Famous people of Donbass. Famous people of Donbass Presentation of our famous fellow countrymen of Donbass

Donbass has always been connected with Russia by thousands invisible threads, was considered a source of personnel for the country. And not only party and statesmen, generals, major economic leaders, but also prominent figures culture and art. Let's remember them - those who glorified our Fatherland throughout the world.

A genius on a cosmic scale

The most famous of our fellow countrymen, of course, is the brilliant composer Sergei Prokofiev. Born and raised in the village of Sontsovka (now Krasnoye) in the then Yekaterinoslav province. He graduated from the Conservatory in St. Petersburg and soon became not only a brilliant pianist and conductor, but also an innovative composer, one of the most popular in the 20th century, and in the 21st century too.
The author had the opportunity to participate in the creation memorial complex in the small homeland of Sergei Sergeevich, a museum and the world’s first monument to him, and then write the book “The Road to Prokofiev”, collect unique information about how the memory of our fellow countryman is immortalized.
Monuments to Prokofiev were erected in Moscow (two) and Chelyabinsk, as well as in the Polish city of Kielce; memorial plaques were unveiled in Moscow (two), St. Petersburg, Madrid and Nikopol; The name of the Donbass composer is given to a concert hall in Chelyabinsk, a conservatory in the Chilean city of Viñadel Mar, music schools in the Moscow region and Severodonetsk, and children's
music and art schools in Vladimir, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Orel, Rostov-on-Don, an opera house-studio in Moscow, streets in Paris, New York (there is also a public garden), Alma-Ata, Krasnodar, Minsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Stavropol, Sumy; The Prokofiev Festival takes place in China.

International Arts Center "Russian Symphony Orchestra" S. S. Prokofiev" was created in the Russian capital, International competition them. Prokofiev takes place in St. Petersburg. Ministry of Culture Russian Federation established scholarships for them. S. S. Prokofiev for students of higher musical educational institutions.
In the Prokofiev Hall of the Central Museum musical art M.I. Glinka hosts concerts of the best performers of the music of the Donbass genius. For many years The waters of the Yenisei were plied by the double-deck passenger diesel-electric ship "Composer Prokofiev", and there are pleasure boats "Sergei Prokofiev" on the Black Sea and on the Dnieper.
The Aeroflot Airbus A319 plane bears the composer’s name, and on the planet closest to the Sun, Mercury, a crater is named after Prokofiev. Two museums of Sergei Sergeevich are open in Moscow - in Children's Music School No. 1 and in the apartment where he lived and died (Kamergersky lane, 6).
It is well known how the composer’s memory is immortalized in our Republic. The Donetsk Academy of Music and the College of Music, the concert hall and the academic symphony orchestra of the Republican Philharmonic, music schools, streets, the airport (unfortunately, now broken) are named after him; A music award was established. S. S. Prokofiev; the festivals “Prokofiev Spring” and “Young Musicians in the Homeland of S. S. Prokofiev”, art exhibitions, competitions and much more are held. This is only a partial list. I will add that work is currently underway to create a monument to the composer in Donetsk.

Father of Russian cinema
Donbass residents have made a significant contribution to domestic cinema. Retired Cossack officer, participant Russo-Japanese War Alexander Alekseevich Khanzhonkov started film distribution at the beginning of the 20th century, and then began making documentaries and feature films. He has established himself not only as an entrepreneur, but also as a talented film industry organizer, producer, director and screenwriter.
Films were released one after another: “Drama in a camp of gypsies near Moscow”, “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov”, “Vanka the Keymaker”. But the first full-length film in Russia, “The Defense of Sevastopol,” was a particular success. Khanzhonkov also directed the first cartoon, “Beautiful Lyukanida, or the War of the Mustache with the Horned Dogs,” as well as new documentaries, educational and propaganda films.
In 1917, Alexander Alekseevich founded the Yalta Film Studio, which still exists today. It was he who discovered the actors who thundered throughout Russian Empire: Vera Kholodnaya, Ivan Mozzhukhin, Vitold Polonsky.
Countrymen honor the memory of their famous countryman. In the village named after Khanzhonkov, a monument to Alexander Alekseevich was unveiled; In addition, a cultural center named after Khanzhonkova. Every year in August Makeyevka hosts “Days of Khanzhonkov at Home”. A monument to the father of Russian cinema was also opened in Rostov-on-Don in 2016.

