Victoria Makarskaya in her youth. We pray to God to give us children! Naked son-in-law on the doorstep

Anton, don’t you feel sorry for the kidnapped person at all?

I swear to you, not at all. Material wealth is not an end in itself for me, perhaps because I spent most of my life without money. I grew up in a family with a modest income: in Penza, where we lived, my father worked as an actor in a puppet theater, and my mother taught solfeggio at a music school. Then there was a hungry but joyful student life... Now I earn decent money, but I part with money easily. But for Vicky, the robbery came as a shock. It's a pity that I wasn't around - I was filming in Lvov.

Victoria: My mother and sister and I went to Turkey for a week. Before that, we withdrew all the cash from our accounts because we had a purchase deal coming up land plot. Then she scolded herself: “What a fool I am! How can you leave a huge amount of money in the apartment and leave?” I guess robbers are rarely so lucky.

Anton: The guys worked clearly, boldly, with courage. We celebrated the raid right on the spot by drinking a bottle of expensive red wine from our bar. And they drove off with Vika’s stolen red Hummer, which I gave her on March 8th.

Victoria: I had a presentiment of bad things in advance. During my week in Turkey I was simply overcome with inexplicable anxiety. I almost didn’t leave the room, I lay in bed in sadness and thought about one thing: to return quickly. And on the day of departure I tell Monica, my sister: “Listen, don’t let us get robbed. Something doesn’t feel right to me.” And when we returned, the policemen, whom the neighbors had called, were already waiting for us on the threshold of the apartment. The devastation was terrible: a dismantled chimney, broken walls in the bathroom, torn boxes... The entire floor was littered knee-deep with things: documents, wedding candles, photographs, Anton’s suits turned inside out, my dresses, underwear. And there are dirty marks everywhere: on my wedding veil, on my favorite teddy bear. Such a feeling of disgust came over me that nausea rose in my throat. To come to my senses, I drank half a bottle of tequila in one gulp, but it didn’t help. But the worst thing happened at night. I suddenly woke up because I was suffocating. Started screaming. Fortunately, my sister and friend stayed with me, they came running and started drinking valerian. And then it began to seem to me that someone was walking around the apartment, I could hear steps and creaks. I almost went crazy! I was shaking terribly, sobbing avidly until the morning and the whole next day, and became hoarse. I calmed down only when Anton arrived.

It took us a long time to put the apartment in order: for about two weeks we washed things and put them in their places. To restore the aura in the house, I walked around the apartment with church candles, sprinkled all the corners with holy water. It became somehow easier.

By the way, over time I rethought what had happened and... felt sorry for our thieves. I even lit a candle in church for them. After all, who did they hurt? Only for myself. They live breaking the commandments, they don’t know what they are doing. And we, thank God, are young, healthy, we will earn money, we will not perish.

Best of the day

Anton: For that site near Sergiev Posad, we finally raised the necessary amount from friends and acquaintances. And then I was offered several lucrative contracts at once, and we were able to pay off all the debts... Now we perceive this apartment as a hotel room, we don’t stay in it for a long time - we just spend the night, change clothes and run away on business. We don’t even eat at home, but in cafes and restaurants. And on rare weekends we spend either with friends or in some boarding house. So our number one goal is to build a house as quickly as possible.

“We can’t separate”

Victoria: We will live in a fantastic place - on a hill, surrounded by forests, and two ponds nearby. I composed the project myself, taking three years. Our house will be solid, made of pine logs, three-story.

Anton: How is it three-story, Vika? Two is enough for us. Where is this palace?

Wait. Anton, didn’t Vika discuss the house project with you before?

No. I don't want to get involved in this. I already know that Morozova will do everything great. In our family, there is a clear distribution of responsibilities: the husband plows and earns money, and the wife... also plows (she is my director - she handles all the negotiations, financial and issues) and creates comfort for us.

Victoria: Yes, I won’t let Anton near the house until it’s built. Repair and construction are too serious a test for a relationship. Anton came into the apartment once during renovations, and we almost got divorced after that. We argued about where to put the bed, yelled at each other like crazy... So construction is my cross. (Laughs.) But I’m not complaining: I’m a strong woman, you can work on me. My husband also feeds me constantly. As soon as I lose a little weight, he starts buzzing: “What is this? Why do ribs and bones stick out? I have nothing to grab onto and sleep coldly.”

Anton: When we were visiting my parents in Israel, my mother fattened Vika by 8 kilos in a week. That's when she looked amazing! I love it when she's plump, so peachy pink. In general, I like “garish” women; apparently, this is due to the mixture of Georgian and Jewish blood... I have to constantly fatten up Vika so that she matches my ideas of beauty. And if I leave for filming, my wife stops eating altogether. She says that she completely loses her appetite, only drinks liters of coffee and eats it with her favorite herring. One day Vikochka was left without my supervision for two weeks. When I returned I found her on hospital bed. By the way, I never got an answer from the doctors to the question of what happened to her.

Victoria: I suddenly felt a hellish pain in my solar plexus. A friend rushed over and called an ambulance. The doctors got scared and urgently put me on the operating table. They suspected appendicitis or pancreatitis, but the diagnosis was not confirmed. So they cut me in vain. Then the doctors agreed that it was an attack of gastritis. But I adhere to a different version. It’s just that without Anton, it’s as if the vital energy is draining out of me. This may seem far-fetched to some, but it's true.

Anton: After that illness, I realized that we couldn’t part with her. And the robbery story confirmed this. Without me, something is always going on with Vika. So now I don’t go to filming without my wife. We've been together for nine years, so we've grown together tightly. We understand each other without words. Although, to be honest, Vika’s thoughts are not difficult to read; all her emotions are reflected on her face.

Victoria: I especially like to cry. Whether I’m watching a melodrama or seeing an abandoned puppy, tears flow. And recently they showed the series “And the Snow Falls,” in which bandits shoot at Antoshi’s hero, and I was so terrified that I cried in the last two episodes.

