Folk myth about the sun. Yarilo - the god of the sun and the holiday dedicated to him Yarilin day Myths Yarilo the sun read

Riddles about summer, proverbs and sayings about summer, stories about summer

About June for children

"Dry" rain

In the deserts of Turkmenistan, rain is very rare in summer. And if it does happen, it is only “dry”. What kind of rain is this?

Lightning flashes, thunder roars. It starts to rain. However, the rain evaporates before reaching the surface of the earth. That is why even those who have lived in the desert for decades hardly remember the summer rains.

Yarilo-Sun and Mother Earth of Cheese (Slavic myth)

Mother Earth of Cheese lay in darkness and cold. She was dead - no light, no heat, no sounds, no movement.

And the ever-young, ever-joyful bright Yar said: “Let’s look through the pitch darkness at Mother Raw Earth, is she good, is she comely, will we like our thoughts?” And the flame of the gaze of the bright Yar in an instant pierced the immeasurable layers of darkness that lay over the sleeping Earth. And where Yarilin’s gaze cut through the darkness, there the red sun shone.

And hot waves of radiant Yarilin light poured through the sun. Mother Cheese Earth awoke from sleep and in her youthful beauty, like a bride on her wedding bed, spread out... She greedily drank the golden rays of life-giving light, and from that light scorching life and languishing bliss spilled into her depths.

rushing in sun rays sweet speeches of the god of love, the eternally young god Yarila: “Oh, you goy, Mother of Cheese Earth! Love me, God of light, for your love I will adorn you blue seas, yellow sands, green ants, scarlet and azure flowers; You will give birth to a countless number of sweet children from me...”

Yarilina’s words are loved by the Earth, she loved the bright god and from his hot kisses she was decorated with cereals, flowers, dark forests, blue seas, blue rivers, silvery lakes. She drank Yarilina’s hot kisses, and heavenly birds flew out of her depths, forest and field animals ran out of dens, fish swam in the rivers and seas, small flies and midges swarmed in the air... And everything lived, everything loved, and everything sang praises songs: to father - Yaril, to mother - Raw Earth.

And again from the red sun Yarila’s loving speeches rush: “Oh, you goy, Mother of Cheese Earth! I decorated you with beauty, you gave birth to a countless number of lovely children, love me more than ever, you will give birth to a beloved child from me.”

Love were those speeches of Mother Raw Earth, she greedily drank the life-giving rays and gave birth to man... And when he emerged from the bowels of the earth, Yarilo hit him on the head with a golden rein - an ardent lightning. And from that lightning the mind arose in man. Yarilo greeted his beloved earthly son with heavenly thunder and streams of lightning. And from those thunders, from that lightning, all living creatures shook in horror: the birds of the sky scattered, the oak forest animals hid in caves, one man raised his intelligent head to the sky and responded to his father’s thunderous speech with a prophetic word, a winged speech... And, having heard that word and seeing his king and ruler, all the trees, all the flowers and grains bowed before him, animals, birds and every living creature obeyed him.

Mother Cheese Earth rejoiced in happiness, in joy, hoping that there was no end or edge to Yarilin’s love... But after a short time the red sun began to go down, bright days the winds shortened, the cold winds blew, the singing birds fell silent, the animals of the oak forest howled, and the king and ruler of all creatures, breathing and not breathing, shuddered from the cold...

The Mother of Cheese Earth became clouded and, out of grief and sadness, watered her faded face with bitter tears - fractional rains. The Mother of Cheese Earth cries: “Oh, the sailing wind!.. Why do you breathe the hateful cold on me?.. The eye of Yarilino is a red sun!.. Why don’t you warm and shine as before?.. Yarilo the god has stopped loving me - I will lose of my beauty, for my children to perish, and again for me to lie in darkness and cold!.. And why did I recognize the light, why did I recognize life and love?.. Why did I recognize the clear rays, with the hot kisses of the god Yarila?..” Yarilo is silent. “I don’t feel sorry for myself,” Mother Cheese Earth cries, shrinking from the cold, “a mother’s heart grieves for her dear children.”

Yarilo consoled her, saying that he would return soon, but in the meantime, so that people would not freeze, he sent Fire to the earth.

Riddles about summer for children

In a generous field there are ears of corn

Golden wheat.

The berries in the forest are ripe,

Bees hide honey in cells. \

Lots of warmth and light,

This only happens... (in summer.)

In the morning the beads sparkled,

They covered all the grass with themselves,

And we went to look for them during the day,

We search and search, but we won’t find it. (Dew.)

What a wonderful beauty!

painted gate

Showed up on the way!

You can't drive into them,

Neither enter. (Rainbow.)

In the blue sky

Like on a river,

White sheep are swimming.

They keep their way from afar

What are their names?..

Proverbs and sayings about summer

June warmth is sweeter than a fur coat.

There is a lot of haymaking on a sharp scythe.

In every heap, as long as it is not raked in the rain, you will find a pound of honey.

Boast about hay, but not grass.

Three winters will not dispel the herbal spirit.

What do the larks sing about? (Moldavian folk tale)

Once upon a time there lived a king, and the king had one and only son. It so happened that the heir fell ill. The king summoned doctors from all over the kingdom and ordered them to cure his son.

The doctors began to look at the patient and began to discuss how to treat him. They cannot identify the disease, they cannot prescribe medicine. And with that they left.

The king then issued a cry to the whole earth - whoever cures the prince will receive expensive gifts and untold riches.

And then the old sorcerer came to the palace. He examined the prince and said: “The prince will recover when he eats the tongue of a non-bird bird, which will be killed by a non-human man with a non-gun gun made of wood.” The elder said these words and left the palace without demanding a gift.

The king called his boyars, told them the elders’ words and asked for advice: what kind of non-bird bird is this, who is this non-human man, what kind of non-gun gun is this, made of wood-non-wood.

The boyars began to think, to solve the royal riddle.

- The non-bird is, of course, a lark. Although he flies, he mostly walks on the ground. Although he sings, he sings only in the sky, not like other birds. And, having sung, it falls to the ground like a stone.

“And the non-human man,” said the boyars, “is, of course, a shepherd.” He does not live in a village, like all people, but in kodi, like wild beast. He spends time not with people, but with sheep - what kind of a real person is he?

“And the tree is not a tree,” the boyars decided, “it’s probably a linden tree.” Linden wood is soft and fragile - where can it compare with real wood!

But a gun isn’t a gun—what’s there to guess about! - it's a bow and arrow. This bow is made entirely of linden, the string is made of bast.

The king of the boyars listened. The boyars made a bow and ordered the shepherd to be brought.

“Here’s a linden bow for you,” said the boyars. “Go and shoot us a lark bird.” We will tear out his tongue, give it to the king's son, and he will recover.

The shepherd took his bow and went to hunt the lark.

