Famous people of Donbass message. "Famous people of Donbass

Civics Lesson

Topic: Prominent personalities of Donbass

Target: determine the significance of the individual in the history of the region, introduce students to outstanding people of Donbass, their contribution to the cultural, scientific, sports, political and social spheres; develop speaking skills own opinion, perception of information by ear, ability to think logically and figuratively, using examples from life outstanding personalities to form the civic consciousness of schoolchildren; to cultivate humanism, patriotism, respect and love for the native land.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Equipment: photo exhibition “Our Countrymen”, handout.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment

    Motivation for students' educational activities

    Teacher's word

Modern scientists believe that the territory of Donbass has some special physical field, and for many centuries it has been mobilizing the people living here, mobilizing it for something exceptional. Having been imbued with this energy, people carry it further around the world. This was the case during the time of the nomads who set off from our territory on their campaigns of conquest. This happens in modern times, when natives of the region acquire world fame in the most different areas activities. Today in our lesson we will talk about the most famous people of Donbass who touched it and its energy.

There is something like that in Donbass people

(I bet I'm ready to fight with whomever you want)

Which would do anyone any honor,

May he be born in such a land.

No, I'm not against any other lands,

Not a lot of others - I’m not talking about that at all.

I know the lands where trout are at my feet

In a transparent stream it dances until dawn;

Where are the sunny bunch of grapes

Seduces with its heavenly nectar,

And the motley beaches of the overwhelmed guest

He wanders absentmindedly by the waves of the sea.

Praise be to them all - oases of the soul,

Rest, laziness, peace,

Where spirit and body are awake in silence

To the whisper of palm trees and the music of the surf!

My land is rich in other sounds,

And it has a different purpose:

His deep flame agate

It thunders with a special sound - like a coal surf.

It is not rest that draws us to him, but work,

The element of an age-old duel.

A bunch of anthracite. Hundreds of suns live

In her one compressed speck of dust.

Singing layer under the burden of the earth

At my feet it flickers like diamonds.

What kind of trout are there?

Compare with him?! I don't know, I don't know.

Here along a living but stone river

The owner is coming, not a random guest.

With the movement of a firm, experienced hand

He reveals secrets of the dungeons.

When, having climbed the mountain, he looks

He is on the ground, not generous with paints,

You won't find his face more beautiful

And kindness and simplicity of Donbass.

Donbass people really have this,

Which will punish everyone once and for all, -

A special breed, considering

People who lift the earth to the sun.

This is how the Donetsk poet Anatoly Ivanovich Kravchenko wrote about his fellow countrymen and his native Donbass.

    Learning new material

    Teacher's word

Donetsk land is the cradle of many outstanding personalities: scientists, miners, metallurgists, artists, athletes. It is also rich in people who glorify their Motherland, labor, and the land on which they live and work.

    Who can we call an outstanding personality?

(We can say that a personality is a person, on the one hand, who has a certain set of qualities, on the other hand, is inextricably linked with society and, thirdly, has undergone development long haul).

    Is it possible to be born an outstanding personality?

(So, one is not born a person, one becomes a person)

    What makes you become an outstanding person?

(People are not born outstanding; an outstanding person makes himself one - through hard work, self-education and self-education).

    Teacher's word

And to learn more about the lives of the people who glorified our region, I invite you to visit the virtual exhibition and fill out the table “Our famous countrymen» .

Outstanding personality of Donbass

Scope of activity


Facts from life

Leonid Fedorovich Bykov , (December 12, 1928 - April 11, 1979) - Soviet actor, film director and screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965). People's Artist Ukrainian SSR (1974). Leonid Bykov was born on December 12, 1928 in the village of Znamenka, Slavyansky district (Donetsk region), Ukrainian SSR, USSR. In 1938, the parents moved to the city of Kramatorsk, where Bykov graduated from high school No. 6, and there he first appeared on the stage of the local Palace of Culture named after. Lenin. During the Great Patriotic War Leonid and his family were evacuated in Barnaul.

