In a dream, meet an unfamiliar guy. What were they like? What you should pay special attention to after sleep

In dreams, not only objects and phenomena, which, without a doubt, are always signs and symbols, have meaning, but also people.

A person who comes into a dream never appears for nothing! Such dreams are difficult to interpret, often have several interpretation options and require special analysis.

Guys are probably the most frequent guests of women's and girls' dreams. A girl invariably dreams of a guy she likes, and even without this, young people, acquaintances or not, periodically look into dreams.

How to understand what a guy is dreaming about - the interpreter says a lot, but finding the right meaning is not easy. It’s worth remembering first all possible details - was he familiar or unfamiliar, beautiful or unpleasant, and also what he does in dreams - smiles, is sad, kisses or hugs, or maybe runs away from you as fast as he can?

All this means something, in addition, it is important when the young man deigned to look into the dream - on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Friday - because these kinds of dreams also differ by day of the week. And the dream options with the participation of a young man are as follows:

  • You just saw a certain guy in your dreams.
  • You dreamed of a young man.
  • A very handsome, picture-perfect young man in a dream.
  • A guy attacks or chases you in your dreams.
  • He kisses you in your sleep.
  • You dream about the one you like.
  • I dreamed about my beloved.
  • Your chosen one dreamed with another girl.
  • He hugs you in your dreams.
  • I dreamed of an acquaintance, a friend.
  • In the dreams there was an unfamiliar young man of pleasant appearance.
  • On the contrary, unpleasant, dangerous or repulsive.
  • You are running after a guy in your dreams.
  • He smiles at you in your dreams.
  • Sad, despondent young man in a dream.
  • Naked.

Sometimes such dreams can, of course, reflect the thoughts or hidden desires of the dreamer, especially if you are dreaming about a guy you like. If you constantly think about him, then it is not surprising that he bursts into your dreams. But it could be different.

See him in a dream

As the dream book says, a guy in a dream often symbolizes a strong, active part inner world the dreamer, indicates your strength and energy, and also often indicates support higher powers and encourages you to be bolder.

Sometimes a guy can talk about the dreamer’s secret feelings and lack of experiences, but sometimes he foreshadows certain events.

1. An ordinary dream in which a certain guy or his image appears before you is a direct indication that the dreamer has protection and support from above. That your spiritual inner strength and potential are your support, and you should not be afraid to live and act actively.

2. The young man, according to the interpreter, dreams of unexpected profits - this is what such a dream means.

3. As the dream book indicates, a guy of heavenly beauty, as if stepped out of a picture, is a very good dream, it portends great happiness in everything!

4. An alarming dream in which a guy attacks you, or is chasing you, is pursuing you - promises nothing more than just trouble and fuss, but no trouble.

5. If a young man, stranger or acquaintance, kisses you in a dream, this means that in reality love will soon come knocking on your door!

6. When you dream of a guy you really like, secretly or not, this is either a continuation of your thoughts and dreams about him, or a prediction of an imminent pleasant meeting with him.

7. It’s curious what your beloved guy dreams about - some interpret such a dream as his thoughts about the dreamer, and this has some truth. However, such a dream still more reflects the connection between you and your chosen one.

8. When your beloved dreamed of you with another girl, if in these unpleasant dreams he hugs her or even kisses her, do not be afraid of anything. This dream does not promise you separation, and certainly not a reason to be jealous. Just that you are terribly afraid of catching him with another girl, and the fear of losing him haunts you.

9. A guy who hugs you in your dreams is evidence of the support and reliable shoulder that you have in real everyday life. Perhaps you ignore or do not accept this support - but in vain.

10. Reply to frequently asked question What a guy you know dreams about is quite simple. Such a dream hints that there is a strong astral connection between you and this person. Perhaps this is a friend sent to you from above, and it is worth holding on to.

11. An unpleasant, scary guy who inspires anxiety or fear in a dream is a warning. The interpreter strongly advises the dreamer not to get involved with dubious people, and, in principle, to avoid new connections and acquaintances for some time.

12. An unfamiliar but pleasant young man in a dream is a harbinger of joy and good news, pleasant surprises and pleasure.

13. If in your dreams you were running after a guy, know that soon you will be visited in reality by a serious feeling that may turn your life around.

14. If a guy in a dream smiles at you openly and sincerely, expect good and joyful news.

15. A sad guy, on the contrary, can portend difficulties, and also indicates your weakness, fears and powerlessness. Perhaps it is worth using the support of friends, relying on a strong shoulder, and waiting out the unpleasant period.

16. A naked young man in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality some very pleasant and rare offer awaits you.

Don't think that it will be associated with something forbidden, the naked guy is just an allegory. This could be a work, business or any other offer, but the main thing is not to miss it!

When did the dream occur?

Dreams involving people should also be assessed by day of the week, analyzed according to this criterion and supplemented with the information received from the interpreter. Only in this way will you be able to put together the most complete and reliable picture.

1. If a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday, you should evaluate this dream from the perspective of your emotions. Such a dream may be a continuation or reflection of your experiences, or, if it portends something specific, then it will have a vivid emotional overtones for you.

2. When you dream of a guy from Monday to Tuesday, this may be a hint of your desire for something, or a reflection of your desire.

A girl who dreams of a guy from Monday to Tuesday can also take into account that the events foreshadowed by the dream will be related to her intentions, and everything will be directly subject to her desires.

3. From Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams should be interpreted literally, as the dream book indicates.

4. From Wednesday to Thursday, dreams are good because they have the power to come true. If you saw a young man in your dreams on Thursday, the interpretation may be different, but in any case, you will be able to achieve his best version yourself. Thursday is the day of Jupiter, and on this day the dreamer receives the strength to realize any intention.

5. From Thursday to Friday there are special dreams, they should be taken seriously. Venus, the planet of Friday, rules the sensual sphere, and dreams from Thursday have great power.

If you saw a young man on Thursday night, then the interpretation will be associated with great emotional experiences.

6. From Friday to Saturday, dreams are advice and instructions, so take the interpretation of your dreams.

7. And from Saturday to Sunday, any interpretation of a dream with a guy takes on positive character, and always promises happiness.

It’s so difficult to understand a dream in which a guy was present, but make an effort, use intuition and imagination, and you will understand what to expect in reality, in which direction you should confidently move, and what to do to bring great happiness closer! Author: Vasilina Serova

Closing their eyes, many impatiently wait to see what or who will appear to them in a dream. And how nice it is to see a loved one in your dream.

Why do you dream about a guy you like? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about a guy you like - basic interpretation

A guy who a girl really likes may appear in her dreams because she thinks about him very often. The subconscious in a dream simply gives a picture of what the brain process is most occupied with. Especially if the girl’s experiences were associated with not entirely positive emotions and situations.

The guy she likes and his behavior in a dream reflect the girl’s subconscious desires and needs; perhaps she would like more intimacy, but there is no such possibility yet, and that is why she dreams of him so actively. Perhaps, on the contrary, she is indignant in reality because of his behavior and is thinking about breaking off the relationship completely. Therefore, her sleep is disturbing, and she sees her lover in a dream, as in reality.