The lark either flew straight up to the sun and burst into a ringing song, or threw itself down like a stone - teasing the hunter. The shepherd was already tired of chasing him, when suddenly the lark sat down on the ground and asked in a human voice:

- Why are you chasing me, do you really want to kill me? After all, you and I have known each other for a long time, no one climbs the hill before you - and I’m the first to sing a song when I see you. I am your friend, and you aimed an arrow at me.

And the shepherd revealed himself to the lark.

“It’s not I who want to kill you—the boyars.” So they decided at the royal council. They considered me a non-human person, but they said about you that you are a non-bird. They gave me a non-gun, a linden bow, a bast bowstring, all made of wood. They ordered to kill you in order to deprive you of your tongue, and with this tongue they will cure the king’s son.

The lark laughed here.

- The boyars deceived you! I am a bird, real, genuine. I'll flap my wings and fly high. I’ll open my beak and the song will flow. And I hatch chicks like other birds. And winter will come - I fight the blizzard, I stay in my native places, I don’t fly to foreign lands. Come on, tell me, are there many such birds in the world? And think to yourself: what kind of non-human person are you if you take care of your flock in the rain and cold, take care of every lamb, and don’t spare your strength for the sake of people. You are the real person! And linden is a tree! - said the lark. - Come on, remember what the rafters above your roof, the beams in your attic are made of! And what do you use to slurp your cabbage soup? Is your spoon carved from oak? The real tree is linden. And your bow and arrows are a good weapon. How many enemies were driven away from their homes with these weapons! If you want to know what a non-gun is, it’s an elderberry tube from which boys shoot peas. The elderberry is not a tree, because almost all of it is made of pulp, only the tube is hard. But the non-human people are the ones who sent you to kill me: bar-parasites. That’s for sure - they are non-human people, because they don’t have a head on their shoulders, but a fake block of wood!

Under the boyar's hat

There is very little intelligence

Well, maybe forever

He didn't exist!

Having sung this song, the lark flew high into the sky, towards the sun itself.

All the larks, barely seeing the shepherd, either fly high, high, or fall down like a stone and sing all the time:

The boyar has very little intelligence under his cap,

Well, maybe He never existed!

The larks sing this song to this day.

About July for children

Ivan Kupala holiday for children

Ivan Kupala was one of the most revered, most important, most riotous holidays of the year, the entire population took part in it, and tradition required the active inclusion of everyone in all rituals and actions; special behavior, mandatory implementation and observance of a number of rules, prohibitions, customs.

Midsummer's day is filled with rituals related to water. In the morning on Midsummer's Day, bathing is a national custom, and only in some regions did the peasants consider such bathing dangerous, since the birthday boy on Midsummer's Day is himself a merman, who cannot stand it when people interfere in his kingdom, and takes revenge on them by drowning everyone careless.

By ancient belief, Ivan Kupala personifies the flowering of the forces of nature. The rituals are based on the veneration of water and the sun. Since ancient times, it was customary to light ritual bonfires on the banks of rivers and lakes on the night of Ivan Kupala. People jumped over them and threw wreaths.

On the day of Ivan Kupala they tried to heal themselves with dew. To do this, you need to get up as early as possible and walk barefoot through the healing Kupala dew. On this day there was a mass gathering medicinal herbs. special healing power Kupala grass appears at sunrise, so, as they say, “he who gets up early, God gives to him!”

According to legend, Midsummer Night was considered a time of rampant evil spirits: gatherings of sorcerers and witches were held in the swamps.

There are several folk signs for this day.

On Midsummer's Day the sun shines at sunrise.

Heavy dew on Ivan means a harvest of cucumbers.

It's a starry night on Ivan's day - there will be a lot of mushrooms.

If the rain starts crying, then in five days the sun will laugh.

Kupala ritual songs

It was in the field, in the field,

There was a birch tree.

She is tall

The leaf is wide.

Like under this birch tree

Kostroma lay;

He is killed - not killed,

Yes, covered with tarpaulin.

Beautiful maiden

She approached him

Ubrus opened,

She admitted in her face:

“Are you sleeping, dear Kostroma,

Or what do you smell?

Your horses are black

They roam in the field.”

Beautiful maiden

She carried some water.

I carried some water,

The rain asked:

“God, make it rain,

Frequent rain,

To wet the grass,

The sharp scythe has been dulled.”

Like across the river, across the river

Kostroma is mowing hay,

Threw his scythe

Among the mowing.

Oh, for Saint Kupala

Oh, for Saint Kupala

A swallow was swimming there,

Dried on the bank,

The pretty girl scolded.

It was summer, or it wasn’t,

Mother didn’t let me go for a walk,

Locked it with a golden key.

I'm on Saint Kupala

I ran to my dear...

“Kupalo, Kupala,

Where did you spend the winter?”

"It flew in the forest,

It spent the winter in the reach.”

The girls were collecting Christmas trees,

They collected and didn’t know

They collected and didn’t know

They tortured Kupalich:

"Kupala, Kupala,

What kind of potion is this?

What kind of potion is this?

Holy root?

Like Saint Kupala

The sun was shining clearly.

A little siskin walked down the street

Near Marenochka

Take a walk with a tit,

Gather the girls for Kupala

Yes, guys, go for a walk,

And wreath the girls,

And beat the guys' caps.

Girls have their own will

For the kids, even more so.

Scent of the Sun

In the Sun there are sounds and dreams,

Fragrances and flowers -

Everyone merged into a consonant chorus,

Everything is woven into one pattern.

The sun smells like herbs,

Fresh baths,

In the awakening spring

And resinous pine.

Delicately light woven

Drunk with lilies of the valley,

What bloomed victoriously

In the pungent smell of earth.

The sun shines with bells,

Green leaves,

Breathes the spring song of birds,

Breathe with the laughter of young faces.

So say to all the blind: it will be for you!

You will not see the gates of heaven.

The sun has a scent

Sweetly intelligible only to us,

Visible to birds and flowers!

(K. Balmont)

The ruddy dawn

The east is covered.

In the village, across the river,

The light went out.

Sprinkled with dew

Flowers in the fields.

The herds have awakened

On soft meadows.

Gray mists

Floating towards the clouds

Geese caravans

They rush to the meadows.

People woke up

They rush to the fields,

The sun appeared

The earth rejoices.

(A. Pushkin)

Summer evening

Already a hot ball of the sun

The earth rolled off its head,

And peaceful evening fire

The sea wave swallowed me up.

The bright stars have already risen

And gravitating over us

The vault of heaven has been lifted

With your wet heads.

The river of air is fuller

Flows between heaven and earth,

The chest breathes easier and more freely,

Freed from the heat.

And a sweet thrill, like a stream,

Nature ran through my veins,

How hot are her legs?

The spring waters have touched.

(F. Tyutchev)

What kind of dew happens on the grass?

When you go into the forest on a sunny morning in summer, you can see diamonds in the fields and grass. All these diamonds sparkle and shimmer in the sun different colors- and yellow, and red, and blue.

When you come closer and see what it is, you will see that these are drops of dew collected in triangular leaves of grass and glistening in the sun.