Anton: But I don’t understand why you need to work yourself up out of nowhere. Because of this, you sometimes have to refuse interesting offers. After all, she is more important to me than anything in the world. I don’t know what will happen if we are separated. Before meeting Vika, I thought that love should cool down and calm down over the years. But everything is growing for us.

“It’s nice that women like my husband”

What, you don’t even look at other women?

Anton: We are married, I wear the wedding ring without taking it off. But I'm a normal guy and beautiful women I pay attention. In my opinion, this is the natural instinct of a healthy man.

Victoria: When Anton stops responding to them, this is an alarm signal for me. This means he’s worked too hard, tired and needs rest...

Are you really not at all jealous of Anton’s fans?

No, on the contrary, I am pleased that women like my man. Although 5 years ago, when Anton gained popularity after he sang the song Belle in the musical Notre Dame de Paris, there was a lot of negativity towards me. The Operetta Theater where I worked then received letters with threats: “I hate you, I’ll kill you, I’ll throw sulfuric acid in your face!” Or to me mobile phone girls called with the words: “Hello, I’m Anton’s mistress.” I trust my husband unconditionally, so I told them something like this: “Girl, how lucky you are, I’m very happy for you. Congratulations". Both the calls and threats faded away over time.

Anton: What bothered me the most were tender letters with confessions... from men. I was just mad! I was perplexed as to what could have caused such a reaction. And with the young creatures who wrote me letters on the Internet forum, Vika and I met more than once in a cafe on Arbat, had a great time: chatting, drinking tea and cakes.

Vika, how do you feel about the fact that your husband has to go to bed with attractive actresses for work?

My great-grandmother said this: “Remember, a man is a traveler, a hunter, so he can go to the left. This is a male instinct. And if you want to be main woman in his life, then I must respect this instinct in him.” So if he starts some kind of romance, I’ll probably try to treat it with understanding... But most likely, I’ll kill both him and her, and that’ll be the end of it!

Anton: By the way, bed scenes With my participation, Vikochka loves to watch passion, her eyes are already burning.

Do you ever have quarrels?

Anton: What could we do without it? It even came to a fight recently. On the set of the film “The Return of the Musketeers,” in which I played the son of Aramis, we met a warm group of “children” of the old musketeers. Often after working day we had a drinking spree, I haven’t drunk like that, probably since I was a student. And during some party, the guys and I decided to measure our strength and started boxing fights. And Vika was afraid that we could hurt each other, and began to pull me away. I got angry: a woman gets involved in a man's squabble! And he began to egg her on: “Come on, hit me quickly! Come on, hit!” And Vika’s fist hit me right in the eye. The next day Dima Nagiyev sympathetically asks: “Who decorated you like that?” I say: “Beloved wife.” And he said with such irony: “I understand who it doesn’t happen to.” And if we talk seriously about quarrels... I admit, I can be a rare bore, I like to chat. Vika tolerates it, but sometimes she explodes.

Victoria: My husband keeps me under a tight rein: he forbids me to paint my lips, wear short skirts- they say, this doesn’t suit me. I can’t eat roach and smelt, without which I can’t live, in Anton’s presence: they stink, you see. Sometimes I still start a riot on the ship. I begin to be indignant: “I have been putting up with your dictate for nine years, but there is a limit to everything. How much blood have you drunk from me! I'm tired of all. I'll leave you." And Anton says sadly: “Well, go away, since you feel bad with me.” I’ll pout a little and again I’m ready to do anything for him.

“I will give birth to a daughter in March 2009”

Anton, where did you get these tyrant habits from?

Don't know. Maybe because as a child, in any situation, no matter what I did, my mother said: “Anton is always right.” My parents and I had an equal relationship; they respected any decision I made. Even if in adolescence I showed up from a party at 3 am, no one told me off. I was engaged in boxing, during training they beat me like a punching bag, I often came home with a distorted face - my nose was broken, 4 teeth were knocked out. It must have been painful for my mother to see these “decorations,” but she never scolded me. In addition, she calmly trusted me with her sisters Aska and Sasha. Asya was born when I was 13 years old. I put her in a backpack, in which I cut holes for the legs, put it on my back, and she and I rode a bicycle around the city, went to the dairy kitchen. And later I took two little sisters with me to the movies, to horror films. They fell asleep peacefully in my arms, despite the terrible screams from the screen. When 8 years ago my parents and sisters moved to Israel for permanent residence, it was very difficult for me to part with them. But I couldn’t leave myself, because I can’t imagine my life anywhere except Russia.

Do you dream about your children?

Why dream? Let's build a house, move there to live, and fresh air We will begin to actively reproduce. And I even made a bet with one friend that I would give birth to a daughter in March 2009.

So you deliberately postponed having a child?

Anton: No, we never did anything specifically to prevent us from having children. On the contrary, we always wanted to become parents. At some point they began to worry why nothing was working. We went to the doctors, were examined and heard that we were absolutely healthy... But so far God has not allowed us to experience this happiness.

Victoria: I even went to church and asked the priest: “Why doesn’t God give us children?” And he said: “For now you have a different ministry. When there is a pause in your crazy race, you will definitely have kids.” I no longer have the strength to wait. I even dreamed about our children. I feel that we will have two - a boy and a girl...

Anton: Vika really likes to imagine how we will become cheerful old men and she will take me on a gurney, carefully wipe my bald head with a rag... But I think that it is pointless to look into the future. Real life- here, today and now.

Singer Date of birth May 22 (Gemini) 1973 (46) Place of birth Vitebsk Instagram @makarskie

Victoria Makarskaya (Morozova) - famous Russian singer and producer. This woman is not only beautiful, but also has a beautiful voice. Each of her songs penetrates fans to the depths of their souls. Morozova became famous general public after performing in the musical "METRO". Victoria's biography had many ups and downs. But the girl never despaired, and only thanks to this she is now known throughout the country.