Primorsky talents
The small homeland of the famous Soviet film director Leonid Lukov, who created the popular films “ Big life", "Two Fighters", "Alexander Parkhomenko", "Donetsk Miners", "Different Fates", became the seaside Mariupol. Now one of the cinemas there is named after Lukov.
The same city gave the world the famous cameraman and director Alexei Mishurin, who shot and directed the feature films “Makar Nechai”, “On a Long Voyage”, “Maksimka”, “Songs over the Dnieper”, “Young Years”, “Queen of the Gas Station”, “Star” ballet" and a number of others.
Natives of Mariupol are also the screenwriter of the films “Bumbarash”, “Weeds”, “Gypsy”, “There Away Beyond the River” and “Dudariki” Evgeniy Mitko, the author of “Little Vera” Vasily Pichul, the talented cameraman of the Central Television Yuriy Kovalenko, film actors, film experts and film critics. And in the 1970s–1980s famous figures cinema came here every year for the film festival “Man of Labor on the Screen”, meetings were held here with actors, directors, and cameramen. All cinemas in the city showed feature films and documentaries.

By the way, the festival was largely facilitated by the former director of the Builders' Palace of Culture, Evgeniy Stezhko, who also played in several feature films, including in famous painting “The meeting place cannot be changed.” Is it any wonder that in the center of Mariupol, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky, the first monument to the poet, actor and musician in the CIS appeared.
The monument was created by two famous sculptors - Mariupol resident Efim Kharabet and Donetsk resident Yuri Baldin. A profile of Vysotsky in the image of Hamlet, cast in bronze, is located on a stone pedestal; there was also a sword, “fastidious horses” and a theater curtain. And the inscription on black granite: “Mariupol does not give its love to random people.”
The opening of this monument was attended by Taganka artists led by Yuri Lyubimov, who were touring in Mariupol. At the same time, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the local cultural center “Iskra” in memory of the fact that in March 1973 Vladimir Semenovich performed on the local stage.

After 5 years, they decided to replace this monument with another, where Vysotsky appears in the image of Gleb Zheglov, and the first one was moved to another place. And now there are two monuments to Vysotsky in Mariupol.

Based on materials

Subject: Prominent personalities Donbass Goals: to form in students the concepts of “Motherland”, “small homeland”; consolidate knowledge about the history of the city where we live, its attractions, outstanding people who glorified Donbass; develop cognitive interest, the desire to glorify your hometown with your achievements; cultivate a love of nature native land, patriotic feelings, respect for the symbols, cultural and historical past of the country. Equipment: symbols of the Donetsk region, the Donetsk Republic, photos of Donetsk sights, map of the Donetsk region, poems, proverbs, photographs outstanding people, poster “Donbass is me!”, figurines of a boy and a girl Hod class hour 1. Teacher: – Let’s take the following lines as the epigraph of our class hour: And the wind circles across the steppe, A wave of silver feather grass runs along it, I don’t know if there is a more beautiful land somewhere, Donbass is my homeland! What region are we talking about in the quatrain? 2. Drawing up an associative bush. We pronounce the word “Donbass”. Your associations 3. Historical background about Donetsk. A long time ago, in 1869, the English metallurgist John Hughes began the construction of a metallurgical plant with a workers' village. This village began to be called in honor of the founder of the plant Yuzovka or Yuzovo. The plant developed, new workers came, and the village grew. In 1917, the village received city status. Since 1924, the city has been given a new name - Stalino. The city bore its name until 1961. And in 1961 the city was renamed Donetsk. The name of the city comes from the name of the Seversky Donets River, which flows in the north of the Donetsk region. In 1932 the city became regional. Currently, Donetsk is one of the largest industrial cities of the DPR. 4. Main part.