The inside of the leaf of this grass is shaggy and fluffy, like velvet.

And the drops roll on the leaf and do not wet it.

When you carelessly pick a leaf with a dewdrop, the droplet will roll off like a light ball, and you will not see how it slips past the stem. It happened that you would pick such a cup, slowly bring it to your mouth and drink the dewdrop, and this dewdrop seemed tastier than any drink.

(L. Tolstoy)

On the field in summer

Fun on the field, free on the wide one! Multi-colored fields seem to run along the hills to the blue stripe of the distant forest.

The golden rye is agitated; she inhales the strengthening air. Young oats turn blue; blooming white buckwheat with red stems and white and pink honey flowers. Hidden away from the road was a curly pea, and behind it was a pale green strip of flax with bluish eyes. On the other side of the road, the fields turn black under the flowing steam.

The lark flutters over the rye, and the sharp-winged eagle looks vigilantly from above: he sees a noisy quail in the thick rye, he also sees a field mouse as it hurries into its hole with a grain that has fallen from a ripe ear. Hundreds of invisible grasshoppers are chattering everywhere.

(K. Ushinsky)


(Slovenian folk tale)

One boy loved to swim. And even during the flood, when the river swelled and rose, he did not sit at home, did not listen to his father and mother, and ran away to swim. He undressed on the shore and jumped into the water. A stormy stream picked him up and carried him away. The boy fought the current with all his strength, cutting through the waves, swam fathoms, but he saw that he did not have enough strength. He began to scream, call for help. The merman heard him. And it’s good that I heard it—the little swimmer had already choked and lost consciousness. When the merman arrived in time to the drowning man, he was already motionless, and the waves carried him further and further. In truth, the merman could not stand it when one of the people fell alive to him at the bottom. But he liked the little swimmer. It was a pity to drown the child, and he decided to save him. In addition, the merman was tired of sitting forever alone in a vast kingdom, and he was glad to see a handsome boy who could now make him excellent company.

The merman took the child in his arms and carried him to his beautiful city at the bottom of the river.

Never before had a living person come into his possession - this was the first time this had happened. He laid the water boy on the bed. Then he quietly walked away and hid, waiting for his little guest to wake up.

The boy woke up, looked around and saw that he was lying on a glass bed in the middle of a glass room. Near the bed there is a table, and on it there are a lot of toys, all made of crystal. The toys shimmered so temptingly and were so beautiful that the boy reached out to them - he wanted to play. But at that very moment he remembered his home and cried bitterly.

The merman ran up to him and asked:

-What are you crying about, little one?

“I want to go home,” the boy sobbed.

“Is it really better at home than in my palace?” — the merman was surprised.

- Better! - the boy answered and cried even louder.

The merman realized that all his consolations were in vain, and left. And the boy, having cried his fill, fell asleep. Then the merman crept up to him on tiptoe and carried him to another room. The boy woke up, looked around and saw that he was lying on a silver bed in the middle of a silver room - the walls, the floor, and the ceiling were silver, by the bed there was a silver table with toys, and all the toys were made of pure silver. Such wealth! The boy looked at them enchanted. Then he took the silver toys and began to play with them. But after a minute he got tired of the fun. He remembered how fun it was to tinker around with his brother and sister at home, and he burst into tears.

-What are you crying about, little one?

“I want to go to my brother and sister,” the boy answered and began to sob even more.

The merman could not console him and left. And the boy fell asleep. The merman again crept up to him on tiptoe and carried him to the third room. When the boy woke up, he saw that he was lying in a golden chamber on a bed made of pure gold. Everything there was gold: the table, the chairs, and the toys. The boy was often told about magical treasuries where gold was kept. But he never dreamed of such a radiance - it blinded his eyes! Enchanted, the boy took up the toys made of pure gold. But they did not amuse him for long. The boy remembered his mother and father, and he began to cry again.

The merman came running and asked:

-What are you crying about, my child?

“I want to go to my father and mother,” said the boy, sobbing louder and louder.

The merman was surprised - after all, he didn’t know what a father, mother, brothers and sisters were.

“Are father and mother really more valuable to you than pure gold?” - he exclaimed.

“More expensive,” said the boy.

The merman withdrew and collected all the pearls that the depths of his underwater kingdom hid. He collected it and poured it out in front of the boy. The pile of pearls grew to the very ceiling, and the merman asked:

“Are your father and mother really more valuable to you than such a pile of pearls?”

The boy closed his eyes so that the sparkle of the treasures would not blind him. There seemed to be a glow all around; it seemed as if the room was on fire.

- You are working in vain! — the boy answered. “You still won’t know the value of my father and mother.” They are dearer to me than gold and pearls, dearer than anything in the world!

The merman realized that there was nothing he could do to console the boy, he waited until the child fell asleep, carefully carried him sleepily out of the water and laid him on the shore. Here the owner was waiting for his poor clothes, which the boy took off before jumping into the water. The merman found pockets in it, filled them with gold and pearls and disappeared.

The boy woke up and saw that he was lying on the shore near the water. He got up and got dressed.

And then I remembered about the water and underwater kingdom. At first the boy thought that he had dreamed all this, but when he reached into his pocket and pulled out gold and pearls, he realized that it was not a dream, but the real truth. The boy rushed home to his father and mother, to his brother and sister, and found the whole family in tears: everyone already thought that he had drowned. But there was no end to the joy! Moreover, there was now plenty of everything in the house, because the boy brought stingray pearls and red gold from the underwater kingdom. The family said goodbye to poverty and learned prosperity. The lucky ones built themselves new home and lived happily ever after in it.

The boy still went to the river to swim, but now he no longer swam in the flood. And in general I tried to stick to shallow water - a merman couldn’t get there.

And the merman returned to his underwater kingdom, saddened. He thought that he had collected the most valuable treasures in the world in his possessions. And suddenly it turned out that people had treasures more expensive than gold and pearls. People have father and mother, brothers and sisters. But the merman had no one! He became sad and cried for three days in a row; His sobs shook the shores, and the waves roared as if in a flood. Then the merman went to inspect every corner of his kingdom - maybe there were special treasures hidden somewhere that had not yet caught his eye.

Shepherd and three mermaids

(Macedonian folk tale)

A young shepherd was tending his flock by the river, in a green meadow between oak groves. And then he sees three beautiful girls swimming in the river. The shepherd looked at them and couldn’t take his eyes off. “If I were closer to them,” he thought, “I would grab one of the beauties and take him as my wife!”

And the girls took a swim, quickly put on their shirts and disappeared.

The next day, before dawn, the shepherd drove the flock onto the same lawn. The sheep began to graze, and the shepherd hid at the edge of the oak grove - he still wanted to be closer to the river and get a better look at the bathers. Well, as the sun rose, three girls appeared and entered the water. But the shepherd did not dare to approach them, for fear of scaring them away.

