Son of Natalia Gvozdikova. Evgeny Zharikov - biography, information, personal life

Evgeny Zharikov's fortieth birthday coincided with Forgiveness Sunday.

This is a time of repentance, when we need to pray and forgive. Did Evgeniy Ilyich’s ex-wives and mistresses have the strength to do this? Both his first wife Valentina Zotova and his official mistress Tatyana Sekridova were not at the funeral. Knowing the character of Zharikov’s wife Natalya Gvozdikova, they foresaw a huge scandal that could happen. Gvozdikova organized a closed memorial service, saying that it was the will of her late husband and did not even allow Tatyana Sekridova’s children from Zharikov to say goodbye to him.

Life was not easy for Valentina Zotova next to the popular actor Zharikov. This marriage lasted 12 years. The People's Artist had numerous affairs, including with Larisa Luzhina, and with Larisa Vikkel, and with the then-married Natalya Gvozdikova. Zharikov infected Valentina with syphilis twice. Both of her ovaries were removed due to infection. Because of this, she could not have children. Zharikov ruined her life. But the noble woman remembers him in her own way: “I can look at Zhenya at home, since I have many photographs of him, and light a candle in a Christian way. On the third day I went to the Donskoy Monastery and lit a lamp for the repose. These days I prayed endlessly.”

Zharikov’s sister Nina called Evgeniy Ilyich’s first wife all the years and congratulated her on her birthday and holidays. This was their last conversation: “She, sobbing into the phone, told me: “But now he is old, sick and no one needs him.” Zhenya was lying there; the puncture was done incorrectly, so his legs were paralyzed. He suffered two strokes. As a believer, I fulfilled the request. Then I see: Gvozdikova dragged him to the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” In such and such a state!”

At the time of Zharikov’s death, Gvozdikova was in France and left him in the hospital without care, without even hiring a nurse. He was in terrible condition with ingrown nails, since there was no one to cut them, with bedsores... And pneumonia, which aggravated the condition of the patient with colorectal cancer people's artist and was the cause of death - a consequence of poor patient care. The worst thing is that Zharikov’s children, whom he recognized, although he considered himself just a donor, were not allowed to see their father’s body. “Gvozdikova did not want to see anyone from Sekridova and Evgeniy’s first wife, Zotova. She cheated: she said that it was Zharikov himself who did not want a civil memorial service. A mulatto lover or someone else could come. She was more afraid not even of the children, but of unexpected encounters,” says close friend Tatiana Sekridova Lyudmila Tsvetkova.

On the Internet, opinions about Natalya Gvozdikova’s actions vary. Many people condemn her: “Zharikov did not erase the mother of his two children from his life. In an interview when he was still alive, he said that he coped with children who had already grown up New Year and would have been glad to continue communicating with them, but Gvozdikova intimidated him. She dragged me to church and there forced me to renounce my children. It's in the church!!! Well, who after this is Zharikov and Gvozdikova? Gvozdikova didn’t need him anymore, but she kept him with her so that it would turn out according to her, there was no love there. It would be better if I let him go, look, and the popularly beloved actor would still live” (Linda).

Some users stood up for the widow: “My husband has been walking all his life. the wife endured it and tried to resist it, watched it until death, saw it off in last path, mourned...Good people, Gvozdikova, like a real Russian woman, protected her nest as best she could - for which she received condemnations all her life and will continue to receive them! She just loved, she just tried to protect her husband from the dirt that he was so eager for - and she couldn’t! Zharikov... God will be his judge” (Tatyana). Evgeny Zharikov was good artist And good president actors guild. He played in many films telling about the history of our state.

The editors of the site wish all the relatives and friends of the deceased to find the strength to forgive each other, there is no one to share...
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Cheerful boy Zhenya Zharikov was born into the family of the famous Soviet writer Leonid (according to Ilya’s passport) Zharikov. The boy was the sixth and last, a lot of love and care was given to the future artist, but his upbringing was done more by his grandparents than by his eminent parent. Zhenya lived with them in the Moscow region, from an early age he helped with the housework, he loved to take care of horses, and knew how to handle them.