Guys, who started the construction of a metallurgical plant with a workers’ village? (English metallurgist John Hughes) is correct, and today we will talk about famous and outstanding people of Donetsk and Donbass in general. First, let's meet John Hughes himself. John Hughes (18141889) John Hughes is the most famous person in the city, its founder. Of course, outside the region, few people have heard of the industrialist, engineer, metallurgist, as well as the very first and main resident of Donetsk, John Yuz. But in Donbass this personality has been known to everyone since school. After all, our region received its main development thanks to him, when in 1869, having headed the joint-stock company Novorossiysk Society, he and his sons came to the Donetsk steppes. John Yuz founded a metallurgical plant and workers' settlement on the banks of the Kalmius River, later called Yuzovka. Over the years, the village turned into the beautiful city of Donetsk, which became one of the largest industrial centers. In Donetsk, the ruins of Yuz's house have been preserved and a monument to the famous founding father has been erected. Georgy Sedov (1877-1914) Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov was born into the family of an Azov fisherman from Krivaya Kosa (now the village of Sedovo in the Novoazovsky district). The family had nine children. The father went to work and disappeared for years. From the age of seven, Yerka had to fish and do day labor in the fields. Until the age of fourteen he was illiterate, and then, when his father returned, he graduated from a three-year parochial school in two years and... ran away from home. At twenty-one, Sedov received a diploma as a navigator of long-distance navigation, at twenty-four he passed the exam as an external student and was promoted to lieutenant in the Admiralty, sent to the hydrographic expedition of the Northern Arctic Ocean. From that moment on, his activities began as a Russian hydrographer and polar explorer. Georgy Sedov took part in expeditions to study Vaygach Island, the mouth of the Kara River, Novaya Zemlya, Kara Sea, Caspian Sea, the mouth of the Kolyma River and sea approaches to it, Krestovaya Bay. In 1912 he organized an expedition to North Pole on the ship "Saint Foka". Wintered on Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land. Tried to reach

dog sled poles. Died near Rudolf Island. Two bays and a peak on Novaya Zemlya, a glacier and a cape on Franz Josef Land, an island in the Barents Sea, a cape in Antarctica and the icebreaking steamship Georgy Sedov are named after Sedov. In 1940, the village of Krivaya Kosa became the village of Sedovo. A museum of the brave polar explorer was opened here in 1990. Another famous native of Donetsk is Joseph Kobzon (born in 1937). The bewitching voice of this native of the Donetsk region is familiar to many from childhood. Joseph Davydovich Kobzon is not just a person, but a whole milestone in the history of Soviet and Russian stage. Considers Donetsk land to be his homeland. Joseph Kobzon is a pop record holder. He held a record number of concerts per day - 12, performed at the longest concert - 12 hours and 40 minutes, recorded about 3,000 songs, toured more than 100 countries around the world, became an honorary citizen of 29 CIS cities, and was also included in the "Book of Russian records" as the most titled artist. In Donetsk, a lifetime monument was erected to Joseph Davydovich on the square near the Youth Palace “Youth”. Arkhip Kuindzhi (18421910) A.I. Kuindzhi is a brilliant landscape painter. Born in the town of Karasu near Mariupol, he lost his parents early and lived in great poverty. WITH early years He was fond of painting, drawing on any suitable material - on walls, fences and scraps of paper. As a mature artist, he especially loved to paint landscapes of Ukrainian nature. Kuindzhi’s paintings “Birch Grove” (1879), the legendary “Moonlit Night on the Dnieper” (1880), and “Dnieper in the Morning” (1881) became real sensations. These paintings played a colossal role in the development of landscape painting, and not only landscape painting. Russian painting needed the appearance of its own artist, who would so clearly understand the relationships of colors, so accurately delve into their shades, so ardently and