The third morning has arrived. The shepherd again hid in the bushes near the water. The sun rose, and the girls appeared at the river again. Young, cheerful, like clear stars. We quickly undressed and entered the river. And the shepherd is thinking about how he can catch at least one of the young beauties! And he decided to steal their clothes.

No sooner said than done! The shepherd came out of the ambush and stole the shirts. The girls saw this, became alarmed, and began to ask the shepherd to return their clothes - they promised a big reward. And the shepherd already realized that the girls would fulfill any of his commands, and said:

- Let one of you become my wife! If you refuse, I’ll immediately light a fire and burn your shirts, so you know. Then get home in whatever you want!

“Everything is clear to us, guy, but you should also know that we are mermaid sisters.” If you get married, people will start making fun of you, saying, what kind of wife do you have - a watery woman!

- Yes, even a witch! - said the boy. - What importance! I want to - and get married! Agree, otherwise I’ll burn my shirts.

The sisters saw that he was not joking.

- Well, tell us which one you like, and return the shirts as soon as possible - it’s time for us to return home, we live far away!

- Give me the youngest! - the guy answered.

Then the older sisters took him aside and said:

- Remember! When your sister becomes your wife, don’t give her the shirt, or she’ll run away. That shirt is magical, it has all the mermaid’s power.

The shepherd remembered that advice, gave the shirts to the older mermaid sisters, and they disappeared. And late in the evening the youngest entered the shepherd’s house naked. The shepherd told her wedding dress and soon married her. He began to live with his mermaid wife; there was no woman more beautiful than her in the whole world.

How long or how quickly - the year has flown by. And so they invited the shepherd and his wife to a wedding with one of their relatives. At the wedding, the women began to dance in a circle; only the shepherd’s wife refused. Everyone began to persuade her. She answered:

- In your opinion, I can’t do it, but I can do it like a mermaid. Yes, but the outfit is not suitable. Ask my husband to give me the mermaid shirt at least for a minute. Then I will show our dances.

Well, the women began to ask for a shepherd! But that one is absolutely impossible, and that’s all. The women are even more pestering, damned, begging! The shepherd gave in to them, went home, took out a shirt from a secluded place, brought it to the wedding, ordered all the windows and doors to be closed, and gave the shirt to his wife.

She got dressed, entered the round dance and began to dance like a mermaid. Everyone who was there could not stop admiring the beauty. But as soon as the music stopped, the mermaid ran up to her husband, took his hand, and said:

- Well, now - be healthy, my lord!

And so she was - she flew away. The guy jumped out of the house like mad and shouted after her:

- Wife, dear wife! Why are you leaving me! Tell me a word, tell me where to look for you, so that I can see you at least once!

- Look for me in a distant land, in the village of Kushkundalevo, dear husband! - she said and disappeared.

Soon the shepherd set out on the road to look for this village. He walked for a long, long time and asked everywhere if anyone knew how to get to that place.

But everyone was just amazed at such a name - they say they had never even heard of it! Having traveled to all the villages and all the cities, the boy went in search of the mountains and deserts. One day he met an old man in the mountains, standing with a stick in his hand near a hundred-year-old oak tree.

- How did you, son, wander into my wilderness? — the old man was surprised. “After all, the rooster doesn’t crow here, and people don’t come here!”

“Trouble has driven me, grandfather,” said the shepherd. “I ask you, be my friend, help me - do you know where there is such a village - Kushkundalevo?” Maybe there is something hidden in these mountains?

“I haven’t heard, son, that there was such a village in our area,” answered the old man. “I’ve been living here for two hundred years, but I haven’t heard such a name.” What do you need there, guy?

The shepherd told him everything that happened. The old man thought, grunted, and answered:

- I didn’t hear, son. Just don’t freak out, move on. In a month you will reach other mountains - and you will meet the second old man, my brother, the same as

I. Give him greetings from me, because he is even older than me - he is three hundred years old, and he is the king over all the animals. Ask him nicely, he will help.

“Well, you sit here,” answered the old man, “and I’ll gather all the animals and ask them, maybe they know.”

And he sent messengers in all directions. Soon all the animals gathered, rose on their hind legs, and bowed to the old man. And the old man says:

- Hey you, lions and bears, foxes and wolves and all the forest animals, I want to ask you something. You often run past villages - maybe you know the village of Kushkundalevo?

“We haven’t heard such a thing, Father Tsar!” - all the animals answered.

- Well, you see! - the old man said to the shepherd. “There is no such village on earth!” Just don’t be sad and, if you’re not too lazy, move on. In a month you will reach new mountains, you will see the third elder there - he is the ruler of all birds. Birds fly everywhere - so maybe they know where your village is!

The shepherd set off again. A month later, he actually met the third elder, the lord of the birds. The shepherd bowed to him, conveyed greetings from the two elders, and then told him about his misfortune - everything as it is, without concealment. The old man sent swift-winged messengers for his feathered servants. Just a day passed - and a huge flock gathered - all the birds flocked to the king!

- Tell me, eagles and crows, large and small birds, does anyone know where the village of Kushkundalevo is?

- Sir, you didn’t hear! - the birds answered.

“Yes... Probably he doesn’t exist, guy,” the old man said to the shepherd. “Even the birds don’t know this, but they fly everywhere!” And I haven’t heard of it, even though I’ve been living in the world for four hundred years.

And just at that moment a lame magpie flew up to the king. The king saw her and asked:

- What is this? Why are you so late? Later than all the birds arrived. Is this the order, forty?

- But I’m lame, sir! - answered the magpie. And I have to fly farther than anyone else - I live far away, in Kushkundalevo itself, father, - where the mermaids live! When I heard you calling, I was completely ready, but I’m the mermaids’ servant. So the evil mistress went and hit me on the leg. I could barely fly from pain, forgive me, bright king!

“Did you hear, boy, what the magpie said?” - the old man asked the shepherd. - Well, sit astride the eagle, and the magpie will show the way.

- Thank you, sir, I will never forget you! - answered the shepherd.

And the old man ordered one of the eagles - the one that was stronger than all the others - to carry the shepherd to Kushkundalevo. The magpie flew forward, followed by a shepherd on an eagle. We arrived in the village early in the morning, our guy got off the eagle and entered the first courtyard to ask where the three sisters lived. Luckily, I came straight to them. Both elder mermaids instantly recognized him. “Ay-ay-ay! How exhausted the poor son-in-law was, wandering through the mountains and valleys,” the sisters thought. “That means he loves his wife seriously, and if so, then we need to help him!” The older sisters came out of the house and asked how it happened that he did not heed their advice and gave away the magic shirt? The boy told in order how the trouble had happened, and began to beg the two sisters to return his wife to him.

- Don't worry! “Your wife is here, in our house,” the sisters answered. “You take this saddle and follow us.” Your wife is still sleeping. We will tie her sleepy to the saddle and tie her. You will sit next to her, and the saddle will rise higher than the mountains. Just remember: as soon as you take off, your sister will wake up and scream and call her horse. You try, son-in-law, to reach the three treasured mountains by that time. If you pass them, everything will be fine, but if not, the horse will overtake you and tear you to pieces: he is magical!

