June is the girls' name day according to the church calendar. Women's name days according to the church calendar in June

Only after learning about the upcoming addition to the family do future parents begin to wonder who will be born and what to name their child. They calculate the dates of birth, find out the horoscope sign and try to come up with best name for a daughter or son. Indeed, the choice of name is largely influenced by the month of birth of the baby. So let's try to figure out what name suitable for a girl, born in June.

Girls born in June have a bright character, which is complemented by a quick temper. But, in principle, they do not know how to be offended and quickly forgive the offender.

Often those around them take advantage of their kindness and responsiveness, not suspecting that their outwardly meek nature is not without pride and optimism. They are incredibly persistent and approach many events with incredible optimism.

Such character traits, complemented by kindness and gentleness, are clearly visible even in childhood. Babies love to take care of someone. Therefore, “mothers and daughters” become a favorite game.

Even after growing up, they still have the need to give people warmth. They are practically devoid of conflict, which often plays a cruel joke with such young ladies.

Therefore, it is better to complement such a soft character as opposed to a tough, strong-willed name. It can balance character traits and give more self-confidence.

Good names for girls born in June will be energetically strong. It's better to name the baby:

  • Anna;
  • Anita;
  • Iroy;
  • Maria;
  • Martha;
  • Natalya;
  • Nellie;
  • Ulyana;
  • Sophia;
  • Valentina;
  • Christina;
  • Claudia.

But you shouldn’t dwell on names overflowing with energy like Galina, Inga, Varvara, Yulia, Yana, Ulyana.

Such names are suitable for June daughters, but at the same time they will reward them with energy and hyperactivity.

Names for girls by month: June according to horoscope signs

There are two horoscope signs in June. Until June 21, girls are born under the sign of Gemini. From June 22, Cancer comes into its own.

Gemini girls are incredibly sociable and inquisitive. During the day they manage to communicate with all the people around them and ask a million questions. They are always at the center of the company, but such leadership is temporary.

Being the initiator of many troubles, they quickly cool down and retreat into the shadows. The same inconstancy is observed in hobbies. Girls have time to try themselves in handicrafts, dancing, sports, and cooking. They quickly light up, and after splashing out the first emotions, they cool down.

Therefore, their sharp mind and excellent memory do not always become assistants in their studies. Gemini children are able to do several things at the same time, but are not distinguished by perseverance. Moreover, all Gemini’s intentions are not constant. Moreover, they are incredible liars. And they lie simply masterfully, but not purposefully, but in most cases because of their irrepressible imagination.

For girls born in June under the sign of Gemini, names are suitable that can give them seriousness and reliability.

It's better to name the baby:

  • Angela;
  • Alice;
  • Alina;
  • Anastasia;
  • Evgenia;
  • Oksana;
  • Ksenia;
  • Dinara;
  • Christina;
  • Hope;
  • Margarita;
  • Olga;
  • Inessa;
  • Pelagia;
  • Martha;
  • Claudia;
  • Elsa;
  • Glafira.

Girls born after June 22 are Cancers. And this horoscope sign is characterized by everything homely, cozy, sweet, and kind. Girls try to imitate their mother in everything. Therefore, they often transfer the mistakes and habits of their parents to their fate. A mother needs to take into account this character trait of her Cancer daughter and try to truly be a role model.

The girls are very attentive, they can listen and advise. Such traits of Cancer girls are valued among friends who are inevitably drawn to Cancers. But often these little ones don’t need company. They are able to find their own entertainment. And given their impressionability and touchiness, they often simply refuse friendship.

They incredibly embellish the events that happen to them, but this is understandable, since Cancers take many things very close to their hearts.

Cancer girls with such a soft and vulnerable character are better called:

  • Julia;
  • Juliana;
  • Milan;
  • Olesya;
  • Elena;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Seraphim;
  • Diana;
  • Bogdana;
  • Praskovya;
  • Lily;
  • Yana;
  • Louise.

Names for girls born in June, by day of the month

June babies are sensitive and naive, reverent and vulnerable. Relationships with parents and their support are extremely important to them. Even when girls grow up, they subtly feel a connection with their ancestors. However, they cannot be called weak-willed.

If necessary, June girls are able to show determination and even courage. When choosing a name for a girl born in June, listen to your own intuition and ask what the chosen name means.

We offer best options names for girls for June by numbers with meaning and origin of names.

