The easiest cottage cheese casserole recipe. In the oven, cottage cheese casserole

Step 1: Prepare the dough.

In order for the casserole to turn out tender, you need to thoroughly prepare the cottage cheese. To do this, place it in a deep bowl, the same one in which you will later knead the dough, and knead it, rub it with forks to give this ingredient a creamy consistency. You can also use a blender if you have this wonderful device at your disposal.
Now add sugar, eggs, semolina and sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and without lumps. Sprinkle everything with vanilla and mix again.

Step 2: Bake a simple cottage cheese casserole.

Turn on the oven and preheat it to 200 degrees. Important: You yourself know the capabilities of your oven; if your appliance bakes unevenly, then it is better to lower the temperature and increase the cooking time.
Now prepare the baking pan by dusting it with semolina. Excess semolina should be shaken out. Place the curd dough in the mold and place your dough in the oven for 40 minutes. During this time, the top of the casserole should have set and become a pale golden color.
Once the cottage cheese casserole is baked, do not remove it from the oven. Turn off the device and open it slightly, allowing the product to rest 5-7 minutes. Then remove the finished casserole and leave it to cool further. 15 minutes. Only after this can the finished dish be served, having previously been cut into portions with a knife.

Step 3: Serve a simple cottage cheese casserole.

A simple cottage cheese casserole can be decorated by pouring various fruit and berry toppings on it, as well as sprinkling powdered sugar and coconut or chocolate chips on top. That's it, the preparation is over. Brew yourself aromatic black tea without sugar or pour a cup of warmed milk and start your meal.
Bon appetit!

If you want to get a fluffy cottage cheese casserole, then add a little soda to the dough; there is no need to extinguish it first.

You can add raisins or other dried fruits to the casserole by first soaking them in warm water.

You can also sprinkle the bottom of the baking dish with breadcrumbs instead of semolina.

Curd casserole It’s easy and quick to prepare in the oven, and the result is excellent. There are enough varieties of this dish: cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the oven, cottage cheese casserole with apples in the oven, cottage cheese casserole with bananas in the oven, cottage cheese casserole with raisins in the oven, cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin in the oven, cottage cheese casserole with carrots in the oven. However, a simple cottage cheese casserole in the oven, or as it is called a classic cottage cheese casserole in the oven, is a casserole using pure curd mass.

Many chefs are experimenting with this dish. They try to cook, for example, a cottage cheese casserole without semolina in the oven. However, our advice is that in order to prepare a delicious cottage cheese casserole in the oven, you need to follow proven recipes. This way you will get an airy cottage cheese casserole in the oven, and a fluffy cottage cheese casserole in the oven.

Housewives also like the recipe for children's cottage cheese casserole in the oven. Children's cottage cheese casserole in the oven is widely prepared in children's institutions and has gained popularity. Children like cottage cheese casserole in the oven just like in kindergarten, as it always turns out soft, sweet, fluffy, with berries or raisins. Due to the method of preparation and its qualities, this dish can be called “dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven.”

If you decide to cook the “curd casserole in the oven” dish, you can see the recipe with photos on our website. Good clarity in preparing cottage cheese casserole in the oven - step by step recipe. Having mastered these recipes, try to prepare your own dish “cottage cheese casserole in the oven”, show us the step-by-step recipe with photos. We hope they will be of interest to many. For example, we are interested in your recipe for cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the oven, your cottage cheese casserole - recipes in the oven with apples.

Well, since you have no secrets on how to cook cottage cheese casserole in the oven, how to properly make cottage cheese casserole in the oven, get down to business. But know that if you have your own version of how to cook cottage cheese casserole in the oven, we are waiting for you to give us the recipe for this treat.

Now some tips for preparing cottage cheese casserole in the oven:

To ensure that the casserole is homogeneous, without clots or lumps, first rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

If you are using fresh fruit or berries, it is better to lay them in separate layers, but dried fruits and nuts can be mixed directly with the curd mass.

To prevent the casserole from turning out too liquid, you must first remove excess moisture from juicy fruits and berries. To do this, they need to be blanched in small quantities. vegetable oil within a few minutes.

