Choosing a name for a girl by month of birth. How to name a girl and a boy according to the church calendar? Names of boys and girls by month according to the church calendar

A name for a person is, as it seems at first glance, just a few letters, but what could be hidden in their consonance? Character, temperament and further fate will depend on what the parents name their child. If you are expecting a baby and don’t know what’s best to do: choose a name for the girl by her patronymic or listen to the advice of an astrologer, wait until the baby is born - her happy eyes will tell you.

Congratulations, you have a daughter!

From the first days of pregnancy, expectant mothers begin to come up with names for the child. It is impossible to determine from two lines on the test whether a boy or a girl is growing in a woman’s tummy, so a young family is considering both options: what to name their daughter and son. Several months pass, and the ultrasound machine shows that a girl will appear. Parents are looking forward to this event with joy, because the little princess will bring a lot of happiness to the house and fill it with comfort and warmth.

Very often, young mothers and fathers delay in choosing a name for the child, and the child is born nameless. This problem arises due to prenatal stress: a woman frantically flips through the pages of magazines in search of suitable options, but the results remain unsuccessful. The imagination of modern parents can be so rich that to implement the idea they would have to give birth to at least seven daughters. Sometimes the picture becomes different, and mothers are completely bewildered from ignorance of current trends. Is it always worth delving into onomastics or is it better to follow your intuition and think for yourself how to choose the right name for a girl? There is no clear answer to this question, because parents must decide for themselves what is best to do.

Top 5 international female names

Today, interethnic and interethnic marriages will not surprise anyone - this proves true love spouses and their readiness to accept a new culture. The most common problem that arises immediately after a couple is about to become parents is how to choose a name for a girl or a boy if the mother has European roots and the father is Arab or Persian.

Alexandra, or Sasha, is what babies are called in many countries around the world. Given that the name has a male counterpart, women will inherit strengths character on a par with the love of sports and cars. Alexandra’s father will be immensely happy when the girl begins to share his interest in football or hockey.

The Hebrew name Anna today is deservedly recognized as the most popular. It is perfect for girls of all nationalities. Owners of this name are kind, honest, sincere and have good intuition. Annas are very artistic from birth, and they also grow up to be good doctors.

Alina is a French-German name that is often found among European and Eastern peoples. Such girls are immediately noticed in society - they are distinguished by good taste and a difficult character, but at the same time they have noble traits.

The name Sabina is most often given to beauties in Asian countries, although it is of Latin origin. Such girls become very independent and powerful, so they easily build their careers in the future.

If you want to raise a gentle lady, but don’t know how to choose a name for a girl, choose Lily. Translated from Latin it means " white flower". Feminine and calm, Lilies constantly strive for self-education and never stop there.

No less relevant international female names remain Adeline, Angela, Christina, Eva, Diana, Maria, Sofia, Emma. Each of them carries a certain meaning and energy, as a result of which we can conclude that you yourself are building your daughter’s destiny.

Calendar of female names for Christians

Astrologers believe that the child will be less ill and will become successful and happy if he is named after the saint. IN Orthodox calendar there are Hebrew, Greek, Slavic and latin names. It is commonly believed that a baby born on the day of remembrance of a saint and named in his honor remains under the care of a guardian angel all his life. Names according to the church calendar may not always coincide with the child’s birthday, and if the parents did not like any of the options, they can name the newborn as they wish.


Aglaya, Ulyana, Anastasia, Susanna, Eva, Claudia, Evgenia, Agathia, Anisia, Emilia, Appolinaria, Tatyana, Nina.


Inna, Rimma, Agnia, Ksenia, Maria, Anna, Agathia, Martha, Anna, Valentina, Svetlana, Zoya, Euphrosyne.


Marianna, Marina, Kira, Evdokia, Antonina, Iraida, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Nika, Galina, Christina.


Daria, Praskovya, Matryona, Alexandra, Claudia, Svetlana, Lydia, Anna, Larisa, Alla, Maria, Akulina, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Galina, Irina, Nika.

Alexandra, Elizabeth, Glafira, Susanna, Tamara, Maria, Marfa, Zoya, Mavra, Pelageya, Irina, Taisiya, Lukerya, Irina, Muse, Euphrosyne, Evdokia, Faina, Julia, Alexandra, Claudia.


