he did not come. On May 23, Alexei Mozgovoy died as a result of an assassination attempt on the Alchevsk-Lugansk highway, along with his press secretary, two security guards and the driver. In the brigade commander’s office there was a desk calendar with a slider frozen on the number “23”, and the number “24” was circled with a heart with the caption “Bogdana’s birthday”.

After Mozgovoy’s death, Bogdana decided to continue his work and join the “Ghost” brigade. They gave her a “militia member’s ID” and gave her a “Docha” badge (that’s what they called her in the brigade). She quickly became the “face” of the brigade. Everyone loved her and treated her like my own daughter. Bogdana helped the militias in any way she could - in the kitchen, washing the floors, bringing something, etc. She just liked being among the militias.

At the same time, the girl continued to study at school. As a private in the brigade, Bogdana even received a salary. She used it to buy school supplies for low-income students of their native educational complex "Svitanok".

Despite young age, Bogdana understands perfectly what is happening in the country and is growing up as a true patriot of her land:

“Donbass will win! Donbass is Novorossiya! Every time I hear about the DPR and LPR, I say that this is all one Novorossiya! As Uncle Lesha said, there will be a Novorossiya, no matter what,” says the girl.

I ask: “Where do you see yourself in the Novorossiya of the future when you grow up?”

“If there is no war, I don’t know yet. If there is a war, I want to defend Donbass like Uncle Lesha! I’m small now, machine guns are heavy. I can’t shoot yet, but I will help,” she replies.

Probably everyone who was at the funeral of the brigade commander in Alchevsk remembered this little crying girl, who lost one of her closest people. Here is the poem read by Bogdana at the funeral ceremony:

Donbass is burning, Donbass is in tears,
Our steppes are burning.
The mother is crying, the wife is in tears,
And our children are dying.
The Nazi is coming, the horde is crawling,
Sweeping away all living things.
Forgive us, Mother Earth,
Why are they doing this?
Do not conquer Donbass to enemies,
The people will not kneel!
And there will be PEACE, and there will be MOTHER,
And the children will run!

“I want to be brave and courageous, like Alexey Borisovich. After all, Uncle Lyosha loved his people. He was a friend to the people. And I believe in the victory of Novorossiya, since the path to victory is paved for us by the deep memory of Alexey Mozgov, a true patriot and hero of Novorossiya ", she says.

In a short time, a little girl in camouflage with militia chevrons became a “star”: people came to her, interviewed her, took photographs, and invited her to read poetry at events. Bogdana became a real symbol of Novorossiya; both Donbass and Russia admired her: in Moscow they recognized her and asked her to be photographed. Ukrainian propagandists angrily gnashed their teeth, saying that the “separatists” are forcing even children to fight...

Unfortunately, people quickly emerged who wanted to use her fame for personal gain, taking advantage of her naivety and defenselessness. A year ago, when Mozgovoy was alive, he would not have allowed this. But one of these days it will be a year since Mozgovoy has been gone. There is no “Ghost” brigade itself - it was disbanded, leaving only a territorial defense battalion with the same name, and literally a month before the mournful anniversary, a certain humanitarian worker Olga Zahran (call sign “Pchelka”), a native of the city, began to exert unprecedented pressure and persecution on Bogdana. Krasny Luch (LPR), now a citizen of the Russian Federation, living in Sochi.

“When we were invited to Moscow, Igor Ivanovich Strelkov invited us, Olga Nikolaevna Zahran went with me…” says Bogdana.

“Where did she come from?” I ask.

“They gave me humanitarian aid through her... There... sweets, toys... After that, my grandmother said: you can come to us for overnight stays. So she lived with us for eight months. She came and then left...” the girl answers.

Olga Zahran actively promoted herself on Bogdan. She went everywhere with Bogdana, called herself her godmother, starred in TV shows with her, and asked for money under her name. People saw that since she was with Bogdana, it meant she could be trusted and they helped.

At the same time, she lived at Bogdana’s house at the expense of her relatives. I begged my grandmother for silver and jewelry. Grandma took pity on her and gave her away, and she also took Bogdanka’s chain with a gold cross.