You can serve the cottage cheese casserole with a delicate crispy crust. Whisk a few egg whites with sugar into a dense foam and pour it onto the casserole about 10 minutes before it’s ready. Remove the casserole from the oven when the top is golden brown.

A very tasty and appropriate addition to the cottage cheese casserole would be berry or chocolate sauce, whipped cream, honey or sour cream, which can be poured over the finished casserole just before serving.

Our family loves cottage cheese casserole, especially our daughter. I tried many recipes and kept a few of the most successful ones. It can be prepared in the oven, in a slow cooker and in the microwave. It tastes best in the oven. The recipe is suitable even for simple gas ovens, where baking is usually not very successful.

Cottage cheese casserole is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, fluorine, folic acid and vitamins A and B. It strengthens bones and teeth, normalizes nervous system, keeps you in good shape muscle tissue And circulatory system. Many people know that cottage cheese is good for children and pregnant women. But not all children agree to eat it. This is where they come to the rescue delicious casseroles. They can be served for dessert or as a separate dish for breakfast. The casserole is ideal for baby food, this is a more dietary product than cheesecakes, which are fried in oil.

You can add raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples, bananas, cherries, lemon zest and any candied fruits to the casserole. This way you can get different flavors and more different vitamins every time. I like the usual version with raisins the most.

The taste of the casserole largely depends on the cottage cheese. Do not use cottage cheese with palm oil for cooking (sometimes called cottage cheese product or farm cottage cheese with 18% fat content). If you bake a casserole from such cottage cheese, it turns out liquid, you can’t even cut it when it’s hot, it quickly settles and turns out very dense.

You can also make a casserole from frozen cottage cheese, the main thing is that it is not sour and fresh when frozen. You just need to defrost it room temperature or in the microwave on defrost mode and cook as usual.

I don’t add flour to the cottage cheese; it makes the casserole denser. The finished casserole can be frozen by dividing it into portions. Defrost in the microwave or at room temperature, then be sure to reheat. But here it is eaten very quickly, even from a double portion of food.

Well, now my proven recipes. They are all step-by-step and with photos.

The cooking time for all casseroles is about an hour, where you need to soak the semolina - a little longer.

It is not always possible to bake a casserole in the oven. In this case, you can prepare fluffy and tender cheesecakes. And for nursing mothers and those on a diet, steamed cheesecakes in a slow cooker are perfect. All the secrets of their preparation are in the article about cheesecakes.


  • cottage cheese with regular fat content (5-9%) - 600 gr. If you take it in packs, 3 packs will be enough
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 heaped tablespoons of semolina
  • sour cream 5 tablespoons (or any fermented milk product - kefir, razhenka, bifidok, but it tastes better with sour cream)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, depending on the taste of the cottage cheese
  • raisins or other dried fruits 1 handful (about 50 g)
  • vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • salt 1 pinch
  • butter for greasing the pan

1) first mix semolina with sour cream or kefir. If the sour cream is thick, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk. Let it swell for about half an hour. During this time, stir the semolina several times.

2) while the semolina swells, prepare the cottage cheese. If it is grainy, it must be rubbed through a fine sieve or you can pass it through a meat grinder with a fine grid. If you don't do this, the finished casserole will have lumps and it won't be as smooth. Try to buy soft cottage cheese right away. If you have a blender, you don’t have to puree the cottage cheese.

3) beat eggs with sugar, add vanilla sugar and salt. Don't be afraid to add salt to dessert, a little of it will add flavor ready-made dish brighter

4) mix cottage cheese, swollen semolina and beaten eggs. Mix it all with a blender

5) then add well-washed raisins and stir the whole mass with a spoon, otherwise the blender will grind the raisins into pieces. Before adding to the dough, raisins need to be steamed so that they are not dry. But if you fill hot water for a long time, he will become like a weakling. You just need to rinse hot water and pour boiling water over it, then take out the small sticks.

6) grease the baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. If they are not there, you can sprinkle with semolina. I bake more often in a silicone mold, there is no need to grease it, just rinse it cold water, nothing sticks to it.