What you should pay attention to special attention after sleep?

Did the dialogue take place with the guy;

Actions with a guy;

Sleep mood;

Emotional state after a dream;

Was anyone else involved in the dream?

In order to fully interpret such a dream, it is necessary to take into account all its little details and nuances. Even down to what you and your life partner were wearing, because every detail of the dream is important and can clarify the picture of future events that will happen to you. It is important to remember that you should not mistrust dreams; sometimes they clearly predict the future and literally convey upcoming conversations and events.

If you suddenly met your soulmate in a dream and cannot understand where he is going, you should weigh the pros and cons and moderate your ardor. Most likely, in reality you are plagued by jealousy and lack of confidence in yourself and in your relationships. Even in reality, you are trying to control every step of your life partner, and this only leads you to a dead end in relationships, since each person consciously wants to remain free and wants to be trusted.

If you just like the guy for now, and we’re not talking about any budding relationships - you should be attentive to his actions in reality. This is necessary so as not to miss the moment when the relationship can reach a completely different level, when you can open up in it and not only enjoy yourself, but also make your man happy.

If you like a guy and in reality does not show any interest in you, but in a dream he actively courtes you - take a close look at his behavior, perhaps he is actively preoccupied with you in his thoughts. A dream can give a clear hint on how to behave in order to bring him into dialogue. So that he begins to take initiative in reality.

It is important to remember all the details of the dream and especially all the dialogues; sometimes they contain very important information, which allows you to reveal through the prism of sleep all the nuances of relationships between people.

Why do you dream about a guy you like according to the esoteric dream book?

Why do you dream about a guy you like? esoteric dream book it is said that such a dream foreshadows a meeting in reality. It is important to remember what you and he were wearing. If clothes constrained you and squeezed you, then you will be overly restrained in relationships in reality. If the clothes were too big for you - you will allow yourself too much.

Seeing yourself in a chic evening dress is an opportunity to spend the evening with each other. If you dream that the guy you like confesses his feelings to you, you shouldn’t get your hopes up right away. Such a dream has a very double meaning and rather promises you the opportunity to get closer to him, but not love relationship. The whole point is that you are already close to him spiritually and morally, but for some reason in reality neither you nor he take the first steps towards living and living together.

It is important to remember what else you did together with the guy in your dream. If you dream of meeting his relatives, you are more likely to be afraid that his family will not accept you. If the relationship between you has not yet been formed, then the dream advises you to be the first to establish relationships with his close circle. If the relationship is already emerging - try to please those around him.

If in a dream you are sitting at the same table not only with him, but also with his relatives, you should take a close look at these people, perhaps there is an enemy among them who will harm you in every possible way and interfere with building relationships in reality. To receive something as a gift from your loved one in a dream - such a dream suggests that you should not relax, most likely, all your shortcomings and shortcomings will come out, and you yourself will ruin the pleasant moments of spending time together.

It is important to remember exactly what gift you received from your friend.

If this is a beautiful decoration, then your relationship in the near future will be more like a practical joke, an acting game, a relationship for others;

If you were given a personal item as a gift, the guy trusts you completely;

If he gave you flowers, you have the opportunity to win his heart.

If a guy who you like in reality, but shows no interest in you, offers you his hand in marriage in a dream, such a dream means that you should not trust him and trust him with your secrets. In fact, he is a two-faced person who puts his interests above yours, and you feel this on a subconscious level. Trust your intuition, do not deviate from your principles.

Why do you dream about a guy you like according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that a girl dreams about a guy she likes when her emotions take over her reason. In this case, she becomes a hostage to her dreams and can quite easily ruin a budding relationship. The whole point is that she's on at the moment, most likely, puts first the desire to possess the object and then only to make his life better and his life with him happy. But she has different concepts of happiness with him, so they can’t build a relationship in reality. What does this mean? That they have different values ​​and even hobbies in sex. Most likely, the guy is not ready for serious relationship, and the girl, on the contrary, only dreams about them.

If a girl dreams of sex with a guy she likes and this sex will be quite pleasant and tender, then the partners have the opportunity to establish sexual relationships, and the sensual side will play an important role in this.

If a girl dreams that the guy she likes has cheated, then in reality it’s worth taking a close look at his behavior and his friends. Most likely, he still has another half and he does not consider it necessary to remain faithful. But is such a relationship suitable for a girl, or is it better for her to remain alone?

Why do you dream about a guy you like according to other dream books?

In the Universal dream book it is said that a guy who kisses you in a dream foretells minor troubles that will quickly end, and you can quickly get back into a rut. There will be losses, but they will be insignificant. It is important to take a closer look at the behavior of your close circle in the coming weeks. Most likely, someone has been deceiving you for a long time.

If the guy you like begins to actively show interest in you in a dream, but at the same time further development If you don’t see the relationship, don’t delude yourself. It is important to remember how long you communicate with a guy in a dream, what exactly he says to you - these phrases contain the true essence of everything that is happening.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that if a guy you like in reality tells you in a dream that he is infatuated with another, such a dream indicates that it is time for you to reconsider your attitude towards your personal life. You are too conservative and reserved, so you miss your opportunities. Opportunities to develop your life, receive love from the opposite sex. It’s high time for you to go in search of true feelings and not expect reciprocity from that person who doesn’t value you.

Do not worry if in a dream you experienced somewhat disturbing feelings and emotions. Most likely, you have nothing to fear. You are simply too emotionally worried about the troubles and failures that accompany your personal life. In order to improve the situation, you need to actively engage with yourself, but not with your partner.

Improve your life and find inner happiness and joy, and life will make sure that you have a worthy person next to you.

Since ancient times, people have attached importance to dreams, trying to understand and interpret them on their own. Today, for these purposes, there are numerous dream books that offer various interpretations dreams that are suitable for a particular life situation.

Let's find out why the ex-boyfriend dreams and what such a dream can symbolize. It is believed that if a former lover comes to you in a dream, then you are mired in the past and this already ended relationship is preventing you from moving forward and building new life. According to Miller's dream book, if in a dream you met a former loved one, had a close relationship with him, or experienced previous warm feelings, this may mean that the time has come for the consequences of what you did in the breach.

If in a dream you see a kiss with ex-boyfriend- soon there will be a reason for surprise in your life, sexual intercourse with him - perhaps a conflict that took place in the past, a quarrel with ex-lover- to favorable changes in personal life, parting with him - to new meeting, which may end in failure. If you dreamed of a fight with your ex-boyfriend, such a dream may symbolize the emergence of possessive habits in your current partner or the emergence of a new authoritarian partner.

According to Vanga’s dream book, dreams in which you see people from the past may mean that this relationship has not passed without a trace for you. Perhaps you are waiting and hoping to renew your relationship with your former partner.

Freud's dream book assures that meeting a former gentleman in a dream may foreshadow a quarrel with your real lover in the coming days. This can be explained by the fact that a woman involuntarily compares the merits of her companions: the former and the present. If she shares information with her lover about the former gentleman in her dream, such a conversation can also provoke a quarrel. The reason for a cooling attitude towards her partner can also be a woman’s longing for a past relationship.

