Where they pay well for articles. Earning money by writing articles

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Today we’ll talk about whether it’s possible to make money with your talent for creating captivating texts or how to write an article for a magazine for money?

It’s so tempting... To forget about waking up every morning to an alarm clock and going outside in any weather... To create text, you only need a laptop and the Internet, so you can work where it’s convenient. Do you think this is unrealistic? Hundreds of success stories prove the opposite, today I will share one of them with you.

A young girl, my friend, having lived to the age of 32 and the position of chief accountant, woke up one morning from the fact that a vague dissatisfaction with life had grown into persistent disgust. A sure sign it's time to change something. Writing a resignation letter is only the beginning of the journey. What's next?

And then she remembered that while still in school, she worked as a journalist in a newspaper, dreamed of making a career as an author, but then for some reason she decided that the economy would support her, but writing was not a fact. Life has shown that the economy provides food, but does not bring pleasure. Why not return to what you once dreamed of?

Let me jump ahead and reveal the intrigue right away: my friend managed to achieve her goal - to become a sought-after and well-paid author in Samara. That’s why I talked about her, and she, in turn, shared recipes on how you can achieve the same result.

Where does the author's journey begin?

The easiest way to start your writing journey, or rather the path of a copywriter, is with text exchanges. For example, www.etxt.ru. This is a really good opportunity to gain experience, overcome the fear of communicating with the customer, get the first positive reviews and, most importantly, the first money.
Getting started is easy. You need to go through the registration procedure on the exchange. It is advisable to fill out your profile, post a photo, tell about yourself, and choose your favorite topics. This makes it easier to find a customer and receive exactly those orders that are interesting to you. To reach decent payment amounts, you will need to gain experience (on the exchange this is called a rating), create a high-quality portfolio, and build relationships with regular customers. Hard work and determination will definitely lead to success.

The only drawback of working on the stock exchange is that you will not see your name under the text sold, this is the law of working on the Internet. If you are interested not only in money, but also in fame, then you should go to magazines.

How to get into glossy publications?

If you think that only authors with higher journalistic education work in the media, then you are deeply mistaken. People with any education are hired for freelance positions, the main thing is that they have at least a little ability and a great desire to work.

How to start publishing in a magazine? The first strategy is to survey all your friends and acquaintances to see if any of them work in the media or have access to publications. Found it? Ask this person to look at your article. Just not just any article, but on the topic of the publication you are applying for. Yes, you will have to spend time and write the text for free, but you want to get the job of your dreams, right?

If you don’t know anyone, use strategy number two.

Study the best magazines in the city, choose those that are close to you and interesting in topic. Write an article for these publications. Then, in the Imprint or Contact section, find the editor's email and send the email. In the letter, indicate what the article is about, emphasize that it was created specifically for this magazine and has not been published anywhere before. Write that you will be happy with the decision to publish your material and are ready to improve it.

The style of writing and, of course, the article must correspond to the format of the publication. For youth magazines this is one thing, for serious, analytical magazines it is another. Show the editor-in-chief that you are willing to work, but don't become intrusive.

Where can you learn to write texts?

If you lack knowledge and experience, it is useful to take a training course on the Internet, for example “ How to become an author of a popular magazine or website?" This will give you a methodology for writing an article, a specific plan for finding customers, and will add self-confidence.

If you want to not only successfully start, but also successfully continue to collaborate with magazines, always comply with the deadlines, agreements and requirements of the technical specifications for the material. These are rare qualities among freelancers, so give yourself a competitive advantage right away.

By following these simple guidelines with diligence and persistence, you will achieve the job you want in no time. That’s all for today, but the topic of remote earnings is not exhausted. Subscribe to so you don't miss anything! Be sure to share the article with your friends if you found it useful. I wish you creative success! .

A journalist asks a novice author:

— How did you come up with the idea of ​​becoming a writer?

There are a lot of sites offering work to freelancers. Everyone offers projects from a specific area: journalism, translations, design, IT technology, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should decide what exactly you want to do. So, if you...