Biography of Victoria Makarska

Victoria was born on May 22, 1973 in the Belarusian city of Vitebsk. Since childhood, her parents wanted to make her famous. They dreamed of their daughter working in a local orchestra, in which she first performed at the age of 15.

A few years later, Victoria had to move to Moscow, as she had to work in the musical theater. But she failed. As soon as the girl arrived in the capital, she realized that no one needed her here. Desperate, Morozova tried to find a job in Bolshoi Theater, but no one was waiting for her there either.

Suddenly she was lucky. Victoria received an offer to become a soloist in a group of a certain Englishman. She happily agreed.

Victoria Morozova graduated from the directing department of GITIS. Videos of her participation were often shown on TV. These were mainly the videos “Hug” and “Someone”. It was at this time that Presnyakov Sr. invited the singer to his project called “Her Majesty the Fairy Tale.” Before that, she managed to work in a circus. Victoria had 88 performances, in one of which she almost died.

The singer's career grew rapidly. She gained more and more fans.

Victoria Morozova became truly famous thanks to the musical “Metro”. There she met her future husband.

Victoria continued to perform solo. She toured a lot, every day was scheduled. We had to go on stage even with temperatures below 40 degrees. One day Morozova lost consciousness right at a concert. With each performance, her health deteriorated. As a result, in 2002 the singer lost her voice. She had to leave the stage.

Since 2002, Victoria has become her husband's producer. Six years later, the singer was strongly recommended to return to the stage and perform with. Makarskaya was very worried, but the performance took place and was successful. big success.

On her birthday, Makarsky’s daughter distributed gifts to friends in kindergarten

Pregnant Victoria Makarskaya: “I couldn’t walk due to toxicosis” Celebrity couples who became parents long after the wedding

Celebrity couples who became parents long after their wedding

Celebrities who were able to give birth despite being diagnosed with infertility Celebrities who were able to give birth despite being diagnosed with infertility

Personal life of Victoria Makarskaya

Victoria talks with pleasure about her acquaintance with Anton Makarsky. This happened at the casting for the musical “METRO”. Anton noticed Victoria as soon as she entered. The girl was very beautiful and attractive. The artist fell head over heels in love. Victoria didn't notice the man. She was able to take a closer look at Anton only at the party in honor of the end of the auditions. Makarsky behaved very gallantly. The next day he proposed to her. The girl agreed to marry him, no matter what.

A year after these events, the couple got married, but only three years later they had a real wedding.

Anton and Victoria have two children: a girl Maria and a boy Ivan.

Anton and Victoria Makarsky, who are expecting the birth of their second child, spoke about the long journey to becoming parents and about the relationships in their family. About how the exclusive photo shoot for HELLO! in Paris, we have already told you, now we present the shooting itself and the interview with Anton and Victoria.

They didn’t see each other for almost three weeks - Anton was in Moscow recording the part of Aladdin for ice show, Vika visited the doctors in Tel Aviv and was only surprised: well, it’s impossible to be so healthy in the fourth month of pregnancy that they wouldn’t even prescribe vitamins? All this time we communicated via Skype, and here is a gift - a meeting in Paris, which both consider the city of love not just because it is so customary: 11 years ago, having barely become a family, Vika and Anton flew here a few hours after registering their marriage and since then Since then, they have loved the French capital almost as much as their native one.

True, in winter, when the wind pierces through and the rain reaches even under the famous local bridges, it is much more pleasant to look at the Eiffel Tower hidden behind the clouds from the window of Le Cafe du Trocadero, taking coffee with cream in cups more reminiscent in size of soup and surrounded by delicious tarte de framboise and krambol, which in this place match the drinks - each serving is quite capable of replacing breakfast.

- Victoria, Anton, you first flew to Paris 11 years ago, on the same day that you got married.

Victoria. We have the most fun memories of Paris! Antosha and Sasha Golubev, who performed the role of Frollo in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", having drunk cider, cognac and wine, climbed the outside of the Eiffel Tower.

Anton. Then “Notre Dame” was just taking off, the song sounded from every electrical device. And here comes a delegation from Yakutia, the guide says: “On the right is the Eiffel Tower, on it are the performers of the role of Frollo and Captain Phoebus de Chateaupert.” The Yakuts were not surprised. They only asked: where was Quasimodo Petkun, who played, because the three of them sang the Belle aria... (Laughs.) But in general, for me, going to the registry office was only to make it convenient to travel: they often asked at international airports why Vika and I were together all the time, especially in Israel we suffered.

- There is another version. It’s as if you, Anton, went to Victoria’s concert, where the satirist Lion Izmailov called you Morozov, and it offended you so much that almost immediately they took the girl to the registry office.

Victoria. This is the correct version!

Anton. Well... It happened. Under New Year For the first time I accompanied Vika to a concert. I had never gone before because of stupid youthful complexes that it was not I who provided for the family, but my wife. And everyone knew that the singer Morozova had a husband - some kind of artist of Penza origin. And so we walk, hugging each other, and then Lion Izmailov - he conducted that concert - comes towards us: “So that’s what he is, Morozov!” I'm already green!

Victoria. And only after that Anton took me to the registry office. This is not a joke or an anecdote. Thank you, dear Lyon!

Anton. Coincidence.

Victoria. And it's not a coincidence. I just started asking at the registry office: “Antosha, can I sign up at least Morozova-Makarskaya?” He looked at me in such a way that, without even finishing the sentence, I said: “Okay, just write Makarska.” But at the same time, what’s funny is that my husband still calls me Morozova.

- Anton, did you really earn so little at that time?

At best, I received 200 dollars a month, which I immediately paid for a rented apartment near the Arbat, in Starokonyushenny Lane. And he paid so little only because the owner was a big fan of the TV series “Poor Nastya,” which was incredibly popular then. The rating reached 70 percent, cities died out when they showed new series. And the woman, coming for payment, became the queen of the court, having learned from me all the details: who will be with whom in the next episode and who will become pregnant from whom.

