World history of noses - from Rome to the present day. What nose shape is considered “typically Russian”? Is a large nose typical for Russians?

What is the “Russian type of appearance”? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. For example, what shape of nose does a Russian person have? There is more than one option here.

The myth about the snub nose of Russians

It is traditionally believed that a typical Russian nose is upturned (snub-nosed) or “potato-shaped”. This, in theory, is how Russians should differ from other Europeans.

Since the 17th century, anthropologists have tried to classify populations globe by racial type, based on the similarity of external features.

Let us remember the Nordic theory, which was so attractive to the ideologists of Nazism. Its founder is considered to be the Russian-French anthropologist Joseph Deniker, who argued that representatives of the “Nordic race” are characterized by blonde hair, blue and green eye, straight nose, oblong skull and pink skin.

According to him, this “race” is distributed throughout Northern Europe, northwestern Russia and the western part of the Baltic states. In turn, the Swedish anatomist Christian Schreiner wrote that this Caucasian type is most common in the central part of Scandinavia.

The sub-Nordic race, according to Deniker, is distinguished by a square face shape and an upturned nose. This includes the peoples of the eastern Baltic and northern Germany. Finally, representatives of the Oriental race are characterized by light golden or straw-yellow hair, a square face, blue or gray eyes and an upturned nose. It includes mainly Eastern Slavs and Finns.

So, in the descriptions of the “Nordic subrace” a straight nose shape appears. Whereas for Eastern European peoples, including Russians, it seems that “snub nose” is characteristic.

Meanwhile, Soviet anthropologist V.V. Bunak, in his book “The Origin and Ethnic History of the Russian People,” summing up the results of many years of scientific research, writes that in 75% of cases Russians have straight noses, while throughout Europe this number is no more than 70%. Only 16% of Russians have a convex nose, and only 10% have a concave nose.

Snub noses are generally not typical for the Eastern Slavs. Only 7% of Russians have an upturned nose. There are much more snub-nosed individuals among the Germans - more than 25%.

Moreover: Russians are one of the most “purely European” peoples. This was proven by joint research by Russian, British and Estonian geneticists, the results of which were published in The American Journal of Human Genetics.

Experts came to the conclusion that the Russian ethnic group, from a genetic point of view, consists of two parts. The first one is indigenous people Southern and Central Russia, which reveals genetic kinship with other Slavic peoples.

The second is the population of the North, which reveals kinship with the Finno-Ugric peoples. But the connection with the Mongoloids is practically not visible. That is, we are pure Europeans.

Anthropological types of Russian appearance

In addition, there is no single concept of “Russian anthropological type.” Natives of different areas, even those with Russian roots, have slightly different appearances.

Thus, anthropologists identify several types of Russian appearance. For example, representatives of the Western Upper Volga or Klyazma type have straight noses, while representatives of the Arkhangelsk type have wide noses. Representatives of the so-called Ryazan type have straight or small snub noses. Representatives of the eastern Upper Volga type are less likely than others to have a concave nasal bridge.


According to RAE data for 1955-1959, in 63.1% of cases Russians have a medium-wide nose, in 8.7% - a concave nasal bridge, in 16.3% - a convex one, and in 75% - a straight one. A raised base and raised nasal tip occur in 27.9% and 27.1% of cases, respectively.

Measurements of the shape of the nose, as reported by Professor I.P. Pantyukhov, summarizing the results of anthropological research, showed that Russians living in the Volga basin have generally larger noses than in the west and south of Russia. Among residents of the Vladimir region, 92% have straight noses, 5% have humped noses, and 3% have upturned noses. In the central regions of Russia, a straight nose shape is less common. There you often come across large, pear-shaped noses, as well as long noses - up to 55-56 mm.

In the south-eastern regions of Russia, flattened “Mongoloid” noses are more common, while in the north-west - narrow and long ones. And finally, in various regions of Russia, from 5 to 20% of humpbacked and convex noses are found.

So scientific research refutes some common myths about the “typically Russian” nose shape.

What is the “Russian type of appearance”? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. For example, what shape of nose does a Russian person have? There is more than one option here.

