Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery. Ukrainian diva Ani Lorak was accused of unsuccessful plastic surgery

Having become a pop star, Ani Lorak (the singer's real name is Carolina Kuek) won the hearts of many listeners and viewers. A multiple winner of international competitions, a happy wife and mother, she manages to find time not only for creativity, touring and filming, but also for plastic surgery.

Many say that increasing breast size is Ani Lorak’s most successful plastic surgery. It is also popular that the singer had rhinoplasty, lip shape correction and a lower face lift.

Ani Lorak is one of those celebrities who never discusses their plastic surgery. The singer ignores questions about the secrets of her youth and beauty, but happily talks about gymnastic exercises and shares tips on diet and training with blog subscribers.

The photographs treacherously reveal changes in Ani Lorak’s appearance after undergoing plastic surgery and prove that not only sports and diets help her look great after 35.

Where did it all start?

From the age of four, a Ukrainian girl named Carolina knew that she would become a singer. Already in early childhood many noticed her talent. Winning school competitions was the first step towards a stunning career.

The pseudonym Ani Lorak was established after the Russian television program “Morning Star”. Since then, many have remembered her by this name.

Frail build, short stature and small breasts for a long time made her invisible against the backdrop of bright competitors.

Despite the fact that Ani Lorak tried very hard and quickly moved towards her goal, she remained unknown to the public even after the release of the “Morning Star” program.

Even during the singer’s first appearances on stage and television, practically no one spoke or wrote about her. Her photographs did not appear on magazine covers.

When was breast surgery performed?

Later, when Ani Lorak took second place at Eurovision 2008, representing Ukraine, she gained worldwide fame.

In those years, the question arose about creating a memorable stage image. Leading experts worked on her image.

Then it was decided that Ani Lorak should become a real woman"vamp". Naturally, for the image fatal heartbreaker radical changes in appearance were needed.

Breast augmentation was carried out so that Ani would look better in tight dresses on stage. The operation achieved the desired effect. Rhinoplasty was performed around the same period.

What was the result?

The star once said that she only likes makeup and bright rhinestones on stage, but in life she prefers naturalness in everything. It seems that she adhered to this principle when choosing implants.

The singer's breasts perfectly match the parameters of her body. The result of mammoplasty turned out to be so natural that not everyone knows about its secret.

Plastic surgeon Ani Lorak managed to find the most correct shape and size of endoprostheses for her. The number of her fans after the operation increased noticeably.

What does Ani Lorak look like today?

Ani Lorak knows how to emphasize the advantages of her figure. Lately, she has been successfully combining elegant silhouette dresses with extravagant corsets and belts, which help create an emphasis on her luxurious shape.

When she appears at ceremonies and carpets, all attention turns to her.

Famous singer and one of the most beautiful women of Ukrainian and Russian show business. The owner of a beautiful voice of 4 and a half octaves.

The name that Ani received at birth is Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek. The singer was born in 1978 in the small town of Kitsman in the Chernivtsi region in Ukraine. Her parents were also creative people.

Ani Lorak (left) with brothers

With mom

The singer herself says that she inherited her appearance from her grandmother, who is from Poland.

At the age of 14, the girl won the big international competition“Primrose”, where she was noticed by producer Yuri Thales.

At that time this darling young girl had naturally curly hair down to her shoulders, dark brown color, as well as a slender and petite figure.

Ani Lorak at 15 years old

Her business card there were two moles located next to the lower lip on the left side, giving it a zest.

Ani herself has repeatedly said in interviews that they used to be the cause of her complexes, and she wanted to get rid of them. But over time, Ani realized that they are her feature, which gives her a zest and emphasizes her individuality.

In this video, watch Ani Lorak's performance:

17 years old

When the singer became popular, she began to try different images. After the release of the sensual video “Poludnev Spek”, where Ani appeared as a tender and seductive girl, it was decided to move in this direction.

And after some time, the video “There are children there” was released, in which the singer appeared in a new image with dark long hair, expressive elegant makeup and a classic dress.

The public and Caroline herself liked the new image so much that it became the basis of her new image. The singer's long, now straight hair was dyed the color of dark chocolate and styled in a cascading, most fashionable haircut 2000s

Anya's concert dresses became bright and revealing.