“In general, we went to Moscow to kind of have a rest,” continues Bogdana, “then she dragged me to St. Petersburg, didn’t even say anything why, and there they interviewed me... Five interviews in a day. I was sick then, but Aunt Olya She didn’t take me to the doctor, but just filled me with medicine. I remember that I spoke poorly then. She asked everyone to leave and began to threaten me: “If you don’t say that it’s not you who is writing poetry, I’ll throw your family into the basement, and you. in Moscow I’ll put him in a children’s psychiatric hospital.

Then she began to set conditions for my family: so that I did not write poetry, so that I did not wear a uniform, so that I did not go to the “ghost”, so that I forgot about Uncle Lyosha. She, out of the blue, started saying nasty things about me, that these were not my poems, that my family were alcoholics, that I myself was mentally retarded, etc. She said that she spent a lot of money on us... to buy food. Although she received food from humanitarian aid..."

As a result, “Bee” decided to go into politics - to run for mayor of Krasny Luch. Of course, she decided to use Bogdana for her PR campaign. Bogdana refused to be photographed with her for an election poster, as well as to beg for humanitarian aid. After that, “Bee” went wild...

In her interviews, she stated that the girl was simply being used own parents that her grandmother writes poetry for her, and the image of the girl as a whole is a scam. Her interview was happily quoted by Ukrainian propaganda publications, for which these revelations were a real gift:

“After I found out the truth that Bogdana does not write poetry, I tried to talk to her relatives and peacefully resolve this issue, so that Bogdana would simply step aside and remain just a child, a symbol of Donbass in the past tense. But they did not listen to me. After which I am forced to admit my mistakes. Being deceived, I deceived you, friends, not out of malice,” Zahran said.

“Bee” said that she wrote to the head of the LPR, Plotnitsky, and ensured that the girl’s awards, previously given to her by Mozgov himself, were taken away from her. Based on her complaint, Bogdana was banned from speaking publicly and reading poetry. In addition, Zahran accused Bogdana of being mentally retarded, that she had a “C” in Russian, that she “doesn’t know how to inflect sentences,” which means she couldn’t write poetry. She also threatened Bogdana’s family with “juvenile terror” and stated everywhere that the relatives had damaged the child’s psyche and that the child urgently needed a psychologist. Finally, she urged people not to send any more money and humanitarian aid the girl's relatives.

Apparently, this was not enough for “Bee”, and she declared real war on the ten-year-old girl.

Based on a tip from Zahran, unknown people came to Bogdana’s home with a search (as it turned out, the prosecutor’s office of the city of Alchevsk) - supposedly looking for weapons, they came to Bogdana’s school, and interrogated her for a long time. It is worth noting that the girl behaved very confidently and answered questions from unknown employees for more than an hour. The Commissioner for Children's Rights threatened Bogdana's parents to take her away. As a result, Bogdana was forced to leave the territory of the LPR.

“On her tip, local security forces came to our house and looked for weapons, although we never had weapons,” says the girl. “They came to school to interrogate me. Everything I said was written down. They interrogated me for two hours, asked about me, about the “Ghost” brigade. Two hours later they said: go, rest, then we’ll talk again. But my dad came and took me. Then they took me to Donetsk...”

From a message from a militiaman with the call sign “Bryansk”: “The girl was taken out, now in Donetsk. This topic cannot be left... For if I were at least a senior officer of the SBU and had my own agent in Alchevsk, the girl would become cargo-200, and in In Lugansk and the Russian Federation, a popular revolt would begin... Plus this Olya “Bee” Zahran came yesterday evening with Balu and other men with weapons (Balu is wanted in the Russian Federation and the DPR for contract killings) to Bogdana’s house. Thank God, we managed to get the girl. take it out... If anything, and if it continues, Roach (the head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsey - approx.) will not hear the voice of the people, will not understand that he needs to blow off specks of dust from Bogdana - she is ready to make any statement, up to a request for political asylum . Let's think about what we will do next..."

Our meeting takes place in the apartment of caring people, local volunteers, who, taking risks, took Bogdana to Donetsk, where she is no longer in danger. For security reasons, their names and meeting place are not disclosed.