The myth about the snub nose of Russians
It is traditionally believed that a typical Russian nose is upturned (snub-nosed) or “potato-shaped”. This, in theory, is how Russians should differ from other Europeans.
Since the 17th century, anthropologists have tried to classify the world's population by race, based on the similarity of external features.
Let us remember the Nordic theory, which was so attractive to the ideologists of Nazism. Its ancestor is considered to be the Russian-French anthropologist Joseph Deniker, who argued that representatives of the “Nordic race” are characterized by blond hair, blue and green eyes, a straight nose, an oblong skull and pink skin.
According to him, this “race” is distributed throughout Northern Europe, northwestern Russia and the western part of the Baltic states. In turn, the Swedish anatomist Christian Schreiner wrote that this Caucasian type is most common in the central part of Scandinavia.
The sub-Nordic race, according to Deniker, is distinguished by a square face shape and an upturned nose. This includes the peoples of the eastern Baltic and northern Germany. Finally, representatives of the Oriental race are characterized by light golden or straw-yellow hair, a square face, blue or gray eyes and an upturned nose. It includes mainly Eastern Slavs and Finns.

So, in the descriptions of the “Nordic subrace” a straight nose shape appears. Whereas for Eastern European peoples, including Russians, it seems that “snub nose” is characteristic.
Meanwhile, Soviet anthropologist V.V. Bunak, in his book “The Origin and Ethnic History of the Russian People,” summing up the results of many years of scientific research, writes that in 75% of cases Russians have straight noses, while throughout Europe this number is no more than 70%. Only 16% of Russians have a convex nose, and only 10% have a concave nose.
Snub noses are generally not typical for the Eastern Slavs. Only 7% of Russians have an upturned nose. There are much more snub-nosed individuals among the Germans - more than 25%.

Moreover: Russians are one of the most “purely European” peoples. This was proven by joint research by Russian, British and Estonian geneticists, the results of which were published in The American Journal of Human Genetics.
Experts came to the conclusion that the Russian ethnic group, from a genetic point of view, consists of two parts. The first is the indigenous population of Southern and Central Russia, which reveals genetic kinship with other Slavic peoples.
The second is the population of the North, which reveals kinship with the Finno-Ugric peoples. But the connection with the Mongoloids is practically not visible. That is, we are pure Europeans.

Anthropological types of Russian appearance
In addition, there is no single concept of “Russian anthropological type.” Natives of different areas, even those with Russian roots, have slightly different appearances.
Thus, anthropologists identify several types of Russian appearance. For example, representatives of the Western Upper Volga or Klyazma type have straight noses, while representatives of the Arkhangelsk type have wide noses. Representatives of the so-called Ryazan type have straight or small snub noses. Representatives of the eastern Upper Volga type are less likely than others to have a concave nasal bridge.

According to RAE data for 1955-1959, in 63.1% of cases Russians have a medium-wide nose, in 8.7% - a concave nasal bridge, in 16.3% - a convex one, and in 75% - a straight one. A raised base and raised nasal tip occur in 27.9% and 27.1% of cases, respectively.
Measurements of the shape of the nose, as reported by Professor I.P. Pantyukhov, summarizing the results of anthropological research, showed that Russians living in the Volga basin have generally larger noses than in the west and south of Russia. Among residents of the Vladimir region, 92% have straight noses, 5% have humped noses, and 3% have upturned noses. In the central regions of Russia, a straight nose shape is less common. There you often come across large, pear-shaped noses, as well as long noses - up to 55-56 mm.
In the south-eastern regions of Russia, flattened “Mongoloid” noses are more common, while in the north-west - narrow and long ones. And finally, in various regions of Russia, from 5 to 20% of humpbacked and convex noses are found.
So scientific research disproves some common myths about the “typically Russian” nose shape.

For all its seemingly insignificant size, the nose is the part of the body that makes a significant contribution to appearance every person. On the face, it is certainly the most striking feature of the appearance. But, according to physiognomists, in addition to the contribution to appearance, any nose can also tell a lot about the character of its owner.

