I will solve the exam in geography online. Demonstration versions of the Unified State Examination in Geography (grade 11)

To be taken at the end of school in the 11th grade. Not the most popular subject: if you give figures for the country, it turns out that on average one graduate per two schools chose geography. Geography is required for admission to specialties in the following areas: geography, geology, cartography, hydrometeorology and ecology.

Check out general information about the exam and start preparing. Compared to last year, the version of the KIM Unified State Exam 2019 has not changed at all, so you can safely use materials from previous years.

Unified State Examination

The minimum passing score in geography in 2019 is 37; to overcome the threshold, it is enough to correctly solve the first 12 tasks. Convert the initial scores into test scores and evaluate your level of knowledge of the subject using the usual five-point system.

Structure of the Unified State Exam test

In 2019, the Unified State Exam test in geography consists of two parts, including 34 tasks.

  • Part 1: 27 tasks (1–27) with a short answer, which is a number, word (phrase) or sequence of numbers.
  • Part 2: 7 tasks (28–34) with a detailed answer, which is a drawing, solution to a problem or detailed description the entire progress of the task.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Take the Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration or SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Exam in Geography, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are developed and approved to prepare for Unified State Examination Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI all official Unified State Exam options.
    The tasks that you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 34
2010 35 53,61 22 256 6,3 17 180
2011 32 54,40 10 946 8 25 180
2012 37 55,8 24 423 8,3 64 180
2013 37 57,2 20 736 12,1 193 180
2014 37 52,9 235
2015 37 52,9 235
2016 37 235
2017 37 235

The last USE task in geography is similar to the previous one - it also requires solving a small problem. However, this time it is related to the determination of migration growth rather than natural growth, so there will be slightly more calculations.

Let's say that we need to find out this value for 2013.

The algorithm is like this:

  • subtract this figure for 2013 from the resident population in 2014;
  • From the resulting number we subtract the natural population growth for 2013.

What happened is migration population growth.

On the answer sheet for of this assignment two actions and a response must be recorded. If all this is done correctly, it is scored 2 points. If there is only one action, or an error was made when calculating the answer and it is incorrect, but two actions are recorded and the first one is correct, 1 point is given. In all other cases, points for task 34 are not awarded.

To successfully complete number 34 of the Unified State Exam, you again need to fill out the algorithm for its implementation well. Unlike the previous one, there is no need to write any ppm here, so the risk of mixing something up becomes less. The main thing is to look carefully at the year for which you need to calculate the indicator.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 34 of the Unified State Exam in geography

First version of the task

Based on the data given in the table, calculate the amount of migration population growth for Belgorod region in 2015. Write down the solution.

Number and natural population growth in the Belgorod region

The answer looks like this:

  1. 1 550 137 – 1 547 936 = 2201
  2. 2201 – (-3717) = 5918

Answer: 5918.

Second version of the task

Using the data in the table below, calculate the amount of migration population growth for the Republic of Buryatia in 2015. Write down the necessary calculations.

Number and natural population growth in the Republic of Buryatia

We write down the answer:

  1. 982 284 – 978 495 = 3789
  2. 3789 – 5795 = -2006

Answer: -2006.

Third version of the task

Based on the indicators given in the table, calculate the amount of migration population growth in the Kostroma region in 2013. In your answer, also write down all the calculations you performed.

Number and natural population growth in the Kostroma region

Let's write the answer:

  1. 656 389 – 658 925 = -2536
  2. -2536 – (-2218) = -318

Answer: -318.

Population size and movement

In the thirty-third task of the Unified State Exam in geography, you need to solve a small problem related to the size of the population and its natural movement. They usually ask you to determine the rate of natural increase in ppm. It must be remembered that in this task this is always done according to the following algorithm: divide the rate of natural increase for the year by the average annual population and multiply by a thousand. The answer is usually rounded to the nearest tenth.

On the answer form, you must write down not only the resulting figure, but also the entire course of the solution. This affects what score you will receive for the assignment. If a record of the solution is provided and the correct answer is received, 2 points are given, and if there is no record of the solution - 1. It is very important not to confuse the designation ppm ‰ with the percentage % - if such a mistake is made, even if there is a record of the solution and the correct one numerical value The answer is given only 1 point. If only a rounding error is made, 1 point for the assignment is still given.

