Why do you dream about sweets: different interpretations of dreams. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about sweets?

Many are sure that dreams about honey are harbingers of a sweet, carefree life.

However, the dream book interprets such dreams somewhat differently.

To understand why you dream about honey in your particular case, try to remember some details of your dream. Only then will you be able to decipher it correctly.

Taste the sweetness

Eating honey in a dream is a favorable sign. For example, if you dreamed that you were eating it with a big spoon, it means that luck will smile on you soon. And scooping with a small spoon means coping with your indecision.

Drinking tea brings a new feeling. And drinking coffee with him is a joyful event.

  • Eating a sandwich with honey means an exciting journey.
  • Taking from a jar means achieving your goal.
  • Treating friends means the right decision.
  • Feeding a child means a promotion at work.
  • Eating a race with someone leads to self-confidence.

If bees land on the honey you are about to eat, you will soon receive advantageous offer. And there is no point in giving it up.

As the dream book says, honey on a plate symbolizes pleasant changes. And eating with his hands means being on the right path.

Honey dishes

Cooking honey cake in a dream means an important conversation. And eat it - to quick solution old problems.

Making a honey drink means demanding too much from your spouse. But if you spilled it, then reconsider your attitude towards your loved one, be a little more loyal.

Baking honey gingerbread in a dream means an unexpected increase wages. And eating them means a generous bonus.

Cooking baklava means hiding your attitude towards your colleagues. And nuts in honey sauce symbolize excellent completion of a task, after which you will receive a new position.

As the dream book writes, honey in semolina porridge can be seen when you are faced with an important choice. It's time to make a decision!

Buy or sell

If in a dream you sell honey at the market, get ready for big holiday souls. And letting customers try it is a sign of an important telephone conversation.

Joy, satisfaction and positive emotions- this is what you dream of about honey in a three-liter jar. And if you sell it from a barrel over which bees are circling, then soon you will feel the desire to be alone.

Buying honey from a man means visiting an old friend. And purchasing it from a woman means nervous disorders.

Bees flying near the seller dream of gossip behind your back. And to see them sitting on honey in a dream is a sign of a promising acquaintance.

Did you dream about something else?

A dream in which the honey is light and candied means that soon you will be able to see a person dear to you. And if in a dream it was liquid and dark, it means meeting an enemy.

Spilling it on the floor means falling in love. And wiping the table is dreaming of a bright, passionate feeling.

Bees on honeycombs dream of reassessing their position in life. And to feast on honeycombs means to rejoice in what you have.

As the dream book says, honey in an apiary dreams of an even, dispassionate feeling. And the bees flying near him are harbingers of the beginning of a new life.

  • Making a honey mask means wealth.
  • Throwing away honey means possible deception.
  • Putting it in the refrigerator is a sign of rash actions by friends.
  • Seeing a huge barrel full of sweet honey is a sign of kisses.
  • Going on a visit with a honey jar is a sign of jealousy.

To really want honey in a dream means to be offended by your loved one in reality. And smelling it means vain accusations against a loved one.

Eating through strength means diversity in intimate life and realizing your fantasies. And honey on the desktop speaks of your partner’s desire to try something new in sex.

  • Taking something sweet from someone means marriage.
  • Putting it in tea means the discovery of creative abilities.
  • Rolling up a bottle of mead means a fun life.
  • Decorating a cake means independence.
  • Melt in a water bath - to renew old connections.

Once you find out why you dream of honey, you can easily correct the events that happen to you. After all, if you don’t like the interpretation of the dream, you can easily direct your actions to correct the situation.

The main thing is to correctly interpret what you saw and compare your dream with what is happening in your life. Author: Vera Drobnaya

IN real life Almost all people are partial to sweets. Sweets and cookies, cakes and marmalade, ice cream, cakes or chocolate. Healthy or not, kids just love them. Women love to pamper themselves with them, sometimes despite the risks to their figure. And even representatives of the stronger sex want to taste something delicious quite often.

But what if you dreamed about sweets? What does such a dream mean? How do ancient dream books interpret it and what do they predict in the future? We will try to give answers to all the questions asked below in the article.

I dreamed about sweets in a dream, what does it mean?

Most often, the dream book interprets sweets in a dream as good news for the dreamer. But, depending on the details that you dreamed about, interpretations may also indicate the need to be more careful.