I would passionately wish to convey them, that other Russian artists would believe him, and would stop treating the palette as some kind of appendage. Kuindzhi showed people again what they had forgotten since the times of the ancient Russian masters. Kuindzhi showed people color and paint. Arkhip Kuindzhi's lot fell great fame and oblivion, widespread popularity and misunderstanding, but he always remained a modest and very kind person. His students were later outstanding artists Ilya Repin and Nicholas Roerich. At the age of 22, Stakhanov began working at the Central Irmino mine (Kadievka). The company has never been a leader, and the management decided to correct the matter. A record was needed. August 31, 1935 Stakhanov in 5 hours. 45 min. produced 102 tons of coal, exceeding the norm by 14 times, and on September 19, a new world record of 207 tons of coal per shift. About the fact that he worked for a record whole squad assistants, decided to remain silent and attributed all the laurels to Stakhanov. Fedor Andreevich Sergeev (Artem) (1883-1921). After the end of the civil war, he participated in the restoration of the Donbass mines. In peaceful days, Artem was in the leadership of the party and the Soviet government. Under construction new life, factories are rising from the ruins. Artyom's particular concern is the revival of Donbass. Artem died on July 24, 1921 while testing an aerocar. He was buried on Red Square in Moscow. In September 1927, at one of the high mountains A monument was unveiled near the Seversky Donets. Liliya Podkopaeva

Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics, head of the Health of Generations Foundation. Born in Donetsk. She was raised by her mother and grandmother. In 2001 she graduated with honors from the Kyiv Institute of Physical Education with a degree in trainer-teacher. In 2002 she entered the Donetsk State University of Management, department of management. I started doing gymnastics from the very beginning. early childhood. From five to eight years old, I did three mandatory daily training sessions. As a result, thanks to her talent and exceptional hard work, Podkopaeva became the owner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals at international competitions alone, not counting national championships. Sergei Bubka is a legendary track and field athlete (pole vault). In 1983 he became an Honored Master of Sports. From 1983 to 1997 won the title of world champion six times. Winner of the World and European Cups (1985), European champion (1986). In 1988 he became the champion of the XXIV Olympic Games in Seoul. He is a multiple winner of the Grand Prix of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). During his sports career he set 35 world records. In 1984, he set his first world record at competitions in Bratislava, reaching a height of 5 m 85 cm. The first in history athletics overcame a height of 6 m (July 13, 1985 in Paris). Born on September 25, 1932 in Donetsk, into a hereditary mining family. In 1954, Anatoly Solovyanenko graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute, and in 1978, already a People's Artist of the USSR, from the Kyiv Conservatory. So, guys, we have met only a small part of the outstanding people of Donbass. 5. Result  What new things did you discover for yourself, what did you feel during your work? Can you become great people, what do you need for this?

 And if you want to learn more about great people, you can borrow books from the library and read them.

The most famous person in the city is its founder. Of course, outside of Ukraine, few people have heard of the industrialist, engineer, metallurgist, as well as the very first and main resident of Donetsk, John Hughes. But in Donbass this personality has been known to everyone since school. John Yuz founded a metallurgical plant and workers' settlement on the banks of the Kalmius River, called Yuzovka. Subsequently, the village turned into the city of Donetsk, which became one of the industrial centers of Russia and Ukraine. In Donetsk, the ruins of Yuz's house have been preserved and a monument to the famous founding father has been erected.

Sergto her Prokofiev

Sergto her Prokofiev

Sergei Prokofiev is one of the few world-famous musicians who became famous both as a composer and as a performer of his own works. Sergei Prokofiev comes from the village of Sontsovka, Bakhmut district, Yekaterinoslav province, which is now called the village of Krasnoye, Krasnoarmeysky district, Donetsk region. Sergei Prokofiev wrote his first opera at the age of 9, performed his first concert at the age of 17, and at 27 he was already touring Europe, America and Japan. You are probably familiar with his most striking musical works - the opera “War and Peace”, the ballets “Romeo and Juliet”, “Cinderella”. The monument to Sergei Prokofiev has not yet been erected, but city sculptors are already working on it.