Elena, Euphrosyne, Ulyana, Valeria, Maria, Kaleria, Marfa, Antonina, Anna.


Rimma, Inna, Ulyana, Agrippina, Euphrosyne, Angelina, Martha, Anna, Evdokia, Olga, Elena, Alevtina, Valentina, Julia, Marina, Margarita.


Martha, Christina, Olympias, Anna, Praskovya, Anfisa, Seraphim, Nonna, Maria, Ulyana.


Vassa, Natalia, Anfisa, Anna, Marfa, Rufina, Vasilisa, Elizaveta, Raisa, Pulcheria, Iya, Lyudmila, Sofia, Vera, Nadezhda, Love.


Sofia, Ariadna, Irina, Polyxenia, Iraida, Euphrosyne, Anna, Virinea, Veronica, Taisiya, Pelageya, Zinaida, Praskovya.


Cleopatra, Glyceria, Elizabeth, Anna, Capitolina, Ustinya, Anna, Virinea, Veronica, Taisia, Pelageya, Matryona.


Anna, Cecilia, Ekaterina, Augusta, Ulyana, Anfisa, Angelina, Zoya.

The table shows female names according to the church calendar in the sequence “month” and “name of the holy martyr” in increasing order from the first to the last day.

Star pick

Show business people love to “shine” on television and the covers of glossy magazines and try to distinguish their children from the rest by giving them unusual names. Musician Sergei Shnurov attracts attention not only with his unconventional behavior on stage and flashy lyrics. The controversial artist named his son Apollo, modestly stating that the name was given in honor of the famous poet of the nineteenth century. And, they say, there really is no connection with the ancient Greek god of art.

Sergei Zhukov and his wife Regina immediately categorically rejected simple Russian names and considered only European ones. The couple is raising their daughter Nicole and son Angel, assuring that they made this choice for a reason: before the birth of their second child, they came across images of an angel everywhere, so they decided to name the boy that way. The parents did not think long about what to name the girl, deciding from childhood to make her a winner, like the ancient Greek goddess Nike.

Nineteen-year-old Lera Kudryavtseva immediately decided what to name her first-born. The young mother adored Jean-Claude Van Damme and was sure that her son would grow up to be as handsome as his favorite actor. Former spouse TV personalities, musician of the group “Tender May” Sergei Lenyuk was not against it, but years later Lera changed her mind and suggested that her now adult son take a more traditional name, but the guy refused.

Singer Alsou has two daughters - Safina and Mikkela. She and her husband, businessman Yan Abramov, immediately refused to consider ordinary names. Alsou didn’t think for a long time about how to name her daughter beautifully, because the name Safina completely coincides with the singer’s maiden name.

But Russian artist Theater and cinema Viktor Bychkov decided not to follow Western fashion and named his son the Old Slavic name Dobrynya. It is not known whether the actor associates his choice with one of the three heroes, but he and his wife hope that the child will bring goodness and justice to the world, as the ancient Russian fellows did.

Why do stars change their names?

Think about why some people get the best things in life, while most of us are content with minimal benefits? It's simple - the mystery is in the name: for some rare name- a gift, but for others - a curse. People with a bright pseudonym can easily prove themselves in the creative profession - producers will fall for such a trick and become interested in the talent of the applicant for a worthy title. If a woman or man really has a great voice or appearance, but there is nothing memorable in their initials, you will have to think about a bright pseudonym.

Show business stars change their names not only to attract luck and wealth, but also to attract the attention of fans. So, Anfisa Chekhova used to be Alexandra, Tutta Larsen was Tatyana, Anzhelika Varum was Maria, Valeria was Alla. However, artists do not always look for shocking pseudonyms and name themselves simply and consonantly, so that fans do not even have suspicions about such a little trick. Alla Ageeva became Masha Rasputina, Elena Levochkina - Alena Apina, Victor Belan - Dima Bilan, Inessa Klimchuk - Irina Allegrova, and Maria Sadkova decided to be called briefly and simply - Masha Malinovskaya. Preparing to become parents, celebrities carefully think about what they can name a girl or a boy. Some try to protect their children from the press and give them simple names. Shocking mothers attract attention to the child from the first days of his birth, which can sometimes harm the baby to the point of causing the evil eye of ill-wishers.