The shepherd believed the two sisters, tied his wife to the saddle, sat down, took off, and they rushed off like a whirlwind. They passed three mountains, and then suddenly the mermaid woke up, realized what had happened, and began to call the horse. The horse rushed across the sky, but as soon as he reached the mountains, his magical power, and he had to turn back. And the shepherd got to his native village, took off his wife’s shirt and burned it so that the mermaid’s power would disappear. Well, he began to live with his young mermaid wife. And she gave birth to his daughters - beautiful, beautiful.

It was from these daughters that all the beauties in the world came.

Slavic mythological character, symbol of bright sunlight, associated with the fertility of the earth and the beginning of the blossoming of nature. The holiday in honor of him was celebrated at the beginning or end of spring. On this day they danced in circles and called out to the sun.
* * *

The night is dissipating. In the east, where the earth meets the sky, the Golden Rooster awakens the morning Virgin-Dawn, and she, in golden-crimson clothes, spreads her pink veil across the sky. Dawn-Kudryavich brings out a dazzling carriage drawn by scarlet horses for her. The Virgin Dawn leaves before sunrise, opens the heavenly gates of light and closes the gates of darkness. The earth is waking up.
Behind the Virgin Dawn, the Sun rides out on a luminous chariot drawn by white fire-breathing horses and makes its usual journey across the sky. The more zealously the Sun drives its horses, the more cowardly the spirits of darkness and darkness tuck their tails between their legs: the end of their time comes.
Night, the deity of darkness, is waiting and biding its time, when it will be possible to open the heavenly gates of darkness. Her sister, the Midnight Dawn Maiden, does not sleep. Floats on waterfowl through the underground ocean, completing the day's journey. After waiting the allotted time, he brings out three dashing black horses. As soon as the heavenly gates of darkness open, she rushes in a black carriage, releasing the spirits of darkness and darkness.
Day and Night are at odds. Day is the deity of light, shelters the world from hostile spells, drives away all evil. Night is the deity of darkness, patronizes evil spirits. There is an eternal, never-ending struggle between them for dominion over the world.
Night says:
“You, brother Day, are always walking the earth more than me, but you leave me very little time to rule the world.”
Day answers:
- Look, the time of Autumn is coming, and you don’t leave the earth for more and more time, you remain in darkness. Take your time, let me enjoy peace and quiet.
* * *
Queen Autumn rides across the earth in a golden chariot. And Listogon hurries after her, plucking leaves from the trees. The road is covered with them, as if covered with gold brocade.
Cold winds blew, frequent rains poured...
The mistress of medicinal herbs and roots, Mokosha, lives among the swamps and swamps on the edge of the swamp. He knows how to do good. The Sun descends towards it in autumn. She spends all the long autumn and winter nights. Mokosha takes care of the weakened winter Sun and heals him medicinal herbs Yes, with conspiracies, and by spring it again becomes strong and powerful.
The night learned that the Sun had weakened and its rays were unable to pierce the dark clouds and warm the earth. She figured out how she could remain the eternal mistress of the world. She whispered a terrible spell and awakened the evil dark spirit of Nesvet. He soared into the sky, shrouded it in a blanket of darkness, and sent clouds of darkness like clouds onto the earth. The night became longer, her dominion came to the earth.
The news of the victory of darkness over light came to the underworld. Karachun - the spirit of winter storms - learned that his time had come to rule the earth. I began to prepare for the wild hunt.
* * *
On the ground in the pitch darkness there was a prolonged howl, hum and whistle. The ferocious Karachun appeared - the underground ruler who rules the frosts. Menacing and inexorable, he brings cold and cold to the earth. Summons dark forces on a wild hunt:
- Connecting bears, turn into snowstorms, packs of white wolves - into blizzards, and you, my hound dogs, into snowdrifts and blizzards! Hey, Zimobor, take the ice ax and go out into the yard! There is darkness and darkness on earth, our time has come!
A host of ghosts and evil spirits sweep across the sky along with a winter storm. They are led by the ominous Karachun, accompanied by his hounds. rushing wild hunt with a roar and howl over the ground. Meeting her is dangerous for a traveler who finds himself on the road. A snow whirlwind swirls around him, sweeps the snow with flakes, and there is no way for him; he dies from the cold on the road.
Morozun follows in the footsteps of the wild hunt, shackles the water with ice, puts snow barriers on forest paths; runs through the fields, knocks on trees and stumps. From his blows, logs in houses crack, bark on trees bursts. The Maros are wheezing - blowing drifting snow and snow powder. Snegosey and Snegogon are working on the roads, making snowdrifts.
* * *
The light of the month has faded, the whirlwinds howl and hum, trees break and fall with a crash. In a destructive storm, Karachun rushes through the air, accompanied by evil spirits. The wild hunt continues. The winds drive the clouds in front of them, they are in the form of unprecedented monsters with horns, trunks and fangs, and there is no end to them.
The ferocious Karachun remembers his revenge on people. Brought out of ice mountain, from black hole an idol made of frost and ice. And says:
– There is no heart in your body, you are invincible! Go, kill every traveler on the road!
An ice idol appeared on the road. From his mouth a cold chill spreads like a white mist across the ground, and powder flies from his ears in all directions. Where he steps his foot, a snowdrift rises like a mountain; Where he shakes his hand, everything is covered with an icy crust. From his voice the earth trembles, the air hums. The giant approaches the houses and shouts:
- Come to me, earthly insects! I will freeze you all, turn you into an icicle, and crush you into ice! Uh-uh, watch out...
The ice idol began to scream so loudly that the wind rose and began to raise snow whirlwinds and break trees in the forest. The more the idol screams, the quieter its voice becomes. He began to get tired, cold sweat poured out of him. From the cry, the completely icy idol lost its strength. It fell to the ground and crumbled, only ice fragments remained.
The wild hunt has come to an end. By morning the storm had subsided, the sky had cleared of clouds, but the shine of dawn did not appear on it.
* * *
In the darkness and cold lies Mother Earth, as if dead - no light, no warmth. Everyone was tired of winter, she ate all the bread, she starved the cattle and still didn’t go away. People came out of the courtyards, stood at the gates and called to Yarila:
Be furious, Yarilo,
Shine with all your might!
Get more furious
Scatter the clouds!
Get furious with all your might -
Scatter the gloom and darkness!
Yarilo heard the song in the celestial golden chamber. He looked through the pitch darkness, pierced the darkness with his bright fiery gaze, cut through the darkness, and the red sun shone there. Hot waves of radiant Yarilin light poured through the darkness. The mighty enemy of dim-eyed Winter - Yarilo the good fellow is coming, tearing the snow shroud all over Rus'. Mother Earth woke up from her sleep. Drinks the golden rays of life-giving light. Decorated with flowers, green meadows, blooming gardens.

