How can one get into a monastery as a novice? How can a man enter a monastery: is it worth renouncing worldly life? Preparation for monastic life

Most often, the desire to forever leave the world of routine and ordinary human passions by becoming a monk arises out of severe mental trauma and disappointment in one’s life. Indeed, sometimes unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled hopes, betrayal from loved ones or awareness of our own shortcomings pushes us to desperate actions. And the desire to become a monk, although wonderful in itself, is still often a desperate step. Today we will talk about how a man can leave for a new life, how to prepare for a new life, and most importantly, how to understand that this is really what you need.

The most important thing to know before asking the clergy to accept you into a monastery is that a person “from the street” who suddenly decided to renounce worldly life will not be tonsured a monk right away. You will be asked to undergo a fairly long probationary period, which can last several years. This is necessary not only so that the clergy are convinced of the purity of your intentions; a probationary period is needed, first of all, for you.

When a believer attends services and spends a little time in a monastery, it may seem to him that the life of monks is peace, peace of mind, confidence in the future and righteousness. He feels uplifted and joyful, so the desire to stay in the monastery forever seems quite natural. However, in reality everything is not so simple. But let's talk about everything in order. First, let's look at what stages of preparation a person needs to go through to start new life as an Orthodox monk:

It is also worth considering that the monastery is much more willing to accept people over 30 years of age. This is due to the fact that at this age a person already has some life experience, so his decisions are more conscious. In addition, before you are tonsured a monk, you need to live in a monastery for at least five years. Over such a long period of time, you will be able to see for sure whether you are really ready to live the rest of your days, obeying a strict routine and renouncing everything worldly. If a very young guy wants to go to the monastery, then the permission of his parents will be required.

The Church is always ready to accept into its fold people who sincerely wish to devote their lives to serving God. However, there are some restrictions regarding those whose intentions are not so pure, those who have important unfinished business in worldly life, and people who have made a decision due to unstable emotional state. Let's look at a few examples:

The most important thing is a sincere desire to devote oneself. Before a man enters a monastery, he must make sure that nothing holds him back in the world, no one depends on him, he is ready to humbly fulfill all the demands of the monastery leadership and accept his new life. It is important to understand that monasticism is not only peace, tranquility and prayer, it is also a constant struggle with one’s own pride.

What is obedience? Answering this question is not at all easy. On the one hand, it is one of the most important virtues of a Christian and, at the same time, one of the main requirements for his personality. On the other hand, the word “obedience” evokes either a conscious or unconscious protest among many. After all, in every person nature itself provides mechanisms that cause resistance to coercion. Having heard only one word “obedience,” many immediately mentally think of the most extreme option, which involves abandoning one’s own will. So what is this concept? How does church teaching explain it?

Definition of the concept

What is obedience? IN Orthodox Church This term refers to the execution of orders of a certain kind. The very word “obedience” already means obedience and submission. In church practice, this term means certain work or duties that are assigned to a novice of a monastery or monk. He performs them to atone for some act or sin. Then prayer and obedience are imposed on the person.

For ordinary people The meaning of this word is to form a certain position based on conviction. In other words, when answering the question “what is obedience for the average citizen?” It can be explained that this is a certain order, which consists in the subordination of a lower-ranking employee to a higher-ranking one.

However, this term still primarily relates to life in a monastery. It is not worth transferring it purely mechanically to the ordinary world.

Achieving a happy life

There is hardly a person who would not wish for health and prosperity, a successful marriage, obedient and good children, peace on our planet, peace in the heart and many other benefits. In relation to believers, we can also mention here the receipt of grace, salvation and unity with the Creator. Many people strive for this, put all their strength and effort into it, but never get the desired result. The Bible reveals to us the secret of failure. From its first pages to its last, one pattern can be traced. It is about receiving God's blessing through obedience to him.

The end of earthly paradise and happy life dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. These first people expressed disobedience to the Spiritual Father. With this they marked the beginning of disasters for the entire human race. And so it was until Jesus Christ redeemed people by his obedience to the Heavenly Father. By this, he made it possible for those who were subdued to His heart to regain their lost paradise, but not the earthly one, but the heavenly one.

Definition of obedience

What is the essence of this concept? As mentioned above, the meaning of the word “obedience” comes down to submission and obedience. This concept is the submission of one's will to the instructions of another, proven in practice.

