Demetrius of Thessaloniki: biography. Brief life of the Great Martyr


Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica - one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox world, the heavenly patron of Thessaloniki.


He was born into a rich and noble family of the Roman proconsul in the city of Soluni in Greece (Thessaloniki, now Thessaloniki) during the reign of the wicked god-fighting kings Diocletian and Maximian. His parents, secret Christians, had no children for a long time. They earnestly prayed to the Lord to give them an heir. The all-merciful Lord heeded their prayers and gave them a son, whom they named Demetrius. When the boy grew up, they called a priest, secretly baptized him in their secret home church and constantly instructed him in the faith.

When his father died, and Demetrius had already reached adulthood, Emperor Galerius Maximian, who ascended the throne in 305, summoned him to his place. Demetrius was a handsome, chaste, intelligent and brave young man, and the emperor, convinced of his education and military-administrative abilities, appointed him in his father’s place as proconsul of the Thessalonian region, whose main duty was to defend cities from barbarians and exterminate Christians. In relation to Christians, the will of the emperor was expressed unambiguously: “Put to death everyone who calls on the name of the Crucified One.”

Instead of executing Christians, Dmitry began to convert the residents of Thessaloniki to the new faith. He began to openly teach them the Christian faith and eradicate pagan customs and idolatry. He was nicknamed the second Apostle Paul, since the Apostle himself founded the first community of believers here.
Rumors of this soon reached Maximian himself - the emperor’s anger knew no bounds. Returning from a campaign against the Sarmatians (tribes inhabiting the Black Sea steppes), Maximian stopped in Thessalonica, full of desire to deal with the Solunian Christians.

Having learned about this, Saint Demetrius ordered his faithful servant Lupp in advance to distribute the property to the poor with the words: “Divide the earthly riches among them, and let us seek for ourselves heavenly riches.” And he devoted himself to fasting and prayer, preparing himself to accept the crown of martyrdom.

The emperor entered the city and called his proconsul to him. Demetrius boldly confessed himself to be a Christian and began to condemn pagan polytheism. The emperor imprisoned him.

As if in a bright palace, Saint Demetrius sat in prison, praising and glorifying God. The devil, wanting to frighten the saint, turned into a scorpion and wanted to sting him in the leg. Having overshadowed myself sign of the cross, the saint fearlessly trampled the attacker. He was also honored with a visit from the Angel of God, who brought him peace and encouraged him before suffering.

Meanwhile, the emperor organized gladiatorial games and began to amuse himself with the spectacles. He had one favorite strongman, an outstanding wrestler named Liy, a Vandal by birth. Having ordered the construction of high scaffolds for him, Maximian watched with great pleasure as Liy fought with his opponents and put them to a painful death, throwing them onto spears. Among the dead were many Christians who were forced into battle.

A brave young man named Nestor, from Thessalonica Christians, came to his mentor Demetrius in prison and asked to bless him for single combat with the barbarian. Having made the sign of the cross over Nestor, Saint Demetrius predicted: “You will defeat Leah and endure torment for Christ!” Then, having entered into battle with Liy, he overpowered the royal wrestler and threw him down from the platform onto sharp spears. The death of Leah greatly saddened the king: he immediately ordered that blessed Nestor be put to death. But this execution did not console Maximian; all day and all night he regretted the death of Leah. Having learned that the holy martyr Nestor entered into single combat with Leah on the advice and blessing of Saint Demetrius, the emperor ordered that Saint Demetrius be pierced with spears.

Early in the morning of October 26, 306, soldiers entered the dungeon. They found the saint standing in prayer and immediately pierced him with spears. The body of the Great Martyr Demetrius was thrown out to be devoured by wild beasts, but the Thessalonians secretly betrayed him to the ground.

The faithful servant Saint Luppus collected the blood of the holy Great Martyr Demetrius on a towel, removed the imperial ring from his finger, a sign of his high dignity, and also dipped it in the blood. With a ring and other shrines, consecrated with the blood of Saint Demetrius, Saint Luppus began to heal the sick. The emperor ordered to seize and kill him.

History with relics

According to his life, after the execution of Demetrius, his body was thrown to be devoured by beasts, but they did not touch him and the remains were buried by Thessalonica Christians.

Under Saint Constantine, Equal to the Apostles (306-337), a church was erected over the tomb of Saint Demetrius, in which many miracles and healings were performed.

And after 100 years, one Illyrian nobleman named Leonty Having received healing from a serious, incurable illness in that temple, he wanted to build a new majestic temple as a sign of gratitude.

The former small temple was dismantled, and when they began to dig a ditch for the foundation, the relics of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius were found completely intact and incorruptible. Fragrant myrrh flowed from them, so that the whole city was filled with fragrance, in connection with which the Great Martyr Demetrius received the church name Myrrh-streaming .

With great reverence, the holy relics were taken from the ground, and many sick people received healing through anointing with the flowing ointment. Leonty rejoiced not so much about his healing as about the discovery of the holy relics. He soon finished the work he had started and built a beautiful temple in the name of St. Demetrius on that place. Here in the ark, bound with gold and silver, adorned precious stones, and the honest relics of the great martyr were placed.

Ciborium for the shrine with the relics of St. Demetrius (located in the left nave of the basilica)

When the time came for Leonty to return to his homeland, he decided to take some of the relics of the saint in order to build a church in his city in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius. But the saint, having appeared, forbade him to separate any part of the relics. Then he took only the shroud stained with the blood of the saint, with the help of which he miraculously crossed the turbulent and high-water river that he encountered on the way. Returning to Illyria, Leonty built a temple there in the name of the holy great martyr Demetrius, and miracles happened there too: the ruler of Illyria received healing from the scabs and pus that covered his body, many demoniacs and the sick were healed forever.


