The name is Kamila what. Camilla Islamic girl names and their meanings

The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.

Compatibility of the name Kamila, manifestation of love

Kamila, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in forms that cannot but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself faced with the need to abandon one opportunity in favor of another.

It's good if you have the prudence to focus on specific purpose, and direct all efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore it is in right moment will tell you the only right decision. Try to “hear” him.

The name Camilla has several variants of origin and, accordingly, different meanings. The first version has its roots in Latin: it is believed that the name was formed from the family nickname Camillus and means “dedicated to serving the gods,” “temple servant,” “of impeccable origin.” In aristocratic ancient Roman families, Camillas were the name given to children who were later given to serve in the sanctuary of the gods. Translated from Greek, this name means “from a noble family.” Another possible origin comes from Arab world. It is believed that Camilla (Kamila, Camila) - female uniform male name Kamil, translated means “perfect”, “mature”. The next version is German. According to it, the name originated in Germany during the times of humanism and has the meaning “daisy.”

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: labradorite
  • Color: black
  • Plant: orchid
  • Animal: cod
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character Traits

Camilla is always surrounded by friends. She is sociable, easily supports any conversation and listens carefully to her interlocutor. Shows care, attention and responsiveness to others. The secret of the name hides a sincere and open woman who attracts people to her. She is always on the side of justice and goodness. This is a tall nature moral principles, strong-willed, purposeful, with well-developed intuition. The girl lives with emotions that are sometimes difficult for her to hide. She's temperamental bright personality, easily infects the people around him with his mood.

On the other hand, there is also negative traits character - capriciousness, excitability, carelessness. The owner of the name Camilla increased self-esteem, it’s not easy to convince her. Due to a lack of persistence and perseverance, she easily retreats from her plans at the first difficulties. He likes to take risks, gets excited quickly, but often does not complete the work. A girl cannot be called a hardworking girl; laziness often overcomes her.

Camilla, born in spring or autumn, is distinguished by a lively, courageous disposition, she is resourceful, without complexes and problems. Summer has a light and cheerful character and a sociable nature. Due to excessive gullibility, she may experience different problems. Winter is a calm, balanced lady who is able to manage her emotions. Hardworking.

Interests and hobbies

Parents often send a girl to a music or ballet school. She collects photographs of her favorite artists, is interested in and reads a lot about them. This is a creative, artistic nature. Camilla is interested in art - music, dancing, theater. But this does not mean that serious aspects of knowledge are alien to her. She is interested in pedagogy and psychology, studies philosophical and religious problems, she is occupied with questions of the universe. Loves nature and animals.

Profession and business

Possessing artistic abilities, Camilla can become an actress or musician. She draws well and makes a great designer or artist. People are inclined to trust her, because doors are open to women in such professions as dentist, doctor, teacher, lawyer, salesperson, and tour guide.


During her childhood, Camilla had poor health and was prone to any infections. Gets sick often. Health improves with age, but problems with the nervous system and spine may occur.

Sex and love

Camilla is sexy enough. She has a soft and gentle nature, captivating the stronger sex with her naivety, charm, and gullibility. Intimate relationships are important to her, so if a man stops satisfying her, the girl easily breaks off such ties and sets out in search of new love.

Family and marriage

Camilla usually creates a family early and once in her entire life. Only a spring woman delays marriage, weighing the pros and cons. But family happiness The character of the owner of this name may interfere. With her changeable mood and capriciousness, it is difficult for her to build a trusting relationship with her husband, although she is an excellent housewife and mother. In marriage he tries to take a leading position. She cannot tolerate being jealous, although she herself is not averse to making scenes of jealousy for her husband at any suspicion.

Name meaning: Translated from Greek, Camilla means “from a noble family,” and from Latin it is translated as “temple servant.”

Origin of the name: The name Camilla has several versions of its origin. One version says that Camilla comes from the family nickname "Camillus". According to another version, in ancient Rome “camillas” were girls and boys from noble families. Its popularity given name acquired in 1796 after the release of the rum “Camilla”, which she wrote English writer Finie Bernie.
Other forms: Kamila, Kamil, Kama, Kalya, Mila, Milya, Kamalia.

March – 3rd;

May – 31st;

July – 18th.