Loff's dream book says that a wedding with an ex in a dream means big troubles; the death of a former lover may signal that you will soon get married and possibly give birth to a child. If in a dream your ex-beloved shows his feelings for you, burns with love for you again - wait unexpected surprises and not necessarily pleasant.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a meeting in a dream with a former lover foreshadows a frivolous act in a woman’s life, leading to bad consequences. A married or divorced woman, having seen a meeting with a former companion in a dream, can expect real life travel, unpleasant troubles related to property, children’s education, wealth and illness of the current husband.

Hasse's dream book assures that breaking up with your ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes that a new important period has begun in your life, in which your ideals and ideas will change.

When you communicate with your ex-boyfriend in a dream, Meneghetti’s dream book says that in real life you should be wary of the illness of your real life partner or other loved ones. If you dreamed about someone from the family ex-passion, then in reality you will have a great time with your family. When a former companion smiles at you in a dream, perhaps in real life you are questioning the merits of your current loved one.

Most dream books reduce the interpretation of a dream with an ex-boyfriend to the fact that your passion past life prevents you from developing and moving into new stages of life. Consider the messages encrypted in dreams, but rely more on reality.


Dreamed of a Relationship with a guy, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a relationship with a guy in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was walking with a small amount my classmates and people I didn’t know. Among them was Radion. A classmate I had a crush on 2 years ago, but nothing ever worked out. He's a shy guy. In the dream, he became more confident. At first I felt awkward when he hugged me, but then I relaxed. Radion went somewhere, and another guy ran up to me and asked what I thought about Radion. I answered positively. Further, as I understood, they told Radion everything and we already walked holding hands. We acted like a couple)

    For three days in a row I had a dream, with a guy with whom I am in love in reality, kisses of tenderness... but by the way, on the third day I said “In a new place, the bridegroom will dream about the bride” and he did dream... he talked sweetly to me, kissed me, and took me somewhere in some kind of bright room... I woke up... unfortunately I don’t remember what I said.. but I was happy in the dream... and I felt good

    Good afternoon. There was a strange dream: a country holiday, somewhere, some kind of event. I was there with the same man. But, as I realized in the dream, I had two of them. And the whole dream I was torn between them, choosing one or the other. I hung out with one, then with the other. What could this mean?

    I dreamed of a guy, he looked after me, gave me gifts, etc. But I didn't want to meet him. I felt sorry for him, and I told my friends that I would part with him soon. What could this mean?

    In a dream, I dreamed of meeting a handsome guy (he was a stranger to me). Before this meeting, a friend told me that soon I would I'll meet a guy with whom I will meet. After that meeting, I approached that guy and met him. He was very handsome. Later we started dating. We loved each other. Then I woke up.
    I would like to know what such a dream might mean?

    I dreamed that I started dating another guy when mine was away, the guy was non-Russian, he was constantly controlling. His parents knew me, they seemed to treat me with love and seem to be wary, and I somehow sat down with a friend and began to express that how could I do this, I have a loved one, why am I doing this and decided to end the relationship , I don’t remember further

    Hello. I had a dream today - August 28, Sunday. The point is that I came to my friend’s school and saw her and my friends, among whom was Artyom (my classmate). I stayed with them all day, but to a greater extent For some reason I was talking not with my friend, but with Artem. Then, when school ended, we went home together, and suddenly Artyom took me by the hand and we walked with him as a couple, joking and laughing all the way. And then he told me that he was very happy that he had a girl like me and that he loved me with all his heart.

    I invited the guy to meet. He agreed
    This happened in correspondence on the social network VKontakte
    He said “ahaha. Come on"
    I was shocked and asked
    “Do you need this? You are sure?"
    And woke up

    I dreamed that I was in a relationship with my ex-boyfriend, although we broke up years ago. We had a very loving relationship, we kissed, hugged, he held my hands the whole dream

    I dreamed that a boy from class started dating me, but the problem is that my friend more than once dreamed that I also started dating him. We communicate with him, but not that much, of course he pays attention to me, he tries to get me to pay more attention, but I I’m just trying to be friends, but after this dream I know her myself whether he likes it or not

    Me and my classmate we met. It was such a good feeling, and then my ex and his friends show up. The former started say something and my boyfriend, that is, my classmate, replied that it was better for him not to interfere in our relationship. Then he starts hugging me, my classmate, and asked him not to hug me, but he continued to hug me, in the end we walked away and I started arguing with him, I asked you and then I said that the reason I broke up with my ex was because he didn’t understand me in such little things then I woke up

    I dreamed that I was meeting some guy, lying on the bed with him, hugging, kissing.
    We end up falling asleep.
    It ends with me asking my friend to take me to the bus stop, I don’t remember what happened before that

    At some evening, an acquaintance of mine, who is married and has 2 children, we were hugging and kissing as if we were in a relationship, the three of us were playing and chatting with my child. In my sleep, he warmed my feet and kept wanting to be alone in my sleep. I felt comfortable in my sleep, so it was understandable to hug. That's how his body felt. He was so caring in the dream. And for some reason there was talk about his wife and family. It was as if my wife's sister had arrived. And I was afraid of her. What is this for? I know him and have never thought about him.

    Hello, I dream about my boyfriend very often, and we have a bad relationship all the time. He doesn’t smoke with me, but in my dreams I always see him smoking. He smokes secretly and I catch him doing it, snatch his cigarette from him, tear it, shout at him, swear, cry. I tell him that you lied to me, that you don’t smoke but yourself, he doesn’t say anything, I continue to cry and swear at him, he either silently leaves, or I leave. And he somehow doesn’t care, he doesn’t even try to stop me somehow, and I cry even more and tell him, that’s it, it means you don’t care about me. Well, that's all. And I dream very often similar dreams. I even think that this is a sign of breaking up with him. Please explain.

    Too often I started having dreams where I seemed to be in a relationship with a guy, lately I dream about intimacy with him, but in reality we don’t communicate with him and don’t see each other. I never thought about him or paid any attention to him.

    In my life I have two friends, Evgeniy and Konstantin, they both like me, but I’m not dating. One friend is very jealous of the other. So, I had a dream: I was leaving school, my friend Kostya was waiting for me, I met him (only in a dream), he was excited, I told him to calm down, he became calmer, I forgot my jacket at school, he went and brought me her. Then another picture: Kostya and I were driving somewhere, he was driving, he gave me right hand on my knee, Evgeniy and my brother were sitting behind us, I saw that Zhenya was there and because Kostya put his hand on my knee I felt uneasy, an awkward situation, I removed my hand from my knee and Kostya asked if I had everything ok, but I closed my eyes and didn’t answer.

    I dreamed that a certain young doctor was my enemy. I was with him (and not only) in the same building, but at the same time I was not sick and was not in the hospital.
    It was the doctor himself, I don’t remember how, who played a trick on me. But I couldn’t stand it and just told everyone everything. After this, the doctor became friendly towards me. And, at the end of the day, we started dating.