“Bogdana is a symbol of Novorossiya. If she doesn’t exist, there won’t be a Novorossiya, this is a collapse!” the girl’s friends say. “The Ukrops have already tried to take advantage of the situation. They understand that to overthrow Bogdana is an excellent reason for an internal war. They are now trying to make noise. Like, are you completely crazy? “Terrorists” are fighting with children. Although who would say. On May 9, they tore off ribbons from children and doused them with green paint and beat veterans.”

I ask if there were any attempts to kidnap the child?

“Even in Alchevsk, some people with weapons were hanging around her. They took Bogdanka out, and the next day they came into their house with weapons. And the other day, here in Donetsk, some guys allegedly came from “Ghost,” they said , that they are ready to protect Bogdana, take her to school in a car. They remembered, damn it. Where were you before?” the girl’s new bodyguards answer.

“How do the LPR authorities comment on the situation?”

“No way! Apparently, Plotnitsky himself hasn’t quite figured out what kind of child he’s talking about.” we're talking about, and what's going on. And if he understands, he doesn’t know how to get out of this situation. This “Bee” really set up the entire leadership of the republic. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s sent to Russia and has an accident along the way. This will make it easier for everyone. They are now waiting for the child to return. The child will not return there until Plotnitsky puts her under protection. Or she will be here under the protection of Zakhar, who certainly will not give the child any harm,” they answer me.

On May 9, Bogdana went to the Parade with her new friends. Many people here are aware of the situation. Everyone supports Bogdan. She is recognized on the streets.

“After the Parade, we went to the school, where the children performed. And they asked me: will you perform? I said yes. I performed. And they gave me a medal. People came up to take pictures, recognized them, and said: thank you for raising morale,” says Bogdana.

This is what is written in the award order: “For strengthening the combat readiness and morale of the unit, award Nescheret Bogdana Romanovna with the medal “For Military Merit of Novorossia.” This is not an exaggeration. Bogdana raised and continues to lift the spirit of the soldiers. Not only of the Ghost brigade. Looking for such children, you understand why the war is being waged here. You understand that it is for the sake of their future that Donbass is fighting, and that tomorrow, when they grow up, they will be the first to come to its defense.

It is not even the persecution organized by Olga Zahran out of envy and bitterness that causes bewilderment, indignation and a feeling of burning shame. First of all, it’s a shame for those security officials who consider it normal to conduct a search and interrogate a child. For those officials who turn a blind eye, or even directly participate in this shameful act, which casts a shadow on the very idea of ​​the existence of people's republics, which only plays into the hands of their enemies and creates a split within those who should defend Donbass shoulder to shoulder, defend Bogdan and thousands of other children who believed in them.

Now Bogdan is under reliable protection. But she misses home, where she cannot return until her safety is guaranteed. Next week will be her birthday. And the day before that was the anniversary of her murder best friend- Uncle Lesha Mozgovoy. They promise to open a monument in Alchevsk. The comrades of the legendary brigade commander will probably gather at the funeral meeting; will they remember Bogdan? Will they lend a helping hand? Did justice really die with Mozgov? Pride? Honor?

Hey, you are there, in Alchevsk and Lugansk! Maybe you will finally move and do at least something to justify the people of the republic? So that the people can feel safe, if not from Ukrainian punitive forces, then at least from internal “well-wishers”?

Now I began to understand what it means to “remember and be proud.”

People, there is no need to grieve, the enemy should not have fun.

Our “Ghost” will not let us down, we will carry the memory together.

And our people will remember Uncle Lyosha Mozgovoy.

Now I began to understand

What does it mean to remember and be proud,

People, there is no need to grieve,

The enemy shouldn't have fun...

Bogdana Nesheret

A regrettable and shameful tendency has long been evident - to confuse the symbols of the Russian Spring, the symbols of New Russia, with mud. It seems that everything is being done to ensure that society forgets its true ideals, loses faith in its heroes and, finally, turns away completely, as if from the “Mordor” that Ukrainian propaganda is trying to portray Novorossia as.