This Unified State Examination number not difficult at all - just remember the formula and solve a few training tasks. The main thing is not to confuse the signs and look carefully at which year’s indicator you need to calculate.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 32 of the Unified State Exam in geography

First version of the task

Based on the data presented in the table, determine the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) for the Voronezh region in 2012. Write down your solution and round your answer to the nearest tenth.

Number and natural population growth in the Voronezh region

The answer should look like this:

  1. Solution: -11,081: 2,331,298,1000= -4.7531.
  2. When rounded we get -4.7

Answer: -4.7‰

Second version of the task

Using the data in the table below, calculate the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) for the Vladimir region in 2013. Write down your solution and round your answer to tenths.

Number and natural population growth in the Vladimir region

We write the answer:

  1. Solution: -4131:1 417 531 1000= -2.9142
  2. Round to -2.9

Answer: -2.9‰.

Third version of the task

Based on the table data, determine the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) for the Republic of Karelia in 2014. Write down your calculations, rounding your answer to the nearest tenth.

Number and natural population growth in the Republic of Karelia

The answer looks like this:

  1. Solution: -1429/633 468 1000= -2.2558
  2. When rounded it will be -2.3

The Unified State Exam in Geography is somewhat different from classic version, which provides a detailed story and work with a map. But, despite this, schoolchildren pass the Unified State Examination in Geography quite successfully. Apparently the test version makes the task easier, and finding the correct answers is much easier. But you shouldn’t rely on this conditional ease. The Unified State Exam in Geography still remains a final exam, on which a place at the institute depends. So you shouldn't treat him condescendingly. You need to prepare for it just as carefully as for other exams. After all, even one score can deprive you of a budget place in your chosen one.

Trial online exam test in geography on the website

The website is posted on the educational portal trial options online USE tests. Anyone can try their hand at one or another subject. On our website there are no restrictions on the time and number of times you can take tests. Every visitor to the site can test their knowledge and use a trial online Unified State Exam test in geography to prepare for the real exam. After all, this does not require registration or SMS. And this distinguishes our educational portal, from other services that provide their services only to registered users.

The benefits of online USE tests

Any workout improves the final result, and online Unified State Exam tests will contribute to successful writing of the final exam. Experts in the field of psychology and pedagogy say that the Unified State Exam is a huge stress. And it is stress that worsens exam results. But frequent training in the Unified State Exam format helps you get used to the situation and reduces the level of stress during the final Unified State Exam. And this has a positive effect on the points received. So anyone can practice in free time. You don't even need to make a huge effort to do this. Just take the test and test your knowledge. In addition, it is possible to identify weak sides and forgotten material, who will allow gaps in knowledge to be eliminated in a timely manner. Such control of your knowledge does not take much time, but has a positive effect on the results.

  • Date: August 25, 2018, Saturday
  • Exam time: 180 minutes
  • Max. number of points: 47
  • For admission to universities: 37

Time left until the exam

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Geography

Unified State Exam results Not all universities are ready to accept Geography courses. First of all, this exam will be required for applicants who have decided to connect their lives with the following areas:

  • cartography;
  • geography;
  • tourism;
  • oceanology;

The exam has virtually no differences from other Unified State Examinations. 3 hours were allowed for completion. Therefore, you should try hard to earn at least 37 points. In total, this exam included 34 tasks, which were divided into 2 parts.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the 2019 Unified State Examination in Geography, indicating the primary scores below in the infographic.

Maximum points - 47 (100%)

Total exam time - 180 minutes


Part 1

27 tasks -
(With a short answer)


Part 2

7 tasks -
(Detailed response)

Compared to 2018, the structure has changed slightly. This exam will assess preparation on topics that were present in school curriculum. The following sections deserve special attention:

  1. Geography of Russia.
  2. World population.
  3. Sources of geographic information.
  4. World economy.
  5. Regions and countries of the world.
  6. Environmental management, as well as geoecology.

All questions that are present in the exam are divided into 2 parts:

Part 1. There should be no difficulties with the first part. This section contains tasks where the answer will need to be written in different ways. There are also tasks with a choice of several answers and on establishing the correct sequence.

Part 2. This section contains more complex tasks that require a detailed answer. The most popular section is the geography of Russia. Almost a third of all questions are devoted to this section.

The last 6 tasks are assessed to the maximum and will help you earn almost a quarter of the possible exam grade. During the exam you are allowed to use political map peace. These materials will help you solve most tasks.