Nikita Khrushchev is one of the few politicians whose name was heard throughout the world and about whom there is so little documentary evidence left. Khrushchev's fate was connected with Donbass for 20 years - Nikita Sergeevich began his career in Donetsk. They wanted to make a museum in the house where he once lived, but the building was demolished and the exhibits disappeared. All that remains is a memorial plaque on the building of DonNTU with the inscription that N.S. studied here. Khrushchev. Khrushchev's political figure is quite controversial. His most famous achievements- debunking the cult of Stalin and the rehabilitation of political prisoners of the USSR, the abolition of sectoral ministries, support for the space program and Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, the construction of the Berlin Wall, the anti-religious campaign and the popularization of abortion. The most famous expressions Nikita Khrushchev - “Politicians are all the same: they promise to build a bridge even where there are no rivers”, “We will show you Kuzka’s mother!”, “When a person eats, he becomes kinder” and many others.



Petya Mokin from “Tiger Tamer”, Maxim Perepelitsa, director, screenwriter and actor of the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” - all this is Leonid Bykov, the favorite of millions of viewers throughout the USSR. Few people know, but Leonid Fedorovich Bykov is a native of the village of Znamenskoye, Donetsk region. Leonid Fedorovich is not only an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, but also People's Artist Ukrainian SSR. His roles and extraordinary directorial works left a bright mark on the history of Russian cinema.

Vitaly Starukhin is a favorite of football fans, a legend of Ukrainian football, one of the best forwards of Shakhtar Donetsk. Vitaly is a man with an unusual biography. He started playing football relatively late, but once he got to the big field, he made fast career. Vitaly played for the Stroitel club in Poltava, from where he was literally kidnapped by FC Shakhtar, and although the USSR Football Federation banned Starukhin from playing for the Donetsk club, he continued to perform under different names. Starukhin's legendary achievement is 26 goals scored during the USSR Championship. The Ukrainian forward was recognized as football player of the year. At the age of 35, Starukhin was forced to end his football career - Shakhtar refused his services in favor of younger athletes. Then Starukhin continued to work as a coach, inspector and participated in veterans' matches, where he scored goals no worse than when he was at the zenith of his glory.

(Born 1963)

This name is inscribed in golden letters in the history of athletics, because it was Sergei Bubka - the “bird man” - who set the world record in pole vaulting. He was the first athlete to jump higher than 6 meters, and also the only athlete to hold both world records for indoor and outdoor jumping. Sergei Bubka received the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, became an Olympic champion, European champion, two-time USSR champion, six-time world champion, and winner of the World and European Cups in pole vaulting. In total, Sergei set 35 world records! Sergei Bubka was born in Lugansk, but serious training began for him in Donetsk, where at that time there were the best gyms and trainers. Today in Donetsk there is a “Sergei Bubka Club”, which annually holds international competitions “Pole Stars”, and near the regional sports complex “Olympic” there is a monument to the famous pole athlete.

(Born 1937)

The voice of this native of the Donetsk region is familiar to many from childhood. Joseph Davydovich Kobzon is not just a person, but a whole milestone in the history of Soviet and Russian pop music. Famous performer, showman, deputy of the Russian State Duma, member of the board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, member of the presidium public organization The National Health League considers Donetsk land its homeland. In Donetsk, a lifetime monument was erected to Joseph Davydovich on the square near the Youth Palace “Youth”. Joseph Kobzon is a pop record holder. He held a record number of concerts per day - 12, performed at the longest concert - 12 hours and 40 minutes, recorded about 3,000 songs, toured more than 100 countries around the world, was the first to negotiate with terrorists in Nord-Ost, became an honorary citizen of 29 CIS cities, and also entered the “Russian Book of Records” as the most titled artist.

(Born 1932)

A person's life can be extremely productive if he is accompanied by natural talent, determination and exceptional hard work. Grigory Vasilyevich Bondar is one of the most talented practitioners and theorists of surgery and oncology in the world. Grigory Vasilievich published more than 700 scientific works, created more than 70 inventions in the field of medicine. He owns the research universal methods surgical interventions in oncology. Today, Grigory Vasilyevich heads the department of oncology that he organized, performs more than 500 operations annually, is the general director of the Donetsk regional antitumor center, constantly conducts diagnostics, conducts active scientific and social activities. His awards include the title of Hero of Ukraine, Orders of Merit I and II degrees, the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, the title of Honored Scientist of Ukraine, the Honorary Badge of the President of Ukraine and the Diploma of the European Parliament from Brussels.

