Names for girls born in March. March names for girls by day of the month

How to name a girl born in March according to the calendar.

March girls grow up to be sensitive and receptive natures. In some situations they may appear indecisive.

  • They are easy to offend. They are ready to spend hours admiring their reflection in the mirror and trying on their mother’s outfits.
  • To name in the best possible way influenced fate, it is worth giving the March girl a firm name. This way the baby will be able to overcome her indecision and suspiciousness.
  • March girls are ready to make compromises and adapt to circumstances. “The life of the party” is not about them.
  • They can be envious and curious.
  • March girls choose men with a high position in society as their spouses. It is important for them that the other half succeeds.
  • In a house whose owner was born in March, main role belongs to a woman.
  • However, with their friendly attitude towards people and the ability to share someone else’s grief, the March representatives of the fair sex win the favor of others.

How to choose the right name for a newborn girl according to the Saints in March?

Naming according to the calendar means that parents choose the name of a saint who is revered on the day the baby is born. It is believed that in this way the baby receives a patron for life.

  • Don't settle for the unusual rare name from the Saints in an effort to give the child originality. After all, in this way a child can receive a name that will negatively affect his fate.
  • The meaning of the tradition of naming a baby according to the calendar is the sacrament of baptism, after which the baby receives a name. The name given by God can only belong to a baptized person.
  • Before choosing a name according to the calendar, parents should find out about its meaning and origin.
  • If the baby’s Angel day coincides with his birthday, and the name he is given is pleasant to the ear for both parents, then this is considered good sign. This name was given to the child from above.

Advice for parents who have decided to name their child church calendar

Parents choosing a name for their daughter face a difficult task. There are many factors to consider. For example, will the name sound beautiful in combination with the surname and patronymic, what is the meaning of the names, and is the version of the name you like relevant?

  • Today, more and more often, young parents prefer names from the Saints. Thus, baby name becomes a talisman and talisman for the baby, and the same date will be considered Angel Day and the girl’s name day.
  • If you need to choose a name for your baby according to the church calendar, where all the names of saints are collected, then first of all give up those options that have an unusual sound and are very rare. This way you will relieve your child of the feeling of discomfort that he may experience among his peers.
  • Choose a name that matches your surname and patronymic. Parents should not rely solely on the chosen name. A child will grow up to be a real person not only thanks to a skillfully chosen name, but also to many other factors, among which upbringing, the child’s environment, love, and care are of no small importance.

  • Parents choose a name according to the church calendar in church, listening to the priest who reads the name options from the Saints. Saints is an Orthodox calendar that indicates religious holidays or days of remembrance of saints.
  • Parents have the opportunity to choose: to name the child one of the names of the saints revered on the baby’s birthday. But there are cases when the date of birth of the child does not fall on the day of veneration of the Saint or the same name appears on several dates at once.
    How to choose that perfect name for a baby, if there are more than a thousand such names in the Saints?
  • The saint, revered on the baby's birthday, will be his patron. And the child will receive both strength and protection on behalf of his saint, will have a close connection with him, and will be able to partially adopt his good qualities.
  • If the baby was born on the day of veneration of several saints in the calendar, then the parents can choose the name they like best.
  • If in the church calendar only one saint is venerated on this day, then the parents can either name the baby with this name, or, as an exception, name the saint by the name of the saint revered in the family.
  • If the church calendar does not assign a name to the baby’s day, then they name it with a name from future dates, up to the eighth day from the baby’s name day.
  • From the calendar, they do not take a name from past dates after the child’s name day.
  • Names in the church calendar have different origins. Some of them are Slavic, some are Greek or Roman, and some are Hebrew.
  • The Book of Bible Names is an endless source of options, but even here some parents of girls may have problems.

Not every day is the date of commemoration of a saint; parents may not like the name of the saint assigned to the date of birth of their baby, or they simply cannot find a suitable name for their daughter. In this case, according to church traditions:

  • take the name of a saint who is revered on the baby’s birthday
  • take the name of the saint who is remembered on the day of the naming ceremony
  • take the name from the date in front (before the eighth day)
  • take a name on the 40th day from birth, during the sacrament of Baptism

Important: you should know that all of the above naming options are advisory in nature, and therefore no one forces parents who do not like the name from the Saints that falls on their daughter’s date of birth to agree with the proposed option.