Closer to school age Boys and girls, having watched enough foreign cartoons, begin to protest to their parents. Masha and Dasha want to become Isolde and Teresa, and their sons ask to be named after their favorite superheroes. Psychologists claim that an unusual name can develop a complex in a child and become the subject of ridicule. Pride quickly fades and instead children begin to feel alienated. If you are going to have a child in the future, think carefully about what name to name your girl or boy, and make your choice consciously. Of course, one cannot say that one name is bad and another is good, because in different areas of life each of them plays a certain role. And we must not forget about the spirit of the era. Perhaps the name you chose is more relevant now than ever, but what will happen in a couple of decades? IN Soviet era some parents were sure that by naming the baby Dazdraperma (“Long live the First of May”), they would raise a hardworking and obedient girl. The boy Spapuzas (“Thank you to Putin for Sochi”) will always remember the merits of Vladimir Vladimirovich, however, there is no guarantee that closer to his mature years he will not become an ordinary Vasya or Petya.

What name should I choose for a girl to make her beautiful and happy?

In ancient times, people were very superstitious, which is associated with belief in evil spirits. The power of a human name has been known to our ancestors since time immemorial, so they deliberately named the child twice. This tradition can still be traced among modern peoples. In Rus', the child’s name given at baptism was hidden, and in some countries, in addition to the main name, the baby was given a second name, often not entirely in tune, so that dark forces would not harm the child. Parents thought especially long about what to name the girl in order to endow the future mistress with certain qualities even at birth. Psychologists and astrologers say that the character and fate of the baby will depend on the chosen name.

Parents often name their children whatever they want - in honor of a favorite artist, a dear relative, or by analogy with some abstract phenomena. Thus, Svetlana most often has a sunny character and cheerfulness, and Lilies, Roses and Asters take on the characteristics of flowers - they are proud, gentle and submissive. Beautiful names for girls (Russian) may often not be of Slavic origin. It will not be difficult for Orthodox parents to name their daughter whatever they want and endow her with qualities that will then be easy to cultivate in the baby. Girls with long, unusual names tend to be different complex character and extraordinary thinking. Others, on the contrary, move through life with a confident step thanks to their simplicity. And one more nuance. It is important that the name is consonant with the surname and patronymic. By choosing good-sounding initials for your baby, you can be sure that he will delight you with his successes.

What's in your name?..

In astrology, each letter or number has a specific meaning. People often say that certain aspects of character were passed on to the child from the planet that patronizes him. If you don't know how to choose a name for a girl, turn to the stars and they will tell you the right path. In order to correctly name a child, it is necessary to add up the numbers of the date of birth and, thus, find out the number that will correspond to the planet. If the combination is harmonious, a happy fate awaits the baby.

How to choose a name for a girl by patronymic and surname?

Could you say the following, for example, the first time: Razumovskaya Kapitolina Veniaminovna? Surely not. When choosing a name for your child, try to pay attention not only to the meaning it carries, but also to the consonance of its components. If the father's name is Afanasy, Voldemar, Mstislav, Emmanuel, it is better to call the girl Aglaya, Bella, Vassa, Dana. When the daughter’s father is Gleb, Yan, Egor, Lev, Klim, respectively, her name should be long and majestic. Take this factor into account when combining it with a surname.

Don't think too long about what to name your girl - the variety of names can be confusing. Of course, parents dream of their child growing up healthy and happy, so it is important before his birth to at least superficially begin to take an interest in onomastics. In one of the sections of this science, anthroponymy, you can familiarize yourself with the origin of the name and learn about other interesting facts.

What are girls most often called in Russia?

Fashion for names is changeable. At the end of the last century, at the time of the spread of Western films and music in the territory of the former Soviet Union, parents increasingly began to call their children Louise and Alex. Literally a few years later, adults decided to turn to the origins of their state and began to choose others beautiful names for girls - Russian and Ukrainian, such as Praskovya, Vasilisa, Lada. Representatives of the fair sex want to hear words of tenderness as often as possible. Having christened your daughter Nastenka, Annushka or Dasha, you can be sure that she will be pleased to respond to her name, which sounds in a diminutive form.

