Human esotericism is guided by higher powers. How to tune in to the flow of the universe and receive the necessary signs

On the eve of Christmas, when the heavens are open to our requests, I want to talk to you about how to correctly ask questions to the Higher Powers, incl. questions to the angels.

I am sure that each of us, in one way or another, has received messages from angels in our lives. Someone received greetings from the other side in the form of clear signals expressed in some kind of visual or auditory images - it could be a phrase uttered in your head, or maybe some visions that came as a response to a request. But most often the message from the angels comes in the form of a deep feeling of calm, a feeling that everything will be fine, i.e. is expressed simply by a clear change in internal state. This is the most common option and, by the way, the most truthful.

Because you can hear a voice sounding in your ears, you can hear a bell, you can see some image - and all this can be a falsification of the mind. But it is impossible to falsify a state of peace, especially if before that you were in confusion, anxiety and tension.

How exactly should you formulate your requests to the angels?

There is one thing important rule– you need to ask not for events, not for some advice, not for facts, you need to ask condition.

We all came here to Earth with our own unique stellar handwriting, with our unique past lives in order to build our own unique life. And if we wanted to know the answer, we would simply open our genetic memory and immediately quit the game. It's like seeing a game of chess that has already been completely played out. Why play then? Then there is no need to be in the body. But the fact of the matter is that we chose to play this game, knowing in advance that in this particular life we ​​have limited ourselves in some way.

Often the mind wedges itself into the dialogue of our heart with the Higher powers and wants to receive some logical or rational answers. But, in fact, angels cannot give you any valuable instructions, they can only help energetically influence your space, help you maintain calm. You decide everything else yourself, because you are the one who decides your life.

You have probably heard such a metaphor that a person is stronger than an angel, because he can choose between good and evil, has freedom, unlike the executing angel God's will. Therefore, it is you who are the master of the situation, and you choose the road. A heavenly powers– these are beings who energetically help you make your desires come true. They help you achieve that inner balance, create such inner harmony, which will be favorable for bringing your creative desires to life. The angels can tell you whether it is better to go to the right or to the left along the road you have chosen, but they cannot tell you which road to take.

Accordingly, the questions you ask should be not so much questions as requests. You ask with all your heart - what should I know in order to... For example - what should I know so that I can do this? And you wait for an answer.

Information should come to you completely by accident, in everyday life: you will accidentally see it in a magazine, hear it in a momentary television interview or in a conversation... Just be careful, follow the signs. If you wanted to look at a magazine - take a look, you wanted to linger at the TV - linger, you suddenly wanted to talk to a person with whom you have never spoken - talk. Those. you need to feel the gravity within yourself - this is openness to contact. And this information will help you make a decision that will clarify some of your internal doubts.

But you must understand that the answer will come at the time you need. While you are tense and waiting for an answer, you will not receive it.

In any case, remember that when you receive an answer (whether it is words, visions or signs), you must certainly have a feeling of deep peace inside. Because any answer from the Higher powers is accompanied by a feeling of calm. Unmistakable help always brings with it the energy of the Home, the energy of God, the energy of Creation. And this energy certainly gives a feeling of serenity.

So if you doubt whether you are receiving a response, the marker is very simple: is it arriving? in your soul and warmth? If yes, then you have received the support of Higher powers.

For many, their conscience does not allow them to contact angels often, to “pull” them over trifles. This is a common misconception. We ourselves, no matter how much we love each other, but we get tired of communicating even with the closest people, and we need time to be in peace and recover. And we unconsciously transfer this image to our angels.

But here we need to understand that angelic energy is built into us. The Creator manifests itself through us on Earth; His spark is present in each of us. And angels are the light of God. Therefore, when you find yourself in a situation of unbearability, when you understand that in a “human” way you cannot disperse the clouds in the depths of your heart and the sticky web in your thoughts, you need to ask for help not from someone, but from your own divine part - turn to the Heart. This is where help comes from.

Angels are happy to transform our pain, our fear. Because the transformed distorted energy returns to the Creator with radiant light. And this is the purpose of the angels - the return of divine light to its original pure state. And it is thanks to people that angels can realize this.