Another shameful, out-of-the-ordinary story is now unfolding before our eyes. “Out of the ordinary” - because this time the victim of unscrupulous persecution and defamation was not one of the prominent commanders who could somehow stand up for themselves, public figures, but a 10-year-old girl. "A girl from the land of honest people", the favorite of Brigade Commander Alexei Mozgovoy, a little fighter and poet of that New Russia for which the Russian people rose two years ago. Bogdana Neshcheret.

It just so happened that after Mozgovoy’s death, the girl captured with him on famous photograph, the girl who was remembered by everyone by reading his childish, but such piercing poems to his memory at the funeral meeting, became one of the symbols of that cherished New Russia, for which the Brigade Commander fought, and which was orphaned with his departure.

Donbass is burning, Donbass is in tears

Our steppes are burning.

Mother wife crying in tears

And our children are dying.

A Nazi is coming, a horde is crawling,

Sweeping away all living things.

Forgive us, Mother Earth,

Why are they doing this?

Do not conquer Donbass to enemies,

The people will not kneel!

And there will be PEACE, and there will be MOTHER,

And the children will run!

On the eve of 2015, Bogdana wrote to Alexey Borisovich touching letter, to which he was not slow to respond. The girl dreamed of entering Donskoy cadet corps and wrote her first poems, full of pain for her Motherland. It is not surprising that the warrior-poet Mozgovoy felt a kindred spirit in her. Bogdana became one of his people in his brigade. Alas, the friendship between the girl and the famous commander was not destined to be long - the fateful day of May 23 broke it off, leaving only a memory to which the young poetess turned out to be more faithful than other adult and strong men.

Since then sad days she, everything free time who spent time at the location of the “Ghost” brigade, helped in the kitchen and proudly wore a militia uniform, became famous. They visited her often different people, articles were written about her and reports were filmed. Among the people who came into the life of the girl and her family was the Deputy President charitable foundation internationalist warriors “Bee” - in the world Olga Zahran, a native of Krasny Luch, now a citizen of the Russian Federation, living in Sochi.

“Aunt Olya” showed increased interest in the girl - she presented her with two medals, took photographs, starred in programs, and lived for some time in the house of Bogdana’s family. And then she took the little heroine to Moscow and St. Petersburg, where numerous photo sessions and joint video performances followed each other at the speed of a kaleidoscope. It should be noted that the humanitarian movement represented by Olga, of course, benefited a lot from such advertising.

And, just a few weeks after returning from that memorable tour, a 42-year-old woman declared war... on a 10-year-old girl. On her page on the social network VKontakte, “Aunt Olya” announced that she had solved a terrible “crime.” It turns out that Bogdana did not write her poems herself, but her “evil” grandmother, who decided to use her granddaughter for fraudulent purposes, composed them for her! They say that Bogdana admitted this to her herself, and in addition she has a “C” in Russian, she “can’t inflect sentences”, which means, what kind of poetry can there be?! You can’t say anything, “sensational investigation of Olga Zahran”!

Before continuing the story of meanness, I will say a few words about Bogdana’s poems. One venerable Luhansk poet, having read them without indicating the authorship, immediately determined: the poems of a child from 8 to 12 years old. Having some connection to the poetic field and having started trying my hand at it exactly at the age of eight, I can also express an expert opinion - this is exactly how children write at this age, if, of course, they have been given at least some gift from above. Of course, children first of all show their verses to their elders - mothers and grandmothers. And they give advice - replace the word, correct the rhyme, etc. What could be more natural? Exactly the same as in any normal family happens in Bogdana’s family. And let’s talk about “C” grades in the Russian language... Our other genius poets and the writers were generally “uneducated” people. And it’s not worth talking about the spelling and punctuation of a significant part of modern writers.