Structure and types of nose

Before plunging into an analysis of ideals and what this part of a woman’s face can say to adherents of physiognomy, you must first understand exactly what parts it itself consists of. They also form general shape nose and, as a result, a picture of the face of its owner.

Components of the nose:

The nose is characterized by its shape, width, length and the above components, such as the tip, bridge of the nose, and so on. All these signs in their combinations are traced every day in our lives and have ethnic and geographical features, lying in the features of their structure. Types of the nose along its back:

  • Straight (characterized by the fact that the bridge of the nose and the tip lie on the same straight line).
  • Concave (this type is characterized by a depression from the bridge of the nose to the tip).
  • Convex (it is characterized by a protrusion between the tip and the bridge of the nose).
  • Wavy (this type is characterized by all sorts of irregularities from the base to the very tip, not always uniform, but smooth).

Ideal shape and size

It is worth considering the criteria for the ideal of this part of the body from the position of physiognomy, because it is the specialists of this science who believe: the location of the nose at the epicenter of three zones is a direct indication that it is a fulcrum by which one can assess the balance of the face as a whole.

And this one this attribute is of great importance when reading faces by specialists. At all times and different nations the ideals were different: for example, the Greeks had one, the Chinese had others. One of ancient monuments beauty is the sculpture of Aphrodite. The statue is a personification female beauty in general and Greek ideas about the beauty of the nose in particular: smooth, high, with an almost completely absent bridge of the nose.

However, in our times, ideas about the beauty of noses have undergone significant changes. An ideal spout in the modern sense almost impossible without a rounded tip that is not excessively upturned, which slightly closes the openings of the nostrils. At the same time, a slight elevation of the tip of the nose is considered to be a feminine feature. And, naturally, an ideal nose simply cannot tilt either to the right or to the left.

In addition, the ideal nose is in perfect harmony with the rest of the face - with every feature and fold, which makes the overall picture complete. In other words, there is no scattered beauty, for just as at all times only holistic beauty was sung, so in modern world no one will sing the praises of only one component of the face.

Physiognomists also emphasize that a perfect nose is characterized by rooting at its base, that is, it is typical of a small area between the eyes and eyebrows.

Required attributes of the ideal:

  • straight back;
  • rounded and slightly upturned tip;
  • shape, streamlined along its entire length;
  • an angle of 45 degrees between the skin part of the septum between the nostrils and the protruding point of the tip of the nose;
  • an angle of 95 degrees between the septum between the nostrils and the upper lip;
  • symmetrical nostrils and nostril wings with smooth outlines;
  • harmony with the rest of the face.

Visual examples of an ideal nose

However, it is important to keep in mind: The ideal shape of this face detail does not suit everyone. No matter how strange it may sound, it is true. Keep in mind that beauty does not depend on each line or part of the face individually, but on their harmonious combination.

In addition, a woman’s anthropometric data, such as her height, which is far from the face, also plays an important role. In women of small stature, an upturned nose looks great, while the presence of one in tall girl will make her nostrils overly conspicuous, which can hardly add to her attractiveness. On large faces it should be correspondingly large, and on small faces, respectively, vice versa.

Determining character by nose shape

According to physiognomy, depending on the shape of a person’s nose, you can not only feel sympathy or antipathy for him, but also learn about his character. It is difficult to judge the reliability of such studies based on parts of the face, but it may be worth familiarizing yourself with the main features that characterize a person based on his nose, and then analyze the reliability based on your own experience. Take a closer look and evaluate your character, as well as your loved ones and acquaintances, using the forms presented below.

Classic shape

This shape is easily recognized by its evenness, and a straight line can be drawn from the bridge of the nose to the tip.

Holding back emotions from others is common for a woman with such a part of her face. It is this trait of theirs that leads to the fact that they are able to give the impression of strict egoists with a cold disposition. As a rule, these are people of a hardworking character, with whom they always know what they need in life and go towards their goals. Despite the selfish nature of straight-nosed girls in the eyes of others, they usually strive not only to achieve what they want themselves, but also to help their loved ones. Life problems, it is difficult for crises and circumstances to confuse such ladies. They always try to take care of themselves and take care of themselves no matter what.