Since ancient times, the relics of Saint Demetrius have been revered as myrrh-streaming. Believers who came to the basilica to venerate the saint collected myrrh into glass ampoules. Warriors rubbed their bodies with sacred myrrh before battle. Myrrh was revered not only by Christians. John Anagnost, who described the capture of the city by the Turks, reports that Muslims also collected myrrh, considering it a medical drug for any disease. In ancient times, the flow of myrrh was very abundant - the Byzantine historian and writer Nikita Choniates describes how the Normans, who captured Thessaloniki in 1185, blasphemously collected myrrh into pots, fried fish on it and smeared their shoes with it. Although the myrrh-streaming of the relics has now stopped, the saint’s shrine is opened at vespers on the eve of the saint’s day of remembrance and cotton wool soaked in aromatic liquid is distributed to the believers.

Tales of Miracles

There are several collections of stories about the miracles of Demetrius of Thessalonica, created at the beginning and end of the 7th century. in Thessalonica. They are considered the most ancient and formed the basis for all subsequent ones.There were especially many miracles in Thessaloniki, where the relics of the Great Martyr Demetrius rested.

The Miracle of the Silver Throne. One day there was a fire in the temple dedicated to the saint. From strong firea silver canopy melted over the relics of the saint. The Archbishop of Thessaloniki at that time was Eusebius, who wanted to restore the silver canopy. But he had too little silver. In this temple there was a silver throne, which remained completely undamaged during the fire. The archbishop decided to transfer the throne to the canopy for the saint’s tomb, but had not yet informed anyone of his intention. At the same time, there was one pious presbyter named Demetrius at the temple. The Holy Great Martyr appeared to him three times with the words: “Go and tell the bishop of the city: do not overfill the throne that is in my temple... I myself will take care of my temple and the city, leave me to take care of them.” And only the third time the bishop believed the presbyter and ordered not to overfill the throne. Soon a citizen of Thessaloniki, named Mina, came and brought with him 75 pounds of silver. He wished that this silver would be spent for the canopy over the saint’s tomb. Then other citizens of Thessaloniki appeared and also brought silver. From the donations a beautiful canopy was made for the tomb of the Great Martyr Demetrius.

The miracle of the siege of the city. During the reign of Emperor Mauritius, the Avars living on the Don besieged the city of Thessaloniki. Saint Demetrius appeared on the city wall and, striking with a spear, threw off the wall the first of the enemies who climbed the wall. Falling, he dragged the other attackers along with him, and the 100,000-strong army of the besiegers fled in horror. But after some time the enemy came to his senses and besieged the city again. At this time, a certain pious resident of Thessaloniki named Illustrius fervently prayed in the church of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius for the deliverance of the city from its enemies. And suddenly he saw two angels entering the temple and heading towards the saint’s tomb. At their call, the saint “came out in his likeness, his face shining more sunbeam" The angels kissed him and conveyed the Lord’s command to leave the city, for the city would be taken by the filthy. Dmitry cried, saddened, and asked to tell the Vladyka: he cannot leave his city in such trouble and watch its death from the sidelines. “If you destroy the city, I will perish with it; if you save me, I will be saved with him.” The angels were dissatisfied with the saint’s decision and left, warning him that God’s wrath threatened him for disobedience. The saint lay down in the coffin. In the morning, Illustry told his fellow citizens about the vision, which greatly encouraged and delighted them. On the seventh day of the siege, the enemies fled for no apparent reason, abandoning their tents and throwing weapons.

Miracle about the help of the great martyr in famine. After the siege of the city was lifted, all grain reserves were destroyed and famine began in the city. The saint appeared several times on ships sailing the sea, walked around piers and islands, commanding ships everywhere with wheat to sail to Thessaloniki. Thus the city was saved from famine.

The miracle of the reclaiming of the relics of a martyr. When the pious king Justinian built a magnificent temple in Constantinople in the name of Sophia - the Wisdom of God, he sent honest men to Thessaloniki to bring from there some of the relics of the holy great martyr Demetrius for the decoration and consecration of the newly erected temple. Arriving in Thessaloniki, the messengers approached the sacred ark, where the relics of the great martyr rested, in order to fulfill the royal command; suddenly a pillar of flame burst out of the ark, showering everyone with a whole sheaf of sparks, and a voice was heard from the fire: “Stop and don’t dare touch me.” Everyone present fell to the ground, overwhelmed with fear; then the messengers, taking only a little land from the place where the relics were located, returned to the king and told him about everything that had happened to them. Everyone who listened to their story was amazed. The messengers gave half of the taken land to the king, and the rest was placed in the church treasury.

The Miracle of the Sexton Onesiphorus. Saint Demetrius did not allow the donations made to his temple to be stolen. One day, a young man named Onesiphorus, who was performing his obedience in the Thessalonica temple, at the teachings of the devil, came up with the idea of ​​stealing the candles lit near the shrine with relics and selling them again, appropriating the proceeds for himself. Saint Demetrius appeared to Onesiphorus in a dream and denounced him with the greatest condescension. This made an impression on the young man, but not for long. Soon he returned to his previous occupation. And so, when he's in Once again extended his hand to the candles, a loud voice came from the coffin: “Are you doing this again?!” The young man fell to the ground and lay until he was raised, after which he told those present about his sinful passion and the denunciations of Saint Demetrius and repented.