But they cannot respond until you have made a request. And in this sense you should always contact. When, for example, you feel offended by your parents and turn to the angels, saying: “I ask you to remove this burden from my soul and tell me what I should do to resurrect my love for these people,” you give the green light, give access for transformation.

Therefore, it is not just “you can contact”, but you can always contact when you lose clarity of thought, experience confusion, when you are confused, when clouds appear in your sky... Ask for clarification, ask to transform all the negativity, ask.

It is very good to make a request at night. In general, it is good to contact not at the moment when you are already feeling bad, but regularly with a request to set you up - for the day or for the night. If you asked for peace in your heart for today, if you thanked life, if you tuned in to love, then no hardships of life, no turmoil will harm you in any way.

For example, I always have before my eyes two large portraits by the artist Suvorov - Archangel Uriel and Archangel Michael. I communicate with them every day, thank them and interact, and read messages to them in the morning and evening. Despite the fact that the era of cataclysms has long passed in my life, I clearly understand that this is not superfluous, even now.

I am often asked how to develop and strengthen the connection with the Supreme?

My dears, the era has come. In past eras, communication with the Supreme was a way out of the fields of the Earth, but now communication with the Supreme is, on the contrary, an invitation to Him to us, to Earth. And this happens through a point in the Heart.

Therefore, one should not confuse genuine enlightenment with a game called esotericism and. True enlightenment is when every cell in your body increases in frequency. And this happens when you are focused on loving people, the world and yourself, as a part of this world.

Those. If you set the goal of love in your heart, life itself will tell you what practices will help you. Some people may benefit from meditative handicrafts or drawing mandalas to open their hearts, others need to go to a dog shelter and have them treated there, and others need to make peace with their grandmother, with whom they have had a tense relationship for the last 10 years.

You yourself feel what allows you to open a new door within yourself. That's why stay inthis is the most rapid approach to the Supreme. That's what I wish for you!

Today we will talk to you about what role the Higher Powers of the Universe play in your life and how your communication occurs.

Let's start with the fact that every person who has taken the path of spiritual development, and therefore strives for Light, immediately finds invisible helpers on the subtle plane, since his Light attracts the Forces of Light to itself due to the similarity of vibrations.

And the higher a person rises on the spiritual ladder, the more “high” patrons he receives in terms of vibration level.

For clarity, imagine the following picture. Yours thin bodies as if radio transmitters send energy pulses of a certain frequency into the Universe.

And the Higher Forces, located in different densities, like antennas, pick up your signals and connect with you energetically.

Higher Powers read all the information about you on at the moment and are looking for the optimal solution for you - one that would help you as much as possible and, at the same time, would not prevent you from going through necessary lesson, which your Soul has planned.

They clearly observe this fine line between helping you and interfering in your destiny, which can set you back, because by not allowing you to learn the lesson your Soul needs so much, they can bring even more serious trials to you.
Therefore, it is so important not to complain about fate, but to be able to give thanks for small things: this will help you avoid much greater troubles and troubles.

ALWAYS THANK THE Universe and the Higher Powers FOR EVERYTHING you have, for it has not yet been given to you in your own physical body, being in the world of third density, comprehend all the subtleties and nuances of your own life.

Trust your Soul, your Guardian Angels, your Spiritual Guides, all the Higher Powers of the Universe who love you immensely and wish you only the best!

Last edited by meditation 21:47, 02/11/2017

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Forms of preparation for the transition.