Characteristics of the name

The name Camilla has a soft and light sound and endows its owner with such qualities as impressionability, emotionality, kindness and understanding. The name Camilla has good energy and makes a woman mysterious and unpredictable.

Little Camilla with early years She is distinguished by her artistry and creative abilities; she always takes part in school performances and loves to sing and dance. Girls with this name have boyish courage; they can enter into an argument, create conflicts and even fight. Always defends his point of view. Camilla's studies are not easy, but she always strives to be first, so she tries very hard to keep up in school curriculum. Camilla is self-sufficient, likes to exaggerate her own importance, and is arrogant.

Despite her arrogance and self-confidence, inside Camilla is vulnerable and impressionable, very trusting. Camilla's excessive gullibility often leads to her being disappointed in people. However, Camilla very quickly forgets the insult and can “step on the same rake” several times.

Outwardly, Camilla is very attractive, smart and charismatic, and is popular with men. She is easy to talk to, cheerful and good-natured.

Character of the name

Those with the name Camilla are highly emotional, they are open and sociable. Camilla's increased emotionality often leads to her saying what she thinks. This behavior often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings of other people. Camilla has a light and lively character, she loves to travel, go hiking, she is sociable and cheerful in the company of friends.
Camilla often shows stubbornness, she is self-confident, and does not like to listen to the opinions of other people.

Thanks to her lively temperament, Camilla easily achieves success in the professional field; she loves to build a career and achieve her success on her own. By nature, women named Camilla are owners and have strong character, very serious.

“Winter” - self-confident, patient;

“Autumn” - serious, sociable;

“Spring” - flexible, cheerful;

“Summer” - trusting, emotional.

Fate of the name

Camilla grows up as an arrogant girl, she is proud and selfish, but at the same time friendly, cheerful and sociable. She has pronounced creative abilities, she is artistic, and loves to perform in public. Parents need to make great efforts in raising Camilla; they need to develop her creative abilities. The adult owner of the name is less selfish; she is always ready to help other people. The inability to restrain emotions often leads to provoking quarrels, but Camilla is easy-going and very quickly forgets the insult. Despite the negative qualities in Camilla's character, she is characterized by love of life, good nature, and gullibility.

Camilla is attracted to creative professions. She can work as an art critic, dancer, actress, singer.

Women named Camilla usually get married early, they are attractive and smart, and have many admirers. In men, Camilla looks for reliability, responsibility, and sincerity. She painfully endures insult and does not forgive betrayal. She makes a good housewife, she loves home comfort. He devotes a lot of time to raising children and loves to cook. Camilla's house is always open to guests. Children are the meaning of life for Camilla, for the sake of family well-being she is capable of sacrificing her career.

Camilla's health is poor; she was often sick as a child. IN mature age complains of problems with the spine and frequent pain in the heart.

Positive traits of the name

In Camilla's character one can sense mobility and emotional excitability. She is open to communication, never holds back her emotions, which is why she often suffers and seems to people to be an unpleasant person. Inside, Camilla is kind and sympathetic, loves to help loved ones.

Negative traits of the name

Camilla is very touchy and unpredictable in her actions. She often has mood swings. In the family, Camilla loves to be a leader and take everything into her own hands, which is why her marriage may be unsuccessful.

Name compatibility Camilla

A successful marriage for Camilla is possible with Anatoly, Bogdan, Boris, Valentin, Victor, Vitaly, Gleb, Daniil, Konstantin, Mark, Matvey, Peter, Roman, Ruslan, Yakov. Difficult relationships are most often with Arthur, Vladimir, Vladislav, Denis, Ivan, Oleg, Stanislav, Felix, Yuri, Yaroslav.

We continue to talk about unusual for our country female names. Today you will find out what will happen if you name your daughter Camilla: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its bearer.

Camilla: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name?

The name Camilla has several versions of origin, as well as meanings. If we translate the name Camilla from Greek, it means “from a noble family.” Another version speaks of Latin origin, where Camilla is a “servant of the temple” or “impeccable descent.”

There are two spellings for the name Camilla. With one and two letters "l". The name with one letter “l” is derived from the male name Kamil. Translated, the name means “mature”, “perfect”.

Short form of the name: Kami, Cam, Kama, Mila.

What kind of character could the girl Camilla have?