- Life is still much more interesting. Did you really think that by the age of 40 you would become a dad for the second time?

I only dreamed about it. Judging by all the signs, it will be Ivan Antonovich.

- Why didn’t they do an ultrasound for a long time?

Victoria. I didn’t want to go to the doctor without Anton, and we just met him in Paris, we haven’t seen each other for almost three weeks.

Anton. I was recording songs for the new ice show "Aladdin and the Lord of Fire". He voiced the role of Aladdin, and the role of the princess was performed by singer Jasmine.

- Victoria, how did you live without your husband for so long?

Victoria. I do not know. Before, separation was completely unthinkable for us; we were together all the time, 24 hours.

Anton. As in that joke: “She followed him into exile - and ruined his entire hard labor.”

Victoria.(Laughing.) Joker! You yourself constantly drag me along on film expeditions...

- But now it turns out that you are the one running away from your husband all the time.

Victoria. Because he is a despot and a bore! (Laughs.) You see, we couldn’t get pregnant all our lives, although we both wildly wanted children. And when, after 13 years, this happened and we skipped and ran to the doctor in Moscow, we were killed by the very first question: “Are you going to save it?” I was almost 39 years old, and the doctor hinted in every possible way that a defective child would be born and that I should not give birth at that age, and that it was time to go to the cemetery. When I took the tests, she said: “You are in a pre-miscarriage condition - nothing will definitely work out.”

Anton. Vika left the clinic in tears. And our friend, a monk from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, who was visiting us at that time and later became Mashenka’s godfather, bought her tickets to Israel. Vika came with all her fears to the Israeli doctors, and they said: “What are you, girl? What kind of old-timer are you?”

Victoria. I flew to Tel Aviv for just a week. But Anton’s mother didn’t let me go from there. As in that joke: “Why is a Jewish mother worse than an Arab terrorist? At least you can come to an agreement with the latter.” And so I live in Israel for a month, I live for two, and my Moscow anxiety begins to go away, the stress goes away, I look around and think: “Yes, I live in paradise.” Every morning I walked along the seashore for six kilometers on foot, and that’s why I kept my waistline before the maternity hospital.

- Is this where the rumors started that you used the services of a surrogate mother?

Anton. This gave rise to ridiculous rumors. Who in Russia will believe that 11 days after caesarean section Is it already possible to bounce on stage for nine concerts in a row?

Victoria. Medicine in Israel is completely different. It is impossible to explain to anyone who has not encountered this. They even gave me a special injection so that my stomach would go away instantly, and not in six weeks, as usual. I fit into concert dresses, but I had to embroider eight centimeters in the chest area... How I fell in love with Israel! Although I couldn’t imagine that I could ever leave Russia. And when I returned after giving birth, I realized: I can’t live in the center of Moscow - my daughter immediately turned green under her eyes.

Anton. But the Israeli climate doesn’t suit me. I'm cold-loving. I love winter, I love snow, I dream of a beard and I want felt boots. In Moscow, our windows overlook Butyrsky Val. That's where I come to life, and as soon as I get to environmentally friendly places, I ask you to bring me to the exhaust pipe...

Victoria. And in Moscow, after the sea air, I’m just dying. She cried for a month and three weeks, and then said: “Masha is running out of baby food, I urgently need to fly to Israel!" Anton: "Keep in mind, we're only going for three days, we'll get vaccinated, buy everything - and go home." We arrived, and I quickly rented an apartment with windows overlooking the sea: I knew that this was the only thing possible. will attract your husband.

Anton. Even if I insisted that they stay in the capital, I would still be constantly wandering around filming. So let them live better where they feel good. And where do they bloom?

- It’s amazing: the blonde feels good in Israel, but the brunette talks about his love for Russia and felt boots.

Victoria. Appearances are deceiving: according to local laws, I am considered more Jewish than Anton, despite my Siberian dad! Plus I have Lithuanian, Latvian blood and a little Tatar.

Anton. And in addition to the Jewish quarter, I have Georgian, German, Cossack and Polish blood. It’s not surprising that they ask: who did Masha turn out to be so big-eyed? She has absolutely Georgian round eyes.

- If it’s so nice on the seashore, why did you buy yourself a large townhouse in Sergiev Posad?

Victoria. We really hope that God will send us many children! The house is huge, we will equip everything there: a studio and an office, so that we can leave less often. Our children, Anton is sure, will go to school only in Sergiev Posad.

- Anton, are you ready to travel from there to work for three hours?

Anton. Nowadays, most films are not filmed in Moscow. And our apartment in the center is not going anywhere, we can stay sometimes. But I don’t mind standing in traffic jams in order to see my family every day. The main thing is that Sergiev Posad is the spiritual heart of Russia; Masha, as I already said, has a godfather - a monk from the Lavra. Plus an Orthodox gymnasium and a monastery with its own production, where you can buy high-quality products without chemicals. Our windows overlook the church at the boarding school for deaf-blind children, with whom we came here to Paris.

Victoria. This pre-Christmas charity event is dedicated to the memory of the Baptist of Rus', Saint Prince Equal to the Apostles Vladimir, celebrations in honor of the millennium of his death will begin in Russia in January. In the meantime, we brought the kids to Paris, where they performed with us at the Russian Center for Science and Culture. Masha stayed with Anton's mother because of the Parisian cold; usually her daughter flies with us.

- Victoria, how does your husband sometimes allow you to live for a long time without him in a country where every blonde is worth its weight in gold?

I love my husband very much, and Antosha trusts me. And his mother is nearby all the time. (Laughs.) In Moscow I was a completely average woman, but in Israel they explained to me that I, it turns out, was the standard of beauty. As soon as I came, I was offered to be the face of two leading companies - a cosmetics company and a clothing manufacturer. If a woman like me arrives, she immediately gets married, and on the very first day. (Laughs.) I have a week before giving birth, and men kept coming and coming and making proposals. They thought she was lonely: it was so hot that due to swelling they had to take off their wedding ring.