Maria Hebrew miserable


Old Slavic goddess of winter Mara
Marfa Syrian Mistress
Hebrew sad
Madeleine from Magdalena
Sofia ancient Greek wise
Paula Greek modest
Emilia Latin passionate


Greek affectionate
Theresa Greek huntress


Valeria from Valery
Latin strong


Elizabeth Hebrew God-worshipping
Zinaida ancient Greek dedicated to Zeus
Latin caring
Arabic beautiful
Maria Hebrew miserable


Old Slavic goddess of winter Mara
Suzanna, Hebrew lily
Ellina Greek Greek
from Elena
Magdalena biblical native of Magdala
Jewish curling hair
Marianne from names Maria and Anna

bitter grace

Jewish indignant
Latin belonging to Mary
Maria Hebrew miserable


Old Slavic goddess of winter Mara
Marfa Syrian Mistress
Hebrew sad
Thekla ancient Greek God's glory


Church names for girls in June according to the calendar

The June calendar will help you choose beautiful name for a girl, which will protect the baby for life. The saint whose name you choose for the baby will protect her and protect her, giving her part of the holy power. Church names for girls in June according to the calendar

It is enough to open the church calendar, where all the Orthodox names of girls in June are indicated and select according to the date of birth. If there is no name on the child’s birthday or the parents simply don’t like it, it is better to choose names for the following days.

Saints from previous days church rules cannot patronize a child. If the chosen name does not coincide with the date in the calendar, you can subsequently celebrate the child’s name day on the corresponding day.

Choose according to the calendar:

  • girls names June 1 - Anastasia;
  • names for girls June 2 - Lilia, Susanna;
  • June 3 – Alena, Elena;
  • June 4 – Sofia;
  • June 5 – Euphrosyne, Maria
  • names of girls born on June 8 - Alena, Elena;
  • June 9, the girl’s name is Anastasia, Fedora;
  • June 10, girls' names according to the calendar - Alena, Elena;
  • June 11 – Maria, Faina, Feodosia;
  • June 13 – Christina;
  • June 14, names according to the calendar for the girl - Vera;
  • name for a girl born on June 15 - Ulyana, Maria, Yuliana, Yulia;
  • June 17 girl's name church calendar– Maria, Martha, Martha, Sofia;
  • names for girls born on June 19 - Lilia, Susanna, Thekla;
  • name for a girl born on June 20 - Valeria, Susanna, Zinaida, Kaleria, Maria, Lilia;
  • the name for a girl born on June 21 is Melania;
  • name for a girl born on June 22 - Marianna, Thekla, Maria, Martha, Martha;
  • June 23 – Antonina;
  • June 24 – Maria;
  • June 25 – Euphrosyne, Anna;
  • June 26 – Alexandra, Antonina, Anna, Pelageya;
  • June 30 – Pelageya.

There are no girls' names on June 6, 7 and 8. Therefore, for a girl born on June 7 or on another of these days, you can choose the name Anastasia, Fedora, Alena, Elena, which is marked in the calendar on the 9th and 10th.

By choosing names according to the church calendar, they enlist the support of the Guardian Angel. When a girl's birthday coincides with the celebration of the saint of the same name, the child is named after the patroness. If several names fall on one date, then choose one. It happens that a child’s birthday does not coincide with his Christmas name. Then they choose the name closest to the day from the Saints.

A guardian angel protects a person throughout his life. The Orthodox tradition of naming babies in memory of the Saint has been formed over centuries. The calendar of names is compiled for a year and continues to be updated in our time.

What to name a girl born from June 1 to June 7

Numberer Orthodox name days compiled according to the calendar (monthly calendar). This index contains short lives Saints. They are located in an annual circle. The names of canonized Saints are included in the calendar. The collection of names in the monthly book glorifies evidence of the reality of the Incarnation and contributes to the introduction of man to Divine grace.

For some Saints, name days are celebrated several times in June. Dates commemorating the saint of the same name that do not coincide with the birth of a girl become “small name days.”

  • First day of June ( 01.06 ) is defined as a sign of memory of Anastasia. Literally translated from the ancient Greek language, this name is attributed to the meaning “returned to life”, “resurrected”.

Historical memory connects Anastasia with the legends about the great martyr-pattern-maker. Anastasia helped Christian prisoners. The name is popular in royal families, among the nobility ordinary people. Ivan the Terrible loved his first wife Anastasia Zakharyina-Yuryeva very much. The chronicles assigned to her all the feminine virtues. Her beauty and kindness softened the excessively strict nature of her husband. Diminutive, affectionate and colloquial forms are popular: Nastenka, Nastena, Nastya, Nastasya.

