What is the name of a spider with a face on its back? Famous and interesting types of spiders

For most people, spiders are something creepy and disgusting, but in the kingdom of Arachnids there are surprisingly attractive individuals. The most beautiful spiders are able to charm even the most avid arachnophobes with their play of colors and original combination of patterns, destroying the established image of disgusting multi-legged monsters.

Fear of spiders is an instinctive reaction, as some of them are actually deadly poisonous or can cause significant harm to health. Most representatives of this family are harmless, and some are even useful, as they hunt some garden pests.

Rating of the most attractive spiders

Peacock spider (Maratus volans)

The inhabitant of distant Australia has a small height (only half a centimeter) and an amazing multi-colored body, which gave it its name. The iridescent peacock coloring is characteristic of the males of this species, while the spiders are painted in inconspicuous brown and gray shades. IN mating season The peacock spider puts on quite a show. He straightens the scutes on his abdomen, lifts it above his head, raises one pair of paws and begins his dance. If the female does not like the dance, she will try to eat the gentleman.

By the way! The Latin name of the spider translates as flying. It was assigned to it by mistake, since the first researchers decided that with the help of its multi-colored abdomen the spider could also glide. Later it turned out that this was not so, but they did not change the name.

Golden horses

Very tiny creatures, rarely reaching 5 mm in length, attract attention with their extremely beautiful purple-golden color and resemble miniature precious amethyst brooches. Similar colors are characteristic of an entire species - Simaetha, which includes about 20 species. These spiders can jump enormous distances, 100 times their own size, and also feel great even on vertical surfaces. The unique structure of their paws allows them to move in any direction.

Mirror spider

Members of the genus Thwaitesia are also considered to be some of the most attractive spiders in the world. A truly jewelry creation, decorated with small shimmering spots that look like mirrors. The skin under these spots may also have its own coloring, which together creates an amazing color. If the spider is frightened, the mirror spots will decrease in size, and large gaps will appear between them. And in moments of peace and rest, they expand, and the spider turns into a tiny (3-4 mm) sparkling jewel.

Pamphobeteus platyomma

The glamorous black and purple member of the Arachnid class is considered one of the largest spiders in the world. He is curious and aggressive - he explores environment and fearlessly attacks at the slightest hint of danger, without looking at the size of the enemy.

A very interesting method of attack is that the spider scrapes the fibers from its paws at the aggressor, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, cause severe itching. At the same time, the spider also has quite strong poison, which makes the bite extremely unpleasant, but not fatal. Despite its quarrelsome nature, pamphobetus quite often becomes a pet for arachnid lovers.

Smiling spider

This miniature creature (5 mm in length) can bring a smile not only to ardent spider-haters, but also to the saddest person on earth. The arrangement of spots on the abdomen of this spider forms a pattern human face with a wide smile. Residents Hawaiian Islands where this spider lives, they consider it their symbol and talisman. His image adorns almost any surface - cars, hats, T-shirts, souvenirs, etc.

By the way! The location of the spots is different for each spider of this species, so the faces always turn out different, but always smiling. This species of spider is classified as endangered and is listed in the International Red Book.

Horned spider (spiny orb weaver)

Bright coloring and sharp spines serve as protection for this type of spider from their enemies, warning in advance that it is better not to touch them. The combination of colors may vary - there are combinations of red, white and black in various variations. Black dots on the abdomen form something resembling a threatening mask. Another name for these spiders is crab, because their body is much wider than it is long. It is surprising that in this case all the bright beauty went not to the males, who were rather small and hornless, but to the females.


Spiders of this species have a modest black color, but are able to surprise anyone with the original shape of their abdomen. Outwardly, it looks like a seal with mysterious ancient motifs of bygone civilizations. This association is fueled by the fact that this spider belongs to one of the oldest species, dating back millions of years.

Strawberry spider (Alsian)

A tiny bright red spider lives in northern countries, however, it may also come across warm regions. The further you go to the north, the smaller its size (up to 1 cm). The bright abdomen of the insect resembles a ripe strawberry, which is why it got its name. This spider also belongs to rare species, although its habitat is quite wide.

Leaders in ratings

Beauty is a subjective concept, so the ratings of the most beautiful spiders around the world can vary significantly. However, there are several specimens that indisputably and constantly occupy first positions in the rankings and delightful everyone who sees them.