But it’s apparently impossible for “Aunt Olya” to understand this. What can you do, a person is far from the subject, it happens. But for some reason the fictitious “crime” infuriated Ms. Zahran so much that when you visit her page, you get the feeling that she is fighting not with a 10-year-old child, but with a seasoned bandit. The hardworking “Bee,” instead of honey, brings more and more dirt to the Internet, demands that her “revelations” be reposted, Bogdana’s videos be removed from everywhere, etc. In addition, “Aunt Olya” claims that the family and grandmother damaged the child’s psyche, that the child needs a psychologist, and the child needs saving. “You’re bringing juvenile terror!” One must assume that it is precisely such “guardians” who take away unfortunate children from their parents in “civilized countries” under fantastic pretexts...

Reading all these streams of “compromising evidence”, the question naturally arises: why did the 10-year-old girl so “annoy” the 42-year-old successful lady that she turned all her energy into a frantic fight against her, as if from the authorship of her poems, from her Does the future of either “the country and the world” or “Aunt Olya” herself depend on it? However, let this question remain open.

It would be possible to completely brush aside the annoying “Bee” if she had not gained support for her action in the person of... the “state” system of the LPR. First, Ms. Zahran demanded that the girl return the awards she had “illegally” received. On this occasion, representatives of the prosecutor's office came to the school where Bogdana studies and had a conversation with her teachers and the director educational institution. The girl herself, following her grandmother and other relatives, was also summoned to the prosecutor’s office exactly at Good Friday. The young poetess wrote this about what was happening around her:

Crows are flying around me,

And there are jackals prowling near the house.

Did I hit the whole animal?

Or maybe the truth just got to them?

All those that the world calls obscenity?

Vultures are lurking around, hoping I'm weak.

Their goal is to bring me to my knees...

No, they can’t do it!!! There is a God. I am God's servant!!!

And I won’t let them cast shadows into the light.

Satan has no power over the soul.

Of course, this whole vile story became a real gift for the Ukrainian media, which vying with each other, began to joyfully report on another scandal “in the ranks of the militants”, where “the well-known member of the “LPR” Olya Novorosskaya” exposed “almost the main ideological asset” of the republic. “A supporter of the “LPR,” they write respectfully in Ukrainian publications about Ms. Zahran, “wrote a letter to Igor Plotnitsky and other terrorist leaders so that they would influence the situation and take away all the awards from the little girl. Based on Olya Novorosskaya’s complaint, Bogdana was prohibited from speaking publicly and reading her poems.”

Bogdana’s family returned the medals to “Aunt Olya,” but the harassment with the connection of all the resources of the notorious System, which Mozgovoy once spoke so vividly about, continues. To date, representatives have visited the girl’s house already four departments: prosecutor's office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Gorano and Gorgaz. All that is missing is the Ministry of State Security and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station... It is perhaps difficult to imagine a wilder picture: all the power of the so-called. of the “people’s republic” was thrown into a fight not with an external enemy, not with bandits, drug dealers, bribe-takers, but... with a 10-year-old child, whose “fault” is that she writes poetry, is not afraid to tell the truth and believes, repeating for Uncle Lyosha, brigade commander Mozgov, that Novorossiya - will be!

"Kill the soul"- these are the words of Bogdana herself about the campaign launched against her. You can't say more precisely. And now, the question is, does no one really care about the unheard-of and shameful outrage that is being committed against “a girl from the country of honest people”? Doesn’t it matter that people with their consciences scorched to the ground kill the soul of a child?

Someone dropped the phrase that if the Brigade Commander had been alive, he would not have allowed such lawlessness. Yes, he wouldn't allow it. And it is symbolic that the persecution of his favorite was launched precisely on the eve of his treacherous murder. However, is there really no one besides him to “prevent”? After all, there are still all of us - who remember what we fought for in the Fourteenth, who continue to fight in spite of everything even now, who did not sell ourselves for a hearty ration and those who fear not for their skin, but for their honor. “I am a man, the people are with me!”- these words were once called upon by Mozgovoy to be repeated after him. This motto-password is very relevant today. "I am human!" - Bogdana tells us. And the people are with her. We are with her. And we will not allow the clever and shameless trolls of the System, no matter what they call themselves and no matter what goals they hide behind, to mock a courageous and talented girl and in her person Once again they tried to confuse our Novorossiya with mud, that Novorossiya that... will exist, no matter what!

Elena Semyonova,