- Not everyone will understand why, having the opportunity to choose, you chose not a luxury clinic, but an ordinary Jerusalem clinic, where you will give birth for the second time.

Anton. We came to give birth, not to relax. Plus we wanted there to be as few people as possible who recognize us. And in this hospital no one recognized us except the head nurse and the doctor, who turned out to be Russian. In Israel, all the most talented doctors are from Russia! My dream is that people all over the world, when planning to undergo treatment, would say: “No, I will only go to Russia.” So that the best minds and hands remain in their homeland. Yes, Vika and I now have two citizenships, but we have one homeland. And personally, I want to live only in Russia.

Victoria. I grew up in damp and cold, in Baltic military towns. All my life I considered myself a very sick person. And in Israel it turned out that I was absolutely healthy. I haven’t even been to a cosmetologist for a year and a half, and I look like I’ve never been able to look in Moscow... But as much as the Israeli climate suits me, it doesn’t suit Anton. He can't stand the heat at all.

Anton. I immediately swell up, start mumbling loudly and become a mega boring person. Only horizontal bars and alcohol save you.

Victoria. I have already resigned myself, I understand: I will follow my husband, even to Siberia, even to Sergiev Posad. My life near the sea cannot last long. But for now...

Anton. Until I started the year of henpecked again. (Laughs.)

Victoria, the official record is pregnancy at 67. Try it again - you can live where you want for another 25 years.

Victoria. There is no other way out. (Smiles.) In Moscow, I was missing half of the periodic table, and now they don’t even prescribe a single vitamin. They say: you can be plowed, you are as healthy as a horse. So I’m gaining health, so that later I can bring joy to every small town in Russia with our positive concert.

Anton. Without bargaining and without making money. Despite the fact that our “Live Concert” is always sold out, in Russia everything is structured in such a way that almost all the money is spent on simply organizing the concert with dignity and at a high professional level. My main income is from cinema. And concerts are an outlet. I tried to leave the acting profession a couple of times, but they didn’t let me. Those people whose opinion is valuable to me said: you have no right to serve people in the place where the Lord put you.

- Maybe acting is like a marriage? You tried to leave Vika too.

Three times in the first year. I thought I wasn’t worthy of such a “princess”. But Vika brought me back with everyone possible ways, and sometimes completely trampling his pride. Do you know what helped us overcome all the obstacles? The fact that after the very first most difficult year we got married and realized that now we are one, regardless of any circumstances.

Text: Kirill Litmanov

June 21, 2015

The actress, singer, and now twice-mother admitted to Teleprogramma magazine that she went to give birth in the diplomats' car

The actress, singer, and now two-time mother admitted to Teleprogramma magazine that she was going to give birth in the diplomats’ car.

On May 31, a son, Vanya, was born into the family of Anton and Victoria Makarsky. This happened in Israel - in last years the actors live near Tel Aviv. Just a week later, on June 7, Ivan Makarsky was baptized Orthodox church. “TV Program” became the first magazine with which the happy family shared photographs taken during the sacrament.

We called the Makarskys in Israel. But Anton was not found at home - he had already flown to Kyiv for filming.

“I only took ten days off work,” Anton explained to Teleprogram magazine over the phone. “They gave birth, Vanya was baptized, and I immediately flew back.

As a result, only Victoria answered our questions.

Little Vanya’s godparents flew in from Russia for the important ceremony.

— Usually babies are baptized on the 40th day after birth, and you decided to do it a week later. Why was there such a hurry?

“Anton and I made such a serious decision with the blessing of our highly respected priest Vladimir Golovin. He advised to do this as early as possible. We baptized Mashenka on the fourth day after his birth, and Vanechka on All Saints' Day, a week after his birth. Thanks to Father Vladimir, several years ago we stopped going to doctors and started praying. And we finally succeeded, my husband and I begged for our children! Neither IVF (in vitro fertilization, “test tube baby.” - Ed.) nor surrogacy, as many media outlets have written, have anything to do with the birth of Vanya and Masha! I know for sure that the reason for our childlessness was exclusively spiritual. Anton and I needed to completely change ourselves, to understand that without God there is no happiness. Once the Lord began to come first in our lives, everything else fell into place. And now I really want to share this knowledge with everyone!

- You couldn’t get pregnant for many years...

IN.:— Yes, Antosha and I always dreamed of children. We've tried everything, it seems. All infertility specialists in Moscow knew us. There was a moment when I finally decided to have IVF and began taking preparatory injections, but my body reacted to them in a strange way - “hyperstimulation syndrome.” This happens very rarely - I was just unlucky, I barely survived then. Then we went to Israel and found the best specialist there. Dr. Weissman, having studied our tests, rendered a verdict: there is no need to do IVF. It turned out strange: I am absolutely healthy, Anton too, but there are still no children... I cried every month and waited. Then we went to the city of Bolgar, in Tatarstan, to the St. Abraham Church, where that same elder Vladimir Golovin lives. It was May 29, 2011. We waited all day to meet him and, as it turned out, it was not in vain: Father Vladimir blessed us to read the akathist in front of the icon of the Mother of God “ Unexpected joy" This had to be done every Sunday at 20.30 Moscow time. In this moment Orthodox people People all over the world are asking for children at the same time. This is called prayer by agreement. Her power is enormous! I know of cases where this prayer miraculously helped even people of other religions. Recently, a forty-year-old woman, not Orthodox, far from religion, approached me in Israel. On January 12, she watched Boris Korchevnikov’s program, where Anton and I told how we prayed for the gift of children, and she also began to do it. The woman hugged me with tears in her eyes and told me that almost immediately she began reading the akathist, she became pregnant with her son. This happened for the first time in her life!