A girl named Camilla is very original.

How the origin of the name Camilla influenced its meaning

As a child, she shows waywardness. She wants to decide for herself what to do. At the same time, she is very distrustful and does not reveal her feelings to others; she prefers to keep everything to herself. For this reason, Camilla cannot find a friend for a long time, to whom she would open up, and she would have the opportunity to tell her everything that she is worried about.

A girl named Camilla has a creative streak. She dances, sings and draws beautifully.

Camilla's distinctive character traits include the ability to control herself, perseverance in achieving her goals, and responsibility.

But if you overdo them, these traits can easily turn into disadvantages. She behaves calmly with other people, she is much more reasonable than other children. It doesn't cause much trouble for parents.

Little Camilla usually behaves well, she is a little shy and prefers to be alone. Despite this, she often contains the makings of a real leader, but they are not discovered and developed too quickly. Her character is largely formed depending on her upbringing and influences her destiny.

School years

Camilla usually studies without much desire. She is more likely to receive positive results for diligent behavior and good manners. this develops into a habit and can continue into adulthood.

What fate awaits Camilla?

A girl named Camilla is a person who has a strong desire to be active and get only the best in life. She has powerful energy.

Camilla knows how to adapt to almost any conditions and is ready for various events. However, she does not like to plan her life. The girl can be advised not to participate in adventures, not to engage in trade and business, since these areas require long-term and scrupulous planning, thinking through every action.


In friendship, Camilla is distinguished by sincerity and generosity. A person who doesn’t know her well may think that she is uncommunicative and arrogant, as she clearly sets the boundaries of her personal space, but over time she sheds the flair of easy inaccessibility, masters the art of communication, learns to have fun and spend time with pleasure.

She is growing above herself, and it is no longer possible to call her a recluse, as in childhood. In adulthood, she becomes sociable. She chooses friends to match herself - she needs a highly intelligent social circle. Likes to practice sarcasm.

Very emotional person, sometimes she can close herself off from others in an attempt to protect her ego, so people who don't know her may find her actions strange.

Camilla has a highly developed intuition, she can feel and understand the mood in the team, and tries to maintain a good environment. As she becomes an authority figure, she realizes that she lacks tolerance and flexibility. A girl may begin to impose her opinion, thinking that she knows better how to do something than others.

The girl understands perfectly well that she is different from other people, that she is original, and takes advantage of it. But she always keeps her ears open, is brave and ready to defend herself. Before making a decision, she will carefully weigh and think it over, and consider the situation from several sides. In adulthood, Camilla develops good taste and shows an interest in art.


At work, Camilla shows herself better as a performer rather than as a leader. When she succeeds and high status, then you can earn good money.

Camilla has a lot of confidence in herself and her abilities, so she will be able to get ahead. She is not an innovator, but she can perfectly repeat and copy the actions and ideas of other people. These skills serve her well, so she does her job very well. She can skillfully imitate, but this does not mean that she appropriates other people's ideas. She does the job well, and if it seems to her that the result achieved is not the same, she can start to redo everything all over again.

Camilla's penchant for aesthetics and artistic taste may influence her choice of profession. She can be recommended in such areas as psychology, fashion, and the latest developments.


In adulthood, Camilla is usually very open and talkative. Sometimes to such an extent that one can say about it “a tongue without bones.” He says what he thinks, and this can lead to many unpleasant, awkward situations and conflicts. Camilla is a very emotionally excitable person. But her optimism and love of life simply do not allow her to be sad. Despite the fact that the girl can be quite hot-tempered, she leaves as quickly as she starts. People who come into contact with her really like her ease of communication and slight frivolity.

Characteristics of the name Camilla, character traits and fate

Positive character traits of Camilla include great depth of emotions and openness. Negative ones include unpredictability in behavior and touchiness.

Personal life and marriage

A girl named Camilla is careful when choosing a life partner. She is very demanding, she is characterized by long decision-making and hesitation.

She is attracted to two types of men. She herself is domineering and strong by nature, she may prefer softer men, even henpecked men, since they can tolerate her difficult character. The second scenario is that Camilla will not want to tolerate a person with weaknesses next to her, since she is strict with herself and expects this from her partner. She likes older men.