Upturned tip

Snub-nosed type, as a rule, straight, with features in the form of an upturned tip and often several widened nostrils

The upturned tip of the nose is characteristic of girls who look at life with sparkling optimism. They are characterized by kindness, a sympathetic and compassionate disposition. Distinctive character traits of those with snub noses are their imagination and energy, which sometimes prompts them to go on all sorts of adventures. In love they are carefree, as, indeed, in many other aspects of life, and often give themselves to it wholeheartedly. Cheerfulness and easy disposition can attract people to them, in particular men, but constancy is not a distinctive feature of snub-nosed girls. Taking on any responsibility is a burden for them, and therefore they constantly need the support of friends, family and loved ones.

Roman nose

Straight and large, with a slight hump, which is clearly visible in profile and which smoothly aligns to both edges of the nose.

Owners of the Roman type are distinguished by a strong, to some extent male character. They are characterized by an analytical mindset and a certain aristocracy, ambition and leadership qualities. Impulsiveness and sensitivity to circumstances are alien to them. Owners of a Roman nose get used to calculating their actions in advance, anticipating the consequences and being several steps ahead when it comes to competition. Their resilience and ambition soften the blows of fate both in their careers and in their personal lives, encouraging them to look forward without fear.

In the form of potatoes

Characteristic external feature- a significant difference between the wings of its owner’s nose and the width of the bridge of her nose. Its back can have different lengths, as well as the tip of the nose.

For all the apparent simplicity of girls with a potato nose, as well as the superficial impression of the everyday mind of these girls that they make on many, all these hasty conclusions are, as a rule, deceptive and fail upon closer examination of the owners of the “potato” nose and communication with them. Many people can envy the discretion of girls with this nose shape, since they often turn out to be smarter than many other people.

In pursuing their goals, they are distinguished by uncompromisingness, sometimes bordering on tyranny. Both about strangers and even about own feelings they rarely think about what cannot help but provide negative influence on relationships with others, which often end dramatically. With all this, girls with potato noses are very sociable, have a positive attitude and have an excellent sense of humor.

Eagle nose shape

Many girls are not happy with eagle shape, which is characterized by a straight nose with a slightly curved tip hanging over the lips, but this shape can make a woman’s face memorable. Often there is a hump on the nose of this shape.

What definitely cannot be taken away from women with an eagle shape is self-sufficiency, which does not even allow them to get bored alone. They know how to enjoy life, but rarely go to extremes. Those with an aquiline nose are not subject to pressure public opinion, since the opinions of strangers about their lifestyle do not bother them. They know how to live the way they like, without having to prove to anyone that they are right and enjoying life and themselves. They avoid arguments, which, given their slightly arrogant disposition, is quite natural.

Ways to get the perfect shape

There is no clear answer to this question. So, specialists in the field of surgery will have one answer to this, and make-up artists, given that the nose can be changed purely visually and without surgery, will have another. In addition, the general context of the face against which the shape of the nose changes is of great importance, and correction of certain parts of the nose can be beneficial for some, while the appearance of others can only make things worse.

Rhinoplasty procedure

Rhinoplasty is the name given to surgical manipulation of the nose to give it the desired shape.. This is one of the most difficult cosmetic operations, since the favorable outcome often has some degree of variability.

The operation is directed to those areas of a given part of the face with which the girl is dissatisfied, for example, the wings and tip may be subject to correction, and the operation may also be aimed at removing a hump or eliminating the consequences of injuries. Also, many resort to nose correction surgery to correct defects received from a previous operation, that is, they go for rhinoplasty again to correct mistakes from the previous one.

It is important to take the step of nose correction through surgery very seriously., since the consequences do not always live up to expectations. Often surgery is needed to achieve not so much aesthetic as functional goals, for example, such as correction birth defects. In this matter, it is very important to consult with a reputable specialist, and not only in order to choose for yourself perfect shape nose It is important to minimize the risk of possible errors (including on the part of the surgeon).

Visual correction with cosmetics

It doesn’t always make sense to lie down on the operating table when you can correct the outline of your nose while standing in front of a mirror, even if it is only a temporary visual effect. To do this you need to do special makeup, but there is nothing complicated about it.