To get the maximum grade, you should set a goal and strive to achieve it. The main thing is not to give up and believe in yourself. You also need to take a responsible approach to studying this subject.

How to get the maximum score?

The maximum score is 100 points and it is almost impossible to get it. All graduates are overcome by anxiety, which negatively affects the completion of assignments. Some answers are similar and may be confusing and misleading. The chances increase significantly only with careful preparation.

When completing tasks, you need to go beyond your thinking and try to look for different solutions. First of all, you need to focus on the current situation in the country and the world.

What to pay attention to during the exam?

Tasks from 28 to 31 deserve special attention on the Unified State Exam in Geography:

  1. In task No. 28 you will need to correctly build the terrain profile. This is a complex and time-consuming task, so it is necessary to study conventional signs and learn to read them.
  2. In task No. 29 you need to learn to compare and know the laws of nature. Therefore, it is necessary to work out and study not only the map of Russia, but also the world.
  3. In task No. 31 you will need to pay attention to calculations. All calculations obtained must be correctly justified.

Preparation process

You should not think that the subject is quite simple. To get the maximum grade, you should take a responsible approach to studying relevant topics. Experts also recommend taking Unified State Exam tests.

They are different from those that are present in the exam, but will help you learn the structure and learn how to properly manage your time. For training, use tests that have been approved by FIPI. It is this structure that develops all the official options that are present at the Unified State Exam.

When taking this exam, you should adhere to the following tips:

  1. Try to pull yourself together and be attentive. Before giving an answer, you should read the condition several times and make sure that the answer is indeed correct.
  2. The use of cheat sheets and other means of communication during the examination must be abandoned. For this they may be removed from the premises.
  3. In the first part, the answers are checked in automatic mode. Therefore, the sheet must be filled out in accordance with the approved rules.

Unified State Examination in Geography is the final test required for admission to a number of higher educational institutions, but is not included in the list mandatory exams. This exam is not popular - 1-5 people take it in schools; it is required for admission to the following specialties: geology, cartography, ecology, meteorology, geography. The passing score depends on the individual requirements of the higher education educational institution– The university sets the minimum required when submitting documents. Fundamental changes in the structure and features of the exam for last years not visible. To cross the threshold, in 2018 it was enough to successfully complete 12 tasks.

  • The work consists of 17 questions different types and difficulty levels;
  • In the process of completing tasks, you can use the card that is issued along with exam paper directly in the audience;
  • The primary score varies from year to year;
  • The tasks are divided into three levels of difficulty: basic, advanced, high difficulty;
  • The use of a protractor, ruler and non-programmable calculator is permitted;
  • The student receives 180 minutes to solve all tasks; how to allocate time for different tasks depends on the test taker.
All exam questions and the tasks are divided into two thematic blocks - physical and socio-economic geography. The tasks are distributed equally.
  • Physical geography: theoretical knowledge of features required natural areas, relief, lithosphere, meteorology, hydrology, geology. To prepare, terms, patterns, and processes are carefully studied.
  • Topography: skills to work with topographic map, the tasks are quite typical, so you need to carefully study the tasks from previous years.
  • 6th grade program - features of the Earth as a planet.
  • Environmental management: it is required to repeat the terminology and laws of ecology and development of the natural environment.
  • Socio-economic geography of Russia - economic regions, demographic features.
  • Socio-economic geography of the world.

The main thing in the preparation process is to carefully familiarize yourself with the Unified State Exam program in the subject so that the repetition process is systematic, thoughtful and effective.

Preparation methods:

  • Schooling is the foundation; it cannot be neglected in order to obtain the basis for successful self-education;
  • Self-education: studying textbooks, reference books, specialfor the Unified State Exam in Geography;
  • Lessons with a tutor: the opportunity to work through tasks of varying complexity, analyze errors, solve problems;
  • Online training: “I will solve the Unified State Exam in Geography” allows you to try your hand at passing exams, allows you to rationally allocate time, and not get lost in the process of filling out the exam form.
    The more online tests a student takes, the stronger and more reliable his knowledge.
Online training is an opportunity not only to effectively prepare for exams, but also a way to get rid of unnecessary worries and properly plan your time. Using online testing allows you to more accurately identify difficulties that can be resolved with a tutor.