Camilla usually has a pleasant appearance. A girl has many opportunities for a successful marriage. Even if nature has deprived her of beauty, her strong character, activity and self-esteem will do their job. She is not susceptible to flattery and compliments. It is not at all easy to gain the favor of such a girl. Having fallen in love, she is in no hurry to get married right away. First, she will make sure that her man is a worthy person who can be trusted with herself.

In marriage, she tries to help others, because of this she may rarely appear at home. Her husband will have to come to terms with this. Camilla is always faithful to her husband, and as a mother she shows care and attentiveness. Loves his children.

What will the child named Camilla be like?

Let's see what is typical for the behavior of a girl named Camilla. The meaning of the name will influence the child's character.

The girl Camilla is a very gentle and smiling child. A girl is not difficult to raise; she usually does not cause trouble, as she is shy, obedient and trusting. She will be happy to help her parents with housework.


Camilla’s physical condition can be confidently given a “five” rating. She rarely feels sick, but weak point the girl still has it. From too high level sensitivity, she may lose balance, which can lead to overstrain of the nervous system.


As a rule, Camilla shows creative abilities early. Parents just need to send her to a music school or choreography. Without a doubt, this girl is talented and can reach great heights. She can choose one hobby that she likes and develop in this area to a professional level. Dedicates himself entirely to the learning process. Parents of such a child are advised to encourage her talents and help develop them.


Sensitivity and emotionality make themselves felt already in adolescence. Here parents need to try to monitor her mental health and protect her from excess impressions. During this period of her life, Camilla may withdraw into herself and go astray if she falls into bad company. Parents should react to any changes in the girl’s mood.

Camilla is a light name that conveys cheerfulness and mobility. However, it is rare and unusual. Parents who call their daughters this way want to emphasize their uniqueness and chosenness. The character of this girl largely depends on the month of her birth.

Origin of the name

The name Camilla is translated from Greek as “noble birth”; this word has a similar meaning in Latin. Ancient Roman young ladies and young men from aristocratic families were called camilla and camillus, respectively. The girls who were to become priestesses were also called the same.

In mythology Ancient Rome there is a character named Camille. This is the daughter of the cruel king Metab. According to legend, the girl was suckled by a mare. When the girl grew up, she became a hunter, an assistant to the goddess Diana. She was a brave, courageous and strong warrior.

Translated from German, the name means “daisy”, and from Arabic it means “flawless”.

Camille in Ancient Greece called girls of noble birth and those who should become priestesses

Forms of the name Camilla

Shortened versions of addressing Camilla:

  • Kami;
  • Kama;
  • Mile;
  • Mila;
  • Kamil;
  • Kalya;
  • Damask.

Diminutive forms:

  • Kamalia;
  • Milka;
  • Kamilka;
  • Camilla.

When writing poems about a girl named Camilla, you can use the following rhymes: strength, reigned, loved, amazed, dear to the heart.

Photo gallery: name forms

Camilla - full form the name Kim - one of the short options for addressing Camilla Camillochka - an affectionate form of the name Camilla

IN Orthodox calendar the name Camilla is not specified, so girls who are called that are called by other names at baptism. The following are often chosen: Katerina, Christina and Melania. The names of saints who are venerated on Mila's birthday are also used.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is KAMILLA.

Table: name options in different languages

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Camilla:

  • Borisovna;
  • Viktorovna;
  • Timurovna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube, Instagram and other networks, Camilla can use the following nicknames:

  • milita;
  • kami;
  • kamylichka;
  • Kamilka.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features of the name:

  • positivity;
  • openness;
  • ease;
  • good nature;
  • honesty.

Negative qualities of Camilla:

  • excessive expression of emotions;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • stubbornness;
  • impulsiveness.

Darling in childhood

Camilla is growing up as a smart, calm and balanced girl. Instead of active fun in the yard, she prefers quiet games with dolls. She is obedient and doesn’t like to be naughty, so parents don’t have any particular difficulties raising their daughter. But when the baby gets a little older, she shows her true character. It is better for mom and dad not to miss this turning point, as their Darling’s persistence can develop into arrogance, selfishness and stubbornness.