Some couples prefer to give the baby a double name: secular and church. A secular name is given at birth, and a church name at Baptism. The name received at Baptism cannot be changed; it is assigned to the person for life.

Names according to the Saints and church calendar for girls born in March: meaning, origin, patron saint

March Name Meaning Origin Patron Saint
March 1 Valentina strong Latin Great Martyr Valentina
March 2 Anna grace Jewish Martyr Anna
Nina brave girl Spanish Martyr Nina
Marianne sad beauty Jewish Righteous Mariana, sister of the Apostle Philip
March 3 Camilla noble Latin
March 4 Alexandra protector of people Greek Martyr Equal to the Apostles Apsia
March 6 Varvara foreigner Greek Martyr Barbara
Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish Martyr Elizabeth
Irina attractive; peace-loving Greek Martyr Irene
March 7 Anfisa blooming Greek Martyr Anfusa
March 9 Karina flawless Greek Martyrs Karina and Kira
March 10 Anna grace Jewish Venerable Martyr Evdokia
March 11 Theresa protection Greek Martyrs Antonina
March 12 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin Holy Martyr Marina
Kira madam Greek
Victoria winner Latin Holy Martyr Euphalia
March 14 Hope hope; beginning of life Russian Holy Martyr Nadezhda
Daria gift of God Jewish Holy Martyr Daria
Matryona noble woman Russian Holy Martyr Matryona
Antonina entering into battle Latin Holy Martyr Antonina
Olga saint; great; perfect Latin Holy Martyr Olga
Anna grace Jewish Holy Martyr Anna
March 16 Marfa noble woman Aramaic Venerable Martyr Martha
March 17 Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin Venerable Martyr Piama the Virgin
Julia curly Greek Holy Martyr Julia
March 18 Iraida hero's daughter Greek Holy Martyr Iraida
March 19 Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek Holy Martyr Helen
March 20 Hope hope; beginning of life Russian Holy Martyr Nadezhda
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical Venerable Martyr Mary
Capitolina Capitoline Latin Venerable Martyr Catherine
Antonina entering into battle Latin Venerable Martyr Antonina
Xenia guest Greek Holy Martyr Xenia
Catherine clean; great; domineering Greek Holy Martyr Catherine
Matryona noble woman Russian Holy Martyr Matryona
Anna grace Jewish Holy Martyr Anna
March 22 Alexandra protector of people Greek Holy Martyr Alexandra
Natalia Latin Holy Martyr Natalia
Alina noble Old Germanic Holy Martyr Alina
Olesya protector Ukrainian Holy Martyr Alexandra
March 23 Victoria winner Latin Martyr Hariessa
Galina calm Greek Martyr Galina
Nika victorious Greek Martyr Nina
Vasilisa princess Greek Martyr Vasilissa
Anastasia resurrection Greek Holy Martyr Anastasia
Theodora gifted by God Italian Martyr Theodora
March 24 Karina flawless Greek Venerable Anastasia Patricia
Bertha bright Old Germanic righteous Bertha
March 26 Christina follower of Christ Greek Martyr Christina of Persia
March 28 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical Holy Martyr Mary
March 30 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin Venerable Eutrophia of Chorion
March 31 Natalia native; born on Christmas Latin Venerable Martyr Natalia

Video: What to name a girl? GIRLS NAMES IN 2017

Pregnancy is a happy time for many families; future parents look forward to meeting their baby with pleasure. Somewhere around 6-7 months of pregnancy, when the sex of the child has already been determined, most parents begin to think about a name for the child. Let's look at the character traits and names of those born in March

What are the character and lucky names of those born in March

This is very important point not only in the life of the parents, but also of the child. After all, the name, in essence, gives rise to a new life, affects the baby’s character, and, to some extent, his fate. Before choosing a name for your child, you need to know not only the gender of the child, but also what time of year the baby will be born, which is important, in this case the month of birth.