The miracle of the release of prisoners. The life of Saint Demetrius also tells that he freed prisoners from the yoke of infidels and helped them reach Thessaloniki. So two beautiful maidens, having been captured and received orders from a foreign prince to embroider an image of Saint Demetrius (the pagan prince had heard a lot about the miracles of the saint and wanted to worship his image as if it were an idol). When the tired girls fell asleep at work, they were miraculously transferred, along with the image they had embroidered, to the Thessaloniki temple, where a vigil was being held in honor of the feast of St. Demetrius. The awakened girls glorified God, and the image was placed above the altar.

Intercession against the raids of the pagan Slavs. Repeatedly approaching the city, the pagan Slavs were driven away from the walls of Thessaloniki by the sight of a formidable, bright young man who walked around the walls and inspired terror in the soldiers. Perhaps this is why the name of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica is especially revered among the Slavic peoples after their enlightenment with the light of the Gospel truth. On the other hand, the Greeks considered Saint Demetrius to be a Slavic saint par excellence.

Since ancient times, Serbs and Bulgarians have revered the Great Martyr Demetrius as the patron saint of the Slavs, calling them “lover of the fatherland” Slavic peoples, linking this with the Slavic origin of the saint. It is no coincidence that the first work in the Slavic language by the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril after their creation Slavic alphabet was "Canon to Demetrius of Thessalonica". This canon is considered the starting point in the birth of great Slavic literature.

Veneration of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica in Rus'

The Holy Great Martyr Demetrius performed many miracles in our Fatherland. His name in the most ancient Russian chronicles is mentioned before other names of saints: the Monk Nestor the chronicler says that the Greeks, defeated by the Grand Duke Oleg near Constantinople in 907, attributed their defeat not to the bravery of the Slavs, but to the intercession for them of their patron Saint Demetrius.

In Rus', St. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica was revered as the patron of patriotism and all those who fight for the Fatherland. Russian soldiers always believed that they were under the special protection of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. Moreover, in ancient Russian epics, the Great Martyr Demetrius is portrayed as Russian by origin - this is how this image merged with the soul of the Russian people.

Church veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius in the Russian Church began immediately after the Baptism of Rus'.

Founded in the 11th century Dmitrievsky Monastery in Kyiv , later known as St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery. The mosaic icon of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica from the Cathedral of the Dimitrievsky Monastery has survived to this day and is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

It was erected in the 12th century, which is still a decoration of this ancient city.

In the 13th century, the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow erected a temple in the name of the holy great martyr Demetrius, which became the first stone temple of the Moscow Kremlin. Later, under Prince John Kalita, it was dismantled, and in its place was erected Assumption Cathedral with the chapel of Demetrius of Thessalonica.

In 1197, the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, written on the saint’s tombstone, was transferred from Thessaloniki to Vladimir by the Grand Duke Vsevolod Yuryevich, and this event was included as a holiday in the ancient calendar. This miraculous icon was first in Kyiv, then in Vladimir, and on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 it was solemnly transferred to Moscow as a great shrine by the holy noble prince Dimitri Donskoy and placed in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (now located in the Tretyakov Gallery). One of the most valuable images of St. Demetrius is also the fresco on the pillar of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, painted by the Rev. Andrei Rublev.

The special veneration of Saint Demetrius in Rus' is also evidenced by the tradition of Russian princes naming their firstborns after him. This was the case with Yaroslav I, Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan II, Ivan the Terrible, and Alexei Mikhailovich. In ancient Rus', the day of the Great Martyr Demetrius was considered one of the major holidays; the service was usually performed by the patriarch himself, in the presence of the tsar. Holy Blessed Grand Duke Demetrius Donskoy was a zealous admirer of Saint Demetrius.

Through the intercession of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica and prayerful intercession Venerable Wonderworker Sergius of Radonezh, Russian soldiers won the most important victory in the history of our Fatherland over the heterodox Tatar-Mongol horde and the gathering of the Russian Land began. After the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, in memory of the Russian soldiers who died in the battle with Mamai, it was installed for church-wide commemoration Dmitrievskaya parent's Saturday . For the first time, this requiem service was performed on October 20, 1380 in the Trinity Monastery by the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh in the presence of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Demetrius Donskoy. This church tradition is still alive today.


Since ancient times, the memory of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica has been associated in Rus' with military feats, patriotism and defense of the Fatherland. The saint is depicted on icons as a warrior in feathered armor, with a spear and sword in his hands. The iconography of the saint is close to the images of another Christian warrior-martyr - St. George the Victorious. Just like St. George, Demetrius of Thessalonica did not participate in any military operations and did not win a single victory on the battlefield. Their feat consisted of courage and fortitude with which they defended their faith before pagan tormentors and, most importantly, in the resigned acceptance of death.

There are also hagiographic icons. Among them - "The Miracle of Dmitry of Thessaloniki" - represents a holy warrior (sometimes in the form of a horseman with a spear), trampling the devil in the form of a scorpion, or the pagan king Koloyan, with whose name one of the many miracles of St. Dimitri. The Bulgarian Tsar Kaloyan (1197-1207), having ravaged many cities in Thrace and Macedonia, was about to capture Thessalonica, where the myrrh-streaming relics of St. Dimitri. He approached the city and settled down to rest. At night, the Great Martyr Demetrius appeared to him on a white horse and stabbed him in the heart with a spear. Kaloyan woke up with deep wound and told the military leader Manastyr about the vision. Kaloyan died, and his army, gripped by horror, fled, taking the king’s body.