In all games, Camilla strives to command, everyone must follow her rules, which does not suit many children. This is a very persistent girl, she is used to defending her interests. If words fail to convince others, Mila can also use brute force. Despite her responsiveness and openness, the baby rarely tells anyone about her dreams and secrets. Perhaps this is why she had few friends growing up.

As a child, Camilla acts as a leader and tries to command her peers

The baby does well at school, but her success is not related to Camilla's curiosity or the fact that she shows interest in any subjects. The girl strives for high academic performance due to competition among her classmates; it is important for her to be the first in everything. Mila is a diligent student, she always brings the work she starts to completion. Assiduous and neat, she tries, with every effort, to do the job efficiently the first time, because she does not like to redo something again.

Teen Camilla

Temperamental, active and sociable, Camilla in her youth is capable of committing risky and rash actions. She first does something, and after that she talks about what happened. Such a girl is oppressed by a routine and monotonous life; she is always looking for adventure and bright emotions. The young bearer of this name has a lot of friends, and they adore her for her freedom-loving disposition, honesty and friendliness.

In her young years, Camilla becomes extremely inquisitive, more conscious about her studies, and strives for self-improvement. During this period, she actively makes plans for the future and takes her choice of profession seriously. This is a dreamy and versatile girl.

The bearer of such a name is distinguished by impressionability, she experiences betrayal quite hard, withdraws into herself, and can even fall into depression. Faced with difficulties, the girl tries to distance herself from everyone and immerse herself in the world of her dreams. During such a period, Camilla needs a kind word and support from loved ones. But she is not used to complaining and flaunting her feelings, so she prefers to experience sadness alone with herself.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, Camilla is characterized by emotionality, she is easily excitable, and her experiences are very deep. Such a girl is almost always open to communication. She is sincere, she can easily and simply tell her interlocutor everything that she thinks about him. This behavior provokes conflicts, but they quickly subside, because the owner of this name quickly calms down and moves towards reconciliation. For her lightness of character, she is forgiven a lot. Capriciousness and eccentricity can prevent Mila from creating a strong and harmonious family, as well as building successful career or profitable business.

According to D. and N. Zima, Camilla is easy-going, sociable and open

Pierre Rouget is sure that Camille is a very impressionable girl. Has a keen sense of beauty. Can be lazy for a long time and put off important things. She gives the impression of a charming and eccentric woman-child, but despite this, the owner of such a name has an iron will. Curious and somewhat talkative, she has an excellent visual memory.

Boris Khigir believes that Camilla has artistic talent and an ear for music. She often shows arrogance and complacency, but such a girl has a large circle of friends who love her lightness and love of life. The bearer of this name is too trusting, because of this Mila is often deceived. She is an excellent housewife and loves her family very much. She enjoys receiving guests.

Talents and hobbies

Camilla is a creative and talented person. She can express herself in dancing, singing or handicrafts. This is a well-read woman, she enjoys spending time reading an interesting book. But the greatest passion of the owner of this name is travel. Mila loves to study culture different countries, prefers to go to a new place every time in search of unforgettable adventures.

Camilla's career and business

As a performer, Camilla is responsible and disciplined. But in the role of director or head of department she does not show great success. Such a girl does not strive to work out the details. The girl’s stubbornness and excessive temperament also prevent her from building favorable relationships with employees.

It is difficult for the owner of such a name to generate ideas, but she is excellent at implementing and improving the ideas of other people. She transforms them using her creative talents and subtle taste. Mila will be able to realize herself in the following professions:

  • psychologist;
  • model;
  • designer;
  • journalist.

Camilla is tired of monotonous work, because of this the girl stops developing. Therefore, it is better for her not to choose a career in economics or law. For the same reason, among business women who have achieved stunning success, there are very few bearers of this name. She is bored with paperwork and finances; it is more important for Mila to enjoy her profession.

Camilla can become an excellent psychologist or journalist


Camilla's health is not very good. From time to time she suffers nervous system. It is also important to pay attention to the condition of the kidneys, intestines and pancreas. For good health, a girl needs regular long walks.

Camilla in love and marriage

Winning Camilla's heart is not an easy task, because courtship and beautiful words not enough to gain her trust. She loves flirting and courtship, but the girl’s flighty character and at the same time her desire for reliability and stability in relationships break quite a lot of men’s hearts. Mila long time looks closely at the partner, studying his temperament, character and habits.