The future actor became a handsome young man, and at school he gained the reputation of an amorous ladies' man. Rumor has it that he followed his passion, the charming blonde Galya Polskikh, to enroll at VGIK.

When both arrived, his happiness knew no bounds. Little did he know how many more romantic adventures lay ahead of him!


Inspired by entering the same university as his chosen one, Zharikov continued to suffer for Galina Polskikh and look after her. Already in her first year, she met a third-year student at the directing department, Faik Hasanov, fell madly in love with him and turned Zhenya away. Soon the couple started a family, and Zharikov went in search of a new passion.

He began acting in films already in his second year, and although not all the roles were bright and the films were famous, popularity still came to the handsome actor. Some films went abroad, from where letters were sent to Zharikov.

Evgeny began an affair with one such overseas fan. Her name was Kayoko Ikeda, her letter from Japan miraculously escaped the competent authorities, and a correspondence began. The girl wrote hot messages to her distant lover, and was seriously planning to arrive in the capital of the USSR and be with Zhenya in both sorrow and joy. And it is unknown how the epistolary novel would have ended if the special services had not called Zharikov, accusing him of almost espionage!

IN urgently defaming honor and dignity Soviet actor the connection should have been terminated. Zharikov wrote sparingly with emotions farewell letter, in which he thanked for the attention to his person and explained that nothing would work out between him and his girlfriend. She responded by sending cufflinks with pink pearls and a laconic note: “As a keepsake.”

On a drunken bench

There will later be a lot of unflattering remarks about his first marriage, including envious people who will say that he married a trainer figure skating Valentina Zotova Zharikov was drunk. Allegedly, at a noisy party, he promised his hand in marriage, accepted it on his chest, went to submit an application, drank a glass, and showed up for the painting itself. But, since he allegedly took marriage so lightly, why then did they live for 12 years, and all this time they tried to conceive a child?

Valentina will later recall that her handsome husband often, often asked for an heir, but it never worked out. Both took tests and went to hospitals. Evgeniy was suspected of infertility, and he was very worried about it.

His first wife does not hide the fact that Zhenya was not an exemplary family man. Even in marriage, he continued to passionately love the female sex, hitting on beauties. He had affairs with his colleagues in the shop, and with completely random women. A couple of times, the unfaithful husband even brought delicate illnesses into the family. According to one version, it was the complications from them that made it impossible for the wife to become pregnant, and even after the divorce she was unable to have offspring.

Despite the spree, Zharikov always returned to the family, and Valentina forgave in a Christian way. But this was before the fateful meeting with the married beauty Natalya Gvozdikova.

37 years old

They met on the set of a film that became iconic for Zharikov. It was after “Born by a Revolution” that Evgeniy Ilyich became a real star all-Union scale, and also met a woman with whom he would live his whole life.

It was a real obsession for both of them - family actors. An acquaintance that began with Natalya being late and her request for a car to return safely from late filming.

Zharikov, who already had fame, was deeply offended by such impudence of the young actress. Antipathy soon grew to real hatred, and hatred turned out to be such an obvious reaction to the fear of approaching love that Eugene himself became afraid! The relationship became serious towards the end of filming. In the movie they played spouses, and Natalya caught herself thinking that she wanted to bring true love with this person to life.

His wife, Valentina, knew about her rival's dream. “She wanted to be in my place,” Zotova will tell about Gvozdikova after Zharikov’s death. And so it happened. Evgeniy divorced to marry again. Natalya took her place ex-wife, and everything repeated: he did not walk less. But in his new marriage, Evgeniy finally had a long-awaited child - Fedor.

This couple lived a long and happy 37 years together. Their sincere love delighted everyone around them.