The relics of the Great Martyr Demetrius are located in Thessaloniki in the Basilica of St. Demetrius, which was included in the list of objects in 1988 World Heritage as part of the early Christian and Byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki. In the Middle Ages, the relics were taken to Italy and returned back to Thessaloniki only in the 20th century: in 1978 - the honest chapter, and in 1980 - the main part of the relics (six large particles remained in Italy).

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Temple Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovy Gory

Troparion, tone 3:
You will find a great champion in troubles, the universe, a passion-bearer, and a conqueror of tongues. / Just as you brought down Liev’s pride, / and you boldly created Nestor for the feat, / so, Saint Demetrius, / prayed to Christ God / to grant us great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 3:
With the streams of your blood, Demetrius, God stained the church, giving you an invincible fortress, and keeping your city unharmed: for this you are the affirmation.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica:
Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor of those who flow to you with faith! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and to free us from the all-destroying plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to show mercy to this city, this monastery and every Christian country. Petition from the King of the Reigns for victory and victory over the enemies of the Orthodox Christians and the entire power Orthodox world, silence, firmness in faith and progress in piety; for us, who honor your honorable memory, ask for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that our Lord Christ God works here with grace, we may be worthy through your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for His eternal glorification with the Father and the Holy Spirit. A min.

The meaning of DEMITRIUS OF THESSALONAS in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia


Demetrius of Thessalonica is a holy great martyr who suffered during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. There is a story about his life, suffering and miracles in our Menaion, under the 26th day of the month of October. For the lives of Saint Demetrius, see under the same date in the monthly book of Archimandrite Sergius. There was an attempt to prove that Saint Demetrius was a Slav by origin (see "Readings of the Society of Russian History and Antiquities", 1846). In ancient Russian poems, the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius is presented as an assistant to the Russians in the fight against Mamai. Among the Russians and in general among all Slavic peoples, we have seen since ancient times a special honoring of St. Demetrius. Serbs and Bulgarians honor him as the patron of the Slavic people and call him the “fatherland lover” of the Slavic peoples. In Russian chronicles, the name of Saint Demetrius is found on the very first pages, before the name of any other saint was mentioned: the Monk Nestor mentions him in the story of the capture of Constantinople by Grand Duke Oleg. According to our chronicler, the Greeks attributed their defeat not to the bravery of the Slavs, but to the intercession of St. Demetrius, their patron, for them. Since ancient times, Russians have tried to acquire at least the slightest particles of his relics, clothes, worlds, or even dust from his tomb. This explains why in all ancient monasteries and churches, among the particles of the relics of various saints, there is almost certainly a part of the relics or worlds of St. Demetrius. In 1197, the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius was brought from Thessaloniki to Vladimir by the Grand Duke Vsevolod Yuryevich, and this event was included as a holiday in the ancient calendar. This icon was first in Kyiv, then in Vladimir, and under the Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich, in 1380, it was transferred to Moscow and placed in the Assumption Cathedral. Particular respect for the memory of Saint Demetrius is evident, among other things, from the fact that our princes often named their firstborns after this saint. This was the case with Yaroslav I, Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan II, Ivan the Terrible, and Alexei Mikhailovich. IN Ancient Rus' the day of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius was considered one of the major holidays; The service was usually performed by the patriarch himself, in the presence of the sovereign. Saint Demetrius was a warrior and ruler of Thessaloniki; Accordingly, he is depicted on ancient icons in military garb, with a spear and sword. P.V.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what DEMITRIY OF THESSALUNSKY is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    Open Orthodox encyclopedia"TREE". This article contains incomplete markup. Demetrius of Thessalonica (+ c. 306), great martyr Commemorated October 26. ...
    Christian saint, great martyr. The son of the Thessalonica governor, who secretly professed Christianity. He was appointed by the pagan emperor Maximian to the post of proconsul, and actively contributed to the spread of Christianity. ...
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Life (biography) of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, the myrrh-streamer. Memory November 8 according to the new style.

The Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica was the son of the Roman proconsul in Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki, Slavic name- Thessaloniki). It was the third century of Christianity. Roman paganism, spiritually broken and defeated by a host of martyrs and confessors of the Crucified Savior, intensified persecution. The father and mother of Saint Demetrius were secret Christians. In a secret house church that was in the house of the proconsul, the boy was baptized and instructed in the Christian faith. When his father died, and Demetrius had already reached adulthood, Emperor Galerius Maximian, who ascended the throne in 305, summoned him and, convinced of his education and military-administrative abilities, appointed him in his father’s place as proconsul of the Thessalonian region. The main task entrusted to the young strategist was to defend the city from barbarians and exterminate Christianity. It is interesting that among the barbarians who threatened the Romans, our ancestors, the Slavs, occupied an important place, especially willingly settling on the Thessalonian Peninsula. There is an opinion that Dimitri's parents were of Slavic origin. In relation to Christians, the will of the emperor was expressed unambiguously: “Put to death everyone who calls on the name of the Crucified One.” The emperor did not suspect, when appointing Demetrius, what a wide path of confessional exploits he was providing for the secret ascetic. Having accepted the appointment, Demetrius returned to Thessalonica and immediately confessed and glorified our Lord Jesus Christ before everyone. Instead of persecuting and executing Christians, he began to openly teach the inhabitants of the city the Christian faith and eradicate pagan customs and idolatry. The compiler of the Life, Metaphrastus, says that he became for Thessalonica in his teaching zeal “the second Apostle Paul,” because it was the “apostle of tongues” who once founded the first community of believers in this city (1 Thess., 2 Thess.). Saint Demetrius was destined by the Lord to follow the holy Apostle Paul in martyrdom.