Young Camilla ties the knot with an adult (usually much older than the girl herself) and a wealthy partner who is ready to support her and protect her from life’s adversities. If she gets married after 30 years, then she opts for a simple-minded, soft and phlegmatic man who will be able to be lenient towards all her shortcomings.

The woman who bears this name is a wonderful housewife and caring wife; she has every chance of creating a strong and prosperous family. Neat Camilla loves cleanliness and order in the house. And yet she cannot be called a homebody; such a girl has many hobbies. She doesn't like to share details family life, does not tolerate other people's advice, because of this Mila may have problems difficult relationship with my mother-in-law.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Alexander70% 50% The union of this couple is shaky and unstable. Partners have completely different worldviews and life values. Everyone considers only their own interests important. Between Camilla and Alexander there are frequent conflict situations and quarrels. Create strong family such a couple is unlikely to succeed.
Dmitry70% 100% Dmitry and Camilla have absolutely different characters, but despite this, they are able to accept each other’s imperfections and compensate for them with their own merits. This couple will be able to build a prosperous and strong family. Their relationship contains love, loyalty and mutual understanding.
Sergey80% 60% There is both love and passion, but the relationships of such people are very unstable. Everyone wants to take the reins of power into their own hands. If Camilla and Sergey do not learn to give in to each other, then conflicts and quarrels will ultimately lead to divorce.
Andrey70% 50% Strong-willed and purposeful Andrei falls in love with the cheerful and charming Camilla almost at first sight. But in family life, loyalty, sincerity and dedication are important to him. But a girl is not always ready to sacrifice her hobbies for the common good. Often such an alliance breaks up.
Alexey60% 80% The union of Camilla and Alexei is usually very strong. A man's long courtship helps a girl understand that she has found her one and only, with whom she can create a happy family. Their relationship is based on friendship. Such people are very comfortable with each other, they have similar interests and beliefs. Together, this couple will overcome all obstacles on the way to their desired goal.
Evgeniy50% 100% Eugene manages to pacify Camilla’s imperious and freedom-loving disposition. He is a wonderful family man, tries to do everything for the well-being of his family. The girl values ​​her partner and tries to support him in everything. Their relationship is filled with tender feelings, loyalty, care and mutual understanding.
Maxim60% 80% Temperamental and domineering, Camilla strives to become a leader in the family. Maxim is simple-minded and gentle, he willingly makes compromises, which strengthens family relationships. This tandem loving hearts full of passion, emotion and trust. A girl should show leniency towards her partner’s shortcomings and give him the opportunity to take the initiative. Then such a couple will have every chance to create a happy and united family.
Vladimir50% 30% In these relationships, Camilla strives to take a leadership position, which the freedom-loving and independent Vladimir. And in order to avoid his wife’s control, he stops introducing the girl to his plans. Due to misunderstandings and frequent disagreements, such a union is doomed to divorce.
Anatoly50% 100% Love, devotion and mutual understanding reign in this union. Partners completely trust each other. Easy for them to find common language, since they are very similar in character and do not like to sort things out. The union of Camilla and Anatoly is strong, stable and durable.
Artyom70% 60% Camilla is the absolute leader in this couple. She is engaged not only in raising children and running the household, but also in providing financial support for the family. This does not mean at all that Artyom does not contribute to the family budget, it’s just that the girl always strives for more and, if she fails, blames her partner for all the troubles. Due to frequent quarrels and scandals, the union usually breaks up.
Yuri50% 80% This couple has an ideal relationship, since self-development is important for everyone. The life of Camilla and Yuri is bright and varied. Partners never cease to get to know each other even closer, thanks to this their mutual feelings become stronger.
Novel60% 90% Camilla strives for ideal relationship, so he wants to control everything. Gentle Roman does not interfere with the girl, is ready to put up with her demands and willingly makes compromises. Therefore, their union only grows stronger over the years.
Denis50% 30% Strong-willed and purposeful Camilla is annoyed by Denis’s lack of desire to develop and set high goals for himself. Frequent quarrels over financial problems can destroy this union.
Oleg60% 30% Camilla and Oleg develop a romantic and passionate relationship, but routine and everyday life can kill their feelings. These people have completely different views on almost everything. Frequent disagreements and quarrels can destroy such a union.
Igor70% 80% This is a union of two purposeful and ambitious people. They have a warm, trusting relationship. Partners set high goals and work together to achieve them. Their marriage is usually strong and durable.