— In which church did you baptize your son?

— When I was still waiting for Masha, we spent a lot of time in the Gornensky Monastery in Jerusalem. This Holy place indescribable grace! It is famous for the fact that the Mother of God herself lived here for three months, bearing Christ under her heart. She was sheltered by her relative Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. By the way, we named Vanya in honor of John the Baptist. And he was eventually baptized in the Church of All Saints in the same Gornensky Monastery.

—Who was chosen as godparents?

Godfather Both Masha and Vanya have one for both - this is Hierodeacon Zotik. A godmother son - nun Euphrosyne, an incredible woman with a huge heart. She takes care of deaf-blind children in a Sergiev Posad boarding school. These people flew from Russia to Israel especially for the sacrament. They are more than friends to us.Nowadays, many people do not even imagine how important the choice of godparents is. In fact, from the moment of the sacrament, godparents bear spiritual responsibility; they are obliged to pray for their godson at least in the morning and evening. If parents do not take their child to church, godparents must take on this work as well: ensure that the godson regularly receives communion, and give him wise advice in a timely manner. And do you know what if God-parents lead a dissolute lifestyle, will the child get sick and suffer because of this? I am sure that if all people realized this, they would have a completely different attitude towards their choice. Sometimes we even cannot pray properly for ourselves, let alone spiritual care for someone’s child... Our children’s godparents begged for them long before birth. And now, I am sure, Zotik and Euphrosyne will help us, parents, to do everything so that Vanya and Masha go through life the right way.

“We still dream of having children”

— How was your second pregnancy?

— Compared to the first time, it’s harder. From the very beginning to almost the end I had severe toxicosis. And in last month I had to lie down almost all the time. Even my doctor did not believe that I would be able to carry the child to Trinity, which this year fell on May 31st. But the second birth itself was very easy. At 7.40 Vanechka was born, and Anton and I couldn’t talk enough until three o’clock in the morning. Our son brought us so much joy!

— A month before the birth, you posted a photo from the hospital on social networks - many then still thought that childbirth had happened. So you had complications?

- Yes, Vanya just couldn’t wait to be born early! There was a similar story with Masha: then contractions began at 32 weeks. And Vanya began to persistently ask for freedom on the 33rd week. I had to go to the hospital. The doctors, however, immediately reassured me: there is nothing unusual in childbirth at such a time. They examined me and said that the babies were already strong and quite ready to be born. Apparently, in the Israeli climate everything ripens much faster (laughs). Thank God, I still brought both Mashenka and Vanechka to term, there is very good medicine in Israel.

— In the end, as you dreamed, you gave birth to a son on Trinity Sunday...

- Fortunately, yes! In Israel, Sunday is the first day of work. All complex operations- and because of my operated eyes, we were planning a cesarean section - the doctor usually prescribes it on the first day of the Israeli week. And then he monitors the well-being of the woman in labor for five days in a row. Our Masha was also born on Sunday. And for Vanya, this miraculously coincided with Trinity.

— You gave birth to your son in the same hospital as your daughter. On what basis was she chosen?

- Oddly enough - in a patriotic way! (Laughs.) We found the best team of Russian doctors at the Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem. Doctor Vladimir Plotkin, anesthesiologist Alexander Yoskovich, nurse Tatyana Ratner and pediatrician Natasha Sokolova are considered among the best in their profession. They delivered my babies both times. By the way, our diplomats brought us to the maternity hospital in their car, which by law is considered the territory of the Russian Federation.

Masha was looking forward to the birth of her brother.

— Why diplomats?

- Here whole story! On August 30 last year I was invited to Bethlehem to speak solo concert at the Russian House of Science and Culture. As soon as I got there, local employees surrounded me and began vying with each other to tell me that, having arrived to work in the holy city, they began to actively become pregnant. The young librarian has already given birth to her fourth child! The women took me to the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God and left me to pray for my son. After the concert, I flew to Minsk, where Anton and I lived on a film expedition, and I immediately became pregnant with Vanechka! And on September 6, I gave the icon that they gave me with me in Bethlehem to my childless 41-year-old friend Anya and her husband Misha. And on June 4, surprising all Moscow doctors, Anya finally gave birth to a healthy beautiful girl! And on the eve of my birth, those same diplomats from Bethlehem suddenly called me: “Vikochka! Since we got you involved in this matter, we’ll take you to the maternity hospital tomorrow!” I immediately asked them: “Dear ones, you’d better invite me to give a solo concert in Bethlehem again!” I want another child!”

— So you don’t plan to stop at two children?

- Children are God's blessing. Is it possible to plan it? If I were pregnant, I would give birth to all the children that the Lord gives. But the first pregnancy in my life occurred at 38.5 years old. In May I turned 42 and Vanechka was born. Now we dream of only one thing: for God to give us happiness, while we are young and healthy, to have more children.

Anton loves extreme sports and involves Masha in his adventures. “It’s good that we now have a son. I hope dad will finally leave his daughter,” Vika jokes.

— After giving birth to Vanya, you immediately posted the first photo of the child on Instagram. But many artists and even ordinary people At first they hide the children, they are afraid of the evil eye.

— Those who do not believe and do not pray are afraid. The same priest Vladimir Golovin says: “There is both the evil eye and negative impact- call it what you want! But all this nonsense cannot in any way affect a person who is constantly protected by prayer and Holy Communion.”

— Is your son already showing his character?

— Vanya is the complete opposite of Masha. Our daughter is very active, combative - this is immediately obvious. And Vanechka - a real man: Very important, calm and patient.

— How did Masha meet her brother? Is jealousy already showing?

