Lydia Velezheva understood at first sight that Alexei Guskov was her destiny. Family secrets of actor Alexey Guskov

: biography

Alexey Gennadievich Guskov was born on May 20, 1958 in the Polish city of Brzeg, in the family of a military pilot. Alexey lived in Poland until he was six years old, and then his family moved to Kyiv. A year later, my father died in the line of duty. All family concerns fell on the shoulders of Alexei’s mother; she remained the only breadwinner of the family and, as the actor recalls, did everything so that her son would not need anything.

The actor has Pomeranian roots. Often the son and mother visited Arkhangelsk, where the grandparents on his mother’s and father’s side lived. Later, when Alexey Guskov became a famous artist, during a tour to Arkhangelsk he found his family tree, compiled from church books.

Alexey Guskov photo

As a child, Alexey was an active and athletic guy. He studied at a football school and was fond of weightlifting, rowing and basketball. The words of his mathematics teacher, a passionate theater fan, made the boy think about a career as a professional artist. It was she who noted the special talent in the sixteen-year-old student and somehow casually advised him to try himself as an actor. The idea was warmly supported by my mother, who adored the theater. The guy began to participate in various school productions, and also attend extracurricular activities in theater arts.

After graduating from school, Alexey Guskov went to Moscow and entered the Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman. But the passion for theater did not go away, and the stage beckoned with irresistible force. The student was studying, and in free time He played in student plays and regularly visited the capital’s theaters, where he watched with admiration the performances of professionals.

One day Alexey Guskov attended a performance by Alexey Petrenko. His talent impressed the guy so much that he decided to leave Baumanka in his fifth year and try to enter a theater university.

Alexey Guskov managed to enter the Moscow Art Theater School on his first try. Here he improved his skills on the course of Viktor Monyukov, who played a huge role in future fate artist.

Alexey Guskov in the play "Eugene Onegin"

The professional biography of Alexei Guskov began at the Pushkin Moscow Drama Theater, where he worked from 1984 to 1986. In 1986, the young artist moved to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where he worked for two years. For another three years he played on the stage of “Detective” and two at the Gogol Theater. Only in the late 1990s did the artist find the place where he worked most comfortably: the State Academic Theater named after Evgeniy Vakhtangov.

Since 1994, Alexey Guskov has been President and CEO animation studio "F. A.F. Entertainment.”


The actor's theatrical career developed successfully. But nevertheless, his talent manifested itself most clearly and fully in cinema, although at first Alexei Guskov’s film acting biography was somewhat one-sided. The fact is that after a successful debut work in the film “Personal File of Judge Ivanova,” Guskov was invited to play the role of a bandit in the film “Wolfhound.” Having done this job brilliantly, the artist became very popular. But such fame also had back side: For several years, Guskov was offered roles reminiscent of his character from the film “Wolfhound”.

Young Alexey Guskov in the film "Wild Beach"

Trying to somewhat move away from the boring “gangster” role, Alexey Guskov even left cinema for some time. This break lasted until the end of the nineties. The breakthrough was the role of a talented billiard player in the film “Classic”, where the directors finally saw Guskov from a slightly different perspective.

Many fans note that the artist’s talent was truly revealed in the film “Border: A Taiga Romance.” This tape Alexanderra Mitta It is also notable for the fact that Alexey Gennadievich also worked on its creation as a producer. The negative role of the scoundrel Nikita Goloshchekin in “Border” brought the actor the State Prize of the Russian Federation. In this film, Alexey Guskov brilliantly portrayed love triangle With Olga Budother And MaraTom Basharov.

Alexey Guskov in the film "Border: A Taiga Romance"

From that moment on, the artist’s career took off sharply. The two thousand years were the best in his creative biography. During this period, Alexey Guskov often appeared in films and on television, and also tried his hand as a producer. The most striking works of this period were the films “The Scavenger”, “The Diary of a Murderer”, “The Enchanted Site”, “The Turkish Gambit”, “The One Who Puts Out the Lights”, “Saboteur 2: End of War” and many others.

For his work in "Scavenger", where the actor played excellently in tandem with Olesey SudzIlovskaya, at the Venice Television Film Festival he was awarded Grand Prize"For Best Actor"

Alexey Guskov in the film "Garbage Man"

During his long and eventful career, Alexey Guskov performed more than seventy roles, each of which was remarkable and interesting in its own way.