When preparing for the Transition, the main task must be solved - the preparation of all four bodies. This work requires a lot of effort and energy expenditure. The main thing here is a change in nutrition towards plant foods, control over emotions and the practice of adapting all bodies to the energy of the fifth dimension. What does it mean? We must learn to perceive ourselves already in the fifth dimension. This can be done by reading affirmations:
This must be done every day and, regardless of the preparedness of the cells, gain the energy of the fifth dimension. The result will not be long in coming - you will soon notice a change in the cellular state skin. Old, outdated cells will begin to fall off abundantly, and energetically you will feel a surge of strength. Before starting all practices, I recommend reading the Call for a General Raise of Vibrations:

“In the name of I AM THAT I AM, with the permission of the Lords of Karma of the Earth, under the guidance of Sanat Kumara and the Ascended Masters, under the protection of Archangel Michael and his legion of angels, I turn to my Higher Essence, my Golden Angel and ask to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to the level that is allowed to me at this stage of development of my consciousness. I ask you to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to a level that will benefit the development of my soul, the souls of those people and Entities that surround me, for the benefit of all Space and for the benefit of the evolution of planet Earth. I thank all the Higher Powers for their help. I ask Archangel Raphael to heal all my bodies and fill the healed places with the Light of that color range, which will help with the healing of my bodies. With an open Heart, I accept the assistance provided and thank the Lords of Karma of the Earth for the permission given to the Ascended Forces of Light to help me and all non-ascended humanity, as well as all Beings walking along the ladder of evolution, for the benefit of the entire planet Earth. I accept the changes occurring in my bodies and consciously direct the Light of God coming through me to those places where it is needed. So be it!” I recommend doing this practice every day, there will be no excess here. This will help you energetically prepare yourself for new vibrations.

You can dwell on emotions, this is very important point. Emotions in our lives affect everything, and even events not related to health depend on our emotions. Therefore, we constantly remember this and use the cleansing mantra: Any negative thought, obsessive frightening situation, scenario, desire to take revenge, respond with force. We say: This is not my thought (situation). I bless it, release it and let it go with Love. All the people I met or talked to on the phone today (date), even on short time, all the situations in which I participated today I BLESS, RELEASE AND WITH LOVE LET GO. Thus, by controlling emotions, we will be able to change our real life and prepare ourselves for the Transition. The existing practices will be effective if they are applied consciously, affecting the deep layers of the Soul. Otherwise, if your feelings do not respond, changes will occur only on the outer layers, and therefore the preparation will not be effective.

Help from Higher Powers.

Help from your Higher Powers comes to you constantly. You can turn to the Angels, Saints, and Creator at any time.

Ask the Higher Powers from the Central Source to REMOVE FROM ALL YOUR LIVES, INcarnations, MANIFESTATIONS, FROM PARALLEL WORLDS ALL FEARS, PROGRAMS, ENERGIES, CONNECTIONS THAT INTERFERE WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HAPPY LIFE, HERE AND NOW, IN VOLUME AND WITH AT A SPEED THAT IS COMFORTABLE FOR YOU. ASK THE VACATED SPACE TO BE FILLED WITH NEW CRYSTAL ENERGIES: LIGHT, LOVE, HEALTH, JOY, ABUNDANCE, SPIRITUAL WEALTH, HAPPINESS (AND WHAT ELSE YOU WANT). It is impossible to remove everything at once: it is necessary to clean all life plans, because... they are connected to each other, and a flow of energies occurs. In addition, the cleaning process must be repeated, since you are developing intensively, and you constantly develop new programs (fears) that are no longer necessary for your development. This practice is very effective and will help in preparing for the Transition, and most importantly, restoration normal life in the present moment.

Prayer of Transition.

That's why we started writing this article. Yes, this is a real prayer and very energy-intensive: We lie on our backs and breathe to calm the body, you can use prana breathing. Then we tune in to connect with the Creator; we can imagine this as a flow of Golden Light. You should feel this connection, it may be a manifestation of warmth in your palms or head, you may hear a voice, but this is not necessary. Then you begin the appeal: Lord and Creator of All That Is! I turn to You by the right of the Nature of the Laws established by You. I ask You, Omnipresent, to change my Life Plan taking into account the decision of my Inner Soul to Ascension. Create a New Time for me and teach me the correct perception of New Energies, so that there are no nominal distortions in the Space of the Universe. I am ready to present my Light and Reunite, as a Particle of the Universe that the Spirit gives life to in me. I ask You, Beloved, do not let me disappear into the Void. And let me bring the joy of Unity for the benefit of All Your Children. Love, giving to all Souls in the Universe.