Significant years of Camilla's life

Important, fateful events occur in such significant years Camilla's life:

The meaning of each letter of the name

K - strong will, maximalism, developed intuition and diplomacy. They have natural grace and sexuality.

A - active, active, proactive, purposeful. They strive for excellence in everything. Pronounced leadership qualities.

M - people-loving, calmly relate to the shortcomings of others. Curious. Able to unobtrusively show concern.

And - spirituality, the desire for harmony. They are very straightforward, they express everything to their faces. This negatively affects relationships with loved ones.

L - have creative abilities and subtle artistic taste. They love gourmet food.

The name Camilla has seven letters. This means that such a girl considers laws important often in life person and society. She is confident that strict adherence to accepted rules is the only path to success. Demanding and stubborn.

Table: name matches

StoneLabradoriteA symbol of wisdom, purity of intentions and innocence. This stone relieves fears and negativity from past events, helps to reveal creative potential, and enhances intuition. An amulet with labradorite protects from the evil eye and damage, as well as from the anger and envy of ill-wishers.
ColorYellowRational people have an analytical mind. Life energy seems to emanate from them. They have a strong, decisive character. Able to distinguish the essential from the secondary.
Number1 Leadership, original thinking style. They are always open to new information, which allows them to always be “on the wave”. True, the feeling of being chosen can lead to arrogance and selfishness.
PlanetSunThey have a strong personality, original and independent. They love attention and are firmly convinced that they are the chosen ones. At work they are hardworking, ambitious and creative. They strive for leadership and find it difficult to be subordinate.
ElementFireImpulsive, prone to rash actions. Leadership qualities are clearly expressed in the character. Smart, creative and courageous. Sometimes they show excessive ardor and self-confidence.
AnimalCodThe personification of happiness material well-being and generosity.
Zodiac signTwinsThey are characterized by duality and inconstancy; such people often change their mood. On the one hand, this complicates communication with them, on the other hand, it helps them adapt to different conditions. They are afraid of loneliness; it is extremely important for them to be in a group and communicate with other people.
PlantOrchidA symbol of fertility, abundance and high spirituality. IN Chinese tradition represents strength and courage.
MetalGoldSymbolizes greatness, power, prosperity. But it is important to remember that in some traditions it is the personification of envy and debauchery. It is important for such people to direct their abilities to good purposes.
Auspicious daySunday
Time of yearAutumn

When was Camilla born?

Winter Camilla is determined, purposeful and ambitious. She is responsible at work, she does not tend to commit rash acts, such a girl always plans her actions literally down to the smallest detail. In business she is guided only by common sense; in emergency situations she is able to remain calm and quickly make decisions. In communication she is delicate and reserved. Mila, who was born in winter, is difficult to anger, so she easily manages to win the favor of her colleagues and superiors.

Spring Camilla is a bright, cheerful, resourceful and creative person. She is able to take initiative and turn her ideas into reality. This girl cannot stand routine and monotony. Marriage radically changes an independent and freedom-loving young lady; she becomes calmer, softer and more compliant. Mila, born in one of spring months, loves to invite guests to her place, she is a hospitable hostess.

Summer Camilla is good-natured, sincere, trusting and very vulnerable. A wonderful friend, she will never leave her in trouble, but others often take advantage of her kindness for selfish purposes, which greatly upsets the girl. And yet she never stops trusting people. She is responsive and sociable, she has many friends and acquaintances, relationships with whom Mila can put higher family values. She is very economical and diligent, but often everyday life depresses her.