He was not admitted to the theater institute in Kyiv, but entered and graduated from the acting department of the Kharkov Theater Institute (1951). In 1951-1960 he was an actor at the Kharkov State Academic Ukrainian Theater named after T. G. Shevchenko. It begins in the theater acting career, Bykov plays in the comedy “Street of Three Nightingales, 17” a dude - a Soviet fashionista.

Leonid Bykov played his first film role in 1952 in the film “Marina’s Fate.” Next role he received in the film “Tiger Tamer”, where he played Petya Mokina. In 1955 - the main role in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”.

Among best roles Leonid Bykov in cinema can be called Bogatyrev (“My Dear Man”, 1958), Akishin (“Volunteers”, 1958), Alyoshki (“Alyoshkina Love”, 1960), Garkushi (“On the Seven Winds”, 1962).

Leonid Bykov died tragically in car accident on the Minsk - Kyiv highway on April 11, 1979 near the village of Dymer.

At the time of his death, Bykov was only 50 years old. Leonid Fedorovich Bykov was buried at the Baikovo cemetery in Kyiv.

Starred in more than 20 films.

Anatoly Borisovich Solovyanenko , (September 25, 1932 - July 29, 1999) - Soviet opera singer(lyric-dramatic tenor). People's Artist of the USSR (1975). Hero of Ukraine (2008). Laureate of the Lenin (1980) and State Prize of Ukraine named after. T. Shevchenko (1997).

Born on September 25, 1932 in Stalino (now Donetsk, Ukraine) into a hereditary mining family.

Studied at the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute. After graduating from the institute in 1954 and postgraduate studies, he worked as a teacher at the department engineering graphics. He took vocal lessons from A. Korobeichenko (1952-1962), participated in amateur concerts.

In 1962, as a trainee, he was invited to the Kiev Opera and Ballet Theater. T. Shevchenko, in 1963-1965, trained at the La Scala theater (Milan) under the direction of Barr, became a laureate of the “Naples against everyone” competition.

In 1965-1995 - soloist of the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theater. T. Shevchenko. His repertoire includes 18 opera roles.

He performed for several seasons at the Metropolitan Opera (New York), where he performed roles in operas by R. Strauss, G. Verdi, and P. Mascagni.

In Donetsk, the opera and ballet theater is named after the singer. There is a monument to Anatoly Solovyanenko near the theater.

Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev , (April 11, 1891, Sontsovka, - March 5, 1953, Moscow) - Russian Soviet composer, pianist, conductor and teacher, professor.

People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). Winner of the Lenin Prize (1957) and six Stalin Prizes (1943, 1946 - three times, 1947, 1952).

One of the most significant composers of the 20th century. Author of 11 operas, 7 ballets, 7 symphonies, 8 concerts, numerous works of vocal and instrumental music, music for films and performances.

Sergei Prokofiev was born in the village of Sontsovka, Bakhmut district, Yekaterinoslav province (now the village of Krasnoye, Krasnoarmeysky district, Donetsk region of Ukraine). The boy began studying music at the age of five and even then showed an interest in composing. His mother wrote down the plays he composed: rondos, waltzes, songs. At the age of nine or ten, the boy composer wrote two operas: “The Giant” and “On the Deserted Islands.” In 1902-1903 he took private lessons in theory and composition from R. M. Gliere. Since 1904 he studied at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. He graduated from the conservatory: as a composer - in 1909, as a pianist - in 1914. He was awarded a gold medal and a prize named after. A. Rubinstein - piano.

Prokofiev went down in history as an innovator musical language.

At the end of 1917, Prokofiev began to think about leaving Russia. The composer performed in America and Europe. In 1936 he returned to the USSR. From the early 1930s, Prokofiev's musical style became more moderate, combining modernism, impressionism and late romanticism.

In 1948, Prokofiev was subjected to devastating criticism for his formalism. His 6th Symphony (1946) and the opera The Tale of a Real Man were sharply criticized as not corresponding to the concept of socialist realism.