Birds fly in a line to their native lands to nest. The cranes return and shout: “Kurly-si, Kurly-si - we are flying from the south across Rus'!” Behind them are the rooks. They shout to them: “Whose are you, whose are you?” They answer: “We are ours, we are ours, we have come home!” Peasants with a plow-harrow are in a hurry in the field. Children play with burners and call the sun:
Sunny weather,
Get out from behind the bald spot!
Don't shine too far
Bring us warmth!
Drive away the frost
So that no one freezes!
Melt the ice
For the whole year!
On Yarilin's day, the holiday "Yarilki" is celebrated on the hill.

Target: to form an idea of ​​the god Yaril, to introduce the rituals of honoring him by the people through expressive means literature and fine arts.




    speech skills, reading, listening skills;

    skills of educational, creative cooperation of children in the process of artistic and practical creative activities;

    skills in paper and plastic techniques, graphics;



    ability to fully perceive work of art, respond emotionally to what you read;

    memory, imaginative thinking, creative imagination;

    active interest in the origins of Slavic culture;


bring up:

    love for the homeland, interest in its millennia-old history;

    culture of moral and aesthetic perception and the need to preserve

    artistic heritage of the Slavic people;


    help maintain the health of children with different types mental perception of information by changing types of activities.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Literary reading teacher:

Guys, today we will plunge into the world of the past of our Motherland. At a time when people lived in harmony with nature, loved and deified it. These words can serve as an epigraph to our lesson ( )

A people who do not know their history, their ancient roots, are doomed to death. It is fortunate that our ancient tales about the Slavic gods have been at least partially preserved, transmitted to us by unknown storytellers, our distant ancestors. And after reading them, you can proudly say that you are the heirs of the ancient Slavs. You, just like them, will know and love your history, respect the traditions of your people and be proud of its thousands of years of history.

2. Repetition of learned material .

Traditions, tales, what else can you call them? (myths )

What is a myth? What signs of a myth do you know? (stories about gods, heroes, myths reflect the fantastic ideas of people)

The teacher, summing up what has been said, gives a definition of myth.

A myth is a story (narration) about gods, heroes, spirits, reflecting people’s fantastic ideas about the world, nature and human existence.

What myths of peoples did we get acquainted with in previous lessons? (Greek, Khakassian ) Name them.(“Arion”, “Daedalus and Icarus”, “Moon and Chilbigen”, etc.)

Returning to our words on the slide, tell me, what myth of the people will we get acquainted with today? (Slavic )

If a myth is a story about gods, and we get acquainted with the Slavic myth, we cannot help but remember the Slavic gods. Let's remember which Slavic gods we met in the lessons of the world around us ( )

There are pictures on the slides with images of some Slavic gods, their names and brief description. Students read out this information.

God Svarog – The Supreme Heavenly God, who controls the course of our Life and the entire World Order of the Universe.

God Perun – God is the Patron of all warriors, the protector of the Lands from Dark forces.

Mother of God Makosh – Heavenly Mother of God, the Just Goddess of a happy lot and Fate, together with her daughters Dolya and Nedolya, determines Fates Heavenly Gods, as well as the fate of all people.

Dazhdbog – Guardian God of the ancient Great Wisdom, giver of all benefits, happiness and prosperity.

Stribog – God who controls lightning, whirlwinds, hurricanes, winds and sea storms.

Yarila - ….?( the picture and characteristics are not on the slide )

What is God Yaril like? Let's read the myth, and perhaps we will find the answer to this question there.

3. Studying new material.

A) Primary reading of the text.

The myth “Yarilo - the Sun” is read by four well-read students, according to the logical parts into which the entire text is divided.

What is the myth about? (about the origin of life on Earth, about the origin of man, about God Yaril)

What feelings did this piece evoke?(admiration, pride for a person, joy)

Teacher : Our main goal Today in class - from individual information in the text, create an image of the god Yarila, draw his verbal portrait.

First let's try to understand why it is named like that? Let's find words with the same root for the word Yarilo(fierce, bright, furious). Let's find the meaning of the word “ardent” in explanatory dictionary S. Ozhegov and read it.

B) Analysis of the literary image of Yarila

1 group : Read 1 paragraph in a chain one sentence at a time and answer the questions:

What was Mother Earth like before Yarila appeared?? (she was dead, no warmth, no sounds)

- Is there a description of Yarila in the text?(forever young, forever joyful bright Yarilo )

What did Yarilo do to wake up the Earth?(pierced, cut through layers of darkness, hot waves of radiant light poured out)

2nd group : read paragraphs 2 and 3 “to yourself” and answer the questions:

How did the Earth change with the appearance of Yarila? (woke up, spread out in beauty, decorated with cereals, flowers, etc. )

How to understand the expression “she greedily drank the golden rays of life-giving light”? What means of artistic expression is used here? (personification)

- Who appeared on Earth under the influence of Yarilin's light? (fish, animals, birds)

3 group : answer questions to paragraphs 4 and 5 by selective reading.

How did man's birth take place and how did his mind arise?

How did Yarila greet the birth of a person?

What did Yarila leave in his place when his strength weakened?(fire)

Teacher literary reading lets it down G:

Thus, we can say that Yarila is the god of the Sun, bringing youthful freshness, flourishing and fertility into the life of nature, awakening life.

Physical education minute

And now they quietly stood up,
We raised our hands to the sky,
Stretched and smiled
“Hello, sunshine!” they said
“We bowed to the right, to the left,” says the art teacher and continues the physical education lesson.
Right, left
We sat down together and got back to business!

C) Acquaintance with artistic images of Yarila.


- It would be interesting to know how the people portrayed God Yarila? To answer this question, let's put together an image of it. (Students assemble an illustration of Yarila, cut into several parts)


- This is what Yarila looked like - a spring-like, young man in a white shirt, barefoot, with a wreath of wildflowers on his head, riding on a white horse. ( )

April 23 is the Day of Yarila Veshny. What happened on this day?

From the first group, three students tell the information that is on their table:

1st student: On this day, Yarila “unlocks” Mother Cheese-Earth and releases dew, causing the rapid growth of grasses to begin.

2nd student: People said: “Yarila unlocks the Earth, releases spring from under the bushel, green grass kicks me out.”

3rd student: On this day, a ceremonial drive of cattle to pasture took place. According to custom, cattle and children were lightly hit with willow branches and said: “The willow brought health! As the willow grows, so do you!”


- ( ) - But the image of Yarila was not unambiguous, it changed over the course of the summer, and many holidays were dedicated to this.

And on June 4, Yarilo seemed different to the people . In one hand he held a bunch of rye, and in the other a club. What day is this?

Three students from the second group leave:

1st student: Day of honoring Yarila the Strong, or he was also called Yarila the Wet.

2nd student: On this day, the owner always went to the field to “look at the life.” Why is a specially baked pie placed in the seedlings? Then the owner moves away a few steps and looks to see whether the pie is visible in the shoots or not. If the pie is not visible, it means the harvest will be good.