In 2008, the singer took part in Eurovision with the song “Shady lady”, where she took 2nd place. She appeared before the public in a bright, revealing dress decorated with rhinestones.

The author of this outfit was the famous fashion designer Roberto Cavalli. And the cost of the dress is simply cosmic - 200,000 US dollars. Ani herself says that it took two personal meetings with the couturier to create it, and he perfectly created this outfit for her, ideally suited to the singer’s image.

It was this image that became the basis of her image for the next few years. Bright, strong and stylish Ani became more and more popular. In 2012, together with Ivan Dorn, she was recognized as the most beautiful woman Ukraine according to the magazine “Viva”. She received this nomination for the second time. For the first time, the singer was named the first beauty of Ukraine in 2005.

In 2013, Ani Lorak appears before the public in a new image, her hair is half dyed blond in the ombre style.

Fans reacted differently to the singer's transformation. But Ani herself noted that she was very pleased with this change in image.

“I always dreamed of becoming a blonde. And now I’m half blonde,” the singer noted.

It is worth noting that this coloring favorably emphasizes Carolina’s dark skin and green eyes.

Ali Lorak before and after plastic surgery

There are heated debates online about the change in the singer's appearance. At the beginning of her career, she appears as a thin girl with a boyish style, which favorably emphasized her inner romanticism and athletic physique. Today Ani Lorak looks very feminine. In videos, on stage and on social events she appears in revealing, colorful outfits with deep necklines that show off her ample breasts.

Both fans and plastic surgeons note changes in the singer’s shape in better side. Her small breasts changed and began to look quite impressive. The singer herself does not comment on breast augmentation.

Carolina Kuek was born in the small Ukrainian town of Kitsman on September 27, 1978. The girl had a difficult childhood: after the divorce, her mother experienced financial difficulties and sent the children to boarding school.

Caroline first started singing at the age of four and from that moment she went through life with music. A serious step on the world stage was the victory in the “Primrose” competition.

Producer Yuri Thales saw a future star in the 14-year-old girl and took patronage over her. The pseudonym Ani Lorak appeared with participation in “ To the morning star": the girl had to turn her name around so as not to repeat the other singer.

Ani Lorak's stunning singing won the hearts of listeners and brought incredible popularity. New hits came out one after another, and Ani Lorak became known far beyond the borders of her country. In 2008, the singer represented Ukraine at Eurovision and took second place.

Now Ani Lorak is actively touring, recording albums and running a popular Instagram account, where she talks about creative life and to her family - husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu and daughter Sofia.

Ani Lorak's appearance: plastic or natural?

The singer constantly shows the public her impeccable figure, not hiding a single centimeter that can be shown without embarrassment or inconvenience.

Ani Lorak’s external characteristics are always under the close attention of fans, so the singer does not allow herself to relax: she plays sports and watches her diet. On the Internet, fans often discuss how Ani Lorak lost weight after giving birth and whether Ani Lorak had plastic surgery.

Ideal figure and beautiful face The performers deserve compliments. Fans often discuss whether the performer’s impeccable data is a reward from nature.

But what do experts think about this? Are Ani Lorak's accusations of plastic surgery deserved?

According to plastic surgeons, Ani Lorak’s accusations of lip augmentation are groundless. Ani Lorak is the owner of natural lips with a plump upper lip, in which any injection would be a very bad joke. Even a slight correction in the case of Ani Lorak will lead to an unnatural, noticeable result: the lips will become excessively heavy and disrupt the proportions of the face. More likely, beautiful shape Ani Lorak's lips are achieved with the right makeup.

The star's chiseled cheekbones are the result of a dramatic weight loss. Weight loss and competent work of a makeup artist together give the effect of aristocratic high cheekbones.

Fans are also concerned about the impressive forms of Ani Lorak, emphasized open outfits. Comparing before and after photos does not give any reason to talk about plastic surgery: rather, it is feminine tricks with the right underwear. In one of the interviews, Lorak stated that she does not plan to interfere with the laws of nature and denies plastic surgery.

How did Ani Lorak lose weight?

After giving birth, Ani Lorak gained several extra pounds, but media life obliged me to return my body to ideal condition in a short time.

Ani Lorak lost weight and made no secret of her weight loss: sports, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

Beautiful, spectacular and stylish Ani Lorak is a strong and extraordinary personality.