What is obedience? This is the basis on which a person’s good relationship is formed, first of all, with God. Indeed, using the example of the Bible, we see that those who violate holy obedience receive pain and suffering, damnation and death. For such a seemingly insignificant act of Adam and Eve, people have been living in sorrows and suffering, illnesses and hard work, wars and dissatisfaction, which ultimately ends in death. This is the price of disobedience. After all, God does not have unnecessary and insignificant prohibitions. He does not allow only that which will not bring happiness to His creation. In this regard, it becomes clear why it is so important to realize the meaning of Christian obedience and learn to hear the Creator, joyfully obeying his will. This should be happiness for every person.

Obedience training

God has always sought to create right relationships between himself and man. Immediately he taught him, and then he tested obedience to his Word. And if a person lost the Highest blessing, then he immediately doomed himself to an unhappy existence, subsequently finding himself at God’s judgment. This was the case during the antediluvian world, and this continues today.

The Bible also addresses this issue. It says that, leading the people out of Egypt, God gave them a law on Mount Sinai. These are the commandments of God, the fulfillment of which will allow people to live in blessing and happiness. A lot of time has passed since then. The people of Israel received the land of Canaan for themselves. However, the principle of obedience remains unchanged for everyone today.

Knowing God

It first of all becomes clear when studying the Holy Scriptures. Anyone who makes any choice or action that is contrary to this canon is disobeying the will of God.

What should a candidate for tonsure do? The novice must strictly adhere to the rules. In addition, he must participate in the Sacraments of the Church and in divine services. One of the activities of such a person is also monastic obedience.

During this period, future monks must fully follow the instructions of their spiritual mentor and the abbot himself. This is also a time when a person should especially carefully monitor his thoughts and himself. Indeed, during such a period, the foundation of his future life is created.

Monasticism is a special type of feat, a special calling. A person begins to ascend to God for various reasons, but his goal is always the same. A monk, according to the Gospel, strives for moral improvement and acquisition of the grace of the Holy Spirit. And he goes to this by cutting off his own will, leaving the familiar world, through intense work and prayers.

Work in the monastery

What is it like, the day of obedience? For the inhabitants of the monastery, work is an integral part of life. A variety of obediences are imposed on the brethren. They are necessary not only to create material wealth that allows all members of the monastery to exist. Coming to a monastery, a person brings here everything that has accumulated in his soul. All his passions are nothing more than a consequence of a change in human nature by some kind of sin, for example, addictions. And only through selfless work can the soul and body become free. Obedience cuts off sinful will and desire, defeats self-love and pride, as well as self-pity. During this period, a person, if he wants, will learn spiritual art. Only after this will he begin to look at all things simply.

Obedience is the name for various work in the monastery. But whatever it is, it will certainly be connected with the organization of worship and internal monastic life. This could be church singing or work in a church, in the kitchen, in a bakery, in a vegetable garden, in cowsheds, as well as in various workshops (icon painting, sewing, etc.) Almost any profession becomes in demand in the monastery.

Serving for the good of the monastery is God's special calling. But you shouldn’t think that life in a monastery is very difficult. What is difficult here is not the work, but the change in one’s will. After all, the novice will have to do in uncomplaining obedience everything that his sisters, brothers or fathers order him. The reward for all this will be humility, peace and peace of mind.


Due to the wrong attitude towards the obediences that are imposed in the monastery, a person can leave this saving and grace-filled path. Then he leaves the monastery. But everyone who intends to take monastic vows should understand that fulfilling obediences is nothing more than sacrificial service to God and the brethren. This allows us to fulfill the commandments of Christ.

But novice labor alone is not enough. This period in a person’s life must be accompanied by constant prayers, which are the basis of monastic life.

During obedience, a person must actively and carefully study the canons of the Holy Scriptures, as well as the ascetic works created by the holy fathers. These are, for example, the “Orders” written by Abba Dorotheos, the “Acts” of the Venerable Theodore the Studite, etc.

When a newly minted novice accepts a cassock, a certain ritual is performed. It is called the “change of garments”, as well as the “taking off of the world.” At the same time, the worker or laborer must make three low bows before the Altar and one to the abbot or abbess, accepting from his or her hands the rosary, skufya, monastic belt and cassock. From this time on, a person stops wearing worldly clothes.