Avicularia versicolor

Amazingly beautiful spider. Its color changes throughout its life: it is born black and blue, its abdomen is covered with white stripes. Over time blue gives way to red, then metallic green is added to them. The result of these metamorphoses is a fluffy fur coat of red, black and green colors. These are quite large insects, the span of their legs reaches 17 cm. They are not too aggressive; if there is danger, they tend to hide, and, unlike others, they do not brush poisonous hairs on the enemy.

Phidippus regius

A representative of jumping spiders, with a strict, classic black and white coloration. They are considered quite large for their species. although their size is only 1-1.5 cm. The females of this spider are decorated with orange splashes.

Metallic arboreal tarantula

The leader of most ratings, a huge and bewitching spider captivates with its beauty at first sight. The bright blue color seems unreal, and the yellow and white spots only emphasize the richness of the main color. For all its beauty, the spider is distinguished by its quarrelsome disposition and aggressiveness. Its poison is extremely toxic and dangerous to human health. However, this does not prevent it from being one of the most desirable pieces in any collection.

Despite the fact that arachnophobia is considered one of the most common phobias, and spiders are often perceived with fear and disgust, some of them can forever impress with their unusual and vibrant beauty.

Chrysilla lauta, also known as the elegant golden jumping spider, has a strangely disproportionate body, but a cute face and unique coloring. Females of this species are slightly larger than males, which is generally normal for spiders.

Phrynarachne tuberculata, a member of the crab spider family, goes by the unfortunate nickname “bird droppings.” These spiders successfully camouflage themselves as pieces of dirt or excrement to hide from predators, which is how they earn their name - but they're quite cute up close.

Gasteracantha cancriformis, from the family of orb-weaving spiders, looks somewhat intimidating thanks to the pattern of spots on its back and the menacing red spines on the sides of its body. In fact, these spiders are very tiny and absolutely safe for humans.

Theridion grallator, also known as the “smiling spider”, of course, does not actually smile. But the pattern on his back often resembles a smiling face, although other variants of the “face” are also possible. This spider lives in the rain forests of Hawaii, coming out to hunt at night.

Argyroneta aquatica, the “water spider,” lives up to its name, spending its entire life underwater. It breathes air, which it carries on the hairs of its abdomen to its underwater nest made of cobwebs. Males are atypically larger than females, which prevents cannibalism among the species—and they live together.

Eriophora transmarina, the Australian garden orb-weaving spider, is one of the most common spiders in Australia. Despite their impressive size, they are not dangerous - their poison for humans will only cause slight inconvenience. They are known for their habit of falling to the ground when they see an enemy, pretending to be dead, and also changing color after each molt.

Viciria praemandibularis from the family of jumping spiders lives in gardens and open spaces around Singapore and Indonesia. Representatives of this species barely reach a centimeter in size, but at the same time hunt no worse than their larger counterparts.

Thwaitesia argentiopunctata, known as the "shiny" or "mirror" spider, is one of the smallest spiders in the world, measuring three to four millimeters. His body shimmers different colors, which gave rise to the nickname.

Platythomisus octomaculatus is a representative of the crab spiders, and one of the largest and most beautiful. It has been nicknamed the "spotted yellow crab spider" for its unique pattern on its body.

Phidippus regius is a real giant among jumping spiders, although in reality its size does not exceed one and a half centimeters. These adorable spiders vary in color depending on their gender - males are black with white stripes, females are gray with splashes of orange.

Spiders are feared instinctively, since among them there are indeed extremely poisonous creatures with deadly dangerous poison. However, the vast majority of spiders are completely harmless and even useful, living in the garden or home and eliminating flies. Let's take a look at ten of the most beautiful spiders that may reduce your arachnophobia.

Our the world around us inhabited by many different creatures, which, although they look strange, play their important role in the natural balance. Thus, nature created, according to scientists, about three hundred million years ago spiders, which at the moment there are more than forty thousand species. The first arthropods evolved from a crab-like ancestor.

It is widely believed that spiders belong to the insect family, although in fact this is not at all the case. Spiders are classified into a separate class Arachnida, subspecies Cheliceraceae, phylum Arthropods. Studied by the science of arachnology.

How are spiders different from insects?

  • Insects have six legs, and spiders have eight.
  • Spiders have forelimbs with poisonous claws.
  • Spiders do not have antennae like insects.