...you write lyrics
You need sites that are ready to buy your text or give you the opportunity to choose a customer and write an article to order. For example, these:

The community of journalists and others like them. Here you can sell a finished article, respond to an order for material, participate in a project, etc. Prices range from $20 to $50 per page of text. What do you need? Be registered in LiveJournal and write a letter to the moderator - tell your nickname and your topics. This community also posts interesting messages and notes that can become the basis for an article.

You can either sell a finished article or respond to an offer from a customer. The topics of the articles are very different. Register and choose. The price of the article is determined by the customer or you (in the case of selling a finished article). Rewriting is often ordered, that is, rewriting the finished article to the format required by the customer.

In this community, vacancies for journalists are posted, in addition, journalists publish their resumes, propose topics or ready-made articles.

The community is very similar to mamarazzi_ru. But here freelancers offer their articles, and editors of publications select these articles. No discussions or vacancies. Everything is strict and to the point. The author writes that there is a topic for an article or a finished article, reports its volume (number of characters) and price (most indicate that the price is negotiable, and later resolve the issue with the customer).

...and if you want to start making money from your knowledge of languages, you need to choose a suitable site, register and choose a suitable offer.

In essence, this site is just a bulletin board with offers from customers and translators. If you are a translator, you can either place your ad and wait patiently for someone to choose you as a performer for their project, or quickly respond to a project that has already been announced and suits you. In the first case, you yourself determine what price you are willing to work for; in the second, you agree (or disagree) to the remuneration offered by the customer. Prices fluctuate around 400−600 rubles. per page (or per hour of work).

Job offers for translators from a variety of languages ​​are published here. The most popular, of course, is English, but the more valuable is a person who knows other languages. The offers are very different. This includes text translation, on-site visits, and simultaneous translation at presentations, exhibitions, and so on. In general, there are many offers. The prices are also quite adequate; they largely depend on the type of translation and language (from which one and into which one it is necessary to translate).
In addition, interesting links to sites dedicated to different languages, interesting notes on translations, and much more interesting things sometimes appear here.

Those who know English well can find part-time work here. These are not necessarily translations. It happens that you need to help pass a test in English, fill out a questionnaire, or participate in a survey or testing. Such work will not take much time, and money is not superfluous.

...doing something with your own hands
And you want to not only present your crafts to friends and relatives, but also sell them profitably, earning money from your hobby.

This is a community on LiveJournal where users post their handmade works for sale. To do this, you just need to register in LiveJournal and subscribe to this community. Next, you post with the best photo of your product, indicate the price and wait for a buyer. They sell mainly jewelry here, and less often - clothes. But sometimes you come across very interesting things like sconces with a handmade lampshade or mini-cakes made of felt, wool and beads.

Handmade things. A community very similar to the one described above, only with a wider range and links of some authors to their personal sites. They even sell handmade cosmetics and many other interesting things.

Everything here is almost the same as on the two previous sites. The only difference is that you send a text description and photographs of your works to the administrator, and he then decides whether to publish them or not. A large number of photographs is welcome, so that there is plenty to choose from (the selection of photographs of works is also carried out by the administrator). The maximum that the site may require from you is a commission from transactions, which, by the way, you may not assign.

...you want everything at once
If you don’t yet know what exactly you would like to do (preparing an article, translating, etc.), and want to see all the offers, then you need a site that brings together many different freelance offers.

A very popular exchange where you can find a wide variety of projects. Programming, design, working with texts, advertising, drawings, calculations, etc. - it's all here. By registering, you can respond to any project, you can publish your own, you can join a team or organize your own. In general, there are many possibilities. The amount of payment is also set by the customer. The main disadvantage is the popularity of the site, which means that the likelihood that you will be chosen is small, especially if you are a beginning freelancer. So it is important to respond to as many projects as possible, and then choose from those that received a response from the customer.

In this community, work is offered on TV, radio, publishing houses, Internet portals, advertising, many interesting projects are announced, for example, they are invited to film a new show as a heroine, a girl asking questions, or simply to participate in the crowd. Or you can take part in hand cream testing. All you have to do is tell the camera about your feelings. Sometimes you come across offers to write reviews of restaurants, cafes, clubs. So you can combine business with pleasure. In general, there are many proposals, they can be very different. The main thing is to have more self-confidence.