(Born 1965)

A native Donetsk resident, Vadim Yakovlevich Pisarev, is known not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. Vadim Yakovlevich is a People's Artist of Ukraine and one of the brightest Ukrainian dancers, winner of many awards, including “Best Dancer of the World” - 1995, “Person of the Year in Ukraine” - 1996, honorary citizen of Donetsk, New Orleans and Baltimore. Since 1983, Vadim Yakovlevich has been a soloist in the Donetsk Ballet Troupe and actively took part in the most spectacular international festivals. Today Vadim Pisarev is better known as the organizer of the international festival “Stars of World Ballet,” which is held annually in Donetsk and attended by more than 300 outstanding ballet dancers from 25 countries. Finally, Vadim Yakovlevich is one of the most authoritative choreographers of our time.

(Born 1950)

Speaking about the most famous Donetsk residents, one cannot fail to mention the First Person of the State. Viktor Yanukovych is a well-known figure not only in the Ukrainian, but also in the world political arena. And this is another reason for Donetsk to be proud of the achievements of its fellow countrymen. Despite the fact that his first educational institution after school was an ordinary mining technical school, and his first profession was a worker at a metallurgical plant, Viktor Yanukovych managed to rise to the position general director industrial enterprise, and complete two higher educational institutions, and get an academic degree already being high-ranking official. In 2002, Yanukovych was appointed Prime Minister of Ukraine, and in 2010, in the second round of voting, he won a majority of votes in the presidential elections. The main foreign policy achievements of Yanukovych as president include Russian-Ukrainian rapprochement, the direction of integration into European Union and the final refusal of Ukraine to join NATO.

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Donbass is the birthplace of famous people

Donbass is the birthplace of many famous people. We will talk about several of them today.

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Bogatikov Yuri Iosifovich

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    Born on February 29, 1932 in the city of Rykovo, now Yenakievo, Donetsk region. I spent my childhood in the city of Slavyansk, Donetsk region. During the Great Patriotic War he and his family were evacuated to Bukhara. At the end of the war, he moved with his family to Kharkov. From 1946 to 1947 he studied at the Kharkov Vocational School of Communications. Then he worked as a mechanic repairing equipment at the Kharkov telegraph office, sang in amateur performances and studied at the Kharkov Music College. His studies were interrupted by military service. Bogatikov was drafted into the navy and served in the Pacific Fleet from 1951 to 1955. During his years of service, he sang in the song and dance ensemble of the Pacific Fleet.

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    After demobilization, he returned to his old place of work and continued his studies. Graduated in 1959 music school. He got a job at the musical comedy theater. Afterwards he worked as a soloist of the miners' song and dance ensemble "Donbass". He worked for the Kharkov (since 1960), Lugansk (since 1963) and Crimean (1974-1992) Philharmonic societies. In 1969, he appeared on television for the first time with the song "Dark Mounds Are Sleeping" .Member of the Variety Arts Council under the USSR Ministry of Culture from 1970 to 1986. Since 1992 - artistic director of the Crimean Philharmonic. Lived in Yalta. Released 8 audio albums of the “Men’s Conversation” series, and the “Red Roses” laser disc.
    Lived in Crimea since 1973.

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    • A monument to Yu.I. was erected in Simferopol. Bogatikov.
    • In Kharkov they plan to install a memorial plaque to the outstanding singer.
    • In the city of Saki named after Yu.I. Bogatikov music school was named.
    • In the hero city of Kerch named after Yu.I. Bogatikov named the city cultural center.
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    Sosyura Vladimir Nikolaevich