Died in Moscow in communal apartment in Kamergersky Lane from a hypertensive crisis on March 5, 1953. Since he died on the day of Stalin's death, his death went almost unnoticed.

S.S. Prokofiev was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Sergei Nazarovich Bubka , (born December 4, 1963, Lugansk, Ukrainian SSR) - Soviet and Ukrainian pole vault athlete. The first person in the world to jump above six meters.

Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1983). Olympic champion 1988, 6-time world champion (1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997), European champion (1986) and USSR champion (1984, 1985). Winner of the World and European Cups (1985) in pole vault. Silver medalist international competitions "Friendship - 84".

He held the world indoor pole vault record (6.15 m) from 1993 to 2014 (the record was broken by Renaud Lavillenie on February 15, 2014). Holds the world record in the outdoor pole vault (6.14 m) since 1994.

He studied at school No. 57 in Donetsk. At the age of 11 he entered the Dynamo Youth Sports School in his hometown.

Graduated from the National University physical education and sports of Ukraine, candidate of pedagogical sciences.

For the first time in history athletics World Championship (Helsinki, 1983) 19-year-old Sergei was awarded the first gold medal. In 1984, he set his first world record at a competition in Bratislava, reaching a height of 5 m 85 cm.

Total in 1984-1994. Bubka set 35 world records (including 18 in indoor competitions). His fifth record (July 13, 1985 in Paris) became historical - Bubka was the first to overcome a height of 6 m. The highest achievement was 6 m 14 cm in an open stadium (Sestriere, 1994). At the 1991 World Championships in Tokyo, Bubka won with a modest result of 5 m 95 cm, but computers determined that in his winning attempt he cleared the bar at a height of 6 m 37 cm.

Bubka is the only athlete to win six world championships (1983-1997).

In the 1990s he lived in Monte Carlo. President and founder of the Sergei Bubka Club in Donetsk (1990).

In August 2015, he was elected First Vice-President of the International Association of Athletics Federations at the IAAF Congress in Beijing (China).

Liliya Aleksandrovna Podkopaeva , (born August 15, 1978, Donetsk) - Ukrainian gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine (1994), international category judge.

Winner of the European Cup (1995), 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals. Absolute world champion in artistic gymnastics (1995), European champion (1996).

Liliya Podkopaeva studied at Donetsk secondary school No. 3.

In 1996, at the XXVI Olympic Games in Atlanta, she won two gold medals - in the absolute championship and floor exercise. One of its elements - a double forward somersault with a 180° turn - is still impossible for any athletes to repeat, even men.

In 2001 she graduated from the National University of Physical Education and Sports. Then she studied in Donetsk State Academy management.

She was awarded the Honorary Badge of the President of Ukraine (1995), the Cross “For Courage” (1996), the Order of Merit, 2nd class. (2002), Order of Princess Olga III class. (2009), Certificate of Honor from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2003), Order of St. Stanislav.

She organized a regular tournament named after herself “Golden Lily”.

Efim Pavlovich Slavsky, (October 26 (November 7), 1898, the village of Makeevka, Taganrog district of the Don Army region, Russian Empire(now Makeevka, Donetsk region, Ukraine) - November 28, 1991, Moscow) - Soviet statesman and party leader, three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1949, 1954, 1962), one of the leaders of the project to create a Soviet nuclear weapons, later - head of the Soviet nuclear industry.

Born into a peasant family. He began working in 1912 as a miner in the Donbass.

He served in the Red Army until 1928, participated in Civil War 1918-1920 - fought as part of the First Cavalry Army. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold in 1933. In the 1933-1940s he worked at the Electrozinc plant in Ordzhonikidze as an engineer, shop manager, chief engineer, and plant director. In 1936, because of his friendship with the “terry Trotskyist” engineer Mamsurov, he was expelled from the party and found himself on the verge of repression, but soon the expulsion was replaced with a severe reprimand.