Freelance community. Here you can offer your services as a journalist, proofreader, translator, tutor... Or respond to an existing offer from a customer. And also communicate with other freelancers, find out some details, ask questions that interest you.

Writing articles for money on the Internet is considered a promising and well-paid job, and there are plenty of vacancies on various sites. The terms of cooperation with customers are different, and so are the topics of the texts. The task of every freelancer is to find the option that will bring not only money, but also pleasure. This kind of income from writing articles was previously considered additional, but in recent years for many network users it has already become the main, stable one.

Earning money by writing articles

Most copywriters strive for solid volumes of orders and high incomes. This is all possible if you act correctly. Anyone can write an article for money, but not everyone gets paid for it. Therefore, it is important to contact a copywriting exchange where stable three-way relationships have been established: customer - intermediary - performer. You have to overpay the commission, but taking orders from this kind of resources is beneficial at least in terms of fairness of payment.

This type of earning money on the Internet is ideal for students, housewives, pensioners, young mothers - in general, all people who have at least 3-4 hours a day free to write articles for money on the Internet. Anyone can try, but income depends on the rate, volume of articles and topic. The longer you work on the Internet, the greater your chances of earning good money and making extra work your main type of work. There are many advantages, but the main disadvantage is the impossibility of official employment.

Texts to order

When visiting a freelance exchange, authors must understand that the customer is always right, therefore, when writing articles, strictly follow the technical specifications and fulfill all prescribed requirements and recommendations. Pay special attention to the number of keywords and phrases, compliance with the volume of the order, rules for structuring and formatting content, lexical, grammatical and punctuation errors, be sure to take into account the individual requirements of the task. Before choosing orders, it is important to remember the advantages and disadvantages of such earnings.

The positive points are:

  • writing articles can become the main source of income;
  • Part-time employment and decent wages are provided;
  • there is an opportunity to realize oneself on the Internet;
  • You can collaborate with customers on an ongoing basis;
  • there is a chance to write articles yourself or resell finished works.

The disadvantages that custom texts have are the following:

  • the customer may choose a contractor not in favor of a newcomer with a low rating;
  • some works are returned for revision and require adjustments;
  • the customer can refuse finished articles without payment;
  • the performer needs to earn a reputation in order to earn good money;
  • Such earnings depend on the amount of time spent and qualifications.

Content stores

The profession of a copywriter is becoming increasingly popular every year, since it can bring good income to the average network user, especially when it comes to competent specialists in a certain subject. Such authors sell ready-made articles and set the price for 1000 characters. There are a number of specialized content stores on the World Wide Web, which also guarantee high wages for providing quality content. To make good money on these resources, you need:

  • after registering on the exchange, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules and learn how to use the catalog where ready-made articles will be posted;
  • write high-quality articles on the Internet with an optimal number of characters of 4,000-7,000 characters, check for errors several times;
  • using the Yandex service, monitor the ranking of popular topics on the Internet, identify popular keywords and phrases;
  • register only unique content, otherwise it will not be posted by the exchange for sale (content stores also monitor their reputation);
  • choose proven Internet resources for cooperation, first familiarize yourself with the current prices.

Where can you write articles for money?

If you are interested in such additional income, you need to select a high-quality resource that will open the eyes of a beginner to the prospect of earning income via the Internet. Many people write articles, but cannot explain how to start their journey. To get a job, the first thing you need to do is choose a copywriting exchange from the TOP 10, register and read the writing rules from the moderators.

For experienced copywriters there is enough work, but a beginner will have to work hard “for pennies”, develop skills and increase ratings. Free vacancies are often posted on the websites themselves in the appropriate section, but you can also find them on other freelance and content exchanges, through virtual agencies and their email newsletters, and on thematic forums.