    I dreamed about my friend Anton, we had good relationship. We were driving in the car and holding hands, then he brought me home and we talked on the phone. After that, on Instagram there were photos of me and him, how we were holding hands, then how we were kissing and he signed the photo: “finally you noticed me”
    And then my friend deletes me, maybe a little more than a friend deletes me from friends, and says that he knew that I would be with him

    On the night from Thursday to Friday I dreamed of a guy, we don’t know him personally in real life, but we saw each other, so in the dream we were with him, as if we were very much in love with each other, there were kisses beautiful words and hugs we were happy there

    I dreamed of a guy whom I like very much, but in life we ​​rarely communicate... I missed him once. In the first dream we kissed, and today in the dream we already met and he gave me a hickey

    Good afternoon
    I dreamed about my boyfriend!
    He got a nice car
    In my dream he was at a university.
    And he wrote to me: come to the university and we’ll go home together.
    I drove towards him
    And he (either called or wrote) said that let’s have an open relationship with you, that is, you will look for yourself as a guy, I’ll look for a girl, but we will be together for now. I began to be indignant, he replied, okay, forget it.
    As a result, I went home, called him from home, he was still at the university next to some girls

    I dreamed of a guy, or rather we were together, in a relationship. We were driving in the car happy, suddenly we got into an accident, his ex was driving this car. After the accident, we were walking somewhere, together, the three of us, we reached her garage and there was a dog there, she let it out right at me, I was wearing white pants, the dog got them dirty. The whole dream she tried to attract the guy’s attention, and she succeeded, he forgot about me and had a nice conversation with her, then we went home and there I had a fight with him, after which he called me and apologized. Then I woke up)

    It was in the evening, at my sports school. I trained with my friends, he was nearby. Then he came up to me and took my hand. I felt all this warmth and tenderness. And I realized that I love him in a dream. He proposed to be together and I agreed. I pressed my whole body against him, he hugged me. This is where the dream ended.

    In real life I like one young man. I don't know if he has a soulmate. He and I meet every day, sometimes we talk about some unimportant topics (football, music, etc.). Today, from Saturday to Sunday, I had a dream as if he invited me to meet, everything looked quite realistic, but we were not together, but in a circle of friends, or rather classmates.
    I would like to know what such a dream could mean. After all, being with him in reality is just a dream. In the dream, he didn’t say anything extra, he just suggested we meet, then after a while he asked me again, and said that we would talk after the peace ceremony (I didn’t understand exactly what it was, some kind of graduation or something else)
    Please answer my question so that I know if I can hope for anything. Thanks in advance

    Well, I was walking with a guy, we ran around, played, hugged, but then we went into his best friend’s house, while we were going up to his floor we saw a bunch of ghosts, then we decided to leave, the guy didn’t see these ghosts that I saw

    In a dream, I met a guy who shows interest in me, but I don’t like him, but in a dream I was afraid of losing him. I remember that I didn’t want to let him go. There was also some girl, she bought me food. And I ate everything. She was very kind. I remember he was still jealous of me.

    Hello, I have not been in a relationship for a very long time. I'm 20 years old (if that matters). Today I dreamed of a happy new love with an unfamiliar young man. We walked hand in hand in some house, climbed to the second floor along a beautiful wooden staircase, in a dream I remember my thoughts: “I fell in love, I finally found my love.” The dream changed to another, and there we went to some dance competition with a team of young guys and girls. That young man almost never left my side, I felt sincere happiness in my dream and real grief when I woke up. Can this be considered a hint of quick love? I haven’t had a boyfriend for three years, I have dreams like this often.

    Well, I was walking with a classmate who I used to like around the city and then something happened and he supposedly said that he liked me and we kissed. Then we went hand in hand to the park where our mutual acquaintances and friends were, and the guy and I hugged, then the girls and I cut salad or something, I don’t remember and I looked and my right hand was bleeding, I showed it to the guy, he got scared and we immediately left like to the hospital in my opinion

    At first I was asked to meet a boy who I really liked, the relationship developed very quickly, but then instead of him I saw another guy, but it seemed to me that he was still the same guy

    I dreamed that I was standing on the balcony and talking on the phone with a guy I knew who didn’t care about me, we were sorting things out, although that night this man was nearby, at the same time I had another dream, with another guy I knew, but it was brighter than the previous one

    The dream began with an unfamiliar guy meeting me at my entrance. And we met in a dream, as I understand it. Then we went to my school. There they should have told me the grades for the test. And the last thing I remember was how he and my friend were riding on the subway and I was sitting on his lap. And for some reason I don’t remember his face at all.

    I dreamed that I started a relationship with a guy I know; we communicate quite rarely in life, so this surprised me. we started dating, then we had a fight, I don’t remember how or why, but he ran after me and soon we were sitting together again.

    I had a dream: I
    I liked him and he liked me too. We started dating, going for walks, everything turned out great in the dream. It was summer.
    In reality, we know him, we talked, but now we haven’t been in contact for a year. What could this mean?

    I was sitting at home alone. The doorbell rings. A friend invites me for a walk in my own village. I didn’t refuse, let’s go for a walk. My friend Katya, popular in the team, introduced me to a rich guy. The three of us walked by the lake. My friend left and he said that I was the best thing in his life, and we started kissing, visiting each other, hugging, introducing friends to each other.

    I dreamed that I started dating my ex-boyfriend, in the dream everything was fine, then we seemed to live together, I introduced him to my parents, we drank tea together. Then there was some kind of holiday where I was offended by him, but he tried to sort of measure it out, and then another guy appeared in the same dream, when I was walking down the stairs he was walking behind us, we went into the same apartment and I asked him to dye my hair white he didn’t finish painting them for me and disappeared

    I dreamed that I was driving with my dad in a car and the police stopped us to check our documents. Then I saw a famous video blogger my age and he asked for a ride. We gave him a ride to the camp where I am now... Later in the evening he hugged me when we were alone in the room and suggested that we go for a walk a little later (he seemed to like me). After that, I rushed with my friend along the corridor and he also confessed his feelings to me. Then I met another friend of mine (we kissed in life and after that we don’t talk... we ignore each other) he took me by the hand and said that after what happened he really misses me and offers to meet. Then I go by bus, it’s winter and snow outside the window... I got out and now my boyfriend is walking with me (in life he’s I really like him) we walk hand in hand and our friends are riding behind us on bicycles... I tell him to let go of his hand so that the guys don’t think anything, but he lets go of one hand and takes the other while continuing to walk... then we are in the same room, it’s all in light tones, he is wearing his blue shirt and he smells very nice and emanates warmth. I feel comfortable with him and no one and nothing worries me anymore. Neither that famous guy, nor the one with whom I ran along the corridor... and then I feel a kiss on my lips... he was so gentle, but decisive and confident. Afterwards I run with a white bag in my hand and near the entrance to some room I meet with someone whose lips covered mine a couple of seconds ago. He offered to help, and I said that there was more there packages and he left... I went into the room. It is all brown and the sun is blinding from the large window... There are three beds there. Two below and one above... There is a woman and my friend in the room. I put the package on the bed and went to the stairs along which you can climb onto the upper bed. I sat on this ladder and began to ride on it like on a swing.