7) post it curd mass into the mold, level the top with a spoon or silicone spatula and put 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream on top and spread over the entire surface. This way the top will not crack and will be soft. We take out the mold and leave it for a few minutes, then take out the casserole. It's best served chilled, but we don't have the patience and eat it warm.

Classic recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the oven (from the Soviet book of home economics)

IN Soviet era This book was probably in every home. We haven’t had the book for a long time, but the cut out recipe is carefully preserved. Its casserole always turns out delicious.


  • 500 g regular fat cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons semolina
  • raisins 100 gr
  • vanillin 1/4 sachet
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder. If you take soft cottage cheese without lumps, you don’t have to twist it.
  2. add melted butter to the cottage cheese, beaten egg with sugar, semolina, salt and vanilla
  3. Mix well with a wooden spatula, adding (if any) washed raisins.
  4. transfer the prepared mass into a mold greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, level the surface, grease with sour cream and sprinkle with oil (it is convenient to do this with a silicone brush) and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes until golden brown

Unlike the first recipe, this one contains less semolina, it turns out more curdish, and the first one is more tender.

Cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten

Many adults still remember this taste from childhood. The casserole is soft and tender, and you don’t feel the cottage cheese at all, so kids eat it with pleasure. It is very easy to prepare, the main thing is to take quality ingredients.

It is best to take cottage cheese that is soft, fresh, and slightly sour. Country cottage cheese is great. And under no circumstances should you try to bake a casserole from cottage cheese with palm oil - you will end up with a pancake that has an incomprehensible taste and is very greasy, a complete disappointment.

When preparing, do not rush, be sure to let the dough stand so that the semolina gets wet, preferably about an hour. Then the finished casserole will be softer and will not sink. Sometimes they put already prepared thick meat into the casserole. semolina porridge. Once I was in a hurry and poured boiling milk over the semolina and let it sit for about 10 minutes, during which time it managed to swell and it turned out to be an excellent casserole.


  • half a kilo of cottage cheese with regular fat content, low-fat is not suitable
  • granulated sugar– half a glass
  • semolina - half a glass
  • milk - half a glass
  • egg - 2 pieces
  • butter – 50 grams (about a third of a pack)
  • vanillin 1/4 teaspoon (if you add more it will be bitter)
  • salt - a quarter teaspoon

Usually the casserole in kindergarten is prepared without raisins. I asked my daughter, she is still without raisins. But you can add it if you wish.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

  1. The butter should be softened at room temperature, but not melted in a frying pan. Just don’t heat it in the microwave, it will explode (checked, I was also in a hurry, I still had to wash everything)
  2. pour semolina with milk and leave for 30 minutes
  3. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or just mix everything in a blender, it’s more convenient.
  4. mix the eggs and sugar well, it is not necessary to beat them into foam
  5. Put cottage cheese, soft butter, eggs, swollen semolina, vanillin, salt into a blender bowl and beat it all to a paste. If you are cooking without a blender, just mix everything well with a regular potato masher.
  6. if you add raisins, then rinse them well and soak them in hot water for 1-2 minutes, so they will become soft, but not too soggy. Mix the raisins with the prepared mixture, but not with a blender, but with a spoon
  7. prepare the baking dish - grease the walls and bottom with a piece of butter and sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs. I find it most convenient to cook in a silicone baking dish; just rinse it with cold water. In glass forms, the casserole always sticks to the walls. It is convenient to use molds with non-stick coating.
  8. transfer the dough and smooth the surface. The casserole should not be very thin; it is best to make it 3-4 cm thick.
  9. Now we send our future casserole to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40 minutes, until golden brown. At the end of cooking, you can safely open the oven to check the readiness of the casserole.
  10. Remove the finished casserole from the pan, serve warm or cold with sour cream, condensed milk or sweet cream sauce

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina and banana in the oven

For variety, sometimes I make a casserole using this recipe, it turns out very tender and soft.