March- “March” people are very sensitive and impressionable. Failures are difficult to bear and therefore poorly promoted. If they show stubbornness and persistence, it is most often to their detriment. They are cowardly, indecisive, and easily vulnerable. They believe that their life has not worked out. Among the “March” people there are many losers and envious people. All their lives they strive for success, but remain unrecognized. And if they find themselves at the pinnacle of glory, it is not for long, and the fall for them means the collapse of all hopes. These “spring” people are selfish and ambitious. They are irritable, sarcastic, and perceive the success of others as their own failure. They are very boring and pester their loved ones with endless complaints about their fate. Suspicious people believe in superstitions and often turn to fortune tellers.

Names for March girls:

Let's imagine the situation that your baby will be born in the spring, in March, and you will have a girl. How to choose a name for her? What names of girls born in March brought happiness to their owners? - these are the first questions that come to mind. March is the first month of spring. Children born in spring are flexible, they show flexibility in many matters, so it is very difficult for them to achieve success in life. In addition, March children, in particular girls, can be very impressionable and sensitive. Distinctive features children born in March is their talent; March children mainly express their emotions through art. Children born in spring have a soft character, they are pliable, so the names of girls born in March should be “hard” and sonorous. It is desirable that the name contain the letters P or N, for example, Nadezhda or Ruslana.

The most suitable names for those born in March are: Antonina, Evdokia, Ruslana, Seraphim, Stella, Stanislava, Rostislava, Bronislava, Sophia.

Names of girls born in March according to the calendar





Perhaps you do not like the names listed above, then in this case, study the meanings of the names you have chosen. Believing families can choose a name for the child according to the Saints, that is, name the child in honor of the Saint based on his birthday. Don't forget to take into account the child's middle name. After all, the name must be consonant with the patronymic.

Sometimes some parents want to make their child stand out from the crowd, and for this they give the baby an extraordinary name. Perhaps more mature age your daughter will thank you for such an unusual and unique name, but until the age of 17-20 she will have to put up with the ridicule of friends and acquaintances, it will be especially difficult for her in kindergarten and in elementary school. Therefore, first think about how your daughter will live with a name like Bronislava, for example, or Pavlina. It is unlikely that the baby will be pleased if children deliberately distort her name and mock her. Therefore, choose ones that are pleasant to the ear and tender names, especially for those born in early spring.


It is known that March is spring. If a child was born in the spring, then in life he will show flexibility in different situations, and it will be more difficult for him to achieve success. The month of March suggests that people born in this month are very impressionable and sensitive. They are also very talented and if not limited, they will express their emotions through art. Since children with a soft character and very impressionable are born in March, in order to emphasize courage, it is necessary to name, as some say, a “hard” and very sonorous name. The girl should be called, on the contrary, a softer, but at the same time bright name. Many people think it will be if the name contains the letter P or N.

Names for those born in March: Daniil, Konstantin, Arkady, Makar, Mikhail, Evgeny, Victor, Roman, Savva, Rostislav, Denis, David, Anton, Stepan, Trofim, Peter, Egor, Yuri, Mark, Gerasim, Vyacheslav, Vasily , Maxim, Venedikt, Pavel.
, born in March: Kira, Marina, Daria, Matryona, Sofia, Galina, Anastasia, Maria, Svetlana, Lydia, Nika, Alla, Ulyana, Anna, Eva, Tamara, Irina, Ekaterina, Christina.

If you don't like the ones listed, and the baby is due in March, read the characteristics of the name that you really like. And then think carefully about whether the child should have your favorite name. If you are, you can choose according to Christmastide - on what day, in honor of that Saint, and name it.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to remember the child’s middle name. The first name and patronymic must be consonant, for example, Regina Dmitrievna or Venedikt Denisovich sound very rude, there is no euphony in them.

Attention to future parents! If you want to give your child an unusual name so that it always stands out, remember that the child will have the name all the time, and many people may laugh at it in the future. Before you name your child Cosmos, Russia, Militsiya, Zhuzha, Kasper the Beloved and others, think about whether the child himself will be happy when he grows up.