To visually reduce any area, you need to apply dark powder to it. If the goal is to highlight a particular area, making it more voluminous, then light powder is applied to it. Example: if you want to shorten a long sock, apply dark powder to the base and light powder to the wings.

But the matter is not limited to just cosmetics. You should also select appropriate hairstyles and other image details. For example, voluminous hairstyles can visually reduce this part of the face if it is too large, but you should not make eyebrows too thin - this will shift the emphasis precisely to the most voluminous parts of the face. Women with a hump big nose Wearing bangs is not recommended.

Try it, experiment with the image of your appearance, and you will definitely come to an understanding of which nose is ideal for you, as well as how exactly to emphasize all its charms and hide its flaws.

Scientists can justify why a person’s appearance depends on the climate of the area in which he lives - right down to the curly hair and skin color, but why do some peoples have hooked noses, while others living in the same conditions have They may be straight or snub-nosed, no one knows for sure.

Anthropologists shrug their shoulders - heredity, nothing else. In Russia, hump noses are traditionally distinguished by the peoples of the Caucasus. Anthropologists believe that almost 60% of the population of this mountainous region have such a nose. The most beautiful noses- from the Georgians, and they are proud of them.

Which peoples

And the hump also occurs among Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Ossetians, Abazins, Abkhazians, Kabardians, Balkars, Karachais, Adygs, Nogais, Dargins, Ritulians, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Talysh, Udins, Shapsugs and is often found among Avars, Ingush and Lezgins.

People from Mesopotamia and the Middle East almost always have a hump. First of all, these are Semitic peoples - Jews and Arabs, as well as Assyrians, Kurds, Yezidis, Persians, Karaites.

And if we take the Middle East, then hooked noses can be found among Pashtuns, Seraiks, Balochis, Turkomans, Circassians, and even further - in the northeast of India, live the Tibeto-Burman highlanders, who, although they belong to the Mongoloids, have copper skin and with aquiline noses they resemble Indians.

In Europe

In Europe, hook-nosed peoples live mainly in the south: these are Serbs, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Croats, Albanians, as well as Italians, who often have a straight Roman nose with a hump, Macedonians, Spaniards and now partially the French - due to mixed marriages with Arabs.

Often a hump is present in the appearance of gypsy women, which once again reminds us of the Indo-Iranian origin of this ancient people. This is also evidenced by their dark, smooth skin, black hair, as well as their language, which has much in common with Hindi.

In Russia

Humped noses can be found in Russia on the Black Sea coast - among the Greeks, among the Cossacks, who often mixed with mountain peoples, among the Krymchaks and Crimean Tatars.

Some representatives of the Bashkirs were distinguished by their original appearance. Even in the encyclopedia of Efron and Brockhaus, a special type of “forest” Bashkir was mentioned, that is, representatives of the people living in mountainous and forested areas. Unlike their brothers, they were closer to the Caucasian type, that is, they had long faces, hunchbacks, tall stature and were distinguished by a more courageous and hot-tempered disposition. It was also noted that the Bashkirs are not very different from the Tatars.

Some representatives of the Volga, Kazan and Astrakhan Tatars have a pronounced Semitic appearance, which allows us to make the assumption that they are, after all, a Semitic people. Therefore, both men and women of this nationality can have a hump on the nose, sometimes quite impressive.

The same distinctive feature have Kalmyks. About 17% of this people have hooked noses and tall. True, some anthropologists believe that this is due to mixed marriages with Armenians, Tatars and even Kyrgyz.


Despite the fact that the Mongoloid race, in theory, should have a flattened nose, many Asian peoples are distinguished by hooked noses. For example, Kazakhs believe that a real Turkic people should have a hooked nose. In the Olkhonsky district of the Irkutsk region there lived a whole village of Buryats who had white skin, a Roman straight nose with a hump, were tall and more reminiscent of American Indians.

This village was called Ogul, but in Soviet era it ceased to exist, and the population mixed with the rest. But in different places there are still Buryats who have a hooked nose.