    I had a dream that I started a relationship with my friend’s ex-boyfriend (they are already for a long time are not dating) The dream was very mysterious, this guy is healthy in life, but in the dream he rode in a special wheelchair (and at the same time could walk with his legs) he said that he was sick and that he could not have children, he also said that his father beats him and when we came to his house, they wanted to hit him, but I defended him, said that it would be better if they hit me, but they didn’t touch me. He also talked about his former friends. We walked for a very long time, holding hands. And throughout the entire dream, I felt love for him, I was drawn to him, I felt him with all my heart and so did he. We loved each other.

    I dreamed that I was not dating a guy with whom I was in a relationship in reality.
    It feels like we haven’t been together for a long time, and I’m just coming to my senses. And I couldn't do anything. I wanted to write to him, but when suddenly we were close, he didn’t even notice me.

    I had this dream yesterday. In that dream, I became friends with a person unknown to me, and there was clearly sympathy. We had a good time, I also walked around an unfamiliar place. There was touching each other. Then I woke up. For the second time I dreamed about a relationship, with the same person I didn’t know. We hugged, there was reciprocity. But he didn’t want to show to the public that we were dating. The dream had some kind of cold shade, but there were also warm shades. What's all this for?

    I often have a dream where someone wants to get into my house and break in the door, no matter where I am, even if it’s not my home. It all happens like this: I go to close the door, often it is another door that encroaches not only on my territory, but also on the neighbor’s, and at that moment someone starts tugging, knocking, etc. At the same time, I feel afraid and don’t want to open it. I manage to enter the apartment and close the front door, and it always happens at the last second, and there are a lot of locks and all sorts of devices to close it, nothing is visible through the peephole. And so it always is, a strong knock on the door, a bell ringing and all that.
    I also often dream that I am in a relationship with as a young man, I I may not know him, or he may be my acquaintance (which is rare), we are in love and everything is fine.
    These two dreams constantly bother me, with some frequency)
    Thank you

    Well, the dream began with the fact that he said that he loved me, then we agreed to meet tomorrow, we met after the rain that passed then. Let's go for a walk, hug and kiss! At the end there was a scene of us relaxing on the river bank. I ran after the ball into the river (it was there) and fell into quicksand, but he saved me! I felt very good in my dream!

    Well, the dream began with the fact that he said that he loved me, then we agreed to meet tomorrow, we met after the rain that passed then. Let's go for a walk, hug and kiss! At the end there was a scene of us relaxing on the river bank. I ran after the ball into the river (it was there) and fell into quicksand, but he saved me! I felt very good in my dream! It was one of the most long dreams in my life...

    Two guys met me and a friend, I liked one of them and he liked me too, they talked, walked, everything was fine, but then they abruptly stopped communicating, it turned out that these guys were hanging out with other girls, but they said that only with us They’re walking, they’ve forgotten each other and haven’t seen each other for a long time, and they didn’t even remember about them with their friend.
    The dream itself, I had a dream: a guy who I liked and liked me, dreamed that he was standing near my entrance, as if we were meeting, we went into the entrance, went up to me, introduced him to my parents, after meeting him I went to accompany him in his pajamas to the bus stop, We don’t get there, he says: I thought you were going to take me to the city. I answer him: how will I go, I’m in pajamas, let’s go home and change. He answered: let's go. We reached the entrance, we went in, and there was a drunk man, he started threatening us, we were running away from him up the stairs, he was chasing dreams, we ran away, in the dream he was very worried about me, he took my hand so that I would run after him faster, we ran to some kind of door in the entrance and we went into the room, closed there, and he hugged me. And I woke up

    I dreamed that I was dating a guy. We are still teenagers. In reality, this guy is my ideal, an actor by the age of 30.
    In the dream I was happy, we were constantly kissing, hugging - all this lasted as if forever.
    Then, I don’t really remember these details, we were somehow separated and I gave birth to his son. They took him away from me and didn’t allow me to see him until several years later, then everything became clear and we got back together.

    Today I dreamed of a guy who I have liked for a long time. We don’t know each other, but I think we know each other (at least first and last name). At first, as I remember, we danced with him. Then we went to the toilet and kissed. And when we started with him, it felt like this was happening in real life. I felt someone gently kissing my lips. The kiss was short-lived. We left, walking hand in hand (as I remember). And then I woke up:

    I walked with my friends and discussed my boyfriend with them (now I have no one), but not only I had a boyfriend, but they also had one, although they were single, and after this dream I began to like the guy and then my ex

    I was walking from the store in front of me, a car was driving, she wanted to hit my dad, but she confused him with another person, when I ran up to him, I found out that it was a boy from my school, I took him to his house (and for some reason, in a dream, he lived in the same house with my dad only on another floor, although this is not so) and while we were riding in the elevator, I realized that I had developed a kind of sympathy for him; when we entered the apartment, I began to look after him and treated the wound on his forehead (afterwards this situation ended because that I woke up) but as soon as I woke up I began to dream that he and I lived together, we liked each other and we had a relationship and .... (and it was as if it was happening now at that time, but we were already 20 years old. Although now I'm 14 and he's 16.

    Hello, my name is Vika, I’m 13 years old!
    I dreamed that first I was dating a guy (in the dream I was like 15 and he was too, although he is in real life famous actor and he seems to be 23) and then mom leaves somewhere and then we drive a sports car and then he abruptly stopped it and we started talking and then it seemed like we all kissed!
    Please write what this means!

    I dreamed about it unknown man 2 years older, (strong, handsome) I’m 18 years old, we met, there was love, then we got married, for some reason in secret from our parents, although the parents approved of the young man’s choice.

    I made peace with a young man with whom we have been communicating for a long time and the relationship is always unclear. I dreamed that we were in my bed at home and my parents saw us (which is impossible in life, strict parents) and in the dream they assessed the situation positively. In the dream, we have an idyll in our relationship, I have fun with him and I feel happy, although in life everything is not like that - sometimes I have nothing to talk about with him, everything is not so simple, my parents don’t know about our relationship. In the dream we were at our entire dacha big family, everything was too perfect. But in life everything is not like that. What does this mean?