  • June 3 The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen is revered.

She was the mother of Constantine I. She became famous for the construction of many temples and fidelity to the Christian faith. Ancient Greek roots are filled with meanings " sunlight», « sunbeam", "torch".

  • IN 4th day of the month Sophia is mentioned in the calendar - “wisdom”, “reasonableness”.

The month book refers to the early Christian Hagia Sophia. She gave birth to Faith, Hope, Love. Girls in aristocratic and royal families were called Sophia.

  • June 5 Maria is mentioned. In Hebrew, this word was used in the meaning of “desired”, “beloved”.

In the Christian tradition, it is closest to the meaning of “mistress.” Often associated with the mother of Christ. It is necessary to understand that the Mother of God protects all people and cannot be the guardian angel of an individual child. Born girls in June they find Mary Magdalene, Mary of Egypt, and Mary of Cleopas as their intercessor.

  • On the same day ( 05.06 ) the name days of Evdokia (“Blessed”) and Euphrosyne (“well-meaning”, “joyful”) fall.

Evdokia was the name given to girls in Byzantium. In Rus', these names corresponded to the forms Avdotya, Ovdotya. Girls from simple classes were called Euphrosyne. The vernacular forms Frosya and Afrosinya became established.

  • June 6 Ksenia (“hospitable”) is revered. Derived forms in Russia were Oksana and Aksinya.
  • 7th numbers in June remember Elena, Victoria (“victory”).

What can you name a child born from June 8 to June 13?

  • 9th the date in June falls on the day of remembrance of Anastasia and Theodora (“God’s Gift”).

In Serbia, girls are often called Theodora. One of the top ten popular names. In Russia there is a colloquial form - Fedora.

In the Christian naming book she is canonized as a Saint along with Theodotus and among the “seven virgins”: Faina, Tekusa, Claudia, Matrona, Julia, Alexandra, Euphrasia. On the same day, according to the church calendar, Mary and Theodosia (“Given by God”) are remembered.

  • Girls born June 13, can be called Christinas or Christinas.

The Greek origin indicates the meanings of “baptizing”, “dedicated to Christ”, “Christian”. Transferred to Russian Orthodox culture from Byzantium.

On the same day, the memory of Saint Pelageya (from the Greek “sea”) was established.

What name is suitable for a girl born from June 14 to June 21

  • 14th In June, Saints Victoria, Vera, and Charita are venerated.

Vera is one of the three martyred sisters who accepted torture and death for Christianity. Emperor Hadrian could not break their strong faith.

Harita means graceful. That was the name of the orphan raised kind people. In turn, Harita converted many pagans to Christianity.

  • June 15 the Orthodox Church remembers Mary and Ulyana (“belonging to Julius”).

On this day, Juliania (Uliana) Vyazemskaya is honored. This noble princess-martyr died in 1406.

  • 17th the date in June is the day of remembrance of Martha, Maria, Sophia, Martha, Pelageya.
  • 18th The day of memory of Jonah (“dove”) is celebrated.
  • 19th The female patrons Thekla (“glory of God”), Susanna (“lily”), and Jonah are revered.
  • 20th the church remembers Valeria. Translated from Latin it means “strong”, “healthy”.

The name day honors the Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea. She was one of the first to accept Christianity and did not renounce it.

On the same day, Anna, Kaleria (“Beautifully Flowing”), Zinaida (“Divine Daughter”), and Maria are venerated.

What to name a daughter born from June 22 to June 30

  • June 22– Martha’s day (“mistress”, “mistress”, “powerful”, “mistress”).

According to biblical legend, Martha (Martha) washed Christ’s feet with myrrh and wiped them with her hair. Introduced to faith large number people.

On the same day, Mary, Marianna, Thekla, and Martha are honored.

  • 23rd Saint Anne is honored.

This name is associated with ideas about “mercy” or “the grace of God,” “strong,” “brave.” This name is one of the most common in the world. First mentioned in biblical accounts of the 1st century. That was the name of the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Biblical Anna and her husband Joachim were given a daughter, Mary, in their old age. She became the Mother of God.

On the same day, Antonina (“opponent”, “entering into battle”) is honored.