  • half a kilo of cottage cheese with regular fat content
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 eggs
  • half a glass of milk
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp. m anki

The cooking process is similar to all previous ones; it is better to take soft cottage cheese, not grainy and of normal fat content.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Fill the semolina with milk and leave to swell for about half an hour. During this time, stir the semolina several times. If you pour hot milk, it will be enough to leave for 10 minutes
  2. Place cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, prepared semolina into a blender bowl and beat everything until smooth.
  3. add chopped banana and beat everything again
  4. if you cook without a blender, then simply mash the banana with a fork and mix everything well
  5. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. If they are not there, you can sprinkle with semolina. I bake more often in a silicone mold; there is no need to grease it, just rinse it with cold water, nothing sticks to it.
  6. put the curd mass in the mold, level the top with a spoon or silicone spatula and put 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream on top and spread over the entire surface. This way the top will not crack and will be soft.
  7. put in a hot oven at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Once the top is browned, the casserole is ready.
  8. take out the mold and leave for a few minutes, then remove the casserole
  9. Best served warm

Here are all my proven recipes. I cook casserole often, sometimes several times a week and main secret- as cottage cheese. Don't be afraid to experiment, try adding different fillings, such as apples, pumpkin, dried apricots, and figs.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

  1. Let's start by preparing the cottage cheese. Mash well using a puree masher or fork.
  2. Add sugar, mix and leave for 10 minutes. This is necessary for the sugar to begin to dissolve.
  3. Mix the curd mass with the eggs.
  4. Add the amount of semolina, mix and leave for 10 minutes so that the semolina swells.
  5. Transfer the prepared dough for cottage cheese casserole into a silicone or ceramic mold. To prevent the treat from sticking during cooking, grease the sides and bottom with oil and rub with breading. Brush the top with yolk.
  6. Place the pan with the cottage cheese casserole in the oven, setting the temperature to 180 degrees. 40 minutes is enough for baking.
  7. After baking, carefully transfer the casserole to a tray or plate.
  8. After cutting the dessert into portions, serve. It’s delicious to try the casserole, for example, with delicious homemade strawberry jam.

Cottage cheese casserole: culinary tips
  1. It is important to grind the cottage cheese well. Lumps are not allowed. The curd mass should be homogeneous.
  2. To prevent the casserole from sticking to the sides and bottom of the pan, sprinkle it generously with breading. Ground crackers and semolina are suitable.
  3. To carefully remove the casserole from the pan, you must wait after baking. The dessert should cool slightly. Then cover the pan with a plate and, turning the pan over, remove the casserole.
  4. Select cottage cheese for casserole of medium fat content.

Recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the oven with sour cream and vanilla

Tender and fluffy, exuding a magical vanilla aroma, cottage cheese casserole has won one of the first places in the cookbooks of young mothers. A product such as cottage cheese must be included in the children's menu.

But not all children love cottage cheese, so many mothers use a little trick and prepare a variety of pastries from cottage cheese. Cottage cheese casserole, cooked in the oven and flavored homemade sour cream, is an excellent solution for a healthy breakfast or dinner for preschoolers. Yes, and schoolchildren primary classes will not refuse such a unique delicacy.


  • Cottage cheese – 700 grams.
  • Chicken egg – 4 pcs.
  • Sugar – 5 tables. spoons
  • Semolina – 5 tables. spoons
  • Sour cream - 3 tables. spoons.
  • Vanillin.


  1. Place the cottage cheese in a deep glass or other type of container. Gradually add chicken eggs, stirring occasionally. Eggs can be divided into four yolks and whites. Add only the yolks to the cottage cheese, and carefully add the whites whipped into a thick, dense foam at the very end of forming the dough along with vanilla.
  2. Pour semolina and sugar into the container where we have the curd mass and eggs. Mix. The mass will become more liquid due to the sugar added to it.
  3. Add sour cream to the resulting mixture, mix everything thoroughly until smooth. You can achieve product homogeneity using a submersible mixer. Leave the curd mass for some time (30-40 minutes) for the semolina to swell.
  4. Place vanillin in the curd dough and mix gently. Instead of vanilla, you can add cinnamon or raisins, pre-soaked in warm water. Pour the slightly thickened curd mixture into a glass mold and let stand for a while. The dough should be 1 centimeter below the edges of the pan. For this recipe, an oval shape was used, the length of which is 26 centimeters, the width is 18 centimeters, and the height is 6 centimeters.
  5. Place the mold on a baking sheet, onto which you first pour a little water. The water on the baking sheet is necessary to prevent the bottom of the casserole from burning. Place the baking sheet with the future casserole in the oven and bake at 180 degrees until golden brown. Turn off the curd casserole and let it sit in the oven for a while.