    Hello! I dreamed of a young man whom I don’t know, we had such an exciting relationship, like in a fairy tale, he was so brutal, dark-haired, everything I love, I would like to know what this means? Despite all this, I am lonely, not in love with anyone)

    I was filming a video and lost my phone in my house. And I, with a guy whom I had never seen in my life and whom I met in a dream, went to look for him, together with my friend. We went outside and looked for the phone. They didn’t find him on the street and went into the house. My boyfriend and I were walking hand in hand, and a friend was ahead of us, when she turned around, I wanted to remove my hand so that she wouldn’t know about our relationship, since before we were just friends. We walked further hand in hand and laughed, the two of us. Then my friend disappeared from sight, and we went into the elevator and kissed for the first time

    I met a guy I see at the university, in my dream it was a strange relationship but very warm, it was someone else’s apartment, we had fun, then we stayed together on the balcony and talked heart to heart, hugged each other, and then I looked for him around the city

    I was sitting in class at school, then my boyfriend came, he hadn’t been there for a long time and I was worried, he came and didn’t say anything, I started asking him, but he didn’t say anything and I pushed the desk and left the class. Then I cried, and then I was in the dining room, he sat down next to me and hugged me

    I was riding on a bus, then first one guy came in and started saying that I was his girlfriend, and that I would never disappear from him, but I didn’t like him, and then the second guy came in, I liked him, and he also said that I was his girlfriend, and that he wouldn’t let me go, then they both left, because... I refused both of them, and when I was riding the bus back, they were walking together as a widow, I got off at the bus stop, and the guy I liked ran to hug me, I hugged him too, we kissed, and he carried me in his arms, so we started dating.

    In general, I dreamed that I was visiting a friend with whom I had not communicated for a long time. And somehow my boyfriend went with me (in reality I don’t have one), and this guy is incredibly similar to my friend’s ex. I just can’t understand why I dreamed about him and what a dream with a relationship means if you don’t have one in reality. We didn’t get along with my friend’s ex and I just couldn’t stand it and still do
    I can't stand it.

    Was in a dream small excerpt life in which my friend and I spent time together, supported each other, judged each other, saw each other with another couple, fought without showing it, but in the end became a full-fledged happy couple

    I dreamed of a guy whom I saw, but we don’t know each other, I didn’t think about him, I dreamed about him very unexpectedly, I dreamed that he gave me a lift in a car and was very nice to me, saw me off and opened the door

    I dreamed about a guy. Headed earlier. He offered to meet in a dream. She didn’t agree until the very end, but she still agreed. They walked, kissed, hugged. And everything seemed fine, but I didn’t fully believe him. In the end, we went to a cafe, I was offended because of something and wanted to leave. He stopped. I asked: “Simply tell me: do you love or not?” I expected a serious answer. But he started smiling and said that it was all a joke. That he and his friend decided to teach me a lesson, for whatever reason.

    I didn’t go to training, because of this, not only me and a few other people from the class didn’t go, she calls us (the whole class) to her office. He scolds me very strongly, then abruptly changes the topic and starts scolding him for math. I supposedly went out to the toilet, but in reality I was just tired of listening to the swearing. I'm wearing a blood red sweatshirt. And black short skirt. Then I meet some very nice guy and he needs help, I said that I would help. He said that he would find me himself. I went into the office again and they still scolded us there, then they let us go, but when I came out, a red skirt and a red hat without a pompom appeared on me. I went down to the 1st floor, almost completely changed my clothes, and this guy just started kissing me. Here the dream is interrupted

    It started with the fact that I woke up in a rented apartment with a girlfriend and two friends, we had to go to work, we got ready, each other with the girl and I went outside (in reality they were in open relationship) there was a car in it, as I understood, a person familiar to me (in reality he is an actor) the girl and I got into the car, the guy was filling a bottle with water from the pump at the same time.. I had a nice conversation with the guy about the photographs that he showed.. After each one, I constantly asked where he got them from, when I got into the car, he asked me only 1 question: “Where did I disappear so abruptly last time... and somehow spontaneously we begin to translate the dialogue into relationships (supposedly I disappeared that time and he won’t allow this anymore, and at the same time I didn’t mind). In my dream I was constantly with good mood and positive emotions, and feelings were mutual

    I had a dream in which I had a very close relationship with a guy.
    We met. Everything was great. We held hands, he often hugged me on his own initiative, I was even surprised myself. But it was incredibly nice. It was the warmest and most tender relationship.
    I also realized that he was a DJ. I really wanted to try it and he brought me to his club, where his boss allowed me to stand behind the controls. True, they didn’t explain anything to me, that is, he just brought me and left me there, and he left. Then some girl came, I understood that she didn’t really like me, but she began to explain something, starting from the very beginning, that is, she explained something that would not be useful to me for work at the moment.
    Then I remember that I went out to look for my boyfriend and found him somewhere sitting on the sofas with his friend, whom I did not know. I don’t remember what we talked about, but then I came back. His boss appeared there, he said something to the people who came to the club, and then asked to play a song for someone’s competition, and I just randomly clicked somewhere and, as it turned out, turned on what was needed.
    After that, everything was muddy, but then, it seemed like I was already in the car with my boyfriend. I don’t remember what we talked about and where we were going, but I was kind of offended that he just brought me and didn’t explain anything, and wasn’t even around. The only thing I remember is that when we were already driving, I mentioned in conversation that I also have a license and I also know how to drive. He was surprised, laughed a little, but said nothing more. He did not mock, but rather was happy for me. (and I actually have a driver's license)
    I also remember that during everything that was happening, it seemed to me that I was being taken advantage of, that this was not a fake relationship and that if we slept together, they would dump me, but there were no hints from the young man, that is, he did not offer and was in no hurry. Everything was really wonderful. I also thought that if he offered, I would refuse and explain the reason. And then, if he decides to break up with me, then I won’t regret it, because it would immediately become clear that this was not a real relationship, but if he decides to stay, then everything simply cannot be better.
    And in general, I will repeat once again that the dream was very pleasant, especially at the beginning. This was truly the relationship that suits me and I don’t need anything more.
    In real life I don't know this young man. From the dream I remember that he was tall, dark-haired, of good build, he knew how to drive a car and he had his own, he worked as a DJ.

    I dreamed of a relationship with a person with whom we are now in close contact, and I am supposed to fly in in a few weeks. To find out if something will happen to us, there are no aphids. The dream was vivid, not black and white. In the dream we always hugged, kissed, there was passion.

    Hello, I had a wonderful dream. I dreamed of one guy, I don’t know him. We were sitting with strangers and familiar people. His look, his hugs were very warm. I also saw his mother, his house. His mother drove a car and the house was very long in the shape of the letter G. After I woke up I wanted to fall asleep for a long time)

    I had a dream with a guy who likes me. I’ve already had several dreams about him. The first one was that we started dating him and today’s dream with the same theme. In the dream we met in a coffee shop. I was with my parents, and he was with friends. then met again at school. And for some reason, in the dream, my attitude towards him changed dramatically. And we started dating, but it was very warm relations

    My name is Caroline. Last night I had a dream where I had a relationship with a young man who was previously unknown to me. In the dream, we were very happy, he loved me very much. His mother was also present in the dream. She was also very friendly. Why could all this be a dream?

    Good afternoon. I have a young man, we have been together for two months now. everything is great. but there is, let's say, following. I’m bi, and I have an ex-girlfriend, yesterday she wrote to me that the feelings have not cooled down and she still loves me. I also still have some feelings, precisely in those moments when I remember her. So here
    I dreamed that a boy we knew met me. We go to training together. he got off the bus with me, I walked towards the school, we talked, then, unexpectedly for me, he took my hand, and we walked away from the school. We walked and chatted again, and at the end he kissed me. but I still didn’t understand whether we ended up together in the dream or not.
    I'm wondering what this dream could mean?