In the theater community, the actors are still remembered inseparably from each other, jokingly calling them “fried cloves.” But Zhenya still could not deny himself love pleasures on the side, and Natalya had the wisdom to carefully preserve these painful experiences of her husband. Until one day, in the midst of a seemingly clear sky, a thunderstorm thundered.

Second family

Beautiful in the mid 90s star couple appeared more than once on the pages of the various publications that appeared at that time. Journalists began to join the family. One of them, Tatyana Sekridova, was especially charming and attentive to the Zharikov-Gvozdikovs. The journalist, passionate about cinema, often appeared at film festivals and also communicated with other stars, so her interest in the family was regarded by Gvozdikova as completely normal. She couldn't even think that between this charming woman and her own spouse such passions flare up.

Zharikov’s affair with Sekridova began in 1994. A year later the woman became pregnant. Evgeny was delighted, began to help, and recognized the born Seryozha as his son. Two years later, Tatiana and Evgeniy had little Katenka. Zharikov was also happy about her. For seven years he will live in two families, trying to support both wives and three children.

The secret was resolved due to jealousy: at one of the festivals, the mistress found her lover with new girl. In the heat of the moment, the wounded journalist called her legal wife. Gvozdikova didn’t believe it and called Evgeniy. But he had no choice but to confess. Under pressure from his wife, the actor stopped communicating with Tatyana, then she made an expose in one of the popular TV shows. And I finally lost my loved one.

Handsome men are always surrounded by attention, and if they also have a noble profession such as an astronaut, pilot, inventor or artist, then even doubly so. The favorite of TV viewers, actor Evgeny Zharikov, was no exception. Biography, personal life, photos and everything connected with him have always interested fans and made their tremulous hearts skip a beat. However, what was their idol like behind the scenes?

Artist's parents

The family into which Evgeniy Ilyich Zharikov was born was deservedly considered intelligent. His father, Ilya Milakhievich, was a writer who published under the pseudonym Leonid Zharikov. Mom worked at school as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

The future artist was born in the winter of 1941, a few months before the start of the war. He was the 6th child in the family, so his older brothers and sisters took care of him.

When the war broke out, the Zharikovs realized that feeding their children in Moscow would be problematic. Therefore, they sent their children to their grandparents, who lived in a village near Sergiev Posad.

Childhood years

Into this hard time In addition to the six Zharikov children, the same number of cousins ​​lived with their grandparents, who were also sent by their parents to the village.

The old men managed to save the lives of all their grandchildren during the war, and only God knows how much effort they had to put in to do this. Evgeny Zharikov himself recalled that relatives taught their grandchildren to work almost from the cradle. Thus, young Zhenya learned to ride horses from the age of 4, and by the age of 10 he knew how to do almost everything that is required of the owner of a rural house.

After the war, the children returned to their parents. For the youngest of them, taken to the village almost as a baby, Moscow and all its customs were a real wonder. But he soon got used to it and became interested in the theater. The biography of Evgeniy Zharikov says that from that moment his life took a sharp turn, because now he realized what he wanted in life and decided to achieve his goal with all his might. The parents, as intelligent people, had nothing against their son’s wishes, so after graduating from school he submitted his documents to GITIS.

Biography of Evgeniy Zharikov during his studies at GITIS

Upon admission, the young applicant was fabulously lucky - he ended up in the workshop of Gerasimov and Makarova, who treated their students as their own children and helped them find good job after graduating from GITIS. However, their patronage was not needed by a student named Evgeniy Zharikov: his biography contains information that the creative piggy bank of the aspiring actor, already in his second year, was replenished with a role in the film “What if this is love?” Although his character was minor, a start was made, and a very successful one.

After Yuli Raizman, Andrei Tarkovsky himself invited the handsome artist to star in Ivan’s Childhood. This time the role was also small, but it was she who determined Zharikov’s role - people in uniforms.