Life in the fifth dimension.
A lot of information has now appeared on this topic. We will focus on new points. Life and creativity in the fifth dimension are radically different from real life in the third dimension. The main difference will be that in the fifth dimension there will be no Duality and there will be no forces that will constantly test you to complete the lessons outlined by your Soul before incarnation. This means that all illnesses, troubles and other negativity will not be present there. Your life will be a creative laboratory; you will not lack anything. You can create everything you need for yourself. Levitation and exchange of thoughts at a distance, all this will be available to you. As you understand, having such capabilities, a person must have high level Spiritual development. That is why we now recommend the “Prayer of Transition” as a tool that changes your lifestyle and gives you the opportunity to safely prepare and move into the fifth dimension. I really hope for your desire to work productively.

Affirmation for connecting to collective meditation: “I ask all Supreme Teachers, all Supreme Beings, all Higher Powers, Angels and Archangels to connect me to the meditation “A Guide to the Transition to the Fifth Dimension. Higher Powers of the Universe” through Elena. I express my will to be grounded in the process of carrying out this work. Please help me carry out the work as comfortably (effectively) as possible for me with the appropriate intensity and speed. According to the Divine plan. For good!”

My dear friends! Higher powers, angels, luminous beings constantly give us signals. You just need to be able to listen to them and learn to read their messages. Maybe, mental discomfort, which has been weighing you down for a long time, is not at all connected with overwork at work or a child failing at school, or problems with friends or your own troubles in your personal life. Maybe some forces in this way make you understand that you are not on the right way?

By listening to the language of the Higher Powers, you can correct a lot and even avoid mistakes! This is our energetic, emotional and intuitive state. That is why it is so important to listen to yourself, your soul and what your heart tells you. If your soul sings, you are on the right path; if you feel discomfort, heaviness, vague anxiety, you need to deal with it.

Unfortunately, modern man I forgot how to do this because I live in the world of information technology. Mobile phones and the Internet disrupt the flow of communication with the higher plane of the universe and people get lost... To be always in touch with the subtle plane, there are various techniques, meditations, even a simple way - to be alone with nature more often - will strengthen it.

In the meantime, I have highlighted several forms of providential messages for you.

Signs - warnings

Higher powers use a different language of signs and signals. This is most often some random event. They choked, their leg cramped, their stomach suddenly hurt... something fell from the table and broke, they found a dead bird on the road. We are warned about both good and bad events. Take a closer look at the world around you, people and yourself! Such signs can only be interpreted after the fact. In the case when you do not understand these signals, the signs are repeated up to three times, and then the Higher Powers move on to the next, rougher way of communicating with you.

Signs - situations

The deal didn’t go through, your wife or husband cheated on you, your car was stolen, he didn’t show up for a date, you weren’t hired... Perhaps the Higher powers are not interfering with you, but are protecting you from a worse problem? If a person gets irritated after these signals and does not understand them, then the methods of education become tougher. They want to show you that you are wrong. But if the lesson is understood, the situation levels out, and failures are quickly replaced by successes.

Signs - punishment

This is God's punishment, or punishment. What is most valuable to a person is what they beat. Illness and illness of the body are often used as an educational measure. They hit so hard that it is impossible not to notice. And you always need to figure out why you were punished? And if you understand why, then the punishment is lifted and the problems go away. With the help of such failures, Higher powers direct a person on his path so that he fulfills his destiny.

Signs - Direct Contact

The punishment for those who are slow-witted is repeated three times. If you do not respond, direct contact language is used. You end up with a bioenergeticist, a clairvoyant, a healer, or a priest, where the reason for your failures is suddenly explained to you. Guardian angels are stubborn! They love you very much and give you tips until the very end.

Signs - Aggression

Rough way of handling. For example, when leaving the house, you see a large inscription on the wall: “You are a fool!” Until you understand that this phrase applies to you, it will remain in place! Or, for example, you sit and think: “It’s time to get a divorce.” And at this time, a completely strong chair under you falls apart. They let you know what will come of your idea. Sometimes, the universe responds to your thoughts so quickly that it is simply impossible not to understand these signs.