    I dreamed about meeting my ex-boyfriend. It was as if we were together again, although I understood that there was also his current girlfriend. We kissed, hugged, he didn’t like that I was sitting in his social networks and he was slightly indignant.

    I dreamed of a guy who I like in life, in a dream we met him, in the evening we went to a cafe, he walked from the front and held my right hand with his right hand, then we approached the buffet table, I took his left hand left hand and hugged him around the waist from behind, putting his head on his shoulder to see what was in the food, and he smiled, and I responded (he was wearing a white T-shirt and, in my opinion, denim breeches)

    I constantly dream of a relationship with a guy I don’t know in my life, and each time the guy is different. In each dream, I really feel certain feelings for my chosen ones. Today, for example, I dreamed that my chosen one was from the UAE and I went to visit him.

    I dreamed of a guy with whom I had a love relationship, whom I don’t know in real life (he was taller than me dark hair and I don’t remember his face, when I woke up I remembered the faces of everyone who was in my dream but he wasn’t) also in my dream there was dad and my girlfriend. I lied to my dad and said that I was going to see my friend, but in fact I was meeting him. Every time we met we hugged and kissed

    An acquaintance of mine, whom I wouldn’t particularly like to see as my soulmate, for some reason I had a dream about which I was happy, and felt protected and subservient to him, we were driving in his car, I hugged him, then we stopped at a gas station, but it was not a gas station, but karaoke, a very strange thing, you order a song and eat in the car, he ordered the song “pink roses” despite the fact that this song was never featured, well, that’s about where the dream ends, I don’t know how Can you explain this, please help me.

    Not long ago I started dreaming about relationships with guys (my acquaintances), and I have a young man, and in dreams with these guys we can kiss and hold hands, and I constantly dream about different, but specifically guys I know. Please tell me what this could mean?

    I had a dream with a boy that I once liked, maybe I still like him. In a dream at the beginning, I saw boys playing near my house and one of them was a boy I liked. Then I don’t know how, but when after I washed my hair and it was semi-dry. This boy comes up from behind and our faces were close. Then he quickly left somewhere. Then there was a holiday at our house and there were helpers there. And it seems that at that moment we had already met this boy. He changed into an assistant’s clothes and also helped so that he would be next to me. I went outside, the holiday was coming to an end, and my parents called me and said, “Are you dating N......?” I said yes. They didn’t say anything afterwards and left somewhere. I was left at home alone and then N.... came and my dream ended.

    I dated a guy I saw, but not in person. We had a very good relationship, but in the dream there was my friend who stole 2 guys from me to Java, and in the dream she again tried to steal my boyfriend (Vlad)

    I dreamed that in a dream I seemed to have a relationship with two or three guys (two of them exes, and the third former classmate)
    I met with them in turn, throughout the day, but I quarreled with everyone
    And then I suddenly remembered my current boyfriend, and that I forgot about him for the whole day

    First, I found myself in my school, where something rather strange was happening: my task was to ride a small train around the school and look for “victims,” i.e. certain people. They were the same: 2 thin and one very fat girl. I didn’t travel alone, but with the same guy whom I later dated, and while we were traveling from place to place, brides ran past the “mini train”, wedding dresses, with dirty eyes. As far as I understood then, these girls’ wedding was ruined. We went on about 3-4 “calls”, after which we got off at the school near a comfortable sofa that stood on the corner of the corridor. Makar and I (the guy with whom I traveled on the train) said that he liked me since 2nd grade and I hugged him as a sign of confirmation that I also liked him. The next moment he stood up abruptly, and I jumped on his back and he rolled me along the corridor. When we were returning to that sofa, we met my ex-boyfriend with whom I am (in reality) now friends. He looked at me skeptically, and I smiled in response and said nothing. Next, Styopa (my ex-boyfriend) sat down on that sofa. What’s strange is that his friend Timur was also sitting on it, but he didn’t play any role because... didn't say anything, but just looked into space. Makar and I went to the sofa to pick up our jackets, Makar and Styopa were talking about something, but I couldn’t hear it. After we picked up the jackets, I sat down on the sofa and a few seconds later Styopa and Timur left. Makar began to fold his jacket, and I tried to shield him, he grabbed both my hands and seemed to hug me. Then some kind of threat loomed, even in a dream I didn’t understand what happened, but my brother and dad came running, and Makar and I had to split up, we agreed to meet at the old dacha. He went with his mom, and I went with my brother and dad. The weather has turned bad heavy rain. When we arrived, we saw a small house, more suitable for a dugout, because the only things not in the ground were: the roof and the front side of the house with front door. For some unknown reason, we could not enter the house, but went under a canopy that stood on a hill behind the house. This turned out to be difficult because of the strong streams flowing from the hill, but we managed, after we all climbed under the canopy together, I woke up without waiting for Makar to arrive.

    In a dream, I started a relationship with a guy I know about, but don’t know personally. They came to school on September 1 (he had already graduated, but came with me), gave me the thing I dreamed about in a dream, and then proposed on one knee. Then a couple of days passed, we corresponded and he was indignant about something. Having scrolled through the correspondence above, I saw that it was not me who wrote this (I was hacked), I went to find out who could have done this and it turned out that my friend wrote it (as it was said in the dream, “the one who hates you and your boyfriend,” although in in real life we ​​communicate quite well)

    I saw that they started dating a guy I liked (he used to like me too, but now I don’t know). We went to eat, he paid for himself, and I didn’t take anything. At first we communicated dryly, then little by little he became warmer towards me. Then we went and sat on the bench with us, my brother and mother were sitting. Strangely enough, my brother behaved normally (in real life, even He doesn’t allow me to say hello to my friends). After they left, everything became better, the guy’s mood improved and we became closer (we hugged, kissed on the lips)

    I dreamed that I was given a ride by a guy who had allegedly offered to date me before. So he gave me a lift to my new home, it turns out I didn’t even know that my family had moved and came there with me. This house was much smaller than the previous one, but nevertheless cozy. My mom liked this guy. The guy gave me half a brown tablet so that I could eat it, so that later, excuse me, through the feces, collect the seeds that will appear as a result of digestion, we must plant them together later. He also ate the pill himself. I didn’t like him in my dream and I didn’t feel any feelings for him. After a while, my mother and I went to a concert, which was in the gym of some school, there were a lot of handsome guys there, but we met this guy again and I had to sit next to him. He talked about his plans for a future life together, about a wedding, etc. but I feel that I’m sitting and I don’t need this at all, that I have other plans, that all this won’t happen, I really don’t like him, but any others that were there aroused my interest. And I, as in reality, felt at these events the discomfort associated with overweight. After the concert, the guy again gave both himself and me half a brown pill and, in front of all the handsome guys, he again explained what we had to do with it. And he added that we must plant these seeds together. That’s all.