Even the Yakuts, at one time considered the standard Mongoloid people, suddenly began to write that in cities and towns “every second person is narrow-faced and hook-nosed.” The Yakuts themselves associate this state of affairs again with mixed marriages. But the North American Indians originated from the Asian Mongoloids, which means that their narrow faces and hooked noses must have come from somewhere.

Russians have it too

If we talk about the titular nation, then hooked nose among Russians is more common than is commonly thought. The existing proverb “scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar” can be supplemented: either a Bashkir, or an Armenian, or a Turkish grandmother.

In Novgorod during the veche, there lived tall people with long faces and rather big noses. The noses were both straight and humped.

It is difficult to calculate how many hook-nosed people live in Russia. After all, if you Caucasian peoples This feature is found only in half of the population, while in others it occurs either infrequently (like the Kalmyks) or rarely, like some Tatars.

The listed peoples living in Russia, including Macedonians, Hungarians, Serbs, Italians and Spaniards, but excluding Russians, Kazakhs, Yakuts and Buryats, total 13,875,631 people. Even if half of them are carriers of the hump, that's still almost seven million people.

Physiognomists believe that people who have a hump on their nose have complex character, but they are reasonable and tend to pay a lot of attention to loved ones. And for women, a hump on the nose adds aristocracy and individuality.

The division into races is based on several morphological features. According to the current classification, the division into races is carried out according to the so-called anthropogeographic principle and skin color. There are three main races: Caucasian, which includes people with fair skin; Negroid, its representatives have black skin, and Mongoloid - yellow race. Each group is divided into subgroups that differ in certain characteristics, but they are based on anthropological and geographical influences (Fig. 6).

Representatives of the same race have a head and face shape common features, but there are also pronounced exceptions. As a result of mixed marriages between representatives different races a kind of hybridization occurs, during which mixed forms arise, that is, individual somatic characteristics are modified.
This fully applies to skin color, texture and hair color, eye color, head shape, nose shape.

Rice. 6 Main races of people
a - Caucasian
b - negroid
c - Mongoloid


Among them there are many groups, and the morphological features vary quite widely. They live in Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, India, Siberia, and northern Japan. As a result of immigration and mixed marriages, they are found on almost all continents (Northern and South America, Australia, etc.).
Main features of the head and face:
- The skull and head belong to the dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types, in some nationalities - to the brachycephalic type,
- skin color from white-pink to light brown,
- the face is high, wide in the middle, without signs of prognathia,
- hair is thin, smooth or wavy, color from black and chestnut to light brown, significant facial hair,
- forehead is vertical or sloping, the brow-nose area is weakly expressed,
- the nose is slightly raised, the root and bridge of the nose stand out, the nostrils are narrow or slightly widened;
- cheekbones are small, not protruding,
- medium-sized auricle,
- eyes are shallow-set, the eye shape is large, the color of the eyes is different - from dark brown to light gray-blue,
- lips of medium fullness or narrow, mouth gap of medium size (about 50 mm),
- protruding chin.

a) Northern peoples (live in the northwestern part of Europe - in the Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Great Britain, Denmark, northern Germany and other regions):
- the head belongs to the moderately expressed dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types, the back of the head stands out,
- skin color is white-pinkish, freckled faces are common,
- the face is narrow, tall; features of prognathia are not visible in profile, the brow ridges stand out a little,
- light hair - from light ash to light chestnut color,
- forehead high, slightly sloping,
- the nose is thin, the nostrils are narrow, the back of the nose is protruding and straight, there are also aquiline noses,
- eyeballs are not protruding, the eye shape is small, the color is gray-blue or green,
- lips are thin, the mouth opening is narrow,
- the chin is well defined, the lower jaw is high.

b) Baltic peoples (north-eastern part of Europe - Poland, Lithuania, Russia and other regions):
- head of brachycephalic type, high,
- skin color white or ivory,
- the face is wide and short, the corners are visible,
- hair is smooth and thin, light brown or brown in color,
- the nose is short, small, the back of the nose is concave, the tip of the nose is turned up,
- cheekbones are visible,
- wide chin.