A year later, the artist received an invitation to take part in the filming of the romantic comedy “Three + Two” by Henrikh Hovhannisyan. Got my first one this time main role Evgeny Zharikov.

The artist’s biography says that his life after this work made steep turn- Having become famous throughout the country, he became an idol for many spectators, or rather, female spectators who bombarded him with letters and stood guard at his house.

Directors also became interested in Zharikov’s talent, vying with each other to offer to star in the most interesting films in the country. But the young man surprised everyone - he signed a two-year contract and went to Germany to film.

Business trip to the GDR

The project for which Zharikov left his homeland was the German television series “Russian for You.”

Throughout the entire period of his business trip, the actor not only earned good money playing the main role, but also learned from his German colleagues. Perhaps that is why, when he returned to Moscow in 1966, he was again in great demand.

Man in uniform and beautiful Lel

After the business trip, Evgeny Zharikov filmed a lot and often. His biography during these years is simply amazing: every year 2-4 films were released with him, and in most of them he played leading roles. How he managed to do all this remains a mystery.

Perhaps what helped to transform so quickly and effectively was the fact that many of Zharikov’s heroes were military (“No Death, Guys!”, “The Mysterious Monk,” “Day of the Angel”). At the same time, the artist made sure that, given the monotony of the roles offered, he did not become a hostage to one role. Therefore, he sometimes tried to choose heroes uncharacteristic of his image. Among them are the lover Lel from “The Snow Maiden” and Zinuli’s husband, Koka, from “It Can’t Be!”

The artist was also often invited to appear in projects of the GDR: “Signals”, “Declaration of love to G.T.”, “Anvil or Hammer”, “I want to see you”.

Zharikov - star of the television series “Born of the Revolution”

The role of Kondratiev in the project “Born of a Revolution” brought real fame and transition to the category of a cult actor. His brave and somewhat naive Nikolai became business card Zharikova.

Participation in this project forever assigned the artist the role of a man in uniform, thanks to which, even in his twilight years, Evgeniy Zharikov was quite in demand in the profession. His biography was replenished with one more important event thanks to participation in this series: on film set he got closer to his future wife- Natalya Gvozdikova.

Career in the 80-90s.

In the new decade, the artist continued to receive a lot of filming offers. Most successful work In this decade, the artist considered participating in the film “The First Horse”, where he played Klim Voroshilov.

The excellent performance of the role contributed to the fact that 6 years later Evgeniy Ilyich was again invited to play this character in “The War in the Western Direction.” The 90s began for Zharikov with this role.

During these years, he played mainly businessmen, but there were also unusual roles in his filmography. He was twice Bishop of Tyre in the historical dramas Richard Lionheart" and "Knight Kenneth". He also played the landowner Roshchin in “The Peasant Young Lady.” But he considered the role of Stalin in the film “Trotsky” to be the highest achievement of this period.

Work in the field of dubbing

Besides beautiful appearance, nature gifted the actor and in a pleasant voice. Therefore, throughout his career, he not only acted in films, but also did voice acting and dubbing.

In total, Evgeny Zharikov voiced about 200 projects. Among them are “Generals of the Sand Quarries”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “Angelica - Marquise of Angels”, “Cleopatra” and many others.

Evgenia Zharikov (biography): personal life

Despite his success with women, the artist was not flighty and preferred to start serious relationship. His first lover, with whom he wanted to connect his life, was Valentina Zotova (skater coach). Although she was 5 years older than the actor, this did not stop them from getting married in 1962.

This union was successful, but due to the lack of children, after 12 years of marriage, Evgeniy Zharikov began to think about divorce.

His biography, personal life and all his hopes for a happy future were under threat at that time. However higher powers had mercy on him and sent him new love. She became the star of the film “Big Change” Natalya Gvozdikova. This is incredible beautiful woman with a mischievous smile, it was as if she was created for Zharikov.