    I walked with a handsome and strong guy hand in hand, before walking hand in hand, he suggested we meet, we went into the store, made purchases for anyone who needed anything, and then left the store and started walking hand in hand, but sometimes in our dreams we met acquaintances and I didn’t want rumors and sometimes removed my hand, then we saw my aunt, she was leaving the entrance, we said hello and moved on, then we got tired of hiding and we began to walk together hand in hand all the time, we reached a stop there, we talked and I woke up.

    I dreamed that I started dating a man with whom I had been in love for a long time, I knew that it was him, but in appearance he was a completely different person, a man much older than him, the essence of the dream was that in reality I thought he liked me after all guy or not, but in a dream I realized that he had been secretly in love with me for a long time, just like I was with him

    I have a friend with whom I used to communicate very well, but I always spoiled the relationship, I used to like him, today I dreamed that I was walking down the street in the evening, I saw a car and wanted to cross the road, I saw a man who said: “if you have time to cross, then I’ll give you a ride, if not, then you give me a ride “At first I didn’t understand who it was, I saw it was the same friend on a bicycle, we were hugging and it was so cozy. I always dream about this friend good dreams and they almost always romantic in nature, what does it mean?

    There were a lot of tears in the dream... It started with the girls and I in the hostel swimming in the bathtub, calling it a pool, then there was a party, my boyfriend was there, he is there in reality... There was some singer, he invited me, I came up and talked about something, then everything went to hell... This singer began to blackmail me that I should not approach my boyfriend, otherwise he would tell him that I told our shared secret him... Another party came... My boyfriend was already with someone else, they were hugging, and this singer told the public what I told him... Then I noticed that my boyfriend and the girl he was hugging with were sitting in a cafe, I came up and I told everything, the guy sat and cried... The dream was interrupted

    This dream was more than strange, because I dreamed of a relationship (as I understood it) with a star. Of course I am interested in this man and his work. All I remember is that we were sitting somewhere where there were people and soft seats, like in a theater. I was practically reclining on the moved seats, and Howon (Hoya, that same person) was a little further away and talking to someone (a woman). I looked at him so offended, he realized that I was jealous. Then he came up and started hugging and kissing (to make amends, as they say). We lay like that and it was so sweet that even in the morning I couldn’t come to my senses. It's all strange. Why did I have this dream?

    A dream where I am my beloved friend music group and they offer me to perform with them. Later we started performing together on a regular basis. But somehow I start dating one member of this group (I don’t know them in real life), then suddenly with another, and then with the last one, but I say that I want to be with the second person. And this happens in a very strange way.
    Please help me interpret this dream.

    All actions took place in a green meadow. My family and I had a picnic. Dad went to look for branches for the fire, and mom and sister went to talk. A guy I like stood in front of me and wrote to me in private messages on VK. In his messages, he invited me to date, but not for love, but rather for some other reason unknown to me, saying that his uncle advised him to do this. But I tried in every possible way to refuse his offer, because it is wrong that if I love him, I will love him, and he will use me

Very often, women dream about the very man they like in real life.. Those. such a dream is a kind of projection on your life. But as a rule, everything that happens in a dream has a mirror meaning. For example, a kiss seen in a dream with a man to whom you are not indifferent promises small chips in life and poor health. It is important after such a dream to behave with restraint, not to aggravate situations, and not to respond to provocations that could lead to conflicts. Spend a little time alone with yourself after such a dream.

Your beloved young man squeezes you in his arms- This good dream. So in reality a beautiful woman awaits you love story. But be prepared that she will not be with the person you dreamed about. If in a dream you saw a person whom you really like, but he is indifferent to you, then such a dream is good. It portends you positive changes in your life. It is even possible that this person will begin to be interested in you, and a relationship may begin. Be disappointed in young man in a dream promises you wonderful romantic relationship with a person who has loved you for a long time. Look around, maybe you are missing out on some really important and significant person.

Why do you dream about a guy?

If a guy in a dream is attractive and handsome, it means that soon the girl will have luck and success in any endeavor, not only in love.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

If you dream of an ex-boyfriend in a situation of a quarrel, argument, showdown, then this means good changes in your personal life or professional activities. If you kiss your ex-boyfriend, then this means that you have not yet let go of this situation, and it has a mental impact on you. If your boyfriend has another wife in a dream, then this means your speedy love acquaintance with serious intentions.

What did the guy dream about?

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar guy, then this means news in your environment.

Why do you dream about kissing a guy?

Kissing a guy in a dream means a good relationship and a pleasant time with your boyfriend. If you kiss a stranger in a dream, then you should pay attention to your behavior and be careful in everything.

Why do you dream about the guy you like?

If in a dream you meet a guy you like in a beautiful setting, then this means that your couple will have an even, long-term relationship that may end in a wedding. If in a dream a guy does not show interest in you, then this means that you will be together for a long time.

Why do you dream about your beloved guy?

Dreaming about your beloved guy means that in the near future you need to avoid dubious acquaintances and not trust random people.

Why see a guy in a dream

If the guy you dreamed about looks happy and content, then this means positive changes in your life - perhaps you will soon find good friend, friendship with whom can develop into a love relationship.

Why do you dream of a girl with a guy?

If in a dream you see a girl with a guy, then you should not place high hopes on your immediate plans and desires - they will not come true.

Why do you dream about a guy hugging you?

If an unfamiliar guy hugs you in a dream, then expect a pleasant acquaintance soon.

Why do you dream about a guy with someone else?

If in a dream your beloved guy hugs another unfamiliar girl, and they have a close relationship, then this means your own relationship with this guy - you will have love and loyalty, and an early wedding is also possible.

Why do you dream Ex-girlfriend guy

Your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is dreaming that most likely you yourself are not sure about his feelings and are worried about the development of your relationship.

Why do you dream about a guy cheating?

If in a dream you see your boyfriend cheating, this means that someone - you or your boyfriend - is not satisfied with the existing relationship between you, and you want to change something.

Why do you dream about a guy leaving you?

If you dream that your boyfriend has left you, this means that deep down you are not yet ready for a serious relationship and its consequences - wedding, family and the birth of children. Analyze your condition.

Why do you dream about breaking up with a guy?

If you dream of a difficult breakup with a guy, accompanied by quarrels and conflicts, then this means that not everything is going smoothly in your relationship. We need to find this hot spot and try to correct the situation.

Why do you dream about your friend’s boyfriend?

If you dream about your friend's boyfriend and you have a love relationship with him, then such a dream means that you will face betrayal in the near future.

Why do you dream about meeting a guy?

If in a dream you meet a guy, then this dream warns of the dangers associated with your excessive persistent desires in some matter.

Why do you dream about a guy you know?

If you dream of a guy you know, but in reality you don’t feel sympathy for him, then such a dream means quick news that will not affect your soul.
Why do you dream about a young guy?

A young guy dreams in a dream - this means you will soon have the opportunity to meet interesting person, with whom you will subsequently have a love relationship.
Why do you dream about a guy’s mom?

If in a dream you see your boyfriend’s mother and you have a conflict with her, then this means your imminent troubles, which you will get due to your incontinence and excessive emotionality.

You can find out more about your boyfriend or lover in love readings:

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.