Web - habitat

Over thousands of years of evolution, spiders themselves have undergone little change. But weaving webs has been improving all the time. The web itself is produced from special glands located on the spider’s abdomen. Since the types of glands are different, the quality of the web will also differ. And throughout the life of this species, webs may be of varying quality. To protect the cocoon, the spider uses a soft web. But for constructing a trap for insects, he needs a strong thread that will not break during the death convulsions of the victim. Some species have up to six threads of different quality, which are used for their intended purpose.

Almost all spiders are skilled weavers of their webs. But there is one species that does this so beautifully that it drew the attention of specialists to this quality. These are orb weavers, which belong to the cross-weaving family, weave their wheel-shaped nets according to clearly established rules. There are artisans who weave something resembling a cup and saucer. These are individuals belonging to the genus Frontinell. Funnelfish weave their nets in the form of a sap or funnel, which is why they got this name.

There are also species found in nature that use their webs in an unusual way. individuals from the family Gnaphosidae. They do not catch their victims in nets, but build themselves a shelter from cobwebs between stones and vegetation.

Particularly dangerous individuals

Almost all spiders that are currently known have poison in their arsenal. But not all spiders can harm humans with their venom. As a rule, the venom of these predators is designed for a small insect that the spiders eat.

But there are also individuals who cannot be ignored, because they the bite is fatal to humans. You need to remember such dangerous arthropods and be careful when meeting them.


The venom of this predator is deadly to humans, so everyone should know what it looks like. Moreover, it is difficult to confuse it with other representatives of arachnids. Females and males have bright scarlet spots on their black belly, sometimes bordered by white halos. But unfortunately, there are also completely black individuals from crosses within the genus, which are difficult to identify. It is necessary to recognize Karakurt so that the antidote anti-karakurt serum can be applied in time to block the consequences.

According to experts, this spider does not attack humans without special reasons. But if the attack does happen, then you need to urgently seek medical help. In the first two minutes after the bite, you can localize the effect of the poison by cauterizing the bite site with a lit match. Karakurt bites through the skin only half a millimeter, so with this treatment of the wound, the poison should be destroyed. In any case, the bite cannot be ignored. The effect of this type of poison begins to take effect within ten minutes and is characterized by a burning pain that spreads throughout the body.

Recluse spider

A human encounter with this spider is not always fatal, but such cases have occurred, so it is worth paying attention to it. Experts call the Chilean recluse the most dangerous of all recluse spiders. But also from the bite of the Brown recluse deaths. Both of these species prefer to live in abandoned buildings. Therefore, the name of spiders hints at their way of life in secluded places.

This one is deadly dangerous species lives in South and Central America. Its bite entails paralysis and suffocation. Moreover, this creature attacks everyone who comes within its field of vision. He rears up and goes on the attack, preferring to die rather than retreat. The span of its paws reaches fifteen centimeters, so it is easy to notice and hasten to retreat from its territory.

Sydney funnelfish

This poisonous predator lives in Australia, so there is no need to be afraid of it on other continents. It does not grow up to five centimeters, but is extremely dangerous. This species is not warlike and will not attack without reason, only when it feels threatened. But if he starts to attack, he will grab on and bite many times, injecting poison, until he is thrown off. Since he can refuse his poison respiratory system, then you need to immediately contact a medical facility.

Six-eyed sandy

This spider lives in the sands of Africa and is very dangerous with its poison, which leads to rupture of blood vessels due to the powerful toxin contained in it. At the moment, no antidote has been found. This species is unusually tenacious and can survive without water and food for a very long time. He burrows into the sand and waits for a passing victim, so be vigilant.

What to do if a spider bites you

Dealing with the entire arachnid genus is, of course, difficult. And only specialists can understand how severe the consequences of a bite from one or another of its representatives will be. Therefore, doctors recommend consulting a doctor immediately. If it is possible to catch and place a biting individual in a sealed container, then this must be done. Determining the name of the spiders significantly increases the chances of 100% identifying the antivenom.

The most unusual species

Nature sometimes puts spiders in such bizarre forms that you just wonder where so much imagination comes from. Here are just a few such examples.