Sometimes this ceremony is carried out using additional actions. If this is provided for by the rules of the monastery, then the novice is dressed in a hood and cassock. This is done with the written consent of the future monk. From this moment on, the novice is called a monk or a ryassophore. Such a rank imposes great responsibility on a person.

The abbot always carefully observes the completion of the novitiate. And only after he sees a person’s readiness to accept the angelic image, he himself or together with the Spiritual Council presents the candidate in a letter to the ruling bishop. This message asks for the blessing of a person to take monastic vows.

The period of novitiate is special in the life of each of the future monks. Afterwards, many fondly remember this time. After all, obedience is not a sacrifice at all. Everything is done according to one’s own will, receiving great grace in return. That is why every future monk should obey his mentors, who care about the soul of the novice.

Of course, obedience in a monastery means performing certain tasks for which the abbot blesses people. However, most of all, this direction should be considered as the main part of the spiritual life of the brethren of the monastery, as well as the main path to human salvation.

Every novice strives to understand God's will. That is why he works hard on his desires and on himself. God wants every future monk to understand His will. And it will open up and penetrate into the novice thanks to spiritually experienced people, as well as through life circumstances, conscience and fulfillment of God’s commandments.


So what is obedience? This is the basis of the Christian religion, which presupposes the constant cooperation of man and God. It allows the Almighty to transform people and dwell in them.

Types of obedience are multifaceted. Moreover, they will all depend on Divine Providence. Obedience can be viewed in different aspects. This may be enduring sorrows forgiven by God, or undergoing a special type of feat while simultaneously following the advice of an experienced spiritual mentor or an elder with the gift of reasoning and insight. But, be that as it may, all available types of obedience are united by the fulfillment and exaction of the Divine will.

After a certain period of labor in the monastery, during which the firmness of the intention to completely devote one’s life to serving God is tested, by decision of the abbot or the Spiritual Council, a person can be accepted into the number of novices of the monastery. To do this, the worker submits a corresponding petition and expresses his consent to fulfill the regulations of the monastery he has chosen.

A novice is already a member of the brethren, preparing to become a monk and passing through new stage test - a test of how close this way of life is to him, how much of a calling he has for him. Usually the period of monastic ordination is at least three years, but it can be reduced to one year for those who have received spiritual education or is studying full-time in the spiritual department educational institution(another reason for a shorter period is a serious illness). Probation may be extended, the decision on this is made by the abbot of the monastery - individually or together with the Spiritual Council.

It should be immediately noted that those who wish to devote themselves to monastic feats should not be bound in the world by such circumstances as elderly parents, family and children under age left without help, debt and other civil obligations. All relations with the world must be resolved before entering the monastery.

Living in a monastery, a novice must strictly follow the rules. Moreover, even before tonsure, he can renounce his intention and return to the world without incurring any canonical punishment. In addition to being employed in monastic obediences, a candidate for tonsure participates in divine services and the Sacraments of the Church. During this period, he is under the special spiritual care of the abbot himself and the spiritual mentor assigned to him.

During the monastic experience, one must especially carefully monitor oneself and one’s thoughts and understand what exactly is in at the moment lays the foundation for all monastic life. Monasticism is a special calling, special kind feat. The circumstances of coming to the monastery may be different, but the goal of a monk is always, according to the word of the Gospel, the desire for moral perfection and the acquisition of the grace of the Holy Spirit by leaving the world, cutting off one’s will, through intense prayer and work.

The labor activity of novices and monks is an integral part of life within the walls of the monastery. The obediences imposed on the brethren are necessary not only because it is necessary to create some kind of material wealth to maintain existence. Coming to the monastery, a person brings with him his passions, which are the result of human nature changed by sin; habits that are detrimental to salvation. It is through selfless labor that the body, and with it the soul, are freed from passions, sinful will and desires are cut off, pride, self-love and self-pity are overcome. “General obedience contributes most of all to getting rid of pride. Through general obedience, a person learns spiritual art, if he wants, and when he looks at things simply...” (Reverend Ambrose of Optina). And often it is the wrong attitude towards the obediences imposed in the monastery that is the reason that a person, at the instigation of the enemy of the human race, leaves this grace-filled and saving path and leaves the monastery. Fulfillment of obediences is, first of all, sacrificial service to God and the brethren, in fulfillment of the commandments of Christ.

But novice work must be constantly accompanied by prayer, which is the foundation of monastic life.