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    Vladimir Sosyura was born on December 25, 1897 (January 6, 1898) at the Debaltsevo station (now Donetsk region of Ukraine). According to other sources, the year of birth is 1901 (indicated on the poet’s tombstone). His father, Nikolai Vladimirovich, a draftsman by profession, had French roots. Being a restless and multi-talented person, he changed many professions, taught, worked as a rural lawyer, and as a miner. The poet's mother, Antonina Danilovna Lokotosh, was a painter, originally from Lugansk, and was involved in housekeeping. Vladimir Sosyura graduated from a rural school and entered agronomic school. From an early age he worked in the mines of Donbass, took part in Civil War: first on the side of the UPR, then on the side of the Red Army. After the end of the war, he studied at the Communist University in Kharkov and at the workers' faculty at the Kharkov Institute of Public Education. At this time, he was a member of the literary organizations “Plug”, “Gart”, VAPLITE, VUSPP. In 1942-1944, Sosyura was a war correspondent. In 1951, he became the object of persecution after an article in the newspaper “Pravda”. which accused Sosyura of “bourgeois nationalism” for the poem “Love Ukraine,” written in 1944.

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    Vladimir Sosyura was married twice. The first marriage was in 1922 - with Vera Kaperovna Berzina, a former political instructor of the Red Army squadron, later a student in Kharkov. Sosyura dedicated the poem “Workers' Faculty” to her. The reason for the divorce was ideological differences. Sosyura had two sons from this marriage. Sosyura married for the second time in 1931 - with Maria Gavrilovna Danilova, who graduated from ballet school in Kyiv and was 12 years younger. On January 15, 1932, their son, Vladimir, was born. In 1949, Maria Sosyura was arrested for allegedly disclosing state secrets and deported to Kazakhstan. After Maria returned 5 years later, they re-signed.

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    Sosyura Vladimir Nikolaevich

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    Yanukovych Viktor Fedorovich

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    Yanukovych Viktor Fedorovich, Ukrainian, was born on July 9, 1950 in the village. Zhukovka, Yenakievsky district, Stalin (from 1961 Donetsk) region. Father - Yanukovych Fedor Vladimirovich (1923-1991). He was a steam locomotive driver and came from the village of Yanuki, Dokshitsy district, Vitebsk region, from which residents went to work in the mines to earn money. Mother - Russian, Olga Semyonovna Leonova (1925 - August 2, 1952), a nurse, worked in the medical unit of the Yunkom mine. She died when Viktor was 2 years old. According to Viktor Yanukovych’s own memoirs, he was raised by his grandmother, Kastusya Ivanovna Yanukovych. She is originally from Vilnius. Replaced Victor early deceased mother. Before the war, she worked as a hauler at the Yunkom mine. During the war, she was taken to Germany as an Ostarbeiter. Upon returning, Kastusya Ivanovna was unable to restore her work experience due to missing documents during the war. Her pension was 12.5 Soviet rubles. Her maternal grandfather, Semyon Ivanovich Leonov, was a wealthy peasant. Fleeing from dispossession, he moved to Donbass from Oryol, and according to other information, from Kursk province. Paternal grandfather, Yanukovych Vladimir Yaroslavovich. Yanukovych, in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza, stated that his paternal grandfather and great-grandfathers were Lithuanian Poles.

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    Donbass is the birthplace of many famous people. We'll talk about a few of them today...

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    Born on February 29, 1932 in the city of Rykovo, now Yenakievo, Donetsk region. I spent my childhood in the city of Slavyansk, Donetsk region. During the Great Patriotic War, he and his family were evacuated to Bukhara. At the end of the war, he moved with his family to Kharkov. From 1946 to 1947 he studied at the Kharkov Vocational School of Communications. Then he worked as a mechanic repairing equipment at the Kharkov telegraph office, sang in amateur performances and studied at the Kharkov Music College. His studies were interrupted by military service. Bogatikov was drafted into the navy and served in the Pacific Fleet from 1951 to 1955. During his years of service, he sang in the song and dance ensemble of the Pacific Fleet.

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    After demobilization, he returned to his old place of work and continued his studies. In 1959 he graduated from music school. He got a job at the musical comedy theater. Afterwards he worked as a soloist of the mining song and dance ensemble “Donbass”. He worked for the Kharkov (since 1960), Lugansk (since 1963) and Crimean (1974-1992) Philharmonic societies. In 1969, he appeared on television for the first time with the song “The Dark Mounds Are Sleeping.” Member of the Variety Arts Council under the USSR Ministry of Culture from 1970 to 1986. Since 1992 - artistic director of the Crimean Philharmonic. Lived in Yalta. He has released 8 audio albums of the “Men’s Conversation” series, and the “Red Roses” laser disc. Lived in Crimea since 1973.