  • June 24 Mary is mentioned again.
  • 25th The church honors the memory of Mary and Anna.
  • 26th The number of name books mentions the following female names: Alexandra (“protector”), Antonina, Anna, Pelageya, Akulina (“like an eagle”).

In the Russian consciousness, Saint Akulina was transformed into Akulina the buckwheat. She was known as the patroness of peasants and the supporter of a good buckwheat harvest. On this day, bunches of buckwheat decorated home icons. They cooked porridge and treated it to the poor. The holiday was called “World Porridge Day”.

  • 28th In June, the memory of Saint Cyrus is honored. There are several possible meanings: “lady”, “like the sun”, “ray of light”, “most beautiful”.

30th– day of remembrance of Saints Pelageya and Nikita (“victor”).

Women's Saints' Days are not celebrated on June 2, 12, 16, 21,27, 29. For girls born on these dates, you can choose names from the next three days.

June contains a fairly rich list of female names and their variants. Church ministers will always add information. None of the names of interest will be left without extended comments. A well-chosen name for a girl will determine the success of her life path and the protection of higher powers.

The process of choosing a name does not always go quietly and smoothly; it is mainly associated with disputes and lots, since each family member has his own taste and preferences. While some prefer classic names, others like common or old Russian names. In addition, disputes begin when it comes to the meaning of names. Naturally, the meaning of the name plays an important role in the fate of the girl; it is also necessary to take into account the time of year in which the child was born. After all, the time of year, and even the month of birth, leaves its imprints on a person’s life.

Names of girls born in June

The most suitable June names: Stanislava, Maria, Martha, Elena, Zinaida, Simona, Seraphim, Raisa, Tamara.

It should be noted that in some peoples a person’s name is perceived as some kind of encoded information, and these peoples are right in some ways. Choose the names of girls born in June, or in another month of the year based on something. For example, for girls born on June 3 or 8, the name Elena is suitable. From Greek this name is translated as “chosen one, bright one.” A girl named Elena, born in June, will be very home girl. Her hobbies will be knitting, sewing, embroidery. She will have a good memory and do well in all subjects at school. In her youth, the girl Elena will seem withdrawn and shy, but in fact she is a cheerful, emotional person with a rich imagination.

Girls born in June can be given names such as:


























From the list of exotic names, we can offer you names that contain a piece of summer:

Gulfia (flower-like)

Gulshat (flower of joy)

Nurania (light, illuminating)

Nadia (like morning dew)

Rauza (flower garden)

Raushan (light, bright, clear)

Raffia (sweet like a date)

Shamsia (sun-like)

Enger (pearl).

Advice to parents:

Don’t skimp on writing diminutive names. Each such name can bring additional qualities to the child’s character.

Personality of people born in June

June- “June” people are very vulnerable and suspicious. Be careful in your actions, reinsurers. Kind and sympathetic, they are too cowardly to fight with something or someone. By nature they have many talents, they are practical and enterprising. People often turn to them for advice and moral support. With close people they are very restrained in their expressions of feelings, but with strangers they can be more open. They avoid conflicts, while “June” men are somewhat cowardly and spineless in personal matters, but they are successful in their careers, happy in love, although most often outside the family. They are amorous and get carried away, but not for long. They do not tolerate moralizing, and they themselves do not like to lecture. Very clean, to the point of disgust. Women know how to create comfort in the home, and men do everything to provide for their family financially. Women have one weakness - beautiful and expensive dishes.

Psychologists say that girls born in summer, are very gentle, responsive and sensitive. They are kind-hearted and optimistic in life, but sometimes they can be quick-tempered, but quickly move away from insults. June girls are persistent, purposeful and proud; their characters also contain both hardness and softness, so the names of girls born in June should be neutral, without any softening with “tenderness” or aggravation with “hardness”.

June girls are very sympathetic and gentle, they love to take care of others. Such a girl’s favorite game will be “mother-daughter”, and as she grows up, she will give warmth and attention to her family. The absolutely non-conflict side of her character has practically no counterweight: the girl is calm, flexible, and would rather give in than continue the argument. Protect June girl as best as possible so that evil minds do not try to take advantage of her kindness. If possible, give the girl a tough and strong-willed name that will slightly balance her character. Look at some recommendations from astrologers, perhaps you will like one of the names recommended by the stars.