  • For a man, a dream predicts an interesting acquaintance and an exciting romantic relationship.
  • A girl has such a dream when she is in for a bright but short-lived relationship.
  • But if a woman dreams about it, it most often has a material outline and its interpretation predicts the purchase of something that has long been dreamed of.
  • In the Assyrian dream book, delicacies symbolize the joys of life. Although sometimes it can mean indulging one’s own temptations and the final stage of an important matter.
  • Cooking sweets (but not eating them!) means that you need to put a lot of effort into achieving your goal.
  • In Islam, when sweets are dreamed of, this portends a significant improvement in the quality of life for a person (healing for a sick person, marriage for a single person, a safe haven for a traveler).
  • To steal is the need to work hard for the sake of a goal. Collecting wrappers means pointless accumulation.

Why do you dream of eating sweets in a dream?

  • Small Velesov's dream book interprets the dream as interesting trip or finding new opportunities.
  • Islamic prophesies the release of a prisoner or the arrival of someone who left home a long time ago.
  • Interpretation of the dream book of Healer Evdokia promises severe shock and, at the same time, resilience in solving such problems.
  • But, if you see mouth rinsing from sweets, this indicates the need to be more careful in the near future, so as not to accidentally betray your friends.

In addition, there are interpretations of what exactly you dreamed about:

  • Candies
  1. For Vanga, eating them in a dream means great success in business: good profits and reliable partners.
  2. Miller's interpretation promises love joys.
  3. Choosing candies in a dream means you need to be more careful when choosing partners.
  • Cakes or pastries
  1. For women, as the dream book of the 21st century testifies, the dream prophesies pleasant chores.
  2. Men - beware of femme fatales.
  3. And for a girl who is already engaged to see it on the wedding table, the wedding will be upset.
  • Chocolate

If you dream about this product, it means that in the near future a person will have pleasant conversations or even a romantic relationship.

  • Cookie

If you dreamed about it, it means you need to work hard to implement your plans.

Buying sweets in a dream - what does it mean?

  • If you have to buy sweets in a dream, the dream book interprets this as a need to better assess your strengths: in reality, the dreamer’s goal is much further than he might think in reality. at the moment time. But it is very good to have such dreams when the reality is gloomy.
  • Choosing them is a sign of an upcoming choice in real life. Buying and eating while unwrapping candy wrappers means hearing many flattering words about yourself and your loved one in the near future.
  • For a girl to see candy or other sweets - to a bright but short-lived relationship.

Why do you dream about a lot of sweets?

  • But sometimes in a dream you have to choose from a huge assortment. This means that the dreamer will have to face a very difficult choice. If you managed to decide and buy, then the decision will be correct.
  • In addition, Vanga’s dream book interprets seeing (a lot of) sweets on the table as a reason for true, childish joy (or joy from children), and a bag of sweets as a sign of big problems.
  • Interpretation of the dream book Hasse interprets the dream as future manipulation of the dreamer. Moreover, they are so subtle that it will be very difficult to recognize them.

Why dream of treating children to sweets?

  • If you dreamed of scattering candy or giving it to children, this promises the dreamer unexpected joy. In the future, I will meet unexpected guests who have come from afar.
  • In addition, scattering candy means steadfastness of belief.
  • Juno's dream book promises a quick search for a business assistant.
  • Felomena’s dream prophesies the possibility of fulfilling not only own desires, but also helping others.
  • The dream book interprets sweets that simply fall from the sky as pleasant surprises, gifts and a lot of happiness in the near future.

Eating lamb in an open hall in the covered part of the yard is happiness.

Eating pancakes or rice - portends unfulfilled desires.

Eating all the fruits portends misfortune.

Eating rotten vegetables portends a disease.

Eating ready-made meat is fortunate.

Eating a pear portends a loss of wealth and material condition.

Eating goose meat portends the wife’s illness.

There are chestnuts - portends separation.

Eating chicken or duck is fortunate.

Eating onions means there will be a quarrel or a fight.

There are Tangerines - a disease.

There is oil, vinegar, soy sauce, liquid seasonings are fortunate.

Eating Honey with a person portends happiness and benefits.

Eating vegetables and seeing vegetables that turn yellow portend misfortune.

Eating one persimmon, oranges, tangerines - disease.

There are donuts and manti - there will be a squabble, foreshadowing anger.

Eating pork is a disease, an illness.

Eating dog meat portends litigation, official proceedings.

Eating raw meat is bad luck.

Eating pumpkin seeds means the birth of a noble offspring.

Eating dates means the birth of a noble offspring.

Eating persimmons and peaches portends separation, followed by union.

Eating garlic - portends natural disaster, disaster.

Eating mulberries - foretells the birth of a noble son.

A dead person eats - portends illness.

Eating the flesh of your own dead body is separation.

Killing a bull and eating its meat portends commercial profit.

A person offers you to eat curdled milk - portends joy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

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Eating lamb in an open hall in the covered part of the yard is happiness.

Eating pancakes or rice - portends unfulfilled desires.