In 1957-1963 and later - from 1965 he was the Minister of Medium Engineering of the USSR. In 1963-1965 he was chairman of the State Production Committee for Medium Machine Building of the USSR. It is directly related to the creation of “nuclear cities” Aktau (Shevchenko) (Mangistau region), Ozersk ( Chelyabinsk region), Seversk, Zelenogorsk, Zheleznogorsk, to the construction of almost all nuclear power plants in the Soviet Union in the period before the 1980s.

In 1962, Slavsky strongly supported the project of launching a large-scale program of “peaceful atomic explosions", prepared by Yu. Trutnev and Yu. Babaev, in the same year Slavsky became three times Hero of Socialist Labor.

Alexander Fedorovich Zasyadko, (August 25 (September 7), 1910, the village of Gorlovka, Bakhmut district, Ekaterinoslav province, Russian Empire - September 5, 1963, Moscow, RSFSR) - Soviet economic, state and party figure.

Hero of Socialist Labor (1957). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 2–6 convocations. Member of the CPSU Central Committee in 1952-1956 and 1961-1963.

Born on August 25 (September 7), 1910 in the village of Gorlovka, Bakhmut district, Yekaterinoslav province, in the family of a miner.

In 1925-1927 he studied at an industrial school in Izium. In 1935 he graduated from the Donetsk Mining Institute.

In 1942-1943 - Deputy People's Commissar of the USSR Coal Industry - Head of the Tulaugol Combine.

In 1943-1946 - Deputy People's Commissar of the USSR Coal Industry - Head of the Stalinugol Combine.

In 1946-1947 - Deputy Minister of Construction of Fuel Enterprises of the USSR.

Since January 1947, Minister of the Coal Industry of the Western Regions of the USSR.

Since December 1948, Minister of the Coal Industry of the USSR.

Since March 1955, Deputy Minister of the USSR Coal Industry.

From August 1955 to 1956 - Minister of the Coal Industry of the Ukrainian SSR

From May 1957 to March 1958, head of the coal industry department of the State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR - Minister of the USSR.

From March 1958 Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, at the same time from April 22, 1960 Chairman of the State Scientific and Economic Council of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

An avenue in Donetsk and a mine named after Zasyadko in Donetsk are named after Alexander Zasyadko.

Grigory Vasilievich Bondar , (1932-2014) - General Director of the Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center, Head of the Department of the Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky, Hero of Ukraine.

Doctor of Medical Sciences (1972), professor (1974), academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences (2002, corresponding member since 1994).

Born on April 22, 1932 in the village of Iskra, Velikonovoselkovsky district, Donetsk region. Ukrainian.

Graduated from Donetsk State medical school, Faculty of Medicine (1951−1957); PhD thesis (1966); doctoral dissertation (1972).

Since 1959 - head of the surgical department, Donetsk Regional Clinical Hospital named after. Kalinina. Since 1962 - assistant at the department of general surgery; since 1967 - Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the Faculty of Dentistry. In 1975, he created the Department of Oncology on the basis of the Donetsk National Medical University, which later became the basis of the Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center.

Under the leadership of Academician Bondar, 14 doctoral and 40 candidate dissertations were defended. Grigory Vasilyevich himself is the author of more than 800 scientific published works, 15 monographs, 14 teaching aids, more than 250 patented inventions. For a wide range of readers, he wrote the books “Questions and Answers” ​​and “Let’s Defeat Cancer Together.”

Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoi, (April 15, 1921, Fedorovka village, Poltava province, Ukrainian SSR (now Karlovsky district, Poltava region, Ukraine) - June 30, 1995, Moscow, Russia) - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (the only one awarded the first Hero star for the Great Patriotic War, and the second - for space flight).

Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Lieutenant General of Aviation, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, USSR Cosmonaut No. 12.

Born on April 15, 1921 in the village of Fedorovka, Poltava province of the Ukrainian SSR (now Karlovsky district, Poltava region of Ukraine). Ukrainian. Soon after his birth, the family moved to the city of Yenakievo in the Donbass.