In Russia in 2014, mothers are increasingly calling their babies Darina, Sophia, Alina, Zlata, Polina and Valeria. The most popular name remains Anastasia - its owners can try themselves in creative professions in the future. If you are going to become a mother very soon, but still don’t know how to choose a name for a girl, wait until the baby is born, look at her face, and maybe it will give you the answer to this question.

So, when choosing a name for an expected girl child or for a newly born girl in modern world take into account not only the unusualness and infrequent use of the daughter’s name, but also the meaning given to the time of birth of the girl.

The concept of a name in strology

Let's turn to astrology. In 2018, the patron saint of the year is the Dog. The color is defined as yellow. The element is determined to be earth. Children born in this year will be practical, creative, positive, loyal and devoted in their relationships with people. But it should be understood that these children may be too superficial in their assessment of the world around them, and this may interfere with their adaptation to a new team. Therefore, we need to bring this moment in accordance with the realities of our lives.

  1. Thus, you can help your child with this by naming her by her date of birth.
  2. Beautiful Orthodox female names.
  3. In this case, girls with certain names will be endowed with success and all kinds of prosperity, or, more precisely, here are some of these Orthodox names: Martha, Vasilisa, Pelageya, Matryona, Praskovya, Susanna, Zinovia, Evdokia, Antonina. Each birth month gives babies born in that month a set of certain characteristic features. Knowing them, you can choose a name that has a positive effect on the manifestation of the best of them, emphasizing them.

Personality traits of a girl by month of birth:

Patron planet in a certain month

Girl's name depending on month

You can pay attention to the Saints

Nowadays, it is a common custom to name children according to the memorial day of the saint in the church calendar. Almost every day is a holiday of some saint. If, nevertheless, you find yourself in the interval between these holidays, then name the girl according to the closest date of the saint’s birthday. This way you can enlist the help of a saint for your daughter.

Name by seasons

  • There is another theory that says that you need to name it according to the season of the year..
  • Spring.
  • If a daughter was born in the spring, then she can be called by more strict names, which carry with them characteristics such as seriousness and practicality. These are: Stanislava, Ruslana, Stella, Claudia, Sabina, Sophia, Irina.
  • Summer.
  • For summer active and persistent natures, the following names are suitable: Elizabeth, Olympias, Juliana, Margarita, Valeria, and Antonina.
  • Autumn.
  • Those born in autumn are distinguished by great patience and perseverance and the following names suit them: Ionna, Rufina, Olga, Cleopatra, Zlata, Zoya, Nastasya, Vera, Capitolina.
  • Winter.
  • For example, winter girls They are strong in character and often strict, so they recommend more gentle names: Snezhana, Lyubov, Angelina, Angelika, Asya, Yaroslava, Lesya, Ekaterina, Nika, Polina, Svetlana and Mirra...

You need to choose a name guided by your instincts and an understanding parental heart. Whatever name the daughter’s parents choose, the main thing here is that they like the name and go well with the baby’s surname and patronymic.

U Slavic peoples There has long been a tradition of giving your babies names that were borne by the Christians who glorified the church. At the moment, a huge number of people are arguing that some historical figures were canonized undeservedly or by mistake. However, even despite this fact, it is worth saying that most of the characters included in the church calendar called “Saints” really made a huge contribution to the development of Christianity.

Choosing the right one

Until now, many people choose a name for their daughter by looking through the Monthly Book, which offers a choice of girl names by month and date of birth. Male representatives, famous for their virtues, are also present in the Saints. In any case, regardless of gender, it is necessary to shift it eight days ahead from the baby’s date of birth. This tradition dates back to the heyday of Christianity. At that time, it was customary to baptize a baby on the eighth day after his birth. It was then that the name was chosen. This number - 8 - symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven, to which everyone who has undergone the rite of baptism joins.

Matrons, nuns, martyrs

In the "Saints" the names of boys and the names of girls are placed on one line. The initial division occurs by month. Then there is a breakdown by day. In the Monthly Book, next to the name of the holy person, his/her type of activity is also indicated. For example, January 1 Orthodox Church celebrates the name day of Aglaida of Rome, matron. As a rule, preference is given to the options most often found in the Saints.


In this church calendar, the months are located next to their ancient Byzantine “colleagues”. The reason for this lies in the origins of Christianity. As you know, it was the Byzantine Empire that became the birthplace of the most widespread religion of our time. Therefore, even an unusual-sounding nickname can have truly Christian origins.