3rd student: Starting from this day, the Vernal power of Yarila declines all the way to Kupala.


July 7 is not only the day of Kupala, but also the day of farewell to Yarila. Who is no longer thought of as a young man, but as a gray-bearded old man who gave all his life-giving power to the Earth. ( )

1st student: On this day it was customary to roll burning wheels from the nearest hill.

2nd student: A comic “funeral” for Yarila was held. For this purpose, a straw effigy of the aged Yarila was made, which, according to the Law of Similars, was buried by the same old man.

3rd student: Another option for seeing off Yarila was as follows: a round dance was performed around the old man portraying Yarila.

Fine Arts Teacher:

-We have learned a lot about the god Yaril and can conclude who he is.

( ).

- Yarilo is the image of the Sun God. God of awakening nature and fertility, symbol of strength and love. Patron flora. In honor of him, people began to give names to their children in order to make them strong and ardent - Yaropolk, Jaromir, Yaroslav.

But we don’t know what words people addressed to Yarila. We will recognize them after we transform our Earth in the likeness of Yarila (on the board there is an image of the non-living Earth ). To do this, we will work in groups.

4. Fixing the material.

Creative work in groups. (while the work is being done, music with birdsong sounds)

Group 1: create images of people in folk costumes;

Group 2: create an image of a blooming Earth (flowers, trees);

Group 3: create an image of the sky (clouds, birds, sun)

5. Creating teamwork.

After completing the work in groups, a teamwork, depicting a holistic image of the world.

Fine Arts Teacher:

Have we transformed our Earth? What has she become?(beautiful, elegant, blooming)

Thanks to your creative work, words appeared in our work with which people addressed Yarila, honoring him.( )

The student expressively reads the words written on the slide.

Hello, Yarila Trisvetly!
Glorious and Trislaven be!
You brighten the fruits of our fields
And our brave strength!
Yes, for the glory of the Heavenly Family
And Mother Earth!
So it was, so it is
And so it will be!

6. Lesson summary.

Literary reading teacher:

Let's summarize the lesson. What new did you learn in the lesson? What have you learned? What did you find most interesting?

7. Homework.

1 group. Find and write out outdated words, explain their meaning.

2nd group. Find and write out metaphor, comparison and personification from the text.

3rd group. Expressive Reading excerpt from “Earth Awakening.”

8. Reflection.

Fine Arts Teacher:

If you liked the lesson, you learned a lot of new and interesting things, let each of you complement our sunshine(on the board on a sheet of whatman paper there is a sun without rays) your ray of knowledge.

You did a good job today, well done! And I would like to end the lesson with the words of the commandment left to us by our Slavic ancestors( )

Every deed you commit leaves its indelible mark on the eternal Path of your life, and therefore, people, create only beautiful and good deeds, for the Glory of your Gods and Ancestors, for the edification of your descendants!

Mother Earth lay in darkness and cold. She was dead - no light, no sounds, no movement. And he said forever young. the ever-joyful, bright Yarilo: “Let’s look through the pitch darkness at Mother Earth, is she good, is she comely?” And the flame of Yarilin’s bright gaze in an instant pierced the immeasurable layers of darkness that lay over the sleeping Earth, and where Yarilin’s gaze cut through the darkness, there the red sun shone. And hot waves of Yarilin’s radiant light poured through the sun.
Mother Cheese-Earth woke up from her sleep and stretched out in her youthful beauty.
She greedily drank the golden rays of the life-giving luminary, and from that light, scorching life and languishing bliss spilled throughout her depths... Yarilina’s words were loved by the Earth, she loved the bright god and from his hot kisses she was decorated with cereals, flowers, dark forests, blue seas, blue rivers, silvery lakes...
She drank Yarilina’s hot kisses, and from her bowels the heavenly birds flew out, forest and field animals ran out of dens, fish swam in the rivers and seas, and began to scurry in the air. small insects, flies, and midges.
And everything lived, and everything loved, and everything sang songs of praise to Father Yarila, Mother Raw Earth. Then the Earth gave birth to man. And when he emerged from the bowels of the earth, Yarilo hit him on the head with a golden rein - a bright lightning, and from that lightning the man’s mind was born. Yarilo greeted his beloved earthly son with heavenly thunders, streams of lightning, and from those thunders, from that lightning, all living creatures shook in horror: the birds of heaven scattered,
The oak forest animals hid in caves, one man raised his intelligent head to the sky and responded to his father’s thunderous speech with prophetic words, with winged speech... And hearing that word and seeing his king and ruler, all the trees, all the flowers and grains bowed before him.
Then Yarila’s strength began to weaken, Mother Earth-Cheese began to grieve, fearing that everything would freeze. Yarilo consoled her, saying that he would return again, but for now he sent Fire to maintain warmth on the earth.
This is how people thought about the change from summer to winter and about the beginning of Fire. That is why our forefathers burned the dead - Yarilin’s son, who had fallen asleep in the sleep of death, was given to his father living in the fire. And then they began to give the dead to the mother - lowering them into her bed, i.e. burying it in the ground. That is why our ancestors celebrated the gift of fire to man with great holidays.
(From the novel by P.I. Melnikov - Pechersky “In the Woods”)

Other articles in the literary diary:

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Sometimes you really want to find a fairy tale and read Slavic myths! Fabulous times were once upon a time, around the time when everything in the world was beautiful, clean and bright, when people were trusting and cheerful, when people loved and believed in happiness. When was this? Was it a long time ago or just in our childhood? Read the Slavic myth - a sweet, heartfelt story from the book “Gods and Men”, the fairy tale about Yarilo. And why do you want to cry so much? A fairy tale about Yarilo with a happy ending. Beautiful Slavic mythology about the sun, about God Yarilo and his help in love.

“The Tale of How Yarilo Helped in Love”

Throughout the entire area from our village, both boys and girls were highly valued as brides and grooms. The guys are economical, the girls are hard-working. As for singing and dancing and leading round dances, no one can keep up with them. And the most eligible bachelor was Pride, Putya's son. The guy took it to everyone: he was the right height, had slanting shoulders, and had a fair face. But his temper was worthless - cocky, proud, he considered himself above everyone else. No wonder they called him Pride. But in work, too, he was always the first, everything was on fire in his hands. There's really no bad word to say here. Well, the girls all courted him as best they could. Only he doesn’t seem to look at girls. At the party, it happened in all games that the first one would always blindly cut down the pillar, so much so that his opponent’s pillar was knocked down. But when it comes to round dances, he turns around and leaves. Gradually, he drove all the girls away from him.

Only one, Yasunya, Milovan’s daughter, did not give up. She didn’t even look at other guys and refused to matchmakers. Milovan, who loved his daughter and did not force him, began to scold her: “Look, Yasunya, you’re going to throw yourself away!” You'll be alone forever! She just sighs.