Please note

How to name a child by date of birth. There is a theory that every person is born with a certain name. There are several options for choosing a name for a child based on his date of birth. The church version is according to the calendar. The Church believes that a newborn should be named after a saint or martyr born on this very day.

Useful advice

The choice of a child’s name can be influenced by family traditions, fashion trends, and national and religious roots. It is not uncommon today to decide to name a child with a double or even triple name. After the baby is born, you will have a month to make a final decision. How to name a child by date of birth. The time of year in which a child is born has a great influence on his character. If the child was born in winter. Winter is the time of birth of talented and purposeful people.


  • what are the names in March

As soon as parents learn about the imminent birth of a baby, one of the first questions becomes the problem of choosing a name for the child. After all, a name can influence later life, on the fate, character of the child. Before choosing a name for their future baby, parents need to determine the most important aspect for them - traditions, fashion or the church calendar.


Previously, they chose a name according to the month - church or. They named the child by the name whose memory falls on the birthday according to the calendar. It was believed that the saint in whose honor the baby was named would become his guardian angel and would be his protector and savior throughout his life. That is why birthdays are sometimes called name days, although the tradition is to name the baby by Christmastide not often observed.

If the child is on a day when according to the calendar there is no commemoration of saints of his gender, then according to church customs you can choose the name of the saint who is commemorated eight days after the birth of the baby or at, that is, on the 40th day after birth Baby. According to church traditions, the baby is baptized on this day. Sometimes it happens that the saint in whose honor the parents chose a name for the child Christmastide, is commemorated according to the calendar several times a year, or is commemorated in different days saints with same name, then the days of these saints close to the child’s birthday are his name days, and the remaining days throughout the year are small name days.

There are very few Slavic names in Christmastide; as a rule, the calendar has Jewish, Latin and Greek roots. Nowadays, the birth of a child is initially registered at the registry office, where the name is also recorded. But it happens that given to the child the name is missing from the Christmastide. Then, at baptism, the priest translates the name into the Church Slavonic form.

Useful advice

Nowadays it’s very easy to choose a name for Christmas. And you can even view the church calendar on the Internet on various Orthodox sites and other resources.

March on the calendar Orthodox Church usually takes place under the sign of Lent. However, in March Every day there are holidays in honor of saints whose names may be suitable for your child.


In the question of what to name this or that month, there is an echo of the ancient naming of newborns in honor of those saints whose memory fell on or on their day. In this way, a heavenly patron was chosen for the child - a saint, who with his prayer protected the child from all evil.

The most famous and great saint is the prophet John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan and died under tragic circumstances. He was executed by the ruler of Galilee, Herod, at the request of his Herodias, his wife Philip. The Prophet John, whom Herod took into custody and, nevertheless, loved him very much as an interlocutor, denounced this illegal relationship, and for this they cut off his head. His name day is celebrated on March 9.

Another important one church holiday March, dedicated to the saints - the memory of the forty Sebastian martyrs. They were soldiers of the Roman Empire who were executed by drowning in the icy Lake Sebaste in Asia Minor for professing faith in Christ. Most of them bore names that are not common today. Nevertheless, in the list of their names you can find quite familiar and beloved ones in Russia - John, Nikolai, Valery, Kirill.

Among the saints of March, one can note the blessed Prince of Moscow Daniel (March 17), as well as Prince Theodore of Smolensk and him, David and Constantine (March 18) and the Hieromartyr Patriarch Ermogen (March 2). Also in March there are such as Lev, Gregory, Alexander, Pavel, Vladimir, Vasily, Yaroslav, Dionysius, Simeon.

Video on the topic

More and more parents, when choosing a name for their child, turn to Orthodox calendar. This revives the ancient Orthodox tradition of naming a child in honor of a saint.