Familiar analogues

The most common names for girls by month are Mary, Joanna, Martha. Hieromartyrs, matrons, blessed, righteous and many other women are sung by the church every day. Many canonical names have long been forgotten. Some of them have been irretrievably lost, others have been modified to modern style. For example, Joanna. This name is not currently in use. It was replaced by a more familiar and familiar analogue to everyone - Zhanna. The same can be said about others christian names girls. For months and days Fotina, Nika, Marfa, etc. are no longer used. They have been successfully replaced by Svetlana, Veronica and Marta.

It is believed that having received the name of a holy person at baptism, the child acquires his Guardian Angel in her person. It is he who conveys the will of God to the baby, and then to the adult. Therefore, the day of baptism was previously celebrated more magnificently than the day of birth and was called Angel Day.

Holy Virgin Mary and Savior Jesus Christ

Every year, the “Saints”, which include boys’ names and girls’ names by month and day, change slightly. In particular, new personalities are included in the list and, accordingly, new Angels appear for newborn children. It is noteworthy that there is not a single entry in honor of Jesus Christ in the Monthly Book. The reverence felt before the son of God and the Savior does not allow mere mortals to be given such a name. Likewise with the Most Pure Mother of Jesus - the Virgin Mary. Girls are called by this name in honor of completely different holy personalities. The chanting of Mary takes place in the church about 40 times a year. That is why this name was previously very common.

Return to the past

Many traditions have sunk into oblivion. Some of them have found a second life. Now it has become popular again to name your child based on the “Saints”. Today the most common are the following by month and day:

  1. Maria. Services in honor of holy women bearing this name are held about forty times a year. At the same time, sometimes it happens that the name days of several saints can be celebrated on the same day. For example, a service is held for Maria Lelyanova and Maria Portnova. Both of them are nuns.
  2. Anastasia. Given name as it was and remains popular. In the Monthly Word, a holy person named Anastasia appears fifteen times. Some of them are revered by the church twice. For example, Grand Duchess and passion-bearer Anastasia Romanova.
  3. Christina. The original form of the modern name was the name Christina. The name days of holy women are celebrated several times a year: March 26, the last day of May, June 13, August 6 and 18. At the same time, on each individual day, a separate person is honored.

Olga of July and Euphrosyne of February

Let's see which month this or that female name belongs to.



Evgenia, Anastasia, Ulyana, Tatyana, Nina, Feodora, Aglaya, Domna and others

Christina, Maria, Zoya, Inna, Ann, Efrosinya, Agafya, Anastasia, etc.


Christina, Marina, Feodora, Kira, Antonina, Evdokia, Ulyana, Galina, Regina, Nika, etc.

Tamara, Claudia, Feodosia, Praskovya, Daria, Lydia, Alla, Sofia, Svetlana, Anastasia, Nika, Larisa, Marfa, and others

Zoya, Valentina, Pelageya, Alexandra, Euphrosyne, Maria, Glikeria, Claudia,

Susanna, Christina, Faina, Glafira, Irina, Taisiya, Evdokia, Tamara, Yulia


Ulyana, Elena (Alena), Anna, Christina, Thekla, Claudia, Efrosinya, Marfa, Antonina, Kaleria, Sophia, Feodosia, Nellie, Maria, Akulina, Feodora, Valeria, Kira

Inna, Valentina, Ulyana, Zhanna, Alevtina, Yulianna, Anna, Olga, Marina, Efimiya, Sarah, Agrippina, Julia, Evdokia, Marfa, Rimma, Margarita, Angelina, Elena

Seraphim, Olympiad, Anita, Valentina, Concordia, Magdalene, Christina, Praskovya, Anna, Olympiad, Milena, Svetlana, Maria, Susanna, Nonna



Rufina, Lyubov, Vassa, Lyudmila, Anna, Natalia, Vasilisa, Vera, Nadezhda, Theodora, Marfa, Domna, Raisa

Veronica, Efrosinya, Taisiya, Praskovya, Anna, Marianna, Zinaida, Evlampia Thekla, Virineya, Ustinya, Pelageya, Ustinya, Irina, Ariadna, Sophia