When Maximian learned that the newly appointed proconsul was a Christian, and converted many Roman subjects, carried away by his example, to Christianity, the emperor’s anger knew no bounds. Returning from a campaign in the Black Sea region, the emperor decided to lead the army through Thessalonica, full of desire to deal with the Thessalonian Christians.

Having learned about this, Saint Demetrius ordered his faithful servant Lupp in advance to distribute the property to the poor with the words: “Divide the earthly wealth among them - we will seek for ourselves heavenly wealth.” And he devoted himself to fasting and prayer, preparing himself to accept the crown of martyrdom.

When the emperor entered the city, Demetrius was summoned to him, and he boldly confessed himself to be a Christian and exposed the untruth and vanity of Roman polytheism. Maximian ordered the confessor to be imprisoned, and an Angel came down to him in prison, comforting him and strengthening him in his feat. Meanwhile, the emperor indulged in gloomy gladiatorial spectacles, admiring how his favorite strongman, a German named Liy, threw the Christians he had defeated in the fight from the platform onto spears. A brave young man named Nestor, from Thessalonica Christians, came to his mentor Demetrius in prison and asked to bless him for single combat with the barbarian. With the blessing of Demetrius, Nestor overpowered the ferocious German with the prayers of the holy saint and threw him off the platform onto the spears of the soldiers, just as a pagan killer threw off Christians. The angry ruler ordered the immediate execution of the holy martyr Nestor (October 27) and sent guards to the prison to pierce with spears Saint Demetrius, who blessed him for his feat.

At dawn on October 26, 306, warriors appeared in the underground dungeon of the holy prisoner and pierced him with spears. The faithful servant Saint Luppus collected the blood of the holy Great Martyr Demetrius on a towel, removed the imperial ring from his finger, a sign of his high dignity, and also dipped it in the blood. With the ring and other shrines, consecrated with the blood of Saint Demetrius, Saint Luppus began to heal the sick. The emperor ordered to seize and kill him.

The body of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius was thrown out to be devoured by wild animals, but the Thessalonica Christians took it and secretly buried it. Under Saint Constantine, Equal to the Apostles (306-337), a church was erected over the tomb of Saint Demetrius. A hundred years later, during the construction of a new majestic church on the site of the old one, the incorruptible relics of the holy martyr were discovered. Since the 7th century, during the cancer of the Great Martyr Demetrius, a miraculous outflow of fragrant myrrh begins, in connection with which the Great Martyr Demetrius receives the church name Myrrh-Streaming. Several times the admirers of Thessaloniki the Wonderworker made attempts to transfer his holy relics or particles of them to Constantinople. But invariably Saint Demetrius mysteriously manifested his will to remain the patron and protector of his native Thessalonica. Repeatedly approaching the city, the pagan Slavs were driven away from the walls of Thessaloniki by the sight of a formidable, bright young man who walked around the walls and inspired terror in the soldiers. Perhaps this is why the name of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica is especially revered among the Slavic peoples after their enlightenment with the light of the Gospel truth. On the other hand, the Greeks considered Saint Demetrius to be a Slavic saint par excellence.

The name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is associated, by God’s decree, with the very first pages of the Russian chronicle. When the Prophetic Oleg defeated the Greeks near Constantinople (907), as the chronicle reports, “the Greeks were afraid and said: it is not Oleg, but Saint Demetrius sent against us from God.” Russian soldiers always believed that they were under the special protection of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. Moreover, in ancient Russian epics, the Great Martyr Demetrius is portrayed as Russian by origin - this is how this image merged with the soul of the Russian people.

Church veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius in the Russian Church began immediately after the Baptism of Rus'. The foundation of the Dimitrievsky Monastery in Kyiv, later known as the Mikhailov-Golden-Domed Monastery, dates back to the early 70s of the 11th century. The monastery was built by the son of Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Duke Izyaslav, in Baptism by Demetrius († 1078). The mosaic icon of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica from the Cathedral of the Dimitrievsky Monastery has survived to this day and is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery. In the years 1194-1197, the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod III the Big Nest, in the baptism of Demetrius, “created a beautiful church in his courtyard, the holy martyr Demetrius, and decorated it wonderfully with icons and writings” (i.e., frescoes). Dimitrievsky Cathedral is still a decoration of ancient Vladimir. Miraculous icon St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki from the iconostasis of the cathedral is also now located in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery. It is written on a board from the tomb of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, brought in 1197 from Thessaloniki to Vladimir. One of the most valuable images of the saint is the fresco on the pillar of the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral, painted by the reverend monk icon painter Andrei Rublev. The veneration of Saint Demetrius continued in the family of Saint Alexander Nevsky (November 23). Saint Alexander named his eldest son in honor of the holy great martyr. A younger son, the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow († 1303; commemorated March 4), erected a temple in Moscow in the name of the holy great martyr Demetrius in the 1280s, which was the first stone church in the Moscow Kremlin. Later, in 1326, under Prince John Kalita, it was dismantled, and the Assumption Cathedral was erected in its place.