During the monastic experience, the novice must try to carefully and actively study the Holy Scriptures and the ascetic works of the holy fathers, first of all, the Teachings of Abba Dorotheos, the “Catechumenate” of St. Theodore the Studite, and the “Ladder” St. John Sinai, “Guide to Spiritual Life...” by St. Barsanuphius the Great and John the Prophet (starting with answer 216), works St. Ephraim Sirin, the works of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov and others - with the advice and blessing of the abbot or abbess of the monastery.

When accepted as a novice, the wearing of a cassock is blessed. At the same time, a ritual is performed, which is called “changing the vestments” or “taking off the world”: the laborer (trudnitsa), having made three prostrations in the Altar in front of the Holy Throne (and the laborer in front of the Royal Doors) and one bow to the abbot (abbess), accepts from him ( her) hand cassock, monastic belt, skufya and rosary. From that moment on, he does not wear secular clothing in the monastery.

In some cases, if this is provided for by the internal regulations of the monastery, with the blessing of the ruling bishop and with the written consent of the novice, the rite of vesting him in a cassock and hood can be performed. After this, the novice is called a novice or monk, which imposes on him a more serious responsibility. When leaving the monastery, the novice no longer has the right to wear the special clothes in which he was dressed during the period of probation. The abbot of the monastery, carefully observing the novice's monastic experience and seeing his readiness to accept the angelic image, himself, or together with the Spiritual Council, presents the candidate in writing to the ruling bishop, asking for blessings for monastic tonsure.

The time of novitiate is a special period in the life of a monk. Many remember him fondly. Here is what, for example, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), the abbot of the Moscow Sretensky stauropegic monastery, writes about novitiate in his book “Unholy Saints”: “Novice must be recognized as a unique and, perhaps, the happiest time of monastic life. It is then that the monk will experience spiritual upswings and events that surpass all imagination, which a worldly person cannot even imagine. There will be victories and defeats in invisible ascetic warfare, amazing discoveries - of the world and of oneself. But still, the years of novitiate are incomparable to anything.

Once the elderly Patriarch Pimen was asked:

– Your Holiness, you have reached the highest level of the church hierarchy. But if you could choose now, what would you like to be?

The usually taciturn, self-absorbed patriarch answered without hesitation:

– Novice, guard at the lower gates of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery<...>

This only reminds us of the bright joy of a carefree childhood - life consists of nothing but wonderful discoveries in a new, endless and unknown world. By the way, two thousand years ago the apostles, in fact, for three years were the real novices of Jesus Christ. Their main occupation was to follow their Teacher and discover with joyful amazement His omnipotence and love.

Exactly the same thing happens with the novices of our days. The Apostle Paul made a great discovery: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. These words are confirmed by the entire history of Christianity. Times and people change, but Christ remains the same both for the generation of the first Christians and for our contemporaries.

True novices receive from God a priceless gift - holy carelessness, which is better and sweeter than any other freedom.”

1. Currently, the decision on admission to the number of novices is approved by the ruling bishop. The draft “Regulations on Monasteries and Monastics” proposes to transfer the right of final decision on the admission of novices to the abbot/abbess and Spiritual Council monastery Today this issue is within the competence of the Inter-Council Presence.

A. Pokrovskaya
Photo by A. Olshanskaya


Receive a blessing. Leaving is perceived by many as an escape from. A young handsome young man in church attire seems to be an unfortunate lost woman, thirsting for the light of the Lord. In fact, this is not true. The priest who blesses the departure monastery As a rule, he looks closely at the person who comes to him for quite a long time, trying to understand the true purpose of the decision. Having received the blessing, the future novice can move further on the path to the Church. If you decide that you are not ready for such changes in your life, you should back down.

Enroll in monastery novice. The confessor will advise in what monastery better go. With his blessing, you and the abbot will allow you to become a novice. Novitiation includes life in a monastery, work, prayer, fasting, Bible study and other activities. This period can last up to 5-10 years, and it happens that the novice during this period changes his decision and returns to the world. Often, a person is initially offered to become a laborer, that is, an assistant in work, and only then - a novice.

Take monastic vows. tonsure is a rite of passage. There are three successive degrees of monasticism: ryassophore (ryassophore) - this is a preparatory degree for accepting the lesser schema; a monk of the minor schema takes a vow of non-covetousness and obedience; a monk of the great schema or angelic image (schemamonk) takes a vow of renunciation of all worldly things. Taking tonsure is a symbolic action that indicates that a person will henceforth serve only the Lord. In a monastery it can only be performed by the abbot. Of course, a novice can only become a novice if he has received the blessing of his confessor, when he is convinced of his intentions and humility.