Elena, Anna, Alena, Claudia, Theodora, Ulyana, Maria, Nellie, Capitolina, Glikeria, Praskovya, Nenila


Angelina, Anfisa, Varvara, Anna, Augusta, Olga, Marina, Ulyana, Zoya, Tsepiliya, Ekaterina, Augusta

"Onomastics" to help

For many, when choosing, the significance of girls' names has a decisive influence. By month and day, you can choose the option you like, choosing an Angel for your baby. But it’s one thing what a name sounds like, and quite another thing what its meaning is. In this case, onomastics will be an excellent help. This science deciphers all the secrets and reveals original meaning not only last names, but also patronymics and nicknames of people. Whether the daughter will be a scientist, a highly qualified specialist or a creative person - all this also directly depends on the chosen name. Attitudes towards loved ones, family, friends, nature and animals, character traits, and the direction of activity can be suggested by onomastics, having analyzed all the necessary data.

Not only the Orthodox Church has "Saints". Many other religions also rely on similar calendars. For Hindus, such a book is “Hindu Dharma”. months can be gleaned from the Koran or historical manuscripts relating to the life of the Prophet Muhammad.

Choosing a name for a girl is a rather complex and sensitive issue, fraught with many the most important factors, the accounting of which must be given immediate and obligatory attention. If in the case of a guy the choice can be based only on the desire to turn the life of a boy, a future man, into a continuous flow of luck and material wealth, then in the case of girls, future women, everything is much more complicated, and therefore the names need to be sorted out much more carefully...

Every parent, without exception, wishes their daughter prosperity, material development, personal happiness, happy family, loving husband and children. But it is one thing to desire, and another thing to do something to achieve all of the above. And you can do “something” already at the initial stage of everyday life - you just need to choose a name whose meaning will provide everything you want. As they say - “what you call a ship, so it is...” ...

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Girls born on a January day are usually distinguished by a stern character and the absence of any feminine qualities. Here it is worth paying attention to names that promise something the opposite, preferably tenderness, romance, and frivolity with imagination.

February girls are also harsh in soul and nature, they usually do not know how to have fun and devote their lives to their careers. These need a name that promises characteristics such as tenderness, softness, complaisance and pliability. Only then will there be a chance for a happy personal life.

Usually March girls frivolous by nature and do not know how to concentrate on what is important. Here you need to give attention. responsibility and diligence, and only winter names that promise severity and toughness can do this - the combination will be ideal.

Girls born in April are usually dominated by timidity, suspiciousness and self-doubt. These are ideal mothers and wives, but they do not have personal victories and achievements - for this they will have to be endowed with seriousness, courage, and determination, which one of the proposed names will help with.

May girls are completely purposeful and persistent, they always achieve their goals and become careerists who forget about their personal lives. This can only be corrected by choosing a name that promises gentleness, caring, romance, good imagination and femininity.

Modern astrologers are inclined to believe that girls born in June should be given names that promise masculine features. The meaning that imparts toughness, success, determination and self-sufficiency would not hurt here.

July ladies are characterized by selfishness, independence, independence and love of freedom, non-acceptance of other people's opinions and self-sufficiency. Here you need a name that softens the character, promising frivolity, dreams, fantasy and a cool, vast imagination.

But those born in this month usually have a tolerant and fairly positive character, requiring no alterations or additions. The name must be chosen in such a way that it only enhances the existing features, but does not reduce them or modify them. There are plenty of these in the Russian name book.

Those born in September, especially Libra, are quite positive and have a minimum of disadvantages, although they largely depend on the stars and the influence of the patron planet. Experts advise paying attention to name forms of a purely Russian interpretation that have Slavic roots.

In this case, the meaning of the name is perfect, promising such factors as hardness and rigidity - there should be a name that sounds resonant and confident. Its meaning must necessarily bestow soft features and femininity, because otherwise the girl will grow up to be a successful careerist, but not a mother or a wife.

The majority of people here are sensible, extremely serious, responsible, dutiful, committed, successful and purposeful ladies. Such people grow up to be powerful and persistent. The name here needs to be something that will give at least a little levity.