Since ancient times, the memory of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica has been associated in Rus' with military feats, patriotism and defense of the Fatherland. The saint is depicted on icons as a warrior in feathered armor, with a spear and sword in his hands. On the scroll (in later images) they wrote a prayer with which Saint Demetrius addressed God for the salvation of his native Thessaloniki: “Lord, do not destroy the city and the people. If you save the city and the people, I will be saved with them, if you destroy it, with them and I will perish."

In the spiritual experience of the Russian Church, the veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is closely connected with the memory of the defender of the Motherland and the Church, the Grand Duke of Moscow Demetrius of Donskoy († 1389). “The Sermon on the Life and Repose of Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich, Tsar of Russia,” written in 1393, like other ancient sources, praises him as a saint. Spiritual son and pupil of Metropolitan Alexy, Saint of Moscow († 1378; commemorated February 12), student and interlocutor of the great prayer books of the Russian land - St. Sergius of Radonezh († 1392; commemorated September 25), Demetrius of Prilutsk († 1392; commemorated February 11), St. Theodore of Rostov († 1394; commemorated November 28), Grand Duke Demetrius “was very sad about the churches of God, and held the country of the Russian land with his courage: he defeated many enemies who came against us and fenced his glorious city Moscow with wonderful walls.” Since the time of the white-stone Kremlin built by Grand Duke Dimitri (1366), Moscow began to be called White-stone. “The Russian land flourished during the years of his reign,” the title “Word” testifies. Through the prayers of his Heavenly patron, the holy warrior Demetrius of Thessaloniki, Grand Duke Demetrius won a number of brilliant military victories that predetermined the further rise of Russia: he repelled the onslaught of the Lithuanian troops of Olgerd on Moscow (1368, 1373), defeated the Tatar army of Begich on the Vozha River (1378), crushed military power of the entire Golden Horde in the battle on the Kulikovo field (September 8, 1380 on the day of the celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) between the Don and Nepryadva rivers. The Battle of Kulikovo, for which the people named Dimitri Donskoy, became the first all-Russian national feat that rallied the spiritual forces of the Russian people around Moscow. “Zadonshchina,” an inspired heroic poem written by priest Zephaniah Ryazan (1381), is dedicated to this turning point in Russian history.

Prince Dimitry Donskoy was a great admirer of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. In 1380, on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, he solemnly transferred from Vladimir to Moscow the main shrine of the Vladimir Demetrius Cathedral - the icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, written on the board of the saint’s tomb. In the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, a chapel was built in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius. In memory of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo, Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday was established for church-wide commemoration. For the first time, this requiem service was performed at the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on October 20, 1380 by St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh, in the presence of the Grand Duke Demetrius Donskoy himself. Since then, it has been celebrated annually in the monastery with the solemn commemoration of the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo, including the schema-monks-warriors Alexander (Peresvet) and Andrei (Oslyabi).

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Demetrius of Thessaloniki - the second Apostle Paul - is the name given to the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. On the eighth day of November 306, Demetrius was killed for openly declaring himself a Christian. A common thing for that time was to die for the belief that decades ago the Son of God walked the earth. Every day church calendar- the memory of some martyr and saint. It is difficult to remember everyone known by name. It is impossible to imagine how many of them we have no idea about the life and death of.

It so happened that in Russia Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica was especially revered. On the one hand, he is a warrior saint, and our ancestors had to fight a lot. On the other hand, it was reported that Demetrius was a Slav by origin, although he lived in Greek Thessaloniki. Many even considered Dimitri to be Russian. He was perceived as a patron and assistant of the Russians, who sometimes helps them against the Greeks themselves. Evidence of this can be found in the chronicle narration of how Oleg defeated Constantinople in 907: “the Greeks were afraid and said: it is not Oleg, but Saint Demetrius sent against us from God.”

Probably, after the arrival of the relics was announced in churches, many heard the story about the life of St. Demetrius or read his “Life” (if they were not familiar with him before).

So, there is a possibility that Dimitri’s parents were Slavs ( Slavic tribes used to settle near Thessaloniki and were engaged in trade. Some scholars believe that thanks to this, Saints Cyril and Methodius were familiar with Slavic language: I had to somehow explain myself to the traders at the market). They believed in Christ, built their lives according to the commandments and had a small church in their house.

Her son Dimitri was baptized in it. My father was an influential man - the proconsul (supreme ruler) of Thessalonica, and professed Christianity in secret. When he died, the emperor met Demetrius and gave him the position of proconsul: the young man was smart and talented and probably knew well everything that a proconsul was supposed to do. There was one “but” that Galerius Maximian did not suspect: the new ruler of Thessalonica was also a Christian.

Unlike his father, young Demetrius did not hide his faith and immediately confessed himself as a Christian before his subjects. One can imagine how disgusted this honest and truthful young man was with the possibility of living, constantly hiding from others - his neighbors - the most precious and important thing that he had - faith in Christ. We can say that Dimitri did not care at all about how to please the emperor, get more valuables for himself and his family, or simply prolong his life.

Faith lived in his heart, and now he had in his hands the enormous opportunities that the position of proconsul gave, Saint Demetrius decided to use them to preach the Gospel. In the Life he is called “the second Apostle Paul.” founded a Christian community in Thessalonica, and Demetrius significantly increased it. And, like his great predecessor, he died the death of a martyr.

The emperor was angry when he learned about the proconsul's preaching. Maximian was just returning from a campaign in the Black Sea region, and decided to visit Thessaloniki with his entire army. Demetrius calmly ordered the servant to distribute all his property to the poor (“Divide the earthly wealth among them - we will seek heavenly wealth for ourselves”) and began to prepare himself for inevitable death by fasting and prayer.