By the time they met, Gvozdikova had already made a good career in cinema. However, at the suggestion of Evgeny Zharikov, who was in love with her, she received the role of Masha in the television series “Born of the Revolution.” A year after work on the project began, Natalya Gvozdikova and Evgeniy Zharikov officially formalized their marriage.

Evgeniy’s biography (a photo of the artist after his second marriage is presented below) says that his life was filled with numerous happy events, the first of which was the birth of his son Fedor, named after Natalya’s father.

The parents doted on the baby. When he grew up, he did not follow their example, but went to study to become a French translator.

Scandal with Zharikov

Over the years, the union of Zharikov and Gvozdikova has been an example for many. But in the late 90s, a huge scandal erupted, the main character of which was Evgeniy Zharikov. His biography, his children (yes, just children, not his son) were now on everyone’s lips. After all, it turned out that the actor had two more illegitimate children growing up - Seryozha and Katya. Their mother turned out to be journalist Tatyana Sekridova, who was younger than the actor for 19 years.

It turned out that their relationship lasted almost 7 years. According to the artist’s secret lover, Zharikov courted her romantically for a long time before she reciprocated. For a long time, Tatyana Alekseevna hoped that he would legitimize her position, but, realizing that this would not happen, she told the press that the father of her children was the artist Evgeniy Zharikov.

Biography, children, photos of them - all this has now become not just public knowledge, but first of all affected the relationship with Natalya Gvozdikova. The courageous woman suffered the betrayal of her husband very hard. However, being a real lady, and first of all - loving wife, she not only managed not to make scandals in public, but also found the strength to forgive Zharikov. In turn, the artist not only broke off relations with Sekridova, but also more than once publicly characterized their relationship as lust, which had nothing to do with love.

The last years of the artist's life

Despite the fact that at the end of the 20th century. Yevgeny Zharikov managed to become a hero of the yellow press; his biography in the last decade of his life was full of events that had nothing to do with his personal life. At this time, he actively participated in the work of the Russian Film Actors Guild, helping his less fortunate colleagues survive in these difficult times. The artist also continued to act a lot.

Of course, the years have not been kind to him, but Evgeniy Ilyich managed to age with dignity. And even at 60 he looked younger than his age. His appearance has now acquired a certain solidity, thanks to which the artist was often invited to play the bosses: the FSB general in “Transit for the Devil”, General Gromov in “The Salvation Army”, the Minister of Internal Affairs in “Detectives”, the lieutenant general in “Code of Honor” and other characters. His last hero was General Zuev in “Hostages of Love.”

Observing his active professional and social life, few people knew that Zharikov was seriously ill. Back in 1999, 2 prostheses were introduced into the actor’s body, for which he had to undergo several serious surgical interventions, plus further rehabilitation therapy was required. However, he bravely endured all these difficulties.

Shortly before his death, doctors discovered he had cancer. Expensive treatment, unfortunately, did not bring healing, and, not a month before his 71st birthday, Evgeniy Zharikov died peacefully in one of the Moscow hospitals.

The biography of this actor was an example and inspiration for many, so not only colleagues, but also admirers of Evgeniy Ilyich’s talent gathered to see him off on his final journey. He was buried on Troekurovskoye Cemetery, on the so-called “Alley for Actors”.

Interesting facts

  • One of the artist’s favorite childhood delicacies was seed cake and pseudo-sugar, which the grandmother cooked from various plants.
  • In total, the artist played in 70 projects, including both films and television series.
  • Zharikov managed to receive many prestigious awards for his work. The first of them - the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR - was awarded to him in 1976, on the eve of his 35th anniversary. Two years later, for the role of Kondratiev in “Born by a Revolution,” Evgeniy Ilyich and his wife received a State Prize. The end of the 80s brought Zharikov the title of People's Artist, and after the collapse of the USSR, the actor was awarded 2 more orders and one medal.

Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova, who have been married for 37 years, for a long time They were a model couple for everyone. “Fried Carnations,” as friends called the couple, always appeared together everywhere and raised their son Fyodor, who is now 35 years old. Myth about family idyll collapsed in December 2005, when capital journalist Tatyana Sekridova, in the “Let Them Talk” program, spoke about her and Zharikov’s romance, which broke out in 1994 at the “Constellation” festival on a cruise on the Volga. The relationship between the actor and the journalist, who is 19 years younger than him, dragged on. Zharikov had no intention of leaving the family. But when Tatyana gave birth to Evgeniy Ilyich’s son Seryozha in 1995, and daughter Katya in 1997, he was happy, signed the children up for himself, came to see them whenever possible, and gave them money.

And in 2005, Sekridova suddenly decided to tell the whole country who the father of her children was. First, she gave an interview to a glossy publication, and then appeared with this story on the program “Let Them Talk.” Tatyana did not hide the fact that a breakdown in relations with Zharikov began in 1999: he started building a dacha near Kaluga, on which all his earnings were spent, and subsidies for children were noticeably reduced. Quarrels began. One day Sekridova rashly called Natalya Fedorovna and told her the whole truth. Gvozdikova forgave her repentant husband, but Zharikov stopped all communication with Tatyana and the children.
“While Zharikov supported this lady, everything suited her, but when she lost help, she began to create scandals,” actor Alexander Pankratov-Cherny tells StarHit. “It was a terrible blow for Zhenya and his family.

After everything he had experienced, Evgeny Zharikov suffered a stroke. “It’s all nerves, and nerves - you understand, of course, the scandal ruined Evgeniy Ilyich’s health,” explains the actor’s former director Pyotr Anikin to StarHit.

Two thirds of the pension is for alimony

Zharikov admitted that he survived only thanks to the care of his wife and son. Fedor (a translator by training) even had to leave work for a while to care for his father. IN recent years the three of them lived in a spacious apartment in the southwest of Moscow. They rented out a one-room apartment that the family inherited after the death of Evgeniy Ilyich’s mother. Zharikov and Gvozdikova filmed little, creative meetings helped out. Last summer, the actor said that he was no longer able to work, and his pension was only 15 thousand rubles, of which 33 percent went to alimony for illegitimate children.
“I don’t talk about this topic at all,” 51-year-old Tatyana Sekridova told StarHit. “Call the family and find out everything there.” A year ago, on the eve of the 70th anniversary ex-lover, she told reporters: “I have never clung to men. What does Zharikov have now? Just sores! Zhenya's anniversary is coming soon. Of course, I wish him health - this is the most important thing. And so that everything goes well with him - after all, he is the father of my children. I don’t hold it against him!” Tatyana does not talk about how her personal life turned out. She still works as a journalist, travels a lot with her children, judging by the photos that Katya posts on her VKontakte page: here they are vacationing in Finland, and here in Switzerland. Both are engaged skiing, Seryozha teaches Chinese. Zharikov, despite all the insults, always admitted that Tatyana was good mother and takes excellent care of the children.

Money for the funeral

...Evgeny Zharikov was buried on Saturday at the Troekurovsky cemetery.
- I visited Zhenechka before the New Year. Once upon a time he was a handsome man - and there was already such an old man lying here - he asked me: “Well, Sanka, come on, tell me new jokes.” I’m sitting, bullying and suddenly I notice how my roommate is crying, realizing that Zhenya is doomed. And I saw it,” says Pankratov-Cherny. – And from the Screen Actors Guild, which Zharikov created and headed for a long time, no one ever came to him. There were enough problems, Natasha was going crazy. Only Nikita Mikhalkov helped with money; the rest, it turns out, didn’t care. “There’s not even enough money to organize a wake,” Natasha told me when I brought her money for the funeral. The Minister of Culture Alexander Avdeev and Zhenya’s fans also helped financially. And in the Guild, one woman to whom I turned for help replied: “We will send a wreath”... Well, it’s okay, we collected money, I won’t name the amount, but there will be enough to bury Zhenya, and for Natasha for the first time...