Video recipe:

How to cook cottage cheese casserole in the oven. Tastes like kindergarten

Let's go back to childhood and remember unique taste cottage cheese casserole, which our teachers diligently fed us. It was always fluffy and tender with a sweet gravy. This can hardly be forgotten.

It is quite possible to prepare it at home. All you need to do is get the necessary products, take a little time and delight your kids with an amazing dessert.


  • 50 g semolina;
  • 1 – egg;
  • 500 g cottage cheese
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 40 g steamed raisins;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 30 g sour cream;
  • Vanilla as a flavoring.


  1. Using a blender, process the cottage cheese. We need a curd mass with a consistency reminiscent of cream.
  2. Add semolina, butter, vanillin, granulated sugar and egg yolk.
  3. Beat the remaining whites until stiff foam. Next, carefully mix into the cottage cheese.
  4. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with crackers, and then lay out the cottage cheese mixture and smooth it out. Coat the top with sour cream.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the cottage cheese casserole into it. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.
When ready, cool slightly and serve. Add sweet if desired milk sauce or jam.

Video recipe on the topic:

Dietary recipe for casserole with cottage cheese (from the series, cottage cheese baking in the oven)

It's no secret that cottage cheese helps keep your figure in good shape, creating proper metabolism in the body. Use in pure form Over time it gets boring, and not everyone will eat it.

What can be done in this case? Elementary - a dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven will correct the situation. It cooks quickly and contains a minimum of calories. The taste and aroma of the finished dish remains high, you will like it.


  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • 1 apple;
  • Oat bran – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 360 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt;
  • Next, carefully add the cottage cheese, stirring with a fork. After complete immersion, use the mixer again.
  • Place the swollen semolina into the prepared mixture and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Prepare the baking dish by greasing it generously with oil. Then spread the mixture and place it in the oven for 40 minutes. We set the temperature to 180 degrees.
  • Before serving, you can use fruits or berries as decoration. It will be no less tasty if the cottage cheese casserole is decorated with chocolate chips. Bon appetit!

    Desserts and pastries made with cottage cheese or with its addition turn out incredibly airy and very tasty every time. Needless to say, one of the most delicious dishes is a fluffy cottage cheese casserole, which has been in great demand and popularity for decades among adults and children. Breakfasts and afternoon snacks from our childhood are like pleasant memories and a delicious reality. If you have forgotten when last time If you have prepared this dish, then cook it and remember how good the tender and airy cottage cheese casserole is.

    Today I want to tell you about several interesting recipes cooking casserole in the oven. Different tastes, different fillings. Everyone can find a simple recipe to suit their taste.

    How to properly prepare cottage cheese casserole

    The casserole is incredibly easy to prepare, and for mothers with babies it is a real salvation, because the cottage cheese can be “disguised”, since not all children eat it with great pleasure in its pure form. But in order for the dish to turn out just right, it is worth purchasing a high-quality main product, because the taste of the final dish will depend on it.

    The most important thing is to choose good and fresh cottage cheese, and not a cottage cheese product. The higher the fat content of the product, the tastier the cottage cheese casserole will be, otherwise the dish may turn out to be dry and tasteless.

    Any cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve before cooking, but you can also use a blender to break up large lumps and make the product of a uniform consistency.

    • To create a delicate structure, first beat the eggs with powdered sugar or sugar, and only then add the pureed cottage cheese. And the very last product added should be semolina or small quantity flour;
    • Do not add too many eggs to the dough, otherwise it will become tight and it will be difficult to achieve a fluffy casserole. The calculation is made approximately like this: one egg is enough for 280-300 grams of cottage cheese;
    • As for semolina or flour, 1 tbsp is enough for the same amount of cottage cheese. spoons. Well, to make the taste more delicate, flour and semolina can be mixed in equal proportions.

    This version of the delicacy is familiar to each of us from the very early childhood, so you should definitely use the recipe and pamper your family members with a delicate dessert. I'm sure many will remember that same taste with pleasure.