While studying at a secondary school in Yenakievo (1928-1936) he was an instructor, then the head of the aircraft modeling section at the city Children's technical station. After graduating from the eighth grade, he began his career as an apprentice electrician at the Yenakievo Metallurgical Plant. He studied at the Yenakievo flying club. In 1938 he graduated from the Yenakievo flying club and was drafted into the Red Army. In 1941 he graduated from the Voroshilovgrad School of Military Pilots named after the Proletariat of Donbass.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War since August 1942 (air unit commander of the 3rd air army, Kalinin Front).

During the war years he made 186 combat missions on the Il-2 attack aircraft. Was shot down three times. For heroism, courage and courage shown in air battles Great Patriotic War, October 26, 1944 awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1948-1964 he worked as a test pilot. They tested more than 60 types of aircraft.

I was the first to master the GSh-4 pressure helmet in practice. In 1949, while testing the MiG-15 fighter with a swept wing, he mastered piloting for the first time. jet plane in a tailspin. He taught pilots how to enter a spin and recover an aircraft from a spin on Su aircraft.

In 1963 he enlisted in the Soviet cosmonaut corps. October 26-30, 1968 made a space flight on spaceship Soyuz-3. For the space flight he was awarded on November 1, 1968 the second Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1972-1987 - head of the Cosmonaut Training Center. Had scientific works in astronautics and engineering psychology. He defended his PhD thesis at the Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture and received a PhD in psychological sciences. In 1987 he retired with the rank of lieutenant general.

He died on June 30, 1995 during heart surgery. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

    Checking completed tables.


Interactive exercise “Microphone”:

    The lives of outstanding personalities of Donbass are a vivid example...

    I would like to know more about...


Complete the table about prominent personalities of Donbass and the facts of their lives; prepare mini-projects “Triumph and Defeat of A. Khanzhonkov.”

(Lesson – meeting (virtual meeting))

I. Goal setting

You will find out:

On the role of personality in the history of the region

ABOUT life path heroes-countrymen

On objective and subjective factors in the formation of the worldview of outstanding personalities who came from the Donetsk region

You will understand:

Features of the development of the region in different historical eras and the role of the contribution of fellow countrymen to the development of the region

The need for striving for self-development and self-improvement

You will learn:

Conduct a dialogue, discussion dedicated to famous personalities

Compare assessments of life and activity famous personalities from different sources knowledge and give your own assessment of their activities, giving reasons for it

II. Materials for study

The history of mankind never appears faceless, for it is man who is the creator of all social processes, scientific and technical discoveries, cultural achievements, moral imperatives. At the same time, the decisive role of the masses does not at all negate the role of individuals. Each of the historical achievements has its own author, although history can be unfair and mercilessly erase it from the memory of mankind.

Historical figures characterized by their contribution to the history of the life of the people, the state, and humanity. Among them we meet government and public figures, politicians who head various social movements. Outstanding personalities, through their actions and creativity, accelerate social progress and devote their lives to universal human priorities: the struggle for justice, freedom, and the happiness of the people. Outstanding personalities are not born, but become as a result of their activities.

Outstanding figures are special, extraordinary people. They, as a rule, know what they want, confidently move towards their goal, understand social needs, and are able to formulate the main tasks and ways to solve them. Outstanding individuals are not afraid to take responsibility for new approaches to solving social problems. They are brilliant and talented people, the pride of the nation and humanity. At the same time, the status of an outstanding personality can be quite contradictory: from the point of view of their characteristics as ordinary people, they may have some human weaknesses that are not related to their genius, from the point of view of a specific historical situation, time can elevate or debunk their role with new turns of history.

Despite all the contradictions associated with the problems of outstanding personalities, one should always understand that it is they who can accelerate or slow down the course of historical events, the masses of the people unite around them, their ideas turn them into driving force historical process.

Public sphere

Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich

Innovative teacher, folk teacher USSR, Honored Teacher of Ukraine.

Born in Donetsk. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. In 1953 he graduated from the Stalin Pedagogical Institute.

While still studying at the institute, I began to study pedagogical work at school, and since 1956 he conducted experimental work with students secondary schools.