- Oddly enough, there is no jealousy. Perhaps because even before Vanya was born, I talked a lot with my daughter about how lucky she was to be older sister. Every evening we dreamed about how Masha would raise her brother and help him in everything. The children's doctor at the hospital gave me valuable advice: bring Masha a gift from the maternity hospital - from her newborn brother. And we bought her a ton of stuff! On the day of discharge, I asked Anton to take his son in his arms, and I went home with gifts for my daughter. And Masha, by the way, rushed to Vanechka herself and immediately handed him her favorite bear, which she usually does not part with. Now I try to give my daughter as much attention as possible. She feels that after the birth of her brother mother's love towards her it became even more so. I try to involve my daughter in caring for her brother. We bathe him together and change his clothes. I constantly emphasize how smart she is. Although, I must say, Masha did get upset once. This happened when we put Vanya to bed one evening in my husband and I’s room. My daughter covered her face with her hands and cried a little...

— Did Masha visit you in the maternity hospital?

- No, they didn’t take her to the hospital. Now my daughter is preparing every day for her final concert in the ballet studio, where we sent her at 2.5 years old. She is the smallest there, but she tries very hard, strives to do everything like adults! In general, Masha was busy with creativity these days.

The eldest daughter was prepared in advance for the birth of her brother, so there is no jealousy yet.

“We never uttered the word “mother-in-law””

- Who is helping you take care of your children now?

— We don’t have a nanny, this is important. So are the housekeepers. I am sure that in a family, only relatives should be near children. Anton's mom helps me out a lot. We never uttered the word “mother-in-law.” We have a great relationship, she is my friend and colleague. Masha, of course, loves her grandmother very much! She will tell her a fairy tale, and sing a song, and make borscht, and make meatballs. Since I was admitted to the hospital for safekeeping, my mother began to spend the night with us. She helps bathe and feed Masha. The children’s schedules are still different, and when Anton flies off to filming, I don’t have time without my mother at all!

— Is it still difficult to cope with two children?

“It helps me a lot that since childhood I was raised in a military family, where no one and nothing was half-hearted, and discipline came first. For me, no load is a problem, because my mother taught me how to organize everything correctly and harmoniously. True, this time I decided to give up concerts until the fall, although Masha and I already went on tour on the 11th day after her birth. At 2.5 months, my daughter came out to sing with us in a holiday concert, dedicated to the Day mother. We simply had no one to leave her with! As a result of this regime, my milk disappeared. Now I have decided that I will not go on stage for at least 4-5 months, I will devote myself entirely to breastfeeding son.

— Does Anton help you take care of the children?

“When he’s not on set, we do everything together. Sometimes we even argue about who is “on duty for Masha” at night. To win this right from Anton, you have to try hard. He always stands up to his daughter himself.

Masha was born and raised in Israel - the climate here is suitable for a child.

— In December, Anton told the magazine that he would like his children to grow up in Russia. When do you plan to return home?

— I came to Israel three years ago - as it seemed to me, just for a week. But instantly I fell in love with both the Holy Land and the friendly Israelis with all my soul. I didn’t want to leave here at all... Anton dreams of living in Sergiev Posad, by the end of this year we should receive the keys to our townhouse. So soon dad will take us away from here... In fact, I flew to Israel, shedding tears. When I first found out about my first pregnancy, doctors in the capital told me that it was a mistake. And even if conception has occurred, nothing will work out: “At your age, you should understand!” When I brought a positive pregnancy test to the clinic, the first question from the doctor was the phrase: “Are you going to keep the baby?” And in Israel they immediately congratulated me with all their hearts and said that 39 years is a wonderful age to give birth. They don’t use any insulting terms like “old-born” in Israel; on the contrary, they only support: “You’re still just a girl!” And it never occurs to anyone that it is possible to offer a pregnant woman an abortion. The attitude towards women, children, and old people here is completely different, and I dream that it will be the same in Russia... And with all my soul I believe that someday this will happen!

Private bussiness

Anton MAKARSKY born on November 26, 1975 in Penza. From the age of 8 he participated in productions of the Penza Drama Theater, where his grandfather played. Graduated from the Shchukin Theater School. He played in the musicals “Metro” and “Notre Dame de Paris”. Played more than 40 roles in TV series and films, including “Poor Nastya”, “Return of the Musketeers”, “Marrying Casanova”, “Vangelia”, “Son for Father”, “The Road Home”, etc. Wife - Victoria Makarskaya, in September In 2012, the couple had a daughter, Masha, and in May 2015, a son, Ivan.

Private bussiness

Victoria MAKARSKAYA (Morozova) born May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk. From the age of 15 she performed with the Belarusian State Orchestra. Winner of the Polish Song Festival, the television competition “Stars of the 21st Century” on the Rossiya channel, laureate of the Variety Artists Competition named after. L. Utesova. Graduated from the directing department of GITIS. She played one of the main roles in the musical "Metro". Since 2002, after surgery on vocal cords, took up producing for her husband. After 7 years she returned to singing. Now he is touring with Anton with “Live Concerts”.

Photo: personal archive of Anton and Victoria Makarsky.

When actor Anton Makarsky (Phoebus in the musical Notre Dame de Paris, Prince Dolgoruky in Poor Nastya) met singer Victoria Morozova (songs “Hug Me” and “Someone”), this spectacular blonde was much more famous than He. So, Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova.

“I left Vicky several times! - Anton said in one of his interviews. - In the first year of our life together, she was a star in the full sense of the word: a professional high level, clips, rotation on the radio... And I was an actor in “Metro”, like “the third boy from the right in red. And, of course, when Vika brought good sums of money from concerts, I had a complex. But after the first incredibly difficult year, we took a very important step - we got married. After that, my withdrawals stopped. I realized that no matter what trials fate sends us, we are still together.” Their love is already seven years old, but it is still bright and emotional. Today they themselves tell the readers of “Cleo” the story of their novel.

At first sight

Brief questionnaire:

Do you consider yourself an ideal couple?
Anton: In my mind, " perfect couple“These are two people who understand each other and do not express themselves at the expense of each other. Of course, we are the perfect couple.
Victoria: I absolutely agree with Anton.