To maintain impeccable beauty, which amazes millions of men, she works hard on herself. And so far the work is fully rewarded: Ani Lorak is popular and loved.

Photo sources: @anilorak,

The material is based on a comparative analysis of photographs and does not contain a statement of the fact of plastic surgery.

Not the least role in promoting Ani Lorak’s career was played by her attractive appearance. But there were those who never believed in naturalness and believed that she had plastic surgery.

As for the singer herself, in one of her last interviews, Ani still said that she was surprised by the number of plastic surgeries that are attributed to her. Lorak completely denies that had plastic surgery.

The main rumors about surgical correction of her appearance are based on comparisons of her photos at the beginning of her career and now. During this time, stylists, trainers and makeup artists seriously worked on the singer’s appearance. But they also happen age-related changes.

What plastic surgeries did Ani Lorak perform:

  • Lip augmentation. The singer has a naturally fuller and plumper upper lip, while her lower lip is thinner. Therefore, even a small intervention will lead to distortions on the face. The distance between the upper lip and the tip of the nose will increase greatly and will look too unnatural. And the lips themselves will become excessively heavy. All “compromising” photos are only the work of a competent makeup artist.

Ani Lorak 1995 and 2018
  • Mammoplasty. Breast surgery also remains a big question. On different photos it may differ. The shape and size of the bust did not change significantly and obviously. And for special outfits she uses shapewear. Due to this, the breasts rise and may increase slightly.
  • Removing Bisha's lumps. The singer's face always had cheeks. After giving birth, she lost a lot of weight, which can explain her elongated features. And the rest is clearly completed with makeup. The photo without makeup shows the natural contour of the face.
  • Removal excess fat . Masseurs and nutritionists work on the singer’s figure, and her Instagram photo shows how hard she works in the gym. Ani enjoys taking care of herself and regularly visits her cosmetologist. So these accusations are also meaningless.

Before and after losing weight

Recently, a photo appeared on the Internet that fueled a new surge of rumors about plastic surgery. The singer changed her hairstyle and clothing style. But she herself explains this only by the desire to simply try something new. Fans claim that in this way Ani Lorak is trying to hide the difference before and after plastic surgery. It is quite difficult to talk about any serious changes.

Read more in our article about what type of plastic surgery Ani Lorak decided to undergo.

Read in this article

Has Ani Lorak had breast surgery?

Ani Lorak is a famous and extraordinary singer. Her talent and artistry won over many fans. Her attractive appearance played an important role in promoting her career. It seems that the singer is simply perfect. She has a chiseled figure, plump lips, a neat nose, an impeccable oval face, beautiful hair and fresh skin. Therefore, there are those who never believe in naturalness and believe that Ani Lorak had plastic surgery.

Breasts before and after childbirth

As for the singer herself, she does not comment on rumors and gossip around her person. She doesn't want to talk about it this topic or simply does not indulge the dirty speculation of ill-wishers, it is difficult to answer. But in one of her last interviews, Ani still said that she was surprised by the number of plastic surgeries that are attributed to her.

It turns out that she’s just all cobbled together and artificial, as if she has nothing better to do than spend time in the surgeon’s office. Ani Lorak completely denies that she had plastic surgery.

Ani Lorak in the gym

Previously, she reacted painfully to gossip. But with age I realized that I need to be philosophical. Most often, people spread bad rumors because of their own problems. This way they relieve internal tension, because when a person is doing well and is happy, he will not wish bad things on others.

Ani Lorak says that she has learned to forgive enemies and spiteful critics, and even lights candles for them in church. The girl calls on everyone to love, to cultivate good and noble qualities.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

Ani Lorak not only deals solo career singer, but also maintains a popular Instagram account, where she regularly posts quite candid photos. They clearly show that she is in excellent shape, which girls in their 20s can envy. But the singer also shares reports from the gym and shows how she eats. All this leaves no doubt that the artist’s ideal appearance at her age is the result of her hard work on herself.

The main rumors about plastic surgery are based on comparisons of her photos at the beginning of her career and now. Of course, stylists, trainers and makeup artists have seriously worked on the singer’s appearance during this time. In addition, age-related changes occur one way or another. Over time, a person loses fat, especially if he is actively engaged in physical activity. Gravity has an effect. But it is obvious that there was no intervention on the part of the surgeons.

What facial features did you correct?