For magazines

Most printed publications are a thing of the past; in the modern world, online magazines have become relevant. They offer high wages, but only cooperate with high-quality content with a certain number of characters. Site materials and requirements for technical specifications are provided by moderators. They also check the finished work before publication. Such vacancies can be found on websites with job offers or from customers. Here are well-known virtual resources that are constantly recruiting competent authors to write articles for money on the Internet:

  • mirsovetov.ru;
  • domsovetof.ru;
  • web-3.ru;
  • akak.ru;
  • shkolazhizni.ru.

For websites

Not everyone knows how to write articles for money on the Internet, but it is very profitable. Therefore, in reviews you can often find not only phrases like: “I earn above average income,” “register on this or that exchange,” but also valuable recommendations for beginners. You can start by writing comments. This is a good income if you choose decent sites. Internet users must take a responsible approach to finding a customer. It is recommended to pay attention to the following sites:

  • www.diy.ru;
  • www.znaikak.ru;
  • www.genon.ru.

Websites for writing articles for money

First of all, it is recommended to register on a popular exchange, where writing articles for websites for money is well paid in different currencies at the request of the performer and the customer. This provides an opportunity to work at a global level, choose the best conditions and prices above average. In addition, pay attention to the electronic wallet and its capabilities so that problems with withdrawal of funds do not arise. It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the requirements of customers and the conditions for placement of finished works in advance. Here are some good suggestions.


The exchange has been operating for a long time, is considered one of the first at the origins of copywriting, and collects only positive reviews on thematic forums. If you write articles to order for money on this resource, prices for 1000 characters start from 25 rubles. The difference depends on how you decide to make money - rewriting, copyrighting or translation. Placing ready-made ones for sale is also realistic and profitable. Advantages: no financial investment, simple tasks, search for regular customers. Disadvantages – low prices, high requirements for checking uniqueness.


A young but popular copywriting exchange with a large number of orders on popular topics with clear and concisely stated customer requirements. This is real income with a high rating of performers, the opportunity to increase the tariff rate daily. Prices start at 50 rubles per kilo, but after a couple of weeks of hard work you can get 70 rubles per 1,000 characters. Payment in rubles, withdrawal to WebMoney. Other advantages are the ability to write an article for money in three days, quick verification, weekly payments without delays, and no commission.


Many beginners choose the etxt exchange or text.ru. The operating principle of both content resources is approximately the same, as are the prices and terms of cooperation. In addition to writing texts according to customers’ technical specifications, you can try to sell ready-made articles, but the moderators’ requirements are sometimes too strict. It is important to pay attention not only to correct language and writing style, but also to the structuring and relevance of the topics covered. Advantages: large selection of topics, quick verification. Disadvantages - average earnings are 40 rubles per kilo, waiting for the choice of a performer.


Writing texts to order on Copilancer also attracts many beginning performers, but the exchange is closed. Everyone is selected after registration, but only competent authors get hired. Prices for copyright are 3 dollars per kilo, rewrite prices are 2 dollars. You can put a ready-made article of several pages on sale for free, but first it undergoes a strict check by moderators. Advantages - fast withdrawal of funds, disadvantage - the minimum withdrawal amount is $20.


On this exchange, payments are made exclusively in dollars. In the relevant sections you can buy or sell articles on a variety of topics at a competitive price. This is exactly how most customers update their website with up-to-date information. Withdrawal of money is fast - 2 days, but a commission of 10% is charged. Access to the order feed is also provided on a paid basis.

How to write articles on the Internet for money

To become a sought-after author, you need to be an erudite and well-read Internet user, be able to competently and concisely express your own thoughts, study and efficiently process new information, and work with different topics. Writing articles for money on the Internet is a difficult process for a beginner, but for a professional, having mastered the little tricks for checking uniqueness and the quick printing method, the work is easy and profitable. Here are the basic requirements for finished publications:

  • high uniqueness, according to the technical specifications;
  • matching keywords and phrases;
  • controlled indicator of water and safe words;
  • compliance with the given topic;
  • competent speech, writing without typos.


Hi all! With you again I am Anna, a copywriter, freelancer, who has long said “no” to boring work. Today I invite you to learn about making money from articles. This is the easiest way to join the freelancing stream and become free.