Signs - Suggestions

This is a straightforward text to remember. It is based on using memory directly, without the participation of thinking. A person becomes dependent - on alcohol, drugs, casinos, sects, fishing, etc. Everyone has what they deserve or what they asked for. But there is still a chance to change your mind. a chance is given to everyone my dears!
On last stage educational process becomes rougher and tougher. Punishments are increasing. Incurable diseases appear suddenly and accidents occur. And if after this a person does not understand anything, he is simply removed from earthly life.

Of course, the Higher Plan also sends us good signs; they always flow with warmth and light in a person’s soul; it is impossible to confuse them with anything!

It is not at all necessary if you do not ignore and correctly interpret the signs of fate, the signs that are sent to us by the Higher Powers or the Universe.

The dialogue between us occurs without stopping, although, however, almost always unilaterally. This is because people, due to objective reasons, have degraded by more than 90%. Less than 2% of those who have mastered the technique of communicating with Higher Powers.

Unfortunately, he is completely stuck in the everyday swamp, and he has no time or is too lazy to remember himself, not to mention some kind of awareness of his cosmic nature!

But the transcendental cosmic Forces tell a person about the way to develop, how to literally turn him into paradise.

The Universe sends its favorable warnings about danger, filling the information field of the planet with the most advanced knowledge. And the people stubbornly refuse to hear her. Or maybe he just doesn’t understand? What does it take to understand?

Hints from Higher Powers or how the Universe sends us signs

  1. Intuition. This is the language of feelings and emotions. This is something that is practically not realized by a person. But a person can see dreams and travel in dreams only in astral body. Through the heart channel, intuition tells a person through sensory sensations what is good for him and what is bad.

The feeling of lightness and spiritual comfort indicates the right path. Unexplained heaviness in the heart or anxiety makes it clear that something has gone wrong somewhere.

How to test yourself for extrasensory and intuitive sensitivity, read

2. Whip method. After intuition failed to reach the poor fellow, the Universe fills the human field with an abundance of different signals and signs. For example, when you go everywhere on a green light - this good sign, that is, a person moves in the right direction.

And the minor troubles that began in the morning indicate the opposite. These signs are everywhere, you just need to take your shoes off. Again, this option will not work forever. If the signs go unnoticed, Cosmos uses the following method.

3. Situation method. The level of impact on a person takes on a large scale and affects events that affect career, family, success, health, etc., for example, when spouses begin to cheat on each other or a person is fired from work.

Passing by these lessons without understanding them, the world moves on to a more difficult method of influence.

4. Failure method. Here there is a global impact, when a person literally drowns in successive failures, illnesses, and is deprived of material wealth, family, and friends.

It is simply impossible not to see or not pay attention to this. Thus, the Higher Powers show that a person has radically lost his way and has deviated greatly from his own.

In parallel with all these signs, the Universe constantly gives hints to a person in the form of accidentally heard snippets of phrases, inscriptions that catch the eye, a randomly included fragment of a TV show or movie, and unusual situations.

A person who does not understand the signs usually ends his life tragically. He gets addicted to alcohol or starts using drugs, falls under the influence of gambling or sects.

As a result, if educational measures do not have an impact, then the method of communication becomes very harsh, the “punishment” is tightened to extreme measures - incurable diseases appear out of nowhere, fatal accidents occur.

Maybe it’s time for sensible people to pay attention to their lives, to the promptings of the Higher Powers, and stop chasing illusory phantoms of happiness?

! Perhaps it's time to turn your attention inward and ask yourself a couple of questions about who I am and why I came into this world?

After all, the search for answers will certainly affect all facets of the human being, will force you to completely reconsider your priorities and will provide an excellent opportunity to transform a limited earthly personality into a limitless cosmic being comparable to the Creator.

Synchronicity is an always existing reality
for those who have eyes to see.
Carl Jung

Is there support from higher powers, the Universe, in your life? You become aware of the energy field constant movement and the creations around you?