And here we're talking about already about unpredictable representatives of the weak half of humanity. The character of an adult lady here is difficult to predict, but there is a chance to immediately, including through the influence of the meaning of the name, cultivate in her the kind of nature that the parents themselves want to bestow. But names for girls will have to be sorted out in this case for a very, very long time and carefully.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents are guided by various factors, among which the memory of a loved one, unusual sound, its hidden meaning. Any names carry some information that, after birth, can influence its bearer, forming special habits, worldview, and character. In addition, before naming a girl, it is necessary to compare the choice with the middle name and pronounce the rumor, analyzing the overall sound. Consult with relatives, thereby you will find out the collective opinion.

What to name a girl

If you are interested in names for a girl, then think about whether the choice you made is suitable for the baby. Its acceptance by society is of no small importance. For a child to live among people, how will they react to an elaborately exotic option? Each is beautiful, but in its own way, in a certain area and for each nationality.

It would be inappropriate to use Arabic name for a fair-haired girl living in European territory, even if it is very beautiful, melodic and unusual. It is better to focus on the multinational option, which can be selected from the directory. And if you have twin girls, then the search becomes much harder. In such cases, it is recommended to name the baby something consonant with the name of the second child: Ksenia and Semyon, Olga and Oleg, Masha and Misha.

Beautiful double names for girls Anna-Maria, Sofia-Victoria, Olga-Anastasia are gaining popularity. This happens because parents cannot decide on one of the options. Sometimes mothers believe that this will give the baby a couple of guardian angels at once. Psychologists say that such girls can begin to behave double life. To prevent this from happening, the child is given one name, which is registered in the registry office, and a second name at baptism.

Choosing a name for a girl according to the Orthodox church calendar

Orthodox names have different origins- Hebrew, Greek, Latin. This is due to the fact that the Byzantines “collected” all the options they encountered. The church calendar included the Scandinavian ones - Olga, the common Slavic ones - Bogdan, the ancient Germanic ones - Henrietta. IN lately It has become fashionable to name a daughter after the calendar. To choose your option for a girl, you need a complete church calendar, in which the name days of the saints are noted for each specific date of the month. Here is an example of several options for Christmastide:

  • The January girls were called: Anastasia, Ulyana, Evgenia, Maria, Tatyana, Eva, Alice, Polina.
  • February: Zoyas, Ksenias, Annas, Svetlanas, Valentinas, Agnias, Inns.
  • Martovskys: Antoninas, Marinas, Margaritas, Anastasias, Kiramis, Galinas, Ulyans, Valeries, Daryas.
  • April: Annas, Daryas, Alexanders, Allas, Larisas, Evas, Nikas, Sophias, Olgas, Irins, Lydias, Tamars.
  • Maiskys: Elizabeths, Marias, Taisiyas, Julias, Zoyas, Irins, Fains.
  • June: Alenami, Sophia, Elena, Innami, Annami.
  • July: Angelinas, Innas, Irinas, Zhannas, Juliannas, Olgas, Valentinas, Julias, Rimmas, Veronicas.
  • Augustovskys: Marys, Magdalenes, Svetlanas, Milenas, Nonnas, Olympiads, Ulyans, Eves, Daryas.
  • September: Anfisa, Natalia, Vasilisa, Milena, Ulyana.
  • Oktyabrskys: Ariadnas, Irinas, Sophias, Eulampias, Pelageyas, Mariannas, Veronicas, Zinaidas.
  • November: Alen, Elizaveta, Elena, Natalia, Valeria.
  • December: Angelinas, Catherines, Anfisas, Olgas, Varvaras, Annas.

Girl names by month for 2016 and 2019

The popularity of names changes annually. Fashionable in one season, it becomes out of date in another. There have been no big changes in the current 2016-2017 season. Let's look at fashionable Slavic options by month. It is recommended to call December girls Ekaterina, Olga, Varvara, Marina. For those born in January, Anastasia, Tatyana, Nina, Claudia, Evgenia are relevant; in February - Maria, Anna, Evdokia, Svetlana, Zoya.

Spring girls, distinguished by their cheerfulness and lively character, are given serious names that balance their activity. Girls born in March are recommended to be called Kirami, Margarita, Regina. For April babies, Christina, Taisiya, Tamara, Olga are suitable, for May babies - Antonina, Valeria, Sofia. Summer girly is feminine and possessive unique ability please others. Call the June beauty Ulyana, Alena, Maria.