c) Peoples of the Mediterranean (regions of Europe, Africa and Asia located near Mediterranean Sea):
- the skull and head are of the dolichocephalic type, narrow; The mesocephalic type is also found, the occipital part is prominent,
- skin color is dark or bronze,
- oval, narrow face, clear contours,
- hair is wavy, predominantly dark in color - from chestnut or dark chestnut to black; abundant facial hair,
- a medium-sized nose, narrow, the tip of the nose is thin, the back of the nose is straight, the base is located on a horizontal plane or has a slight slope forward and downward,
- cheekbones do not stand out,
- the eyeballs are large, the eye shape is large. Eye color is dark (brown or black),
- full, prominent lips, medium-width mouth,
- protruding chin, high lower jaw.

d) The peoples of the Iranian group (Persians, Armenians) live on the territory of the Iranian plateau and Mesopotamia:
- the head is short (and high), of medium width, the occipital region does not stand out,
- skin color is light brown,
- the face is narrow and high, the contour is triangular,
- hair is thick, wavy, black; abundant facial hair, thick eyebrows,
- the nose is large, the bridge of the nose is straight or strongly convex, the nasofrontal fold is weakly expressed,
- large eyes, dark brown or black color,
- the lower lip is slightly pushed forward,
- lower jaw is low.

e) Alpine peoples (Central, Northern Europe, Alps massif):
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, wide and low, the occipital region is not prominent,
- skin color is white-pink or yellow-brown,
- the face is short, wide, oval or round,
- hair is smooth, slightly curly, chestnut, dark brown or black,
- eye sockets of medium width, eye color brown, gray,
- the nose is short, wide in the nostril area, the back is narrow, straight or concave,
- the chin does not stand out, the lower jaw is low and wide.

f) Peoples of the Adriatic region (Danube Plain, Anatolia, east coast Adriatic):
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, short and very high, the back of the head is flat; among Anatolian peoples, on the contrary, the dolichocephalic type of head with a noticeably pronounced occipital region predominates,
- skin color is dark or brown,
- the face is elongated, wide in the middle part, narrow in the lower jaw area,
- hair is smooth, brown or black; abundant facial hair,
- the nose is elongated and raised, the back is straight or convex (aquiline noses are also found), there may be a small depression at the root of the nose,
- the eye sockets are high, the eye shape is narrow and horizontal, the eye color is brown, there are blue and green eyes,
- lips are narrow, the chin is upturned and high, the lower jaw is small, low and narrow.

g) Lapland peoples (northern Scandinavia):
- skull and head of brachycephalic type, wide, short, protrusion of the occipital region is insignificant,
- skin is light brown or brown,
- the face is wide, large, quadrangular contour,
- hair is smooth, straight or wavy, dark brown or black, little facial hair,
- the nose is short, raised, narrow, the bridge of the nose is straight or concave,
- prominent cheekbones,
- the eye sockets are small and low, the eye shape is narrow, the eye color is dark brown or black,
- lips are narrow, the chin is small and pointed, the lower jaw is wide and low.

h) Peoples of India (northern India, Ganges basin, Hindustan Peninsula):
- the skull and head are narrow, elongated, belonging to the dolichocephalic type, the occipital region is prominent,
- skin color is dark brown,
- the face is elongated, wide in the middle, oval contour,
- hair is long, thick, smooth or wavy, black or chestnut in color, abundant facial hair,
- forehead high, slightly narrow, slightly convex,
- the nose is upturned, narrow at the root, widened at the base, the bridge of the nose is straight with a noticeable subnasal fossa,
- the eye sockets are large, the eyeballs are not convex, the eye shape is large and oval, the eye color is dark brown or black,
- the chin is short, not prominent.
Polynesians. Those living on the islands of Oceania are very similar to representatives of the Caucasian race:
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, they are round (short and wide), the back of the head is flat,
- skin color is light brown or reddish brown,
- the face is oval-shaped, wide, high, there are no prognathic features,
- hair is wavy, smooth. Black in color, little facial hair,
- large eyes, light brown color, large eye shape, elliptical shape, Mongoloid fold,
- cheekbones prominent, widely spaced,
- the nose is wide, high, the root of the nose is narrow, the back is straight,
- lips are fleshy, the mouth opening is wide,
- the lower jaw is massive, the chin is upturned.