There is a permanent energy flow, which permeates everything around. It creates and shapes the current moment. You are a significant part of this flow and are directly involved in weaving the endless web of life.

The Universe constantly encourages and supports us to be in harmony with this divine dance. We are a necessary part of this interaction.

When we pay attention and properly tune in to this rhythm, incredible miracles begin to happen in our lives!

But it's not always easy or simple. Sometimes flow can take us into difficult situations because that is how we can untangle distortions and free yourself from what no longer serves our development.

At times we are not aligned with this flow for many reasons, such as fear, past experiences or difficult circumstances. Our world at this time can be a difficult and confusing place, and we may have to resist and even fail in some cases.

The wonderful thing about this flow is that it is always waiting for us. We just need to tune in and get back to it again.

Many forms of support

Divine help comes in many forms. We may receive a vision or insight that will simply appear within us.

Or feel this knowledge in the solar plexus, where the term “I feel it in my gut” comes from. Our “gut” knows what is right.

For example, I ask internal question and feel disharmony and pressure in my solar plexus. Or, contemplating an alternative possibility that is harmonious, I will feel my body relax and open up.

Sometimes I just inexplicably know that it is the right action, even though it would not be the logical or preferred choice according to my mind/ego.

Each of us is unique, so practice listening to your body and inner knowledge. How do you get knowledge?

We have a wonderful helper, a way beyond the mind that is constantly available to us.

The benevolent flow manifests itself in signs and synchronicity. It is in our best interest to notice them by paying attention to our surroundings and what is happening around us.

When we open and aware, then all types of magic manifest themselves in our lives. The phrase “show me” can be helpful in attracting divine guidance.

Sometimes the support can be subtle, and at other times it can be bright and obvious. It can be like a sudden breeze through the trees, or a stranger's smile, or a "chance" meeting with someone you're thinking about.

Be open to attracting magic into your life, pay attention to it, and magic will happen!

It is important to notice how you feel inside in relation to the external mirror in your world. An event is like a mirror, showing you something about yourself.

There are also other energies in the universe that do not work so favorably.

However, if we affirm our honest and noble intentions and do not get caught up in our dramas and distortions, then such destructive energies may have little or no impact on our vibration and the way we interact with the world.

This is not a denial of some negative emotions, and an invitation to their more deep feeling and working with them, rather than suppressing or crowding them out with positive affirmations and thoughts.

If we have green intentions, the entire universe will organize itself to support us. We are part of the same Universe, and we are invited to the Divine service.

As an integral part of the Universe, who are we to refuse to play our part in this divine flow?

I will remind you of the words of Marianne Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inferior. Our deepest fear is that we are strong beyond measure. Our light, not our darkness, is what frightens us most.

We ask ourselves: who am I to be bright, magnificent, talented, dazzling? But in reality, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Yours bad game does not serve God.

Go from mind to heart

IN modern society bright mind seems characteristic feature roads to success measured in external manifestations of movement and goal achievement. We are taught from the very beginning early age think, plan, strategize.

True success, in my opinion, comes from a deeper Connecting with your heart and intuition.

True success lies in being who you really are and expressing your divine essence.

Here's an inspiring quote to create more space for flow in your life: “One of the biggest challenges of this society is that you try to do too much.

Such a simple thing to do large quantities is not divine creativity, which requires space and presence to happen correctly.

So take a close look at all the things you did during the day and ask yourself: Did I really need to do all of this? How does this serve my highest purpose?

If not, then throw it all out and let open space form. Concentrate on “not doing”, on “not thinking” about what needs to be done now.

This is not easy because our mind continues to work in its established cycle. So go into your heart, work on avoiding the traps of the mind, focus on the heart space.

Open your heart. Then you will be surprised what wonderful miracles you can create.”

Pay attention, take time and find a place to contact the flow. Spend just a few moments a day breathing mindfully.

Forget about your busy schedule and other pressing matters for something that happens in a special way.

We may become fixated on the end result, but the Universe has a much broader view of the world and can reveal things that our limited minds could not imagine.