    • 255 gr. homemade sour cream;
    • 4-5 tbsp. spoons of fine sugar;
    • 550 gr. homemade cottage cheese;
    • 1-2 large eggs;
    • Semolina or flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • A packet of baking powder;
    • A piece of butter;
    • Berry jam - for serving.


    1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add granulated sugar and rub the mixture until all the grains are dissolved, and then beat the mass until it becomes fluffy and airy.

    2. Rub the cottage cheese, or grind it until smooth using an immersion blender. Add the egg mixture to the curd mixture, add all the sour cream or classic (without additives) yogurt and mix.

    3. Combine flour or semolina with baking powder and salt, gradually add it to the cottage cheese and knead the curd dough to a not very thick consistency.

    4. Grease a refractory mold with butter, place the curd mass, and cut the remaining pieces of butter and place on top.

    5. Place the pan in a preheated oven at 180 C and bake for about 28-30 minutes until a golden crust appears on the surface.

    The classic cottage cheese casserole is served warm or cold, garnished with thick berry jam or condensed milk. Exactly the way it was served kindergarten and school.

    Cottage cheese casserole without adding flour - dietary option

    For those who are worried about their slim figure and calculates calories, an excellent dessert would be a flourless cottage cheese casserole with the addition of orange zest and dried apricots. In addition to the obvious usefulness, this casserole also has a delicious taste. Well-beaten egg whites add fluffiness and airiness. A little effort will be rewarded with this incredible delicacy.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 500 gr. 9% cottage cheese;
    • 3-4 tbsp. spoons 20% sour cream;
    • 3-4 eggs;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of potato starch;
    • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • A packet of vanilla sugar;
    • A handful of dried apricots or raisins;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar;
    • Zest of one orange;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 25 gr. butter.


    1. Pour boiling water over dried apricots (raisins) and other dried fruits and leave for 10-12 minutes until they become soft.

    2. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the latter until fluffy with the addition of a pinch of salt.

    3. Combine cottage cheese and sugar, yolks and starch, vanilla sugar, sour cream in a large bowl and beat the mass with a submersible blender until fluffy.

    4. Cut the steamed dried apricots into small pieces and transfer them along with the orange zest into the curd mass. Add the whipped whites and mix everything well.

    5. Grease a baking dish with oil, you can use a silicone one, lay out the curd mass and place in an oven preheated to 190 C for 30 minutes.

    Once cooled, remove the casserole from the pan and sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Cut into portions and serve. Enjoy your tea!

    Lush casserole with condensed milk

    Kids will really like this delicacy, and a simple recipe will not take much time from the mother to feed her child healthy cottage cheese for breakfast or afternoon snack. But adults will also be happy with such a delicious curd dessert, where condensed milk acts as an ingredient, and not just a sauce on top, as we usually like to eat.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 550 gr. homemade cottage cheese;
    • A can of condensed milk;
    • 3-4 large eggs;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 25 gr. potato starch;
    • A little butter.


    1. Separate the whites from the yolks and place the cottage cheese into a large, convenient bowl. Add the yolks and condensed milk to them, and using a blender or mixer, bring the mixture until smooth.

    2. Add potato starch to the curd mass and mix everything thoroughly again.

    3. Beat the egg whites with the addition of salt into an elastic foam, combine with the curd mass and stir with a spatula from bottom to top so that the foam does not settle.

    4. Place the curd mass in a greased pan and bake in a preheated oven for at least 28-30 minutes until golden brown.

    When serving, you can emphasize the taste of condensed milk by adding a generous portion of a sweet treat or fruit to a piece of casserole.

    Recipe for cottage cheese casserole with semolina

    For those who are preparing this dessert for the first time, the recipe with semolina will be a real salvation, because thanks to the cereal it turns out tender, fluffy and airy. This cottage cheese casserole works great with berries and dried fruits.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 400 gr. 9% cottage cheese;
    • 2-3 large eggs;
    • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of semolina;
    • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of homemade sour cream;
    • 55 gr. fine sugar;
    • Raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits – 100 gr.;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • A little butter or vegetable oil.