By order of the emperor, the deposed proconsul was imprisoned. And at dawn on October 26 (November 8) they pierced his body with spears.

The body of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius was thrown out to be devoured wild animals, but the Thessalonica Christians took him and secretly buried him. Under Saint Constantine (306-337), a church was built over the tomb of Saint Demetrius. A hundred years later they began to build a new temple and its incorruptible relics were found.

Since the 7th century, during the cancer of the Great Martyr Demetrius, a miraculous flow of fragrant myrrh began. That's why Saint Demetrius is called Myrrh-streaming

Dmitrov is one of ancient cities Moscow region, founded in 1154 by the Rostov-Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Named in honor of the holy great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki - the heavenly patron of the son of Yuri Dolgoruky - Vsevolod, who was born that year.

The complete life of the holy martyr. Demetrius of Thessalonica

Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. Icon with Life

Saint Demetrius was the son of the Roman proconsul in Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki, Slavic name - Thessaloniki). It was the third century of Christianity. Roman paganism, spiritually broken and defeated by a host of martyrs and confessors of the Crucified Savior, intensified persecution. The father and mother of Saint Demetrius were secret Christians.

In a secret house church that was in the house of the proconsul, the boy was baptized and instructed in the Christian faith. When his father died, and Demetrius had already reached adulthood, Emperor Galerius Maximian, who ascended the throne in 305, summoned him to his place and, convinced of his education and military-administrative abilities, appointed him in his father’s place. Proconsul of the Thessalonian region.

The main task entrusted to the young strategist was to defend the city from barbarians, as well as to exterminate Christianity. It is interesting that among the barbarians who threatened the Romans, our ancestors, the Slavs, occupied an important place, especially willingly settling on the Thessalonian Peninsula. There is an opinion that Dimitri's parents were of Slavic origin.

In relation to Christians, the will of the emperor was expressed unambiguously: “Put to death everyone who calls on the name of the Crucified One.”

The emperor did not suspect, when appointing Demetrius, what a wide path of confessional exploits he was providing for the secret ascetic. Having accepted the appointment, Demetrius returned to Thessalonica and immediately before everyone confessed and glorified our Lord Jesus Christ.

Instead of persecuting and executing Christians, he began to openly teach the inhabitants of the city the Christian faith and eradicate pagan customs and idolatry. The compiler of the Life, Metaphrastus, says that he became for Thessalonica in his teaching zeal “the second Apostle Paul,” because it was the “apostle of tongues” who once founded the first community of believers in this city (1 Thess., 2 Thess.). Saint Demetrius was destined by the Lord to follow the holy Apostle Paul in martyrdom.

When Maximian learned that the newly appointed proconsul was a Christian, and converted many Roman subjects, carried away by his example, to Christianity, the emperor’s anger knew no bounds. Returning from a campaign in the Black Sea region, the emperor decided to lead the army through Thessalonica, full of desire to deal with the Thessalonian Christians.

Having learned about this, Saint Demetrius ordered his faithful servant Lupp in advance to distribute the property to the poor with the words: “Divide the earthly wealth among them - we will seek for ourselves heavenly wealth.” And he devoted himself to fasting and prayer, preparing himself to accept the crown of martyrdom.

When the emperor entered the city, Demetrius was summoned to him, and he boldly confessed himself to be a Christian and exposed the untruth and vanity of Roman polytheism. Maximian ordered the confessor to be imprisoned, and an Angel came down to him in prison, comforting him and strengthening him in his feat. Meanwhile, the emperor indulged in gloomy gladiatorial spectacles, admiring how his favorite strongman, a German named Liy, threw the Christians he had defeated in the fight from the platform onto spears.

A brave young man named Nestor, from Thessalonica Christians, came to his mentor Demetrius in prison and asked to bless him for single combat with the barbarian. With the blessing of Demetrius, Nestor overpowered the holy saint, a ferocious German, with his prayers and threw him off the platform onto the spears of the soldiers, just as a pagan killer threw off Christians. The enraged ruler ordered immediate execution Holy Martyr Nestor(October 27) and sent guards to the prison to pierce Saint Demetrius, who blessed him for his feat, with spears.

At dawn on October 26, 306, warriors appeared in the underground dungeon of the holy prisoner and pierced him with spears. Faithful Servant Saint Lupp He collected the blood of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius on a towel, removed the imperial ring from his finger, a sign of his high dignity, and also dipped it in the blood. With the ring and other shrines, consecrated with the blood of Saint Demetrius, Saint Luppus began to heal the sick. The emperor ordered to seize and kill him. The body of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius was thrown out to be devoured by wild animals, but the lions and tigers did not touch him and the Thessaloniki Christians were able to take him and secretly buried him.

This was performed for the first time in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on October 20, 1380 Venerable Sergius, abbot of Radonezh, in the presence of the Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy himself. Since then, it has been celebrated annually in the monastery with the solemn commemoration of the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo, including the schema-monks-warriors Alexander (Peresvet) and Andrei (Oslyabi).

The relics of the Great Martyr Demetrius are located in Thessaloniki in the Basilica of St. Demetrius, which in 1988 was included in the list of World Heritage Sites as part of the Early Christian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessaloniki. In the Middle Ages, the relics were taken to Italy and returned back to Thessaloniki only in the 20th century: in 1978 - the honest chapter, and in 1980 - the main part of the relics (six large particles remained in Italy).