IN Soviet times names were given based on the system. As a result, one of the most popular names among them was the name Lena - in honor of Lenin. There were sometimes up to six or even eight Lenas in the class. As a result, the girls were called not by name, but by . The name faded into the background. Or they chose names altogether, for example – Dazdraperma (long live the first of May) or Barrikada. It’s unlikely that little Barricade felt comfortable when she answered the question of her name. By calling it this way, parents emphasized, as was then demanded, the child’s involvement in the system

In pre-revolutionary times, a name was given to a child, focusing exclusively on the calendar. The choice of name was left to the priest, and he named the baby on the day of baptism. This was considered an honor for the child and parents. The name was read out according to the calendar, and a great sacrament was observed: with the child’s name they were given God’s intercessor.
Today, when choosing a name in accordance with Orthodox traditions, there is more freedom - for every day there are several saints on the calendar, and parents themselves decide which of the proposed names they will name their child.

But you still need to choose the child’s name according to the calendar correctly. The name is given to the saint whose day falls on the baby's birthday. But maybe on this day only male names, and was born. Then you should pay attention to the names that are recorded on the eighth day. It is on the eighth day that the rite of naming is performed. If the names of the eighth day are also not suitable, then you can choose a name on the day of the sacrament of baptism - this is the fortieth day after birth.

They give a name according to the calendar so that the saint in whose honor the child is named will protect throughout his life, be a guardian angel, a heavenly intercessor. It is believed that the saint prays for the owner of the name before the Lord.
Based on this, some believing parents give their child the name of a saint without looking at the calendar. They turn to the tradition of giving a child a name in honor of a saint revered by the family. This restores continuity and strengthens the connection with.
By naming a girl after a saint, parents can be sure that one of them will bear the name - for example, Orthodox name Natalia is very rare in girls. Meanwhile, Natasha is a good and euphonious Russian name.

IN lately The tradition of choosing names for children according to the church calendar has returned to fashion. IN Orthodox calendar you can choose the name of a saint whose memory is celebrated on the child’s birthday, on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of the baby. When choosing a name, parents often choose the saint who is especially revered in the family. For girls born in March, the following names are suggested in the calendar:

Alexandra, Alena, Anna, Anastasia, Antonina, Arina, Varvara, Daria, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Elena, Elizaveta, Iraida, Irina, Kira, Ksenia, Christina, Marina, Marianna, Maria, Marfa, Nadezhda, Natalya, Nika, Oksana, Olga, Pulcheria, Praskovya, Daria, Evdokia, Matrona, Olga, Martha, Marfa, Ulyana, Fairy, Juliana, Julia, Fedora, Fairy. At the same time, before making a final choice, it is better to read the biographies of the saints in order to understand why exactly they began to be revered.

Choosing a name by zodiac sign

However, if the names proposed in the calendar do not suit you, you can listen to the advice of astrologers. As you know, March passes under the signs of Pisces and Aries. What, according to star experts, will a girl born in the most “feminine” month of the year be like?

As a rule, nature generously endows Pisces with typically feminine qualities - sensitivity, vulnerability and impressionability, thriftiness and caring, tenderness and excellent taste. Pisces are hardworking and unpretentious, moreover, many of them are monogamous, capable of remaining faithful to their spouse and being a reliable support for him throughout his life - in sorrow and joy, wealth and poverty.

However, it is common for Pisces to go into the world of dreams and fantasies, to break away from reality, they gravitate towards various spiritual practices, and are very strict about the implementation of rituals, rules and customs. Astrologers consider the names Agatha, Anna, Vera, Evdokia, Rose, Faina to be ideal, capable of harmonizing all aspects of Pisces’ nature. In order for the girl’s femininity to appear more clearly and the severity to be smoothed out, it is also recommended to give her the name Alevtina, Valentina, Eva, Irina, Violetta, Liya, Tomila, Renata and Polina.

No need to be original

Sometimes parents think that a girl’s name must stand out from others in order to emphasize the child’s individuality. In the case of those born in March, there is no need to worry about this - March girls are bright in themselves, and here it is important to choose her a friend name, a helper name, with whom she will be comfortable and convenient throughout her life. This is what your daughter will thank you for in the long run.