  • Spider-Peacock. It is distinguished primarily by its bright color, reminiscent of a peacock feather. The size of the individual is limited to five millimeters, so it is not easy to see. Only males have this color.
  • Crab spider. Externally it resembles a crab. In addition, this unique creature can move, just like a crab, from side to side and back to front. And the ability to change color makes it invisible against the background of its habitat.
  • Dolomedes. Another name for this spider is “fish”, since it lives near bodies of water and feeds on small fish, which are no larger in size than itself.
  • Spider is a whip. This creature rather resembles a thin twig and is completely unlike its fellows. The species was named Colubrinus, which means serpentine. Nature created it this way for camouflage. Such a predator sits in the web, and the prey thinks that the twigs are stuck to the web and is not afraid of it at all.

A unique plant-eating species

All spiders are predators, except one. Therefore, I would like to write about it in more detail. This species has been found growing on the branches of Acacia trees in Central America. It's called Kipling's Bagheera. They belong to the type of horses. They are very small in size, no larger than the nail of the little finger on a person’s hand.

These creatures in complete harmony They live on Acacia trees together with ants and eat the same food with them. They eat green shoots that form at the ends of the leaves of exclusively tropical Acacia trees. These processes are called “Belt bodies”, after the name of the person who discovered them. But even this unique variety does not always adhere to a plant-based diet. If there is a shortage of food, the spider can become a predator.

The smallest and largest species

  • The smallest spider grows to only thirty-seven millimeters and is called Patu digua.
  • Individuals of the big spider grow up to nine centimeters. This is a tarantula called Theraphosa Blonda. The paw span can reach twenty-eight centimeters.

Thus, we can conclude that Not all spiders need to be afraid. Not all types of spiders, these original creatures nature are dangerous to humans. And the incomprehensible disgust and fear of these creatures has no basis real threat, but haunts many. Therefore, it is worth considering how possible it is to encounter poisonous and deadly individuals in your place of residence and stop being afraid of everyone.

The largest spiders are the tarantulas theraphosa Blonda, whose body length can reach 9 cm and leg span up to 25 cm

The smallest spiders - Patu digua reaches only 0.37 mm.

Spiders rarely evoke sympathy from anyone; they are mostly feared. Among the most amazing spiders there are those who can change color, or walk on water, or have a unique pattern, or are able to be reborn after disappearing. Thanks to this list of the most amazing spiders on the planet, everyone can get to know these unique creatures.

Spider crab

This truly unique animal got its name precisely because they, like crabs, can move not only to the sides, but also back and forth. These spiders are also known for their ability to change color - this also helps them blend in with the color of their surroundings. By the way, spiders that can change their color are not necessarily skilled hunters.

Peacock spider

You'll need a magnifying glass to see the vibrant colors of this tiny jumping peacock spider, as the creature is only 5 millimeters long.

Moreover, in the back part, all males have something like a multi-colored tail - they spread it, like peacocks, specifically to attract females.

Bagheera Kipling's Spider

Basically, representatives of the spider world are predators. But not this variety, since Bagheera Kipling's spider is a vegetarian. These creatures are no larger than a little fingernail in size, so they must hide even from ants, since they live together in acacia trees. Kipling's Bagheera is the first most famous spider that managed to survive on a plant diet. True, if necessary, spiders still resort to cannibalism.

Sand Spider

Of course, many arachnophobes may believe that there are plenty of spiders on the planet that can inspire fear, however, scientists continue to discover more and more new species. Yes, it was recently opened new look giant sand spider, which was named Cerbalus aravensis. It’s easy to agree that this eight-legged spider could very well become the next horror movie hero. This spider is about 13 centimeters in diameter - including its legs, of course, which is why it is believed that this is one of the most large spiders in the Middle East.

Researchers discovered this type of spider in the sands of one of the deserts of Israel - Samar. Due to the fact that very important mines are located in the desert, this new species is at risk of extinction due to environmental damage - in the future. Today scientists cannot say exactly how many individuals of this species there are in nature.

Clubiona rosserae

The spider belongs to the araneomorpha family. He has a truly unique resurrection experience. The spiders were previously thought to have gone extinct in England's wetland areas around 10 years ago, but the species was rediscovered in September 2010. The spider was identified by Ian Dawson, a spider enthusiast who also discovered 10 more individuals of the species. Scientists have received hope that this population will be restored. But as England's wetlands disappear, the fate of these spiders is still in danger.