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    Died December 8, 2002. He was buried in Simferopol at the Abdal cemetery. -A monument to Yu. I. Bogatikov was erected in Simferopol. -In Kharkov they plan to install a memorial plaque to the outstanding singer. -In the city of Saki, a music school is named after Yu. I. Bogatikov. -In the hero city of Kerch, a city cultural center is named after Yu. I. Bogatikov.

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    Vladimir Sosyura was born on December 25, 1897 (January 6, 1898) at the Debaltsevo station (now Donetsk region of Ukraine). According to other sources, the year of birth is 1901 (indicated on the poet’s tombstone). His father, Nikolai Vladimirovich, a draftsman by profession, had French roots. Being a restless and multi-talented person, he changed many professions, taught, worked as a rural lawyer, and as a miner. The poet's mother, Antonina Danilovna Lokotosh, was a painter, originally from Lugansk, and was a housewife. Vladimir Sosyura graduated from a rural school and entered agronomic school. From an early age he worked in the mines of Donbass, took part in the Civil War: first on the side of the UPR, then on the side of the Red Army. After the end of the war, he studied at the Communist University in Kharkov and at the workers' faculty at the Kharkov Institute of Public Education. At this time he was a member of the literary organizations “Plug”, “Gart”, VAPLITE, VUSPP. In 1942-1944, Sosyura was a war correspondent. In 1951, he became the target of persecution after an article in the newspaper Pravda. which accused Sosyura of “bourgeois nationalism” for the poem “Love Ukraine,” written in 1944.

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    Family Vladimir Sosyura was married twice. First marriage 1922 - with Vera Kaperovna Berzina, former political instructor of the Red Army squadron, later a student in Kharkov. Sosyura dedicated the poem “Workers' Faculty” to her. The reason for the divorce was ideological differences: We got together with you in May, before I knew what an idea meant. You didn’t love my Ukraine, I laughed at her. From this marriage, Sosyura had two sons. Sosyura married for the second time in 1931 - with Maria Gavrilovna Danilova, who graduated from ballet school in Kyiv and was 12 years younger. On January 15, 1932, their son, Vladimir, was born. In 1949, Maria Sosyura was arrested for allegedly disclosing state secrets and deported to Kazakhstan. After Maria returned five years later, they re-signed.

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    Yanukovych Viktor Fedorovich, Ukrainian, was born on July 9, 1950 in the village. Zhukovka, Yenakievsky district, Stalin (since 1961 Donetsk) region. Father - Yanukovych Fedor Vladimirovich (1923-1991). He was a steam locomotive driver and came from the village of Yanuki, Dokshitsy district, Vitebsk region, from which residents went to work in the mines to earn money. (From Viktor Yanukovych’s speech in Poland on February 2, 2011, it follows that his father “was born in Donbass, and became friends with a woman from Russia.”) Russian mother, Olga Semyonovna Leonova (1925 - August 2, 1952), nurse, worked in a medical unit Yunkom mines. She died when Victor was 2 years old. According to Viktor Yanukovych’s own memoirs, he was raised by his grandmother, Kastusya Ivanovna Yanukovych. She is originally from Vilnius. She replaced Victor's early deceased mother. Before the war, she worked as a hauler at the Yunkom mine. During the war, she was taken to Germany as an Ostarbeiter. Upon returning, Kastusya Ivanovna was unable to restore her work experience due to missing documents during the war. Her pension was 12.5 Soviet rubles. Maternal grandfather, Leonov Semyon Ivanovich, was a wealthy peasant. Fleeing from dispossession, he moved to Donbass from Oryol, and according to other information, from Kursk province. Paternal grandfather, Yanukovych Vladimir Yaroslavovich. Yanukovych, in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza, stated that his paternal grandfather and great-grandfathers were Lithuanian Poles.