Eating all the fruits portends misfortune.

Eating rotten vegetables portends a disease.

Eating ready-made meat is fortunate.

Eating a pear portends a loss of wealth and material condition.

Eating goose meat portends the wife’s illness.

There are chestnuts - portends separation.

Eating chicken or duck is fortunate.

Eating onions means there will be a quarrel or a fight.

There are Tangerines - a disease.

There is oil, vinegar, soy sauce, liquid seasonings - fortunately.

Eating Honey with a person portends happiness and benefits.

Eating vegetables and seeing vegetables that turn yellow portend misfortune.

Eating one persimmon, oranges, tangerines - disease.

There are donuts and manti - there will be a squabble, foreshadowing anger.

Eating pork is a disease, an illness.

Eating dog meat portends litigation, official proceedings.

Eating raw meat is bad luck.

Eating pumpkin seeds means the birth of a noble offspring.

Eating dates means the birth of a noble offspring.

Eating persimmons and peaches portends separation, followed by union.

Eating garlic portends a natural disaster, a catastrophe.

Eating mulberries - foretells the birth of a noble son.

A dead person eats - portends illness.

Eating the flesh of your own dead body is separation.

Killing a bull and eating its meat portends commercial profit.

A person offers you to eat curdled milk - portends joy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

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Who dreams about what? One - garlic or tomatoes, and the other - various dishes. For example, why do you dream about sweets and what does their appearance in dreams portend for any person? We will look for answers in a variety of dream books that are popular today and in ancient times. There, as usually happens, the data about what sweets mean in dreams diverge, sometimes even radically. But from different opinions, on the other hand, you can choose the one that is most suitable and pleasing to your soul. So let's begin this fascinating process - the interpretation of our own dreams.

Why do you dream about sweets?

If you dream of sweet dishes, definitely ask fate for a break. A calm and favorable period will come in life. And you will have nothing to worry about - everything will go like clockwork, with which many of these sweets are impregnated. At least, this is what many authoritative sources say, inspiring what concerns the general image and interpretation. And the nuances will already be determined depending on the circumstances of your dream.

Small dream book

Why, according to this well-known source? It says that such a vision is auspicious sign. If you dream of chocolate, it means prosperity and provision for those who depend on you. Chocolates For business man- to responsible partners and success in work (as they say, everything will be in chocolate). If you drink, then after troubles and troubles, a joyful period in life will finally come. Suck or eat lollipops - to various entertainments that await you in the near future. If you receive candy as a gift, you will be respected and even worshiped. If you make candy yourself in a dream, then you will achieve everything on your own and quite soon thanks to your talent and hard work. But if the sweets turn out to be bitter or sour in taste, this can lead to disappointment and even illness.

Miller's Dream Book

If you feel the taste of sweets in a dream, then in difficult times you will behave with great dignity, which will earn the respect of others. But if you don’t like the sweet taste in a dream and try to get rid of it, then this means that you will be unfair to one of your friends.

Islamic dream book

There is an interesting interpretation of what sweets mean in dreams in this collection. Here, sweetness seen or eaten in a dream indicates the sincerity of faith and its purity before Allah. Sweets can indicate the release of a previously imprisoned person from prison, or the arrival of someone who has gone on long journeys for quite some time. And also sweets and cakes in a dream indicate the recovery of a sick person, the marriage of someone who is single, the acquisition of knowledge and the receipt of funds earned by methods permitted by religion. Eating sweets in a dream means that you will soon improve your life, get rid of various dangers and find peace of mind.

To a woman

If you enjoyed dessert dishes in a dream, you will soon receive good news. This may also indicate that the dreamer is indulging her desires, and such a situation will soon lead to rather sad facts. If you felt it in a dream, you will overcome possible obstacles and perk up.

To a man

If you gave a box of chocolates to, for example, a specific woman in a dream, then you will soon marry her. If you presented a sweet gift to your superiors, then this is a promotion, even if it was not expected. Eating candy in a dream means money and a pleasant pastime (rest, vacation, sometimes even unplanned).

Why do you dream about buying sweets?

But dreaming of buying sweets means that you will soon be forced to do so. Moreover, this debt will turn out to be an unbearable burden for you later. Moreover, important nuance is also who you buy sweets from in a dream (perhaps this person in real life will turn out to be your sponsor or investor in business).

If there are a lot of sweets?

Why do you dream about a lot of sweets? This may mean that you will soon get everything out of life according to full program, V in the best sense these words. But if you eat these sweets in large quantities in your dream, this may mean that what is given to you will be quickly squandered. And if you look at sweets through a window, then, on the contrary, what you want will not happen and will not be received in the near future.