I cannot live according to a rigid schedule, spending half my life commuting to work. Being someone's pawn is not cool at all. But you have to earn money.

During my search, I managed to try various things on the Internet that supposedly generate income. there are many, but they need to be carefully selected. Clicks, viewing ads, captcha - good as a hobby, fun. Buy an ice cream there or a character in a game - nothing more.

One day I learned that you can write for money. It turned my life upside down. I was able to fly to Thailand, change my laptop, and travel around Russia. How many of you can work and not be tied to a specific place? Don't be afraid, I will help you get started.

Try it and tell us in the comments what worked out for you. Having difficulties? Ask a question at the end of the post.

Who is this type of income for?

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to work - a small child, there are no good vacancies.

Who can earn money from texts:

  • moms on maternity leave,
  • students,
  • pensioners,
  • travelers,
  • freedom-loving individuals.

Do you think that only a guy with a philological education can do copywriting? You are wrong! You just have to love writing and do it beautifully. Grammar is important, but you can always improve it. In the meantime, use Spelling or others to check errors.

What you need:

  • laptop or PC,
  • keyboard,
  • Internet,
  • fingers and creativity.

I think most people now have this. Therefore, only you can stop yourself.

What kind of work is this

When I tell someone that I write for money, they say something like this: “How can that be? You don’t have a higher education, but is it possible?” Yes, it's real. In our age, it is not necessary to waste the best years of your life in universities and then frantically look for a job.

You can learn everything through the Internet. For example, we have interesting, professional courses on copywriting that will help you reach a new level. You will really spend your time on education. In a short time, learn what the teacher has been explaining for years. Fast, distance learning rules!

The main content of the sites is articles. When we are looking for something about illness, linoleum or tailoring, what do we look for? That's right - good material that will help solve a problem and teach.

If the site is empty and the article is not structured, we close the page and move on down the list.

So our task is to fill the Internet space with this information. Promote websites, sell products or services using text.

Webmasters, businessmen, content managers, blog owners are willing to pay real money for this. But how much depends on the quality of your work, volume, complexity.

What to do with texts? You can immediately write to order, meeting the client’s requirements, or put your creations on free sale - there are no restrictions on the choice of topic and deadlines.

They often pay based on the size of the article. For every 1,000 characters without spaces, you get from 10 to 350 rubles.

There is also payment for results. Your income will depend on how many subscribers you brought or products you sold. Here you need to know the basics of marketing, psychology, and sales.

What should a copywriter do?

Do you remember how, back in school, you were asked to write an essay? There is nowhere to peek, the sources of words on paper are your thoughts, feelings, personal experience. Was it easy for you? If yes, then you are already ready for it, you just don’t know it.

Copywriting is writing texts from your head. For example, if you were doing renovations, you can easily tell how to hang wallpaper or putty the walls. And young mothers can write about raising children.

Copywriters write not only informational articles for websites. They also do:

  • selling texts for online stores, advertising, magazines;
  • description of goods, categories;
  • SEO articles to attract traffic to the site.

We come to the main question: “What should a copywriter be able to do?” You can start with a basic knowledge of the Russian language and the ability to express your thoughts clearly and clearly.

I advise you to work with your favorite, understandable topic. You came to copywriting for freedom, and not to be bored, right? Give the hateful articles to someone else. Take what you would be willing to write for free all day long. Success, money, happiness are guaranteed.

Not confident? Do you want to earn more than $500 per month? Then I suggest. You will learn to write selling texts and reach large customers.

Who is a rewriter and what do they get paid for?

Remember how in class you were asked to read a text from a textbook and write a retelling in half an hour. Then you felt like you were wasting your time. It turns out not. Now you can write expositions for money. In the freelancing industry this is called .

How does this work:

  1. Enter the name of your topic or subtitle from the structure into the search engine. For example, you need to write “how to make an owl from felt.” You look for a couple of articles about this and read.
  2. Make an outline for the article if it is more than 2,000 characters.
  3. Type the information you read in your own words.
  4. Check for errors and re-read.
  5. Hand over to a customer or sell an article.