Troparion, tone 3

You will find a great champion in troubles, the universe, more passion-bearing, / conquering tongues. / Just as you brought down Liev’s pride, / and you boldly created Nestor for the feat, / so, Saint Demetrius, / prayed to Christ God / to grant us great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 2

With streams of your blood, Demetrius, / God stained the Church, / giving you an invincible fortress, / and keeping your city unharmed; / of that you are a statement.

Prayers to the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, the myrrh-streamer

First prayer

Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ, Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor of those who flow to you with faith! Standing boldly before the heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, and that we may be delivered from the all-destroying plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to show mercy to this city, this temple and every Christian country. Ask the King of those reigning for victory and victory over your enemies, but for our entire power peace, silence, firmness in faith and advancement in piety: for us, who honor your honorable memory, ask for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that what is pleasing to our Master Christ God is done here, Let us be worthy through your prayers to inherit the kingdom of heaven, for His eternal glorification with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Second prayer

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and for us, the accursed (names), to be delivered from the all-destructive plague, fire and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to favor this parish (or house) and our temple. Ask us for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that what is pleasing to our Master, Christ God, who works here, may be worthy through Your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and there glorify Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen

One of the most revered shrines in Orthodoxy is the icon of Demetrius of Thessalonica. The saint was deliberately killed for his unshakable and zealous faith in Christ. And his image to this day helps believers gain strength of spirit and protection from Above.

The icon of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica is of great importance for Orthodox Church. The people also call the Great Martyr the Second Apostle Paul. The saint is an example of devotion to the Lord. Every believer receives protection and intercession through prayers to Dmitry. The saint of God will help you not to go astray, find your purpose and cope with any difficulties.

The life story of Dmitry Solunsky

The holy martyr was born in Greece, into a family of Orthodox believers. From childhood, the boy gained love for the Lord, led a righteous life and committed good deeds. His life dates back to the reign of kings who were supporters of theology, considering God the cause of evil in the world and condemning him for this.

At the age of 18, Dmitry was appointed to the post of military commander by the emperor of the state. The main requirements at the post were to protect their native lands from enemies and kill people of the Christian faith. The Great Martyr went against the rules and began to fight the pagans, preaching Christianity. When the ruler found out about Dmitry's deeds, he locked him in prison. But the martyr did not renounce his faith, praising the Lord even more. He prayed day and night, without fatigue or sadness. The emperor was angry with the preacher and had him executed. When the soldiers entered the dungeon, they saw Dmitry sitting on his knees and reading a prayer. The warriors immediately pierced the saint with spears.

The body of Dmitry of Thessalonica was thrown out to be devoured by wild animals, but local residents secretly buried the righteous man. A few years later, a temple was erected at the burial site of the martyr, where the a large number of healings and miracles. Later, the incorrupt remains of Dmitry Solunsky were found. God's saint died for his faith and love for Christ. It was for his strength of spirit and his righteousness that the martyr was canonized.

Where is the miraculous image now?

The icon of the blessed Dmitry of Thessalonica adorns many churches in our country. Authentic image The martyr is kept in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery. Also, a particularly revered image of the saint is located in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on the Sparrow Hills in Moscow.

Description of the icon of Dmitry Solunsky

The most popular image contains the image of Dmitry of Thessalonica sitting on a horse. The righteous man plunges his spear into the enemy. The gates of the city depict guards and ordinary people holding an icon of St. Demetrius. At the top of the icon is an Angel descending from Heaven and placing a sacred crown on the head of the great martyr. In the left corner he gives His blessing to the holy martyr.

There is also a known image where Dmitry is depicted sitting on the royal throne. There is a crown on his head, and he holds a sword in his hands. The weapon in the hands of the saint symbolizes not only his courage, but the support and protection of the Lord during the earthly life of the righteous.

How does a miraculous image help?

It should be noted that the shrine is a symbol of courage and perseverance. The miraculous icon acts as the patroness of all warriors and soldiers fighting to protect their homeland. They also pray in front of the icon of Dmitry of Thessalonica for the healing of diseases, especially eye diseases. The saint helps to gain courage and courage, endurance, peace of mind, fortitude. The miraculous image of the blessed one is able to protect your home from enemies and enemies, and maintain peace and harmony in the family.

Days of celebration

Celebrations are held in honor of the great martyr of God November 8. Christians love and respect Saint Demetrius. On this day, Orthodox believers with great zeal pay homage to the great righteous man, offering prayers before His miraculous image.

Prayer to Demetrius of Thessaloniki in front of the icon

“Oh, most holy martyr of God, Dmitry! You are our helper and protector of all Christians. Ask the King of Heaven for atonement for our sins, for we repent and ask
forgiveness. We pray to You, Blessed Saint, deliver us from diseases, wars, attacks from enemies, fire, water and violence! We ask you, Great Dmitry, to protect our country from enemies and bloodshed. Become the intercessor of all Christians, protect them from grief and hatred! Give us strength, patience, courage and bravery! May you guide those who have strayed from the road leading to the true path. righteous life. And don't leave us Holy Martyr! May we praise your name! May Your power come to us, blessed saint! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen".

Blessed Dmitry of Thessalonica is an example of a true righteous man, a brave warrior and a faithful servant of God. Those who have lost faith in themselves, in their strength, or have simply lost their way, appeal to his help. The saint has the power to guide you along the path leading to happiness and unity with the Lord. We wish you peace in your soul, take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and