What to name a girl born in June - astrology

By choosing astrological auspicious name girl, you give her fortune on for many years, as well as darken too bright sides of the character, which can cause inconvenience to the child. Pay attention to this list:

  • Anna,
  • Anita,
  • Ymir,
  • Maria,
  • Marfa,
  • Natalia,
  • Nellie,
  • Ulyana,
  • Sophia,
  • Valentina,
  • Christina,
  • Claudia.

Names with the strongest energy: Galina, Ulyana, Inga, Varvara, Yulia, Yana. They are also good choice However, they give the owner a lot of energy, which in childhood can cause the child to become hyperactive.

How to name a girl born in June - church names

In the Catholic and Orthodox churches, it is customary to give a child a name in honor of the saint to whom this day is dedicated. June is rich in the number of names on this list:

  • June 1 – Anastasia, which is translated from Greek as “resurrected”.
    Angela literally means “angel” in Spanish.
  • June 5 – Maria, perhaps this name is derived from the ancient Slavic goddess winter and cold of Mary.
    Euphrosyne, which from ancient Greek means “joy and joy.”
    Diana, translated from Latin as “deity”.
  • June 10 – Amalia, means “protector” from Latin, and “faith and love” from Arabic.
    Diana is “like God.”
    Cecilia literally means “blind.”
  • June 17 – Madeleine, is a shortening of the name Magdalena.
    Martha, which is “noble” from Syriac, and “sorrow” from ancient Hebrew.
    Sofia or Sophia.
    Teresa, which is translated from Greek as “strong”, “hunter”.
    Emilia or Emily, which translates as “desire”.
  • June 26 – Anna, ecclesiastical significance name “alms, noble.”
    Antonina, translated from the ancient Greek “against something.”
    Alexandra – literally “protecting people.”
    Akulina - “eagle”.
  • June 28 – Teresa, biblical name.
    Matryona, this name in Rus' meant a noble woman.
  • June 29 – Angelica, from the Greek “like an angel.”
  • June 30 – Pelageya.

Choose a euphonious name for the June girl, which will be combined with her surname, as well as patronymic, because if you call a girl original foreign name, then it may go against the rest of it.

Also note that it is better for a child to have affectionate forms, for example Anastasia, Nastya and Nastenka. Names like Oksana may simply not have different variations.

The double name will also become good solution from the situation if the choice of the child’s mother and father fell on different options. For example, Anna-Maria or Maya-Alice. In fact, there are a lot of people with double names nowadays, but when they meet, they name only the one they like best.

The last piece of advice is to choose famous name any famous person, for example, your respected relative, or simply good example for imitation among scientists, artists and filmmakers.

Choosing a name for a girl born in June according to Orthodox tradition.

Choosing a name for a child is a very important step. It is not without reason that our wise ancestors gave the newborn the name of the Saint, revered Orthodox Church. This approach provides the child with the protection of this saint for life.
You can name your favorite child at your discretion. But in this article, we will talk about how to choose a name according to the Saints.

How to choose the right name for a newborn girl according to the Saints in June?

We give girls the right name

Many parents do not know basic Christian traditions.
People often confuse what it is: birthday, angel's day, name day. Hence, subsequently, there is a misunderstanding about the choice of the name Svyatets for the name of the baby.


  1. Birthday - the date the baby was born
  2. Name day - the day of honoring the saint after whom the girl was named
  3. Angel Day - memorial days the saint whose name the daughter bears
  4. Birthdays and name days are celebrated once a year
  5. Angel Day - two, and sometimes more times

According to tradition, the baby is named after the Saint who is venerated on her date of birth.
To clarify such dates, you must contact the Orthodox calendar, which marks these significant dates.
This list contains about 1.7 thousand names for women and men.
If no saint is honored on the baby’s birthday, choose the name of the patron saint of the one who is revered on the day following it. In some cases, when turning to a certain saint for support, for successful conception or a successful birth, the birth of a baby, you can choose the name of this patron.
Choosing a name for a newborn is allowed during the period from 8 to 40 days, from the date of birth. The names of all saints honored during the allotted time are available for selection.
With this option for choosing a name, the day the saint is treated to is considered a name day for the child.

Name of the patron being honored earlier in the day birth, it is not advisable to take it. In this case, the patron does not have the opportunity to protect and protect the child.

The best June names for girls are:

  1. Akulina
  2. Valeria

The saints revered during this period give girls a special ability to solve difficult life situations. Babies with these names grow up to be gentle, but very determined and courageous.