Need once forced me to plunge into freelancing. At that time, I needed a large amount, and I came to the Etxt article exchange. I didn’t want to write masterpieces for 10–15 rubles/1,000 characters. I used one trick. She helped me get 100–200 rubles. per day even at this price.

We clearly proofread the text and correct endings. It will take 15-20 minutes, but the work will look perfect.

How long does it take to write an article if you create it using a voice recorder? Let's do the math. I dictated a text of 2,000 characters without spaces in 10–20 minutes, edited in 15. If you try hard, you can do it in 30 minutes.

Then customers became more serious, and it became more difficult to dictate. I started typing.

There are 2 ways to rewrite at the keyboard:

  • copy the sources into a Word document and edit each sentence;
  • start from scratch and write straight away in your own words.

Which method is more convenient is up to you to decide. I'm not critical of anything. I liked writing more after reading the sources in a clean document.

How much can you write in a day:

  • If you use the voice input method, 5–7 articles, up to 3,000 characters in length without spaces. Total 15–21 thousand characters.
  • If you copy the sources into a document and edit them there, then 4–6 texts, up to 3,000 characters. It turns out 12–18 thousand characters.
  • If you write in a blank document, thoughtfully, then no more than 10–12 thousand characters.

You can dictate cheap articles, which are then resold. You will earn 20*15 = 300 rubles per day. Not a lot, but better than nothing.

For high-quality rewriting they pay 20–45 rubles. kilosign. So even with a volume of 10,000 characters, you will receive more - 40 * 10 = 400 rubles. daily. This is 10,000 rubles. per month.

You think, who needs such articles, why do they pay for them. I'll answer you. Search robots ban and lower sites with plagiarism to low positions. Increasing uniqueness through rewriting helps a page get to the top of the search line.

Rewriting is bought by webmasters and website owners. Why can’t they write it themselves, since it’s so simple? Lack of time and skills are the main reasons. They have other work, tasks, and they are not able to deal with texts.

What to write about

When we fulfill orders, we don’t think about the demand for the topic. SEO specialists and webmasters think for us. Our task is to write interestingly and competently.

With sales, things are different. You can write, put anything in the store. But will they buy the article? I do not advise you to dive into topics you don’t like or understand. You will get lost in these jungles and hate copywriting. Maintain a balance between popularity and love for the topic.

What trends are popular now:

  1. Sport. There are few authors who write enthusiastically and interestingly about sports games and competitions. The work is seasonal. More often, performers are sought during the Olympic Games and championships. But they are paid decently. One condition is that you must understand this, it is advisable to engage in at least some kind of sport.
  2. Erotica. This includes descriptions of goods for online stores and erotic stories. Topic +18 takes up 15–25% of all content. There will always be a job. One problem is that on most exchanges it is prohibited to sell articles for adults. We need to ask customers to create individual orders.
  3. Reviews, descriptions of films, serials. Do you like to sit in front of the TV for an evening or two, then this topic is for you. Retell the plot of your favorite paintings, write series descriptions and make good money remotely.
  4. Repair and construction. People do their own repairs to save money. How to learn this? Of course, use the Internet. Sell ​​articles about repairs - you will always find a buyer.
  5. Tourism. Where to go, what to see - current topics that do not lose popularity over the years. You know how to beautifully and subtly paint cities and describe sights. Then take note of “tourism” and start writing.
  6. Raising children. How to change a diaper, what to do if a child cries – these are just some of the search queries. Thousands of young parents are looking for answers to these questions. So why not help them?
  7. Medicine. Long queues to see doctors and their incompetence force us to avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital. People prefer to look for answers on the Internet.

Now you know what topics to write articles for sale on, choose what you like.

Where to look for orders

Are you ready to write articles in full, just where to find the order? There is so much deception around. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you text exchanges where you can write and earn real money.