A myriad of possibilities that we have never even considered may be available to us.

I was reminded of the words and books of Gareth Brooks: “Our Unanswered prayers are God's greatest gifts", our greatest gifts, as well as things we could never imagine. So stay open to these endless possibilities.

Below is an exploration of three aspects of the universe's support that appear in our daily lives like outside rear-view mirrors.

The more we become aware and notice, the more obvious such support becomes. These aspects are just some examples.

Besides these, there are many other ways in which the Universe speaks to us.

Three ways to guide higher powers

1. Signs and synchronicities

When we pay attention, we begin to notice signs and synchronicities manifesting themselves in our environment.

Maybe we notice some special way in which the wind moves through the trees, or the words someone casually said have a meaning for us. deep meaning, or the number of a passing car indicates numbers that are significant in our lives.

Such synchronicities do not always directly point us in the right direction; rather, they can be invitations to explore something deeper.

They can be quite abstract, such as the formation of clouds when we notice them and feel that they are important to us in some way.

Initially, we may have to be creative in interpreting their meaning, but as we practice, the answers become increasingly clear.

This inspires us to engage with this experience with even greater interest. Having faith in what we feel and how we interpret is also invaluable.

2. Hugs from the Angelic World

The angelic world offers beautiful, impressive and loving support. I've always had it. I have sometimes used angel cards in inspiration, which can be amazingly accurate and open the veil.

I often see feathers floating in the air while walking, which is a clear confirmation that angels are nearby.

A few days ago I was in a store and suddenly the song “In the Hands of an Angel” started playing. Maybe this was a sign to write this article?

I feel the angels around me, like a warm comforting hug that comes from support and care.

Why don't you close your eyes right now, take a few deep breaths and invite the angelic presence into your space?

Notice how you felt and how your energy changes.

3. Healing animals

“Realizing that visible bodies were only symbols of invisible forces, the ancients worshiped the divine power contained in the inhabitants of the natural world...

The sages of the past studied living beings, realizing that God can best be understood by becoming acquainted with His greatest creations - living and inanimate nature.

Every creature that exists on earth is a manifestation of some properties of the divine mind or power...” - Menly Hall “The Secret Teachings of All Times.”

Each person has his own patron animal.

If you happen to encounter one, this may be a sign to look out for characteristics or healing qualities associated with that particular animal.

There are some great decks of animal cards that are available or you can find online for healing related to your spirit animal. However, the most important thing is use your intuition.

IN lately I had an encounter with a peeing squirrel, then a badger who crossed the road a few meters ahead of me in the middle of the day (badgers are generally nocturnal creatures).

Both of these things had enormous significance and relevance to what I was doing in my life at the time.

How you can bring more support from the universe into your life

There are so many ways to communicate and align with the flow to bring more support from the Universe into your life. Be curious, open, and observe where and where you feel distortion and tension.

Here are some ideas to help you along the way:

  • Sit in a quiet, comfortable place and relax. Breathe deeply and invite loving support from the Universe. Notice how you feel inside. Such simple form meditation can bring significant changes.
  • If you have a question or problem in your life, ask: "Show me". The answer may not come immediately, may not be obvious, or may not come in the form you expected. Be patient and remain open.
  • Watch your feelings and the sensations of your body, they are important indicators of correctness.
  • Pay attention to what is happening in your environment. There can be no insignificant moments here. What exactly did you notice that caught your attention, and how do you feel about it?
  • Angel cards or cards with images of totem animals can be useful in attracting patronage.
  • Create space in your life: meditate, spend time in nature, connect with the flow of the Universe.
  • Finding your joy and expressing it is a wonderful way to tune into your soul. Go on a spontaneous journey without a route or schedule, follow the flow and see where it takes you.
  • Get out of the constant thinking of your mind and into your heart, make a choice with your heart, and not with your mind.
  • Trust your experiences.

Magnificent powerful The Universe is a part of you- you are one with her. You have extraordinary support available to you all the time, you just need to become aware of it by connecting with the flow within you.