    1. Add salt and granulated sugar, yolks to the cottage cheese chicken eggs. Now you can add semolina to the mixture, mix and set aside for 7-9 minutes so that the semolina has time to swell.

    2. Meanwhile, steam the dried fruits in boiling water, then chop them and mix with the curd mass. You can also use fresh or frozen berries.

    3. In a separate bowl, beat the whites and combine with the dough.

    4. Grease the pan with oil, place the dough and bake until done in a preheated oven for about 28 minutes.

    Serve with the addition of sour cream, jam or jam.

    Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and sour cream

    A very tasty cottage cheese casserole with raisins, perfect for hearty breakfast or a snack before dinner, for both adults and children even younger age. An afternoon snack of casserole will always be relevant.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 455 gr. fat cottage cheese;
    • 3-4 chicken eggs;
    • 125 gr. homemade sour cream;
    • 4-5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • A large handful of raisins;
    • A pinch of salt and soda;
    • Breadcrumbs;
    • A little butter.


    1. Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and grind the mixture until smooth.

    2. Add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to the cottage cheese and stir. Add eggs to the cottage cheese and grind them with the cottage cheese.

    3. Add salt and soda, steamed raisins and mix everything well.

    4. Place the cottage cheese dough into a greased form, sprinkle the cottage cheese with breadcrumbs and bake in the oven until golden brown at a temperature of 190 C.

    Serve, cut into portions while warm, with cool thick sour cream.

    Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin and raisins

    A casserole made from cottage cheese with the addition of pumpkin will simply melt in your mouth, it will turn out sweet and fluffy with a pleasant golden color and will really appeal to children and fans of healthy eating.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 450 gr. fresh (frozen) pumpkin;
    • 350 gr. cottage cheese;
    • 2-3 eggs;
    • Regular and vanilla sugar - to taste;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of starch;
    • A large handful of raisins;
    • 125 gr. sour cream;
    • Zest of one orange;
    • Jam for serving.


    1. Steam raisins in boiling water. Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel, cut into cubes, place in a saucepan and cover with water, boiling until tender. Drain off excess liquid, add salt and sugar to taste and beat until smooth.

    2. Add sugar and eggs, a little sour cream and salt to the cottage cheese and mix. Add starch, raisins and sour cream to the cottage cheese, mix again.

    4. Place the curd mass on the bottom of the greased form, add some pumpkin puree, again cottage cheese and the remaining pumpkin on top. Place small pieces of butter on top and bake in a preheated oven for 25-28 minutes until done.

    Serve warm with sour cream or berry jam.

    How to cook cottage cheese casserole with apples

    Adding fruit will make the cottage cheese casserole tasty and healthy, and it will also turn out very tender and juicy. See for yourself by making this for an afternoon snack delicious dessert. With apples you can cook not only charlotte, but also an excellent casserole.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 550 gr. homemade cottage cheese;
    • 2-3 large sweet and sour apples;
    • Butter – 50 gr.;
    • 100 gr. fine sugar;
    • 125 gr. sour cream;
    • A pinch of coarse salt;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 60 gr. semolina.


    1. Transfer the cottage cheese into a convenient bowl, mash it with sugar, salt and eggs, add sour cream, a little baking powder and semolina. Stir and leave to brew for 10-12 minutes.

    2. Peel and cut the apples, mix them with the dough.

    3. Place the apple-curd mixture into a greased pan and bake in the oven for 40 minutes until golden brown.

    Serve with thick sour cream, sprinkling the casserole with apples with powdered sugar.

    Cottage cheese casserole that always works - video recipe

    Well, for clarity and ease of perception of this simple recipe, I’m attaching an excellent video at the end. Now you certainly won’t have any difficulties with the casserole.

    • The dessert will turn out tender, fluffy and airy if the quality of the cottage cheese is good. This also applies to sour cream as part of the dish;
    • To get a delicate consistency, beat the eggs until fluffy with the addition of sugar; if this is not done, the casserole will turn out tough;
    • As for additives, there is complete scope for imagination; you can add not only fruits and berries, but also nuts, lemon, lime or orange zest, raisins and dried fruits, cocoa powder and cinnamon, chocolate buttons;