Autumn Camilla is a purposeful, responsible and self-confident woman. She is used to keeping everything under strict control. She does not create illusions or empty hopes; such a girl is capable of realizing her plans. Reasonable and independent, always counts only on own strength. She gets married quite late, when she is already firmly on her feet and can provide her family with everything necessary.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesCheerful and sociable Camilla-Aries cannot be alone for long; she devotes most of her time to making new acquaintances and communicating with friends. While most of her friends are getting a spouse and children, this girl still can’t decide on her desires and decide to start her own family.
TaurusCheerful, energetic, and bright, she strives to get the best out of life. She is burdened by routine life, every day is like a holiday. Even in adulthood, Camilla-Taurus can commit reckless acts for the sake of vivid emotions and new sensations. Her frivolous attitude towards everything helps the girl easily experience failures and move forward without dwelling on the past.
TwinsTemperamental, positive and explosive, Camilla-Gemini stands out from the crowd. This woman has a poor understanding of people and is often overtaken by disappointment. She amazing person. She often turns a blind eye to the shortcomings of those around her, while others do not forgive Mila’s mistakes.
CancerStrict, responsible and prudent, Camilla-Cancer is very gentle and romantic at heart. She dreams of unearthly love. Often such a girl carefully hides her feelings, fearing to be deceived, because she takes betrayal seriously. It is the fear of opening up and trusting that most often prevents Mila from creating a happy family.
LionA stubborn, determined and extremely intractable woman. She does not admit her mistakes; any remark sounds like an insult to her. But in the presence of an offender, Camilla-Leo usually remains outwardly indifferent and unperturbed, does not betray negative emotions. She directs her energy to physical development and self-realization.
VirgoTemperamental and straightforward Camilla-Virgo says everything she thinks without hiding her feelings. She is guided by the fact that no one is offended by the truth. Such a woman does not like noisy companies and large crowds of people; she prefers to spend evenings in silence, for example, reading an interesting book.
ScalesCreative, cheerful and talented. She has a rich and bright life, in which everything is described literally minute by minute. Camilla-Libra is surrounded by extraordinary and interesting people, just like herself. She is an open and sociable woman who easily gets along with people. She understands people well, so she does not make short-term acquaintances. Mila is capable of loving very sincerely and selflessly, but only if her chosen one reciprocates her feelings.
ScorpionA strict, reasonable and diplomatic woman. Secretive, she doesn’t tell anyone about her personal life, because she’s afraid of betrayal. Camilla-Scorpio puts on a mask of indifference and coldness in society, hiding her defenseless and vulnerable soul under it. Mila needs a serious and balanced man who can be patient and support her other half in everything.
SagittariusEnergetic, cheerful and resourceful, Camilla-Sagittarius cannot sit in one place. She prefers to lead an active lifestyle. She is proactive and can easily organize anything, including an unforgettable vacation for the whole family. Such a girl is the life of the party.
CapricornEmotional, quick-tempered, prone to frequent changes in mood. Camilla Capricorn is very easy to lose balance. In a fit of anger, she is able to tell her opponent everything she thinks about him. Many consider such a woman to be cruel and even oppressive and do not want to have anything to do with her. But deep down, Mila is a vulnerable person who needs the support of loved ones.
AquariusGood-natured, open and sociable, Camilla-Aquarius has a subtle instinct, with the help of which she is able to anticipate troubles and avoid them. This woman is delicate, friendly and very accommodating. She does not like to argue, considering scandals a waste of time. I am sure that everything can be resolved in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. He takes life lightly and achieves great success without much difficulty.
FishSecretive, silent and shy, Camilla-Pisces does not like large crowds of people and tries to be inconspicuous in society. This is a romantic and dreamy nature. She lives in the world of her dreams, completely unaware of what is happening in real world. All attempts by friends to help this tender and vulnerable woman open up are not justified by success. Needs constant care and support from family and friends.

Famous women

Famous women with this name:

  • Camilla Belle - American actress;
  • Kim Basinger - American actress, model and singer;
  • Camille Claudel - famous French sculptor;
  • Camilla Collett - Norwegian writer;
  • Camille Doncier is the first wife of the famous artist Claude Monet, who posed for him for several canvases;
  • Camille Pin - French tennis player;
  • Kamila Skolimowska is a Polish Olympic champion in hammer throw.

Photo gallery: famous Camillas

Kamila Skolimowska - Polish Olympic champion in hammer throw Camilla Belle - American actress Camille Doncier - first wife of the famous artist Claude Monet Camille Collette - Norwegian writer Kim Basinger - American actress, model and singer

Camilla is a simple-minded, responsive, active and temperamental person. She loves to experiment and take the initiative into her own hands. This woman always strives to be the center of attention. Usually she does not achieve great success in business, but she is able to blossom in creativity.