Names according to the Saints and church calendar for girls born in June: meaning, origin, patron saint

Personal custom for newborns

Meaning is important when choosing the right one Orthodox name for girls according to the Saints.
After all, the bulk of church ministers are men. Therefore, female names in Orthodox calendar significantly less compared to men's.
Moreover, not all modern names are present in the list of calendars.
Nevertheless The baby cannot be left without a name.

Therefore, if not listed official name given at birth, during the baptismal ceremony the child is given a church name. In modern times, having two names is a common phenomenon.
The table below contains female names revered saints, corresponding to the date of birth of the daughter in June.

date of month Name Origin Meaning Holy Trustee
1. Anastasia ancient Greek rebirth, resurrection Anastasia, holy martyr
2. Sosanna Hebrew white water lily righteous Sosanna
3. Elena Greek glowing Helen of Constantinople, queen
4. Sofia ancient Greek skill, art; wisdom, wisdom; reasonableness, prudence; cunning, resourcefulness, dexterity Martyr Sophia doctor
5. Maria Semitic fun Righteous Mary of Cleopas, myrrh-bearer
8. Elena Greek sunny, unctuous Martyr Helen, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus
9. Anastasia ancient Greek resurrection, return to life Anastasia the martyr
10. Filofeya Greek pious Venerable Philothea
11. Maria Semitic bitter, beloved, madam Maria Ustyug, righteous and Virgin Mary
Faina Greek solar dawn, shining light Faina, righteous
Feodosia Greek God given Venerable Martyr Theodosius the Virgin and Martyr Theodosius the Virgin of Tire
13. Christina/Kristina Greek follower of Christ Christina of Nicomedia, martyr
14. Harita ancient Greek beauty, grace, beauty Martyr Charita
Faith Slavic service to god New Martyr Vera
15. Juliania (Ulyana, Yulia) Slavic born in July Juliania Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya. Martyr
Maria Semitic bitter, beloved, madam Maria. Princess and martyr
17. Maria Semitic bitter, beloved, madam Maria. Righteous. Sister of Righteous Lazarus of the Four Days
Marfa Aramaic noble woman Marfa. Martyr
Pavel Latin small Pavel. Martyr
Sofia ancient Greek prudence, prudence, intelligence, knowledge Sofia. Reverend
19. Sosanna (Susanna) Hebrew white water lily Sosanna. Martyr
Thekla ancient Greek God's glory Thekla the Martyr. Virgo
20. Artemia Greek healthy, unharmed Artemia princess. Martyr
Yesiya Greek propertied Yesiya. Righteous
Zinaida ancient Greek born of Zeus Zinaida. Wonderworker. Martyr
Kaleria (Valeria) Greek/Latin kind good/warming, warm Caesarea (Palestinian). Martyr
Kyriakia (Kyria) Greek Sunday Kyriacia of Caesarea. Martyr
Maria Semitic bitter, beloved, madam Mary of Caesarea. Martyr
Priscilla Latin ancient, antique Priscilla. Martyr
Sebastiana ancient Greek venerable, respected Sebastiana. Reverend Wonderworker
Sosanna (Susanna) Hebrew white lily, water righteous Sosanna
21. Melania ancient Greek black, dark Melania the Elder - grandmother Melania of Bethlehem, Palestine
22. Thekla ancient Greek God's glory Thekla Persian. Martyr
Maria Semitic bitter, beloved, madam Maria. Martyr
Marfa Aramaic noble woman Marfa. Martyr
23. Anna Hebrew pleasure, pleasure, favor Anna (monastically Efrosinia) Kashinskaya. Blessed Princess
Dosithea Greek gift from god Dosithea of ​​Kyiv
Antonina Greek flower Antonina the maiden. Martyr
24. Maria Semitic bitter, beloved, madam Maria of Pergamon. Martyr
25. Anna Hebrew Anna Kashinskaya. Blessed Grand Duchess
26. Anna Hebrew favor, favor Anna Vifinskaya. Reverend
Antonina Greek competing, entering into battle Antonina of Nicea. Martyr
Pelagia ancient Greek sea ​​coast Pelagia Zhidko. Martyr
28. Criscentia Latin growing Criscentia is a nourisher. Martyr
30. Pelagia ancient Greek sea ​​coast Pelagia Balakireva. New Martyr

Saints has a large list of names with the pure and bright energy of saints. Just pay attention to this list and choose a worthy name for your beloved baby.

Video: Christian names and name days