TOP 5 Runet exchanges:

  1. Etxt. This is where my career began. I collected a portfolio and learned to work with clients. You only need to take a test or an essay to increase your prices; you can start without it. On Etxt you will find an article store where you can sell your work.
  2. Text. Earn from 15 to 150 rubles. per kilosign. Look for customers, submit orders, grow your rating along with your income. Access is open to everyone.
  3. Advego. More than 1,000 authors who receive from $80 to $500 per month have found their place here. The cost of orders is indicated in yuan. e. After registration, anyone can work, there are no restrictions.
  4. TurboText. The average price is from 50 to 300 rubles. for 1,000 characters. But in order to get into the golden ranks of authors, you need to pass an exam in the Russian language and write an essay.
  5. TextSale. Hypermarket of articles where you can post your texts in batches. Beginners set a price of $0.3–0.5 per 1,000 characters. Experienced sellers sell everything for $1–3 per kilo.

Check out others, also in this article you will find a more detailed description of the above platforms.

How to write for a magazine or newspaper

Are you reading your favorite magazine and dreaming that your story will appear on its pages? Believe me, it's real.

Each magazine and newspaper has its own requirements for material. Some are satisfied with the volume of 7,000–10,000 characters with spaces, while others are not averse to publications of 22,000.

How to find out the requirements of a specific publication:

  • Count the number of characters in the number. Multiply letters by rows, columns. To do for 5 minutes.
  • Read several articles from the category you have planned. Pay attention to style, words, structure. Many magazines prohibit the use of the word “I” - keep this in mind.
  • See if there are quotes, callouts, or font highlights.

Send in .doc format to the email indicated on the pages of the journal. There should be a description of the article at the top, content in the middle, and quotes and callouts at the end.

Why don't they publish:

  1. Factual errors. For incorrect names of cities, dates, celebrities, your material will immediately go to the trash.
  2. The style is not respected.
  3. The file format is not .doc.

For a small volume, there is a chance that the work will simply be sent for revision. I wish you good luck!

You are your own boss – selling articles

I want to tell you right away that earnings from selling articles are not constant. It’s like with a store - today there are a lot of customers, and tomorrow there are cat tears. But you can influence the buyer’s choice a little.

How to earn a lot and quickly:

  1. Publish your portfolio on the Article Exchange.
  2. Write on popular, interesting topics.
  3. Place advertisements on the site.
  4. Set a competitive price. I advise you to start with 15–20 rubles. for 1,000 characters, raising the bar by 2–4 rubles after every 4-5 articles sold.
  5. Communicate with customers, thank them for their purchase, offer other work.

I advise you to write 3-5 texts a day. Sales will go better when the store accumulates at least 40–50 articles. Don't try to tackle all the topics at once, take no more than 2-3. This way you increase your chances of purchasing in bulk.

Small business - reselling texts

Earning money from reselling articles is a good extra income for an author, which requires a little time. Non-copywriters can also engage in this business. But it’s better when you yourself understand which texts are good and do not contain errors. Be prepared for the fact that sometimes you will have to correct errors yourself.

What is better: buying articles or ordering them? There is no single answer here. When purchasing, you can save money, but you will get complete nonsense, and you will have to spend more on orders. When ordering, you have the right to send the text for revision until it meets the requirements.

I recommend purchasing in bulk. Buy 50-100 articles without regrets. On average, one text will cost 30–45 rubles. (15 rubles per kilogram). Filling the store will cost 30*50 = 1,500 rubles. Too much? Let's calculate the profit.

For all articles we will earn 50*70 = 3,500 rubles. Net profit – 2,000 rubles. Not bad? And with a high rating, you can sell each text for 100 rubles. Then the benefit is already 3,500 rubles. And so we grow to 100–150 rubles. per kilosign.

You can sell 1-2 texts daily. This is 140–280 rubles per day. We receive 6,300 rubles per month.

Publish all articles in several stores at once. This way you increase your chances of making a sale. They often buy on Etxt (the prices are low there) or on Advego.

We all come as newbies. It’s so good when there is a person nearby who guides you in the right direction.