Representatives of the Negroid race
There are different groups, each of which has its own morphological characteristics (Sudanese, peoples living in the Nile region; Congolese, Bantu, Bushmen, Hottentots and others). They live in Central and South Africa, in some regions of Asia, Currently, as a result of migration, they live in North and South America and in Europe.
. Main features of the head:
- the skull and head are of the dolichocephalic type, elongated, the back of the head is protruding,
- superciliary and orbital ridges are not prominent,
- the lower jaw is strong,
- skin color from brown to dark brown and deep black,
- forehead high, straight, convex, protruding in the middle part, but not in the lateral areas, the frontal tubercles stand out,
- the face is wide, high in the middle, has features of alveolar prognathia,
- cheekbones stand out,
- the nose is very wide at the base (platirrino), the dorsum of the nose is flat, wide and concave, the tip of the nose is rounded or flat in the transverse direction, the nostrils are widened (in the transverse direction),
- the auricle is small,
- the eyes are small, shallow-set, black in color, the sclera has a yellowish tint,
- lips are fleshy, protruding, pigmented, the mouth gap is wide (on average it is 60 mm), the teeth are of medium size (mesodonti), the upper incisors are inclined forward,
- the chin protrudes slightly,
- the pear-shaped opening is located low and very wide in the lower region,
- the outline of the eye sockets is almost square or round,
- the frontal protrusion of the zygomatic bone is extended and directed backward, as a result, attention is focused on the depth of the canine fossa.
The profile of the face is very peculiar, concave, angular in the frontal plane (due to the deep transverse depression in the area of ​​the root of the nose).

Representatives of the Mongoloid race
There are different groups, each of which has its own morphological characteristics. They live in Central and Southeast Asia, in the Philippines and in North America(Eskimos in Alaska and Canada). The indigenous population of the American continent only partially has characteristic Mongoloid features (see below).
Main features of the head:
- the skull (and head) is large, wide and short (brachycephalic type),
- the eye sockets are high, shallow, their upper and lower edges are located horizontally,
- the lower jaw is strong, the intermandibular diameter is large,
- skin color is white-yellowish of varying intensity, from very light to dark,
- the face is large, high, flattened. The nasal fold does not stand out,
- hair is smooth, thick, thick with a round cross-section, color - black, facial hair is negligible,
- the forehead is wide, straight and slightly sloping, the brow ridges and the bridge of the nose do not stand out,
- the nose is small, the tip of the nose is thin, the dorsum is straight and slightly raised (especially in the root area), the base of the nose is thin (something between “leptorrino” and “camerrino”),
- face with high cheekbones, large cheekbones, protruding forward,
- medium-sized or large auricle, medium-sized earlobe,
- the eyeball is not convex, the eye shape is narrow, slightly oblique, in the middle (inner) corner of the eye there is a fold (Mongoloid fold, expressed in varying degrees, typical for some nationalities), eye color is brown or black, the distance between the palpebral fissure and the eyebrow is significant,
- lips of medium thickness or narrow, do not stand out particularly,
- the chin practically does not protrude.
In terms of their characteristic morphological features, the indigenous population of the American continent is close to Mongoloid race(Eskimos, Indians living in the Andes, Amazon regions, etc.)
Their distinctive features heads and faces:
- the skull and head are large, wide, belonging to the dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types,
- skin color varies from light brown to brownish-yellowish or brownish-reddish,
- wide face, with slight manifestations of alveolar prognathia,
- hair is straight or wavy, the color is black, facial hair is either negligible or absent,
- forehead high, wide, sloping,
- the nose is strong, upturned, wide in the nostril area, the bridge of the nose is convex, aquiline noses are found,
- the cheekbones stand out in the lateral part - the eyes are deep set, the eye shape is narrow, slightly oblique, the Mongoloid fold is expressed to a greater or lesser extent, the eye color is dark brown, the lips are of medium fullness (sometimes upper lip protrudes above the lower one), the mouth opening is quite wide, the chin is well defined.