Please note

Removal of the clergy is an ejection from the ecclesiastical ranks. Voluntary cutting of hair is also possible by order of the church. After this ritual, the monk returns to the state in which he was before taking holy orders.

Useful advice

You need to prepare for monasticism long in advance: eat simple food, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not slander, pray and confess often. All this will make life easier for a young man or man entering monasticism.


  • Priests on monasticism

Many monasteries have their own websites, and if you decide to join a monastery, write about yourself to the email address of the monastery you are interested in so that its leadership can make a decision.

Care in monastery- this is a serious decision, which is better to make not rashly, but after seriously thinking and weighing all the pros and cons. First of all, it is worth remembering that in a monastery you will not be saved from troubles and problems. It is better to go there with a pure soul and intentions. Remember that health problems can make it much more difficult to stay in God's house. After all, monks have to do a lot of physical labor and also observe all fasts.

You will need

  • In order to enter a monastery, you need a recommendation from your confessor, as well as unconditional faith and a desire to devote yourself to serving God.


To strengthen your conviction, first visit as a guest. Do this on vacation or any other time free time. However, you should not go to monastery during . After all, you need to plunge into the everyday life of “God’s house.”

Be sure to find a confessor in the monastery. Without his recommendations, get into monastery it will be difficult.
If you accepted final decision, then most likely to fill out a special form you will need a passport and some other documents.

Remember that a person who leaves the world should not have any property, so it is better to deal with these issues in advance. You will be able to maintain a spiritual relationship with, however, those who are not divorced, as well as those who have minors, will not be able to enroll in monastery. Those who have not reached the age of majority will also have to wait a little longer to take tonsure.

Video on the topic

Please note

When entering the monastery, no monetary contribution is required from monks. However, you can transfer a small amount of money to the monastery account free of charge if you consider it necessary.

Useful advice

An immoral lifestyle cannot become an obstacle to entering a monastery. The main thing is faith in God and the desire to become closer to him.

Accept novitiate if life in a monastery has not shaken your desire to become a laborer. A novice is a person who has joined the brethren, but has not yet become a monk. As a novice, you will undergo various tests - the monastic experience. Usually the duration of novitiate is 3 years, but the period can be either increased or decreased. The novice's clothing is a cassock, skufiya and a belt. If you break any of the monastery rules or fail the test, you will be sent away from the monastery and released from obedience.

Take monastic vows if you have walked the paths of the laborer and the novice and have not wavered in your desire to give your life to serving God. You must also be prepared to take three vows to moral perfection: virginity, obedience and poverty. Take these promises seriously, think about their meaning: virginity is the preservation of great purity, obedience is the veneration of each of the brothers as better and higher than oneself, poverty is the complacent enduring of thirst, hunger and severe cramped conditions.


  • Article: "Who is a monk?"

Traveling around the world, a person can not only look at life different people, but also try it on yourself. To be a native, live in a unique home. To feel like royalty, rent a castle. Well, monasteries will help you escape the bustle of the world.

It has long been the fashion for celebrities to live from time to time in Shaolin, which was created at the end of the fifth century. Not only people involved in martial arts come here, but also those who want to study Zen Buddhism. But this is by no means a secluded place; now crowds of tourists bring noise and bustle to the territory of the ancient city; many souvenir and weapons shops are open. But in China there are a lot of “martial” monasteries that are not so popular, but have preserved the peace and quiet that are sometimes so necessary. In Korea, you can also live in a Buddhist monastery. You will need to master the most simple rules behavior in such places of worship. Then you will be introduced to the life and everyday life of the inhabitants of the monastery, told about the shrines and shrines that are kept here. You must remember a few rules: wear only clean clothes, do not wear bright cosmetics, do not smoke, do not drink alcoholic drinks, during the service you cannot shout, run, or talk to anyone. In such monasteries you can spend a day or take a long course of training in meditation, martial arts, making lanterns and rosaries. You can also be taught how to prepare ritual dishes or conduct a traditional tea ceremony. Many Catholic churches have Internet pages where you can book a room in the monastery. Often Russians visit and live in monasteries in the Holy Land in Israel, in Orthodox countries: Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria. In Russia you can also live in a monastery. Some monasteries allow you to stay for several days, but in extremely spartan conditions. Unlike Buddhist monasteries, monasteries have not yet become tourist “trails”. You will have to become a “worker”, that is, work thoroughly for monastery. But first, receive the blessing of the abbot of the chosen monastery. And, having already settled in the monastery, you will need to ask for a blessing for any of your actions. Most monasteries will not create obstacles or prevent entry, because workers are always needed. The rules of residence are almost the same as in all monasteries in the world: behave modestly and decently, do not interfere “with your rules.” You can live in a monastery and married couples(only married), they try not to separate them, but everything will depend on the conditions and capabilities of the establishment. “Trudniks” live and eat in the monastery for free, they participate in church services and carry out obedience, that is, they work in the garden and vegetable garden, prepare food and make preparations, help in the repair and restoration of buildings.