And then one day the day of the Opening of Svarga came. Yaril, the ardent God spring sun, love passion and fertility, were very revered in our village. The whole village took part in the holiday in the morning - both old and young. They were waiting for him to unlock Mother Earth with his key, so that spring waters would flow over her.

They go to Yarila Gorka, each owner carries bread and salt, puts it in a pile, and a specially selected owner bows three times on three sides and pronounces an appeal to Yarila:

Goy you, Yarila fiery Power!
Coming from the sky, take the keys,
Unlock Mother Cheese Earth,
Let the dew stay warm throughout the spring,
On dry summer yes to vigorous life!
Goy! Glory!

And all the people repeat this after him and also bow on three sides. Then they go to the fields, walk around them three times and sing:

Yarilo was dragging his feet
All over the world,
He gave birth to Polya,
He gave birth to children for people.
Where is he with his foot?
There's a lot of life there,
Where will he look?
There the ear is blooming.

And in the evening they chose handsome guy, they put a wreath on his head, gave him a bird cherry branch in his hands and danced around him, singing songs.

And it’s Yarilin’s day,
I'll trample the ant grass,
I’ll hold you, young one...

Only young boys and girls were allowed to attend these evening games. After the round dance, they split into pairs and wandered off, some into the field, some into the forest. Yarilo very much approved of love. He even checked whether all the boys and girls were participating in the festivities. He walks around, looks, and asks if anything is wrong.

One evening like this, he walks through the village past Pride’s house. Looks, a young guy, instead of being nice to a girl, is chopping wood in the yard. Yarilo was surprised. He thinks: “Something is wrong with this guy.” Comes closer. He took a closer look and was horrified: “The guy’s heart is icy!” Apparently Morena, the Goddess of Winter and Death, kissed the guy! This is not the point! How did I not notice this! We need to help the guy out!” He moved on and is still thinking about how to help. And he sees a girl sitting on a bench, as sweet as a forest lily of the valley, but sad. And she's sitting alone. It's also a mess. He sat down next to her and started a conversation. And she turns away and hides her eyes. But who can resist God Yarila? I found out that the name is Yasunya. He asked about her unhappy love for Pride. “There is a cure for Pride,” Yarilo rejoiced. And he said: “I will help you, but you must do exactly as I say. Agree? - asks, and Yasunya whispers:

- “And what harm will come from this to Pride?”

Yarilo admired to himself: “Here it is, true love! He’s worried about his dear one, and not thinking about himself!”

And he says out loud: “You will do as I say, only good will happen. His icy heart needs to be melted, otherwise he won’t stay here long, maybe he’ll soon leave for Nav, the world of shadows and death.” And he hands her a branch of bird cherry with a flower. According to this thread, Yasunya recognized Yarila. I wanted to fall at my feet, but he didn’t let me. “Listen further,” he says. “Don’t let go of this branch from your hands for a minute, so that the strength remains in it.” In the morning, when he goes to drive out the cattle, go up to him, stand right in front of him and, without hesitation, so as not to change his mind, give him a branch, look into his eyes and quickly say: “One heart suffers, the other does not know.” He will be confused, he is no longer accustomed to girls hanging around his neck, he will take a branch and look at you. And as soon as it looks, it dries. But you immediately turn around and walk away.

After this, the hardest part for you will begin. Your pride will begin to follow you, asking for love in return. But every time you answer: “What you came with is what you went with, turn around and leave, don’t show that you love.” If you respond to love, allow him to kiss, his heart will freeze even more than before, you won’t be able to help, and he will quickly leave for Nav.

And you need to hold out like this until the next Yarilin Strecha. If he sends matchmakers, refuse. You can hint to your father that Yarilo ordered this, but don’t say a word to anyone else. During this year, his heart will completely thaw, Morena will lose power over him. If you hold out, in a year I’ll put a wreath on Pride myself. When you see my bird cherry wreath on him, take him to your father to bless him. Then show mercy as much as you want.”

Yasunya pressed the branch to her chest and inhaled the bird cherry scent. She raised her eyes to Yarila to thank him, but he was no longer there, he was just sitting next to her, and there was no trace of him. But Yasunya still said what kind words I wanted to say: “God, he is God – he hears everything, knows everything.”

That night Yasunya never went to bed, pressing the branch to her face and gathering courage to see how she would approach Pride. And in the morning, just before dawn, Yasunya was already waiting for Pride. He lived alone, his parents died, so he himself went after the cattle. Pride drives the cattle into the herd, and the girl hurries to cross him. He glanced at her and wanted to move on. And she stood in front of him, holding out a flowering bird cherry branch. Out of surprise, he took the branch and looked up at it. And she looks into his eyes and says: “One heart suffers, the other does not know.” As the heat passed through his body, he looked at the girl, and she seemed dearer to him than anyone in the world. “What's your name, honey? Whose daughter will you be?

And the beauty turned and walked away. He's behind her. And I forgot about the cattle. He caught up and won't let me in. And she was so stern to him: “What you came with is what you went with!” Pride was dumbfounded. Pride surged in him, he also turned and walked, but he did not let go of the branch from Yarilin’s hands, the branch preserved the memory of the girl. And Yasunya runs home, chokes on tears and doesn’t know what she’s crying about - either that Pride finally noticed her, or that she had to push him away.

Although Pride was angry, he came to the party in the evening, looked out for Yasunya, asked the guys everything about her. But as soon as he approaches her, she tells him again: “What you came with is what you went with!” And so it went day after day. He is to her, she is from him.

The whole village was already tired of laughing at them, and they began to condemn Yasunya for turning up her nose at such a guy, who sent matchmakers, but refused. They began to reprimand that the girl had spoiled the boy. The girl made the guy look dry. But Yasunya remembers well that Yarilo punished: “If you give in, you’ll drive the guy to Nav.”

Here again Yarilin's holidays have arrived. Pride stands aside, watching as Yasunya leads round dances. My heart melts with love, I remember how people say: “You can’t live without the sun, you can’t live without your sweetheart.” I didn't notice how stranger guy came up, watched him, smiled. And then the guy says: “She loves bird cherry. Put on my bird cherry wreath, give her a bird cherry branch, girls don’t refuse such a gift.”

Pride didn’t even have time to refuse, as the wreath was already on his head, and the branch was in his hands, and he himself was walking quickly towards Yasuna. And I forgot about the guy. Then Yasunya saw him - a wreath on his head, a bird cherry in his hands, he did not deceive Yarilo, did not forget his promise, jumped out of the round dance and, as if by chance, walked towards him.

We met, he gave her the branch, hugged her, and so, hugging, we went. And they lived their whole lives hugging each other. True love And ice heart will melt.

This is the fairy tale about Yarilo that came out here! Soon the time will come to dance in circles and welcome spring. Then remember the Slavic fairy tale about Yarilo, rejoice along with the whole world that winter has receded, and people’s hearts have thawed and filled with love!

You will find this tale about Yarilo and other magical stories in the book “Gods and People”. Read Slavic myths, let them fill your soul with joy!