Who is the leader in your family?
Anton: I!
Victoria: Of course, Anton is a leader.

What do you admire most about each other?
Anton: I admire Vika in general. Because she... Woman, woman and again woman.
Victoria: I admire Antoshina’s decency.

Is there jealousy in your relationship?
Anton: I believe that jealousy is the stupidest thing. Jealousy kills love; you need to drive it away if you love a person.
Victoria: If I were jealous of Anton for all the actresses with whom he had to play, for all the fans, then I would have gone crazy a long time ago.

“I was participating in the casting for the musical “Metro,” when a girl in a short T-shirt and miniskirt, wearing shoes with a huge platform, entered the audience. She was like two peas in a pod like my grandmother... And it was love at first sight.” - This is how Anton Makarsky talks about the first meeting with his future wife, Victoria Morozova.

But Victoria was young and then no one had yet famous actor I didn't like Anton Makarsky right away. She didn't think about family at all and serious relationship Then. Her career came first.

Victoria was already a popular singer then, her videos were played on music channels. And this, as it seemed to her then, was only the beginning of her creative path. The only harbinger future love became a prediction for her famous astrologer Pavel Globa.

“It was right before the start of the casting for the musical “Metro,” recalls Victoria. “I decided to find out what awaits me in the future. Pavel Globa then predicted to me that I would soon meet the love of my life. He said that I would have such a husband that I would not want to sing and would devote myself entirely to family life. Then I treated this prediction with a bit of sarcasm and did not attach any significance to it.”

A date of a lifetime

On the occasion of the end of numerous castings for the musical “Metro,” a party was held for all the actors who got the roles. It took place in a huge three-room apartment, which Morozova was then renting. Anton wanted to impress the “lady of his heart,” which Victoria had already become for him, and decided to use his “crown number.”

“I went to the bathroom and came out wearing just a towel. - Anton remembers. “Then he came into the kitchen, where the celebration was going on, sat down next to Vika, started giving her a massage, after which he said that my shoulders hurt and asked me to massage them. In general, I openly “showed” Vika and, oddly enough, it had an effect.”

Then everyone went to bed: the girls in one bedroom, the boys in the other, and Anton in a separate small room. Victoria decided to wish good night to Anton... Since then they have not parted.

The wedding sang and danced...

A year after they met, Anton asked Victoria to marry him. And she agreed. Soon they got married in one of the Moscow churches in the presence of their two best friends. The next day, Anton and Vika decided to celebrate their wedding on a grand scale. And they invited all the actors involved in the musical “Metro” to the forest for a barbecue. Victoria was dressed in regular jeans and a T-shirt. True, there was a pink veil on her head. The groom matched the bride: jeans, a T-shirt with the sleeves torn off, a bandana and a red flower on his chest, the kind that “proper” grooms usually pin on.

Do your tastes match?
Anton: Sometimes they don't match.
Victoria: Anton, for example, likes to listen to Ramstein and Linkin Park, and I adore the group Adeemus. Anton also really loves rap, Eminem, for example. And I absolutely can’t listen to it, rap makes me laugh. And I also laugh when Anton begins to imitate Decl, Eminem: he walks around the apartment and says: “Yo, Yo!” We start laughing together. But we have never disagreed about Anton’s repertoire.

“That day, everyone who met our cheerful group asked us to take a photo with them, but not because we were actors in the musical “Metro.” We just looked very cheerful and perky then,” says Anton.

Stamp in the passport

And only three years after the wedding, Anton and Vika decided to enter into an official marriage. And then, this was done solely so that Victoria from Morozova would turn into Makarskaya-Morozova.

“For Anton it was important at that time,” recalls Victoria. - The thing was that I was more popular than Anton then. And at one of the social gatherings, Leon Izmailov came up to us and called Anton Morozov... He just didn’t know that his husband had a different last name. Anton then turned white with anger. And I realized: I can’t hesitate any longer. We need to officially register our relationship.”

Before the wedding, Victoria decided to surprise Anton. He thought that she would come to the registry office in jeans, and he himself was also not going to “show off” just to put a stamp in the passport. In secret from Anton, Victoria ordered a limousine and an incredible blue Wedding Dress, which I hid with a friend. In the morning she said: “Antosh, I need to get myself in order, I’ll come straight to the registry office,” and asked her girlfriend to call Anton and tell him to put on a tuxedo.

"For what? “I want to be in a denim suit,” he objected. “And Vika will also wear jeans!” “She’ll wear something decent,” the friend insisted. “They will take pictures of you there for posterity.” And yet she convinced the groom to wear a suit.

What are the most memorable gifts you have received from each other?
Anton: My best gift from fate and from God is Vika!
Victoria: And for me the most the best gift There was a bag from Anton. One day I was walking past a shop window and just looked at a very funny furry handbag. And I moved on because there was no money. I thought Anton didn’t even notice it. And it was a revelation for me that Anton somehow caught my gaze and felt that I liked this thing. And when he gave me this handbag, I just couldn’t believe it. It was very touching.

What are you dreaming about?
Anton: About the football team in which Vika’s and my children would play!
Victoria: And I won't even argue with that!

“I came out of the car in a blue cloud of a veil,” recalls Victoria. - When Anton saw it, I thought he would laugh, because I myself have always called the veil a symbol of innocence. But he was happy, hugged me and said: “You are my beauty!”

Family happiness

The family lived in rented apartments for two years, after which they purchased a two-room apartment in Moscow, not far from the Belorusskaya metro station. Victoria was in charge of decorating the apartment.

Anton recently released a solo album. And his girlfriend played a role in the new musical “Perfume”. True, study solo career She's not serious about it. "For me now career is more important husband than my own,” says Victoria herself. “So, one might say, the astrologer’s prediction came true.”

But the main thing is that it’s not an apartment or even a job, but the fact that Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova still together and still loving each other just like seven years ago.