Since 1973, V.F. Shatalov has been a researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogy of the Ukrainian SSR, and since 1985, the head of the Donetsk Laboratory of Problems of Intensification of the Educational Process of the Research Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. In 1992, he was invited to work as an associate professor at the Institute of Postgraduate Education in Donetsk.

The technology created by V. F. Shatalov uses proprietary teaching materials, representing the program material of mainly images in verbal-graphic form (in the form of certain drawings, diagrams that combine visual and semantic information) and simplifying the process of presentation and perception.

Instead of traditional homework, extensive “suggestions” are used, the scope and complexity of which vary throughout the learning stages, taking into account individual characteristics students.

V. F. Shatalov’s technology involves the use of a variety of non-standard forms of recording and monitoring the knowledge of each student in each lesson, allowing one to abandon student diaries and class magazines. Original forms of mutual testing of students are also practiced, including with the aim of increasing time for solving problems of high complexity and developing productive thinking.

Favorable reviews in the products mass media(magazine "Yunost", newspapers "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Teacher's Newspaper", "1 September" and some others) about the technology (system) of intensive training developed by V. F. Shatalov and the results achieved by students, did not exclude criticism in the assessment of practice translation of author's ideas into the work of the school.

In particular, after the publication of “Training tasks in mathematics for working with reference signals in the 4th grade,” the famous methodologist and mathematician Stolyar appeared on the pages of the magazine “Mathematics at School” with the article “Alarm Signals” (1988. - No. 1), in which he proposed for a wide range of secondary school teachers, a detailed analysis of the mathematical and methodological “absurdities and many errors” replicated by the author of the reference signals.

Time has shown that the ideas of V.F. Shatalov are better appreciated by practicing teachers than by scientists. This is evidenced by the absence further searches in the direction laid down by him, as well as the rarity of reference notes as a specific type of teaching aids needed by students for successful learning.

Viktor Fedorovich Shatalov was awarded the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for increasing goodness on earth, awarded the Soros Prize, laureate of the K. Ushinsky Prize, and was elected Honorary President of the Italian literary and historical “Dante Alighieri Association”.

Shapoval Nikita Efimovich

An outstanding sovereign, political and public figure of Ukraine. Publicist, writer, journalist, unique organizer, educator, forest scientist, sociologist, consistent fighter for an independent Ukraine. Shapoval is the author of about 60 journalistic works.

Born in the village. Serebryanka of the Bakhmut district of the Yekaterinoslav province (now it is the Artyomovsky district of the Donetsk region) in the family of a retired non-commissioned officer, rural farm laborer Efim Alekseevich and Natalya Yakovlevna Shapovalov.

Since 1901, a member of the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party (RUP), co-editor and publisher of the magazine “Ukrainian Hut” (1909-1914), one of the organizers and leaders of the UPSR and a member of its Central Committee, chairman of the All-Ukrainian Forestry Union, member of the Central and Small Rada (1917 -1918), Minister of Posts and Telegraph in the government of V. Vinnychenko (after the 3rd Universal), co-author of the 4th Universal, commissar of the Kiev district, general secretary, later chairman of the Ukrainian National Union (11/14/1918 - January 1919), co-organizer against the hetman's uprising (1918), Minister of Agriculture in the government of V. Chekhovsky under the Directory from February 1919 in Galicia, where the government of Western Ukrainian People's Republic due to his socialist demagoguery and incitement to a coup d'etat, did not give him permission to stay.

Subsequently, in emigration, he became the secretary of the UPR diplomatic mission in Budapest (1919-1920), then in Prague, where, with the support of T. Masaryk, he developed lively socio-political and cultural activities: he became the head of the Ukrainian Public Committee (1921-1925), the founder of Ukrainian universities in Prague: Ukrainian Economic Academy in Podebrady, Ukrainian High Pedagogical Institute named after. Dragomanova, organizer of the All-Ukrainian Workers' Union in Czechoslovakia, also chairman of the Ukrainian Sociological Institute in Prague, publisher and editor of the monthly " New Ukraine"(1922-1928). From mid-August 1922, he headed the branch of the League of Nations in Kalisz. After the 4th Congress of the UPSR (12.5.1918) he belonged to the “central current” faction, in exile he headed the UPSR and condemned the activities of its “foreign delegation” in Vienna; was in opposition and fought sharply against the Government of the Ukrainian People's Republic in exile.