There are a lot of speculations and rumors on the Internet about what exactly the singer corrected. The famous surgeon decided to comment on the possible plastic surgery of Ani Lorak’s face. Probably, the artist could perform the following operations:

  • . This is the most popular surgery among celebrities. But in the case of Ani Lorak, it hardly took place. The fact is that, unlike others, the singer has a fuller and plump upper lip by nature, and a thin lower lip. Therefore, even a small intervention will lead to distortions on the face.
  • The distance between the upper lip and the tip of the nose will increase greatly and will look too unnatural. And the lips themselves will become excessively heavy. All “compromising” photos that are cited as an argument are only the work of a competent makeup artist.

Ani Lorak's lips 1995 and 2018
  • . Breast surgery also remains a big question. It may differ in different photos. Most likely, according to the specialist, the girl resorts to simple feminine tricks to correct her figure - underwear. The shape and size of the bust did not change significantly and obviously. And for special outfits she uses shapewear. Due to this, the breasts rise and may increase slightly.

Breasts in youth and now
  • Ani Lorak photo without processing and filters

    After a detailed examination, it becomes obvious that all accusations of Ani Lorak about plastic surgery are groundless. The singer resorts to well-known tricks to improve her appearance: professional makeup and shapewear. And her chiseled figure is the result of working on herself.

    Result before and after

    Recently, a photo appeared on the Internet that fueled a new surge of rumors about plastic surgery. The singer changed her hairstyle and clothing style. But she herself explains this only by the desire to simply try something new.

    Watch the video about how Ani Lorak changed:

    Fans claim that in this way Ani Lorak is trying to hide the difference before and after plastic surgery. In the photo it really doesn’t look like the singer herself. But perhaps this is due to a change in hairstyle, shooting filters and a specific angle. It is quite difficult to talk about any serious changes.

    But during her career, Ani Laura has done serious work on herself. Her figure has become more toned and sculpted, her appearance is fresher and stylish. The singer enjoys taking care of herself and regularly visits her cosmetologist.

    A beautiful and polished appearance can be not only the result of a talented plastic surgeon, but also the efforts and work of the person himself. Ani Lorak shows how, if desired, a woman can take care of herself, take care of her body and face. Proper nutrition, healthy image life and sport will definitely respond with gratitude from the body and beautiful appearance.

Ani Lorak's appearance has been one of the most important objects of gossip for about five years now! What was attributed to her: lip surgery, rhinoplasty, mammoplasty, thread lifting, removal of Bisha's bags and even removal of ribs! The 39-year-old singer has repeatedly made denials of any surgical intervention, declaring that everything she has comes from nature, plus competent care and a healthy lifestyle.

Ani Lorak: this is what the singer looks like now, 2018

“The most ridiculous rumors are about the removal of ribs. Like, I have a thin waist because I removed two ribs. If you remember what they write, it turns out that I am not crawling out from under the surgeon’s knife: my nose, lips, breasts, butt, eyes - everything is foreign. For now I’m holding on to what Mother Nature and my parents gave. We'll see later. Perhaps in the future they will invent something clever: if you apply cream - minus 10 kilograms, take a pill - the skin is fresh, like that of an 18-year-old,” the singer seemed to joke with a smile in an interview with the Russian portal Starhit.

Ani Lorak, 2018

But only at first glance. Previously, Ani Lorak admits, every such material in the press or comment under her photo on Instagram caused a flurry of emotions: she was upset, nervous and even cried. Over time, when encountering the next headline “Ani Lorak had plastic surgery,” I learned to react calmly and philosophically:

“I began to love everyone and light candles in church for my enemies and ill-wishers. I learned to accept them as they are. Some people even feel sorry for it: a person who is doing well cannot throw mud at another,” says the star.

These photos confuse fans: they think the star had plastic surgery

Is the singer telling the truth or lying? Has she had plastic surgery? If yes, which ones? And how does she even manage to maintain her appearance in such a young appearance: you can never tell that she is almost 40 years old! At this age, women experience certain age-related changes: loss of skin elasticity, sagging and drooping of soft tissues on the face, lack of collagen and elastin lead to the formation of a network of wrinkles and creases in both mobile and static areas. Considering these signs of aging, many stars decide to undergo plastic surgery, which, in the end, although they eliminate wrinkles, change their appearance beyond recognition! Here we should remember Renee Zellweger, Nicole Kidman and others famous actresses and singers.