For his many years of service to art in 2001, the actor received the State Prize of Russia, and six years later - the title People's Artist RF.

In 2012, Alexey Guskov pleased his fans with his brilliant work in the action-packed Russian-Ukrainian series “Dragon Syndrome” by Nikolai Khomeriki, where he appeared in a star company Ekaterina Klimova, Leonida BeeChevina, Alexey Serebryakova And Andrey Merzlikina.

Alexey Guskov and Ekaterina Guseva in the film "Thin Ice"

In 2016, the favorite of millions gave viewers a new wonderful film - the Russian dramatic television series by Alexander Frankevich-Laye “Thin Ice”. In it, Alexey Guskov appeared together with EkateRina Guseva, Egor Beroevth And AndreI eat Rudensky. The actor got the key role - an authoritarian construction magnate who dictates the will and imposes his rules of life on everyone, including his wife, brilliantly played by Ekaterina Guseva. The artist’s wife also appeared in the series, playing a child psychologist.

The film received warm reviews from film critics and praise from television viewers. Alexey Guskov and Natalia Rudova visited Ivanand Urganta and on his project “Evening Urgant” they shared with the audience some secrets of their personal life. They also answered questions about whether they, like their characters from the melodrama “Thin Ice,” had ever encountered betrayal and used the services of a psychologist.

In the same year, Sergei Snezhkin’s fascinating biopic “The Way the Stars Aligned” was released. This picture is the final part of the film epic “The Leader’s Path”, dedicated to life path first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan NazarbEve. Guskov appeared in the character BoYeltsin's rice, surprising his fans.

Another notable project of 2016 is the detective series “Investigator Tikhonov,” based on the novels of the Strugatsky brothers. Guskov was seen in the short story “A Visit to the Minotaur”: he reincarnated as People’s Artist of the USSR Lev Polyakov.

In 2017, the actor will again delight a huge army of admirers of his talent with excellent work in films. Viewers will see a fascinating 12-episode project “Mata Hari”, in which he will play Georges Lada, and the series “ Leo Itires. Goalkeeper of my dreams”, in which Alexey Gennadievich will appear as coach Mikhail Yakushin.

Personal life

The actor was married twice. He first tied the knot while still a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. His wife was the girl Tatyana, whom Alexey met on the street. Tatyana had nothing to do with the art of acting, but she fit in wonderfully with Alexei’s company and came to all the student performances. From this marriage, Guskov has a daughter, Natalya, with whom Alexei maintains a warm relationship.

Alexey Guskov and Lidiya Velezheva photo

Guskov's second wife has been an actress of the Moscow Vakhtangov Theater for many years. LeadIya Velezheva. This is a strong marriage that has passed all tests. There are two growing up in a family talented sons- Vladimir and Dmitry. Volodya graduated from the Shchukin School, became an actor and now plays at the Vakhtangov Theater. In 2016, Vladimir and his wife gave their happy parents a granddaughter, Stefania. Dima studies at VGIK. He dreams of following in his father's footsteps and becoming a producer.

Personal life

The first wife is Tatyana.

Daughter - Natalya (born 1983). Granddaughter Elizabeth.

The second wife is Lidia Leonidovna Velezheva (born 1966), actress of the Evgeni Vakhtangov Theater, TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2009, he graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute in Moscow with a degree in Drama Theater and Film Actor (course of Professor Galina Petrovna Sazonova), after which he entered the troupe of the Moscow academic theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, where he currently serves.

On July 22, 2015, he won the theater award of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper (season 2014/2015) in the category “Beginners” in the nomination “Best Supporting Actor” for his performance of the role of Alexander in the play “The Last” directed by Nikita Kobelev on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater .

Alexey Guskov with his family photo

The personal life of Alexei Guskov, who often plays heartthrobs and heroic lovers, is always in plain sight. But gaze The paparazzi were never able to spot anything reprehensible or compromising the family of Alexei and Lydia. They say that it is the demand for Guskov and Velezheva in the profession that is another guarantee strong marriage. In this family, both spouses are accomplished, famous people, who have passed the tests with dignity through years of hardship, formation and glory.