I offer you some tips that will help you work better and more productively:

  • Fill out your portfolio, profile on the stock exchange - don’t be lazy. Customers are not telepaths. They need to show the quality of their work.
  • Do not write a standard request for an order in the style of “Ready to complete with high quality, on time.” Dozens of performers write this way. Describe in detail why you will do it well and how much you understand the topic.
  • Don't underestimate the price. There are no orders, I want to make prices pleasant for the customer - be patient. It’s better to write articles for sale at this time.
  • Develop yourself. Have you written more than 30 works, are there any positive reviews, links to texts? Start writing for websites/magazines with serious rates.
  • Design your text beautifully. Don't forget about subheadings, quotes, lists. Customers appreciate this.

The most important thing is to plan your time and don’t miss deadlines.

In this article you can find out how you can make money by writing articles. And also what types of texts exist for which money is paid. Get tips on making money for aspiring copywriters.

Nowadays, most people simply cannot imagine their life without the Internet. Almost all network users read news, various blogs, articles, learning a lot of information from them. But not many people think about how this information appears on various sites, whether they are simply informational or scientific. Who writes the articles and provides you with information? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Basic principles of working as a copywriter

Those people who write articles for money are called copywriters online. The principle of work of a copywriter (performer or author). The contractor finds a customer who provides him with work, takes the order and completes it according to the client’s requirements. Standard requirements are literacy, text volume (number of characters), and uniqueness. But it is worth considering the fact that each customer has his own wishes for the work. Some people care exclusively about uniqueness, while others set more stringent requirements.

Many customers provide keys or links to various resources that must be correctly included in the article. After an article is written, it must be checked for errors and uniqueness. If suddenly something does not meet the client’s requirements, the text needs to be revised. After finalization, the text is sent to the customer and, if everything suits him, he accepts the order and transfers the money for the work to the contractor. Once sold, the copywriter loses all ownership rights to the article and cannot sell it again.

There are several types of text for which you will be paid

Copywriting is an original article written on any topic. That is, a person writes an article that he himself came up with. Texts such as copywriting are the highest paid, and the highest quality type of content, that is, they are not found anywhere else.

Rewriting– rewriting an existing article in your own words. Such texts are valued less than copywriting. But they are in great demand because they are easier to write for the performer and, in turn, cheaper for the buyer.

Translation of articles from foreign languages. Well, here I think everyone understands that a certain text is translated from a foreign language and brought to the semantic consistency of the article. This species is in great demand.

SEO copywriting- this is the same as copywriting, rewriting; only the written article must be optimized for a certain key query. An equally popular type of income for copywriters.

List of sites for making money by writing articles

Exchange of quality text. This exchange provides you with the opportunity to make money on articles.

This is a decent income for copywriters and rewriters, as well as the opportunity to order text from professional authors. Here you can realize your creative potential or purchase unique articles for the needs of your site.

Textsale.ru - a site of unique articles, texts for sites. Where you can buy - sell an article, copywriting, SEO copywriting, rewriting of articles, texts, translations.

In addition to content exchanges, there are other places where a novice copywriter can find income, so you can guarantee yourself income from copywriting. The easiest way to do this is on freelance sites. Here you can find simple orders for writing texts. A good source of orders is webmaster-optimizer forums. Also visit specialized groups on VKontakte.

Copywriting is a multifaceted profession, for each person it may have its own advantages and features. Here we will focus only on some of them, which are most often mentioned by beginners:

The work does not require a huge number of special skills. You don't need to learn programming or other wisdom. It is enough to be able to use a computer and put words into sentences;

Great demand. Content is always required, so even a beginner will not be left idle;

Ability to work when it’s convenient. When working as a copywriter, you can choose the most suitable mode for yourself. There is no need to adapt to team members.

First, you should register on one of the copywriting exchanges.

When choosing tasks, you should not dwell on those that are offered specifically to beginners to raise their ratings and have loyal requirements. Since such customers significantly reduce the price.

Also, you should not take assignments on a topic in which you do not understand anything. It is much easier to work on a topic that is close to you.

You don’t need to take on many orders at once; you may be late to submit your work on time.

If there are any misunderstandings regarding the assignment, it is better to clarify them with the customer, since then the work may not be accepted, and you will have to redo everything.

A job like copywriting requires constant improvement. Be sure to study books by successful authors. This will significantly improve the quality of your texts, and accordingly increase your earnings.

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