He died in Rzhevnica (near Prague) and was buried there.

We dream that there will be peace in Donbass, and that this land will give Ukraine and the world more than one talented artist. On August 24, Independence Day, watch the concert on the Inter TV channel “Dream of Ukraine”, organized with the support of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine.

These people were not afraid to dream...

  1. Leonid Bykov

Born in 1928 in the village. Znamenskoye, now Donetsk region

Leonid Bykov / Film “Only “old men” go into battle”

He dreamed of becoming a pilot, but because of his short stature he was expelled from flight school. But Leonid Bykov realized his dream when he made the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” where he perhaps fulfilled his main role captain Alexey Titarenko, “Maestro”.

Leonid Bykov also starred in the films “Maxim Perepelitsa”, “Volunteers”, “Alien Relatives”, “Aty-Bati, the Soldiers Came”, “Aleshkina’s Love”, etc. Almost every role of his was iconic and brought him people’s love.

Born in 1925 in the village. Konstantinovka, now Donetsk region

Nonna Mordyukova / liveinternet.ru

People's Artist of the USSR Nonna Mordyukova dreamed of acting in films since childhood. Having seen the film “Bogdan Khmelnitsky” as a girl, she fell in love with the main character played by Nikolai Mordvinov and decided to become an actress. I wrote him a letter, asking: “How can I study for Lyubov Orlova? (note - famous Soviet actress) " In June 1941, when the war was not yet known, famous actor replied: “Be sure to finish school, get a certificate and come to Moscow, find me.” During the war, Nonna Viktorovna’s family had to endure the occupation of Nazi Germany, she was unable to evacuate, and the family was forced to hide from the Germans. But even these events could not kill the dream of becoming an actress. After the end of the war, Mordyukova entered VGIK without preparation. Nonna Mordyukova’s first role was Ulyana Gromova in the film “Young Guard”. After this tape, the actress woke up famous.

Today Nonna Mardyukova is included in the top twenty most outstanding actresses XX century by the editorial board of the British encyclopedia “Who is Who” (“Who is Who”)

Born in 1972 in Donetsk

Olga Lomonosova / youtube.com

The star of the famous series “Don't Be Born Beautiful” Olga Lomonosova fulfilled the dream of her mother, who dreamed of becoming a ballerina.

After graduating from the Kiev Choreographic School, Lomonosova moved to Moscow, where she toured a lot. But due to injury, she was forced to end her career as a ballerina. Life did not end there: Olga entered the Shchukin Theater School. People began to recognize her on the street after her role as Kira in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” Now she is one of the most sought-after actresses. She hopes that her daughter will fulfill her dream of becoming an artist.

  1. Alexander Revva

Born in 1974 in Donetsk

As a child, Alexander Revva dreamed of becoming a magician. But the first job of the now famous showman and comedian was working as an electrician in a mine. “After ninth grade, I went to technical school and received the specialty “Underground electric mechanic of the fourth category. I worked in a mine at a depth of 1375 meters. I'll never forget! After that, I realized that a miner is a very difficult and dangerous profession. You are walking along the drift, you can’t see anything, your horse race is on fire, there is no air, there is coal dust. Then, when you get up, you only have eyes!” - says Revva.

Thanks to talent and successful performances At the KVN games, Alexander still managed to realize his dream - to surprise people from the stage. In his repertoire there is a number where Alexander plays the magician Gennady.

Born in 1897 in Debaltsevo, now Donetsk region

Vladimir Sosyura / wikimedia.org

The famous Ukrainian poet Vladimir Sosyura dreamed and fought for the independence of Ukraine. Despite censorship and political persecution, the poet was not afraid to write poems that were bold for his time, for which he was more than once accused of nationalism. One of his most famous poems was the poem “Love Ukraine,” which was written in 1944.