Born in July - Zhanna, Julia, Elena. Call the August maiden Anna, Seraphima, Valentina, Olga or Milena. Practical and purposeful ladies are born in autumn. This season the September girls were called Nadezhda, Anfisa, Vera. In October they give preference to Veronica, Zlata, Anna, in November - Eurosigne, Natalya, Alena, Olga.

Beautiful and rare Russian names for girls

In ancient times, in Rus', girls were named in order to protect them from evil spirits and unkind deeds. They formed names from words denoting animals and plants. They were very similar to nicknames. After the Baptism of Rus', women began to give girls personal names. It was then that most of the options appeared, which are currently considered modern and rare. They were influenced by their religious character because girls were named at baptism. It is interesting that in those days names were divided into aristocratic and peasant. The most beautiful ones that have come down to us are:

  • Zlata.
  • Anna.
  • Olga.
  • Seraphim.
  • Vasilisa.
  • Angelina.
  • Ulyana.
  • Nellie.
  • Augusta.
  • Anfisa.
  • Pavel.
  • Alice.

List of the most popular female names and their meanings

In Russia, the list of popular girls' names includes old and new options. To do right choice For a girl, it is necessary not only to correlate them by ear, but also to know its history and meaning. The fate of the baby largely depends on this. You should avoid funny, overly original ones. Let's look at what the most mean popular names for newborn girls, according to dictionaries. Let's start with the letter "A", and then alphabetically:

  • Arina is calm.
  • Anna from Hebrew "grace".
  • Valentina from Old Russian means healthy.
  • Valeria is strong.
  • Victoria from Old Slavonic means “victory”.
  • Galina is calm.
  • Daria is the winner.
  • Diana after the Roman goddess.
  • Catherine from Old Russian means immaculate.
  • Elena is sunny.
  • Elizabeth from Old Russian means worshiper of God.
  • Jeanne is a gift from God.
  • Irina - peace.
  • Ksenia from Old Russian means a stranger.
  • Christina – dedicated to God.
  • Kira is a mistress.
  • Maria from Old Russian means bitter.
  • Olga is a saint.
  • Polina is smart and beautiful.
  • Seraphim, which comes from Hebrew, is mobile.
  • Julia is gentle, affectionate.

Top modern foreign names for girls according to the 2019 rating

The rating contains the following modern names girls: East Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazakh, Uzbek, Bashkir, Asian, Kyrgyz, Georgian, European, Belarusian, Moldavian and even foreign Polish, German, American and English. Let's consider the most interesting, unusual and beautiful options for babies of different nationalities and cultures. Muslim, islamic names come from Turkic culture, some of them are taken from the Koran. Among them are the famous Arab ones - Zuhra, Aliya and Latifa; Persian - Gulnara, Dilyara, Firuza and Yasmina.

As Islamic culture spread, Zainab, Asiya, Fatima, known for their Islamic sacred texts. Uzbek babies receive names whose roots go deep into the history of Islam: Asmira means “the most feminine and beautiful princess.” Guldasta – “bouquet”. Dinora – “gold coin”. Zukhra – “beautiful”. Farkhunda - “happy”. Tatar girls It is customary to call them Lucii, Albins, Roses. Popular - Aisha, Vazikha, Bella, Nadiya. According to statistics, the most common Crimean Tatar name for a girl is Alina.

Girls of Kazakh nationality receive the names Aliya, Asiya, Asem, Bibigul, Botagoz, Gulmira. Caucasian peoples professing Christians Catholic faith, name their daughters in accordance with the desired qualities and with meaning. This is how Armenian girls are called: Amalia - pure, Azniv - honest, Azatui - freedom-loving, Gayane - keeper of the home. The leaders in the ranking of European options are Alena, Kira and Valeria. In Moldova, newborn girls are called Yaroslava, Sophia, and among non-traditional names Luna and Soare are the leaders.

Choosing a name for a child is a whole problem. About how to find a suitable, beautiful and at the same time rare option Olga Vladimirovna Gorelova, a teacher at the Russian Language Department at Far East State University, will tell you. In her words, every name is not just some combination of letters and sounds, it is the story of a person. From the moment a child is born and gets a name, he begins his journey. When choosing a name, you need to pay attention to ease of pronunciation, interpretation and combination with the patronymic. In addition, from our video story you can learn what not to name your child.