People who are tired of the bustle of the world come to the monastery and want to find salvation from everyday worries. Are you one of these people, but don’t know how to go to a monastery? Think about your choice and lifestyle, because this is a serious decision.

How to enter a monastery - think carefully about your decision

In order to enter a monastery, you must have the following qualities:

  • sincere faith in God;
  • patience and humility;
  • obedience;
  • daily work on yourself;
  • complete rejection of worldly vanity;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • desire for prayer;
  • love for neighbors.

Don't take it spontaneously important decision. Life in a monastery is hard. You will have to fast there, constantly pray and do physical labor. You must have spiritual and physical strength, because in the monastery there live people who deeply believe in God. They work every day for the benefit of the monastery, earning their living. If you can withstand all this, you are ready to enter a monastery. The unique monastic atmosphere will allow you to forget about worldly worries and devote yourself to God for the rest of your life.

How to go to a monastery - where to start

If you have made such a responsible decision, you must first often visit the city temple. Confess, take communion, keep fasts and fulfill the commandments of God. Talk to your confessor, tell him about your decision. He will understand perfectly and help you choose a monastery, as well as prepare for leaving. Get your affairs in order and settle all legal issues so that you are not distracted by worldly problems later. Transfer the care of your apartment to relatives or friends, they will pay for everything public utilities and conduct all your other affairs. Be sure to receive the blessing of a spiritual mentor to escape from the bustle of the world.

How to go to a monastery - communication with the abbot

You have prepared to leave the bustle of the world and have chosen a monastery. Come there and talk to the abbess or superior. The abbot will tell you everything about life in the monastery. Show him the following documents:

  • passport;
  • autobiography;
  • certificate of marriage, divorce or death of a spouse;
  • a petition addressed to the abbot with a request to be accepted into the monastery.

A married woman can become a nun, but she must not have minor children. Children can also stay with guardians who can take care of them. Children are not accepted into the monastery. Please note that monastic tonsure is allowed only from the age of 30 for both women and men. No deposits are required to enter the monastery. You can bring voluntary donations.

How to go to a monastery - what awaits me there

You won't become a monk or nun right away. If you live in a monastery for up to five years, take monastic vows. The probationary period is usually 3 years, but it can be shortened. All this time you will live in the monastery, take a closer look at the way of life of the monks and the monastery. To become a nun (monk) you will have to go through the following stages of life in a monastery:

  • worker You will perform physical work and you will understand whether you can live in a monastery until the end of your days. You will strictly follow all the monastery rules and tasks - cleaning the premises, working in the garden and kitchen, and the like. Significant time is devoted to prayers. You will be a worker for about three years;
  • novice. If difficulties do not break you, write a petition to the abbot and get permission. Monastic tonsure is not accepted unless you pass the novice stage. The abbot will grant your request if you have proven yourself positively. You will be given a cassock, and you will constantly confirm good deeds his readiness to become a monk. The period of obedience is individual for each person. The worker and novice can still leave the monastery if they realize that they have made the wrong choice.

If you were able to go through the above stages, your faith in God has strengthened and the abbot sees your efforts - he will submit a petition to the Bishop and you will take monastic vows.

If you decide to go to the monastery rashly, stay in the monastery as a laborer for some time. You can go home at any time, because everyone comes to the monastery at the behest of their heart. But if you feel good there, you are not afraid of difficulties, you want to pray - you have found consolation and a quiet corner for your soul, and this is your calling from God.