In this photo, Ani Lorak allegedly enlarged her lips, 2016

In the case of several years ago, we already asked questions to surgeon Slosser: then we were talking about lip augmentation. Users online thought they were too swollen and voluminous. The expert debunked the myth about correction and noted:

“The star has a natural plump upper lip and a relatively thin lower one, which looks natural. In this case, any injection with an additional drug will not only enlarge the lips, but also “weight” them, the distance from the tip of the nose will increase, and will look quite obvious. I can say with confidence that Ani Lorak did not enlarge her lips, and all this is nothing more than makeup tricks,” the surgeon commented on these photos.

This is what Ani Lorak looks like now

Less than a few years later, people started talking about Ani Lorak’s plastic surgery again, because in the photo her facial features became more expressive and voluminous, which did not escape the eyes of the singer’s fans and haters. Rumors immediately arose that Ani Lorak removed Bisha's bags, did a thread lift, enlarged her lips and cheekbones with implants, and also corrected the shape and tip of her nose.
There is also talk about mammoplasty: in the video for the song “New Ex”, Ani appeared in a tight-fitting body suit with a top that emphasized her very large breasts. This volume can be achieved in several ways: increasing breast volume with implants, lipofilling, or well-chosen top and underwear with internal Push Up inserts, which are often used by stylists on filming and red carpets to draw attention to the bust of their star client. But if you look carefully early photos, then they show that Ani Lorak’s breasts have always been distinguished by their volume and curvaceous shape, and over these few years they have clearly not changed in parameters.

Ani Lorak on the set of the video “New Ex”

This major surgery, rehabilitation period which lasts at least 14 days - only removing the sutures and checking the condition of the mammary glands. For a month, the patient must wear compression garments, come regularly for examinations, follow a certain regimen and slow down her rhythm of life. It is possible to evaluate the effect of breast surgery and openly emphasize the “new dignity” only after 2 months after the operation.

Ani Lorak: 2014 and 2018

Now let's analyze: Ani Lorak is one of the most toured singers in the CIS countries, her tour schedule is scheduled for two years in advance, and this does not count filming, interviews, and participation in TV shows and projects. She was preparing her new and most expensive show “Diva” in her entire career more than a year, investing millions of dollars in it. The show turned out to be so impressive that it attracts packed halls throughout the CIS countries and even Europe. What do you think is Ani Lorak’s schedule? Would there be room for 2 months of rehabilitation after surgery? Hardly. When we're talking about about touring, not a single star will decide to undergo surgery. No one will risk their health and appearance for the sake of breast surgery, nose surgery or any other manipulation with a scalpel.

"IN lately appeared on the network large number comments regarding appearance Ani Lorak. Considering that Ani is a famous and popular singer, every, even minimal, change in her appearance attracts a lot of attention, giving rise to rumors and speculation. To dot all the i's, I carefully analyzed all the photos of Ani Lorak, in which she supposedly Before and After plastic surgery. Believe me, a surgeon with my experience can tell a lot about a person even from a picture! Having examined these photos in detail, I did not see any obvious signs of surgical intervention on the singer’s appearance. Of course, at the age of 40+ (and Caroline is now 39), many women allow themselves to correct age-related changes on their face with the help of preparations based on hyaluronic acid. And this is absolutely nothing new, agree? When resorting to injection correction, the question is the naturalness of the forms that the patient receives as a result of manipulation. When the correction is done professionally, the facial features will be harmonious and devoid of grotesque volume.

Ani Lorak: 2014 and 2018

In the case of Ani Lorak, I see only cosmetic correction of the shape of the lips and certain areas on the face that lose their volume with age. But it is worth noting that the singer’s face looks natural: neither cheekbones, nor lips, nor other parts of it arouse suspicion or visual rejection. Perhaps I will disappoint someone, but there is no surgical intervention here and never was. I’m glad that Ani Lorak takes such careful care of her appearance and takes care of her youth and beauty.”

Ani Lorak: 2012 and 2018

From Dmitry Slosser's comment it follows that Ani Lorak's appearance is natural, and the singer is telling the truth: she did not have plastic surgery. High-quality care cosmetics and cosmetic procedures help her maintain her beauty. healthy sleep, nutrition and sports.