One of the most beautiful couples Russian cinema - Evgeny Zharikov and Natalia Gvozdikova with their son Fedor.

Illegitimate children are a sore subject for any man, whether famous or not. My friend once confessed to me: any man can expect this unexpected surprise: "Hello, dad, I'm your son!"
On this topic, Alexander Vampilov wrote a wonderful play “The Eldest Son”, and director Melnikov made the same wonderful film with Yevgeny Leonov. Men, having learned about the existence of an illegitimate child, behave differently...

Most loud scandal with illegitimate children happened in the family of actor Evgeny Zharikov. After 30 years of “happy” married life, it suddenly became clear that

journalist Sekridova gave birth to and is raising two children from the actor. She told this to a fashionable glossy magazine for a lot of money. How the actor managed to hide this fact for many years and still manage to spend vacations with his parallel family remains a mystery to this day. His legal wife Nataya Gvozdikova never commented on what happened at any cost. The scandal was incredible, Zharikov never survived it - he became seriously ill and soon died.

Evgeny Zharikov with his younger children.

With Tatyana Sekridova, the mother of her two children.

Alexander Zbruev and Elena Shanina (photographer Valery Plotnikov)

He is not the first, he is not the last.
Alexander Zbruev’s illegitimate daughter Tatyana is from his long affair with actress Elena Shanina. Zbruev has been married to "Natasha Rostova" - actress Lyudmila Savelyeva - for many years. A daughter, Natalya, grew up in the marriage. When the “secret” was revealed, the actor’s family experienced the betrayal very hard. But Zbruev did not leave the family, he helped raise illegitimate daughter, managed to build relationships with both women.

With his wife, Lyudmila Savelyeva.

Andron Konchalovsky with his daughter Dasha.

Another famous Don Juan is director Andron Konchalovsky. He does not hide the fact that he had a huge number of hobbies and novels. From one of them, actress Irina Brazgovka gave birth to a daughter, Dasha, but for many years she hid who her father was. At the age of 16, Dasha persuaded her mother to tell her the secret of her birth. The director recognized his daughter, helped her and still communicates with her.

Irina Brazgovka

With daughter Dana.

Andrei Makarevich was married three times. He has three children. Daughter Dana appeared in his life when she turned 19 years old. She made herself known by calling her father from Philadelphia. Andrei Makarevich stopped doubting that his daughter was really his as soon as he saw her photograph. Dana is very similar to her father. After meeting his daughter, Andrei Vadimovich began to maintain a relationship with her and gave her his last name. They constantly call each other, and he is aware of all the events happening in her life.

The life story of actor Valery Zolotukhin itself deserves a fascinating series. The actor never hid his romance with actress Irina Lindt; he appeared with the beautiful actress at festivals and social events. At 63, he became a father again - Irina gave him a son, Ivan. From her first marriage to Nina Shatskaya (she later married Leonid Filatov) there is a son, Denis, who serves as a priest. From his second marriage to Tamara Zolotukhina there is a son, Sergei, who tragically passed away in 2007. Zolotukhin never divorced his marriage to Tamara; he lived in two families until his last day.

Inna Belova

The popular comedian of the 90s, governor Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov, whom the public loved very much, has two illegitimate children, a girl and a boy.
Son Danil - his mother is model Inna Belova. And the illegitimate daughter Anastasia was born from Nadezhda Zharkova. Evdokimov also has legitimate children; his daughter Anna was born from his wife Galina Nikolaevna Evdokimova. All the women learned about each other after the death of their beloved man, when the question arose about the division of the property left after him. Of course, the children of Mikhail Evdokimov participated in this process only formally, but their mothers had to break a lot of spears and spend a lot of nerves. In the end, this issue, of course, was resolved, and Evdokimova’s widow Galina Nikolaevna even became friends with his last mistress Inna Belova, and began to call her son her grandson.