To love Ukraine like the sun, to love,
like the wind, and the grass, and the water...
In a happy time and in joy,
to love in times of misfortune. To love Ukraine in dreams and in reality,
cherry your Ukraine,
beauty, I live forever and new,
And I love and the nightingale. Between brotherly peoples, in our redberry garden,
shining over the eyelids...
Love Ukraine with all your heart
and in all our affairs. For us there is one thing in the world, one
in the vastness of licorice charm...
Over there by the mirrors, and by the willows,
and a shock to the skin’s heart,

Born in 1932 in Donetsk

Anatoly Solovyanenko / moskva.fm

World-famous opera singer, Hero of Ukraine Anatoly Solovyanenko dreamed of becoming a singer and spent his whole life improving his talent. Singing came first for him. Solovyanenko often repeated: “I am a slave to my voice.”

In 1990, among 14 world-famous tenors, Anatoly Solovyanenko takes part in a concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Italian tenor Beniamino Gigli, held in Verona on the stage of the Arena di Verona.

Today in Donetsk the Donetsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater is named in honor of Anatoly Solovyanenko.

  1. Sergey Sivokho

Born in 1969 in Donetsk

The road to the world of show business was given to Sergei Sivokha by his comedic talent and KVN, which allowed itself to be shown. Perhaps, otherwise, Sergei Anatolyevich would have had to work in the specialty “metal forming,” which he received at the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute.

One of his most famous projects became the program “Hidden Camera”, thanks to which many fell in love with the original and colorful presenter Sivokho. Sergei Sivokho is an ardent fan of FC Shakhtar Donetsk and dreams of living to see his favorite team win the Champions League.

  1. Sergei Prokofiev

Born in 1891 in the village of Sontsovka (now the village of Krasnoye, Krasnoarmeysky district, Donetsk region of Ukraine)

S.S. Prokofiev and M.L. Rostropovich in Prokofiev's office. Moscow, 1952/virtual.glinka.museum

The most performed composer of the twentieth century, Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev, was born 55 km from Donetsk. From his very birth, the parents of the future great musician dreamed of him achieving success and contributed in every possible way to his musical development, despite the difficulties of that time.

Sergei Prokofiev has long been recognized as a genius in Europe and America, and festivals are regularly held in Ukraine classical music"Prokofiev's Spring".

Born in 1877 in the village of Verkhne-Khanzhenovsky, Russian Empire (now the village of Khanzhenkovo ​​in the city of Makeevka, Donetsk region)

Alexander Khanzhonkov / proza.ru

Alexander Khanzhonkov is the founder of Russian cinema, one of the first who began not only to film, but also to earn big money from cinema. After being discharged from the army, Khanzhonkov invested the considerable payment of 5 thousand rubles required in those days into the film business. At first, he and his partners were involved in the distribution of foreign films. Then Khanzhonkov began producing his own films. He was the producer of the world's first film created using the method of volumetric animation, called “The War of the Horned Men with the Mustache.”

One of the most famous “blockbusters” of those times was Khanzhonkov’s film about the defense of Sevastopol during Crimean War. To film the battle scenes, the help of Emperor Nicholas II was needed. Thanks to the emperor, real military units of the Russian army and a real ship, which, according to the script, would be sunk, were filmed in the frame.

Born in 1979 in Donetsk

Yulia Filippova / todes.lv

The soloist of the famous dance group "Todes" Yulia Filippova came to her fame thanks to hard work and luck. 12 years of pair acrobatics allowed the dancer to express herself and attract attention. “I worked in the Donetsk restaurant Tallinn, in the show ballet Dance Atelier. I had solo acrobatic performances there. The guys from Todes, who were in Donetsk on tour with Valery Leontyev, saw me. And they offered to come to Moscow for viewing. I arrived and they took me,” says Yulia Filippova.

Some time ago, Filippova left the stage due to a back injury and the birth of a child, but last year she found the strength to return, continuing to win the sympathy of the audience.